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/shay/ - dolly mattel fan club

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No. 2[Reply]

NONNY Welcome to the Dollhaus, nonny! NONNY

She’s really done it. As Shayna passes Momokun’s lead with 132 threads, she is gunning for the top spot. It should be no time before she surpasses Onision and becomes the Cow with the Most Threads. Our baby bimbo princess has also been robbed of her Favorite Cow award the past year as elections were not held. Thus, we thought a celebration was in order. Welcome to /shay/.

Of course, no one could ever replace Our Queen, but as the farm languishes without her leadership, we decided to put forth a new member of the Royalolcow Family. Shayna has previously said that a whole gossip site is dedicated to her, and why would we ever want to prove her wrong? Now it’s true! We figured that before our princess turns 26, we should have this board running like a well-oiled fuck machine on a balcony. Plus, now she’ll have some light reading to enjoy while she recovers from surgery. You can find all Shayna threads here, plus some new additions. The board will be subject to typical moderation, shayve our typical shayhead retardation. The only thing that could be more legendary is if we could recover her first ever thread…alas, nonny! Don’t go there!

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No. 164799[Reply]

Which pic made you think DAMN SHES UGLY for me it was this one her head looks like a deflated balloon and her expression is so ugly the smirk the double chin
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No. 168596

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No. 168597

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No. 168599

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the uggs turning her feet into equine meat stumps is an all time favorite of mine

No. 168601

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No. 168605

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No. 162408[Reply]

Post public figures that you have come across who look like/remind you of Shayna
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No. 168568

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Shayna and her coomer

No. 168590

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Shayna’s bangs

No. 168591

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No. 168600

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I think this girl is way cuter but her voice reminds me so much of shay kek

No. 168603

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She looks so much like Steve from blues clues in those shinybound pics

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No. 167447[Reply]

A thread for sharing Shay's biggest fashion disasters.
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No. 168361

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No. 168388

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No. 168465

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She has got to be brain damaged to dress like this.

No. 168592

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She has the absolute worst taste in clothes

No. 168593

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Not a shayfit, but this paragraph from David Zyla's book just reinforces my belief that she's a winter in seasonal colour theory

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No. 158286[Reply]

Post your shaydits, photoshops, face apps and possible thread pics here!
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No. 168549

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Some of her pictures are so ugly that it's impossible to make them look even semi attractive

No. 168552

You made her look worse kek

No. 168553

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No. 168578

Kek I love this nonnie. Good explanations, fingers crossed she reads this and actually tries for once in her life to look good. Her job literally depends on it yet she can't be assed, it confounds me.

No. 168583

God this actually is one of the best spergs about how she should style herself, thank you nonna kek. I think if she leaned into looking very Mediterranean (Greek/italian American) she could pull it off WAY better than the blonde pink crap. Your after pic is downright attractive dare I say, and it’s not SO outside the realm of possibility

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No. 163871[Reply]

Containment board for Shayna memes and Shatposting.

This is a thread for collecting and archiving all Shay related media, mostly farmer generated. Please curb your autism and save any discussion of milk for the threads on /snow/, and spoiler any NSFW images.

Infight all your autistic battles here.

First thread: >>>/shay/158765
Second thread: >>>/shay/159974
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No. 168580

Because that’s what got her moid attention in high school. Shayna doesn’t listen to music for her own enjoyment. She does it as a performance for scrotes. The same can be said about all of her interests. Shayna’s “personality” is just a frankenstein quilt of what she thought males liked at different points in her life. The only genuine interest she has is Spongebob.

No. 168581

Difficult to tell because of the image quality but it looks like a healed prolapse.

No. 168582

If color theory is fake then why does shayna look like an old piece of pork in pastel colors and blond hair but looks decent brunette in vibrant and dark clothes?

No. 168588

The old threads were nuts most of the comments they made would be made fun of now. Her threads back then (and now) were filled with other cows trying to feel better about themselves

No. 168594

Does she though

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No. 162962[Reply]

Post before & afters, or just pictures of Shaymu looking particularly portly.
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No. 168584

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No. 168586

I’ve never seen this she looks like a sausage kek

No. 168587

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This looks like Shayna

No. 168602

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Ayrt, it's from her attempt at a personal trainer porn despite needing one herself.

No. 168604

Maybe Shayna really is into humiliation because there's no reason for an almost obese person to make porn pretending to be the trainer she's desperately in need of other than embarrassing herself

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No. 158673[Reply]

If you were to wake up as her one day, or simply were allowed to make changes into her life, how would you get her life back on track? Where would you start? What steps would you take?
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No. 168531

Apple shaped? I don't think so. She has a fat ass and fat legs. Apple shapes usually have slim legs even when they have belly fat. She's a rectangle. She gains weight all over but doesn't have a very defined waist = rectangle shape. She's also midsize rather than plus size. Appealing to feeders wouldn't improve her life at all because they would want her to continue to gain weight to the point where she could actually start having health problems.

No. 168532

If I was shay for a while had to improve her life, I would delete my social media, move back in with my parents and get a job in a weed shop or sex shop or maybe somewhere like hot topic. I don't think shay would do well in a typical 9-5 corporate job or around hardcore normies. Shay has a creative streak so maybe I would pick up some hobbies like crafting/sewing/painting/crochet. I would decenter scrotes and focus on doing what I found fun and I enjoyed for myself.

No. 168550

all she needs to do is not be fat. it shouldn't be that hard. she hasn't always been fat, it's not like she's been this way her whole life. like weight fluctuations happen sure, but she treats it like it's an act of god, like she can't do anything to control her weight. all she needs to do is not eat as much for a few months. buy a kitchen scale for $20 on amazon. track her calories until she understands portion size. it's literally her JOB to look good and be sexy. like her livelihood depends on it… doesn't she care? she could probably be making double her income if she lost 30 pounds.

No. 168551

Shay if you're reading this myfitnesspal and YouTube workouts are free

No. 168560

fat ass? no she's just a fat ass. she's very top heavy as a fatty, it just didn't show when she was twink looking but she went from looking like a twink to a chubby little boy. she has unfortunate fat distribution, it went mostly to her midsection and upper arms. i am still shocked sometimes at her lack of butt at this size. she just lacks curves and only has rolls

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No. 24354[Reply]

Need assistance quitting a bad habit? Use Shay as your inspiration? Hold each other accountable here!
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No. 168286

trying to get the courage to not pick up a pen and a gram of dab tomorrow at the dispo… i need to quit this shit now

No. 168287

23 days off edibles now (don’t like smoking) and I think the withdrawal symptoms are starting to dissipate

No. 168291

Janitorial work is solid for this same reason. You get to come in to buildings late at night by yourself when no one else is around, listen to music you like, don't have to see anybody, and it's not particularly hard. Hotel housekeeping is rife with sexual harrassment and abuse, I would be worried about you nonna.

No. 168321

didnt pick up anything, ive been cutting down with the rest of what i had and im almost out. i think the withdrawal symptoms should be almost none since ive cut down to so little thc a day compared to how heavy i was smoking dabs before… feeling really good about getting sober again. had 5 months sober last year!! thinking this will go good. i have two books to read, tons of manga on my tablet, and a brand new water bottle with a straw for my oral fixation!!! wish me luck nonnas! >>168287
ayy congrats for you thats wonderful, its always great when you start feeling normal again

No. 168534

13 days sober after spending most of 2024 abusing dabs. really proud of myself. i can tell shayna is high off her gourd in pictures lately and it just gives me more motivation to be sober. her eyes are SO red lately she is abusing weed and alcohol so badly. i've yet to get sober from alcohol myself but i don't abuse it daily like i have with weed so its not as pressing as a problem for me (i drink a couple times a month). i gained 20 pounds after relapsing at the end of last year so i really want to try and get some of that munchies weight off too. already lost 10 pounds in a little over a week just from the withdrawals. i actually HATE sweets now too which is one of my weaknesses when i get high… thank you shaynus for getting me here.

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No. 162131[Reply]

Thread for all of the side characters in the Shaynaverse.
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No. 168469

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Her coomers crack me up

No. 168470

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No. 168471

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I'd bwaid your hair for you, Pwincess. Then, mmm… Well, hah… wet's just say, we'd have some… fun…

No. 168472

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No. 168511

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passive aggressive replies from coomers to her recent ebegging attempt kek

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