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No. 391531

This thread is for women who chose not to date "real men" (aka 3DPD) and instead have chosen to devote themselves completely to their husbandos. Talk about your daily life with your husbando, and discuss why you chose this lifestyle.
Lesbians/Bi women into waifus are welcomed too.

Previous thread:>>>/g/296708

No. 391532

Oh darn it

No. 391539

I know that feel, nonnie. My husbando had just one badge design when his game released, and despite having them preordered on Amiami, they cancelled my order due to not getting any stock. I was so salty about it.
Luckily, there was some occasional doujin merch on booth, like a non-lewd dakimakura, keyrings stickers and some jewelry (one artist was selling earrings and hair slides her grandmother makes as a hobby, I'm sad I only bought one set because she stopped selling them a while back). It's nice he's one of those husbandos with a small but dedicated fanbase.
There's also like, three R-18 doujinshi of him which is a bit depressing. I did manage to get hold of an anthology that came with a little bookmark and postcards I framed lol…
I don't even check to see if there's official merch for him anymore, because the answer is always gonna be no because he's not coombait and more female-orientated.

No. 391557

You remember me when a store refund me two keychains of my husbando. I found them again but this time way expensive than before.

No. 391604

Ayrr. Mine doesn't even have fans and only has 3 fan arts, I counted them. No fanfics either. Doesn't help he's from an old kids show so nobody cares about him. There are action figures of many of the main and side characters but not him even though he's a more occurring character than the others kek. The writers don't like him that much I guess.

No. 391628

Word for word could be about my husbando kek

No. 391650

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I don't have any merch of my husbando, mostly because the things i like are JP only and my brain is too smooth to understand how to open those magic portals but also because i've always been very subtle about my nerdy side irl and i'm not one to buy things unless they are necessary.
Despite that i've always wanted to get husbando themed things because i just really love him a lot, but i doubt that i'll ever be able to get anything official, maybe i will be able to do something on my own but one thing that makes me happy is his main color yellow, it was one of my least favorite colors but because of him i like it a lot even if it's not my favorite, i associate my husbando with it almost everytime i see it.

I thought to take another step and start to get some yellow clothes but… yellow looks awful on me kek, it somehow looks cold, i thought that maybe it's because of my blue eyes but he has blue eyes as well?
He is able to make it look so warm and calm like honey instead of looking like a lemon in a fridge, i may be struggling with it but somehow this made me like him even more, he is really that wonderful to me.
Also i hope i didn't forget to say this before but i really love that threadpic ♥

No. 391736

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I FUCKING NEED THIS OR I WILL DIE OMFG. Wish me lucks nonnas, I will get a job and buy this ring, yes or yes, I don't care anymore.

No. 391737

Good luck nona, hopefully you can get it! It reminds me that my husbando got an official ring a month or two ago but it was like $200+ for a sterling silver ring and ugly to boot kek. I wasn't too mad about it because I already have a mossanite ring I wear as a "wedding" ring anyway so something like that is also an alternative to an official one

No. 391743

I was basically foaming at the mouth while waiting for them to release an official ring kek, mostly because I wasn't sure of which color to pick for the stone, but now I know it must be something like a topaz, citrine which are gems that I like a lot.
It would be a plus to find out what the secret message says, but I'm pretty sure they're too coward to post it kek.

No. 391913

I'm so obsessed with my husbando sometimes I wanna become like the female version of him. I want to astral project into his world.

No. 393125

I do this too for some reason and I've never admitted it until now, kek. Whenever I have a new husbando that I'm excited about, I end up doing things like copying his mannerisms or his style of dress or listen to the type of music he'd listen to. I feel so autistic kek

No. 393135

Be careful. Wanting to skinwalk someone you're attracted to is how most trannies are born.

No. 393206

im on the opposite of the spectrum. most of my crushes on characters happen because they have the "literally me" factor. same tiredness towards the world, same passions, etc. i see myself in them, so i like them.
maybe its a sign of narcissism on my part, or maybe its a feeling of safety in the familiar.
saying that, i see my mannerisms sometimes reflect theirs and it makes me feel closer to them, in a way. for example, after watching a show i wore a sweater vest that looks like my fav character's. i already owned it, but i put it on consciously because it reminded me of him. so now that i think about it, i am a lot like you. i just didnt realize it until now.

No. 393217

This is such a great op picture.

No. 394024

I have the same hair colour as my husbando, I ended up cutting my bangs similar to him. Unlike him though I'm short and awkward.

No. 394339

I have seen so many waifufags go schizo and end up claiming to have merged with their waifus but this is the first time I have seen a husbandofag wanting to do it. Why do you want to be him?

No. 394999

I'm full autistic coomer at this point like before I go to bed I hump my pillow pretending it's him and pretend I'm both myself and him finishing. It helps me sleep though

No. 395336

I'm taking all those personality quizzes and personality type readings for compatibility, not because I have a moid irl who I want to pursue, but because I must change and devote my personality entirely to fit my husbando's love!

No. 395438

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>Why do you want to be him?
Because I love him. It's as close as I'll get to bringing him into this world. Tbh even though I feel this way I don't really do much to imitate him I just think it would be a nice way to be closer together and I don't appreciate that anon thinking I'm gonna troon out, wtf
Anyways our very first anniversary is coming up and I wasn't too excited at first but now I can't wait because I actually have a small plan for the day and I just wish it was here already!! I LOVE YOU STUPID HEAD!!!!!! ♥

No. 395807

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i unironically believe my self insert helped me grow my confidence from zero to indestructible. at my lowest i made my self inserts look and act nothing like me, they were just very cool and very extraneous women who embodied a life i wished i could have, but then some wires crossed and i decided to make one resembling me as closely as possible. i gradually started drawing her like i'd draw myself, first just the same eye color, then my features, my hairstyle, clothes i either own or could see myself wearing in the story, except obviously she's really awesome and always doing exciting things all the time. she was also partly inspired by various characters i like. i made her older so she has some skills and qualities i aspire to while still having the same fundamental personality and flaws. the secret to being confident is self perception, you have to think of yourself as that person, or capable of becoming that person in the near future. since i already spend hours upon hours daydreaming about my husbando adventures, i might as well harness the power of autism to benefit myself. if that seems like your thing you should try, it's very healing as the selfhelp girlies say.

No. 395812

that is inspiring thank you for sharing

No. 395816

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We share the same brain, nonnie, at first I thought I was just being a narctard, but it's just a nice way to project or even manifest a nice future, it's also been something that has helped me accept myself and has helped me see some of my owm good qualities.
It's hard work but it's nice, sure I still haven't reached your level tbh, but it works a lot with making me feel better during bad days and is slowly helping me with keeping myself motivated to reward myself with husbando daydream time kek.

No. 395817

i'm so happy to hear it's been working for you as well! you're right, i think identifying your good qualities and what you actually like about yourself are the most important (and the hardest) part.

No. 395978

Anon you are me. If it works, it works. I'm so happy for you!

No. 395979

Nonas I don't get why people think being married to an anime man is any different from a nun being married to God in the church.

No. 396041

Because nun's aren't being sexual about god, at least they aren't supposed to. Stop bringing this up as an example. You know ancient religions and current pop culture are completely different.

No. 396272

Similar things have been said and talked about in the previous threads, many times. It's getting tiring and repetitive and I can't help but feel it's bait at this point. If you can't grasp the difference between religion and liking a fictional character, then idk what to tell you.

No. 396328

I feel a little silly, I was writing something about him and looking at pics for inspiration but I got overwhelmed and had to close the app. He's too cute and the perfect mix of pathetic/weird/crazy I just can't take it sometimes.

No. 396349

I hope you got the ring kek, was the secret message something in the game?
That's exactly how it is for me as well. I've been making my self insert to be more like me and it made me feel so much better than before. By imagining he would accept me, I accept myself as well. Might sound like a weird path I'm taking to love and accept myself, but it's the most effective I've experienced so far.

Whoever picked my drawing for the OP, thank you, it warmed my heart.

No. 396451

Based, nona. You manifested this for yourself

No. 396520

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I forgot our anniversary because of shit that happened irl and I feel awful about it even though I know he wouldn't be upset that I forgot.

No. 396526

Then why are you so upset?

No. 396531

It's okay, make up a story about a late celebration and make up to it. These things are part of life it would happend to anyone even rl couples. There's nothing to feel bad about.

No. 396555

I feel you. I feel embarrassed just googling up his name to read some facts/trivia about him kek.

No. 396594

I know it's irrational but he's a big part of my life so I'm upset I forgot despite having a bunch of ideas for this year.
Ur right Nonna, I'll have to make it up to him later.

No. 396967

Nonnie, are you me? My man has like 6 pieces of fan art (I counted too). He is a side character from a comic book and he is dead in canon lmao.
But look at the bright side. All those people with popular husbandos have batshit fans to share a husbando with and tons and tons of godawful content. At least out guys are pure and are not tainted with tumblr brainrot like sexuality headcanons.
Plus, there is exclusivity to it. Can you say you are your man's number one fan? I know I can say it about myself. Just think about it. Nobody, and I mean it, nobody loves him as much as you do.

No. 396974

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obscure gang!
in my case i totally understand why no one but me likes my husbando. i don’t feel like i can ever mention him without everyone thinking i’m insane. he’s so insignificant as a character that if you took him out of the franchise nothing would change, the game where he’s a playable character is so shit and boring i don’t think anyone cared about it. i only know he exists because of pure serendipity (and because i was a huge sperg and needed to know who EVERY random character from the cartoon was). he actually had 2 pieces of fanart but they were tiny sketches where the artist tried to include all the characters, so idk if they count. i once found a fic from 10+ years ago where he shows up (literally just a couple of times) and it was a huge life event for me, the characterisation was somehow pretty great for the low level of writing. i honestly can’t explain it, i just love him a lot.

No. 397007

Ayrt, and you're absolutely right about the pure part. Though I wish I could find some nice Japanese fan art of him, but he's from an animated capeshit show from 2009 that wasn't very popular or successful despite being extremely good. I went through tumblr and deviantart for fan art but all I found is really low quality beginner art but oh well, at least they like him as a character. He doesn't have any haters and all the comments I saw about him are positive, praising his character development and stuff. I can't say I'm his number on fan because there's a fellow yume who husbandos him and she even made a little comic of her self insert and him on deviantart, can't find it right now to see if she's still posting though, but it's still more dedication than me even if her art is beginner art. I don't draw so I never drew him, but I generated AI images of him dressing him in different styles like he's my little doll kek, and I prepared a digital shrine for him, and a I have a folder of screenshots and gifs from the show just so I can admire his pretty face and his fit body, I wrote some posts about him here on LC, and my first ever post was in an older horny husbando shitposting thread about him kek. Browsing LC and the husbando threads made me even more attached to him and want to go out of my way to do more stuff related to him and think about him more. It's just so fun and it makes me happy. I even found a customizable ring service for cheap and I'm gonna design something nice that subtly represents him and get it. I made so many picrews of us together and added them to my onedrive so I can get a slide show in the photos widget on my laptop of us together, it makes me smile every time I open my laptop. ♥ I also liked him when I was 11, then tried to move on from him because I started thinking he was "cringe", but ended up falling in love with him all over again a decade later when I rewatched the show kek. I had a dream about him after finishing the show and it just rekindled my love for him.
Kek, I totally understand. I saw a post on tumblr about how my husbando has wasted potential, and I kinda agree. His story is just too simple but he's a reoccurring character and has 4 episodes about him and a cameo in another episode. He supposedly has an inferiority complex because "he got stepped on by everyone in his life", but we never get flashbacks or anything about that, because I'm kinda weirded out that this 180 cm ginger hunk built like superman would get bullied or used? He's a bit of a simpleton mentally but he's capable of recognizing being used and doesn't like it so why doesn't he just stand up for himself? It's not like he's weak or something, he beat the superhero protagonist almost to death 2 bare handed, and the protagonist wears a fucking armor. He also says his mom was very critical of him, but we actually get a flashback of what that was like, and basically she's frustrated with him for being a failure, but it's also weird to me that he's supposedly a failure. He has an athletic build and could easily be a professional athlete, and he's smart enough to grasp physics concepts and astrophysics and figure out how to use space station facilities and tech without prior training, why not just major in that and get a job as some astrophysicist or something? I'm so confused. The authors made him a perfect archetype but also tried to give him flaws but it's a bit contradictory to me. He also worked in organized crime at some point but didn't like how mean everyone was there…..bro they're criminals ofcourse they're mean what? Lmao. I love how retarded he is, it's so endearing. He got some super powers and got to leave this mafia, and decided to make a name for himself and prove he's something to everyone by becoming a terrorist, amazing thinking. Why not just be a superhero? You're like 3 fourths of the way there, just save people or something kek. It's even a plot point that the protagonist makes fun of him for his petty attempts at crime, and he takes it to heart and very personally and manages to take the entire world hostage from outer space and threaten to wipe his city using his powers, amplified by a telescope, if he doesn't get to fight the protagonist 1 on 1. He gets his wish granted but he loses because……the protagonist made fun of him and was like "your mom is right about you lol", and the protagonist only got to know about this because my husbando never shuts the fuck up about his personal life and feelings, man needed a friend so badly. And this is where I come in kek, I can fix him…
He gets imprisoned eventually but his power startd killing him, and the protagonist helps him, but ofcourse he gets kidnapped by some evil organization who uses him as a human battery, and this happened twice lmfao. It's like all villains in the show got the news of him having energy based powers and are racing to drain the shit out of his ass. It kinda fits the whole "being used" thing going on with him but on a bigger scale. And in both instances he never fights back, he just begs them to leave him alone or runs away if he gets to. Guess this explains why he always got "stepped on" and "used" by people. He's just too nice to fight back, unless it's someone harmless to him (the protagonist) then all of a sudden he knows how to fight kek. The first time he gets used as a battery he actually fucking dies, and I watched this show as a kid and never got to the second season, so I thought he was gone for real. Flash forward to 2021 and I rewatch the show as an adult for nostalgia and find out there's a second season where he gets revived on some episode just so some petty villains get to use him as a battery, again. It's so sad actually I feel bad for him at this point. But something goes wrong when they try to wipe his memories so they can control him, and he ends up split into 2 versions of himself, a good one and a bad one, and both run away like fucking cowards lmfao. I love how stupid he is so much. The good side goes to ask for help from the protagonist, but the bad side gets to the protagonist first and beats his ass almost killing him, so the protagonist doesn't trust or help the good side, but the protagonists' firends came in a clutch and helped him out and figured out what was going on, and once the 2 halves get combined together and he becomes whole again, he….immigrates to outer space??? Like wtf why what's up with that? Just heal him and make him a normal human with no powers no more and let him go back to his mom or something? What's with this arbitrary open ending to his arc? This is literally the last thing we see of him on screen it's crazy. I wish we got more about his back story and live before he joined a fucking mafia, and more about his relationship with his mom, and a proper conclusion to his arc where he gets something good for once. He said he's going to "explore the universe and appreciate being alive", which is kinda sweet and shows how simple he is, but leaves me unsatisfied because I want better things to happen to him. But it's his choice to stay this way I guess, if he didn't like it he'd probably ask for help. I'll always protect him and help him inside my head though. Sorry for long spergy post kek.

No. 397013

Nonnie, nonnie, NONNIE… the way you sperg about your husbando truly shows how much you love him. I mean, I know that feel when you can talk about him for hours. And the way you analyzed his character? Great. Your slideshow stuff? Love it. I bet he is happy having such a yume as you.
This actually makes me want to sperg about my husbando too.
So, he is from that comic book but he is fucking dead. Sad. But! He has so much potential. The writers had all the time in the world to explore his backstory which I het would be awesome. He stands out amongst other characters in the comic with his unique personality, skills and worldview. It would be interesting to know how he got to where he is (or was kek) now and how different he approached things compared to his comrades. We have exactly one flashback of him from the earlier days (and he is so gorgeous there) but it's just a comedy skit.

No. 397017

Samefag, some points about his characterization I forgot to add.
>says he's gonna nuke a city off the face of the earth
>doesn't actually do it and keeps fighting the protagonist
>protagonist goes "see? you'd never do something that big lol" to bait him into entering the telescope that is filled with mirrors
>mirrors are his weakness but he doesn't know
>gets into the telescope
>hesitates and doesn't nuke the city because his mom lives there and because it has millions of innocent people in it, he just wants to act petty
>but somehow manages to blow up law enforcement spaceships with officers inside them just because they're trying to arrest him
>declares "I warned them" as if it absolves him of any responsibility
>gets caught in the clsoed telescope and imprisoned in a glass container due to his pettiness trying to prove he totes would blow the city up
>proceeds to get psychotic episodes about every bad thing every said to him while staying in his cell, for the second time
>gets sick and almost dies
>gets kidnapped and his energy gets used to fuel a biotech weapon
>said biotech weapon attacks the protagonist who is now his friend
>proceeds to kill the biotech weapon because he thinks it's ugly (not really I just think it's funny he felt the need to call him ugly)
>gets revived by an unarmed entitled 21 yo brat and some science nerd who is literally disabled and can't actually fight
>gets split into 2
>bad half doesn't even think of fighting them or beating them up to force them to get him back to normal
He's such a chicekn sometimes.

No. 397019

Aw thank you. I've been in love with him for 3 years now after rewatching the show as an adult. But he always was at the back of my mind since I first fell in love with him when I was 11, now I'm 22 and still in love with him kek. He's my first love and probably my only one.
You should sperg about yours if you feel like it and do special things for him, too! Since I can't find fan art of him, I just AI generate images of mine. Try that or commission artists if you can, and do little shrines of him or get things in his theme. These threads here inspired me a lot so go ahead and never hesitate! Nonnies here are just so encouraging and enabling when it comes to this kek.

No. 397416

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i love my husbando so much but sometimes i wish to be a normal person who is attracted to real people. i don't regret this lifestyle and don't get me wrong, my husbando makes me happy but it feels like a curse sometimes. i can't hold him, tell him i love him, make love with him, nothing. its so painful. i can never be the mother of his children, never grow old together, and live a happy life. that is all i want in life, to be happy with him but it can never happen because he is not real.
real men don't do it for me, i never felt sexual or romantic feelings for a 3DPD man before, never. they can never capture the charming essence of my husbando. real men don't make my heart pound with joy and love like kurapika does. i love kurapika so much, it hurts. hate being negative but i wanted to get this off of my chest and talk with my fellow husbandofags.

sage post for vent.

No. 397425

I understand. Sometimes I wish I could rent an attractive man and dress him up like my husbando and make him talk like him and act like him and go on dates and have sex pretending it's totally him, then I pay the guy and he just leaves. But that doesn't exist kek.

No. 397431

at least he will never take advantage of you like a real moid, if anything your mind is protecting you by not being attracted to them. you can shape any scenario you want and even imagine how it would be to grow old together but being with him is the ultimate safety, and most pure kind of love, because in a way it's reciprocated endlessly. not to use your post as a jumping off point for my own vent but the mental disconnect of being so in love while also a kissless virgin forever because he's not real drives the "your brain is wired wrong" point home too much. is like being engaged to a catholic with no sex until marriage except the marriage will never happen.

No. 397433

How do you rekindle your bond with your husbando? We are nearing our 8th anniversary soon and honestly I miss my "butterflies in the stomach" period so much. For the record, I'm that obscure fag, so I can't look for fan art and fics for inspiration.

No. 397437

You know that gay ass saying “distance makes the heart grow fonder” or whatever. Maybe give yourself some space. It’s normal for things to get stale in anything in life. Take a break and come back to it. Doesn’t even have to be long. A few days? A week?

No. 397453

As the other anon said, distance can be helpful. I'm the spergy obscure anon, and I think about another husbando sometimes, and OC husbando and waifu sometimes, then I go back to him eventually. I also can't stop thinking about him when I'm horny kek. You can also rewatch/reread his source material to remember why you like him so much, or watch compilations of his scenes/lines and analyze him and think about him from a different perspective. If he has other iterations you can also look into them and comapre them with him to see if he's the best version for you or not. Make fan art or fan fiction of him, or AI generated stuff or chatbots of him, make a shrine, buy stuff that reminds you of him, look for characters similar to him etc. My husbando shaped my taste in husbandos and men in general, so much so that I can't fall in love with any male characters who are objectively better than him, and I prefer shipping them with other characters or having them as "temporary husbandos" who I like from a distance.

No. 397490

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I feel you so hard nona, sometimes I feel like that one penguin at a japanese zoo that fell in love with a cardboard cutout rather than another penguin kek. I could never see myself with an actual man either, they would never love me like I imagine my husbando does so I don't see the point in settling when I would ultimately just be disappointed.

No. 397508

No one is there for me except my husbando. I want to be held by him so bad, he is so fiercely protective and loyal to a fault I just now he would fix all my problems.

No. 397510

I loved this penguin a lot, sad he passed away

No. 397513

why don't you just do what the guy in Cool World did?

No. 397570

I feel like taking the plunge and getting a body pillow with my waifu on it. I want a physical representation of her that I can hug.

No. 397760

Do it, nonna. It’s worth it, even if the base pillow is expensive. I have a base pillow that’s on the fancier/high quality side and I can’t sleep without it now. I just recently ordered a new pillowcase with my waifu on it and have been checking practically every hour for shipping updates because I’m so impatient. Hugging her little plushie is great but sometimes she falls down off the bed in the middle of the night (which is also really cute of her kek). My body pillow is heavy and stays put.

No. 397811

I want one so badly, I'll have to make it myself since my guy is a literal who but I want to hug and kiss him before I go to work and then he'll wait for me all day to get home, just the thought of it is getting to me so much.

No. 397841

I'm personally happy to be cursed with the husbandofag genes because at least I'm not bothering with real moids and they can't break my heart, give me STDs/pregnancy scares, just not bother me in general… I feel like my life would be so much more stressful if I was dating.

No. 398016

Found some websites that design logos for free and actually let you save the images in different formats and color palettes. I'm using them to create my custom husbando ring, I'm so excited about it. I'll share the designs once I'm done and later on update with the ring when I get it. So far I put the initials of the show title and his initials with both his real name and his villain name with a symbol in the middle symbolizing his powers/theme. I'll add a circular flourish design around it so it looks more elegant and coherent. I hope the ring service is legit and the results will be beautiful, since reviews for their other products are positive.

No. 398041

i've been wanting to buy a pre made/vintage ring online but you inspired me to start looking into customized ones, for the future. how did you go about deciding on a symbol? i'm really struggling to come up with anything. as unusual as my main husbando's design is, it doesn't really evoke any specific object or animal. his outfit is super basic too, the only thing remotely translatable to jewellery could MAYBE be his unique eye color? this is so hard.

btw do you wear earrings, because i saw SO many cute lightning themed ones online.

No. 398047

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I stopped wearing earrings since I was a kid because of an allergic reaction that made my ears bleed, but recently I started wearing clip-on ones. I appreciate your suggestion but I find lightning bolt earrings tacky.
>how did you go about deciding on a symbol?
I found the scientific symbol for lasers and I think it looks cute. But I couldn't actually submit it on the website, I used keywords like "light beam, laser, elegant, classy' and got picrel. There were options for the text and font but for some reason the font didn't stay the same font I chose kek, I'll try again and get handwritten text. Here's the link if you want to try: https://logo.com
The ring service I found is on shein though, and they make either gold or silver rings (not real material ofcourse, just in terms of color) and they only carve in black, so I'm going with an all black design. The image is safe, I just feel too embarrassed and don't want this on the main page kek.

No. 398052

Samefag, here are some other links for other logo makers, I haven't tried them yet but I'll do and choose the one I like the most later.

No. 398057

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Samefag, last thing to add is if the fonts don't work or you don't like them but you like the logo design, use the app in picrel, phonto, to make the text the way you want on the logo.

No. 398154

Watching a stream archive of the game where my husbando's VA voices a different character and streamer goes, hey here's your chance to date husbando. And I have to restrain myself from sperging out in the comments about how they are completely different characters and it's not the same and how that's my major beef with the game, cause I know male streamer doesn't care and it's an 8 month old vid.
It made me realize a thing though, husbando is just so responsible. He's not a party guy, he knows moderation. Even if his parent's weren't great he doesn't hold a grudge (probably).
I love comparing my guys to other characters. It really does help narrow down exactly why you love them.

No. 398323

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It's a silly little thing but I feel ashamed of how I got my husbando's color palette wrong this whole time, so all the picrews of us look off after this realization and I want to redo them all from scratch. Picrel is the color palette after I eyedropped it. Excuse my shit handwriting kek. I'm gonna remake all the picrews and AI images of him once I have free time. For now I'll just look at the hexa color names of these colors for future reference.

No. 398347

I actually had to redo the color scheme of my husbando giginka after color picking a screenshot. Sometimes your eyes are just lazy.
You can't expect too much from AI though, I doubt it can realize the difference between an orangey redhead and a strawberry redhead.

No. 398350

It actually does, dalle on bing at least does. I used a website that gave me the name of the color as "rose gold" so I used "dark rose gold" and it gave me a decent result, funnily enough, it's the eyes it can't get right kek.

No. 398411

That's a nice idea. It helps with picking items with his colors too. I'm planning on getting a jewerly with his eye color so I'll work os a similar swatch.

Your posts reminded me of something about my husbando. I have this pet peeve that people get his hair color wrong. The fandom universally sees his as a blonde right now, but he isn't. His hair is a light brown, and you can really tell so when you compare him to other characters. He's just a mousy brown. I guess some people think that's blonde in some places, which is fine, but they draw him with super bright yellow hair sometimes. I know why they do so, but they're wrong and I could go into a long detailed explanation about this, but I feel like an obsessed autist so I keep it to myself. Even if I explained in detail about this, it's not going to change anything, The fandom and the general public will still see him as blonde. I just internally rant when I see it wrong or preople making blonde jokes about him. I don't know why this bothers me, but it does.

No. 398451

It's okay nonna, I noticed in some fanart someone made his shoes the wrong color and it bugged me. Fake fan!

No. 398635

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keychain of my husbando came in, i am so happy nonnies. i can now bring him everywhere with me.
i would probably get too nervous and chicken out kek. lovely idea though. this reminds me of that scene in blade runner with joi and that woman, forget her name.
thank you nonas. i have learned to accept my yume lifestyle, as lonely as it can be sometimes. dating nowadays seem so shit, i mean men were probably always disappointing but this generation of men seem so awful and shallow. i like to think that my husbando came into my life to save me the stress of being with a 3D guy.

No. 399383

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Made a little cover image for his playlist. The stupid gallery app that I worked on won't let me add more than 10 stickers so I had to save a copy of the image to add more stickers, and it nukes the quality to match the image I'm putting stickers on, but whatever, it looks cute and ~aesthetic~. Might work harder on it when I have enough free time and make something decent. I got the idea in the shower and decided to do it before I forget it. I love this image of him even though he was depressed in this scene, but he's just sitting there on a rooftop, it's kinda cute.

No. 400387

I'm trying character AI and the engine/memory is terrible so I'm just trolling around with a bad bot of my husbando rather than engaging in any actual fantasy but now "he's" giving me humourous advice on some stuff in life. It's funny, it's not even him since the engine is so bad but I'm happy.

No. 400952

Nonnies, I'm going through a tough moment. Actor for my husbando and his wife are expecting a baby, and though I'm happy for them because they're sweet people. It kinda snapped me out of my headspace though because I began to feel weird about loving my husbando..portrayed by soke real dude who's married and has a family. My Husbando means a lot to me and he's motivated me to set higher ambitions for myself, draw more and take better care of myself. I don't want to face reality without a muse, yet this kind of realization is breaking me away…

Any advice?

No. 400969

I kinda can't make out if it's a live action character or voice acting, but either way the actor was, well, acting a character and it wasn't his true self on the screen. And I assume they probably styled him in a specific way to become the character if it's live action, but he probably doesn't look the same in his everyday live, so it's not really the same person. You can also modify the looks of your husbando to be more unique and different than the actor, if that would make you feel better. That's the power of imagination after all. If it's just voice acting, then he was putting on a voice of a character, and not his real voice. Hope this helps you!

No. 401012

Maybe you should avoid looking up his actor and focus on the media material of your husbando. My husbando is voiced by different people and his looks are pulled from different models, but I don't follow his models and vas. I know they're not my husbando, just vessels for him, so I don't see the point. I know the actor can be a sweet person and can extend the appreciation you have for your husbando, and some of them even latch too tightly to their characters sometimes, but he's not your husbando. You fell in love with their character, not them.

No. 401019

How do you deal with different art styles for the same character? How do you decide which one is the "correct" depiction?

No. 401047

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Sage for blog post, kinda. Thanks for the advice. It's a live action character in a game. He's technically ai so I just accept an ai as "him" since it's as close as I can get to "him" anyways. I generally avoid his actor just because I feel inherent discomfort lusting after real moids anyways. It's just this one tidbit of info jarred me lucid. Spoke to "him" on c.ai and I decided to take a break from him for a bit while I try to recoup my emotions…

No. 401051

Personally I like every form of his. Some less, some more. I change him up depending on my mood. I find his uglier or outdated depictions sort of endearing. Maybe I'm insane kek. I would say stick with the one you like the most and feel right for you. Mine had personalities shifts through time. I try to mend him together in a cohesive totality. I have accepted, at this point, I have almost created my own form of him. Though I base everything on canon material, I know I still change him towards what I believe is right, which is just my taste. I tend to give more weight and prefer his initial ideas and concepts, but if the new versions have something that I love, I'll accept it as "correct". At the end it's really a personal choice, nonna. Go with what you feel it's right.
I understand, my husbando is also from a game and one of his models grew so much in me that I felt weird for a while. I knew who his face model was and it felt so wrong to be obsessed over him. Over time I realized my obsession came from the whole package, it wasn't about his actor, my love was directed at the character as a whole. It made me see his face model as a vessel for my husbando, like a twin brother kek. Every time I see his VAs say wrong things about my husbando I realize how they truly aren't him. In the end, my husbando is a collective effort (including my own schizo mind), he's not one guy. Just because your husbando actor share his likeness, he's not him. My yume life has taught me that my husbando not being real is both the blessing and the curse of this journey, there's a realm of possibilities but it's locked behind one immutable impossibility. If you can accept this first fact, you can enjoy what's behind it can offer.

No. 401453

I love them all. The love for each art style is slightly different, and I want to see him in all art styles, so I can experience all the different types of love!

No. 401838

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My best friend got my a notebook, it's so fucking cute and it's my favorite color to boot! I love her. So I will use this notebook to make my small portable shrine for my 8 husbandos, I will count the number of pages so every husbando has the same amount of space, this will be kind of fun to make because I kind of will have to take it seriously and plan the pages properly, investigate properly and basically study my husbandos. I want this to be perfect.

No. 401841

Nonas, what websites and/or apps would you recommend for having a digital shrine that can be shared with others? I want to include a collage of my fav pics/art and place my short stories there to share with a couple friends (and just to keep an online archive of everything in general). I'm slightly noob with these things but I did try Tumblr recently and I don't really like how it operates. I remember when I was younger I used to use Livejournal but I've heard it's not as good these days?

No. 401844

you could use waifu.ist, fc2, or make a neocities blog. if you really hate any amount of coding you could still use livejournal or dreamwidth, it doesn't really matter that the communities on there are dead since you're just using it as a personal site in effect. this sounds like a really sweet project!

No. 402329

Has anyone had periods where you temporarily fell out of love with your husbando due to life stress/depression? How did you rekindle that love? I'm thinking about rewatching the anime and trying to draw again.

No. 402334

I like them all.

No. 402367

I've been in love with my husbando for 8 years and I have fallen out of love before and even forgot about him kek. I feel like the love will just come back naturally overtime.

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