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File: 1713873475744.jpeg (25.56 KB, 320x216, IMG_0131.jpeg)

No. 373122

post art for anons to rate, critique, give advice, etc.


No. 373123

oh my god that’s such a good idea and my retarded ass didn’t think of that. thanks nonnersss having a hard time visualizing lately
thanks nonnie for the advice and redline

No. 373124

Aww, such a cute thread pic!

No. 373693

File: 1714037846608.png (2.01 MB, 2160x1620, IMG_0599.PNG)

wanted to practice designing cute and simple characters so here's my version of xp-chan. outfit suggestions are welcome, i'm still figuring out the bottom part
i know i used the wrong cursor for her bows

No. 373694

Aw this is really cute

No. 373723

File: 1714045554511.jpg (130.97 KB, 1500x1500, il_fullxfull.388896228_98td-29…)

oh my this is really cute, the glasses suit her well!
hmm for the bottom you can do a skirt with striped pantyhose and classic Mary Jane flats, something like picrel, but you can colour them however you want, maybe a dark blue shade

No. 373724

File: 1714045628020.jpg (82.35 KB, 800x800, Women-Girls-Autumn-Spring-Pant…)

picrel something like this for the pantyhose

No. 373747

I think having her be in a black skirt of any kind would be a nice break from the amount of color she's wearing so it prevents her from looking over designed. I'm also leaning towards the more office wear look. I absolutely love this anon please post more of her!

No. 373751

I loooooove this you're amazing!

No. 373770

File: 1714062429784.jpeg (435.24 KB, 1725x1075, IMG_2056.jpeg)

Gaaaawd someone give advice/tear this up/help me with this please. I’m a character artist not an environ artist but I always end up doing stuff like this for my dayjob. I spend hours on this and can’t get colors right. It’s just so yellow no matter what colors I mess with and looks like the foliage isn’t attached to the tree branches, the branches break up eye flow but feel hopeless to fix them since they’re supposed to be going over the viewer some. I also feel so bad knowing AI could do this instantly.
What can I do to make this better?

No. 373782

File: 1714064433434.png (3.95 MB, 1725x2150, contrast.png)

It seems to me like you will want to push the contrast (maybe even harder than I did in this edit). I'm not a professional so there may be more to it but this is something I always struggled with too until a pro explained it to me.
I think the colors are very nice!

No. 373783

File: 1714064604786.jpg (130.75 KB, 564x564, 9-uSaca93bmzA.jpg)

This looks amazing! But there are ways to improve it a bit, the foliage is a bit flat for a foliage. I suggest you add some variation in tone, darker and lighter chunks of leaves, look at picrel and similar images. As for branches, dont be afraid of hiding some parts with foliage. I'd also added more contrast to the image overall and played around with bouncing light from the grass on the right tree, to make it look nicer and to enhance it as a point of interest. Just throwing some ideas at the wall, because i'm myself not a environment expert, kek.
Also, yep, exactly like >>373782 said, more contrast could improve the image lots

No. 373791

Adorable, I know you said you used the wrong cursors for her bows but they're so cute. I would say give her some blue or green slacks for bottoms, and maybe loafers for the shoes. I really like the pixel collar on the classic nerdy short sleeve button up shirt.

No. 373799

Contrast solves so many issues but since the thing is for a little kids musical, I’m worried it makes it too dark and scary for them. I should have mentioned that in my post. Thank you though, I’ll see if coworkers on the project think it’s scary.
I’ll try to add more detail to the leaves like this without going out of kinda simple storybook style. Thanks.

No. 373830

I loooove her bows. I think you should stick with the white xp shirt and blue tie. I think it would be better to make her outfit design simplistic so you can focus more on her overly designed head.
Since she has a blue tie give her a blue skirt, white socks and white shoes. I think white shoes would put the design all together since it would match her cursor bows, it would 'ground' her design together if that makes sense.

No. 373858

By the way if anyone is willing to bump it crystal cafe has an art thread for those that want to just post their art, there is some moids here and there but it's mostly women so just ignore them. https://crystal.cafe/img/res/21974.html

No. 373878

File: 1714090337176.gif (740.18 KB, 1035x645, ezgif-7-392388e008.gif)

I'm not an environmental artist so I have no suggestion for the composition (that aspect looks okay to me), but I felt like I could immediately see how to improve your colors and contrast, gif related.
You want the sunlight to look golden and bright, meaning you have to push back the gold/yellow/green hues (& the brightness) in the places not touched by light. I chose to push them into darker purple because it would lend the pic a sense of warmth. My laptop screen has fucked color calibration though, so this might look clownish on other screens

No. 373917

This is awesome! i would love to get into painting bgs but i dont know where to start, do yuo have any tips nonny?

No. 373918

Nta I like the "before" version more

No. 373930

Oooh I love the reds and purples on the right side especially, and the contrast the red makes with the trees on the left. It might be a little strong (and going too much into brown territory which is the main color of another area in the story…sorry I feel like I keep making excuses but it’s that there are so many limitations with this project) but I’ll throw some of it in there.
Im still relatively new to taking it seriously and am entirely self taught, so I’m no pro and it’s boring advice but I’d say just save tons of photos of real life and imaginative places you like as you come across them…I always have “I can use that for art sometime” on my mind. Especially if the bg I have to do has manmade buildings and stuff where perspective is more obvious, I will use one a photo as my structural “base” regardless of color or architecture in it and think of the floor of it as a 3D plane I’m placing stuff on.

Oh also I’ve found that throwing colors down on one layer with a messy brush and zooming really far out to make thumbnails is best for me. Then can move in and detail and “build” it (still all on that same layer, not being afraid of just coloring over stuff I don’t like)

No. 373969

File: 1714140140337.jpg (5.96 MB, 4032x2268, 20240426_105015.jpg)

Was bored during class and drew this on paint, I was thinking of doing a proper version at home, thoughts?

No. 373971

Love it

No. 373976

I agree it needs more contrast. Instantly made the sunlight pop. >>373799 The yellow/autumnal tone is what's making it scary with more contrast, especially with purple tones added. Yellow/orange leaves on trees = fall = halloween. Just make the leaves green, or even something whimsical like pink.

No. 373984

Aweee lol this is nice, please do a proper version!

No. 373996

File: 1714148729066.jpg (1.04 MB, 1725x1075, paintover.jpg)

personally i only think your piece just needs finishing touches, the composition is good as is the rendering just needs a bit of filtering and a bit of making the light reflective with the surroundings although i'll admit making landscapes isnt my strong point but ive have to say you did a amazing job nonnie! i loved seeing all the textures zoomed in

No. 374132

woah you're a pro artist?

No. 374133

looks a little trannycore even with the flag

No. 374163

Oh that looks great! The glowing light in the shadow to break up the darkness! 100% going to add that, thanks. I should be able to finish this thing today and will incorporate all the nonna’s advice.
Not really, I work at a small youth theatre company doing all art related stuff they need (in this case, backgrounds to use as a projection instead of a physical set)

No. 375173

File: 1714522221182.png (2.7 MB, 1725x1075, Layer 7.png)


tbh if thats the work you are doing then this is more than fine, as long as you are hitting the brief and the director is happy with it (i doubt they are paying you enouhg to spend more time on this)

but if you do want to practice you skills, it might be worth spending your own time on this. Looks to me it needs a bit of a detail pass over everything. The ghibli example someone posted is a good place to start for foliage detail and shapes. No need to go crazy and paint every single leaf, but see if you can get some more detail in the shadows (as thats what your scene is exposing for) and closer to focal points where you want the eyes to be drawn.

I agree with other nonnies that it needs more constrast cuz the scene overall looks underexposed (but idk what the production needs, maybe you purposely underexposed for the brief) And a bit more exaggeration of the cool tones in the shadows you are already doing to help break up the yellowness of the scene.

Overall great job with the colours and the mood. Needs to pushed a little further and the intention needs defining ala, a focal point, to help you go in the right direction.

No. 375182

File: 1714526348927.jpeg (427.6 KB, 2160x1620, 1E1252A8-A492-4CC1-A9B8-1AB1D6…)

i know i'm drawing the neck too long, i kind of like it stylistically. does it look retarded?

No. 375192

It doesn’t look too long. A little thin on the left side though.

No. 375212

thank you.

No. 375237

It's a bit long, but stylistically long in my eyes, it looks fine and your drawing is really cute. I would personally angle the neck in the direction he's tilting, rather than make it a straight line.

No. 375341

File: 1714578344306.jpeg (384.06 KB, 2048x1536, 32BCF467-80C7-4045-AEB0-841AA2…)

some practice. i think i’ll try coping morpho/bridgeman for the next few months and see where that gets me

No. 375342


No. 375347

This is gorgeous, nonni. I really like the style.

No. 376080

Sorry for late reply, your edit is so beautiful. And thanks for all the advice. I have all the time to work on it in work hours so I can still push it more lol it’s better than the other bullshit no one is waiting on I have to do.

No. 376106

no worries and good luck! Would love if you posted the finished piece here, but no pressure <3(<3)

No. 384207

File: 1716164026709.png (165.73 KB, 444x463, Captura de tela 2024-05-19 211…)

I'm really upset about the colors. My tablet screen has way more vivid and red colors. I tried to adjust bout couldnt. So whenever I finish something I have to try to correct color balance.
I'm using a reference.

No. 384595

File: 1716230176871.jpg (1.6 MB, 1400x1191, crossover episode.jpg)

made a quick sketch, pls tear it down now before I continue

No. 384598

What are those multicolored hair individuals?

No. 384599

bio-chan from cc

No. 384603

so cute

No. 384701

File: 1716248159378.jpeg (114.03 KB, 1400x700, IMG_3209.jpeg)

Nona…your art is so beautiful I could just cry

No. 384703


Outside of the contrast that was already pointed out, there isnt a lot of difference of details between the first plane and the last plane, it'll give a little more of dynamic to your landscape, in my opinion. It's great though keep going.

No. 384705

This looks perfect to me in terms of skintone

No. 384997


No. 385508

File: 1716401257702.jpg (763.6 KB, 1400x1191, lbesbiab.jpg)

So I finally started working on it, it's still not finished but getting to it

No. 385510

File: 1716401594821.png (206.83 KB, 425x485, Captura_de_tela_2024-05-19_214…)

Worked some more on it the other day, ear and neck mostly. No clue what to do with the hair, I'll probably need a different brush.

No. 385511

what does this mean? why is the feminism axe chopping the head of an anime girl? why are the colors the GC colors? i agree it looks either trannycore or like it's anti-terf

No. 385513

NTA but it's the lesbian labrys. I interpreted as the girl realizing she likes other women.

No. 385514

Anon was hit by the lesbian axe bc she thinks she might be a lesbian. Check the draft she posted.

No. 385517

oh i see. i can't keep track of flags anymore and got it mixed up with the suffragette flag.

No. 385520

even with the context it still sounds trannycore; getting memed into coming out as the orientation/gender identity that's trending with the terminally online losers you idolize and documenting it with animecore zoomer art is their whole thing kek

No. 385522

I think you need to spend some time offline. It's just an anime drawing

No. 385526

by that logic so are drawings of anime girls in front of palestine and troon flags

No. 385527

She didn't draw that though. The labrys flag has been around since the 70s.

No. 385532

i like the way you draw, very fluid and cartoony

No. 385533

the schoolgirl uniform and the art style is extremely trannycore. the flag doesn’t mean much, trannies co-opt everything they can from women

No. 385534

trannies dont own the anime style

No. 385536

> getting memed into coming out as the orientation/gender identity that's trending with the terminally online losers you idolize
Nice fanfic but that's not the case you chronically online loser, I came out when I was 12 and I've never had any issues with my own orientation since. The idea of the drawing just came to me when I was bored and the character isn't made to represent myself.
I don't care if the anime art style is considered a tranny thing now, I find the idea of changing your entire art so the ~aesthetic~ isn't too close to the one of a group you politically disagree with to be quite pathetic, frankly.

No. 385548

Nta/ anime no but animecore mixed with political bs with prideflags is very troonish. See the animecore thread in /w/

No. 385660

Your previous draft made more sense as to how the blade of the axe was positioned, now you've just got the top blunt end buried in her skull which makes it look like she's just wearing the axe as a hat.
And the triangle in the back is crooked.

No. 385686

File: 1716451666281.png (489.54 KB, 580x850, sumika.png)

any muv luvers

No. 385689

This is gorgeous, how did you get so good? also i heard muv luv is amazing and i want to try it but it's long as fuck.

No. 385692

awesome work nonnie! muvluv is such a wild ride no wonder it inspired eva so much but its best to remove the emoticon before you catch a ban for it

No. 385693

do you have some colosso tuts to rec? also yeah i heard alternative is where it gets good, but you kinda have to play the first one to get the true experience i heard?. I will try it out. Your art is very pretty and i hope you keep posting.

No. 385694

ooh yeah haven't posted on lc in a while i forgot they get you for that kek. also ikr, i expected it to be a basic and boring eroge until i got into it, really great stuff.
i 100% recommend mogoon's course, it provides great information and content for artists of all skill levels, i also really liked chyan's course! and yeah playing the first game before alternative is basically required to get the full experience of muv luv. thanks so much btw nonna, i'll be posting my works every now and then!

No. 387251

File: 1716916125292.png (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 1000x1595, hrhr.png)

happy with how this one is turning out so far(spoiler this)

No. 387253

spoiler this shit

No. 387258

File: 1716917049301.png (13.35 KB, 100x133, ham.png)

my bad, i'll let the jannies do it

No. 387261

Anon, there's still time to delete and repost it.

No. 387266

You drew this nona? I think I saw it posted in another thread. Peak taste. Hiroshi and Haru look really yummy, I approve/10.

No. 387285

Omorashi… very nice.

No. 387288

File: 1716922532131.png (194.25 KB, 450x638, kittysheep.png)

yes, i been slowly working on it the last few days based on the school au haruhiro in the ai thread. now i'm satisfied enough with it that i'll stop reposting haha. thank you!

No. 387292

suprised another nonner likes muv-luv, is cute fanart. this and that painting of a tree nonny made are the only pieces of art posted ITT that aren't embarrassing to look at kek

No. 387554

File: 1717007546232.jpeg (2.65 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5725.jpeg)

Tried to draw Roger from memory, he’s a farmer now.

No. 387558

I love your NTY arts nona, do post more of them when you draw them!

No. 387565

omg doja cat !

No. 387566

No. 387572

I love Roger, the idea of him as a farmer is too funny. Shoulda drawn him with Elsie horns

No. 387647

haha thank you nonnie ily, i'll be drawing my wife meiya next!

No. 387712

File: 1717063652878.png (952.69 KB, 1720x913, Untitled-2.png)

i don't know why my art looks the same quality whether i use reference or not is this a result of not using it often? prefer just brute forcing construction from imagination until it looks mildly acceptable usually. how often do people itt use refs? also any general opinions/preferences

No. 387727

I'm guessing it's because you don't actually look at and analyze the picture. You made no effort to draw the clothing folds or surroundings properly and in that short timespan you couldn't have since you don't seem to have the necessary muscle memory. If you don't want a reference to influence your result it's fine to use it loosely like that, but if you want to add more specific detail to your art you need to start looking at everything more carefully and take your time with it. I like your style though, that first one looks really appealing to me despite some flaws and it's cool that you can draw so quickly.

I used to also brute force everything, but at the time I wasn't even doing proper anatomy studies so everything ended up looking very wrong without me noticing kek it's difficult to rely on skill alone when you haven't actually built up any. I think references are useful but they're oftentimes not exactly what I need or overused pinterest ones so I've been trying to get better at construction myself

No. 387785

I use reference as a way to check my assumptions after I've made a relatively clean pass at the drawing, with the understanding that it won't be 1:1 but good enough to see whether or not the construction is in the correct perspective and proportions.
In regards to your art quality, the shoulder construction is much stronger in the image where you used reference vs. the no ref image where half the deltoid has gone missing on the screen-left side. So I'm not sure if that's what you mean, or if you're talking about confidence of line or what.

No. 388294

File: 1717262854520.png (393.5 KB, 1418x977, sketch1717262638236.png)

appreciate it, nona! i got addicted to drawing these retards

No. 388297

File: 1717263429071.png (714.42 KB, 1068x1671, Sketchbook66.png)

more crossover autism

No. 388449

File: 1717329218380.jpeg (159.69 KB, 933x1024, image0.jpeg)

How the fuck do I paint hair? Apologies for shite anatomy, first time drawing in a couple years

No. 388565

roger is definitely a farmer….

No. 388885

File: 1717473114031.png (1.02 MB, 2130x3221, figure drawing.png)

how do i stop chicken scratching and develop confident lines?

No. 388896

Work general to specific. Start with general shapes and get more detailed as you go. Definitely use a reference.

No. 388954

Feel le flow, but you're not using a pencil so I dunno, do you use a pen on a tablet?

No. 388958

Some of your lines honestly look fine, it seems to me like you only chickenscratch if you're trying to define an area more. Get used to erasing lines that you'd otherwise continue scribbling over. If you do it because you want a thicker line for more contrast you should change your brush settings so you don't have to press as hard to make it happen. Or make it more difficult to get a thicker line, whatever you prefer. But >>388954 is right, the easiest way is to learn it with a pencil. Maybe do your warm-ups traditionally for a while. It also helps to use a very big sketchbook (at least bigger than A4 if possible) for single 30-60 second figures. You won't have time to worry much when there's such a big surface to fill up and it'll force you to use your shoulder which will naturally make it flow better

No. 388994

I recommend this video, has multiple exercises. This video is also good for gesture study in general

No. 389121

File: 1717571147504.png (826.97 KB, 1189x1091, practice.png)

Sorry for posting on the wrong thread, I just realized this thread exists. How can I study anatomy? I recently dowloaded Anatomy for Sculptors but I have no idea how to properly study it. I just want to draw sexy husbandos.

No. 389385

Am i insane or is that top image from the ideal male body thread kek

No. 389476

both are from that thread

No. 389481

Go find a figure drawing class and stop drawing anime.

No. 389489

File: 1717653585470.jpeg (2.82 MB, 2480x3508, IMG_1390.jpeg)

How do I fix them? Please be brutally honest I really want to improve.

I started drawing about a year ago, I try to practice for an hour or so daily but my digital art never looks clean or polished. I use procreate but I’m thinking of switching to clip studio, though the art program won’t make a difference until I can figure out the underlying issues.

No. 389490

there arent figure drawing classes on my country, and no

No. 389492

What's the red box supposed to be? Preferably, it's best to study nudes. Clothing can hide and trick out minds to see longer or shorter torsos. I wouldn't waste time learning the muscles' full names. The studies you're doing on the left seem fine to me. It's a way of understanding the muscles. As for drawings on the right, I would say you got some angles wrong. One thing my teacher from figure drawing taught me was to try to draw what you see and not what you think you're seeing. Spend more time looking than drawing. See how the right arm on the bottom reference is going down straight while yours is going outwards? Getting these things right is a boring and repetitive exercise, but they made my figures way more consistent and cohesive over time.
By adding these realistic textures, you'll make the rest look even flatter unless that was your goal. For this style to work, I think the lines need to be clean and the shapes well defined. The blonde one eye's looking into different directions. The number one thing every artist should look into is composition. Right know yours is a bit boring and this type or art really benefits from the shape of the figures being more interesting.

No. 389493

>What's the red box supposed to be?
>Preferably, it's best to study nudes. Clothing can hide and trick out minds to see longer or shorter torsos.
thanks, i will try to. I used those pics because its hard to find male nude models that arent grandpas or fat, sadly. I was also trying to study the chest muscles only, then slowly moving onto the arms/legs/back.

No. 389494


That makes sense, I wanted to experiment with a lineless style but the textures idea came in halfway through and I wasn’t sure if they fit together. Regarding the composition, do you mean the poses should be more dynamic?

Appreciate your feedback nonny

No. 389511

Oh, I thought it could be the pelvis, but that is a bit too high and small for that. That's why clothing hiding the body makes it more tricky. Kek I know it sucks to see ugly man as reference, I'm not even joking when I say my nude figure drawing class hired homeless guys to pose for us, but at the end of the day the models are just a way to understand the figure. I think your studies on the chest muscles look good. I know it seems weird to do them, but they'll help with your drawings in the long run. It's a way of training your eye to understand the muscles shapes and how they interact.
The poses are fine it's more about the shape they form, their silhouettes. If you look up silhouette drawing, you'll find some concept art videos on the matter. If you can ignore some of the cringe in them, they'll explain the figure in the form of shapes. Like fashion designers drawing, use that to their advantage to make simple poses like walking and standing seem more dynamic as you said. But I liked your drawing, it's really cute.l and ilI liked the chunky boots kek. They remind me of the drawings I loved when I wa growing up.

No. 389512

File: 1717663145991.png (545.17 KB, 869x489, 101010.png)

>but that is a bit too high and small for that
oh i didnt realize, care to readline it if you dont mind? i though that part was the illiac crest

No. 389517

Oh I get it now, it’s like how the different elements and shapes of the drawing comes together as a whole. I’ll check out those silhouette drawing videos and then try reworking the drawing, remove the textures and fiddle with the overall shapes and see how I can improve it.

You’re the best nonna I appreciate your perspective. Need to get better so I can draw more cute girls

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