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No. 378181

Not everyone can be beautiful, and for some, even "average" is out of reach. If that sounds like you, how are you coping in this looks-obsessed world?

I'm reviving this thread series since the last one has long since closed and I think it's a topic a lot of women could use a place to vent about.

Previous thread: >>>/g/114320

No. 378188

I’ve learned to hide my rat face with my hair and glasses

No. 378191

Just wear a mask and if anyone asks why your wearing it just say you have a weakened immune system

No. 378199

Healthy coping mechanisms would include minimizing screen time and developing hands on hobbies like crochet or woodworking.

If you still feel an surge then write down what parts you hate the most and then what I am be changed and what can’t. Make peace with the immutable and slowly develop a looksmaxxing plan

No. 378201

I just learned not to expect much in life. In a sea of pretty girls who can know how to do makeup and afford profesional haircuts and plastic surgery I will always be a rat faced swarthy bitch who goes against every beauty standard, and I'm fine with that, maybe my look will be "in" one day or someone will truly love me for more than my fuggo face who isn't as ugly as me!

No. 378202

All you can really go for is acceptance… Even if you were a 10/10 beauty there would always be someone better to compare yourself to, and you'd still have nagging insecurities about your nose or your weight because finding flaws in your appearance is just the human experience. We all end up old and wrinkly in the end anyways kek.

No. 378225

Honestly, in terms of internal valuation I actually like how Iook and feel good about myself. I know I'm nowhere near conventionally attractive, but I think how I look suits my personality and who I want to be. That should be enough. The part that gives me endless grief is the obvious unfairness that we all have to strive for conformation to a narrow standard in order to receive basic respect and consideration in life. I have to go against my self-confidence and instill nitpicky insecurity if I want success in a workplace. It's so unnatural, it's so messed up. It makes me feel like self-acceptance is an utterly futile achievement because it means nothing in the eys of a world that will crush you underfoot regardless of how you feel about yourself, if it itself does not find you beautiful.

No. 378260

I've been ugly since…forever.
My present day copes are the following
>I'm being a crybaby: there are worse problems than being ugly. Grow up and stop being a little bitch.
>Sour grapes. Most of the interactions I've seen between normal people dont interest me that much as they used to. Then again socializing on the internet is still socializing.
>When I hear what my social attractive/normal-looking peers have to put up with, my quiet boring ugly girl lifestyle doesn't sound so miserable.

No. 378261

I stopped taking selfies and looking into the mirror unless I have to. Wearing whatever I want helps too since no one gives a shit thanks to being ugly

No. 378264

I 100% relate to wearing whatever I want because I'm hideous anyways. I look put together, Im undesirable. I look messy, Im gasp undesirable. Same difference. I do the bare minimum and nothing else.

No. 378267

I try to distract people from my ugliness by wearing cute outfits and making sure I look put together. At least that way I'll get the occasional compliment about my appearance. Best I can hope for is that round moon faces come into style after the hideous buccal fat removal craze kek

No. 378273

My biggest problem with my looks is how unphotogenic I am, part of it is my camera not capturing my looks properly (samsung s24 ultra) and the other part are my features aren't good enough or stand out enough to look good on camera. My lips look too small and round horizontally but good enough vertically, and I hate that so much, I wish they were wider a bit. I don't think theres a surgery for that, right? My nose has a deviated septum and my right profile looks different to my left profile. My right being the better side and seems to be what I'm supposed to look like if my nose didn't have that issue. It looks huge and hooked on the left but slim and straight on the right? Weird af. I also have a receded chin which makes the nose issue even more accentuated. My teeth are weird as well and make my smile looks toothy and hosre-like. Only good thing about my looks is my eyes. My eyebrows also add to the issues because they're too round they give me a stupid mannish look to me, like I'm some indian dude or something, I hate it so much. My body is also an issue because of how squre and skinnu fat it is, it's all so frustrating. My skin is fucked because my hormones are fucked, and my diet isn't the best but I'm trying to improve it, but my digestive system is broken so it's like I'm not putting any effort at all. Can't afford surgery right now or to get any medical help for my digestive system and dieting issues either.

No. 378296

I have the same problem where my features are super unphotogenic in third person photos, and I absolutely hate having my picture taken for that reason and have since I was a teenager. I used to take a lot of selfies during my vain years, but I've significantly dialed back as my self esteem has worsened more and more. Also have terrible skin as well

No. 378525

Women always give me dirty looks to me because I'm too boyish and different from them and also ugly.men just simply ignore me.

No. 378688

Realizing that women usually only want to befriend other women who are attractive was very eye opening as a teenager

No. 378697

There’s so many cute outfits I want to wear but I’m too afraid to because my face is ugly and I’m scared it will draw even more attention to me. I end up not making any effort and dressing like Jesse Pinkman.

No. 378700

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I have an incredibly long philtrum and no lips and a 6 head and I am completely hideous. Other unconventional traits individual people might still find attractive, like a big nose, or thick eyebrows, but absolutely no one is attracted to someone with an grandma-level upper lip. In school people would harass me by pretending to ask me out and then laughing in my face in a mob. I know that I will never find love because there is no woman on earth who could want to kiss my face. I feel like I’m living in a level removed from the world of others. I don’t make any friends because I can’t relate to normal people who have partners or go out clubbing. Their relationship woes and adventures just make my eyes glaze over. That sort of thing is not in my realm.
I used to think I could live with this for life, but after I feel for someone hard for the first time, I realized what I was missing and now I can’t fathom continuing to live much longer. Sometimes I find myself wishing the world would end so I wouldn’t have to kill myself and upset my family who loves me very much (unfortunately).

No. 378780

I got all the of the worst physical features from both my parents and none of their good ones. I was even an ugly baby, I never stood a chance. I miss being a little kid when I didn’t understand I was ugly yet.

No. 378801

Of course being made fun of and gawked at hurts, but to be honest, women who go out of their way to show you pity hurts worse somehow. The look on their faces makes my stomach turn. I get it, you feel like lying to me is charity. I get it, you clearly feel bad for me for being repulsive to look at. Just stop it, the kindest thing you could do is treat me normally. No normal looking person gets near-strangers and vague acquaintances coming up to them to say “you’re a nice girl anon, I’m sure you’ll find someone someday.” Like just be fucking normal. So damn infantilizing.

No. 378804

Aw nonny, I'm pretty ugly too especially with my hooked large nostrils and I personally am much more attracted to uglier women because I feel like they're much more genuine to be around with. I know that there's a larger amount of people who are trusting of attractive people but non attractive WOMEN are the very best to me. You are very loved and inevitably everyone's looks will fade so there's no need to solely latch on to that idea. What's helped me was watching love on the spectrum kek to give me some fuel that both ugly and mentally impaired people can, so can I.

No. 378822

I already draw a lot of attention because I'm 5'10", sometimes 6'0" in certain shoes. I know people are going to give me looks so I'm not that worried about standing out. I think of it as a way to bring my appearance up a couple points—I'd rather be ugly but well dressed than ugly and wearing sweats y'know? People are less judgey if they perceive you to be putting in more effort imo. Of course there are still some times when I wear some frumpy comfy outfits too, I just know I'll mostly be invisible that day kek

No. 382508

I know I was being extremely dramatic in >>375519 but I've been thinking about the girl who recoiled from me every day since it happened. I've seen some ugly people and I've never had the urge to recoil from them, wtf.

No. 382905

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it's hard to accept that no one is ever going to be genuinely attracted to you, in the same way you would not be attracted to anyone who looked like you. The common advice is to "date your own level" but when you get to a certain point on the ugliness scale, it's kind of impossible to feel actual attraction to your ugliness-level peers. If I could just make myself be attracted to fellow ugly people I would, and it seems like a lot of people are able to do that, or else maybe they're just in cope relationships where there's no real attraction but at least they won't be lonely. I can't do that though.

When normal-looking people talk about how great it feels when you experience mutual attraction, it makes me want to tear my face off because I know that is a feeling I will never experience.

No. 383058

Am I the only one who for some reason always expects to see myself differently THIS time I look in the mirror? Logically I know I’m ugly, I’ve been told my whole life, and I can clearly see it too, but for some reason I still stare at myself in the mirror hoping to see myself as at least average, maybe from this angle, maybe if I think about this feature differently, maybe if I squint, etc. Of course no matter how many times I stare at myself in the mirror I will never magically turn out to have been average all along. So why do I keep doing it?
Tangent, but I would take any other ugly feature over the one I have. You can work with most ugly features, or there may be someone who likes that feature, but not with the one I have. It’s universally considered ugly, it’s how all old or ugly characters are drawn. It’s a characteristic of the elderly— and I’m already ugly enough as a young person, I am scared to death of his this feature will inevitably get worse and worse over time.
I wish I had never woken up to the harm of the plastic surgery industry as a teen— if I hadn’t, I would have gotten plastic surgery by now and been so much happier, a totally different person.

No. 383099

If it's the feature I think you're talking about, I have it too and it fucking sucks. I've even been told the surgery to fix that feature wouldn't work on me because of my facial anatomy. If I didn't have that feature I'd look almost average.

No. 383107

Is it because it would give you too much teeth/gum show? Tbh I wish that was the case for me so I didn’t have to agonize over this— I’m actually a perfect candidate since I have no teeth show right now. But I just can’t bring myself to do it because I’d feel like such a vain hypocrite, I’m always preaching about how evil the plastic surgery industry is, I can’t just ignore or go back on that. It just sucks so much because I know it would completely fix my appearance. That, and it would feel fake to me, like anyone who became attracted to me would never have been attracted to my natural real self, which feels fucking awful.
The other reason stopping me is the fact my mom has the same feature and would take serious offense if I got it fixed. But the thing is it doesn’t look as bad on her due to her nice nose, mine is upturned an only makes it look worse and more animalistic. If you have what I have then I’m sorry. It’s really the worst, no redeeming qualities at all.

No. 383158

Hurts extra bad because I actually had a taste of beauty before, but I didn’t appreciate it. I used to be a beautiful teenager with zero effort. I had clear skin despite not showering often, I was thin despite eating junk, my hair was short in a tomboyish way. I wasn’t even taking advantage of this beauty, I was seen as “mysterious” when in reality, I was a socially anxious mess who only dressed in baggy clothes and hoodies. I turned 22, and it all went bad. My face got super bloated, my metabolism slowed down, and my hormones started giving me acne, stretch marks, and joules. I gained weight because I was used to eating whatever and nothing happening, but my fat distribution is weird, I don’t have fat arms or legs, my chest and butt are small, but I’m getting a belly that sticks out, my proportions are terrible. I’m currently trying to reverse the effects of my years of bodily destruction, but it’s harder than I thought it’d be. I’m waiting for my hair to grow out, so my joules are better hidden. I have a skin care routine, and I’m losing weight, but I used to be in the 110 pound range, and I’m currently in the 150 range. This is an improvement though, 4 months ago I was 170

No. 383159

Trying to make myself less ugly with makeup only to have the makeup get into the corners of my eyes and start stinging. Phew weeeee ouchie

No. 383161

imo, if you're actually really ugly, like not just "a little plain" but truly ugly, wearing makeup just makes it worse, like putting lipstick on a pig. I stopped wearing it because it projected a humiliating image "look how hard she's trying to not be ugly, but oh dear, she's still ugly"

No. 383164

not trying to hate on you but just as a vent, it makes me really frustrated when fat people complain about being ugly. You can and should lose weight, and then you will look normal. "I used to be pretty" yeah, must be nice. No matter how much weight I lose (i am thin) I will always, always be ugly due to how my face is formed. I daydream about being someone who is just fat but has a normal face, i would be so fucking motivated to work out. If that was me, I would cry with joy. You have the ability to make yourself not ugly just by effort. I don't have that. Be grateful and get to work, in my opinion.

No. 383169

I don't know at this point my body dysmorphia automatically tells me I'm a pig and nobody ever flirts with me anymore so i guess i project quite ugly even if im not

No. 383171

if you were actually ugly you wouldn't "not be sure". People let you know when you are ugly. You are likely just average, like most people.

No. 383179

I don't understand why you're gatekeeping the feeling of being ugly in a thread literally designed for us to vent about our ugliness? Unless you're an avid r/vindicta idiot who thinks we all are objectively rated 1 to 10, the entire scale of attractiveness to ugliness is fluid to begin with. I was active in the other thread too jesus crikey

No. 383182

I’m simply saying that if you were “ugly” ugly, people would have told you, and you wouldn’t have to guess. Most women who think they’re ugly are really just average with too high of standards for themselves. I’m trying to be encouraging— if you were never mocked for your appearance, if you’ve never received unsolicited comments or advice about how to improve your face, and especially if you’ve been regularly flirted with in the past like you say, you are not ugly, just a bit neurotic like most women and maybe need a style or weight change. It’s just further isolating to come into a thread for actual ugly people and read stories about not being flirted with as much, when you’re someone who has literally been assumed to be disabled based on what your face looks like. It’s a totally different experience imo.

No. 383295

On repeated occasions, I found out a bunch of beautiful people happened to be ugly on the inside. That has change my perception quite a lot. Now I value myself more.

No. 383358

kek i'm ugly on the outside and ugly on the inside

No. 383364

Yep that's the reason. Got that horseface phenotype in the worst way possible. I don't have an upturned nose, but it is short, so my face proportions are very awkward. I'm really sorry there's lots of factors that play into this for you. It's easy for me to say do what makes you happy, but I know it's not that simple. I hope you can either find happiness within yourself or do whatever you think is best for you eventually. From one longface anon to another

No. 383370

ayrt– I see, yeah long face + short nose is an unusual combo. I often wish there was a procedure just to stretch the nose down a little bit. Of course that doesn't make any sense anatomically, but you know, I just wanna nudge the thing down a couple clicks or twenty on the mii maker interface.

No. 383375

lately I've stopped being able to fantasize, because I realized that my crushes would think i'm disgusting irl and would probably barf at the thought of kissing a face like mine. Knowing that takes me out of it, so I don't even escape to fantasy anymore. How are you supposed to live a celibate life while also not being able to fantasize? Being ugly really ruins so many aspects of your mental and physical health

No. 383376

Honest question to everyone. How do you even know if you're also ugly on the inside? Is there some "intra-uglyness" quiz or something?

No. 383377

because i dislike pretty much everyone and my soul is rotting

No. 383378

I've had the same exact thoughts before, haha. Yeah I honestly wanted to see if there was such a thing as a nose lengthening rhinoplasty but you're right, it doesn't make any sense and I'm sure most surgeons would be confused as to why I'd want that. Honestly the only way I could look normal would prolly be double jaw surgery, but that's not in the cards

No. 383439

I understand how you feel anon. It’s the worst when people have to make you aware of how repulsive looking you are. I’ve told this story before, but when I was a senior high school two freshman cheerleaders came up to me out of nowhere to tell me “we just wanted to tell you that you’re really pretty” and it was the most humiliating thing that has ever happened to me. Everyone sitting near me looked down at their desks trying not to cringe. The girls were probably too young to see how they came across and why that was not a good idea to do, they were just earnestly trying to take pity on me, which is the worst feeling ever to know that you’re not just a little unfortunate looking, but so outstandingly ugly that random people you’ve never even talked to pity you to the point of going out of their way to try to comfort you. A part of my soul died that day even though it’s been almost a decade.

No. 383456

I used to not care about being ugly because I decided I didn’t want a boyfriend, and when I realized that, all my insecurities from my teenage years melted away and I was pretty happy. But for some reason, I had a really late bisexual awakening, and the futile desire to date women I have crushes on has yanked my self esteem all the way back down to the depths of my high school years.
Suddenly I’m thinking all the time about things I was sure I’d never think about again, like plastic surgery and even makeup (even though the latter makes no sense for my style, I try to come across as gnc), and it feels so pathetic and horrible to be back here, especially because neither of those things would even help me, I’m unfixably ugly due to my bone structure and feature placement. Feels so, so bad. I thought I was over this. I’m ashamed of myself and mourning the romantic life I could have had if I had been born with a different face. Because it’s like, men are shit so I don’t care and it never felt like a loss, but this feels like a loss. However nonsensical that might be.
My life would be so much better if I never had that awakening. It’s caused me so much suffering, when before I was getting by okay. Now I’m suicidally depressed like I haven’t been in years. Life just keeps throwing me curveballs that hit me right in the stomach.

No. 383514

I'm just not a good person in addition to being ugly. I know I'm not a good person, I've done terrible things and am too mentally fucked to ever qualify as one

No. 383605

Untrue lol I know I'm ugly because I have an actual jaw deformity noticably offsetting my jaw and jutting it out that I've been told by multiple orthos to get surgical treatment for and I have shit skin but I've never been told to my face that I'm ugly. You can be ugly and lucky enough that people aren't overt assholes about it.

No. 383608

I’m bi but I feel like impressing and dating women is really hard. I date men simply because it’s easier.
Most moids don’t care if you’re a loser or kinda ugly they’ll just take anything they can get. Women have higher standards for a partner (and rightly so) I feel like I don’t meet their standards at all. I remember going on a date with a very high flying career woman power lesbian type and as soon as she found out I wasn’t earning over 100K a year she just left the date because she wasn’t interested in someone not on her level.

No. 383699

How do you cope with feeling like a genetic failure? Both my parents are beautiful people, but somehow I got all of their worst physical traits combined. On a very basic, evolutionary level, others reject me as a mate due to my appearance (no hate, I would too) and in that way I am filtered out of the gene pool like a deformed rat. It makes me feel like I was a mistake of nature destined to be cast aside as a genetic fluke. It makes me wonder, why am I still living when nature is giving me such a clear message?

No. 383720

ngl you may be able to get it covered with insurance if your orthos are suggesting surgery. i had a friend who had a cute upper half of his face but he had some extreme underbite that i'm 90% sure he'd qualify for some surgery insurance coverage for (and i don't mean braces) it made his jaw look huge. i don't know if anyone ever made fun of him for it. if the top half of your face is cute enough it probably counteracts enough of your jaw issue that people don't care

No. 383721

Both my parents are shilled as beautiful. They don't even try. My mom, for most of her life, didn't even use conditioner on her hair. She would just shampoo and let her hair airdry. It would form the most beautiful curls at the end with no frizz. She never used makeup, and all she did was moisturize, and that's it. People commented on how pretty she was all the time. Meanwhile, not only I look ugly, I barely look like them. I know I'm their daughter, but I kid you not, I thought my mom cheated on my dad because I have a nose that nobody in the family has. I can see I'm a mixture of them, but a mixture in the sense that someone put them in a blender and added some abhorrent slime with it, and it resulted in me. My family knows I'm ugly and tries so hard to make me feel better by saying shit like, "At least you got hazel eyes!". As if hazel eyes would fix the vile bone structure of my face kek. I honestly coped by seeing how fucked up in the head they are. Being beautiful didn't shield my parents from bad things, neither did it help them achieve the important stuff they have. They still cheated on each other with way uglier people too. It sucks being ugly, but being beautiful doesn't guarantee as much I thought it did.

No. 383726

It's weird, I have the totally opposite experience. People always say dating men is easier but men have always picked apart my looks and most of my bullying came from men. I've been rejected and ignored by them completely. Women seem to like me though, and while relationships never worked out I never felt like it was my appearance that was the issue. This would make more sense if I were butch but I'm actually pretty femme, I think. Maybe that's what angers men? idk

I moved away from my family and try to avoid them as much as possible. There are other reasons for doing so but this is an added benefit. Sorry, that's probably not terribly helpful. Are they cruel to you about it?

No. 383727

Oh same, and I have a sibling who won the genetic lottery to be compared to too, on top of him being male and being more valued in our culture. The only solution in the long run is to just leave and seek your own value. It's there, but you'll never know it until you get out of the environment that constantly tells you you were born not enough.

No. 383728

I feel like dating women is definitely harder in the sense that we're generally more wary of being used or getting into a bad relationship situation whereas men just want to score at any cost (and the classic dilemma of how women HATE making the first move or putting in effort to get things started). but the flip side is that it's more common for women to be seriously into features that aren't conventionally attractive, and women are more likely to be looking for love as opposed to just finding a hot girlfriend to impress their friends. so I guess it could go either way.

No. 383790

ayrt, that’s so rough. My younger brother (21) isn’t super handsome or anything, but he looks normal and is decently attractive. I feel really lucky he’s too lazy and mentally ill to have had a girlfriend yet. He went on a date once in high school and I internally seethed so hard, and was glad when it didn’t turn into anything. I know that makes me a terrible person. But when he gets his first girlfriend I’m going to be despondent. Because he’s such a piece of shit (lazy, messy, ungrateful, egotistical) compared to me (not that I’m an amazing person, but at least I function and groom myself) so it will prove that looks really are everything. And it will also sting watching my parents be happy for him, see the relief on their faces that at least one of their children was good enough to find a mate. They don’t ask me or talk to me about dating at all, probably because even they can see that I’m way too ugly to have any success. In turn, I act like I’m not interested in dating because to admit otherwise would be even more humiliating.
I don’t want to move away from my family, they’re very nice to me actually, and are the only people I can socialize with since I lost touch with all my friends. Which makes me feel more pathetic, no partner, no friends, no admirers, no social life— just an ugly 25 year old woman paying her parents rent to live in their house like a failure of a child. When I look at my situation objectively it fuels my suicide plans. My birthday is coming up and I will be 26, the age my mom was when she had me, still living like this, with no achievements, career, social, or romantic, to my name. I will feel terrible doing that to my parents, but it’s clear that I am not meant to exist and it’s excruciating to live as a genetic and social anomaly and feel the judge mental eyes of society and extended family.

No. 383799

i hate that i have a short neck. all the chubby girls i see still have slim faces because they have long necks and i don't. this shit makes me rounder than i originally am. even when i was thinner, i was still insecure how my short neck gives me an extra chin, just by looking down. i also hate my short fingers, they're already fat looking, my weight gain just made it obvious. it doesn't help i have thinning hair like the rest of my dad's side, especially the men.

its really unfair how my cousins from both sides of the family inherited all of the good features and i ended up getting the ugly parts of the family. we'd all gather around and i just be the ugly cousin. everyone tries to cheer me up but it just makes me hate myself even more.

No. 383807

Okay here is a few things I use to cope.

>Stop caring, I know it is not easy in this superficial society. But there is nothing wrong with being ugly. Not everyone needs to beautiful.

>Find something else to feel good about. Maybe you are good at your job, hobby or sports? Maybe funny, smart or caring?
>If there is absolutely nothing you can think of, maybe the problem is low self esteem instead of ugliness
>Try to find a style that you feel comfortable in, emphasize any good features
>Quit social media, it will make anyone feel ugly

Hope this helps at all, I know this is "just be yourself" tier stuff but if you manage to internalise it can work.

No. 383824

Thinking back on when I worked in public facing jobs and customers would always ask me where my other coworkers were if I was there instead, commenting on how cute they are. Or in another job, people favoring my coworker's registers over mine because they're cuter than me, even if my awkward ugly ass tried my best to be nice to everyone. Like ok I get it, you'd rather talk to them than me, fucking creepy ass moid. I shouldn't be jealous of my coworkers and be thankful that I never had to deal with creeps in my life (unless they were drunk enough), but just being told to your face that they don't wanna be served by you stings so much.

No. 384272

I just saw a video of me talking. Holy shit, I had no idea I look even worse while talking. My upper lip hangs down completely over my top teeth and my cheeks bunch up into grandma-level droopy nasolabial jowls. Gutting revelation that I’ve been looking like this when I talk to people this whole damn time, oh my god. And there’s nothing I can do about it. And it’s only going to get worse from here! The fucking horror

No. 384411

It’s so impossible to cope with being ugly in this day and age where you’re expected to use Zoom for meetings and classes all the time. Your ugly face is always right there staring back at you reminding you what you look like and what everyone else is seeing.

No. 384460

This but also mirrors being everywhere in your daily life, and when taking group pictures with friends.

No. 384473

When I used to have friends that was the worst. Always the ugliest one, and everyone knew it. They’d pick photos I wasn’t in to post online, like I never even was at the get-together. Too ugly to even be acknowledged as a part of the friend group.

No. 385256

I was feeling pretty confident in myself at work today, walking with confident strides, and then I went into the restroom and caught sight of myself in the mirror and I deflated like a balloon. I look so fucking ridiculous, when I’m walking around all confident it’s like my subconscious tricks itself into thinking I’m normal looking even though in reality I’m extremely abnormal looking. I’ve always wondered why it seems like no matter what I wear, my clothes always look “off” on me in a way they wouldn’t on anyone else, like I’m a developmentally disabled adult prancing around in a costume of a normal person, and I realized that it’s got to be mostly due to my face, i don’t know how, but it’s like it gives an air of incompetence to the rest of my body just by being connected to it. I feel like an awkward clown, and I’ve tried so hard for so long to “fix” my impression with fashionable clothes and a haircut that suits me (as well as any haircut can, so it’s a low bar) but I think it’s actually impossible. My face and head will always throw everything off. It’s incompatible with the impression of a put-together adult woman, no matter what I wear. What do I even do? Is there seriously nothing I can do to not have a freaky retard impression?
Why did I have to be born with this skull and face?

No. 385383

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I find it really difficult to try to stay happy when I know I'm one of those people that others see and think
>"oh wow, poor thing. I'm so glad I'm not as ugly as her. Things could be worse."
Because everywhere you go, that is people's first gut-level reaction to you. How are you supposed to cope with that knowledge? That you can never go anywhere without immediate negative or pitying judgement from anyone who sees you? This is a heavy emotional weight that average-looking people just don't understand when they tell you
>it doesn't matter how you look, all it takes is some confidence!
No matter how confident I act, this will always be my reality.

No. 385385

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Was anyone else not a horrifically ugly child, but then puberty hit and your face changed beyond recognition? I wasn’t always as ugly as I am now, it started around middle school when I hit puberty. My face got too long, my fat distribution got fucked up, and my nose almost completely changed shape. I’ve been compared to Fuchi from Junji Ito’s universe, but without her height and bad fat distribution. It’s over for me.

No. 385394

i was a cute young child then mouth breathing and braces (made my mouth smaller/harder to breathe) ruined my face.

No. 385395

Not really, I was ugly from the time I was a born, literally. Do you ever see someone's baby and are like oh damn that's an unfortunate looking baby? That was me. I never had a chance.

No. 385396

I was apparently very beautiful as a child but after I hit puberty my nose grew humongous and I developed something of an underbite

No. 385399

I showed a picture of myself when I was 7 to a friend (I'm 22 now) and she was like "wow you haven't changed that much!" That shattered my world. My mom told me that when I was a baby, people would tease her about my looks and how I look like a monkey and ask her if I'm really her daughter and there wasn't some mix up in the hospital or something. I look more like my dad than my mom so that explains why people were shocked, but to call me a monkey……I will never recover from that. Sad part is, I kinda see it when I look at the mirror or a picture of myself.

No. 385400

Ayrt, my friend saw a pic of me as a baby and immediately compared it to a famously ugly old man in my country

No. 385436

Braces also ruined my mouth. The doctor insisted on two rounds and I ended up with gum recession. I was an okay looking kid and puberty and braces turned me into a hideous spore

No. 385975

It’s so jarring to have to put my face close to a mirror for grooming purposes because all I can think about is how dog-like and ugly I am this close up, and that this is the view someone would see if I leaned in to kiss someone. I’d run screaming for the hills. I look bad enough from farther back, but the way the close distance exaggerates my worst features is so revolting and it makes me want to kill myself. No one will ever be drawn in to kiss me, they’d regret it as soon at they got close even if they were able to get over the idea from afar. God damn. Why do I look like a damn bull dog. Why do other women get to look normal and I get to look like a fucking downsy ape chimera. It’s just not fucking fair, like I didn’t do anything to deserve to be born looking like this but I was and it ruins my entire life before it ever started. What is the god damn point?

No. 386102

two entirely separate people said extremely hurtful things to me about my face today out of nowhere, I was in a rare good mood too until those comments. It makes me feel like god is real and using his powers just to hurt me. Like what are the odds? I really feel like I'm being pummeled to death by god and he is laughing at my pain. It all feels purposeful that I'm knocked down every time I manage to lift myself up.

No. 386544

There’s a woman who works the front security desk at my job who compliments every woman who checks in on some aspect of her appearance, and it’s laughable how it goes:
>”Chelsea, you have BEAUTIFUL eyes honey!”
>”Sarah, hello you gorgeous gorgeous girl!”
>”Anon, good morning.”
>”Bella, how are you today you pretty little thing?”

No. 386557

Could be worse, men are already considered ugly if they're just average looking or below 6ft. It's way easier to be attractive if you're a female, but you bitches only want Chads to commit to you, instead of going for your looksmatch.(moid)

No. 386558

do y’all resent your parents for having you? i do very often

No. 386566

I look so troonish, like the euphoria fag. I also have the height, so I'm scared of people thinking I'm a moid.
I wish I was short and cute so badly, I'm unironically the "old white girl seething about pretty idols" header.

Sometimes I want to yell at them, when they talk about their relatives/friends' kids and their relationships too much (vs me who obviously can't find a partner). But my parents aren't really ugly, I somehow just got all their negative traits combined.

It's insane just how important being attractive is, it's not just about finding a partner, studies show that even babies are already treated according to their looks.
I also remember being kindergarten age and some old relatives praising how pretty a cousin of mine had gotten. When they caught me looking at them they quickly added "You too, anon" but even back then at that young age I immediately understood that this was a lie.

I don't know how to cope, I basically just daydream about being a gorgeous celebrity 24/7.
On top of that very recently I suddenly aged so quickly, it's like my terrible lifestyle caught up with me overnight. So now I can't even cope about at least being young anymore…

No. 386569

I would if they had any indication their daughter would be ass-ugly, but they’re both decently attractive so there’s no way they could have known they’d spawn a dog-faced girl. I do resent the universe though because I can’t come to terms with the fact that I miss out on so much in life due to the face I was born with. It’s so massively unfair it just makes me rage inside. Other people can find a partner they’re attracted to, while I get yelled at on the street about how ugly I am. What did I do to deserve this life? I just can’t cope with the fact I did nothing to deserve this and yet still the only life I’ll ever have is this one. I get so unspeakably jealous of normal looking people, it makes me so angry inside that I struggle to function at times. I’m so mad at the universe for the hand I got dealt, I can’t deal with living at all. I definitely wish I was never born.

No. 386586

Anon I am the same, constantly daydreaming in an effort to forget my real face. I keep praying some god will listen to my prayers and I'll wake up in a different body, one that I actually like.

No. 386596


I remember being in a university party that had photographers. I noticed the table I was sitting in was photographed multiple times. Later I heard one chick that was taking photos talking to her friend "sad that I cant post some otherwise nice photos because people dont look good in them." When I looked at the the photos online, only pictures where I was missing or backwards to camera were included. Everyone that was sitting next to me had multiple pictures of them.

>tfw so ugly I got censored

No. 386598

Also I studied fucking electrical engineering, so its not like I was compared to insta model stacies either.

No. 386615

how would you want your friends to talk to you about this is issue whenever you bring it up? i can imagine that fake gaslighting „nooo, you‘re so pretty“ would depress me even more. does it hurt you when your friends talk about looks in general, even if it‘s just about what moids look like for example?

No. 386656

I don’t have friends, but I wouldn’t want to talk about it at all. Everyone knows, no need to verbalize it

No. 386685

Male friend told me I'm average or slightly above average compared to the rest of the people of my country since incest and malnutrition runs rampant in it, but I think he's just being nice. While my female friends do the gaslighting thing and say shit like "love yourself", they're no lookers themselves and they're nice so I let it slide. The only pretty one also told me the same thing. I wish they'd just be honest with me.
On the topic of looks, I looked at my old ID picture from when I was 16 and weighed 36 kgs (I was ill at the time), and I looked HORRIBLE in that, then I looked at my most recent ID picture where I weighed 42 kgs and I'm 21 in, and I still had some things off but looked better face shape wise with more developed bone structure and less skin issues. Still look messed up though and it makes me sad. And I'm still ill and stressed out with imbalanced hormones, so I'll probably never escape this hell.

No. 386687

I also look like a tranny. I’m not that tall or broad, I just have a very masculine face.

No. 386689

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Who? Why do I get the feeling it’s Wagner?
Did you look like Wagner nonna?

No. 386695

I think I'm average in terms of my face but my hair is falling out. Im balding like a man. I feel very alone in this experience. Especially since I'm a woman. My mom/dads family dont have a history of balding. I guess I just got unlucky. My heart sank when I was at a family gathering and seeing all my aunts and cousins walk around with their long hair. I remember them even complimenting on one of my cousins hair. I felt so sad. Ive never been that pretty. I grew to accept that at a young age. Ive always felt very unwomanly in general. Even before my balding arc lol. Didn't help that most of my relatives are short and petite. This must be a joke. My family is full of beautiful women. I got to make being a weird bald bitch my thing now. I remember when I started opening up about this with one of my friends, she said, "Thats just gonna make you more unique." LOL

No. 386699

Not to make this a competition, but I’m also losing all my hair at 24, AND my face is ugly as fuck (everyone tells me) so just remember, it could always be worse. I genuinely want to die.

No. 386703

42kg is still too low. I was severely thin too and i looked much uglier back then than I do now. When I gained weight to the point I'm healthy I kept getting compliments on my hair, face and figure which all got better once I stopped being sick.
I was never anorexic but I always ate little, i had to force myself to gain weight but i dont regret it.

No. 386707

Honestly I wish it was him, I could be salvageable.
I once did that AI face thing that finds your celebrity lookalikes, and all my top results were 55+ year old ugly scrotes. I am really that ugly. I’ve never even once been complimented on any aspect of my appearance, and people go out of their way to let me know I’m ugly. People who cry about being average and not supermodel level attractive make me furious, they are so incredibly lucky and yet they have the nerve to complain about it? I would do anything to be average.

No. 386710

Ai lookalikes are super inaccurate though. Dont take the seriously.

No. 386713

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No, it was accurate. One of the results was even the same scrote I was compared to as a baby.
I literally feel ridiculous sometimes just walking around with my face. It’s like I’m wearing a cheap Halloween mask that would be inappropriate to wear in most settings, except it’s my actual face so I can’t take it off. It feels like a joke to do my hair and wear professional clothes when in the center of it all is a ridiculous face

No. 386715

this might sound ridiculous but why won't you start dressing as a goth? if you look like a gremlin then dressing like one would just suit it i feel like certain alt-styles suit ugly people better like certain gothic styles (not the tiktok instababe mall goth stuff) or crust punk or something.

No. 386716

Well, I mostly look like an old man, and I am short with very short legs so there is no style that would suit me. Tryhard styles would look especially ridiculous on my frame imo. My closet is very safe and boring because there isn’t anything fun I could pull off with dachshund legs and pear fat distribution (despite being skinny).

No. 386719

by alt-styles what i really mean isn't like, styles copied straight from tiktok or internet because obviously if there's a certain look you copy people are always going to compare you to the attractive people they see in social media, but actually like dressing in the old school way, using your grandma's funeral dress and old clothes kind of deal. thrifting and taking inspiration from alt-styles without copying. i know some ugly people who dress in genuinely unique ways and honestly their ugliness kinda adds to their vibe, when they really manage to dress in a way that can't be compared too much to anyone else and especially fashion influencer types.

No. 386721

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like this guy. you obviously can't look this flamboyant in everyday life, but honestly them not having the most attractive face out there only adds to their look and has way more street cred in a sense compared to prettier people.

No. 386723

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or here, the dreaded hook nose that everyone wants to rhinoplasty away becomes part of the aristocratic vampire look. it elevates her style. it doesn't necessarily have to be gothic style, it is a fashion that isn't convenient for every day life, but some unique style where no one could say that hey you have to look like all those influencer babes on the internet because looking like them isn't even the point in the end if you dress freaky.

No. 386727

I do get what you’re saying, but I’ve really got the face of a wild pig, chimpanzee, and German grandpa combined kek, that guy is a top super model compared to me. When you have a very long distance between your snub nose and thin upper lip + no cheekbones, just flab at the bottom of your face, heavy caveman brow, and small weird eyes, there’s just not anything that can salvage that and I’d prefer to just blend in clothes-wise so that less people go out of their way to look at me. If I could dress how I really wanted, I’d go for a 60s or 70s look, but it’s too hard to find items for it.

No. 386731

>If I could dress how I really wanted, I’d go for a 60s or 70s look
it's a fun coincidence you say that because one of the most stylish less attractive person i know dresses in 70s prog rock style, she's overweight and doesn't have a model's face but her style is so unique it fits her. if she tried to look like anyone else no one would never compliment her but because she really knows how to dress well an in a unique way people always compliment her looks. she usually gets her clothes second hand and often modifies them herself. i think that's also why it works, because she doesn't go for store bought look but matches second hand things with stuff she modifies herself so her outfits look more "real" compared to those who just copy it straight from some online personality. like you don't need to start dressing in eye-catching way and just go ahead and blend in, but if you're so ugly anyway, honestly, what's there to lose? if you think you look so horrible then why not look horrible looking the way you want to look like, at least. is it going to make much difference in the end if people are going to treat you like shit anyway?

No. 386733

I literally look like that picture lol it's over.

No. 386814

not the anon you're replying to but i love your attitude nona, you rock

No. 387150

i dont know how to cope. i hate the sunken in skin below my eyes, my fat nose. my boyfriend avoids saying anything nice about my appearance. its just too much to handle

No. 387227

sometimes i forget how ugly i really am and trick myself into thinking i look okay, even good sometimes. then i glance at the mirror and get a candid view of my shrimp posture, leafy side profile, and freakishly long neck. was supposed to go out to dinner with my mom but im on my period and my skin is so gross and shitty. i just cried and told her im not going. there will always be a part of me that wants to be viewed as beautiful regardless of how hard i try to live in a vacuum where "i dont care how i look, its fine if nobody ever thinks im attractive" but thats just not how it works. i can never fight it in the end, can i? there will always be days where i look in the mirror and remember people can look at my face and body and there's nothing i can do about it. I played sallyface when i was younger and still to this day i have times where i fantasize about just being able to hide my entire face. i just want to be good enough to not feel the need to hide myself away from humanity. their eyes burn into my skin, i hate people so much.

No. 387237

DAE feel guilty about going outside? I want to take walks because I know it'll make me feel better but then I feel bad that people are being exposed to me. Sunny days are the worst because the sun somehow makes me feel guilty for being alive.

No. 387253

>my boyfriend avoids saying anything nice about my appearance.
Honestly? Kill him.

No. 387277

Recently I started to get hyperfocused on how my face "pulls off" when I smile, especially from the side, and how my teeth would project so hard and make my lips looks flat and small and just give me a ghoulish look. I hate it so much.

No. 387413

My old photo on my drivers license is so ugly 1. I felt the need to edit the photo with FaceApp before sending it somewhere and 2. FaceApp recognized it as male (I don’t have short hair or anything actually I look exactly like a Native American chief in that photo)

No. 388315

How do I know if I'm ugly or not? I've never had anyone make fun of my looks but I've never gotten a compliment from anyone except my mom.

I've had alot of friends growing up and still do so I know people don't find me repulsive, but at the same time no one finds me pretty. I've never had a boyfriend or anyone who even attempted to hit on me except old creepy men on the street.

No. 388323

You're not ugly. If you're ugly, people let you know. A car of teenage boys stopped next to my car at a red light and when I turned to look at them they all started laughing and yelling about how ugly I was. The week before, someone told me I look much better with a mask on. I was bullied growing up for being ugly. People would pretend to ask me out as a joke and then laugh in my face. If you are actually ugly, you don't have to wonder.

You are average. Be grateful.

No. 388536

i have no idea if i am truly ugly or have body dysmorphia. it's hard to rate and judge my face. people have rated me as an 8-9/10 but i genuinely can't tell if they're pitying me or not.

No. 388540

like i had some moments which some strangers and family members told me i am ugly directly and i got hit on once. i feel like i am in an endless cycle of feeling normal to feeling like i am too disgusting to look at.

No. 388541

you've gotta be kidding me. Go brag literally anywhere else, please.

No. 388548

They are definitely pitying you.

No. 388549

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If you're never hit on, consistently ignored, and people use your appearance first when insulting you, you're ugly. If you've never experienced this in your life then you're most likely normal. 8-9? Give me a break lol

No. 388552

i got my face compared to a fat fish, so i know now lol

No. 388556

I'm just seeing your double post now though. I'm sorry that happened to you and feel for you. On the other hand: look at the cow threads here. There are plenty of average to above average looking cows who consistently get called ugly or insulted for minor details about their faces, and it's just because anons hate them. So who knows, really. If you get treated differently compared to other female peers though it may be a sign

No. 388590

8-9 would be like model tier looks, you'd know if you were attractive if you were one unless you had major body dysmorphia. You're probably just average or a little above average.

No. 394617

I remember once when i was 14 and walking home from school, two guys walked past me and one of them said something along the lines of "jesus christ you're ugly" straight to my face while the other one just laughed. This experience still haunts me today, kinda funny though.

No. 394622

Am I the only one who genuinely enjoys being gross? I love having lengthy monologues about how all men should wax their body hair while airing out my rainforest pits. I have a big jaw so in my mind I'm just a female gigachad. I love chatting up any guy I find to be really cute in front of his buddies and they're always super upset someone wayyy below their league would think they have a chance. I make fun of chinlets and tower over them with my tall stature. I never put on a bra and have never been sexualised about it. I walk around completely free, triggering moids to hell and back on my way. Why do you girls care so much?

No. 394643

Honestly, being ugly does have it perks. I don't really shave my body either, but at the same time i hate super hairy men and i don't feel a shred of guilt about it. I know this is a controversial take, but i do credit my ugly looks for saving me from getting harassed by men. Imo, if you are truly gross, men really leave you alone and most of the women who say otherwise are at least average looking enough to be palatable to moids. Even though in theory i should cake my acne scar ridden face with makeup, i rarely ever wear it because it's pointless to make myself uncomfortable to please anyone. I also see putting makeup on as putting glitter over shit, i don't see how it's really changing my face, if anything it's making my situation worse by clogging my pores. I don't really pluck my eyebrows or make an effort to dress nice or at least in a way that's palettable. I feel like this is the kind of idgaf energy can only arise if you were born ugly. It does makes me depressed sometimes when all i have phases where all i want to do is fit in, don't get me wrong, but if i was more attractive then i would have to worry about aging or losing my looks. I have no looks to lose, i'm already as bad as it gets.

No. 394649

Kek I genuinely enjoy your apparent zest for life.

No. 394677

kek well most nonas want to eventually find a partner who isn't grossed out by them

No. 394694

I wish we had a discord server for this topic

No. 394697

Why do a bunch of pointless expensive beauty rituals just so a moid who can barely wipe his own ass properly won't find you "disgusting" though? Self confidence is going to attract someone who loves you for you, not because your whole body is hairless and that you're wearing a pushup bra.

No. 394700

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99% of males are hideous so there's not much difference between what a 6/10 and a 3/10 will pull. There are too many gorgeous women so the majority of them will have to date males WAY under their league. Not even beauty can save you. Males are never truly disgusted by women because their whole purpose is to chase us and settle with any woman who will take them. All of the looks-shaming is for show. You could approach a 10/10 and he'd still fuck you if he's horny enough. It's all about timing. Unless you've got supermodel looks we're all stuck in the same hell hole. And even then you'd probably be getting raped by Harvey Weinstein. You should prioritize your education as having a high income will permit you to date wealthy moids and hire gorgeous whores. Or you could pay for your ugly scrotes' plastic surgery. Usually rich people only marry other rich people and looks don't matter too much. At the end of the day, uglies win. Men have liberated themselves from beauty standards by collectively being hideous and doing nothing to fix it. Life is unfair, one can only accept it or kill herself. Acceptance doesn't mean awaiting your demise like a sacrificial lamb, it means doing whatever it takes to achieve your goal. It's a fighter mindset. It's not the 1800s anymore and you're not being sold to the highest bidder. Believe it or not, you're still more beautiful than any given male. Women have neoteny and males don't. Our futures are inherently loveable and God's light shines through our eyes. Think about it like this, an "ugly" cat can still be cute. Because it's a kitty cat! This is also true of "ugly" women. Don't see yourself through the eyes of someone else. Look into the mirror and see this:

No. 394745

nta but I love you for this post.

No. 394754

not trying to be an asshole but moids that go after average looking women are often plagued with issues worse than the average chad or normie moid. If some average moid doesn't care about your looks you still end up in a shit situation. Everyone is fighting for the 1 in 1000 moid who has a good education, looks presentable, and has a properly balanced life. If you are ugly you are less likely to get that moid, and if you are less attractive than your moid be ready for every homewrecking retard to be tempting your moid 24/7. Looks matter but not for the reasons people think they do, the true benefit of being attractive is being able to be more selective.

No. 394857

>Our futures are inherently loveable
This was truly sweet, nice post nonna

No. 394860

This post was such a wild ride and ended on a surprisingly sweet note, thank you anon

No. 396080

being attractive isn't gonna stop other women from trying to get your nigel to cheat on you. Whether or not they feel threatened by your appearance, there will still be an incentive to be a homewrecker because moid attention is their life force and they think it's something to brag about

No. 396403

Unfortunately true. I think there was even a study that showed most men consider the woman they cheated with less attractive than their wife. Rich men frequently bang their ugly 40 year old third world maids despite having a beautiful wife.

No. 396404

i was really hot when i was in my 20s but now i am so frumpy and ugly. it's like im looking at a different person. what the fuck is this? does anyone else feel this way? am i mentally ill? people say i look so young for my age but i feel like a hag

No. 396405

This thread is for actually ugly people, not women complaining about not looking 20 in their 30s. Jfc.

No. 396406

it's a good thing beauty standards and caring about how you look goes away at midnight on your 30th birthday right? :) i am genuinely ugly now, i aged like shit and now i am here(no emoticons)

No. 396410

newfag, integrate and stop being retarded. Enjoy your ban.

No. 396414

The route of female body dysmorphia is knowing how much your looks will destroy your dating prospects. When you stop caring about moids in any capacity, then you stop caring so much about the way you look and you can be free. Looks are the only thing that men care about from women and i don't think anyone should settle for a moid who doesn't think they are hot as fuck without engaging in expensive beauty rituals.

No. 396464

This is just not true. Body dysmorphia is way more complicated than just being afraid no one wants to date you. For me at least, it's anxiety that no one will value you in any capacity- as a friend, as a family member, as a coworker, etc. because you are shamefully ugly. It's anxiety about going outside and having every single passing stranger judge you and think you're revolting. I wish it was a simple as just learning to not care about what moids think.

No. 396618

Not really true I feel very insecure in front of other women too, not just men

No. 396627

I’m definitely still well below average in looks, but something I was not expecting at all was that aging is actually making my face look a lot better and less weird. I’m 25 and I feel like I’ve finally arrived at my “full adult” face, no more of the teenagery look, it looks less soft and more defined in a subtle way I can’t put my finger on. I have the first hints of smile lines, which on one level disturbs me because I’m not used to having any permanent lines in my skin, but on another level I kind of think they suit me somehow. It’s weird to look in the mirror and finally think “oh, that’s a fully grown woman” and not a kid, so that’s something I’m getting used to. But I think woman-me looks… more purposefully sculpted, like my features (while still not beautiful) seem to go together as a set now whereas before they seemed like random aimless letters floating in an bowl of alphabet soup. I’m probably not making any sense kek

No. 396658

like other anons said, it's not always about men or dating. Ime most people who called me ugly were other women and family members.

No. 401491

I am angry about it today. No matter how much effort I put in to look neat and clean and well-groomed and dressed and physically fit, I still always look repulsive due to the face I was born with. If you’ve ever met someone who is so ugly that you have an immediate and involuntary disgust reaction, that is me. I make everyone’s day just that little bit more unpleasant just due to having to look at my face when they speak to me. And there’s not a single fucking thing I can do about it. I am angry at all the people in the world who look normal. They don’t even appreciate it. They’re busy wishing they could look like bella hadid or some shit while taking for granted the fact that peoples’ first reaction to seeing their face isn’t automatic disgust.
As I get older, it gets even worse. The fact that my current repulsive face is the best I will ever look and it will only deteriorate further the longer I live is outrageous. I think it’s unfair that I’d get any uglier than I already am, isn’t this enough suffering?
The beautiful people I love to look at were born with those features and I love them more just because I like looking at them. Everyone is this way. Everyone likes to look at beautiful thing, and avoids looking at unpleasant things. I am the unpleasant thing.
Also, I already have, just naturally, so many mental issues that I can’t fit in with any group. That causes me enough suffering. But on top of that, I also have to have a hideous outer appearance? It’s like a cruel joke. Why was I born this way? What did I do in a past life to warrant being born with so much wrong with me in every single fucking way? I want a do-over. I want to be able to roll the dice before my birth again and come out different. My existence is intolerable to me.

No. 401494

Your anger is valid nona. The world is horribly cruel and dehumanizing to unattractive women.

No. 401498

It is, but that’s not even really what I’m talking about. Even well-meaning, kind people have that instinctive disgust reaction to ugly things. Even ugly people have that reaction to other ugly people. It’s how good people are at hiding it thar determines if they’re “nice” or not, but the base internal reaction is still the same. I hate being an object of knee-jerk disgust and revulsion. I hate it so much that I wish I did not exist because being aware of it is torture.

No. 401511

This is why I feel horrible about fantasizing about my crushes. They would be beyond disgusted to know that someone who looks like me has those thoughts about them. But I can’t switch to fantasizing about other ugly people on my own level because well, we’re ugly. Not even ugly people fantasize about ugly people. Basically if you’re this ugly, you’re doomed to never experience the natural mutual attraction that nearly everyone else in the world gets to at least once in their lives. It’s all I want and it will never happen. I’m bored with life without love. I think I’ll tap out in a few more years once I’ve gotten a chance to do some bucket list items.

No. 401551

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I often wish to get in some accident that slightly disfigures my face so that I have a “good reason” to be as ugly as I am. So that people might feel a bit of compassion towards me because the ugliness won’t be my natural fault anymore, and instead just bad luck, or a sign of strength to overcome. Does anyone know what I mean?

No. 401582

it's pretty easy to get used to a face. i had a couple of friends with whom i had that initial reaction of 'oh geez, your face' and felt really bad about, but as i grew to enjoy spending time with them i genuinely enjoyed looking at them, they just became normal girls who looked as cute to me as any other girl. haven't you ever met anyone you had that first reaction to?

No. 401586

Same, I have some pretty unattractive friends, because misery loves company, but I am used to their faces and enjoy them. I once worked with a very unattractive woman that looked slightly like one of my friends and I felt automatic warmth towards her because of that association.
That said maybe that's the uggo in me talking kek. My ugliness tolerance is quite high. I feel like average/attractive people have a very low tolerance for ugliness and have the automatic disdain for them. Look at how many anons here seethe about women in videos games becoming uglier, the same way moids do. And the same who think conventional looking Chad men belong in ugly man psy op.

No. 401587

I mean… not really. I guess I "got used to" the faces of some people though. It reminds me, I had a lot of ugly friends in high school– for some reason we were all ugly, and even they all decided I was the ugliest of all of them. That was saying something. To be the ugliest one in a group of uglies, to the point that even they tell you you're unsalvageable.
I didn't quite realize just how ugly I was until that moment. I knew I wasn't pretty, but I had no idea I was hideous. I even delusionally thought I was better looking than a couple of them, just on the logic that they were basically as ugly as you could get, so nothing could be underneath them. Hearing them get rated much higher over me was a harsh awakening.

No. 401632

it drives me fucking insane how one side of my face is almost average, but the other side is easily -10000/10. I'm an artist and I am trained to spot spatial relationships and subtle differences in proportion, and even I can't figure out what exactly is different about one side vs the other. From the front I look relatively symmetrical. But from the sides it's 2 different people. How can it be so subtle that I can't even put my finger on it but simultaneously be so devastating a difference? One side literally looks like an ogre, I am not joking, and the other one looks "normal"(comparatively). It makes me feel like I'm tricking people if they are sitting to my left, I don't actually look that normal from the other side, and it's like a fucking jump scare. I even shock myself in the mirror when I turn to check the other side of my hair and see the ogre I forgot about.

No. 401636

I'm like this when constipated for too long
One side starts drooping

No. 401642

I struggle with the same thing. Right side and right wise 75% angle I could easily be a model, left side looks like the mouth breather meme because of my crooked gigantic nose that is only that way from the left, making my chin and jaw look receeded when all dentists I went to told me it's not and my teeth are perfect, my wisdom teeth all grew and found space in my mouth and I didn't need to remove them because I have a big enough but still elegant and feminine jawline, but my nose HAD to ruin everything. It has potential to look good if it was just in the center, even the shape and size is perfect from the right, but it's like a totally different nose shape from the left. I hate it so much.

No. 401718

I hate when my parents do the “oh anon you’re such a cute girl, you’re very cute” thing if they sense my self esteem is low because it is so pathetic to be lied to like that. Or maybe they’re blind to reality because they made me. But I never want to kill myself more than when I, at 25 years old without a single person ever being interested in me or even received a single compliment, is obviously ugly and suffering because of it, everybody knows it, everybody sees it, many people say it, has to sit there and listen to my parents, AS A GROWN ADULT, try to make me believe I am not ugly, like they expect that I’m a child who will take “who’s mama’s prettiest girl????” cooing at face value. It’s just humiliating. So fucking humiliating.

No. 401748

It's very depressing to think that everyone thinks they look better than they actually do in the mirror. That means if I think I am a 4/10 I must actually be a 2-3. Ouch.

No. 401749

I don't know if you'd find this flattering but Lazael from BG3 has a very, very long philtrum and she is very cute. A popular waifu regardless, more so with women than men.

No. 401756

ime this is true. I thought I was a 5/10 but got consistently rated by others 2 points lower than that.

No. 401765

I thought mirror reflections were the most accurate way to see how you looked? Photos tend to distort your appearance and so do videos.

No. 401839

Not even close. Mirrors often make people think they are more attractive than they actually look and completely diffuses flaws when you look in entirety without focusing on one spot

No. 401842

>when you look in entirety without focusing on one spot
but that's how you perceive other people in real life? If I'm talking to you i'm not looking at your left nasolabial fold only. Unless you're a no-eye-contact austist I guess

No. 401845

My bf has a thing for women with long philtrums and thin upper lips. He kind of makes fun of my thick upper lip and short upturned philtrum. There’s truly no winning with these things, so might as well just embrace your features nona.

No. 401862

lol I’ve been wearing a mask at my job everyday for 2 years now and nobody knows how horrific my actual face looks
It’s just a grocery store so it’s whatever, I still see some customers wearing masks.

No. 401864

>Mirrors often make people think they are more attractive than they actually look
>be at store
>buying some clothes
>look at myself on the mirror while looking how some pants fit me
>glance at my face
>I look like a deformed rat/pug woman
>feel miserable throughout the rest of the day
If that's me making myself look more attractive, then now I get why everyone is either pity complimenting me or straight up saying that I'm hideous, this also explains why children hate me as well.

No. 401866

kek, I've had multiple people tell me I look much better in a mask.
LMFAO me the other day in DSW looking in the full-body mirror trying to see if I could look cool in men's dress shoes. The answer is no. But to be fair the answer is no nomatter what I'm wearing so I'm still going to get the shoes.

No. 401875

I get you. Ugliness can feel like a moral failing.

No. 401924

I think I feel the most upset about my body and proportions. I am built like Gru, but really short so its exaggerated. I have a really wide back and a little square butt, and square buttcheeks. I don't think anything can ever change that.

No. 401930

File: 1717065864190.jpg (297.08 KB, 1628x532, allsmall.jpg)

What? That's not true at all. Mirrors are a reflection of you in real life, just flipped. If you want to see what you look like for real, get a true mirror. Cameras distort your features and aren't reliable measures of beauty.

No. 401944

I think this is why people like mirror selfies so much. I only look like myself in a phone picture if it was taken in the mirror, or from a large enough distance to negate the lens distortion. I always look like the far right photo when I try to take normal selfies kek

No. 401949

Look at other people's mirror reflections and compare them to how they look to you directly. Mirror reflections look closest to how people actually look, they're just flipped. Meanwhile cameras can seriously distort a person's face.

No. 401978

People like mirror selfies because they’re used to seeing mirrored reflections of themselves. To another person you look the same in the mirror and irl, they can’t tell the difference. Thinking mirrors make you prettier or uglier is wrong, they only make you think that way because only you look at your face so often. In reality, you look how you do in the mirror, but if you saw your true reflection you’d still think you’re hideous even if you think your mirror image is nice. But it’s just you, other people can’t see the difference.

No. 402335

File: 1717212049181.jpg (28.98 KB, 474x575, th(16).jpg)

Is your bf into whos

No. 402354

hilarious. here's your reddit gold

No. 402496

How do you guys respond to other women casually mentioning how ugly they are? I never know what to say to that, I'm not sure if they expect me to tell them that they're actually beautiful or something, I always feel awkward when they do that and just kinda try to change the subject (I might be a little autistic kek). I also feel like me trying to reassure them would be pointless anyway since I'm always much uglier than them.
Anyways, I don't mind being ugly most days since it keeps the moids away, but sometimes it does sting a little when I show up in a group photo and see how fucking ugly I look compared to everyone else. I wish I could save those pictures and cherish those memories but I look even worse in pictures than I do irl and it makes me feel so bad that I just delete them as soon as possible. I always joke to my mom that if I ever go missing they won't have any pictures of me to put on the posters kek

No. 402512

It depends who's saying that. If it's someone I care about I'll reply with something nice. I don't think it's pointless, people are insecure and tend to need support even in obvious issues. My pretty friend "feels" ugly sometimes and I'll reassure her, because she's a genuinely good person and friend. As for people I don't care about I'll just change the topic or comment on something else. Idk what they expect me to say and I certainly don't feel like discussing appearances with strangers or people I don't like.
I also don't have pictures of myself. The ones I do are out of obligation. I tend to take pictures of things or the location for memories. They won't make me depressed to look at and I'll still have the memory from that moment.

No. 402909

I had my haircut almost perfect, there was just a bit I needed someone to get in the back, so I asked my mom to just take off the tiniest bit…. Anons she created a straight up shelf halfway up my head. The only way to fix it was to do a really close shave up to the bump of my skull in the back. I tried to fade it but I’m not a barber. Of course then the front had to change to match. I decided on really short fringe in the front and I actually did a great job and I love the style, just… not on me. I have a long bulldog face with no strong mid face bone structure, and without more hair framing my face, it really highlights my ugliness front and center. I know I don’t have the face type to pull off this hair cut, and it’s so frustrating that when i go out, other people will also be thinking that. Of course the hair will grow out, but it just sucks. I wish I had a normal looking face. I don’t have a single attractive facial feature to comfort myself with. Not my eyes, not my lips, not my cheeks, not my eyebrows, nothing— the best it gets is “boring and homely”, and most of my features don’t even achieve that.

No. 402911

File: 1717380480869.webp (20.93 KB, 499x561, C93430DA-997C-4E19-BEA4-9C9B20…)

Picrel, it’s this, but imagine it on an woman with a face like a deep sea blobfish stretched over the skull of an inbred Hapsburg.

No. 403293

How do you develop swagger as a terminally nerdy (in vibes mostly) ugly woman

No. 403906

File: 1717666481680.png (93.53 KB, 275x225, image_2024-06-06_023436462.png)

how can i cope with the fact i'll never have a skinny face? im bmi 17 and i feel like absolute shit seeing fat retards with a skinnier face than me. i've tried doing jaw exercises and massages but nothing works. even at my lowest weight at bmi 15.6 my face was fat as fuck fml.

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