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/g/ - girl talk

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No. 396128

Share your favourite lewd mp4s, voice actors, websites, etc.

No. 396133

Saito Soma. I'll clip something when I have the time.

No. 396134

r/gonewildaudio has a huge library of people sharing audios they made, mostly roleplaying a scenario. there are spesific categories for women which are m4f and f4f or m4m/m4a if your're a fujo, unfortunately most m4f audios are "maledom" so I prefer listening to guys stright up mausterbating without a script - the tag for it is ramblefap. https://gwasi.com/ is a search engine for this subreddit since reddit search is shit.

No. 396135

I really like this guy https://notwhorosethinks.github.io/publicnsfw.html

(though I wouldn't recommend it if you can't separate the man from the artist, since he had some grooming drama going on last year)

No. 396136

A few years ago I'd request a lot in these threads : https://boards.4chan.org/soc/thread/32898935
You can get free custom audios of pretty good quality, worth a try

No. 396158

I will take my redtext for k-pop fagging but does anyone please know who the actor in this audio is? I'm not usually interested in k-pop moids but I really like the speaking voice of this one and the actor used in this moan audio sounds exactly like him. I would love to listen to his cute moans straight from the source instead of through a tumblr k-pop blog but op is inactive now so I can't just ask them. I have been wondering who this guy is for the last year and a half.

No. 396199

This thread isn't a horrible idea, but I've always thought it would make sense to have a femerotica/femporn general for this sort of thing

No. 396205

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[M4F] Your HouseHusband BF Takes Care Of You [Cunnilingus] [Msub] [BFE] [Riding] [Stress relief] [Roles-Reverse] [FDom] [Listener Orgasms]

We don’t want actual porn

No. 396256

Good thread. I'd contribute, but the audios I listen to don't seem to be posted on any of the types of sites like the ones that have already been posted here. I'm also a fujo, so not too much is M4W (some is, but not most), but if you like men whimping/moaning, then I usually just lurk twitters male audio tag. There are some decent ones, like ndecipheredlog and uriridescentbf/allmylustnsfw although that guy is fucking annoying, but even so, audios are decent (M4A). Some of the lewd vtubers arent bad either, but you have to sub to their shit to hear it. bishounenpalace on tumblr also used to have a lot, but you have to log in to see whats left. Most of it got nuked.

No. 396257

>I'd contribute, but the audios I listen to don't seem to be posted on any of the types of sites like the ones that have already been posted here.
That's the point of the thread honestly. I'm trying to find new websites and profiles. Please do share with us your favourite stuff nonna, sounds pretty good.
I'll check the usernames you gave tonight.

No. 396591

Hot audio

No. 396630

Horrible accent

No. 396805

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No. 396822

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Unfortunate the subreddit is littered with moids and F/NB, she’s the the only one that I trust

No. 397423

i like these audios but when the speaker mentions the listener having dates or casual sex i get really taken out of it (im a virgin loser)

No. 397583

Do any anons have any suggestions to content/voice similar to this? i really love the fluffy slow stuff!!


No. 398284

No. 401122

it's so hot that he's actually fapping as he's recording this

No. 401155

kek it's like vidrel but 10x worse

No. 401265

Me to my fictional husbando

No. 401305

No offense but his voice is weird, he sounds mentally retarded

No. 401306

fuck off let people enjoy things this isn't a milk thread

No. 401320

No. 401378

>let people enjoy things
go back

No. 401386

you go back to ot dumb dumb

No. 401412

But posting milk is funny too

No. 401419

Am I the only one who can't take erotic audio seriously? I always feel full body cringe whenever I try to listen to one of these, I just can't get over the cringe.

No. 401421

That's why I only listen to ones in Japanese or Korean. I enjoy hearing the silky low voices and little pants and gasps, but most moids suck at dirty talk and just say cringe stuff. So I like ones I don't actually understand.

No. 401470

How do you people feel about 4th wall breaks?

No. 401471

I think the ones with only grunts and fapping sounds are best
When they start talking it becomes stupid

No. 401473

Am I the only one whose favorite part of those audios is before it gets to the dirty part? I always get overly invested in these dumb little scenarios…

No. 401476

not exactly nsfw but god his voice

No. 401484

personally I skip the first part and get to the good stuff asap
everyone's different..

No. 401658

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i feel like men are lying when they talk about how many women have rape fetishes because i tried getting off to some noncon/dubcon audio rn and it was awful and i couldnt even finish. never again

No. 401660

Those "women love rape more than men" studies are based on trends from porn sites, where any account labeled as female gets counted (because a pornsick man would never label their account as female of course). There's definitely girls with darker fantasies but it's nowhere near as widespread as men are trying to manifest, don't worry

No. 401663

I want to get into this but I can’t separate the voice from what the person probably looks like in real life. But anonymity is kind of a major point of audio porn isn’t it. I doubt any of the males are models that’s for sure.

No. 401667

they're fucking ugly for most
you really need to dissociate the voice from the person and imagine whoever you want

No. 401669

might be but it's ruining my cummies.

No. 401676

Theyre obsessed with it because they want women to want to be raped. It cannot be repeated enough that ~noncon~ fantasies from women are not actually noncon. She controls when it starts, stops, who it is etc. and that isn't rape at all. It will never be comparable to rape, but they really really want it to be

No. 401698

yeah thats what i figured, delusional moids gonna be delusional

No. 402042

Just imagine whoever you want. I imagine my husbandos

No. 402047

No. 402141

No. 402177

He is so good and has such an attractive voice. Too bad a lot of his audios have degradation or some weird rough dom shit, to the point where I don't want to listen to any of his audios anymore.
I wish I could find someone with a pretty voice who only posts nice vanilla stuff. Someone who worships and adores women in the audios.

No. 402182

I agree with you so much. I'll even be listening to an audio tagged as soft mdom husband etc etc and they bring out degrading nicknames and dirty talk about ownership or something. Why can't dirty talk ever be loving? It's so weird that we're expected to think degrading is a part of normal sex instead of a specific kink. Sometimes I just listen to men with nice voices and cut out the weird stuff in my mind and replace it with normal dirty talk… which kind of ruins the point of listening to these audios.

No. 402238

he has a weird accent (probably hit or miss) but all his audios are soft and loving and he doesn't have any degrading one as far as i know https://soundgasm.net/u/Lustful_Crunch

No. 402304

I found a couple good audio porn accounts from r/gonewildaudio but I started recently listening to some male japanese asmr videos and damn their voices sound good af. I like Azeru and Whispurr on yt as well. You can find their nsfw audios on kemono.party.

No. 402439

If I feel like I'm legitimately falling in love with an asmrtist, am I done for?

No. 402447

youre like a scrote falling for an of girl nonna
get it together
but still tell me who it is so i can enjoy his voice too.

No. 402477

Remember that most of them are very fat or ugly as fuck, and that's why they do voice content, not real porn.

No. 402482

Most men who do porn are ugly af so I'm sure they'd fit right in even if ugly

No. 402486

That too tbh, moids are allowed to be ugly in porn, that usually also means that the moids doing voice porn have micropenises on top of being fat, ugly and disgusting looking.

No. 402489

Do you have any favorite Japanese asmrtists, nonita? I've developed an addiction to Ichijou Hirame's work lately kek

No. 402490

Website is blocked in my country because it says it has CP (most likely loli) on it

No. 402532

Men love ugly fat small dicked bastards in their porn because they can easily self insert without feeling threatened. Also there’s a feeling of power for ugly men being portrayed as being able to bang hot thing young women: it’s an ego boost for them, they get off on the degradation aspect towards the girl and it makes regular ugly fat bastards think they stand a shot with such women irl, it’s all male fantasies and it’s disgusting.

No. 402800

Yeah idgi either, I don't understand how disrespect and degradation is so mainstream and also really popular, as some of these guys get so many comments and clicks on their stuff. It's crazy (and somewhat upsetting) to me that women enjoy it. I was reading a Reddit thread once where women were talking about their favorite petnames in audios and SO many of them said they like to be called a slut, whore or a 'cocksleeve'.
I've also tried your trick of just overlooking some of these elements – fast forwarding etc. – if the guy's voice and voice acting is good and if there's some elements of the clip I find appealing but I can't do it anymore. And bc my mind tends to wander when I'm listening, even if the guy's current audio is nice and vanilla, in the back of my mind I'll be thinking that I just scrolled through his profile and right under this sweet one there'll be one with kidnap and rape, beating the listener up or strangling them, or some weird shit about using the woman like a toy. It's so repulsive.
Yeah I couldn't get past the accent and timbre of the voice. I'm sorry nona, I still really appreciate you recommending his account! The audio descriptions were right up my alley so it's good to know it might be possible for me to find a needle in a haystack. Thank you nonita!

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