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No. 1333281

previous thread: >>>/ot/757177

for dramu within royal families but especially the bongs

Board rules apply. No infighting, no bait, no country sperging

last thread
>harry and meghan spawn two kids and an annoying podcast where meghan talks about herself. wokies still rave about their kween
>harry gets a mutlimillion dollar book deal to talk shit about his family. book coming this winter maybe
>philip fucking dies
>liz fucking dies
>britain now has a king charles

No. 1333285


No. 1333322

File: 1662750022726.jpg (2.49 MB, 2048x1592, Tumblr_l_964899690560118.jpg)

I still can't believe the queen is dead

No. 1333358

I'm still waiting to see if she comes back to life soon. Like she could still resurrect on the third day and out herself as being Beelzebub incarnate… or a space lizard.

My life is very boring.

No. 1333376

File: 1662752387296.png (511.32 KB, 809x597, 3AAAD83C-8459-49F3-9FB5-C7A921…)

i was so sure she'd bury charles

No. 1333382

Same. They might as well just shut the whole thing down now. All that's left are dislikeable side characters.

No. 1333384

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How a Charles coin might look

No. 1333389

as a bong, i find this thread title and the previous thread recap to be very insulting and in poor taste regarding the passing of our queen elizabeth and i have no doubt that it was burger who wrote this with such coldness and lack of empathy.

No. 1333396

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No. 1333399

op here and i actually liked liz, but lolcow is the wrong place if you want grave and respectful coverage
also not a burger

No. 1333400

apologies nona, hugs!

No. 1333407

They took our Diana. They took our Liz. Now we're stuck with scrotes ruling, not on my watch. Justice for Anne

No. 1333425

anne is the best and most based. she would have made a great queen
i love that she wears uniforms too

No. 1333467

Somebody free that twink.

No. 1333518

Princess Anne is wonderful

No. 1333519

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No. 1333521

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The family tree of the queens corgis/dorgis
I thought this was cute!!

No. 1333545

>Lizzie's special interests are corgis and cars
>Louis XVI's special interest was everything related to locksmith as a job to the point he'd rather engineer complicated devices just for fun than do his job
>that one weaboo Saudi prince who spends outrageous amounts of time and money on video games and who bought SNK recently
What weirdly specific hobby do other royals have?

No. 1333670

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Don't forget Liz was also a horse girl!

No. 1333676

Nice try, but you're not turning me into a monarchist!

No. 1333682

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Like mother like son

No. 1333684

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No. 1333711

lmao I've been laughing at all the brits trying to police everyone on this. maybe you should use the mourning period to take a break from the internet?

No. 1333719

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I'm not really interested in the royals, but I do want to see what Kate (and Megan if she shows up) wear to any upcoming events. The outfits are the stuff I tune in most for.

No. 1333720

Ikr, this is lolcow of all places. Everyone is getting insulted regardless, but with the recent trolling I just don't know if this person is serious or not.

No. 1333723

There's some great names on this list tbh.

No. 1333727

it has to be a joke. no one cares about queen elizabeth but middle aged weirdos

No. 1333730

markle does dress nicer than kate honestly

No. 1333740

she was kawaii

No. 1333743

They both dress like bougie but boring secretaries

No. 1333744

The previous thread anons said otherwise nonas. Iirc there was this Brit maniac anon who got into really heated fights because of this lmao.

No. 1333762

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I agree honestly. I wish she still did royal duty shit just to see more outfits.

No. 1333778

I don't want to be too vile but some brits are really thin skinned about this. Like why you're asking the internet (or fucking LC to be more specific) for respect out all places? Also i'm not talking about actual baity stuff (like those irish football fans chanting "Lizzy is in a box") because at the end of the day that was made to be a provocation and well it worked, but britbongs were losing their shit about the tamest shitposts. I don't know how they can be that rutheless about everything else but so sensitive too.

No. 1333780

no one cared about the shitposts last thread until it was a dozen posts in the span of 3 hours about sucking clits

No. 1333781

she was like 3000 years old, how old exactly did they seriously expect her to live? 200? would it have been better if she was wheeling around town barely able to speak, looking like a dessicated pork chop in a purple suit? they're acting like she died tragically at 30 or like she wasn't terrifically cold and stuck up

No. 1333855

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For anyone wondering Harry is still not directly in the line of succession, William is now the crown prince and after him is his son and daughter

No. 1333856

pretty fucked up when you think about it. i like that harry seems to support and very vocally stands behind meghan. william and kate seem completely soulless.

No. 1333862

Everything about this is retarded to me. A bunch of bucktooth inbred NEETS living off the English dime pretending they do fuck all. Oooh the crown prince and princess*~ it’s 2022 get fucked.

No. 1333867

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Honestly I hope an Aga Khan like situation happens, where Charles passes over the crown to his grandson rather then give it to his embarrassing hedonistic heir

No. 1333876

The old lizard Queen has retired. And no she's not dead. She's underground munching on babies.

No. 1333888

Are you new? That is hardly the worst thing that happened in an /ot/ thread. Genuinely, if you can't handle a bit of trolling get off the internet.
This also. Is hardly a surprise for god's sake.

No. 1333909

She lived a very long life, good for her. That's my personal life goal - to not die.

No. 1333976

Meghan will wear something ugly as usual.

No. 1333981

Why? Their outfits are so fucking ugly and boring.

No. 1333987

I'm planning on watching the coronation next year because of the outfits. I love sparkly clothes, nonas. Don't care if that makes me some kind of upper-class apologist kek

No. 1334013

Because I'm interested in it anon. Yes it can be boring but sometimes they do wear something really nice.
Same. I even love seeing the people at these events wear super ugly outfits.

No. 1334025

Bong here I'm actually surprised people give a shit about the royals. I'm genuinely taken aback my entire family perceives them as leeches where as tourists seem to love them. I'm glad I no long live there the 10 days of no fun allowed is dystopian and weird imo.

No. 1334027

how? sure kate's outfits are dowdy but meghan always wears ill fitting stuff and her style is so trash, she just goes for the most expensive shit regardless of how it looks on her

No. 1334091

Nayrt but I've got a barrel torso like Markle does, so I like to see how she makes it work with certain clothes. You're right that she sometimes wears things that don't fit though.

No. 1334111

Diana looked better with a fucking ugly sweater on kek

No. 1334133


No. 1334141

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Disagree. Both look fug. At least Kate has the potential to look beautiful. Meghan's body is like SpongeBobs': rectangle, no waist, disproportionate. Nothing really fits her, everything is ill fitting. I wish Kate would stop with the twee outfits bc she has a really beautiful body.

No. 1334142

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No. 1334144

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No. 1334152

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How long do you think Charles is going to be King? There are some speculations that he won't make it that long bc of his health issues

No. 1334157

I'll give him 10 years tops. Then again Lizzie made it to 94 and her mother made it to over 100…

No. 1334158

Won't make it as long as Liz, but I reckon he's got a good decade in him.

No. 1334159

File: 1662808818729.jpg (646.58 KB, 720x1006, meghan-markle-post-baby-body.j…)

Meghan is built like Bruce Jenner

No. 1334178

has she got lipo done on her legs?? what the fuck am i looking at here

No. 1334181

oh my god now i cant unsee it. she skipped leg day.

No. 1334188

lmfao honestly this site amazes me

No. 1334199

Tbh I very much prefer Kate‘s style. Not sure how much of it is selected by her though, I assume they have a team of royal stylists to ensure everyone always looks ~*proper*~

No. 1334376

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No. 1334380

Kate is much more sophisticated

No. 1334383

Being prudish and bland and pretentious is for whatever reason the epitome of being an English rose, hm?

No. 1334391

I too hate it when national figure heads don’t dress for male approval

No. 1334400

you sound like you consider being strangled during sex and wearing daddy chokers "empowering"

No. 1334402

she looks like shes had that korean calf reduction surgery. Not that she has but it looks just like it

No. 1334411

File: 1662826294405.jpg (Spoiler Image,145.37 KB, 936x1390, kate-middleton-leaves-a-1970s-…)

anon do you know about the photos of kate from back then or the trashy party girl life she would live, which is more trashy than anything meghan has ever done.

Now tell us the real reason why you consider kate sophisticated and not meghan.

No. 1334413

File: 1662826419369.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.47 KB, 700x717, 9.jpg)

Sophisticated Kate, look up how william feel in love with her. I wish i was making it up.

No. 1334420

>more trashy than anything meghan has ever done

shes never ended a relationship or marriage without already being in another one, has many sources saying she was a yacht hooker, kate was the ultimate pickme but megan is much lower. Its not normal for someone to be alienated from both their entire birth and marital family.

No. 1334424

They both dress boring and none of this would happen if you guys just abolished the monarchy already.

No. 1334426

File: 1662827093832.jpg (27.02 KB, 500x542, 8564d4877ba1bec7e49f2e615be5e3…)

Classy Kate partying in a nightclub wearing playboy bunny ears (her cousin is also a stripper who worked with playboy and her sister was pictured in her bra, what a classy sophisticated family kate has)

No. 1334429

>has many sources saying she was a yacht hooker.
These are just rumours/tinfoil though, if meghan is such a lower class woman to you then stick to actual proven things that make her look bad instead of unproven rumors.

No. 1334430

Isn't the brf a bunch of degenerates? This might not be degenerate enough for them.

No. 1334435

They're both beautiful women. Only on LC a clearly beautiful, well groomed, well dressed etc. woman gets called a fridge by women who then also complain about men insisting on high beauty standards for women. You all are just as bad.

No. 1334439

Daily reminder that picture is what made William fall in love with Kate, i wish i was joking.

>when Kate strutted down the catwalk of a university fashion show in this Charlotte Todd see-through number, and as the story goes, this was the moment young Will realized he was attracted to Miss Middleton.


No. 1334446

Nah, it’s just celebfags. They have unrealistic standards and generally are the worst posters

No. 1334478

Only lolcow celebfags will tear women down while complaining in the same breath about unrealistic beauty standards for women.

No. 1334479

Ah, I looked it up and thought anon was referencing this:

>The Queen’s grandson also revealed, “She’s got a really naughty sense of humour which kind of helps me because I’ve got a very dirty sense of humour.

But that makes more sense

No. 1334495

Oh no she went to parties in uni! How could she!

No. 1334524

this outfit is so bad

No. 1334532

they werent from uni except for one, nice try though.

No. 1334546

Oh no, she went to parties in her 20s, the horror!

No. 1334549

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Lol I looked it up and the “dress” is supposed to be a skirt. She pulled it up over her chest, no wonder it looks so weird. Also men are retarded, as usual. “He saw her in a different light!” like wow women have bodies under our clothes, who would have thought!

No. 1334559

>Meghan was a yacht hooker
I don’t believe this purely because she was never famous enough or good looking enough.

No. 1334561

Wasn't she basically the biggest William's fangirl long before meeting him? I remember reading about it, if true then nothing but respect for the girl to be able to just take what she wanted even if "marry a prince" sounds so unattainable in theory

No. 1334570

She was, she turned down her acceptance letter to her dream university at Edinburgh to “take a gap year” and apply for St. Andrews instead because she knew he was going to be there. She and her mother very carefully planned out how she would be in the same circles as William to try and catch his eye, a lot of work went into their “random” meetings

No. 1334571

She slays once again

No. 1334575

Networking queen

No. 1334583

Hard work pays off

No. 1334600

Wouldn't surprise me if she were the most resourceful person in the family then.

No. 1334646

I honestly think it would've looked even worse if she just left it as a skirt

No. 1334647

Is this photoshopped? This cannot be real lmao

No. 1334654

It's a shame he's bald now. I feel bad for his wife.

No. 1334657

Ikr, it doesn't even look like an outfit, it looks like a half a stocking with an upside-down garter

No. 1334661

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I remember the hype around him when he looked like picrel

No. 1334671

On one hand, i am sick and tired of anti-blading commercials being played so often and everywhere. On the other hand…

No. 1334692

Imagine looking this much like your good looking mother but you also had to get the Windsor balding genes. Who cursed the males of this family for generations?

No. 1334695

No. 1334696

>now tell us the real reason
Are you trying to make this about race?

No. 1334701

The bloodshed of centuries of colonization, war, and slavery is bad for the scalp.

No. 1334707

This is so sad, he could have been live-action Erwin Smith.

No. 1334709

This is revenge for Henry VIII being a hoe.

No. 1334749

Actual fatties are far more likely to tear down beautiful women but ok

No. 1334813

I just think they're conventially attractive women

No. 1334913

Being British should be considered a mental illness.

No. 1334916

Excellent taste nona

No. 1334952

Meghan and Kate used similar tactics to secure their princes. I honestly give props to both of them for being successful with success here meaning marrying into the BRF and procreating because we all know everyone is cheating on each other. I think they share a lot in common and that’s a big reason why they don’t get along. Can’t be superior to someone who is just like you. Same goes for Camilla though she’s worse for other reasons.

No. 1334984

Centuries of inbreeding is collecting its due

No. 1334990

You know what’s hilarious? The balding gene is from the mother’s side kek.

No. 1334996

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I wish they teamed up tbh. Would have been iconic to see them succeed together.

No. 1335001

I honestly think they're both beautiful, I don't get the anons from earlier.

No. 1335030

Just a quick heads-up from Burgerland; woketards are planning to initiate riots all this week so pls avoid large crowds and demonstrations, be safe!

No. 1335074

Where in England?

No. 1335149

They should hook up and leave their husbands for each other

No. 1335152

At least post a sauce

No. 1335157

I really don't think they're anything alike other than being commoners marrying into the royal family.

No. 1335159

She looks like Stacey slater here, kek.

No. 1335161

I thought Kate's family was already associated with the royals before her and William were together? Is she still considered a commoner?

No. 1335162

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No. 1335174

I think she has a distant relative that was a baroness but her immediate family are from leeds they're just rich but not from royalty.

No. 1335176

Midwit take

No. 1335279

Harry's bald spot…

No. 1335281

Why won't they just shave? This is embarrassing.

No. 1335304

harry should have returned from america with a shaved head, muscles, and white teeth. what was he doing in LA? fuck all, sitting around?

No. 1335310

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Harry is secretly a Franciscan monk, dunno about the other one.

No. 1335353

I hope Meghan makes him get some kind of hair surgery.

No. 1335390

Might be too late for that with how thin his hair already is.

No. 1335410

I called it, "saphics" are just as bad fujos, you can't see a picture of 2 women just standing next to each other, without your mind going into gay fantasies

No. 1335528

Fujosperging in the royals thread. Never thought I'd see the day.

No. 1335531

The thought of an English queen with a lesbian consort makes me very excited tbh. Love the accent, love the women of terve island.
t. non-brit

No. 1335532

Saphics stop being cringe challenge (impossible)

No. 1335533

That's right you can't stop us. Mmm. Royal British accent.

No. 1335538

File: 1662892681968.jpg (75.07 KB, 599x677, 1657464372976.jpg)

I'm interested in how this will play out in other countries in the Commonwealth, and especially Canada. It's a development that arrives at a particularly tumultuous time, and the crowning of a new head of state is a large gift to republican populists (i.e. American-influenced) who would want to abandon the monarchy. But to do so would require a constitutional amendment and is not a small thing

This is all something that's unfolding at an absolutely wild time with so much other stuff happening

No. 1335539

it's spelled sapphic and only wokies use that. you can say lesbian here. but you should probably go back to twitter
I agree their accent is so nice

No. 1335542

Goddamn, Kate's outfits always look so elegant. I don't care about royals at all but she always looks nice.

No. 1335543

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i can't believe anons are seriously acting like kate tends to dress better than meghan. her shit looks so cheap, tacky, the silhouettes and prints are awful. the one thing i give her was that meghan's potato-sack givenchy wedding dress was a grevious sin that i can't forgive and she will probably end up in hell for it

No. 1335557

File: 1662894318825.jpg (535.39 KB, 1080x1542, 4oEpXmp.jpg)

Why is this thread filled with kate vs meghan wars. Instead of talking about the prince who was friends with epstein

No. 1335558

Frankly I'm sick of the Diana dick riding and I feel like the ppl doing it are only doing it because everyone else is, Charles was basically forced to marry her because she was from royalty (I thought wokies hated rich, white aristocrats?). He always loved Camilla it wasn't some crazy affair, also Diana cheated multiple times and was a manipulative bpdchan I don't think either of them loved each other and I feel sorry for Camilla because everyone acts likes she's some evil witch that DESTROYED their marriage (Her and Charles had always been in love but the royal family didn't want him to be with her in the beginning) and Diana is a dainty ~uwu~ princess who never did any wrong.

No. 1335562

I don't think anyone here is on his side tbh

No. 1335566

>Instead of talking about the prince who was friends with epstein
I forgot about this angle. I wonder how this will relate with public sentiment on this exact subject. I can't see it being anything but populist fuel a la >>1335538

Interesting times

No. 1335567

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No. 1335571

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Raw memetic warfare ammunition tbh. I honestly wonder what the official response to this particular message will be

No. 1335598

Is Charles' face going to be on the money now? Are you Brits now sad you didn't go with the Euro

No. 1335620

You must be a atupid child, because only someone who doesn't remember Lady Di would have this take. Stop being cringe.

No. 1335634

Princess Diana was the Nicki Minaj of her time

No. 1335646

File: 1662901802246.jpg (68.42 KB, 540x540, Belgium_2euroAl.jpg)

what do you think there's on the nation tail sides of euro coins anon

No. 1335647

Andrew's probably shitting himself now the queen isn't around to protect him. Charles doesn't get along with him, so maybe he'll end up throwing him in the tower kek
You were right to say it nona.

No. 1335677

Would uber based if he did, you just know andy pandy is seething right now

No. 1335681

I don't hate Diana I just hate the deification of her.

No. 1335863

You called her a "manipulative bpdchan" of course you hate her. What's the point in denying.

No. 1335867

Nta but top fucking kek at describing Princess Diana as a manipulative bpdchan what the fuck lmao. Is that why the queen had her killed? Because she was going to leak recorded messages and Charles' nudes after the divorce? They took her too early. RIP to a legend.

No. 1335875

I remember diana and always thought the worship around her was stupid. cope

No. 1335911

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I’m so fed up of her death dominating the news. Genuinely hoping for a terrorist attack.

No. 1335944

She kind of was a BPD chan. I love her and think she was an amazing woman but she was far from perfect and should never have married Charles in the first place. He was in a relationship with camilla before he even met Diana and he only married Diana because she was a virgin. It was the worst arrangement for a bpd and she suffered from bulimia and also once deliberately threw herself down the stairs while pregnant with Harry. She admitted all of this in a televised interview. Needless to say, the windsors where not fucking happy about it.

Also she would still be alive had she of worn her cunting seatbelt. This is what convinces people it was an elaborate assassination. Bc what person in their right mind would not wear a seatbelt whilst in a car that’s driving down the motorway at full speed to escape relentlessly pursuing paparazzi. Like if you don’t usually wear a seatbelt, wouldn’t you at least buckle up during that absolute mess of a situation? It’s bpd behaviour. If I met Diana’s ghost I would be like “you’re a stupid bitch for that I’m sorry. Love u though”

No. 1336153

File: 1662929212145.png (1.15 MB, 1328x760, poordoggos.png)

i can't believe they are giving her dogs to the fucking pedo

No. 1336196

I don't care about the royal family but
>It’s bpd behaviour.
This shit is literally why no one can take any of you serious

No. 1336209

So what kind of "bpd behaviors" of Diana are known from her time before getting married to an older cheater and into an controlling family that hated her? Because any behavior she'd display after marriage would sound to me more like a response to shitty situation she's in. Women in toxic relationships the second they don't endure them in silence are immediately accused of bpd and histronics.

No. 1336342

they're probably just saying that because she was bulimic

No. 1336358

royal bump

No. 1336370

like none she was just a sad and lonely young girl that was very affectionate and caring. like yeah the monarchy is bullshit but she seemed like a legitimately nice girl, i used to read her diaries and letters and stuff from childhood to adulthood. poor thing was absolutely tortured by the royals, charles, and her situation.

No. 1336389

It's obvious when you watch old interviews with her that the whole "deep and passionate misunderstood soul with such a deep heart" is an image she meticulously cultivated and not a sincere feeling. It's a fantasy for those sorts of women to be martyrs and outcasts for being more moral and feeling than other people. They want that victimization more than they want anything else in life. It's bizarre how when it's a tabletop roleplay thing, those sorts of dumb and slightly cluster B girls will always play -that- sort of character and nothing but that.

She leveraged herself in by juxtaposing herself with how conservative and stale the rest of the royals were, and drumming that note up constantly for sympathy with the media. If she was alive today and still at it, you'd see her just throwing pride flags over Buckingham palace and crying when she gets told how inappropriate it was. Or how she struggles so much with her bisexuality, which she conveniently would come out of the closet about.

No. 1336402

you're insane

No. 1336403

So modern day Diana would be based is what you're saying

No. 1336642

Princess Diana pushed her stepmother down a flight of stairs and threw herself into a glass cabinet to try and injure herself. I don't think it's a stretch to say she was a bpdchan lmao

No. 1336676

Traumatized person if pushed hard enough can end up with dissociative rage episodes but hey, a woman not graciously enduring anything put on her is a bpd chan for sure

No. 1336740

Nta but She did that before she got married to Charles. Honestly I am a huge fan of hers but she was so messy. In a way that just makes her more likeable.

No. 1336756

Nonny, she was not traumatised. She was an aristocrat descended from royalty who lived a cushy life. I'm sure she had mental health issues, but plenty of people suffer the same and don't injure other people. Marrying a 30yr old moid when she was a teenager probably didn't help, but she absolutely could've said no and they would've asked the next available distant relative.

No. 1336768

File: 1662986982763.jpeg (265.74 KB, 900x1408, 8A8C5D25-97DB-4781-B60B-E43E9D…)

I hate her legs and her fashion sense so much

No. 1336774

File: 1662987527483.jpeg (125.09 KB, 900x1242, C6FD9436-19CF-4BD7-A362-CACD7A…)

She looks like she has spent most of her life in a wheelchair. What the fuck. she must have some kind of surgery on them. They don’t look normal at all.

No. 1336780

nonita discovers skinny women with short calves and slim ankles, more at 11

No. 1336851

thank you, exactly. Camilla has had enough sh*t thrown at her

No. 1336869

File: 1662993874385.jpeg (78.68 KB, 1000x600, 111D2BFB-1F69-45A8-9C17-435F58…)

they didn't let andrew wear uniform tbis tome lol.
for philip's funeral everyone wore civilian outfits so they wouldn't embarass him and harry, but this time all his siblings are in uniform and he isn't
i hope this means charles will be tougher on him than mummy was
also good on anne for rocking uniforms
agreed. i don't care for charles but the vitriol for camilla is so ridiculous

No. 1336882

absolutely no muscle tone

No. 1336906

Why couldn't Charles just marry Camilla? I don't know much about titles and royals breeding but she seems like a much more appropriate partner age-wise, and they were in love. Seems like the obvious choice

No. 1336911

They wouldn't let him because she wasn't a virgin and she was divorced.

No. 1336922

princess anne is wonderful

No. 1336925

I wish Anne would beat that fat ogre behind her or run him over with a horse

No. 1336934

High calf insertions and not much muscle mass

No. 1336955

It's sad how much hate Charles got for Diana in a way because it was obvious his true love was Camilla, he just wasn't able to marry her back then.

No. 1336957

I didn't even realise this, we had the livestream going in work. Everyone loves Princess Anne, she's class. I never even thought with Charles taking over he might see his brother completely differently to how the Queen saw her son. Charles could pull a big move here and get a lot of good pr for the kingdom omg

No. 1337127

File: 1663009427011.jpg (1011.19 KB, 2411x3684, 1-1607092648.jpg)

I just saw what Prince Edward looked like when he was young. Is it just the men in this family that age like shit or British men in general?

No. 1337131

File: 1663009714340.jpg (44.24 KB, 500x500, cb93eecc6f5db544740f3a5a36a1d4…)

Damn wtf happened?

No. 1337133

Time / aging is so cruel kek

No. 1337135

alcoholism and the john travolta institute for head thickening and facial weight gain

No. 1337140


No. 1337141

File: 1663010530492.jpg (86.72 KB, 612x408, Prince-Philip-as-a-pupil-in-Go…)

Philip wasn't bad as a young man, either. I'd like to think that William takes after Diana more but he's got the balding and the nose down already for sure.

No. 1337142

Generations of inbreeding that only stopped recently. Kek they will forever have tainted and broken genes.

No. 1337145

File: 1663010816141.jpeg (35.73 KB, 480x481, _medium.jpeg)

It seems like Charles was the one who really wasn't ever attractive lmao

No. 1337150

I think Elizabeth was beautiful but he got some unfortunate features from her.

No. 1337162

He is disgustingly ugly lol

No. 1337190

3.5/10 would bully for his accent and slap him with my leather gloves if he was dropped in my neck of the American deep woods

No. 1337201

Andrew gives me actual developmentally disabled vibes the Queen should've never let him leave the grounds

No. 1337230

This is the first time I've ever seen a picture of young Edward. What the fuck, he's so cute. Somebody save this family's hair genetics.

No. 1337238

Damn that's sad. Imagine thinking you've got yourself a cute prince and then he ages like this wtf.

No. 1337264

File: 1663018668687.jpg (284.96 KB, 1920x1280, gettyimages-52105288landscape.…)

I mean this is what he looked like when he got married so

No. 1337297

if diana were alive today she absolutely would get called a bpdchan in celebricows threads. she was a girlboss to the end.

No. 1337314

File: 1663020891264.png (464.71 KB, 689x821, gross.PNG)

Why is Megan the issue?

Also sorry I don't know how to grab twitter videos:

No. 1337319

Men don't take care of themselves, simple as. They're indoctrinated with the idea that skincare is for women and gays.

The balding can't really be helped, it's just a side effect of the broken Y chromosome.

No. 1337335

Excuse me, is that his own daughter?

No. 1337347

No. 1337366

Eh these dresses are tacky, but in a way that's kind of reminiscent of the late Queen. Meghan radiates Hollywood desperation and shallowness, like she'd fit in better with the Karjenners than the royal family. She reminds me a lot of Wallace Simpson. I'd respect her for calling out the racism of the royal family if it wasn't just a transparent ploy for attention.

No. 1337573

>She deliberately threw herself down the stairs while pregnant with Harry.
That explains so much about him. Shame he survived lmao

No. 1337629

Where did his top lip go

No. 1338326

Are there any known gays in the royal family?

No. 1338474

File: 1663106567693.jpg (278.96 KB, 1000x1430, 20210317 1024px-Portrait_of_Ja…)

Uuuh there was King James I, lmao. I can't think of anyone currently living, though I'm sure there's plenty of tinfoil about various royals being closeted or whatever.

No. 1338478

I mean statistically there's bound to be at least one right?

No. 1338483

Saw this on the front page, didn't read the post, wanna just say this: lookslke a faggit

No. 1338509

Not openly, unless you count the prince of pegging…

No. 1338533

Considering most royals existed in a time where homosexuality was illegal, who knows.

No. 1338541

I mean him being a fag is literally what the post was about so spot on

No. 1338665

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Man arrested for calling Prince Andrew a sick fuck

No. 1338666

File: 1663115052257.jpg (227.59 KB, 1080x1051, fljPdmv.jpg)

King Charles fire 100 staff. Kek I know his reign is about to be full of drama. He's already powertripping.

No. 1338683

>King Charles
>his reign
I repudiate it

No. 1338688

He should start with executing Andrew.

No. 1338690

He was in the right obviously

No. 1338794

File: 1663120336542.png (258.13 KB, 387x264, Wedding_of_Charles,_Prince_of_…)

How does Charles feel about Meghan? Maybe she reminds him of Diana a little bit

No. 1338838

after all the fallout since her and harry left the family i'm not even sure the family actually gave a fuck about her in the first place she's a bland clout chaser she's nothing like diana

No. 1338873

Inbred and degenerate. This is fairly tame, yes.

No. 1338874

This needs to happen. This should be the plan. They have all the more reason to do it now because I only see weakness in Charles III.

No. 1339174

File: 1663141724154.jpg (323.73 KB, 720x979, 20220914_090518.jpg)

It's ok guys, Jedward is going to sort this out and avenge the colonies. It started with Ireland and it'll end with Ireland

No. 1339180

I actually cannot stand Jedward for a long time now. They do not produce anything, let alone music, all they do is throw sjw-tier drama tweets to try to have relevancy. It's a shame tbh. Everything that comes from their twitter feels like a sjw calculated crap.

No. 1339197

I wonder if it's some weird kid of internalized misogyny towards modern women, but I really don't give a shit about Meghan and Kate. Like, Diana had huge charisma and the queen had 20th century energy.

No. 1339200

No. 1339205

he's always said he wanted a slimmed down monarchy. i guess that means a lot of people are going to get tossed out

No. 1339238

I've always viewed Jedward as just a very bizarre thing to come out of my country and get as famous as they did (Eurovision) but you have to admit when they do things like the the time they sent an open public threat to Kim Jong Un they're pretty funny

No. 1339251

I used to like their songs as a teen (during eurovision times) and i liked some wholesome vidrel song, but that's about it. That one time I discovered their twitter i realized they are pretty obsessed with throwing their opinion about dramas, even though I know they do donate to a lot of charities and do some other good stuff…?But their twitter has a weird 'tiktok trending zoomer' energy to me.
its funny my Irish friend hates them a lot, i wonder if they are disliked in your country as much? I don't even think they are relevant anymore.

No. 1339270

File: 1663152011502.jpeg (176.66 KB, 962x671, 67C19226-EF46-4398-B6DF-A77904…)

it's so wild to me that two reasonably attractive people managed to produce a child that has always been strikingly ugly. even as a kid or youth charles has never been even close to acceptable-looking

No. 1339882

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One of the queen's third cousins is, he divorced his wife and then married a guy a few years later.

No. 1340100

He’s so fucking weird looking, it’s uncanny. Getting old has actually improved his appearance because as a young lad he looked like a retarded pinhead straight from a circus sideshow.

No. 1340136

Diana gives me "Kinsey 1 bi vibes" as a bi woman myself

No. 1340200

Looking at him, and thinking back to when the royal family apparently told Meghan they were scared her baby's appearance wouldn't be "up to par" is so funny to me. Their inbred genetics have always been the problem

No. 1340255

It's very sad to think Diana had sex with that face. Then again, he does remind me a bit of Adam Driver

No. 1340885

File: 1663258285007.jpg (241.45 KB, 719x683, 20220915_172801.jpg)

F in chat for xXLizzy_D_QueenXx666 she would have loved Hogwarts Legacy

No. 1340906

He honestly got the worst of their features and then some. Really an example of losing the genetic lottery

No. 1340908

I feel even closer to the Queen. Not only was Elizabeth an icon, she was a Nintendo fanboy. Did she know about the corgi pokemon? Guess what I'm going to ask God to give me a sign about later when I pray? Lord, give me a sign the Queen knew Yamper!

No. 1340948

The fact that you're talking about them means they are extremely relevant and beneficial. They're also working all the time, because they contribute a lot to the UK's diplomacy and softpower. A constitutional monarchy is more of a unifying cultural icon + family of a special kind of diplomats.

No. 1340950

You think she caught a shit ton of yamper and nicknames them after her actual corgis?

No. 1340958

Shit I hope so and I hope she looked at their nature's before nicknaming them.

No. 1341858

File: 1663338166916.jpg (125.04 KB, 720x593, 20220916_154007.jpg)

British "people" absolutely coping in the replies to Jedward (the true successors to Karl Marx & the leaders of the Irish communist state)

No. 1341863

They didn’t tell her that. By her admission they only said “I wonder what colour skin he will have”.

No. 1341864

Not Irish but I remember when they first appeared on X factor (or Britain’s got talent, don’t remember which one and don’t particularly care) they where the butt of every single joke. They where like the Justin Bieber of the uk.

No. 1341870

Somehow this info made my day better. RIP gamer queen.

No. 1341872

They said that because they were 400 years old. Everyone has a grandparent who makes random unintentionally insensitive things because they literally grew up when the wheel was invented, I honestly think the media took that waaay too seriously when it was only just old people acting like old people

No. 1341961

I feel like…everyone says that when the parents have skin colors that are different from one another, parents included. I feel like that's not weird or racist, or maybe I'm just an asshole

No. 1341964

I never heard my grandpa curse once because he thought it was immoral but even he once offered me Brazil nuts while referring to them as ‘n-word toes.’ Old people grew up in a different time and are usually racist because of it, idk what people expect.

No. 1341982

this is actually fake news. the company sent the wii to the palace and it was rejected and sent back, unopened. it went up for auction a while ago for 36,000$, which is ridiculous considering the queen never even touched the damn thing.

No. 1342030

>n-word toes
KEK my sidessssss i cannot stop laughing what in the world. im imagining an elderly white man saying that sweetly and its making me laugh even harder. seriously the funniest thing i read all day

No. 1342800

It was actually with William though anon is mistaken. The queen was visibly shaken and terrified because she was worried for the next hier.

No. 1342803

One time my grandpa was babysitting me and we were watching TV, when one of the characters on a movie was black with an afro. My grandpa looks at the TV and says, "Why do those negros put their hair like that?"

No. 1342843

2 police officers were attacked with a knive and it was barley mentioned

No. 1342967

Anyone watching the funeral procession on tv? People say it will be the most watched television event in history, any one agree?

No. 1342968

maybe in bongland but nowhere else. why would i watch that shit?

No. 1342975

Idk, I can believe it. There's 650k+ watching only BBCs stream in youtube, other streams have tens or hundreds of thousands of watchers too, and that is not counting TV viewers/ppl watching streams outside youtube

No. 1342991

I wanted to watch the whole thing but I was at work, this is comfy to have on the background now and the waddling looks comical.

No. 1342992

No. 1343020

Kek, my dad couldn't stop laughing at the slow waddling too.

No. 1343025

I'm watching it on YT, it's fascinating to see things like the guards having uniforms from the 1500s and how bizarrely coordinated everyone is.

No. 1343038

Same reason I'm watching it. Fascinating to see all the old rituals and eccentric looking uniforms 100s of years old being put in use.

No. 1343042

I'm in the crowd at the funeral. You can identify me as the one serving cunt and pissing so ferociously that my teeth fall out. The catering is shit and I'm not excited for the queen making her speech today she's such a boring speaker

No. 1343048


No. 1343056

i actually spit out laughing at this

No. 1343112

>You can identify me as the one serving cunt
Yassss new queen of England, slay!

No. 1343128

Camilla is that you

No. 1343177

File: 1663599535028.png (1.65 MB, 1412x789, corgis.png)

Her cute little corgis, and her pony was there too

No. 1343191

those coffin carriers look like they're about to have a heart attack

No. 1343214

In Spain there was drama because they put King Felipe next to his father, the old king Juan, who fled to arabia after getting investigated for enbezzling in the funeral.

No. 1343223

I had to work today and people kept making me not watch the livestream I didn't spot this. If I did I would have cried! I'm so annoyed I had to work I wanted to watch it with my mum, and my brother in the navy and was there. Instead every kept calling them rich pedos in work and I wanted to get into it

No. 1343226

They're 400 years old and also racist lol, why play dumb? Next you'll be insisting Prince Andrew is not a nonce

No. 1343234

For some reason it hurts me more to know that her corgis were present at the funeral to say goodbye that it does to know her family were there kek

No. 1343266

That corgi on the left looks so sinister nonas. Are we sure he didn't slip poison into Liz's tea

No. 1343268

well i cant blame you, the corgis are cuter than charles

No. 1343289

acting like asking the skin tone of a mixed race baby is racist is such a stupid "i dont see color" stretch.

No. 1343295

When was the corgis and pony present? I want to see them.

No. 1343319

File: 1663606252318.jpg (134.2 KB, 976x549, _126776085_7a7c6002c755443e0d5…)

When she was being brought to Windsor castle, the pony you can see standing on the grass by the driveway where the public was not allowed. And I just checked and in the 9 hour BBC stream the corgis are shown around 7:57:54. Emma (pony) was not that long before that.

No. 1343343

File: 1663606986096.jpg (78.02 KB, 581x857, twit.JPG)

No. 1343350

is this the clit-obsessed autist who hates the thread and most of the posters but wont leave?

No. 1343362

Aww thank you nona I saw the corgis now, at 7:59. I feel emotional seeing how the pets survived their owner.

No. 1344571

> serving cunt
Deranged schizo fag

No. 1344579

What like housing and supporting sexist rapist moids that hate the west but want the gibs coming across the channel?

No. 1345087

File: 1663701659713.jpeg (134.82 KB, 1284x1646, FdDLJAHXwAA9iXg.jpeg)

Brit nonna's have you seen this, this honestly goes pretty hard

No. 1345089

i don't care to address the argument about immigration but even actual brits are facing really tough issues wrt housing and gas gouging. they have a point irrespective of the immigrant thing

No. 1345103

we have our own cost of living to deal with, never mind immigrants

No. 1345104

i literally just said that though

No. 1345181

>people who are 1/4th black with a ginger parent
>having dark or otherwise "remarkable" skintone for other white people
If not racist, they're full-on retarded at best, as in much dumber and more stereotypically norf-tier than most would like to pretend. Also, it'd be delusional to think that's the only time the fucking British royal family has ever been racist

No. 1345248

for whatever reason people are willing to die on this hill that for whatever reason the royals aren't going to be racist? i don't get it. i've had full on (one sided) arguments with insane brits who say meghan is a devil (???) because there's no way the royal family is racist. why is it so hard for these people to believe?

No. 1345493

I don't think most people dispute the Royal family is racist (hell, the Irish aren't even dark skinned and look what they did to those guys). I think the thing people are unwilling to believe is that the whole family immediately turned on Meghan. It's likely true that they rejected her or picked on her a bit but you have to admit it's slightly difficult to believe that they all immediately became rabid racists the moment they enter her presence. I still feel bad for Meghan though because I absolutely believe the immediate pressure to act royal would crush anyone even though it's very fucking hard to feel bad for anyone who has married into royalty tbh kek

No. 1345581

tbh anyone mixed-race stupid enough to marry a white man caught on tape calling people pakis and ragheads deserves what they get. like she knew before she met him that he was racist, so why is his family being racist a deal breaker?

also i've become obsessed with the anti-meghan thread on tattle life. those middle aged pearl-clutchers are literally q-anon level insane. you can post an obviously fake tumblr anon ask like "i work for the palace and meghan stole a corgi" and they'll believe it without a second thought kek.

No. 1345750

Since William is his son, do you reckon Charles has ever had gay thoughts?

No. 1345997

Ayrt The Royal Family have a history of these things. "They picked on me because I'm half black" Meghan they're the descendants of people who committed atrocities in Africa but you were happy enough to marry the guy who dressed like a nazi for Halloween and try to buddy up with Charles the open racist who pretends to be a God to some random tribe in Africa sometimes and Elizabeth who has an essay worth of problems. So the seething awful issues weren't bad enough to deter you from marrying into the family in the first place? I think either her mental health from the pressure of adjusting to proper royal life built up into tension/resentment with the people putting pressure on her or she she really is so fucking stereotypically burgerland entitled that she pulled the race card as soon as she realised she wasn't going to get princess goals special treatment. Again, very hard to feel bad for anyone who marries into that family

No. 1346944

>supporting sexist rapist moids
This part describes funding the monarchy pretty well.

No. 1347397

to be fair Meghan was caught lying several times already. Even before she got involved with Harry

No. 1350447

File: 1664012053908.jpg (195.02 KB, 946x2048, IMG_20220924_104948.jpg)

Since we're already talking about Maghan being a liar + #MeghanMarkleExposed is trending on Twitter

No. 1350448

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No. 1350449

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No. 1350450

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No. 1350452

File: 1664012302351.jpg (336.17 KB, 720x1156, 20220924_105536.jpg)

No. 1350455

Learn how to stitch screenshots pls

No. 1350458

Sorry for the Meghan spam, I'm just so surprised that this has come up so suddenly. I do think it's funny so see that the royal family has Twitter stan accounts at war with eachother. There are actual prince William simp pics appearing on my timeline

These aren't my screenshots, they're being passed around on Twitter

No. 1350462

Ayrt and yeah I saw that after checking Twitter myself sorry nonna

No. 1350463

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No. 1350466

File: 1664013229410.jpg (340.06 KB, 1080x591, 20220924_110902.jpg)

No. 1350467

File: 1664013251140.jpg (88.99 KB, 1025x653, IMG_20220924_110516.jpg)

No. 1350473

Where'd you find this?
Anon social media posts claiming to have TOTALLY REAL INSIDER INFO are usually wack but this really sounds believable

No. 1350830

It's Trending on Twitter after someone wrote a book exposing Meghan

No. 1351334

That's a reddit user who claims her brother/brother-in-law has the insider info. I remember everyone fonds over her cause she revealed something that turned out to be true months and months ago. I don't remember what about though. You can probably look through her profile if you're interested.

No. 1354610

File: 1664304991435.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1242x1739, 094E0CB3-07C3-4691-9F97-7A5A5B…)

I’m not a fan of Meghan at all but reddit takes any negative statement against her as gospel with no shadow of a doubt, it’s kind of mental

No. 1356035

I completely agree. Those people are insane with hatred for her. I read something the last time I was there that the queen was surprised Meghan would wear white for her wedding when she was divorced and I suppose it's not traditional to do that or something? But anyways all the comments were hating on Meghan for wearing white like wtf who cares lmao

No. 1357018

this is mostly not a lie though. Like a white wedding dress is supposed to show purity etc. since the Victorian era (which is outdated for this time, but she was old) and Meghan already married once. Camilla had a cream white wedding dress (which also had a greenish robe? depending on the time of the day) but Camilla and Charles had an unoffical wedding. Wearing white as a guest is also forbidden by old standards to prevent upstaging the bride and the queen wore white on that day (which is basically her showing that she does not approve of Camilla or their wedding back then)

No. 1357019

reddit is stupid anyway but some things are true. Like there are/were some reports about them changing their nanny again, their orginial staff for their Netflix deal not wanting to work together with them after a short time (again and again) and Meghan was caught lying too much.

Even when she wrote about her miscarriage she literally copy and pasted the article from another woman, who wrote about her miscarriage years ago in a newspaper (I think it was even the New York Times). It was said that Meghan literally only changed the names and the dates and people provided a link to the original article. Like imagine being the original author and seeing someone famous straight up copying your horrible experience and being praised for how wonderful she wrote this and that she is so brave for opening up and you have to be reminded of this sad experience again. And there are a lot of stories with proof about her lying, which is why so many start to believe every bad thing about her, because her character is already ruined to anyone, who half-way keeps up with them. I don't like Harry or the royal family either and think they are all horrible but she lies in such an obvious way and changes her stories so many times that I honestly wonder why she just can't stay quiet. After they departed from the royals so many people were also on their side and they both ruined it by being caught lying so much and making money off his family

No. 1390277

File: 1667003495515.png (1.21 MB, 1000x693, cover.png)

2 terrible covers

No. 1390334

spare what? whas he gonna spare??

No. 1390342

kek I think it's referring to the idea of a monarch ensuring their legacy will carry on by having two kids - "an heir and a spare"

No. 1390363

There's no way she's actually attracted to him, he's too fugly for closeups like this

No. 1390378

Megan looks nice in that cover, but Harry's makes me uncomfortable

No. 1390386

is that an eternity collar on meghan?

No. 1390508

Bro hasn't been a spare in the last decade

No. 1436324

File: 1670441083707.jpg (153.88 KB, 1024x576, Reactions-to-Prince-Harry-Megh…)

Anyone watching the Harry and Meghan documentary tomorrow? The trailers on youtube have a ton of dislikes, I'm talking 300,000 to 17,000 likes or something like that.

No. 1436498

hell yea

No. 1436681

I can't sit through that much time with those two, plus I don't want to give them a view to encourage Netflix.

No. 1438773

My god that was boring. I thought it'll be one normal sized documentary… not 3 hours of holiday photos and cringey couple nonsence. And that's just the beginning. I couldn't not notice that Megan is a lot like Lillee Jean except everything worked out for Megan and nothing worked for Lillee kekeke. Hopefully the next 3 hours will finally have some drama because the sweet disgustiness of their relationship makes me want to vomit.

No. 1438783

Jesus, he aged like a stray catboy. RIP to his son.

No. 1438801

I haven't watched it yet, but I just knew it was gonna be like that. i could tell from the trailer - which was just a slideshow of photos of them being smarmy, saccharine twats. clearly they have nothing of substance to share otherwise there would have been more teasers. such a cash grab project.

No. 1439326

What do you mean about Meghan being like Lillee Jean?

No. 1450467

Watched it. I understand nobody is the villain in their own story. However I don't buy all of their reasons for "Megxit".
>They were jealous
>They were racists
>We got bullied
>We dindu nuffin

No. 1470448

Come on, let's revive this thread! What were your favourite revelations from Spare? Mine is a tie between the emotional abuse Harry endured from his brother not wanting to hang out with him in highschool, and the mundane revelation that he killed 25 people in Afghanistan.

No. 1470461

Where do I begin?
>Meghan sings to seals, who answer back to her
>Harry's frostbitten penis
>Harry keeps a box of Diana's hair next to his bed
>Archie destroyed a Christmas ornament with the Queen's face and Harry says that he could hear Diana's laugh
>Catherine didn't want to share lipgloss with Meghan

No. 1470462

My favourite part of Spare is that we can all finally acknowledge that the royals are cows and so are Meghan + Harry

No. 1470479

>emotional abuse Harry endured from his brother not wanting to hang out with him in highschool
>Catherine didn't want to share lipgloss with Meghan
I'm sorry this is so fucking funny, why are they being so dramatic over such normal things?

No. 1470557

When your life has no real issues or stimulation, you have to invent it to keep from being bored.

No. 1470648

I'm repeating myself but a teenager not wanting to hang out with his little brother at school is so normal and boring I'm actually shocked it even happened to them. It happened to me and my sister and we have the same age difference as these two guys, yet I'm not crying on the internet over it. Meghan needs to drag her husband back home and bitch slap him because this is getting embarrassing.

No. 1470657

gonna be hard to choose between the seal singing, charles's teddy bear, the lipgloss… but the real star is probably the frozen dong
im glad everyone is making fun of them now. the whole rf is a clown show, they're just the wokie variant

No. 1470671

What is the Charles' teddy bear story?

No. 1470682

I hope some kind hearted nonna will post a small summary of some of the funnier stories

No. 1470732

File: 1673546880337.png (259.99 KB, 537x655, creepy.png)

No. 1470763

File: 1673548263959.jpeg (39.6 KB, 420x392, 76E4D15E-8138-4840-B665-6D0EA2…)

No. 1470768

how does a dick get frostbite anyway? why is it even out in the cold

No. 1470775

thinking of his mother as he touches his dick. what the fuck. Diana truly deserved better sons.

No. 1471635

Why did we need to know that him and William are circumsized?

No. 1471669

We didn't, but not that we do know, why are they circumcised?

I usually don't give two shits about the royal family but this book ignited something in me because the vitriol makes me think of my own family drama, so here it is out of order and from the top of my head:

>penis saga: Harry got frostbite in Antarctica, reveals the circumcision, put Diana's lip cream to make his "todger" get better, still had frozen dick at Willaim and Kate's wedding

>He brought his mother's perfume to therapy
>He has a box with a lock of her hair by his bedside
>Megan put her pregnancy tests in the box to get Diana's blessing or something
>He says he killed 25 talibans and didn't feel a thing
>Megan told Kate that she was forgetful because of her post-pregnancy hormones, Kate told her they weren't close enough for Megan to talk to her like this, Megan told Kate that's how she talks to her friends, William got involved and asked Megan to stop disrespecting his wife, Megan told him to get his finger out her face
>William believes the media about Megan and says she is difficult
>William didn't want to hang out with Harry at Eton highschool
>William got a bigger bedroom than Harry at their palace in Scotland when they were kids
>Kate doesn't want to share her lipgloss with Megan
>Harry thinks William's balding is worse than his
>Harry ignores anyone that tries to advise him to ignore the media, like his near-70yo father, because they just don't get it
>Pissed by William saying in an interview that he snored (they lived together in their 20s) because William may have had ulterior motives
>Kate and William were big fans of Suits and knew who Megan was before meeting her
>Megan thought Harry's 120sqm bachelor pad in the heart of London was shitty
>He only accepted his mother's death after 10 years, when he was around 23yo
>he asked to see pictures from his mother's accident, and was disgusted from seeing all the flashing lights of the paps
>He went to Paris through the tunnel and was shocked to see it was just a short straight tunnel, where nobody should die
>Harry recalls several times when he was singled out by tabloids when he was a teenager for dumb shit like shaving his head but also taking drugs and going to rehab
>He feels like he wasn't protected enough by his family from the media
>Charles wasn't a great single dad but he would leave letters on Harry's pillows to tell him he was proud of him
>fucking wedding bridesmaid dress drama at Harry and Megan's wedding where I don't get wtf happened but Megan made Kate cry or something and then Kate apologized with flowers
>compared paparazzis to talibans, young men being radicalized
>Harry lost his virginity at 17 to an older woman by "mounting her" near a pub and getting spanked afterwards
>He did coke at 17 for the first time
>Has done shrooms, psychedelics and weed, says psychedelics helped him redefine reality and let go of restrictions
>Harry and William didn't want Charles to marry Camilla when younger, although they liked Camilla
>Says Camilla started to scheme her way into marriage and queendom by using the press
>Charles was worried Megan and Harry would overshadow him and Camilla, also once asked Catherine to change her name because there would be too many people with a name starting with a C in the family
>Dog bowl fight : William attacked Harry after an argument about Megan and grabbed Harry by the necklace which broke, sending him in the dog bowl, which broke and cut his back. Harry then called his therapist immediately. William apologized afterwards
>Harry started feeling left out when William and Kate start having children after their wedding and didn't hang out with him much
>Says he frequently sees signs of his mother's messages for him in animals
>fell in love with Magan after seeing a picture of her with Snapchat's dog filter
>wasn't good at school, seems to have memory problems and acknowledges that some parts of his book may not be factual, but they are still his truth
>broke up with previous gf because of the paparazzis, didn't want to put her through it
>was conflicted between a Nazi costume and pilot costume for the costume party, he asked William and Kate and they said to go with the Nazi costume
>Megan is literally perfect, perfect, perfect
>After Philips' funeral, talk between Harry and his brother and father, they call him delusional and that he doesn't seem to mind the press that much, he disagrees, says Oprah interview was brave because he was speaking in his own name
>William then told him that he swears on their mother's grave that he wants Harry to be happy, Harry doesn't believe him (that's where he talks about his brother's baldness), split between brothers seems definitive

Overall it seems like family drama at its worse, a mixture of pettiness, resentment, trauma and heartbreak all stewing for years and years and years.

No. 1471670

Samefag how could I forget, frostbite dick is from the North Pole trip, and for the South Pole one he has a custom dick cushion underwear made to protect his penis, also he watched Megan's sex scenes from Suits and regrets it.

No. 1471673

>he watched Megan's sex scenes from Suits and regrets it
Is that why Harry wet his pants a few hours before his first date with Meghan?

No. 1471674

Wtf who talks about his dick like that while also putting in a short sad phrase about his dead mother? Why would you even want to talk about your frostbitten dick…
Seriously from the tone of the book and how they talk they all sound like they're emotionally stunted retards.

No. 1471706

The whole family is fucked up. I'm unsurprised, but I think they need to incorporate mental health support into their lives, fr. I don't understand how a family can operate like this; I believe Harry's claims about the royals leaking stories to the media to raise their own reputations. So, part of me wonders how you can possibly have good mental health in a family where trust seems to mean fuck all.

No. 1471724

Is this guy actually unaware that all of this just worsens his image? Or is it a any publicity is good publicity kind of thing?

No. 1471772

I’m loving this holy cow it’s such a trainweck. Honestly William and Kate can be criticized too for being royal at least but at least they kept their dignity

No. 1471779

>he watched Megan's sex scenes from Suits and regrets it.
How so? When I was a kid I always wondered how husbands or wifes of actors doing this kind of scenes felt about it kek I guess I have an answer now?

No. 1471853

what a crybaby, im so glad that they’re showing their asses. british royal worship is a mistake because these people come out even more retarded than the average person. also don’t forget about him complaining he’d be used for spare parts to make sure william live.

No. 1471859

Honestly is Harry being psyoped lmao because him calling his book Spare and then acting out in the media is some weird poetry. He's a Prince with ego issues because he won't be King. He's having a tantrum and I don't think he or anyone knows what he wants the outcome to be. He can't cry himself to becoming King and making Meghan Queen. It's just not realistic lol

No. 1472145

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Everyone talks about Harry's freudian obsession with his mother but he seems equally obsessed with his brother. Bro you're nearly 40 years old, fucking move on, holy shit. Harry probably would have been super creepy with William if William were a girl and were his big sister whose face seemed to be copypasted from Diana's.

No. 1472169

I just don’t get why he’s so jelly. Yeah you’re the younger one and you’re not gonna be king, but isn’t that also kinda rad? You get all the perks of growing up in luxury and wealth without ever really being expected to do anything except show up for a few “charity” events, shaking hands and kissing babies. Dude could’ve just stfu and lived a fairly quiet life while making a few appearances at children’s hospitals and still being popular. I don’t get it.

No. 1472176

tbh being rich as fuck but not being able to spend your money how you want having your "job" being all about your family does seem to suck ass. Apparently he didn't even have his own bank account, I'm not in my 30s just yet and if I had to ask mommy and daddy to give me some allowance to buy clothes for the month but I would only be allowed to wear the exact same suits and shoes anyway I'd hate it kek, but then again his standards of living are still so much higher than average regardless it's just a matter of perspective.

No. 1472192

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Thinking is listening to the audiobook

No. 1472220

As soon as I heard "penis" I paused the video. I know where this is going, I can't do this anymore. I know way too much about this man's dick and balls, I deserve compensation for that.

No. 1472227

is harry narrating this? i hate the way he says penis with a harsh p. gross

No. 1472242

I'm ESL, I don't get what's wrong here, it's not meant to be pronounced benis, right? Right??

No. 1472330

personally i loved the casual mention of his roommates at eton all knowing who was and wasnt circumcised and they'd call eachother 'cavaliers and roundheads', right in the middle of a bit where he was talking about how sad and isolated he felt after his mothers death

No. 1472357

I'm ESL too and I just thought he put a lot of emphasis in that word in particular lol. But it's likely that I'm just projecting because I thought the whole thing is weird to write about so I just focus on the word penis

No. 1472366

Ayrt, and I dunno, I’m sure there definitely are sucky parts, but you’re still mega wealthy and have every aspect of your life taken care of. I feel like most people would put up with that to live such a privileged life. I don’t doubt his family is assholeish and the press absolutely sucks, but he’s really coming across as someone who’s just super jelly of his big brother. He could’ve come out as an anti-royalist and brought attention to just how shitty the Prince Andrew scandal was and how much money the royals waste on bullshit, but it feels more like he still wants to be a prince and just have everything on his own terms. I don’t get what he’s trying to accomplish.

No. 1473318

>wasn't good at school, seems to have memory problems and acknowledges that some parts of his book may not be factual, but they are still his truth
Does he have brain damage? That would explain a lot.

No. 1480053

He said he made fun of a Matron who had spine/stiffnss problems and so walked funny and who wasnt 'fancyable' at his school to get a laugh out of his friends

Also the cut penis thing is apparently a tradition in the royal family that goes back awhile

No. 1565433

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Semi-necroing this thread since the coronation is in 4 days (May 6th, if you're not aware)
Am I the only one that thinks it's funny that they're attempting to make the ceremony look understated and modern (I guess because the UK is going through some kind of economic crisis) by making the dress code "day dress" and allegedly getting rid of tiaras, while still planning to have Charles and Camila tugged around in a gold carriage?

No. 1565439

File: 1682997855749.png (1.6 MB, 2000x1125, 00-promo-tiara.png)

Samefag, a little context for what I mean
>According to King Charles' former butler Grant Harrold, the dress code will be a "massive change to royal protocol" with a more relaxed affair with a "day dress" dress code.
>Kate Middleton might skip a tiara for King Charles and Queen Camilla's coronation.
>A week before the historic crowning ceremony, The Times reported that the Princess of Wales, 41, plans to shake up past precedent by not wearing the ultimate royal accessory.
>"Instead it is thought that she is planning to wear a floral headpiece," The Times reported.
>"There are also rumors within palace circles that no royal women will wear tiaras," the outlet added.

They should just go all the way with the pomp and pageantry instead of only trying to do a little, imo. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the British monarchy the only one in Europe that still has coronations this big anyway? If they really want it to be modern then they should just make the ceremony short and simple.

No. 1565503

they're probably trying to be more low key amid the cost of living crisis but the fact remains if they cared about the people at all they wouldn't be doing this and the monarchy shouldn't exist in 2023

No. 1565691

The Monarch aren't just a high class society thing they do hold a traditional role with God and state. Unless UK becomes a secular country we won't abandon our royal family.

I think it'll be cute if Kate wears a floral crown for spring. Maybe her and William are dressing down since a lot of the British public favour kate and William over Charles and camilla

No. 1565905

Yes. Plus, like what are the cost/benefit analysis of this thing? The royals are only good for tourism and for keeping greedy corporations from turning the their castle estates into condos. So if he's doing a show of pageantry for his existence, I want him to look the part for the tourists so they talk it up and more people spend money in the UK. Don't skimp out on the crown while spending money to protect your ass in public.

No. 1565921

It's so ugly, holy hell

No. 1566001

Lmao god isn't real, idiot. The royal family are just inbred celebrities who suck the teet of government while never giving anything back.

No. 1566055

Pretty sure there are other royal monachies in Belgium, Sweden, Luxembourg and Norway(?) still kicking. It's just that they are very boring people and keep a lower profile. Except that one Norwegian royal who is dating a black man and she seems a little crazy.

No. 1566060

Yes there are, but I mean that their coronations are much smaller afaik.

No. 1566061

I agree, they seriously should just go all in for the sake of tourists. Also, i know some British boomers who still love the royal familiy, that alone makes this decision to go low key rather confusing.

No. 1566073

God doesn't like child rapists, greed or avarice.

No. 1566130

It's not on me to prove the existence but it's just ignorance to ignore the actual reason there's a monarch. Go petition someone that gives a fuck

No. 1566193

Speaking of God, I wonder if the royals themselves genuinely think they were chosen by god? I mean they're religious so some probably do, but I have a hard time believing William looks at his weird jaw/cheeks in the mirror everyday and thinks "I am ordained by God".

No. 1566418

NTA but I find people with your viewpoints interesting. How do you reconcile this idea that these people have a "role with God", as if they're closer to divinity or almost priestly, with the reality of them and their actions? Do you believe in divinely ordained sexual abuse? Lies? Psychological abuse? Intense greed and selfishness? Dressing up as Nazis? Does God stand with Jimmy Saville, from your POV?
They're nothing like Jesus or God, and everything like the evil rich people from every tale. If these people are "traditionally ordained" to a Godly stature, why are they so damn rotten, and why is any affiliation with Christ purely a symbolic sham with no real grounding or conviction?
I mean, look, even if you want to pull the "Well, no one's perfect, but at least they're trad and conservative! They give the UK a classy family to look up to", to give a very minor example, even Kate Middleton walked around naked to get attention from the prince she wanted to marry. What exactly is there to admire here? It's like you enjoy lying to yourself.

No. 1566424

Nta but I don't think anon is saying that she believes the royals have a divine right, just that that's why there is a monarchy. Which is true, royals said that they were god's representatives. I personally do just see them as celebrity aristocrats though.

No. 1566428

Read a book

No. 1566434

It sounds like that anon does think of them that way, or defends it, but you're right that she might not. I guess I'm just posing that at anyone who does believe that.

No. 1566435

This is such a pathetic reply, kek. People who worship the British monarchy are the most poorly educated, misinformed individuals on the planet. It's illiterate serf mentality.

No. 1566480

Jesus would have hated the royals…the pope too

No. 1566502

> Pretty sure there are other royal monachies in Belgium, Sweden, Luxembourg and Norway(?) still kicking.
There are 12 countries in Europe that have a monarchy.

No. 1566509

Even more baffling than the british having a monarchy, I wouldn't be able to recognise a single (non british) monarch even if I were offered money to. What excuse to they have to still exist?

No. 1566707

I've only ever seen the points you mentioned discussed by 70-year-old biker guys who hang around in pubs and obsessively read Pratchett, so it's a bit jarring seeing this on Lolcow. You're not wrong, but nobody cares about God in the UK, they care about traditional things and having a family who's a living tourist attraction.
The only people I've come across who genuinely give a shit about the royals are elderly Brits, the aristocracy, the wannabe aristocracy who use Klarna to buy all of Kate and Meghan's outfits, and boomer immigrants, especially Asian or Black immigrants. Their kids either don't give a shit or actively hate the monarchy. The vast majority of the British population only cares about the monarchy because of the extra bank holidays, that's really it. I don't think anyone would bring God into this, everyone talks about how good the royals are for the economy.

No. 1568733

Charles has few hours left to do the funniest thing ever and die right before his coronation, praying for him

No. 1568758

The whole coronation thing is a wasteful use of time and resources in the face of thousands of children in the UK who are starving and/or living on the streets. I don't understand how most people aren't up in arms over this. It's quite pathetic that this country perpetuates these antiquated traditions with such vigour. The royals serve no purpose that haven't been achieved in republican nations (inb4 'they bring in tourist moneeeyyyyy!!1!1!'). I hope that the other Commonwealth nations make like Barbados and cut ties with the UK monarchy to become republics, and that there are many big protests at this tasteless gathering.

No. 1568997

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>Coronation starting at 6AM and ending at 9:30AM EST
Gatdamn, on the weekend too. Is anyone else gonna watch? I could just wait till after, but I want to be up to see it and I know that if I don't watch it in real time I won't even bother to watch later.

No. 1569005

File: 1683344867648.jpg (28.64 KB, 480x358, morrissey_england.jpg)

i fucking wish. the amount of sycophants in this country is gross

why would you wake up early to watch an inbred old man try on a hat

No. 1569010

Because I like keeping up with royal drama and happenings (a "royal watcher", I guess) and then discussing it with other people who also like royal drama, and big events like these are a part of that. It's entertainment.

No. 1569049

File: 1683349210020.gif (2.22 MB, 498x392, queen-elizabeth-coronation-day…)

it's the continuation of a 1000 year dynasty and a family that once ruled over a quarter of the world, possibly still do, in a ceremony that is beyond lavish and as a cultural spectacle will contain the last vestiges of anything resembling history and tradition for this country why the fuck wouldn't you watch.

wah wah wah you people are a dime and dozen it's a giant national party

No. 1569076

'1000 year dynasty' you mean a bunch of ugly, inbred, utterly medicore people?

'beyond lavish' they couldn’t even get anyone relevant to perform but flops like katy perry

trad anons stay delusional

No. 1569080

My aunt and uncle got invited to the garden party the other day and there still there for the coronation. My uncle does a lot of charity work with youth (he's not a pedo lol). I am just off nightshift and am back to work at 6pm. I'm raging I'm not getting to watch

No. 1569086

I was original anon that mentioned the whole religious link. I'm from NI and we have our own fanatics about the royals, however my grandmother is Catholic yet a royalist. She's old school Catholicism. My dad's a Presbyterian so I was brought up protestant but really my family identifies as Christian. I've used the skills from my masters to go deep into religious study. I'd love to get a degree in theology. Interestingly enough my friend got me the Terry pratchet books one year for my birthday and I find them dull af. Never finished one.

No. 1569096

that's because it's so political and so many retards whining about wahwah it's so unfair that they could only get someone as asinine as perry to agree to it meanwhile he'll be coronated in a building 800 years older than the country she was born in with some of the biggest rubys and diamonds on his head
>not lavish
cope more

No. 1569102

shouldn't you be on the tattle life forums? i don't think this is the place for you.

i hate doing this but only scrotes are interested in theology. i kind of suspected you were a male from your original post but i am detecting a penis and balls really hard here. no one wants to debate "theology" and neither is this the place to debate theology when most anons are either atheist or agnostic at best. you're better off going to a christian or catholic forum to discuss that with other likeminded scrotes such as yourself.

you really need to make friends with commas and periods.

No. 1569120

Were you the person who said "Read a book"? Anything you'd recommend is sure to be ridiculous, holy hell.

No. 1569123

How come so many other parts of the world (especially Europe) have their own monarchies, but they're nowhere near as annoying about it, and a lot of their figures are actually pleasing to look at? Why does the UK stand out in such a negative way?

No. 1569127

The same family that covers up for pedos and abusers.

No. 1569129

Your autistic reply is giving more moid vibes than me being inspired by my grandmother and the Queen. Fuck off dick

No. 1569130

No I didn't feel like responding to that long post lol

No. 1569164

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While waiting for this coronation I bawled my eyes out watching the wedding of Princess Victoria of Sweden, the couple looked so in love and happy as did everyone around them. Apparently she is very beloved in Sweden. Do you nonnas have any recommendations of what other royal events I should watch? Funerals, weddings, anything that stood out to you in good or bad. Apparently Prince Albert II of Monaco had a drama filled wedding but I have yet to look into it.

No. 1569168

Because they are the most powerful by miles, besides maybe Saudi oil princes

No. 1569212

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Samefag, I'm watching now. Does anyone else think his little gold jacket looks tacky and cheap? Look at that shiny material. It literally looks like he grabbed it from party city. Also, I saw someone say that this coronation is the big, grand wedding Charles and Camilla didn't get to have kek.
They really do have everyone wearing regular dresses and no tiaras. Sigh. Didn't they spend 250 million euros on this, and they can't have anyone wear tiaras that they already own?

No. 1569213

I'm watching it with my mom, she was shit talking all the fashion choices kek

No. 1569216

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Sorry for deleting and reposting anon. I unfortunately haven't seen most of the fashion yet but I do like what Penny Mordaunt is wearing. I kept looking at her while Charles was being crowned lol.

No. 1569217

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No. 1569218

clown clothes for a clown

No. 1569219

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Princess Anne

No. 1569220

That outfit looks cool but so much more modern than what these church guys were wearing it was funny.

No. 1569223

File: 1683371910037.jpg (248.51 KB, 2048x1375, Tumblr_l_214586524963217.jpg)

The fake tiara is so ugly gotdamn. I can't remember the name of it, but I'm so certain they literally have a tiara that looks just like that. Way to make it obvious that she wishes she was in a tiara…

I like what Princess Mary of Denmark wore, that color combo is so cute. Most outfits that I've seen so far are nothing

No. 1569224

Samefag, *nothing that nice. I forgot to finish my sentence.

No. 1569227

No. 1569229

I'm vibing with this music nonnas, they need to drop a coronation soundtrack.

No. 1569230

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Katy Perry. This is ill-fitting but she's also midwalk so tbh it could just be this photo. The color is pretty. The hat looks like it's floating in from of her head but it's cute lol. I'm definitely thinking she only wore Vivienne Westwood cause she's a British designer.

I wonder what she was thinking when they invited her to perform.

No. 1569231

I like the outfit's color a lot tbh.

No. 1569237

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No. 1569239

Samefag, do they not have escorts there? There's a video of Katy being lost while looking for her seat. Iirc, during Meghan's wedding there was a video of Serena Williams getting lost too
She really did win in the end, damn.

No. 1569240

Wait it's nearly over? I missed like half of the ceremony. I'm sure I didn't miss too many things but I legit had no clue it was today.

No. 1569241

ruined the moment when she received the crown and she started to touch her hair.

No. 1569242

They crowned and annointed Charles and Camilla, they're doing some other bullshit now idk. It'll probably be over within like the next 30 mins and then they'll ride around in the gold carriage.

No. 1569247

This is some Final Fantasy final boss shit…

No. 1569253

File: 1683374654966.jpg (487.29 KB, 1914x2007, 20230506_080453.jpg)

Shes so smug lmaoo

No. 1569254

She looks like a parody of a fairy tale evil step-mother kek. Harry is the Disney princess.

No. 1569259

seriously, what the fuck is up with his fingers? is it gout or something?

No. 1569260

I've heard that it could be because of a heart condition. I'm pretty sure they didn't even bring out the coronation ring for him btw kek.

No. 1569261

No way he can wear it. He just touched it one second.

No. 1569263

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Really poor choice of display, it looked like a peepee

No. 1569265

The only guys I met with hands like this were obese. I'm sure he has a condition and it could be a side effect of his meds. Like with Mohammed VI except in his case his face looks puffy so it's way easier to guess that he takes cortisol.

No. 1569268

Very,very disrespectful

No. 1569272

Power makes someone an ugly inbred?

No. 1569273

Did the Sussexes show up to the fanfare? There’s a stunning lack of their presence in this thread kek
lolwut why is Katy Perry there kek
Diana would have made a more beautiful and graceful queen.

No. 1569276

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Samefag, looks like the Duchess decided to forgo the event. At least she was there in spirit kekekekek

No. 1569277

Harry was there, Meghan didn't go. It's also their son's birthday today so Harry is probably gonna be in and out ASAP. Katy is gonna perform, idk if it will be a private or public performance though.

No. 1569278

Katy Perry will do a concert this weekend because of this event.

No. 1569280

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Harry looked dashing as always. Can’t say the same about his brother.

No. 1569281

Honey, they both inbred and losing their hair. He's the least worse looking one but that's barely an achievement

No. 1569282

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Leggy Prince Harry wows in an onyx black tuxedo flanked by Eugenie in the front (or whichever sister it is) and horseface in the back

No. 1569283

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His Royal Highness King Harry reigns supreme

No. 1569284

I did feel an overwhelming urge to suck his dick when I saw the pics of him, which was strange because I've never felt that way about him before.

No. 1569285

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nevermind Harry, who is this fella?

No. 1569287

Did they even do the part where they invite viewers to pledge allegiance to the king?

No. 1569289

File: 1683377876146.jpeg (48.68 KB, 828x567, IMG_5770.jpeg)

Kek nonners we Prince Harryfags are a privileged group. Can’t say the same for those royalists going grey and wrinkly
over the very thought of the Sussexes
Ugly as sin, that’s who. Take it to the unconventional attractions thread, this is now a Prince Harry safe space

No. 1569291

Meghan please calm down.

No. 1569292

kekk now we know why she was not there

No. 1569293

She's shitposting with us. As she should.

No. 1569294

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Unbothered queen
Jesus why the fuck is his hand so massive and fleshy KEK it looks like an elephant’s foot

No. 1569296

Charles is super old and clearly has some health complications, so tbh I feel like in 10-20 years we'll be seeing William's coronation and maybe even George's too not long after. Super wild to think about considering how long Elizabeth reigned and how her coronation is considered a once in a lifetime event.

No. 1569298

I didn't know Elizabeth was born in 1926 I just found out on TV, it's fucking me up a little. She was just a little bit older than my grandma…

No. 1569299

Hopefully more like 10-20 days and Bongs are forced to pony up additional taxes for a second coronation kek

No. 1569308

He looks like an orangutan.

No. 1569311

Nearly that entire family looks like apes, except the one some people gave shit for being "ethnic" lol

No. 1569312

That's just his hair color.

No. 1569314

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Diana died in Paris the day after my mom went on holidays in Paris for the first time and Elizabeth died the day after I left London after my own holidays. Maybe a new visit could help.

No. 1569344

No Charles didn't want it and invited the entire country to say a little cheer or something all at the same time. They wanted to make it more modern but people criticized the gesture.

No. 1569355

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Katy Perry almost fell after leaving Westminster Abbey

No. 1569361

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based anne blocking the ginger's view. sussexes stay losing

No. 1569372

what's the actual reason for the monarchy? to keep the child sex slave traffickers in business?

No. 1569393

Plenty of strongly religious countries have abandoned monarchy tho, what's stopping you guys from doing the same?

No. 1569404

That's Hot Johnny - Major Johnny Thompson, the King's Equerry, previously a bodyguard for the Queen. There's a thirsty internet line out the door, but he is married.

He was placed behind Harry and his wife at the Queen's funeral. A+ courtier game for that whole seating plan.

No. 1569417

File: 1683392199250.jpeg (123.38 KB, 828x1100, 5A19D9CF-5E14-491D-8AB0-D3B2E6…)

why is this thread full of harry and meghan stans now? they're all lolcows, the whole family. get a grip.
i gues this is a sign the twitterfags have well and truly taken over

also charles really looked like he wanted to jump off the nearest bridge lmao

No. 1569420

It was like 1 anon and not everyone has to have the same opinion, anon. Doesn't make anyone a twitterfag. Anyway, Charles' eyes look so strange. His whites are the same color as his skin like a cartoon character.

No. 1569425

he was pribably trying not to cry. that or camilla and he split a fat blunt before the ceremony

No. 1569428

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If C&C wanted there to be a clear distinction between them and the guests, it definitely worked with the dress code. Some guests, like Valerie Amos in picrel, did wear their highest honors but most people were in just dresses and fascinators. They should've at least had the guests wear their honors or something. This event did not look like a highly important ceremony like how they should've wanted it to.

No. 1569429

Don’t understand why they thought the tiaras or coronets would give a bad image at the time because “people are struggling”, but then go and spend money on new custom headpieces for the princesses. Even if they aren’t made of precious jewels, how is buying something new better than reusing something you already have?

No. 1569438

That new prime minister guy is kinda hot tbh. But his voice is too high.

No. 1569445

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agreed and this is the reason why I like that the Queen of Thailand had some big jewelry on. Def I missed all the tiaras and shit.

No. 1569447

Because, as your comment illustrates, they'll be criticized no matter what. Oh, well.

I've seen Kate get criticized in certain quarters for rewearing clothes, and literally in the same sentence criticized for spending too much on clothes.

Agree that it would have been a great spectacle (in the best sense) to see every royal (Brit or other) in their sparkliest crowns and tiaras. But that simply isn't the current mood.

No. 1569451

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The queen is gorgeous, I've never seen her before I saw pics of the foreign royals arriving yesterday. Her husband is an ogre but what's new.

No. 1569459

File: 1683395998529.jpg (436.14 KB, 1365x2048, FvYTJHIWYAAsitu.jpg)

Absolutely agree

>The queen is gorgeous

>Her husband is an ogre
you can say the very same thing about the royals from buthan. Loved this vibrant orange/red look from yesterday.

No. 1569463

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Seems like some women wore their tiaras as necklaces. Wise choice tbh.

No. 1569469

ahhh, she's so pretty!

No. 1569489

>why is this thread full of harry and meghan stans now?
I’m no stan, it’s just kekworthy how angry monarchists get when you mention either of the two in a positive light. I tried not to say anything so as not to break the illusion, but I guess it was hard to detect the sarcasm
They’re all regarded anyway

No. 1569526

KEK thank you for the pic and comment nonna, I love Anne. The best princess.

No. 1569568

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Kate's hair looked nice at the reception. She should wear it like this more often.

I won't post a pic since she's a child, but Charlotte matching with Kate was really cute. I liked her tiny floral headpiece more than Kate's. Kate's headpiece with all the layers was just butt fugly. At that point she should've just been allowed to wear a tiara.

No. 1569583

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No. 1569621

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ayrt, to me the rest of the family are either boring or lolcows but anne? based

No. 1569659

She should just usurp Charlie. Give us some good old-fashioned royal drama where they're trying to kill each other.

No. 1569714

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I thought Camilla was wearing a plain white dress, but it's actually so ugly up close. Imo she doesn't have great taste in fashion. It's always awkwardly fitting or just not cute.

No. 1569715

Samefag but the floral embroidery or whatever just looks like trails of ants

No. 1569735

>you mean a bunch of ugly, inbred, utterly medicore people?
Duh. What do you think a dynasty is?

No. 1569740

Wouldn't you be?

No. 1569796

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i's an ugly dress for sure but the little dogs are a cute detail

No. 1569869

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Saw a lot of people pointing out how similar Kate's headpiece is to this tiara Rose Hanbury wore back in 2017.

No. 1569870

Aww, cute. I didn't even see those.

No. 1570098

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they're both different too so i think they're her irl dogs
ngl im indifferent to camilla but it's kinda cute that she wanted her pets included

No. 1570159

camilla a hoe
chaz a poofter
end of

No. 1570178

And what has she done in her entire life to deserve a custom embroidered dress that is probably thousands of pounds

No. 1570185

Based Anne didn't give her kids royal titles so they could have normal childhood. Unlike the cows Megan and Harry who can't decide if they should stay or go. They want to have the cake and eat it too.

No. 1570198

Nta, but all anon said was that the embroidery is cute.

No. 1570247

They're going to livestream the coronation concert. Lionel Richie, Katy Perry and some others are performing but I'm only watching for Katy tbh. I keep seeing that it's at 8PM and it's currently 6PM in UK time so it's probably in about 2 hours.

No. 1570252

Each cute little dog represents six figures of UKs money for the people redirected to coronation

No. 1570462

NTA but Jesus Christ, take the stick outta your ass and enjoy the cute dogs. I'd love to get rid of our reptilian overlords too, but it's a pipe dream.

No. 1570464

File: 1683493909387.jpg (422.84 KB, 1638x2048, FvjdTMEWIAEG7pw.jpg)

Why did Katy wear this

No. 1570466

She's recycling Werther's Originals wrappers. Good for the environment innit.

No. 1570558

Disagree. The dress is exquisite. I do always wish she'd use a lifting bra, though.

Some people spend way too much time screwing down on and salivating over details and supposed meaningful signals that aren't actually anything.

That thing is at least better than the larpish VW outfit she wore to the coronation. Kept waiting for the music to start so she could do her burlesque act.

No. 1570633

hahaha the monogram with the little crown makes it looks like the dress was made from fancy bath towels

No. 1570847

She probably didn't sing I Kissed a Girl because it might have made William visibly hard

No. 1570983

Oh wow the continuation ofthe British monarchy and Katy Perry. What a disgusting spectacle.

No. 1571013

Buckingham Palace should be turned into an NHS hospital and royals should live in flats like everyone else wtf is this golden carriage? THATS why my taxes are so high? come off it

No. 1571054

Do you think the gold carriage is a rental and there's a constant fee for it? Our taxes are high because of the tories lol

No. 1571101

Regardless of whether or not the children have a title, the connections and access to resources that they will have as a result of their royal connections will afford them a childhood that is decidedly not normal.

No. 1571116

>1000 years old
They were literally founded in early 19th century and aren't even British. They were called Saxe-Coburg und Gotha until WWI, ffs.

People who still support monarchy are fucking pathetic. One of the few decent things commies did in our part of the world was getting rid of these parasites (this includes aristocracy too). You're literally paying taxes for these pedophiles to travel the world, fuck kids, do shady businesses with other vile people and avoid responsibility when shit hits the fan. British monarchs own plenty of land and get a lot od profits from it, yet they still required 250 millions of taxpayers' money to sponsor this tacky ceremony at the time of worldwide financial crisis. Whoever defends this has some serious case of Stockholm syndrome.

No. 1571181

This is true. Anyone who thinks any royals are normal just because they weren't given titles as children is silly.

No. 1571191

mate all that happened is that we pay different parasites to fuck kids and do shady shit, nothing changed

No. 1571235

Buckingham Palace should be repurposed as an NHS hospital and those royal toads should be forced to live in flats like every ones else.

No. 1571236

gold carriage while people have to choose between food rent and energy, classic britain

No. 1571237

not being required to worship your leaders as god's chosen like british cucks sounds like a change

No. 1571301

you're not required though, it's everybody's personal decision. For most people they're just half celebrity half politican, nothing special.

No. 1571342

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No. 1571347

Is this AI

No. 1571349

Nta, it's by an artist who makes satirical celebrity photographs. Her name is Alison Jackson.

No. 1571392

Its a vibe tbh I kinda love it

No. 1571424

tithing is a form of worship.

No. 1571619

Yeah, but we don't treat them as national symbols, they're not automatically granted a priviledged spot for life just by the virtue of being born into some inbred family that used to rule a failed empire, and their faces aren't plastered everywhere all year round.

No. 1580257

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Uh ohhhh.
From NBC New York
>Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and her mother, Doria Ragland took refuge inside a New York City police station amid a "chaotic" car chase by paparazzi on Tuesday night according to law enforcement.

>Paparazzi were said to have been chasing the Duke and Duchess of Sussex following their appearance at the Ms. Foundation for Women's Annual Gala earlier that night.

>In a statement to NBC News, the couple's spokesperson said the "relentless pursuit" lasted for over two hours and resulted in near collisions with other drivers on the road, pedestrians and two NYPD police officers.

>The spokesperson added that the “near catastrophic car chase” came “at the hands of a ring of highly aggressive paparazzi.”

>In a statement to NBC New York, NYPD Deputy Commissioner, Public Information, Julian Phillips confirmed that the NYPD assisted the private security team protecting the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

>"There were numerous photographers that made their transport challenging. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex arrived at their destination and there were no reported collisions, summonses, injuries, or arrests in regard," Phillips said.

No. 1580259

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Samefag, the Daily Mail and Express had these photos and apparently also a video of the chase but they were quickly removed. Idk if the video could be found anywhere.

No. 1580398

Damn. We thinking an assassination attempt?

No. 1580430

I'm wondering how much they had to pay to stage this. It's so contrived.

No. 1580436

Not in NYC, no, but I wouldn't rule it out being a threat

No. 1580466

>Not in NYC
Why not? Diana's crash was in Paris, unless you're trying to say something else.

No. 1580480

It's even worse than Kim's "robbery"

No. 1580580

You literally can't drive faster than 20 mph in NYC due to congestion and stoplights at every single block. ALso the cab driver came out and said they were just followed not chased kek.

No. 1580587

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I guess if it was an assassination attempt it wouldn't make sense to do it in NYC then. I don't think it was an attempt either way though, British paparazzi are known for being crazy when it comes to the royal family (Princess Diana obviously, William arguing with a paparazzi for taking pictures of them when they were with their kids recently) and I'm willing to bet some traveled to get pics of them.
>ALso the cab driver came out and said they were just followed not chased kek.
Where did you see that? The only thing from the taxi driver was that it seemed like they were being chased. Picrel.

No. 1580589

They're leaving out most of what he said in order to sensationalize it

No. 1581296

Meghan feels the need to skinwalk Diana to the cringiest, weirdest, most unhinged degree. I don’t understand what Harry is on, that it never rings a single red flag to him, instead he just plays along to it…? Like, it’s fucked up and trash.

No. 1581543

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How do you go from this

No. 1581544

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…to this??

No. 1581585

Anon, he loves it, he could make Freud come back from the dead if he wanted to. Check Harry's book, the guy has insane mommy issues and I wouldn't even be surprised if he encouraged Meghan to be more similar to Diana.

Divine punishment for British slags who cheat on their wives, and yes I'm including Jude Law and his fucked up hairline here as well.

No. 1581654

inbreeding ugly animals makes uglier animals, shocking

No. 1581669

Even in your video though he says that they seemed nervous and like they were being chased. Also iirc he wasn't the only person they drove with.

No. 1581720

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Nta but I can't believe I've never heard of Hot Johnny before

No. 1581722

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He's mega mid but as far as the royals go tbh I'd choose him over Harry

No. 1581748

File: 1684518284229.png (35.92 KB, 762x475, washington post.PNG)

Samefag but just to add to my post, that taxi driver only drove them for 10 minutes seemingly after most of the chase was over. No one ever said it was a highspeed chase from an action movie or anything like that, but if you ask me it seems like paparazzi were following and driving recklessly while trying to capture them. Use wayback machine if you wanna read the full article with no ads.

>In an interview on Wednesday, taxi driver Sukhcharn Singh said he picked the couple up in New York later on Tuesday night and drove them for a brief period, during which it appeared they were pursued by other vehicles.

>Singh said he picked up Harry, Meghan, an older woman he didn’t recognize and a security guard in his yellow cab at about 11 p.m. outside the New York City Police Department’s 19th precinct on East 67th Street. In Singh’s account, the guard waved him down and asked: “Do you want a fare?”

>Singh, who goes by “Sunny,” said he drove the group the block and a half west to Park Avenue before heading south. The driver said they were pursued by two vehicles: a black Honda Accord and an older gray Honda CR-V.

>Singh, 37, who moved to the United States from India as a child, said he got the impression from the group that they had been already pursued by paparazzi before entering his car. After a few minutes, Singh said, the security guard grew concerned about the photographers and asked him to return to the police station. The guard thought they were too exposed and didn’t want their location shared more widely, Singh said.

>He turned and headed north up Madison Avenue, driving them back to the pickup point. Singh estimated that the entire journey lasted 10 minutes.

>“I don’t think I would call it a chase,” Singh said of his period driving the couple. “I never felt like I was in danger. It wasn’t like a car chase in a movie. They were quiet and seemed scared but it’s New York — it’s safe.”

No. 1582315

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>charles and diana
what the fuck?

No. 1582341

Diana wasn't enough to undo centuries of inbreeding, I mean look at Charles. He looks like a parody of a britbong instead of an actual person. William was this close to looking like a model and Charles' fucked up genes ruined everything.

No. 1582361

seeing so many black women still cape so hard for them is so sad and embarrassing…this is not the black idol you should cape for and admire…and he's uggo af, get better taste.

No. 1582652

by "this close" you mean 43 astronomical units away right

No. 1599153

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Just learned that Camilla had the Cullinan diamonds set in her coronation crown even though she chose not to use the Koh-I-Noor. Genuinely, why don't they just return the Koh-I-Noor and Cullinan diamonds and replace them with lab grown diamonds or something? It's good PR for them because they would be getting rid of blood diamonds and it would go along with Charles sustainable, environmental activism, save the earth thing.

No. 1599155

File: 1686094314089.jpg (229.61 KB, 2000x1331, 150059-1297438704.jpg)

Samefag but also William spoke out about this scepter made of ivory and it wasn't used at the coronation, so I don't get it.

No. 1599274

Good point, Anon! But too late now, kek. They’ve let that opportunity to a "rebranding" slip.
It was definitely obvious that they had a pr strategy going on around the time of the coronation to actively remind everyone (or educate, for those who didn’t hear about it before) that he’s in fact the "Earth King" – all about sustainability, and humanitarianism, equal opportunities, and preserving the Earth. And not his romantic endeavours ‘contrary to what everyone’s only ever cared to notice and talk about’. Don’t know where you’re from exactly, but where I live, numerous documentaries back to back to back have been aired before and following the coronation. And they all had the same narrative, and they all have been filmed this year or late 2022.
So, what you suggested would’ve totally been on brand and fit the concept they had going for the event.
What did he say about it?

No. 1600095

I was actually wrong, he didn't speak about that scepter specifically but he's advocated against poaching and ivory trading. There were articles before the coronation saying that Camilla would use the scepter and that William was upset about it, but then it ended up not showing up.

No. 1600411

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I honestly don't understand why Kate is so popular because she's honestly so udderly unremarkable to me. Maybe it's to make up for the controversy she had with her "scandalous" past, but Her whole M.O seems to be staying quiet, not really standing for much of anything, and not really doing or saying anything to challenge the status quo unless it's making a "risky" fashion move Even Camilla campaigns against domestic abuse which I think is a pretty daring stance to make for someone like her. Even her Early Years work really isn't her doing much of anything as far as I can tell. If I have to be honest, she reminds me of those tradwives who promote women staying quiet and not being too "bold". Not that I expect a literal princess to stir the pot and be rebellious or whatever, but I think she should at least ramp up her Early Years work. And William too because they both seem pretty fucking lazy.

Idk maybe I'm saying this the wrong way but I feel like someone here will get what I mean.

No. 1600470

She's popular because she is mentally stable and goes about doing her job without trying to make it all about her instead of all about the people she's working for.

No. 1600929

Oh, that's easy: She's popular because people who find any member of any royal family likable are sitting in front of a screen drooling down their front without a thought in their heads.

No. 1601196

being duriful, keeping a stiff upper lip and not standing for anything is basically the old fashioned values people expect royals to follow. (well the ones who care about the monarchy).
look at the late queen, she never expressed strong opinions about anthing, it was all about duty and dignity and reserve.
and it's expected that royals shouldn't have opinions about current affairs. charles got in trouble for being opinionated.
kate fits the mould perfectly and shes good looking so royalists love her.
i personally like it better when royals are lolcows but i'm not a bong so

No. 1601710

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What are your thoughts on the ongoing case with Harry accusing media outlets of hacking his (and other royals') phone throughout the years?

No. 1601749

i think it's ridiculous that the royal family is allowed to have privacy. they should live completely in public like royalty used to. we should all have realtime access to all their texts and phone calls, and royal marriage consummation should be televised.

No. 1601771

you wanna see Willy get pegged?

No. 1601786

NTA where does this rumour come from?

No. 1601795

How does he have all this money and lets his hair look like this, tragic

No. 1601797

I also wonder why british royal men do not wear hats to hide their balding heads. The women all wear those weird little hats.

No. 1601809

File: 1686318844295.jpeg (167.29 KB, 720x1254, prince harry.jpeg)

He's also going against Rupert Murdoch (dude that owns literally hundreds of newspapers and news channels, like Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, The Daily Telegraph, The Sun, etc etc…). Wouldn't be surprised if what he's claiming is true, it makes sense for a Royal family to have a symbiotic relationship with newspapers/the media.

>Harry says he received the support of the queen and her aides when he attempted to push back on the supposed deal in 2017, only to struggle and be repeatedly frustrated by courtiers close to his father, Charles.

>Harry revealed that Prince William had settled his own, not previously publicised phone-hacking claim against Murdoch’s company “for a huge sum of money” in 2020.

>Harry asks how his brother’s deal was reached “without any of the public being told”. He suggests William reached a “favourable deal in return for him going ‘quietly’, so to speak”.


No. 1601811

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deuxmoi go figure

No. 1601813

Samefag, but Harry is claiming the "deal" between Murdoch and William was
for a million pounds. Only one million? Yeesh.

No. 1601969

>Harry says he received the support of the queen and her aides
Lol, this claim literally goes against everything the queen portrayed as the correct approach, this brat can't even lie about his own grandmother convincingly.

No. 1602130

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This bitch sucked. And apparently she was like 4'9".

No. 1602131

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Samefag, this is one of her gowns.
I'm short but she's literally a dwarf.

No. 1602139

I have a soft spot for her.
Kawaii victoria-chan

No. 1602151

Their genes are so unfortunate, but more importantly, would she be a lolita cow?

No. 1602159

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British people let a literal dwarf teach them about morality. And if this pic is anything to go by, her man wasn't much taller.

No. 1602431

Apologies for potential retardation, but am I reading this correctly?
So >>1601811 is about William, right? And, according to Harry, William received one million pounds as "compensation" for this sort of blind item being published / posted? And that is their secret deal with Murdoch, that their phones will periodically be hacked into but they’ll be receiving basically hush money for each instance? Or is it some kind of monthly payment, a subscription to a royal’s phone kek? Sorry, this sounds so bizarre, or maybe I’m just dumb.

No. 1602446

she also is quite underweight and yeah, she had HG during her pregnancies (which is awful), but it's like she doesn't let herself gain an ounce before, during, or after. It's freaky because older pictures show a much healthier looking woman. But I'm sure as usual that britbongs love a rail-thin woman in the royalty. They pillory any woman who deviates from the ana norm in the tabloids.

No. 1602546

I think you may have just got a little confused with the flow of the thread. I don't think the pegging blind item has anything to do with the Murdoch stuff. The blind item talks about rumor being spread in the high society circle in the Uk, not something found through phone hacking

No. 1602547

Samefag but the way I understand it, Murdoch's newspaper group is/was hacking into the phones of the royal family. They have an agreement with the royal family that, as long as they don't sue, they will receive large amounts of money.

No. 1602653

Oh, totally. She would definitely be the gatekeeping lolita cow we dream of kek

No. 1636584

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I don't like when people accuse the women in the BRF of copying each other because there's only so much "royal" fashion in the world, but has anyone noticed that Kate has been channeling Diana hard since she became Princess of Wales? So much 80s style fashion and for a lot of these outfits you can find Diana fits that are extremely similar. I don't think it's a coincidence either, if you follow the BRF you can see that Kate and Meghan (but especially Kate) are pretty purposeful about the messages they send with their fashion.

Anyway, I think a huge hallmark of her fashion now that she's PoW will be dressing for attention and to stick out. I won't go too deep into it cause I know most anons aren't royal watchers and you'll all think I'm crazy, but look at this pic from this years Trooping the Color. Everyone is in red, white and blue but Kate is in a jarring green with a pretty big hat.

No. 1636605

I hate to reply to month old posts but lolita fashion is literally inspired by victorian fashion. So she is the reason we have the lolita thread and its cows

No. 1639248

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Aren't British people starving right now?


>Details of the increase, which comes against the backdrop of a cost of living crisis, were contained in a review of royal funding published by the Treasury on Thursday. It revealed the royal family’s grant is due to increase from £86m to £125m.

>The review of the royal funding settlement was heavily spun by the Treasury to give the impression that the king would be taking a pay cut so that crown estate funds could instead be spent on public services.

>Next year, the sovereign grant will remain unchanged at £86.3m. However, in 2025, the king’s public funding will increase by a projected £38.5m, giving the monarchy an annual stipend of £124.8m. In 2026, it will be £126m.

No. 1639642

Just behead him already, you stupid britbongs. How can any of you show your faces in public knowing you have a pedo king. Fix your disgusting country already.

No. 1639770

how about you come to bongland and we will send you to the tower of London and behead you and place your decapitated head on a stake on tower bridge

No. 1639843

NTA but kek, why are you defending your shitty king. Coming from an anon who lives in a country that also has a monarchy.

No. 1639867

I was actually just offended at anon saying it is a disgusting country. even if I think it, I get uncontrollably offended when a non-bong says it and I am not even burger-level patriotic

No. 1639904

File: 1689967719990.jpg (505.47 KB, 1706x2560, wmiw0AAs-GettyImages-167805882…)

I don't know anything about Morocco or their royal family, but I'm literally so curious as to what happened to Lalla Salma. She hasn't been seen since December 2017. Apparently it's because she got divorced and is no longer a royal, but wouldn't it still be weird for her to not have been photographed?

No. 1640218

I apologise for being retarded, but genuine question – what could a king coming from an old-arse monarchy possibly need an extra £38.5m a year for?
Everything that he’s surrounded with and what he spends on is already paid for. Not so much officially, but essentially, he owns a shitfuck of things which include all those estates, works of art, items of internationally acclaimed cultural and historical value, mind-boggling vanity like gold-plated coaches and whatnot, holds on to some of the biggest riches in the world like jewels etc etc. There’s not much else he can buy in the world, why would he need any more pocket money, let alone £38.5m? To be spent on what? Earth-saving projects? Wouldn’t that be funded otherwise? Additional expenses caused by the cost of living crisis? Please.

No. 1640953


No. 1640989

allegedly like their charity work and supposedly they contribute massively to the economy but who knows. i'll give charles this: he knowingly chose an older, divorced horse-woman instead of a lovely younger woman and if we detach ourselves from the fact that charles and camilla are horrible people and that diana was so much better, it's kind of based? anyway he can go fuck himself with the 38.5 mil

No. 1641053

If they want to do charity work they should pay for it themselves, that's literally the point of charity. If you have the government pay for your charity work, that's just obvious grift.

No. 1641058

I've spent a year. The food was shit, and there was vomit all over the sidewalks all the time. British public transit is embarrassing, and British spelling is ridiculous. Oh and all your beer tastes like it's gone bad. I'm not saying any of this because I think my country is better, it's just the truth. Cope about it.

No. 1641065

> British spelling is ridiculous
kek anon what are you talking about.. you really are seething? where are you from?

No. 1641067

> British spelling is ridiculous

i like spelling with an ‘s’ instead of a ‘z’, it is much better and softer. and adding a ‘u’ in words like ‘favourite’ is cute because it almost is like uwu

No. 1641233

No. 1642416

KEK anon, you got me.

No. 1708813

File: 1695846418589.png (45.29 KB, 1109x345, north korea.PNG)

They don't play about diplomacy.
Anyway, posting cause I wanted to ask the UK anons here, what is the general publics attitude towards the current members of the royal family? I get the vibe that it's really only older people who care/like them and younger people either don't care or don't like any of them.


No. 1709328

Rich Brits genuinely love them, mainly for their child rape parties.

No. 1812146

File: 1702576547152.png (32.41 KB, 666x458, royal.PNG)

Every year a report comes out showing how many engagements each working royal did, and tbh it kind of shows that they really do not do much at all. For context, "engagements" are usually like no longer than an hour and anything from attending the coronation to meeting someone to charity work can count as an engagement.

No. 1812153

I didn't know a bout her but now I am also intrigued by her and her current situation. They've said she has been seen in NY in 2019.
Based Anne

No. 1819025

You sound like a Harry whore. Of course the British royal family isn't working as hard as the rest of us.

No. 1859798

File: 1705576523429.jpeg (212.56 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_1754.jpeg)

if you wanted privacy and normality wouldn't the best thing to have done to be not to make a statement like this? kek you're such chronic attention seekers

No. 1859825

i mean… it's just a statement to say why she's not going to be working or seen for a while for people who are wondering. It's normal to say to your fans you are in a hospital and can't do stuff at the moment.

No. 1859861

Late but princess anne is wonderful and is the true queen

No. 1859883

>You sound like a Harry whore
…For criticizing the BRF? This makes literally no sense, especially considering Harry used to do the same engagements as everyone else.

No. 1859896

it's a fairly common thing to do for presidents and shit. sure we didn't ask to know about the king's arse but they usually list the cause to stop press speculation

No. 1860485

wut Charlie's getting ass surgery???

No. 1878642

File: 1707174176590.jpeg (70.32 KB, 1210x703, BBJ2IIT.jpeg)

Get those £££ ready, coronation pt. 2 is imminent

No. 1879824

Who else is happy Charles has cancer? I hope Camilla catches it next. Or, if she survives him, that she is sent to a nunnery like in the days of yore or is thrown into his grave after they lower the coffin. My next prediction is Kate to die in some sort of strange accident like a botched face lift.(alogging)

No. 1879839

I like seeing them die off, kek.(alogging)

No. 1879852

I hope Charles kicks the bucket and Camilla, having played the long con, usurps the throne and becomes queen. She'll appoint horses as Lords in the house of Lords. Horses will make a big comeback under her reign, sending England into a glorious new age.(alogging)

No. 1880030

Me too it makes me really happy. When Lizzy died I left work early because I was "sad" but really I just went to the liquor store to buy a bunch of booze for my mother grandma and I to celebrate her death. We are already talking about what we want to drink when Charles dies.(alogging)

No. 1880040

wtf is wrong with you? weird ass people.

No. 1880041

No. 1880047

I think Diana would smile fondly down upon her because that would be the end of the royals kekkk

No. 1880053

Some of us regular working-class people like to have fun and celebrate when aristocrats die off. Why should I feel bad for the royal family? They literally breed nonces and run people over with their cars and get away with it because they own a special metal hat and scepter. Also, I hope the cancer is slow burn because I already made bets on how long he will last and I put my money on 6 months.
First she has to skinwalk Diana for a few more years before people will readily accept her horse-obsession.

No. 1880066

Diana's revenge

No. 1880090

please refrain from alogging/'celebrating' someone's death. It's fine to discuss considering the recent news but please follow the rules.

No. 1880115

Okay sorry farmhand, I wont celebrate his death while he's alive I didn't mean to hurt King Charles III's feelings. I should have had more empathy for the King. God Save the King! Let's all wait until Charles really does die to talk about him anymore.

No. 1881384

The King cancer story is a cover story to explain Catherine's disappearance. She has either taken an overdose (only the Spanish media are reporting it) because she is one of the redacted names on the Jeffrey Epstein list and she has panicked because it might still be revealed (from her yachting days) or William has seriously hurt her
and put her in a coma.

No. 1881390

this ain't the tinfoil thread

No. 1881400

nah people who cover for pedos deserve to die. kys farmhand.(keep yourself safe (and take it to /meta/))

No. 1881404

Kate is allegedly in an induced coma after abdominal surgery complications, if it's not cancer what could it be?

No. 1881450

it isn't the tinfoil thread, but it is a bit odd to me that nothing has leaked about her condition, all the usual royal rota have been quite mum about what's going on, and she's going to be out for recovery for some time. i know people will say it doesn't matter, it's her business, and that's true, but people always ignore the fact that the royal family makes a big deal about being "open" with the press, especially in their one-sided competition to somehow outdo/outshine meghan. if she had gone in for a hysterectomy, a pregnancy that went bad, cancer, or some other health issue like an impaction or ulcer, they would have said something by now. no one is hiding fergie's cancer, neither charles, and in charles' case i would imagine there being a case for more secrecy since he's the king and all the succession drama that's popping up again with the announcement of his illness. but somehow it's a big mystery what happened to her? i thought at first she might have had an ectopic pregnancy or maybe something like a bowel obstruction, but now it really is beginning to look like she did try to harm herself in some way and the windsor sect doesn't want it coming out as it would heavily damage will's reputation and call into question kate's ability to handle the pressure of being queen consort. there have already been rumors that charles is working up to abdicating the throne so that william can become king and if it did come out kate tried to an hero, that's no bueno for them and the future of the monarchy.

No. 1882057

No. 1882058


No. 1882167

Stop alogging. You sound sick. Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales, Catherine, has never done anything wrong in her life. I hope that Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales makes a speedy recovery and that her supporters across the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth can come together to wish Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales well. Instead of discussing the Royals in this thread we should be praying directly to the Anglican church and asking God to let them live forever and ever.

No. 1882612

File: 1707478990796.jpeg (40.5 KB, 640x559, IMG_6853.jpeg)

God Save The King!

No. 1882806

It's not like they're actually people. They're parasites.

No. 1883207

File: 1707524258798.png (24.48 KB, 891x66, the rules.png)

Stop it!!! You're being incredibly horrible! Your post is horrendous! You are sick to accuse the royal family of being "parasites," they are NOT fleas or lice they are human beings of immense grace and love and strength and wisdom and beauty and virtue and pure goodness and Anglicanism. You can search "parasite" on Google and guess what? You wont see pictures of any of the gracious royal family on there! You will only find photographs of real parasites, which have nothing to do with the wonderful royal family. Picrel but the farmhands have already had to step in to stop the nasty vitriolic hatred that nasty anti-Royal monsters like you post in this thread every day! Don't you have any shame? The royals are our best friends and every day they wake up to protect and serve our best interests! If I didn't know better I'd say you were probably that evil she-harpy the Duchess of Sussex, Megan the Monster!!

No. 1883245

Haha that man has a football in place of his colon and it's going to explode and he will die haha

No. 1883384

No. 1884263

STOP! You are being horrible!!! It is enough that King Charles III has a mild serious swelling of the asshole/rectum, but to claim it's football-sized is not true at all! I'd like to see your medical certificate because you sound like you are not a doctor at all but just another hater anti-royalist!! This is getting crazy, this thread should be about loving the royal family and supporting them and talking about all the good things they do for our commonwealth (which is everything!) but instead nasty trolls like you want to be nasty and post these hateful comments. It is not your place to laugh at the His Majesty, the King! I've been crying for five days straight and throwing up everything I've ate because of how stressful this whole royal asshole/rectum situation is. I just can't believe our best King ever since King George VI is sick and all you horrid nasty ogres on LC are celebrating his diagnosis and wishing harm on him. What has King Charles III ever done to you besides being the best king he can be and doing everything wonderful for you? He's had a difficult life full of trials and tribulations (something you can't understand because your life is easy unlike his) and he's still trying to do the best for every one of his beloved subjects. Please just STOP the alogging and rude comments.
You shouldn't be laughing at that it's horrible!! Obviously that poster above was just a nasty anti-royalist troll but you shouldn't give them any attention whatsoever. Anons I think we should dedicate this thread to singing God Save the King and praying to Anglican God to save our beloved fair King from his asshole/rectum issues.

No. 1885030

nonny, this is unbelievably cruel to say that about someone with cancer
i can tell you have never looked after a relative with cancer

No. 1885327

His Royal Majesty King Charles III is not "someone." It's incredibly disrespectful of you to imply that our beloved King is just a "someone," what's next? Are you going to say His Royal Majesty is a "nobody?" You are obviously trying to troll with your harsh comments and your bitter attitude towards the most gracious and kindest of all Kings of the world. Next time you want to comment on His Royal Majesty you are to use His Royal Majesty's full proper royal style, not try to demean and injure him with your petty insults. Get a grip and stop it with the hate! This thread is obviously being used to alog and hate on the royal family for no discernible reason. Why would anyone hate the Royals? They are some of the best people the world has ever seen after the likes of Anglican Jesus. Shame on you!

No. 1885380

File: 1707703452119.png (46.97 KB, 793x246, Screenshot 2024-02-11 at 9.05.…)

The poor king. got ass cancer because he wasn't being milked enough

No. 1886214

They confirmed it's not prostate cancer.

No. 1886331

Excuse me can you please stop your creepy speculation about His Royal Majesty's condition? His Royal Majesty King Charles III doesn't need anymore horrid speculation on his condition. For all we know Anti-Royalists may have infiltrated the NHS and have given him a false diagnosis to spread their anti-royal message. The majority of people believe that the NHS is full of pro-republic traitors that will stop at nothing to destroy our beloved monarchy. Those evil NHS employees are an ideologically bankrupt cesspit of moral failure! In the future, we must all say "King Charles III's anal rectum condition" when speaking of his illness, because to say it's the C-word is almost as though you're wishing the D-word on His Royal Majesty, which is horrible and something that shouldn't ever be done unless you Hate England and the Commonwealth and everything good in the world, which is what the royal family stands for. In the future, please avoid a-logging His Royal Majesty and please join the rest of us anons in this thread when we sing God Save the King every hour on the hour and when we enter into Anglican prayer circles for His Royal Majesty's anal rectum condition. Which, again, for all we know is a ploy by the enemies of our kingdom to initiate an Anti-Royal revolution!
It was that wicked witch Diana's fault! She probably didn't milk him enough at all because she was too busy browsing pro-mia twitter accounts! I hate her she is the reason why our beloved King is sick now!

No. 1904992

What in the weirdass boomer LARP is this shit

No. 1906297

File: 1709207735740.png (938.54 KB, 699x875, camilla.png)

Kate Middleton has been missing for 66 days now.

No. 1906485

Hoping she doesn't turn up under the patio of Sandringham at this point.

No. 1909461

File: 1709408929259.png (986.39 KB, 552x816, 1.PNG)

Pippa Middleton’s ex Thomas Kingston died by suicide

>Thomas Kingston, the ex-boyfriend of Kate Middleton’s younger sister, Pippa, died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, the coroner announced Friday.

>He was 45 years old when he was found dead with a “catastrophic head injury” and a gun close to his body at his parents’ home in a Cotswolds village in England on Sunday, Feb. 25 (via the UK Telegraph).

>Following his sudden death, his wife, Lady Gabriella Kingston, parents and siblings released a statement remembering him as “an exceptional man who lit up the lives of all who knew him.”

No. 1911586

File: 1709578227093.jpg (87.89 KB, 458x458, kate.jpg)

No. 1911596

File: 1709578652433.jpg (100.64 KB, 610x458, d5556b7ca6254deebc5d9e2402a8f3…)

Samefag. I automatically want to think that this was a planned papwalk photo considering how much people have been talking about her, but it looks too off-gaurd to be planned.

On the other hand though, what if this was planned and that's just a Kate lookalike they plopped in a car to make people stop talking about her disappearance? I'll believe it when we get a high quality photo of Kate.

No. 1911632

I hate the monarchy but I wish they'd leave Kate (and Meghan tbh) alone. She's not an elected official. If she needed open abdominal surgery, it's not a stretch to recover a couple weeks in hospital, esp in Europe. Not sure about UK. I don't really like her, I hate that Britbongs support the royal family and implicitly fund a pedophile's existence, but the mania about a woman having surgery is gross to me.

I guess tbh I have empathy for anyone in the public eye who is sick or having surgery while everyone loses their shit over it. But idk the men in that family established and encouraged the media frenzy; they reap what they sow. For the most part, the women, even Elizabeth in my ignorant non-Brit opinion, didn't really want it. One can argue Harry and Meghan stoked some flames but I saw it as a hamfisted and dumb attempt to expose lasting problems with the monarchy's manipulation of the news and tabloids. Whatever people think of them, they did the right thing by choosing to raise their kids outside of that mess. It must have been absolute hell to grow up under a microscope and to not be able to trust anyone around you.

No. 1911889

She elected to marry into the royal family. That makes her public property just like the rest of them. If they don't want to be public property they can just dissolve the monarchy. It would be that easy.

No. 1911941

true, maybe william will do it, though I think he's high on his own self-importance.

No. 1919961

File: 1710124156831.jpg (412.03 KB, 1366x2048, 1000003327.jpg)

I'm surprised this hasn't been bumped. I thought people were being crazy about this photo that was withdrawn from the press until I zoomed and there are like actually 20 mistakes. What is going on

No. 1919971

Am I blind?

No. 1920022

I only see four

No. 1920025

Overlapping tiles, fingers, jumper sleeve pattern, girls sleeve, hair, etc

No. 1920085

File: 1710130044084.jpeg (136.46 KB, 1049x1259, kates-photo-a-fake-v0-qivhuize…)

AP, AFP, Reuters, and Getty Images have all pulled the photo. Is this AI generated or something?

No. 1920099

Well now I really think Kate Middleton got sacrificed

No. 1920145

Maybe it was a photo with one of their nannies and for some reason they decided to put Kate's face there? Weird.

No. 1920149

That doesn’t explain any of the discrepancies though

No. 1920170

File: 1710135263603.jpg (134.95 KB, 1333x1778, Royal-Family-Christmas-Cards-1…)

This photo is probably from months ago even though they're trying to make it look new. It's really common for Kate and William to release family pictures that are old, and sometimes they have bad photoshopping. Picrel is a picture they dropped a few months ago, if you look closely you might be able to notice some shoop fails.

No. 1920172

I can’t believe these are PS failures rather than AI generated images posted by people stupid enough to overlook to obvious errors and not fix them. Look at the kids missing finger. Not a photoshop fail, that’s an AI fail.

No. 1920239

File: 1710143047190.jpeg (134.12 KB, 463x694, IMG_2126.jpeg)

There's more inconsistencies as well.

No. 1920294

It's just a badly shopped picture
You circled the most random places you could.

No. 1920383

File: 1710155015226.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1242x1434, IMG_2131.jpeg)

Apparently "Kate" has confirmed that the photograph WAS edited… This is getting freaky. I believe that she is trying to divorce William and take at least two of the children with her, but I also believe that her life is in immediate danger. I hope she makes it.
Looks like you were wrong, obviously. Go shill about the royal family somewhere else.

No. 1920426

I literaly said it's just a badly shopped picture. You said it was edited…. which means THE SAME THING. Are you braindamaged?

No. 1920477

Okay damn why did you reply to me so aggressively like damn…

No. 1920497

File: 1710163838002.jpeg (150.18 KB, 636x382, IMG_9392.jpeg)

No. 1920510

Maybe Kate never actually existed and the children are robots. What different would it make? The hilarious thing about all this fuss is how little any of these people matter.

No. 1920513

Check the thread title

No. 1920514

I will be coming back to this comment later to alog on you but right now I'm too busy.
I wanted to point out that the finger thing that the retarded boy in green (dno his name and dont care to learn) is very difficult. He's crossed his middle finger off his ring finger, try doing that yourself and you'll see what I mean. I definitely believe that the children are going to be separated soon, I'd assume Kate will get the girl child and the retarded boy in green, but the older one with donkey teeth will stay with William to become the next king. It's sad honestly, but Kate probably has lost use of her legs or is in some sort of severe nerve pain.

No. 1920517

It just looks like he has his pointer bent into his palm

No. 1920518

>He's crossed his middle finger off his ring finger, try doing that yourself and you'll see what I mean.
It's not that that's off, it's the weird stump where the pointer finger should be. The middle finger looks connected to it where there should be a slight space.

No. 1920519

Samefag like connected right on top of it, idk if I'm explaining well.

No. 1920532

Charlie is dying and Katie is definitely getting the Princess Diana special, mark my fucking words
Lizzie would NEVER fuck up this bad

No. 1921427

So are the kids no longer going to school or something? What do people mean by they haven't been seen in public for awhile?

No. 1922277

File: 1710278340844.png (1.69 MB, 788x1332, Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 21.20…)

This is creepy. Note the different chair, and the different clothes. Idk how true this is but it's weird.

No. 1922283

Aren't these pictures months old? I don't think you could get children to have those expressions if there really was a women in a fluor green suit being placed where their allegedly estranged mother should be.

No. 1922285

Damn, those kids are ugly

No. 1922291

This is obviously an AI shoop.

No. 1922295

This doesn't make sense to me. I don't think the photo was new and taken with some green screen body double, I just think it was old as Kaye and William are notorious for doing photoshoots for things like their Christmas cards and just releasing them at different times. However, Charlotte's sleeve on her left arm is seemingly unedited(?) if you compare it to the photo they released. But the super wide shoulders on the eldest soon in the suit make me think this is fake and edited.

No. 1922298

Kek the green model's hair is clipping out on her shoulder when it wouldn't even be out in the first place.

No. 1922318

That's what I'm saying
Why would they go through all this green screen trouble though kek wouldn't they just edit already existing photos? I assume they have a lot on the back burner

No. 1922326

why do you say only two of the children?

No. 1922395

Wills will keep the oldest as he’s next in line to the throne after him. Kate will try to keep the ~spares as they’re of little royal value unless the oldest dies. Sorry if this is confusing I don’t know any of the kids’ names and I refuse to learn them.

No. 1922434

>I refuse to learn the names
It's okay, we call the retarded looking one RB (retard boy) for short and then BHG for the (brown haired girl) in regular parlance. The oldest one is NV (next victim).
She won't be able to have all three, but she can definitely take 2 if she plays her cards right. The palace doesn't want a repeat of what happened with William and Harry if there's only 2 remaining with William.

No. 1922435

That's not really how that works though. They wouldn't let Kate just "take" any of the kids. They need at least one spare, and I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that legally those kids belong to/are custody of the monarch.

No. 1922437

That's what she's went gone girl for. She knows William isn't popular and after the fiasco with Diana's divorce and the problems it caused for the royals, she might be able to take at least one of the children. The recent media leak of Will's mistress wasn't to soft launch her as many suspect, it was actually a veiled threat by the media aimed towards the royal family to punish them for giving them a doctored photograph.

No. 1922458

Your schizophrenia fascinates me

No. 1922459

Thank you I take medicine but it doesn't stop me from seeing the truth.

No. 1922462

But even if she could take at least one child, what would be the point? So one gets to have a normal lifw, but then what about the other 2? What about how they're going to grow up separated? Sorry anon, but I'm not buying that Kate is taking the kids. It's been known for years that Kate intentionally made sure she was in the same places as William so she could catch him. She's a monarchist and, like Diana, likely wants her children to be royals and the sovereign.

No. 1922467

Samefag but if she really is taking the kids and leaving, why wouldn't her family be in on it and supporting her? Paparazzi (who may have been called) caught Carole driving around with Kate (or a Kate stunt double) around Buckingham Palace. Last time I heard Pippa is somewhere taking a vacation, wouldn't she be in the UK still to support her sister?

No. 1922473

She's part of the royal family so she's cold and heartless and spiritually vacant (like a kind of automaton or an invertebrate) so she doesn't actually care for her offspring in a meaningful way, she only wants at least 1 child to provide for her in older age and to spite the royal family. She was young and dumb when she went after William, and mostly it was due to pressuring from her mother and father. It was also before the heyday of social media, so she was expecting to still be a proper princess by the time she reached this age. Once she realized that her life was going to be pure shit and that her husband was a cheating drunken bald man that was too immature to buy a toupee, she started to plan her escape.
Her family is the one that pressured her into trying to beguile William the Bald in the first place, she can't trust them because of their strong convictions. Pippa and Kate hate each other ever since the press said that Pippa had a better ass than Kate had, ever since then Kate has hated Pippa and has wanted Pippa to be dead.

No. 1922533

>Her family is the one that pressured her
That was just Carole.
>Pippa and Kate hate each other
Doesn't make sense. Last year, Pippa and Carole were with Kate and William at a Jordanian royal family wedding. Pippa and Carole wouldn't have been invited because it was pretty much just royals from all over the world and relatives of the Jordanian family. That means Kate must've chose to invite them.

No. 1922537

No silly goose, everything about them is for the media only. Kate had a great relationship with the media because she was completely under their thumb, but now that survived the coma and is trying to escape the royal family, they've turned on her very quickly.

No. 1922539

File: 1710291653841.jpg (132.79 KB, 1908x1146, 71664025-0-image-a-54_16856407…)

How could it have been for the media? The only reason people know they went is because of some crappy photos where they're in the background

No. 1922540

All this tinfoiling is unironically great but that still doesn't explain why the shoop is so shit and suspicious. I could have done a better job and I was one of the worst students in my photoshop class. I'm willing to believe Kate was edited into the image but that still doesn't explain why the fucking BRF couldn't get a good shooper. Did they create a scandal on purpose lol?

No. 1922553

It's a code from Kate. She edited the photo and had an insider that she is allied with approve it for the media, or perhaps she double-crossed them and betrayed them in the last moment, but either way it was a stunt because she is under threat of silence right now. She wanted to communicate with her Kateheads because she knows that they're fearing for her safety right now, but because she couldn't outright tell the world that she's "okay" (because she isn't) she let that photo be released to the media knowing it would be removed from publication quickly but create a stir among her fanbase. She is very calculating, like a fox, and a lot of people thought she was just a pretty face but she uses that to her advantage like in movies where there are spies and then there is a russian lady spy and she is seduces the man spy with her good looks but then she is really a trained killer, it's just like that but her name is Kate Middleton.
She's faking it for the camera you can clearly see it in her expression.

No. 1922586

File: 1710293577722.jpeg (641.86 KB, 1170x656, IMG_4300.jpeg)

I don’t think Kate was shooped into the photo, I think they took an older photo of her and the kids and shooped slightly different clothes on them. I can’t find it right now but I saw a tiktok where they pulled up photos from months ago when Kate and the kids were at some charity event and their pants and shoes were the same as in the photo with some alterations and colour changes so it wouldn’t look suspicious. You can see the collar of the shirt princess Charlotte is wearing here underneath the cardigan (which was likely shooped on) and she’s wearing the same leggings and pants. Kate is wearing the same pants and shoes and her cardigan is the same fit as in the Mother’s Day photo which suggests they just changed the colour to be navy blue.

No. 1922598

File: 1710293911255.jpeg (706.02 KB, 1170x899, IMG_4303.jpeg)

samefag, here’s a better photo. Her hair is styled the same. Prince George is wearing a dark blue sweater with a checkered white collar, and if you look closely at the collar in the Mother’s Day photo you can see the faint outline of checkers but they coloured it blue to be more inconspicuous

No. 1922603

File: 1710294103728.jpeg (774.8 KB, 1170x882, IMG_4305.jpeg)

Here you can see their pants and shoes, Charlotte is wearing a denim skirt that they could have shooped to be plaid.

No. 1922685

File: 1710295964615.jpg (206.86 KB, 1200x894, 1000003364.jpg)

Nah this is crazy

No. 1922689

File: 1710296111407.jpeg (278.18 KB, 1242x764, IMG_2164.jpeg)

That's that horrid horse-faced hag that William the Bald has the gall to cheat on fearless and courageous Kate Middleton with. I hate him.

No. 1922710

Since the Queen died do you think the younger ones are wanting to step out now? They may have all loved and respected Elizabeth she was a dote but if William is a cheat and after what happened with Diana they maybe are actually working on a separation. Maybe William will marry his mistress and then King Charles and King William will both reign with their second wives.

No. 1923162

File: 1710330018412.jpeg (384.22 KB, 519x911, IMG_2168.jpeg)

Here are my katespiracies currently:
>Divorce A: Kate can no longer deny that Will is a cheater and is despondently refusing to lift another finger for the royal family
>Divorce B: Kate has been playing the long game and is circling the wagons/getting the lawyers involved/holding the children’s final custody and Will’s reputation hostage until he agrees to her terms
>Divorce D: Will is a violent drunken ape (known) and went so far as put her in hospital, the abdominal surgery was a burst cyst/some other major trauma/a complete asspull, it’s the final straw for her to actually leave him
>the Spanish reporter is right and he beat her into a coma (their nanny is Spanish and this was one of the first reports on the whole fiasco)
>cosmetic surgery is off the cards: British monarchs have been aging like sunned potatoes for years and the place would never allow her to take this much leave for a facelift/BBL (as funny as it would be). Same with her feeling “unsightly” after surgery. No way that a member of the royal team wouldn’t have put a camera on her face and gotten a photo of her after the speculation.
My top pick is that she’s pulling a Katie Holmes and has been spending every spare moment since those first cheating rumours came out getting her house in order so she can make as clean a getaway from the BRF as possible.

No. 1923163

Ignore that I forgot there’s a letter between B and D kek

No. 1923292

i think kate is just really badly sick and they din't want to shiw that in pictures. they'd rather shiw shooped pics that ones where she looks like a skelly. if it really is a stomach or bowel issue you can lose a lot of weight real fast

No. 1923340

That older child always looks so mean and arrogant. Like he tortures little animals or something.

No. 1923383

He looks like a regular kid.

No. 1923472

I believe the coma Katespiracy and the one where she’s dead, no way around it
I’ll be honest that I think the oldest one George is the cutest

No. 1923495

I honestly feel that if Kate does end up leaving (which I doubt), the media is going to end up supporting her. There will probably be some stories put out by the royal family to shit on her though. And we'll see journalists who demonized Meghan giving every excuse for Kate.

No. 1923528

I smell projection…

No. 1923603

George does look weird to me. I don’t understand why I just get a really bad vibe from him.

No. 1923607

>horrid horse faced hag
wow I didn’t know scrotes were so invested in the activities of the ‘royals’(scrotefoiling)

No. 1923643

He’s just a little kid anon…

No. 1924005

I'm kind of casual with the royals but I saw a hard-core royal fan say that this isn't William first time cheating so they were wondering what makes it different this time, apparently Kate's used to it and it doesn't bother her too much if she gets to be the official and important one.

Honestly I would love it if there was something sinister going on because drama lmao but probs William wanted a quiet divorce so he could remarry as soon as posible and Kate was having none of that

No. 1924013

Basically William has always been a serial cheater but he kept it under wraps until their first kid was born, after that he began to drink a lot more and flaunt his mistresses. Kate used to be alright with it but now that he's become openly disrespectful towards her in front of the kids, she's gone from resignation to indignation. She tried to put on a brave face, but after her botched surgery instead of being there for her William took her recovery time for himself to spend time with his favourite mistress. Kate's wanted a divorce for several months but her surgery and his response was probably the straw that broke the camel's back. She probably thought she had more time to prepare, but with the sudden announcement of Charles' cancer, she realized that she would be thrust into the role of queen much sooner than she thought. Once she's queen, it would be nearly impossible for her to get a divorce from him. Right now she's negotiating with the royal family on what children she has the right to keep, what she is entitled to, and how to properly run from the media. A divorce would be incredibly bad move for the royal family's PR. When Charles divorced Diana, it took him nearly 2 decades to achieve the goodwill and well wishes of the public, and even after that the majority of people still think he is unlikable. If William divorces Kate, the same thing will happen to William's reputation. This will be very bad because since Lizzie the Great died, many more people have begun to question the legitimacy of the royal family and the feasibility of continuing with the monarchy. They needed William and Kate to project a strong, likeable, and personable relationship so that the public would be restored in their faith of the monarchy: unfortunately for the royal family, that's not what's happened.

No. 1924186

File: 1710392099654.jpeg (834.51 KB, 1158x1661, IMG_6490.jpeg)

I believe the Spanish reporter but I believe he’s battered her to death in a drunken rage. They think if they bide their time long enough, people will stop asking questions and then they can announce that she’s died of natural causes.

No. 1924815

File: 1710426168424.jpeg (141.88 KB, 941x1170, d2506f33-5ffd-4556-87b1-a1db09…)

No. 1924898

Camilla is saltburning the BRF. Diana dead, the queen and king dead, Charles dying, Megan and Harry ostracised, Kate dead, William will be framed for it and go to jail. The royal side ting will inherit the land.

No. 1924902

Kate needs a poop bag. That's my tinfoil.

No. 1924940

Billy is holding her hostage in the basement. There’s already existing rumors of his short and violent temper, including from Harry himself. Moid sickness transcends class

No. 1925433

File: 1710461976038.jpeg (474.35 KB, 1242x1408, IMG_2190.jpeg)

New stories dropping about Kate to try and ruin her reputation à la Diana

No. 1925435

File: 1710462033941.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1242x2273, IMG_2200.jpeg)

She cannot speak to her staffers due to the royal family's interference.

No. 1925454

But Camilla's just the consort. If Kate, Charles and William are out then everything will go to Charles's brother or Harry until Williams kids are older. Or is Camilla not done and just working her way from top to bottom?

No. 1925721

File: 1710477869807.jpeg (701.63 KB, 828x1574, IMG_2952.jpeg)

meghan's launching a lifestyle brand. good for her but god, just from the logo and name it looks pretty tacky

No. 1925768

This legit makes me think that Will beat her to death/in a coma and they're covering for William because Charles doesn't have many years left in him. If another Princess died of suspicious circumstances, the monarchy will collapse. The story they're pushing makes no sense. If she is alive, they need to get Louis off of PR.

No. 1925923

Genuinely everything about their marriage is so bleak. Imagine having to parade around in a see-through dress for your crush to even notice you, waiting a whole decade for your Prince Nigel to propose to you, suffering through three excruciating pregnancies so that your husband and his family have the security to hold on to their weird power LARP for another generation, constantly being shit on by the press, getting your nudes leaked by some French moid with a telescopic lens, being cheated on constantly, never being defended by your Nigel and his family, never ever being able to voice your true opinion on a single topic in the whole world, and then being thrown directly in front of the bus the second things go wrong. If Kate is choosing to take this step away and make the Palace’s life harder then good for her. She’s wasted 20 of her best years on Baldi Basics and he doesn’t even have the decency to not cheat on her. If I were her I would have been the first Princess of Wales to commit regicide.

No. 1929756

All of this just means that she’s a massive pick-me. Any woman with self-respect (and a well-off family like Kate’s) wouldn’t tolerate more than 5 years of that crap, no matter how much money or “prestige” is involved. Marrying into a family that’s shown itself time and time again to be incredibly slimy and misogynistic was a choice, not an obligation. The same can be said for Meghan, but at least she didn’t throw out most of her life chasing after her scrote and they were able to escape. Diana would be ashamed of who her children grew up to be.

No. 1929773

Meghans actually so fucking based. She point blank refused to fit into their fusty dusty old traditions in typical brash American way. They say she ruined Harry’s life but she actually liberated him from a family that sees him as nothing but a backup for baldy. To me that says she truly does love him, but Kate? I doubt she loves William or ever did. She just wants to be the queen.

No. 1929816

>She just wants to be queen
I definitely agree with this statement, and that’s part of the reason why I don’t think they are getting a divorce, at least not on Kate’s end. She spent practically her whole life chasing after the crown and is not particularly known for rocking the boat like Diana or Meghan (in other words, she’s very basic), there’s no way she’d give that up when she’s so close to the crown.

As for Meghan, tbh while she hasn’t lost as hard as Kate in my opinion, she still has to deal with Harry, who comes off as a giant baby that needs his wife to act as a surrogate mother (i.e. Diana). While I understand where the trauma comes from, he needs to man up and take responsibility for his mental health. Meghan can’t be his cushion.

No. 1929845

So is Charles dead

No. 1929853

>She spent practically her whole life chasing after the crown
All those rich/semi-noble daughters are basically groomed from day 1 to marry up. Always pretty, always skinny, perfect manners and then sent to a school princes go to in order to get picked as perfect obedient wife.
Lsa also has a royal thread and there are some "broke" lesser noble families who already have their 16yo daughters meeting the sons of families with higher status, it's so archaic and disgusting…

No. 1929869

Apparently she will be selling home items and kitchenware. Honestly I've been needing some new cutlery and things like that so I actually will consider buying. I am interested to know why she chose that name

No. 1929872

no its just rumours

No. 1929882

are you really gonna buy from that brand just bc it's meghan selling it?
yeah the english upper class is megafucked. they leave kids to nannies then send them off to boarding school at like 8. and then marry off the daughters like assets. they all end up emotionally fucked up and then pass it in to their kids

No. 1929884

>are you really gonne buy from that brand just bc it's meghan selling it?
Learn to read anon, I said consider. Like I already said, I need stuff for my kitchen. Depending on what she puts out (because I may not even like what the brand ends up releasing), I'll wait to see what other people's reviews are and if the products are to my standards. There are millions of celebrity owned brands that people buy from, idk why this one would be different.

No. 1929897

lol fair enough i just have troube with the the idea of buying from celebrity brands altogether
you're right about kate and william but i doubt harry and meghan are as rosy as you make it. all these celeb love story are manufactured as hell. and harry comes across as a giant retard, his autobiography was bonkers

No. 1930329

File: 1710800734595.jpg (180.15 KB, 750x1243, Katespiracy.jpg)

It’s a body double and I will die on this hill.

No. 1930350

Very clearly not Kate. It takes less than 5 minutes to look at this and then compare to other photographs of her. Anyone that tries to argue that this is not a body-double is seriously braindead. I've actually cut off a friend for this because I realized she was just a Royal Family shill. It's insidious the way that they weasel their way into everything. I'd estimate around 80% of Royalists are on the family's payroll, or that they are Muscovite bots. Either way it's sad.

No. 1930361

Anon, you really cut off a friend because of Kategate?

No. 1930370

It was a lot more than Kategate. For years I had a sneaking suspicion that she was linked to Muscovite intel., but the whole "That really IS Kate!! You sound crazy!!" thing was the last nail in the coffin. I'm not keeping "friends" around that are sworn in allegiance to Muscovite "leader" in proxy to the House of "Windsor" (AKA the Germanic Haus Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha). It's the fact that it's so obvious that it is a body double and that was the hill she decided to die on. It's like someone looked me in the eye and tried to convince me that the sky was red. Maybe if I had sub 70 IQ I would have fallen for it, but fortunately I'm literate and have some semblance of an intellect so her propaganda did not work on me. It's sad because she was fun at parties, but I won't associate with shills/foreign intel. agents.

No. 1930374

Uhh… you sound a bit touched anon… why would muscovites be controlling the European royal houses?

No. 1930375

I'm not falling for bait. If you're being serious, you can read about it on the internet. The people's princess Kate is trying to take down the Germanic-Muscovite alliance right now as we speak. I only pray that she succeeds.

No. 1930378

Kind of funny to say this when the UK is completely cucked to the US lol

No. 1930379

>Assuming the US isn't "cucked" to Muscovy.

No. 1930383

??? Explain

No. 1930405

That woman is an absolute skeleton. Look at her legs. I don’t think she looks like Kate (she looks too young), but if Kate has lost a lot of weight, she would be scarily thin, too.

No. 1930414

Come on, anon, schizosperg about Moscow. We know you want to

No. 1930429

No because I just know I'm gonna get hit with a 6 hour ban and I want to keep posting all night long.
EXACTLY! Why are they trying to fool us with actual bullshit like this? You can see how cheap the wig looks even with the shit pixel quality. I'd say it's a cheap actress they managed to pay off to stand in for video shoot, they probably tipped off the camera crews that they'd be out at that certain location. It's just sad to see how many people are falling for this, but then again the only "people" I see shilling that it's Kate are "people" on Twitter and other social media platforms (all contaminated with Muscovite bots and spies) so I take it with a grain of salt. This is the biggest psyop that's come out of the former British Empire in ages.

No. 1930437

NTA but the Romanov’s didn’t deserve what happened to them and should’ve been left alone to rule Russia(and Ukraine?). Maybe if one of their descendants were currently ruling, Europe wouldn’t be a shitshow and they would’ve kept Vlad on a leash.

No. 1930469

The Romanovs did not have the Orthodox mandate of heaven and were at best silly-hearts and dreamers. They completely deserved what happened to them, all of them, they were all bad eggs.

No. 1930622

I actually cant see it in her expression because that photo is incredibly blurry anon. Can you even see her eyes? Be honest

No. 1930632

Awww come on don’t be such a tease, at least drop a link

I don’t think anything short of returning Russia to how it was in the 90s would help lol

No. 1930640

William's mistress has been confirmed to showcase looted cultural relics from the late Qing dynasty of Imperial China. She is a sick and twisted charlatan.
You need to zoom in on the photo to get a clearer look. Real Kateheads can read her expression like a clock.(tinfoiling)

No. 1930643

I'll never understand the whole craze about Pippas ass that happened. Her ass is incredibly normal compared to whats considered a big ass now…

No. 1930656

It's flat even compared to the standard of the time. It's bizarre.

No. 1930660

There are rumors Kate has complications from an eating disorder, Charles cancer worsening, and Camilla has Parkinson's, not confirmed, allegedly came from what a reporter heard through the grapevine and told their friend

No. 1930661

NGL I don't think Katie girl is in danger…what if she's just getting a BBL or recovering from a nose job? It's not against the law for additional members of the Windsor family to get plastic surgery. Or maybe she's at fat camp and trying to lose weight off Ozempic. There could be a whole wide host of things going on.

No. 1930663

I'd believe sooner kategate was actually a diversion to hide that Charles condition was escalating or maybe it's more complicated? Like I could see the family pulling a stunt if William is a cheater (he is) and she's had enough and wants to divorce him, like some sort of sick humiliation ritual

No. 1930666

Exactly that too. Wouldn't surprise me if he was flopping around carelessly with other women and she's done with him

No. 1930672

Kate wears jewels that the royal family pillaged from the African countries they colonized so I don't care honestly.

No. 1930673

Kate is a multi-million dollar trust fund baby she'll be okay

No. 1930678

It’s clearly a look alike

No. 1930684

It doesnt even look like Willis either?? Are they just hiring stunt doubles for the whole family now because no one can be bothered to leave their homes

No. 1930687

File: 1710827523124.jpg (17.93 KB, 474x266, schizo-thread.jpg)

No. 1930692

The woman in that video is wearing flat shoes, yet is significantly taller than Kate Middleton when she wears heels. There’s like a 4 or 5 inch difference. Her walk is different and her face looks completely different, it even looks different from the car photo that they put out recently

No. 1930694

ntayrt but do you wanna give us a side by side if the height difference is so noticable because i'm not seeing it

No. 1930707

seeing as kate is already tall a 5 inch height difference would mean something 6ft3 lol wtf
honestly sad to see this thread devolve like this. i love royal drama because they're all lolcows but the tinfoil retardation about muscovite agents and body doubles is just ridiculous

No. 1930708

File: 1710829576933.jpeg (345.64 KB, 512x780, IMG_8555.jpeg)

This is her in heels

No. 1930713

File: 1710829671663.jpeg (61 KB, 468x598, IMG_8557.jpeg)

And this is her in flat shoes, she looks like she has around the same height difference to William as the first picture but she should be a few inches shorter here

No. 1930717

File: 1710829953078.png (1.23 MB, 1058x874, erhbebevjevfojfvjno.png)

but shes wearing flats in this pic too (from 2019) and is standing at the same height next to Willy? Also a lot of people disagree with me on this but unless your heels are like 5 inches they don't really change your height. She wears short heels.

No. 1930718

tbh if she did have a bowel or stomach issue it makes sense for her to be skelly
had a severe abdominal infection when i was a kid and i dropped about two stone in a week. that shit will fuck you up

No. 1930723

4 inch heels will change your height by 4 inches, 3 inch heels will change your height by 3 inches, so on and so forth. It really isn’t difficult to understand. Her heels were 4-5 inches in the first picture and the top of her head is about even with Williams nose, in the second one her head should be at or lower than his chin. Your photo has a different perspective and they aren’t side by side

No. 1930729

I get what you mean and everything I'm just saying that her in flats standing beside william doesn't look different from her standing in heels next to him. Also the photo is level and they are standing right next to each other? Them being a few feet distanced doesn't magically change her height. And we can see their shadows overlapping each other, which does confirm that they are standing side by side, because if Kate was standing closer to the camera her shadow would be further away. Does that make sense?

No. 1930734

The face doesn’t look like her at all, weird

No. 1930738

File: 1710831715671.jpg (97.73 KB, 670x777, 13catherine1.jpg)

Nah, she's not that much shorter than William in flat shoes.

No. 1930743

File: 1710832112785.jpg (176.91 KB, 1000x1430, GettyImages-1247309238.jpg)

Samefag, but here's another photo wear she's in heels that are the same height as the ones in your pic (4.1 inch) where they're actually standing closer. The top of her head always ends around Williams eyes/eyebrow area

Also, William is so rodenty looking.

No. 1930768

File: 1710833571150.jpeg (64.24 KB, 1200x635, IMG_7224.jpeg)

Google isn’t helping and all I can imagine when anon is saying this is that these ugly Muscovy ducks are infiltrating the powers of the world with nefarious intent

No. 1930783

Eh, muscovys are just a failed government experiment to morph ducks with chickens. Nothing to see there.

No. 1930787

File: 1710834257728.jpeg (593.75 KB, 828x1295, IMG_3049.jpeg)

muscovy is a very old name for the moscow region before it and a bunch if other small states became unified russia. ivan the terrible was the last grand prince of muscovy before he declared himself the first tsar in 1547.
anon is in some 16th century schizoposting

there is a whole video but it's pretty low res. the height difference is pretty clear in motion

No. 1930790

File: 1710834394226.jpeg (528.52 KB, 1170x604, IMG_8562.jpeg)

I think it’s her professional look-alike, which despite what some retarded anons here say, is an actual person who the public knows about. Celebrities use look-allies for security reasons sometimes too, it’s not unlikely for a royal family member to use one with all this press about it. Kate is known for having a crooked smile and the woman in that video doesn’t have that

No. 1930793

You can barely see her schizophrenia it's a highly pixelated zoomed in video

No. 1930797

They might be ugly but I had a family member who had some of these ducks and they were very sweet.

No. 1930802

And she looks like a different person

No. 1930804

This is weird but she looks almost exactly like me here. I did a double take, thought I’d been papped in the wild. She does not look like Kate though. The face is all wrong and she looks shorter than Kate.

No. 1930805

Her name is Heidi Agan by the way

No. 1930808

sounds like you’re the one mentally ill her lmaoo

No. 1930809

File: 1710835087321.jpeg (655.81 KB, 1170x918, IMG_8354.jpeg)

And the car picture also doesn’t look like her imo

No. 1930810

Good lord nonnie. If you took an extremely pixelated low quality photo of yourself from a distance in poor lighting you'd likely also look pretty different. I know my face can look dramatically different depending on how the light is hitting my face and the quality of a camera

No. 1930811

this is clearly not kate or william. it's very convenient that "william" is wearing a ballcap and looking down, and "kate" is some urkel looking mofo who is also conveniently 10+ years younger than the original kate, who looks a lot older than her age. also "kate" does not walk the same way as kate does. i am not sure why the royal family are doing this, but it's fucking bizarre and unnecessary if it's true she got surgery or even if they are getting a divorce. all they had to do was ignore all the conspiracies and hand wringing on social media like the queen used to do, wait for kate to heal or for the divorce to finalize, and then go on their merry way. when the queen was alive they found literal dead bodies on the grounds of their homes lol, and she told them all to shut the fuck up and the media buried it and the average person has no clue about this. i used to wonder why that lady never abdicated even when she was old as fuck, now it all makes sense. she was the only person in buckingham palace with a working brain.

but of course the two golden eggs of the crown with their fucking entitlement issues and laziness expect everyone to just pander to them and go along with their weirdness while also taking a shit every ten seconds on their in laws for stupid things such as breathing too quickly or smiling with pearly white teeth. these are the same two ass clowns of the crown that the british media and retarded royalists were squawking all the time about how they would "modernize the monarchy". literally these people acted like william was the second coming of jesus christ and that kate was the reincarnation of mary magdalene. the double standards in this whole situation are epically hilarious and i am enjoying watching these retards sabotage their future (and the monarchy) because they are so bad at publicity and think they're so special and important that they can play these kinds of pr games and get away with it. if this was meghan they would literally be calling to set up the gallows at the tower of london again. keksiumus maximus.

No. 1930812

The first car picture looked exactly like her until some retard decided to go over it with an AI de-pixelator and totally besmirch the quality. It make her look like an old lady.

No. 1930814

The feral ones at the park up the street hiss at me when I’m just trying to go for a walk

No. 1930816

File: 1710835210823.jpeg (128.6 KB, 1170x685, IMG_8552.jpeg)

Yeah but her facial proportions are off, bone structure won’t look that different just because the picture is blurry. And she has a noticeably crooked smile with asymmetrical features

No. 1930817

I love you, schizo nonnies, never change.

No. 1930820

I’ve never even cared about the royals but even I can tell that it doesn’t look like Kate at all, the face, hairline, height, posture and gait are wrong

No. 1930821

You didn't choose a very good photo to make your point because the proportions look identical. Ears, cheekbones, nose, lip/mouth shape, hairline. Your tinfoil hat isn't tight enough nonnie maybe put another on?

No. 1930824

i don'g see it, if you look at the video it looks like her, just with considerable weight loss

No. 1930825

I think everyone is just craving a scandal, really. Thats why theres this sudden Rain Man level fascination with the whereabouts of Kate kek

No. 1930834

It’s like the titan submersible fascination.
Everything looks incorrect to me

No. 1930836

Well yeah nonnarina it's not going to look identical to a posed, staged, purposefully lit photograph of her. It's a blurry picture taken on a shitty camera while she's physically in motion out in cloudy daylight.

No. 1930857

There was a video though, it’s not just a blurry photo. On that note it’s also weird that the camera is so incredibly low quality given that it’s 2024, iphones have better quality cameras than this.

No. 1930865

No they don't, not when you zoom in the way that this paparazzifag did

No. 1930888

Mine does. Anyway here’s a better comparison for you, Kate doesn’t have defined cheekbones or a pointy chin, but Heidi does. Her forehead and nose are also smaller, her jaw is slightly wider, her smile is completely different

No. 1930891

Kate does have defined cheekbones and a pointy chin though…you can see it right here >>1930816
how long are we gonna keep this charade up kek

No. 1930906

hahahahaha idiot royalists itt smell so bad..wow i can smell it.

No. 1930930

its ok if youre bored and have nothing going on in your life and are obsessed with scandal and societal struggle to fill your sensational void

No. 1930936

This pretty much looks like the same woman to me (someone relatively uninterested in royals & not a bong). But can someone who does know the royals well tell me if they typically do their own shopping? Because I never imagined them doing that seriously.

The man doesn't look like William at all however. I guess I've never seen William in a baseball cap, I try to avoid looking at that mfer to be fair.

No. 1930943

You can't even see his face though

No. 1930999

File: 1710844890934.jpeg (46.53 KB, 508x370, IMG_8573.jpeg)

I think it’s Heidi

No. 1931115

I don’t think it looks like him either, but I’m sure it isn’t her. I don’t care about the royal family and I’ve never followed them, but I’ve been bombarded with high definition pictures of Kate Middleton for the past 15 years or however long it’s been. And now that she’s missing, suddenly the only pictures being taken of her are blurry and look like the Bigfoot cryptid photos? I know what she looks like and that clearly isn’t her.

Paparazzi have incredibly high quality cameras so they can zoom in and have crystal clear images of each pore, hair and wrinkle, yet all of these paps are now filming her with a 2000s phone or something.

No. 1931144

I've never been a schizo but I have to say this doesn't look like her

No. 1931220

The brows alone are a dead giveaway

No. 1931233

File: 1710862805148.png (1.09 MB, 1002x665, heidi vs kate.png)

I'm not sure it's kate but I don't think it's heidi. picrel you can see they have quite different body types. heidi has shorter curvier legs but the woman in the photo has extremely skinny and long legs.

No. 1931346

File: 1710873070369.jpeg (208.16 KB, 1170x697, IMG_0845.jpeg)

>Donald Trump once again hinted that he may deport Prince Harry from the U.S. if re-elected as President … this after the Duke of Sussex admitted to using drugs in his tell-all.

what the fuck

No. 1931364

you're supposed to disclose drug use in us visa/green card applications.
some culture warriors with nothihg better to do are trying to get harry's immgiration paperwork revoked since the dumbass admitted to drug use in his autobiography. trump's just hopping on the bandwagon

No. 1931375

As if trumps never railed a few lines lmao he’s so full of shit. Who hasn’t sniffed a bit of coke it’s NBD.

No. 1931381

Nah she's just lost shit ton of weight.
IBD? new stoma? People don't like to talk about their shitting issues.

No. 1931438

The amount of people who hate on Harry and Meghan as a hobby is crazy to me, there are some people who hate Meg so much they'll bring her into every conversation about celebrities. it's fucking deranged behavior

No. 1931490

Yeah, this is what makes it suspicious. All these blurry potato pics, no official photos released after the clearly fake Mother's Day photo, no videos of her, nothing you'd expect them to do to confirm that she's OK. The colors in that photo are odd as well. It looks washed out, like someone put a yellow filter over it to hide any details that the shitty camera didn't already pixel into oblivion. My tinfoil is that it's been edited to hell, then put through filters to fry it, and then released as an original photo.
I've never cared about the royals but holy shit this is entertaining. I really fucking hope that this is the beginning of the end for the monarchy.

No. 1931501

Right. If Kate were well enough to go on outings in town with Will, then surely she would be well enough to pose for a photograph or two to dispel rumors. All these people had to do was shut up and this controversy would have never gotten as large as it became.

No. 1931506

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Average Meghan hatred in the wild. This is just psychotic. The second user brings her up constantly on posts that aren't about her. And they do this all the live long day, she's not interesting nor scandalous enough to hate

No. 1931515

I had to do it and yes they make you go to the dr where you're given a drug test and paperwork to disclose any drug use.

No. 1931530

Correct me if I'm wrong because I've never looked into immigration requirements, but if he disclosed that he did drugs in his interview/application, they still would've let him in as long as he's clean now right? It's not like he's got booked for drugs afaik.
A little OT, but people are fucking retarded if they still believe Trump's empty promises kek. That man isn't gonna do shit even if he does get elected.
The funny thing is that Meghan very rarely pops ups anywhere. It's the tabloids writing hundreds of articles on her and people gossiping about her everyday that are keeping her relevant and making it seem like she's constantly doing something

No. 1931532

But isn't it better us speculating over Kate vs the kings cancer for the royals?

No. 1931535

Harry said that all sorts of fake stories are planted by one royal’s press office or another about the other royals. He said that you basically shouldn’t believe most, if not all of what is written in the press about the royal family. I remember seeing a new article every week about how Kate was pregnant or she and Will were “on the rocks” before the stories about Meghan began. Now every week it’s Harry and Meghan about to break up but nothing about Will’s years-long pegging sessions with his mistress and the three children he may have fathered with her. I would hate to be part of that family and the only irrational thing about Harry is why he even tries to talk to them anymore. It’s easy to make fun of him, but he grew up royal, went straight into the military after school, and basically has no professional skillset. I bet the dude didn’t even know how to cook or clean or wash his own underwear before he moved in with Meghan. I actually wish he would divulge more about the inner workings of the British royals because they all sound toxic and I would applaud the end of their stupid monarchy.

No. 1931560

The blind item sites aren't much better than the tabloids and they're constantly mentioning her and Harry for clicks in mimicry of the media. There's this entire cult of personality around speculation that their kids aren't real and saying they're awful harpies? Meanwhile in actuality they're actually pretty quiet and not flashy. The narrative the royals have constructed around M&H after leaving the monarchy is disconcerting as hell.

I sympathize with Harry's frustration, and believe him. Too many of these headlines seem planted and inorganic, but nothing really interesting or sensible to the current situation. I wonder how the boys feel about the way they treated Diana. Part of me also feels bad for Kate who's trapped in their web and it's disturbing how bad a job their PR is doing in covering up whatever is going on. Everything only raises more questions. I'm not usually very into their gossip and so much of it seems like misinformation but this whole thing has me intrigued

No. 1931597

True, but I think two things can be true. "Kate" was a body double. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

No. 1931640

I don't think so. Charles is not in the prime of his life, it's not a great shock that he'd have some sort of health issue at his age. The issue is that he's not likely to last that long as king, and both of his sons have worked long and hard to completely destroy their reputations with both monarchists and sane people. Harry's out of the equation (for now) and William is potentially a violent, cheating drunk who might have killed or seriously injured his wife. Even if it turns out that William is a sober saint who has never strayed from Kate's side and this whole situation is a misunderstanding (kek as if) his reputation is already in the shitter and the public isn't going to forgive and forget. Everyone's sick of the monarchy even without their endless bullshit. The fact that the press have been working 24/7 to paint Harry and Meghan as reprehensible turds, and yet they still have a good deal of sympathy from the public, shows just how done everyone is with the royals hushing up actual scandals for decades. Harry is a massive cow in his own right, but you can really see why he turned out like that.

No. 1931902

I guess what most perplexes me about this situation is why the hell would royals be out in casual dress buying their own groceries from the peasant store, amongst the peasants. Hardly believable no? Don't they have servants for that shit?

No. 1932060

I am going to make it my life’s mission to see to it that baldy never sits his pasty inbred arse on that throne. Sick of abusive cheating moids like Charles. He deserves to be a penniless pauper in the gutter. I want Kate to take the kids and live modestly but comfortably and I want William working at McDonald’s.

No. 1932178

I found the ridiculing of his autobiography kind of weird. I skimmed it, it wasn't some amazing read, but I didn't think it was this overblown dramatic pile of garbage like a lot of people online think/thought. He made some good points about how he was treated.

I especially hated seeing these tiktok/YT shorts of some woman acting out scenes from the book for comedic purposes. I just found it in bad taste, idk. Clearly those people have experienced horrific treatment from the royal family and their media thugs. Is it really necessary to mock and ridicule a guy who wrote about his experience exiting it and what it was like for his wife, who was picked apart by the press? Maybe I have a soft heart but it was stomach-churning. Let's say it's exaggerating, let's say he and his ghostwriter turned up the drama. I still believe Will assaulting Harry and Meghan getting slandered left and right. Meghan is extremely light-skinned but the royals, especially the men, are notorious racists. I'm sure they let the press have a go at Meghan to distract from pedo Andrew and whatever else.

I'm just glad their children are somewhat separated from this sickness.

No. 1932196

I remember that there used to be obviously staged paparazzi pics of Kate in jeans going to the shops, but I haven’t seen any since the kids were born. Will and Kate do not just pop into shops or stop at a Pret for a tea or coffee. Charles has someone who actually dresses him in the mornings even before he became King; none of these people go shopping for groceries or to get snacks for the kids. Diana hated that being part of the BRF made her so isolated and that every part of her day was scheduled. Harry has said, though, that he had very little spending money of his own as a young man and he would go with his security in disguise to TK Maxx to buy everyday clothes, but I doubt Will and Kate do that as the next in line to the throne. Nah, this whole shopping trip was staged and now of course there are “friends” of theirs who are insisting they just saw Kate and she’s totally fine.

Latest rumor is that she does have a colostomy bag from a bowel surgery, which has been the rumor for months, but it may be from complications from an eating disorder. It wouldn’t be the first time. Diana very famously developed bulimia to cope and Crown Princess Victoria also had an ED as a teenager. Meghan is also extremely thin too.

No. 1932504

I think Meghan got some sort of surgery on her calf’s to make them ultra thin, and they look absolutely horrible.

No. 1932655

Yeah but, he touched his peepee using his mom’s favorite lotion.

No. 1932786

that was a part I wish I hadn't read, yeah, weird and gross

No. 1932975

You mean his todger?

No. 1933379

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Heidi has said it isn’t her, but Kate has another profesional lookalike named Gabriella Munro Douglass, who looks like the woman in the video in my opinion

No. 1933380

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No. 1933381

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No. 1933429

That is so her. Does baldy think we are stupid or something?

No. 1933436

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but like Heidi, Gabriella is quite a bit curvier than Kate - who has a thin athletic build. even if she lost a lot of weight, I don't think she would look like the woman in that photo. I'm still doubting whether it's Kate but I don't think it's either of these women.

No. 1933440

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No she isn’t, she’s thin

No. 1933443

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I didn't mean curvy = fat, she is just curvy shaped. It's her body type. Picrel is her at Christmas. She's very slim but more hourglass/pear shape. Those legs are not the same legs of that woman in the video.

No. 1933545

Also worth noting that the shop they were spotted at was the Windsor Farm Shop. It’s on the royal estate; the BRF own it. If the Kate and/or Wills photographed there were fake (I think they were) everyone working there will be under some kind of gagging order preventing them from saying anything to the contrary.

No. 1933566

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No. 1934988

Not to be boring but If I have to be honest, I don't really buy any of the conspiracy theories. I think Kate is fine, but she definitely was unexpectedly hospitalized and Kensington/Buckingham palace is just using this as a distraction from the fact that Charles has cancer. I saw something about him seeking a holistic approach to treatment and that man is like 70, so not to speak ill over anyone's life but I don't know if he has much left in him. The fact that Kate got hospitalized (which was definitely not planned despite them saying it was. She cancelled her scheduled engagements) around the time he went for his prostate check was a convenient distraction for them, that's why they're not doing anything to dispel the rumors.

Also, I do think it's a little funny that anons think that Kate is an innocent women being manipulated and controlled by the royal family lol. She plays the same games, especially when it comes to the media and tabloids, that they do.

No. 1935013

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deuxmoi on Instagram just posted this, i hope there is at least an announcement

No. 1935092

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No. 1935107

Ugh I was going to post this but you beat me. Poor Kate

No. 1935123

Well jeez louise I thought this was a joke. That's not at all what I expected, I thought she just had an emergency surgery and was recovering but doing ok. I guess deuxmoi really is right sometimes. I do have a question for those more informed on cancer than I: if the cancer has already been found then why is it preventative chemo?

Here's what she said
>Kate says, "In January, I underwent major abdominal surgery in London and at the time, it was thought that my condition was non-cancerous. The surgery was successful. However, tests after the operation found cancer had been present. My medical team therefore advised that I should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and I am now in the early stages of that treatment." She didn't address the specific type of cancer she's battling.
>Kate also appears to allude to her lengthy absence, as she says she and Will have needed time to address this health issue with their three children – all of whom are fairly young – as she's wanted to assure them that she's going to be okay.

No. 1935126

Shit, that's horrible. She's so young too. And with three children, that can't be easy. I hope she goes into remission.

No. 1935131

Poor woman. I hope she takes her balding husband with her.

No. 1935133

The vax claims another victim. I hope she will recover.(baiting tinfoil)

No. 1935140

Samefag, wait, I think I can answer my own question. They already removed whatever was in her abdomen, so she's doing preventative chemotherapy to prevent it from coming back.

No. 1935150

I had a feeling it was pretty serious when she was that out of commission from the surgery. Could be anything within her stomach or reproductive system. much love to her

No. 1935156

I knew the woman in the video wasn’t her. They should have been honest from the beginning instead of trying to hide it. Loads of people, including parents with young children, fight cancer. Why is Kate so special?

The only thing I feel bad about is that she’s had to endure Will cheating on her for years and now this. The mistress wants to sue Stephen Colbert. Let her. I can’t wait until it all comes out.

No. 1935157

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Kate's statement came out less than an hour ago and people are already saying stuff like this kek

No. 1935158

No omfg what

No. 1935159

i thought she was getting a buccal fat removal, i feel like a huge asshole

No. 1935160

Guys that's a cover up. They already killed her.(baiting)

No. 1935163

Ok on the topic of Meghan can we discuss how Archie is the most retarded possible name she could've chosen for that ginger baby

No. 1935167

very sad, so many young women are affected by cancer now. i hope for change but i know it will not come

No. 1935169

Everyone tinfoiling about how those "body doubles" looked just seww skinny and they couldnt possibly be Kate. Kek she just has cancer bod y'all false alarm!

No. 1935178

Kate was also just already super skinny anyway.
Oh come on jannies, that's an obvious joke.

No. 1935184

I thought it was cancer from the start. There were early reports she went into a coma after whatever surgery she had. People went crazy speculating, cancer is horrible it doesn't discriminate and I can't imagine all the horrible press made it easy. Wonder if they were going to keep it from the press and young kids but had to say something because of all the memes about William killing Kate?

No. 1935201

I think the main reason why they spoke out now is because she obviously won’t be back to “work” next week and because William’s affair and who is it with is now public knowledge. They’ve tried to hide that desperately for years.

No. 1935203

If your family member had cancer and you had the means to make it as stress free as possible why would you subject that family to the media for people to speculate and bad mouth and all the shit that has happened. When my step dad was going through cancer before he passed he was sick of having to pretend to be positive and entertain guests and replying to well wishers. If we had billions of pounds we would have done everything and more to ease recovery.

No. 1935210

They said she'd be making public appearances after Easter, they've always had a very defined trajectory to her recovery clearly.

No. 1935213

did anyone ever post evidence of willies affair? i lurked the thread trying to find some and didn't find any, just tinfoiling about it

No. 1935220

love that for her(alogging/happy about someone having cancer)

No. 1935225

Idk why but I feel like it may be breast cancer (carefully covered up) or something to her uterus/reproductive system.

No. 1935230

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nah but this thread is tinfoil central now sadly. tbh i always thought the silplest explanation was the right one and she was just really sick and hiding away from the media. can't blame her considering how people went full schizo about a planned leave of absence.
anyway here's the full transcript of her video from the grauniad

No. 1935244

there isn’t “evidence” because the BRF has spent years hushing it up, but it’s been on American gossip sites and Twitter for at least 5 years. Harry said that negative stories about him and Meghan were planted to hide a bigger story, presumably that William has a long-term mistress. But since Kate’s disappearance there’s been more open gossip about it, including that William may be a heavy drinker and that his mistress’s three kids may also be his kids since her husband is deeply homosexual. But no, there’s no evidence of any of this.

No. 1935271

i mean twitter people are also posting crazy shit about how meghan's kids don't exist, just bc she and harry are smart enough to keep them out of the spotlight. i don't trust any theories floating out there unless there's hard evidence tbh
archie and lilibet are terrible names. i don't like nicknames as full names in general but it looks especially weird coupled with princely titles

No. 1935281

Agreed tbh. I know "Lilibet" is supposed to be a tribute to QEII, but they should've just made her an Elizabeth Jr. I think they're one of those parents who gave their children baby names instead of names they can take into adulthood.

No. 1935282

Can people talk about and feel bad for Kate without inserting Meghan into it? The BRF has picked Kate as their new unfavorite it seems and bolstering her to put Meghan down is a shit thing to do knowing how the palace treated Meg and how they've treated Kate this news cycle. Instead of putting women against one another they should really examine how badly the royals treat women starting with Diana

No. 1935287

I think they also spoke out because three different hospital workers were trying to steal Kate's records to leak them allegedly

No. 1935294

That is so disgusting, they better have lost their jobs

No. 1935296

ok so bottomline, theres no evidence kek. Not trying to be rude but theres really not much that the house would be capable of doing to "hush it up", considering the current age we're living in. Not only would it be physically impossible to hide from paparazzi and journalists who keep their head up to his prostate, but he'd have to be having an affair with a woman who has no access to the outside world no computer, no phone, no family, no nothing because if it was just another high status woman, the only things they'd be able to do is either threaten her livelihood by having her places of work/agencies drop her, or they'd just kill her like they did Dee. And last but not least, he would have to find a woman who's attracted to him. Does that sound possible? Certainly not kek and I doubt any gorgeous woman is going to risk their life just to get some Willy D

No. 1935308

this is what i was thinking too, having to tell the whole world you have cancer seems like one of the worst emotional and most stressful experiences ever. the crazy stress from being in the BRF is probably a big part of what caused her cancer

No. 1935348

KP should have never posted anything beyond the announcement that she would return to her duties after Easter. I don't even pay attention to the BRF but I'm only on this thread because of the situation surrounding the altered photo and the AP. They then proceeded to throw her under the bus by claiming it was she who had altered the photo. Otherwise I (and many others) would have never noticed. I think many of those surrounding Kate had not done enough to alleviate the media pressure regarding her.

No. 1935368

if they are saying that she has cancer it is because she is dead already
official death annoucement in 3 months

No. 1935395

This is the beginning of The Queen's Curse.

No. 1935399

can you schizos go back to the tinfoil thread already
i assume they announced an easter retrun because the statement was made before the surgery and/or before they found out it was cancer. im sure they didn't want to announce she was absent without givng a return date bc it would have caused even more speculation

No. 1935411

Regardless they should have kept shut. It's one thing to keep Kate away under the guise of cryptic health issues, it's another to publish doctored photos and bigfoot-esque pap shots which generate wild speculation about body doubles and DV. Both would cause speculation, but the other would cause far more speculation and is a significantly worse scenario overall (and of more interest to drama hungry Americans kek)

No. 1935424

oh yeah i agree with you that was terrible PR. i guess they didn't anticipate the amount of tinfoiling het absence would generate but they played it badly

No. 1935453

this was all such an unforced error - the move would have been to release a single statement - “the princess is currently undergoing treatment for an urgent and serious but not life-threatening illness, will be cancelling upcoming engagements and will be absent from public life for an as yet unspecified amount of time, and it will remain a private matter” and perhaps add that they’re hoping for an easter return. lipstick alley would have tinfoiled, and who cares because they would be doing that anyway.
their problem has been conflicting information - the mysterious ambulance, saying the surgery was planned while she’s cancelling preexisting commitments, saying she’s too sick to be seen in public or take a selfie, but she’s working from home, radio silence from charles and camilla’s camp, sloppily edited pictures with a weird cover story, the dodgy exif data on that video, reports in the press that her staff can’t get in touch with her, all this weird bullshit. my theory is that they default to lying - it’s entirely likely that the real story behind the weird picture was that they were compositing shots together because the kids weren’t all looking at the camera at the same time or her hands were puffy or something - they can’t just SAY that, despite it being fairly normal and believable, they have to say that kate is getting quirky on facetune from her sick bed, because protocol is to always go with this dumb twee bullshit while ignoring the elephant in the room

calm down anon

No. 1935456

Hope those pickme celebrities mocking her feel real bad now.

She was clearly in a spring garden, retard.

No. 1935460

better than having the public speculate that you had plastic surgery, or your husband beat you severely and whatever else people were saying about Kate. I feel sorry for Kate and she deserves to be stress-free while undergoing treatment but she did choose to marry into the royal family where everything you do is in the public eye. how could they have not known that covering it up was going to invite even more crazy speculation and attention towards that poor woman?

No. 1935476

thats not what pickme means and you need to calm down lmao

No. 1935490

There's been a lot of virtue signaling going on after the cancer announcement, especially on Reddit (don't know about other platforms, can't really browse them without an account). It's not surprising that people are going to speculate by consequence of this PR disaster that left more questions than answers—doctored photos, grainy videos. Where were these people like three days ago? kek

No. 1935500

exactly, for every retard joking that she had bbl surgery there was someone who was genuinely concerned that she could be a victim of domestic violence and that they were shoddily trying to cover up/blame her for it

No. 1935510

yeah I’m not a megan hater but her baby names are retarded, reminds me of what a mormon mom would pick after seeing it in a UNIQUE CUTE BABY NAMES list on Facebook. giving a child a name that’s a nickname form of an actual name is really stupid. they have royal titles, they need posh names like Constance or Theodore or something, anything else. Clearly they don’t care so much about having more traditional names with an English origin anymore. Just name her Elizabeth, or eliza maybe or even just Diana.

No. 1935535

She wants to sue Stephen Colbert? Why?

No. 1935545

kek do you think they timed this announcement to make Megan's lifestyle brand launch look even more insipid

No. 1935549

Not everything BRF has to do with Meghan, let it go.

No. 1935580

King charles will have a huge asshole once he gets his prostate removed

No. 1935583

yes im sure kate got cancer just so stop megs from selling jam.
they just had to put out a statement to put a stop to media speculation, use your brain

No. 1935592

I hate that now that Kate revealed that she has cancer, everyone is trying to make the people who were making jokes or wondering where she was seem terrible and callous. Absolutely no one was expecting she was going to have cancer, in fact iirc when it was announced she had surgery Kensington Palace denied that it was cancer.

No. 1935598

People were wondering whether he cheated in her, whether he beat her, whether she died, there was never any place for muh just jokes

No. 1935604

And there were also plenty of people who didn't buy into those conspiracies and were just making jokes about her getting plastic surgery. Or people who thought that she hadn't been hurt but was trying to leave the royal family. There were lots of people who weren't tinfoiling about her dying or getting beat up by William. Literally no one cared until now, but now people are getting on their high horse as if everyone knew she has cancer.

No. 1935607

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You'd think Harry and Megs kill babies the way these people talk about them kek

No. 1935609

Samefag but for the people who did think William was abusing her or that she died: I never saw anyone joking about that. The jokes were really just about looking for Kate, making fun of Buckingham and Kensington Palace for poorly handling the situation, and making up dumb reasons for why she was gone in jest.

No. 1935610

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"PIG wife" oh my god get a fucking grip

No. 1935613

Honestly, neither of them probably feel like Kate "deserves" it. Whenever I've seen them, specifically Meghan, talk about Kate publicly they were being pretty generous. I specifically am thinking back to the Oprah interview where Meghan said that people can like them both and pointed out that Kate got called cruel names by the media.

No. 1935616

Harry and Megan kept doing publicity tours during Prince Philip's demise and the Queen's passing, no one respects them or cares.

No. 1935617

And this has to go with my post how?

No. 1935618

Kate seems nice compared to all the other royals still in the family. Not to mention she married into it. Just because Hare and Megs left the family doesn't mean they hate her or anything. The fact that the press (presumably funded by Liz and now Charles and Camila I guess?) creates false narratives about them hating everyone on the regular when they live a fairly private life is proof that a false narrative will work because these people buy into every single conspiracy put out about the Sussex duo. It's retarded and baffling they even buy all this to the point where they call them such gross specialized nicknames, "MEE-gan", the "Harkles" etc

No. 1935619

Found the dumbass royalist who buys into palace propaganda! Media literacy is at all alltime low!

No. 1935630

Maybe I'm actually British and not American and now exactly how the press over here works and it's definitely not bought by the royals or how the fuck were they speculating on kate for weeks.

It was firstly the American press that hated on Meghan and her dad and her half siblings trashing her before her wedding. She was liked in the UK, her and Harry's wedding was received well. That DJ that made a comment on radio about Harry and Meghan's kid got sacked and demonised in the press. It wasn't until Harry made such an ordeal about wanting out of all his royal obligations but still wanting titles and taxes to pay for Meghan and his security living abroad.

Wasn't it South Park that mocked them and made an entire episode about their super secret press tour or some shit. Americans stfu

No. 1935634

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>it's definitely not bought by the royals

No. 1935660

Stephen Colbert mentioned a week or so ago in his opening monologue that Will has been fucking Rose Hanbury for years. Presumably she’s upset about that, but anyone can find that information through a simple search. Not sure what leg she has to stand on, legally, if it never bothered her before.

The Meghan haters are delusional. Yeah, Harry “adored” his brother so much until the evil Meghan came along…except for the fact that Harry has talked about exactly why he and Will are estranged. He said that the Kensington Palace press office planted negative stories about Meghan on purpose to cover up for Will’s affair. I assume they are still planting BS stories and might even plant more now to try to call attention off how badly they cocked up Kate’s cancer. As for Kate, the worst Meghan ever had to say about her was that she was reserved and kind of snobby…which, yeah. The haters project so much to invent a rivalry between Meghan and Kate that was never there. The argument is between the brothers.

No. 1935708

The funny thing is burgers do not give a shit about the royals

No. 1935926

>having to tell the whole world you have cancer seems like one of the worst emotional and most stressful experiences ever.
No, the worst is when there are actual consequences like not being able to support yourself financially or getting laid off (legally or illegally) from your job because you need treatment, or not having help to take care of yourself and your family. That's what a lot of normal people with cancer face.

Kate making a statement about cancer that was surgically removed and the "recommended" preventative chemo she is receiving is actually a very positive outcome to this entire affair. Unless she is lying, she will recover physically from this. She has no urgent responsibilities and will not be sidelined from her career, since she does not have a career. She will get the very best treatment and support, and this isn't at all representative of the shit many normal people face with a cancer diagnosis. It's good to have sympathy/empathy for sick people, and Kate deserves everyone's well wishes. But believe it or not, private people who have cancer often are still treated horribly by so-called "friends" and colleagues. It's not an instant ticket to good treatment from others, nor is there any expectation of privacy because humans are shitheads who gossip about everyone behind their backs. In Kate's case she has money and paid help and "job security" and a supportive family even if William is a giant dick. I feel bad that she was in the news but that is what she signed up for and they unduly fucked things up by editing photos and being coy about it all.

Again if what she said is true, I think everyone should understand that her prognosis is actually very positive. And that is a good thing to note. A suggested course of preventative chemo isn't the same as chemo prescribed as a standard course of treatment for a cancer. And that's not meant to minimise her diagnosis, it's just an objectively positive thing. (Whereas the situation with Charles is murkier iirc.)

No. 1935948

I feel stupid but I genuinely was concerned that he’d beat her to death.

No. 1936060

Same. I wonder if there's more to this than cancer, and she was only allowed in front of a camera because of how badly this whole situation blew up in their faces. A lot of shit got dredged from the depths that did some serious damage to William's reputation. I have to wonder why they fucked up so badly, Charles's cancer announcement wasn't preceded by AI photo ops or blurry potato pics. It does sound like there's something more serious happening that they're trying to hide. Maybe William got a bit too violent and the cancer was discovered by accident when she was recovering in hospital.

No. 1936678

even charles did his cancer rollout the normal pr way

like… I really don't think I'm a conspiracy theorist, but I don't think it's just cancer, or cancer at all. I feel bad about it, but they're going through the motions now that they would go through back in Dec. Thanking everyone for their well-wishes, releasing statements about their well-being… idk nonas it's just really weird and now people won't be able to talk about it

No. 1936980

What are the chances is a HPV related cancer and that why they are so hush about it.

No. 1936986

omg… like from infidelity?

No. 1936998

Not from her I think but from Will who has probably fucked a lot of hookers.

No. 1937006

I was wondering if Hanbury was meant to be the one who allegedly pegs him or if that's someone else?

No. 1937050

Exactly, this did cross my mind. Though I suppose she could have gotten HPV before William, it will be linked to his affair regardless.

I wonder why all the virtue signallers think that it's not possible for Kate simultaneously to have (had) cancer and for William to be a cheating violent bastard. The finger waggers just assume William didn't cheat when both can be true. It's suspicious he didn't help take the blame for the shitty shopped photos or mention his wife at all while he trotted around like the donkey he is

No. 1937369

i was really shocked that he wasn't with her in the video where she announced the cancer

No. 1937433

It's when most men leave their wives, he was probably on a date.

No. 1942452

Everyone should by now be able to see that her 'cancer announcement' video is I.A. Still a terrible possibility that she is dead.
Maybe the plan is to say she dead of cancer later this year or next year.(tinfoil)

No. 2002740

File: 1715716845148.jpg (250.72 KB, 1080x1698, fg3OYDZ.jpg)

I can’t believe this is an official painting it's like they're baiting conspiracy theorists.

No. 2002744

He’s burning in hell

No. 2002751

I love that he did it, tbh.

No. 2002818


No. 2002913

Looks like the paintings in the manors of Resident Evil.

No. 2005122

He still wants to be Camillas’ tampon huh.

No. 2007592

File: 1716032157376.gif (860.21 KB, 320x253, lol.gif)

No. 2037167

File: 1717614221470.png (176.19 KB, 454x426, harry.PNG)

Not milk from the family, but observing the Meghan Markle hate communities online is becoming my favorite past time. These people are genuinely psycho, it's like entire groups of cows.

No. 2037259

Snark communities are often full of people who are worse than the cows themselves. Someone in the trishywives subreddit doxxed a school in Trisha's area just because they thought her baby will attend the school in the future. And another person doxxed the prenatal clinic Trisha went to by taking a picture Trisha posted and comparing the curtains in the background to images of various prenatal clinics in her area until finding one with the same curtains.
Plus here on lolcow you have people who are identical to cows posting on their threads. The camgirl and Shayna threads are full of other Twitter whores trying to feel better about their poor life choices by saying "lol she fat lol she ugly" (they're not, there's been a few twitter whores posting their tits in the Shayna thread in response to people scrotefoiling and every time without fail they're floppy pancake tits. And there was that time someone forgot to crop her profile pic out of a screenshot and exposed herself to be an even fatter SW than Shay)

No. 2037281

Oh yeah I remember one youtuber who was analyzing pictures of Harry's children, magnifying their bodyparts and was like: "See they are completley different in these two pictures, these kids are not real, they hired actors!" And the pictures looked exactly the same, it was the same exact kid. And when people told her she's a creep schizo, even in a polite way she just didn't understand what's creepy about zooming on children's bodyparts and making like a 40 minute video about it. It was all allowed because the royal family is payed from taxes of whatever. Insane cow! I don't remember her name though, had to leave that channel because it made me so angry… Most of the people in the comments didn't see anything wrong with it either. I couldn't belive what a mentally ill society we live in…

No. 2041168

Theyre peak mental illness. They're mad at him for being a whiny grifter as if he's supposed to just brush off that his family murdered his mom.

No. 2041217

I miss when people used to try and analyze pics to find visual clues that the royal family are shapeshifting reptilians.. was entertaining at least. Now it's all about beatings and people most likely being brutally murdered and locked away in a dungeon if you haven't seen em in a week.

No. 2041590

I don't think the Royal Family killed Diana. They perfectly knew she was more popular than them, why would they kill her and make themselves look like the bad guys forever? The Queen wanted Charles and Diana's marriage to work out, she must have understood that if everyone loved Diana and she eventually was to become Queen that would give the boost that the monarchy desperately needed with Charles at its front. Diana's chofer mixed drugs with alcohol, her death was his fault, but people like to blame it on the Queen because of the evil step-mother archetype (misogyny).

No. 2041594

I don’t think they did either. It’s such a dumb tinfoil, something out of a movie

No. 2041657


No. 2042054


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