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No. 1601035

What's looking up, Nonnie?

Previous thread: >>>/ot/1187321

No. 1601040

To kick things off, I found a Chinese takeout place with the best veggie fried rice I've ever had. It has tons of veggies AND I'm able to add tofu. I'm just so happy, it has bok choy, baby corn, zucchini, peas, carrots, bean sprouts, big pieces of broccoli and all the veggies are properly cooked with a good bite and good nutrition left in them. yay!

No. 1601044

Ate some really good risotto today

No. 1601049

Also my sex drive came back and I don't ever want to be not horny ever again. This feels amazing!

No. 1601187

I bought cat food and the guy from the store gave me a freebie!

No. 1601198

man this bread is so good

No. 1601251

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I was feeling near suicidal levels of depressed all of this week, and today I finally got it together. I'm going to do my best!

No. 1601309

Damn, recipe?

No. 1601332

This pussy nonna. That's it!

No. 1601348

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that's amazing nona! keep it up!

my positivity story is that my new crush is professional in all the hobbies i have or casually do. i am genuinely at awe and in such a rush to do better myself. they are so interesting in even the things i don't like that i am eternally curious about this person. they are on a holiday right now and cam call me every other day. sometimes i question why they even talk to me they are so good at everything. i want to become so much healthier and hotter and talented by the time they come back! i am so motivated!!!

No. 1601430

Oh nvm I thought you meant it was from the risotto

No. 1601432

I got a chemical peel and my skin looks way better! I’ve always had skin issues that made me extremely insecure and my skin hasn’t looked this good since before puberty.

No. 1601433

I'm moving out tomorrow and I'm honestly more happy than I am sad, or mad. I'm so happy that it's finally happening even if it looks against my favor. Even if I don't have internet, I'm still gonna be super happy moving out, away from my parents. My dad who I hate the most, well maybe my mom takes that place bur that doesn't matter anymore. I'm gonna be moving in with my grandma and aunt but I don't care! I don't care. As longs as I'm free, I'm GOOD. And feeling good, great! Even. About it. Woo

No. 1601464

Kek Risotto anon and I were posting at the exact same time I guess

No. 1601470

I am a bit depressed recently, but I am very proud of how I am handling things. Old me would be loosing it, self destructing and giving up. While I am not feeling great I think I am managing things quite well and I am very proud of my new found resilience.

I love your image and relate to it. Keep doing your best nonna!

No. 1601735

im sober and medicated and im so happy about it

No. 1601750

what does a skin peel do? now that i have money i wanna fix all the blemishes my acne left and i dont know what to do

No. 1602078

I'm working on building a mini garden in my patio and a cute bird just popped by!! Hoping to build a garden that bees like so my flowers get pollinated and the bees are happy.

No. 1602091

I've been sober for two weeks. I went to the store today and I just bought tons of healthy food and I watered my garden and cleaned my house. And my love life is going better. Everything is gonna be ok

No. 1602112

congrats on your sobriety anon!! coming from another sober nonna ♥

No. 1602392

This threadpic is so cute! But anyway, I'm so blessed with my in-laws, they're some of the sweetest most welcoming people I've ever known.
Congratulations nonna! That's a huge achievement, you should be very proud ♥

No. 1602472

I'm convinced I am a genius, because I have this innate ability to pick up anything in a very short time, like I did it in a past life or something.

No. 1602789

it’s raining really hard, almost storming. with thunder and lightning too! my fav kind of (summer) weather. i’m sitting in my cozy chair on the balcony and smoking a cigarette. life is good nonnas.

No. 1603794

i went for a great walk, made myself a delicious lunch, and now im watching my comfort tv show with the AC on… truly a beautiful day.

No. 1603894

I'm day drinking at a bar by myself and I'm reading roadside picnic (obviously on lolcow rn) and I'm having a great time. Might make this my new Sunday go to

No. 1604146

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I’ve had such a gratitude flowing through me lately and I love to tell all the people in my life just how grateful I am for them. I truly am lucky to live the life I do even with its sadness and shortcomings. I’m very grateful of all you nonas for sharing your positivity and stories. I made a little edit on procreate with a quote I saw on Pinterest. I hope it’s able to give you all a bit of inspiration as it does me

No. 1604160

im drunk and downloading a ton of manga and an anime!!! will i read it? maybe!? my microsd is almost full i really should delete some of the stuff ive already read/i wont read but its so hard i love hoarding files on my tablet!

No. 1604193

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it's wonderful nonnie, thank you for sharing

No. 1604588

Okay mademoiselles I need you to wish me luck/pray/hex me but in a nice encouraging way for these two things the go well. I'm really hoping for them. It would be great if everything worked out.

No. 1604640

praying for ya nonners

No. 1604654

im one week sober off weed after a small relapse (had about 40 days before) and im feeling so great!! hoping i have the strength to keep it up but im going to buy some cbd tomorrow (which is ok for me to do because it does not get me "high")!!

No. 1604904

I love my stupid jock body. There really isn't anything like taking a fat shit and then mirin' the near abs you got from only doing 20 push ups a day. the comfort knowing that if I really wanted to get shredded I would only have to do basic workouts for a few months.

No. 1604916

Are you me anon? I do 10 squats one day and the next day my Nigel is asking me what I did to make my ass look so good (he never witnesses me exercise). If I did a few sit ups a day I’d have a 6 pack and when I used to exercise a ton as a kid I had crazy muscles like a damn bodybuilding 11 year old

No. 1604926

i'm moving to a better area soon and i feel like my life is going in the right direction!

No. 1604938

That books sounds cool thanks for mentioning it and glad you had a nice day

No. 1605443

luv my mum
luv my friends
luv my nigel
luv my nonas

No. 1605445

I buy shirts online and I guess I feel happy.

No. 1605479

I'm proud of myself for eating a lot more whole foods! Eggs, canned tuna, spinach, nuts, berries, dairy, potatoes, onions, are a daily part of my diet and they are delicious. I also have steak and burgers every once in a while. I'm going to be kicking at 80-90. Now I just need to exercise a bit more.

No. 1607811

the two things went absolutely fucking terrible where's the negativity thread when you need it

No. 1607833

I got approved for a credit card with a fairly high limit and I think it's finally coming in the mail today. I didn't know that just applying and getting the card makes your credit score go up, so now I think it's good enough for me to be able to apply to places and get cheaper rent!! Plus I get to have a little vacation with friends this weekend and wear some of the cute clothes I bought.

No. 1607915

I tend to binge eat after taking my sleeping meds like doing the ambien thing but yesterday i binged on broccoli and carrots thank fuck also my truck ac is working better now bc i tightened a hose clamp and replaced my radiator cap and i think maybe that has fixed the small leak i had hell yeah

No. 1608452

I was at the beach with my boyfriend and an older woman came over and asked us to take some pictures of her so we did, she thanked us like 50 times and said 'enjoy your youth and your love' when she left. Such a sweet interaction, I had to share it kek.

No. 1608499

This made me audibly "awe", I hope nothing but the best for you and that lady

No. 1608714

I just finished drawing art of my irl waifu.

No. 1608722

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I'm so fucking happy right now, I determined my computer problems were being caused by some bullshit outdated intel/dell drivers and oh my god I never imagined it could be like this, I've literally never seen my disk at 0% before, my fans are totally silent even with like 9 browser tabs plus CSP with several massive canvases open and two other programs, this is freaking me out in the best way possible, I FEEL SO ALIVE

No. 1608735

this really nice woman in my online uni coding class emailed me offering to check my code for errors since I'm having issues getting it working. I don't know if she's expecting something out of it or if she simply wants to help another fellow female CS major (women in this field especially at our uni are almost nonexistent) but it makes me very happy - I feel like there's someone out there rooting for me that has my back.

No. 1608822

Thank you nonna, the same to you ♥

No. 1608936

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My tomatoes are germinating and I just picked up some pepper and tomato plants since I started planting way too late. Can't wait to have fresh produce instead of having to pay a fuckload at an upscale grocery or settle for whatever's stocked at Tesco Express.

No. 1608961

This is gonna sound really backwards and stupid but I was anorexic for 3 years and at my lowest weight (87 lbs) I could only see one cheek bone even with my mouth closed. This pissed me off to no end and always made me feel like a moonfaced fatass. And now, a few months into recovery, I’m almost 20 lbs heavier but now can see both cheekbones when I’m both talking and not talking? Amazing how becoming actually healthy does wonders for your attractiveness

No. 1608967

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My hybrid morning glory seeds all came out differently, I'm excited to see how their blooms look! Picrel is one of the parents that I cross-pollinated with another variety.

No. 1608975

so pretty

No. 1609052

I bought a bra top that I could wear with summer outfits, and I was worried it might not fit but it does. It fits perfectly and it looks damn good. I look hot.

No. 1609279


No. 1610187

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I have paintbrushes again!
Now I continue drinking normal coffee to obtain energy to make black coffee to obtain energy for continuing painting.

No. 1610231

Want to share some of your art? I love people who paint, I absolutely have no idea how to.

No. 1610552

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I cannot share due to confidentiality purposes. However, here are some doodles.

No. 1610570

I've been trying my best to work through my depression and I feel like I can do this. Exercise and going outside, biking, I feel at least decent. I pushed myself through the anxiety of talking to other people, even though I was terrified and probably looked silly.

I just wanted to share some positivity, things aren't perfect, but they can be worked through. I've still got lots of years to live my life. If anyone is reading this and feeling similar, please keep chugging along. It can feel overwhelming and pointless but please try to help yourself, you are the only one who can and you need to be strong, there are good things in life to live for. I know its silly to say all this since its just an anonymous image board but please take care of yourselves

No. 1611246

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Went to the family farm and had fun seeing plants and animals!. I live in grey city so this was refreshing! I got to pet a cow! They're so fluffy and cute! I would encourage nonnas to see nature more it lifts my spirits so much

No. 1611249

my vegetables……….. they are growing nice and well i am so happy and excited.

No. 1611337

Mine too!!

No. 1611342

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I watched this bee visit every single one of my cantaloupe flowers. thank you, miss bee! We couldn’t do it without you

No. 1611349

I'm baking banana bread tomorrow!

No. 1611641

>one of my fave horror protagonists being discussed
>focuses on womanhood trauma
>video made by actual woman
>Video creator also discusses rule of rose

Nonnies I am so happy that I found this. I’m so thankful it’s not a goddamn tranny for once talking about one of my favorite games.

No. 1612081

I got my order in. I'm happy.

No. 1612104

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Dogs are so adorable ♥

No. 1612268

I baked some on Saturday myself, nona, and it came out fantastic. I'll bake some again next weekend, because why not. Recipe for anyone interested: https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/best-banana-bread-recipe/

No. 1612274

convinced 100% now that im getting YouTube suggestions based off of scrolling here bc i also got suggested that video this morning along with the rule of rose video. thank you nonnies!

No. 1612561

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Years ago I posted in a vent thread that I saw no reason to keep making art or even trying anything at life, that I hated everything I did, I was a very dark time at my life and I would have never posted about it besides here. A very kind nonnie replied and I remember it helped me to read her reply. Years later I am very happy, better than ever. I hope that nonnie is happy and motivated in her life too. I am very grateful for lc, it can be annoying, full of infights and baits, but there is a lot of good too. I've seen a lot of support and it warms my heart that people can be nice to each other even anonymously. I try to keep my posts helpful and positive because some nonnies really helped me and they'll never know that, so I hope I can help others too.

No. 1612784

I got so used to doctors of both sexes not taking me seriously I got so surprised by this male orthopaedist who seemed very concerned about my issue and even though there was no free appointments for physio he called his physio friends to get at least three appointments for me in the course of two weeks, and he gave me a list of tests to do in order to rule out rheumatoid arthritis. It made my day so much better. Fuck if all doctors were like him…

No. 1612959

I vented about being suspicious of a friend last week, and I am happy to report I have never been so wrong. I actually think this is the deepest friendship I’ve developed and I’m scared and weirded out because it’s alien to me. So this is awesome and I hope I am wrong about more things in the future

No. 1613006

I love my mom. She doesn't get me but she always tries to listen. I'm so grateful to have her.

No. 1613031

Well of course, you're being tracked on both websites.

No. 1613069

Painted the bathroom today. It felt really good, and I enjoyed myself.

No. 1613089

Good work!

No. 1613202

Today was the last day of work and my summer break begins. It was a crazy year, but now I’m just sitting at home waiting for a kindle to get delivered, I signed up for an online art class, bought some bath salts and I’m so excited to finally have some time to myself!

No. 1613314

You guys have stepped it up lately something makes me belly laugh on here at least once a day or maybe I'm just in a better mood lately. Keep it up jokers

No. 1613315

I'm back on my farm nonnies. I'm so glad. It's so beautiful and filled with nature and life here. Sprawling cities are cancer.

No. 1614144

Tonight we tried a new (to us) restaurant and not only was it delicious but it rekindled my love for seafood. Every menu item was wonderful and I am so thankful this mom and pop shop exists. Spicy Snapper, my new favorite. Im so full I need to sleep before leaving them a well worded review.

No. 1614282

I finally got a refund on my amazon purchase, thank god for that one competent employee!!

No. 1614405

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Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell just make me really happy, I love seeing an old, happy, committed couple, that’s all.

No. 1615529

staying sober today after a few days of smoking weed. i quit dabbing in april and was sober for a little over 40 days until i started giving in and smoking again. it feels nice tho. today im choosing to stay sober tho and just enjoy my day and evening. just went on a beautiful walk on a woodsy trail, about to eat some lunch (potstickers), and i think i'm going to watch some anthony bourdain parts unknown. super good vibes today!!!

No. 1616308

Sending pics of myself cuddling with my cat to all my contacts and revelling in "adorable! heart eye emoji" replies

No. 1616360

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No. 1616625

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In one month I will start my new life as a sub-subsistence farmer and I am so excited to plant fruit trees and grow vegetables and raise chickens for my family

No. 1617148

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I love my hairy arms

No. 1617151

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Me too!

No. 1618617

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>quitting wearing makeup and bras, feeling prettier and more comfy in my skin
>eating better, looking into nutrition, drinking less/better quality water
>car is fixed and registered
>quit smoking last year, almost forgot I ever smoked
>besotted with my long-term nigel, found my soulmate or at least it feels like
>reading nona's shitposts making me laugh more than I have in ages
>getting off ssri's making me feel way chiller and optimistic

it's all coming up nonahouse. sending farmers kisses and love

No. 1620381

i’m getting married tomorrow at the courthouse and i’m so excited but also so anxious. we have been taking pre marriage counseling and worked out all the critical things you need to discuss before being legally married. We’ve talked about this for years so it’s not some spur of the moment decision and we’ll eventually have a reception when we have time to plan it. but anyway i’m excited but also so nervous and it’s so strange not having my close friends and family around for it, but we live 2,000 to 3,000 miles away from both of our families. anyway i’m excited also nervous and i needed to tell someone

No. 1623061

>spends al of high school assuming I would die/kms by senior year
>never work up the guts, live out of spite/cowardice/mom would be sad
>make it out of awkward phase
>six year later and currently partying in Rome with a bunch of people who actually remember my name when I tell it to them
It does get better nonnas. It’s hard and it takes work, but it does get better.

No. 1623107

THEY PICKED THE NAME I SUBMITTED FOR THE NEW TOWN MASCOT. It's a small town so I don't want to out myself but I get credit by way of my name listed at town hall and $600.

No. 1623119

That's so cute! Nonnies being the positive change in the world! Congrats on your excellent naming skills!

Joyful nuptials! I wish you and your husband-to-be (but mostly you) a blessed and supportive marriage.

Excellent job on all the hard work! You deserve people who see you and hear you. Hopefully this will be the first of many summers with friends having a fun time.

No. 1623165

AYRT, idk you but I love you and I wish you all the best in life. Thank you

No. 1623173

I've been trying to compliment people more instead of just staring like an autist and it feels great honestly. Oftentimes people get a huge smile on their face, it makes me happy. Call me selfish but it feels good to make others feel good.

No. 1623251

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No. 1623252

Fuck yeah nonnie, both times I’ve seen one I was immediately like “That is the baddest fucking rainbow I’ve ever seen” and played that song

No. 1623284

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Delivered my work within the deadline, I am a bit proud.

I am happy for you nonna, enjoy Rome.

That's amazing.

That's not selfish and it's really cute of you to do that.

No. 1624422

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I'm becoming genuine friends with some of my coworkers and it's so wonderful, I can feel my walls breaking down with each positive interaction I have and good connections I make with people. Even since I was little I've had poor self-esteem, and after a very bad relationship in adulthood all of the negative thoughts about myself were confirmed in my mind; I thought I was embarrassing, annoying, abnormal and unlovable. Ever since then I was very uncomfortable when people were kind to me because I thought they must either have an ulterior motive or were just being polite while secretly thinking I was awful, because why on earth would they waste their time on someone like me otherwise? But these coworkers are confiding in me, calling me their friend, inviting me to their homes, and while it is still very much a foreign feeling I am getting used to it bit by bit and learning to accept their kindness. I am a good person with a fun personality. I'm healing.

No. 1624525

I hope I can heal one day, I am so happy for you anon I could cry

No. 1624593

Thank you anon, you will heal. I don't know you but I am sure you have a good soul

No. 1624766

I usually never wear shorts because I hate my legs but today was so hot I just couldn't wear long pants so I did… and I was super cool and comfortable and nobody gave a shit about my legs! I feel really confident rn, maybe I'll even go buy some cute new shorts for the summer.

No. 1625125

This is so stupid but one of my favorite childhood youtubers re-uploaded most of her videos! I watched her as an angsty middle schooler so her videos make me so nostalgic, also I loved her lookbooks but she deleted them and now they're up again. It's raining and cold, perfect day to re-watch them and get a dose of nostalgia.

No. 1627309

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God this week is so fucking great. My boss wasn't here, I got shit done, the art director and other people really like the design I did for work, and my early birthday gift that I bought for myself is here. AND it's Friday. And I'm gonna go have pancakes with my dad.

No. 1627680

My fave childhood game recently got a remake and I got nigel to play it alongside me. I'm having fun exploring an old beloved world, but it's been a delight to see him enjoy it so much. It's dopey but my heart melts a little when he gets animated talking about his character's kid or awws over mine. Just really nice to share something I loved as a young'un with someone I love as a not-so-young'un.

No. 1628336

Idc if this makes me seem weird but I’ve been visiting local cemeteries lately and decided I want to do my part to help take care of them (i.e: fixing flower arrangements that got knocked over, wiping down the headstones if they need it, etc) and visit the people who’ve passed away. Not for my own personal pride or anything but I just feel like some of these older neglected graves should have someone besides the groundskeeper taking care of them, you know? Especially the ones who clearly haven’t had any visitors in decades. I also just bought some old Land Before Time books from a thrift store with the intention of reading them to this one kid who passed away in 2001 when he was 8 who loved dinosaurs. His family literally got him a custom headstone shaped to look like Little Foot. Idk, I just feel like spending time with these people (respectfully ofc), even though they’re not here physically anymore is just a nice thing to do.

No. 1630267

My mom was cleaning out her closet a bit and she gifted me four(!) beautiful, good quality, barely worn blouses. I don't have many 'nice' items in my closet so I'm so happy to be able to look classy and put together but still like myself. I'm so grateful, my mom's style is beautiful as well. I love her ♥
This is so sweet nonna

No. 1631142

Nona, you seem like a very nice person. Props to you for doing those things

No. 1632043

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I nailed the interview I was really stressed about and got the job!!!!

No. 1632060

Fashion Dreamer is coming out later this year, and I am so excited. I love fashion games so much, nonnies. Just thinking about it makes me giddy.

No. 1632074

People like you make me happy to be alive nonnnie

No. 1632578

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No. 1632607

Looking at my most recent drawing and oooo if 20 year old me had seen this she would freak out. Bitch hasn't even picked up a pencil yet and decided that drawing is not for her. All that time she's gonna spend looking at art others make with awe and sadness not knowing she's gonna get on their level someday once she finally gets her ass in gear, oooo she would be so happy.

No. 1632730

Holy shit, thank you for bringing this to my attention, nona. I love how it looks, I think I'll get it when it comes out.

No. 1632794

I ordered from an online thrift store I’ve never used before, and only spent $13 + shipping on a brand new turtleneck and a pair of Madewell jeans that fit perfectly

No. 1634454

NONNIES I DEADLIFTED 100LBS FOR THE FIRST TIME TODAY!!!!!!!!! I started my lifting journey a year ago and it feels so crazy to reach this point!!!!!!! I’m so insanely proud of myself!!!!!!!!

No. 1634478

NTA but we're getting a new Style Savvy in 2024 as well!

No. 1634479

That's fucking amazing!! Wow nonny!

No. 1634481

CONGRATULATIONS NONNIE!!!! We're all so proud of you!!

No. 1634737

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Passed both of em and the old motherfucker is probably dead kek. I knew weeks ago but still wanted to update for internet preservation so I can come back to this thread when I live in a nursing home and laugh my ass off again. If he is dead I'll definitely be pissing or taking a dump on his grave.

No. 1636414

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The otasune fanzine i ordered came in the mail and it has a lot of great stuff in it. Had to buy a c-tier copy because i could not justify spending $50+ on it but the copy i got is in really great shape that i was genuinely shocked it was considered c-tier. Plus all the money goes to charity!

if any nonnies worked on it, thank you for providing everyone with the otasune goods

No. 1639606

My wife and I went on a walk last night to watch the sunset and woke up early this morning to go cycling and watch the sunrise. Life is very good right now. I get grumpy about my health problems, but honestly I have it so good right now. I need to remember that.

No. 1639708

I'm so happy for you nonny!! I had a similar situation with an old male professor flunking me, I got another professor a few months later and I passed the class so well they asked me if I wanted to tutor students in it. Some professors are just assholes. But that doesn't matter now. I hope you get to graduate and live your life now. I'm rooting for you!!

No. 1643147

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22 years damn I didn't think I'd lived to see this day after my attempt ..I'm glad I survived to see my families smiles

No. 1643203

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Happy birthday!!

No. 1643403

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Happy birthday fellow Leo nona!!

No. 1643657

Is that for real? I can't find anything official about it, but it sounds really exciting!

No. 1643938

I haven't been on this site this year.
>Decided to stop reading up on negativity online and do something about being a NEET
>Passed my driver's exam
>Gave up on looking for a career in my field of study
>Asked my cousin to work at her business
>Asked another cousin to get my financials moved to another account independently managed by me and a credit card
>Improve socially
>Managed to move out of my parents house
>Finally at a home where no one gaslights me for wanting to by my own person
>Bought a car shortly after

No. 1643943

you're my hero anon. sending love and all the good vibes your way.

No. 1644008

Woohoo! Great job!
Happy birthday!
Happy for you, nonnie. This gives me hope.

No. 1644009


No. 1644978

Got my Nigel to stop playing lame boring video games and switch to hobbies that are actually interesting and fun for both of us. Those being gardening and analog videography. The pumpkins are budding so we’re on track to have some to carve in October! He was always so grumpy when he’d play vidya, now he’s in a really happy mood happily showing me all his sprouts and actually goes outside daily to water his plants kek. I pointed out that vidya seemed to wind him up more than down and he agreed and now has hobbies that are both interesting and relaxing for him. And our sex life is better cause I am more attracted to him when he’s in a good mood kek.

No. 1644995

Good for you and him anon. I've seen so many males getting very angry every time they would play video games or use the PC to browse shit, I wonder why they keep engaging in those hobbies if they make them miserable every single time. Gardening was an good choice, I myself used to stay glued to TV or the computer all the time but after forcing myself to pass more time in nature I realized how grounding and relaxing it can be. It's like my mind resets every time I pass some time outside gardening, birdwatching or caring for my dog and I can think clearly again kek.

No. 1645010

So proud of you nonnie!! I'll be cheering on on!

No. 1645041

File: 1690374724181.jpg (46.13 KB, 481x481, 1672623409807.jpg)

my kitty made biscuits for the first time!!!
we adopted two kittens almost a month ago and today while taking a nap with them one of them started doing the kneading thing on my arm.
i try so hard to give them a comfortable and safe home so this makes me so happy

No. 1645175

Good for you!!

No. 1645179

File: 1690388321289.jpeg (40.08 KB, 750x742, IMG_5736.jpeg)

my birthday is here! let me be happy today! (even though I've cried like twice, I'm still happy)

No. 1645184

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happy birthday nonnie!! hope you only cry tears of joy in the future! age means nothing you are eternally beautiful and valuable!

No. 1645186

Made the 27 club, and I plan to surpass it

No. 1645198

File: 1690389673775.gif (110.65 KB, 400x300, happybirthdayfarmer.gif)

happy birthday to moo
happy birthday to moo
happy birthday dear nonny
happy birthday to mooooooo

No. 1645307

I'm currently on a weight loss journey, and honestly changing my eating habits has made me more confident about how my body looks. I don't really feel any shame in being chub when Im not eating badly. It's honestly just nice to look at myself and feel good about how I look after a long time of being insecure about it. I think I might buy myself some clothes to celebrate!

No. 1645422

File: 1690401565959.jpg (355.82 KB, 1882x2046, love.jpg)

happy birthday you crazy diamond.

No. 1645453

happy birthday, yo

No. 1645601

File: 1690413189511.jpeg (72.19 KB, 640x627, 1689363218349.jpeg)

Just finished buying my bf's birthday gifts!! I hate spending money but I love buying gifts! I hope everything fits and looks nice. I love him so much. My birthday is 1 week after his and I know he's gonna spoil me.

No. 1645603

So proud of you nonnie! go be cute!

No. 1645726

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CharacterAI made me lose 5 pounds just by distracting me. You know how.

No. 1646029

File: 1690451814028.jpg (118.02 KB, 1077x720, cb_vincent.jpg)

He is so hot, I'm happy for you losing the weight to such a hot man!!

No. 1646043

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I am about to move to a rent-controlled apartment that is twice the size of my current teeny studio but still has cheaper rent. Recently renovated too, with a balcony. Sometimes life can surprise you with good things.

No. 1646051

After years of addiction I'm finally on a doctor-watched and prescribed benzo taper, I'm so happy to soon have my life back. I can study now, I can travel, I can be myself again! I'm just so happy to be out of this.
That's awesome nonnie, congratulations! Also that gif is adorable.

No. 1646055

Whoa, where is this hot man from? Also, congrats anon!!

No. 1646074

My wife just booked our first pregnancy scan for next Wednesday! Six days 'til we meet our baby and find out if we're expecting one or two. I'm so excited, can't wait to start telling more people because keeping it quiet has been so damn hard.

Nona that's fantastic! I'm clean from street drugs but still on prescription benzos for anxiety and insomnia and I hate it. I've lowered my dose but taking that last leap is scary. I hope the taper goes smoothly, and you do all the things that benzos held you back from.

No. 1646101

I collect the keys to my new apartment tomorrow! Excited for a new life in a big city.

No. 1646139

Congrats, nonna! Also, very cute gif, I love Pallas' cats

No. 1646409

ntayrt but Cowboy Bebop

No. 1646513

Thank you! I took research chem benzo's (and some other rc's before that). I got clean from everything but benzo's wasn't something I could do on my own. So far it's going pretty well, I was expecting the worst but I feel pretty good, considering. It will take a while but that's fine with me, I'm just happy I'm able to think and feel again. Hope you're able to get off them some day nonnie, best wishes ♥

No. 1646967

One of the worst moids at work just got shitcanned. I already like my job but it'll be even better now.
My young hens are laying eggs, and I'm hatching out 5 of them in the incubator.
In the other incubator there's quail that should be hatching next week!
Things are so fun and nice.

No. 1649876

No. 1650004

Not an ana-chan, just someone trying to control their portions and lose alot of weight. Been doing a 1200 calorie deficit, every now and again I take walks and have been taking meds on time and it feels good! I know 1200 is barely enough but that's just the boundary I've set for myself as my portions and calorie intake prior to July were massive.

No. 1650600

I got a big gift card because of some stuff that got fucked up and its going to pay for my dentist or some home goods woooo! I'll save some money this month!!

No. 1650601

I bought my first house!!! Yeaaaahhhh!!!

No. 1650604


No. 1651428

I had a job interview. Not only did it go well, but she kept saying how much she liked my voice, and that I should do voiceovers. It's one of the nicest things anyone has said to me. I feel so happy.

No. 1651740

Detoxing from drugs and it's going better than I expected, I feel so clear-minded and happy. I thought I would be sick for weeks but it's not even been a week and I feel pretty much fine when I take meds. Everyone says I look healthier and happier and I feel like that too, I could cry I wasted years on my life on that stuff and now I for the first time in years feel good without being zonked out. I can get out of bed without taking a pill. Last year if you asked me if I could get sober I would have laughed. I'm so happy to be out of that life, I hope to continue on the right path.
That's so sweet nonnie
That's awesome, congratulations!

No. 1651857

the universe loves me in a way no human ever can. I am loved unconditionally and completely. I can never understand the capacity to which it loves me and so I don't need to understand why. I am held. I am never alone. I am never unwanted. I am perfect. I am loved.

No. 1653240

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Basically nothing nice happened in my life during the course of 2 years of working at this place, and suddenly a lot happened in the span of just two days and I can't process it. A year ago my boss didn't want to give me a contract and a promotion. Yesterday she suddenly told me she will give me the contract and promotion and she already started the procedures and she congratulated me. The general manager also congratulated me wtf. Today our boss made a meeting and announced she's leaving for a different job and she will only be with us for 1 month before leaving. Forever. I've been working so hard and wageslaving and dreaming about better money and when I finally gave up and I was sure I won't get it, I got it, and on top of that, the boss I was always afraid of just… won't be with us anymore. I'm lying now in my bed and I can't sleep. Like, I will have money for a decent living. Finally. I had to live in shitty conditions in a city where it's extremely hard to rent a place and now I will be able to afford something better. Also better food, better clothes. Some travelling. Art supplies for my hobby. I won't have to worry about working hours anymore. Basic shit I know, but I never had that before. And I won't have to worry about my narc boss anymore. I never had good experiences with her and now I'm kinda surprised she decided to 'secure' me just before leaving and I don't know how to feel about it??? Like I never liked her but I'm also grateful? WTF… Anyway I should be sleeping a long time ago but I just can't I think about money and how much pain and hard work I've been through to get to this place, especially as an asocial person. Also thinking about all the toys I'm going to buy. I'm also planning a 1 week vacation in Paris with my friend. Fuck, IMAGINE starting your life in your late 20s. It took me so long but I finally feel more secure and like I can focus on myself more, not on shitty school, not on taking care of my sick mom who already died. Living far away from my toxic family. Not wageslaving. With more money for myself. And only starting to form any kind of bonds with other human beings in my late 20s. I know it's late but I never had that before and I feel like I only started living from now, I only started learning adult skills. FUCK I've waited so long for this! I should be simply happy right? Then why I feel like screaming and hitting myself in the head and calling my family and screaming at them HAHA FUCK YOU I MADE THIS WITHOUT YOUR HELP. I need to calm down. Please god don't let me ruin this and please let it be real. I want to go apeshit

No. 1653299

Congrats nonna! I don't blame you for wanting to feel cautious about something so good. There's always some fear or anxiety that you might lose the opportunity in the back of your head, but if things go right this sounds like it could be amazing for you. I'm rooting for you.

No. 1653357

Thank you anon! I will try not to waste my life anymore lol

No. 1654610

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I randomly did a drawing stream for the first time, basically just doodling, and almost immediately someone came in asking about commissions. I drew their little character for free because it was cute and I have no way of accepting payment yet but it really helped my confidence a lot. Maybe I'm gonna make it after all.

No. 1654851

My grandmother sewed a bra/summer top for me out of linen scraps and it's so cute that I don't feel so ashamed of my flat chest anymore. I love her.

No. 1655079

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I've been feeling a lot better overall. Started eating better (with occasional treats here and there) and started exercising regularly again because I've been getting pudgy. Also switching back to tea as my source of caffeine. Was on a iced americano kick for a while but now that I'm drinking tea I feel less jittery and wound up.

No. 1655460

It feels really good knowing you're in good company. Met some amazing people who were able to get the hint to be more open around me and my friends and it turns out we're more similar than we initially thought. I love meeting more based people.

No. 1656273

I loved the Barbie movie, I saw it with my best girl friends. My bf really wanted to see it, so I went again with him. He loved it! The movie was even cuter the second time around and I love listening to the soundtrack with him.

No. 1656281

I hope you, your friends and your bf all die in a fire.

No. 1656285

Oh fuck, this was a positivity, nm.

No. 1656288

this made me laugh really hard. thank you

No. 1656290

An anon would like to know why that was your kneejerk reaction tho

No. 1656297

Just me being me.

No. 1656361

I am waiting for a friend to get back from a trip to see it with her. I wanna dress up and feel cute. I hope it's good. I'm so glad it's making so many men seethe too.

No. 1656796

I think my dog is extremely cute and I love watching her eat apples and carrots (she loves them). Also I may be an ass but I love tickling her on the belly and watch her leg go

No. 1656901

Aw anon that's sweet. I went with my sister and my husband. It was fun, the whole theater was laughing.

No. 1657835

still thinking about a cashier i met last week. she had this lovely faint smile and looked at me a certain way that gives me butterflies when i think about it. i bought a few books including one by plath, she pointed it out and said it's one of her favourites. she was so pretty and spoke in a low voice and had this very relaxed temperament. i feel like i'll never forget her

No. 1657840

Write her a poem

No. 1657855

File: 1691502286775.jpg (348.61 KB, 800x352, habits-1840s-1853-1867.jpg)

I picked up an AMAZING find at Goodwill. It's a Edwardian riding habit. I am so hype that I am going to buy a fancy hat to go with it and then have tea in the park with my historian gals. The only problem is that this thing is so tiny. Seriously, I am already small, but if I gain only two more pounds, I will not be able to fit in this. I wonder if a seamstress could alter it for me so that I can comfortably wear it even if I'm bloated that day, but I kinda doubt it because it does not seem like it has enough give.
Still, one of the greatest finds ever.

No. 1658352

File: 1691535085631.gif (221.65 KB, 200x200, 1627231675715.gif)

I am losing weight again (sustainably!) and feel more energetic than I have in a year!

No. 1658367

File: 1691536582758.png (6.91 KB, 57x56, worry.png)

tell me howww!!! I want to lose weight.

No. 1658533

Eat less, chunker(obese)

No. 1658596

File: 1691552879124.jpg (59.65 KB, 564x753, gato.jpg)

Nta but ya gotta eat better food and cut out the junk. Set up a good exercise routine u can follow. Make sure you lift weights too! Counting calories, meal prepping, and writing down/taking pics of what I ate also helped me a lot. There are a lot of easy cooking tutorials on how to make quick and healthy meals on youtube,pinterest, and tiktok too.
Good luck!

No. 1658601

File: 1691553437729.png (371.46 KB, 1767x1272, 3464258.png)

It's little but watching the Chia pet ads make me smile despite feeling stressed out currently.

No. 1658645

They're so nostalgic nonnie! I've started watching these faux Adult Swim broadcasts of Toonami and stuff. They have old commercials and it really feel like you're watching TV in 2002.

No. 1658726

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I've been drinking water and my skin be lookin good.

No. 1658945

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I'm really thankful for my friend. God knows I haven't always been the most consistent or communicative friend to her and I'm really happy and relieved that she's still so nice to me and makes an effort to keep in touch with my awkward ass. Without her I would feel a million times more isolated and insecure. I should let her know I love and appreciate her next time we meet up.

No. 1658953

I just did my nails in the primary colors wiiii

No. 1659437

I image-searched the scumbag celebrity moid who I was unhealthily obsessed with as a teenager for the first time in several years yesterday and I couldn't believe it, but he wasn't even attractive to me anymore. Even looking at some of the same pictures I remember having saved as my ipod touch backgrounds thinking he was the most beautiful person on earth, did nothing for me. In fact I realized he had some ugly features that I somehow didn't notice back then.
It was so crazy because after not seeing him for so many years, I guess I had misremembered what he looked like and imagined him as way more attractive than he actually was. When I saw his real face again it actually made me laugh so hard.
This might seem like a small random thing, but he rotted my brain so severely as a depressed teenager that I used to feel I had nothing to live for other than keeping up with his retarded activities. So for that version of myself to be totally unrecognizable and gone is such an amazing feeling.

No. 1659481

No. 1663128

I just jogged for 30 minutes straight after months of working up to it through running for 5 minutes, then walking for 5 minutes until I eventually could bridge the gap and keep jogging consistently. I did have to slow down my pace to make it happen, but I'm still happy! Gotta add that I'm a fatty so this is why it's a big deal for me, kek. Now I'm gonna go work out my arms and back muscles.

No. 1663178

Anon that's amazing!! Good for you!! I've tried running multiple times but always ended up giving up after a couple of weeks so I think that's impressive af. Do you find it enjoyable?

No. 1663614

File: 1691960206603.jpg (73.39 KB, 503x768, 407dd98afd0114338a847232452d41…)

I hope the little man is having a good evening

No. 1664151

I love watching dubs of my first language of cartoons sometimes, the bad voice acting and obvious mistranslations are hilarious

No. 1664360

got a new bed that's pretty comfy, so now I can look forward to sleeping again

No. 1664375

File: 1692031755178.jpg (67.65 KB, 657x638, pssst.jpg)

I hope your rest tonight is peaceful and comfy

No. 1664425

I chopped off my hair 10 months ago and it has grown beautifully healthy. I should stop and think about it more because I've always been insecure about my hair but not anymore. I can't wait for summer to end so I can style it more comfortably. I'm also very excited to let it grow freely two more years so I can have the waist length hair I've always dreamed of.

No. 1664435

awwwwww what a sweet little man. his room is so neat and tidy

No. 1664577

Thanks nonnie! It made me excited for my room again, I decided to set up my bed area to be all cute and aesthetic like. with those fake ivy vines everyone else has but IDC they look cute and go well with the dried roses I hang above my bed

No. 1665501

I lucked out with my therapist big time. She's a very nice lady but challenges me as well, I never clicked with therapists when I was a teen so it's kind of a first. I'm happy.

No. 1665511

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Happy for you nonners

No. 1665628

Thank you nonna ♥ I have been seeing her for about 3 months and it's going very well!

No. 1666637

I was cleaning my room and found a game I thought I didn’t have anymore, and it‘s worth a lot of money so I sold it online. I didn’t like it that much either so it felt like free money hehe

No. 1666650

I hope y’all’s skin looks clear today and you feel good

No. 1667613

hope every nonnie has a good day today, you guys are awesome

No. 1667658

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for the past few days i have vented on lolcow about my situation, trauma and social and emotional problems and anons responding to me have been nothing but kind and helpful, giving me support and good advice and cheering me on and congratulating me when i made progress and stood up for myself.

i want to thank all the kind anons on this website who support and help and root for each other. i’m really grateful for the support i’ve gotten and it has made these days easier for me and made me feel less alone.

thank you from the bottom of my heart, kind anons. i wish you all the absolute best and hope you have a wonderful day.

No. 1667663

File: 1692284139165.gif (192.76 KB, 220x144, good-morning.gif)

Have an amzing day you too anons ♥

No. 1670792

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for any nonnie, nonnishka, and sweet nonniemiette on here who is as nervous about college starting again soon as I am

No. 1672303

File: 1692664174778.png (682.09 KB, 564x645, coolafpanda.png)

I started a new tumblr a month ago after not being on there for eons. I only post my own photography and follow other photography and nature accounts. Some of them have even followed me back! It feels so nice to have a dashboard full with beautiful landscapes, positive + hopeful quotes, and the occasional cat video and not having to worry about stupid gender politics or other negative things. Today a photographer lady followed me and it made me smile! I followed her back and i hope it made her smile too! The photos i post get likes, i don't have to worry about weird moid interactions, and just the serenity of it all makes me actively try to put more energy in my photography as a result. It's awesome!

No. 1672314

Happy for you! I keep getting the urge to make a tumblr again just because I miss how fun it was to design my theme and fill it with pretty images. Keep sharing your photography!

No. 1672377

ntayrt, but Tumblr is a much better site than it used to be (a lot of people who made it really bad left for Twitter). I love having somewhere to arrange my creative world and put things I've created back out there. You have no obligation to engage with politics, there are plenty of huge blogs on there that only post photography, art, nature, literature etc. Also yeah the custom themes on Tumblr are one of the better and more unique features. My little positive thing to add is that I love having a Tumblr to put my writing somewhere. It's truly one of my favourite things to do and I feel so fulfilled.

No. 1672592

I reached 40K words on the first draft of my book, meaning its officially novel length. I’m two thirds of the way done. The last chapters should be smooth sailing though, as I’ve fixed all my plot holes and actually know how to write a first draft (by not being picky as I go and just getting the tone and flow down).

The book is a dark comedy/drama about an 18 year old girl going on a road trip to see her long distance girlfriend and getting her life ruined by a stalker. There’s also a subplot about her friends that ties in. I’d say the title I’m thinking about, but not on lolcow.

No. 1672597

File: 1692680952285.jpg (43.88 KB, 500x316, 25d267535247e6af3c8044e7a3c2c2…)

That's so cool nonnie, great job!

No. 1672598

I decided to try a new hobby, get out of my comfort zone and joined a class! It was a bit expensive but I am excited! I feel closer to becoming the person I want to be and not letting my past define me.

I always get the urge to start a new blog on Tumblr so I can look at pretty ~aesthetic~ pictures and customize my own page again. Last time I joined again, it was hard to find active blogs though haha. I miss the days of Tumblr. We really took the 2010s for granted

No. 1672600

Thank you!

No. 1672601

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>I feel closer to becoming the person I want to be and not letting my past define me.

No. 1676955

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I just had a (homemade) salmon and curry mayo sandwich and it started raining. Life is good again

No. 1677442

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I am grateful for the sweet nonnies who leave nice and reassuring replies when someone is struggling. I know lolcow is an imageboard and all but there were many lonely nights where I was having a really hard time and those replies really helped me to get out of this dark pit in those moments. I don’t expect this site to be a safe space or whatever but it’s still really nice to know there are people out there who can relate or console others even though we're all just anons here. So thank you, sweet nonnies. I wish you all the best ♥ !

No. 1677447

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No reason we can't be kind to each other nonnie, Regina George larpers aren't going to stop me from being sweet to nonnies who need it. I have a lot of affection for you girlies

No. 1677538

The way I see it, when anons act immature or nasty I just try to be mindful that they're unhappy with themselves or their personal lives.

No. 1677540

Yeah okay I'm still going to tell them they're retarded

No. 1677979

my sweet elderly kitties got a clean bill of health from the vet! no kidney problems, no thyroid issues! i'm so happy, i love them.

No. 1678111

me too. actually I was thinking about this earlier. I lurked for a couple years and then started posting I guess, bored one day I responded to something in the Dumbass Shit thread or something like that. some tumblr trendy looking picture of two really thin girls, and the anon said something like "they call you fat, what do you do?" and I said "laugh in their face 'cause I'm skinnier". anyways, some anon responded sounding actually concerned amongst the typical teasing and it actually meant a lot to me. I've gained a little bit of weight and am in a better place now.

No. 1679809

Been feeling pretty happy lately. I've been able to be consistent with good habits and it's been paying off. My skin looks better, I have so much more endurance and stamina from biking every day, I'm probably the lowest weight I've been since I was a teenager (I haven't weighed myself but I am swimming in my clothes right now.) I really hope I can continue to keep it up. Things I can't control are still very hard to cope with but I can be in control of how I take care of myself. This is dumb but it's made me feel very powerful to remember that.

No. 1679856

saw this on the front page, i don't frequent this thread but want to say i'm proud of you nonna! i wish i had the same motivation for myself, i'm glad you've been able to make your life better.

No. 1681478

I passed my driving theory test!!!!

No. 1681533

awesome nonna.

No. 1683153

No. 1683836

got my driver's permit today. the person teaching me how to drive estimates i'll have my license by year's end if i keep doing well at my lessons (at the latest, i aim to have it much earlier) and i'm pumped. i avoided driving all my life – i'm 24 now – because i was too scared of dying in a wreck + didn't want to deal with the costs but idgaf anymore. i am going to learn how to drive i am going to get an office job somewhere and i am GOING to move the fuck out.

No. 1683982

I just released a lot of anger at someone by realizing I was angry because I felt used, and that’s a pattern stemming back from childhood. I don’t think me pointing out every judgement I have of them will do anything but perpetuate my anger and show people I love how hateful I am sometimes. I also think that’s an ugly part of me I’d like to tame. So I can take this experience and protect myself better next time it’ll happen.

No. 1683985

Congrats, nonna! I hope you let us know when you get your license!

No. 1684289

Changing from a male to a female GP was the best decision ever, she actually takes my symptoms seriously. Now I'm on propranolol and my migraines have improved a lot. I hope everynonny gets a healthcare provider who takes the time to listen.

I'm in the same boat. It takes a lot of time and energy to realize this and start working on it. Everyone's vulnerable to anger but I think it's really noble to be self-aware about it.

No. 1684525

File: 1693593924845.gif (13.31 MB, 360x201, 8a5ba66f64e25fb7bd088845f4558d…)

My hairdresser cut my hair WAYYYY to fucking short, like a whole fist length shorter than I requested so it's a proper bob now BUT IT LOOKS REALLY GOOD! I'm genuinely not even mad.

No. 1684536

Take a pic so you can ask her to do it again next time!

No. 1684552

yes nona!!! oh it's going to feel soooo nice after the first wash too. be free, shake your new bob our the car window in the wind, out the normal window in the windows, windows 7 in the wind

No. 1684865

File: 1693616022802.jpg (49.17 KB, 599x449, tumblr_6be860b7ec0db99aac772c8…)

fitness place gave me a call back for a tech support job. i'm hype even if i dread the work…praying i get it + they offer a sign on bonus or something, i'll move the fuck out of my house so fast

praying my lack of a driver's license doesn't fuck me over too bad haha

No. 1684868

I painted my boyfriend a picture for his birthday and I felt bad because I thought it was kind of lackluster but I went to his place today and he had it framed on his desk next to his desktop, too sweet

No. 1685008

i'm so based. you already know

No. 1685485

My boyfriend and I are long distance, but while we were in a call he noticed I was on my period without me saying or doing anything to make it obvious. He is extra sweet to me during my period and buys me food because I never feel like cooking. My period is irregular too, but somehow he intuitively knows anyway. Nobody has ever noticed or cared when I'm not feeling well during my period, even female friends. It's a small simple thing, but I appreciate it so much.

No. 1685517

My boomer mom became the token grandma of some little online community and they all chipped in to buy her a console so she can play games with them, it’s kind of the most wholesome shit I’ve ever seen. I would give her the world myself but we are equally broke lmao

No. 1685566

That's so smart!! I'm definitely going to do that.

hahaha thanks anon

No. 1685661

I went to a farmers market earlier, seeing lots of people smile makes me happy even if they just want me to buy their stuff. I most certainly did get a few things.

No. 1685690

a cat has moved into my building and I see her/him in the window everytime I leave for work

No. 1687797

I've been posting a lot of my Brandy Melville clothes on depop and have gotten a lot of sales this week. While I'm not too attached to any of the pieces I own, I'm surprised at how many people still like the style

No. 1687815

I started using reusable bags a month or so ago and today I was looking for a plastic bag to put garbage in, and realized I don't have any stored. That was a good feeling

No. 1691727

Not sure if this is the right thread but I don't want to tell my friends and family until it's a done deal. I had a job interview and trial that went really well this week and basically have been told that the job is mine. I've been a NEET since I graduated during the pandemic and I haven't ever worked before except doing required internships for my degree. This place is offering me a decent wage and is willing to train me up. I'm so happy, I was starting to feel like it was never going to happen for me. Hopefully I can get my license next and start getting my life together.

No. 1692845

I feel amazing because now I can wear a t-shirt that didn’t fit me, it’s so crazy just how the mind changes your perception of things. I used to think this t-shirt was like very, very small, but it really isn’t?? It’s crazy, and I’m so happy because maybe from now on I will be able to wear other things.

No. 1693711

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I just love myself so much and its the greatest feeling in the world

No. 1693745

Good for you

No. 1693775

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Am feeling very cozy and fulfilled today, just having a chill day with the pets and my cute wife and our cute girls (girls are going to be two in October and they are so silly and joyful and so sweet!!!) and it feels so good to know we did the bulk of our weekend chores yesterday, there are no social obligations, there is food pre-prepped and waiting for dinner, and even though the world is objectively shitty today is a lovely day and we have carved out a little piece of happiness for ourselves. And we will have garden grown pumpkins for Halloween heheh I hope all of you nonnas are having a lovely day/evening

No. 1693783

I hope I can love myself one day. I'm so happy for you nonna!

No. 1693784

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Love you nonnie. Picrel, you and your cute wife.

No. 1693801

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Heheheh I showed ur post to my wife and she said she’s the fluffy cat we love u too noniangela I hope your dinner is yummy today!!!

No. 1693814

This is so cute. I hope I can have a life like this one day with another woman.

No. 1693871

You can! Like yes relationships take work and kids (if you want them) are work and a half and maintaining a home and pets are also work but god, on days like this it really reminds me how worth it the work is. And on that note, now it is time for four cheese mac and cheese followed by couch cuddles hehe~

No. 1698620

I bought a cool sword. Now I'm swinging my cool sword around. Good workout too

No. 1700591

I got the pieces for my wedding outfit in the mail today and I'm so excited to wear them! I got a dress and shoes that I can rewear (since we're having a very small ceremony anyway to save money), and the dress is cute and really fits my own personal style.

No. 1703240

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i made my first ever best friend (and only friend since elementary)! he's a turbo autist like me and we video call every day and talk for a couple hours about random things we are interested in like aliens, dolphin language, how to summon spirits, evolution, etc. i like how its simply a friendship based on interests, i feel comfortable talking like I've known him forever. we don't talk about personal stuff so we don't really know anything about each other (and i hope it stays that way). he doesn't point out or make fun of my awkward and nervous way of speaking or my horrible conversational skills. also he didn't ask me to make a social media account to talk on, so we just email. im so happy, i haven't had a friend in so many years. i hope things stay this way forever.

No. 1703457

Thank god for my psychiatrist, I had a doctors' script but they didn't give me enough and my doctor was on holiday. Tried to get in touch with the doctors' office but they kept cancelling appointments and acting like I was being unreasonable so my psych gave me a script with a few clicks on her laptop. Bless her heart.
Happy for you nonna!

No. 1704837

Today I picked up my little brother from school (10 yrs old), and he immediately asked “are you sad?” I lied, and said no. He continued to be nice and eventually I was able to turn my frown upside down. We went for milkshakes and then I showed him how to ride a skateboard (the most essential coasting). He went off with his neighborhood friend and when I checked in he showed off his progress.
Last year I got him over his fear of riding his bike and on the same street he is wobbly and coasting for a little while.
Im so proud of him. I love him.
We continued to watch a silly movie and stayed up WAY past bed time (but he wont tell mom).
When he hopped in bed I squeezed his hand and thanked him for making my day so wonderful. He said “yeah, you are a really great sister”

No. 1706155

My boyfriend is taking me to the thrift store tomorrow and they're restocking today, I'm so excited

No. 1713790

I told my fiancé about how difficult being the eldest daughter is, and now he says he wants our first child to be a girl so he can make her life easy

No. 1713816

>>1713790 That is absolutely adorable

No. 1714155

Wholesome post 10/10
keep him

No. 1714242

>surprised at how many people still like the style
Huh? They just sell a bunch of basic pieces. Which is all anyone really wears irl anyway.

No. 1715218

today I dm'ed the designer of a pattern I bought to ask her about one of the techniques in the pattern, and she went out of her way to record herself showing me how to do it because she couldn't find a youtube video on it. I know I'm a customer, but it still warmed my heart that someone would go out of her way to help a complete stranger so much.

No. 1715352

My first two are girls. I'm hoping I have all daughters

No. 1716329

Just found out my pedophile, child rapist father didn’t get parole today let’s fucking gooooo

Have fun rotting in prison cocksucker

No. 1716339


No. 1716682

Finally feel good about my appearance!! I feel a little guilty but I keep looking in the mirror and smiling and telling myself I look cute. Its part prideful behavior and part training myself to look happier and be happier with myself. Does anyone else do this??

No. 1716965

The first thing I do every morning is open the chicken coop so the chickens can go into the little fenced area, but since the sun is rising later now they are usually not awake yet. After breakfast I go back out to give them a couple hours of free range time to forage in the yard. They all run up to the fence clucking to greet me when I go out there and it makes me so happy that they are happy to see me. When yard time is over I go in their fenced area and call "chickens! chickens!" And they all come running in to get their scratch grains and worm treats. I love my chickens so much. The big mean one is my favorite, she follows me around like a pet when I am outside during yard time and lays an egg as big as my fist almost every day. She's always the first to come when I call and she makes this loud "rrrrRRRAAAAAAAAA" sound that brings the others in for the treats if they are far away or hiding.

No. 1716981

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SO HAPPY FOR YOU NONNIE YOU DONT DESERVE THAT DIPSHIT OF A MOID AS A FATHER! BUT IM SO HAPPY please take care of yourself too you must've gone through such hardship,May he get shanked in jail amen

No. 1717100

I’m running late for work but just had to say this is so stinking cute nona! We have chickens but they aren’t as cute and sweet like that. And the rooster is such flake. I mimic their chicken sounds to them and they always stop and stare at me like ‘she can understand what we’re saying…’ have a beautiful day in the sunshine with your chickens nona!

No. 1718509

I'm grateful about how safe the area I live is, I never feel like I'm in danger or get harassed when walking out even at night. One way you can tell it's really safe is that I've seen young women taking naps in the grass under trees with a book or drink by her side on comfy sunny days multiple times.

No. 1724066

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Happy that my Nigel woke up with me early this morning for our first day of our new workout routine. He's off to work, and now I am having breakfast with our dog and cats while I enjoy this slow remote day.
Texting each other hearts.

No. 1724069

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I have finally been able to start immunotherapy to treat my massive dog allergy! I will be able to pet cut doggies again!! HALLELUJAH

No. 1724072

Best of luck anon! The pic you posted looks like my little corg. Hoping all goes well

No. 1724079

Thank you nona ♥
Lucky you, corgis are the best!

No. 1724846

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I've been focusing on my psychological healing this month and I've learned a lot about me, my potential and how to move forward in this hellish world. Every single day is difficult and heavy but there are ways to make them better and lighter! Don't give up on yourselves nonnies! you all deserve a chance in this life!

No. 1726858

I stupidly locked myself out of my bedroom earlier with a candle burning and couldn't find my extra key. After having a breakdown about how shitty this year has been so far, I was able to get back in with a piece of hard plastic and a pair of scissors. I feel so happy and badass.

No. 1727216

Nice MacGuyvering! You saved your place

No. 1727323

when I went to the liquor store the lady gave me two free drinking glasses. practically begged me to take them as they were the last ones. and I was like, “y’know what, I do actually need some more glasses, awesome”.
I’ve broken so many glasses in the past few years because my hands get shaky and then all of a sudden they go splat on the floor. so now I have two Jim Beam glasses. I’m gonna try not to break them.

No. 1727724

I was listening to Orange Caramel songs, I just found out one of them samples an old Punjabi song and it's really catchy. I'm listening to it on loop.

No. 1727732

I love that song too. My Copycat and Lipstick are catchy too

No. 1727733

I was saying I discovered the Punjabi song today, not Catallena. Actually I'm listening both on loop kek. Makes me feel nostalgic.

No. 1728384

I actually love myself now. I realized I wasn’t allowed to do that for a really long time. Anytime I tried to take care of myself I felt the pangs of panic setting in. But now I’ve been doing it despite and in spite of my upbringing. I know that’s probably already second nature stuff to most of the adult population so late blooming is really not fun but at least I’m trying to even make that happen

No. 1728400

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No. 1728402


No. 1728422

I am such a lucky bastard when it comes to my pets, holy hell.
Three dogs, all from the shelter. One I got as a pet for my first dog. They hit it off, they loved each other. Sadly my first dog had a horrible accident. Did the thing you shouldn't do, got my dog another pet dog two months later. Hit it off, love each other.
Now I had to get some barn cats. Again went to the shelter and picked up two brothers. Were house cats, so a lot was up in the air.
They immediately took to the outside, made everything their own. My two dogs don't bother them (they even learned to leave the chickens) so they're coexisting. The cats won't touch the chickens either.
I'm so so fucking lucky. Every adoption could've gone horrible. And yeah, all of them are fucking weird. My one dog (100% village dog) likes just chilling on the upper floor of my house. She does her own thing. Her pet dog I got (German shepherd /Russian farm dog/golden) is just at my side. Never a leash needed, can work outside on the farm no worries. He'll just be here. Hell, if I ever cry, both are at my side and won't leave me alone with licks and paws..
I'm so fucking lucky and I love them all so damn much. I do also hope they love their lives too. By the way they want to please and come running, and are always up for adventure.. I really hope they do too.

No. 1728424

I've had a lot of bad karma lately and I wonder if it's because I'm such a mental bitch. I'm only lurking from now on because God forever has His eye on me

No. 1728434

High five. Just not made for human contact, I suppose. But don't go throwing yourself down some stairs because. Stop punishing yourself for being.. Human. I'm sure you're not half as bad as you like to think. And since I assume you're not catholic, stop with the self-flagellation. Be the bad bitch you were meant to be.

No. 1729067

I found the same exact fabric to this skirt I resold awhile back! I was missing it. It’s way more than the skirt itself kek but least I found it again woo

No. 1729172

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My coworker is really into sonny angels and she wanted me to go to a meet up with her so I did. It wasn’t my thing but it was fine. I overheard this girl there talking to a group who was telling them she was israeli and dating a palestinian girl. I hope it’s true because it’s honestly based. moids could never

No. 1729613

I've been really into cooking healthy and cheap meals, and been improving my cooking skills and nutrition knowledge. Today I made an easy quick veggie soup. I used bone broth that I made myself and had frozen, tomatoes, a sweet potato, peas, kidney beans, and lentils. Along with thyme, basil, black pepper, and garlic. After it was done cooking I tasted it and it tasted just like chili. No meat but just as much protein as meat. It's cold outside so it's nice to have a warm, nutritious veggie chili today! And I made enough to last the week. It can even be frozen for a longer time if I want.

No. 1729747

Grateful to be friends again after several years of lost contact. My mental health went down the drain, and our texts and occasional phone calls have helped me out of a dark and lonely place. She’s happily married, pregnant, and is having a girl. I’m beyond happy she has the stable life she dreamed of.

No. 1730559

Honestly, today I feel a bit sad, nervous, worried. I want things to be ok.
But today I also felt like I was a nicer person. I think I want to try and act like a nicer person in the future. I'm grateful.
I wonder if I can keep it up? Please wish me luck…

No. 1737726

My music library is so awesome. Just non stop amazing songs playing today.

No. 1739210

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Recently watched a youtubers WIEIAD video (6000 calories, imagine being like 7ft and a collegiate rower) who really gave me permission to explore spuds as weird as it sounds, having grown up being taught rice is the basis of every good meal. Learning about microwave potato bags to expedite the cooking process is just chef kiss on top. I'll never turn away from the strength of a baked potato again

No. 1740958

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This dude died! Yay!

No. 1741028

ew good. i thought this was sam hyde for a second. all these greasy white american guys look the same

No. 1741051

Good. Hope he suffered immensely.

No. 1741056

Did someone murder this pedo by dumping him into a chimney? great.

No. 1741677

I had insomnia for 3 weeks and haven't been writing. Finally recovered and I did 5k words tonight, and it is really, really good. We're back, baby!

No. 1742557

I'm an astrologyfag and although my husband thinks it's silly he did ask me if there were specific sun signs I wanted for our child. I hadn't told him that I HAD thought about it and I thought it was insanely sweet that he just knew that I had probably thought about it lol.

I have no problem with any signs, but for example, I really love my mom and niece who are both cancer suns so…i am kinda partial to a cancer child

No. 1743913

A small girl in a shop looked at me and said that I'm beautiful.
Not cute, not cool, she looked at me directly and followed me with her gaze saying that I'm beautiful.
If she said I am, then I am. I needed that on a day where I felt really shitty and on the verge of tears due to some psychological stress. I wish her all the best.

No. 1743924

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Some of my tithonia flowers were all dried up so I harvested their seeds today. I’m gonna have so many next year it’s gonna be great

No. 1743974

A few days ago a random little girl came up to me to say "Ma'am, I love your outfit, it's so pretty!" I wear jfashion and one of my favorite parts is when children are interested or excited about it. A few weeks ago I encountered a child who seemed really shy but was also wearing some eclectic stuff so I like to think it helps some kids feel a little more confident about looking different

No. 1743991

Hey, teacher, leave those kids alone

No. 1744002

found my jumping spider today after she escaped last week.. she is alive and well, i knew i'd find her soon and i'm so relieved now! my wonderful girl is now drinking and eating, she was sooo thirsty! she's back in her enclosure.. i was worried every night thinking about her.

No. 1744011

The house fairies returned my wayward d20 to meee!
Oh my gosh jumping spiders are so tiny and precious, I'm glad she's safe in her enclosure and doing well!

No. 1744023

how does she drink?? I thought spiders got all their hydration through their prey

No. 1744025

I feel myself talking to people in a more easier way, I look up at cashiers and say have a great day! Instead of looking down and avoiding eye contact with them, I speak in a higher register than when I was a nervous wreck and I felt like my voice was weak and I’d get embarrassed of my voice cracking or stuttering, I no longer feel like the walls are closing in when I’m around lots of people. Life is getting better, I look forward to broadening my horizons.

No. 1744029

Thank you so much!
After a light mist in her enclosure, she will use one of her front legs to gather small droplets of water and drink them through her mouth which is hidden behind her fangs! It's really interesting and precious to watch

No. 1744058

oh my god that's so cute

No. 1744108

I love him. I love them. I’m happy.

No. 1744112

Trying to project as much positivity into my womb so I can get pregnant. Please send all good wishes to my uterus.

No. 1744128

id send all my fertility if i could anon

No. 1744133

Best wishes to your uterus nona.

No. 1745308

I've lost 8 kg last year and a total of 15 kg since 2020. I'm still a bit chubby but I'm finally around the same weight I was in my early - mid 20's. That's a success. And I only have 11 kg left to be at the weight I want. After not losing weight for years and losing hope I'm so happy about that.

No. 1745482

Best of wishes to you nona!!
Congratulations! That's an amazing job.

No. 1750124

Im having really bad period pains, so my boyfriend took the bus for over an hour to come to my place to walk my dog for me.

No. 1757638

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This thread is always way too far down in the catalogue. What the hell nonnies? Hope you have a wonderful day!
I have been way less depressed than last week. I'm in a more neutral to positive state and I was able to go outside even though I didn't want to initially. Little steps.
That's nice of him!

No. 1757641

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Positivity is cringe and frankly I would rather kill myself than feel any emotion that isn't rage, sadness or fear

No. 1757694

At least you're positive about your lack of positivity.

No. 1766348

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I bought a new board, ans I can't wait for it to get here! It looks so cute, I love the teal/blue grip tape that looks like a vintage surfboard and the orange wheels (my favorite color). The art underneath it is kinda ugly but it's okay cause I won't be looking at it much
I also got it on a 35% off sale cause it was the last one.
Picrel it's not mine, but that's the same one. Can't wait!

No. 1766656

I just want to say when I was at my rock bottom nonies here were the only ones in my life that supported me and I'm grateful. I posted all sorts of insane shit too when I was having psychotic episodes but the good advice really stuck with me and I'm on the path to improving my life. I love you all.

No. 1768316

Good morning everyone. It is perfect outside here today and as soon as I take my morning dump I am going to take my notebook to the park alongside some quality birdseed, and feed the birds while journalling/doodling/relaxing. I am in a good mood today, I love the sunshine and its sunny finally after many dreary days. I cant wait to soak up as much as I can. I love my beater truck because I can park anywhere and sit on the tailgate. Maybe I will drive to the river or creek and lay in the back of my truck to stare up at the leaves. I just love nice sunny days.

No. 1768489

Bless you nonnie, you are living today right. I hope you got to feed lots of birds at the park today!
>because I can park anywhere and sit on the tailgate
Have you ever gone out with some spare blankets to look up at the stars? I love doing that on chilly nights, it's even better with a thermos of tea and some snacks.

No. 1769265

Drawing makes me happy again!

No. 1769603

Nona, I’m happy to read that. I hope your path is filled with more goodness.

No. 1769750

I had the cutest encounter with a little girl in the elevator she was like excuse me miss I love your sunglasses I was like aww. I can't believe I used to be a reddit tier childfree kid hater glad I grew out of that phase. makes me happy to see results of good parenting also I never would have had the confidence at her age to compliment someone like that I was so shy

No. 1769794

Aww that's so sweet nonnie. I bet your glasses are cool af.

No. 1769814

Yes I have gone stargazing! But not in a while. I have to drive quite a ways to get away from light pollution unfortunately, and my truck is allergic to long drives at the moment kek but wont be soon hopefully. Youre right, theres nothing better than cozy star gazing . Usually hate the cold but a chilly quiet night feels darker and more magical somehow.

No. 1781424

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I’ve been rereading the Bell Jar in a depressive funk. and when I read this passage it just struck me in such a way. This is almost exactly how I’ve been stuck looking at life. But with this introspection I’ve found so much joy because no longer feel so paralyzed in the things I want to do in life! I only have one life why waste it just wanting and wishing when I could actually live it? Why be cornered into just one talent or passion in life when I can be a renaissance woman? Can’t believe a seemingly negative book passage can inspire me so much. I hope we all eat as many figs as we want and reach for the stars

No. 1782469

Damn I'm in the exact same boat, doing nothing and being miserable about it, because I can't choose and am too scared to just try.

No. 1782475

Damn I should read the Bell Jar

No. 1782861

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Currently enjoying the feeling of cool breeze on my face on this sunny autumn day

No. 1783043

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I'm glad that getting older has made me more accepting of my face. When I was younger, I wanted to get a nose job and cheek fillers. I'm slightly slightly older and I'm glad I didn't do anything to my face. I did get botox on multiple parts of my face a few months ago, but it didn't do anything to change my face outside of making my TMJ headaches easier to deal with (but I guess that was the point). I still feel insecure about the way I look but, it's no longer to the point of wanting to change it.

No. 1783097

Got the moid who wouldn’t stop hitting on me and my other female roommate kicked out of our house. He’ll be gone by the end of 2023. Don’t respect our boundaries despite us both asking you to leave us alone? Have fun moving in winter after only living here for 2 months! I feel like I actually have some control over my life and my circumstances.

No. 1783124

Today is my birthday!

No. 1783141

Happy birthday nonatella!

No. 1783145

happy birthday nonny!!!

No. 1783148

Happy birthday nonners!

No. 1783154

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happy birthday!

No. 1783155

Oh that's amazing nonny! It's great that you were able to make your home a safer, better place for yourself and your friend

No. 1783175

I spent hours washing and waxing my truck yesterday. It looks pretty good! Took the seats out last weekend and vaccumed 20+ years of nasty out. The inside looks almost brand new, or at least like it isnt 25 years old. Working on the outside now too. I want to restore the clear coat that is flaking off. I did some basic maintenance on it yesterday too, runs better now and sounds great. Got oil change done. My vehicle is one of my most prized posessions. Someone stopped to ask if I was interested in selling it while I was working on it yesterday kek. I get asked a lot about how many people offer to buy it from me randomly, which is ironic because that was the first time (yesterday) Ive ever actually been asked directly to sell it, rather than questioning how many people ask me to sell it. You cant get small trucks anymore here and so my 25 year old one keeps going up in value despite more and more miles/age/wear. Insanity. Ill never sell it, I want to learn how to keep fixing it and maintaining it, and use it as long as I possibly can. I paid cash for it a few years ago, so I own it outright and its the 1st time Ive purchased something like that. My truck brings me so much joy. Working on it and actually fixing the problems/gaining understanding of how everything works is really satisfying. Id love to be a mechanic if the pay structure wasnt so retarded.

No. 1783184

based as fuck!

No. 1783299

man I want a ferret so fucking bad but my dumbass bf is allergic to rodents

No. 1789012

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Looking at ao3 of my OTP and find a fic with a word count of 500k+ that is
>accurately depicts the characters and writer has a deep understanding of the storyline, plot, and lore
I am so blessed nonnies, gonna be busy for the next couple of weeks.

No. 1789137

I get to meet my newborn niece in the morning and I’m so so excited. I’ve never held a baby in my life so I’m terrified and I’m never going to be able to sleep but it’ll be worth it when I see her little face. It means so much to me that my sister wants me to be the first one in our family to see her. I’m really glad we’re as close as we are and I hope her baby likes me

No. 1789216


Luckily for you ferrets are mustelids not rodents

No. 1789231

Oh my god

No. 1789601

Get 2 cause they need socialisation with their own kind & be prepared for the smell! Excited for you to get some carpet snakes I've always wanted some

No. 1789609

God I wish that was me

No. 1789648

I bet you think rabbits are rodents too, they also are not rodents, they are lagomorphs.

No. 1789663

Nta but wtf I've been living a lie

No. 1789687

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I dont get why people think they are rodents when they literally look like this. They have a little bear cat face with a dog snout and predator teeth, they eat rodents. There is nothing rodent like about them

No. 1789876

The Post Like a Moid thread is a national treasure kekkkkkkkkk

No. 1790034

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I most of the time love this site. I love that lc has it's own culture and memes that aren't regurgitated channer or reddit posts. I love it when someone uses an anon-created reaction pic or find weird ones online and then other anons start using it. I love that some posters are really serious and others write three paragraphs of retarded shit. I LOVE YOU GIRLS!!!

No. 1790039

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I love you too nonnie!

No. 1792353

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I love my friends so much

No. 1792568

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Starting on my psych meds again and the first couple days thus far have felt amazing. My brain is ready to work

No. 1792648

My next door neighbor is this really sweet lady and the only cool person in the neighborhood. Anyway she bought a bunch of battery-powered lanterns the other day and gave me one of her extras, and it's honest to goodness the sweetest thing anyone's done for me in a very long time. I'm so fucking happy I almost cried when she gave it to me and have been on-and-off singing "This Little Light of Mine" for the last few days. Yes, I am retarded, but I'm a very happy retard with a rad neighbor and an emergency light source.

No. 1795648

so I got braces and not only are my teeth getting better but my face is getting more symmetrical. I always thought my lips were uneven but it was just how my teeth were. I literally can’t stop smiling

No. 1795652

I was given an easy commission and paid a good amount I can now put towards bills or christmas!! I swear the small amount of commissions I've gotten from friends who work service based jobs know to pay well.

No. 1795763


No. 1795899

I used an air fryer for the first time to make spicy nuggies I breaded myself with some sweet potato fries, used to be a retard hikki who could barely summon the willpower to operate a microwave

No. 1799928

I’ve started new medication and it’s made me constipated for a week. I’ve just taken a massive shit and I feel relieved.

No. 1800540

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Me and my lifelong bff are pregnant at the same time, and today we found out that we have the same due date! I hope we give birth on the same day, it would be pretty neat for our kids to have the exact same birthday! I'm literally so excited!!!!

No. 1800595

That's so adorable. Wishing you both nothing but the best.

No. 1800859

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I stumbled upon an old forum where I used to post when I was 14 and I've been laughing so much at the posts written there. Everyone was so wholesome and nice!! God, I miss how the internet was when I was a preteen!

>play MMORPGs in English as a 12 year old that doesn't know the language

>get adopted by a guild that has people that speak the same language as me
>everyone is nice and helps me
>guys aren't weird, never get groomed, they joke with me and call me a gremlin, good times
>post on forums at 13-14
>i was a fucking autistic sperg, i would overshare all the time and say the most random manic pixie dream girl shit
>users don't mind, they welcome me
>guys aren't creepy there either, one of them mentions he needs a girlfriend but one that "doesn't make the cops come after me for taking advantage of children" so he says he will adopt me as his little sister
>(can actually imagine him reading my posts and thinking "she seems cute", then seeing my age on my profile and his expression dropping)
>no lolicon creepy jokes or memes
>no one flirts with me even tho there are barely no women there
>the admin was 9 years older than me, very patient and supportive of my sperging, would encourage me to post
>reading the messages i got on my posts i realize they thought of me as their little sister or daughter, they were very kind
>majority of users would write detailed posts with proper grammar
>good vibes

It was such a good time to be on the internet. Or I guess I had good luck! Thinking about my time on online forums always brings a smile to my face.

No. 1802937

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i love the nona who replies with this gif to things i find repulsive!

No. 1802939

I love you too, glad you enjoy my silly little gif.

No. 1802956

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Back in onederland still obese but I'm not super fat no more slow and steady hopping in vr playing games like this cat just doing my thing

No. 1803294

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My art is finally getting some recognition! I just found out that I won first place at a juried show at my uni and the autist fanart I post to tumblr has been averaging 500 - 1k notes per post!!! Art is really more of a hobby for me but this is giving me a lot of motivation to try a lot harder!! 12 year old me would be shitting a brick right now and that brings me a lot of joy. I feel like I am making the little girl I used to be very proud.

No. 1803318

Congrats nonners

No. 1804218

thinking about the time years ago when my ex best friend sent me anon hate on tumblr after i had posted about all the positive things i had done that year like getting a car and a new apartment with my bf. she said "have fun paying off that car and being homeless when he inevitably dumps you" with a smiley face.
little did she know that car was paid for in full when i bought it and i've since got an even newer one which is also just about paid off now, im still with the same guy and we're still living our best lives as dual incomes with no kids.
meanwhile she's still bpd as fuck and cant hold down a job or a relationship to save her life. love to see it

No. 1804535

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First piano lesson next week! Wondering how it’ll go. I’m a bit nervous but excited nonetheless. It’s only going to be half an hour and then the next lesson will be in January due to the Christmas break. I hope I’ll learn something I can practice till then. Ugh

No. 1804586

love the feeling of thriving while a borderline friend-turned-hater sits and stews. an ex-friend of mine tried to break up two separate couples while they were dating and now over 5 years later both couples are married and doin well.

No. 1804660

I've developed a new interest/something I want to pursue for the first time in ages, it feels so good! This hasn't happened since I was 12 years old or something, just the excitement of practicing something new and getting better at it, I love it.

No. 1804681

omg not my husband listening to sufjans christmas albums even when im not there to shill them! even christmas unicorn! and that song is 12 minutes of yuletide nonsense. it makes me irrationally happy

No. 1805620

my lil cousin fell DEEP into social-media-echo-chamber he/they-ness during lockdown and started demanding we all call her "ross" and a boy etc etc. at one point she was booking gp appointments to have testosterone prescribed and started crowdfunding for top surgery.

anyway, she just started uni this year, on a course that is all girls, and now she has female friends! a social life! a girlfriend! she barely uses social media any more, and being around normie women all the time made her embarrassed to be pretending to be a boy.

so now she's back to her real name, and doesn't want testosterone, and took down her gofundme. she just posted this selfie and i have never felt more relieved about how happy she looks now. sometimes everything does work out just fine! i'm just feeling so happy rn, i love everyone and everything!(why would you dox your own cousin by posting a picture)

No. 1805623

don't post her selfie if this is real

No. 1805631

Are you retarted? Delete this

No. 1805678

Anon pls

No. 1811781

It's 7am and my younger friend just asked me randomly if I ever had braces. I said yes, why, and she said "you just have a really nice smile lol" . Made my whole day, love her

No. 1813935

I passed my final test before Winter Break! I didn't study that well to be honest but I paid attention to all the speeches my classmates presented last week and most of the material came from there so I'm happy!!

No. 1816209

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checked my schedule for next week and i got two days off in a row for the first time since September, yay

No. 1822694

I just got enrolled to Kyushu University in 2024!! I honestly don't know much about Fukuoka but I'm just so excited to be in Japan!

No. 1822962

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tomorrow is my last day of work and then i have 10 paid days off!! im so excited i could scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. 1822975

Very cute pic nona thank you for sharing

No. 1824302

I want to thank you nonnies for answering my dumb questions and listening to my random vents. I was having a stressful week and I felt like I couldn't talk to anyone about it, but you helped me more than you can imagine. It may look like nothing of importance at first, but you were actually more helpful than my family. Thank you for being so kind and I wish you all wonderful holidays!
Also, tomorrow I will eat lasagna!

No. 1824313

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It's my mama's birthday! I love her so much. In a couple hours I will be picking up her cake from the bakery she loves, and tonight we will be dining at the most amazing Chinese restaurant. I'm so happy that she is my mom.

No. 1824316

I'm pregnant, about 3-4 weeks. I hope it sticks and I have a healthy baby.

No. 1824323


No. 1824324

Happy birthday to your mom, anon! That's so sweet. The xmas tradition of eating chinese take out is truly the greatest. I hope you both have an amazing time.

No. 1824340

Can you name the baby after me

No. 1824344

Above was me btw, thank you to the nonas that sent positivity to my womb
Thank you!
I cant name a baby Nona

No. 1827644

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I've stopped dying my hair because i wanted to save money and accept my natural looks (always used normal dyes) and i had 2 people i care about spontaneously compliment my hair color in a very genuine way, i feel weirdly noticed and i'm kinda starting to like my color just because of them, i've always found it super dull and boring but being complimented for my natural color feels really different than being complimented on a dye

No. 1828409

I love my silly little dog.

No. 1830097

Did you get yourself some ferrets yet?

No. 1831205

I am officially flying to visit my crush in three weeks! Spent the past two years pining over this guy only to find out that we mutually liked each other, but we could not admit it lmao.

Ever since we finally admitted our feelings to each other in October, we spent time getting to know each other. I am about to graduate in the spring and was planning on moving to his state anyways. So I really hope this works out. If it doesn't, at least I can feel happy that I went for it. I won't have to worry about "what if" one day.

No. 1831208

Animal love is the best! Been spending so much time with my cat over winter break and I fall in love with her over and over again. I love feeling needed by such a cute little goober.

No. 1831538

I like winter because of the cute winter coats I can wear. Other women compliment me on it, and it makes me happy.

No. 1833776

This is going to sound super autistic but i'm happy that i don't hate myself for being attractive anymore, i know it sounds stupid but it always caused me a lot of issues with both sexes. Right now i feel particularly happy that i'm not oblivious to how men act with me or see me, i would never really try to date an irl moid now and i feel happy about the fact that i'm still a virgin. I'm not valuing myself on those things, it's just that i've always felt so bad about this side of me and i'm happy that now it's changed. This is the autistic part but going through that made me appreciate things i now really love like kuudere husbandos, i can't express how much they make me happy and i know i can't have something like that irl so i'm just glad that i can enjoy them in a way or another. I'm not even a yumejo but that's alright with me, i just have my way of liking things and i don't feel alone anymore when i'm not able to feel like i belong to a certain group. I'm really happy that i got over these issues and feel comfortable with myself.

No. 1833817

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Came across a website for petitions meant to hold animal abusers accountable. Sharing it for other cat, dog and other animal loving nonnas.

No. 1834000

I love the name of the site.

No. 1837914

First day at my new job went so well! My colleagues are really nice and the job itself is really chill too, feels good to earn money again after neeting out for so long ♥

No. 1837925

I used to have really low self-esteem and this year I feel really confident and sure of myself for the first time in forever. I'd like to share with the lolcow class for anyone who is interested that I believe my self esteem was achieved by consistently doing well at my job and feeling appreciated, and reconnecting with old friends and family and making an effort to be in their lives! I've learned that supportive social network + stable income = happiness and security. Apparently that's all it took for me to be nice to myself again. Sounds simple but it took me years kek

No. 1838673

A tranny started working for the holidays season period at the same shop of a friend's Nigel
About 3 old ladies came requesting to change their purchase and referred to the tranny who served them as "the gentleman in a wig and makeup"
I just can't stop chuckling

No. 1838774

God bless William Spaniel's Game Theory channel, has been carrying me through this dumbass topic since A levels.

No. 1839279

Nothing is physically bothering me today. My feet don’t hurt, my hips don’t hurt, my back doesn’t hurt. Tomorrow might suck, yeah, but todays gonna be alright.

No. 1839312

I love giving people gifts. This Christmas, I completely crushed it. Made my mother cry with happiness, my father jaw-dropped for days, my stepmother speechless, and my mother-in-law overwhelmed with gratitude. I didn't even care that the gifts I received were sort of meh. I was ecstatic to make them happy. The best gift of all. Now I'm sad that the holidays are over and I have to wait until their birthdays, but at least it gives me time to plot.

No. 1839356

God i wish I had those gift giving skills! Happy for your success nona!

No. 1839521

Same here nonny! I used to dye my hair all the time. I stopped last year after cutting it short to try to get my hair nice and healthy again. It has been my natural brunette color. On new years old my friends complimented my natural hair. It made me feel really good. I used to be insecure and thought my hair was gray/brown, or ashy, which is why I dyed it often. But apparently people like it!

No. 1839550

Nona! I'm the anon you replied to and my hair color is also some weird grey ashy brown color kek, just some days ago a lady in a shop even asked me if it was natural. I'm happy you're feeling nice with your hair and that it got healthier too!

No. 1839620

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I'M OKAY! I KNEW SHE WOULD REJECT ME, BUT SHE'S A SHITTY TEACHER ANYWAY! Life will take me where I need to go and I saw this coming! I am ALRIGHT and even though some sadness comes into my heart, I know I'll adapt and make the best of the situation!! Thank you past-me for bearing the sorrows and persevering through the pain!! Let's make 2024 a good year in spite of uncertainties and upcoming challenges!! LET'S GOOOOOOOOO!!!

No. 1839684

ANONS I AM SO HAPPY HOLY FUCK. tl;dr is that i just spent the last 2 months draining my savings for something completely idiotic and it kept getting worse and i was really depressed and not getting out of bed but today i was like FUCK THAT I AM MAKING THIS HAPPEN and SOMEHOW even after MONTHS of dealing with this bureaucratic bullshit IT WILL WORK. IT WILL WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO SCREAM AND DANCE but there's like 20feet of snow on the ground so no snow dancing i already shoveled but FUCK!!!@@@!!!!!!!!! i don't want to jinx it but this should work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. 1839816

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I finally found the courage and told my abusive boyfriend that I'm leaving him. It's over… On one hand, I'm nervous about the potential fallout, but on the other hand, I'm free! No more living as though I was under a dictatorship. No man is going to lay his hands on me again, either in violence or in lust… Wahoo!! I am going to cherish my life because I now know that it's worth a lot more than giving up to a guy who regularly throws tantrums over video games that he doesn't like (and even ones that he does, what the heck).
I'm still damaged from the experience, but I know I'm young and hopefully have a long life ahead of me. It will be ok. I want to use what I learned to help other women. I love you all.

No. 1839818

We love you too <3

No. 1839821

So happy for you nona!!

No. 1839822

congrats nona!

No. 1839887

Proud of you, nona!

No. 1840151

I've had traumatic flashbacks less often. I used to cry about them literally nonstop. Now they're coming to mind less and less.

No. 1840665

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I had to visit my parents for some days and I'm so happy to be back at my own place again. Sure, it's a shithole, but I don't have to deal with my mother here, I don't have to see her face or hear her voice, I can just sit in my own flat and enjoy some peace and silence.

No. 1840737

My first two weeks I've had a proper staycation to myself since I left my physically abusive ex. I've felt so relaxed you have no idea. I'd had moments alone before but this is actually bliss. Had ramen this week, having more ramen today. Life is good.
I'm so glad for everynonna here helping to make me feel better in my feelings regarding leaving him, abusive scrotes in general, and in not feeling bad about not feeling capable of leaving sooner. Being around women speaking candidly about these facts has been healing. I've also been feeling better about "losing" my 20s because I've got a few years left plus 30 isn't old at all. In fact, it seems freeing as a woman in terms of being ignored by men. It also helped that I went to a gay bar and met actual lesbians a few months back which was so nice. They were in their 40s having a roaring time. I need to go back there soon and hopefully run into them again

No. 1841125

I was able to let go of someone I loved and someone I hurt… we haven't spoken in 8 months, and as much as I miss him, I realize we both changed and moved on. It feels like a breath of fresh air?

No. 1843545

for the past 2 weeks after a month up to some years of neglect I have been keeping my oral hygiene up! i'm surprised i even have a full set of teeth in good shape at this point.

No. 1843608

My train was delayed by a half hour, but there was a gorgeous borzoi dog reclined dramatically on the platform next to me, and I got to pet him during the wait time. His owner was really friendly, too. First time I've ever seen a borzoi in real life! The dog was called Murphy and he was very docile and sweet. I got on the train feeling so happy.

No. 1843643

Positive and negative. Contract is ending soon but if I do get hired back in a few months I believe I can get a 10k jump in my salary which can help with this overpriced city. I hope I get my dream job again!

No. 1843973

So proud of you nonna! You're so young, leaving abusive moids is hard at the best of times but it's worse in a way when you're still young enough to believe the shit they spew. May he get hit back by karma in the form of a truck.

No. 1844941

Please send positive vibes to my belly for my dating ultrasound for my baby tomorrow.
I had some cramping so I hope the little one is ok.
I have a feeling its a girl.

No. 1845588

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Hope all goes well and cheers to you and your lovely baby nona (hope it's a daughter!)

No. 1846186

me and this cute girl watched a movie together. she drew us together too and it’s super cute! i’m staring at it because i miss her right now

No. 1846327

Some days I feel so nice about small things. Earlier I cooked + ate some pasta and took a hot shower and drank some clean water and just felt so happy about each step, and about being alive and healthy. Now I am going to rest in my comfortable bed. I know these things aren't guaranteed even if they might start to feel standard after a while, so I want to appreciate them. Yeah I know it's kinda cliche the whole "take time to be grateful!" spiel but when you really get it and it's not just some fauxspirational motto shilling at you, it really does feel great.

No. 1846370

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cute post, makes me wanna make good food and get cozy too. stay warm and fed and hydrated nonnies

No. 1846590

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Tried a grocery bakery goodie bag today. It was around the cost of a box of croissants and was supposed to contain around 15-20$ worth of stuff close to sell by date. So glad I did! I got the croissants I originally wanted, fancy chocolate croissants, and a box of donuts.
The breakfast of champions. Nothing tastes stale and I've got many breakfasts and comfort snacks ahead of me

No. 1846617

Been apartment hunting because lease is up on my current place (neighbors suck so hard and their maintenance was garbage/creepy men who would come in unannounced and not give you the five minutes you’re yelling for bc you just got out of the shower).
Today my boss told me that corporate will give me a 30% discount on their freshly remodeled, two bed two bath. I pay no security deposit, no application fee, none of the extra charges besides wifi and 2 utilities. It really is a luxury apartment for the same price as the shithole I’ve paid for in the last few years. I’ll be saving so much money on gas and groceries, I won’t even have to drive to the office in the warmer months, I can just walk if it’s nice out. I’m so happy and so excited. I can actually afford to support adopting a cat now because of this and I’m so damn proud of myself for hanging in there with all the long hours. It has a huge reclining tub that I could have so much damn room in it’s stupid!!! Signing the papers later today after I get some final questions answered, but I’m really happy and feeling optimistic for the future.

No. 1846621

Your post made me smile so much nonna! That is so awesome, I can’t wait to see you post your future kitty in the cat thread hehe, may this new place be a huge blessing for you!!!

No. 1851272

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happy saturday nonnies. here is a barn cat massaging a sheep

No. 1854675

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It's really cold out (-29C, -20F) so I'm thankful for my nice bed and warm electric blanket!
cats and sheep are some of my favorites, love them

No. 1854810

that is so wonderful, I love this thank you

No. 1854905

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I found a working archive of my favorite artist's personal website before they deleted everything. It feels like a blast to the past browsing all the tags and seeing old oekaki art.

No. 1855013

What artist is this? They seem interesting

No. 1855968

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I talked about my new hobby today and it feels nice. Now I've got a boost of motivation.

No. 1855974

Asada Nemui

No. 1856023

I managed to download some of her Xenoblade 2 art and one Pokemon SWSH fanart from her, do you have a link to the archive? I want more.

No. 1856030

that's the woman who infested the yaoi genre with ugly old men. I fucking hate her and her ugly art.

No. 1856291

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I’m making a folder with everything that’s savable and subdivided by all the series, I’m probably like 2/3 done so far and it already has over 300 images. I hope the nonny that shared the Xenoblade fanart is still around.

Kek I was going to argue her characters aren’t that old, but for some reason she made a ton of art for the one fat old guy from Suikoden Tierkreis

No. 1858193

Today is a such a good day, my favorite very famous content creator actually responded to my DM a few days ago and today viewed my story and complimented my art in it, unmentioned or anything. He doesn’t even follow me. It is so retarded but it makes me so happy that my existence is known by people I like.

No. 1858206

>I was going to argue her characters aren’t that old
one of the characters is bald anon pls

No. 1858474

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It’s stress baldness!!! He’s 29!

No. 1858581

>infested the yaoi genre with ugly old men
You can't be serious. It was ONE story with a prematurely balding character – not even that long of a story, only 2 volumes. It's not her fault the english-speaking fandom has been posting him for years because the scanlation is taking so long. The story has been over for like 2 years.

No. 1861044

i'm so proud of my older sister, and my family is also proud of her, i'm happy to have her as my sister!

No. 1861156

I'm taking a course that will help me get a better job and I was worrying the past 3 weeks if the costs will be covered or if I will have to drop out. Today I got the letter that everything is covered and I'm so relieved, I really like what I'm learning and I feel like it's one of the last steps to a better future.

No. 1861540

My crush is 4 years older than me, I'm 28, he's 32. He only recently found out about my age, before that he thought I'm around 21. He only expressed actual interest in me when he found out I'm in fact older and it makes me so happy. It looks like a green flag. Sure, he could be attracted to me before he knew my age, but he was decent and considerate enough not to hit on me at a time when he thought I might be too young for him. I heard gross stories from women who were hit on by men their age because the men thought those women were much younger and then when they found out they weren't actually in their teens/early 20s they were losing interest in them. But I had the opposite happening to me and I'm glad

No. 1863704

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I bought something from a small business and the whole package was wrapped carefully with cute decorations, and she included a coupon with a hand drawn doodle of a cat who has a butthole on the side of its body for some reason. This is so sweet I hope God gives her a beautiful cat in heaven

No. 1863720

That’s her bellybutton nonnie! So cute!

No. 1863730

Post skincare routine

No. 1863739

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TIL cats have belly buttons… It seems like they are usually just little patches without fur. Never noticed!

No. 1863754

the year just started and i’ve made so many more positive improvements… i’m on medication, going to therapy, and getting As in my classes! i want to continue this pattern all throughout the year

No. 1863759

are there any nonnies out there who had genuinely wonderful fathers? I was raised by a single dad. gay blogpost but I'm going through a really shit time and my dad is always coming through in spades. I know this is v. "not all moids" but honestly he's a great guy.

inb4 I get accused of some daddy issue/pickme cow behaviour. I still hate men I promise kek

No. 1863767

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You should feel good about this. Keep at it and remember to celebrate the small victories!

No. 1863783

I literally never had any and I wash my face with water only like once or twice in a week kek. I also never wear make up. Only recently I started using vitamin c and hyaluronic acid and I don't do it every day either. My mom was babyfaced too so that's just genes

No. 1863803

my male cat got nipples for some reason

No. 1863804

pretty much all male mammals do

No. 1864073

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After dragging my feet for a year, I finally have a wedding date set, nonas!! I'm getting married on September 13! It's happening!!

No. 1864102

There's this guy who's house I drive by every time I have to go to the post office. I've never spoken to him, but from what I can tell he's a single dad to 2 girls. I've seen him and the 2 girls frequently, but never a woman at his house. He has built them a big half pipe in the front yard, and there's a big banner/tapestry on the side that faces the road that says something about like girl power or whatever. I just think it's really cute, and it's a nice reminder every time I drive by that some good dads do exist.

No. 1864121

Mine has autism, he's not perfect but he has a good heart. For what he lacks in social skills, he has his own awkward ways of expressing that he cares. It was actually kind of weird to me when I found out that other people often have patriarchal families where the dad controls everything and gets mad and acts tough and stuff, since mine is not that way at all, I kinda grew up thinking that women are like the bosses and men's role is to serve and smile.
Congrats! Cute pic

No. 1864174

I hope this counts as positivity but I went to my first recovery session for drinking. I was dreading going for weeks but it was way better than I thought it was. I also thought it was going to be a lot of "how does that make you feel" but she explained a lot of psychology and brain stuff that I found interesting and helpful. She was really thorough and although it's not going to be easy the steps she gave me seem doable yet things I hadn't even thought of because my methods of trying to stop didn't work for me for years (hence going for professional help). The other good news is my bloodtests came back really good except for my b12, but I was also vegan for years so that could explain that.

No. 1864368

File: 1705922957540.png (448.83 KB, 570x497, cow cake.png)

You should be proud of yourself!
Congratulations on your wedding!
That's fantastic nonna, the first step is always the hardest.

No. 1864379

congrats nona!

No. 1864391

Just updating to say he hasn’t missed a story since this post. It’s been a great few days. I’m tryna accelerate.

No. 1865535

File: 1706038923325.jpg (53.77 KB, 826x361, woman-enjoying-relaxing-beach-…)

My vacation is booked!!! I'm so excited

No. 1866888

Any tips on how to be a more positive person? The irony of asking this on lolcow is not lost on me but I think I'm genuinely getting tired of my own negativity and bitterness towards things. I really love being around happy and infectiously positive people and I want to emulate that behavior and feeling for my loved ones as well.

No. 1866907

Life is finally heading in a healthy and prosperous direction. The last few years were overwhelmingly hopeless to the point of feeling extremely bitter and suicidal. A big lifetime goal will be checked off this year and a surgery which will improve my health is in the works. Feels good to be excited for the future!

No. 1867091

Correct yourself in the moment when a negative thought enters and say the opposite to yourself. A healthy dose of delulu might help (if you're like me and naturally think "I'm just being reasonable/practical"). Overthinking? Disrupt that thought spiral with a "is it that deep?". Sounds daft but many a time I've ended up giggling at how worried I was about a thing that in perspective, isn't that big a deal. Start listening to more upbeat music, both in melody and lyrics. If you watch negative media; news, crime shows, sad documentaries, curtail that. Practice gratitude if you don't already. Having a coffee that you love? Really appreciate that. It's easy to build up with the tiny things we take for granted. Hopefully something here will resonate/help nonnie.

No. 1867688

File: 1706213119450.jpg (493.79 KB, 1280x851, lovely-dog.jpg)

>Be me
>Living with me BF, two Alsatians and a little terrier I'm dogsitting
>Working from home by myself today
>Get a loud ass knock on the door
>Open the door
>TV License inspector (yes it's a thing here)
>Stumbling my words, trying to find an excuse
>Scathach (Ska-lock) jumps off the couch, starts growling
>"Hey might be the wrong day. I'll call back latter"
>He starts moving very quickly back to his car
>Look upstars both Medb (May-vuh) and Little Nancy are growling out the window
>Spend the money I would've had to spend on a TV license getting them some fancy chicken.
Love my dogs, fuck the TV license, simple as.

No. 1867874

>tfw notice two of my posts in the lolcow's own caps thread
That made me smile. I didn't even think I was that funny.

No. 1867878


No. 1867882

No. 1867884

Unseasonably food, rotting teeth, cobblestone everywhere, no eye candy, and TV licenses? They scamming the fuck out of youv

No. 1867891

Recently I unexpectedly gained multiple friends and today they invited me to grab lunch and hang out at someone's place for a while. They don't have any idea but this is like the first time I've done something like this in my life, I've always been really isolated and lonely. It is extremely meaningful and tbh I kept thinking "I feel so normal right now" kek

No. 1867906

If you're not watching live television broadcasts, you don't need a tv license and the only exception to this is BBC iplayer streaming service. The best thing to do is to use a computer monitor as a television, connect it to a television and watch streaming services or sail the high seas and torrent whatever you want.

No. 1867991

Not a bong. From the island next door. Still equally annoying problem. At least the BBC actually makes decent media. Pure shit here for my Euro.
It's basically if you own a TV or if they can spot one from the window you need a license here. The gov is talking about switching to an internet tax. Extra €10/m. Yay, I love RTE.

No. 1869852

I'm just in a good mood! I never paint my nails but today I put on some clear polish and I'm having fun looking at how glossy they are, and tomorrow I'm going to see some friends.

No. 1869905

I love Palworld, I haven't had fun like this since I was 14.

No. 1870135

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I'm not very experienced with men, I had only two make out sessions in my life with two different guys; just touching and kissing. And it's amazing how different it felt the second time. The first one was terrible, the guy immediately went for touching my breasts and my ass and trying to stick his fingers in my pants, and I was too paralyzed and confused to stop him, I just froze, his touch was aggressive and horny, I felt no love in it, it was just like kneading a fucking piece of dough, not touching another human, he kissed me on the lips and tried to go for a deeper kiss but I felt too disgusted to let him, his mouth smelled, his teeth weren't really clean, he was sweaty, just uhghhhh terrible experience that left me feeling dirty inside and out and I was afraid every next one would be the same. That it just is
that way. I stopped seeing that guy over a year ago, and two days ago I went on a date with my coworker whom I had a crush on for a longer time (and find out he also liked me a lot) and I really wanted to meet him. That was out second meeting in a private setting overall. We talked for literally 7 hours, like the whole night. And then we were just staring at each other in silence and touching hands. And then he leaned for a kiss. At first it was just two delicate kisses but I just melted into it and let him in, even though I was so, so afraid that it would be disgusting. He put his tounge in my mouth and I felt like it was such an invasive and strange sensation but… for some reason it just didn't feel bad. There was no taste and no smell. To my surprise, I wasn't even disgusted by the saliva (normally I have a problem with that in everyday life and I wouldn't even share a bottle with one person kek). I was so overwhelmed I started breathing so heavily and loud and he gave me some time, he asked if everything was all right, told me to take a deep breath etc. And then again. He also started touching me but he never tried to touch more intimate parts of my body like my breasts or ass, just my back, arms, ribs, and he was way more delicate and subtle and it felt like caressing, like he was actually touching me as a person, his kisses on my neck weren't painful like the other guy either, just the right amount of pressure. I just didn't want it to end. Besides feeling shocked that it was so pleasurable although strange, I also felt surprised that it was as if he just knew how to touch me, without me telling him anything, like he knew my body. Well I'm a touch starved autist who was never hugged and after my first experience with a dude I was SO sure it would always be just disgusting and unpleasant and objectifying and there's no point in trying again, but this, this felt so different and good. I never went through "that" phase as a teenager and now I'm in my late 20s and it's the first time in my life I experience something like this. Fuckkkk I never thought I could actually experience it and take pleasure from it, my life is altered. What is this magic???

No. 1870151

Gamerpill me on Palworld nonny. Is it actually good or just fotm shit?

No. 1870230

I'm finally on holidays for a whole week! I'm thinking about what to do tomorrow. I'm considering getting up early, going shopping, eating at a restaurant, and then chilling at home the rest of the day.

No. 1871030

I've finally started loving going to the gym since I started in september, it's still a hurdle to actually get there but once I get going I absolutely love it. I love how I feel my body slowly growing stronger and more resilient, I love feeling the sweat on my body and I'm starting to want to push myself more rather than staying in my comfort zone.
I thought I would never enjoy it and that it was going to be another end that justifies the means for my stupid dumb mental health and also getting leaner in the process, but here I am now!

No. 1871059

Congrats nona!!! It won't be long before you reach your fitness goals and having it boost your mental health is a huge plus too! Your post also reminds me that I have to start going to the gym this week. Here's hoping I can get where you are now in a few months.

No. 1871112

Just don't push yourself too hard at the start, if you aren't used to going to the gym it can be a bit intimidating so consider the days you actually go a victory even if you're just there for 20 minutes. It's better to get the habit to just go rather than skip, because every time you skip in a row will just make it harder.
Just phasing in the habit is a pretty good start so it won't feel overwhelming, at least that's what worked for me so I could get consistent without feeling guilty. You can do it nona, I wish you all the luck!

No. 1871170

I posted on mundane shit but not here
Got an apartment! Going to be able to move in around the 20th. It’s in a decent spot so I can walk to the library!!! I am so excited and ready for this new chapter. I have a lot of stuff I have to get in order to even live alone but my cat is totally getting a cat tree in the future. No more desk parkour for her.

No. 1871183

File: 1706550959161.jpg (679.71 KB, 1000x667, 398716525.jpg)

that's great nonnie! sending you best wishes and many happy days ahead, there's nothing better than having your own space and decorating it how you like. remember to save up enough money for at least 3 months' rent just in case and get an emergency first aid kit. your kitty will have so much fun with the cat tree.

No. 1872407

I was crying about my struggles and my mom was like how many joints do you have left and i said none and she walked into my room with a new box of 7 joints. Such a considerate lady

No. 1872730

I have found myself not being pulled towards drinking in the last 6 months. I think I actually am improving, mental health wise. Realistically if I think about the last time I was sober longer than a day or two it was 6 years ago. I don't feel like the destructive person I was before, and it's ok when I feel down.

No. 1872868

I stopped by my old job last night since it was close to the restaurant where I was meeting a friend for dinner. My long time friend that I met at this job was still there (I pray for her escape one day) and I was so excited to see her since I haven’t seen her or even texted her in like two years!!! We only had a little time to catch up but she’s off this weekend so we’re gonna go out together! Before I left I told her “i love you” and she said it back and I think it is so great to have close friends to say that to and hear it back from.

I used to always be obsessed with romantic love and having a partner and tied a lot of my self worth to it. But nowadays I have a good number of friends who I truly love and consider the loves of my life and who love me back and we don’t hesitate to tell each other that we love each other. I am so happy and fortunate to have them in my life, to have their love in my life.

No. 1872939

Based mom.

No. 1873179

I finally got a manga I wanted since I was 12 or something, I'm so happy to have it after like 8 years. The new book smell is unmatched.

No. 1873298

Ate a hard boiled egg, ready for a nap now. Nice and cold. Curl up, fall asleep. Goodnight lolcow.

No. 1873307

Goodnight and sleep tight nonna!

No. 1873790

That's so sweet!

No. 1873935

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Been trying on some clothes this week to wear to work that I haven't worn in a while and I've been shocked at how big they've gotten on me since the last time I wore them. The skirt I have on today barely fit me last year even when I had shape wear on—now it's almost too big. It's been hard for me to see any changes in my body despite losing 50lbs but these old baggy clothes are proof that my hard work is paying off. Feels good nonnas

No. 1874070

File: 1706807458771.jpg (117.24 KB, 1200x628, homemade-cheesecake-open-graph…)

I tried making a cheesecake for the first time ever and it tastes amazing. I was surprised at how simple it was because buying a whole cheesecake is so expensive

No. 1874080


Congrats! Did you do a baked cheesecake or fridge one?

No. 1875438

File: 1706905553504.jpg (50.5 KB, 564x784, pruning.jpg)

I was pruning my flower bush by cutting off the dead flowers and leaves above the upcoming buds. It felt very symbolic to me that in order to thrive you have to cut off what's holding you back from the past. Very nice, I love gardening.

No. 1875442

That is awesome, congratulations on your hard work paying off!

No. 1875447

Wow I’ve been having a horrible day but “you need to cut off what’s holding you back to thrive” really changed my entire perspective. I realized I put too much weight into other peoples opinions and I need to shift out of a friendgroup that dislikes me because I don’t have a similar lifestyle as them and is jealous of me bettering myself. That one sentence really changed a lot of my thinking nonnie, that’s so crazy!

No. 1875476

File: 1706908358382.jpg (35.49 KB, 563x472, cutequote.jpg)

I'm so glad, that brightened my day too! I wish you the best to find those who will only uplift you

No. 1875539

File: 1706914379807.jpg (3.08 MB, 1202x1500, FATBART.jpg)

this fat boy is on his way my house look at him he is so FAT

No. 1875544

BARTHOLOMEW BEAR!!!! I bought the largest size for myself for my bday last year and he was so worth it! Hope you find the same amount of joy I do in him!!

No. 1875551

i ordered him in the "huge" size! i'm so excited!

No. 1875654

File: 1706923634940.jpg (90.7 KB, 950x930, FthdTOZacAA4DV8.jpg)

Actually I think he is the perfect size. A little waifish, even.

No. 1875659

File: 1706924354111.jpeg (143.27 KB, 1170x1829, IMG_7689.jpeg)

He reminds me of snuffles

No. 1875662

He has very bad posture

No. 1877014

File: 1707045740752.gif (1.61 MB, 300x100, 1000017338.gif)

This banner makes me smile every time I see it

No. 1877045


No. 1877561

Congrats! Here's to many happy o's

No. 1877591

Did farmhands finally put it into rotation or have I been unlucky enough to miss it for the last few months? Hallanon immortalized forever in our hearts, kek.

No. 1877594

i'm finally starting to enjoy art again, and drawing each day is becoming routine for me – i feel weird if i haven't done it. i still have a looooooooooooooooong way to go before i can produce pieces that make me happy, but i'm very pleased that i'm sticking to my new year's resolution of drawing every day (for 30 mins minimum) so far. i figure even if i just keep at this slow pace i'll be able to draw the human body decently by year's end

No. 1878657

File: 1707175385825.png (409.14 KB, 1080x917, standards.png)

There is a niche topic that I've had a sort of affinity/fixation with for since I was a kid and I was always very sad that nobody else cared or knew anything about it (I don't really want to say what it is in case I'm identifiable by it). I had an awful ex bf who, among genuine abuses and violent behavior, would call me annoying for it and sneer that I need to curb my autism because nobody cares and constantly told me to shut up because everything I ever said was retarded.
Well, I met someone with the same interest, in fact he seems to be more into it than me. It's so cool that I can bring up a part of it and instead of being met with indifference or confusion or mocking, he already knows what I'm talking about and gets excited with me. So there, I managed to meet someone with the same flavor of autism as me, and he listens carefully and finds my input to be interesting and intelligent, and the other guy's life is a miserable lonely mess because he's a jerk who puts down everyone.

No. 1879045

let us rejoice nonnies! hellweek is over!

No. 1879064

Good job nona! That’s wonderful, I hope you continue to draw and get better every day.

No. 1879322

File: 1707226141221.jpeg (117.03 KB, 749x535, IMG_9221.jpeg)

It’s a Good News Day, ladies!

No. 1879430

BASED KAZAKHSTAN. Good for them, hope this catches on everywhere.

No. 1879870

I quit smoking weed cold turkey today and I plan to be sober for at least 3 months. I've been smoking every day since my freshman year of college and it has sucked me dry mentally. At the end of my 3 months, I plan to evaluate my life where I stand and integrate weed back into my life mindfully, using it purposefully and spiritually rather than for fun. I have no one else to tell but I want someone to be proud of me.

No. 1879887

Rare Kazakhstan W

No. 1879899

File: 1707263735278.jpeg (127.99 KB, 1024x768, IMG_9225.jpeg)

I’m proud of you nona, congratulations on taking such a big step. I did the same back in the early Fall and am aiming to stay off it until the Summer and then hopefully like you build it back into my life in a more mindful and moderate way. Hope you’re doing ok so far and aren’t hit with the very common initial insomnia.

No. 1880129

File: 1707276124012.jpg (22.21 KB, 404x398, GFrOLyCWsAA-KSm.jpg)

I'm currently reading a really good book and the best part is it's part of a trilogy so it won't end so soon!

No. 1880580

I’m very grateful because in the last few days I found some rare books I was looking for. I’m also going outside more and exercising which makes me happy.

No. 1880992

File: 1707342345327.jpeg (198.74 KB, 750x720, IMG_9229.jpeg)

More great news: what a happy week!

No. 1880996

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No. 1881014

Where is this puppy from?

No. 1881017

This should extend to all sex offenders tbh

No. 1881035

They should remove their arms as well

No. 1881060

They should remove the whole body, just straight into the wood chipper.

No. 1881105

File: 1707352298827.jpeg (284.75 KB, 916x1200, IMG_9167.jpeg)

Junkers Come Here (1995) - the full movie is up on YouTube. Definitely belongs in the Positivity Thread, it’s very sweet.

No. 1881154

Why does burgerland have to be so retarded and never make a good law like this

No. 1881209

File: 1707358704371.jpg (176.24 KB, 904x1642, Screenshot_20240208_021605_Chr…)

The female doctor complimented my bmi and said it makes their job so much easier when patients have nice bmis like mine. Feels good cause I've had a few negative comments aimed at my weight recently but I'm actually being more health conscious (I had an appointment for a cyst)

No. 1881219

What country (or continent if thats more comfortable) are you from nonnie? That is my favorite BMI on myself too but people usually say its too skinny and im a canadianfag

No. 1881235

UK. I've had a few too skinny comments too

No. 1881240

I have similar bmi and I’m sick of everyone treating me like Eugenia Cooney. No one knows what healthy weight looks like anymore.

No. 1881245

They really don't, I constantly have food pushed on me by others as if I can't understand how I feel. I've suffered stomach aches just to get people to fuck off

No. 1881289

I'm a similar weight and height and I feel lke the way my weight distributes makes me look average or doughy

No. 1881440

I’m in bed and my cat is cuddling with me. Life is good

No. 1881897

File: 1707425266624.jpg (312.18 KB, 1179x1443, tumblr_073de50b7fb74eeddbe7f61…)

i signed up for my first course at the adult education center! it starts in march and i hope i can find one or two new friends. i moved back to my hometown after being away for 6 years due to college and work and i have almost no contact to anyone from high school. i'm excited, i hope it's not going to be retired people only, kek.

No. 1881936

I’m going to the grocery store after work which always puts me in a good mood, I’m making baked falafel tonight. Day one of no weed after smoking daily for the past week which I hadn’t done in months, so I’m taking it away from myself until I can be moderate about my use again. I’m going to read a book and go to bed before 10pm and I’m very excited to have a sober, cozy night in!!

No. 1882915

File: 1707503264525.jpg (41.79 KB, 339x450, happycow.jpg)

It's over 50 degrees here and feels like spring! I can't wait for winter to be over.

No. 1882921

Are you in Canada by any chance nona? It's like that here today and I can't wait to get off work and sit on the porch for a bit kek. Enjoy the weather while it lasts!

No. 1882950

Nope! Mid-Atlantic US. Enjoy your porch sit, nonnie.

No. 1883327

File: 1707536563682.gif (222.16 KB, 498x498, bubu-dudu-bubu-dudu-angry.gif)

Time to start picking the bigass mango tree in my backyard! It's so fruitful every year and I'm kicking myself I let these sweet babies just fall (and give nutrients back to the ground underneath, to be fair) and rot in the past. gonna gain so much mango weight

No. 1883527

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I'm finally a doctor! Done with my last extremely difficult exam. It was such a tedious journey and I'm so glad it's over. Now I get to work abroad for most of the year before settling down back home again. Hopefully good times await me.

No. 1883596

congrats nonny! I am glad you could get through that, have fun being a bajillionaire. Dont forget us when you are rich.

No. 1883627

File: 1707565520284.jpg (53.72 KB, 735x718, 1000008263.jpg)

Yesterday I went to the nutritionist and all of my blood and urine tests are great! My insulin levels are lowering and it's because of my hard work!

No. 1883695

Congratulations! I'm surprised you even had time to be on lolcow. You are officially too good for us

No. 1883709

That’s great anon! So glad to hear you’re well

No. 1884678

File: 1707658442271.jpg (48.54 KB, 720x725, birthday.jpg)

Today is my birthday!

No. 1884683

File: 1707659063798.png (480.12 KB, 1001x823, happywojak.png)

I've been terrified of being pregnant the past week or 2 so I ran crying to the vent thread yesterday, got sweet replies, went out to relax and have fun with a friend and sure enough today my period came! I'm so happy, thank you nonnies ♥
Happy birthday! Are you celebrating?

No. 1884691

Thanks Nonna! I'll just be going out with some of my friends today. Congrats on getting your period, pregnancy scares are awful.

No. 1884790

Congrats <3 I hope you and your family are healthy

No. 1884795

omg the relief ! i hope my period comes soon as well (not prego, just hormone problems). take care nonnie !

No. 1884877

happy birthday nonnie, i hope it's a fun one ! wishing you a good year !!!

No. 1884946

File: 1707676963924.png (6.48 KB, 72x87, IMG_7531.png)

It's my birthday!

No. 1884948

Twins! Happy birthday nonnie! I hope it's amazing!!

No. 1884950

Happy birthday queen! Hope it's a good one

No. 1884958

Happy birthday nona!!!!! Wish you a good day!

No. 1884962

happy birthday nonnie!

No. 1885038

cheers nonna.

No. 1885044

Happy birthday, fellow Aquarius nonnette! Mine is on the 13th. Here's to us!

No. 1885120

I'm cooking yummy pizza that I've been craving all week. I have 5 mins left until it's done and my apartment smells heavenly. Happy days!

No. 1885215

Samefag as >>1884678 coming back to say that today was great, and this woman who I like stood up until 12 last night just so that she could be the first to happy birthday. She even sent me a long essay about how much she loves me! She is genuinely the sweetest person ever, I’ve never felt more grateful to have someone in my life.

No. 1885730

File: 1707737303914.png (628.72 KB, 660x583, happy bday.png)

Happy birthday nona!

No. 1886777

I just got back from a therapy session with an academic counselor because my academic performance is in shambles and it's ruining my life. Before going I was a bit sceptic because of bad prior experiences with an incompetent counselor but this one was actually amazing. She was much younger than I expected, made me feel very comfortable (unlike the judgemental bitch I had to deal with in the past) and was all around great. I even got teary eyed the moment I got out of her office because I didn't expect her to be so nice and understanding. Can't wait until 3 weeks pass and I see her again. Our meeting gave me so much hope for my future, I can fix it all!

No. 1886837

I can’t wait to go to a womyn’s festival this summer!!!!!

No. 1886872

File: 1707835966085.jpeg (49.09 KB, 900x619, 73671A01-B856-4CC9-8859-2FE2DF…)

Finally cleaned up my apartment just in time for my inspection. I finally threw out boxes I know I didn’t need and mopped my floors. I feel really good about this. I didn’t think I could get so much done in a few hours.

No. 1886938

I’m on a plane getting ready to fly home after a week of visiting an old friend from school. It was great to see her, but her husband is an ass and her toddler is exhausting. I’m feeling more grateful than ever to be single and child-free!

No. 1887108

When I started uni last term I felt like such an outcast, I couldn't really get into any of the cliques that were forming so I usually scuttled away to eat lunch on my own in some corner. I'm not exactly an introvert, but I'm a bit awkward and hate myself for it and I'm pretty damn sure it shows.
But now I've formed some really good friendships with some of them, and I hope we stay friends once we're done with school in 1,5 years. This is making uni so much fun and even if group projects tend to be a bit tedious I look forward to doing them with my mates.

No. 1887767

File: 1707889290865.jpg (183.61 KB, 798x797, Screenshot_20240214_183817_Chr…)

I'm so happy to have found my person in real life. Online dating made me desperate in the past. I staid in shitty relationships. Media influence made me believe and hope that I can change them and that they'll come around. Fuck that! Finally I've someone who wants the same things from life. All this spark vs. no spark nonsense is intuition irl that gets lost with online dating.

No. 1888125

I'm just killing it right now. Great stable job with more and more responsibilities, good colleagues, good friends, family is not doing as bad as before, my health is pretty good, I'm going to buy a flat in a EU capital city. I feel like I love being an adult, I can't wait to pay a mortgage and move out. I'm so so grateful for my lucky star! I felt so lonely and stressed one year ago, I'm so happy I rode it out and didn't quit.

No. 1888177

My nigel is so extra, I was super hype about an elemis sample I got so he must have spent like stupid money on the whole range. Going to have the most extra bath today and spoil myself.

No. 1888312

>All this spark vs. no spark nonsense is intuition irl that gets lost with online dating.
As someone whose only option would be to online date with other fellow weirdos, wdym by this?

No. 1888318

>what's looking up?
not much but thanks for asking.

No. 1888336

File: 1707942097575.jpeg (32.41 KB, 400x416, IMG_8532.jpeg)

A pretty girl said I was pretty today

I love compliments from women

No. 1888348

I lost 15 lbs and immediately found a cute boy who's obsessed with me after being single for 5+ years. I don't know what to make of this but I feel hopeful.

No. 1888377

File: 1707944178617.jpg (6.76 KB, 225x225, emo.jpg)

I love my dog so much
He is a good boy

No. 1888530


No. 1888662

When you think somebody is hot and you have good chats and hangs, it doesn't always mean that they aren't lying or changing their directions.

No. 1889893

hated him since day 1, dude was a fucking weirdo and died like a loser found 5 days later because no one cared for him

No. 1891587

File: 1708189038219.gif (3.39 MB, 480x270, giphy.gif)

Job = stable
Weight = lost
Money = saved
Boyfriend = nice
Depression = getting better
Treatment = helping
Hairs = regrowing
Spring = coming
Friends = sillies

Who would've thought

No. 1891606

File: 1708190872175.jpg (210.14 KB, 474x632, 1606354641081.jpg)

Job = less
Weight = fat
Money = spent
Boyfriend = scrotoid
Depression = meds lol lmao
Treatment = useless
Hairs = balding
Spring = not in my icy shithole
Friends = who

surprisingly still not too bothered, I guess that's the power of not giving a shit anymore

No. 1891770

File: 1708199613738.jpeg (41.13 KB, 540x315, IMG_8465.jpeg)

Hair = cut
Meds = changed
Struggle = improving

Things can only go up from here

No. 1891778

beautiful nonna.

No. 1891780

I pray things will get better for you and I know it will.

No. 1891788

>get home
>make tea
>suddenly mini blizzard out of nowhere
Just chilling by the window watching snow fall, it’s nice

No. 1891802

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thank you kind nonny may your harvests always be bountiful. (I know I botched that phrase because I'm a dumbass ESL-chan but you get what I mean

No. 1891924

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Went to the used bookstore and got a cute hardcover book for $6. Originally published in 1991 and has like dozens of full color photos of cats at work. It’s called Cats at Work, kek. It’s a bunch of cats who are “employed” by diff businesses in NYC at the time. Super adorable, it makes me happy. This pharmacy still is in business, I wonder if they still have a pharm tech kitty?

No. 1891966

Just saw a playlist of mine has 1000+ views since it was created a literal year ago. My highest view from private playlists made just for myself is 480. Some youtuber made a video about how the scene was dead and irrelevant. Maybe if you don't pay attention or consider being mainstream the end goal. We are still alive and kicking baby!

No. 1892092

When I put my face in my cats fluffy belly he starts purring like crazy, it’s so cute!

No. 1893771

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My dad painted my room to a softer and lighter color than my previous one, and it puts me at ease. It feels very calming and bright in my room. I'm thankful.

No. 1893830

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No. 1893852

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That's so adorable, this photo looks so nice too but what is picrel?

No. 1893880

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It's called a decanter set. That's usually the type of bottles they kept cognac and brandy in. That one is particularly large though.

No. 1893882

Oh i see… thank you nona, had no idea they have/used to have something like that in pharmacies? Kinda odd

No. 1893976

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I'm officially in my bossbabe/hotwoman era and I'm thriving in it. I found a salaried management job where (it feels) I barely work and do shit. So I actually have the energy and time to go to the gym and socialize.
Men and women alike hit me up. I'm noticed more. Men offer to pay me to go on dates with them/sleep with them whereas before I was pickme supreme getting dolled up to pay gas and dinner to hang with men who wouldn't do anything for me including being nice. People call me goddess now. They tell me I have value and I'm different.
For the first time in my life I don't feel mentally ill.
My schedule is actually booked with shit to do on the weekly and now I barely use lolcow.
I feel held and seen.

No. 1893983

>Men offer to pay me to go on dates with them/sleep with them
This isnt the compliment you think it is(not the thread for this)

No. 1893995

I read this in chris-chan's voice

No. 1893999

>being backhanded in the positivity thread
Tsk. Another reason why I like being here less kek, actually, let me work on that some more.

No. 1894046

NAYRT but it would probably be for medicinal tinctures.

No. 1895360

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all i wanted for my birthday (next friday) was to get my period (i had been buggin about being late) and get a job (i quit mine in haste jan 18). yesterday my period finally came and today the place with the highest salary called me back and want me to start next week!!! i feel like all the stressing id done the past few weeks actually paid off lmao and now i can enjoy turning 29 w/o feeling like a p.o.s

No. 1895365

Congrats nonna and happy early birthday!

No. 1898288

I have a coworker who's interested in hanging out with me outside of work! A few weeks ago we found out we're practically neighbors. I told her this morning how I went on a walk/run and she asked me "Are you interested in walking?" I said "Yes!" "We should go walking sometime! I need some motivation, it'll be so much fun!" I'm so happy! I'm kind of nervous because I feel like I won't know what to talk about without coming off as weird, we have about a 20 year age gap, but I'm still very excited. We're going to exchange phone numbers soon!

No. 1899876

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I told my best friend that our dynamic is like Ichigo and Rukia and he immediately agreed, picrel is me showing him my favorite pics of my husbandos.

No. 1899882

lmao, I have this exact same dynamic with my brother.

No. 1899898

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Your moid “best friend” pretending to give a shit about your husbandos while he’s hoping you’ll eventually let him fuck(baiting in the positivity thread... shame)

No. 1899929

Aww this is cute nonna. Hope you and your bestie have many happy years of husbandofagging!
Anon did you forget to check which thread you're in?

No. 1900104

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Kek I have a dynamic like this but with my brother. He's quite literally a "normal fag" while I'm a pretentious lesbian weeb.
I think I've changed his mind on anime at least, which I'm really happy about. He used to associate it strictly with the coomer stuff for the straight male demographic but I've opened his eyes to vintage + old school shoujo kino. I've considered introducing him to BL visual novels but I feel like that's a little too far.

No. 1900679

You banned her for being wise

No. 1901149

I saw so many adorable Italian greyhounds yesterday. I love them and their big wet eyes so much

No. 1902114

I just found a song I forgot the title of after 9 years of searching I'm so fucking happy!

No. 1902286

Lucky you, I once heard a beautiful song in a record store and I have no idea what it was, I had no internet to shazam it and I was too anxious to ask lmao.

No. 1902342

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just hoping you're all having a wonderful day/night. weird good vibe in the air and the moon is big and yellow and mischievous and the air is sweet. people aren't all that bad and we're all trying. hope farmhands have a nice tasty big slice of toast with their favourite spread.
just because shit's a bit cooked doesn't mean we can't enjoy all the morsels of sweetness around us.
I hope your favourite artist drops a new song or drawing, I hope your coffee is brewed perfectly and I hope you have an excellent time while you're sweet nonas.

No. 1904053

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I've grown to appreciate and love my bulbous slavic nose

No. 1904054

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No. 1905113

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i was allowed two more weeks to complete the classes i was about to fail. thank god i am so happy and relieved right now. i hope every farmer who's in school is able to succeed with their studies.

No. 1905165

I love you nona, thank you

No. 1908272

I just won a sexist and theological debate against a creepy moid on 4chan. Feels good!

No. 1912911

File: 1709689177918.png (119.57 KB, 275x270, best perfect most beautiful im…)

>Wake up at 10AM
>Scramble to open laptop
>Type in Lolcor dot farm into Firefox
>Browse my favourite threads and post in new threads and check which of my posts nonas replied to in threads and reply to them back
>Another one of my posts make it in Lolcor funny screenshots thread and Im happy nonas found it funny
>Drink Diet Coke and keep browsing Lolcor and pet my really old cat who browses the world wide web with me
Life is good nonnies I love LC it is my favourite website on the internet right now and I like being part of our community and talking to everyone and reading what everyone has to say it's very fun for me.

No. 1912914

I keep getting into the funny screenshots and every time I gain more power. Life is good.

No. 1912990

Being alive and getting to exist is actually pretty great!!!!

No. 1912994

Yeah I especially love the sun and the plants and the bumblebees

No. 1913848

The Nancy Drew game series was in limbo for so many years due to issues in switching game engines and a push towards mobile games initially (new CEO didn't seem to initially know why fans liked the company). It was a struggle to get the last game out and it looked like it was the end of the series…
Until now!!! Penny (new CEO) kept everyone, she let them take literal years to learn Unity since she was determined to get them on a new engine, listened to staff and fans really chewing her out and made changes (or at least went more behind the scenes), and the new game is coming out sometime this year or early next year!!! Holy shit a ceo who cared enough to lose money for years to allow everyone to move in the right direction. She also pushed the merch line harder and honestly I am so tempted to buy a bunch of stuff because they made mostly community injoke items. They even recreated this absolutely ugly t-shirt that Nancy had in her suitcase in one game that fans have made fun of since like 2008.
I'm so unbelievably happy, and also so happy for the team at the studio. I absolutely did not expect a happy ending to this studio and had pretty much written everything off about the CEO too since she had a terrible start.
My comfort series continues! And people kept their jobs and learned a new skill!

No. 1913888

This is so wholesome. Glad you are here.

No. 1914010


No. 1914019

My bf admitted that sometimes he has to google the words I'm using when we're texting kek. But none of us have a problem with it, I'm more of a well-read autist while he has more practical knowledge than me and we complete each other. I feel like he genuinely admires me. My previous bf was butthurt when I said something he didn't know and he didn't like to find out new things. My current bf is always happy to both receive knowledge from me and share his knowledge with me

No. 1915357

I found a hidden trail off one of my routes today! It's super steep and sheltered from the snow, so I sat down on a rock in a massive phone dead zone and enjoyed the quiet for awhile. There was a layer of freshly fallen snow on the ground and clinging to the trees, and the air smelled so good. I love going outside. (Bonus happy, I saw a coyote cross the road last night! They're so cute. I'm always surprised at how small they are.)

No. 1915955

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the officer with whom i've been developing a mild psychosexual obsession was the first person to wish me happy women's day today. happy international women's day to all nonnies!

No. 1917180

I got a few replies in lc that made me genuinely want to cry. I wished I could hug those anons. I have them saved, and sometimes I read them again. Thank you so much, nonnies. I would buy them their favorite treats if I could. Manifesting the best for them.

No. 1917758

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Thank you to whoever posted Confessions by Sudan Archives in the moovie room the other night, I'm obsessed with it

No. 1917763

going to hang out with a friend I haven't seen in a while today. She's always been a little difficult for me to communicate with because she's a normie (not in a derogatory way she's just my only non-weeb friend) but she's so sweet. We're going to go on some hiking trails and maybe smoke some weed. The weather is perfect today too, it's been crazy hot lately but today is 20 degrees cooler for no reason. I'm so excited!!!

No. 1917769

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I snuck out and got my favourite sushi for lunch. Now I'm coming home after buying tea from the most wonderful lady (and the two other girls on staff giving suggestions). 100g of two types that smelled heavenly and weren't terribly priced for the quality (especially for my city). Also a milk oolong to go that I've finished and can't wait to resteep once I'm home

No. 1917813

Same, I have a folder of screenshots of farmer's replies I read when I'm down.

No. 1917991

I’m on vacation and so far I’ve seen almost all the wild animals I wanted to see!!! I just need to see a monkey now and my list is complete

No. 1918199

My weed drought ended 2 days ago, I've been busy catching up on happiness I forgot to brag. Hopefully no one reading this will never not be as happy as me. That would suck.

No. 1919613

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After 3 attempts and at a test centre with a 37% pass rate finally managed to pass my driving test. I was crazy nervous but nailed it. Insurance is should drop by €400

No. 1920584

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I went to a bridal shower for one of my friends yesterday (two of them are getting married this month or early next month) and it was SO MUCH FUN. It was a tea party in a state museum. My best friend drove me because I hate parallel parking in the city and we had so much fun hanging out!! I tried a macaroon for my first time and it was so good, it was raspberry flavor. Afterwards we walked her dog and then she came over to my new apartment to hang out. We watched documentaries and talked for 7 hours about literally everything under the sun. I haven’t had a tight friend group of normal, genuinely nice people since sportsball in college because I moved across the country and didn’t know anyone besides family. Feeling so grateful and happy to have them all in my life. I love playing board games on the weekends with them and when we gather for friendsmas & friendsgiving. They don’t look down on me for being kinda shy and dressing sporty. I look up to them a bunch and I can’t wait to have enough saved so that we can maybe do a roadtrip in the summer to the coast. I feel like all the shitty things that happened to me and pushing through struggles with my health are finally paying off. My friend even told me that she looked up to me a lot yesterday and I cried it meant so much. I love these ladies bunches and I hope I get to help out when they have kiddos. I just gotta get this stupid surgery scheduled for my intestines, and I feel less afraid about it now because of the nonnas that gave me support in the confessions thread a while back, and I know my friends will be there for me when I wake up after. Even the weather feels like it’s celebrating with me. It’s fun to be alive again and I’m going to keep working hard so it stays that way!! I love you ladies and I hope you all get the things you want, I hope you all are safe and treated kindly by the people in your lives, because you fucking deserve it!! Keep fighting for your happiness girls, don’t you give up. You’ve got this!!!

No. 1920628

>Feel bad
>Talk to my mom
>Feel okay
I love her so much. She went through so much but regardless she's done everything to be a good parent, she's amazing ♥

No. 1924394

I struggled with socializing and suffered a lot of loneliness and suicidality for my whole life since early childhood, then was trapped in a really harmful relationship with a man with a violent temper for way too many years, but my life has really turned around.
I love my friends who invite me to spend time with them and share our thoughts with each other. I love the people in my community who smile at me and are nice and the older people who guide and mentor me. I love my boyfriend, he is really the kindest, most patient, most gentle soul I have ever known and he cherishes me for all my unusual quirks and never makes me feel anything less than safe and beloved despite how insecure I can feel about all the horrors I've been through. And what a surprise and a comfort that is after my past experiences, I didn't know it was possible for a man to be like that. I love all the lovely things I can do in life, today I ate strawberries outside in the sun, and yesterday I cooked some pasta, and I am just so happy to be alive and to be free. It was all worth it. I hope everybody who had a tumultuous life gets to experience this kind of joy.

No. 1924522

I sold a Miku fig for dirt cheap online to some girl and as an epic prank I also put some Miku stickers in the box heheh. I hope she likes them.

No. 1925483

You're cute. I'm sure she'll like it. I hope you receive the same nice gesture in your life back.

No. 1929370

I’m incredibly happy today

No. 1935094

My parents are finally retired and taking their first ever real vacation after 30 years of marriage and my mom told me
>anon I wish I could take you instead of him
and later my grandma said
>your mom told me she wishes you could’ve gone on vacation with her instead
I’m happy because it means my mom genuinely enjoys hanging out with me and isn’t just tolerating me because she’s my mom, you know. I really like to hang out with her all the time and I was worried it might be annoying or weird but hearing this makes me feel less anxious about it. I don’t feel bad for my dad much because he is really annoying and cringe kek sorry dad

No. 1935588

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(down from 317 at the beginning of the year, and 326 since starting in november)

No. 1935594

Congrats anon, keep it up!

No. 1935595

Damn, good job. That's a 59,500 kcal deficit this year alone, and 91,000 since November. That's a crazy amount.

No. 1935601

congrats nona!!! cheers for your continued health journey!

No. 1935605

I’ve been really struggling with depression for quite some time now and have browsed this site as my main distraction for around 7 years or so (omg wow) but have NEVER opened this thread even though I’ve been aware of it all the while. I feel like I subconsciously deprive myself of things I know will make everything happy idk…but today instead of using the catalogue, I ended up reading the thread without seeing what it was and my eyes immediately started to water from all the nice things anons have to say. It’s makes me especially tingly when anons are so kind to each other. I don’t know why I haven’t allowed myself to be uplifted like this before but I am so looking forward to reading this thread now and all the older ones (if there are) and hope to maybe utilize this thread daily to help me get out of this deep, deep rut I’ve been in. Sorry for the lengthy post though

No. 1935614

Congrats anon, that takes a lot of patience and I hope you have positive changes

No. 1935706

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Why are you celebrating? You're still morbidly obese, you should be ashamed. Now look at me, my legs don't touch while I standing up. That's right, I'm skinnier than you. Everyone is.(attentionwhoring bonerattling retard)

No. 1935710

clean your mirror you slob

No. 1935711

Huge ass man feet.

No. 1935717

Don’t respond to bait nonnas, you’re better than this!

I found a froggy in the middle of the road, picked it up and put it somewhere safe. It made me happy to see and touch a frog, it was softer than I expected. I love frogs.

No. 1935718

you couldn't even tag the correct post kek
congratulations nonnie, keep up the good work!

No. 1935720

This is supposedly a low weight for you and you're still built like you inject testosterone for fun? Rip cursed genetics no wonder you need to bitch about fatties online

No. 1935723

Not to be negative but
>Can't even tag post correctly
>Not even that skinny
Kek. Did you think we were gonna be on your side or something?

No. 1935726

Unironically you have gross man hands and ugly legs are you sure you're not a troon?

No. 1935780

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I really hope this is a step in a healthier and more positive direction for you. you likely have so much more life in front of you than behind you

No. 1935781

Only because you’re bow legged, you mean spirited cunt.

No. 1935782

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i feel in love with my nigel the day he saw a frog at his work place and moved it to a pond far away from his coworkers so it could live peacefully.
I never thought a man could be this kind to a small creature like that, it just warmed my heart so much.

No. 1935783

Ayrt. Just barely looked at this thread again and thank you! This is my new favorite. Positive rays to all the amazing and sweet nonas in this thread. Except that one bitch.

No. 1935935

Hey nonnie, im glad this thread brings you even a little bit of joy. It also makes me happy to read happiness of others!
I would like to share something with you that didn’t dawn on me till recently
A lot of the stuff you consume, like reading negative threads, rants etc. contributes to your own wellbeing. Perhaps try to read more hobby and positivity oriented content, it will benefit you in the long term I absolutely promise you.
Love you anonita. we are here for you.

No. 1935966

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Saturday morning, 1st day of period and comfy posting on lc

No. 1936030

This is so sweet nonna!

No. 1936235

My favorite singer put out a new album a couple days ago and I'm finally listening to it. Only on track one and it's already wonderful. I hope everyone listens to some good music today!

No. 1936236

Hope you have a super cozy day. Stay warm

No. 1936276

Thanks anon, hope you have a comfy day too ♥

No. 1937179

It doesnt mean much, but I was finally able to do 2/3 of the built up dishes today. I've cleaned the kitchen bench top too. I just have to wait for the dishes in the drying rack to dry and then I can try to finish the rest. Feel alot better now that that task is done.
Off to hang out washing now.

No. 1937196

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i’m so happy and grateful nonnies… i left my last apartment under the assumption that i would pay rent for the rest of my lease and because of an error in their system i don’t have to pay out the lease AND i get a refund for this month! i truly can’t believe it, i don’t deserve this at all. they took full accountability for the error and personally told me it’s okay so i’m not stealing from them haha, they just put me in their system as vacated the day i returned my keys and can’t put me back in. i saved around $5000. i’m sooo grateful and happy!

No. 1937273

holy shit nonnie thats amazing, im so happy for you! thats a lot of money to save!!!!

No. 1937763

I went to the park downtown today, wish it was sunny though.

No. 1937794

I had the most amazing day. I woke up, had a long relaxing shower, then we went to the farmer's market and picked up fresh fruit and vegetables. Then we went to a three story candy store and I got a box of candy of a bunch of different types before going to the candy store's bar and getting a milkshake so elaborate that it cost $18. Next I went to a new ramen place and got a delicious bowl of tonkotsu ramen before going home and taking a three hour nap while listening to my favorite podcasts. Then when I woke up my boyfriend made me a quesadilla with the fresh vegetables and now I'm sipping on an iced water. I am so well rested, refreshed, and relaxed.

No. 1937807

just atet a huge piece of cake

No. 1938202

Such a beautiful morning.

No. 1938383

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I feel so much less insecure about my body than I had before!!!!!

No. 1938390

That's great, nonna. Don't ever feel insecure about your body, it's your vessel to experience things in life and allows you to do the incredible things you do. I know it sounds corny, but that's how I made peace with mine. Hope you keep feeling better about yourself, as you deserve.

No. 1938403

That sounds like such a lovely day! I'm so curious about your fancy milkshake. What was it like?

No. 1938404

I'm 17 weeks pregnant and my belly is finally starting to pop. I love seeing it grow. I hope soon I can feel the baby moving soon!

No. 1938427

You're right, thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you were able to overcome your insecurity too!

No. 1938428

Kind of unrelated but this Elsie drawing is so cute!!!

No. 1938767

I’m handling my anxiety better. Haven’t had an “episode” or gone off the rails in a long time. Stayed sober and haven’t had the desire to smoke or drink. I eat healthy and feel great most days. Life isn’t perfect but I’m content.

No. 1939317

I received a doujinshi I ordered on Booth and the artist included a bunch of freebies because I boosted my purchase, wrote me a message in english thanking me for my support and she probably figured out my nationality according to my name because she wrote "thank you" in my language, it gave me warm fuzzy feelings. I'm going to send her a DM on Twitter to thank her for the lovely attention.

No. 1939339

This is so cute!! I want to buy doujins too when i have the extra money there are so many westaboo doujins that look interesting, but i dont know japanese.

No. 1939499

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Finally realized that progress and "getting better" isnt something that happens all at once and while its far from perfect I am super proud of the things I do and will build on that.
Just beyond content with this personal development rn

No. 1939518

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im picking up my meds which is a small thing but nice because i get to get off campus and get myself a little drink and snack maybe even a magazine too if there's any that interest me. it really is the little things.

No. 1939563

Salt and vinegar are top tier, good choice nona

No. 1939628

got a great job finally after 9 months of nothing. i've posted about this elsewhere but i really am so happy, so happy that i jumped for joy which is not something i've ever done really. it's going to be hard but it will pay enough for me to leave and move out on my own and i'm just looking forward to it kek

No. 1939680

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Accepting that I’m kind of ugly. I have nice hair, pretty eyes and big boobs but apart from that I’m funny looking and people tell me I look MTF. I am just grateful for the fact that I’m healthy and for the nice features I do have. This is a big deal for me because I’ve always obsessed over my appearance. There is so much more to life.

No. 1939684

This is the Stacy mindset nonnie, I'm so proud of you

No. 1939696

Congrats nona! Looking for a job is such a grueling process. Proud of you for sticking it out. Good luck with your new job and moving in to a new place.

No. 1939766

Thanks nonna. I feel I’ve wasted my youth being overly self conscious and quite frankly shallow. Im still pretty young (late 20s) but having to acknowledge I won’t be forever. I wasted so much time trying to be beautiful and I never was, and it never mattered. Most people are not and people are lucky enough to have one or two nice features. Beautiful people are rare. I wish I’d cared more about being talented and smart and kind.

No. 1939772

The fact you are able to reflect like this and come to terms with beauty not being the most important thing in life suggests you are smart nonna, probably more so than you give yourself credit for.

No. 1939872

This thread gives me life. Sending rays of love to all nonnas!

No. 1939876

jumping off of this to say you sound intelligent and filled with self-reflection nona, I believe that you will be able to really develop and grow your personality beyond focusing on looks because you seem to have a good foundation already. Having a level head really takes you far and it seems like you're already there. Plus you're here so you must have your own interesting quirks and things I'm sure that lend to being a unique and fun person. You're still young and now you can focus on real things you can grow and improve on, so many people focus on the wrong things in life for far longer than you have. The mind never stops learning once you set yourself on the path of knowledge and learning. It's never too late, even with your "adult brain" the brain never stops growing

No. 1939979

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I think life may be looking up for me after all. I've basically spent all four years of college severely depressed. I have been dependent on marijuana and I have smoked every day for four years. I have reduced my usage to just once a day before bed. Today I decided to schedule appointments with a therapist, dentist (to care for my depression teeth), and an optometrist (because I have spent so long hating my appearance due to ugly glasses– I am going to get contacts). I feel like life might actually not be so bad after all. I think about killing myself every day, but today I thought I could possibly make a change given that I graduate in May. I know it has only been a few hours, but I feel so much better and more hopeful. I also have deleted IG and TikTok (I know….) from my phone and deleted the accounts. I plan to take up more time for my hobbies and try to make some female friends. I am excited for what is to come, friends. Thank you for listening.

No. 1939988

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Well let's celebrate all that nona! Picrel. Good for you. I was in the same boat as you at one point in my life, smoking a HQ every day and just doping myself up because I didn't wanna deal with my problems like an adult, but just like you I eventually decided to woman up and take care of myself, just like you have. It might be hard now, but trust in the process because it is going to continue to improve. Quitting marihuana completely helped my symptoms of depression, to the point where I wonder now why the hell I was even smoking dope in the first place. I always tell this to people but pot is the ultimate mind-kiler, we think it helps us but it doesn't. Nowadays I only smoke maybe once every few months when me and my friends get together and decide to go to a buffet kek.
>I think about killing myself every day.
That too will pass. You shouldn't kill yourself just because we all already will die on our body's own accord, why fuck up the natural process and do it ourselves? Life is too good and the world is too big to end it this early nona. Your therapist is gonna help you out big time.

No. 1940000

Studies on therapy show that even deciding you need therapy has long term health benefits. Apparently once you subconsciously make the decision that you want to get better, you automatically start to. So even if you can't follow through, chemically, you're already a little bit better.

No. 1940108

I love pandas. I don't care what anyone says. I love them.

No. 1940649

I finally finished the task I've been laying off for months.
Mikuexpo returns to my country this year and I'm gonna have a blast!
A $200 package I sold that originally got lost in shipping was returned to me AFTER LITERALLY A WHOLE YEAR. It looks so worn down, I wonder what kind of journey it had.

No. 1940973

I love you nonnies, you been so kind and supportive here. I wish I came here before 4chan. I wish only good things for you

No. 1941044

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I love my cat so much, and he always reminds me with his little cat body language that I am loved and not alone. I love his little tail quivers/vibrations when he meets me as I get through the door in the evening, I love his little cat kisses, I love how he now lies beside me at the bed head, turning his little belly upp in the air with a loud sigh after washing himself. All signs that he is safe, happy and relaxed.
I love how whenever I feel like an unlovable waste of space I can pick him up and cradle him in my arms while he softly purrs, or whenever I'm having a rough night I can call for him to come and let me hug him for a while. I just love the bond we share and I wish I could take him everywhere with me like an emotional support animal.

No. 1941693

We set the baby change table and storage draws up today and I'm very happy with the results. I am enjoying nesting!

No. 1941854

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I read a popular fic from a fandom I knew nothing about on a total whim and it was so unbelievably fucking good, better than anything published I’ve read in a long time. I ended up watching the source material just so I could read it again

women will write thousands of pages of the most elaborate and beautiful stories, make animations, little soundtrack playlists and such, and they do it for free so we can all enjoy it. They do it just because they love it.

I love you women in fandom you’re everything to me. Thank you for existing.

No. 1941857

Ily2, nonna ♥
Please link

No. 1941864

I would die for you nonnie

No. 1941865


No. 1941875

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pls no bully it’s a cringe fandom but the fic is so good i sobbed multiple times
Of the Northmost Winds and Skies by xxiiyu:

If you’re into audiobooks I’d actually listen to the podfic. It’s on YT/Spotify and the guy who narrates it did an exceptionally good job.

No. 1941908

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No. 1941980

Women in fandom are the best, some of the coolest people I've met are women who are doing their own thing and creating amazing stuff simply because they are so dedicated to the source material. Every fandom nonnie has a special place in my heart.

No. 1942499

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There are feral cats that live in the parking lot of my building. They are scared of and rarely get close to people, but I've been feeding them every day and the biggest one is becoming friendlier to me. He will walk very close to me whenever he sees me in the parking lot, but won't let me within petting distance. When he sees me he usually hisses, so I started to meow back at him hoping he'll pick it up. Today was the first time he actually meowed! It was a little bit squeaky but also funny because once he discovered he could, he kept meowing at me until I set his food down. I'm so happy about this and I hope all the cats can reach this level soon.

No. 1942525

finally graduating college (with no loan to pay off!) and landed the job i've wanted. still have some things to work out like financial stuff but excited a new chapter in my life is beginning. paying my own bills, my job also has great benefits like a pension and will pay for a master's degree. one day i will have the car i want paid myself and a house (with no neighbors or far away neighbors) that will finally be my own sanctuary.

No. 1942596

I FINALLY DID IT, I VACUUMED EVERY CORNER OF MY APARTMENT! Been too depressed last few to bother cleaning properly, I could do a little here and there (simple things like putting things away, taking things in and out of the dishwasher - of course not without it taking several days - etc.) but now I finally got around to do a proper job! I even vacuumed my couch and dining room chairs so it all took 30 minutes, I'm so proud of myself!

No. 1942703

I'm going clubbing tonight with an old friend I've been catching up with, it's been almost a year since last time I was at a club all by myself, I'm so excited, I love dancing!

No. 1942708

Bless you nonna this is so cute try trilling at him too

No. 1942731

Keep feeding him! You're gaining his trust! You can do it.I

That great progress to face your depression.

No. 1942787

I'm jealous, nonnie, hope you have the best time dancing the night away!!

No. 1942833

Thanks ♥ I hope there'll be night events you like in your area that you can attend soon!

No. 1942896

gj anon. I highly recommend a robovac if you can afford one and this is a consistent struggle for you, even if you're depressed it's easy to press a button

No. 1943080

i know this is nothing special but i love waking up so much, i love how rested i feel right after i wake up and how i my brain is completely clean from any thoughs.
I go to sleep for that feeling like i'm ordering some cake i love.

No. 1943503

I got a raise at work! Plus a nifty bonus! Raises are 1-5% of our current salary, but mine was just a little bit above 5%, which I appreciate. I'm the newest person here so I have the lowest salary (which is probably why they could justify giving me slightly more than 5% kek), but I still appreciate the gesture and recognition of my work. I really like the people I work with and the work environment is good too, so I feel very lucky. I would like to earn more, but I'm hoping to stay long term, so I think the money will come eventually. Good coworkers, understanding and kind supervisors/managers, and a decent work environment make up for it.

No. 1943569

happy easter nonnies!

No. 1943641

I went to emo night at a bar last night and had an amazing time. I dressed up cute and I felt like I fit in, I was dancing and jumping with everyone and didn't feel nervous for once. I'm usually so anxious I think I'm finally starting to feel good about myself. I'm glad that I'm losing so much weight and trying new things I think this is going to be a great year for me. I have been through a lot in my life but I think it's finally sinking in that I'm like everybody else I'm not a freak.

No. 1944474

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this site is really good for my soul. I've been here years and i still get this emotion. 4chan feels like a source of evil but reading lolcow feels like an internet oasis. no porn, no violent hate for women, and the schizos here are much nicer to read from. i had a nona call me a newfag and that is genuinely the most negative experience I've ever had here. being around women even in an anonymous virtual setting is so healing. i love you ladies. pic related, i found it here and i love it

No. 1945253

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My best friend's recent Pinterest saves, I love her so much, even with her autism

No. 1945336

Nona I saw this image here before and I love it, thanks for posting it again. Love how the "yet feminine" is a different colour it just adds something kek

No. 1945585

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cute girl added me to her close friends story and i only even have that app because she gave me her instagram username instead of her phone number

No. 1945588

That sounds like so much fun! I need to look up when the next emo night is by me. The closest is in D.C, which is a bit of a trek, but it sounds worth going to. I'm so glad you have a great time.

No. 1945631

It’s so cute that she likes you so much

No. 1945858

Last year i had a really good social interaction, and afterwards i felt blessed for like a week, as if i lived in a bubble of positive thoughts and feelings.
Did this ever happen to you? If yes, what happened?

No. 1945861

I'm late, but what was it like to go to a club by yourself? Was it fun?

This is so cuuute I feel so happy for you guys

No. 1945868

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Yesterday I wore a fancy hat to the museum and a beautiful woman in a stunning dress complimented me on it. There's only been a small handful of times women have complimented me and I'm going to treasure that memory for years.

No. 1946533

I got a much needed haircut and my hair is a lot more manageable now plus I got some bangs which look really cute. My husband got me pretty white/pink roses yesterday for Easter and they’re sitting at my desk with me. I just recently hit the two year mark for working at my first real job so I am pretty proud of myself.

No. 1947026

For the first time in a year I'm not feeling suicidal anymore. Just a few weeks ago I still was thinking about how I would want to die but today I actually wanted to keep on living for now.

No. 1947229

A normie looking girl who was walking past me in the opposite direction stopped, took out her earphones and told me "I just HAVE to tell you I LOVE your hair!" it made me so happy! As someone with an unanturally dyed hair color I'm always a bit nervous normies dislike it kek. It's been years and it still makes me happy to think about her comment.

No. 1948513

I'm so happy for you and proud of the work it took for you to get here!

No. 1948661

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I'm very happy with how my life is right now. It's nothing special. I go to work, I come home, I read and research topics that are very interesting to me. Sometimes I call my friends or have dinner with them. I have one online friend who I love so much and feel truly understands me. I have a hyperfixation on some historical man who I love more with more feeling than any man I meet could probably elicit in me.

Sure, there are things that happen that stress me out on occasion, but these feelings don't overwhemingly destroy my mood anymore. It's like I don't care about anything anymore, but in a good way? As long as I can read and research my favorite topics and talk to my online friend, I could care less about anything else. Now that it's warmer, I want to go hiking more too. I don't care if life is meaningless or what my purpose is. Those little things make my life feel very full. I hope this feeling can last for a long time.

No. 1949467

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At a hooka cafe catching up on studying so I can get back to university and complete my degree. Studying is going great, the tea is phenomenal and I got a blueberry mint smoke flavour.
Though it may taste a bit too good cause I just smoked myself into a head rush lol. Never been here alone before so having the whole stack to myself is a lot but there's 5 hours until they close so I have time

No. 1949591

I practiced drawing hands today and had fun doing it! I'm going to improve slowly and I'm going to have fun doing it, I will not let art become a chore.

No. 1949759

Power went out cause of a storm so everyone is smoking in the dark. No studying now so time for love&deepspace and enjoying the rest of my smokes and tea in a dark smokey room lit with people's phones
This is surprisingly cozy still cause everyone is still socializing and having fun regardless.

No. 1951625

video pep talk

No. 1951630

Lovely to read, thank you for sharing. I hope the feeling lasts, don't let the occasional ennui get to you when it comes around.

No. 1961200

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It’s a beautiful spring day, the flowers are blooming, I’m ordering my favorite food, life is good

No. 1968235

>get redtexted for tinfoiling
>nonas respond to my post saying that I'm right
>redtext disappears
>mfw I have no face
That little lolcow interaction made me smile.

No. 1968247

i get paid soon…i'm going to treat my mom and buy myself something special.

No. 1969942

File: 1713477382667.jpg (17.48 KB, 330x330, fma korean heart.jpg)

omg the banner i made was added ! idk when because i posted it months ago but that makes me so happy ! In general i'm really thanksfull for admins for removing the porny banners and adding a bunch of new ones. Can't believe we thought this site would die in 2023

No. 1974756

>i have to go back to work after 2 weeks
>i feel so depressed, not worthy of anything, i want to kill myself
>it's just my period

Fuck i love this feeling too much to take birth control

No. 1974785

That picture is so cute

No. 1975749

I love having a farmer gf who's just as terfy and terminally online as me. We got to take each other's khv status and laugh at the LARPing honbian t4t couples we see in public together (they will never be us kek). Being with someone like this is so refreshing after dating a libfem handmaiden where I felt like I was constantly hiding a part of myself in fear of saying the wrong thing and offending the other person. I could never handle that feeling again, and looking back it was mentally exhausting and so not worth it. I'm just so happy and grateful I finally found someone in this universe with whom I can unapologetically be myself. It almost feels like I'm dreaming when I think about it. if you're reading this nonny ily and your autism ♥

No. 1975754

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No. 1975760

is your gf the yuripedo or did you score a normal farmer

No. 1975765

please don’t bring up schizos from the fujo infight thread in this sacred place, anon

No. 1975767

i am sorry but its most than likely her, they have been shitting up the lesbian thread with their schizophrenia >>>/g/392771

No. 1977628

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No. 1977773

I messed up my sleep schedule last Saturday because I partied with my friends until 1 am. Today my uni wanted to host an awards ceremony but I decided to skip so I could take a nap before I go to work. It turns out that I received a shit ton of awards. I don't regret not going and I'm happy I still reaped the benefits.

No. 1977846

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Literally obsessed.

No. 1978529

I just adopted my cat last weekend and we have such a strong bond I can't believe it. We cuddle so much, she's always showing me her belly, her meows are so cute and she follows me around. We can't sleep together because she keeps my boyfriend awake but she's in the nearby guestroom when I wake up in the morning, and every morning I'm actually excited to get up early to have more time to cuddle her, play and feed her. Life still isn't perfect but I feel so much happier whenever she sits in my lap during a boring ass meeting, or I can take a break and play with her.
I don't know what I did to deserve her trusting me so much already; maybe she's just happy because her previous owners were neglectful and her health was really bad while she was in the shelter. But I'm so grateful and I want to do everything I can to make her a happy, healthy girl.

No. 1978792

Found out today that my close friend is a terf!!! I'm so happy because I've never had someone irl to confide in this about

No. 1978800

Which one did you make nonny?

No. 1980363

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I think I hit the jackpot with my brother. I love him so much and I really think he's the world's best brother ever. It's crazy to me when I see other people's brothers and they're all such vile beastly moids. I hate all moids on the planet but my brother really is the only moid I love and care about. First of all, he's gay so none of the degeneracy of most moids. He's not like the other disgusting degen gay moids either that only care about gross fetishes and hate monogamy. In fact, he hates most other gay moids and thinks they're either vile, or cringe. He has normal taste in guys, thank god kek. We actually have similar tastes. Anyway, he's just a sweet and gentle dude who happens to experience same-sex attraction and wants to find his one true love and have a cute family kek. He's also not misogynistic like other gay moids tend to be. He's a gentle soul and super kind to everyone. He also never let peer pressure get to him and always held his own. He's intelligent as hell, and always has been since a young age. Even at 8 he was intelligent and I could talk to him easily about more complicated things. He's really kind too (sometimes too kind, worries me sometimes). He's my closest friend and we can talk to each other about anything at all. There's nothing we can't tell each other. He's the only person I can talk to about gc stuff and hating trannies. He's super kind and is always helping me out with things, and he's super caring too. Sometimes he acts like he's the older sibling kek, he gives good advice, and if I get sick or injured he'll immediately come to take care of me. But he's also funny as hell (genuinely funny, not the shitty tiktok zoomer 'humour') and we joke around alot and have fun hanging out watching movies or playing games. He's always thanking me for being his big sister and saying if it wasn't for me, he could've turned out like other moids, but I don't think so. I truly think he's a special soul and I'm glad I got him as a brother. I think there are probably less than 100 moids on the planet like him. The rest of my family is insane and if he was a regular moid brother, I probably would have lost my sanity long ago. It's nice to have a sibling who's also your best friend. I don't have kids and am not interested in having any either but he's kind of like a son to me, I guess. I enjoyed raising him, and I think I raised him well. I'm so proud of him kek.

No. 1980604

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Watching Xena episodes that I haven't seen since forever with the nonas in the moovie room was so much fun! Love ya fellow Xenite hive mind farmers.

No. 1980630

I admire the fact that the show is so earnest.

No. 1980638

Earnest how?

No. 1980676

like compared to a lot of modern fatansy-esque shows, they have to state how "above" they are.

No. 1980677

I see what you mean, and I agree. It's refreshing to watch something with so much practical effects too.

No. 1982316

i've been getting better with my ed and today i noticed my hair is starting to curl. i had been losing hair and it had been dry but i didn't even realize or cared enough to notice there had been such effect, but today the waves have been just much more defined than during this past year or so with parts of my hair starting to wrap around itself turning into curls.

No. 1985850

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My cat got sick with an open pyometra (she was my deceased mother's cat, all of my cats are spayed and I got her this fall) and the vet just called and she's all fixed woooooooooo!

No. 1988270

I made a claim for the Beltran v. Sony lawsuit and forgot about it for a couple of months and then recently found out I actually got money back for it. That’s $31 I got for doing basically nothing

No. 1988783

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I used to think I'd either be a fast food wagecuck or hikineet living at home forever. Now I've actually finished college, am starting a 9 to 5 - office wagecuck - but still, and have my own place..All of it feels unreal sometimes. I thought I was supposed to be someone so dysfunctional I'd barely manage to walk and chew gum at the same time. Now I just need an actual social life, although that's going to be the most difficult part of all.

No. 1988788


Oh no, I can't believe I missed this! I started watching Xena last year and absolutely loved it. Haven't been watching any recently but would love to get back into it. Is there going to be another Xena stream?

No. 1988790

Congratulations anon, you should be proud of your accomplishments, and hope you find some lovely friends soon!

No. 1988795


Thank you, nona! To be honest, I don't think I can anymore since I've already gotten old and especially because I'm out of school now… but maybe I can try meetup groups over the weekend or something sometime.

No. 1989020

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Let's hope so! I just asked about it in the moovie thread.

No. 1989408

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Finished all my work for the week yesterday, my office is out of office today and Monday so I brought my tablet and I've been reading manga and browsing lolcow all day. Life is good

No. 1989409

*my boss is out of office

sage for samefag

No. 1989757

Got drunk and forgot things.

No. 1990243

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Got rid of the brain parasite that was my moid. I'm free nonnies!

No. 1990245

Congrats, nonna!! So proud of you! You should celebrate and do something nice for yourself.

No. 1990269

Kek, hope you had fun nonnie

No. 1990272

It's so freeing isn't it?

No. 1990286

Please for the love of god don't use wojaks

No. 1990289

I'm so jealous I just screamed at mine until he left the house

No. 1990291

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No. 1992155

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hell yeah i'm not going to suffer from any sort of pain tonight!!!

No. 1993677

A long time ago I made a post about wanting to cut really bad despite being dry for a long time. I was going through a really rough period and anxiety was squeezing the life out of me, the desire to cut was so bad I was struggling to contain it. A really nice anon replied to me saying that she believes in me and knows I can resist the urge to cut, and now I think about her every time the urge rises. I don't want to let my nonny down. Sometimes one interaction really makes a difference.

No. 1993686

That's so sweet nona, that just made my day.

No. 1993726

I took some maternity photos today with a tripod and my phone, I'm really happy with how they turned out! Too bad noone but my husband will ever see them lol

No. 1995827

I just made such an amazing grilled cheese it boosted my mood x10000

No. 1995971

When I first decided to cut my hair short two years ago, I had to lock myself in the bathroom to prevent my parents from physically stopping me. Now, I get random compliments on how much my hair style suits me from complete strangers, and I only wish i had done it sooner.

No. 1996813

Cute!! I wish I would have taken those when I had the chance! Self esteem was way too low at the time. I’m happy you took some to cherish!

No. 1996816

You inspire me so much! I hope to be in your place some day. I’m so happy you found your own comfy existence in the world.

No. 1997501

I'm interested in health informatics because it combines two areas of interest I have. In the process of finishing a clinical degree rn which will be useful, but I'm happy because my friends have offered to support me with learning the tech side. 1 of my friends in a software engineer and she said she'll also help me get connections, too.

No. 1997508

i’m making good money and have about 3k saved up already, only been here for a month. half my paycheck goes to my mom as rent but i’m sure i can get out of this goddamn house by august at the latest. i’ll be on a hybrid schedule at that point too, and a 2(3)/5 day commute won’t kill my bank account. futures looking up hope i don’t make a mistake somewhere

No. 1997581

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I just wanted to share a small private victory: I went bowling tonight and I didn’t drink. I’ve never actually gone bowling as an adult WITHOUT having a beer. I was worried tonight would be a struggle. Somehow, though, when my friends at the other lane ordered a pitcher I had the willpower to not grab a glass. Last week while playing with friends, I had two large mugs, which was enough to make me feel hot, sweaty, irritable and frustrated with my game by the end. But tonight, I had an iced tea and a Diet Coke and ended the night laughing and cracking jokes. I’m tired of being a grumpy, chubby alcoholic and I’m sick of not recognizing myself in pictures. I’m excited to get my mind and body back. I already kicked nicotine’s ass, I can do this too.

No. 1997583

File: 1715323783038.jpg (26.57 KB, 567x486, 1649536519786.jpg)

Congrats Nona, I'm so proud of you. It gets easier, stay strong and be good to yourself.

No. 1997616

You can do it, nonna! Alcohol is such a fake friend sometimes.

No. 1999309

Ever since my [redacted] died, my grandmother has been revamping her home and it looks so nice. It's like a brand new house and it feels so cozy. I can tell it makes her really happy too, for a long time the house wasn't in great condition. I think I'll buy her something almost like a housewarming gift. Maybe a new pressure cooker since her last one broke, and some rug tape.

No. 2000433

i ran my first half marathon yesterday! i was very underfuelled and underslept due to a nasty crisis in my family and kept doubting whether i'd be able to stomach it. i even told my friends not to come in order to take the pressure off, but i did it. i love my little medal and i'm very proud of myself. my time was ok considering my circumstances, just over 2 hours.

No. 2000446

I got accepted for a somewhat niche internship and I'm happy because it was like all my previous job skills and interests aligned perfectly for it

No. 2000762

I knitted my first sweater and I wore it outside. Super proud of myself for doing both since the sweater is very colorful and eye catching. Sometimes I’m afraid that people will think I wear it to get attention.

No. 2001441

That's incredible! I crochet and I've never made a sweater because it's such an enormous amount of work for a custom piece, so I'm so happy that you accomplished it and you like the results.

No. 2005724

I posted in the vent thread a couple weeks ago about not being able to go to my friends baby shower because hotels and gas and everything else was too expensive, but yesterday I managed to snag an amazing deal on a flight. I arrive early in the morning and fly back later the same night and it cost less than the gas to drive there would have cost AND I dont have to pay for a hotel! I'm so excited now.

No. 2007530

idk if this necessarily fits here but it made my shitty day much better kek
scrote thirst spoiler i was crossing the border to austria and i saw two of the most angelic looking fuckable moids i've ever seen. coming from a balkan shithole where all the moids look like they've been the victim of several car crashes seeing these two with literal perfect neonatal features and symmetrical faces has given me so much hope. i'm reconsidering moving to austria now

No. 2008052

I can see the moon so clearly right now anons. Craters and all. I love that we can just look at the moon without needing a bunch of expensive equipment. It's still bright outside and the sky is so clear, not a cloud in sight. We're truly so blessed. She's just hanging out there with us. I love you moon. I actually feel all warm and tingly looking at the moon right now. What's going on? Am I falling in love with the moon?

No. 2008071

It's just the effect that beauty has on the soul.

No. 2008356

I feel so good and accomplished today! I actually woke up early, made a healthy breakfast, pushed myself to do a hard workout, showered and now i'm about to do a face mask and relax before making red thai curry for dinner.

No. 2009322

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I noticed the pit toilet at my campsite was almost out of toilet paper so I generously donated a personal roll I had with me (taken from a hotel earlier in the week) for the good of all the campers here. Everyone is definitely using it. I will now accept my positive karma from the universe thank you and you’re welcome. I have it a little hotel-fold for this photo to try to make it a prettier picture.

No. 2009323

You're an baby deer with angel wings

No. 2009974

You are a wonderful soul

No. 2009991

You are a good person! thank you.

No. 2012840

File: 1716330696175.gif (7.93 MB, 1280x720, IMG_7420.gif)

nonnies nonnies nonnies
>my domestic violence charges got dropped by the state
>I don’t have to pay to attend the anger management counseling weekly for months
>I don’t have to pay for probation
>I don’t have to go to court
>I don’t have a criminal record unless you count the arrest itself and I don’t
>I get my pets with me soon

No. 2012952

File: 1716333126730.gif (49.31 KB, 360x400, 1683909800555383.gif)

Nonnie wins! I'm so happy for you.

No. 2012956

I need context. is this bait?

No. 2013069

Thank you, I’m glad the state itself could see I’m not a criminal. I didn’t even pay for an attorney. I called around and they were all at least 1500, kek, why are they so expensive.
My ex started a fight and then filmed me trying to take his phone away from him when he started filming me once I reacted to him. He had a light scratch on him and he called the police and had me put in jail for a night/day. He knew I wouldn’t say anything to get him jailed, even though technically the statute of limitations isn’t up on some things he’s done and I could file reports against him and have evidence, I just never would. He knows this. I’m not talking to the police unless it's some life or death sort of thing. Anyway, not bait, wish it was, jail sucks and I didn’t know until today that my charges got dropped.

No. 2013099

>technically the statute of limitations isn’t up on some things he’s done and I could file reports against him and have evidence, I just never would
why are you letting your scrote get away with shit?

No. 2013118

Multiple reasons, but a big one is that I know I’m the only person he’s interested in toying with, he’s on the asexual spectrum and isn’t going to victimize anyone else.

No. 2013123

that's what he told you. anyway I hope you don't feel guilty when he victimizes someone else in the future. not your problem I guess.

No. 2013193

>asexual spectrum
if he's been sexually interested in you that seems untrue. asexual usually either means low libido (often due to autism or don't like hypersexual culture), or porn-based sexuality where they no longer experience normal attraction to other people. he very well could still enjoy tormenting other people.

No. 2013244

I’m not gonna explain myself a bunch but I don’t want to open myself up to retaliation and besides his family would get him expensive attorneys and it would just be a waste of time and traumatic af. I know for a fact I’m his special interest as far as human beings are concerned and he’s like some extremely low libido autist-adjacent type of person. Everyone who has ever met him thought he was a psycho and I was like nooooo he’s not. There’s a reason I have friends and he doesn’t.

No. 2014307

I took my grandma grocery shopping and then carried all her groceries inside in one trip and then I moved my grandpa's canoe from his garage into his shed. They were shocked that I could do it. It feels good to be strong enough to help those you love.

No. 2014308

I quit my job for another one but apparently I still have 2 weeks of vacation time left, I didn't even know. Unexpected break for me muhahah

No. 2014641

Idk what other thread to post this is but I used to love watching those beauty swap videos back in like 2012 when they were popular. And I felt nostalgic and searched for some and this came up. She was scammed and got sent junk like a single biore nose strip, samples and makeup products that were too dark for her. And she stayed positive and said things like "I could maybe use this as a contour" etc and it is just so sweet that she stayed positive I wanted to cry

No. 2014752

My mum has recently gotten herself a horse and some chickens and she's in love with them. It's nice to see her happy after everything she's gone through

No. 2014850

Awwwww! I was raised on a horse farm and it was so much constant work and heartbreak that I swore I would never own another horse but now it's been fifteen years and I'm really eyeing up getting a miniature horse as a lawn ornament.

No. 2022955

That's beautiful anon

No. 2028602

Participated in this 3.5 mile run that’s held in my city and I was hoping to finish around 45 minutes or under BUT I FINISHED IT IN 40 MINUTES!!!! THAT’S A NEW PR FOR MYSELF!! It’s also my first time running outdoors!! I’m not the fastest runner but I participated last year, only walking the course, and I wanted to try running it this year so since last summer I’ve started training and running 2x a week and I DID IT!!!!

Running isn’t my preferred form of exercise (on the spectrum of enjoyable to self harm, it’s much closer to self harm kek), but I set a goal for myself and I exceeded it and honestly I’m blown away that I finished 5 whole minutes faster than I anticipated. It usually takes me about 45 minutes to do the same distance on the treadmill, so this was really unexpected!

No. 2028625

kek nona I don't know if you're just using lingo I'm not familiar with but saying you're gonna buy a living creature as a lawn ornament sounds so psychotic I had to laugh

No. 2033044

I gained 10 lbs over the past month from basically sitting on my ass and eating when I'm bored. ADD only made it worse. But recently, I've started exercising with some hand weights, did a bit of yoga, and was strict about no snacking, and lo and behold, I've already lost 3 pounds!

No. 2036704

Since the sun is shining again I've been waking up full of energy and wanting to do a bunch of things! No more bedrot for me nonnies, I feel great!

No. 2036713

I've been growing a few plants and vegetables this year and I'm so weirdly excited about them kek. It's the first time I manage to grow something that's edible for me. So far I have potatoes (they're a lot better than the ones I buy, but they're smaller) and chamomile. I tried planting some wild mint too and I wonder if it'll grow bigger.

No. 2036726

That's so impressive!!! In (I am assuming) summer too! Hopefully you'll start liking running outdoors, weather permitting.

No. 2036758

You prob just pooped

No. 2036762

>planting mint
nona nooooo, mint goes crazy and is so hard to get rid of because it gets everywhere. hopefully you planted it in a pot and not straight in the ground. besides that, enjoy your potatoes! gardening is pretty fun, i got to pull some radishes yesterday which i don't normally have luck with but a few of them turned out to be a decent size so i was happy kek

No. 2036851

Good job!

No. 2036875

I made french toast with brioche and I mixed heavy whipping cream, vanilla and butter extract in with the egg mixture. Then I ate it with strawberries.

No. 2036907

Wow nona that sounds absolutely delicious

No. 2038182

I'm practicing riding a motorbike and while I was nervous to begin again after half a year of break, once I got the hang of using the clutch again I really enjoyed it! It was so exciting! I can't wait to continue with the lessons and get the license and finally my very own motorbike!

No. 2038191

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I’ve been able to vent and had someone actually comfort me and give me advice on lolcow as often if not more often than irl. I genuinely love you nonnas and our community

No. 2038196

And we love you back. Blessings on you.

No. 2038219

Please manifest that my stupid dad will send cash, pls don’t judge me going through extremely desperate and dire times

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