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97 total posts

No. 372805

Wow this thread is making kelly look like a real monster. I'm her twin btw. I don't often get involved in this kind of shit. but omygod you guys have hurt her. firstly she does not have munchausin .I had no idea how bad this was till now… I've never seen kelly like this so I thought I would come look. and it's as bad as she says. we are twins, we were given different last names at birth and our age is a sensitive…. any ways. after all the notes you posted and read I presume. kelly has had such a tough life. it's killing me as well to see the way this is happening. I'm worried… I'll be back unless I get kicked off. I'm very worried. and actually po'd

Kelly is super semcitve so I thought this whole thing would fizzle out. Also why would you accuse someone of being a fraud just by some picture or what ever sent you guys into such an awful… There arent even words to describe this. I read it all, and one other thread. I'm convinced you will think I am her. I'm going to be honest here. if I knew all this dhiy is what she's been dealing with I would have been in here ages ago. My twin fucking sister! Never fuck with a twin. and I have read some of her comments saying she did have it ruled out about purposeful blood loss. Its the internet one tells everything. and since kelly will see this apologize for this. and I'm sorry that I'm going to say some things. Over 2 years ago the idea of purposeful bleeding arrose. she did exactly what they asked in that she was put in a psych icu for a week. 24/7 she was watched. her blood levels were monitored and stayed consistently declining! So while you all fuck around with a person's emotions,her doctors have no suspicion of that. I'm probably blocked after this, but put youself in her shoes
pure hell. I can't even try to imagine who you are or who knew from Pomona etc. The more I suspect certain ppl the more furious I become.

No. 372645

File: 1502754387329.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.53 MB, 2592x1944, IMG-20121126-03739.jpg)

Haha… I'm not Kelly. But what's exciting is this picture of a lil drop of blood in the loo!

No. 372544

File: 1502744397160.png (1.37 MB, 1440x1554, she wanted it-1.png)

This picture is like definition of an attention whore. lol her caption! just all of it! #fail

No. 372543

File: 1502744275642.png (1.72 MB, 1440x2392, she wanted it.png)

This picture is like definition of an attention whore. lol her caption! just all of it! #fail

No. 372288

File: 1502722049781.jpg (86.07 KB, 800x552, Collage 2017-08-14…)

The worst case of "anorexia" I have ever seen. smh Is there anything she wont do for attention?

No. 372158

File: 1502690103424.png (430.6 KB, 1440x2392, Capture _2017-07-25-06-20-42-p…)

if she commits suicide wetr all i screwed. I mean at kgh. how did you think this was a good idea.

No. 372128

Who here is her neurologist? right. And we give ppl shit all the time for posting stupid pictures of ther special pills.

No. 372070

why are you all so interested in ruining me? All this stuff is awful. please stop posting the personal info. I am not self posting. the ay you guys are sharing only partial truths is awful. and I doubt any of you would just "not look" Can I please be removed from this. Take those pics down. I'm not as evil as you think or want me to be. I'm fully aware that I'm probably going to get told off now….

No. 372066

why. just why

No. 372051

Kelly is loved by all who know her. She is trustworthy inspiration, she is a helper of others, a fighter for good, an over comer of so much pain, she is a delight, an amazing friend, funny, wise, musical, artistic, she brings life where ever she goes. She is truly amazing and that is the truth.
The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus comes to give life and life abundantly. Jesus knows the truth about Kelly. He is her biggest fan along with all the rest of us who know her in real life and aren't lead astray down the path lies . Think before you write unfounded speculations..they are real people with real lives and real feelings. everyone on here knows what they do here is harmful and not something you would do without being hidden in the web.
One more time . kelly is awesome and loved and trustworthy and supported by all who know her in real life.

No. 372043

Kelly is not alone. I also know a guy who was falsely accused and humiliated. When it was all done his blood was flowing out of his sides and he continued to love his haters and accusers and is now one of kellys biggest fans because he knows her. He like the rest of us friends who know her in person know the truth. Read on: ,

"For all have done evil and come short of the being able to be with God." We have all done evil. We have all done things that hurt others and thus are displeasing to God. There is no one who is innocent. The wages of doing evil against God and man is death: a total separation from God and His love. but Gods wants no one to be without His relationship and life so the gift of God is eternal life with him through his sons blood ..Jesus Christ our Lord." The punishment that we have earned for our hurtful deeds is spiritual death. Not just physical death, but eternal death."but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 5:8 declares, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners dping evil hurtful things, Christ died for us." Jesus Christ died for us! Jesus' death and loss of blood paid for the price of our evilness. Jesus'rose again he is alive and his Holy Spirit is alive and well on earth. Jesus resurrection proves that God accepted Jesus' death as the payment for our evil.

Now God declares "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Because of Jesus' death on our behalf, all we have to do is believe in Him, trusting His death as the payment for our evil - and we will be saved! Romans 10:13 says it again, "for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Jesus died to pay the penalty for our evil and rescue us from eternal death. Salvation, the forgiveness of evil, is available to anyone who will trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

"Therefore, since we have been made right through faith in Jesus blood, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Through Jesus Christ we can have a relationship of peace with God. Romans 8:1 teaches us, "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Because of Jesus' death on our behalf, we will never be condemned for our sins/evil thoughts and deeds. Finally, we have this precious promise of God from Romans 8:38-39, "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Would you like to follow the Romans Road to salvation? If so, here is a simple prayer you can pray to God. Saying this prayer is a way to declare to God that you are relying on Jesus Christ for your salvation. The words themselves will not save you. Only faith in Jesus Christ can provide salvation! "God, I know that I have sinned against you and am deserving of punishment. But Jesus Christ took the punishment that I deserve so that through faith in Him I could be forgiven. With your help, I place my trust in You for salvation. Thank You for Your wonderful grace and forgiveness - the gift of eternal life! Amen!"

No. 372012

File: 1502667596318.bmp (691.35 KB, 390x604, eww.bmp)

for the loveee of god kelly did not post! a little please and thank you. cause it is "just" hacking. it actually takes someone with a bit of a brain. And if there are so many munchies with better milk wtf are yall doing here. A picture of the kelly I knew and loved. charming isnt she?

No. 371802

holy damn. long time lurker here on this thread and the general munchies. I haven't scrolled through here for a few days. And I think I'm out. I've also reported all of those posts. This is the kind of thing they make cyber bullying documentaries about.I am not going to be attached to this when there is legal intervention. if she's 30 or 20 or 40 is not protection. just because she is an adult does not mean we can torture her. bullying is mild compared to this. The munchhausen bit used to be interesting and sometimes funny. Did who ever posted all of that read it? it somewhat adds truth to her story and anemia or blood loss or what ever. Quite frankly I even have found she is faking her illnesses. when I saw all of this today, the ones that sound and act mentally unstable are us! So I'm gone. Kelly I feel bad about what's happening here. I don't know you per say but I see you are physically and emotionally unwell. Remember that this is just the internet. Though I haven't made a post about you or participated in a chat, I have been around. I should have went with my gut feeling. Gossip sucks. torture sucks and this forum sucks. I've seen others bullied in the general to the point of deleting account. I'm ashamed of my self.

No. 371774

hands down this is the most ignorant and arrogant thing I have read. I'm not a kelly fan to say, but I find some of what's in here absolutely ridiculous! you've posted before and I've kind of been waiting to hear more ludicrous comments. Haha you can't steal anyone's illness! you arrogant fuck! if you have an illness, chances are so does someone (s) else! And that means you're not special! omg someone has the same symptoms as my sorry ass! I'm the only one that can feel this way. SO I guess there is only one case of anemia or ms, and you got it first! It's not a finders keepers kind of situation. very conceited of you to think that anyone displaying similar to you is an illness stealing fraud. I think you need to go for another MRI… Though it won't detect stupid. Have fun with your special little symptoms. And I'll best up anyone if they copy you. I've showed your comments like this to a few friends and now its an ongoing joke. shhh… I'm secretly learning how to fake this incredibly rare illness called a cold. So far I have the coughing mastered. I doubt if anyone can pin point who stole who's symptoms! hahaha! This truly is one of my favorites! #quitstealingmysymptomd

No. 371674

annnd another close friend of kelly
The fact that you actually got her notes is messed up.but the fact that you read them yet still carry on is alarming. You are truly hurting her and I'm berry upset. she doesn't have fun any more. she stays in her's us her friends that told her not to read it. but I'm glad she got a clearly have no soul. the Legal document? who for that? who for her letter. never was any of that public. you can expect to hear from me again. you can count on legal action if this isn't taken down. 100% too far

No. 371673

annnd another close friend of kelly
The fact that you actually got her notes is messed up.but the fact that you read them yet still carry on is alarming. You are truly hurting her and I'm berry upset. she doesn't have fun any more. she stays in her's us her friends that told her not to read it. but I'm glad she got a clearly have no soul. the Legal document? who for that? who for her letter. never was any of that public. you can expect to hear from me again. you can count on legal action if this isn't taken down. 100% too far.

No. 371665

This has to stop. I have known kelly for a very long time. Pretty much nothing on here is true. Take the pregnancy photos for example. I took that one and it says right on it that its not real. We were shopping for maternity clothes for the friend in the picture and the store provided strap on belly bumps for expectant mothers to try clothes for different stages. Kelly was goofing off wearing one and it states it on her picture. But you all are so smart you build great and glorious lies around it. The pictures posted of her hurt were never made public and again neither the doctors ones or letters. every account she has has been hacked and posted on here from many years gone by and with all sorts of glorious twisted lies without and ounce of truth. What kind of evil people do this? Stop trying to destroy someones life with lies and very stupid speculations. For those of you who have said this is gone too far thank you. You are right. But this whole page is too far. Please people still involved in the lying slander search your hearts and act as you hopefully not hidden from anonymity. Please stop the ridiculous and harmful lies and speculations and hacking and smearing private things way out of context.

No. 371570

fucksakes! sorry so disappointing.I'm not "kelly" A bit offended. It really must suck to be suspicious all the time. you might actually be very surprised if you discovered who I am. so ffs. I will continue to share the things that p
display attention seeking fake! Till you get screwed over by a lunatic, you have no idea of how absolutely theraputic is is to make her feel screwed over. or caught

No. 371498

File: 1502580600309.png (15.29 MB, 2666x4000, photostudio_1502577921282-pics…)

I've been lurking here since it started. I was waiting the perfect time to put this out there. This is for any fool who feels sorry for her.

No. 371436

I can assume that you don't believe twins can gave individual last names? It's just that you are wrong. As far as hospital bands we can take auite a few precautionary measure for the welfare of the patient, especially a patient who is targeyed. The only ones privy to the Legal information are the RCMP as well as her attending doctor. It is very possible that kelly is eitherolder or younger than the name band states. sorry to seem rude.

No. 371385

File: 1502565328965.jpg (1.01 MB, 1997x2503, 20170811_132642-1.jpg)

sorry for the double post! When I have time I'll share some other things she posted publicly. I'm a bit embarrassed for her. like how do you not know that?

No. 371378

File: 1502563906805.jpg (1.23 MB, 1796x2783, 20170811_132102-1.jpg)

whoa! I think I need to get my brain checked! I forgot to post a pic with the last post. smh

No. 371374

tough crowd! If posting the charts in full is a breach please remove them. I.really can see what kind of a wreck she is these days. I've read some of her replys in here saying she's not that smart… She is being serious. I doubt she can even interpret her charts. well it's kind of obvious she can't… Or she would have likely never made an fb album with it all.

No. 371360

File: 1502562922252.png (755.35 KB, 2000x1425, photostudio_1502562775953.png)

found it. this goes right before the last post.

No. 371350

some how I mixed up the order of this. but it's all up. Her fb ppl maybe 5 responded (some saying it was rude) I doubt she was satisfied with the reactions. Nurses and doctors have work to do! they can't spend all day reading a whole book written by kelly!

No. 371346

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No. 371340

File: 1502561644380.png (700.01 KB, 2000x1332, photostudio_1502561556153.png)

God this is long! I doubt the drs read it all. one more after this.

No. 371338

File: 1502561369605.png (727.55 KB, 2000x1332, photostudio_1502560819771.png)

almost done.

No. 371336

File: 1502561239114.png (704.7 KB, 2000x1332, photostudio_1502560905518.png)

almost the end.

No. 371329

Traci was supposed to be tragic.

No. 371328

File: 1502560590579.png (807.07 KB, 2000x1500, photostudio_1502560345827.png)

She actually went into denial. it might make more sense soon. Don't forget who we're dealing with here! The most absolutely messed up Kelly. I have never known a person like her. interesting, Traci and fricking insane!

No. 371322

File: 1502560128511.png (741.51 KB, 2000x1332, photostudio_1502559871537.png)

more to come

No. 371299

She is likely making dramatic posts about this on her Instagram. I'm blocked.

No. 371283

File: 1502555774801.png (752.52 KB, 2000x1332, photostudio_1502555648288.png)

I'll put the rest in a bit. gotta make money! Kel you should try it!

No. 371282

File: 1502555474874.png (705.18 KB, 2000x1332, photostudio_1502555260294.png)

No. 371279

I have to figure this out. it looks blurry. But I'm on it!

No. 371277

File: 1502554793740.png (1.8 MB, 4000x2666, photostudio_1502553347333.png)

ok page 1! And do I have to blur out names? She only uses two. and only first name.

No. 371260

Would anyone be interested in a letter she shared publicly on Facebook? It's directed to her fb friends. She wanted feedback on a letter she had written to her doctors and nurses. It is from 2010, but very interesting and informative. A few on FB suggested that it's a bit rude. So I'm not sure if she revised it before handing it over. If you want to read it, I have to warn you that it is quite long and may need about 5 pictures to share.

No. 371109

wtf? just because she caught the munchhausen bug doesn't mean everything is a lie.I regret breaking her non private confidentiality. if you her into her fb or cloud, you will be shocked by how many documents she posts

No. 371104

File: 1502516979388.jpg (6.85 MB, 5312x2988, 20170811_132010.jpg)

holy calm down
I'm not kelly!

No. 371099

File: 1502516555402.png (2.01 MB, 1328x747, Photo Editor_YHmf0a.png)

I am not kelly! seriously calm down!

No. 371086

I kinda feel bad rightnow. I should have explained better. She was only starting second trimester. From what I understand she was buying maternity clothing. The whole psych and pregnancies were very hard on her. I'm still on the hunt on my computer of pictures and emails she sent. I can't figure out why she would post such personal information. Early onset munchhausen I guess. after this she was not the same. I don't really care if she is lurking and figured out who I am. I don't have her on ig.. But I'm just waofing for a rebuttal. Things wouldn't be so stressful if you just told the whole truth. I hate her little "teaser" sentences. I already feel less bad lol. such a drama queen!

No. 371045

File: 1502509928092.png (5.33 MB, 1344x2093, Capture _2017-08-11-19-54-14-1…)

I didn't lie. You can't expect to understand everything in 5 seconds.

No. 371032

File: 1502508010057.png (5.67 MB, 1400x2275, Capture _2017-08-11-19-55-42-1…)

I would never share these things it she didn't have them sprawled across her fb. I almost get the impression that files like this a trophies for what shees been through. some of it already sounds grandiose.I saved most of the fb pictures she posted. Idont think she was taught not to air her dirty laundry on line. But she did. once an attention seeker always an attention seeker. I'm digging in my picture folders… One of the pregnancies happened while in psychiatric care. if I shouldn't share more from her album just let me know because I have a lot of high interest information as I said already that she shared publicly

No. 371030

File: 1502507762150.png (Spoiler Image, 6.05 MB, 1440x2392, Capture _2017-08-11-19-57-55.p…)

I would never share these things it she didn't have them sprawled across her fb. I almost get the impression that files like this a trophies for what shees been through. some of it already sounds grandiose.I saved most of the fb pictures she posted. Idont think she was taught not to air her dirty laundry on line. But she did. once an attention seeker always an attention seeker. I'm digging in my picture folders… One of the pregnancies happened while in psychiatric care. if I shouldn't share more from her album just let me know because I have a lot of high interest information as I said already that she shared publicly

No. 370970

just because she is a cringy munch now. not everything about her is fake. I was a friend during this te if her life. it's not made up.

No. 370918

good call! She got "sick" within 3 months! She did receive a blood transfusion due to hopefully not fake blood loss. Its kinda coming together? She must have loved that blood so much that she decided to get some more. like 300 or more units! I'm doing a bit more digging but I can assure you it happened.

No. 370865

still birth in 33rd trimester. second unexpected pregnancy she had an abortion. She used to want kids… after the first one she became almost phobic of pregnancy and babies. she tells everyone and their dog she never wants babies. but she actually does … Thinking of kelly as a mother gives me the shutters.

No. 370795

File: 1502481756267.png (Spoiler Image, 1.73 MB, 1403x1344, Capture _2017-08-11-12-32-17-1…)

Kelly: I don't think you have a clue about all the friends you duped. I didn't think I could reach such a dark place. You know how friends say "your secret is safe woth me" I said that to you. but I take it back. kelly has been pregnant 2 times. of course she made up stories about it playing victim. I have wondered often if you caused a miscarriage to get attention. And you did get a lot.I also know that you are claiming your extra heavy impossible bleeding on it. People are figuring you out so fast. Your secrets are NOT safe with me! the funny thing is, is that you're going to rack your brain for who I am. but you've screwed over so many people that almost everyone in your life hates you. you hurt people in such a sick way.Now go on and share this with all you're bleeding heart friends They'll probably learn the hard way too. Good luck with life

No. 370788

Kelly: I don't think you have a clue about all the friends you duped. I didn't think I could reach such a dark place. You know how friends say "your secret is safe woth me" I said that to you. but I take it back. kelly has been pregnant 2 times. of course she made up stories about it playing victim. I have wondered often if you caused a miscarriage to get attention. And you did get a lot.I also know that you are claiming your extra heavy impossible bleeding on it. People are figuring you out so fast. Your secrets are NOT safe with me! the funny thing is, is that you're going to rack your brain for who I am. but you've screwed over so many people that almost everyone in your life hates you. you hurt people in such a sick way.Now go on and share this with all you're bleeding heart friends They'll probably learn the hard way too. Good luck with life

No. 370642

Actually I posted that. I don't know about the rest of you, but sometimes I enjoy sour milk. But if it's a farm from I shall stop serving expired milk.

No. 370552

oh my god. So this is all she does, refreshing the feed every 20 seconds! Kelly do you even have enough time to feed your cat?

No. 370393

File: 1502425688030.png (718.46 KB, 1440x2108, Capture _2017-08-10-21-23-42-1…)

I don't need to paraphrase this. She said it all. why oh why do they let her get away with it! I'll chill out on the over posting now

No. 370385

File: 1502424003481.jpg (6.74 MB, 5312x2988, 20170602_214817.jpg)

I think I just threw up in mouth a bit! her poor friends. take a picture of me doing ballet. take a video of my feet? urrrg. I did some research today and found some sick attention seeking pictures
but I flood the thread. unless anyone wants to see. I don't know if this link will work. I'll delete it it's a no. and heads up, her old fb is open once in a while. more.

No. 370377

File: 1502422864216.png (254.44 KB, 1407x1438, Capture _2017-08-09-20-39-25-1…)

Did everyone see this already? gone for a day and she's even more out of control. I missed yesterday's excitement a screen shot would make my day. So she's probably saying her can page was hacked!

No. 370375


No. 353863

The personal info post… Safety concerns were mentioned over this several times. And unless you're dumb, you can see there was a consistent effort to keep those things private. If it were public domain there would be no confusion or questions. The info would have been public domain! And clinging to someone's social account for the soul purpose of bullying…not ok.The people you have hurt is incredible. It getting shut down. You'll the posts that I made were in the defence of spoonies. As for other Kelowna posters…(one known for sure) They were also bashing people. There is No right time or place for bullying. The conversations in here are just speculation and conversation. Why would you be anonymous if you knew you were doing no harm. And yes I have gone off the deep end. That's where we all got acquainted. I'm glad you think I'm bs. This will be quite a shock then. And as for my doctors and the police… None think I'm a munch"ie" I'm not even worried because as I've said before There is proof of that. Allll of the ppl you have hurt are cheering right now. Good luck. I'm done in here! ??

No. 353780

Fyi I'm not the only person who lives in Kelowna here! Lol self bully. Give it up.

No. 353778

Thanks Cassidy leduke

No. 353774

Peace! Good luck with everything. And for the record. I don't have Munchhausen syndrome!

No. 353761

How is somebody smiling in the hospital milk? And pageant success… That's not Munchhausen or milk at all. I used to come here all the time when it was legit munchy land. Now we're all just gonna get shit for bullying people. So not worth it.

No. 353733

No but how can we pretend to be psychics? Who here actually knows. If there were proven things. I for 1 am not interested in sick ppl. Nor do I want to make their life harder! Let's get back to the topic. Munchhausen

No. 353724

Wtf? Now that the word suicide was mentioned. This is getting kinda lame. I too feel she is genuinly sick not munchy sick but obviously seeking attention. Remember were not here to nit-pick and what not. If there is a milky picture or something share it, but we can't just decide that everything she posts is bs. Lol I think it's more offensive to her doctors than to her. Does anyone know if does drugs? Is she a med seeker?

No. 353716

One more point that adds to the confusion. A while back she was literally confined to her bed for2 days and the whole thing on camera. I'm one of those posts she wrote about her blood tests during that time and it was. Consistently getting lower. Also. I am not sure the hospital is going to put all that time and tests if they thought she was falsifying.. All I'm trying to say, is that there is more evidence of her health being genuine than not. So she's annoying and dumb ballet poses etc. But that is petty. I'm a bit in her defence just because of actual facts. And don't think that just because I'm defending her that I am her. I'm just being logical. Don't ban me for my oppinion please

No. 353708

I'm not even sure she's "fake" because let's get real. They would have figured it out by now. But the sick part is, is how she reacts to being sick. And attention seeking.

No. 353620

I would completely think that… But someone said she didn't even have a port for the first 2 years. But I keep switching back and forth with my belief. 100 % drama and liar. But I get there rather uncomfortable thoughts. Maybe she isn't doing it to herself. If we could some how have actual proof of it. That would help. And I hate when ppl say "for safety" but again this uneasy feeling. We know she is so mentally over the top. But we really don't have actual proof that everything is a lie. I dont know how it works for legal shit here? Again I'm half on half with this.I'm going to see if I can figure out more on sisters feeds. Not white I'm not trying to white night her… I'm actually more worried for my own ass. I pretty much depend on this forum for life giving milk.

Sage for no actual point. Just speculating

No. 353564

The blood is in her uterus. So it's blood loss, not bad blood. So they figured out the source or so they hope. Bets on her still mysteriously losing blood even after a hysterectomy? If this continues after that surgery then the doctors have got to see what's going on. It shouldn't even be questioned. If she needs blood after the supposed source is fixed, I would send her right back to her special hospital

No. 353554

Several times she was admitted and was able to prove that she is not doing it to herself. I'm so confused. She is a tru nut job. But I think honestly that she would have been "caught" by now. Just an oppinion. She is top drama queen, but maybe she is sick, but milks the hell out of it for attention? I'm not trying to defend her, it just seems that bull shit that huge wouldn't be enabled for so long. I agree she uses her "sickness" in a huge way. I'm even saying I'm decided on my own thoughts. Just really trying to put this all into some sort of understandable order

No. 353552

File: 1500222784774.png (1.31 MB, 1440x2392, Capture _2017-07-16-09-25-56.p…)

She claims it was close to 2 years in psych. I'm mind blown. How have we missed so much?

No. 353551

File: 1500222694434.png (893.14 KB, 1422x1794, Capture _2017-07-16-09-26-12-1…)

In her fb there is an an album called "the way it's been" this nut already lived in a psych institution, it's called Hillside in kamloops B.C. I looked it up and it is for the worst of the worst. Wow Kelly. She documents it quite well. Interesting to check out for sure.

No. 353528

I think she was getting transfusions way before she got a line. So who knows how she's pulling it off.

No. 353527

I don't get it. If she admits her "symptoms" might be in her head then she's headed in the right direction! She didn't try to prove any of her lies. So though she is crazy (same with miss beauty pageant) in this case she didn't fake it. All of those symptoms scream anxiety! I would however, bank on her hoping to be treated like a real emergency in ED. There are pills for drama queens and their "panic attacks" but Ohhh no this had to become a big scene for her enjoyment. tbh I'm embarrassed for her!

No. 353522

What's the deal with her and her "twin" sister. They have different last names and birthdays I guess?

No. 353375

Haha! Joking right?

No. 353356

Devils advocate here. What if there is danger? I could care less for her… Can we even get in trouble? Haha I shouldn't even think twice hey? She lies about everything… Stoked to see how this unravels!!

No. 353354

Lol it doesn't even matter about her age! She's still be a nut job!

No. 353353

File: 1500181880836.png (1.49 MB, 1260x1794, Capture _2017-07-15-22-06-55-1…)

I have only seen them all blurred out! All it takes is one slip. Poor shmuk.I thought she was like 18-20 lol!!! I wonder what other bdays she has!

No. 353351

It's funny she forgot to blur. Normally it's all hidden!

No. 353343

File: 1500180543474.png (1.84 MB, 1440x2392, Capture _2017-07-15-21-20-34.p…)

Did anyone else see this??!! It's gone now. It's so hard to know what to do about the safety safety … I didn't cry wolf every other day maybe if believe hee

No. 353333

Not my bday either! But don't pasture me!. I don't care what other entertaining things go on in here. In fact I get life

No. 353320

Sorry I'm slow! But what about that reaction pic! I don't wAnna miss this

No. 353319

Lol Kelly opened her ig page for public! It's a must see! LmFao

No. 353308

But the news clip says 30!!!

No. 353307

I think she's 24?

No. 353306

File: 1500175180104.png (2 MB, 1440x2392, Capture _2017-07-15-13-28-08.p…)

We should have her on her own personal crazy thread! This is getting crazy interesting!

No. 353274

File: 1500170373716.png (2.1 MB, 1440x2392, Capture _2017-07-15-18-51-11.p…)

Kelly's fb! I'm noticing that she's had special mental health issues for ages! Didn't get her enough attention I guess… I can't look away! Should I piss off already Or what?!

No. 353264

Anddddd private again!

No. 353261

File: 1500167893697.png (361.83 KB, 709x560, Capture _2017-07-15-18-10-44-1…)

Wtf! Haha what a mess she is! Obviously hates her self for what she is and does! One lie after another for this one!

No. 353242

I'll get screen shots. I also scrolled her twin too. Twins usually have the same bday!.maybe she tampers her bands too! Good times

No. 353210

File: 1500161164336.png (1.47 MB, 1440x1523, Capture _2017-07-15-13-01-32-1…)

I'll chill out with all the posting now! Sorry for the Kelly flood! K fine her MS is probably real, but why is she happy about? Nvm munchy. They love being diagnosed! And I zoomed in to a vid of hers, and name band says born 1992. She's too old for these games! I don't really understand ms, and all the diff terms used in this report. But I'd bet 100 bucks she has googled the shit out of it! K sorry for over posting

No. 353199

File: 1500160189463.png (778.16 KB, 1000x1000, photostudio_1500159871855.png)

It must be a "spoonies" right of passage to post a picture of pee. Read her post! Everyone is so done with her selfish bs. Well minus me! Her bs is almost fascinating. SMH

No. 353184

File: 1500158754419.png (2 MB, 1440x2392, Capture _2017-07-15-15-37-46.p…)

Sweet Jesus! She bullshits the police too! So wrong. It looks like she was a "victim" in a hugely sick way! Even if something "happened" who the f would post a picture!? I need to do some investigating! This is too epic to leave as a mystery. And annoying thing I notice.. Munchies tell their story with hash tags! They try to act discreet and ashamed. Clearly she wanted to be asked "what happened to the poor girl?" Lying to the cops is huge. Anyone know about what this is about?

No. 353165

File: 1500156787049.png (2.79 MB, 1440x1942, Capture _2017-07-15-14-59-26-1…)

These beads tho. Every time I see a munchy collecting little token beads for god knows what. I cring. I'm gonna collect bathroom beads, and every time I take a crap I'm gonna put a brown bead on a string and post it for the world to see! This to me is munchy competing. I bet they count them to see who has the most. I get that this could be helpful for a kid or an actually sick person. Honestly Kelly… Blech. This is like proof that she likes being sick… And wants the world to know! Lol to her commercial!!! I bet donors do so wonder where their blood goes, and fortunately for Kelly they never find out! I've been "following" her for agessss! And her volunteer work. It makes me sick. Haha she calls it "giving back!" I'm checking constantly for those short Windows of time where her profile is public! Honestly she is so milky!

No. 353088

Serious lol! She's playing the poor
And the kind of fumbles her words when talking about her Dr and "non diagnosis! I'm a blood donor, but not in Canada thank f! K link.

No. 353085

K this makes me sick! Kelly did a commercial! She will take attention she can get. But one day when "illnesses" are proven fake, she going to get sued or something! Her commercial is just a huge time wasting lie! Any seen her YouTube yet. I'm embarrassed for her. I'll get the link.

No. 353056

File: 1500146159159.jpg (166.64 KB, 960x960, IMG_20170715_044108_772.jpg)

I think no missed something. So has Kelly had her lady bits removed already. Or is she a mefical miracle? She must know people have figured her out because I was lurking and the her Insta went ptivate! Any one else notice she switches between private and public? I was shit close to having the best screen shots. She knows without a doubt that we get milk there. She responded to some of our topics in here under her last few posts. And I think her fan club is annoyed with her… She wrote in brackets (no lectures) so she knows. People are figuring the whole thing out! And wtf is with being to "sick" to have a job, but well enough to jump… What crazy show off things she does! I wonder if her coddlers know that as soon as she's alone she's not sick!

No. 297321

I can't find the spoonie thread… Is it still around? Is there a link?