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No. 1937421

previous thread: >>>/ot/1837807

No. 1937520

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No. 1937522

Why did he announce that she's half Japanese

No. 1937525

It's a fetish for him probably

No. 1937544

They look related

No. 1937547

she's probably not even half japanese

No. 1937548

Rivers Cuomo has yellow fever

No. 1937553

She looks it though. Maya Higa comes to mind.

No. 1937559

Rivers Cuomo is known for having "yellow fever" and their song El Scorcho has a lyric "Goddamn you half-Japanese girls do it to me every time"

And he also wrote an insanely creepy song called 'Across the Sea' based on fan mail he received from a Japanese teenager:

"You are
Eighteen year-old girl
Who live in small city of Japan
You heard me on the radio
About one year ago
And you wanted to know
All about me
And my hobbies
My favorite food
And my birthday
Why are you so far away from me?
I need help
And you're way across the sea
I could never touch you
I think it would be wrong
I've got your letter
You've got my song

They don't make stationery like this where I'm from
So fragile, so refined
So I sniff and I lick your envelope
And fall to little pieces every time
I wonder what clothes you wear to school
I wonder how you decorate your room
I wonder how you touch yourself
And curse myself for being across the sea
Why are you so far away from me?
I need help
And you're way across the sea
I could never touch you
I think it would be wrong
I've got your letter
You've got my song
At 10, I shaved my head
And tried to be a monk
I thought the older women would like me if I did
You see, ma
I'm a good little boy (good little boy)
It's all your fault, momma
It's all your fault!
Goddamn, this business is really lame
I gotta live on an island to find the juice
So you send me your love from all around the world
As if I could live on
Words and dreams and a million screams
Oh, how I need a hand in mine to feel
Why are you so far away from me?
Why are you so far away from me?
I could never touch you
I think it would be wrong
I've got your letter
You've got my song"

I wish I didn't like a lot of their songs so much because Rivers is so cringe and creepy

No. 1937594

I've noticed that the "losers" of every race of men seem to be attracted to asian women for some reason.

No. 1937596

They think they're submissive and small and meek and watch too much jav.

No. 1937654

Nah I think people underestimate how racially ambiguous some white girls can be. I've met 100% white women who can pass for unmistakably Asian. It's also not uncommon for white women to asianfish, latinafish etc to fetishey moids and most moids are too stupid to tell the difference

No. 1937655

This girl
Bjork, Miranda Cosgrove can pass off as half Asian imo. It's not uncommon

No. 1937666

You're right because I thought miranda cosgrove was asian until reading this

No. 1937838

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Daily dose of loser men being giant sadists.

No. 1937842

I don't even get it. Why? I get that he "needed to see her knocked down a peg" but why? Why are they like this, it makes so goddamned sense.

No. 1937849

What a fuckhead for doing that to her and their daughter. Good thing they don't seem to have a cat or similar because the fucktard moid would have probably taken out his stupid sadism on that too. Stuff like this and the slug saga make me think moids are just naturally inclined to needless psychopathy.

No. 1937862

sick to my stomach, someone needs to let her know the shit he pulled on their daughter was sexual abuse, he was getting off on emotionally tormenting the child, that isn't just "bullying," that is not normal

No. 1937873

My example is an actual half Japanese woman. A lot of half Japanese women have teeth, noses, and foreheads like that and don't look traditionally Japanese.

No. 1937875

This is fucking harrowing, but I'm at least glad this woman found this out now before he did even worse stuff. What a sick fuck tormenting his own daughter like that.

No. 1937876

Aspd moids are subhuman

No. 1937881

Okay, this post may be real. There was an adult man like this in my life when I was a child. He did very similar things to this. He also ended up molesting children. I dont think those things directly correlate but getting off on upsetting the women and children in your life is absolutely a sign of bigger and far worse things. She needs out asap.

No. 1937882

To elaborate, this man would claim the children in his household stole or took something of his from his bedroom and would yell at them until they cried and spank them with their pants and underwear pulled down. His things were never stolen and the bedroom door was always locked.

No. 1937886

I had a teacher that acted like that when I was little and she was a fucking pedo too

No. 1937912

I was pretty shocked when I found out she’s fully white kek.

No. 1937972

okay? lol. doesn't change the fact its almost impossible to tell

No. 1938017

Just imagine how much damage he's already done to his poor daughter. I hope the mother gives her back all her things, and explains exactly what her father did. It's so sick how he saved her stolen dolls so he could look at them in private and feel smug about himself. He could have just thrown them away, but he saved them to gloat all alone in his room.

No. 1938066

No it isn't kek sorry your view of wasians is only stereotypical and not rooted in reality

No. 1938067

trophy-keeping is literally both rapist and murderer behavior; this shit was going to end way uglier than a divorce if it had continued

No. 1938221

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The /r/Weezer subreddit is full of these creeps. I wanted to assume this was satire but it’s very much not

No. 1938229

I'm so glad Asian women generally see through this behavior eww

No. 1938243

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Women are now thinking their lives are over at 26

No. 1938244

She's wrong about being too late but I can see how she feels very shitty and discouraged.

No. 1938245

my aunt was was a virgin with no life got married at 43 years old, it is possible.

No. 1938249

Lie about being 19
Lose virginity to face blind moid who definitely can’t tell the difference
Profit (???)
(If being with a moid is really that important to you idk)

No. 1938259

inspirational actually, we're all going to make it

No. 1938275

No moid can tell the difference between a 26 yr old and 19 yr old kek. Better yet she can go to a college campus and claim to be 46 instead. Gen z moids go insane for older women

No. 1938277

20 somethings are obsessed with thinking it’s over. me, I’m 20 somethings, I’m almost 29 is it over :((emoji)

No. 1938278

Lmao this is like me. 100% white British but somehow look Middle Eastern.

No. 1938283

as long as you have a stable life, we'll make it.

No. 1938284

What a fucking putrid human. And thats only the shit the wife knows about. Fuck knows what else hes been doing. Evil evil evil.

No. 1938285

The youth is wasted on the young. She will look back in 5 years and have regrets for not appreciating herself at 26

No. 1938293

>as long as you have a stable life
I don’t. I live in a house. I am not a horse.

No. 1938301


No. 1938313

I felt the exact same way at her age. 26 seems to be the age a lot of people realize they won’t be young forever. Thankfully, in my experience and that of pretty much everyone I’ve talked to, it really does get better, and it’s never actually “so over”

No. 1938316

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The shittiest moids are always much older than their partner

No. 1938326

The fact 2 of 3 are mentally ill already doesnt surprise me this happened. Sad for the sister

No. 1938332

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Jfc horrifying shit. No surprise that it's a "nonbinary" identified man too. At least she isn't trying to call him a they/them rapist.
Meanwhile her on twitter btw:
>had something super traumatizing happen tonight, but I’ll still give you guys an ass pic. please be patient with me in the future.

No. 1938339

Her little sister gets raped and she immediately makes everything about herself. Also
>Non-binary bf
Gender special moids are the worse

No. 1938340

That is the grosses ass I've ever seen.
>sister gets raped by bf
>better post my ass on twitter
Mental illness incarnate, you cant make this shit up. I always find it extra weird when "trans men" still post like women on social media. I guess she would class herself as a homosexual male, so the ass pic is fitting.

No. 1938345

You can't make this shit up. Gendies, not even once.

No. 1938352

I sadly think this is real… and she's obviously losing it, I would too (just not in a fakeboi way, more likely simply ending myself)

No. 1938374

This makes me want to alog so fucking bad. Also “happened to me” bitch what

No. 1938378

I would have to kill him. I’ve always thought that. The guilt would eat me alive to the point that I wouldn’t even care about going to prison. I mean you can never go back and protect your sister but you could at least make sure he never hurts anyone ever again and that your sister never has to worry. She will be traumatised but she won’t have to go for a trial, and she won’t have to worry about him getting out some day.

No. 1938388

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No. 1938392

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No. 1938424

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Alright which one of you wrote this comment to her

No. 1938439

Holy shit, that bombshell in the second to last sentence. Old man should have been in a relationship with God only, not a girl who was decades younger than him.

No. 1938443

how fucking old is this retard right now.

No. 1938450

Why the fuck would you leave a 16 year old girl with a 26 year old scrote?

No. 1938459

Wtf this is horrible. Where was this posted?

No. 1938461

Admitting it's wrong to leave your boyfriend with your younger sister inherently means admitting you're willingly dating a pedophile so 99% of women would never reach that conclusion.

No. 1938483

She's only a teen herself, she likely has no protective instinct over somebody barely younger than her. She also thinks her barely legal self being in a relationship with a man in the later half of his 20s was perfectly fine until now.

No. 1938500

>until now
After seeing >>1938332, I really doubt it. OP is probably dumb as rocks, not just young, and will continue to make stupid decisions.

No. 1938564

I genuinely thought I was in the News Stories That Fuck With You thread. This shit is so disturbing. Especially the ones that you can tell are actually real. I shouldn’t have read these during breakfast, feeling queasy now.

No. 1938578

what the actual hell, somebody needs to somehow get in contact with her.

No. 1938581

The only consolation I can offer is that because it's reddit you have to take everything posted with a grain of salt because people love making up somewhat realistic fake stories for upvotes. But yea all this thread does is further reinforce my belief that marriage and long term relationships with scrotes goes against our best interests as women

No. 1938605

Yeah seriously most guys I know in their early-mid 20s love MILFs and actively seek them out, not just for sex but they genuinely have crushes and want to date them (I sense it’s a mommy issues thing but that’s a different story kek). It’s sad that so many women lament about aging out of a demographic that only creepy pedos would care about. WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THE PEDOPHILES NOT WANTING TO FUCK YOU! GO LIVE YOUR LIFE!

No. 1938786

i can't stand dumb bitches like this. would she tell other women at 26 that they can't party anymore and are too old to fuck?

No. 1938789

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Fascinatingly, there are also some half asians who look white, such as Vanessa Hudgens, Keanu Reeves, and Brandon Lee.

No. 1938793

Probably. Zoomers call 30-year-olds “hags” now

No. 1938803

Ezra miller looks asian too

No. 1938861

I wish we could just stop telling girls lies about "love" with men. It's exactly like the millions of stories about people who tried to make wild animals into pets and got mauled. You can love them all you want, they don't have the capacity to appreciate or return love.

No. 1938888

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Today on: Why? WHY?

No. 1938909

There's no way in hell a scrote didn't post this garbage
>Have sex
>Break the hymen
>Had sex

No. 1938920

doesn't exist. this is a moid making up some bullshit for the coom.

No. 1938986

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idk shes really determined to make it about herself. also in between posting about being traumatized uwu in one subreddit she casually takks about weed in another

No. 1939006

Keanu is part Chinese-Hawaiian

No. 1939053

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This isn't a woman thing about hitting the wall. This is pretty common feeling socially awkward men and women say all the time when they feel like they "wasted" their youth. Go to 4chan and you'll literally find posts just like this.

No. 1939056

Does he really think women at 26 have slept with 20+ men? wtf. moids like this should kill themselves. They are so disconnected from reality

No. 1939059

What does this have to do with Weezer??

No. 1939061

Once you understand that they watch porn all day you realize they started believing porn is reality and every woman gets gang banged by 20 men every weekend.

No. 1939068

They also get this number from the fact that men around them regularly lie about who they sleep with and will pretend they've slept with the women around them they've never spoken to outside of work. Guys do this regularly, because of ~bro code hurhur~ you don't always find out a man has been claiming he slept with you to all the guys at work until way later. And since men believe eachother implicitly they just think all these women are easy sluts or something rather than the men around them being pathological liars.

No. 1939076

This literally happened to me. A coworker said I sucked his dick and it never happened. Sucks cause it ruins a woman's reputation but men get to pretend to be "chad".

No. 1939079

All redpillers and incels believe this. They think college girls have a 10+ body count in college and like 30+ by 30. They think majority of women are dating, hooking up, get access to the top 10% of men meanwhile the average man gets nothing so boohoo hence the "male loneliness epidemic". Men are such pathetic losers these days and they live in a fantasy of made up scenarios.

No. 1939080

>you don't always find out a man has been claiming he slept with you to all the guys at work until way later.
Holy shit nona, did this happen to you?

No. 1939081

I would definitely sabotage someone who did that. Maybe wait until he's not in the break room and pour cat piss in his locker.

No. 1939083

I've had it happen frequently, in my case it became hilarious because no one who actually knew me at work believed it and made fun of the guys for lying, but strangers on other shifts believed it and would call me a cum guzzler kek. I had a type and was very picky to the point that when one guy kept trying to imply he was seeing me outside of work, they thought he was talking about a completely different person until he mentioned my name. They called him out and he backtracked. I couldn't imagine how that would have went if I wasn't friends with men. Now I'm older and have no interst in befriending men but I know a lot about them and their hierarchies and they will lie about fucking anything to try to look cool to eachother.

No. 1939084

Yeah, they also tried to claim I was having sex with a female coworker who I would give rides to because she couldn't drive. She was like 18 and I barely spoke to her. Men are weird.

No. 1939085

Always so weird how easily men are believed when they statistically lie more on average. They can claim the most bizarre shit about random women and people believe it no questions asked, a woman will tell someone a man cheated and suddenly she's an evil liar ruining a poor man's life

No. 1939087

They don't actually believe this, they just spread this in hopes of women "proving" themselves to them.

No. 1939090

Idk I think oftentimes they do. The older men don't, but the younger men obviously do.

No. 1939093

Hymens exist and thick ones do too, the issue with how she's describing this story isn't even true. The only reason why any of this would be relevant is if she's mistaken the hymen for a labial adhesion since thick hymens wouldn't even change anything or be uncomfortable.

Also she never seen an obgyn but the obgyn told her to give birth? Weird. Nothing in "her" story is consistent

No. 1939098

Younger men just know the more crappy stuff they try to spread about women = the harder they believe women will try
"All women cheat no exceptions"=basically trying to force women to lock themselves into closets all day with no contact with anyone besides their bf to prove how faithful they are
"All women are whores with high body counts"= basically back to square one, just trying to isolate women or prevent them from showing men who aren't them attention out of fear of being a "sub60 body count thot"
They do it with body types, or in careers that they're jealous of women doing they'll insist all women in those careers are ugly and/or hoes. They do it with nursing and teaching since they know those women are more valuable than their crappy call center job and can't stand it because their favorite way to shove women down is to claim women aren't doing as valuable as jobs as men

No. 1939099

Does that mean 19 Trans male? Like them or their bf? Is their bf 26 and non binary? What a mess. I always hope the horrible ones are fake

No. 1939101

Idk you can tell they're wasian

No. 1939104

Cause people would rather tell women to fall for the "teehee can't trust him don't date him" meme so they let their bf get into situations where they end up hurting women to prove how much they "trust" him. Newsflash, never ever trust a man, even if you're dating him. Unfortunately a lot of straight women can't live without them so might as well instill safety boundaries instead of unrealistic advice.

Also OP seems like a huge narc. She made everything and anything about herself, how bad she feels, then posts her grandpa ass on Twitter directly after. Ofc she wasn't thinking of nobody but herself

No. 1939106

Eh it's kinda impossible to tell. I wouldn't pass pickmes to try to pass as different races men fetishize in order to stroke off about how much better they are than basic western white roasties. Don't we have cows that do this already?(racebaiting)

No. 1939125

Is there anybody who doesn't feel sorry for these women? I feel like these women are the types who are obsessed with wanting to look like an early 2000s eastern european model and are mad that their lives aren't like their pinterest boards, filled to the brim with polyvore sets with back to school outfits with fucking bustiers, mini skirts and designer lip gloss, mixed with accute mental illness that can be dealt with anti-depressants and having a plan in life that's realistic. I say all this as a 27 year old woman who is exactly as she described minus the neetdom, but maybe because i wasn't surrounded by people who enabled me to give into my depression and just sleep all day long, you have to brute force your way into having a decent life. Notice how there is a difference between people who were told by their parents to try their best and the ones who were told that failure shouldn't be an option? Cohort A often ended up becoming neets either because their parents didn't give a shit or wanted to coddle them to death. Sorry if this constitutes as derailing, but i had to put it out there.

No. 1939126

It was a long time ago, but it made me realize that stories boys in hs said about certain girls being whores were probably made up to ruin their reputation.

No. 1939127

You need to phrase this differently because I was going to alog you. And no it isn't impossible to tell? Unless you're autistic and faceblind.

No. 1939128

Yeah its literally a byproduct of doing nothing but being online all of the time. Its like when I see a 25 year old woman call themselves old–too immature and spoiled to just get over it and live their lives. Its their own fault for having high expectations and believing they're supposed to be special instead of just living

No. 1939132

Keanu is half Asian? Wow

No. 1939134

It's probably bait anon

No. 1939221

Scrote detected.(scrotefoiling)

No. 1939256

Damnit stupid jannies, anons should be allowed to call out someone for using such blatant scrotespeak.
>inb4 take it to /meta/
You don't read that shit

No. 1939258

I’m in the same position as her. I kept pushing it away until I got enough money and yet I never got tot hat financially stable set. I sacrificed for nothing and I’m still a loser

No. 1939269

"better than basic white roasties" was said from the perspective of a girl trying to appeal to 4chan scrotes, not as her own opinion. not everything here is meant literally, you guys are going to bring us to tone indicators one day I swear.

No. 1939271

Then report and move on, don't reply

No. 1939285

Why shouldn’t you have higher expectations for yourself?

No. 1939292

KEK at her thinking she could "write for a medical journal" with an english BA.
septate hymens pretty much as described in the post absolutely do exist (among other sorts of hymen abnormality, like having no opening at all), and they do make it more difficult to insert tampons (and probably have penetrative sex but idk about that). it can complicate menstruation too because flow is obstructed.
it is posted to reddit so the story is undoubtably fake and gay tho

No. 1939294

I disagree, you don't end up like that, all those things stacked and not just one or two things, without mental health issues and/or a problematic upbringing. You need some serious unfortunate circumstances to deviate from a regular normie life that much. Normal people who lead normal lives don't end up with all those things simultaneously. Looking at pinterest and wishing you were a cute stylish girl with an instagram-able life doesn't make you that way.

No. 1939302

She's not saying women at 26 are too old to do these things, she feels that she herself is too old to do them for the first time because she missed them during her formative years. Obviously it's never too late to have any kind of first times but as an older virgin too I see where she's coming from and I understand her feelings of desperation.

No. 1939408

They don't have high expectations for themselves, they have high expectations for what life "owes" them. People with high expectations for themselves don't do nothing and then dramatically give up when the thing they want doesn't magically appear in front of them.

No. 1939427

She's talking about herself specifically, dumbass. Some anons don't know how to read here, it's shocking.

No. 1939448

You hit the nail on the head. In my experience, there's also a lot of building unrealistic expectations for your life based on what you see in media (as well as the 1% of their lives that people choose to post on socials) you spend so much time daydreaming about the life you "deserve" that you lose sight of the one you already have. It took me until I was 30 to break out of this kind of attitude, I spent so long feeling like just giving up because I wasn't magically handed the life of a hot mentally healthy socialite with rich parents, kek

No. 1939530

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From a ForeverAlone sub.

No. 1939538

File: 1711467653676.jpg (11.15 KB, 211x239, sunflower.jpg)

>be poorfag artist trying to make a living off art
>open commission
>get commissioned to draw porn of pic rel by a degenerate furfag
i would hang myself right there with the cable cord of my graphic tablet

No. 1939553

He also never mentioned an anthromorphized version of it. He literally wants to fuck a sunflower my sides.

No. 1939559

kirdedede chan should look at that post and feel glad she was born a woman and that her autism will never be this severe

No. 1939567

This happened to me in high school… I never kissed or touched any of them. I'm just learning now that this is a common lie amongst retarded men. Gross.

No. 1939570

For the longest time I definitely thought Ezra Miller was half-Asian half-white/jewish

No. 1940707

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>Women's rights insolutation are left of straight up facist ideology
what the actual fuck.

No. 1940725

is this the new long-winded way of saying you aren't a feminist but an egalitarian?

No. 1940767

Rivers self-admittedly has yellow fever, and it's seen in El Scorcho and Across the Sea. He seems to be kinda disgusted at himself for it, grimacing in an interview talking about it, but he did have a platonic female Korean friend called Kyung-He, so maybe he's not entirely Orientalist? even though weezer has some good songs, it's kinda moidy

No. 1940774

Can anons not read? "White roasties" was said as in mocking the scrotes/pickmes. You got so upset by the word alone you couldn't even have been bothered to read the whole post to see they were on your side. Don't make us look stupid now

No. 1940971

Reported a moid for complaining about "men are always assumed to be a pedophile" because I said that's probably why men aren't usually stay at home dads. reported him for pedophilia
Reddit sent me a message that determined he was not violating the reddit policy.

No. 1941004

Because he wasn't?

No. 1941066

It's a man defending pedophiles

No. 1941068

His username checks out

No. 1941113

it’s a woman

No. 1941323

This guy doesn't know it, but he's an example of evolution in progress. It's great for humanity for the very lowest social drive, highest sex drive males to remove themselves from the gene pool. Hypersexual useless young males are just a detriment to everyone else.

No. 1941370

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Idk I think we need to hear the story from both sides. Surely he did something to provoke her. One could say he was even asking for it

No. 1941380

100% using it as an excuse because he's too spineless to admit he's a deadbeat pos.

No. 1941387

wtf did he do that made her do that? they were together for years, she wouldn't just hit him for no reason, dude's probably a big whore too

No. 1941406

Yeah he's definitely lying.

No. 1941407

Apparently a man that was raping and recently murdered a 13 year old girl commented exactly that same bullshit on his Reddit account about “Karens assuming all men are evil pedos” so it’s pure projection. It’s common sense to assume men are dangerous or have bad intentions no matter how much everyone calls you a meanie for having basic self preservation instincts.

No. 1941408

A perfect example of a man pretending he broke up with a woman after the relationship was already over. He definitely got caught cheating or otherwise ruining their circumstances after it was too late for her to abort and move on with her life.

No. 1941433

every single time I've seen a moid complain about something like this they're projecting the fact they're actually pedophiles and want to make the people who can spot it easier than other look crazy. men get praised like crazy when taking care of their kids. when my husband takes my daughter out alone it's always little old ladies that start gushing over what a good father he is and everything else

I know this bc everytime I've seen a moid complain about it I go to his profile and it turns out he was following pedo or incest subreddits (all while having daughters sometimes).

No. 1941438

He should be forced to pay child support for the next 18-21 years. Wtf is wrong with men

No. 1942364

File: 1711671919875.png (15.11 KB, 713x151, Screenshot 2024-03-29 022704.p…)

Seriously what terfs? that place is full if TIMS and the ones that get downvoted wear unflattering clothes and don't even try, any tim that puts a tiny amount of effort gets showered with praises.

No. 1942366

any masc woman gets downvoted or barely gets any attention, istg they're all delusional on that thread. Crying about how there's no place on reddit where they can complain about transphobia

No. 1942376

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I love lurking spiritual/occult boards and seeing trannies constantly flocking to this fantasy shit just like their whole identity is a fantasy. Also the “human evil” in this magical tranny’s mind is passerby’s snickering and making fun of a greasy man playing pretend, while other people are enduring actual suffering kek. A little girl in an African village who’s experienced getting her clit burned off to avoid disgusting rapists would be envious of this privilege, seriously

No. 1942380

Mm yes terfs have taken over despite all of the mods being smelly trannies, the entire website is practically ran by a powerful cabal of hairy deathfat trannies, most if not all Reddit boards bend ass to the trannies, say one bad thing about them and you get banned, all of the trans critical and vehemently pro-bio women boards got deleted, while the pro-tranny and coincidentally pro-porn and pro-pedo ones stay up. Yeah, the terfs are so fucking evil, tyrannical and ruining everything, certainly not these smelly micro cock goblins being tyrannical and censoring other women’s freedom of speech and freedom of expression. It hasn’t occurred to them that Reddit lesbians are only being nice to them in hope they don’t get raped or molly-whopped to the hospital by a hulking brolic scrote, just like r/lesbians I took a good glance at that board and saw a post of a bunch of lesbians embracing these desperate “transbians” about some gay bar that opened that’s included to these hairy men and every single one of them called those troons a woman and were willing to play their game. They’re just constantly whining and dangerous as fuck, trannies should be banned from the internet

No. 1942386

Isn't there one daemon per person? What's wrong with yours? At least LARP the schizo fantasy shit properly, tranny.

No. 1942390

File: 1711674566288.png (Spoiler Image,228.02 KB, 363x453, IMG_9539.png)

They all work with multiple demons, those spiritual-oriented boards are full of untapped milk and as usual the mods are annoying and deadpan as fuck trying to shut every entertaining schizo poster down. Not a Christian but I noticed that trannies love flocking to satanism or left-hand path shit because of picrel unironically

No. 1942403

extremely based. fuck trannies!

No. 1942420

Edgy mentally ill males love this shit

No. 1942422

Yes hon you're so counter culture you're so rebel which is why international orgs and every NGO supports you, such sin

No. 1942424

File: 1711677817187.jpeg (695.57 KB, 750x1107, IMG_9763.jpeg)

can straight women and dick-obsessed bisexual women please stop fucking posting in lesbian spaces for once kek, it’s okay to be straight or bi

No. 1942428

That sub is just another trans fashion subreddit, there are already 2 of them.

No. 1942434

Look at that hulking man on the left. Tired of straight women thinking being with a tranny makes them queer. Ugh

No. 1942455

AYRT daemons/daimons are Greek spirits and different from Abharamic or Lemegeton demons, both are cringe as fuck to pretend to be contacting regardless. Satanism is like pseudo-yoga Buddahism for edgelords, except instead of promoting arguably healthy mindsets it encourages people to be gluttonous selfish shittards, so no wonder trannies love it so much.
Sorry for mini sperg lmao, I am ex-Christain but I love researching theology and have been around a lot of schizos who believe in this magick bullshit.

No. 1942600

Saw on reddit and we no longer have a stupid shit thread so I'm posting here because it honestly made it chuckle at the stupidity of everyone involved.
>Husband reading facts about circus freaks throughout history
>Sees a man who weighed 500 lbs in France in the 1700s made it into the history books merely for being so incredibly large
>Thinks about FIL who is 680lbs
>"Hey honey, did you know that if your father was alive in the 1700s he would have made it into the history books because of his size?"
>Wife gets mad and tells him not to make light of her father's size because it causes him many health issues.
>Husband has been getting the silent treatment ever since

No. 1942616

Fuck, the screenshot didn't attach and now my phone won't upload it. Well, just imagine my summary but with way more words.

No. 1943393

File: 1711800699896.jpg (711.19 KB, 1080x2073, Screenshot_20240330_130918.jpg)

Why are they almost always much older. I think these women are fucking retarded at this point

No. 1943396

File: 1711801545789.jpg (133.13 KB, 1080x794, 20240330_132457.jpg)

>not to make light of her father's size

Oh nothing about him is light, that's for sure

No. 1943399


No. 1943401

File: 1711801872088.jpeg (141.27 KB, 1170x595, 3F9366DE-FC19-48E7-97B3-52FBB2…)

The only reason I use Reddit is to stalk this guy’s account and others like his. He’s kinda crazy and nets so many downvotes lmao.

No. 1943403

Some random schizo moid making much more sense than other women on Reddit? That’s crazy.

No. 1943404

based as fuck tbh

No. 1943413

The problem is that she's a woman, if it had been a moid, they would've licked his ass and created a gofundme to give him, idk, a gaming PC or whatever moids like even during crises.
But since it was a woman, they obviously wanted to see if they could find any porn or pictures of her to deface, because that's all they care about.
The internet is a place ridden by a sharia law enforced by many moids waiting for their time to jump at us, humiliate us and blame us for existing in their presence.

No. 1943414

Cap you post a screencap of text or a link to what you're referring to?

No. 1943419

She should have pretended to be a pimply-faced obese scrote who lost his gaming rig and steam account during a bomb raid.
Losing games is the only language redditors understand, not the value of a woman's grief and her suffering children.

No. 1943424

link the thread pleaseeee anon, unless we aren’t allowed to share links like that here anymore. can’t believe sharing links is an automatic ban on an imageboard but ok kek

No. 1943429

Nah, I don't want to drive anymore traffic to this insidious campaign against her.

I looked at the OP Reddit history and he exclusively participates in a subreddit dedicated to humiliating and shaming women who vent their personal frustrations online.

Among his and others participating in the ritual were claims about this woman were that she was:
>deranged fantasiser
>piggybacking off someone else's story and grief
>appropriated someone else's identity and stole the story of a real grieving mother
>her deeply emotional description of her child's dead body was 'purple prose'
>disrespecting the 'real' victims of the war
>Exploiting her own tragedy for clicks (the woman made a reddit thread, not a dailymail interview ffs)

Like, the entire thread was just scrotes making fun of this woman for going through the worst thing a mother can experience.

Once it was actually proved through extensive doxxing that this woman, was in fact, telling the truth, they doubled down and found a way to blame her for being unstable and 'inconsistent' in her account of what happened.

Men are such sick fucks and reddit males are the worst.

Sorry for not being able to link it but I just don't want to add to this woman or her family's turmoil anymore.

No. 1943433

Anon you're on an image board, post screencaps. No one here cares about doxxing palestinians.

No. 1943434


Sharing it around is only going to increase the traffic there, so I'm not comfortable doing that, but everything is as I described.

Anyone showing her empathy is labelled a 'blubbing granny' and it's not worth other nonitas flocking to defend her and possibly having their own reddit accounts combed for personal info and possibly having their own vendetta thread started.

It's so sick and you can tell that everyone participating is male.(this is an imageboard)

No. 1943443

NTA but what's stopping you from taking censored screencaps of the comments? Some people here are going to go look for it (for proof or otherwise) regardless if you shared caps or not.
OT but what is it with anons refusing to share screenshots recently, have they not seen some of the more disturbing threads?

No. 1943444

For the reasons I've already stated.

Additionally, the wording of posts can be typed out and googled in order to locate the post, which like I said, is not worth driving any more traffic to.(this is an imageboard)

No. 1943445

anon no the fuck it won’t lol, share the damn screencaps already and link please. the damage has already been done if that’s what those reddit scrotes have been doing

No. 1943447

I hate Reddit. All posts revolving around women doing something slightly wrong or bad are highly upvoted because women bad while shit men do gets conveniently swept under the rug or ignored. Some subreddits that are particularly egregious about this are /r/I'mTheMainCharacter or whatever the fuck it's called which literally just exists to make fun of women who film themselves in public, even if they aren't doing anything bad. There was one post of this young girl on an airplane putting up her feet on an empty airplane seat and I kid you not the comments were full of redditers trying to dox her.

No. 1943448

I've already reported it multiple times and emailed Reddit asking them to remove the post out of respect for that lady's grief.

No. 1943456

This reminds me of Jacqueline Eleanor.

I don't condone Mommy Blogging or featuring your child for monetary purposes, but the reddit community dedicated to doxxing and swatting her is creepy, obsessive and sad.

The claims that she's sexualising her daughter for money are reaching into the heavens.


No. 1943460

Link? What the fuck is up with Redditors and being obsessed with doxxing.

No. 1943462

>Additionally, the wording of posts can be typed out and googled in order to locate the post
Yeah because anyone here with a google account would rather search all the nasty terms moids use and have it saved to their search history instead of being able to look at an IMAGE on an IMAGE BOARD.

No. 1943463

Honestly the OP is being so dodgy I wouldn't be surprised if they're in a scrote right-wing sub and don't want to expose their clownery.

No. 1943474

I’ve seen this on both sides where women are basically being chastised or accused of being liars for talking about being raped or having their children killed based on whatever people’s “side” is. And it’s not just moids saying these things. I just read a comment on a woman’s rape story that claimed that they don’t care about this one because it’s just one and they’ll apparently “care” when there’s more rapes. Personally I think it’s more of a difficult to hear a rape story in full graphic detail than it is to hear a sentence about a statistic that “x number of women have been raped”. I even saw some moid saying that in war it’s a positive outcome if just “two bodies” are raped and another rambling that it’s not a crime if the women were killed by Hamas and then had their corpses raped. What is going on with people? Andrew Tate has infected the minds of young children but these shit opinions justifying or minimizing women’s rape are largely coming from the generations before Gen Alpha. It seems like everyone is losing their tiny shreds of empathy for women nowadays. All we need is one war and they’ll be justifying mocking pregnant rape victims like in Gaza, insisting rape stories aren’t real like with that Israeli woman, and claiming that rape and murder of women & children is propaganda depending on what side their on. The lack of empathy for women in this situation is appalling and don’t come for me because I am seeing this phenomenon on both sides. It’s exhausting seeing how increasingly sociopathic people are becoming towards women on a side they don’t like. And that ability to only feign sympathy for certain women but then downplay or justify the rapes of the other is making me realize how disgusting people really are. And as much as I want to say that it’s just the rape apes, I’ve seen some actual women doing this same thing too unfortunately.

No. 1943475

If it makes you feel any better, many to most of those comments are probably inorganic if you catch my drift.

No. 1943480

No, I don't know what you mean. Like bots? They're not bot comments, they're too detailed in their fucked up conspiracies.

No. 1943485

You would absolutely love this woman I’m followed to on IG who makes ragebait content targeted specifically for gullible scrotes like that. Her videos are constantly posted around social media by angry scrotes who’ve fallen for the bait kek, only a few select people in her comment section genuinely understand everything she does is satirical it’s amazing

No. 1943489

I support her even if it's not bait, kek.

No. 1943491

I can't believe you're still here and wasting anons time instead of just green texting or posting screencaps

No. 1943494

it’s so weird and dodgy like most people don’t care or know about this website anon needs to stop fucking around and post screencaps holy fuck

No. 1943511

File: 1711807661383.png (55.63 KB, 1419x614, averagescrotereaction.png)

Are you replying to the wrong anon? I'm >>1943447 and fortunately the OP deleted the original image but here's a quick compilation I made of moids being unhinged in the comments. Just picture an average young white woman with her feet up on an airplane seat. That's literally all it was.

No. 1943516

Either they're making shit up like the average Redditor or they're hiding something- the coyness is very strange and I almost want to go find this post to see what the fuck the deal is. Maybe this is elaborate ragebait
Anyways, >>1943480 your excuses are stupid as fuck, this isn't Twitter and who the fuck here would want to doxx some random mother and/or give themselves a lobotmy via scrolling through Reddit comments.

No. 1943528

This is depressing. You can't do anything nowadays without attracting the ire of schizo moids groomed by the slop they consume on the Internet that's turned them into hateful beasts. I get that maybe putting your feet up isn't the most polite or socially acceptable thing to do but it's not warranting a doxxing and physical violence. Genuinely what the fuck is up with some men nowadays? I think what's most disturbing and the confusion is the desire for seeing her face and information, like they NEED to shame and dox her… for putting up her feet on a empty plane seat. You know for a goddamn fact if it was a man people would be defending him to their last breath, saying that "he's just chilling karen calm down" It reminds me of something on Instagram I witnessed
>see advertisment for one of those trendy kooky ice cream shops
>woman in the comment says that it wasn't really thay special and it tastes about the same as regular Mc Donalds ice cream and to not waste your time and money
>almost every woman is thanking her for the honest review
>every man comments absolutely apeshit autistic hatred to her

No. 1943530

sanefag but it doesn't help that this shit is only exacerbated by the fact it's considered socially acceptable to record and photograph anyone doing literally anything.

No. 1943534

Exactly this.

No. 1943721

File: 1711821200555.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1365x1805, IMG_0073.jpeg)

I swear everyday on AITA there's some male power fantasy fanfic about a man epically owning a woman that goes viral in some way. This shit is so fake it hurts.

No. 1943729

I love her. I love harassing a male waiter. Hit the oil rig nigga.

No. 1943749

This makes me so paranoid. Sometimes i catch myself in public watching what I am doing in case some asshole records me, edits the video and calls me a karen on tiktok simply for existing. It's exhausting.

No. 1943756

Fake, but even if it weren't this isn't an own. Now she can start divorce proceedings herself without him knowing whether she is or not, and take all his stuff since he's already shown his hand by saying he won't. There's nothing about the situation that's changed except he was dumb enough to place the ball in her court. Moids can't even revenge fantasize intelligently

No. 1943763

I don't know how is this an own. I couldn't find the original post, so I don't know if the comments are "hurr taste of her own medicine" which I guess was the intended reaction, but he won nothing. It's not like his wife would be forced to stay and his gf does not want him full time, so what is he left with?

No. 1943768

Israel invests a ton of resources into online astroturfing to the point where there are apps where randos get paid to defend the country and its interests. Organic accounts, person-run propaganda accounts, and bots tend to swarm Israel/Gaza-related posts; it's impossible to tell whether that's the case here given that OP won't give up the link, but you can see the inorganic activity most clearly on /r/worldnews and /r/europe.
Not trying to start an argument over Israel – it's a strategy a number of countries lean into to further their interests abroad – but it's possibly relevant here.

No. 1943778

Who is him? He needs some fans, drop the username

No. 1943823

File: 1711828456882.jpeg (454.84 KB, 1170x1162, IMG_4521.jpeg)

This shit makes my blood boil. This is the reason I’vd had to leave every “woman-centric” community on Reddit, I was on GirlGamers years ago looking for friends to play with and it was ALL troons. I hate this and I hate these handmaidens

No. 1943826

File: 1711828601345.png (235.14 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_4522.png)

Sameanon, should I report them for impersonating women kek

No. 1943829

This is the type of shit that doesn’t make me feel completely bad when women are totaled during war/civil unrest. Most women nowadays have absolutely no survival instincts and let invaders in their spaces and then turn around and complain about rape, murder and their children being targeted as well. Stop letting these motherfuckers in and stop vetting them just because they’re wearing wigs and seem interested in feminine hobbies and clothes just like you. It also ticks me off nonnie(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1943831

Yes, I do the same kek hate their attention whoring, if they considered themselves "women" they wouldn't feel the need to post this shit

No. 1943856

It’s such male, attention-seeking behavior. There’s literally nothing stopping this troon from lurking or participating in discussions and nobody would be any the wiser. But it’s never been about integrating or “fitting in”. No, they have to barge in and announce themselves so that they can get their ass kissed by women, they need the ~euphoria~ of knowing that girls and women know they have a dick, and are submitting to their will. I’m sick of this horseshit.

No. 1943859

Women need to gatekeep more and not shame other women for having a fucking backbone.

No. 1943861

It reminds me of how many guys come into female dominated hobby subs and make posts asking if they're welcome as straight men. Idk why women fall for it every time

No. 1943866

KEK yes please I never thought to do this until now

No. 1943870

I hate this shit so much. Girlgamers means girlgamers. They have no troubles finding out of the hundreds of male centric gamer spaces, I'm sure. Why do so many women have to suffer fitting in male centric spaces, but men waltz right into women only spaces and demand acceptance? Stop letting these trannies in

No. 1943872

No, legit. You aren't wrong. How is this any different than letting a strange man into your home and going "Well, he is wearing lipstick, so I'm sure he's harmless since he identifies as a woman. teehee" None of these handmaidens have any survival instinct. I don't want to wish unwell on them, but sometimes they need to get their asses handed to them by a tranny to wake the fuck up.

No. 1943876

These women are stupid and braindead. Simple as that. They have been brainwashed their entire lives to please men. I honestly have no empathy for them when something happens

No. 1943882

I’m not even autistic but I know the worst is aspergirls which trannies have invaded to complain about being women on the spectrum. This one actually makes my blood boil knowing that autistic moids are typically diagnosed in preschool/elementary school ages and tard wrangled/coddled by boymoms whereas autistic girls are less likely to be diagnosed and more likely to be abused & mistreated.

No. 1943918

File: 1711836275546.png (104.16 KB, 1090x814, Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 23.01…)

nayrt, but picrel is his user. idk why the other anon censored his username kek, it's not against the rules to show it.

No. 1943975

It really highlights the link between domination (violence) and violence and sex in men. Nobody ever explains this shit to girls, and I think most girls end up thinking that "dominance" just means that men are on top and lead the interaction. Not the truth that most men want to humiliate you, or hurt your feelings, if not literally beat you down. And now we have all these raging coomer retards who have conditioned themselves out of any semblance of civility, and fantasize 24/7 about beating and humiliating women and girls.

No. 1944436

File: 1711861087292.png (273.43 KB, 1089x1083, image_2024-03-31_155436108.png)

Nice fanfiction

No. 1944595

File: 1711889126376.png (518.54 KB, 720x858, 2JCWJ6A.png)

No. 1944728

The “girlfriend” in this story clearly hates herself if she’s even real kek

No. 1944819

>christian neighbour tries to preach to some moid
>christian neighbour tells moid that his tv is too loud
>moid decides to get pegged to own said neighbour

the neighbour sounds rly annoying, but he probably sensed how big of a degenerate the moid was and tried to lead him to salvation by preaching to him kek. and i just know the noise complaint was because he was watching nasty porn. regardless if this is fake, it shows how retarded redditors are because everything about this is so lame to the point of being embarrassing. like he sure showed those neighbours by being an exhibiotist instead of having a simple convo with them!

No. 1945317

Not that this happened, but you could have… turned down your TV?

No. 1945574

File: 1711934841867.png (136.38 KB, 1578x530, Screenshot 2024-03-31 at 8.26.…)

What the actual fuck?

No. 1945580

AMAF (All Men Are Faggots)

No. 1945589

File: 1711936015803.jpg (643.87 KB, 1080x2340, 1000007147.jpg)

Reddit post about a guy getting black put drunk and cheating on his girlfriend, all the comments "how evil that she blames him for cheating after he got raped!!" The guy never mentions if the girl he cheated with was drunk too but you can probably assume, given it was at some party. The whole drunk sex is rape thing is because so many men were coercing women into drinking too much, getting them blackout, then having sex with them. But men suck out all the nuance and now all drunk sex is male rape and if you suggest nuance "male rape is always downplayed!"
Just ridiculous. I asked if it works both ways if she was blackout too and got down voted with no answer.

No. 1945590

File: 1711936138473.jpg (11.28 KB, 220x275, 1000007063.jpg)

Samefag sageing for meme

No. 1945605

>OT but what is it with anons refusing to share screenshots recently
It’s because they’re newfags who don’t understand what an imageboard is or how it works.

No. 1945636

File: 1711939667501.jpeg (177.37 KB, 1170x520, IMG_1640.jpeg)

Here’s a link to the original post if anyone wants to read the comments. https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/LBcmsr6sh3

No. 1945780

I swear r/gamingcirclejerk doesnt get enough hate. Those hypocrytical faggots bash and boycott every game that had ~transphobic~ creators/any person who has any other opinion on troons outside of pure adoration (like that bayonetta va), but when it comes to explicitly misogynistic games like stellar shit, they always find excuses to play it anyway ("muh good gameplay and story" - why didnt you play hogwarts legacy then you two-faced bitch?) and disapprove it just vocally. And their disapproval is mid at best - like all moids they are just cackling at cringe coomers, not genuinely disapprove of sexualisation. Not to mention that their number 1 rebuttal to scrotes who dont want female characters in their games is: "dumbasses you are going to LOVE it later if you know what i mean wink wink". Ugh these pigs make me fucking sick.

No. 1945813

It's just men. Non-white men are just as shitty.

No. 1945823

Oh what the fuck. Not even GI issues are safe, but it's reddit. As expected.

No. 1945877

Uncensored dead child???

No. 1945931

None of the children in that photo were dead nonnie

No. 1946999

File: 1712040274687.jpg (690.13 KB, 1080x1469, RDT_20240402_08430740642971378…)

No. 1947007

Fucking bleak

No. 1947008

File: 1712041846291.jpg (397.41 KB, 1080x1035, Screenshot_20240402_090447.jpg)

One of his comments.

No. 1947028

File: 1712044209390.jpg (1.25 MB, 1290x1485, RDT_20240402_09492745170693480…)


No. 1947030

Why don’t these women just cheat? Serious question.

No. 1947041

kek, ultimate handmaiden. Why women don't shame pickme male worshipping handmaiden women but instead pity them like they're old dogs with cancerous lymphomas needing to be put down is an enigma to me.

No. 1947053

Is there actually couples that send each other porn clips. I really fucking hope this is just something that greasy redditors dream and lie about, else I will have to kill myself.

No. 1947070

I really hope that poor girl dumps him in a few weeks. Shit like this is why I wish parents wouldn't give teenage scrotelets unfettered access to their daughters. Find SOMETHING for her to do all day besides invent a fictional virtuous personality for a soulless penis on legs.

No. 1947177

No, nonnie don't kill yourself. You're too awesome for that. You should just kill those wastes of oxygen instead. They don't deserve to live.

No. 1947208

This is the only moid that I've liked immediately.

No. 1947477

This is so depressing to read. She's married and has a kid with this loser? I can't stand to look at these types of subs because of how heartbreaking their situations are.

No. 1947542

It might have been one of those situations where he started acting like an asshole right after she got pregnant. I really feel for women like that, they got tricked and the man they're with only acted like his true self after she was effectively trapped by pregnancy and (early) motherhood. This situation is incredibly common and it's why I can never condemn women who end up in these situations, they literally had no idea.

No. 1947586

Yes, I thought that could have been the case too. Hell, it could have even been after marriage and before the pregnancy since she mentioned he had been ignoring her for 9 months while watching porn. I don't fault them either, but I feel absolute ire for their worthless scumbag husbands.

No. 1947667

All these retards love to blame women for not picking correctly but most moids don’t see women as whole humans but just archetypes. These moids are perfectly fine when they just have a girlfriend or even just a wife but once she becomes a mother, even though theyre HIS kids, they see her in a completely different (almost always negative) light. A lot do modi’s can’t comprehend that a woman becoming a mother does not rob her of her humanity.

No. 1948118

File: 1712099845576.png (1.24 MB, 1536x2048, qB19wAo.png)

I can't imagine being so selfish and caring so little about the your own wife and child will feel when your gone.

No. 1948129

He sounds like an absolute mentally disabled troglodyte and the diagnosed aspergers is coming right off the screen from his entire post. The “what about us?” meme whenever someone mentions suicide is annoying but you already had a fucking kid and have a wife, you already made obligations and commitments. I think he’s being a fucking attention whore or something probably because the 4 year old is getting more of the attention from his wife. These kinds of scrotes are dangerous because it almost feels like they’re like soulless shadow people with no passion, no personality, no aura or energy just straight parasites running their minds on autopilot and despite having mental health hiccups like he mentioned he still refuses to go to therapy and get better for his family. I would warn that wife about his behavior he seems like the type to take out his wife, kid and then himself in a murder-suicide. God I hope more women stop having kids with retarded, violent XYs

No. 1948188

He was okay with being dead cause he had a kid already? With zero plans to raise them or ensure a successful future? He basically just wanted to throw his nut around and leave?. Idk why women even try with mentally ill scrotes

No. 1948191

This is what pissed me off too. He got married and had a kid, but he doesnt want to live anymore now that he's 'spread his seed.' Holyshit, reproducing with men is not worth it anymore. If this idiot was sensible, he would have killed himself before he even got married. Poor woman and their child

No. 1948192

Not just that, they instantly gaslight women when they ask about them on relationship advice subreddits
>He insulted my appearance!
>Oh he loves you for your personality how romantic!
>He watches too much porn and is addicted to video games
>That's normal! Welcome to relationships!
>He's getting weirdly close to a female co-worker should I be concerned
>You evil jealous bitch! Men can have female friends
And then expect women to be psychic's after telling them all red flags were normal lol

No. 1948365

he forgot that women who want a family generally prefer to reproduce with men who can, oh i dunno, provide for the goddamn family? his life philosophy is similar to that of a fucking insect

No. 1948461

File: 1712118793681.jpeg (581.49 KB, 1170x847, IMG_2788.jpeg)

Finally going to see some good options on this sad subreddit

No. 1948487

This is fine and normal. All men should be dead at 55. They’ve hit the wall and are no longer useful unlike women who continue to be a rock for their family. He knows he’s expendable and should of died at war. The only exception is when their wife feels she still has some use out of him, then he is not permitted to die.

No. 1948831

File: 1712161300563.jpeg (586.95 KB, 828x1285, IMG_8409.jpeg)

This sounds like hell on earth. Why the fuck do women do this to themselves?? Forcing yourself to have sex just so your husband doesn’t treat you like shit and throw pissy baby tantrums about muh sex drive muh needs. Holy shit I’m just floored at how pathetic some women are in relationships and some comments are also saying shit in agreement, somehow not all screaming that feeding a growing resentment towards sex with your husband is terrible in the long run. But sure it sounds so cool to force yourself to be a sex doll for your husband just for the benefit of him being nice to you after having his children. Basically choosing to be raped daily (not as horrible since she’s so brainwashed she CHOSE to have sex she doesn’t want but it causes trauma just the same), treating sex like a chore just to please your husband? Stockholm syndrome nightmare. And don’t get me wrong these guys should all be lined up and stomped in the balls repeatedly for their soulless behavior, they’re the truly evil ones.

No. 1948839

Samefag but these are the types of dystopian horror comments on there…what the actual fuck there’s no hope when women are rationalizing this. “You have to let your husband rape you on a weekly basis because he can only feel loved after using your body and cumming unlike women who simply need nebulous ~feelings~” fuck off holy shit. Then if he cheats like the mindless ape he is these are the exact pickme women who’ll blame you for failing in your wifely duties.

No. 1948856

I agree that case is horrible and she should leave him. Having sex for a week or even two in a row could be useful in some relationships (reardless of sexuality) to make the couple feel more close with each other again, but not like that oh my god.

No. 1948860

I posted about my assault with a throwaway on the sexual assault subreddit and a scrote pretending to be another victim messaged me trying to get me to give him details.

No. 1948868

Maybe it's just because I'm autist but I'd rather kill myself than be stuck in a relationship like this. The thought of having to let myself be basically raped multiple times a week so a moid doesn't treat me and our family like shit sounds like hell on earth. The level of delusion and copium the average straight woman must have to desire this kind of life is insane

No. 1948892

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Oops just realized I didn’t attach the comment
Reddit is full of literal rape fetish subreddits and those rapist moids are known to browse and get off to real stories or harass the users who post about their experience. If only they could ban such blatantly horrifying content and people instead of only policing women’s spaces with unblinking eyes.

No. 1948900

These women are the most pathetic. And she had a kid with him too. Being a straight woman might be a hellscape. I don't know how some of you do it.

No. 1948903

So sorry for what happened to you. Men are truly the lowest parasites on earth.

No. 1948916

This happened to me too nonna. He was thirsting over the idea that I had been raped by my father (I was not) and DM'd me to ask who had touched me. Fucking creep.

No. 1948936

File: 1712166321134.gif (2.43 MB, 400x225, just stop.gif)

>women need to be looked after and respected
>that's why you should have sex you don't want, multiple times a week, just like me

No. 1948953

I don't understand this whole concept of men needing sex with a woman to function and being able to show affection. Maybe I've met the wrong examples of men, but I know guys that didn't have sex with a woman for years and they are happy, don't try to rape women and don't claim to not being able to concentrate because of not having sex. That's maybe one of the reasons I don't date anyone, I couldn't stand acting like a sex doll just to be loved and I know that men don't need sex to survive, so there is nothing they can do to brainwash me into believing that bullshit.

No. 1948966

It’s a mass manipulation by men. Like how all of them cry about “my love language is touch” and act like their wife with a newborn is an evil bitch plotting against him when their sex life slows down or stops. Acting like they can’t help being dumbasses who can only understand emotion through sex, like they can’t just go jerk off if they’re so pent up and horny. And some women need to believe it because otherwise they have to admit they ended up with a shitty guy who only saw marriage or partnership as a way to get a bangmaid appliance.

No. 1948987

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Some comics guy named Ed Piskor committed suicide after being ousted last week for being a creep, and allegedly trying to groom a 17 year old. He was 41 when he died, and I'm unsure of when the talking to the 17 year old started but he'd still be significantly too old regardless. He admitted to some of it in his very long suicide note.
Now, I'm mentioning this because I'm seeing this being brought up on reddit as the downside of being "me-too'd" and cancel culture etc etc. And it pisses me off. Why is it so hard for fully grown men to just NOT be creeps around young women or even teens? I mean there's a whole meme about becoming a popular male minecraft youtuber being an almost guarantee you're going to be outed as a sex pest online because of how many turned out to be exactly that. Just don't get into relationships with teenage fans or barely adult women who look up to you. It's not that hard.
I know I shouldn't be surprised because it's reddit, but I lose my faith in humanity a little bit more whenever they talk about how it's not that bad because of some dumb reason like but she's 19!!! As if having influence within their circle of work or friends isn't a massive power difference. Not to mention these guys are often significantly older.
Pic related, one of the many comments on how talking to a 17 year old girl through DMs isn't creepy as fuck because it's technically legal.

No. 1949008

It's a form of retarded psy-op grooming. It's the same reason why so many men are obsessed with porn. There is no reason for IRL porn to exist. Drawn porn or fan fiction works fine for women, and they dont need to consume it daily either, but men need irl women to get off to. They think if they dont have sex or masturbate every single day, they will die. They literally have lizard brains.

No. 1949009

>it's sad he died
>17 isnt even illegal
>tries to defend moid who thinks its okay to hit on teens
Kill yourself too, Jonahhexxx

No. 1949018

seriously what the fuck is wrong with some women????? my good lord how could you type either of those posts out and not see the glaring problems here! And to
reproduce with these worthless moids too! It's so sad.

No. 1949020

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No. 1949024

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No. 1949027

How are there women this retarded

No. 1949043

Why do Reddit women (or just women in general online) don’t seem to realize plan b exists and costs like $20. Like if your area has banned abortions take a fucking plan b. Or if plan b is banned then take birth control like it’s literally not hard to avoid pregnancy. I don’t care if it has side effects, if you don’t want a baby and don’t want to ruin your life then you can put up with birth control since none of the side effects will ever be worse than losing your autonomy and life completely. I’ve had condom accidents and taken a plan b and guess what, I’m the same age as the poster and don’t have kids and aren’t stuck with a man like that. When are people going to realize that actions have consequences.

No. 1949044

This was such a terrifying read. Young women should not be giving their time of day to older scrotes, and older scrotes should stay away from younger women. Bleak.

No. 1949141

>I got pregnant when I was 18 years old, he was 32.
No words.

No. 1949143

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No. 1949144

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Another retard in comments

No. 1949152

>only yells at men
based queen, it's probably because the women she works with don't make retarded mistakes repeatedly like the men do kek. it's always telling when redditors leave out parts of the story

No. 1949231

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Retarded kiwifarms moids seething about the age of consent over this. I fucking hate men so much and I’m glad this man killed himself. Rest in piss faggot

No. 1949234

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No. 1949236

Kek. Typical kiwimoids will defend pedophila as long as it isn't a tranny or "darkie" doing it. Rules for thee but not for me shit.

No. 1949245

Plan B isn't a fix-all. It doesn't work if you've already ovulated and it's almost impossible to know exactly when that was, and it doesn't work if you're over a certain weight (and no taking double the pills doesn't make it more effective if you're over that weight). Yeah she should have done it anyway just in case but Plan B doesn't do shit half the time tbh

No. 1949251

Most moids of the past (middle &upper class) would have killed the first man lmao, well socialized and raised males used to be extremely protective of their underage family members because they knew about spergs like OP and had 0 intention of calling them brother-in-law. It's always funny and a bit endearing when turboautismos think that in the past they would have been more accepted when of anything everyone hated them more. The first situation only happens in isolated religious communities, if the girl is trying to escape poverty (so unwholesome baaah) or straight up arranged marriage situations

No. 1949257

Feminism bad and evil because woman hurt my feelings grrrr life is unfair!!! Yep because that’s totally the same as the violent oppression women face worldwide upheld throughout all of human existence. “Ackshually both sides are bad” eye rolling bullshit to be eaten up by all the MRA incels who seethe at women being able to have independence and power. Men are so sensitive and pathetic it’s actually hilarious if they weren’t so dangerously deranged. They literally believe a woman being assertive is in the same arena as a man advocating dehumanizing and raping women.

No. 1949266

Age gap relationships used to be a bit like Montessori-ish parenting techniques are today. If the rich uses them, it's just another proof of their superiority but if the poors let their children sleep in floor mattresses and play with pots and pans it's trashy and even cps worthy. If given the option (read: being middle/upper-middle class) most families aren't interessed on letting their daughter sleep in the floor or marry at 16. Thats all the "moral reasoning" that most people do, and it's fine because it's right lmao.

No. 1949276

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Was looking for a specific plushie and came across this subreddit on accident. They swear it isn't sexual but god it's so creepy and obviously has sexual undertones.

No. 1949279

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No. 1949281

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The about page. This shit is weird.

No. 1949286

>wearing thottie clothes
gonna say DDLG here.

No. 1949291

>trans flag
>baby talk
>rp'ing as a FIVE year old
This is definitely a fetish.fucking degenerates

No. 1949316

>waaaah one woman yelled at me an now my world view is changed!!
Kek moids are so fragile. 20 bucks say the woman has never even muttered the word feminism or women's rights in his company.

No. 1949333

>16 year old woman
Is this fucking moid for real.

No. 1949365

>go cancel dicaprio and pacino
yes, we should. I hope they anhero too

No. 1949735

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Reddit makes me sometimes wish Hitler won, idc

No. 1949790

nonna, I'm sorry but the nazi party would have just made another reddit.

No. 1949796

Men used to wear short shorts in sports before. I wonder what changed.

No. 1949833

There were a lot of Nazi crossdressers that wore revealing “spinny skirts”, that would not help

No. 1949840

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Not sure if this is moid ragebait, but I'm hoping it's a true story so I can laugh at how fucking retarded this guy must be. He's probably so grossly overpaid, how the FUCK do you not notice 30K missing? She's so based lol. He says in another comment she's a generous tipper, too.

No. 1949841

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The OP explains further. What kind of absolute spoiled idiot moid can't check their balance for THREE YEARS??
I hope she gets away with it, which some of the comments suggested she very well might because he didn't stop her for that long and initially gave her access to the cards.

No. 1949847

I’m aware plan b doesn’t always work but it’s better than not even trying at all to prevent a pregnancy and tying yourself to an abusive moid for the rest of your life and then wondering why life has gone so wrong. I just don’t understand why people are so passive about creating and bringing new lives into the world, almost as if pregnancy is just an expected bodily condition like a period or a headache that will happen to all women, instead of it being preventable and a choice to make. I’m tired of reading about irresponsible pregnancies and poor life choices on reddit and no one calling out the mother (or father, men should be shamed much more than they are), out of fear of being called a momshamer.

No. 1949873

What a dummy, how did it never occur to him to make sure that he cut off his exs’ access to his bank account? Even funnier are the people in the comments who claim that they don’t check their bank statements because of ~anxiety~ lol.

No. 1950019

i'm guessing this bright mind believes that knowing a man in a dress is still a man is an "extremist view" kek

No. 1950052

The deadbedrooms sub is so funny because whenever they're mentioned outside their community and are accused of being full of egoistic, sexually coercive men, they rush in to tell everyone they have a lot of female posters too, that are high libido. And they do have women posting, but look at any of their posts: the woman describes her mysery and instead of any man offering true empathy, like on male posts (usually with a healthy dose of wife hate), the comments are all
>omg if I was offered a bj I'd never turn it down
>you made all the men cry here by showing us that women have a libido
>I wish I had a wife who dressed sexy
>woe is me
Also they had to have warning of no creep posts asking if they were up to cheating to HL women kek

No. 1950213

I do get where you're coming from but this woman is clearly not all there upstairs. I also feel frustrated that so many women spend their lives hand-wringing and sobbing over a situation that they could so easily have gotten out of but if they got into that situation in the first place, it's a good indication that there are screws loose. This lady could have terminated the pregnancy, but chances are she'd fling herself at another old scrote and beg for his love and attention, then end up in the same place. She mentions that she feels down because her moid keeps yapping about women under 25 being better, and instead of punching his remaining teeth out she listens to him. She knows how shit he is, even his lawyer wished her well, but she STILL puts his opinions over her own. She's a doormat who needs serious therapy.
She knows very well that she needs to leave him. The problem is that she's too retarded to do that.

No. 1950375

>i only really yell at men
based. Gen z is doomed if they think this is inappropriate.
>comparing a feminist woman to andrew tate who literally tells men who to abuse and rape women
Yeah, gen z is doomed

No. 1950546

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https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHR/comments/1bugbtb/guy_jacks_off_in_bathroom_what_do_i_do_ca/ https://web.archive.org/web/20240403140152/https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHR/comments/1bugbtb/guy_jacks_off_in_bathroom_what_do_i_do_ca/?rdt=54595
I had to grab this from the internet archive because I originally saw on mobile and wanted to save on pc but it was gone by then. the OP's account is still live and you can other posts talking about watching porn as a kid and his coworker masturbating at work. of course on the HR post people joking about
>slap his door hard, holler ANYBODY IN THERE
>play jeopardy theme
surprising amount of people(for reddit) rightfully saying this is sexual harassment
and then one retard:
>It’s not lude behavior, no more than shitting is. In fact, shitting is worse if there is a smell that goes outside the cubicle. Nothing can really be done.

No. 1950554

My ex told me he wanked in the work toilets when he was stressed out and I called him a pervert. Just makes me consider every touchy feely guy in an office that walks about behind and squeezes your shoulders probably is enjoying some gay post nut clarity and wanting to have some type of intimate touch with any female. I hate men so much their dicks are so fucking annoying. They really are just led by their dicks even anatomically unless they're fat af

No. 1950569

When I'm stressed, i smoke a joint or drink an iced coffee. Why are men's first thoughts to do something sexual? They are natural born degenerates.

No. 1950573

I knew one who did it in his university's bathrooms.

No. 1950584

How can a man maintain an erection when there's the stank of literal piss and shit in the air? Moids are such disgusting animals

No. 1950629

Jerking it in public, where other men can hear you….goddamn faggots kek >>1950573

No. 1950639

Literal beasts. That was my first thought too. OK so you have 0 shame to do it at work with other people around AND you don't care about the shitty bathroom smell too? Fucking hell.

No. 1950655

I thought men wanted equal opportunity, not equal outcome? Not womens fault men are more retarded and shit at their job and need to be disciplined more for being the worse of the sex. Maybe if he did his job better rather than act like an overgrown child, he wouldn't be yelled at. This just shows how men can't handle the workforce kek.

No. 1951858

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No. 1951881

This is a little thing but I hate how whenever reddit moids mention jacking off they always assume whoever is reading automatically assumes watching pornography is a part of it. Jacking off is indistinguishable from consuming porn to the majority of moids and I find it unsettling. Anyways, my high school had a moid who did similar things but he had some sort of physical disability so he'd claim that he was taking forever in the stall because of that even though people could hear him. He was caught sending nude photos to minors after graduation as well. Absolute troglodytes.

No. 1951910

It's a puzzle for toddlers +3 years old so why is he wearing a pacifier and clothing for babies? These age players can't even stick to their role and act accordingly to "their age".

No. 1952107

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>2.2k for a man who is an objectively selfish father who can't let his wife comfort their child because his ego is so fragile

No. 1952116

The person in the tweet spoke nothing but facts, it's a point that's literally been brought up exclusively by black people numerous times on twitter. White liberals are so unbelievably clueless about what people outside their 99% white suburb think.

No. 1952121

"My son's mom" has got to be the female version of "wife's boyfriend"

No. 1952128

>When you face something scary and you run into your mom not your dad
What even is his logic in this situation? Has he seen how women comforted someone recovering from surgery vs how men react to someone in surgery? This doesn't even make sense in the slightest

No. 1952132

Oh shit so he's the father? I forgot males were allowed to use the computer

No. 1952133

White people simply just don't want to be in performing arts business anymore, which is fair because it was other white people who wanted to pretend like doing any sort of creative gig was just like getting a master's in gender studies. Ofc instead of encouraging white people to get into acting or music they'll just point the finger at black people

No. 1952144

>that file name

No. 1952647

I once broke up with a dude I dated in law school who described a 15-year-old plaintiff in a case as a "young woman." Turned out he was a frequent visitor of avoiceformen.com, big shocker.

No. 1952649

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No. 1952654

If a 26-year-old woman was "courting" a 16 year old teenage boy, this exact same scrote would be reeing about how nobody talks about male sexual abuse. Hell, I dated a sophomore when I was a senior and routinely got made fun of for "robbing the cradle," meanwhile nobody said anything when I dated a senior guy as a sophomore.

No. 1952655

I'm sorry but men and boys with autism should just be killed.

No. 1952656

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>i was looking at porn while others were in the same room

No. 1952663

Where the fuck is the father in all this and why isn't the mother bother to consult a mental health professional about this behaviour? Another thing is that the brother is clearly coherent enough to know that it upsets his sister and should do it in the bathroom. For as supposedly religious as her mother is, she can't even muster up the courage to put a parent lock on porn to save her son from turning into a degenerate. Boy moms are a stain in our society as are coddled autistic males who fucking know better and don't deserve sympathy.

No. 1952695

women forcing their daughters to share a room with a male is a form of child abuse and i'm not even joking.

No. 1952707

this girl is at risk of being assaulted by her brother
especially when he’s doing this while she’s in the room alone with him. definitely some sort of sexual abuse by proxy on the moms part

No. 1952716

Reddit's new UI is so fucking dogshit it has successfully gotten me to decrease my usage of it by like, 90%. It's unbearable on mobile now and using it on desktop is only a bit better. I wonder how many people have quit because of the redesign. It's like they WANT to pull a Digg.

No. 1952720

I just use old.reddit.com unless I need to use a specific search function.

No. 1952722

She straight up needs to treat him like a dog and get a spray bottle or water gun to spray him with when he's masturbating, I'm completely serious. Immediate reinforcement is more effective than delayed punishment.

No. 1952823

Girls with autism are just normal to me. I've known autistic girls for years without even knowing they had autism. They never seemed different or strange to me. Meanwhile moids with autism are always fucked up and I always can tell. They should be executed. Fucking freaks

No. 1953062

This is so fucked. Where is the father in the picture? Why can't this hyper religious mother do anything? How typical for some autistic waste of flesh to be coddled for his inadequacies. Autistic men are vile.

No. 1953069

I've been accused of the same thing when I date guys that are 1-2 yrs younger than me kek. Or how many people accused women of literal pedophilia for dating professional athletes, or men in their mid to late 20s kek
>But Leo gets called creepy be-
Leo gets called creepy because he has had literal Epstein island accusations, fixates on age, and has dated girls freshly out of high school. Even the craziest cougars don't act that way and I've never seen a woman go unarrested for dating minors. Definitely seen men routinely get away with grooming children online and even getting high schoolers pregnant on the reg. Men can screech about unfairness or whatever but I've never once seen a woman get away with grooming teens like men do

No. 1953074

She should grab the brother every time he does it, drag him to their mother's room and force him to sleep there. Her fucking problem, she can enjoy the autist JO sessions all night instead.
The mother complaining about the daughter being disgusted from a religious standpoint is ridiculous. She needs to be reminded that she is the one who's truly in the wrong for allowing her son to 1) find porn and 2) expose his sister to his sexuality. Nowhere in the Bible is masturbation, let alone in front of one's family members, condoned. If the son cannot be blamed for his actions, the parent(s) must be. And where is the father in all this?
If the mom complains or starts locking her door and yelling at the daughter for "kicking out her brother", the daughter should threaten to report her to the police for facilitating and encouraging incest/CSA and deliberately exposing her daughter, a minor, to obscenity. She's a groomer for this shit, I don't care.

No. 1953213

You're actually so on point. Act like a animal get treated like one. It would be funny if she pepper sprayed the scrote everytime he did it.

No. 1953390

>in the beginning it was looking at porn while others were in the same room
It's her brother, not OP.

No. 1953408

Anyone else fascinated by certain subreddits and will read them just to see what shit they talk about this time? For me it's the teachers sub these days. They hate both kids and parents. No parent exists that cares about their child. Or could be struggling. Of course it's an echo chamber as teachers who are fine and don't have any big gripes aren't the ones posting rants on the subreddit. But the lack of empathy while proclaiming that teachers are truly the biggest of all victims is wild, the other week there was even a highly upvoted post on how no teacher has ever told a student "you'll amount to nothing!" and that it's just a fake stereotype. The jokes write themselves.

No. 1953458

the teachers subreddit is goldmine, notice how they're never at fault for anything. i also notice trends in posts which make me suspect psyops sometimes.
my personal favorite subreddit for hatewatching is asoneafterinfidelity which is a subreddit about people trying to stay with their partners after being cheated on - full of cope and blatantly fake posts.

No. 1953511

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I lurk the medical subreddits sometimes because a lot of posters are straight up sociopathic.

I also really love deadbedrooms and the several sister subs that have popped up with the same theme. Everyone is miserable and insane and I like watching them sabotage their relationships. DeadBedroomsOver30 is my favourite because it's supposed to be the 'healthy' deadbedroom sub, but it's just the same handful of users spending hours a day dissecting posts from the main sub and using weird therapy speak that I think they invented themselves. My tinfoil is that the mods are writing a self-help book or something and using the sub the grow an audience/farm content.

No. 1953529

I religiously read deadbedrooms for years, what a shitshow.

No. 1953639

Reading deadbedrooms unironically helped me realize how easy it is for women to marry men they aren't truly sexually attracted to and to not let it happen to me. Honestly I used to browse thinking the majority of DBs were caused by men being shitty but probably 50% were clearly such cases where the man was simply not sexually attractive to his wife, regardless of his behavior toward her. It seems like the women aren't even aware of what the problem is and think its a matter of changing lifestyles or relationship habits. No, you just don't want to fuck him and you never really did. Simple as. It's not these women's fault either, they weren't taught to prioritize their sexual chemistry at all so they just found a decent guy they love and can stand to fuck occasional and then called it a day, not knowing that eventually they would stop being able to pretend.

No. 1953694

Do you think it's because women don't prioritize sex as much as men? I mean I see women on that subreddit who are going through that as well. Marrying a man who you aren't even attracted to is crazy.

No. 1953698

its a crummy workaround because I can't get it to work on mobile. And on desktop it only works to take you to the main page, doesn't work if you're trying to get to a subreddit directly from your start page.

No. 1953702

Deadbedrooms should be over 30 by default. If you're in your 20s and in a dead bedroom already wtf are you doing?

No. 1953724

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Fucking hell, reddit! This woman's husband spends every night jerking off to porn and won't even sleep in the same room as her, despite her best efforts to fix their marriage. Redditors immediately jump in to defend porn.

>"For Christ sake , understand the porn, ask what specifically. Bring it out of the dark. Then this goes away. All your issues."

>"Yeah, there are a lot of people who just think because people have kinks, and prefer porn to their partners, they are addicts. Many times the partners are just as to blame for the issue."

No. 1953730

File: 1712435240792.jpeg (215.88 KB, 729x724, IMG_6055.jpeg)

Lowkey the emotional neglect or general dissatisfaction is being used too much like a scapegoat for women losing sexual interest in her scrote. I know even if I’m having the worst day of my life, I’d fold if a sexy male thing showed up begging to lick my pussy. Women genuinely convinced themselves that “niceness” or “humor” or “predictability” are what they’re sexually attracted to. And by “sexually attracted” they mean “not completely unbearably repulsive to fuck”. They don’t see it as scarcity mindset conditioning them into cycles of settling, sacrificing, resenting, and we’re supposed to see such things as virtues. Some of these women are in a perma bargaining hell: if he only did this and that, if only he didn’t do this and that, I would have been willing to tolerate 30 mins of faking it! Female sexual satisfaction and evolution aren’t important, it’s more important to know how many mental cartwheels it takes to give in to the moid demands without it sounding like literal self rape on paper. I do it because I love you, not because I want to, I don’t even like sex, but sex is the only way that I can validate your fragile male ego, sex is the only proof that you still like me anymore.

No. 1953743

File the papers and start having an affair jfc not like he’d notice, your husband has actual biochemical brain damage and a permanently broken sexuality

No. 1953752

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"I am entitled to a woman sexually serving me, so I paid to rape a prostitute half my age. As a literal sex slave, she smiled the whole time she sucked my wrinkled dick and had a great attitude about being raped unlike my prude wife! I didn't even have to pretend to want to please her, it was just right to the self-centered penetrative raping like I always wanted. Gee why am I in a DB?"

No. 1953753

A lot of the men that talk about wives that were always kinda "asexual" (vs. the ones that fall out of love eventually), a lot of them mention their wife being religious or being raised in a very strict household, so these women never even stood a chance. All they were fed is finding a decent, stable template of a provider and that was that. Whenever there's a title of "My wife finally confessed why we don't have sex" posts in the conversation the wife will literally tell them that they'd be happy to never ever have sex again.
The other big group seems to be the wives that were basically abandoned or soulcrushingly shamed and offended by their partner when they were expecting/delivering/raising a baby that the relationship literally never recovers from that breach of trust between partners. That's when men bitch about the family structure being "wife+kids AND me" instead of "parents AND kids", but they don't realize they've made their own hell.

No. 1953756

I want to expand on this (and also the meme you posted) by saying that I'm baffled by the fact that so many women are terrified of being alone to the point that they'd rather stick with a guy who makes them miserable than be on their own. It's bizarre, I've never understood it. You see it with all generations, but I've noticed that it's particularly bad with boomer women.

No. 1953765

Does he really think women will line up to enthusiastically suck old cock once the ring is off? The absolute insanity

No. 1953770

"This perfect stranger was willing to give me what my wife wouldnt!" Yeah because you paid her $500 retard.

No. 1953777

File: 1712437710868.jpg (48.08 KB, 843x755, 1683952606906.jpg)

>A professional
Oh my god, I hate Redditors. Just say hooker. You paid a woman money to use her body like a commodity. It's not "professionalism," it's benefiting from a situation where a woman has to choose between being homeless and being raped for money.
>Completely focused on my pleasure
Ah, there it is. He's angry at his wife for "starfishing" but he's a starfish, too. He wants to make the woman do all the work and not take any of her pleasure into account. Prick. He's going to get a divorce because of his dick and realize after like a year that he threw away literally all of the other comforts with having a woman take care of him.
>find a woman that actually loves me
Ah yes, because the only indicator that woman loves her is her willingness to do the sort of degrading shit prostitutes are forced to do out of economic necessity. It's not like your wife (who clearly deserves better) spent twenty years cleaning the house you live in, raising your kids, contributing her own income, performing emotional labor for you, and putting up with your horrible personality. Apparently none of that is love, but letting your put your dick in her butthole is. Okay.

I imagine the wife's live will improve significantly without him in it. Inshallah.

No. 1953779

Holy shit, the redditards in the comments. They would never see fault in what a man does even though the woman is trying her best. It's always the woman at fault. "Uh, uh, maybe understand the porn. Learn the porn. Become the porn." is what it all sounds like to me. Fucking freaks.

No. 1953783

>a girl being pimped out serviced me good so I didn't complain to her pimp and now that I think about I wish all women performed like their life literally depended on it I'm going to divorce my wife now xoxo

No. 1953785

In my opinion is a few things.
>no representation WHATSOEVER, EVER, AT ALL, of women enjoying a genuinely egalitarian or female-centered sexual relationship, including from female sources.
All movies, romance novels, and relationships irl mimic male-centric patriarchal sex. Even in stuff meant for women, the male often straight up hates the female MC and treats her with open disrespect, sexual and otherwise, and she is shown liking it and accepting it. What does that give sexually inexperienced women to aspire to? Not much. If you don't see it in the world, how do you know its an option? Truly sexually satisfied irl women are rare. It is culturally normal for women to not enjoy sex with their husbands and it has been for a long damn time. The vocal women who claim to love their sex life are usually delusional libfems who claim to love getting fucked hard, or sexually conservative weirdos who claim sex is just so pure and fine, even though they never cum, because it's about showing love to your husband even if you are not in the mood, or some shit. There's no real examples of a genuinely sexually liberated woman in our society. There is only women who are sheltered and women who are used. We live in a rape culture, women are used to sex being an act of aggression and indifference.
>lack of education about women's sexual needs and women's MENTAL sexual needs specifically. Muh "women are less visual" muh "women mostly enjoy sex for the bonding, they don't need to cum" muh "women don't need sex the same way men do" narratives ect
NO, doing chores and giving your kid a bath is not enough to turn on your wife. Women are not utilitarian sex traders. We get aroused by being TURNED ON BY A SEXY MAN, not by a man pulling his weight. We are sexual beings, not beings who provide sex in exchange for people being nice to us. We have the same raw sexuality men do and it works the same way. We don't expect men to get horny if their wife does a chore for them, we expect them to get horny if their wife is sexy. We want men to turn us on by actually making sex sexy and a lot of women think they should be aroused if their partner is a decent man and does his share, so the problem must be with themselves. No, he's just not fucking sexy. Him being a good partner doesn't fix it.
>a lack of validation for the sexual standards women set
Women are criticized for having sexual needs at all, criticized for being too picky with their sexual needs with men, not given representation of men who are both sexy AND respectful/loving, shitting on women for pursuing men they find sexually attractive over "nice guys" who aren't, ect.
>women are not given the agency to explore their sexual interests
Male violence forces women into a lose-lose situation. Having sex with men might tell you more about what you like and who you find sexy but it will also lead to exploitation that makes it completely not worth it to explore. As a result most women do not have the physical or mental freedom to embrace a positive relationship with their sexuality because their sexuality is formed and inhibited by a patriarchal context.
Basically this happens bc of female sexuality being denied and shamed out of existence until women bury it to escape from the shame and the agony of unfulfilled wishes. Women know most men aren't capable of sex like this, so they determine that it's stupid to shoot for the moon, and better to settle for a man who is tolerable at sex. Women are kept ignorant of what is possible. They're only given negative experiences and negative representation, both in real life and in a cultural sense. Logically they conclude that egalitarian, woman-centered sex does not exist and it never occurs to them that they are missing out. Sorry I know that was a wall of text but I think its important to spell this out in case any woman in this situation is reading.

No. 1953800

There's a lot of pressure in our culture for women to settle. The whole "biological clock" thing and "the wall" stuff are psyops to get women to settle. Women evolved to be sexually selective, but moid-dominant culture does everything in its power to nullify that and give them the power to be selective.

No. 1953802

Not related to the current discussion, but every time reddit brings up idiocracy as "omg this is what's happening right now!!11!!!!" I want to jump off a ledge. They're childfree yet somehow stroking their own ego in that IF they had kids they would be sooo much better then those dumb breeders. Not to mention they always assume (the same with any other acceleration mindset) that they'd be the ones who will survive.

No. 1953803

The most horrifying turn in the post is when OP mentioned that she's a girl. What the fuck is wrong with her mother? I hate boymoms, and I hate the way male autists are coddled while female autists are still held to the strict social standards that all women are.

Honestly, she should do the classic sibling-misinformation thing and just tell him that he'll develop ED or his dick will get crooked if he masturbates too much.

No. 1953807

Considering this is one of the big subs, there's a 95% chance this is basically incest fetish porn and/or bait. So do not worry fellow nonnies, it's almost guaranteed this is fake.

No. 1953813

I think it's legit, because she posted an update saying that her parents permitted her to sleep in another room. She informed her family (who I think are from a non-English-speaking country) that this actually constitutes sexual abuse under Canadian law. It must've scared the parent straight, because they put the kids in separate rooms to sleep. Shame it took that much, though.

No. 1953818

Quick follow ups or updates + 'my family isn't from here so they don't get it' are two prime signs of fake posts.

No. 1953864

It does not help that men are fucking shit at being sexual in general. Reminds me of a thing I've seen in a thread about bi dating experiences on TwoX(although I usually avoid it since the trannycalipse), about how the main difference was that when women wanted to initiate sex, they'd try to turn the partner on gradually. When a mam wants sex, he points out that he is already horny. Often also accompanied by charming pointing or gesturing towards the dick. Charming

No. 1953933

Yes, seconding r/teachers. Another one for me is r/breakingmom, out of a sort of morbid curiosity about how "the other half" lives (as someone who doesn't have a strong desire for marriage or kids and never has).

No. 1953943

That's interesting and it does make me sad when I realize how societal pressure effects the way women view their sexuality. Thanks for the effortpost nona
I notice a lot of men resent women for being picky as if it's absurd to be picky when women are the ones who literally have a whole human grow inside them for 9 months

No. 1953945

Hey nonster, do you believe that certain breeds of dog inherently know how to herd animals, even if they've never been explicitly taught?

No. 1953954

That's very interesting thanks for the based effortpost nona
I notice a lot of men resent women for being picky as if it's absurd to be picky when women are the ones who literally have a whole human grow inside them for 9 months

No. 1953957

r/breakingmom for me too, but the opposite reason. I basically use it as a teaching tool to see what red flags to avoid, although some of them were so obvious it can be hard to read.
They criticize women for being too picky while simultaneously saying all women who end up in bad relationships/marriages should have picked better

No. 1953959

You do realize right, that poor/dumb people have always had more kids then rich/smart ones?

No. 1954023

No. 1954055


No. 1954058

"He's totally not addicted! He just sleeps on the couch every night so he can jerk himself off to sleep or something else disgusting! As a good wife you must study the porn!!" I feel so sorry these women go onto reddit expecting actual advice.

No. 1954061

clearly those teachers didn't go to Catholic school kek.

No. 1954126

They always recommend that the woman literally take notes on the porn so she can satisfy her neglectful husband better. The misogyny is so apparent. Like oh obviously you are meant to be a nympho sex slave in order to compete for your partners affection vs an entire internet full of whatever disgusting nasty shit he can jerk to at any time. I bet if a guy posted about his wife reading too much smut and him feeling neglected they wouldn’t recommend that he find out how to be more romantic or cater to her needs, they’d say he deserves to cheat as revenge or something, which is what a lot of DB moids rejoice over btw. I know that a lot of women are pathetic and stay with horrible men but the amount of men who are hateful and resent their wife just because she doesn’t put out is crazy, men rarely take the initiative to break up/divorce even when they’re out there cheating with hookers contracting diseases left and right.

No. 1954245

It was r/purplepilldebate for me, eventually gave up because if you have saw some posts, you already have seen them all.

No. 1954249

This. I genuinely don’t get why women don’t cheat in these situations. He’s made it abundantly clear he doesn’t want you/ and ironically cheating might make him like you more because scrotes are retarded and don’t actually like feeling desired.

No. 1954253

Married while being single is such a sad state of existence for women.

No. 1954278

This goes in the manifesto folder anon

No. 1954285

I just know a morbidly obese ghoul with a microdick wrote this one. God forbid you touch the woman before shoving your dick inside of her. Do men really not know that foreplay actually benefits them? It's like they've never heard that women self lubricate when turned on.

No. 1954293

That's a lot of words to just say buy a dildo. Your not wrong but this isn't a "rape culture" thing it's male biology. Women indenturing themselves is bleak but they chose to do it of their own volition. If rape culture is so pernicious how is your goal not be raped by Nigel but have enjoyable "rape culture" sex? Real question, this isn't FDS.

No. 1954302

What's with retards on Reddit defending age gaps as long as both parties are underage?? Do they really think 11 year olds should date 17 year olds because they're both minors??

No. 1954303

Because reddit is full of misogynistic pedophiles who don't care as long as the predator is male, if the predator is a woman then it's 50/50 "omg that's so hot I can't imagine why the child would be so sad about it" or "WOMEN GET AWAY WITH EVERYTHING BUT I GET CALLED A PEDOPHILE IF I LOOK AT A RANDOM KID"

No. 1954391

Choreplay for that sub means = I cleaned the kitched, bathed the kid, so I deserve sex.

No. 1954413

so fucking tired of the argument that men are getting falsely accused of being pedos left and right, most moid dads get asspats for doing literally anything with their kids in public, I've seen dads chill and day drink at bars while ignoring their screaming toddler and get ass pats for "being there" where as mothers can absolutely ripped apart for anyway and anyhow their kid acts or any sort of parenting. I've known several moms who get the fathers to do any sort of in public parenting since moids are the only ones that people won't foam at the mouth over for literally anything

and honestly? most of the public can't/won't clock pedos to save their life. if you're constantly being called a pedo by multiple people in public it's cause you're leaving out details, like that one dad who got "falsely" accused of being a pedo in hot topic and it turns out he made entire posts and even got banned for gushing over his daughters tits size "just like her mom"

No. 1954420

The comments section is much more sane now, mostly women telling her to leave her porn addicted husband. The losers telling her to ‘understand the porn’ all got downvoted.

No. 1954491

Oh kek thank you for the clarification, still horrifying but in a different way.

No. 1954718

Reading comprehension 0 kek, "if institutionalized racism is real, why is your goal as a black woman to go to Harvard eventually, instead of being happy you're getting to go to school at all? If it was real wouldn't you not even be able to go to public school?" You weren't smart enough to respond to this kind of thing, sorry. Sit this one out

No. 1954739

?? I'm not black nor American. take your meds.

No. 1954743

why are you comparing the sexual needs of women to being a black college applicant?

No. 1954752

This site is beginning to transform into a brain mush version of Lipstick alley, some zoomer fags stan twitter feed, with a dash of FDS but with more dysfunctional, immature BPD fags and schizophrenics kek. The excuses some will make for moids.

No. 1955161

File: 1712529323094.png (69.8 KB, 856x606, yeahokkkk.png)

got a 3 day suspension for no reason they won't even say why. I think it's a scrote I rejected sexually I post the mildest takes on this throwaway. Men are so fragile

No. 1955183

File: 1712530919094.png (20.97 KB, 137x157, 1659394012944.png)

>"women are less visual"
I think I hate this meme the most. Unrelated but even women around me parrot this shit constantly, like they've psyopped themselves into it. I wish this bullshit would just fucking die. If women were less visual why can we see more colors than moids?

No. 1955438

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No. 1955446

It is yeah. They’re fantasizing about fucking other women and they would take the opportunity if it were offered and you wouldn’t find out. It’s basically cheating ideation. That’s why women should cheat and not feel bad about it.

No. 1955466

>If women were less visual why can we see more colors than moids?
This isn't true though. Biologically the same in that regard. I think this myth arose out of confusion between basic colour terms and specific colour terms. It's the same sort of thinking that produced the myth that some languages, especially those in the past or non-Europeans, couldn't see as many colours since they used fewer basic colour words than modern Western Europeans.

No. 1955515

She wrote all that but did she forget that he already wasn’t monogamous since he cheated on her before? Of course he doesn’t give a single shit to respect the loyalty you want kek all the red flags here with the age difference, having his baby so quickly, the cool girl sex tapes, him being horned up 24/7. He knows he got away with cheating already and can do whatever he wants, the most she will do is lament on Reddit groups while trying to give him more sex or play into disgusting kinks to keep his interest.

No. 1955551

Women absolutely value appearance just as much if not more than men, it's that they're brainwashed growing up into thinking appearance doesn't matter and that they should just be lucky they aren't getting cheated on/beat (when it's typically uggos who do that anyway) why do you think it's a stereotype of teen girls fawning over pretty boys in movies or boy bands? Even when it comes to wlw or something it's typically women going for beautifully set up boudoir photoshoots and stuff, moids usually go for hideous disgusting porn getting the actresses ugly mug, botched boob job (that they'll insist is 100% natural) and obnoxiously colored workout gear

No. 1955584

Unrelated but I made that image you used and I’m so happy people are still using it kek

No. 1955694

>when it comes to wlw or something it's typically women going for beautifully set up boudoir photoshoots and stuff, moids usually go for hideous disgusting porn getting the actresses ugly mug, botched boob job (that they'll insist is 100% natural) and obnoxiously colored workout gear
Moids are not visual at all. Even if it's not sex just look at their "art" compared to women's, they'll hang up retarded characters and anime crap left and right, it's typically women who like actual intricate, well made art. Ofc they'll all just claim it's a matter of opinion, but why do straight women even try anymore? Buying the lingerie, shaving, and not eating 8 hours before your dick appointment literally makes no difference in his attitude, all while you're still begging scrotes to wash their ass properly

No. 1955708

I hate when women say this as if they're speaking for all women. No, women as a whole are visual, you just have 0 standards and are coping by claiming sex is ~emotional~ while your ugly fat bf is huffing and puffing over the idea of using you like a warm body to masturbate into and never even thinks about getting you off.

No. 1955716

Men literally can’t even differentiate between the shades of a color and are faceblind, colorblind retards. Being schizophrenic manipulators, they lie their asses off. No Kyle, you’re not a visual creature. Your body is that of a hideous ape and no one desires you. This isn’t the fault of women whose simple brains can’t comprehend visual input. You’re just fucking ugly. Being a rape-ape ready to stick your dick into anything with a slightly round ass doesn’t make you “visual” it makes you a repulsive sex pest. Being horny is not something to be proud of, you whore.

No. 1955744

I'm not insane for feeling like the tinder subreddit is incredibly misogynistic right? So many comments will border on incel rhetoric and that all women are whores with high standards. Every week there's posts because women dare to ask for height (something you can't guess as easily from a photo vs weight)

No. 1955748

I hate it so much. You just know they don't even believe it themselves. I also hate the sex is about emotions bs like go away "I can't put my fist through your childhood dreams" is how I feel. Without putting too fine a point on it.

No. 1955772

This is why I'm still virgin at 31, I've never anybody attractive enough to want to have sex with.

No. 1955782

Same here, I've never found a man around me attractive, even a guy who has potential, they just don't care to look good. Barely wear clean clothing, it's tragic.

No. 1955812

Mid 20's but same, I'd rather walk into traffic than force myself to fuck a moid I'm not attracted to just to say I've done it. I don't see the rush either considering most men are terrible in bed and don't care about pleasing their partner. Why risk STD's, pregnancy, sexual violence, etc. when I get by fine on my own?

No. 1955922

File: 1712587137681.png (597.99 KB, 1170x1172, 5nsT8s0.png)

God I need him.

No. 1955931

I probably have something wrong with me but I think that's really hot kek

No. 1955934

Men who don't care about their wife don't want them to be turned on. Unlubricated sex makes the grip on the penis much tighter.

No. 1955937

File: 1712587809619.jpg (173.62 KB, 1000x1000, 63329c8afcf2f18924785d00_1000_…)

ikr, idk if i should be seething with jealousy at the girl or not

No. 1955980

All moids should be like this.

No. 1956002

This is fucking gross, what are you on about?

No. 1956007

He's probably ugly as shit but all men should be this desperate and turned on with their partners. Most men need women to suck them off, dress up like porn stars, do anal/deepthroats/choking to get hard while also watching porn and masturbating nearly every day. Men should be rock hard at the mere sight of their lovers, and obviously they should keep that for when they have to fuck instead of wasting time wanking off.
Sad that this motherfucker will become just like the others once he marries and will start to get bored.

No. 1956027

personally I believe that guy is larping, probably a balding fat dude who hasn't showered in weeks fapping to the thought of women replying to him sincerely

No. 1956350

I hate every moid in this entire fucking thread
https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1bymdso/italy_prime_minister_giorgia_meloni_seeks_100000/(this is an imageboard)

No. 1956351

kek you posted this right as I was thinking of Meloni. Psychic nonnarina

No. 1956756

File: 1712645573782.png (288.53 KB, 1080x2400, 1000001838.png)

Moid experiences what women slog through on the daily and is absolutely shocked. His solution? Divorce! Damn they really are the weaker half.

No. 1956777

KEK boo fucking hoo. Men are so fucking dumb, no shit raising kids is hard and shitty when you're stuck with all the work. Why do they think women push for access to birth control and abortion?

No. 1956797

this was so frustrating to read. your much older man cheated on you as soon as you got together, and not only you stay with him for more years, you get impregnated by him! and after all of that, you're still surprised he doesn't want to put back the effort you spent on him.

No. 1956851

Embarrassing behaviour to give a cheating moid loads of exploitable videos of yourself because that's easier than accepting he's scum apparently

No. 1956990

File: 1712666004811.jpg (7.27 MB, 2320x3088, RDT_20240409_07301843248685715…)

This girl always posts her past decade inspired outfits to fashion subs, always has the rattiest hair, the messiest make up, and her comments are either "omg miss sugar pie cutie face slaying once again!!!" Or "how is this 70s/80s/90s? I was there and we didn't do that. Her looks are never really good. I'm confused as FUCK about the comments of her posts gassing her up. She says fashion is her hyperfixation but if that was the case surely she'd try to do her makeup and hair more neatly.

No. 1956997

i know this is lolcow, but damn she just seems autistic and isnt harming anyone.

No. 1957000

How dare a woman not meet up to my standards of beauty

No. 1957013

Yeah, I'm posting her to this thread because she's fugly as hell and not because her comments are a 50/50 split between autist fetishists and actual women saying this shit looks bad.

No. 1957016

Aww leave her alone she seems happy enough

No. 1957029

>she's fugly as hell
she looks pretty normal to me, damn some of you guys are no better than scrotes

No. 1957033

Grumpy bitch, I bet your mother never loved you.

No. 1957140

She looks really cute and happy imo, way better than 99% of men on the platform. I'd rather have harmless cringy people than literal trash heaps leaning how to use a keyboard and abuse women.

No. 1957158

Then… why did you post just her face and not screenshots of any of the comments?

No. 1957287

This is low hanging fruit. All the hateful moids on reddit and you choose to target a woman who's just having fun and posts her coords? Seems vendetta ish

No. 1957507

>70s 80s 90s
>I was there
Stop posting and go collect some social security while you still can, bitter elder Gen Xer. Damn do middle aged women use lolcow?

No. 1957513

Okay…? meanwhile there are actual pedos, zoophiles,rapists on Reddit.leave her alone.

No. 1957527

Haven't you seen the Ugly Men PsyOps thread? Some of them are 37+

No. 1957529

We literally have some grandmas using lolcow

No. 1957531

Loser pornsick scrotes can whine all they want about "muh biology." Everyone knows it's not normal for a grown man to get involved with a teenage girl. Normal, mentally sound men do not have these thoughts. I wish these creeps were a lot more vocal about their opinions in real life, it would make it a lot easier to avoid them and protect vulnerable young girls.

No. 1957535

NTA, but I think she just missed a closing ", I think she's saying the other type on comment she sees on the posts are people saying that, not the nonna.

No. 1957542

Im glad nonnies are shitting on you. It legit made me sad to see her smiling like that and some bitter ass cunt posts her here to mock her. Post the endless monster trannies that look like shit yet everyone blows smoke up their ass. Not some young woman who does her hair kinda weird.

No. 1957545

File: 1712700212752.jpg (33.12 KB, 720x545, Highdensity+friendly+testimoni…)

I honestly love how you came here only to shit on her, but instead everyone is shitting on you for being an asshole. Sweet justice.

No. 1957548

You're a retard

No. 1957549

No. 1957572

Personally I love when autistic women have fashion as a hyperfixation and really get into like period-accurate historical fashion or some niche jfashion style. some of them don't have god tier hair/makeup skills because they mainly care about the clothes and their history/culture, but I still think it's cute.

No. 1957579

There was some anon awhile back who posted a girl from r/amiugly to mock her which was especially low hanging. Whats gonna be posted next, a woman asking for advice on a makeup sub?

No. 1957582

I love seeing nonnies standing up to unjust bullying like this. It's so petty. There's a billion trannies on reddit dressing like they jumped into their mother's closet who could be posted instead. This is just an eccentric woman kek.

No. 1957624

Cute smile! Turns out she's really pretty too. Would you have posted this if she didn't have 'autistic' in her Reddit bio?

I get a little self-conscious about being like this sometimes (not enough to really care though), thanks aha

Nona i saw this earlier and i can't stop thinking about it. This is what straight and bi women deserve

No. 1957658

she looks happy. are you happy, anon?

No. 1957664

I wish mods would delete this pic, she seems innocent and doesn’t deserve to have her face on here. Her makeup isn’t even that bad and she just needs more practice with doing her hair. Autistic women usually don’t realize when they haven’t done their makeup/hair completely 100% perfect, no need to shun her for it.

No. 1957685

nta and don't agree with her being posted here either, but get some reading comprehension.

No. 1957973

So cute, my Nigel came in less than 60 seconds our first time, it was so fucking cute. I love guys that cum fast it means you can fuck them multiple times daily.

No. 1959241

What a nasty little bitch you are. You're probably seething because you got nasty ass wrinkly skin and are a fat ass cow. Calling girls that don't fit the beauty standards "fugly" isn't something a confident person would do, you're an insecure whale picking on whoever you can to feel better about yourself.(infighting)

No. 1959249

You and that anon are literally the same trash.

No. 1959250

Nta but that is sort of what this website is based on and also what you're doing rn.

No. 1959302

File: 1712855256904.jpg (61.12 KB, 622x786, 3cea5cf494102f6c05e3ace8480d29…)

No. 1959507

File: 1712868691678.png (200.94 KB, 930x838, malespaces.png)

Found this on other subs shitting rightly on this post.
>males deserve places to traffic women, to this moid it will help males
>hates twoxchromosome even though it's male pandering too
>even the sub I got it from said they think twoxchromosome is male pandering

No. 1959511

It’s like a kitchen cupboard here with all the pots and kettles

No. 1959519

Take your meds

No. 1959522

I know this isn't a cow thread, but this doesn't seem very entertaining or milky. It's just a random girl on the internet. Like if she's done something actually cow-y, you have to include that context.

No. 1959525

Kek I'm the ayrt and this is the funniest reply so far.
I posted her because she's bad at her hyperfixation and she always gets updoots because she's autistic. You'd think after some comments saying she's not representing the decade properly she'd, IDK ask questions or dig a little deeper to find out why. Because of her. Hyperfixation. Or try harder. Like if I prided myself on being an expert on car engines and then constantly forgot to put the drain plug back in after an oil change. Or not knowing the difference between a hybrid engine and a gas engine. It's goofy and kind of harmless but I'm not a car expert. The same deal with this girl. She dresses up trying to represent the fashions of the chosen decade but they're always off. Unless maybe she's basing all of these sloppy looks on her own family photos, then sure it'd be cool. Fashion is kind of a hobby for me so of course I hate to see people uncaring of the sloppiness of their own hobby and also directly disregard the personal experiences from people who were alive during the years of their "hyperfixation". Like let's be real she definitely does not respect the hobby.
She's autistic, not a mentally handicapped, pants-shitting retard. She could do better.

No. 1959530

That comment you replied was doing too much, but can't you read the room? most of the people posted in this thread are usually a special kind of deplorable or pathetic. She is neither of those, just a harmless sperg. Not arguing she couldn't benefit from concrit, but this is not the /cgl/ ita thread. Posts screencaps of actual degenerates or shut up.

No. 1959534

It's called a Reddit Hate thread. And I saw her post history on Reddit and hated it. I didn't even get banned for that even though I'm sure a lot of those who replied sent in a trillion reports or something. If this truly did not fit here then surely I would have been issued a warning.
Also >>1937520 this also doesn't "fit" the perceived threads rules either because it's just some cringe moid making a Rivers Cuomos joke.

No. 1959539

We should make a passport bros thread tbh. There's a lot of milk and drama in that community.

No. 1959550

Not any anon involved in this but it does seem petty when compared to like, a boyfriend poisoning his girlfriend with blended up slugs or 14 year old moids sexually abusing their female relatives. I know what site we're on and I'm not going to moan about but that's probably why the other anons acted like they did.

No. 1959557

Ayrt, so this fits here >>1938243 ? I don't see any mention of scrotes raping babies and poisoning their gfs?

No. 1959569

AYRT I agree that their reaction is overblown in this case when similar things have been posted and they haven't batted an eye, but I'm just speculating why they would react in such a way. The language used in the inital post probably set people off.
Also the examples I mentioned were in prior threads, although there is a more mild example (still revolting) of the latter in this thread.

No. 1959664

File: 1712878451918.jpeg (439.17 KB, 750x938, IMG_9954.jpeg)

>he is turned on by eating disorders

it’s so over, nonnas.

No. 1959671

I remember hearing there's a whole forum dedicated to anorexia fetishes

No. 1959672

Right? I need this. The face reveals (usually accidentally self-doxxed) from that community are somehow always much worse than what you expect, which is already the bare minimum. The infighting is trivial and hilarious. And the occasional pickme posts are stomach-wrenching but still milky. If this becomes a thing I’ll be sad I didn’t document my favorites from the months I’ve been milking that community on my own.

No. 1959678

they have an anorexia fetish subreddit but all the terfy ones must be deleted, they’re so fucking gross

No. 1959680

This isn’t new. 5 years ago met a scrote who made me weigh myself in front of him and measured my wrists. I wasn’t even ana I just had an undiagnosed condition and was taking too many uppers. He was grossed out that I finished all my food at the restaurant and said something about how it’s usually considered ladylike to have leftovers, fuck you you fucking manlet so glad I stopped doing addy and realized even meeting with him was a result of mania

No. 1959690

Same. I love following the YouTube channels. This particular moid got in trouble in Brazil for sex tourism kek.

No. 1959691

There are, if I remember correctly, some anachan cow that died used to post her anorexia porn and shit.

No. 1959692

fuck him anon. men seriously get off to women in pain, that’s the source of all of their sexual “standards” and “preferences” is watching their girlfriends and wives whither away and suffer right in front of them and it gets their dicks hard. it’s so necrophilic no matter how much they think it’s sexy, reminds me of moids who get “”uncontrollable”” boners when their gfs cry about their relatives who died

No. 1959694

That's so evil nonnie I'm glad you stopped seeing him

No. 1959699

what a homosexual

No. 1959707

Scarily enough this scrote was a high ranking military officer and worked in civilian DoD contracting so he was powerful. The whole world is fucked up.

No. 1959906

>"Waaah if men can't openly talk about sexually abusing dirt poor women in other countries we'll turn right wing. I'm a good little leftie I promise."
Whatever, scrote. Why should anybody care? A sexual abuser isn't magically a better person just because of politics.

No. 1961781

File: 1713005337410.png (355.71 KB, 969x768, reddit.png)

on a sfw subreddit and on my front page. i hate them and their inability to dispense their testosterone in a productive way instead of this lowest putrid tier of cooming. i'd be embarrassed to post this shit.

No. 1961784

The fuck. My first thought seeing that image was that the shoes were too big. How broken does your brain have to be for you to respond sexually to nail pics?

No. 1961785

I don't mind footfags and I actually can appreciate them, but I don't get why they're so loud about their foot fetish.

No. 1961786

Ikr, I saw it and immediately thought that her pedicure looks so nice

No. 1961788

I miss when people kept their fetishes to themselves. There's no practical reason for random strangers to know about your fetish.

No. 1961792

Classic example of a champagne socialist who doesn't make even the most token attempts to integrate his ideology into his own behavior. Exploiting the poverty and misogyny of other countries for your own hedonistic benefit is peak capitalism.

No. 1961794

Most moids suck in some capacity, but women on Reddit somehow have a unique talent for ending up with the lowliest psychos on Earth and being so retarded that they genuinely need strangers on the internet to tell them to dump him. Assuming it's not fiction written by moids with fetishes for bad relationships.

No. 1961809

File: 1713011105705.jpg (350.05 KB, 1211x1877, j02vrz9gosy61.jpg)

Reminds me of this post I read a couple years ago. I hope it's fake but who knows. Tired of male degeneracy being normalized.

No. 1961847

I knew someone whose daughter was anorexic + married in another state, and she said that during a visit to their house the husband grabbed her daughter's plate and ate the rest of the food on it when he said she "had enough." Everyone at the military base he was stationed in also got weirded out when they knew he was married but never saw his wife. The mom tried going to court over it but because he was in the military and her daughter is an adult there wasn't much she could do.

No. 1961862

No, a lot of women are that stupid because they’ve been brainwashed to be doormats to men and ignore all their flaws. Ffs some guy in my city killed and dismembered a young woman and some pickme had to post about how she dated him before and he always seemed so nice despite a bunch of blatant red flags like having a basement sex dungeon.

No. 1962038

link to article?

No. 1962071


Not to victim blame I’m just shocked soooo many young women apparently went on dates with this fugly caveman looking creep

No. 1962276

It's so annoying trying to read about any kind of event happening on reddit, just for half the comments to be "Well if this was in America he would have killed even more" (like with the stabbing in Australia today) or any kind of politics at all no matter where "this is the future republicans want!" as the top comment on some post about the fucking Taliban banning girls from being educated.
I'm well aware that reddit tips majority US users, but it watching them insert US shit into everything is so grating. Especially regarding the stabbing today, as there's many more comments making jokes about the Uvdale police compared to people pointing out the killer clearly targeted women. I know I shouldn't have my hopes high but do these people even think for a second before they comment?

No. 1962321

Nta but I think it’s because the women who tend to seek advice from others online usually have a slew of internal issues, mainly low self esteem and higher self doubt, that leads them to ask strangers for their opinions. I used to do the same thing until I realized that I had the answers within myself and also that Reddit’s userbase is basement dweller pornsick moids so you’ll seldom get advice from a mature, non-misogynistic perspective. The only place I go to for advice is lc nowadays but I try not to do that so much so I can learn to trust myself and my own intuition (which is something we have been told not to do as women). A simple technique of re-framing your issues helps me a lot. Take your problem, replace yourself in the situation with a person you care about, and see how you feel about it then. Lastly, take the advice you think for that person and don't make any excuses.

No. 1962382

And don’t forget the “not a drag queen” thing spouted and upvoted on every single instance of male crime. Like ok who gives a fuck, drag queens aren’t perfect and immune from being creeps or criminals so why does it matter. Turning something like a horrible murder/pedophilia/rape into an opportunity to parrot your liberal gay rights stance that you’re insecure about is so devoid of compassion. I always used to sort by controversial to find interesting discussion but now all you find is deleted comments.

No. 1962431

The stupid fucking Americans commenting on the stabbing pisses me off, I'm sorry your country is retarded and didn't restrict guns after the first few mass shootings but it doesn't mean it's a competition for who has it worse. Like six people were killed and a baby is currently in surgery, but no I guess that's not enough to be mildly empathetic.
Also sort of tying in with what >>1962382 said, political purity is such a scourge on online discussion especially when talking about other countries or tragedies in other countries because it's always used to virtue signal American politics. A really good example is when people found out that the Ukraine army had nazis in them, like ooh shocker it's not as if a nation being fucked over for decades would result in that going rampant and the military is seperate to the people anyways.

No. 1962581

I'd say that sounds like my ex boyfriend, but I know he never got married, and never will unless Satan starts granting miracles.

No. 1962856

he's leaving out how much he likely pushed it on her or used underhanded manipulation tactics to trigger her

No. 1963075

I know this is late, but I remember a woman posting a youtube video on ana forums and fetish forums around it, and a lot of the users were pedophilic. I think most men who fetishize such women like that they look "underdeveloped", because a lot of answers were related to that in such forums.

No. 1963207

I heard about that too. I remember an actual pedo forum had a ot section where sometimes they'd post anorexic women.

No. 1963211

This. How much you want to bet the food he "offered" her was something unhealthy and not nourishing like a bag of chips or whatever ridiculous so that she gets an even bigger aversion. My heart goes out for this poor girl. It disgusts me so much that he slept with her when she must have been so absolutely exhausted and literally skin and bones. From all the reddit stories this is the one I hope the most is made up because it is just so tragic she fell into the hands of an abuser that pushes her further down this horrid path of self destruction. She has been failed by her parents as well by being neglected. It's just such a tragic fate.

No. 1963850

Stop dating black men(racebait)

No. 1964552

File: 1713174424921.png (994.86 KB, 1062x3603, image_2024-04-15_194619884.png)

What a load of shit, this did not happen

No. 1964794

So she got manipulated by a shitty therapist?

No. 1964813

Dunno, it sounds pretty detailed for it to be fake.

No. 1965056

All I had to do is skip towards the end to see this was a load of horse shit. You can even tell from the first few sentences this seems like some mgtow moid trying to pass the idea career women are just whores who hate their families, similar to how every moid swears their girl gets drunk and whores around at clubs even though you very rarely see women like that at all in clubs, nevermind women in relationships acting this way.

No. 1965059

He 100% did way more than offer her food here and there, I refuse to believe a mentally ill girl starved herself to death with no help of the boyfriend. He definitely called her fat, compared her to exes, etc

No. 1965217

Was it the Of Herbs and Alters video, nona?

No. 1965409

File: 1713218259895.png (552.11 KB, 1080x2361, 1000010554.png)

No. 1965417

LMFAOOO moids are so retarded. feel bad for her though but this made me lol

No. 1965424

an interesting one, I thought this was going to be ones those where he takes only her stuff or only the kids like above, or that one where some scrote "blacked out" and destroyed his wives extensive plant collection some that were supposedly older than her since some were family members' plants passed down by ripping it up and running it over with his truck than throwing the remains in a pond
>back to the posted story
glad her moid failed at his weaponized incompetetence chimp out

No. 1965429

It's a degradation thing. There is nothing sexual in that picture but he still felt the need to comment something sexual. He knows it will make her uncomfortable and he gets off to her discomfort. Like 99% of fetishes it's men's way to turn everything about us to a sexual object

No. 1965444

incompetent at being incompetent, love it

No. 1965500

He probably lied about his age and misrepresented himself on a dating app to access younger women, and when they show up and he's not 25 they're too nice to just dip

No. 1965508

is preddit app down for anyone else or did my account just get nuked for poking fun at a tranny?

No. 1965577

this is one of the most generic sounding "evil ungrateful bitch wife who also happens to be a cheating whore divorces innocent little husband who did nothing wrong and shatters family apart, then comes crawling back" ever. This is one of the most prevalent and favorited tropes on reddit. This isn't how abusive people think. Nobody capable of doing this to someone would have this much self-awareness after the fact. I dont have the energy to spoon-feed an explanation as to how people like this actually operate mentally, but I'm convinced people that read shit like this on reddit and believe it have never actually known an abusive/narcissistic person closely. They don't have a crumb of introspection.

No. 1965597

I've completely abandoned reddit. It's full of fake stories, the severely mentally ill, and cowards who delete their posts. There were very few subreddits I frequented, but I was always guaranteed to see something that would piss me off. Not to mention trannies everywhere and tranny/scrote reddit staff banning any subreddits that are only for biological women.

No. 1965619

God damn men are so fucking wasteful. These are kinda funny sometimes but at the end of the day the husband is still being a whiny baby bitch so no one is really winning. A marriage steeped in resentment woohoo!

No. 1965684

reddit has basically turned into a social experiment to me. nothing on there makes sense anymore. on one hand it's an ultra liberal, tranny infested miasma of suburban wokeness, and on the other hand it's somehow replaced 4chan as the degenerate armpit of the surface web with the bizarre fetishes and mollycoddling of pro-male retardation.

No. 1965923

Everything is acceptable on reddit except women talking to each other or standing up for ourselves.

No. 1966125

So, this is extremely interesting to me about reddit sorry if you guys don't find it so; don't judge me but tldr I hooked up with a foreign student off reddit. He has a student visa so works illegally as he can't work with the visa. He wouldn't stop bugging me after we hooked up and was very annoying and wouldn't take no for an answer so I threatened to report him to ice for working illegally if he didn't leave me alone. Then, reddit banned me for 3 days for racism. I appealed it and they denied it, and further explained it was for "A chat with (my username) on 04/05/2024 UTC. After reviewing, we found that you broke Rule 1 because you promoted identity-based hate or attacks." Funny thing? The dude I was talking to was banned as well, then banned again for another week shortly after (I could see this when I viewed his acc). He lost his virginity to me and was all freaked out about it he was begging me to reconsider also asking if I reported him too. Here is my pet theory: Reddit monitors user chats if certain words are used they are triggered for mod review. Is my theory viable you guys think?

No. 1966187

how did you even end up here if you're the kind of person who not only uses plebbit but actually hooks up with guys on there
lol exactly. women are tolerated as long as they shit on other women in the relationship subreddits or fawn over moids but god forbid they should actually talk between themselves.
the one good thing about reddit is that its tranny jannies managed to peak a number of normal women with their double standards and overzealous moderation

No. 1966312

Reddit absolutely monitors chats. The sad thing is, they'll ban you for crap like what you described but there are predators on there sharing material and nothing gets done about it. However, I will say that he likely reported you and whoever looked at the chat sided with him (not surprising for reddit mods). The guy you spoke to might have been reported/banned for something completely different and if he's that unhinged I'll bet he was.

tl;dr I hope you learned your lesson about hooking up with guys from reddit

No. 1966359

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No. 1966363

File: 1713294708767.jpg (243.21 KB, 1200x1634, 440385fba71bc122c3f0ab444_20c6…)

As you can imagine, all of the responses were from troons hand holding him and telling him it's completely okay to only want to date women and refuse to date troons.

No. 1966374

>wouldn't take no for an answer so I threatened to report him to ice for working illegally if he didn't leave me alone
>we found that you broke Rule 1 because you promoted identity-based hate or attacks.

my sides are collapsing inwards, queen shit. it’s disturbing as hell they’re able to spy on your chats, i would immediately get the hell off of there

No. 1966387

If a woman was posting this they'd be raking her over the coals.

No. 1966390

>posting the most straight moid shit possible about muh future offspring and only wanting to stick his dick in fertile women
how does anyone not instantly peak reading these subreddits that are infested with troons

No. 1966392

O Cerbmin and Heavenly Farmers, grant to us the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be a-logged

No. 1966401

When can this scrote take hormones and medication that'll fry his semen? Tranny genes are gutter trash, the human race doesn't need that bullshit.

No. 1966402

as much as i hate reddit it’s pretty much the only site i can browse at work that isn’t boring

No. 1966581

This sounds like it was written by a moid making a whiny attempt to write from his ex wife's perspective lol

No. 1967094

File: 1713331328708.jpeg (415.78 KB, 750x1050, IMG_0021.jpeg)

I want to explode this moid’s brain with my mind. The amount of handmaidens in the comments. Don’t even attempt to ban tiktok, ban Reddit and it’s male apologist/tranny worship and put in the trash, put in on fire, throw it in a deep fryer, put it on fire again, and roll it off a cliff. I can’t take this shit anymore

No. 1967105

I notice a lot of women saying shit like “women doing x thing is just as bad as when men do it!!!” And everyone agreeing in pitiful fashion like shut the fuck up retard, when a man harasses you there’s a real risk he’s a sexual deviant/rapist/pervert with horrible intentions at the least. If you want to ignore reality and statistics go ahead and be an idiot. It’s like saying “calling a white person the n word is as bad as saying it to a black person” like obviously we all see a difference there. I hate this willingness of women to police each other and put themselves in timeout like oh yes master I believe women are just as bad as men and we should feel bad about it! Meanwhile men are the ones never facing consequences and you never see other guys calling out real shitty behavior of other men both online and irl, in fact they give proven abusers support and benefit of the doubt always. Seeing how pickme women act on social media is such a bummer, and knowing we’re fighting a battle from both sides.

No. 1967113

Why would a woman say that in front of men, fake ass story to justify being a dumb moid and get asspats. Anyways his example makes no sense in context considering that men make up for 73% of death by car accident worldwide, so yeah it's not the same thing.

No. 1967164

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No. 1967262

I bet on my left tit that the scrote omitted 90% of what this woman was saying to make her look like the bad one in this situation, if it happened at all. No woman would just casually go somewhere with a man and just start saying "i hate ALL men, kill them ALL" to his face unprompted with nothing else. She was probably just venting to other women in their friend group about something horrible men do, she let a "i hate men" slip out and this retard just lost his shit, got scolded and then went to cry about it on reddit

No. 1967296

I think it's real but the part he omitted is that "hanging out" was actually just chatting in a discord server. He doesn't have friends in real life.

No. 1967316

No. 1968047

File: 1713383934495.png (251.78 KB, 860x1904, JFML_.png)

this is so fucking messed up.

No. 1968076

I hope this is made up, damn

No. 1968102

Men are so pedantic. It's like when men say "if a woman hits me why can't I hit back?" Cause you're twice her size. A woman hitting you won't hurt, a man can fuck up a woman in a single punch.
I can't tell if they genuinely can't pick up on nuance or if they're just playing ignorant cause they know the statements wrong but wanna hit women anyway

No. 1968111

This is so painfully fake

No. 1968129

Comically fake. I hate moids but this is just ridiculous kek.

No. 1968163

this read like a korean drama LMAO

No. 1968167

Unlikely to be real but still disturbing that it's likelier some moid wrote this as jack off material.

No. 1968222

File: 1713394665009.png (30.29 KB, 1006x219, bait.png)

This smells so ragebait, and people are falling on it.

No. 1968400

Kek this reads like a dramatic ass wattpad fanfiction written by an esl 13 year old

No. 1968403

>"go away you stupid little troll!"
what adult female human actually talks like that.

No. 1968441

Keking @ threadpic
I just assume any epic length narrative like this (or really any post on the story subreddits) are fake and gay and move on

No. 1968447

File: 1713406226963.jpeg (238.67 KB, 1263x1481, GLOOnMjaAAA4Pwm.jpeg)

Man seething and coping at women once again.

No. 1968450

The only solice we have is that scrotes like this will never reproduce because they're replusive to women

No. 1968451

Replace girl with guy and that’s how I feel.

No. 1968453

File: 1713406567306.jpg (55.34 KB, 600x400, 1000015757.jpg)

why are moids like this. when a moid is ugly, everybody is told to be nice to him, but when a woman is ugly, she gets the worst this world has to offer. moids get violently and dangerously angry when a woman doesn't make his dick hard, it's as if they're robots with the sole purpose of cooming and when they spot a target that doesn't make them coom, their robot brains just say "attack attack attack". I hate moids, they don't kill each other enough.

No. 1968477

>black girls
Ah, so he's a retarded racist as well. His wording reminds me of that stupid attraction level chart (made by 4chan autists of course) that had average looking women at a 3/10 and elderly Australian Aboriginal women at 1/10. Moids who are this coombrained that they feel rage when they don't get a boner immediately from looking at a woman need to treated like aggresive roosters on farms do (culled or trapped in a dark cage for the rest of their lives)

No. 1968479

We should turn them into ground beef for animals at the zoo. They are just like pigs.

No. 1968574

reading it i can see why she got mad at him. i’ve been in her shoes before, usually when i am venting about my shitty relationship with my shitty dad or other humans in general. then some asshole gets butthurt because i made a blanket statement and starts berating me for it, making me even madder. yeah she was making generalizations, so the fuck what. people who have never dealt with shit before almost never seem to take the two seconds it requires to think hmmm, maybe there is a reason why so and so is saying this? it’s a lot like when people get mad at you for venting about prejudice or bullying, even though they themselves have never experienced it. they always want to say things like, not all people are bad! it’s just all in your head. well what did you do to cause it? she was understandably mad because he’s invalidating her experiences and making her feel stupid instead of asking her, why do you hate men? this could have been a good experience for them both to heal and in his case stop being an ignorant cunt, but instead he took it personally and started whining online, thus perpetuating the cycle. people just need to stop taking everything so damn personal, life is hard enough as it is without niggas making it even worse for you.

No. 1968628

I hate all the pointless stupid bots that interrupt reply chains with a dumb shitty joke or useless occurrence. Especially when I’m looking at information for a plane crash or something serious and then I see a Lucky Number 69 bot with a bunch of upvotes, how is that relevant or appropriate or worth existing in any way. I know the user base is immature children but come on.

No. 1968638

>getting angry at ugly girls
>is probably pre-balding, ugly and smelly himself

why do men keep talking about beauty as if they don’t fuck animals and corpses? nothing beautiful about that shit

No. 1968737

File: 1713425422547.jpeg (76.82 KB, 720x761, 0D45A90E-0380-4794-B335-3AFD09…)

Well imagine how tired we are. When I see an ugly moid I just want to purge him from this world. He should die off so he can’t produce more ugly and violent moids.

No. 1968792

File: 1713430211344.jpg (420.14 KB, 1080x1456, IMG_20240418_094833.jpg)

Reported a gross child porny post the other day that featured real children and got this response, Reddit mods are pedos.
I've censored the post link because it's honestly disgusting.

No. 1968821

Was it a comment or video? Reddit leaves some awful comments up

No. 1968898

It was a video of children dancing sexually with a porn moan over it.

No. 1968900

Wtf?? It's still up???

No. 1968913

Reddit is an absolute shithole. Fuck their tranny mods.

No. 1968917

What the fuck that's bleak.

No. 1968950

I posted it on here a couple years ago but there was this horrible legal advice post I saw on reddit, tldr a woman worked at a feed and seed type store and a customer came in one day and complained to her boss about her being too ugly. Her boss told the customer to fuck off but the customer was so pissed they made fliers complaining about the "ugly" cashier and basically stalked her for months. I'd honestly lose my mind if someone did that to me

No. 1968951

>website became ran by a small cabal of greasy IT trannies
>every subreddit even if it’s not specific to the topic of the subreddit embraces tranny shilling and its a bannable offense everywhere on reddit to be mean to them online
>every gender-critical/feminist subreddit not preoccupied by cowardly handmaidens and gendies taken down
>any female-ran and female-driven subreddits are decimated by this pozzed shit basically
>even a female gaze hentai subreddit was mysteriously privated kek but ofc anything that mirrors male-patterned sexual habits and sexual preferences stays up because troons need their animu and shitty porn
>porn, degen fetish and illegal subreddits kept up despite them blatantly being against the law and going beyond the rules of the entire website
>selfie rate subreddits constantly used by moids trying to harshly rate, date and harass female posters on the website which coincidentally most of those posters are young girls and mentally vulnerable women
>pseudo-intellectual moid circle jerk political subreddits where they constantly make subtle jabs towards women and black women especially still up
>MRA/incel mentality strengthening on the website
>in tranny fashion their male-pattern behavior of taking up and invading spaces through violence and intimidation shines through their HRT sweat glow

why is reddit not up for grounds of being legally banned like tiktok? why the fuck not? it’s a breeding ground for everything terrible in the world. i hate reddit with a flaming burning passion and I wish they would stop abusing their SSO so brazenly to show up on google constantly when you need to search for something important, it’s making googling way worse than it already is. Iwould suggest if you have like-minded friends on the internet who are against this tranny/scrote BS is to mass raid/mass report, unfortunately those fuckers don’t think it’s important to have humans on the other line viewing your reports/bans so the only way to take shit like that down is by mass reporting done by a large group of people and it has to be done around the same time.

No. 1968971

good, seethe more. hope he gets an ulcer from it. imagine spending that much mental energy on an ugly woman who's simply existing and minding her business.

No. 1969008

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Browsing reddit is just peaking inside the mind of the pornsick. Very funny how he phrases it and deflates responsability: "pornography/women at the gym invites men to gaze in a sexual manner". No one invited you, you're the one that typed pornhub on google and browsed looking for videos you seeked yourself. Is it that women at the gym wear more revealing clothes, or is it that you can't look at regular yoga pants anymore without your mind immediatly going to a porn scene? How can you blame women for tempting your poor married moid's brain when you consume porn and get off on other women on the regular? The lack of self-awareness regarding their own misogyny and fucked-up mind is staggering. One thing I noticed recently in the relationship subs is that when a moid complains about their wife/gf being "too controlling" (usual case of a woman assuming mom's role because the guy can't do jack shit himself), the commenters rush to assume that she must have a dom/mommy kink and is a closeted dominatrix lashing out her sexual frustration on him. Wishful thinking much? I was dumbfounded when I encountered those suggestions and how often they were being brought up, without the initial post implying anything sexual on the woman's end by the way. These moids are so far deep down the gooner hole that they can't understand behaviors outside of a fetish lens (same kind of autism that makes them think they are actual women and not just crossdressers btw), as if women weren't human beings with emotions and thoughts. We really need to publicly shame and mock porn-consumers because this kind of degeneration and retardation shouldn't be socially acceptable, it only leads to anti-social and violent behaviors.

No. 1969032

Men will literally rape ugly ass lizards, orangutans, and get fucked to death by horses(see: bengal monitor lizard incident and the orangutan prostitute, and Mr. Hands.) The problem isn’t women’s natural bodies.

No. 1969145

I don’t agree with him but honestly i went to the new gym near me for a few months and seeing a bunch of women wearing pants that go inside their asshole and filming videos of themselves for whatever obviously sexual reasons made me pretty uncomfortable. I’m fine with dressing sparsely but it’s like gym culture for women became hypersexualized quite recently.

No. 1969166

this problem would be automatically solved if we were able to have sex-separate spaces. someone implement female-only gyms, clubs, public transport, pretty please

No. 1969167

>seeing a bunch of women wearing pants that go inside their asshole and filming videos of themselves for whatever obviously sexual reasons made me pretty uncomfortable.
I mean that's cringy but it's gets hot working out. why are we expected to cover up when scrotes go gyming topless and film themselves to make tiktok edits? especially with summer coming.
How come we don't have millions of women saying seeing guys abs at gyms makes them cheat, but guys can say this about athleisure on women.

No. 1969179

yea I get what the ayrt was saying, gyms are also places to show off your body and are notorious dating sites. i'm embarassed when i see a girl wearing skimpy clothes and baiting for moid-attention but it's always way less embarassing than pornsick moids. i'm pissed at the handmaidens in the reply saying that the most comfortable clothes to work out are loose t-shirt and baggy pants… i do yoga and pilates and having thin, tight-fitted clothes with as little fabric as possible is the most comfortable attire to me. I don't want to get too hot and be distracted by my shirt falling off my shoulders, over my head, or feeling the fabric rubbing.
impossible to have any female-only space in western countries because they'd be immediatly attacked and targeted by tims and pissed moids.

No. 1969181

He’s definitely guilty of gawking at those women, it’s easy to avoid staring but he’s overly defensive acting like he can’t resist if there’s a hot woman in front of him TEMPTING HIM and how can he not treat her like a sex object? Men always use that as an excuse, that they simply don’t have the capacity for self control and it’s a pretty disturbing justification to make.

No. 1969194

I have mixed feelings about it because why am I the only one at the gym wearing normal, non-spandex shorts and a tank top or fitted tee instead of a strappy low cut sports bra? And why are so many wearing the fucking butt scrunch shorts and only working out their ass cheeks? On the other hand women should be able to wear yoga pants at the gym and I do dance and walk through the gym in just my leo so I understand that for some workouts you need to be able to see how every muscle is being engaged. I also get that having a cute workout outfit can be a huge motivator and get you in the mindset but why does cute never include anything tomboy-ish or that isn’t skin tight? Why do so many women at my gym wear false lashes while working out? But also he’s a retarded piece of shit, women existing in your vicinity will never be porn, no matter how naked they are.

>why aren’t women saying that seeing moids and at the gym makes them want to cheat

I am here to say it kek

No. 1969200

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Idk I think that nona was talking about those buttcrack leggings and shorts like picrel that are purposely designed to make your ass look bigger, not normal workout gear. Deliberately accentuating your boobs or butt with certain clothing is going to get moids staring unfortunately.

No. 1969232

god I want access to female only spaces and work places. imagine how clean, safe, silent, accessible and to top it all off moidfree it would be. the rules would be no bringing your nigels in the female-only zone. international female-only vacation spots with good security and accommodations. if there were female-only spaces the women wouldn’t feel forced to wear thonglike fitness leggings and would wear baggy whatever they wanted. tfw anti-discrimination laws ruined everything sacred and sane kek

No. 1969241

Those are the only kinds of shorts/leggings on Amazon these days. I ordered a pack of them thinking they were normal ones and they ended up having the butt scrunch thing. Also plenty of moids have a fetish for leggings regardless of if it accentuates your buttcrack.

No. 1969256

>like most straight men with a basic and natural sex drive
They always say this but normal split-second glances/thoughts wouldn't be worthy of a whole cope post afterwards.

No. 1969263

i'm kind of the opposite in that i'd love to have female only-spaces to just go around topless or with barely any clothes without any fear or judgement. lesbians in my experience aren't predatory like moids so i wouldn't care at all about being sexualized, just feel free like when i'm home alone. wish we could find a sane middle ground between liberal western societies and some traditional eastern societies where women are all secluded in a room which moids never enter (unfortunately, the kitchen).

No. 1969281

>why am I the only one at the gym wearing normal, non-spandex shorts and a tank top or fitted tee instead of a strappy low cut sports bra? And why are so many wearing the fucking butt scrunch shorts and only working out their ass cheeks?
Because if you worked hard to have a banging body it makes you feel like a chad to show it off and know you look good in your gym wear. It's literally just flexing, there'snothing sexual about it for anyone but moids. I can't speak for other women but I love the cute shorts and bra sets (not that they are low cut, it's impractical and I've honestly never seen a girl wearing a sports bra I would consider low cut) because I look better in them than a ratty t shirt and it slays. I dont feel like that in a t shirt and baggy shorts, sorry. My rule is if you worked hard and can pull it off you have the right. I'm not seeing a sexy fit woman wearing "scrunch shorts" and thinking she should cover up bc she wants male attention, I'm thinking shit she is fucking stacked, good for her I wonder what her routine is. I love the way I dress even more now bc it seems to piss off redditors so much, the constant muh sexy females polluting muh gym complaining should be proof enough. I proudly wear my ass shorts and I don't care if it makes them mad or anyone else, I got big biceps too if they wanna issue a complaint in person

No. 1969346

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>i was cheated out of a life of going tit free
>eating clean food that don’t fatten you into a balloon and make you go insane
>no crime and no rape and no dicks everywhere
>no porn
>no AI
>no wars
>living in a small village with no screaming children and deranged parents
>no smog
>no npcs
>all grooves
>naked and shoe free
>economical and environmental mudhuts and housing
>making art and beautifying the world
>camille paglia had no idea how good this would be in hindsight

No. 1969350

samefag and most importantly

No. 1970951

It's fine if you're a whore who wants to show off her ass to men, but don't cry when people think you are trashy.(baiting)

No. 1971493

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At first it might seem mild compared to the insanely abusive shit reddit husbands subject their wifes to, but if you think about it, this is actually so fucked up on a deeper level. Many men just don't even care if the woman they supposedly love gets to eat. It's the same with all those pickmes posting 'cute' tiktoks of giving their men their plate despite still being hungry 'out of love uwu'. I also remember some girls pigging out like everybody else when with other girls but only eating tiny morsels when in the presence of men. It's like they're showcasing their willingness to suther.
There's also no way moids genuinely think women can run on just a tenth the amount they eat, our physical differences are not that big, they just truly don't give af.
OP tries to downplay it but can't hide how rightfully distressed she is. She's working a proper job in a first world country and yet this ogre has her feeling scared of her basic needs not being met. This also reminds me of wifes turning crazy because they spend their entire life sleep-deprived due to their snoring husbands.

No. 1971496

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No. 1971515

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No. 1971532

God, these people are like broken records. Never will they care about actual injustices, no, only moids in spinny skirts.
What a fucking joke.

No. 1971694

based 60 year old man, hope he finds a nice job.

No. 1971739

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Another Redditor set himself on fire in front of a courthouse. This time, it was some regular schizoposter on /r/stupidpol.

His manifesto:
>So I asked myself the question: If The Simpsons served the interests of organized crime, how would it do so?

No. 1971757

Nta but maybe this is just at my gym but it's the opposite from what I've seen. It's typically flat or dumpy girls and sometimes you get the rare botched bbl girls wearing sports bras and shorts. If anything it's the fit girls with nice curves who are wearing massive anime shirts that are 3 sizes too big and sweat pants

No. 1971774

Hate moids but I have to say poor guy on this one, imagine being estranged and unemployable because you object to your kid mutilating themselves. What the fuck is the point of having kids anymore if they can get taken away for dumbass reasons like this (but CPS barely intervenes for actual child abuse) and then you can’t get a job because you were trying to protect your kid? Fucking ridiculous.

No. 1971815

Cause the fit girls know they’ll get ogled hard if they dress in tight clothes.

No. 1971830

I wish I could ask the retards who got him fired: how does putting the trans kid's parents out of work help him or her? Now in addition to not being able to troon out, the kid will be living in poverty. So much for "helping trans kids." I'm pretty sure kids need a home and food more than they need horse piss or steroids.

No. 1971841

Women who wear a sports bra to the gym are there to work out. Women who wear push-up bras to the gym are there for male attention and/or social media clout.

No. 1971941

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Almost 12k upvotes in 4 hours for this. Incredible.

No. 1971942

moids and their obsession with getting their cocks sucked disgust me. I dont want to put my lips where they pee.

No. 1971949

>see where i'm going with this?
… that she has standards?

No. 1971997

I want female only places so bad. I want to stay at a female only hotel in Japan, so I can feel safe. They are actually strict on not letting moids in places like those.

No. 1972030

Sexxy red x taytay collab incoming

No. 1972078

wearing these doesnt count as indecent exposure but we should still be able to call women dressed like this moid pandering pick-mes. normalizing this is what allows women like bianca censori to walk around wearing nothing and everyone just stands by like we have lost the ability to shame ppl as a society
most respectful reddit moid. you don't even have to be attracted to someone to get distracted by inappropriate clothing

No. 1972251

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this are just Indian facebook memes

No. 1972315

This is bullshit where do scrotes get a 5 dollar cut? They fucking don't. I get my hair trimmed once in awhile at the cheapest place possible and have never seen a place charge 5 bucks. Idk why but this annoys the shit out of me.

No. 1972343

literally what does this have to do with programming

No. 1972349

The guy is 60, so the troon is probably 25-35. He probably whined on discord and got trannies from all over the world to call his dad's workplace and get him fired. The funny thing is that whenever the tranny finally goes broke, his dad is going to be in another part of the fucking country, and in no mood to help.
What do you want to be this is a 50/50 relationship? But the woman is paying 100% for food she only eats maybe 20% or less of.

No. 1972381

There are only two genders: women and programmer

No. 1972523

she's driving herself mad when the solution is to go grocery shopping together or make him go himself. he sounds selfish and she should definitely just leave him because he should be the one solving this problem instead of her literally buying locks and shit, but also this is a retarded problem to have because they just need to have more food in the house. I don't understand how he can be such a giant manbaby that he sits around waiting for food to appear, eats it all up and has fights with her when the solution is to…. go get more food.

No. 1972628

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No. 1972630

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No. 1972635

every song cupcakke makes is about sucking penis(seriously, it's every single one) and now compare her net worth to Taylor's, and her audience is made up of flaming homos and faghags and troons.

No. 1972639

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please let this scrote die please please i beg, i hope he tries glaring at an ugly girl and her super hot buff Nigel beats him up for staring and i hope he also gets mugged and pantsied on the way to his mom's house..

No. 1972642

if this isn't meant to be ragebait, it's got to be some type of femdom fantasy.

No. 1972645

As an “ugly” woman I enjoyed reading this. Knowing my mere presence has enough power to upset males is a great feeling.

No. 1972656

That feels like someone promoting their gay fetish content. You'd have to eat intentionally to gain to get that fat in a single year

No. 1972658

Fetish bait

No. 1972671

I was genuinely a little bit aroused idk .. fetish fuel

No. 1972712

File: 1713639690642.png (856.55 KB, 1192x1290, %22periodts%22.png)

I was just coming here to post this, while a lot tried to say
>transwomen are women
>think CrItiCaLLY of TERFs
>go out and talk to transwomen
and what not there was this, and it's like OP you feel
>disgust, paranoia, anger directed toward transwomen
for a reason

No. 1972714

Definite fetish shit. It's not the exact same suit, so there's really no reason to pose in it while it's bursting apart at the seams.

No. 1972723

>cis women who were born without a uterus
99.9% of people will never know anyone like this. The same way they will never know anyone with a real "intersex" birth defect.

No. 1972739

Every time an antiwork thread pops up on the frontpage of reddit I am reminded not of the brave dogwalker interview, but of a twitter thread with online tankies talking about the job they'd do once the world became communist and it had shit like "do art therapy with people" and not a single actual blue labor job.
I really wish I had that thread on hand still, it was so funny. So sorry for the lack of an image.

No. 1972768

I hate it when trannies bring up literal defects to justify being mentally ill and validated on it. A woman being born without her reproductive organs, or a person being born with both types is a biological abnormality that's only around 1% or less of the global population. They are one of the disorders of human sex development, not designated sexes that are natural and normal to the human body. To argue that trannyism is sound logic because of people being intersex feels like arguing that it's normal to be surgically "reconstructed" into having two heads just because conjoined twins exist.

No. 1972781

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The UK criminalized creating explicit deepfakes and Reddit moids are seething

No. 1972784

Every time I want to point out to them that there is still only ever x and/or y, there’s no P chromosome or E chromosome for instance. Then I realize they’re stupid and honor myself by not arguing with morons who fundamentally cannot and do not want to understand reality.

No. 1972786

Males doing as males do, make everything about themselves.

No. 1972795

>b-but what about men?
Why do people act obtuse about women and men not having the same sexual interests, and also about not committing the same kinds of crimes or to the same extent

No. 1972797

I think it's gaslighting. They tell women that they're being "pedantic" whenever they see men for what they truly are, because males universally don't want women to wake up and quit the bullshit men have hammered into them for centuries. They want to make women feel like they're crazy for questioning males. What's a better way of keep a people down than getting them to believe that there's nothing wrong going on, and that their oppressors need their love too?

No. 1972836

>The UK criminalized creating explicit deepfakes

No. 1972849

Did anyone else see the post in r /PCOS where they were discussing the syndrome being a form of intersex or something? Insane. People are gonna be believing that having PCOS makes you intersex or at least not fully female

No. 1972896

yeah you can tell it's a fetish post because he keeps repeating the same key word or phrase over and over. if he was really traumatised he would find ways to phrase it without humiliating himself kek. instead he keeps repeating "forcing myself to have sex with her" over and over because it's getting him off the more he says it.

>mfw i find out my own country criminalised deepfakes through a lolcow post of a reddit screenshot full of seething moids
i wouldn't have chosen to experience this news any other way.

No. 1972954

kek nona this is also how I found out

No. 1973131

The downvotes give me hope. With all the censorship of feminist and terf posts on reddit at the very least we can discreetly and anonymously downvote troons

No. 1973245

Raceswapping is 100% a consequence of remake culture and most of the vitriol is directed towards black women, even though other groups have been swapped

No. 1973264

Why couldn’t God give me this?

No. 1973356

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This is the one, but the original thread is long gone.
As a librarian myself I find it hilarious half of them want to be the commune librarian, which they imagine to just be dusting off Das Kapital once a week, since it's not like any of them read.

No. 1973505

oh eww the communal diaper boy

No. 1973637

acksually nonnie you're wrong, being a librarian in a leftist commune would be super easy since none of these retards read.

No. 1974175

The commune library would definitely a few hundred paperback books on a single bookshelf. Mostly from 2-3 people who bought pop fiction based on the pretty covers.

No. 1974199

or some books that are considered the Holy Quran of the lgbTQ dogma kek

No. 1974297

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I support homophobia against gay men. Literally always sex-obsessed and disgusting(baiting)

No. 1974332

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>you looking at me gut?

No. 1974347

Me too, and surprisingly thats an unpopular opinion on this website. Faghags will defend scrotes even when theyre literal disease spreading degenerates. Unbelievable coming from lolcow

No. 1974356

Whenever scrotums are a part of an "opressed" by other scrotums group, women may violently protect them. Same with muslim scrotums, for example.

No. 1974359

and thats how we ended up with the tranny problem

No. 1974397

I love fujos because they are unabashed about objectifying men and reducing fags to stereotypes but gay/bi men really do prove the stereotypes true. Most lesbians are lovely and creative people, gay men are just… no.

No. 1975279

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some moid goes insane because a woman might not want to do something that doesn't benefit her and has risks involved

No. 1975296

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Yeah, gay men are just weird. They're literally the worst. Take for an example, "James Charles". He's gay and he's a groomer.

No. 1975303

>shits up a tantrum about her not liking PiV sex
moids are terrible liars.

No. 1975305

lol what a dumbass. He's spazzing out as if he deserves piv sex for having a penis and every woman that doesn't like it is defective and a prude. Good lord, how horrifying.

No. 1975322

The way most moids probably think like this deep down makes me glad I'm a volcel kek

No. 1975459

this gave me flashbacks to my childhood. i'm pretty now, so moids are typically nice to me, but they were vile when i was a fat little girl.
misandry is correct, never let them tell you any different. if you ever see an ugly man being mistreated by women, understand that there's a high chance he deserves it for how he treats ugly women and children.

No. 1975469

Gay men have basically branded the whole tranny/drag queen look and made it downstream to actual biological women and that’s why I hate them. The makeup industry and female gender roles gotta crumble and these scrotes would have nothing to emulate or parasitize on anymore

No. 1975471

I want Reddit to be banned so bad.

No. 1975774

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so i just want to begin this post by saying i do not believe in 50/50 or women splitting financial responsibilities with their partners or husbands. if you're living in the house with a nigga, sleeping with him, cooking, taking care of his dumbass, popping out his babies, and all the other bullshit women put up with to be with a man, he needs to be supporting your ass. no financial neglect, no "well you should be paying for this and that it's only fair!" bullshit. men in my experience who want to whine about muh money, muh salary waaahhhhh and penny pinch what you do while doing whatever the fuck they want, in my own personal experience seeing my father do this to my mother, are usually abusive twats. they will blow 75% of their income on themselves while expecting you to get by on beans and rice.

unless you're making more than him (which in that case, you should upgrade to a better man kek), he should be supporting you. and this isn't about women not being financially independent or not working herself or just being lazy…it just never ever ever ever works out when women try to be "equal" to men when it comes to money. they will always inevitably neglect you, and probably go find someone else to fuck who won't take that 50/50 bullshit and splurge on her while you're sitting in the house without the furnace on because boo hoo you spend too much money boo hoo. you could be a fucking multi-millionaire heiress…doesn't matter to me. you are the prize, make him work for it. these are the same couples where the woman is giving the man blowjobs whenever he wants, calling him her kang to her friends and feeling some type of way whenever he doesn't look at her for two seconds. no, just no. i would have dumped this stupid, cheap ass loser in a heartbeat. and 100k isn't really that much to begin with, not in this economy, so the fact he's giving her attitude over what's now basically become an entry level salary in hcol areas is both sad and laughable. people are eating him up in the comments as well which gives me a little hope that people are seeing how this is just an excuse for men to financially control and abuse women.


No. 1975784

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IME, I agree. I know some women in my family, and they're some hard workers who never want to be broke. Based on the shitshow I've seen of the relationships they would get into: If a man cares about you, he will spend money on you. If you find yourself paying over and over for a man and the relationship you're in with him, bad news, he sees you as a fleshlight AND a wallet. Men like to act like only women use people for money, but God that is such a massive lie. Broke ass niggas with no sense in money abso-fucking-lutely try to find women to mooch off of, and it broke my heart to see hard-working women sacrifice their body, time, AND their money for a nigga that didn't even want to pay for her a pizza dinner. Men have done a damn fine job at convincing women that equality is women sacrificing more, and men doing less. Sorry for the blogpost, but fuck I hate seeing women spend money on men like they're babies who can't get their own shit.

No. 1975798

literally agree and I don’t understand the people telling women this is unrealistic. men on average even the poor ones make more money and have more opportunities than poor women.

No. 1975813

>We both work in construction, she works 40 hrs, where I work 50-60hrs a week, I'm a civil engineer and she is a office admin.
He's only making 100k as an engineer and he's working that many hours?? Her salary is as low as you'd expect for an office admin but his sounds bizarrely low. Get a better job man.

No. 1976039

Yep. You can already tell he'll never be willing to shoulder any kind of burden, while he will work her like a mule. I hope he gets bad advice and pisses off the girlfriend. If her 40k isn't enough to pay 1/3 their bills, he's probably running up the costs of their shared expenses, and feeling smug while she struggles. She's probably willing to be broke to give him his little luxuries, and he'll dump her the minute a better paid woman will fuck him. It's not worth it to pay into a relationship with a man.

No. 1976160

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GIRL RUN, he'll steal your clothing, asked to be called jessica and before you know it, you'll be in a "lesbian relationship"

No. 1976202

Seriously, why do women participate/allow this? There's only 3 reasons men want something shoved up their ass. He's either a) a closeted bisexual who's trying to fulfill his lustful fag urges with his straight gf, until he inevitably realizes it's not enough and cheats on her with a man b) a closeted tranny trying to groom her into accepting him as a submissive lesbian uwu or c) a non-tranny straight man who has watched too much femdom/extreme porn and has brainrot. WHY would you spend money on sex toys to go inside your bfs stinky asshole in a sex act that does absolutely nothing for you? Cucked as fuck

No. 1976276

Duty kink compliance is the new duty sex

No. 1976510

she made a huge mistake, more women need to be made aware that a man being into butt stuff is a red flag. an asshole, especially a man's asshole, is no-hands-land, period.

No. 1976852

How can you ever respect a man after doing that kek

No. 1976996

there was a confession story about a woman who dated a man who lik3e chastity and pegging(she wasn't into it, but she did it to please him) and she was genuinely surprised and horrified when he trooned out and wanted her to identity as a lesbian, like what the fuck did you expect?

No. 1977003

kek they’re obviously red flags for asking but this rhetoric implies that you consider being penetrated a grounds for no respect. i wish pegging wasn’t coomer shit, moids fuck like crap.

No. 1977088

nta but it's more that anal sex is disgusting and I think any man who enjoys it is disgusting, you'd have to pay six figures for me to even get anyhwere near a moid's asshole.

No. 1977879

What's everyone's guilty pleasure subreddit to read? Mine is r/teachers because of how insane everyone there is. On the other hand when it comes to the category of really fucking weird obsession, it would be the fuckcars subreddit. The concept itself isn't too bad but like any sub specifically against a single thing it becomes weird as hell with people acting like it's their sole purpose in life.

No. 1977895

/r/breakingmom. I feel bad because it's not like I take pleasure in reading about these poor women's horrible lives, but in a world where we're constantly told that all women love motherhood and will regret it if they don't have kids, sometimes I need the reality check.

Also today I was browsing /r/plussize just for fatspo. Their depressing posts about how awful it is being fat is helpful when I'm trying to control my intake. I don't feel that bad about it though, they have more control over their problems than most.

No. 1977924

rattle rattle

No. 1977934

r/breakingmom should be required reading for every woman who wants children someday. The biggest takeaway from it is that 95% of the time, the husband will let them down and push the work of parent onto the wife. The only think they will care about is the lack of sex. Most anons here are critical of that being normal male behaviour, but sadly there are so many women out there that have been tricked into thinking it will be 50/50. It won't. And if you doubt that, go read that subreddit kek.

No. 1978041

In the most fucked up way, I cannot get enough of r/truevirgins and r/shortguys. It helps so much that they're self-aware that they're like animals in a zoo. Sometimes an obviously intelligent guy would post a good insight, and I would feel bad, but then I'd see him under another post saying some shit about how "foids" have no sense of honor, and for a split second I believe that justice exists.

No. 1978081

The parenting subreddits, every single poster in them thinks that they are the sole genius in a sea of retards, so it’s funny watching them get into slapfights over the most inconsequential shit imaginable.

No. 1978318

I’m fascinated by the topic of the year of “the lonely male epidemic that no one talks about” and their dating woes so my guilty pleasure is reading men rack their brains as to why they’re undatable, or bitch, cry, complain about dating. So /dating, /dating_advice, /askmen, /purplepilladvice, etc. It’s hilarious and sad at the same time, they simply can’t help themselves nor are men willing to help each other.

No. 1978322

The r/regretfulparents sub—I already know I don't want kids and haven't since I was a kid myself but that sub only further affirms those feelings. Plus I can sleep better at night knowing I didn't fall for the meme and I'll never be in a nightmare scenario like what gets posted there. Also like to look at r/bald and laugh at the ugly moids circlejerking each other and coping over going bald at 22 kek

No. 1978337

File: 1713961948243.jpg (244.88 KB, 1745x649, foreveralonemoids.jpg)

>feminism doesn't help men get laid therefore it's worthless
>anything that doesn't benefit men's sexual desires is worthless
>who cares if women were basically incubators and sex slaves under patriarchy, at least families flourished, kids weren't depressed, and men had value (and sex)
That's why I have no empathy for those ForeverAlone losers. They think of themselves as nice guys but none of them would oppose women's suffering if that meant they would be able to stick their disgusting dicks in a vagina once a day.

No. 1978390

>children are depressed and confused
I guess he must be referencing divorce, because I have no idea why feminism would make kids depressed and confused as an idea. Except the tradeoff that the kids who happened to be born female won't fucking suffer as much when they age out of childhood.

No. 1978391

I think it's also possible he might mean the poor teenage boys who are growing up in a world where they aren't guaranteed a live-in bangmaid once they reach adulthood

No. 1978859

File: 1713991822851.png (1.77 MB, 1124x4074, A4vjVb9.png)

No. 1978865

girls is it communism if you don’t want 1/2 or more of your paycheck going to the imaginary “paycheck” of a landlord who’s pretending they have a real job in society?

No. 1978878

It's funny when they think divorce is a cause of feminism, when it's just giving women a choice to leave their abusive husbands instead of being forced to stay with them.
No, grandma wasn't happier in the 1950s. She just had no choice.

No. 1978879

What's with the first two being so smug? Like, you rather have the place vacant? Okay? That makes it obvious it isn't some high status property, so unless landlords create some kind of cartel (they sound psycho enough, so why not) ot seems like a pretty bad business strategy. And do laws not exist about covering the costs of damage you cause to a property you're renting?

No. 1978882

I dont agree with everyone's rent going up, but I also dont like people who dont understand pets should have a fee attached to them because of damage. Their piss and shit smell so bad. Dogs and cats have accidents all the time. The entire tenants shouldnt pay for your shit dog or cat, but pet fees should exist for a reason.

No. 1978893

Right? Fuck the shit out of these assholes kek, I don't give a fuck if a dog pisses in your shitty rental house that you charge more to live in than anyone would pay for a mortgage. I'm tired of these dicks buying up limited land so no one else can afford it, and then grifting everyone into paying to live in a house they could have bought themselves if some shit landlord (and a bunch of others especially corporate landlords destroying the housing market) hadn't done it. These people are disgusting charging pet rent (what a fucking concept jfl, imagine charging a cat for rent) every month ON TOP OF a non-refundable pet fee that is always hundreds of dollars, and an additional pet deposit to pay for potential damage. They should shut up and sit down, they've been given free license to grift people for too long. (Inb4 bitter renter accusation, Im lucky to own my house, I just have enough empathy and rage to hate people who nickle and dime the less fortunate). It's absolutely what they deserve for being lazy, greedy, and pulling the ladder up behind other people trying to get homes

No. 1978894

This is an unpopular opinion i feel, but i think we all know the true reason behind why places ask for deposits for pets in the first place. That rule is mainly to weed out trashy people who let their pets pee and poop all over the place. Sometimes people bring their pets into no pets allowed housing and they think the landlord doesn't notice but they do, they just look the other way because they can't smell the pet and there's no damage. Idk man, people who are so careless with their living spaces just piss me off because sometimes it gets to bad that they only way to deal with it is to lock off the property for good or demolish it and nobody wins because that's one less house somebody could have lived in.

No. 1978895

Why do men love to forget that the concept of divorce was made by a scrote and that actually decent moids have been doing the things listed for ages? Also forgetting that back then you had to go through the father to marry his daughter and if you were a poor miserable fuck you had way less chance to do so?
Also male loneliness is a fucking joke, sorry you've damaged your brain enough with porn to the point of being unable to communicate with other people.

No. 1978920

everytime i see how viciously Americans defend their collapsing economy I lose more and more respect for them

No. 1978927

symptom of unrealistic standards placed on women, first they were saying women who are below a c cup, above 5'6, or some other stupid shit might as well be moids. now your androgens are slightly raised and you're a man now? damn I guess we all become men whenever we get a period

No. 1979048

There is not a single woman on r/gatekeepingyuri
Literally a bunch of men patting themselves on the back for cooming to nlog memes

No. 1979049

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No. 1979061

File: 1714007093455.png (256.85 KB, 588x790, IFUCKINGHATETRANNIES.png)

Most upvoted post. I fucking hate trannies so much. Some of the posts are cute admittedly besides the coomery ones and tranny shit

No. 1979116

i dont understand this, me and my husband merged our finances right away because its too much time and autism to do anything else. how do you even budget when you’re wringing your miserly hands over making sure she paid for 1/3 of the weeks groceries? marriage is like being one. you just know he was the kid at birthday parties who whined about the other kids having a bigger slice of cake

No. 1979141

File: 1714012844822.jpg (195.73 KB, 720x815, IMG_20240423_181757.jpg)

Am I wrong for finding this adorable?

No. 1979168

File: 1714015313027.webp (35.68 KB, 1170x1337, r-collapse-be-like-v0-ue521awe…)

Mine is r/collapse. I'm a big doomscroller (form of mental self-harm?) but it is funny to see the redditards essentially wish for global collapse like in picrel kek.

No. 1979286

File: 1714025100932.jpg (1.83 MB, 4096x2304, SNOW_20240425_080340_603.jpg)

Did this tard find her creep boyfriend on one of her hunts? The delusion..

No. 1979289

smells like grooming victim

No. 1979292

File: 1714025691619.jpg (1.82 MB, 1080x6487, Collage_20240425_081436.jpg)

Here's a better collage..

No. 1979303

Most likely because certain dog breed owners have been abusing ESA and service dog systems. Lying about their banned breeds. Thanks for fucking every normal pet owner over, again.

No. 1979308

File: 1714027907870.png (294.74 KB, 1080x2006, Screenshot_20240424-234941~2.p…)

These types of women are so funny to me. Do they think their bfs chasing after barely legal girls wouldn't chase after someone under 18?

No. 1979312

It's a mix of spicy straights women, MTFs and "woke" men who are probably the worst porn addicts you can imagine.

No. 1979319

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No. 1979320

File: 1714029423532.jpg (1007.13 KB, 1080x3420, Collage_20240425_091408.jpg)

Sounds auto-pedophilic, and her boyfriend is definitely into her age + being extra childlike

No. 1979342

I mean she's not exactly wrong here. I smell LARP though

No. 1979343

I'd have to disagree.

No. 1980205

File: 1714080684315.png (2.26 MB, 4032x3024, randomrage?.png)

this one's weird. saged for retardation
>complain pokemon go has only two long hair options
>alright sounds reasonable
>proceeds to say it's the fault of the project managers who seem to be women with short hair
>brings up i guess a recent update where they messed with the character sliders or something
>bring up transwimmen cousin that this somehow makes him dysphoric because his character is no longer a beautiful waif to escape reality or something

No. 1980215

Male nerds who are obsessed with 'woke' stuff ruining their hobbies are currently fixated on how women involved in making the media are self inserting as the female characters. If they decide a female character is ugly or not feminine enough they'll go and hunt down some random woman that has short hair or has supported feminism on social media that worked on it and claim she designed the character specifically because she hates feminine women and male sexuality, even if she had nothing to do with the art direction of it.

No. 1980371

Basic answer, but r/amitheasshole. However, there's only one type of good post, and that's the obviously fake, outlandish stories where there are a bunch of Redditors earnestly giving advice in the comments section as though it is a completely believable story that could happen in the real world. Good examples of these stories include the one about Zoltar the ketchup salesman, the girl whose boyfriend's family would ritualistically eat their oranges with the peel attached, Jorts the cat, etc.

No. 1980422

File: 1714100972151.png (2.95 MB, 4032x3024, sexvitamins.png)

same and it's daughter subs for similarly stupid stories like this
middle aged man and wife have a "sex drawer" it's just OTCs and vitamins, none are directly related to sex except lubrasi. he notices a decrease in the amount of one and proceeds to badger his wife for an hour at a restaurant until she breaks down over it. she mentions the daughter might have took some so then he goes to the daughter and she says she took some but not everything so he thinks the wife is cheating

No. 1980431

I will never forget the amount of moids complaining about how they've been wrongly sussed out as a pedophile towards their daughters, but then when you check their profile it turns out they were posting in incest or loli subreddits all along and that maybe it's not poor oppressed men being accused of being pedos for existing (as it girldads get nonstop ass pats for not acting like a whiney bitch 24/7)

No. 1980435

File: 1714102623378.png (149.15 KB, 944x1232, totally reasonable behavior.pn…)

Oh my gosh, I'd never seen that post. They give such insane advice, too, and ALWAYS assume cheating. In the story, someone's always screaming in response to some small slight (as people usually do in everyday conversation, of course). I also think it's very funny when they clearly want one result, and have to keep making edits to change the situation. Picrel stands out to me because of how insane the initial question was, and then having to kill off the cat in the story to say, "see?? My pregnant wife WAS crazy and she totally should've moved out so the cat could live alone at our house. You people should've never called me the asshole in this absurd, unrealistic scenario that totally happened," as though this is a reasonable way to handle a cat allergy.

No. 1980450

>Always assuming cheating
Most reddit moids are cheaters themselves and project on their partners with intense paranoia thinking women are cheating over every little thing. They want men to destroy their own relationships too by making men think their partner is cheating at every turn so that way it doesn't seem like odd or unusual behavior when moids are accusing their partners of cheating left and right and that maybe the woman was cheating all along

These people are the most emotionally exhausting type to be in a relationship with too. You can basically sit in a closet with a camera on you all day and they'd still think you were cheating kek

No. 1980551

They even claim the gf is emotionally cheating with her ex if she won’t do the same sex acts with the current bf even if she didn’t consent in the past

No. 1980606

File: 1714124221882.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1060x2011, IMG_4679.jpeg)

I like laughing at the bitter moids on r/smalldickproblems, they hate women but what they hate even more is that women are right to not want them

No. 1980611

File: 1714124734530.jpeg (692.5 KB, 1179x1182, IMG_4680.jpeg)

No. 1980652

Moids are such pathetic creatures kek. Their dicks are the most important thing to them. They’re controlled by their dicks and become cartoon villains when someone says something about their dicks. There's more to life, you goddamn retards…

No. 1980686

>There's more to life, you goddamn retards…
There isn't more though, that's their existence as males. Their brains are wired to be literal cum carriers and that's their only goal. They refuse to evolve from their monkey era and instead dwell on it because they're fucking retarded, so much so that they prefer that vain existence (literally useless after cumming) to one that's more meaningful.

No. 1980694

File: 1714131088188.jpg (33.57 KB, 700x694, no-correlation-471086356.jpg)

>I would have devoted my life to fighting against animal cruelty, but my penis is too small to allow me to do so, so instead, I'm going to gleefully watch people get hit by buses and eat alone at restaurants

No. 1980702

This was my exact thought. What the fuck, how did it go from "I have a small peepee" to "fuck this world, let it crash and burn"? Men are so testerical.

No. 1980715

Every time I see stuff like this my brain is like… “and?” People are mean to women all the time about our appearance and physicality! Like, fucking cry about it and be done? The world doesn’t revolve around your unfortunate combination of genetics any more then it does for ugly women or women in general just for existing.
Sometimes I wonder if the Y is making them all retarded or if the male species just can’t develop empathy and common sense, because women face this shit everyday and get laughed at. What are Karen’s? Unloved middle age white women. What are feminists? Fat, hairy, ugly lesbians. Wear too little or dare to have sex? Slut. Be female around a cranky scrote? Bitch. Exist as female? Cunt. Don’t dress up for work? Potentially fired. Don’t smile? Potentially murdered.
Every time my nigel complains about being targeted and pushed out of spaces (a good example is the flippant attitude of car drivers towards pedestrians wherein just to spare themselves two seconds they rather just take the right turn without looking for people crossing), I laugh and tell him that’s what it’s like to be female. Everyone is needlessly hostile, no one’s looking for you and if something did happen to you it’ll get ignored/somehow it’ll be your fault.
Scrotes really don’t understand until this shit starts happening to them and they still can’t empathize with women! They still can’t work out how to deal with it and move on without developing a deep seated resentment for those that refused to have sex with him. Instead they sit there whining with other men when they could spend that energy finding something else important to base their self worth on (women do this too but we’re wrong for existing and hardly have the same solidarity that little dick men have with each other).

No. 1980725

shit like this, as well as all the millions of other stories about men revealing themselves as unhinged psychopaths specifically during their partner's pregnancy, is why we need legal and free late term abortions everywhere

No. 1980726

File: 1714134331352.jpg (632.97 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20240426-072205_Red…)

We need to stop trying to diagnose moids and just start chucking them over cliffs as kids if they seem defective. Why would you let a moid like this grow into an adult? So it can fuck trannies and beat you up over furry porn? (1/5)

No. 1980729

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No. 1980732

File: 1714134789830.jpg (866.43 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20240426-072222_Red…)

No. 1980735

File: 1714135215981.jpg (926.13 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20240426-072229_Red…)

No. 1980736

File: 1714135661035.jpg (837.14 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20240426-072241_Red…)

No. 1980738

I could not imagine going through pregnancy to end up with a moid like that. I would either kill it or myself.

No. 1980741

Put it down

No. 1980742

jesus christ, this is why women should always abort male fetuses

No. 1980759

He's 21, kick him out, change the locks and call the police on him if he tries anything.

No. 1980769

Kek I bet there was not a single response that said cleaning or doing anything to pay the bills and supplies.

No. 1980861

a lot of people are scared to call out pedophiles even when it's obvious. I've seen moids straight up date high schoolers before and not get called pedophiles. If a man is "constantly being accused of being a pedo" it's probably because he actually was doing something disturbing

No. 1980883

>ODD is Oppositional Defiant Disorder
So being a coddled moid
>IED is Intermittent Explosive Disorder
So moid rage
>The diagnosis has been changed more times than I can count by the same care team.
Because he's not mentally ill, he's just male.

No. 1980884

File: 1714146237911.png (853.14 KB, 787x918, s.png)

>Moid posts very VERY weird startpack post about his exWife
>It's so weird
>Go on his post history
>It's fucking meth, smoking meth and the likes.

No. 1980917

His height subreddit post is killing me

No. 1980950

like most shit on reddit, this is likely fiction. this particularly reads like a fan fiction story concocted by a tranny to try and paint themselves in a sympathetic light and distance themselves from the other internet degens mentioned in this fairy tale (furries and "MAP" advocates) when they're just as equally freakish in reality.

No. 1981049

Moids are so immensely retarded that they type blatant fanfiction like this and think everyone will believe it. Did the wife go 'Mwahahaha' when she murdered the innocent kitty too? Did she then run off with another man, perhaps?

No. 1981110

File: 1714155332605.jpg (358.27 KB, 2111x2602, tweezersmoid.jpg)

Btw that's how he looks like nona kek

No. 1981117

I think he's kinda cute

No. 1981126

He's aight. Checked his profile and he wants to be a tiktoker kek

No. 1981183

KEK this is taking me out, literally acting like some wannabe joker edgelord because his dick is small meanwhile women get criticized and told they're ugly and worthless over every possible aspect of their body on the daily. men are weak as fuck and should be culled as necessary

No. 1981186

ugly as fuck

No. 1981455

I wonder how many parents are buckling under the weight of their violent scrotelings because I thought this was going to be another post that was similar that was in one the narcissist subs with a similar age(I think the one I'm thinking of was 20 not 21)

No. 1981456

No retards, it's MEN. And frankly the rightoids are way more vocal about wanting child brides. Lefties just keep it on the downlow.

No. 1981458

File: 1714172067495.jpg (1.36 MB, 1879x3696, ugly-troon.jpg)

Another day, another troon mansplaining what is a woman to actual women and transplaining female homosexuality to lesbians. Why do troons think lesbians want ugly males in drag? He looks like a faggot lmao

No. 1981466

>biological sex is complicated and hard to define
>if those non-binary people… regardless of ethereal parties assigned sex at birth
how do they know their sex at birth if biological sex is hard to define shakesphere?

No. 1981469

File: 1714173019471.jpeg (193.47 KB, 828x871, basedwoman.jpeg)

not my pic

No. 1981473

>pretending like people aren't lining up around a block for pillow princesses
his loss

No. 1981482

>She won't give a blowjob and she won't give a handjob. She'll just say "you don't need it"
>I have to seduce and kiss her for 20 minutes every time. It's never reciprocated.
Most based hetty betty.

No. 1981486

>never reciprocated

No. 1981488

He's whinging because he has to initiate kisses (he's probably only counted snogging as kissing)

No. 1981503

unfortunately relevant passages from an article i read from the atlantic

>The geneticist Jim Wilson, at the University of Edinburgh, was shocked by the frequency he found in the U.K. Biobank, an anonymized research database: One in 7,000 people, according to his unpublished analysis, was born to parents who were first-degree relatives—a brother and a sister or a parent and a child. “That’s way, way more than I think many people would ever imagine,” he told me.

>In the overwhelming majority of cases, Moore told me, the parents are a father and a daughter or an older brother and a younger sister, meaning a child’s existence was likely evidence of sexual abuse.

No. 1981540

Betting 100 bucks he has a skill issue. "Kissing" is probably onion breath drooly open mouth hard tongue down her throat. He probably has dick cheese and she needs to soak her hand in bleach after to get rid of the smell. Always interesting how if a man doesn't wanna fuck his gf it's assumed there's something wrong with her body, hygiene, etc yet no one would dare doubt when a scrote can't get his own gf interested? Kek

No. 1981550

>waaah she won't even give me a handjob!
Then do it yourself? Is he too retarded to masturbate?

No. 1981551

AYRT I know it's just men as a whole, just sick of people pretending that that either side is better also I come from a country where the left doesn't exactly exist so I'm not really leaning to any one side

No. 1981569

Men are so whiny and picky they get mad you’re not fucking them or sexually servicing them in the exact correct way, like yeah most women don’t desire to be sex slaves and shove a nasty penis into their mouth before sex. And then the dude complains about foreplay taking 20 minutes? That’s like bare minimum lmfao but men will use this as an excuse to go to a prostitute and cheat so I hope they break up for her sake.

No. 1981613

I agree. I can't imagine that any mother wouldn't know anything about furfag shit, be surprised and super disgusted by it, but also know all the hip modern sexuality fads and be fine with that.

No. 1981748

File: 1714206348559.jpeg (445.02 KB, 1125x1631, IMG_3664.jpeg)

Reddit meninist truly are retarded. I know that Gerwig is a libfem but I wish that the movie was more manhating to make them mald even more.

No. 1981750

File: 1714206488392.jpeg (398.15 KB, 1125x1484, IMG_3665.jpeg)

No. 1981754

Boymom moment.

No. 1981950

Men (and their desperate handmaidens/pickmes) can’t handle being made fun of mildly in a silly PG-13 film about dolls, wow women could never understand such a horrible injustice. The plight of the modern man, so sad and misunderstood. Danger at every turn. Smallest violin.

No. 1982137

It's even more likely because women are typically the ones pedaling the relationship along and value a long term meaningful relationship, it's men who get lazy and don't bother putting in effort to keep the relationship upfloat

No. 1982138

No because if she liked the Barbie movie they would be ripping her apart, saying her ass and lips are flat and that she's aging like milk. Now that she has an opinion they agree suddenly flaws they would otherwise rip women apart for disappear

No. 1982202

i don’t understand why men want to be victimized so badly. it just shows how privileged they are because if they actually experienced marginalization, they would not be so quick to squawk about it to whoever will listen. i mean, nothing in this post really says what exactly what was so terrible about the movie other than it makes men feel bad about themselves? like how? and if a movie about a doll that they probably used to shit on when they were young makes you feel bad about yourself, perhaps the problem is you and not the doll? and who gives a flying fuck about a bimbo who shakes her ass for a living, had a relationship with a scrote who never respected nor married her, from a notoriously machismo culture that thinks it’s masculine to slap women around still? aren’t her sons like teenagers? they don’t know shit about life and will probably grow up to be nothing anyway so again who cares what they think. like i really do not understand men. i am a minority and there is nothing fun or admirable about being mistreated by the world, yet somehow i am not crying every 15 minutes on reddit about my race despite many people making it a big deal or using it as a weapon to hurt me. seriously, go touch grass or something. most films are made by men, for men, so just turn off the screen and watch the other 100s of male gazey, jerk off fantasy material eternal boyhood bullshit that comprises the majority of hollywood. and how many times do handmaidens need to write shit like this before they realize they still aren’t getting picked no matter how hard they try?

No. 1982575

File: 1714254367541.jpeg (214.87 KB, 750x633, IMG_0221.jpeg)

Based Stacy employee, honestly such a breath of fresh air

No. 1982576

File: 1714254425993.jpeg (52.59 KB, 750x215, IMG_0222.jpeg)

samefag but more seething kekkk

No. 1982578

What did this comment mean? I'm not getting it.

No. 1982580

because he’s a moid and moids can’t keep their hands off of children, she assumed he would molest them in the bathroom. we need to encourage more of this male-profiling behavior

No. 1982581


No. 1982588

File: 1714255311809.jpg (89.21 KB, 1079x330, 1000015962.jpg)

So manlets bitch and moan about being short and no woman wanting to fuck them, but then they complain when everybody forces a smile to compliment them on their height? Oh my fucking god, moids don't know how to be happy. They want compliments, but complain when they get them. Fuck it.

No. 1982606

They want women to lie to them that they’re desired and hot and ignore their shortcomings but are absolutely unwilling to do the same with women. No woman wants a short manlet unless they want to keep him as a pet (it’s me, I’m that kind of woman)

No. 1982610

File: 1714256023854.jpg (109.09 KB, 1080x584, 1000028468.jpg)

Of course the one guy who said that that these comments are retarded gets mass downvoted kek

No. 1982612

>It's misandry
And what's wrong with that? Kek

No. 1982615

It hurts their feefees don't y'know

No. 1982651

File: 1714258017243.jpg (68.7 KB, 412x591, cd3d5ee2cd00047c91e74ced1c8567…)

For fuck's sake dude, just date women shorter than you. If you're an Amerifat, it's not hard, the female average is 5'4". If Angus Young managed to get a wife, they can, too.

No. 1982682

File: 1714260188804.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1125x1724, IMG_5317.jpeg)


The amount of male coping in this thread lmao
>the education system is tailored towards girls and that's why so many teachers are women
>y-yeah we're goofing off and saying school sucks but really guys are the ones studying at home and getting good grades!
>I didn't look at a textbook the entire time I was in high school and I bet all the stressed out girls with As aren't successful either

No. 1982700

Lol so they’re saying the quiet part out loud. Almost every man who dates a women tells her how all women suck and how’s she’s different are really just being misogynists. Yet I rarely see that being called out. Or the “I’m not a misogynist, I love my wife/gf/ect.” after some guy does get called out on misogyny.

No. 1982732

The theme of barbie isn't that men are dumb, it's that men lack a sense of self and can only define a sense of self by relating themselves to women, and this causes them to hate us because they perceive that we control their identities as men and their worth. One of the Kens even says something like "We were fighting because we didn't know who we were". Ken only gets a happy ending because he realizes he doesn't need patriarchy to give him identity and value, and he doesn't need to force Barbie to love him to be worth something either. Men can't face this because it says too much about the inherent neurotic worthlessness of their existence and psyche. Barbie basically says the same about men as does the SCUM manifesto, that they're insecure pretenders who are never sure they're even real men. This is way more terrifying to them than a simple message that "men are dumb" so they ignore it. Sad tbh

No. 1982823

File: 1714266569121.jpg (63.21 KB, 1079x273, 1000015964.jpg)

Can the dicklet shill come to an end now? Even dicklets KNOW that they're generally more worthless than men that have a decent size and actually managed to keep their foreskin. Come the fuck on, nobody truly loves men with tiny dicks, they don't even love themselves. The only people saying they love tiny dicks are pickmes who are trying to look all nice and cool for the moids.

No. 1982836

The funniest part is that if she actually said that to a moid she was fucking, he would chimp out at the suggestion that his dick is small, whether she likes it or not. Her personal enjoyment is not his concern, his dick size is the problem and nothing can reassure him about it.

No. 1982858

I don't understand why is this an issue unless he lives in an area that, for whatever reason is mostly non white? If he exclusively wants to be around other white men it shouldn't be hard finding multiple groups that are most if not all white men, can't really say the same things for minorities or women

No. 1982874

the thing is depending on the size big one's can hurt and make things more difficult but just because that's true doesn't mean I'll like small one's, it's usually a range for acceptable sizes.

No. 1982878

I've always wondered why don't men with small penises just get dick lengthening surgeries?

No. 1982912

File: 1714275666155.png (92.19 KB, 654x833, menfailing.png)

lots of coping but a couple women out there fighting the good fight

No. 1982914

weird how they blame female teachers or curriculums as if moids don't frequently tell young boys to not value education and that they should drop out and get a trade/crypto/some other bullshit. Female authority figures WANT boys to succeed, but most boys have the "fuck it I'll get a trade" mindset and just flunk

No. 1983228

Women are way smarter than men. The “school doesn’t matter” cope is to alleviate this truth from being shown to everyone. Women are able to sit the fuck down and learn without wasting their time terrorizing other students and trying to be an attention whore class clown

No. 1983243

If the genders were reverse, they would say women are just naturally dumber than men. This is literally what conservatives say if any field has higher amounts of men. God i hate scrotes

No. 1983263

Yep. Once I pointed out more women are homeowners than men and moids immediately got mad and said "well maybe men don't want to be homeowners". I guess when women are single and childless it's because of evil feminism ruining western women, if men don't have homes and aren't becoming as successful anymore it's because it's purely their choice don't you know?

No. 1983266

They still can't explain why men can't do it anymore when they could do it hundreds of years ago. I'm actually interested in why, do they just legit feel discouraged by someone else being given a chance to run the race? Or is it scrotum hugging uhhh boys just can't sit still getting to them? I've heard that single sex schooling leads to much better outcomes for girls but not for boys, is it because they get distracted by girls and go googoogaagaa retarded baby boy mode? Don't get me wrong, whatever the answer is it's their problem. I just wonder what exactly the cause is, because in the strict boys-only gymnasiums of yore you'd be rapped on the knuckles for talking out of turn. Actually, maybe school isn't strict enough?

No. 1983267

You are not wrong at all. I worked with a dude who went on every single day about how he's gonna quit once he hits it big on crypto. It was so annoying. He got fired a few months later and now works at olive garden. It's such a meme that men are always told to go into trade or do stocks/bitcoin/crypto.

No. 1983268

Not even taking into account how many jobs women are bullied out of by men, like STEM fields. I hate men

No. 1983272

It's true though. All of my high school bullies were BOYS. I was always put in the "dumb" classes because I'm autistic and hated school and every class the boys would cause trouble with the teacher while the girls and I wanted them to STFU.

No. 1983289

I ended up in an all girls AP class in high school, because there was at least one whole extra class worth of AP girls, and they couldn't shuffle schedules to hide it. I think it really is the goofing off and bitching and moaning. The girls just mobilized and got their work done, there generally wasn't whining, and goofing off, and foot dragging behavior. I think you'd need to break scrotes with military level discipline to get them to behave the same way. FWIW most of the boys in AP classes had the same work ethic, but there were a lot less of them. Even most of the girls in the regular classes could buckle down and get it done.

No. 1983291

IF boys are too immature or develop slower than girls, then just enroll boys in school a couple of years later than girls, wouldn't that be better for them then? Or I guess MRAs and whatever would complain that is still leaving them behind and girls will be ahead kek. What the fuck do you do with the gender that doesn't care about education or just doesn't have it in them to sit or be responsible.
I guess you can throw them in all boys schools, but from I've heard if boys don't socialize with girls, that hurts them later; unable to socialize or talk women. Men are naturally socially retarded to begin with, so a same sex environment just makes it worse when developing. Which just leads into the 'boohoo male loneliness epidemic'.
They're so fucking hopeless, they believe the whole world is out to get them. There's literally nothing stopping boys from doing well school, women just take it more serious than boys. Girls in my class always did their homework, study, put in effort, and so on. Men just want to be victims so bad.

No. 1983293

>They still can't explain why men can't do it anymore when they could do it hundreds of years ago.
i guess it's the discipline, hundred years ago the teachers would punch little scrotelets in the face for acting like baboons but nowadays they don't dop that.

No. 1983332

I really think this is part of the problem. Boys need to be put in their place in a way that girls don't, because males start to think they're above the teachers. But nobody can say this, because current establishment liberals are obsessed with Hollywood idealism even as it blows up in their faces.

No. 1983333

300 IQ move: meme men into failing school by feeding them “you’re too smart for tests, studying is for stupid women, real high T alphas just use logic on every exam” talking points

No. 1983335

Even if physical discipline gets legalized and normalized in schools, all it's going to accomplish is that perverts are going to use it as an excuse to spank the girls and just ignore the boys

No. 1983343

This or as the other anons explained it's the obsession with getting trades and opting out of education for whatever scammy crap they're pushing on boys now. They never bother explaining to boys that they should have plans A, B and C. I knew multiple moids who just goofed around in school because they swore they were just gonna join the military or become a welder or something. Ofc it never worked like how they planned and majority of them still live with their parents or need to work in fast food or something to scrape by

No. 1983355

Man I know moids who like purposefully make things worse for themselves because internships/networking are “degrading” and white collar jobs make you “act fake”, so they stick to “real jobs” and complain about the hard work and low wages. And whine about girl bosses and their e-mail jobs all day naturally.

No. 1983364

To be fair that didn't stop scrotes from being subhumans, it only made them hide it better. We need to bring in long term consequences, like youth offenders' records being made public once they become adults, or showing the names and faces of kids who commit crimes that an adult would be named for committing. Ideally we'd have self defense laws that applied to women as well as men, and moids would have to choose between not being rapists and being legally hunted for sport.

No. 1983409

And then they try to justify it because "blue collar jobs are needed!!" even though majority of blue collar work is getting over inflated with failure moids with the same mindset hence why so many end up being doordashers or something on the side to scrape by or take so much "abuse" from the higher ups since as soon as they complain they can find some other failure ass moid to take their place that won't be a little bitch about it

No. 1983413

File: 1714324157694.mp4 (8.04 MB, 1080x1920, 1000015993.mp4)

>even though majority of blue collar work is getting over inflated with failure moids with the same mindset hence why so many end up being doordashers or something on the side to scrape by or take so much "abuse" from the higher ups since as soon as they complain they can find some other failure ass moid to take their place that won't be a little bitch about it
What you're saying reminds me of vidrel. If I was a thirty something year old guy with a job in pizza delivery, I would be suicidal.

No. 1983447

File: 1714326179611.gif (170.07 KB, 360x346, IMG_0232.gif)

>this is a nice house for a $5 tip
kek the adidasfag had to walk away while saying the snide comment so the woman’s husband wouldn’t pummel him if he wanted to, what a fucking pussy. maybe men with all of their “superhuman” intelligence and misunderstood “genius” they love to brag about so much could come up with a solution to their problems but they rather just seethe and take it up the ass because that’s what most men are for made for, they’re expendable lazy entitled faggots who are born to take it up the ass from 1% male elitists and go through their lives seething about it by making women powerless and being bitter instead of confronting the higher levels of patriarchy. men are such fucking losers and I would have way more respect for a woman in her 30s delivering pizzas than a scrote like use your male privilege to get your unearned wage increase

No. 1983615

it’s funny that schools becoming less strict has more or less unaffected girls’ performance while moids are failing. Sex-segregated classes should become the norm again with the boys’ becoming far more strict so they can actually learn some discipline. I’m so sick of moids being allowed to run amok with no consequences because that attitude carries into adulthood.

No. 1983645

>All of my high school bullies were BOYS.
I had girls who were mean to me but the worse were ALWAYS boys. The cruelest and meanest.

No. 1983655

Girls do better in same sex school while boys do worse. Really makes you think. Such parasites.

No. 1983830

I use to delivery drive and $5 is pretty solid for the time period this was made. I could make like 400-800 over the weekend with 5 dollars being the norm tip (at the time I was working this could easily get me an apartment and pay for school) When girls made better tips they acted like it was some female privilege even though 9/10 times moids would show up with a stink face and crappy attitude like newsflash when you're working in a tip based job ofc if you're a little b you're not gonna get tipped frivolously. I've even had moids conspire about how I was probably sucking customers dicks or something on the side just for having a nice attitude

No. 1983843

Damn, that's amazing. Your moid coworkers were missing out on paying their rent in 1 or 2 weekends by showing up with a shitty attitude, that's peak moid mindset right there. It's so strange that moids are all obsessed with hustle culture and still can't put enough braincells together to figure out how a tip-based job works.
Do you think your moid coworkers did try to suck their customers' dicks for tips? They watched enough porn to think it was a good idea, surely?

No. 1983847

>Do you think your moid coworkers did try to suck their customers' dicks for tips? They watched enough porn to think it was a good idea, surely?
fucking probably, I feel like they just can't stand the fact women can "make it" while doing less work than them, blue collar moids think you need to damn near kill yourself to make a living and when women opt out of that mindset they're furious. They probably got the dick sucking idea because they'd give up their dignity that easy if there was a market for it

No. 1983849

Absolutely based anon

No. 1983857

Lmao you made them so jealous and bothered

No. 1983881

File: 1714346356062.jpeg (205.3 KB, 1170x929, IMG_6977.jpeg)

>blue collar moids think you need to damn near kill yourself to make a living
The funny ass fuck part is, moids up the totem pole CAN easily make so many blue collar jobs safer, easier and more “dignified” if they wanted to. Those men are the reason why you are forced to crawl into cockroach infested sewers full of live wires. But most men are all bottom bitches who cope with their systematically enforced cock cage by dick slurping their bourgeoisie masters and seething at women’s “easy mode”. It’s so incredibly pathetic.

No. 1983924

almost all workplace accidents and deaths could have been prevented with proper OSHA protocols, it's moids who laugh off safety precautions or think they're too good to follow basic safety

No. 1983931

But does he even eat pussy? Since it's not mentioned in the post I'm going to assume no, and still has the gall to expect blowjobs. What a loser

No. 1983934

We should include male testeria as a real disorder in the DSM-6.

No. 1984026

File: 1714357007065.jpeg (191.15 KB, 750x714, IMG_0244.jpeg)

>men rape and kill women every day
>”touch grass”

I can’t wait until nature snuffs out this parasitic sex out of existence.

No. 1984032

File: 1714357342416.jpg (64.38 KB, 750x652, 1697617075306.jpg)

How does one not end up like Aileen at this point?

No. 1984066

Males don't respect female authority figures, and most teachers are female. Watch how they wax poetic about that one cool male teacher, but never a female one. Male and female teachers can be equally strict, but the female is always seen as a bitch because any woman who expects anything from a scrote and isn't worshipping the ground he walks on is worth less than dirt.

No. 1984191

moids cant stand when women succeed and if they do they'll easily try to knock down her accomplishments by claiming she did sex work. Literally every single time I see women on social media have something nice moids are the first one to claim it was all onlyfans bucks or something, no proof ofc either. Pickmes aren't any better, remember that anon that claimed half her graduating class had onlyfans attached to their public information? kek

No. 1984220

That meme is so relatable when scrolling reddit.

No. 1984226

I love how they never discuss single-sex schools. Many private and selective schools in the UK are single-sex. All-girls schools absolutely thrive while all-boys schools don't do as well. What would be their excuses for that? Boys do better in mixed-sex schools and it's probably because they get their energy for learning by tormenting all the girls.

No. 1984232

Yep they need a female punching bag to absorb their innate parasitism. It’s also why single sex spaces like prison, militaries and all boys boarding schools establish a male underclass to take the place of women. They absolutely loathe each other when there’s no women to take out their urges on. Naturally girls do better when they’re not being sexually harassed/nagged into a helper role.

No. 1984241

I was bullied by both boys and girls, the boys were 100% worse. The worst thing the girls would do would just be bitches and say mean things about me. The boys? They would hit me, throw food at me, sexually harass me by groping me. They would also be the ones disruptive in class when I walked in and shout things to humiliate me. My life changed when I went to an all-girls school for sixth form. If I ever had a daughter (I won't have children), I would do everything, EVERYTHING, in my power to send her to an all-girls school, even if I had to bankrupt myself or whore myself out to pay for her private school. Girls in mixed-sex schools don't do anywhere near as well as girls in single-sex because of how much they get tormented by boys.
I think the prevalence of pornography has made things worse too. Moidlets start wanking to porn as young as 11, I think that's the average age now. I heard that they'll watch it on their phones in class, and will forever be addicted to it. They are doomed by their own pathetic sex drives kek.

No. 1984245

The fact that they enjoy porn before their dicks even work yet just shows how they enjoy the humiliation and domination aspects even more than the sex. I feel so sorry for girls, because now even middle school boys will be adult-level dick brained perverts.

No. 1984259

Boys do better when girls are around because teachers strategically place them near each other to cheat. Lord knows how many times I’ve had instances where I was placed around failing moids to “help them” when all they did was bother me for answers and cheat off my assignments

No. 1984263

Omg you unlocked repressed memories for me. Because I was quiet and awkward, I'd always have the disruptive moids being forced to move and sit next to me which completely hindered my work quality. I fucking hate schools and the way they use girls as tools to 'correct' moid behaviour. And then moids turn around and say that schools are favouring girls. The audacity.

No. 1984732

File: 1714408159825.png (262.93 KB, 1080x1200, 1000000211.png)

>wahh my wife won't put the kids in daycare where 3 kids were murdered this year with multiple trafficking allegations!!
>It was SO easy evil women are just lazy and exaggerating! When I took care of the kids I just washed a single dish and threw on bluey and heated up chicken nuggets! Lazy evil women!
I'm so confused, isn't the main benefit why people want SAHMs is because it's best for child's mental development? Why are they getting upset? Would also bet a lot of money they expect the woman to work full time while also doing almost all house work and child care anyway

No. 1984741

I’ve even seen nonnies on lc crying about catty teen girls and it sounds so delusional. Are you trying to tell me that bra strap popping, boob punching, and ass slapping were not an epidemic at your school? I really doubt that

No. 1984752

They just move goalposts because they hate their wives, not because they are about what’s best for their family. They resent her because she gets to stay home and be “lazy” in their eyes but they’d also resent her if she was going to work and not doing as much housework. God forbid she ever started to out earn her scrote.

No. 1984756

>Are you trying to tell me that bra strap popping, boob punching, and ass slapping were not an epidemic at your school?
Nta but wtf no, what kind of lawless school did you go to?

No. 1984772

No idea if it was like that at my middle school, but I was the awkward nerd so I didn't even register on boys' radars, but my mere existence was pissing the girls off. Not diminishing anyone's shitty experiences with moidlets obviously.

No. 1984779

Ntayrt but in my middle schools they had a day for ass slapping, was terrible. (I went to two middle schools)

No. 1984784

It's also cause a lot of less pressure is put on fathers so they don't need to do everything "perfect". Anytime anything goes wrong with the child mom is always first to blame, of course it's "super easy" when there's absolutely no pressure on you to ensure your child doesn't turn addicted to poor quality food or video games or TV or something or has trouble reaching milestones

No. 1984799

Kek yes, I knew a single father who's kid was a complete braindead elsagate kid and wasn't even potty trained by 6. Ofc he got non stop ass pats for raising his kid alone and his parents would watch his kid for free along with other people he lived with. I just know if he was a woman everyone in his life would be tearing him apart.

No. 1984818

ugh the fucking bra strap snapping was the WORST

No. 1984841

I'm sure there's exceptions but 90% the time SAHD is a bad idea. If you want proof ask any woman whose a mother what their husband's childcare is like. Reminds me of that reddit story where the woman let her husband be SAHD but whenever she came back she'd find her baby with a soiled diaper and hungry. Eventually she decided to come back early and see what was happening, turns out her husband was just sleeping in bed all day with Bluetooth headphones while the baby cried. Childcare probably is easy if you give zero fucks about it, but most jobs are

No. 1984882

Yep. Funny how if you go up to any other worker and told them their job is super easy cause you half assed it and took like 10% of the time they took, it's immediately questioned if you did it correctly and it's actually concerning that someone with little to no experience doing something"did everything super fast". It doesn't apply to mothers because apparently it doesn't matter how well kids are raised now and they wonder why gen alpha is out of control when they completely devalue the people literally raising the future

No. 1984912

I remember we had Ass Slap Friday. I hate moids so much. None of the faculty ever did anything. I guess they were too busy literally measuring girls skirts on stage in front of the whole cafeteria to notice. Once when a girl’s skirt went past her fingertips (so it should’ve been dress code appropriate) they told her that her arms were too short. I’m not kidding.
I was blatantly sexual harassed and groped on the bus EVERY DAY (to the point where I’d hide under the seat and my friend would cover me with her backpack, but they’d eventually realize I was there and get on with their bs) and no one did shit. I have zero sympathy for boys falling behind. Like every other bad thing in their lives, it is entirely self imposed.

No. 1984939

>express opinion different from the hivemind
>get labelled as pickme/attention whore
kek, every single fucking time

No. 1984957

I went to one of the best schools in my area, like people transferred their kids there from other towns good. And yet a new trend of assaulting girls would pop up every couple of months and nearly every scroteling was in on it.

No. 1984967

holy shit when moidlets did this to me it got to a point where the only thing that would make them stop was violence. i would rip their heads back so hard that afterwards i'd take my hand away and strands of their hair would be between my fingers kek. they'd never do it again luckily. moids are so fucking annoying, they think they have all this power until they comprehend they don't. one time a moid blew smoke in my face in front of his friends as a humiliation thing and i legit almost pulled him to the ground in front of them to make a point that no one else was gonna get any ideas from that, they were complete strangers too, never met them before. moids do it to themselves and really do ask for it, whenever they say shit like "women ask for it!" it's all projection. moids in general see the world as a competition of power and coercion, annoying as hell i wish they'd relax, that way i wouldn't have to carry a knife every day.

No. 1985061

Kek even when you agree with them they'll still call you a pickme if they don't react the way you wanted. I once saw a thread about how men need to stop dating fat girls because fat women are having standards and being picky and I agreed that men should stop fetishizing unhealthy body types, ofc the moids came in getting mad claiming "you're just upset they're being picked over you"and then completely blew off my story about how a fat fetish moids almost murdered me with his fetish when I was a dumb teen. What was the point of saying all that if you get mad when women agree?

No. 1985377

File: 1714443268784.jpeg (272.26 KB, 750x1069, IMG_0264.jpeg)

this is giving 2016 skeptic in a bad way. calm down redditor, it’s just words

No. 1985388

Shit like this makes me glad “reddit spacing” is banned here. So obnoxious

No. 1985391

Hating us is in their genes. Forcing girls to interact with scrotelings so they develop "thicker skin" is akin to the city of Berlin adopting out orphans to known pedophiles to get them out of the foster care system. They let the kids raped to save money. We're letting the girls become traumatised so scrotelings can have rape thursdays or whatever.

No. 1985393

>Forcing girls to interact with scrotelings so they develop "thicker skin"
The idea you NEED to be abused in order to have any sort of strength is such a scrote idea. 9/10 times they just get their rocks off on torturing people and don't think therapy applies to them. Go up and call any person claiming "bullying builds character" fat and ugly and they'll have mental breakdowns, hell just tell them no to something and they'll have a mental breakdown. It's always the most sensitive motherfuckers alive trying to push that nonsense

No. 1985397

> considering the completion of chores so impressive she has to reward herself with junk food for it
how did redditors survive infancy

No. 1985400

HOW do so many of these bitches have vaginismus? If you're horny enough nothing will hurt. They're just admitting to having shitty ugly boyfriends. Vaginas are meant to be elastic, wtf. I have a healthy sexuality and no human sized insertion hurts. Ever.

No. 1985402

Lol this is so true.

No. 1985416

Most moids are so fucking ugly how are you even surprised? Most women are gaslighting themselves into being attracted to their moids.

No. 1985424

You're so fucking wrong and this mentality is what keeps women enduring unnecessary pain and worsening the condition. It's not about elasticity or arousal, it's about muscle control. Some women's vaginal muscles are tense by default and they need to learn how to control and relax them. The hottest guy in the world can't make that happen if you have vaginismus.

No. 1985450

Not you flipping out on that anon for implying it's vaginismus just to explain exactly what vaginismus is and why small dick pickmes have it kek

No. 1985452

>when I got home he was still stomping around, huffing and puffing, heavy sighs, slamming doors, but saying "I am not mad."

wHy aRe wOmEn sOoOoOo hArD tO rEaD aNd aLwAyS sAy 'I'M fInE" aNd pLaY mInD gAmEs

No. 1985460

Kek I work with some passive aggressive moids like that. Nothing triggers them more when you don't give into their manipulation tactics and don't give a shit how internally steaming they are. You wouldn't believe how many moids who "need to be left alone" will come crawling back screaming as soon as you say "okay" and walk out

No. 1985532

Witches vs Patriarchy is made up of TIMs so of course he had to eat junk after I don't know, washing his floor for the first time.

No. 1985544

Kek nona I do the same thing. There was a post made by a guy, who was debating telling his son that his life is ruined and he will never be happy and should just give up now while he's young, because the poster himself has a small dick so he's sure his son does as well and wants him to hate himself just as much as the poster hates himself. Debating telling his young son how he will never fulfill a woman and won't be able to sleep with women once he's older and will remain a virgin because of it. Funniest shit, like the poster is completely forgetting that he obviously found a woman to have his son? Meaning he had sex? Men are so fucking retarded, it's astounding.

No. 1985591

>isn't the main benefit why people want SAHMs is because it's best for child's mental development
completely untrue and it only becomes comparably better if the state provided (or private) childcare/education sucks ass because of no funding or other reasons, like the alleged murders you mentioned (which sounds fake as fuck but whatever)
>Why are they getting upset?
men can't be content with anything, if the wife was in the work force he would resent her anyway. he simply hates his wife.

No. 1985610

Only moids would be mad about saving money and receiving higher quality child care just because the wife isn't tortured enough

No. 1985626

File: 1714465261297.jpg (242.19 KB, 1063x1280, 2024-04-30 11.19.50.jpg)

Based(?) husbandofag (1/2)

No. 1985629

File: 1714465286253.jpg (107.47 KB, 1280x651, 2024-04-30 11.20.05.jpg)


No. 1985640

How much you wanna bet he's been watching porn throughout their entire relationship despite taking offense to her "spicy fanart"

No. 1985654

Yes and yes, he has a close female friend he vents to about all his relationship issues? That's a red flag alone, also 23 + 26 and they've been together for 5 years (likely met a year or two before that)? He was in his 20s dating a high schooler. What we get out of this is that he's a "sensitive guy" who's weirdly close with another woman who he runs to with any relationship issue. No wonder his own gf chose pixels over him

No. 1985666

Good, marrying your highschool sweetheart (especially this young) is retarded.

No. 1985679

She was in high school, he was just a pedophile

No. 1985683

Unfathomably based. So glad to read something here that makes me smile for once

No. 1985865

Bra snapping was an automatic suspension when I was in middle school (2003-2006), so boob punching and ass slapping were not an issue. I'm sorry your teachers failed you so badly, that's terrible.

No. 1985967

File: 1714488359541.jpeg (389.05 KB, 828x787, IMG_2295.jpeg)

Why are gay moids like this? How do straight moids put up with them? I’m bi and shared a bed with female friends plenty of times in high school and this has never even been a thought that crossed my mind

No. 1985970

File: 1714488487699.jpeg (124.87 KB, 828x334, IMG_2296.jpeg)

More from the femboy subreddit. It’s literally grooming central

No. 1985975

Gay faggots spend their entire lives trying to convert their straight male friends to HIV heaven. It’s such typical rapey male behavior that they think they’re entitled to men who would never be attracted to them even when they’re attracted to the same sex this attitude doesn’t even change.

No. 1985977

File: 1714488790537.jpeg (272.41 KB, 828x495, IMG_2297.jpeg)

Imagine if your 19 y/o adult son decided to “come out” as a femboy by showing you his women’s panties he jacks off in. This subreddit is literally full of “coming out as a femboy” stories fyi

No. 1985982

You can tell he watches too much anime and expects real life to work the same way lmao

No. 1985983

File: 1714489011420.jpeg (203.59 KB, 828x958, IMG_2298.jpeg)

Samefag as the other femboy screencaps. Last one—if I have to read to word “boyperiod” you all do too

No. 1985990

>boy period
i cant believe this isnt a tif

No. 1986002

There's no way this isn't a troll post.

No. 1986009

File: 1714490122616.jpeg (239.05 KB, 828x383, IMG_2302.jpeg)

I don’t think it’s a troll, but it was definitely written with one hand. Also, he wants to fuck his mom. Picrel is from the same redditor as >>1985983

No. 1986014

File: 1714490504754.jpg (3.18 MB, 4096x5791, 20240430_171703207.jpg)

>Troon mods
>PG-13 Discord
Very subtle of them

No. 1986025

this is bait

No. 1986895

File: 1714558219166.png (1 MB, 811x1895, imgur.png)

No. 1987296

File: 1714589543760.jpg (155.13 KB, 856x749, booboohoo.JPG)

There's not a violin small enough in the world for this.

No. 1987312

Have to resist the urge to a-log. Fuck these moids, when has a woman ever pulled a man off a trail into the woods to rape and/or kill him? Meanwhile there are countless stories of women being murdered on hiking trails

No. 1987322

File: 1714590349603.gif (149.56 KB, 220x176, IMG_0279.gif)

Remembering Ancient Sparta where we used to throw baby moids like this off of a cliff and made them climb back up with only the tiny little strength they had with their baby hands and legs so they can finally learn to get a fucking grip about life. Fuck scrotes. Bash scrotes. Steal from a scrote.

No. 1987332

My brother is a big intimidating guy as well and he frighten people unintentionally, he goes out of his way to avoid making people uncomfortable because he's a decent person. This moid is just a narc though.

No. 1987357

got subreddit banned for telling a moid to kill himself on an account that got banned, and then i made a new account to look at cute animals and now that account is "permanently banned". i don't care about reddit that much but kinda sucks i can't participate in the cute non-moidy subs i looked at

No. 1987398

>I am afraid because I'm being rejected, it's women's fault that I'm a fat loser waaaah waaahh waaah
Every moid sob story is the same kek. I know he's trying to twist women voicing their justified fear into how he "feels just as bad/worse" and therefore women should feel guilty for daring to be afraid of men and judging them. But it's just not working at all. It's retarded as fuck and reads like satire.

No. 1987407

File: 1714594199921.jpg (249.26 KB, 939x1161, 1000010972.jpg)

No. 1987411

File: 1714594319962.jpg (59.97 KB, 564x705, 08b7623aa1af6c79251feac3cdbeb7…)

The correct reply

No. 1987417

this has to be rage bait

No. 1987421

I really hope so.

No. 1987453

This is vile but at the same time, the fuck she having sex with a 35 year old man? Both gross, but that man is a piece of shit. "moan and scream, dont be quiet. dont tell a man to stop, it ruins the mood." are rapist vibes

No. 1987491

I just wanted to post the same thing. Why are they so fucking retarded? Just act normal holy fuck, nobody cares

No. 1987520

At the very end trying to justify treating women like shit because “what about the bad women” ok yes if you’re scared of women then please avoid them. “I’m not allowed to treat all women poorly” well according to current state of men you don’t need a fucking reason for that, fucking retard you’re doing just fine. On the website where communities for child and rape porn are popularized and immune from bans.
Reeee women are wary about men and their capacity for violence but some people judge me for being a woman hating incel!! Double standard!!! If the genders were reversed…!!!

No. 1987645

I knew moids who were literal 6'6, 6'7+ beasts that didn't get treated as a threat everywhere they went, one of them was even goth and didn't get treated like how the moid is saying kek. He other goes out of his way to make people uncomfortable and play victim or is so narcisstic he thinks the general attitude of his area is just people hating them, people being cold and cautious happens to everyone in the northeast

No. 1987655

>she (very peacefully) told him that she wanted to keep and carry on her fantasy relationships with Kazuha and Xiao and that he was "a discomfort and an obstacle" to her.

KEK I can't stop laughing at this, unfathomably based

No. 1987733

File: 1714618060407.jpg (480.05 KB, 1080x1952, Screenshot_20240501_234501.jpg)

On a video of a woman training her dog to do impressive things

No. 1987735

>I miss the person I was when I didn't know.
This is awfully dramatic considering she's talking about drawn art of anime boys.

No. 1987755

File: 1714621916523.jpg (36.25 KB, 755x185, Image1.jpg)

It's wild how quickly any discussion of Man vs Bear turns into but what about the poor transwomen uwu??? It's like a bat signal appears to alert them that women are sharing a common experience that excludes men and they need to disrupt it immediately before our class consciousness develops any further
>identify with the man in the scenario without a trace of irony
>make the conversation about their hurt feelings
>throw in some MRA logic about how evil and unfair misandry is
>fail to see the incredibly irony in their bawwing about being seen as a threat while choosing to threaten women's spaces and rights at every opportunity

I would rather be mauled by a bear (an amoral act by a creature only trying to protect or feed itself) than a tranny (a human being with a malfunctioning conscience who hates women and is most likely getting off on the violence). I would rather feed an innocent bear than let a male get joy out of harming me. I would do it just to spite them.

No. 1987757

men want women to miserable like them so bad

No. 1987771

>but what about trans women???

Have you seen a bear being in a women bathroom asking you for a pad?

No. 1987776

It's literally impossible for troons to hijack conversations and not make every little thing about how everyone is mean to them, he probably looks scary as fuck too.

No. 1987891

File: 1714648697210.jpg (655.34 KB, 1080x1986, Screenshot_20240429_083327.jpg)

No. 1987899

yes, all women would. you cannot tell me it’s not just a MRA movement that is actually successful because it preys on libfems stupidity. they can turn any discussion about women’s discomfort or even a simplified meme about it into troon pity party.

No. 1987900

its always a man older than the women, either by a decade or a few years, posts like these of a man being retarded always feature an age gap.

No. 1987905

when a woman rapes you and leaves you for dead and then an all-woman jury tells you to suck it then talk about treating women poorly.

No. 1987933

It's great how he was too stupid to even hide the fact that he thinks women being afraid of him is "toxic". Fucking idiot.

No. 1988035

idk this kind of made me chuckle, i don't really see what the big deal is.

No. 1988088

Ngl was expecting dog fucker comments

No. 1988095

It’s cringe nihilism and being a bummer for no reason, like the loser depressed Reddit user they are, also can’t resist emphasizing EEK the horror of woman aging and getting WRINKLES oh nooooo the fear of no longer being fuckable. And it seems intentional that a woman does something the response is who cares because we all die but if a man sneezes they’re probably like haha yeah bro dudes rock

No. 1988148

File: 1714664480077.jpg (57.18 KB, 720x519, IMG_20240502_183713.jpg)

>"Men's mental health is so important you guise! It's a feminist issue!"
The men:

No. 1988188

It cracks me up that moids’ main issue is something they 100% inflict on themselves and then they try to equate it with feminist issues, i.e. men killing and raping women.

No. 1988204


why am I not surprised

No. 1988248

i didn't really get all that from the comment honestly anon. i still think it's funny because it's so damn ridiculous. you should learn to laugh at stupid shit like this instead of letting it upset you.

No. 1988262

Men are not funny.

No. 1988287

I mean it's not funny but that's a joke so not sure if you used the best example there

No. 1988297

Nta but nah, it is cringe nihlism but I laughed cause it's a typical le redditor atheist type dribble lol.

No. 1988378

I wasn’t upset or bothered, just unpacking it. I grew out of my doomer phase a long time ago and it’s just bad energy. Those kinds of people are miserable and drag everyone down with them.

No. 1988446

File: 1714683441367.png (491.95 KB, 782x759, Screenshot 2024-05-02 135639.p…)

the fake humbleness on the site is so annoying

No. 1988474

Men scream and cry that their suicide rate is higher than women yet they never mention that women attempt suicide at a higher rate than men.

No. 1988639

If you bring that up they say it’s because we fake it for attention and that they record our attempts as some little self harm meanwhile they’re sooooo manly by blowing their brains out or diving headfirst from a building.

No. 1988653

That isn't fake humbleness, that cursive is absolute garbage and the print isn't that great either.

No. 1989202

Why do I find this so satisfying to look at?

No. 1990218

Well, if its not faking, what is it? I doubt its lack of biological knowledge, even animals know what kills them.

No. 1990278

nta but women tend to use pharmaceutical methods of suicide but some drugs aren't toxic in the right way to kill someone immediately, so I guess in that way it is a lack of biological knowledge

No. 1990383

Most people want to drift off somehow instead of for example blowing their head apart in a shower of gore for randos to find. And for people who don’t have access to a gun they’ll choose a bunch of medication and those methods are reversible if you get medical attention quick enough or your body is just very resilient to the effects. It’s not faking just because you don’t decide to kill yourself in the worst and most effective violent way.

No. 1990603

Never got why men want the extra attention for mental health when there’s zero barrier to them receiving care and the only reason their rates are a bit higher is they’re impulsive enough to do something they can’t come back from. This isn’t women’s healthcare where we’re not taken seriously and our issues aren’t even known, men are coddled through therapy from what I’ve heard. Nothing is stopping them from getting help, they just want those pity points as an excuse.

No. 1991097

I saw this one too and it pissed me off, people were like “The handwriting every girl is born with!!” And I think I’m just bitter because my handwriting has always been shitty and not feminine feeling

No. 1991102

File: 1714878095735.jpeg (743.88 KB, 1170x1863, IMG_6894.jpeg)

This person is having sex with a moid who says he’s checking his stocks on his phone while they’re in the middle of doggystyle sex. At least the comments are all saying that the guy sucks and she should leave because he’s either filming her or looking at porn

No. 1991103


No. 1991109

interesting how the first reaction to womens suicide attempts being higher but less successful is that they're faking, but we're supposed to feel bad for moids offing themselves when the majority of male suicide cases are just them not wanting to be accountable for raping kids or abusing their partner so just off themselves over facing consequences and guilt. would bet hard cash if you check the phones of male suicide victims a good chunk of them were grooming kids on discord, abusing their SO or had CP

No. 1991169

i would feed him to the bear personally just for this oh my god do these trannies ever shut the fuck up

No. 1991233

If you think that’s bad, you should see my handwriting.

No. 1991287

File: 1714895848437.jpg (33.7 KB, 736x584, 1000015910.jpg)

>tranny identifies as a woman
>still offended by women hating men
>"because of male socialization"
Except the bear question isn't talking about socialization, it's talking about men. This tranny knows he's a male, and knows that women are including him when they speak about men in general, otherwise he wouldn't even be offended. He's just trying to bring up "socialization" to avoid having to admit that he's different specifically because he's a male and not a female at all. Also, holy shit why do trannies have to bring up being trannies all the fucking time? Anything will have nothing to do with them, yet without fail there's always a "as a tranny, my opinion is XYZ". Every single time I spot a "as a tranny" comment, I'm like "here we go again, the troon has to make it about itself and its mental illness".

No. 1991308

I've been researching something for a legal case and discovered how horrific Reddit was 6-10y ago. I knew it was bad. I didn't know it was that bad.

No. 1991326

kek i mean yeah it would be worse if he was watching porn but i love how she just accepts "i'm looking at stocks" as if that is an okay and normal act during intercourse

No. 1991348

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No. 1991584

File: 1714921524551.jpg (117.89 KB, 500x466, 1000015761.jpg)

That crow is based. I hate it when moids whine about men getting raped because they act like it's women that need to fix it, even though men are the ones doing 90% of the rapes and glorifying it even when little boys are victims of "hot teachers". They complain and say they care about other moids getting raped, but statistics show otherwise. My heart breaks when I hear or read about women getting raped. But even when I was a teenager, I always felt nothing when I heard about men getting raped and I'm not even sorry because scrotes do almost nothing but show me why I shouldn't care.

No. 1991591

File: 1714921995928.jpg (212.94 KB, 1001x731, Untitled.jpg)

Was browsing r/thesopranos and reading a Dr. Melfi thread. The first comment is about skipping the episode where Melfi is raped, and this scrote decided it was appropriate to vomit out his "umm ACKSHULLY women rape men too!" spiel. It honestly sounds like fanfic to me due to the fact he claims he was sectioned for being a danger to himself and others but totally wasn't you guys, honest! And then says the woman allegedly spiked him and "gouged" him to make him look like the aggressor. Sure, Jan. Must be real traumatising for you to tell random people unprompted in a fucking TV show subreddit.

No. 1991637

Men can’t be raped. It makes me want to care less when they only bring up their imaginary sexual assault when people are talking about a woman being violated by a man. Like dude, just punch her, men can literally stop their rapes by using their male strength to ward them off

No. 1991774

Men today: deathgrip broken dicks, whisky dick, you gotta do cartwheels and push your boundaries just to keep me hard dick

Also men today: So anyway I was being tortured by some woman who I never in my right mind would have sex with esp with all the torture and such and me being soo drugged up and weak.. and my dick got hard and stayed hard the whole time while she totally raped me and yeah I'll die on the hill of calling it rape

Every youtube vid about a woman being raped is flooded with this shit too. Weird ass attempts to 'one up' any talk about actual rape with their bullshit

No. 1991800

File: 1714937082382.jpg (151.13 KB, 571x558, CPTSDmemes-qxxr.jpg)

No. 1991803

Bears are woman-coded

No. 1991814

Yeah, I was wondering about the mechanics of the so-called rape. I'm a lesbian so I don't know much about men's plumbing, but I find it hard to believe that a guy who's allegedly drugged to the point of not feeling pain when being gouged repeatedly would even get a semi in that situation. The fact he says you can't look away "not even a goddamn blink" from the rape scene (a brutal one that was completely needless, IMO, I mean the actress literally fucked up her shoulder so bad filming it she needed surgery) because "evil doesn't have one race, gender or creed" seems super suspect to me. I'd put my life savings on him having coomed to it before.

No. 1991818

Every man who claims to have been raped by a woman is a rapist.

No. 1992084

This so fucking much. I constantly hear horror stories of moids unable to keep their erection because the position was slightly awkward or the room was slightly humid, etc. even on reddit, women complaining about their husbands ED it's often questioned if the woman is keeping herself attractive and everything else. Suddenly we're suppose to believe men were able to keep a hard on and cum during one of the most traumatizing points of their life? Yeah fucking right

This obviously doesn't apply to children, but majority of moids I've seen who claim they were raped in adulthood either had a bad sexual experience and regretted it or they cheated and wanted to cry rape (you know, the very thing they accuse women of doing)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1992269

Anon, women sometimes get wet during rape and can orgasm during it too. Sorry, but this is such a shit argument.

No. 1992367

nta but this is different, for women getting wet/experiencing an arousal response is about self-preservation, it makes it easier to take penetration and minimise damage. Has nothing to do with actually being aroused. That doesn't apply to mens erections

No. 1992404

File: 1714994808723.png (2.27 MB, 1440x4446, Remote_Panic_3271.png)

Reddit incel believes unattractive men can't abuse women:

No. 1992409

Are you moid? Vaginas are always wet unless she has some sort of hormonal issue causing dryness. "Getting wet" is such a moid meme, where as with erections it requires a whole lot mental arousal, sexual pleasure and calmness just for a man to stay hard.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1992416

Nonnas need to start archiving stuff like this when you come across it. None of the archive sites have a copy of this post before it got removed. Archiving only takes seconds. The comments are peak reddit though:

No. 1992432

Hypergamy shit alwayd snnoys the shit out me because it's well documented and seen with all our fucking eyes that scrotes are the number one vagina hoppers. They will have a perfect wife and family and cheat anyway cause they are just that big of scum. Legit just so fucking tired of incel scrotes repeating the same tired fucking lines when in reality they just project the behavior of their fellow scrotes.

No. 1992433

hey i recognize that username. that unwashed loser fuck also sent me a hate comment over an innocuous meme i posted in another subreddit. i bet he looks exactly like the comments he posts online and women will continue to ignore him. hope he necks himself.

No. 1992439

Come on now, there's a clear difference between the vagina's regular wetness and lubrication happening with arousal.

No. 1992447

What makes me laugh is the demonisation of hypergamous women, but who's fucking them? Ghosts? The boogeyman? Casual sex takes two to tango. If you're gonna get on a high horse about it, at least hold your fellow moids accountable but noooo, it's all women's faults for ??? idk, reasons.

No. 1992450

I was honestly surprised he hadn't been permanently suspended yet when I browsed through his account. He had multiple recent comments removed by admins. Usually a temp suspension accompanies those at the very least. Looks like preddit cuts incels more slack. Surprise, surprise.

No. 1992478

that's because the reddit jannies themselves are fat incel losers who see the reddit stereotype and feel a duty to emulate it just like your average bpd skinwalker kek

No. 1992774

Nta but this isn't equivalent by any stretch. It's becoming a meme now just how many men show up under any discussion of rape with their 'I was spiked n stabbed n tortured and still coomed in her and now that bitch wants me to pay child support' tall tales.

No. 1993113

File: 1715039101434.png (393.03 KB, 709x1462, endobindi.png)

>Steve Irwins's daughter Bindi had endometriosis surgery
>discusses how she's not in severe pain anymore
>comments discuss how happy they are to see a famous women telling her story
>comment mentions it's under researched due to being a woman's health issue
>someone has to come in to mention trans/nonbinary
>"Making endometriosis…. a woman's disease just enables doctors to shrug them off"
>fortunately is heavily downvoted
the comment
The thing about naming it woman's disease enables doctors to ignore their concerns is extra frustrating because they acknowledge misogyny in healthcare, and instead of saying we should encourage doctors and researchers to look more into women's health, or encourage more women to be doctors and researchers, they say
>this is extra hard for twanz and enbies

No. 1993134

>who's fucking them?
always thought this when moids press the idea that single moms are doomed, but like how do step dads exist? how are there so many women with multiple baby daddies? hell almost all top men are married to ex escorts or divorcees. it seems like the the more a moid claims you won't be able to get a good man the less it's true kek

No. 1993606

Whenever a moid realizes this, he kills himself in a fit of incel rage. That's why you only ever see rants from the redditors who are still frothing at the mouth over women having sex with guys who aren't them.
Moids will do anything other than listen to women. They spend years of their already subpar lives obsessing over alpha and sigma and beta males and soy in tap water and jaw enhancement surgery and becoming Andrew Tate but women don't give a shit about any of that, we're actively turned off by it. If incels got therapy for their shit personalities and toddler-tier emotional outbursts at the slightest inconvenience, and started showering daily and dressing well, they'd actually have a chance with women. The fact that they salivate over other men and jack off to gymbros posting muscle selfies instead of molding himself to what real women want is proof that they're all either gay in denial, or terminally retarded. There's really no other explanation for it.

No. 1993713

True, if decent worthwhile moids actually look good virgin women then why aren't they lined up for them? Inexperienced women get treated like shit the most by men, for most women it isn't until we've "been around the block" a few times we find a good partner, with men it's the opposite, they typically start with suitable partners and then fumble when they're young because they're stupid and try tactics like negging and avoidance

No. 1993725

I always thought it was a moid meme as well since mine doesn't seem to correlate with horniness. Usually it's just my cycle like when I'm ovulating. Getting wet isn't a psy op?
They're not gonna come out and say "I like virgins because I'm afraid if a woman has slept with other men my penis will be less adequate in comparison" or "I want a submissive woman who will not stand up to my abusive and controlling behavior" they have to dress it up a little.

No. 1993771

This made me realise that this is the reason men are so scared of experienced women, they're projecting. They think because they compare all of their new partners to "the one that got away" that women do this too, but women generally aren't as hung up on their past partners because they were losers. Damn

No. 1993788

>Getting wet isn't a psy op?
Uh, no? You're either suffering from vaginal dryness or are incredibly inexperienced with sex and your own body if you really don't know women get wet while aroused.

No. 1993808

100%. Men fixate on past partners and obsess over comparing one another to the point where they're unable to enjoy sex, where as this isn't the case with women. I've heard multiple moids complain about how they're unable to enjoy sex with other partners because Stacy's pussy was too tight and he can't find that again or Julia's boobs were so nice it ruined all other boobs for him and Sandra was super duper freaky and would do anything so now he expects that in every single experience with other women. I've never once heard about women being unable to enjoy sex because of their past partners unless it was simply related to effort, which is an easy fix

No. 1993861

File: 1715089503059.jpg (81.98 KB, 1080x667, 1000007951.jpg)

If anything it's the opposite… and I'm not inexperienced I'm 26 and married. The wetness just doesn't seem to correlate to horniness it just seems to get wet randomly. Maybe relevant meme

No. 1993865

This. It's not dry like anon is describing, it's always wet then randomly gets more wet not necessarily relating to arousal

No. 1993871

women can get wet from stress and fear too. getting wet is not just beacuse of horny

No. 1993875

Maybe it's just sweat

No. 1993876

Is this real? This has never happened to me, unless I'm stressed about something related to sexual things

No. 1993884

Do you nonas not know what discharge is?

No. 1993887

What's the difference between discharge and wetness.

No. 1993888

>Getting wet isn't a psy op?
This is why I can't take sex advice from farmers

No. 1993889

Literally has never happened to me.
Discharge I get, but this is completely different than arousal wetness.

No. 1993898

It seriously just seems to happen randomly, except becomes more wet when I'm ovulating. I didn't realize women actually get wet to correlate with horniness I thought it was fake like squirting(stop sperging about vaginal lubrication)

No. 1993911

My body doesn't really respond with wetness til I'm already.. 0.2 seconds from climax. I've definitely had moments where I'm just ovulating though and a partner is like "omg you're so wet!" all giddy about something they didn't cause(stop sperging about vaginal lubrication)

No. 1993918

File: 1715091672931.png (50.66 KB, 754x282, 161818.png)

I can't believe I have to pull out the Planned Parenthood Google result but if you nonas actually think getting wet when aroused isn't real I'm crying for your sex life. Drink more water, do more foreplay or get a scrote who knows how to get you properly horny before fucking

No. 1993921

We're getting ot but there's a spectrum of normal/healthy discharge types from gooey to watery and opaque (brown or white) to clear. Arousal wetness is at the clear/watery end.
That's not normal. Google vaginal dryness causes and see if any of them apply to you.

No. 1994013

The real answer is that variance is normal and lube sells for a reason.

No. 1994096

File: 1715099300166.png (67.48 KB, 784x403, Screenshot 2024-05-07 092746.p…)

why do women do this to themselves

No. 1994098

new way to instantly enrage moids with zero effort: mention man vs bear

No. 1994121

File: 1715100217308.png (4.6 MB, 1080x5056, 1000011057.png)

Kinda sweet

No. 1994149

>If he hasn't showered and I hit his vape, there's a slight stank lingering there
I had to stop reading at this point, if she hasn't dropped him after having to inhale rank ballsack fumes she won't leave at all. I can't believe we're told that being single is worse than living with a moid who is no better than a dog constantly licking its nuts

No. 1994167

Kek this is where I stopped reading too. If you're still dating and sleeping with a man who smells like stanky ballsack, there is no helping you. Some women really have no standards and it's sad.

No. 1994174

Imagine how bad body stink has to be for it to transfer from body part.. to hand.. to then even stick to the things you've handled. Title really ought to say 'his very unwashed balls' Marinated balls

No. 1994185

But literally HOW. You have no WOMB!!! No ovaries!!!! So how can uterine lining cells grow outside of the uterus?? I… nonnies I know that arguing with gendies is like playing checkers with a seagull but how do they even base their argument?? Where is the aberration lining growths coming from, then?? And if some idiot tries to claim that finding a hemmorhoid in their feces are the equivalent of having endometriosis, I swear to all goddesses in this mortal plane that I will put arsenic in every bottle of viagra in all drugstores within a 20 mile radius.

No. 1994224

i like how she said "at least he showers before we have sex" like it isn't expected that your partner is clean before fucking

No. 1994267

nta but although it's exceedingly rare men can have endometriosis especially if they have prolonged exposure to oestrogens (not necessarily because they are trans, it can happen with prostate cancer meds etc) it's thought that structures that develop in the foetus before differentiating into male or female may become endometrial tissue. Anyway only like 10 cases have ever been reported so it is ridiculous to act like endo affects men even remotely as much as it does women.

No. 1994464

File: 1715123206755.jpeg (395.64 KB, 827x1413, IMG_5194.jpeg)

Not sure where this goes but does anyone else follow the Venus subreddit and keep finding this batshit insane user?
She’s becoming my own personal lolcow.
>defends Margot
>constant infighting with other members who call her out on being too involved in venus’ drama
> 37 year old calling a teen Venus “sexy”
I thought she was a teenager or kid because of her LPS icon and tard ramblings but she’s a mid 30’s woman with heart failure who’s spending her time obsessing on Venus

No. 1994468

File: 1715123295427.jpeg (173.56 KB, 828x678, IMG_5193.jpeg)

No. 1994490

>kooter has leukemia
big if true

No. 1994608

Mildly OT but I had to do some research for a paper on polygamy/monogamy historically and what I found interesting was the concept of hypergamy did exist when humans were more likely to enter polygamous relationships. It made more sense for multiple women to shack up with a wealthy, land rich man and it meant poorer men had little chance at taking more than one wife because he didn't have the resources to accommodate. Obviously in the more modern age this isn't so much a thing anymore because we've gradually shifted to a much higher percentage of monogamous marriage. So if anything, this directly disproves modern theories of hypergamy.

No. 1994972

this was nice to see, i hope she lives well.

No. 1995088

she said she did in 2018

this is interesting. even anecdotally more women in my family are with men who make substantially less money than they do. i even remember someone here asking in a thread maybe last summer "would you rather be with an ugly rich man or a poor attractive man" and farmers overwhelmingly preferred a poor attractive man. it proves incels do not go outside or communicate with anyone outside of their internet circles. it's like anyone living in reality is a complete normie living on Love Island or something. and unsurprisingly these are the same men posting about how perfect photoshopped women are on /b/, they actually think women have the body proportions and clearest skin ever in real life that they edit on instagram. if anything, they can generalize and say SM in general has increased people's standards for physical attractiveness where it's become more and more unattainable due to people on SM not even being real. but no, they are the sole victims in their mind.

No. 1995452

File: 1715188868382.jpg (119.61 KB, 837x653, fewfwe.JPG)


Sounds fake, but the worst part is the men in the comments getting excited about the thought of getting their wife pregnant so they can do this or I quote: "this is legit my biggest regret to not having kids."

No. 1995577

File: 1715196457273.png (174.46 KB, 476x834, Screenshot_20240508-210548 (1)…)

The man vs bear debate had this moid thinking the women picking bear want to fuck it

No. 1995622

There's multiple communities dedicated to complaining about how all women are evil no exceptions and women are just told "it's just the Internet just deal with it". Moids can't even take women chosing a bear over them in a hypothetical survival situation holy shit kek they're such spoiled babies

No. 1995627

What is wrong with men? Serious question. How does this stupid ass debate have so many men triggered beyond belief? Just don't be a creep. Literally how hard is that.

No. 1995760

Yes that persin is crazy and writes long incoherent vlogs and changes their mind on venus every second like one second they criticize her but the next second they defend her like their life depends on it.
There are alot of users like that shitting up the subreddit and it seems like there is no moderation there so they get away with it.

No. 1995851

this moid should improve his writing skills because holy fuck i struggled reading his schizo ramble

No. 1995898

All men would choose a woman over a bear. Women choose the bear. We do not desire men the same way they desire us. It's the root of all misogyny.

No. 1995932

File: 1715215625072.png (298.58 KB, 1170x1578, kek sailer.png)

Anna Khachiyan going on a neckbeard tirade after getting backlash from her own fans for being obscenely racist in an attempt to impress one of Red Scare’s most recent guests, Steve Sailer. Kek. I love to imagine her toddler sitting in front of her and trying to get her attention while she’s rage typing shit like this out on her phone

No. 1995973

>We do not desire men the same way they desire us.
I don't disagree with you but I don't think this whole dumb debate is about "desire", I think the reason men would choose the woman 100% of the time is because they wouldn't feel threatened by a woman the same way they would a fucking wild bear. You may as well ask them if they would prefer to go swimming with Emma Watson or a starved shark.

No. 1995985

Tbh i feel like this whole bear vs man debate has proved that atleast half of the human populations are actually borderline retarded and are not able to grasp simple things such as hypothesis or metaphors. Like this whole men vs bear thing is supposed to be a metaphor that men are as dangerous to women as a wild animal yet there are so many people taking this seriously and acting like women would actually go be with a bear when in actuality its a comparison.
Lol at all the "rational gender" moids taking this whole hypothesis so seriously. Literal iq room temp.

No. 1995994

I would say the "desire" part is more subtle. Why are women choosing bear in the first place? Because men have a tendency to rape and kill and have a lack of impulse control. So when women answer "bear" they are reminding moids of their moidness and they resent women for not accommodating them or having the same tendencies in the first place.
This too. We are comparing them to animals and "choosing" the animal over them.kek. Hurts their egos.

No. 1996040

The solution is to divorce him. I grew up with a male who acted like this only we were poor. If they ever get financial insecurity he will happily let her starve to stuff his face. Males like this don't deserve to have partners or progeny.

No. 1996130

File: 1715226544302.jpeg (309.91 KB, 750x949, IMG_0487.jpeg)

>world is clearly falling apart day by day
>fucktarded redditor would stand in a flooded house with the cables still plugged in and still say “everything is fine :)”

smash a redditor, bash a redditor, hit a redditor, defame a redditor.

No. 1996220

Why would she put herself through this? How is she attracted to someone like this? And why would she try to ask reddit of all fucking places if she is in the wrong? If I was genuinely concerned if I was being an asshole to a partner, a website known for it's username being full of MRA misogynist incels is the very last place I would go for advice.

No. 1996237

Grateful to see women come out on the other side of these awful relationships thriving.

No. 1996246

I've had girl bullies a majority of my school years but I remember in high-school there was a dickwad boy who wanted me to pwetty please beg for his bitchass used fucking water bottle for a science experiment. I told him no thanks if he thinks he's going to get me to beg for his literal trash.

No. 1996263

The bottom comic is just proving that they know what the problem is but don't want to actively fix it. They want women to fix it bc they hate that women are finding community and solidarity in their lived experiences.

No. 1996268

You sound like a kiwifag

No. 1996287

sorry for the ot, not only that but even if you ask it in THAT twisted way of desire, for example "ugly woman or pretty trans woman", they always choose the troon, dick and all because they can't stand the view of an average jane, it sickens me
they're all maggot-brained, chronically online freaks

No. 1996317

Men should constantly feel guilty for their subhuman sex until they actually make it a habit to shame and ridcule the subhuman ones.

No. 1996338

This is something I really don't understand about the men complaining that they feel so uwu guilty for being born a man. They never police themselves as a group. They just turn a blind eye to all the awful shit other men do. Either pretending it doesn't exist or justifying it some way. And then women are almost constantly trying to cancel each other for wrongthink.

No. 1996453

They want ass pats for being "one of the good ones" which usually means they do the bare minimum and if they police other men it would require them to be better people as a whole and bare minimum wouldn't cut it anymore.

No. 1996464

There's this user that keeps posting fetish content on a child friendly sub, and I kept reporting him so his posts would get removed by the sub mods who do remove them, but the reddit admins got upset at my report and issues a warning that I broke a rule of abusing the report function. I appealed the warning and explained the situation, and they still said I'm in the wrong and I will get banned if I keep doing that. I guess this proves reddit is moderated by pedos, perverts, and troons.

No. 1996499

File: 1715266936108.png (656.12 KB, 992x3499, totally not pedos.png)

I can't believe this exists, this is maybe one of the worst reddit threads I have come across. granted it's the foucault/butler associated philosophy subreddit. So basically the thread's topic is about how society cares too much about child abuse and how it targets gay and queer men. The rest of the thread uses semantics and philosophy to justify it and how us poor naive feminists are being used by the right-wing for caring about children.

No. 1996986

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AYRT, I managed to find her other (public) accounts pretty quickly and I can’t help but feel a weird sense of pity bc she seems unhinged and also claims to have been through a lot. She seems incredibly unwell

No. 1997510

File: 1715313310136.png (30.46 KB, 1269x247, b84e5828736828d4a3047eb53d6f2d…)

Someone makes a based comment (context was Pokémon update) and instantly edits it not to make the trannies angry. Pathetic. I wonder why did he realize it might make troons seethe kek.

No. 1997511

This and many other subs: why does a sub about fucking HOUSE PLANTS needs a faggot flag in the sub picture? Reddit moment indeed.

No. 1998241

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what is the disease that causes such bootlicking asslicking behavior like this?

No. 1998493

File: 1715396721892.png (618.9 KB, 1080x2054, 1000021875.png)

This is disgusting dear lord.

No. 1998499

>love of my life
>some obese fatass whose stinky asshole is too hard to reach beneath his fat folds

No. 1998506

When did eating assholes become so fucking normalized. I fucking hate porn so much.

No. 1998507

Imagine typing this unironically and not reconsidering all of your life decisions up to that point of your life and not thinking of the different, less harmless ways to commit suicide.

No. 1998520

Stockholm Syndrome cucks

No. 1998525

I’m guessing this is some fake ass horny posting because it doesn’t make any sense and all it does is paint a comical mental picture. Her being a small woman on a weight gain journey (??) would not make a difference to wether her tongue could reach his asshole

No. 1998614

Why does it even get posted in a bisexual sub, shouldn't it better go to a generic sex advice one?

No. 1998638

Why would you eat an asshole that deep there's no way it's getting properly cleaned. Ass eating is disgusting I don't respect anyone who does it

No. 1998709

File: 1715421756763.png (790.77 KB, 1000x667, 1000_F_198551053_k5FIUqo8JzBDO…)

I fucking hate these types of bisexuals for making it seem like shit like pegging men as a woman or licking their ASSHOLES when moids can't even properly wipe is normal bi behavior just because scrotes do it to each other. Like, no, being attracted to both sexes doesn't mean you have to be into ass play unless you're in a faggot relationship.
Why would a woman ever do this for a scrote??? Eating ass is already disgusting enough, doing it to a man is so prime retarded that I hope they all contract E. coli, cholera, ebola and whatever other diseases spread through shit because you just know men have dingleberries hanging in their asshole pubes

No. 2000189

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No. 2000192

File: 1715525926059.jpg (40.18 KB, 720x241, IMG_20240512_175806.jpg)

They fucking deleted it but that was all I said. Holy shit

No. 2000242

Every time
>types up the most ott gross out shit where every new detail builds up to give you the most unpleasant visuals possible
>edit: hehe I wasn't bragging about my totally cool sex life btw guys

No. 2000279

File: 1715529199169.png (370.13 KB, 778x495, rdtmd.png)

No. 2000290

File: 1715529457493.png (599.49 KB, 778x555, rdtmd - Copy.png)

No. 2000295

Thank you anon I feel a little better about losing my account lol. That place is a hellhole anyway I'm glad I'm free

No. 2000303

No worries Nonna, it's honestly such a shithole how normalised perversion is there

i stopped using it after being in a thread about something stupid like nessie or something, i accidently clicked on a persons name and the majority of their most recent comments were vile sexual stuff on adult subs

it's not just reddit other sites like imgur have it, like just now there is a post of a nun and her sister at the top of the site one of the top rated posts (like no2 or 3) is about masturbating to the photo

No. 2000374

pro tip, you can make your username something like killallmen and there's no way for other users to report it. been doing it for years without any bans.

No. 2000841

File: 1715565067153.jpg (109.94 KB, 686x497, Capture.JPG)

according to the comments, she has been with him for 8 years

No. 2000846

Moids are so ridiculous kek. Step studs can work at the gas station and door dash 80-100 hours a week and still celebrate mothers day with their partners and it's not even their bio kids. Moids will work a 9-5 in an air conditioned office acting like they just went to war and are incapable of doing anything else

No. 2001130

wtf is wrong with people, everything is called abuse.

No. 2002521

This isn't milk.

No. 2002689

Reddit will never not be the most blackpilling website when it comes to marriage and having children with moids. Why in god's name would I sign up for that lifestyle after reading countless stories of worthless scrotes who can't even be assed to buy flowers or a card for his wife and the mother of their children?

No. 2002803

File: 1715719426467.jpg (90.08 KB, 564x707, asukadisgusting.jpg)

>like his cheeks don't want me to get there
EXACTLY. this is nature herself telling you NOT TO GET IN THERE. people SHIT from there WHY would anyone WILLINGLY put their mouth anywhere close to it.
preach nonny

No. 2003329

File: 1715758786339.jpg (27.93 KB, 749x232, no one is attracted to bald mo…)


one of the most pathetic copes about balding i have ever seen in my life

No. 2003333

i got banned for telling someone who made a rape "joke" to kill themselves. i am literally IP banned from reddit. i've made 20 new accounts, all banned ever since. i have messaged support like 10 times and keep being ignored.
ngl i kinda miss my autistic female hobby subs.

No. 2003336

More reasons to castrate men

No. 2003374

I like how it's supposedly women who are always accusing men of abuse when in reality it seems to be the opposite. I always see men accuse women of abuse for simply calling out their lack of relationship effort where as women have to tip toe left and right before they even remotely hint that what he is doing is abusive

No. 2003387

Ive seen a v convincing theory which says that these people have literally intestinal parasites. And they spread mostly through the community of gay men by anal to oral "sex" infections. Saying they're both "bi" makes it possible that at least one of them slept with a gay man and got the worm as well. These parasites literally travel to the brain and modify behaviour too so it makes sense that it would awaken something so unnatural and non-pleasant to the host just to make sure it spreads further. A lot of polycules and other of these sex freaks have that and are trying to normalize it to the wider population, too.

No. 2003409

Girl… the worms don't spread to the brain, they live in feces. Pinworms are not controlling gay people.

No. 2003449

One of the worst things I've ever read was an article about a gay man who had some freakish 'no drug on earth can treat this shit' parasite that he caught though his love of rimming. Crying that a decade of his life has been constant bloody diarrhea, endless doctor visits, living on the toilet and barely functioning. Yet he's poly and still having strangers eat his ass coz hey a guys gotta have fun.

The brain rot doesn't come from catching these parasites, it was already there.

No. 2003460

There are several articles lately about doctors finding bacteria exclusive to the colon festering in people's mouths and bacteria meant only for the mouth inside of the colon, upping the risk of cancer and death lol and there were conspiracies about it being because of the ass eating epidemic. Could just be because of lack of dental hygiene. But sexual deviance isn't exclusive to gay men, just men in general.

No. 2003480

I hope ass eating/anal eventually kills moids. Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to "play around" with the place people poop from? Even literal shit eating animals know to only eat their own poop and not others. Any fag that dies from ass eating is just natural selection

No. 2003513

>lack of dental hygiene

I'm gonna go with this over ass eating. A shocking amount of people don't give a fuck about their oral health and don't realize that neglecting it is just as bad as being obese or a drug user.

No. 2004590

File: 1715809560498.png (170.04 KB, 1080x412, 1000045897.png)

libfem feels conflicted about supporting feminist movements in east Asia because they're "terfs". on a post about feminists being bullied in south korea

No. 2004636

>I feel bad about what the women go through in SK and they need a feminist movement, but that would mean excluding men by being a terf

No. 2004886

One of the worst threads I've ever seen was a changemyview post called "CMV: revenge rape is morally wrong". Exactly what it sounds, asking others to give him reasons to justify himself raping his girlfriend as revenge for breaking his things during an argument. Nobody wanted to give him any of course and he got progressively angrier that people were questioning his motives instead of telling him to commit rape. In response to "but why do you want your mind changed?" he answered "let's just say the power of boners".
His analogy for this situation was, if a fisherman cast his bait into the water, can you blame the fish for being caught? Him being the fish and the fisherman being his girlfriend for making him angry.
I wish I had screenshots but this was removed years ago.

No. 2004892

File: 1715832974156.jpg (124.36 KB, 1366x768, 1000016751.jpg)

Yeah, this is what anons mean when they say women get "cucked", because imagine being so mentally whipped by what men sexually desire, that you e even bother with eating out an obese, ugly, smelly, hairy man's poop-crusted, foul-smelling asshole. The most cruel lie moids give women in the dating scene is that ugly men deserve a "chance". They do not, and that reddit post (even if it's fake) is why.

No. 2004900

Rape is desire for power over another. Probably why men rape each other in jail. I can see a moids brain functioning like this.

No. 2004901

I hope it is proven to cause cancer to stop degens from being disgusting. Gag.

No. 2005160

kek ayrt is a crackpot but its a funny theory. and there do exist parasites which are known to alter behaviour in mammals (potentially including humans) like toxoplasma gondii. and the larval cysts of tapeworms can enter the brain. so honestly if they one day discover anon's crazy theory was right i would not even really be surprised.

No. 2005519

File: 1715884286191.jpeg (92.78 KB, 720x1066, received_424437443719172.jpeg)

Mundane but why bother if your boyfriend is that retarded. Let him get a good helping of beetus and free yourself.

No. 2005528

kekkkk, perfect next threadpic

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