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File: 1713677719853.jpeg (81.46 KB, 525x704, IMG_0967.jpeg)

No. 392562

Post conventionally attractive women you'd want to fuck and have no shame admitting

No. 392563

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Princess Anne. She such a handsome woman

No. 392570

File: 1713682128028.jpg (127.14 KB, 690x1024, be3e62a62d7bf67b8f361a5cd4c3e5…)

I thought I was the only one who had a megacrush on Anne, I love you anon

No. 392587

Why would you choose her as a threadpic? Not that she's unattractive, but definitely not that hot.

No. 392638

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No. 392639

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Tia Carrere as Sydney Fox in Relic Hunter

No. 392660

Weird threadpic choice, agree with >>392587. Maybe it’s the eyebrows

No. 392784

Previous thread dammit

No. 392799

Karolina is just so beautiful and adorable in the firs part of the video. I love that she tries to be sassy but you can notice she's a serious almost introvert person. I think she's quirky in the right way, at least she used to. I can't help but imagine myself teasing her while she cuts her hair and eventually distracting her to the point we start making out with her hair still being halfway cut.

No. 392801

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A screenshot from the video

No. 392934

I’ve always found her beautiful too. I love her personality and accent. I want her to lace me up in a corset uncomfortably tightly while ranting to me about correct costume history.

No. 393300

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Leanbeefpatty could do vile things to me and I woulnd't even care

No. 393308

File: 1713978865746.jpg (48.08 KB, 564x697, madonna.jpg)

pretty basic choice. she's the same age as my dad who was also into her kek, makes me feel weird…

No. 393311

I love Madge

No. 393312

Based Madonna. Making moids seethe for the past 40 years straight.

No. 393338

She was so beautiful. Probably still would be if she didn't bog herself.

No. 394198

File: 1714279294712.jpg (62.35 KB, 736x492, 836d08aeb9dded3b3a71118b44ea9a…)

How can a woman like that only date ugly
She was perfect.

No. 394220

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Why is she so…

No. 394221

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No. 394222

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No. 394228

Terf queen ♥

No. 394231

She's actually gorgeous in an elegant way. Proof that women don't 'hit the wall' like men claim they do.

No. 394404

I'm sure she was the lesbian/bi awakening of many women, many HP fans have talked about crushing on her and I've seen a lot of Harry Potter anon confessions that were just JKR thirst posts kek. Being openly TERFy while also not bending the knee to right wing losers like Matt Walsh makes her even hotter tbh.

No. 395179

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I don't know if she is conventionally attractive, but I'm obsessed with Petra Kelly (died unfortunately in the 90s). I love her face and lanky body and her ideals, especially fighting for the criminalization of marital rape. Not sure of her views on abortion, that's still unclear to me, but we could have talked it out.

My fantasies are kind of tame, I want to just lean on her and talk about all kinds of stuff and kiss her. I don't go too far because I don't think she was bi/lesbian so idk if it's disrespectful at all. I just think she's lovely and her natural look is perfect.

No. 395244

File: 1714747476676.png (209.44 KB, 500x281, 30d8653ebe48f4918fd1be5ea28ad6…)

no wonder she was always getting it on the show (six feet under) i'd let her do vile things

No. 395276

she’s so beautiful, my type in women.

No. 395312

File: 1714773810170.jpeg (38.49 KB, 1200x630, jtRwmeT.jpeg)

Is it just me or is this kind of like kristen stewart's eyes, mouth, eyebrows, and facial proportions with princess diana hair?

No. 395970

File: 1715067256622.jpg (1.13 MB, 1654x2363, 1000025792.jpg)

I see it! I love this pic of her. I'm not sure if the colors have been altered a bit, though - I've never seen greying hair look so perfectly matched to periwinkle (so probably it's edited). Haven't checked around. But I've seen a few other shots in this outfit so that part is at least real.

website with more stuff: https://www.petrakellystiftung.de/de/petra-kelly

No. 396229

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Mata Hari (maybe this should go in the shame thread)

No. 396753

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I hate what they did to her status in Montmarte

No. 397511


I know this is 20 days late but I didn’t think deeply about it.

No. 397914

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I guess you just had to be there for the Outdoor Voices craze but man idk there's something about her. It's always blonde women for me.

No. 397915

Samefag just to say I realize she doesn't look that blonde here kek.

No. 397929

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Katie Herzog. Love her long neck, eyes, edgy persona

No. 399934

File: 1716395569140.jpg (233.37 KB, 1080x1080, csaba-dalla-zorza.jpg)

I want to be Csaba's wife, respectfully. She's so elegant and refined, we already have some common interests but i'm going to improve my cooking for her.
Being a poorfag sucks because if i had the possibility i would have participated in her shows and snatched her off from her husband in one day for sure.

No. 399935

omg she's gorgeous

No. 400229

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I don't care for her otherwise but something about this photo of her with the dog bite across her face…

No. 400300

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I think she's stunning.

No. 400446

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loved her as jinx in arcane but should've listened to the yellowjackets/sweetbitter spergs so i could see her in action earlier

No. 400463


No. 401424

File: 1716857438850.jpg (76.86 KB, 471x785, kate.jpg)

kate bush has an extremely mystical essence and it makes me want her even more, her voice and music adds to that alot too

No. 401609

She’s beautiful and this makeup look is absolutely stunning on her especially with her eye shape and large eyelids but something about her nose is too plastic

No. 401610

She has huge clit energy

No. 403363

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Ayo Edebir, but its more accurate to say I want to respectfully love her and have a wonderful wedding and treat her right. She's just so beautiful and cute, a really endearing girl all around.

No. 403368

This is the exact image on my poster that's hanging on my door

No. 403774

File: 1717623601997.webp (632.04 KB, 1280x1920, Anne_120822_GettyImages-639752…)

Mandatory Anne post

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