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No. 1369203

Rules: ITT we only discuss things related to life in the main Celtic nations: Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Mann, Brittany, and, because I have no choice but to include you, Cornwall.

You can speak in any of the Celtic languages in this thread if you want to, so gaeilgeoirí show yoursevles!

Enjoy the thread, noneens! Picrel is Irish women's rugby

No. 1369204

ill kick it off, what's everyones breakfast roll order? I get extra black pudding because my mother raised me right

No. 1369212

I prefer chicken fillet rolls tbh but my breakfast roll order is rashers, sausages, and fried egg with ketchup

No. 1369222

Bacon sausage hash brown and no sauce because the choice is usually either ketchup or brown and I don’t like them.

No. 1369235

Imagine liking brown sauce. I knew a place in Roscommon that puts brown sauce on hotdogs by default

No. 1369239

wtf is wrong with that county, had a ham sandwhich with mayo and no butter out of a garage there once

No. 1369243

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Proper evil fuckers there. Look at the state of their county even, it's like someone made it up

No. 1369246

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Best county checking in. It's alright lads, we're holding it down for the rest of you. Corkonians eat shit

No. 1369257

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My deadbeat da was from Mann. I learned that early on in childhood because he would never shut up about it and took every opportunity to correct people he's a Manx not Irish. (even though he grew up in Limerick and lived there his whole life). My autism is genetic, I think.

No. 1369263

People from the Isla of Mann are insufferable. All they have is motorbikes and fog

No. 1369543

Up the rebels and only the rebels bai
I heard they were making the racing there safer, an absolute travesty. How is young Noreen McAnon going to get her life insurance payments now?

No. 1369560

KEK It reminds me of this tiktok I saw about scotland. Why the violent names? Kill this, kill that, ball in a sloe.

No. 1370293

Technically I'm norn iron but I would like to be included, my passport is Irish.

>tfw Dup holding out for new election and may become first minister again being rewarded for being out of government

I hate that all we are know for is The troubles, undertones and derry girls.

No. 1370294

"ballina" comes from the word for town, so that is why its seen so often, and "kill" comes from the words for tree and church depending where you are

No. 1370295

you're included, technically don't ye not even have a government up there at the moment?

No. 1370319

I mean we do but its devolved and running a skeleton crew because the Dup threw a ragie at having to play second fiddle to a Irish first minster for the first time ever in our countries history.

so now its all about the protocol and how it threatens their identity and place in the union yada yada, something that can't be measured or examined just a vague notion so can forever be out of grasp

its tiring.

No. 1374157

ye'd want to get out for the last of those blackberries there lads

No. 1374165

you're not one of us. but with regards to your pertinent question, you can tell by whether or not you still have your wallet, now begone!

No. 1374421

Fucking proddy

No. 1390715

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noneens I just read that the nightclubs here in Ireland will be open until 6am? is this real? does it apply to pubs? Someone enlighten me. How do we feel about this? I have so many questions. Pic unrelated

No. 1390720

Dublinonnie here. I can't believe Jedward are slowly but steadily becoming relevant again. I seen more of Jedward in the last 2 months than I have between 2009-2021

No. 1390721

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stfu nonnie the Isle of Mann is extremely lush and does gorgeous kippers

No. 1390724

Imagine defending a place called Isle of Moid

No. 1390726

nta but it comes from Manannán, a Celtic sea god. so yes a moid in a sense, but one that a lot of women contributed to the image of, so it's not as cut and dry as abrahamic god shit, many of the stories and mytholgoy were known by the old ladies, rather than the young men. debatable topic but pretty sure everything I said is very solid and no-one can argue, thank you have a good day

No. 1390727

still me
did you hear about their take on JK rowling? My partner said they came out in support of her, but i cant find anything about it online, looks to be quite the opposite actually

No. 1390731

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nonnie please, the island is really lovely and has a wonderful museum

No. 1390745

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Any anons living in the west coast of Scotland? How's it doing? I was lucky to get away from the shitehole I grew up in (North Ayrshire) but I do miss it sometimes.

There's lots of untouched natural areas, or places that had industry but was just abandoned for nature to take over, but it's not really recognised or appreciated, and I worry it'll be "developed".

No. 1390761

Oh, and I'm so thankful that you can do a bachelors for free in Scotland, because if I couldn't I don't think I'd have come above the poverty line and left the country. I also miss the right to roam, I was so taken aback encountering my first private street here.

No. 1390784

hi nonna! I have a roll and links with ketchup but I also usually have black pudding and beans on the side as well

No. 1390806

I think nicola sturgeon is a twat

No. 1391031

Norn Iron nonnie again, we're gonna have to have another Election again because the DUP have opted out for so long over their issues with the Protocol/British identity being threatened.

I'm a little worried because I can see the Unionist base coming out in support and making sure there won't be another Irish first minister again for a while.

First time in 100 years and the only time in our countries history and we didn't even get to take office.

Norn Iron politics makes me so depressed at times, just a money pit full of sexist bigots and creationists and how overlooked and forgotten about it is in the UK so so often.

No. 1392975

feel bad for ye nonnie, DUP are nearly unforgivable at this stage for putting the ideology/pride before the needs of the people. Without a minister for Irish ye might as well be called "West England" instead of Northern Ireland

No. 1640121

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i went on a school trip to Scotland when i was 12 years old and although the trip didn't go that well due to personal reasons, i have very warm memories of that place and the people i've met there. picrel has been my wallpaper for years.

until i can afford to go back, can anyone recommend me movies, series or books that would make me feel like i'm in scotland?

No. 1651873

Dia daoibh nóiníní, skimmed thread and I'm kekking at "Isle of Moid"

No. 1899150

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Only 59 of us Irish nonnies? That's mad, I definitely thought there would be more of us

No. 1899234

how did you get this?

No. 1899887

Brown sauce on a bacon roll is nice

No. 1900105

Dublin checking in here. One time I met another Dubliner on Crystal Café and I couldn't believe it, apparently Ireland is just normie territory

No. 1900119

Also from Dublin … So there's more than one of us.

No. 1900139

>187 finland
at least 30 of those were my rotating IP kek

No. 1900974

Honestly, I just saw it on the German thread while I was scrolling ot, and thought it was interesting so I saved it. I have no idea how they got it though

No. 1900981

It's from the Post-Hellweek thread nona.

No. 1929771

Another Dubliner here, shout out to Dun Laoghaire. 95% of my friends only use Insta or Tiktok. I have like 2 who use Reddit the odd time. The lads are more mixed but mostly sports and other normie core stuff.

No. 1929777

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Ah Paddy's Day in Temple Bar. With all this tourist money we might be able to invest in half a cycle lane after all the nepo contractors and consultants are paid off

No. 1929795

I'm glad sky ferreria cancelled her show yesterday I am so glad I did not have to travel from the North down to Dublin yesterday.

No. 1929804

I can imagine. Anytime there's a game or event on the trains are pure anarchy.

No. 1930007

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Thoughts on Ogham tattoos? I'm thinking of getting Grá either on my finger or from my knuckle to my wrist along the metacarpal. I can handle it being cringey but I'm worried that it might look like I'm a white supremacist abroad.

No. 1930112

It looks more like a witchcraft sigil than the "norse" symbols typically associated with white supremacy, I would think it was a sigil if I saw it at first

No. 1930296

>It looks more like a witchcraft sigil than the "norse" symbols
That's kinda funny because I saw Freya in God of War and that made interested in hand tats.
I'm still worried though about racists appropriating them. Like Celtic crosses has been a thing here forever but dickheads have been flying them in states and other places and now it looks racist.

No. 1930543

On behalf of burgers I'm sorry nona, I think so many of those symbols (crosses, runes etc) are awesome and it's gross that white supremacists appropriate European culture and iconography and make it look bad when it's not

No. 1934215

An Post is being such a little bitch lately.

No. 1934245

nos da nonnies!

No. 1939852

>American side of the team over for the week
>Head out to a company paid for meal
>Chatting away, they mention Irish heritage
>"You can speak Irish right nona? What does X mean?"
>"I can't speak Irish but my German is pretty good"
>Confused faces everywhere
Christ this is gonna be one of those eternal cringe moments

No. 1971276

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Thoughts on the Viper Higgins? All the lads seem to think he's the second coming of Christ, seems like an arsehole to me. They post in so many clips of him into our WhatsApp group and they are all terrible.
I never watched Hardy Bucks so I don't get the references but it still seems like shite.

No. 1971321

We're you watching his stream? I think he's alright. I fucked a guy about three years ago that had a jacket like the viper and on reflection I think I memed myself into the attraction because I find the hardy bucks so endearing but real life counterparts not so much the ignorance does not become endearing.

Apparently there's talks the other actors are going to continue the show without him because he prefers streamers. Some people think it can't go on without him but you could actually if you watch the rte version you could just write him out. Eddie and Buzz carry the show

No. 1971332

I've popped into one or two of his streams. That one where he covered the Iran thing last weekend was some weird modern reality shit.
Like he seems okish but the fact that he's English putting on a rural Irish accent rubs me the wrong way. Feels like he's making fun of us. It gives me the ick.
Rest of the Hardy Bucks guys seems ok. I'm not into it but I'm not offended by it.

No. 1987058

Irish nonas. I'm so sorry for the retarded question. But I failed some of my exams in the first year of college. I failed my repeat exams too and had to repeat those 2 modules. Exams are coming up soon. I know I'll pass one module but I have a sinking feeling I'll fail the other one. That would be failing three times. Would I be allowed to carry that one module into the next year? Or repeat for the fourth time? Or will they just kick me out kek.

No. 2003718

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Any tips for festivals? My BF just got me a ticket to Forbidden Fruit so I can go with him. The only other festival I went to was Longitude for one day. I'm not great in big crowds. He's also talking about camping at All Together Now but that is way too much but I also don't want to let him down. I'm thinking about just drinking my anxiety away but there's so many weirdos at festivals I don't want to lose control. I'm an introvert he should know this.

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