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No. 1[Reply]

All threads posted here must revolve around some sort of literature, music, game, film, show, or image topic. e.g “pictures of cute animals”.
Please read https://lolcow.farm/rules

No. 9087

##spoilered text## => spoilered text

No. 17995

K-idol spam threads to be merged at the next bump limit

No. 47997

Any race related posts or discussion is prohibited per global rule 7.
Repeat offenders are subject to a permanent ban from /m/.

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No. 345693[Reply]

Have you seen those stupid ass short comics that people make and are unfunny as fuck? Of course you have, they're all over social media. Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, DeviantArt, they're the bread and butter of unskilled artists and writers. Unfortunately, there's a ton of these bad short form comics floating around the internet (and people who make a living out of them, as perplexing as it is). Post the hilariously bad, terrible, lukewarm, mediocre, lazy infuriating, and most annoying ones here!

You can post
>Short comics
>Multiple pannels or illustrations
>4koma/4pannel comics
>Abstracts from a bigger comic

Previous threads:
thread #1 >>>/m/232318
thread #2 >>>/m/256627
thread #3 >>>/m/314190
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No. 375339

powerpoint comic edition

No. 375357

i have seen more male trannies talk about lesbian visibility week than actual homosexual females

No. 375393

>Hahaha stupid women with large boobs can't find a bra but a man with moobs can
Wow, it's almost as though there's a problem with systemic misogyny, or something.

No. 375447

>Did you know? Lesbian has no set meaning! It means whatever you want it to mean!
>"Lesbian erasure" isn't a thing btw, since more people are calling themselves lesbians. Don't be a gatekeeping bigot.
>Anyway, remember to use "lesbian visibility week" to uplift all LGBTQIABCDEFG+ identifying people, like NBs and bisexuals!
I'm so tired.
Most "lesbian" events revolve around TIMs atp, so it's no surprise that TIMs love "lesbian visibility week" while most actual lesbians are hesitant to have anything to do with it.

No. 375598

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Just why make this?

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No. 186847[Reply]

Post your favorite albums/artists/songs!
827 posts and 44 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 374752

I love this song

No. 375197

seconded. plague mass is my fave album, especially vidrel and "let my people go"

No. 375534

What genre of music is this?
I played the game years ago, i hope it's not anything triple s themed but even so i just want to know what genre it is, i'd like to listen to more music that sounds like it.

No. 375562

No. 375596

Ayrt, based taste.

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No. 299904[Reply]

Post the worst of the worst character designs you can find. From the uncannily realistic to terrible reboots to oversexualized. It doesn't matter if it's from movies, TV, video games, comics, just has to be awful.

Previous threads
816 posts and 314 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 375592

Gas-station-brand Hatsune Miku

No. 375593

I can't even think of an American live-action adaptation of a manga that isn't terrible. It seems like a recipe for trash.

No. 375594

Eh, I like any design that has fun with eye and skin color.

No. 375597

I heard they’re based of Betty too. Maybe Betty’s rights holders want to be Potrayed negatively.

No. 375599

I mean, one of them sort of comes around at the end (but it's the uglier guy one, rip)

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No. 375436[Reply]

A thread to share anime illustrations that come directly from the official source, be it from a magazine scan or merch like clear file folders. All anime welcome!
66 posts and 62 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 375572

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No. 375574

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No. 375578

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No. 375588

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No. 375589

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No. 369491[Reply]

>FUJOSHI (腐女子, "rotten girl"): a self-mockingly pejorative Japanese term for female fans of manga and novels that feature romantic relationships between men.

>Discuss yaoi and BL here, as well as other media aimed at (or with fanservice for) fujoshis.

>Discussion of BL games here is okay, but please do not cannibalize the otome game general.
>Discussion of Male/Male ships outside of strictly BL series is allowed, try to avoid divisiveness between slashers and classic fujos.
>No straight shit, there are other threads for that.
>Feel free to ask for recommendations, but specify what kind of material you're looking for (Genre, oneshot/series, doujinshi, SFW/NSFW etc).
>Being reasonably critical of BL is welcomed but don't come here only to bait or excessively moralsperg about fujos or how much you hate BL as a genre. Take it to Twitter.
>Be mindful of others and hide your spoilers. Use the spoiler image option and wrap your text inside spoiler tags.
>Reminder to ignore the baiting males and trolls who come to provoke.
>Keep the armchair psychology to a minimum, we've heard it all before.
>Be nice to each other, we fujos should stick together.

Previous threads:
1# >>>/m/20688
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950 posts and 315 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 375546

>small irises
Objectively correct opinion. Even better if paired with a bored/dull-looking face. I don't want ugly characters, but cool eyes are great.

No. 375553

probably an impossible ask but does anyone have sebaciel fic recommendations?

No. 375584

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In the end it's all subjective, small irises create a visceral disgust that ruins any character for me. It's similar to trypophobia for me. Recently I'm seeing a lot of kitaro content on my Twitter after the release of GeGeGe no Nazo movie and I've unfollowed people for spamming my feed with it, looking at kitaro's eyes just make me wanna break my computer

No. 375586

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Kek, that's hilarious.
Osomatsu must have been hell for you too.

No. 375595

you suck

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No. 186862[Reply]

This is a thread to post all our favorite female content creators! All kinds of female talent welcome, from animators and artists to vloggers and video makers, and anything in between. Post your favorite youtube channels, blogs, instagrams, twitch streams, etc. A short description is always appreciated.
987 posts and 62 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 372374

Caroline Konstnar is pregnant. I laughed for solid 5 minutes at that iphone joke kekkkkkkkk

No. 372376

There's evidence that she's lying/it's a prank video so idkkkkkkkk

No. 375568

Aini makes really interesting videos on East Asian culture with great graphics. Her channel is a combination of informative and insightful cultural studies and trashy tiktok content review.

I found this youtuber recently! I'm not too big a fan of her more pop-psych videos (though they are leagues better than most), but I love her few more technical videos. Her video on OCD and OCD subtypes is my favorite.

No. 375571

I also really like Intelexual Media, who makes content on Black History. The pacing is great and she doesn't waste time, and I like that her content feels a lot more grounded in reality than most video essayists' content.
However… she doesn't EQ her mic audio well, so it's not especially soothing to listen to.
Video Title:
>Black Women and The Hygiene Olympics

No. 375580

Speaking of which

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No. 354775[Reply]

ITT post shitty art. This can include:
>shit anatomy
>confusing compositions
>bizarre, autistic subject matter
>uncanny valley faces
>incompetent technique

Do not:
>Post loli, shota, or any other kind of fetish art depicting children
>Leave gross material (ex. porn, fetishes, gore) unspoilered
>Constantly post generic porn. It should be only be posted if it is uniquely bad in a way that is funny or novel.
>Post AI-generated images.
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794 posts and 338 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 375375

Sorry, english is not my first language so I didn't know this word had mysogynistic connotations. I'll just use TIF in the future instead. Thank you for the heads up

No. 375483

oh my god… las criaturas…

No. 375573

Nta, thanks for being chill about it anon

No. 375576

actual question, what's the problem with the word "pooner"? i've only ever seen it used on lc and it's not like this site to censor insults from what i've seen?

wtf has she really gotten this bad or is her art posts just 100% AI now and she doesn't give a fuck anymore?

No. 375577

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No. 68958[Reply]

Any guilty pleasures anons? Reveal your darkest bops.
555 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 375119

No. 375132

I just saw it was found! So glad!

No. 375522

The video is always necessary to the experience

No. 375554

I can't wait for a proper clean version of this song to be made. The porn noises are distracting.

No. 375556

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No. 271137[Reply]

Post character designs that you like or deem worthy of recognition, or characters that are universally and professionaly well regarded. Bonus points if you add why

previous thread
456 posts and 224 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 374348

Kaito speedo is the funniest shit to me for some reason. Especially if it's a group MV and everyone else looks normal

No. 374419

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I love how many options there are and how varied the styles can be. It's fun to play around with the options.
>Dark angel
Excellent taste- all of those are great. Dark Angel is my favorite, too. I'm also fond of picrel, Solitude, and Saihate Miku.

No. 374670

Maybe his puffiness went down over time in universe. In real life, Ian McDiarmid talked about how the makeup application was completely different for the two movies. I think it was at a Star Wars celebration a few years back. And yeah, Grievous,was great. He only showed up for a short while, but left such am impression. The amazing Genndy version helped, of course, but his portrayals in some of the comics and the Labyrinth of Evil novel were great as well.

No. 374672

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No. 375552

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she's so cute

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