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No. 1813019

Previous Thread: >>986511

Talk about Trudeau, Timbits and the Trailer Park Boys! True North, strong and free!

>Favourite parts of Canada?

>Hated parts of Canada?
>Best/Worst food?
>Best/Worst of culture?
>hottest men/women of Canada?

Remember, play nice!

No. 1813024

The ibrahaim ali case is making me seethe so hard, the lawyer working his case has started getting death threats kek

No. 1813025

Vancouver sucks and I wish there was something fun to do here idk

No. 1813026

please explain

There should be plenty to do, it's a big city. Only downside I can think of is lack of money?

No. 1813035

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13y/o girl was raped and murdered in daylight in a popular burnaby central park, found with Ali's semen inside of her and injuries consistent with childbirth. His lawyers are fighting for an appeal on the first-degree charge saying she had consenual sex with him- he would have been 27 at the time. but I hope they lose their licenses tbh
>>1813026 The only thing I enjoy these days is the aquarium tbh. theres also this conservatory thats got some cool birds in it but growing up here, idk what to do anymore lol

No. 1813074

God I wish something was done about crime in this country. Criminals always get away with the most degenerate behavior. this is why I could never be a prison abolitionist. We need to start killing these men.

No. 1813081

I live in the US now but I visited my hometown a few months ago and it made me really sad that a lot of small businesses were replaced with cannabis chains, there's one on every commercial street now. When I was still in high school it was a huge plague on the students (especially boys who would act extra unhinged on it and harass girls) so I worry about that. I hope it's just our local ones having bad service that day but Tim Horton's wasn't as good as I remember…! A lot more middle eastern immigrants, the grocery stores are largely explicitly halal food now whereas it used to be a niche category.
I am visiting again soon and I'm excited to get Five Alive again because it's not available in the US

No. 1813139

Also Vancouver anon, I actually think there's a decent amount of things to do, you just have to really dig for it. It is way too expensive though to just do basic things like grab a coffee or lunch. All that adds up quickly. I'd argue the city has done a lot more events in the last few years to liven up the place. I suppose it's also quieter in the winter.

No. 1813162

Same boat here nonnie. I haven’t been back to Canada in over a year because my green card is processing. When I left my town of 8k Main Street was basically a ghost town (same like precovid). People describe the town as being a truck stop and yeah I agree. I hope when I come back there’s more stores open and the town isn’t as empty.

No. 1813400

as a small town nona i loveeeee going to vancouver and never get bored when im there, even if its for work. theres so much to do! beautiful views, hikes and walks, the aquarium, great shopping, playland, the conservatory, all the random shit that goes on on granville every weekend, lots of concerts, shows and events, tons of great and unique restaurants, i could go on and on.
i wouldve moved there already if it wasnt so fucking expensive

No. 1813402

good threadpic

No. 1813490

for anons that have left Canada, how did you do it? I want to leave Canada for many reasons but it's really hard to since I don't have enough chops in my career right now for foreign companies to offer me a visa right now. Especially hard now because jobs in my industry are hard to come by if you have junior level experience. I am also learning French to open up opportunities, whether that be in Quebec or France.

No. 1813769

In my case it's just being lucky in having an American parent, which fast tracked me to permanent residency… not helpful advice, sorry
I don't know your situation but being accepted to a university and getting a student visa worked for a lot of people I've known, it's easier to go somewhere to study than to go there to work when you haven't settled far into a professional career yet. Either undergraduate or graduate school. They'll then try to leverage the connections they made or the degree they picked up to secure a work visa if they want to stay longer. but of course that all depends on if extra education is a good fit for you personally, international student tuition can run really expensive

No. 1813790

Based threadpic choice.

This is horrendous. RIP to that poor girl. This needs to be a lesson as to why liberal countries need to stop letting in third world refugees.

No. 1813798

Unfortunately I already graduated from a (good) Canadian university a few years back and have some decent tech experience, but it's not enough to get hired in the States. I wish I had the grades to pursue a course based masters in the US (or hell even in Europe), but alas. Hopefully something good happens to me soon. Or something really fatal (but quick and painless)

No. 1813924

I married an American and filed for “adjustment of status”. I have a job but I can’t visit Canada until I get my green card.

No. 1813958

I’m confused, how can they argue that a 13 year old could consent to sex by a 27 year old? Thats rape. By laws, that is rape. I’m seriously confused how they could argue that without the judge just being like “that is called statutory rape whether you believe she consented or not” like obviously she did not consent but still the law says that is rape! Also he killed her. So how would that even help their case?

No. 1814925

Something about how it's normal in his culture.

No. 1816249

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Why is Ottawa the most cucked city in the nation?

No. 1817079

I've heard the theory it's because of the high concentration of people in government jobs.

No. 1817082

Are you serious, there's so much shit to do. It doesn't have high rent prices for no reason

No. 1817300

I had enough of the conservative east coast, how bad is Toronto to move?

No. 1817397

You think it's a big city but you end up bumping into people very often. A lot different scenes to meet people but once you hate someone it feels like your circle is super small. Ttc isn't that bad but it will come late a lot

No. 1817404

It seems busy from all the time I visited, and livlely. Thank you for the details!

No. 1817452

As a QC, please don't come here. It's probably not as bad as the rest of Canada, but it's still Canada. I actually want to move out of the country too. My dad's an American so I am hoping I can get my dual citizenship started up.
If you do want to move here, it's ideal you learn French as you mentioned, you're doing the first major step, which I can't say about a lot of newcomers unfortunately.

No. 1818047

Dear Manitobans: stop telling Americans you're Canadian when you come plague us with a visit. We don't care, usually can tell anyway, and you're not getting special treatment because you're a syrup slurper. I'd prefer you stay in your clown country and fix your problems instead of running away to my busted ass country because our Chinese shit is a little cheaper than your Chinese shit.

No. 1818061

Charging out of province fees for tuition is so stupid canada is not america

No. 1832493

Do any other Toronto anons get distracted when they realize a movie was filmed in Toronto (but trying to hide it)? Instead of paying attention to the plot I just pay attention to the background, guessing which neighbourhoods and streets they chose to use kek

No. 1832499

I notice it lmao. In The Boys, I see the 19+ signs in the background

No. 1839687

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No. 1839720

i feel like i downloaded a thousands trojans by clicking on that

No. 1865794

No buses because of the transit strike, I'm glad I don't need to use it but I feel for seniors or people with disablities who rely on it for their meds and groceries right now. I wonder if they'll get a deal, doubt it

No. 1867585

I used to live in Toronto but I moved to Ottawa during the pandemic in 2020.

I chose to move here because I did a work term in Ottawa during 2018 for 4 months and I had a great time - great friends, coworkers, less people compared to Toronto, more of a cohesive Canadian culture.

However, since the pandemic ended I feel like most of the newcomers are coming to Ottawa instead of Toronto because it's the cheaper option.
So it's losing that cohesion and becoming extremely dense. So rent ++, traffic ++, safety–. Aka the reasons I left Toronto.

Most of the young people I know who lived here moved to different cities for work once they finished at Carleton or UOttawa.

The only reason I'm here now is because my sister and brother live here (I live with my brother), but they will probably be moving elsewhere soon too. My boyfriend has one more year left in his job in Ottawa, but I'm not sure I can last much longer. We all have such high paying jobs but living is still a struggle. I really don't know how other Canadians with lower income are doing it.

My boyfriend has passports for three different (EU and American) countries and I guess the plan is that if/when we get married we'll check out one of those spots. I actually really like American culture despite the hate it gets.

It sucks not having a home base, and having everything around you change so rapidly. I see so many people around me getting wrapped up in debt in order to progress their lives and I hope that's not what my future holds.

No. 1867726

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Canada no offense but what the fuck is going on with your cucked country??

No. 1867729

This is insanity. I fucking hate this. Canada is becoming as cucked as france at this point

No. 1867731

A 50 year old MAN trying to change with girls as young as 8? Oh my god, this is actual a dystopia for women. wtf canada
It breaks my heart knowing a lot of these girls are hoping to get swimming scholarships, but then they allow men in. like wtf is going on and how is this legal?

No. 1868971

Who the fuck cares? Middle class people are living in tents and a baby was just born in an encampment. Encampments that exist in every city and fucking small town across the gd nation. I'm so sick of trans shit, has anyone even mentioned that they let in another 400k people in the past 90 days? FUCK

No. 1869957

Creepy aunt trudy

No. 1873617

Oh look another appearance Polkaroo sighting!

Are there any actual Canadians here or just Americans who think our muppet PM is funny? It would be nice if we could discuss the country imploding instead of 2015-era political theater

No. 1873618

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Oh look another Polkaroo sighting!

Are there any actual Canadians here or just Americans who think our muppet PM is funny? It would be nice if we could discuss the country imploding instead of 2015-era political theater

No. 1873638

Visiting Ottawa for the first time makes you realize what a joke this entire country is. I'll never forget seeing camps of homeless people in front of the World War memorials and Senatorial chambers.
Ottawa is one of the most depressing cities in this country. The "cohesive culture" you experienced must have short-circuited your brain if you thought there was any sort of culture in that city. When I lived in Ottawa in the mid 2010s it was literally a collection of people from small-towns with cliquish small-minded attitudes who refused to integrate into a larger city atmosphere. The crime rate was insane then, I remember walking once at night and having being followed by not just one homeless crackhead, but two homeless crackheads! Ottawa's downtown core literally has less than 10k people living in it… yet the same homeless population as Toronto's downtown. The majority of Ottawa's population live 40 minutes west, east, or south of downtown in the suburban communities filled with NIMBYs and socially-inept government workers that would eat Justin Turdeau's whole big sweaty shitty asshole for an hour straight if they ever got the chance.
I wish I could comment more in this thread but last time I tried to comment I ended up writing a 2000 word schizopost discussing what "Canadian culture" is and I didn't post it because I came off really spergy in the post, but I ended up saving it as a word document in case I ever wanted to post it again.

No. 1873643

this website is as sketchy as it gets but it being a scrotoid in power anything is possible. I wish there was actual proof of it though.

No. 1873693

Vancouver sucks. The Van suburbs suck. Edmonton sucks. Toronto sucks HARD. The GTA sucks. Ottawa sucks. North ON sucks (mostly). Montreal is aight. Fredericton sucks. Charlottetown sucks. Halifax sucks, but is kind of interesting if you ignore the screaming hobos.
I have lived all over this country and the only places that I have genuinely enjoyed are the territories, Kelowna, and Calgary.

There are so many bums on meth everywhere. I don't mind talking to nice hobos, but we do not have those kind of hobos. We have the stabby kind.
You can't even defend yourself when you get attacked by degenerate moids because the only people that the Canadian government throws in prison are domestic normies ones who actually have a future & who are acting in self defence. Serial killers, pedos, rapists and violent immigrants get off scott-free.
Nowhere has affordable rent. High-skill jobs have 100s of applicants. Low-skilled jobs are even worse. The jobs that our homegrown teenagers depend on, like working at McD's, are now completely impossible for domestic kids because of all of the cheap labour we're importing from India. These international students are devaluing our degrees with RECORD amounts of cheating. It is literally a part of their culture to cheat & to get ahead hand over fist. Their cultural values are completely opposite to our own. And they still graduate after they cheat. They just get a slap on the wrist (trust me, I TA'd for multiple grad level courses). Our major cities are crowded af. When you get East of Ontario it's full of wannabe gangsters even though our whole country is backwoods. I thought that NB would be more rural but no, all the moids there are just poser street-rats like in Ontario who worship rappers and play GTA all day.
This whole country is shit honestly. You can only escape the shit by travelling to either small pocket communities or by going North up to the territories.
I can't wait til I get my Norwegian passport because it's only getting worse.

No. 1873697

There was a time I was considering Yukon but I heard it's becoming ruined too

No. 1873700

Sorry for being a tourist in your thread, but how the hell does Canada get that many asylum seekers? In Europe they ofc walk right in orcome by boat and need to be rescued because it's kinda shitty to let little kids drown, but in Canada? Do you just let people come by plane without a visa?

No. 1873707

You're kinda right tbh. Whitehorse and Yellowknife have the same brainrot as the rest of the country (to perhaps a lesser degree) because a good chunk of the population there are federal employees who don't even enjoy living in a cold, rugged location & are just there to push paper. You are kinda right in that sense. To truly get away from our poison culture you need to either live on the outskirts of the main cities, or head full on into the bush in Dawson City or similar. I like most of the smaller towns up North, but I would not recommend Mayo. It is small, but it's full of 40+yo degen uber conservative blue collar moids, since it's only miners. It reminds me of Fort Mac.

No. 1873709

Canada is the worst part of the former British Empire and its dealing with a lack of real culture into the modern era. We had more than 1.5 million immigrants enter the country in 2023. Our welfare state is collapsing and our government wants to bring in as many low-wage workers as possible to extract tax money from them to continue to fund the baby boomers' retirement funds.
I agree with you so hard nonnie, I've lived from sea to sea and nowhere in Canada is worth settling down. I'm trying to get out of here permanently by the time I'm 30 before the government begins to raise their Exit Tax to higher than 25%.
Why would you want to move to the territories where you get no government representation, no reliable way to escape via road or air, expensive groceries, and surrounded by people who only moved there to get away from their shit lives? The territories just don't make sense from my perspective: roads that go places are really important to me, it's my neurosis I suppose.

No. 1873715

Samefag to say that even 'into the bush' is a not ideal once you pass the mountains of YT & get to the tundra of NWT/NU. The small towns are all Inuit villages there. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I like Inuit people. But I am not one of them. So it would be awkward af for a single white gal to try to make a life there.

I feel you nonners. The territories are a personal preference in my case. I hate crowds and cities. I like being isolated and self-suffiencient. I am not a people person at all. I prefer to hunt & fish rather than buying meat from the store. I do buy vegetables though because I'm shit at growing things. I fly helis for work so road access is not something that worries me.
Government representation is a fair worry in a real democracy, but honestly I feel like it is a moot point with the system that we have now. We are not represented either way. None of our candidates are for the people. We're just given the illusion of choice to make it seem like a democracy. We don't even get to vote on who our PM is. We just vote on either the red/blue team, then whoever is the most popular makes the decision for us of who our leader is. There is no realistic way that an independent candidate with honourable values can win in our current system. It's all rigged. I'm just trying to gtfo this cursed country.

No. 1873857

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>I feel like it's a moot point with the system we have now.
Yeah I agree but for some reason the façade of real democracy is important to me which is why I have to stick to the provinces, at least there's that stupid farce of representation down here that I can look towards to delude myself.

No. 1874033

you actually enjoyed living in kelowna?! im genuinely shocked

No. 1874289

What's everyone else's thoughts on the reporter David Menzies’s Jan. 9 arrest? I don't like Rebel News and their 'gotcha' style journalism nor do I think they're a reliable source of information, but I was still shocked when I saw vidrel. I don't think his arrest was warranted at all. I know I'm a month late talking about it, but I'm interested in hearing other nonnies' opinions.

No. 1875506

>David Menzies
God I hate that insufferable scrote so much but arresting him for assault because the fat ass RCMP officer pushed him into her is ridiculous

No. 1875605

>because the fatass pig pushed him into her
Even more bizarrely David got arrested for assault of a police officer, so when the RCMPtard walked into David, the cop claimed David assaulted him. I hate him too but I don't like the context of this arrest: "if you're a journalist (no matter how shitty of job you do) a cop can bump into you purposely and then smash you against a wall. I also thought it was really retarded how the roidpig kept saying "I am a police officer! I am a police officer!" like a broken record.

No. 1875810

Just chiming in to agree with all you other nonners. Rebel News is trash for sure, but they should still be allowed to speak their piece like any other citizen or news org. All news orgs have a slant. It's nothing new.

That is something that rubbed me the wrong way about the whole Freedom Convoy fiasco. I don't align with the right wing on 90% of issues. But they still have the right to protest just like anyone else. It is a part of being a free country. The fact that they FROZE PEOPLE'S BANK ACCOUNTS just for participating in the convoy should scare every single Canadian. It is totalitarian and disgusting. None of our citizens should have to worry about having their life's assets nullified just because they voiced a political view that does not align with our government. That was a huge regressive overstep, and I am glad that JT is finally being punished (albeit softly and too late) for it.
Not only that, but he straight up called them Nazis. I remember there was a Jewish MP at the time who supported the convoy, and he called her a Nazi to her face with no self-awareness.

I hate what most conservatives stand for, but they are still citizens of our country. This kind of "you are a bigot, full stop" rhetoric is doing nothing but harming us. We used to be able to coexist in a mostly centrist way. Now the liberals are just stoking the fire for extremism.
It makes me scared for our future. They are destroying our ability to disagree civilly.

No. 1875862

Classic Canadian move:
>Call protestors nazis.
>Invite verified nazi soldier into parliament and give him a standing ovation.
I lived in downtown Ottawa during the convoy and 95% of media I see about the convoy is falsified and dramatized to insane levels. The left-wing make it seem like it was violent riots meant to destroy democracy, the right-wing make it seem like it was a valiant effort to restore democracy suppressed by the evil autocrats of Parliament Hill. What was it actually, you may ask? It was a group of clueless, confused, disorganized, drunk people. It was pretty obvious from the start that the majority of protestors were just sniffing their own farts and upset because of meme-formatted disinformation that they read on Facebook. There were no "riots" or "demonstrations" so to speak, it was really just a bunch of (very obviously) lower-class people honking in their cars and screaming "FREE-DUMB!!" (whenever they chanted "freedom" they said it in a weird two-syllable way that made it sound like "free dumb" which was pretty funny) congregated in the downtown core, which is a relatively small and unimportant area in the Ottawa metropolitan area. Midway through the protest (about 10-14 days after it began) more than half of the protestors that came realized it was pointless and left the city, and the remaining stragglers were too busy getting off on "pwning the libs" to accept that their participation (and the whole event, really) was devoid of any definitive meaning. It was actually HELL going into an LCBO or a dispensary during the convoy because the lines were so long all-day due to all the people from out-of-town who acted super obnoxiously. They treated the workers/everyone who lived in Ottawa like they were parliamentarians themselves and took out a lot of their frustration on us. What shocked me the most was how many clearly paranoid-schizophrenic moids dragged their wives and children across the country to participate in the event. The large number of cold hungry kids not attending school and living in their parents' cars was one of the only things that really shocked me about the convoy. It made me feel sad for the kids, most of them had this really melancholic and dissociated look in their eyes whenever I'd pass by them on my way to get groceries or booze or wherever I was walking at the time.

No. 1876048

The port mann bridge is the widest bridge in the world and idk how I feel about that

No. 1881225

I'm glad Alberta finally had the balls to ban children transitioning, now if the rest of Canada could do the same pls?

No. 1881715

Is voting this year and if so who are you voting for? I used to be all ndp but now I'm going for peirre/conservative. Happy they want to ban puberty blockers

No. 1881717

its not until 2025 fuck us i guess lol saw a poll saying theyre pushing for this year tho

No. 1881728

I always used to vote NDP as well but they and the Liberals are doing absolutely nothing about the various crises going on in this country so I'm going to try Conservative next year not that any of this matters cuz they all do whatever the fuck they want anyway

No. 1881730

I also voted NDP previously but I'm not sure what to do anymore. Similarly I have thought about voting conservative in hopes it might put a damper on some of the trans shit, but I worry about other implications. Everything is kinda fucked anyway, so maybe it doesn't even matter that much.

No. 1881750

me four! i used to be ndp all the way but pierre has my vote next time. a lot of the people i know who voted ndp in the past are now for pierre

No. 1882158

In the same vein, apparently the 401 is the busiest highway in the world.
I always tend to vote with whatever party offers the best platform for working-class people. I voted NDP in the past because I liked the idea of universal dental & optical care, plus Jack was a really personable leader. I think the major problem I have today with the NDP is their leader. He's my definition of "everything wrong with the modern leftist." I wish that the federal NDP realized that their leader is what's been costing them election after election. I don't like Pierre because I've under the impression that conservative/liberals are two sides of the same coin (literally just rich people LARPing as politicians so they don't have to do work), and from his party's platform it doesn't seem like he wants to curb immigration or the amount of student visas issued. I don't feel like wasting my vote on the conservative party just because of the trans issue, just because I don't think its a big deal in the grand scheme of things. I don't think I'll vote for anybody in the upcoming election. I just don't see a point in doing so when no party has issued a comprehensive platform for a person in my demographic, as well as the FPP system (something Turdeau said he'd get rid of back in the mid-2010s ugh). I'm feeling very removed from the current political landscape, and I guess that's in line with my aspirations to emigrate. The majority of my friends have begun to work towards emigrating as well, so maybe I'm in a sort of echo chamber when I say I don't believe that there's much left for me in this country.

No. 1882648

where are you looking to go anon? I'm in a similar boat to you politically.

No. 1882650

I am planning to vote purely on climate. I don't give a fuck about trannies and muh teenagers. The % of trans is still low and I don't care that some people will regret infertility or being permanently botched.

No. 1882799

I was on board for conservatives a while ago but now I don't want to vote for them if they're going to continue with the same immigration policies.

No. 1882810

>I don't think I'll vote for anybody in the upcoming election.
Find an independent candidate who most aligns with your political views and vote for them. Every politician you don't like wants you to not vote at all instead of voting for their opponent(however unlikely that opponent is to win the election).

No. 1882820

>and from his party's platform it doesn't seem like he wants to curb immigration
I want to vote Conservative but this is one of the reasons why I'm on the fence still. The mass immigration and diploma mill to PR pipeline is clearly negatively affecting the country but none of the political leaders give a damn and have no plans to stop or at least significantly reduce it. The only party that actually wants to do anything about it is the PPC but they're way too batshit on other topics just to be contrary to waste a vote on. I can definitely see low voter turnouts next year due to disenfranchised people—like you said, it feels pointless. I'd like to emigrate too but I think I'm too much of an autist to move to another country on my own kek

No. 1883072

AYRT. I'm autistic too but at this point of my life I think I've conquered my fear of change. I don't think we should let autism define us in the sense of "oh it's so hard to emigrate," obviously it's scary but if 1.2 million people can immigrate here in 2023 then surely immigration can't be that horrifying of an experience. I just don't want to live here anymore. I could deal with the 8 months of shit weather if we had a strong economy and competent government, but why stay in a frozen SAD-inducing wasteland to keep renting and working for a non-living wage. Inb4 "get a better job," my friend makes a better hourly wage doing sales work at a shopping mall than she would if she went into her degree field (teachers get paid less than salespeople kek). The problem is our economy is shit and its not going to improve for at least another 2 decades at least. Right now, I've started converting half of my cheque into USD (stronger currency and CAD will continue to devalue over the next few years). I have an appointment with an immigration lawyer in March to talk about Visa options in either the USA, Australia, or Uruguay. Two of my friends already left Canada for Australia on work holiday visas, one of them got offered sponsorship already. If it can work for them surely it can work for me.

No. 1883466

Climate change isn't real but unfortunately trannies are.

No. 1884220

I personally think Trudy445 is holding a grudge against him for asking him about his perverted behavior as a drama teacher.

No. 1884229

Here it is for reference

No. 1885542

Bloc Québécois. Hopefully, this will be my last vote as a canadian, I hope we finally leave this fucking country. More and more people are in favor for separation, thanks to Trudeau for that.

No. 1888512

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The meme diploma mill college presidents must be feeling the pressure. They are arguing with each other on podcasts now.

No. 1888521

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>Talk about a whore
I'm a retard, is this an actual saying or is he just calling people whore for no reason? This guy John Tibbets makes like $400k a year (picrel is from the Sunshine List), that's about the same salary as Doug Ford makes as premier, and it's something like $70k less than the president of the University of Waterloo makes as salary. The craziest thing to me about the leaders of the diploma mills is how much money they're making as salary.

No. 1900045

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Damn. Keep in mind the scale is net migration. Wonder how much bigger the deficit can get in the future especially for people in their 20s

No. 1900109

I'm so afraid of the dumb yuppies in my area voting liberal. I don't want LGBT lifestyles shoved in my face or mass immigration. It already happened with the ukranians. Why can't Canada just look after its own people?

No. 1901016

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Apparently this is making its rounds on here, but how the fuck is there only 366 of us? We're the size of an average highschool gym? I really felt like there were more. I'm curious what cities you're from

No. 1901311

>What cities you're from
Nona our shithole country only has like 4 cities. Plus I don't wanna dox myself.

No. 1902004

I figure the '4' would be big enough that you wouldn't, but fair. I've always been convinced here on the west coast that some people I've worked with or come across were farmers.

No. 1902870

I wish they were big enough. The USA has 100 cities over 1 million people. Canada (shithole) only has 4 cities above 1 million people (pathetic). I hate it here.

No. 1902933

i'm on the west coast too nona, not vancouver but close enough. ive never come across anyone that i assumed was a farmer though

No. 1902945

It’s honestly disgusting how many supposed Liberal/NDP voters are saying that they’re now going to vote conservative. All of a sudden you’re sucking rightoid dick? What the fuck is wrong with these people, I really want to understand.

No. 1902950

Kek it's funnier when you realize all of the parties want to retain the mass immigration so switching from Liberal or NDP to Conservative results in nothing.

No. 1902964

Lmao yes because mass immigration is the only problem Canada has. Short sighted retards

No. 1902968

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No. 1903701

What’s the best option for someone without a degree? I wish I could transfer to an American university

No. 1903707

You can't honestly expect people to have lived through the last 8 years in this country, see what a shit show it has/ is turning into then expect them to vote liberal again kek. That would be like throwing gasoline on a fire. I'm still on the fence myself because none of the parties are great but at least the cons are wanting to reduce costs for Canadians whereas the liberals and NDP are going on like we all have money to burn on increased carbon taxes kek

No. 1903713

Hey I’m autistic and moved to the states. Granted I’m here on a marriage visa but after almost 2 years I just got my advance parole so I can visit my family again.

No. 1903716

I feel like that's more than I expected tbh. I guess you never know where posters are from unless they say it but I never got the vibe there were many Canadians here.
>I'm curious what cities you're from
Not gonna say the exact city but I'm from Ontario. Can't say I've ever met someone who I would suspect of being a fellow farmer though

No. 1904608

Ontario. Anyone I befriended who knows about lc is American and all are online friends, alas

No. 1904642

Finish your degree if possible. It's better to complete your degree in Canada because it's a lot cheaper to do here than in American universities. Personally, I've set my student loan repayments to the lowest possible amount and once I emigrate I'm planning to just stop paying them at all. I'm dead set on emigration, to the point where I'm refusing to pay my taxes this year as well. I just can't be assed wasting anymore money on this shithole country. Try looking into countries with low cost of living and discovering their visa opportunities.

No. 1904700

I was like pro NDP when I was a liberal and super pro trans and stuff but now my views have changed a lot in the last couple years so now I vote conservative

No. 1905072

So your views on trans stuff has changed but what else? There’s more to politics than troon shit. Like abortion laws, for example…

No. 1905133

burger tourist here, but are abortion rights really on the rocks in canada? I always figured abortion wasn’t as much of an issue up north since you guys don’t have as much of an evangelical lobby. meanwhile, the trans ideology seems to have really taken over canada from the news reports I’ve seen

No. 1905159

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>Trusts news media.
Kek. Everything reported in the news is to act as a distraction from the fact that Canada has no houses, a shit economy, incredibly high inflation rates, and a floundering nationalized medicare system. The news media will sensationalize anything and everything else before reporting on those aforementioned faults so as to save the Laurentian elites' British sensibilities. In 2023 Canada had a growth rate similar to failed states. Canada has a population of 40 million, the USA has a population of 330 million, yet Canada took on more immigrants than the USA did in 2023. Picrel is an example of that immigration policy in action when compared to amount of housing units completed per annum. It's why any Canadian with a brain is planning their escape from the country before shit really hits the fan in the late 2020s. I envy you Burgerfag because every American I've come across has this idea that Canada is like any blue state but better, but really Canada is a third world country LARPing as America Lite without any of the parts that make America a good place to live.

No. 1905177

ayrt thanks for the perspective, nonna. I agree, that although americans like to tease canadians for being, well, canadian, most of us have a pretty high opinion of canada as some utopia with free healthcare kek. saying you were going to move to canada after trump was elected was basically a meme. I think this perception goes all the way back to american slavery and the underground railroad when escaping to canada was considered the ultimate liberation. my opinion changed dramatically after that tranny teacher made headlines with the prosthetic breasts (perhaps sensationalized news reporting, but horrifying all the same). I hope canada gets its immigration system sorted out

No. 1905186

I don't blame you nonna. The media in the USA will often use Canada as an example. Whether that's a good example, like when left wing people shill about our "totally great healthcare" (to give context, my great aunt had a heart attack 3 weeks ago and she is still in the hospital right now because there is no heart specialist to see her, so she's been lying in a hospital bed for 3 weeks just waiting) or a bad example like when right wing people shill about all the "look Canada is 50% trannies!!" bit (everyone sane, even some of the troons, here was grossed out by Professor Z Cups kek). A lot of American media is based on the presumption that American viewers don't know about the world around them so won't think to double-check the media's reports. Canada is basically 10 corporations in a trench coat pretending to be a country. It's a really bad shit show all around. 89% of Canadian land is owned by King Charles III of England and only 11% is privately owned. Compare that to the USA where almost 70% of the land is privately owned.

No. 1905715

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Gosh I love Canada, where everything is unaffordable, perpetrators of crimes are given more privacy and care than the victims, and no one is allowed to disclose the race of a wanted criminal. 30 to 50 year old man with a large build, gee that narrows it down to almost a third of the male population in Vancouver.


No. 1911537

The government mandated menstrual pads in men’s washrooms and same sex bathrooms, it’s over Canadian nonnies
I had to pee in the same room as a schizo moid talking to himself and standing outside my stall

No. 1911541

>same sex bathrooms

No. 1911620

America has same sex bathrooms in big cities too. It's just a way for businesses to have less bathroom space.

No. 1911627

what the fuck the world is over I want to cry

No. 1925576

Do any nonnnies read canada housing subreddits or canada 2 subreddits? There are so many indian men in my city who stare at you in such an aggressive threatening manner. In those subreddits they make it sounds like it is like this all over canada, is that the case for you guys? reading those subs I still feel bad for indians because they are clearly dealing with and going to deal with a bunch of blatant racism but I don't know what else anyone can do. There are way too many of them, they are rude, they dont integrate, they don't want to, and the men are fucking threatening towards women. They are so fucking creepy on the bus I have to take. What is your nonnies experience with this? I feel like I am going crazy. and yes, the women are sweet the men are creepy and weird, or if they have been in Canada most of their lives a lot of them are involved with organized crime

No. 1925590

Your post sounds like mild racebait. Get off of those subreddits, it's just doom-fuel and it's not good for you. We all know that QOL in Canada is dropping rapidly due to mismanaged immigration plans, failing economy, and corrupt government. Start looking into emigration to the USA or another country.

No. 1925608

Yea I do sometimes, it gets too be way too doomery and makes me wonder what the point of living is if this country is going to be so screwed up in the next few years and I don't have a lot of options to get out of here. So far I haven't had any trouble with the men, they seem to keep to themselves for the most part. The only annoying incident was when one was getting on the bus behind me and shoved his hand in front of mine before I could tap on. My sisters friend had one stalk her and follow her around when she was out running errands though—the scrote literally sat outside a store waiting for her to come out for a while then eventually came in and started going up and down every aisle looking for her. She had to get an employee to let her hide in the back while they called the cops. It's fucked up, I wouldn't care if just the women came because I'd want to escape too but the men can all be sent back idc kek

No. 1925630


Literally feel the exact same way the women deserve to escape india because they can't walk down the street without a male escort without fear of violence thats literal human rights stuff but the men can all get fucked honestly why are we letting them in? I want to leave so bad

I'm sorry and you're right they are doom fuel so that's why im asking cause I agree im sure they are painting a worse picture than reality but at the same time it is so blatant how many fucking indian men are here, they are everywhere at all times. I am sincerely not trying to race bait and I feel bad for the racism that the good ones will experience

No. 1925637

>I'm sure they are painting a worse picture than reality
Nona this is reality right now. On those subreddits, particularly canadahousing2, a lot of the posters have resigned themselves to just being bitter, racist, and complicit in the ongoing issues we're facing. If you don't own a home right now in this country, you will never own one. Even if you get a good job, the same position will pay twice as much in the USA and you'll pay less taxes too. Canada is a rinse, it's one big money laundering scheme. Don't be like the reddit losers. I am telling you, please, seriously look into emigrating to a different country. There are avenues to do so, whether that be education, job offers, or even fraud marriage. I have been saving up for a while now and I'm planning to leave by June or July at the latest.

No. 1925673

I don’t care if it’s ‘mild racebait’ I completely agree with you about indian moids. I can’t go out to the bar without packs of them cornering me, touching me and saying gross shit to me. All the while indian women are completely normal and kind so it’s clearly just an issue with just the moids.

No. 1925728

nope it’s not even racebait anymore. the moids are horrendous, all the indian women have been a pleasure to work with meanwhile i get 40 year old moids harassing me. one almost ran me over in his amazon van and stuck his tounge out at me like a perverted madman. it was disgusting. there was even one on india’s most wanted list hiding out in winnipeg. he was only found out after some vigilante killed him in the comfort of his own home. i have no problem with indian women starting a life here but how are these moids imported by the mass? why aren’t they vetted? i understand students but why the old moids? and why are all the immigrants from india?

No. 1925906

I used to feel this way until I've seen the sheer volume of news articles about the amount of gang rape and violence toward women in India. Indian men even gang rape and kill animals like its a hobby. In a country where men will rape, kill, and eat a monitor lizard for fun yeah no. I genuinely feel a lot of sympathy for Indian women because they are treated like servants on a mass scale. No, it isn't unreasonable to feel uneasy around men who were born into and brought up for years viewing women as trash and property. If there is that much opportunistic and unpunished rape in the country they were raised to view themselves as women's superior in, why would they suddenly feel any different? I don't think anyone who vents about this topic is condemning good people or saying they believe it's #allmen. There are good and hardworking families that immigrate, and they don't deserve any discrimination. You can say these people don't deserve discrimination while also acknowledging that single men who immigrate to your country after 20 some years of being in a violent and misogynistic society make you feel uneasy because they have literally zero empathy toward women and stare at you like you are sentient meat and not a person. Yeah that's uncomfortable. It's a delicate subject because unfortunately there are racist women who think of any man who isn't white as an "illegal" trying to go after them when it isnt true, but that's still an entirely seperate issue from what's going on in India and how it's normal to be wary of ANY man who is clearly sending out an obvious threatening signal because they never had to humanize women in their whole lives.

No. 1925914

Also if you can't talk about it among women without immediately being shut down and ostracized, how are you supposed to learn how to express these feelings or opinions in a healthy or non-offensive way? You can't learn the right things to say if you're being immediately shot down while trying to say something that isn't rooted in bad intention. It's a precarious conversation to have because there is a glaring different between being racist and thinking that something has to be done about the amount of genuinely abbhorant men that manage to slip through the system. It isnt a race issue, it's a men issue, but I think a lot of women can't say what they mean with tact or reflection solely because they've never been allowed to talk about it in a meaningful way. Countries don't share a lot with eachother, and immigration could benefit from having mugshots and warnings about offenders sent out to eachother to at least cull the issue somewhat. It really sucks trying to clumsily express that you think bad men should not be allowed to escape and terrorize more people without feeling like you sound like the average racist person you strongly hate and don't actually share any fundamental ideals with. Either way the topic of offending men being animals is a far cry from "hurhur I hate illegals they taking our jobs hurhur."

No. 1925982

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>"It's not even racebaiting anymore"
Yeah it is kek, refer to global rule 7. Canada has an immigration problem, but it doesn't matter which nationals are immigrating here. It could be Indians, Chinese, Germans, Mexicans, etc., and it would all be the same. The problem is there is way too many people being allowed into the country ever year for what our economy can handle. This is more of a class issue, but the rich and powerful try to dress it up as a race issue so the dumb people get rilled up over the wrong things.
>"I don't think anyone who vents about this topic is condemning good people or saying they believe it's #allmen. "
Unfortunately it is all men. This line especially makes you sound like a newfag or just a tourist. We should all know by now that all men will be violent and will rape if given the chance, regardless of their race or ethnicity. Disgusting scrote behaviours are not localized, they're global.
>"Also if you can't talk about it among women without immediately being shut down and ostracized, how are you supposed to learn how to express these feelings or opinions in a healthy or non-offensive way?"
You can go onto the canadahousing2 subreddit if you want to specifically talk shit about Indian people, there you will be met with open arms. LC isn't the place for these types of discussions.

No. 1926007

Oh I have no desire to talk about Indian people, I just meant any sort of like sane and humane conversation about the topic gets shut down before people can be taught to refine what they say or express their opinion in a way that isnt bigoted or hostile. I'm pro-immigration myself I just believe there absolutely should be better structure and urgency for reporting offenders of any kind.

No. 1926023

If you're pro-immigration in this political climate you are fundamentally unaware of what's going on in this country. It doesn't matter where immigrants come from, it's all to do with the numbers.

No. 1926286

I'm getting tired of people who don't live in Canada or moved away 5+ years ago commenting on Canadian politics. Making misinformed/outdated statements and arguing policies they won't have to live under. I'm not saying you have to live in a country to be informed about its politics but it's annoying when there's so many who don't live here in discussions. And I know it goes both ways because there's a lot of Canadians butting into American political discussions too.

No. 1926290

It's super annoying because most non-Canadians figure that Canada is just like the USA but colder so they just apply American politics onto Canadian issues like it's some kind of own. On the flip side a lot of Canadians don't know their own history and refuse to learn about British imperial history and its foundations for the current neoliberal regime, so it's a lose-lose.

No. 1926446

i hope everyone in this thread goes to tim hortons and gets served by the indian employees there and shuts the fuck up and stops turning literally every thread into racebait. fuck.

No. 1926575

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What's your favourite flavour of Miss Vicky's? Mine is the chili and sour cream flavour

No. 1926583

Jalapeno. Salt and Vinegar is second-best.

No. 1926688

KEK nona why is that image so massive but only 3 pixels? anyways I've only ever tried the salt and vinegar but they're my favorite chips

No. 1926699

miss vickies are the best!!! my favourites are chili & sour cream, jalapeno and honey dijon

No. 1926711

Jalapeno is amazing. On a side note i had no idea that Vickies were only canadian. Suddenly I feel bad for americans and their thin ass chips

No. 1926715

Miss Vickies chips are sold in the United States too though?

No. 1926726

I'm surprised no one is talking about the Online Speech Harm bill or however more often. It's absurd, kek.

No. 1926737

Yeah but it's a Canadian chip company, also please reveal your favourite flavour if you're going to engage.
I think most of us are too fed up with the cost of living and housing crises to care about the bills being passed right now, it's part of their plan.

No. 1926781

Jalapeno for sure but I really like the plain ones too

No. 1926928

What the fuck I just went grocery shopping at superstore and the big packs of chicken breasts are like $30 minimum up to like $40. I swear I was buying them for like $23 just a few weeks ago. I usually sort through them and find the lowest priced ones and sometimes I could even find like $19-20.
I ended up not buying any chicken. Maybe I’ll have better luck at save on but unlikely.

No. 1927023

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Can we vote on Old Dutch flavours instead?

No. 1927044

Old Dutch is the worst chip brand nonny

No. 1927564

So I have a question, why is it that nonnies are willing to accept that women are coming here from India or South Africa or the Middle East to escape violence, rape, and a high victimization rate by the moids that live there. But then cannot accept that those men pose a greater risk to women than the moids in Canada? Like how do you separate those ideas, life in India is extremely dangerous for women who live there, but Indian moids are no more dangerous than any other moid. Make it make sense.

No. 1927740

exactly, indian men absolutely have a problem with violence, sexual assault and rape. Ask any indian woman and they will agree. There are just as many chinese men as there are indian men in my city and not once have I been harassed by one. That’s not to say that Chinese men are not misogynistic because they absolutely are, but they aren’t actively going out in groups and staring at, touching and sexually harassing random women. Misogyny can manifest in different ways and with Indian moids it happens to be the most blatant and dangerous.

No. 1931778

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I hate these people. Works long enough to obtain residency, stopped working (it was the plan all along), got lucky enough to get one of the now very rare cheap rent in Quebec City (even in bumfuck nowhere it's hard to pay that for a decent sized clean apartment) and pretends you can live well with only 1000$ a month in the province. I hope he gets renovicted and never obtain his citizenship. I make around 2200$ a month and I have a hard time saving money.

No. 1931785

As mass immigration continues to contribute to the free-fall of our welfare state, nationalized healthcare system, and housing market, there's been a definite push in the media to present Canada as a prime destination for immigrants. A highlight of the article for me was:
>"within five years I was going to move to a slightly more civilized country with better healthcare and a cheaper standard of living."
Notice that Canada is always presented as the USA but better, all the while affording Canadian citizens with none of the things that make the USA great in the first place. The "more civilized" bit is so crazy to me as well because it's such an ignorant outsider's perspective. No knowledge of Brittanic history nor the faults of our criminal system.

No. 1932291

Any Indian woman would agree except the pick me slag who hangs out here and has been defending them for years. I can tell it's the same person from the last thread accusing anyone who brings up the Indian invasion as "racebait". I'm so fucking angry about this, the idea that we can't even complain on a sketchy imageboard without being chastised by one of their handmaidens, I truly hope she gets fed posted by Indian moids to be completely honest and I've never thought anything like that about another woman before(racebaiting)

No. 1932364

I'm not even Canadian, but I do live in a European country where a lot of Indian and other South Asian moids are immigrating to recently. I keep seeing more and more of them each year. It makes me so uncomfortable. Imagine thinking you're safe and free to live your life, but then these motherfuckers follow you here too. Like a fucking disease. It makes me miserable and they're always staring at me, probably trying to figure out if I'm the same type of 'brown' as them or something. Ew. And if I speak out against them, I get called self-hating and 'whitewashed' (hate that term) by handmaidens who love their 'homeland' that they've only been to once in their entire lifetime. What the fuck? It is definitely not racebaiting to talk about these fucking pests. They should be talked about more. Take it from me, Indian and other South Asian moids are the worst type of moids on the entire planet, no fucking doubt about it. ESPECIALLY, if they're Muslim. Lethal fucking combo. Spreading around the entire planet now to turn all countries they go to into the shitholes that they came from.(racebaiting)

No. 1932379

so, do you think Trudeau has created a perfect situation for someone on the far right to get elected?

No. 1932445

There is no far right in Canada. There are 2 major parties and they're both 2 sides of the same coin. They both have the exact same goals: to enrich the party's Laurentian elites by propping up a Ponzi scheme economy. The majority of Canadian voters are uninformed and lack political education, so most people just vote for either the party that's in or the party that's not in, if they even vote at all (see Ontario's last election numbers). A far right party couldn't exist here because it would necessitate nationalization of key resources and infrastructure, no party is willing to do that because the party leaders make more money selling those things to the Americans.

No. 1933317

Vancouver anon here. I'm honestly all for people protesting whatever they feel they need to protest here. Its just a basic right, freedom of speech, and of course usually the protests are well deserved (Mahsa Amini to name one). I've been wondering recently why Canadians haven't been publicly protesting over inflation for food and everything else. I stumbled across the "Boycott Loblaws" subreddit and while I think it's great some people want to make an effort, but why don't we literally just make a scene? Cause an issue with the government? Really push back. I'm fucking sick of having to be careful about even what vegetables I can buy. Lettuce shouldn't cost me 5 bucks. Or bread, eggs and milk. Any basic staple in most peoples diets, fucking rice even. I can go back to instant noodles and save more money that's fine it just fucking sucks. I make around 57k per year and I can't save in this fucking city. I don't go out to eat, don't order take out, I even stopped drinking as much because it's so expensive. Buying groceries shouldn't put me out.

No. 1934127

Canada (besides Quebec) is a Brittanic culture, so the idea of protest, riots, revolt, etc., is incongruent with the cultural psyche that frames order and respect for tradition as ideal. Look up the "tall poppy syndrome" phenomenon that plagues post-Empire cultures. The majority of Canadians are very politically uneducated, and they don't care about the major political parties nor their platforms. Canadians are more likely to form protests in response to foreign problems, like the Masha protests you mention or the spill-over of the BLM protests back in 2019/20, rather than protest national ones like food price inflation, subpar housing numbers, etc..

No. 1935856

KEK this country is a joke

No. 1935995

I have no words.

No. 1936674

I actually fucking hate them. People are freezing to death outside in the streets. I've seen two corpses in the past 2 winters from being frozen to death. What are they going to do about that? Make stupid fucking anime references? I fucking hate them so much it's unreal.

No. 1937751

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I found this site yesterday and read through a bunch of it in horror and need to talk to someone about it.

This website basically profiles and chronicles Canadian crime and gangsters, including tons of videos of them jumping people or videos of men who appear to have been kidnapped, stripped naked and beaten. I don't get how they get all this footage, it must be compiled by an informant or someone in law enforcement right? or in collaboration with guys who roll in packs so one can shoot and another can literally film their enemies dying. Why can I click a link and see a video of a powerful Canadian drug lord screaming his brother's name while he dies in front of him? (link related) It's also written by someone whose clearly kind of retarded but trying to sound professional, here is an example:

"Whenever we wake up these days, we race to our phone to see if anyone else has just got shot. The last few days have honestly felt exactly the same as when we were reporting on homicides almost daily; back when Harb/KG were murdered (excellent write-up, make sure you’ve tuned in if you haven’t)."

This isn't racebait because if you grew up here you know that it's a reality that a lot of Indians and Somalians are involved in crime. I am not singling them out but I am complaining about the justice system here because everyone knows how it is such a joke in this country. This website also shows how the majority of the Indian men who turn to crime are from middle class families and there is absolutely no necessity for them to live that life, but it seems their uncles and cousins recruit them at a young age and they want fast money. I have so little sympathy for men who get killed being involved in a gang lifestyle, literally the only ones they have to blame is themselves. Shown on here many times is men who kill for money next to pictures of the Mcmansions they grew up in and their moms who look like normal classy Indian women.

If you're going to read it, the old links on the blog are better and more interesting, they are running out of content so they're covering vintage crime now. Be warned there is videos of extreme violence on here.


No. 1937764

All this while Ontario is being over ran by immigrants and there is a severe housing crisis

No. 1937774


Same anon, I found out about this because I was reading about a shooting in my city and clicked on the subreddit for thedirtynewz before it became a website, on the subreddit there is a video of 6-8 Indian young adult, like 20 year olds screaming gang stuff and the n word and threatening what looks like a 13 year old white kid, and then forcing him to undress and dance for them or else they will beat him and fuck him up. He looks terrified. I cannot imagine how traumatic and horrifying that would be for that kid, I cannot imagine the reaction if that happened in America and it was a group of white kids doing that to a younger black kid. I hate this country that justice is such a fucking joke that people get away with such evil. I wish I didn't see that video or read all this stuff but once I found it it was like I couldn't look away. I had bad dreams from this yesterday.

No. 1938532

This pisses me off so much, they shouldn’t even be here. And they’ve turned Canada into a crime ridden shit hole. If these were white men from Russia or Germany doing this, coming here in droves, bringing crime and gang violence, running amok and terrorizing actual Canadians everyone would be talking about it. People would be demanding change and the government would echo that concern, but because it’s brown moids we have to be understanding and open and sensitive to the different ~culture~ and ~customs.~ I hope something changes soon but I doubt it, it’s not even possible now, the floodgates have opened and those things breed like rats, Canada is ruined.

No. 1939644

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No. 1939648

In other words: we need to keep selling our oil to the Americans so we can buy it back for double the price instead of just nationalizing our oil and living in a sweet cheap-gasoline paradise like Saudi Arabia.

No. 1939652

ive seen the most retarded videos from this account pop up on my fyp. i literally thought it was a joke account, i cant believe its real.

No. 1939664

I don't know if this might make you feel any better, but when your economy and state eventually collapse(not just in Canada but much of the west), the vast majority of these migrants will leave. that's the usual thing with economic migrants, if there's no benefits, they'll leave.

No. 1939716

That's horrifying. I can't imagine being surrounded by indian moids with the threat of violence. Why doesnt the Canada government do anything about this?!

No. 1939818

so, where are we all moving? Having a hard time deciding but it seems a lot of us are having similar ideas of leaving at least.

No. 1939849

I'd like to move to somewhere in Europe, Ireland seems quaint- or maybe Italy for the warm weather kek. My understanding is they're also considered expensive to live in but if it's between being poor in Canada or being poor in Europe, I know what my choice is. I have no interest in moving to 'Murica because of the guns and retardation, but I know a lot of people have their eyes set on it for financial reasons. I'd like to leave via Education if possible, but I don't know how realistic it is. I'm surprised so many of us want to dip, all of my friends are planning on staying for the rest of their lives it seems, which is crazy to me.

No. 1939853

Canada is more violent than America kek. In Canada only criminals can have guns, so the meek are defenceless. At least in the USA everyone has an equal chance to protect themselves.
I'm currently in the process of getting my work visa for an East Asian country, I should be gone for good by summer. Eventually I'd like to settle down in Chile, Uruguay for the good weather and good economy, or Australia if they ever fix their housing crises. I've been talking to an immigration lawyer for about 2 months now about my longterm goals, and he says I have a good chance to get out before shit hits the fan. Even he's planning on leaving once his kids graduate, my family doctor of 20+ years is leaving this year as well. A lot of the highly educated and financially well-off people are gearing up towards leaving but won't mention it until you bring it up first. Most people I know are talking about leaving too but it's all just empty words, like how a lot of Americans said they were gonna evacuate when Trump won. If you really want to get out, do it within the next year or two before the government raises the exit tax higher than it already is.

No. 1939855

I already moved to the American south. Still waiting on my green card. If I had the choice I would go to Europe instead.

No. 1939865

I can claim citizenship of a particular EU country by descent (there's probably at least 2 dozen EU countries that let you do this, last I checked, anyway) because of my parents. So I did that. It's been a process for sure. I'm more likely to enmesh myself with America though for career reasons.

No. 1946528

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No. 1946530

Okay Justin but where are the houses? Where are the apartments Justin?

No. 1947076

I want to punch him in the face so badly.

I wouldn't recommend Ireland since it has gone up in price for housing, or there is no housing (similar to our case), and a few other fucked issues I'm fuzzy on. I know for a fact their immigration issues are also all over the map. My boyfriend is Irish and he believes in the last few years the politics have gotten way worse and doesn't find it appealing to live there anymore.

No. 1947314

Canada is so fucked

No. 1947315

He really said Trans people and banning conversion therapy in the same breath, when they are the same thing. JT can go suck a dick

No. 1949110

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Still not letting this case die until he drops dead. I hate this man with a burning passion and have sent all energy I have to finding justice for her. Poor girl. His lawyers as of today are trying to get his case tossed for taking too long. I hope he gets beat to death in prison. I have a feeling he's in a special unit so he doesn't get killed. Throw him in with the dogs. I hope he dies soon. And painfully.

No. 1949156

An aunt told me that back in the 70s Canadians did boycott things and it worked. The price of butter went up by 20¢ and they stopped buying until the stores reduced the price back. We've just become complacent and lazy. Literally nobody votes with their wallet. The only thing people managed to boycott recently was target but that's because it would have been stupid to shop there when we have Walmart.

No. 1949184

>Canadians are more likely to form protests in response to foreign problems
the cognitive dissonance of people protesting for palestine and trannies downtown while there are homeless indigenous people nearby lined up to get into overloaded shelters. i wish people would care more about local issues instead of shitflinging about countries miles away. and fuck trudeau for sending money to israel and going on vacations when the average person can barely afford to eat.

No. 1949355

nonnie don't you know? if you say anything about the indigenous homeless you're simply being racist. obviously it's easier to virtue signal for things that have no effect on your life. so be good and accept being yelled at, flashed, and stabbed with dirty needles. just so it's clear this isn't racebait, I think the government and reserves need to actually do something rather than having people live in bus shacks and make tents cities in otherwise decent areas

No. 1955970

I mentioned this unwillingness to protest to an older family member and she looked at me like I had 2 heads because apparently, we used to be better with this. I don't understand why caring about domestic issues is almost taboo with younger people.

No. 1958396

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not a canadafag but this photo of your arctic operations is so metal

No. 1991518

Really fucking depressing that our housing crisis has us living 10+ to a basement right now.

No. 1991526

It makes no sense to me either. I am a firm believer in handling your own countries issues first. We are a supposed first world nation with tons of homeless and underpaid/living paycheck to paycheck people. meanwhile cost of living sky rockets. I will never understand protesting for other countries while homeless indigenous people or women sit battered and abused at your own doorstep.

No. 1994156

Has anyone waitressed in Vancouver? How is it

No. 1994183

I have your retarded accent despite being born and raised on the opposite side of the earth. Thanks mum.

No. 1994197

Any nonnas going to Anime North this month? Haven't been in a few years but I thought it'd be something fun to do for the weekend

No. 1996503

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where in Canada do people talk like this?

No. 1996533


No. 1997256

Sounds like a Brampton (wo)mans

No. 1997512

People are more likely to protest for foreign countries than do it for domestic issues because protesting domestic issues admits there are flaws in the country.
Protesting for Palestine or Ukraine doesn't damage superiority complex Canadians have about being so much kinder than the americans

No. 1998290


No. 1998852

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Was anyone able to see the northern lights last night? It was my first time seeing them, I usually always sleep through them. They were gorgeous

No. 1999009

Because it's a "post-national" country now.

No. 2001942

Real talk, anyone know where tornono men sound like that? Not the accent, the faggot, high ass voices they got, it's nasty

No. 2001962

It's the fake "gangsta" accent they put on. It sounds similar to the type you might here in Indo-Caribbean communities in central London, UK (things like wasteman, yute, bombaclat, etc.). A lot of "Toronto mans" slang derives from Caribbean slang and attempted pronunciations, but butchered through a Canadian accent amalgamated with the accents of hundreds of different ethnicities linguistic quirks from the non-integrative members of Toronto's cosmopolitan population. It's mostly Americanized middle class kids from the suburbs that wanna be "gangsta" that try and put on this specific speech pattern. Hope my explanation suffices.

No. 2008428

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Question for Canadafags
I've been a client of RBC and CIBC for most of my life. Right now, I have a chequing account with RBC and CIBC, and then and I have credit cards and TFSA with RBC. Lately I've been thinking about closing my CIBC account and opening a new account with a different bank. Before I do, I just wanted to ask a few nonas about what bank they use. My questions are:
>Which of the big 5 banks do you deal with right now?
>Do you have any negative experiences with a certain bank?
>What are the pros/cons of your current bank?
>Do you know if certain banks have the best offers, deals, etc., when compared to other banks?
I think it's crazy we only have 5 major banks here! Sometimes I feel like they're all the same anyway. I got a free pair of Airpods from RBC two summers ago for opening a new account with them, so that was cool. I was just hoping to gauge others experiences with banks before opening a new account with one of them. If you have anything you wanna share or complain about, I hope you reply!

No. 2013658

I really like RBC, they're always professional and friendly. I've been with them since I was a young teen starting my first job in 2014. I have a basic credit card and its not bad at all. Good luck nonnie.

No. 2014154

No I fucking missed it and I’m so fucking pissed at myself!!!!

No. 2015427

Should I go through another pride month in the GTA or just kill myself finally rn

No. 2015583

I'm more concerned about the collapsing welfare state and the immigration problem than I am about pride this year. It's gotten to the point where on every radio channel and news show they're talking about how bad the economy has become and how more people are slipping into poverty and homelessness. I can't wait to get out of here by the end of summer and never come back. Don't kill yourself anon, just start working on your exit strategy and start deciding which country would be a good fit for you.

No. 2016779

I want to emigrate as well. I was thinking somewhere in Asia because I'm a linguistics autist who is quick to learn hanzi/kanji + I have some family that have moved/worked there before. Unfortunately I'm a poorfag who has never travelled further than Quebec, but I see no future if I stay here. I don't know where to start. I am trying to get a college degree in legal admin because I did a legal assistant internship and enjoyed it, but because I'm retarded I'm taking a 3rd year to complete it part-time. I feel like I fucked up by not going to uni/studying abroad instead. I hope the last couple years weren't a waste. The state of the Ontario job market makes me wanna rope

No. 2017304

>I'm a poorfag
Start saving everything you can. My advice on how to save money as poorfag is: 1) Plan your meals (only have 2 a day and no snack items) around what's on sale in flyers at grocery stores. Compared to my friends I spend 40% less on groceries just because I stick to sale items and don't buy junk. 2) Switch to the cheapest phone plan, for me that means switching my carrier every year once the "cheap 1st year" contract runs out. It's not as big a hassle as it seems because usually you can keep your number. 3) If possible, sign up for KOHO and use that as your main chequing account since they offer the best cash-back deals right now especially with grocery stores (I also think the pink debit cards are cute kek). 4) Quit weed, alcohol, and nicotine if you're addicted to any of those. I used to smoke 2 oz/month because I was trying to cope with being a poorfag in a decaying country but then I realized that it was just a money sink and that a lot of countries have the right to test you for drugs on arrival and can revoke your visa if you don't pass. 5) Make a weekly or monthly budget and stick to it, this is the major thing that separates me from my more financially irresponsible friends and I credit my budget and sticking to it with helping lift me out of poverty.
>I feel like I fucked up by not going to uni/studying abroad instead.
Studying abroad is the biggest scam out there. It's like how all the international students have to pay 3x the amount national students pay here. All of my friends that did a year abroad hated the experience. Why bother going abroad just to be stuck in a crap uni-town and focused more on studying than experiencing the culture or saving money. Once of my friends went to France for a year in uni and she ended up spending 45k. She's still paying off her credit card debts to this day. Don't bother having regrets about what could have been because it's just retarded - the past doesn't exist anymore, only the idea of a future does. Remember it's ALWAYS better to do your education here in Canada as a citizen because you get a much more cost-effective experience and because most countries will recognize Canadian diplomas or degrees.
>The state of the Ontario job market makes me wanna rope.
Unfortunately this is just what the business-owner and politician-class want. They want a slew of under-educated workers from foreign countries that don't understand the labour market or culture here, that way they can pay them very cheaply and give them a shit life here for cheaper than just paying a born-Canadian for the job. At my old workplace, next door was a Pizza Pizza, and of the 25 people that worked there 23 worked illegally and were only being paid $6/hour. It's crazy because a lot of people don't actually want to admit how disastrous the immigrant problem is, even though it hurts both immigrants and citizens. They have to live like slaves and we have to live like broke bitches. It sucks, but the rich get richer this way so they won't change it. It's not just an Ontario problem, it's a national problem and no political party wants to address it because they all profit from it.
>I don't know where to start
First of, if you don't have your passport get it now. Start looking into countries that are safe and secure, and that you'd be interested in inhabiting. Then, look into which countries have a need for legal admins. Most countries that offer work visas will provide a list of jobs that are "in demand" that you can browse. From that, Look into the COL between various cities in the countries and start deciding where you'd like to go. Look into the work visa situation in the various choices you have, and choose which one is best for you. Before you go, if you don't have at least 10k saved, take out a Mastercard or Visa credit card for at least 8-10k and use that for your launching pad. All the best.

No. 2017393

Don't forget about buying gold.

No. 2017401

Gold standard is whatever, but at this point as soon as I get my cheques I convert half of it to USD immediately for my savings because that currency is a lot stronger and more lucrative to have than CAD.

No. 2017935

i’m sick of all the indians in ontario tbh(racebait)

No. 2018088

same but vancouver

No. 2020341

Thank you for making trailer park boys

No. 2020440

So I just moved to Ottawa recently is there anything I need to know nonas? Aside from moving somewhere else immediately because it's not an option as I'm kinda stuck here for the foreseeable future

No. 2020443

KEK. Thank you canadafags for Degrassi too. That show was my childhood

No. 2020515

Avoid Lowertown and Sandy Hill after dark because it's where all the crackheads live. Ottawa has a third the population of Toronto but the same amount of homeless people, they're congregated in a much smaller area. Most people are either from Ottawa or from small-towns and moved for uni, so the atmosphere is very cliquish and it'll he hard to make friends. There's no night life, and you will hear everybody complain about this, so get ready to buy VIA rail tickets to Montreal or Toronto for the weekend. The O-Train is alright but Rideau station smells really bad, I'm not sure if they ever fixed it but when they built the station they built it in a naturally occuring sulphur deposit. Byward Market is overpriced and not worth the hype, but you'll have to listen to people hype it up as cope. The National Gallery is fun the first time you go, but all other museums are trash and the ones in Toronto and Montreal are way better. If you see any cars with red license plates, those are diplomatic mission cars and they will not follow the rules of the road and if they hit you or run you over they have diplomatic immunity so do not stay close to those cars. You will see many protests downtown about retarded non-issues that will block off traffic and make moving around difficult. Kanata and Orleans aren't even part of Ottawa they're two towns 40 minutes each way from downtown that get included in Ottawa like how Oakville and Ajax are considered part of Toronto. Likewise Nepean was once it's own city but now it's just another neighbourhood, and people that live in Nepean will always remind you of this fact. uOttawa and uCarleton are filled with retards that rent most of the nicer apartments in the neighbourhoods close to their campuses, in September they clog things up and will cause a ruckus as all they do is pop pills smoke weed and drink, so if you live near them you will be kept up late. Besides students most people are government workers with no personality or zest for life and they will be in bed asleep by 9:00PM, the city dies after 11:00PM. I'm not sure if it's different now, but when I lived there the city didn't plow the sidewalks for snow in winter, or salt them for ice. There's a lot of snow in winter so be prepared to crawl through it and get your pants and boots soaking wet. Winter was always harsh, really cold and really snowy, and I saw a few corpses of the homeless people that had frozen to death in the night when I lived there. They say you can skate on the canal when it freezes over in winter, but usually that's only for 3-4 in days per year that they'll open it for skating. It felt like the city was extra dead between October and April due to the weather. Gatineau across the river is just as bad as Ottawa, but the Quebecois there won't appreciate your presence in their turf if you do decide to go over. That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Honestly living in Ottawa was really bad. It was the worst years of my life, not for any reason besides where I was living. I've been all over the country Atlantic to Pacific coast, and through the US too, but Ottawa is my least favourite city that I've ever experienced. Even tourists can't have fun; when I was there homeless people would camp outside the parliament in tents and defecate on the world war memorial grounds. Good luck. I feel bad for you because our capital city is one of the worst cities in the country.

No. 2020518

Trailer Park Boys is just how Nova Scotia is. They did a perfect job making it seem real. I even know a guy that inexplicably always holds a glass full of booze everywhere, just like Julian.

No. 2020796

any foreigners lurking this thread please watch Kids in the Hall. And if you like Trailer Park Boys you'll probably like the FUBAR movies

No. 2024722

Samefag as >>2020515 but another thing I forgot to mention is that don't drink the tap water. I never had problems with my tonsils before moving to Ottawa, but in the few years I lived there I had such bad issues develop that I had to have my tonsils removed. My surgeon in Toronto said it was most likely caused by dirty or poor-quality tap water.
Another good recommendation is Corner Gas, it's a sitcom focused on the lives of people in a small prairie town and it offers a nice look into Western Canada culture.

No. 2025630

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I was chatting in my discord server how depressing the small town albertan women have it. When I graduated hs and my friend turned 18 her mom was basically bringing her to bars and meet the local rigpigs because their money would take care of her. She ended up getting with a 40 year old man and after they inevitably broke up she is now engaged to an American woman. Another friend around the same age was pushed by her mom to go home with a man who had two children and she’s become their stepmom at 21 or so. Most of the women I went to school with have all ended up like this where they settle for ugly rigpigs. Yes, it’s nice money and they can stay at home but they’re also setting themselves up for failure and have deal with their husband’s addiction problems. It’s sad that a lot of these women aren’t encouraged to pursue their own careers and lives.

No. 2025647


Rig pigs make good money but it doesn't matter because most of it ends up going to their addiction. They share cocaine and prostitutes with their coworkers, absolutely disgusting people who will treat men they perceive as weak like shit and a lot of them are really really misogynistic. They all end up psycho from being "emasculated" by other men at work, which they then take out on their wives.

No. 2025959

Yes that’s so true. My sister dated a pig with multiple DUIs, no custody over his kid and he beat my sister once. It was so satisfying to destroy his place and steal his shit.

No. 2036237

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Dear God this is depressing. I went to Ottawa for a weekend trip with my class in 2012 and we had a nice time visiting museums, historical sites, touring the parliament building etc. I don't remember seeing really any homeless people, although even through rose-coloured glasses I can't imagine it was as bad back then as you describe now. How could we let it get like this? Isn't a country's capital city supposed to be its shining pride?

On a similar note, London ON fucking sucks. The downtown area is full of homeless druggies who shout shit at people constantly and closed down businesses. I once saw a crackhead attempt to snatch a woman's bag on the street in the middle of the day, and when her taxi driver grabbed it back (he was helping her unload her stuff) the crackhead threatened to report him to his work and get him fired for "assaulting" him. I was told that got like that within the past 15 years or so.

No. 2036243

The fact that one mod is so uneducated on current foreign affairs that we aren’t allowed to discuss the abusive illegal Indian moid invasion of our country omg. Has to be a moid mod at this point or just legit braindead(take it to /meta/)

No. 2036249

Before I’m banned and silenced I’ll just throw in I’ve never been more disgusted by the “hunger strike” these entitled moids are faking to force the gov to let them stay forever. Meanwhile they are all chubby pudgy and are literally eating “small meals” lmfao. There’s now 9% more males in Canada than females because they are letting almost 1 million Indian men in, not equal men and Indian women which is the big issue so don’t even start crying over imaginary bullshit “bait” I’m speaking facts

No. 2036278

>I went for a weekend trip with my class in 2012
If it was with an elementary school tour group (like the ones from ON that go to QC for a weekend in 8th or 9th grade), the homeless population could have been swept beforehand for safety. They do the same thing when certain groups like broadcasts or ambassadorial regions. From what I've heard and seen though, the problem really started in 2013/2014 when the opiate crisis started ramping up in ON. Probably the most egregious instance is there is a large (20-30) population of Inuit that are homeless in Lowertown specifically, what happened there is the federal government had some education program for Nunavut where participants could come to Ottawa to work or learn, but after the program ended the federal government neglected to give the participants a way to return home (tickets to go were free but tickets to go home weren't), so a lot of them ended up stuck on the streets homeless where they developed addictions and mental health afflictions. A few of them had left by 2018, but most remain stuck on the streets with no way to make it back home. It's really a sad story and it highlights how mismanaged the federal government can be.
>How could we let it get like this? Isn't a country's capital city supposed to be its shining pride?
Basically Ottawa the city is split from Ottawa the capital. Like, the municipality of Ottawa is a separate legal entity from the sites that the federal government owns and controls, so the municipality has no jurisdiction over the federal portion and vice versa. The municipality only controls 89% of the landmass that is Ottawa. They always get stuck in petty arguments and they have dichotomous ideas of how the city should be, and how to design the city.

The original master-plan of the city (remember, Ottawa was meant to be a constructed capital like Washington D.C. or Brasília) was developed in 1950 after Canadian home-rule was assured. It was called the Gréber Plan, and this Gréber guy had designed a capital city modeled on the "City Beautiful" movement and the garden city idea, along with a comprehensive on Beaux-Arts architectural design. He had also worked on some of the more well-known areas of Philadelphia in the U.S.A., and his design was very wonderful but, it was never followed through on. The municipality and federal government couldn't agree on what parts of the plan to implement, which ones to change, etc., so although Ottawa has many winding scenic parkways and some architecturally beautiful buildings in its downtown core, it is plagued by the problems of deviating from a plan and from stupid disagreements between two powers that can't figure out how to share land. It sucks because the original Gréber plan was very wonderful and it could have led to us having a capital designed after Paris or Philadelphia, but because the municipality and federal government have developed the city so far from the original plan, we're left with a city that's too spread out, not well connected, disjointed, and poorly-managed.
Also another thing to mention to you that I remember when typing this diatribe out: the buses are shit. When I lived there in the late 10's and early 20's, the buses were always at least 30 minutes late. There was never, not once, that I experience a bus coming on time (and I used to take the bus 2 or 4 times a day). Once I was waiting on a bus that's supposed to come every 15 minutes for 2 hours. I wasted so much time waiting that eventually I decided to not to anything but wait and see how long it'd actually take, and it was 2 hours before I saw a bus should have been at that stop 8 times within those 2 hours. The bus system is just horrible, you're better off walking and taking the train because at least that is reliable. Don't rely on buses for any important meetings or for winter travel.

No. 2036297

Nta but fuck I hate it here

No. 2036316

I was visiting my hometown after two years of waiting for my USA greencard. My husband and I were at the thrift and we saw Mexicans there. I have never seen Mexicans in this town before. The town has a population of 4k but very touristy and even moreso in recent years.

No. 2036363

As a burger, this is fucking hilarious to me

No. 2036368

I’m a Londoner and the downtown area has homeless moids who lay across the sidewalk and you have to step over them. They only beg women for money because they know we’re afraid their violent junkie asses will stab us. God I hate it here

No. 2036370

Kek I’ve also noticed there’s more Mexicans around in urban areas. There have always been Mexican mennonites in rural areas but I recently went to mall and saw some real authentic Edgars kek. I’m not complaining though, they make really good food.

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