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No. 1962884

Post about your employment status, successes, woes, anxieties, rants, etc.

Previous: >>>/ot/1801622

No. 1962890

Does anyone here have an art career? Not the fanart commissions type, the one you go to school for

No. 1962941

I know this is a broad question, but is the tech industry to oversaturated to enter now?
It's like there's been a huge boom in popularity for tech careers the past year.

No. 1963292

I think it's more that the industry has contracted as a result of lower investments due to the interest rate hike over the last 2 years. A lot of startups/tech companies are not profitable and have been kept alive purely through investments.

No. 1963299

No technology is a thing of the past

No. 1963352

Elaborate please

No. 1963707

Am the only woman at a 1 month old establishment, don't think management thought about gender when hiring, just chose solid candidates. We are small, and I like my molleagues on the whole, but every so often I lose it because there is this sense that 'the men are talking', and I feel completely invisible. How do I deal with this? It's like they can barely look me in the eye sometimes. I don't know how I can bring this up in a way that will be at all heard.

No. 1963711

No, but I went to school for Fine Art, and pretty much never had any hope of pursuing it as a career because it is so, so nepotistic and dirty as an industry. My best advice would be to find something adjacent such as management and integrate from there.

No. 1963761

I work as a graphic designer and grt paid well, if you count that as an art career. I do illustration work on the side and occasionally get to integrate it with client work.

No. 1963994

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Quoting bc post is in another thread:
>i work as a software developer and i hate coding. it’s so repetitive and tedious and i suck at it. i feel too stupid to have this job. i feel like i spend all day asking for help from my colleagues. i regret getting a compsci degree i want to rip my hair out god

How long have you worked as a software dev? It does get easier, though it doesn't really get better imo.

I'm past the painful "overreliance on others" phase, but I still constantly feel like I'm forcing myself to do something that I have no natural aptitude for. It's difficult for me not to feel extremely regretful, even though I'm really lucky that I'm able to perform my job satisfactorily well, that I get paid a decent amount and don't work long hours, and that I get to be fully remote.

I actually switched to CS on a bit of a whim after working in medicine a bit and realizing that I did not want to put myself through the rigor of med school just so I could be trapped in a high-responsibility and high-stress career by a mountain of debt. I ended up finding my CS degree substantially more emotionally taxing than doing a bio degree with pre-med stuff, but I chalked this up to the fact that my school's CS program was considered very good while the bio one was just middling. I imagined deluded myself into thinking that working at a corporation would be somewhat chill, and that I just had to make it through school, and I'd be alright. Working isn't quite as intense as school was, but the deadlines are never-ending, my least favorite parts of doing the degree are now my job, my coworkers are all male and are either afraid to interact with me or subtly flirtatious, and I now have to deal with a bunch of corporate nonsense.

You're always "learning," but this isn't usually learning about computer architecture, infrastructure, or programming languages. You're learning only as much of the cool and generally useful stuff as you need to scrape by while you instead dedicate most of your workweek and energy to memorizing the details of a sprawling, complex, and impossibly shitty machine cobbled together by people who often are even more confused and retarded than you are. And when that piece of shit has problems (and it constantly has problems), you are the authority on it, and you have to grit your teeth and take ownership of it and prostrate yourself before upset coworkers, even when you're given 0 resources to improve it. This shit seriously makes me feel like I am wasting my life.

I'm really not sure how long I want to stick it out. I'm not happy, and I feel like I am just not very naturally oriented towards tech and programming. I can do it just fine, but it requires immense effort on my part, and I feel like I'm a square peg forcing myself into a round hole, shredding off my corners every day by coming up with 1,000 coping strategies to get myself to be able to focus on work that I quite frankly find boring, exhausting, meaningless, and somewhat stressful.

Yet despite my struggles, the pay and QoL disparity between tech and everything else is so massive that I can't imagine that switching to a career in something like medicine would make me appreciably happier. I currently spend my workday being miserable, and I can't work on any personal projects, but at least I have the physical energy to cook and do chores. I don't have to waste a ton of time with a commute. I don't get that much time off, but I don't have to worry about getting my shift covered or anything. And I make more money than most people my age could dream of. (Unfortunately, it's not so much that I could both own a house and retire early, and I can't use it to travel any time soon because I can't afford a gap in my resume in this hyper-competitive job market.)

I feel like I'm in limbo and waiting for it to get better, for me to be able to reclaim the confidence and free time that I had when I was in college doing pre-med. But I don't see any clear path that would make it better, besides lucking out with one of those remote jobs where you do hardly any work. I feel so shitty and entitled for not being happy with what I have, but I am so frustrated that I have worked so hard, and I feel like this is the best life I can feasibly get.

This turned into quite the rant, but yeah. I'm sure some anons can commiserate.

No. 1964059

Just started a new tech job ( >>1961390 ) and I feel the same way, roughly. Except I'm the sole tech hire, I'm working on everything alone, my set up is weird because I have to speak to the company we outsource hell desk work to if I want to install anything (and they're retarded and difficult), etc. etc. etc. but the pay is great. My boss is cool. I get my own office, benefits are amazing, etc. etc. I could go on and on.

No. 1964370

I'm looking up articles about quiet quitting and quiet firing at my job, idgaf anymore.

No. 1964400

How is it going?

No. 1964408

If you're thinking of going to undergrad for CS then the problem will probably clear by the time you graduate. If you're looking into doing a boot camp or a career path that isn't related to programming, project management, or possibly UX design then forget it. Even experienced workers are having trouble finding jobs right now and new grads are screwed.

No. 1964447

It's making me feel justified. I should even come to the office with my 3DS and keep playing as soon as I'm done with the bare minimum. I'm seriously starting to suspect that the IT problems that started more than a month ago that's preventing everyone from working from home is done on purpose.

No. 1964453

nta but is the oversaturation going to last though? Our increasingly digital world that needs to be programmed by someone is going nowhere right? (I'm not into tech, just curious)

No. 1964498

How come? I don't know but my company has been kinda weird lately. These IT issue started as soon as my manager left for a month on sick leave for surgery, and the managers who started replacing her aren't even in our city. One is even in another country and harassing me with plenty of useless meetings to tell me how to do my job because I'm behind everyone in terms of kpis. Which happened because my team was shortstaffed, again. But the HR decided to not renew the contract of a guy I trained who worked very well for a year and a half so they would hire someone abroad who could be way less expensive. Now they're realizing this was a terrible idea way too late and I'm having fun making all these managers realize how retarded they are until my own manager comes back. My coworkers are sick of this shit too but I've had these issues for longer. Basically I think everyone thinks we're a bunch of retards who need to be micromanaged all the time so they don't want us to work from home anymore. New employees have a different contract that states they can only work from home after 6 months in the company and their first contract lasts 6 months so this is what makes the most sense imo.

No. 1964539

I think it will go through it's highs and lows, but I don't think "Just do this bootcamp for 6 months and you got a dev job" and "CS student getting a 6 figure job before even graduating" is coming back any time soon.

No. 1964601

I know this is a long shot.. but are there any fields/jobs that earn above average incomes and you can learn on your own in your free time or follow paid retraining programs for? What programming used to be like >>1964539 said I guess. Do blue collar jobs earn better now that everyone is over-educated and there's a shortage for them?

I went to school for my current job and I enjoy it, it's a comfy office job that feels meaningful, it earns me a stable enough living, but I realized I won't be able to make it out of the renting market on a single income in this field. Just wondering what my options are without going back to university full-time which isn't an option.

No. 1964628

No. 1965565

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Just started a job today and it's already exhausting. I feel poorly trained, and I am standing all day as a cashier. I dont mind that part of the job, but I am brand new to this system and don't know how the cafeteria food in this building works. So I have to ring people out for the correct amount or I can accidently over or under charge them. Like my trainer was nice, but she felt too busy to properly train me. I am hoping I am over thinking this, since it was day 1.
I have to be there at 6am, which sucks a lot. Other than that, the job itself isnt the worst. However, they have a ZERO PHONE policy, where I have to leave my phone in my car. I cant even bring it inside the building. The other locker that i put it in is half a block away and so for lunch, I either get to eat or spend the time running to get my phone from 2 buildings away.

I'm not gonna lie, nonnies, I am already dreading the rest of the week. I dont mind not using my phone for work, but to not even be allowed to have it in the same building i am in?? It's a little too much for under $18 an hour…

No. 1966042

If you have your lunch outside you can just put your phone in your bag, in a small pouch if neccesary, what are they going to do, search your bag like it's an airport?

Anyway look for something better while you work this job. I worked in administration for a while when I didn't have any qualifications and felt over and done with slaving away at manual labour jobs, might be worth looking into if you want to get something that's more comfy.

No. 1966052

I think my boss wants me to train the team in Python now that I’ve proved it’s useful to the job. My issue with this is that being the only person in office who knows Python makes me very useful. And it’s Python. A programming language. It’s not like I’m doing anything particularly complicated but if you all could pick it up then you would’ve picked it up long before I came in. Just let me do what I was paid for and let everyone else do what they were paid for.

No. 1966182

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ive been trying to get internships or a job now that im about to graduate and ive had very little luck every application is just getting sent into the aether. This job that seemed promising is now ghosting me. I dont think i have too shitty of a resume for a new grad. I have a bit of experience and a few certifications. this is so ass

No. 1966457

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Is learning javascript programming going to be worth it?
On one hand I'm good at basic computer shit and love autistic tedious tasks; and it seems fun so far.
But the other hand is that I'm nervous about how people say Computer science is a saturated field. The outsourcing as well as the new AI shit doesn't help either, as well as the mass lay offs.

All I want is a basic bitch office job but I feel like the only ones open are front desk receptionist and dealing with customers already sucks (especially boomers, its always older people throwing massive shit fits- I don't even think I met a karen/kevin who's under 40 years old).

Also during interviews, people suggest to lie about diversity so that you can get hired more easily. But I'm also seeing people say that they don't hire people with they/them pronouns and openly say that companies find them too hostile for the work environment. Everything is polarized and I don't know wtf the reality is anymore.

No. 1966503

Have you guys ever used chatgpt and other models to help you narrow down a career path? Or use it at work?

No. 1966509

I'm tempted to bring a bag with my phone but they are a high security place and I'm worried they'll fire me if I use my phone on site. It's insane since I have to use my ID to go through a scanner. I'm worried the scanner will pick up the phone and then I'll get in trouble. They have a super strict no phone policy for every single person that works there. It's definitely easier to find a new job at this point.

I timed myself today at lunch and it takes 5 mins to run to the first builder to get my phone from my locker, so I can only use it on lunch, not even break. Not even subtracting the minutes I spend getting to the time clock area, which is at the back of the kitchen. Place is wild. When will they learn taking away people's phones is really unreasonable? I dont even work in the security dept, just the cafeteria.

No. 1966899

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Nonnas my field finally has 3 spots open after waiting more than 6 months for an opening! If I don't get a spot I'll probably sign up for the navy or something.

I used chatGPT to clean up my CV by ordering it to make certain sections sound smarter. It just another tool that provides you with support and answers, as long as you know what to ask.

No. 1966989

Good luck to you anon, and to all the anons job hunting right now!

No. 1967013

Anyone know the best way to get out of retail right now, for someone that has worked the same retail job for the better part of this decade? What is something in high-demand that would be fairly easy to find a job in after getting an associates? There is nothing I particularly want to do, and I think I will miss my current job to some extent (I have been looking at jobs with a similar focus that I could use my experience for), but it's time for me to move on.

No. 1967018

I'm looking into getting an administrative job. Just gotta brush up on your excel skills maybe. I'm literally so exhausted from my new job that is menial labor, where I am on my feet 7.5 hours with only one break. I hope you get out of retail hell, nonnie

No. 1967077

That specifically require an associates? Nursing and allied health. But you don't need an associates to leave retail…

No. 1967121

Sales? But be careful because sales jobs are very often scams or 100% commission, so stick to reputable companies that pay a salary

No. 1967428

Any accountants / bookkeepers here? Do you like your job? I'm thinking about going back to school for this. Would be nice to get a position for the government, though my impression is that such jobs are harder to come by than more arduous public accounting positions. I know I would be very good at it. I'm not passionate about it, but I'd prefer it to something like programming, and I like being able to have a specific task and consistent directive as opposed to the 24/7 multitasking and intense amount of socialization and communication I am responsible for now. Working at a retail establishment without a functioning manager while sometimes operating as the ersatz backbone of the store is exhausting.

No. 1967853

>start job on the 27th of last month
>so i’ve been here a few weeks
>boss sends out mass email advising us to take a few vacation days because we’re entering our busy period soon
>but i’ve only been here a few weeks
would it…would it be wrong to take a day or two? i’m so new that it seems gauche but kek i dunno

No. 1967887

How long is the busy period supposed to be? If it's a full quarter or more, a day sounds fine, especially if you're new enough that you can't do much if too many coworkers are out.

No. 1967891

I'm also looking for this, but I've been out of work 6 months and graduated last year. At this point I may just look at a retail job again first and find something better while I'm at the other job. Stagnating around the house is poisoning me. But I'm totally afraid I'm gonna bomb interviews because my months of isolation I've felt have made me so socially inept. I just can't deal with a remote job nonnies, I need stimulation

No. 1967904

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What kind of job can I do if I have no degree and no real skills?

I did a lot of random shit over the last 15 years. Administration, book keeping, logistics, tech support, retail etc.. I also finished a few tech related courses but I'm still so new I can't apply as dev + there are absolutely 0 tech jobs where I am and moving isn't an option.

I feel completely lost because I wanted to go into tech but the market is so oversaturated and compared to someone with a degree no one would hire me. People keep telling me to get out of the country because I can speak multiple languages but what's the point if I have no skills?

No. 1968153

a completely retarded they/them i know who got fired from kotaku for posting dumb, shitty articles about racism (not actual serious racism just how dare this white person wear braids) landed a job at mihoyo simply because she can speak chink fluently. i think if you seem personable enough and are trainable you’ll get picked up as a polyglot

No. 1968533

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I periodically have to remind myself that my boss isn't my friend, and my "work friends" aren't my friends either. This isn't to say that I've been trauma dumping or open book-ing at work or anything, it's more I've been letting myself get very stressed out over acts I parse as "betrayal" or "unfair assignments from someone I thought to be a great manager who considered my time and emotional stability (lol)." And, logically speaking, they are good managers – these are objectively the best bosses I've had thus far – they just aren't my pals and don't otherwise have my good interest at heart past ensuring I can turn them a profit. And I mean, they do, but if they feel they can push me and I won't quite snap they will.

I'm not mad, I'm just processing. I'm really unused to the (proper) corpo world so it's jarring to run into these situations. If any of this makes sense or even gets read by anyone else do general vents about work even go here? Should I have posted in vent?.

I can't wait until Friday. Hopefully Thursday goes by in a blur and Friday follows suit. Everyone does fuck-all on Fridays here.

No. 1968591

I feel the same way. I have a hard time navigating the whole thing, as I get rather paranoid about the whole dynamic. I get along with and have shared interests with my boss, but he's kind of a weird guy and it's very hard for me to tell what he's thinking.
He often proposes that me, him, and another coworker play video games together in our free time, and I don't know what to make of it. I really don't want to be cynical about it, and on one hand I'm not, but I feel myself get way more emotionally attached than I'm comfortable with if I assume that he really just wants to foster relationships on my (admittedly very asocial) team. So in a way, it's easier for me to think that he's just approaching teambuilding in a manipulative but benign table-tennis-in-the-lunchroom way, but that just causes me to build resentment towards him and the general fakeness of corporate culture. However, we do have some good and genuine conversations, so it's hard for me not to run a little wild with that and want to open up and be understood by him, as mutual understanding and really getting to know a person is something that I value a ton, personally.

Ugh. I've gotten decently good at maintaining a certain distance, but I find doing it extremely emotionally unsatisfying. My bf has great, actual friendships with his coworkers, including his boss, and I'm so envious.

Also, I'm glad you posted here. No hate towards the job-seekers, but I mostly come here to try to get a feel for how people similar to myself are adjusting to entering the workforce full-time.

No. 1969125

I don't think this is a bad idea. You should try for a grocery store job at an upscale grocer. I always thought that sounded comfy and would try to apply for those positions before I got hired at my current store. Stocking shelves and meeting quotas seems like a fun little game.

No. 1969155


Samefag but I think I'm gonna go back to school (associates), with the goal of getting a government office specialist job. Sucks that it would look bad optics wise to get a new job now, if I intend to go back to school anyway. I don't want to ruin my streak of experience at one place (this is the longest I've held down a job), but I'm so tired of retail and all the stuff I must contend with at my store on a daily basis.

No. 1969158

Sorry, meant to reply to >>1967013

No. 1969280

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Has anyone made a move on a someone at work that you don’t work with (and don’t even know the name of)? How do you do it?

No. 1975771

Any advice for decent, legit remote jobs that can be done without any credentials? I'm going to be moving between countries twice this year so I am really hoping for a job that I can do from anywhere, but there are so many dubious wfh postings and I have no idea how to get picked when it seems like everyone and their dog also wants to work from home. I don't care what it is as long as there's consistent pay and it's not like something illegal or sexual, obviously, I have no college degree so I can't be picky. I just need a job…

No. 1976455

Mandatory company luncheon tomorrow and I don’t want to go. Especially since it’s BBQ and if shifts my usual lunch period to about an hour earlier, which means my day won’t be neatly bisected into two. This is objectively and subjectively the best job I’ve ever had, so complaining about it feels spoiled and silly but shit I can’t help it. I do not want to get picked at by nosy and bored coworkers reeee

No. 1976473


Have you tried Data annotation? It's boring work but they do pay, you have to pass the verification.

No. 1976498

Fuck this industry. There are fewer projects to work on, and others are being postponed to next year or the following year. I don't know where I want to work anymore, but I just want stability. Why does finding a suitable career have to be difficult? It doesn't help that we are in a recession or heading towards one or whatever these damn analysts call it. Nonas, I just hope it gets better. I feel miserable.

No. 1980957

I'm giving up on finding an office position now, and just applied for a janitor position in a hospital. Even though I got a degree in stuff dealing with business and computers, my social anxiety has ramped up so much over the past year that I literally cannot speak without stuttering. I wish this was a joke. When I had just turned 20ish I was fine, no stuttering, I could drive places and talk to people. Now I can barely leave my room and I stutter when speaking. I don't know what happened to me. Well, my anxiety is a lot worse and I'm sure being a shut in has put the nail in the coffin for me socially.
Anyways, I hope just getting a janitor position can help me get outside enough that I stop feeling so anxious about leaving the house and stuff. I also hope I don't have to talk to a lot of people. The job is in the hospital though. Has anyone else ever worked in a hospital like this before? Is it miserable? Is there anything I should say in a job interview there?

No. 1981489

You can try doing remote interviews just as practice with no intention of getting hired but if you happen to do so then that would be great. Even if you don't progress any of the applications, doing a number of online interviews you will find yourself improving gradually from one to the next. It could help get you acclimated to talking to people again

No. 1981785

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I'm fucking done with retarded corpo shit. Ever since I worked in a call center I just can't deal with the fakness that comes with a corporate setting, everyone is just smiling and lying. My fuse has become too short for this shit but I still have to interview with HR morons that are the same if I want to get a job anywhere.

The most recent stupid thing that happened in my job search:
>IT specialist job ad
>find out during the interview none of the work I'd do would be even remotely IT related

Why waste everyone's time like this? Just write you're looking for a fucking secretary or some shit oh my god. I wish I was actually skilled enough to be able to directly tell these people to go fuck themselves.

No. 1983403

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it finally happened! i quit my hotel job in January because it was abusive as hell, and ive finally been able to pull my old work bestie away from there as well and she has a may 7 start date at my current place! she's texting me about everyone's reactions to her leaving and its like i get to vicariously quit the hotel all over again through her. that place has pushed out all of its decent workers in the past year because anyone pulling their weight makes the managers feel bad about themselves. im so glad to have "rescued" her from there so now i can really say fuck that place w/o feeling guilty

No. 1983623

Has anyone benefited from networking or job seeking groups and seminars? I'm trying to spice up my LinkedIn and get a more professional job, but I got my associates last year, have only worked retail jobs prior and have a 7 month gap on my record from when I fell into a mental breakdown and had medical scares. I'm thinking I could benefit from those seminars only because I've been in a rut and I'm not prepared to interview for a fancier job or internship yet without some pointers, and I'd like to network and meet people.

No. 1984166

yes going to a conference helped me a lot but admittedly because i knew a girl working at the place i now work at who was also there and she told the boss who decided to give me a second chance after i was rejected two weeks after my first interview. it also helps that the girl they hired instead of me kept getting caught in lies and turns out she had a court date coming up for the next county over… who knew govt jobs don't always do a background check? unfortunately networking and serendipity go hand in hand i guess. but if you really want the job putting conferences/seminars on a resume definitely can't hurt as it shows interest. networking/job fairs are always good too, why not try and give it a shot

No. 1984168

samefag but if it helps i landed the exact job i wanted by shadowing + showing interest + going to a conference a now-coworker was at (i didn't know when i enrolled). i am only now graduating with my undergrad degree (it's literally a general studies degree too kek) and one previous job that is only somewhat related for five years. networking and luck are literally everything in my experience.

No. 1984949

Congrats nonna! I'm so happy that you two get to work together again. You won.
Don't. People still talk.

No. 1984953

Has anyone here done bartending? I'm 23 and am thinking about getting into it but I don't have a lot of experience working with alcohol.

No. 1984956

Don't. I did this and its not worth it.

No. 1985015

Yes. It's a fine job. Bottle/shot bars are the easiest. Learning how to mix a cocktail or pretending to care about craft beer or wine isn't that hard either. It's one of those jobs where if you learn how to do it right you naturally get fast at doing the work, but if you rush while you're learning you'll fuck up a lot later. Remember that every little bit of booze adds up at a bar and it all equals money; over-pouring will make your boss hate you and upselling will make your boss like you.
Hours are bad, not good for your health. Do not under any circumstance get in the habit of having drinks with coworkers after your shift is over, that is how you piss away all your money. Drinking after work will also destroy your sleep hygiene. People working in F&B disproportionately have drug and alcohol problems, it's not a baseless stereotype, do not pick up a coke habit or anything retarded.
Ask the existing staff how tips work before you step on toes. There might be a tip splitting system or a tipout system for bar-backs, dishwashers, servers, etc. Find out. You could be owed tips from servers for pouring/mixing drinks for their tables, you want to know that sort of thing.

No. 1985047

Thank you nona you give me hope. I graduated with an associates and was considering transferring to a diff university to do my bachelors this year since I think I will probably need one but I'd like to go to these things to meet people and see if I can slam my foot in the door and make an impression somehow. I'm in a tight spot and sick and tired of being unemployed but I want something better than the retail jobs I've had, one of which I stayed at for nearly 6 years. If all else fails I'll get another retail job and work through my bachelors and make connections there but I'm holding out that I'm not completely lost socially and networking will come through for me

No. 1985084

You are amazing, thank you nonnie. I appreciate you!

No. 1985291

nonnies who work in tech, which is valued more? Associate degree or certs like Comptia or Google?
I'm looking at getting certs (working on degree rn) but not sure if it's as required as entry level job listings make it seem

No. 1985321

assuming you're talking about IT, I got an associate's and ended up needing to get A+ certification anyways even though my degree taught me far beyond that level. It's a hard requirement for most entry-level jobs (and yes, even with degree only the most basic entry jobs would take me without experience). Also I've been told many times that years of working help desk trumps a degree or certs every time in this field, basically only reason to get a degree is because some schools are partnered with companies that scout new hires from the graduates. For my school, that was an AI company who made you take specific AI classes for a job and I don't want to work with AI so it was basically useless
Finish your degree since you're already doing it and it won't hurt, but if I could do it all over I'd get A+, maybe Net+ or Security+, practice setting up a server/homelab project or fixing broken PCs so I have something to put on the resume, and then start looking for a super entry level tech support job. Easier said than done since getting hired with no experience is hell, but doesn't that go for all fields? Also if your school has an IT or programming club join that, recruiters love that stuff. I don't think getting a degree helped at all tbh and spending that time working would've done more for me.

No. 1985331

Thank you I shall take your words to heart
>practice setting up a server/homelab project or fixing broken PCs
That's already my hobby 24/7 kek so I wouldn't have trouble there
Gonna sound nitpicky but my biggest filter for me is all the really specific details like what voltage on your laser printer balls or whatever other nonsense.
I know why they question it, it's just annoying to memorize but that's another issue entirely outside of getting certs

No. 1985352

I'm currently job-hunting, but am the type to literally never wear makeup (tried it less than 5 times previously). I've been doing it for interviews but I"m worried that I'm so fucking inept at it that I'm just making myself look worse/stupid.

Should I skip makeup entirely or does it still really matter to put in the effort?

No. 1985356

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I hate how long getting a job actually takes. 1 month of waiting for them to close the application window, weeks for them to read everything, more weeks or potentially months for them to respond and set up an interview and then waiting for vetting to clear, all while you're jobless.

I think it depends on the job and how clean/healthy you look. Clean and moisturised nails, tidy hair and fitting clothing should look professional enough, but tinted lip balm and neat eyebrows will elevate it.

No. 1985410

Nonnies I had a great interview today, I feel like I really connected with the hiring manager. Would it be bad form to send a connect request on LinkedIn?

No. 1985413

Why is finding a weekend job so fucking hard??? I'm also disgusted at how low pay so many minimum wage jobs have for FULL TIME positions, granted i am not looking at those jobs. How do people live like that and how can anyone think that wage is acceptable for a full grown adult?

No. 1985415

Any law adjacent employees here? id love to hear your stories. Considering becoming a paralegal.

No. 1985418

Id start with a thank you email for the interview!

No. 1985442

I’m a legal assistant currently. I would say it’s a good job at the beginning of your career, but if you don’t intend to go law school, it’s kind of a dead end. If you are interested in law school, definitely work at a law firm first though. So many attorneys are miserable people because they chased money and prestige and aren’t cut out for the 60+ hour work weeks many of them are expected to work

No. 1985459

Law nona, some advice please. I'm in criminology as my hobby degree and I really enjoy it but our teacher tells us to pursue a law degree after wards (which would take me 2 years because many classes overlap) otherwise seeking employment will be hard. Is there truth to this?

No. 1985515

I don't wear makeup to interviews or the office either and I know at least a few other women in my workplace who don't (though of course there are more that do). So long as you look presentable, groom yourself and dress appropriately you should be fine. Makeup is not part of grooming unless you're like a flight attendant or something

No. 1985559

I'm not legal assistant anon, but I have a friend with a criminology degree. She's had real bad luck finding work after finishing school. It's been a couple years. Feels bad.

No. 1985664

Any suggestions for summer jobs for students that are office or WFH based? Or otherwise don't involve manual labour all day?

No. 1985668

Call center

No. 1985681

Don't listen to this post. Call center is one of the worst jobs out there.

No. 1985685

I worked for a call centre during the pandemic, making appointments for vaccinations. That was a pretty chill job. When people say call centre jobs are terrible, do you mean outbound only or is that also true for most inbound call centres?

No. 1985697

Nta but outbound call centres are the worst!! Inbound is not that bad just sometimes you get people who ring up to moan but outbound you are basically paid to harass people so they all hate you when you ring, don't do outbound

No. 1985721

It's ok as a summer job because you'll leave right before it becomes unbearable but it also depends on what the calls are to begin with too.

No. 1985872

Thanks sweet nonna!

No. 1985881

Currently pursuing my Bachelors of Law, finishing my first year. Any advice?

No. 1985926

Ayrt, I didn’t study in criminology, so I’m not really sure, sorry nonna. I double majored in political science and history. Humanities seems to be a fairly common prelaw track since it’s a lot of reading and writing. But honestly it doesn’t matter too much what you studied undergrad—what matters most is getting a good gpa and doing well on the lsat so you can get into a top 10 law school. The law field is very elitist, and it does matter where you studied at

No. 1986060

I'm in an interview process that's taking so damn long, it's been a month already and there's still another last step next week plus another week for them to tell me if I've passed. Granted that it's an enormous tech company but still, is that even normal? For my curent job I think that it took me not even a month from application to getting hired, I'm climbing up the walls with anxiety.

No. 1986087

NTA but all call centres are soul sucking. Outbound call centres are their own special circle of hell, but inbound ones aren't great either. You always get customers calling to bitch about their order because one item is two shades off what they saw online or complain that they have defective internet because they can't connect their books to their Kindle. You get customers threatening suicide to see if they can get away with not paying bills. You get retards who rant at you because they dialed the wrong number and it's your fault somehow. It's doable if you don't give a shit but it does get to you.
Outbound call centres, not even once.

No. 1986109

I'll be real with you. I work at a call center that requires inbound/outbound calls, but it's related to mental health and welfare resources. It can be absolutely great and fulfilling, but most of the time I feel like the whipping person for the state. I get to take all the abuse from people frustrated about how the government is run.

No. 1986149

inbound is terrible as well, but it greatly depends on with whom you're working. when I did enterprise technical support over the phone, I worked mostly with businessmen and technicians who were always really pleasant to talk to. Working customer service for a bougie skin-care company was a completely different story…

No. 1986153

A bit of a late response but in my experience there will always be work for people who can actually code and can communicate well. There's so many turboautists and morons who try to use ChatGPT for everything polluting the candidate pool and that's why it seems like the field is saturated. My company's had a tech position open for years and had probably hundreds of candidates apply but most of them are filtered out by the most basic of programming tests or can't control their autism enough to pass an interview if they do succeed.
My company wouldn't hire a they/them in a thousand years but we're a small business. A large business might have drunk the Kool-Aid and pick up a they/them diversity hire. It probably depends who you're applying to.

No. 1986155

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Ugh, all the signs of targeted layoffs have hit my org. The chances that I'd be cut are slim but I also wouldn't be totally shocked if the entire org were wiped out. Tech needs to stop shitting the bed.

No. 1986160

I don't work at a call centre but do take some inbound calls as part of my job. It's not that bad if the people calling are other businesses since they usually know their shit before they pick up the phone and are less likely to be a pain in the ass than dealing with the general public. We do have some annoying ass people that call here that we all hate but for the most part it's not too bad. I find the shitty coworkers who slack off and don't take their calls more aggravating than the customers tbh

No. 1986195

Anybody had any experience with catalog modeling? I think I have the right body/face for it, and I know I'd have to reach out to some agencies, but IS it worthwhile? Will it wreck my health?

No. 1986321

>Tech needs to stop shitting the bed
It isn't though. It's exploding. You're just feeling the repercussions of your own labor as AI replaces everyone whose job requires a low level of cognition.

No. 1986490

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i accidentally missed one of my shifts cause i read my schedule wrong now as punishment my job isn’t going to be scheduling me. i’ve never missed a day of work, i always show up on time etc i feel like this is a little outrageous of a “punishment” i know my manager doesn’t really like me but do any nonas have similar experiences? i work at a retail mall clothing store so it might be different

No. 1986545

This happens to me (i do flagging) and honestly just work for someone else or be straight up about it. Theyre fucking with your pay and thats NOT ok.

No. 1986910

I just hate working. I loathe it. I hate how burnt out I get from it. Every time I feel I'm hitting a good work/life balance, the exhaustion starts. I only have 3-4 months of hard work in me at a time, and then I just completely check out. Fuck existence, being forced to partaking in working makes me want to off myself.

No. 1986911

You clearly have no experience with or perspective into the industry.

No. 1987525

Sick of the fucking job search. I've made it to the final interview twice now. Someone said that perhaps I need to be more friendly (I'm autistic). Well, I'll keep it in mind, but now I'm not even getting interviews.

No. 1988015

My internship used to be pretty okay and I used to be able to learn things, but since the company entered a more intense phase of some big organisational changes, it became so fucking awful. I alternate between having nothing to do because I need several people to get back to me (and they don't, so I need to spam them) to having way too many vague tasks at once, and most of them aren't in my actual job description. Everyone is stressed, so many people are leaving, the team gets blamed by higher ups despite not being in charge of any of the things that are going wrong (but shareholders don't care and giving us additional, stupid work makes them happy!). I don't have a job lined up after this but I constantly consider quitting before my contract actually ends because this is such a shitty, anxiety-inducing experience and I'm tired of having to pretend I'm having a good time. I feel so sorry for the people who planned to keep working here for years and are getting fucked over by all the changes, too.

No. 1988026

I had to do inbound for a couple years at my medical office job, until calls were redirected to an actual call center because the number of them was overwhelming. It is hell, people are very mentally unhinged in any job where you work with the public in person too but they act out way more on the phone. I had to hang up some calls because they were so mental. You also get a lot of people who think you have all the time in the world trauma dumping on you while you're running on a clock. This doesn't happen as frequently in person because they feel the pressure of everyone else waiting in line and staring, but on call they can't feel it so they dc.

It gave me phone anxiety and I seriously don't miss it, I can't imagine outbound or doing sales. I'd probably crumple up and die.

No. 1989433

>overhear boss speaking to the contractor guy who used to hold my position
>”if she doesn’t work out, we’ll definitely be in touch!”
uhh should i be worried

No. 1989621

Samefag. Went to a job seeking group and it was helpful. Nobody in my industry unfortunately but everyone was so nice and supportive, and I'll be going back next week and to a couple more events. I may try and find a temp job to earn some extra cash in the meantime as well so I guess that'd be back to the retail grind for a bit but it's less soul sucking than being at home and feeling hopeless. For the first time in a long time I feel a little spark of confidence in myself.

No. 1990281

This is kind of random but can my job refuse to give me my paper paycheck during work hours? It’s something I always do when I finish all my orders, but today they refused and told me to come back when I am off the clock. Idk the whole exchange made me kinda salty

No. 1990307

No you shouldn't be worried, just do the job 1% above the work you expect to put in and you may very well be better than the previous guy

No. 1991587

>My company's had a tech position open for years and had probably hundreds of candidates apply but most of them are filtered out by the most basic of programming tests

Are there positions out there for front-end development at least? I'm not smart enough to handle security and shit.

No. 1992610

Looking for a new job after my moid of a boss told me to 'shut the fuck up' because I was telling him I was displeased he got a temporary worker to take MY overtime. I didn't want to work this weekend but he should have given me the option instead. He told me 'not to worry about it' but WTF?

No. 1992962

Now he's making me do OT even though there's nothing to do and the temp is also doing OT rn. Fml

No. 1993477

update kek. they called me and ended up firing me. apparently i had 3 other upn violations (what the fuck even are those??) and that was the 4th one so they had to terminate me. this is retarded

No. 1993494

Is it normal for my body to be rigid after work? It hurts all over, like i've been keeping my muscles taut the whole day. I wonder if it's due to subconscious anxiety? And so instead of showing it onoutside, your body processes it inwards? It doesn't feel good…

No. 1994178

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Nonas i think i'm going insane, i need to leave my ghost city but i need to find a job to save money to do it.
The issue is that this place has nothing but family owned supermarkets and bars, there are some private doctors, saloons, one weird doorknob shop, one tailoring shop, some schools, some flower shops, even the hospital is failing even though i'm supposed to live in an important city.
It's a complete ghost town, any shop that opens closes, everytime i could find a job was somewhere out but i couldn't keep up with it because the train and bus services suck here.
I'd appreciate any tip but i'm really considering just looking for something online but i'm not sure what i have to look for, i thought that maybe after covid there would be more things like that but is it possible to get something stable out of it? I like to draw in my part time but i really want to keep that for other projects i have and not commissions.
I feel so awful, i've moved here since i was a kid and not even my mother could find a job here, my father worked in another city but ofc he had to leave my family.

No. 1994201

I recommend getting an online job to save up some money. Commissions can be good, but you would only be drawing the most degenerate porn so keep that in mind. It would be better to get something in customer service and save up a little money, then you can move to a big city and get an in person job.
Once you get to the big city, hotels are an easy starter job, but nursing homes normally also need people to make beds and bring the patients snacks. Worst case scenario, fast food is always hiring. You'll have to start out with several roommates (try to shoot for only female roommates), but as things get better and you get a better job, you'll make money and be able to move to better neighborhoods.

No. 1994293

>Commissions can be good, but you would only be drawing the most degenerate porn so keep that in mind.
What even kek… You can do commissions and not do any porn, it's not an issue.

No. 1994303

Not true. Porn gets the best highly paid commissions unfortunately, she should shoot for the furry community

No. 1994420

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I have an interview for an internship at a museum, my coworkers are already talking like I've bagged it but if I don't get this it will crush my soul

No. 1994628

I finally got a high paying job after 1.5 years of either getting ghosted or rejected, but I'm so nervous about fucking it up. My role is high intermediate/low senior and while it's nice to get a pretty good salary (40% increase) I hope I can survive the probation period. It's only the third week and man, I'm feeling some heat already, whether that is my own personal pressure or company pressure or both.

No. 1994923

Im losing my job at the end of the month, It's because the company is losing money but of course there is no accountability for how the money has been spent on useless digital tools or even worse, useless higher paid staff. We have one member of staff paid the highest in my team and all they do is write a newsletter once a month. Another, at the same level as newsletter staff doesn't even do half of their job because, and I quote, 'they don't like doing it' and they just get away with it. They're so top heavy as an organisation it's crazy.

I was told my job was chosen due to what it says on my job description, on paper, so anything I've actually done or gone above and beyond for never mattered. It's so shit. Now I have to start the job search all over again.

No. 1994924

We received an update status on the company two days ago, because our department couldn't attend the meeting three weeks ago (due to illnesses and people's days off, we were only two out of six in our team that work with customers face to face and had to be there to… y'know, do our fecking job).
CEO complains in the status update about staff costs being 2,6 million in our company which my department and colleagues are definitely not seeing the color of with our 18-21k/year salary kek and "really thinking about replacing people who quit to first use the synergies in the teams better" aka give the responsibilities of the person who quit to the next mule in the team that still had their own shit going on and wait until they snap and quit themselves, rince and repeat ad vitam eternam, but is fine with paying a prestige office floor with view over the whole city for almost a quarter million a year in a building that's breaking from the inside out (the old plumbing in the toilet smells of sewers, there are only two elevators out of six that really work, glass/plexiglass panels coating the facade have been falling down and being a hazard in town for the last 15-20 years). And now they're being reluctant to stay in the prestige floor because the company renting the floor raises the price by 42%. Upper management should have seen this coming since 2021 when the real estate prices were way more affordable and already looked at other office buildings to move to.
But nah fam, the real problem is the 2,6-2,7mio in staff costs, of course. Sure.

No. 1995200

Is applying for the same job 2 days in a row, bad? Annoying? I just want an interview

No. 1995208

didn't get the job cause I sperged out in the interview. sorry but the (40 year old) moid who interviewed me asked if I like star wars and I knee-jerked a "NO" and said "I'm a James Bond girlie"
kek but also lmao, fuck

No. 1995756

nona you sound fun and he sounds like a boring dork, don't let it get you down

No. 1995989

Opened linkedin and saw my successful peers being successful. I can't do this shit nonnies

No. 1996032

try to remind yourself there are plenty of other things in their lives that can be stressing them out or making them miserable

No. 1996055

Thank you ♥

No. 1996714

It’s been two years since I was wrongfully terminated from my last job and now had the courage to anonymously shit on it (with minor changes to my position ‘cause I’m still a pussy) on a job board.

No. 1996734

kind of weird and I havent personally tried it but DataAnnotation is a remote company where you rate AI-generated code and critique it. My friend got paid through it recently. Maybe you can pass code through to chatgpt and ask it to critique kek, there's a lot of "AI-rater" jobs getting posted nowadays.

No. 1997573

Corporate job trainings bore me to tears. I'm doing one for a new job right now and it's several employees droning on for over 100+ slides full of pseudoscience mumbo jumbo for 8 hours per day, save for an occasional break out room but those are just annoying and confusing. The things HR and execs do to justify their salary…

No. 1997574


I have been doing DA and I can vouch for it. It is good money if you are on the coding side.

No. 1997617

It's still about $20 a hour none coding, you just need to fact check huge swathes of text

No. 1997629


Yeah I know, I get non-coding as well. Just letting them know because coding can go up to $40/hr. I don't think this job is sustainable full-time and as a single source of income, but still a pretty neat side gig. I've had other gigs but they were all just literal beer money. Never seen one pay this high for work that quickly lucrative.

No. 1998314

Any advice for people wanting to juggle 2 remote jobs, 1 local and 1 foreign? I'm trying to look for extra work for a foreign company as a virtual assistant/captioner but having a hard time looking for postings that aren't unreasonable out the ass with regard to qualifications. Any ideas for other positions to apply for?

No. 1998841

Kind of a strange question but my dad (who I live with) was arrested recently, and I'm just wondering if that would affect an upcoming work-related background check for me?

No. 1998846

Unless you’re looking to work for the feds, most companies don’t check on relatives and just focus on your background

No. 2001280

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How cringe is it to put "Youtube Content Creator - Self Employed" on a resume?
I've been leaving it out, but the gap that creates looks like absolute trash because Youtube was almost all I did from 2018 to 2021.
The jobs I'm aiming for are just part time ones like data entry/hotel receptionist/waitress, nothing fancy. If the rest of my resume wasn't so fucked I wouldn't even be stressing about this as much as I am, but alas, it is.
The thing is, I can easily spin what my channel was about to sound good, but if anyone asks for its name I'm fucked kek. The videos really weren't professional, and I feel like being a full time Youtube content creator is unusual enough for the interviewers to comment on it and want to know more. I learned many valuable skills from it though, and the videos took a lot of work, so I'm leaning towards including it. It's not like I was unemployed during that time.
What do you workfag nonnies think? Leave it out? Include it? Kill myself? I just don't know.

No. 2001291

Maybe don't include the youtube part to make it sound more vague? Just say you were a self employed content creator and what skills you learned through it. If they ask about your channel you could say that you deleted it after quitting or that you don't want to talk about in detail because the content itself isn't relevant to the job, only the gained skills are. There's probably no way they could find it anyway

No. 2001292

idk nonna…can you say 'internet resource maker? hopefully that works better

No. 2001294

I'd suggest to make the title sound more formal, use something like developer, producer, or generator instead of creator.

No. 2001302

I think it would only work out if you were willing to link to your YouTube channel and if you were clearly putting out well-made content at a decent rate. It's OK if it doesn't have many views, but it should feel like it clearly has appeal to some audience and it should not feel immature.
It would still turn a lot of employers off, but it's also a great hook for hiring managers that value having interesting people to work with that can clearly self-motivate.

No. 2001345

I'm worried they'd think I was an e-whore if I made it sound really vague kek. At least with a monetized Youtube channel it's clear that my videos were normal enough for ads to play on them, you know?

Hmm. Producer sounds pretty good. Or maybe Internet/Content Marketer or something…? Thanks for the suggestions, it sounds a lot less cringe than Content Creator.

I got a good amount of views back then, which is why I used it as my main source of income for some time. Unfortunately the content was immature lol, so the thought of an employer watching it makes me want to die of embarrassment. I started the channel when I was in my early 20s and still kind of retarded, and I can't really delete any of the older vids because those are the ones with the most views.

No. 2001719

Is DA genuinely not a meme? I've been desperate for another side gig to cover rent because 6hr+ shifts outside the house are too much for my back. How many hours per day/week do you usually get to do?

No. 2001747

What kind of certificates can you get where you can get a decent paying job? I know that sounds extremely retarded and really the only way to get a decent job is going through higher education (4 year university), but I mean jobs where it’s sort of like data entry/assistant/front desk but in areas of housing/buildings. Idk they just seem really hard to crack in without at least 2 years of certification/education.

No. 2002256

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Has anyone here switched fields successfully? How did you do it and how much time did it take? Also, which field did you go into?

No. 2002273

Typically something blue collar related like trucking or something like an ultrasound tech or so. Be careful for different scammy schools though (usually community colleges) since a lot of those programs have quotas to fail a certain amount of people out

No. 2002276

Just switched from Engineering to a Business Analyst role. I’d say it took around 6 months. I took a data analyst nano degree program (comprised of 3 intensive courses) during those months to brush up my analysis skills (sql, tableau, python). I also crafted my resume according to the job descriptions of jobs I applied for. Tried my best to draw parallels to the job roles with my previous role. I prepped hard for interview questions. Be prepared to answer why and what motivated you to make a career transition and make it sound good. I also had my projects (my coursework) to showcase on standby although the interviewers never end up asking because they were pleased enough with my other answers.

No. 2002321

I spin my indie gamedev as being a freelance graphic designer/illustrator for other people's games. No one has ever asked to see examples (since my actual design portfolio is enough). I'd go with "Freelance video editor" or something like that; you can pretend you were editing for other youtubers rather than yourself so they don't ask for links (but really, most people don't care).

No. 2002399

would become an ultrasound tech or even pharmacy tech but the amount of horror stories and pain my mother has endured for years working in the healthcare system makes me want to stay far away, it’s worse if you aren’t a protected employee like a doctor or higher-up

No. 2002427

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I want to get a second degree and change careers, so nonnas employed in these areas:
- Anthropology
- Philosophy
- Art/art studies/whatever it is that americans call it
- Psychology
What is your actual job? How related is it to your degree? Do you like it?

No. 2002450

>museum in my city is hiring top dollar for art restoration professional
>remember 10 years ago when my family shit talked me that art studies and conservation isn't a real career path and pushed me to study accounting by only offering financial support if I listen
>feel bittersweet but happy that someone will have an awesome job in such a cool institution

Don't listen to family that tells you to be practical and not specialize. Being a niche specialist just means you might have to move, but you will always be sought somewhere. Being a practical generalist normie means you will always have competition, sometimes 10k+ competing applicants.

No. 2002459

don’t believe in this anon’s lies. took her 10 fucking years for luck to break out with her basket weaving degree. sell out and choose a job/education that is in-demand

No. 2002468

One of the guys on my job site thinks I'm really shitty at what I do but honestly I just don't like him so I half ass everything I do for him kek

No. 2002470

I think you might need to re-read it.

No. 2002472

Meant with degrees in these areas not employed in these areas gdi

No. 2002474

you missed sociology and any "studies" degree

No. 2002487

One of my colleagues is obsessed with chatGPT, he bought a subsciption to like the most recently released, non-public version and makes it do his job. He's also "learning programming" in one of the classes he's taking for a programme our organization put him into, and by learning I mean he feeds their home works and class assignments into ChatGPT and gives it back. He's always excitedly telling me what "he" managed to do with the help of ChatGPT, by prompting it for like 4-5 work hours because I'm known to fuck around with scripting some of my tasks, obviously it's some very sub-amateur shit I do for fun.
He's always beaming with pride and I don't want any workplace conflict, but I don't know how he can pretend he learned anything or that he's gaining any skills when he doesn't modify any code himself, he just prods this AI for hours until it can produce a passable result. I've used openAI to mine some texts, so it's not like I'm an absolute luddite, but this shit seems ridiculous, and I don't know how can he not see he's only hurting his own competence by letting this AI-assisant do all of the "thinking". Is this really the future? Will people just not do any studying because they trust the AI will be able to do it? It's fucking bleak and I want to slap this guy

No. 2002501

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I just found out that my job ends at the end of the month. Is it bad if I feel bitter towards the people who decided I should be fired? I’m a contract worker who was told from the start that it would evolve into a full-time offer due to a hiring freeze. Then the VP in charge got fired and replaced, and now the new VP & CFO said that all contractors have to be terminated at the end of the month. The funny thing is that this only came into question because my director tried asking her if I could be brought on full-time yet. Thank god I have another job already lined up at a way bigger company with way more growth opportunities and it’s lining up perfectly so I won’t be unemployed. Still feels like shit because I was really excited for this lady to replace the old VP, only for her to ultimately fire me.

No. 2002503

I am going to start college soon, for accounting. I am scared because i am retarded, definetly dumber than the average person. There is a high chance i might fail and lose years of my life.

No. 2002527

I believe in you nona. Even if you're a little slow, if you put in the work put in the hours you can finish it and have a successful career.

No. 2002548

It's 85% good habits, effective studying and preserverance, your actual intelligence matters much less than you think it does. You can do it, good luck!

No. 2002586

A bit worried about an interaction between me and a student. He started bringing up xxxtentacion, that loser dead midget faggot rapper who ruptured a womans internal organs by sodomising her with a bbq implement. I calmly told him I didn't want to discuss people who hurt women in my class. He mentioned him again and I just repeated what I just said again, and then he said 'he didnt do that' like who the fuck do you think you are? I calmly asked him to step outside the classroom and he's made a formal complaint about me. Wtf.
Pretty sure none of the other kids would think I was out of line and hoping if it came to it then they would come to bat for me but wtf seriously. And yes he has said misogynistic things before, saying loyal women do not exist and asking me if I would leave my husband for Chris Hemsworth. (Hubby is exponentially better looking).

No. 2002599

Do you teach high school? He sounds like the kind of retarded chatterbox I couldn't stand even as a student myself. If you can, tell him to stop wasting class time and that no one cares what he thinks.

No. 2002605

Exactly like why are you trying to derail the lesson to defend the reputation of a dead rapist? If you idolise him so much then why don't you go and die like he did? Men get so pissed when they can't control other people's beliefs about some retarded faggot who they worship for fuck knows why

No. 2002692

Most teenage boys think xxx was a retarded faggot anyway so I bet he gets bullied among his peers for it.

No. 2002814

I have nothing to contribute other than to say imagining one of my middle or highschool teachers saying
>loser dead midget faggot rapper
made me kek

No. 2003117

i would say video editor

No. 2003454

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Does anyone know about business fraud, or could ask someone who does? I'm seriously considering sending in an anonymous IRS snitch form about my current work. It's a 501c3 college.

>last year we lost a ton of support staff and most are now assuming an accreditation issue started in October due to other issues
>my boss suddenly quit
>boss was necessary staff, mid-semester, it's a mess
>administration hires a new lady
>full-time job, great, we just need someone
>Oh no she's a massive bitch
>she's 8 months pregnant
>immediately leaves in November for maternity leave saying she'll be back in February
>she never came back
>good riddance
>we sincerely thought she quit
>in the meantime we got a temp boss
>she's great, may as well full-time her because other bitch isn't showing up
>turns out our departments are bullying my temp boss threatening that the full-time lady will show up
>also turns out the full-timer was hired on immediately, no temping, and has been collecting maternity leave money and a salary this entire time
>she has been completely AWOL unless she's exclusively talking to people above my head, which isn't a huge group
>that position is supposed to schedule hours for me and a few others, and she's done none of that, temp boss and another temp have been doing it, which has honestly been good
>last thing full-time lady ever asked me to do was double-booking me for 2 shifts and not paying for 2x the hours
>I just found out about the full-time pay yesterday

Other semi-related issue is one of the upper managers let slip that their employment is "an arrangement" because they're full-time elsewhere. They're paid benefits and full-time salary while not feasibly working those hours at the school. I'm less familiar with that one though since it's possible they're massively overworked, which is another problem by itself.
Is this considered kickbacks? Is it legal at all? Another similar school went under a few years ago for shit like this and there seem to be ongoing issues at the top, so if I did anything it won't overshadow their current circus. I'm already in the process of leaving this job, and nobody here was a reference, so I have nothing to lose, but I do have more info access than I should. There's a mess of other problems but this was the most transparent money-related one I've seen.

No. 2003672

Based nonna. Even better gaslight him, make everyone talk positively about you and how much of a good job you do around him so he's never believed kek

No. 2004322

I used to do Instacart a few years ago and want to get into it again on the side. Even though it barely paid and the stores were always out of everything (this was during COVID), it was easy and I like working independently. But I go to the grocery store so much I know the regular Instacart shoppers. They are either disabled in some way or otherwise seem low income. And I feel guilty taking the work from them when I have a source of income.

No. 2004337

I’m autistic, so I get services that help me find a job, and I think I found the perfect one! Right now, I’m going for a simple receptionist job. I still need to go through training, but I am shedding my neet status!

No. 2004345

Good for you, good luck! I liked being a receptionist, it's not stressfull and not mind numbing boring either.

No. 2004404

have to clock in from lunch soon and i just don’t want to do it. nobody really wants to work and i understand i’m not special but god i don’t want to engage in meetings that could be emails. i thought everyone was joking but this really does happen in corpocuckville, you need to spend 3 hours listening to someone work out their problems by using you as a soundboard and basically run over themselves.

No. 2004423

Month 4 of being unemployed. Not a single call or even rejection email. I just want to give up but, money and bills.

No. 2004424

I live in a cold place where I can wear long sleeves and pants even most days in summer, but in June my company is going on a conference to a really warm country and people are planning to go to the beach, hang out by the pool and bathe. I'm really terrified of showing my skin, because I had a severe skin condition through my childhood and teenage years that has left most of my body with scars, and the rash still flares up a lot on my legs and arms. It's not pretty. People think I've been a burn victim. I'm the newest hire at this job and I've managed to click nicely with my coworkers on a surface level, but I want to avoid anything that might make me seem weird or awkward. Would you nonnies be more weirded out if the new hire remained covered up the whole time, or would you be more weirded out to see her skin being all mangled and blotchy? I want to avoid bathing at all cost, but shorts and a t-shirt while hanging out by the pool could be okay. I'm probably overthinking this, but I've managed to avoid having my condition seen in public for so many years I don't know how people would react.

No. 2004433

Can't you be like "oh no I don't like the beach/swimming I'd rather go shopping/experience culture hahaha~"

No. 2004441

Is anyone here in nursing? I’m planning on going to school for it because of the nightshifts and 12hr days. I used to do dental assisting, software dev, and childcare. I’m extremely short so I’m worried about lifting patients who are 2-4 times my size. Could I get around this by working with children? Maybe babies? School nursing would interesting it just pays so low. I feel very comfortable in medical settings I just worry my size is going to make the job impossible. When dental assisting I struggled because the chairs did not fit my body. I had to stand for every operation. Holy back pain!!

No. 2004504

They'll probably hang out at the pool during the day, so maybe you could pretend like the unusual weather and sun beaming down on you gives you a headache? And then join them when they go out to mostly indoor activities and in the evening. I think hanging out fully clothed by the pool is weird, but it's pretty normal at the beach.

No. 2004505

I have scars and I cover my whole body all year round. I've been asked at work why I dress that way and I'm pretty upfront that I have issues with my skin. I've never been bothered by anyone after saying that, but when I used to show my skin I was treated horribly. I wear a wetsuit when I go to the beach and I guess it's a bit bizarre because I'm not doing a sport but I don't really feel self conscious about it because there's usually a few other people in wetsuits.

No. 2004562

>Would you nonnies be more weirded out if the new hire remained covered up the whole time
would I? hell no because I'd also be covered up myself. will work normies? they might make a joke or assume you're super insecure or something. i say fuck them. i am personally more comfortable with keeping covered and i prefer keeping others wondering why over them doing that thing where they try not to stare at you. i really hate the idea of people being able to see, some might even ask because they're sheltered, anyone who doesn't will wonder and may gossip about it with others. just my 2 cents

No. 2004576

Accidentally asked my safety officer if I was stinky while he was on a meeting with all the higher ups. Oops

No. 2004597

boss told me she might call me after hours for
work. i’m dreading it and hoping she doesn’t. but if she does i’m hourly so you can bet your sweet fucking ass i am clocking in

No. 2004648

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I hate trying to find a job in this shit hole. I've got nothing against immigration (my parents are immigrants themselves), but the sheer amount of them has made it impossible to find work. You've got lines around the block just for a chance to work at a liquor store. What the hell am I even going to do? I can't possibly compete with that many people. I hate living here.

No. 2004659

I posted this in the vent thread but it's relevent here.

A guy from my old job has been nominated for a national award based on work I did!!!

I cant fucking believe it, he was the team leader I was deputy for a side project at work, I did all of the work because he didnt give a shit. I set the whole fucking team up. I managed everthing. I did everyone elses work as noone else cared. I set up the events. I made the connections, partnerships, relationships with outside parties that was needed. I set up lot's of template files, wrote instructions to carry it on after I left as I didnt want it to collapse. I bumped into an old collegue today and ask if he knew if my old side project was still running, and he fucking tells me the guy is nominated for a national award FOR MY FUCKING WORK!!!!!!!!! ITS FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE!!!

There is fuck all I can do about it! I hope he doesn't win.

Nonnas learn from this never ever set others up to succeed, when you leave a job or when you are at a job don;t leave instructions, don;t leave templates, don't do or leave anything that can help others, delete everything.

No. 2004740

Hopefully this isn’t considered insensitive but honestly if they’re not self-harm scars then I wouldn’t be ashamed at all. Yes people might pity you but is it really worth sweating your ass off for some accidental scars? If there’s a stigma against your scarring that can be used against you professionally then I would probably try to cover it. I have tons of old self-harm scars and wear long sleeves all the time. I decided to see a dermatologist to at least lessen their appearance (that could be an option for you) so I won’t be as paranoid of them being noticed immediately by others; however I don’t think I’ll ever be able to wear short sleeves because of the chance of someone looking close and recognizing them, and then treating me differently because of it. But a burn scar or skin condition? You’re fine imo.

No. 2004745

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Both of my applications for a company went from "under consideration" to "submitted" after 20 days of waiting, and I have no idea if that's good or bad.

No. 2004863

Sorry if this is retarded, but is it not possible at all to anonymously contact whichever national organization it is and tell them this guy stole all your work/didn't do any of it himself? Or do you not have any proof it's yours? What about testimony from others? I'm so sorry nonna, this is so enraging. That guy is a massive dick for taking credit for your work.

No. 2004924

Is it normal for your pay getting deducted for mistakes at the cashier? It's a new place I'm working at so mistakes are bound to happen even if one is extremely careful. I've worked with money before but this is the first time I've encountered this rule. There should at least be some sort of immunity for someone just starting out. My training was supposed to be two weeks long but I've started working for real with no supervision in three days. And no, it's not a supermarket or a grocery shop, there's quite a lot of stuff to learn.

No. 2004961

I worked as a cashier at a bunch of different supermarkets and stores when I was younger and never encountered this. I'm not sure it's even legal? Where do you work?

No. 2004995

I dont think so he would have been nominated by my old office so the award organisation would have no idea.
The proof would be on my old offices system and they would be unlikely to care as it looks good for them to have him nominated especially if he wins so they would probably cover for him if they knew.

No. 2005038

I’ve heard of stuff like that at gas stations happening if someone drives off without paying for gas. That’s what my dad said anyway. I asked how that could be legal, and iirc he replied with something like “um, well, it’s kinda not exactly but no one is going to enforce that so you’d still be on the hook for it”

No. 2005323

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>coworker offered to let me rent in the in-law apartment at their family's house
>need a place closer to my jobs and they've helped me out at work so it didn't sound too bad
>told me today that they found pics of me/my college graduation info online and texted it to their brother because they want to introduce me to him
>2nd coworker overhears this, tells me it'd be a good thing for me and starts asking the other coworker about how much money he has and what his job history
why do people have to be like this, what the fuck

No. 2005394

Sorry anon, they sound annoying as hell. Why are people obsessed with the fact that you’re single and not trying for a relationship if you’re a woman. I find that it’s always people who are married/in relationships and it’s almost like they pity you which just makes me feel bad. And it’s not just women in my case, my married male coworkers have tried to ask me about various guys in the office and one said that he was husband hunting for me. Going forward I think I’m gonna try to be more discreet about being single because there will always be those people who find out and the cogs in their brain start turning to try and set you up with someone likely because it’s more entertaining for them than doing actual work.

No. 2005397

Thanks for confirming my suspicions.
Just got back from my shift. Anons, I don't know what I got myself into. This really should be illegal.
>I'm not sure it's even legal? Where do you work?
In a tourist trap in Europe. And as a receptionist in a camp. There's different type of units one can rent (pitches and mobile houses) and different type of services and different type of clients. This place has such convoluted ways to do things that should be simple let alone when any level of complexity is involved. The program we use is ancient, laggy and sometimes it doesn't record something properly so we have to double check everything. I barely got the hang of basics so the fact that I'm already on my own albeit with occasional help from my busy colleagues scares me. Learning through trial and error is fine if there's not a pay-deducting rule enforced. They can't have it both ways, barely train someone and then expect them to pay for their mistakes that are 100% going to happen. The stress simply isn't worth it. Plus there are other insane rules like not being allowed to sit for some reason which hurts when you're supposed to work 8 hours per day, six days per week. Standing when there are guests at the desk is reasonable. If they told me any of this before signing the contract I would have bailed out. As it currently stands I will be looking for other jobs from now on, but come next month, I will be resigning either way. The stakes are too high especially since "mistakes" can easily get into 300-400 euro range.

No. 2005560

takes a bow

I am being pulled into a meeting about this tomorrow morning, please pray that I do not lose my job over this nonnies. This is a private school which is why this vexatious complaint is being given any airtime.

No. 2005658

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I think I had the worst vet tech week ever.

>working at an animal shelter for 5 years as the head and only licensed tech

>Worked the place up from a literal illegal drug den shit hole to something a city could be proud of
>vet tech week rolls around
>for the first time ever, board actually recognizes VT week and gets us food
>on my clocked out lunch, the board corners me while I try to eat to ask me about a controversial topic in the shelter
>take a neutral position because I could get fired by manager, assistant manager or by the board, all of whom have different views
>very next day, get word that I'm being demoted, the yearly raise that everyone had gotten for 5 years is being taken away from me, and that my position and my accumulated raises are given to an unlicensed heroin addicted moid who was still green
I was basically forced to quit. They wouldn't fire me because then their unemployment insurance may increase, so instead they threaten my career.
I still put in my 2 weeks but the shit I had to do to animals in that time will forever haunt me. I was absolutely berated in those few weeks, I was treated like trash, I was publicly humiliated both in front of coworkers and peers and the general public. I loved shelter work, I like vet med, but I haven't done either since I left. I haven't done fucking anything besides putter around some remote jobs for a few weeks. I would rather be homeless than go to work again. What is wrong with me.

I've worked in the non-profit sector almost my whole life. In my experience, most 501c3's are doing something sketchy, if not total money laundering through smurfing or shell companies. Yours is def on the sketchy side. I would look into different ways people can use non profits to make money 'clean', see if there's any nepotism with this upper management, and keep an eye out for things like asking specifically for small donations or large donations in cash, which are easier to hide from the IRS. A big red flag for me is if you have board members or big donors from all over the world, IF your non-profit isn't hugely popular or largely international. Let me know what you find if you can safely, nonnie. I find that type of stuff interesting.

No. 2005718

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AYRT, hilariously good timing.
Temp boss gave me the dirt the other day - we're being audited. We figured something was going on with ongoing staffing issues, EVERY new person being a spouse or personal friend to our chair, and people suddenly jumping ship a few months ago. Our theory is my last boss who bailed tipped off either an accreditation board or the IRS. Our controller and basically everyone managing accreditation, statistics, and money, disappeared and the positions are open. Maybe 2 months ago, we had people who looked way too official to be here prying about what type of school we were and looking at facilities; I figured they were assessors.

Turns out our department chair got caught using the college fund to pay off his buddies for "faculty dinners" while promising them faculty jobs next year. He has a whole class dedicated to his friends coming in and just bullshitting to the freshmen. The bullshit "full-time" hours came up as well. Someone from a different department has been getting paid but they're refusing to on-board her, she made a huge stink about it on her own and that just set off this wave of shit in the last 2 weeks. I guess there's a state law that requires on-boarding if you are paying someone over a certain amount for services. We just had our timecards partly taken away, now all our event work has had to be reported on-paper instead of online. I'm glossing over a lot of drama but we fucking figured something was going on just from how many cronies started showing up telling us to bill like crazy. Titanic's sinking and these dumbasses are raiding the kitchen.

I'm not very knowledgeable about FERPA but this coincides with federal aid for "classes outside your major" getting rescinded/no longer approved. The place is small but expensive, so this was odd because there aren't really irrelevant classes, per se. It's an art college so unless you're begging to take math 5 times over or some shit, everything is still within the subject you're studying. Thank fuck my last day is tomorrow, this looks eerily similar to how the Art Institute went down.

No. 2007113

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I lied on my job interview about having a driver's license. I don't have a DUI or any criminal record and I have a valid ID card.

In the 2nd screening they want me to either go to the office or a virtual interview; I know that going there physically will increase my chances but should I pick virtual just to be safe from license checking?

My job doesn't even require me to operate a car at any point in time either. All of this won't fuck me in the ass at any point right?

No. 2007175

Years ago, I lied about having a license because it didn't sound like I would really need a car from the job description and it immediately fucked me over. I had to quit the job after like 2 days. It was an underpaid wagie job so nothing of value was lost.

No. 2007213

This is just a rant. I work in a warehouse and recently we got a bunch of young hires. Admittedly the work is tedious, demanding, and hard, but we have a few that stick it out the entire shift and appreciate their hard work. Then there are the rest of them. It feels like I'm in the twilight zone. They refuse to work, refuse to help, and refuse to listen. They'll stand there talking the entire time and if they see one of their fellow employees struggling, will either laugh at them or pretend they don't see it. Things that used to run smoothly are getting congested and backed up because no one wants to do anything, and it's putting a lot of stress on the workers who've been here. I don't know why management doesn't do anything about them, but work has been a lot harder since they've arrived. Yesterday was especially infuriating for me because I got put in charge to "train" two of the new hires, a boy and a girl. Technically, the work is simplistic enough. Pick up box, drop box, do it again. Instead they complained the entire time and when they weren't doing that they were flirting, refused to help at any point, and just kind of watched me work instead. The boy was especially nasty, making snide comments about me saying how he dislikes girls who "aren't feminine." While the girl acted as if she couldn't pick up a box and that I should do it instead. I told them gender has nothing to do with working hard and if you feel that way, maybe you should find another job instead of working here. Unfortunately, our job kind of hires anyone so I'm surrounded by the lowest reaches of society. I'm admittedly only here because I fucked up in my 20s and it was the only place hiring with a decent amount of money. I reported both of them and since they've formed their little groups now, I may end up being public enemy number one, but I've been working this job for months with no problems until these new hires showed up threatening to fuck that all up. I just want to work my job and get my degree finished. At least I'm in college and this job is a means to an end. I made sure to study in something that will ensure I get a job out of college (medical field), so hopefully, I never end up in this position again. On the plus side, I've lost a lot of weight and my body looks really toned and nice. I was surprised looking in the mirror one morning.

No. 2007225

I found out the company I worked for a few months ago acquired a Canadian company today. That's 4 companies acquired within a fucking year. I pity the poor girl who got my job because I couldn't handle the 3 new ones.

No. 2007237

Assuming you're a burger they will ask for two forms of ID, so get your birth certificate and ssn card as your two forms, say you left your liscence at home or smth

No. 2007333

So fucking glad I'm leaving my current job. We did our last commencement event and it was a fucking shitshow. The "thanks" I got for showing up early was a shitty box of leftover candy and what was left of re-used and discarded flowers from yesterday's event. I love my coworkers but I can't stand some of the literal students they have as "event staff" under us that just stand around and don't do shit. It's so jading to be kinda the last person who has knowledge about how the place works since just about everyone I knew who helped the most had quit. I'm not going to let myself get farmed out in the same way friends did when they were under the false impression that constantly being called for grunt work meant upward mobility or that they were liked. Place is full of assholes and literally sees staff as "the help." Whatever, fuck this place. I feel bad for throwing the flowers in the yard for the bunnies but I don't really want to see them anymore.

No. 2007369

Good for you nonna. It'll all pay off soon, you know that.

No. 2008730

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I work as a part time library associate, while working on my masters in library/information science. My goal is to focus in archives or whatever else lets me stay in the back away from the public and work with history. Well, our small library got a big grant to expand our local archives and create more local history initiatives. That includes a new full time job position all about that, as well as assisting people with digitizing photos or old media formats. The requirements are a masters OR ample experience with working with that stuff. I'm halfway done with my degree, and have helped with small things in the archives off and on already.

The only thing that terrifies me is that it may require me to be social. Like community outreach, planning programs, talking to stakeholders, etc. I'm an introvert, so that may be difficult to get over. Also, I'm a part time worker/part time student right now so if I got it my personal time would be sliced in half. But more hours=more money and all. Plus benefits. I can't really lose by applying. If I don't get it, it'll be status quo. If I do, I'd just have to get out of my comfort zone and be slightly richer for it.

No. 2008745

>The only thing that terrifies me is that it may require me to be social. Like community outreach, planning programs, talking to stakeholders, etc.

just go for it. something can terrify you for the first couple of times, then its just makes you nervous, and after enough experience with it, it may even begin to bore you or become enjoyable.

No. 2008758

also working on my MLS! Not working over the summer but during the school year I've been doing everything I can to find part time work. I'm so scared about how difficult it'll be to find a full time job once I graduate

No. 2009290

omg fellow mls nonnies! my advice is to write your master thesis about something you want to work with and make sure to get as much experience as possible. if you're unable to get a part time job i suggest volunteer work, student conferences etc. you should totally apply for jobs that seem interesting even though they're out of your comfort zone. if it turns out that you hate the job, changing to a more suitable one will be much more manageable as you've gained relevant work experience.

i completed my degree a couple of years ago and in my experience there are way more opportunities with a mls than one is aware of. as a student i was fortunate enough to work as a media archivist and then a library assistant at a uni library. after i graduated i worked full time as a research librarian, but after a uear switched to a corporate archivist job where i work with information & records management. i'm actually pretty outgoing and loved the social aspect of being a librarian kek, but the corp. archivist job pays so much better. the difference is huge, like a 2000€ yearly salary difference.

No. 2009497

Original MLS nonna here. My degree plan includes information science as well. It applies to so many fields besides just libraries because information is everywhere, so I'm not worried about it being too narrow. It's certainly more helpful for getting a job than my bachelor's in history.

I'm going to apply. It's definitely the closest to my preferred career path and it's not something that comes up often. Plus, I already work at this library so I literally know everyone, the layout, and most of the processes. I have a good relationship with the librarians so I'm sure if I need support I can go to them.

No. 2009605

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i can tell my boss really really really wants me to volunteer for overtime. i'll get paid for it (one of the benefits of being hourly), but i'm not at all keen and i'm also very firm on getting out of the office at 5:00 pm. this friday i had a stroke of luck and managed to solve an issue they were having for years, apparently, in 30 minutes and i don't mean to imply i'm a super genius but these are all boomers who didn't understand how xml worked and also, apparently, could not googlefu a solution as i did kek and my boss was like "oh cool…what are you doing this weekend? maybe we could [do more work on this together even though you've fixed it rather than just take an hour or two on monday which is more than possible]?" and i just told her my ride was here and i really had to go

she's an excellent boss btw, far better than my last 3 bosses, but a boss is a boss and it's all about turning profit. thanks for reading my blog

No. 2009687

Next time just say no, I'm not available on (moment) and offer no specific reason. Usually works unless you have an exceptionally noisy/entitled boss who demands to know exactly why you're not available outside workhours.

No. 2009755

You should definitely say no, if you aren't firm about it you'll set the expectation that you're totally fine with working outside of work hours.

No. 2009915

Lucky me, my program doesn’t make us write a master’s thesis. I’d like to work in a publi cv library when I graduate which seems like one of the easier positions to get into but also one of the worst paying. I think I’d really enjoy the job though

No. 2009964

won't i get in trouble for outright saying no, though, especially as a new employee? i've only been working here for 3 months. technically 2.5 but linkedin rounds it to 3 so i'll just go with that kek

No. 2009995

ayrt, good luck nonna! my friend has that job and she loves it

No. 2010004

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Nonnas, is UX still worth learning? I feel interest towards UX writing, but I believe it would be better to get a good grasp of the whole thing before choosing something to specialize into, right?
I'd like to leave customer service once I finish my degree later this year, but my brain is in a constant cycle between the UX field and copywriting (some aspects of it also interest me) and it's hard to decide when I don't know anyone who has knowledge in those areas.
It also doesn't help I'm an anxious mess and very afraid of investing time and money into courses and ending up regretting my choices. Thanks in advance!

No. 2010099

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I think I'm getting burnout from my job. It kinda sucks because it felt like my first not-retail-wageslave full time job with coworkers who I get along really well with. I was even able to do a modified schedule to fit in college classes, which would have never worked at my old job. A few people I like have left or retired so it's not as amazing as when I first started, and I'm currently doing work for three different positions because of people on maternity leave…it's mentally exhausting. The work/college grind is taking its toll. I'll have the summer off but I'm really torn about leaving or not because I never had such a good work experience up until the last two months.

No. 2010992

Agh today was so fucking bad, and Tuesday is always the worst day so I’m dreading tomorrow

No. 2011635

yup there it is. If you continue in the non-profit sector, you'll see a pattern. It sucks, but it's the only way most non-profits are able to actually help a lot of people, because someone is profiting off of it.

Maybe it will get better after summer, assuming they hire some people and those on leave will be back?

Unfortunately, company loyalty went out the door when the company began treating workers like expendable cattle. Fuck em. Take care of yourself, because no one else will.

No. 2011772

Would I be stupid to go casual when I've already got a full-time job??? I'm currently doing full-time work for a company I don't entirely mind for the past 6 months, but I've found out that a company I worked casually for in the past (about 2 years) would like to come back to do more work for them and old colleagues have told me that I would be fairly stable in my position with full-time hours. They're also offering me full time but the full time rate is $2-3 more than what I'm earning, and casual rate is almost $10 an hour more. I live with my parents so the only reason I am weary about going casual is because the job market is annoying and I don't like finding another job. BTW I live in Australia.

No. 2012577

How do you explain an industry/career change without having it turned on you? Like for instance I came from a very cut-throat [sexist] industry full of incels and I try to say that I’m happy in the corporate world because I feel like it suits my personality better. If I say that the environment was not a fit, an interviewer will often try to turn that around and be like “well a good environment is not always a guarantee” even though there is a clear distinction between STEM academia incels and wage slaves in Corporate America. One of those groups is far nicer than the other and easier to work with. How do I say this in the most succinct way possible and avoid my explanation used against me?

No. 2012629

This may have changed since I was in aus but isn’t full time more secure then casual, as in if you’re casual they can fire you with no warning?
“I’m happier in the corporate world”, doesn’t really need more explanation, “it’s a better fit” “it suits my lifestyle more” “it was always the direction I saw myself taking” “turns out I’m good at it” “it was the work available when I moved/had a near death experience/finished my last assignment and I really love it so I’d like to continue” “it’s more lucrative” “more advancement opportunity”.

No. 2012642

I don't think that question has been sprung on me much, but my answer would be that I did enough in that role and didn't have another position to advance with.

No. 2013900

I have currently been employed at a dead-end job that I dread going to every week despite working only the minimum required hours. I've been working on applying to jobs in my desired career, and have not heard back from one but recently had an interview with another. The interview went well, but the location is inconvenient and I do not necessarily feel as inspired or excited at the prospect of working there as I would at the other places. I know there are many other locations I have yet to apply to, but I am hesitant to turn down the inconveniently located position. I feel guilty, especially toward the "clients" I would be turning down who might need help. I also truly loathe my job, but at least it is close by and I do not have to work my butt off. I am simply very conflicted. My friends encourage me to turn down this job and simply keep searching nearby, but I remain apprehensive and would love your advice.

No. 2013986

I'm working in a very niche field and my current workplace is extremely toxic and soul-crushing. I wanted to find another job in that field, but there is just 5 job offers in entire country, two of which require a different skill set than mine. Other three are in big cities but the pay is not enough to cover the rent and expenses in the capital. What the fuck did I get myself into?

No. 2014059

>apply for job at a technology recycling company
>interview goes well
>not even nervous at the interview because i know i can do the job
>they don't hire me
The fuck is this shit. The only reason I can think of why they didn't hire me is because I'm a woman. Guess the red flag I should have noticed was that there were no young women working there. I'm convinced the manager hired a man instead because a good looking young woman would be too distracting or tempting for him or he didn't believe I knew shit about computers. Looking for jobs as a woman is ass.

No. 2014076

Anons plz I have my first interview in 4.5 months for a job in my annoyingly niche field, in a beautiful new city; for 2$ more than my city's avg wage. I know there's some hippie bullshit positive vibes thread somewhere but I saw this one first. Pray for me as I would and have for you, blessings upon us all.

No. 2014080

>Would I be stupid to go casual when I've already got a full-time job???


No. 2015297

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I have an interview coming up for a role I've been waiting on for months, and I'm anxious about not getting it, as I've pretty much put everything else aside for it.
It will consist of your basic "are you a psycho" interview and a competency based assessment, so now I'm just revising and searching for tips on potential questions and how to appear more professional.

Good luck, I truly do hope you will pass it and be able to tackle anything that comes your way!

No. 2016023

look up body language techniques. confident body language, mirroring, eye contact, is pretty important when making a good impression. then just spit out some good buzzwords in your best impression of a regular person who doesn't use lolcow and you're in

No. 2016316

What's a good, low stress job if you want to work with your hands and get a fair amount of exercise in daily? Money isn't much of a factor for me but I'd prefer not interacting that much with customers. I'm reconsidering my life path and have an opportunity to do new schooling and such.

No. 2016337

Warehouse work maybe?

No. 2016345

Do warehouses usually hire women? I think that's a good suggestion but I remember my dad working in one and it was 95% men.

No. 2016438

Yeah, when I lived near a warehouse for a retail company there were men and women there. I knew one couple where the wife was a manager at the warehouse and her husband did the delivery/on the floor stuff. Maybe it depends on what the warehouse is for.

No. 2016459

Whether or not this is low stress depends entirely on your management and the warehouse. It could be backbreaking and stressful and potentially not even pay that much. I guess she wouldn't interact with customers though.
Just an idea but if you live in a city talk to your mailperson about becoming a CCA, they can tell you if the routes involve walking and if the management is terrible. I would not call it low stress to someone who does it as a career, but it can be a real clock-in-clock-out get your steps in type of job and might be less stressful if you're not in it for the long haul. If your city doesn't have walking routes don't do it for exercise, you'll just be driving and lifting heavy packages.

No. 2016554

Janitorial work is generally pretty calm. I used to do it at a hotel and never had to interact with guests. Housekeeping is stressful though

No. 2016698

Are you Canadian? I live close to the epicenter of the international student diploma mill problem. I'm an ex-neet student that hasn't worked since 2021, I feel so screwed. I figured immigrants are less likely to take liqour/weed store jobs because their parents tend to disapprove of drug use, but I guess they apply to that shit anyway.

No. 2017979

I sometimes train new employees in our department, and I have a question: is there a secret/tip to training (young) men? Almost all the women I’ve trained have been hardworking, attentive, and quick to learn. All the men I’ve trained have been slow, lazy, and make the same mistakes over and over again. They are also always far less qualified, often having no experience at all. Even the youngest women I’ve trained have at least a couple years’ experience. Anyway, any advice/experience?

No. 2018034

I'm a lawfag and I want to kill myself every day. I must have graduated with this degree through the power of sheer autism or something, because it's got nothing to do with me and I hate it. I already got accepted for a 2 year slave internship that's mandatory to pass my eurofag bar exam and I'm seriously considering suicide before I have to do. Any other nonas who are lawfags? I hate not going to artschool instead and trying to acquire a "stable" career. More like jisatsu career.

No. 2018061

You were going to hate being a barista because art didn't make you money too.

No. 2018072

At least you're a eurofag and didn't go 200k into debt for a law degree. No need for the sunk cost fallacy mentality in your case.

No. 2018143

I'm under considerable pressure to go to law school but I have zero interest in it. I'm already close to suicide but then there are no "respectable" jobs I could accept doing for the rest of my life, or even a few years. I think about killing myself every day and it's only getting worse. I just don't know what career I should be following if not for law.

No. 2018147

I’m about to start law school in the US and explaining to everyone that I’m just gonna be miserable for years for fun makes me regret every decision I’ve made up to this point kek

No. 2018149

>Any other nonas who are lawfags?
Not me but my bff went into healthcare law and then became a small town judge because she was fed up with the same things as you. Now she says her work makes more of a difference which makes it a lot better, and in a small place it's way more chill. So hang in there, there's ways out of the rat race.

No. 2018181

I know but it's only now that I realize there's a middle ground between "unemployed artist" and "24/7 workdays and unbearable amounts of stress". When I started my studies I sure didn't, my childhood was unstable so I was possessed into working towards the job that had an 100% employment rate in my country. Now I'm no longer (as much) mentally ill and I'm realizing I was just a traumatized and immature young adult making impulsive decisions and this is my life now.

That actually sounds quite nice nonna. I also want to work somewhere small and quiet just dealing with day to day life like stupid parking tickets or a pothole in the road that needs to be filled. One of my family members is a small town judge in Latin America but she deals with awful drug trafficking cases every day even working in family law. I just can't handle any sort of stress, I'm not a confrontational personal at all and I worry so much about every decision I take.

Is the pressure coming from your family? Is this a hereditary business thing? If so, maybe it will suck for you in the beginning but afterwards you can get by so well on just nepotism that it's worth having the degree just for that. My dream is to pass the bar and then fuck off and do whatever I want, I'm just afraid I'll kill myself before I reach that point/have no idea if it's actually achievable. I just need financial security really bad.

No. 2018199

Nona, i did the inverse thing, went to artschool (where i live all the good ones are expensive, so i had to reluctantly drop out) then took a law degree in uni (free). Hated it and switched again kek, honestly young people always think 'It's over!!!' when they feel stuck, talking to older people made me realize i have much energy and time left to give. My friend is just like you, completed her law degree (to a masters' level) but she's debating a change in career. Take it easy and as others said, as a eurofag we have less to worry about when it comes to youthful indecision

No. 2018207

>Is the pressure coming from your family? Is this a hereditary business thing? If so, maybe it will suck for you in the beginning but afterwards you can get by so well on just nepotism that it's worth having the degree just for that. My dream is to pass the bar and then fuck off and do whatever I want, I'm just afraid I'll kill myself before I reach that point/have no idea if it's actually achievable. I just need financial security really bad.
Yeah, I'm supposed to take over whatever's left of the family business, but I have absolutely no desire to. I just want to fuck off to the mountains and pet goats or something.

No. 2018234

At first I was bummed I only got a 4.2% salary increase but when I looked online that percentage is apparently pretty decent. Damn now I know why people recommend switching jobs every few years if they want a 10%-20% increase in salary.

No. 2018272

No shit. I just left my job where I only made 133k to a job where I now make 240k. I also get better benefits and can do whatever I want. Never stay at an employer that treats you like dogshit, which most do and have ass workplace culture to boot, resulting in miserable tard coworkers.

No. 2018334

Seeing salaries like this is so crazy to me. I get there's different CoL and burgers have to pay 20k out of pocket if they get into a medical accident but it's still so crazy. What do you even do with that much money

No. 2018339

>What do you even do with that much money
Afford life. I'm actually not in an expensive area compared to the coasts.

>burgers have to pay 20k out of pocket if they get into a medical accident

Off topic but no we don't; that's what insurance is for. Wish this meme would die kek. I've lived in Europe and medical care there is shit compared to America. You get what you pay for.

No. 2018343

It's not just accidents, us burgers write our gross salaries but every month you get a chunk taken out for health insurance (which often doesn't cover well, so if you have actual health issues you often add another chunk of money to the cost. Like I pay $80-300 a month for allergy treatments.) Most areas with salaries that high have high cost of living. You NEED a car, so add a car payment for most people plus gas – our gas is cheaper but we also drive more on avg.
Food is pricy so add that, rent is often $1500-3000 depending, plus your electricity, water, internet, phone (internet in particular is often a local monopoly and can have nasty prices/get randomly jacked up or they do stuff like force cable bundles.) You need a chunk taken out for social security (retirement), other retirement funds, local (state, sometimes city and neighborhood association) and federal taxes as well. Most salaries like that also needed a college degree so add loan payments of $100-500.
This is all napkin math obvs but I hope that helps illustrate how it can evaporate fast.
I had good insurance in college and I had to pay $5k for an emergency visit like 10 years ago. My friends thought I was having a heart attack, took 4 hours for them to see me and I didn't even recieve any kind of meds, scans or treatment. My friend's birth like 4 years ago (with insurance) still cost her like $20k out of pocket. She had complications and needed an emergency c section plus hospital stay but it was still appalling.

No. 2018352

This is not the thread for this. It's expensive to live anywhere right now. Gas is cheap cheap cheap in America compared to Europe. 30 bucks to fill up a tank vs 150 in Sweden.

>Most areas with salaries that high have high cost of living

I just said in my previous post I live in the middle of America. It's not HCOL.

No. 2018723

I think I'm over working in a public school system. The burnout is incredibly high this year and I've had to cover so many classrooms in the last two weeks that I can barely work on anything I was actually hired to do.

No. 2018784

can i ask what field you're in?

No. 2018803

I'm an admin at my company and I was asked to help our legal department a few months ago but I had to step back from it because I have my own shit to do. The head of legal was trying to get me back to helping them but the office director (one of the executives I support) told him to fuck off kek.

No. 2020177

Amerifag here. I filed a report months ago to the eeoc and they finally got back to me. I detailed two counts of sexual harrasment from two different people and hr gaslighting me and making me cry by trying to tell me I'm being paranoid when I stupidly tried seeing if they would give me a paper or something stating I reported it in case he kept harassing me or did something outside of work, because he had previous threats against his prior workplace yet they claim "that never happened we did a background check". The hr manager has been a huge bitch and singles me out to be passive aggressive the few times I've seen her since. I'm terrified of ever going back into that office again and being pressured into talking about my eeoc filing now that the process has started, unless they knew months before when I first filed bc it claims they give notice in 10 days? The whole situation with hr is giving me huge anxiety and reliving how I awful I felt before. The thing is, I'm terrible at talking. I naturally cuss too much, I get brainfog and anxious so I can't form sentences without using filler words or getting shaky. Do any professional nonnies have advice for me to learn how to manage my thoughts and speaking abilities? How to stay composed? How to deal with this whole situation? I don't want to come off as aggressive or give fault to my character by my lack of social skills.

No. 2024278

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Should I take another call center job and look for something better in the meantime?

It's like there are no fucking jobs anywhere - it's either waitressing or they require you to have a phd/10 years of experience and no one wants to actually train you. I've been looking for 3 months now and it's the same shit over and over.

I have the chance to bag this call centre job, but I know how shit they are and my last one made me want to kill myself. What's worse is that the training is on site, meaning I have to travel by public transport for almost 2 hours to get there, the training is 8 hours and then additional almost 2 hours to get home. All for MAYBE 1k€. After a month or two I'd be able to wfh but spending 12 hours somewhere knowing I won't even be able to eat pisses me off so fucking much and of course by the time I get home I won't be able to do even basic chores. Everyone keeps pushing me to accept the job but I'm so tired of working at dead end places for shit pay while also being too retarded to actually gain any new skill/education etc that could land me in a better job opportunity.

No. 2024300

>while also being too retarded to actually gain any new skill/education etc that could land me in a better job opportunity
really because anyone could do a healthcare trade program or get an education license or something. not that those fields of work are extremely desirable, but if you're at the point of considering being verbally abused in a slave wage call center than you won't even have good transportation to for up to 2 months…

No. 2024313

>healthcare trade program or get an education license
No idea what the first thing is but both healtcare/medical stuff and education related things only work here if you have a 4 year degree or a connection. I can't take 4 years off for that and student jobs don't cover everything. I finished business school and switched to IT (tech support & frontend dev) so it's not like I didn't try to switch to something else, it's just that there's 0 demand for any of that here

No. 2024318

Look into education programs that'll train you while working the job you're getting certified for, most of the time you're even getting paid. Usually you have to stay with the employer that's training you for a few years. I'm a Eurofag too, I'm sure there's something similiar in your country.

No. 2024350

Is there a specific name for this? Other than apprenticeship?

No. 2024454

I made a huge mistake when choosing my major. I hate my job and my field. Everyone used to say "it's ok if you choose wrong, you're young, it's never too late to change" but that's a fucking lie. Heads up, anons, by studying higher education you are selling your soul and you'll never get it back. You'll have to work with it forever, even if you hate it, even if you want to kill yourself over it, it's fucking over.

No. 2024701

>Everyone used to say "it's ok if you choose wrong, you're young, it's never too late to change" but that's a fucking lie.
Why? I’m currently in the process of changing my field. I acknowledge I’m in a fortunate financial situation though.

No. 2024747

Obviously I meant to reply to >>2024454. for fuck's sake.

No. 2024784

People are aware, just nobody's taking the bait

No. 2025168

Mostly complaining but my job is stupid boring and it makes me restless. I always thought a 9-5 with nothing to do would be my dream job but now I just feel like I'm wasting away. Every day I think about doing more degrees, or an apprenticeship just to get me out of this admin hell hole. I take on extra work and get less work as a result because my manager doesn't want to overwhelm my workload. I'm not allowed to do non-work things at. I posted in a previous thread about writing fanfic on company time and thats the ONLY thing I haven't been written up over. I want to be able to draw and learn and work on things that isn't fucking fanfiction kek, but I don't want to get in trouble. I wish the upper management in hospo wasn't full of the worst people on Earth because I prefer that to white collar work.

No. 2025644

>>2025168 here, I got written up for it just now. Putting in my two-weeks ASAP, thank god I had another job on the backburner.

No. 2026077

Nta but like
>I acknowledge I’m in a fortunate financial situation though.
You answered your own question. You need money and/or parents or a partner to fall back on.

I too went back to school in my mid twenties because I chose wrong and it caused a massive financial set back (and a general delay in personal development honestly).

No. 2026083

Have a "short, informal interview" tomorrow for an internship. What can I expect? Will they ask me the usual interview questions where I have to sell/prove myself or is it something else

No. 2026171

It's impossible to say, especially without any additional context about what it's for. It would be in your best interest to prepare for it as if it's an interview, e.g. mentally preparing a case study or two (the context, the problem, the process you went through to solve it, the outcome), brushing up on your domain knowledge, and what you'll say on the standard questions they ask to see if you're difficult to work with.

No. 2028031

terrible week at work. my boss keeps complimenting me for being cool headed but in truth there is just nothing going on behind my eyes. i don’t know what i’m doing at this point but i will continue on until the jig is up

No. 2028136

fuck… nonnie this was me for the last 6 months. when I finally quit that micromanagement bullshit job hellhole I felt a sense of relief I hadn't felt since leaving high school. I hope your new job is so much better!

No. 2028140

When in doubt, go for the job you might potentially feel better in. If your current job is making you feel like shit that's only going to get worse, and if it's not impacting your personal/social life now, it will be (from an anon who had a shit tier job)

No. 2028668

I went through 3 different grueling jobs over the course of several years where my supervisors all told me I was incompetent, slow working, and a terrible communicator, no matter how hard I tried and how hard I worked myself to the bone. It totally destroyed my confidence in myself– I had graduated with a 4.0 and had thought I was a competent and responsible person, but the way my managers characterized me, one after the other, made me rethink all of that. One is bad luck for getting a bad manager, two is getting a little weird, and three means it's definitely my fault, right?

Well, last year I landed the easiest job I have ever done in my life through sheer luck. I hardly have to do anything at all, and literally everyone around me and all of my many supervisors kiss my feet and tell me I am the best ever, a perfect specimen, the best they've ever seen, just for sending some emails or taking basic notes. It is complete whiplash, but I am loving it. I'm a contractor right now and despite the place where I'm contracting taking an out of the blue 35% budget cut and basically being in "necessities only" mode where they're cutting things left and right, all of my supervisors have banded together to hire me on permanently and a good rate. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to wake up and this will have all been a dream. I think the universe must have sensed after I quit my 3rd horrific job that I was serious when I started thinking I might just kill myself if my next job was just as bad.

No. 2028717

I hate the stupid retard people on top of my job so much
I work at a kids theater company in Japan
Recent things:
1) new policy that we can’t take vacations longer than 3 days in a row, even with our earned days off, unless it’s “inevitable circumstance”. Even if all your family lives in this country I guess no such thing as a nice long vacation? Anyways I want to visit friends and fam back home with my saved up days off and during a time when it won’t affect the company but because of this policy I have to write a proposal. A proposal to take a vacation. I paid to hold the cheap flight price I found but of course the bosses have not responded at all in a week.
2) we are doing Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (already awful but add in everyone being monolingual Asian kids and just imagine the confusion) again and my area only has one qualified boy to play the MC and he’s still a mid singer, and plenty of skilled girls who would kill the role. But nooooo boss (who is in another city) says MC has to be played by a boy…we are not Broadway. We are a shiddy little after school activity that pays fast food wages. No one besides the parents see our shows. Get real

Plus it’s just so clear the half assed content we get to teach (which is always late) is decided on and made by people who don’t speak English and don’t actually do the lessons. Been here for almost 5 years and it spiralled after covid, so annoying I’ll just quit if I don’t get vacation.

No. 2028756

I'm submitting a very important application today: job isn't permanent, but it's absolutely perfect for my skillset and what I need right now. If you have a moment nonas, spare a thought for me, because I am really afraid to submit it… I don't have it in me to explain why, I'm just terrified.

No. 2028763

After maybe 7 or 8 months of unemployment, I finally got a job offer. I'm very grateful and excited. The CEO sent me the formal offer letter last Tuesday asking me to review and to let him know if everything is okay. I replied that it's all good but that doesn't mean he was asking me to sign it, right? Only for me to review? So I haven't signed it and still waiting for him to reply/for his response. And he still hasn't replied and it's already Friday… what's up with that? I'm super anxious. I was thinking of being initiative like signing it right away and send it to him but that doesn't seem right…

No. 2028869

Good luck!

No. 2028876

We're all bored in the office right now so my coworkers are talking about how they raise kids and how they were raised and I swear to god I hate these ghetto bitches so much. I really don't need to hear about how beating the shit out of your kids but not hard enough to leave bruises is good and how teenagers should stop being rebellious (which happens because said teenagers are sick of being physically assaulted at home). Now one of them is fondly recalled getting a glass bottles in the eye by her father to cover up for her dad not looking after his young son and letting him get injured. Get me out of here.

No. 2028892

Sending good luck your way anon, let us know if you got it! I totally get feeling anxious especially when the stakes are high

No. 2028914

Thank you so much nonnies, I'm going over my stuff one last time. I'll definitely post if I get an interview. Worried about using a gmail to apply but I really hate my university email… I think I'll just copy my uni address.

No. 2028926

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I have an assessment centre coming up and I'm bricking it. I'm autistic as fuck and struggle to deal with the group dynamics inherent in these things, and I'm worried that my teammates will all be irritating 20-somethings who will judge everything about me. Please reassure me that I'm just being a retard and will smash it (or failing that… please share your advice)

No. 2029131

I would follow up on Monday and send another email asking if he'd like you to sign the contract. Or today, if it's not too late where you are. That's a long time for you not to get a reply, but I think there were various holidays in Europe and the US during the past couple weeks.
I don't know about this, sounds like UK stuff. I was managed by a bunch of awkward males in the UK so we never did anything social at all as a team except have lunch a couple times. What kind of activities will you have to do?
I'm this anon and I sent my application. Got a received reply from the system so I'm glad for that small comfort. omg please just let me get this position because it will make a lot of things easier for me and I will be able to look for a permanent job while doing this one.

No. 2029244

UK anon here, looks like we have some mysterious 'group projects' but they haven't specified what. It's scary as this is part of the recruiting process and I know they'll be watching me for 5 hours…

No. 2029246

I spent so much time, effort and money getting a psych degree but now that I'm actually working in the field I am constantly overcome with anxiety about making mistakes and doing things wrong without realizing. Impostor syndrome is real, I feel like I'm one grave error away from being exposed as a fraud. Like the only reason my way more experienced and skilled colleagues haven't realized I'm actually garbage yet is through sheer luck.
With previous jobs it wasn't so bad because it didn't matter that much to me if I made some mistakes. Now that I'm actually working with vulnerable patients it's completely different, I'm acutely aware that my professional actions and decisions directly affect the mental wellbeing of the people I interact with. It's a huge responsibility and I feel like every time I stumble I'm committing some kind of crime that should get me fired and dishonorably discharged from existence.
It's hard to convince myself it's even impostor syndrome and not me genuinely being terrible. Everyone around me seems to have their shit together and never make any mistakes. I really am passionate about the work I do, I just want to do it right so badly that I end up spiraling.

No. 2029258

holy cow, what sort of job is this, are you going to be experimented on? I think you'll be ok. I would try to think of a couple topics you feel comfortable using for small talk as needed. Group activities often lack an "active listener" so maybe you can be the person who is keeping track of what everyone is saying and the different perspectives? But I have no idea what they are going to observe you doing, lol. I'm so curious, is it for sales or an office job or… is it like one of those summer jobs for charity?

Sorry i'm going through some UK bureaucracy atm and the bureaucratic / work language used is so convoluted or jargony, I never know if anything said to me is serious or not. Safeguarding, signposting, advocacy, coercive control, etc. it all sounds v serious

No. 2029283

He’s in Australia, maybe I should check if there are holidays there for this pas week? And that sounds like a pretty good idea. Thanks nona

No. 2029332

how are moids so blind. one of my coworkers sent me a picture of his receipts for work and there was a tit pic in the screenshot. theyre so lucky im diligent and notice this shit before submitting it to our bosses kek

No. 2029415

UK anon here again, sorry you have to deal with our nonsense bureaucracy (trust me when I say that none of us 'locals' understand it either!!) It's largely corporatespeak terms for basic law and order stuff.

This is basically a job interview, so I'm going to try and research well beforehand! I hate this stupid process but it's de facto for most good grad jobs so what can ya do? It's an entry level Finance program, should be for 3 years while I sit some exams. Hopefully it'll get me started in something that's not as soul crushing as admin (no shade, I just hated my previous jobs because of constant boredom!)

No. 2029431

You're nicer than I would've been.

No. 2029449

Nona are you sure he didn't do that on purpose…. Men are pigs. At my retail job this old scrote was scrolling through his camera roll to "find" a picture of whatever he wanted and of course he scrolls by a downloaded porn video. I hope your co-worker is just retarded.

No. 2029454

you should let them forward this shit. if your boss says it's your responsability to tard wrangle them tell your boss putting porn on work related material is sexual harassment plain and simple.

No. 2029529

the guy won, im fuming

No. 2030275

It’s already June and i’m still trying to find another job!! Why the hell is it so harddd to get picked for one

No. 2030284

he 100% did it on purpose you should report him for exposing you to pornography at work. what a fucking stupid pervert, he deserves what he gets. can't believe you're covering for him.

No. 2030301

I'm raging for you, nona. This is insane. Can you expose him at all?

No. 2030315

idk what country in europe you're in but it's definitely illegal in some places eg france.
report him lmao

No. 2030986

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i'm so sad, anons. i've landed a good job with a cushy pay and not much stress and lots of free time because i live in walking distance. i'm basically employed by the government itself and i have tons of networking opportunities, people are incredibly nice when they hear who i work for, my boss is great, and i just really enjoy my job.

but my coworkers are pieces of shit. namely my direct coworker with whom i share an office and the only male coworker in the other office. the moid is a shitstirrer and hates another woman who works in the office space (we are 4 separate offices using the same office space but working for 4 mostly separate bosses) to the point of bullying her. he yells at her when he has to do anything for her (which is part of his job), hides her packages, and talks shit about her constantly. he can't even say hello to her. the female coworker is double my age and has narcissistic tendencies. she constantly berates me and criticizes every little thing that i do. when she's in a bad mood she'll suddenly decide that something she praised me for is bad actually and will give me shit for it. she also throws tantrums whenever i try to put up boundaries because her behavior is unacceptable and unprofessional. i admit that i am not perfect and i have a tendency to get annoyed easily. she brought this up with my boss and he told me to relax a bit, but he also told my female coworker to not be so annoying in return.

things went well since that conversation with our boss a month ago. until the moid coworker decided that me getting along with the coworker he hates is unacceptable and conjured some lie about me ditching work in favor of talking to that coworker. both of them called me out during our team meeting but i didn't let this fly and defended myself and told them to cut this shit out. i also called out the lies which made him very flustered. my female coworker then brought up the fact that i said i don't want to spend time with her in private and that this hurt her feelings. i told her that she can't force me to be friends with her but that i want to keep things professional between us. and that i had felt that things were going well the past few weeks but once again she's doing something that makes me dislike her even more. i basically told them that they can't control my private life and my friendships.

a few days later i went to an event and both of them were there. i greeted them and both of them ignored me even when i stood right in front of them. that's when i realized i can't work there anymore. they're just too childish and petty and downright evil. i have a long weekend off and instead of enjoying it i've been crying on and off all evening. i just don't want to go to work on monday and be put on trial again for the crime of being friends with someone both of them hate for no reason at all. the bullying is childish and stupid but i'm so sad that i have to leave to protect myself because i really liked this job. i thought i had finally found my forever job and now i have to start searching again when finding work is so hard right now. before this job i was on the hunt for over a year while sticking with a miserable job that i hated in a city that i hated even more.

i know there will always be shitty people at every job but this level of evil has got to be a one time thing…

No. 2032099

unfortunalty not when i left my old job i handed back the work laptop it would be on there
it would be my word against his
and him winning makes them look good so they wouldnt want it exposed

No. 2032115

Anyone here an out-of-work game programmer who wants to work on a little Metroidvania game idea with me?

No. 2032118

Why can't you just complain to their bosses? Tell them that they're creating a hostile work environment for you and that it's affecting your output tremendously. Remember: when complaining about coworkers, never spin it as "they're being assholes", but as "they're slowing my work down". Make it sound like YOU want to get work done, but they're making it hard. And if their bosses don't listen to you, then go to someone in a higher position than that. You need to stand up for yourself by making sure that these people know that you want to contribute and do your job, but that you can't. That you've tried to keep the peace, but it's becoming impossible.

No. 2033438

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Job interview went well.
>only one morning shift 7am-3pm
>M-F only
>travel expenses paid
>worked already nearby so I know the area

However, the pay is absolute shit. It's minimum wage. I'd also we surrounded by disabled and mentally ill elderly people. They said to only take the job if I'm serious about it, but the pay is off putting, I can deal with everything else. I hate this shit so much oh my god

No. 2033441

You can take it and keep looking for something better in the meanwhile.

No. 2033463

I don't want to fuck over social workers

No. 2033564

i started a new job 2 months ago and a guy who had been there for years just resigned because management was constantly pissed over him trying to behave like a manager. liars like this guy are always controversial people in their circles because they get some people "on their side" by manipulating them while the ones who know they're always bullshitting don't like them. i am not happy he left when our office is understaffed but i'm also glad he left because his true nature sounds awful and i don't appreciate that he tried to manipulate me too.
>anon i'm afraid they're going to compare you to the new girl
i said okay? there's nothing i can do about that and it's something people can't help but do. and they likely aren't going to do that in front of me
>calmly tells me i should wear my uniform more professionally, we had an actual chill conversation about it and he told management he "let me have it"??? they were pissed at him anyway and don't even care about my uniform and said to completely disregard anything he says.
i bet this fuck thought he had my number and could make me cry or something lol then found out i am not the kind of person i can come off as because i can be really quiet and meek when in a new place. i'm not a bitch or a baby, i am really chill and can take criticism very easily. he even pretended that other people were complaining about my uniform too lmao and i said thanks for having the balls to tell me to my face, i didn't know it was an issue. i am absolutely sure he wanted to get off on making the new girl cry or something to "prove" i can't handle the job.
>"i'm trying to help you succeed anon, there are people here who don't want you to succeed because they enjoy feeling like no one else can do their job"
bro i am fairly certain THAT PERSON IS YOU lmfao. i said to him "you have to understand that since i'm new i have to take all the comments people make like that with a grain of salt, not in a personal way but because people tell me different things". now that i know more of the story (other coworkers brought it up to me that he bitched that my jacket is oversized and they both said they do not give a fuck at all and told him they don't care).
funny how women are accused of being dramatic in the workspace when for me it's been the opposite. most women at my job are based and chill, the men are crybabies that likely feel emasculated working a public service job that requires fervent emotional stability, and is also primarily women in the office. and i bet their male friends all make more than them and they seethe about it and take it out on women who genuinely wanted to work this job as it's a unique and interesting field. i'm salty the guy who trained me barely acknowledges me when he comes in too, i wonder if it was (non-management) males all along who get off on feeling that young college graduate women simply can't do their job because when we show we can they feel their balls shrink and they're mad they don't make as much as their engineer bro friends. suck it up cunt, some of us actually wanted to enter this field and help families and provide a meaningful service, we all know we aren't going to be millionaires. men are such babies (except one guy there who is super chill and loves the job).

No. 2033708

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I feel stuck. I got a useless degree and have been working in paperpusher admin jobs. I want to study something more marketable but I just cannot force myself to it. I started a software testing course some time ago, but just cannot wrap my head around it. I feel like the only things my brain could manage to master are completely unmarketable bullshit humanities subjects (art history, library studies, illustration, etc). Ah, the classic 'do I want to starve but be happy or suffer but have money?' dilemma

No. 2033875

samefag, he still hasn't replied and someone advised me to just sign the contract and send it back to him. Because they think by asking me to review it = he also wants me to sign it. So yeah, I did. And he still hasn't fucking replied. Wtf is this, at least give me an update, or respond to me, like saying okay I got it or something like that. Goddammit.

No. 2035025

Think about yourself first, they do too otherwise they'd be paying you a wage you can actually live off.

No. 2035204

Long, sorry. My company threw me into an unprofessional situation and it's been hard to deal with while playing "professional" about it.
My manager manipulated me into handling an out-of-state account after the prior manager there quit without notice in order to avoid being fired. The other nepotism manager at my level wasn't volunteering, so I agreed to go after my boss teased a good performance evaluation aka a raise–which is not unfounded since it is an open fact I have the most expertise and competence behind my boss for our region. My name is known in our company. He often talks about me as a replacement once he retires. Anyways, I thought I would be helping out the account for a week at most, but now it's been going on almost a month and I realize that they never gave me a definitive timeline of going home before. Yet now my boss is saying it's until I hire and train the new manager which they are still screening for. Fortunately, I have a great team at home–who were my hires that I trained–to hold down the accounts back at base which I am also expected to remotely manage. But I digress.
Nonetheless, it's very obvious why prior manager was going to be fired:
>rampant timecard theft, people just clocking in and out from their cars while going home during their service job shift
>child labor
>manager was never onsite
>did not order approved supplies/barely ordered anything for employees
>when manager was onsite he'd spend all his time playing games like osrs on his laptop (found his herb skill notes scrawled on the back of an equipment manual) while pretending to be busy
>he even pulled this with me when I came down to train his team on separate occasions and acted like he didn't have to know or participate in what I was teaching like a proper mongomoid
>client dangling their multi-million dollar contract in my face while politely advising me that our company has not fulfilled contract scope since we started
>client literally telling me they are aware of the timecard thieves and implying the reason they do not fire us and hire another contractor is due to the inconvenience..so they are expecting me to fix it
>and a corporate walkthrough and several client inspections due the next week after he quit leaving me with only the weekend to recover an account site with a crew giving me the runaround cause they liked getting paid to not work
Somehow I survived the inspections and walkthrough, but only because I have been onsite every day to show a good faith effort to improve things. This translated to 12-16hr days my first week arriving because there are multiple buildings, 1st/2nd/3rd shifts, and weekends. Emergency supply runs, employees and client hiding supplies or stealing supplies. People fucking with me in general, fielding all of the pent-up grievances from employees which was just smoke and mirrors in hindsight because they could distract and not work while venting towards me. Handling all of this while being unfamiliar with the account myself and learning as I went along (no notes from prior moid manager and a disorganized office, nothing set up), and me just only being one person while I couldn't even trust these site supervisors and employees who are treating me like a monster since I'm in town cause they fucked up.

Oh, and emphasis on the majority of these employees being hot pissed at me for asking them to do their jobs. They have gotten away with the timecard theft for so long that my asking them to report to work on time and perform something in their scope feels like literal oppression to them. Why does my company not want to terminate for the theft? Cause it's less of an HR headache for them if they can just blame the prior manager and let me be the sacrificial lamb to catch the worst offenders myself if it means we don't have to mass fire & hire. The problem is with how busy I am just trying to get the site functional and organized, I don't have the hours to spare to be chasing after 40+ people and writing disciplinary reports! Most of the employees cannot even larp as good while the boss is in town because they're emboldened shits cause of what they have gotten away with.
They took the HR numbers, from the employee information posters I hung up for them when I arrived, and are trying to frame me to get me removed or fired from site which lmaooooooo will never happen even if I was being literal Hitler.
A shame because I'm actually a pretty chill manager being that I used to be an employee like they are with my only hard stops being literal theft and abuse lol fuck me.
They shit on the prior manager for not doing anything for them. Except when it suits their narrative, they paint him as an innocent babu manager who never got no help when they want to keep the unofficial shit he supposedly promised them, like nonsensical schedules and times off.
Now they wanna shit on me because I am being involved for them and proving that it is possible to get things done without being spoonfed. That it is possible to be fair and that policies exist to enforce that culture. It does mean I am onsite a lot and that I want to know where the teams are because…I am the manager.
Of course they hate me. Some of them aren't even subtle. One was baiting saying the N word about her coworkers in front of me hoping I would repeat it or agree cause she was secretly recording me. The same one is actively asking everyone who reports to her shift to walk off or quit to…punish me by leaving a job that none of them actually performed minimally thus would make no manner of difference at this point?
A grown ass man got pissed at me for writing him up cause I caught him bringing his little boy to work to do his job for him. Same man then cussed me out and fucking cried when I only asked him to work on one floor a night in a giant building where a normal employee could get through several…he is the floor technician.
God I hope they quit cause I would rather hire and train new folks than deal with these assholes and chase them with writeups.
Even the ex manager, who mysteriously could not be contacted after he quit, was within five minutes blowing up my personal cell phone with abuses after he heard I was "talking shit." All I did was ask his mom to come to work–don't ask me how his mother was allowed to report to her manager son but you see the corruption here–and she got mad at me when I insisted she report because her son having given her permission to only work two days a week when the site was in such deliquency thanks to him was not going to fly. I got boymom-screamed at for that one but at least it gave me what I needed to remove that cunt from site and to get retard to drop his mask once and for all. Hate how everyone waves that he is a "28 year old kid" in my face as if I am some overexperienced hag at 32 who should be more patient towards a thief and a liar.
Maybe if I were a manager with a penis my observations would be taken more seriously and be shown more respect. Maybe people would do backflips and kiss my ass, instead of being upset that I am a young female telling them what to do because I ate massive shit to earn where I am now.
So I am done shedding tears over this account and its people. My boss even reassured me that even if we lost the account it's not like my company would fire me so I should not worry so much.
He's right. That's why I am telling them I am returning home after this week.

No. 2035210

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Hell no you can make more working gig economy apps than minimum wage or at least work somewhere way easier

No. 2035269

I work a admittedly cushy WFH job that requires limited effort and pays alright, but I'm getting to the point where I'm considering going back to working in kitchens as a cook because of the weird formalities, HR lingo and strangely insecure coworkers.
Our boss is an ADHD mess with an ego - meaning she needs to sign off on everything (because of course she's the boss and won't let you forget it!)yet would forget where her head was if it wasn't attached to her neck. She's so scattered and lost yet also extremely sensitive and cannot take suggestions or criticism. Unfortunately she's also great at office politics and is British, so has this amazing way with the large company bureaucracy and using HR speak to gaslight the entire team. She's not particularly clever though, so we planned a coup but people flaked (naturally, she'd go full mask off if she found out prematurely) and now we're back where we started with this bull in a china shop who loves to wear yellow and micromanage meaningless decisions instead of actually doing her job. At least in kitchens you have a task, you complete the task, you can talk shit to your coked out coworker, and you get to skip the corporate bullshit where they wax poetic about wellbeing and force feed you lukewarm tolerance training while simultaneously causing several suicides (legitimately).

No. 2035281

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I got an interview, nonas! Your kind thoughts worked! Think more kind thoughts for tomorrow, please. Now I'm scared again, ofc.

No. 2035286

Hope whoever is interviewing you is kind and calm and makes you feel at ease! You got this

No. 2035287

>he'd spend all his time playing games like osrs on his laptop

No. 2035314

I saw his skill notes anon, he played definitely not based kek.

No. 2035427

I'm not a contractor, I am a full time employee with a W2 and health insurance, but I work for a job that takes contracts from the state. And coming up July 1st, I may be without a job. The only feeling I have is "okay". I can't fight it. And honestly, I would rather the people working for CPS for 17$/hr that have to juggle 30 abused children cases a day get a raise over myself, who just operates a phone in comparison. The only thing that really bothers me is that there's no clear way for me to voice these issues to the people that actually provide the money. The company is structured so the workers don't have contact with the ones with that ultimately decide the work. Such is life

No. 2035442

i dont know why i accepted the offer to be the first aid attendant at my work. i'm probably the worst first aider of all time and the guilt ive felt the couple time's ive had people come to me with (pretty minor, at least) injuries and i've not really been able to do anything for them makes me feel like a useless fuck. the $80 extra on my paycheques isn't worth it. i just need to wait for my certificate to expire in 2026 and i'm never doing that shit again

No. 2035643

Years ago I would often bitching that I never managed to get a part time job as a student until my very last year of uni which I really needed back then and anons were posting shit like "just look for a job" but I just realized how insanely easy it must be to get a shit job in a country with at will employment. Because if the employers want to get rid of the employees they easily can. Where I am it can be hard to fire an employee so plenty of companies would rather be understaffed all the time than risk hiring someone, paying a shit ton of taxes for it and not being able to fire that employee if unless there are extreme circumstances.

I have a qualified job now and I'm seeing the same situation for the other point of view, my team and I are always short staffed and overworked and nobody wants to hire new people. But they also don't want to keep the employees who are about to leave after their last contracts end because legally they would be forced to keep these people with a permanent contract and nothing else and my company is too stingy to do that. I don't want to stay here forever, it's exhausting, this company is a sinking ship, but just thinking about how I could potentially look for a job for years and not get one just by being underestimated by hiring managers again scares the shit out of me. A friend of mine has been looking for a new job for nearly a year and nobody wants her for that reason, if it weren't for her parents she would be homeless right now as a result. It's scary. I'm not looking for advice, I'm just venting a little.

No. 2035796

im close to getting 99 herb myself it is based

No. 2036339

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> finally land job after 8+ months of searching and being unemployed
> a few bucks less than my old job but fully WFH
> during final interview process get a reachout from company I applied to half a year ago
> dream job, dream company, amazing pay
> get offer from initial company and say yes because literally no choice I am broke
> able to push back start date a bit to continue interviewing with dream job
> get asked to do final interview
> same day that I start first job

I have no idea how I'm gonna make this work anons lol, this would happen after almost a year of searching with barely any bites. I'm so grateful to have any job at all after so long and I can't afford to fuck up and lose it, but I can't miss this interview. This other position would be genuinely life changing if I got it. Thinking of saying I have internet issues or something for a couple hours, didn't receive my company computer in time, or asking if I can head out a little early. It won't be the best impression on my first day, but I don't think I have any other option.

No. 2036346

>Thinking of saying I have internet issues or something for a couple hours, didn't receive my company computer in time, or asking if I can head out a little early
NO. NO NO NO. Never ever use excuses that will let your bosses offer a side-solution. I had a shitty boss in the past who actually blamed ME for my laptop inexplicably dying (long story short, it permanently died, I had to text the company CEO to let him know what had happened, my boss suggested I go to a fucking internet cafe, we don't even have those where I am). Always use an excuse that not only is unavoidable, but makes you seem like a good, dedicated worker. In other words, health issue. Tell them you woke up with a migraine but you took migraine meds, so you'll be okay in an hour or so (and this will also give you the excuse to take it a bit easy).

No. 2036867

Interview over. It was difficult. I can't say what, but they tested a specialized skill. I prepared as much as one can for having something random put in front of you. I hate making mistakes in front of people judging me. That said, I still don't believe anyone even in the broader area I am in, or their broader field, can do that perfectly or even well on the spot. Only a handful of seasoned experts could, and they aren't in the pool of applicants. Once I was halfway through, I got more used to it and could do it faster with fewer problems. I'm not used to doing this "out loud" either. It's not really something you speak out loud. (Sorry I can't be specific nonas, before I die, whenever it is, I'll come back and dox myself, but not today)

But I can only lie here and think about my mistakes now. There was virtually no small talk, the interview was only about this skill, more or less. (I knew it would include testing this thing.) I said why I wanted the position and my background, and asked a few questions. The more I think, the more I wish I weren't so fucking awkward.

damn I really need a new job right now though. And who else is even qualified to do it?? It's three moids, they might have some guy earmarked for the position already I guess.

No. 2037860

Has anyone had experience in a dry cleaning business? I applied to be an admin there and the role seems full on, orders, emailing, calls, etc. I get overwhelmed with too much work but I don't know if I'm just overthinking it.

No. 2038134

Personally, I'd be really worried about working around all those chemicals. Maybe I am just paranoid and everyone there is fine, though. Or is it a place that sends the clothes somewhere else to be cleaned?

Otherwise it sounds like a typical customer service job. You might have to deal with some difficult people, are you able to do that? Now I sort of hope you will take it and make a thread about all the weird and wonderful stuff that gets cleaned there.

No. 2038142

Yeah they send them somewhere else, and its also seperated, a front area for admin and the back is all for pressing I believe.

Yeah I can handle a difficult customer, I just have problems learning things quickly and retaining info. But I'm hoping it will be okay…
And lol yes I'll do that, their clients are actually news stations and luxury brands so it should be interesting.

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