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File: 1492538504090.png (254.85 KB, 1242x1348, IMG_0812.PNG)

No. 3290[Reply]

Let's discuss our opinions and experiences with r9k/robots. I think most of my experiences with robots have been 96% negative.
217 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 3898


bruh girls in here are normie as fuck, da fuck are you talking about?

No. 3946

File: 1496544752907.jpg (132.46 KB, 783x629, 1482774203001.jpg)

This taiwanese celebrity gossip chatroom has no self awareness at all.
Half of the posts on here read exactly the same way they describe that fourchan cesspool.

No. 5171

No. 5222

I feel like it's gotten worse

No. 5850

I Miss male hate threads

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No. 5785[Reply]

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No. 5843

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No. 5844

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No. 5845

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No. 5848

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No. 5849

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No. 506[Reply]

post em, be internet tough guys when people disagree with you
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No. 4525


No. 4526


No. 4527


No. 5144

Lol 😊😊

No. 5153

oof trot and clot are victim s of their abusive toxic greasy dad who isn't valid at all this problematic nonnie is triggered big oof

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No. 5749[Reply]

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No. 5773

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No. 5774

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No. 5775

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No. 5776

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No. 5781

Bla bla bla

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No. 1049[Reply]

A thread for fluffy pon3 as the title implies.
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No. 5746

More importantly, Why is this?

No. 5747

actualizen esta mierda

No. 5748

I genuinely hope this thread and overall fandom is inactive because every poster killed themselves realizing the inhuman garbage they are

No. 5754

when i was younger fluffy stuff used to make me laugh so hard bc i found it all absurd, but the focus that some have on sexual abuse is pretty disturbing

No. 5780

Cease your wibbling

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No. 5238[Reply]

I just stumbled upon this board today.

How many other hidden boards are there?
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 5242

File: 1651512441894.png (67.4 KB, 274x275, 1639529855933.png)

do share

No. 5662

2X is another, I'm curious to know of others too

No. 5663

/cream/ (very dead)

No. 5664


No. 5743

the ones I know of

didn't remember this one

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No. 452[Reply]

Pretty Princess Points
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No. 3263

I love this! The artwork is fantastic, and must have been drawn by a female lol It's very relatable and I'd be stoked if I went in a friend's room and it looked like this (except the urine bottle).

No. 3304

It was drawn by someone in ot not too long ago. Some of the items are requests from anons.

No. 3450

These are great but make me want to visit and cleanup your rooms.

No. 5226


No. 5740

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No. 5166[Reply]

Welcome to the /sty/ board
21 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 5733

I'm so fucking sad and bored without dumbass shit in /ot/. Especially because /snow/ has been dry as a fucking desert for the entirety of hellweek.

No. 5734

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No. 5737

why dont we bring back sty

No. 5738

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No. 5739

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No. 3707[Reply]

Did anyone else have vaginal inspection day when they went to school?
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No. 3993

memes are more real than you think

No. 4002

"murica" doesn't allow tests like that without parental consent

We also don't have real physical exams at school. Just vision and hearing.

No. 5712

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No. 5713

No, I did not

No. 5716

no, but they would occasionally do an ultrasound on us to check if we were pregnant

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No. 5723[Reply]

Meet Some_Guy, consistently banned scriptkiddie who runs a discord kingdom that near as I can tell is largely made up of people waiting for him to dox himself. His frequent bans result in him creating a new screen name practically every week, always with some pathetic self-aggrandization. "Some_Guy The God" "Some_Guy The Lord" "Some_Guy Big Penis" and so on. Now, if you believe his version of events, he's a brave internet crusader tracking and exposing pedophile rings on the internet. The reality? None of the people he "exposes" are actually pedophiles. He simply doxes anyone he gets into an argument with and once he has their dox swats them, threatens them, submits false reports to law enforcement agencies and accuses them of being child rapists and running pedophile rings. Pure coincidence I'm sure that the people he "exposes" are all former friends he had fights with, competing discord servers, egirls who wouldn't fuck him and the guys on their friends lists they will fuck. His tactic is what I've heard called "dunking". As I heard him put it once "Once I accuse you of being a pedophile, no one will help you.

Contrary to this he's claimed multiple times that what he really does is blackmail these girls to produce actual child porn and asserts "Legally this is fine because I'm underage too." I haven't spoken directly with him, but he does type like he's underage, though some of the people I've spoken to who he's prank called claim he sounds like he's in his forties.

Now I know directly from speaking to one he's actively being investigated by the FBI and they seized his twitter, but he seems to think they're never going to be able to identify him and he gloats about it constantly.

>Okay, this makes him sound like a sick fuck, but how is he a lolcow?

I'll post the screenshots, but typically what happens here is he meets some underage girl, flirts with them online, either they e-date for a little while or she turns him down flat, but either way he somehow gets her password, goes through her conversations and upon finding her so much as flirting with other guys changes her passwords and attempts to dox her and any guys she was interested in and accuses them all of being pedos. I've seen him go in one month from saying "This girl is my girlfriend." to "This girl is a grooming victim of online pedos" to "this girl is the leader of a pedophile Post too long. Click here to view the full text.(do not make new threads in /pt/)
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No. 5728

File: 1703448862688.png (197.27 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20231115-010725.png)

Here for a moment he thinks he found a girl who would agree to fuck him irl. Of course it's just someone trying to get his address.

No. 5729

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No. 5730

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No. 5731

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No. 5732

File: 1703449143657.jpg (195.05 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20231210-230021 cen…)

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