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File: 1713167002143.jpeg (71.56 KB, 1050x617, IMG_4531.jpeg)

No. 1964385

Off-topic random shit thread but the only rule is DO NOT TALK ABOUT MOIDS. Doesn't matter if it's men you hate, men you love, men you are attracted to, men you aren't attracted to, men you personally know, men you don't personally know, men that literally just exist, husbandos, yaoi, bara, het ships, nonexistent men, hypothetical men, men's opinions, none of these things are allowed ITT. No pictures of moids (including animated moids) allowed either. This also includes trannies since they are men. If an anon mentions males ITT do not respond, just report.
>But why?
It's exhausting and annoying to see anons talking about nothing but moids over and over.
>Isn't this thread redundant?
If only.
>But what about-
Real life animals are fine but otherwise just follow the Rule of thumb: if you have to ask then it most likely belongs elsewhere so don't even bother.

previous thread: >>>/ot/1712524

No. 1964392

Oh to be an Edwardian girl having the time of her life laughing with friends while having your picture taken with a huge clunky slow camera.

No. 1964396

Love you nonnas.

No. 1964398

Love old pics where you can see people's humanity.

No. 1964401

Cute thread pic

No. 1964402

Do you ever use /ot/ threads like a diary? Is so, why?

No. 1964450

Because I have no one to talk to and am dying for intimacy.
Nothing against the thread pic but I wish they would all be torties/calicos, I just like consistency and themes.

No. 1964456

Same. I also wanted a female cat as the pic

No. 1964563

I am tired of my mom freezing every thing. I bought cheese to make cheeseburgers today and she fucking froze them without asking me. Now they are all crumbling and gross, and they obviously wont taste the same. She always finds a way to ruin my dinner/lunch.

No. 1964593

did anyone lose any weight during ramadan

No. 1964629

i wish threadpic was a calico or tortie kitty as before

No. 1964642

File: 1713177877249.jpg (173.53 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-Chaton_tricolore-423396…)

agreed. Let's post cats

No. 1964656

File: 1713178397404.jpg (208.74 KB, 1400x788, 0_L_1k3T8tQiY6pDag.jpg)

No. 1964697

File: 1713182542699.jpg (247.07 KB, 1200x800, 1000024505.jpg)

Every fucking time on social media someone points out on a cat video that all calicos are female, all of a sudden everyone in the comments has actually had a male calico. It's very annoying. yes I know male calicos can happen but it's supposed to be extremely rare

No. 1964708

My grandmother had a calico that didn't have any white (is that technically considered calico?) and she called her something that roughly translates as "little lady cat". I'm not in the financial position to get a cat now but I really want one like it when I'm finally able to.

No. 1964719

Nonna, this isn't passing the Bechdel test. But yeah, everyone on social media loves to be the most specialest retard in the room.

No. 1964744

File: 1713185033175.jpg (168.33 KB, 794x529, il_794xN.4322904947_5z25.jpg)

I've been doing some investigating into my family tree and all of my foremothers. It inspired me to talk to my mom about her mom (she died when I was twelve) and if she remembers anything about her grand-maman and maybe even her grand-grand-maman. I want to know everything about them and wish there was a way I could go further back. I wish I could talk to all the women that came before me and find out what they loved, what they hated, their favourite foods, their relationships with other women in the tribe. If your grandmas or great grandmas are still alive nonnas I encourage you to talk to them while you still can, there's so many wonderful and interesting and funny women out there! We're so lucky.

No. 1964792

My only remaining grandparent, my grandma, has dementia of 10+ years. She thinks people in drawings and pictures are real and has full conversations with her baby doll thinking it's a real baby. I wish I had taken more time to talk to her when I was younger before her brain turned into mush.

No. 1964797

File: 1713187204962.jpg (56.64 KB, 653x470, images.jpg)

Like this? That's Tortoiseshell

No. 1964816

Ooh yes that's it! Gorgeous coat.

No. 1964858

Every tortie I've ever met has been a bit tsundere, it's cute. My grandma had one and if she chose to come to you for pets it was the biggest honor, because normally she was a little mean kek

No. 1964877

File: 1713190918375.jpg (163.26 KB, 975x1390, pretty-calico-cat-with-white-p…)

My calico's paws look like little snow boots but her face is half black half brown. she's a sassy lady, I spent two hours running around my yard with string and she was chasing after it. We we're both beat to say the least

No. 1964924

>Real life animals are fine

No. 1964929

Every day every single fucking day I go on reddit to give advice to women who have UTI symptoms but have been gaslit by their shitty doctors into thinking they don't have a UTI. I am not letting another woman go through this shit for as long as I live.

No. 1964936

You are noble for that anon. I go on Reddit and give advice to women who are worried about hairloss because I don't want another woman to have to go through the insecurity and hopelessness I went through when I had telogen effluvium.

No. 1964940

can someone convince me to go for my run? i feel really weak today

No. 1964941

eat some oatmeal and go on a walk.

No. 1964944

File: 1713193205245.png (85.83 KB, 500x412, 1000018567.png)

If you go run now you won't need to run later.

No. 1964951

i had porridge this morning and ate some gnocchi a couple hours ago so i think i will run now
it is 4pm and my last chance! i will go!

No. 1964957

File: 1713193912739.jpeg (200.02 KB, 396x467, IMG_9996.jpeg)

Saw this random ad and I’m dying because what the fuck is this supposed to be? To pick up the shit out of your cat’s litter box or something?

No. 1964960

Imagine the tan lines.

No. 1964964

no i gained 7 pounds from stress eating kek

No. 1964966

Kekk, your feet is gonna look like a deep fryer basket

No. 1964974

File: 1713194367046.jpg (45.32 KB, 506x695, 1000024521.jpg)

f a s h i o n
I had a pair of clear sneakers when I was a kid and they were so uncomfortable

No. 1964981

This just looks like sweat central!

No. 1965049

>imagine the smell

No. 1965102

This is beyond ugly and serves no purpose kek

No. 1965244

By at least the end of the 19th century shutter speeds were pretty quick and didn't take more than a few seconds. A camera at the turn of the century would not have been particularly large nor slow and almost as fast as a modern camera.

No. 1965576

File: 1713230780797.jpg (325.93 KB, 1080x1902, FROU FROU.jpg)

FROU FROU'S HERO COVER IS ON SPOTIFYYY I love her voice so much.

No. 1965578

IIRC that exact same artist is the singer behind the old "mmmmm watcha say" meme.

No. 1965580

this is such a great cover… now they just need to get Jennifer Saunders version up and I can die happy

No. 1965602

yay we finally made it to a second thread! With the warm weather my cats are shedding like crazy. thank god they're shorthairs

No. 1965742

God I love her version, it's so good

No. 1965825

File: 1713266197160.png (28.15 KB, 592x192, IMG_20240416_051247.png)

Jail nonny comes out on the 24th of April (soon)

No. 1965839

oh my god jail nonny, I remember her. Hope she's okay.

No. 1965854

kek jail-chan I love you

No. 1965863

Hell yeah jail nonnie. Stay away from the fireworks girl

No. 1965866

we should do fireworks to celebrate

No. 1965943

Who's fireworks girl?

No. 1965967

You had to be there to understand

No. 1965968

We need to celebrate the freedom of a fellow nonna itt

No. 1966055

I remember being in that thread when she was posting. I'll join the celebration

No. 1966258

File: 1713290995524.jpg (31.99 KB, 600x315, 82E76746-CBAC-4A81-9D31-564D41…)

When I was 8, I really loved Angelina Ballerina and wanted to take ballet. My mom just laughed at me because this was around the time I started gaining weight and said I was too fat to be a ballerina. If I ever have enough money in the future, I'd like to take classes. I'll be in my 30s but it's not like I ever wanted it as a career so it's ok.

No. 1966279

Please do it! There's adult classes out there and you can do it for fun

No. 1966998

File: 1713319270905.jpeg (110.75 KB, 640x491, 1713296412693.jpeg)

No bait itt atm I just want to post this because it's cute

No. 1967003

What game is this from? Some harvest moon thing?

No. 1967005

File: 1713319841665.png (219.67 KB, 256x356, Harvest_Moon_-_A_Wonderful_Lif…)

Yeah I think it's this one

No. 1967014

This is so adorable. I love that for you

No. 1967275

Im kinda worried about one of my favorite nail supplies brands. Their main products have been on sale for months and they recently switched from free shipping if you buy over a certain amount to free shipping for US. They did just release a new product like a month or two ago so they're probably not struggling. I just get so paranoid of small businesses shutting down. I'll have to support and make a big order soon!

No. 1967369

can you blackpill me on smoking? I have been around smokers for years and I got addicted to second-hand smoking and now thinking of starting smoking myself as I'm not around smokers anymore and I think it could help me with my binge eating and oral fixation.

No. 1967372

Do you pronounce it COO-pon or CYOO-pon? I say it the first way but I heard someone say it the second way and I can't stop repeating it in my head.

No. 1967379

Smoking does not make you thinner, it does not curb appetite. If you are prone to binge eating you will be prone to chain smoking. It does not make you less anxious or neurotic, it actually increases anxiety through a constant cycle of tiny "withdrawals" between cigarettes that only gets more severe the longer you smoke and the more cigarettes you smoke daily. Smoking a cigarette never feels as good as the first time it hits, so for the rest of your life you're just chasing that initial feeling but you never get it again.

No. 1967380

I can't pick a way, but coo-pon feels most natural to me. I just switch between both.

No. 1967396

Both equally, but when I'm being silly I say coop'n

No. 1967397

Don't become a stinky smoker nonna, I think it's gross when I can smell it on other people

No. 1967406

If you're going to go down that route at least vape instead.

No. 1967494

Don't do this. You'll end up consuming even more nicotine than if you had just smoked cigarettes. Vape addicts use nonstop all day every day.

No. 1967643

I think I want to vape out of FOMO because many of my friends are vaping nonstop like you said and I feel like an outsider, mind you they are in their 20s and 30s vaping and smoking since they were teens and they seem to be in good health.

No. 1968440

File: 1713405634706.jpg (83.78 KB, 735x922, 42f4e070741a43bc77755420c2251d…)

There's a pair of designer shoes that I want but are so hard to find, so I'm gonna attempt to find a shoemaker who takes commissions.

No. 1968455

For once I'm feeling a sense of self preservation. I'll move in with other people, I'm scared about how much more I can spiral if I remain alone all the time.

No. 1968470

That's really cool anon, I bet you'll cherish those shoes once they are made. What's the model you are looking for?

No. 1968846

Wish I was paid for posting because I never stop I never shut up. Or just buy my silence, come on I dare you (100 euro / dollar it's ok I accept both currencies)

No. 1971898

People will judge you for buying puzzles and then go spend copious amounts of money on video games. Your league of Legends Blood Moon skin is not cooler than my Ravensburger puzzle!

No. 1971900

you're cooler

No. 1971902

That's a really good point… I want to buy the boardgames I've been humming and harring about now.

No. 1973908

File: 1713718367200.jpeg (439.75 KB, 750x819, IMG_0067.jpeg)

It actually works(a hidden moid is still a moid)

No. 1973997

what's happening here?

No. 1974000

I wonder if I should report you

No. 1974006

To whom? Satan?(mentioning a moid)

No. 1974024

File: 1713722435387.gif (114.07 KB, 399x370, IMG_0073.gif)

Picrel(sorry jesus)

No. 1974041

It's AI generated pic that made the contours of the women look like what it looks like.

No. 1974047

this is a funny redtext out of context

No. 1974058

Does Jesus deserve the judgement of our farmhands?(HE with a capital H is a moid, ye be judged)

No. 1974061

Yes, jannies need to burn in hellfire for banning our first husbando to walk the earth and teach the world to avoid sin..(our holy husbando is still a moid)

No. 1974078

File: 1713724976059.jpg (113.1 KB, 564x899, isis.jpg)

At least post about female religious figures, you dumbasses.
Posting my favorite goddess.

No. 1974081

File: 1713725130887.png (1.09 MB, 1500x1500, 2s4r385547.png)

I kind of want this Mothra plush, she's really cute.

No. 1974084

KEK jannies

What is this supposed to be?

No. 1974104

File: 1713725993602.jpeg (204.02 KB, 1400x700, IMG_2059.jpeg)

Mothra, one of the Godzilla kaiju monsters (my autocorrect keeps wanting to correct her name to Mother)

No. 1974126

File: 1713726908843.jpg (120.22 KB, 1200x630, fairies-final.jpg)

mothra is so cool. the shobijin are cute too.

No. 1974129

File: 1713727087315.png (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 660x984, censoredqueen.png)

Here's my fave. All of her depictions have her standing on top of a couple, so had to black out the unnecessary parts.

No. 1974152

smelling burnt toast

No. 1974164

Did you burn your toast?

No. 1974186

File: 1713730406071.jpg (339.42 KB, 413x600, ancient-statue-goddess-artemis…)

Artemis, I love her pose reaching for an arrow

No. 1974194

File: 1713731101641.png (774.77 KB, 1192x1099, latest-1648512354.png)

I always had a soft spot for her. It's pretty amazing that a society that sucked that much for women, could envision and worship such a free female deity.
She is so cute in the game Hades too.

No. 1974254

It makes me very uncomfortable to see AI trained on pictures of little girls because I know exactly what it's being used for in other contexts

No. 1974259

File: 1713734899021.jpg (138.5 KB, 653x538, image.jpg)

I love her (dropped image oops)

No. 1974544

Im pretty grateful I don't have fat hands even though I'm 160-170 lbs.

No. 1974553

File: 1713756973629.jpg (61.29 KB, 710x432, qa9znwt1l4g71.jpg)

Im a big consoomer, but honestly I've stopped feeling shame about it because I genuinely love and use everything I own. Buying new things is awesome because there's so many cool things out there, and besides I worked so hard to be able to do this stuff.

No. 1974558

I love our admin

No. 1974579

No. 1974582

File: 1713760417090.gif (16.68 KB, 408x408, duck-animal.gif)

3 more days till she comes home

No. 1974583

File: 1713760491741.jpg (176.24 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

I want to create a sims neighborhood for my house where every lot is a different ethnicity or country so that the neighborhood gives tonal whiplash vibes.

No. 1974584

File: 1713760688926.jpg (68.81 KB, 460x560, lohan.jpg)

I want to ask her if jail was fun, she made it seem pretty alright. Free housing, free food, getting to chill in the yard on break time.

No. 1974587

Just learned about prisonchan, wishing her well

No. 1974590

i wish Sims 4 was open world it would make builds like this so much more fun

No. 1974592

do you feel youthful rn?

No. 1974601

I feel retarded that's for sure

No. 1974605

do you belieeeve in life lafter luv

No. 1974607

Is this going to turn into the new dumbass shit thread

No. 1974615

i assumed that was the whole reason it existed

No. 1974617

File: 1713762860440.png (1.14 MB, 1964x1153, Selene_PH.png)

GOD I love the character designs Jen Zee draws. They're all so fun and colorful.

No. 1974642

This thread existed before dumbass was autosaged

No. 1974719

File: 1713775933603.webp (Spoiler Image,122.46 KB, 1000x566, Aphrodite_(Hades_II)_PH.webp)

The Selene design is so pretty! I even like the new Aphrodite design, despite her being nude. It's gotta be the one time in videogames where that feels appropriate.

No. 1974727

maybe it's my own preferences peaking through but i wish she had a softer body, like the classical aphrodite statues have. the anime stylized body just does nothing for me.

No. 1974857

File: 1713791063561.png (380.89 KB, 562x703, Margo Kai.png)

I have always liked Morana/Morena.

No. 1974999

i get sad when i think about piper perri

No. 1975796

File: 1713841583671.gif (901.44 KB, 220x212, IMG_0130.gif)

new lc mascot JUST DROPPED

No. 1975797

When I heard of makeup testing on animals, this is what I imagined as a child.

No. 1975830

Ugly as fuck

No. 1976013

Unexpected response actually

No. 1976041

what are you nonnies favourite quotes from female authors, fiction or non-fiction? they have to adhere to the rules of this thread

No. 1976138

Doesn't April '24 just mean 2024, and not actually the 24th of April? C'mon ladies.

No. 1976152

No. 1976157

File: 1713874110709.jpeg (512.23 KB, 1080x1759, IMG_0132.jpeg)

this one is a g(oldie)(men in bechdel thread)

No. 1976191

Never heard of her before! It's fascinating that rituals involving her has been going on until today, despite christianity.

No. 1976222

File: 1713878703347.jpg (296.53 KB, 804x1000, schamanin_rekonstruktion.jpg)

This woman from my region was worshipped for centuries after her burial:

>The double burial contained the skeletal remains of an adult woman aged 30–40 years and a 6-8 month old infant. Radiocarbon dating of human and animal bone yielded a date of 7000-6800 BC, placing the interment in the Mesolithic period.[4] The woman was buried in a sitting position with flexed arms and legs. The baby was positioned between her legs. The grave was filled with powdered red ochre. It contained an "exceptional number" of grave goods, including 50 pierced animal teeth, and microlith blades stored in a crane bone. The woman has been interpreted as a shaman, based on the presence of a portion of roe deer skull with antlers that was presumably attached to headwear.[2]


No. 1976246

Wait, so that isn't how they test on animals? Jesus christ I feel retarded right now(don't take a moid's name in vain)

No. 1976264

Farmhands: stop trying to make your little autistic quips. It's so tryhard and embarrassing.

No. 1976281

what did janny mean by this

No. 1976334

File: 1713885952356.jpg (44.14 KB, 334x480, 60d0febe975865d26c086e2f9bdccf…)

I hate that Louhi, the ruler of the Northern Land in the Finnic Kalevala epic, gets portrayed as this evil witch character, when she's actually a pretty based leader and the most sensible person among everyone by any standards.

No. 1976345

You’re trying way too hard.

No. 1976363

We're in the Bechdel thread, so not allowed to talk about redacted. And then "Don't take the Lord's name in vain" is a common rule in Christianity. Janny is trying to be funny, emphasis on try.

No. 1976368

Why are you mean girl larping the mods

No. 1976395

Not everyone finds the jannies funny.

No. 1976422

File: 1713890606720.jpeg (71.94 KB, 763x763, IMG_6174.jpeg)

good morning ladies(this alien is male)

No. 1976423

kek jannies

No. 1976543

File: 1713894730132.jpg (132.78 KB, 1080x454, nonnies angels.jpg)

No. 1976714

File: 1713898641405.jpeg (132.19 KB, 750x865, 37A78921-A7E9-4E34-9CEE-4DC6BC…)

why would this be something that would be posted in the lc caps thread? busted out laughing kek

No. 1976963

File: 1713903291900.jpg (21.48 KB, 563x538, cry cat.jpg)

Waiting until my dad goes to sleep so I can smoke a joint and dance in my room(your dad is male)

No. 1977067

File: 1713905232117.jpeg (35.34 KB, 238x720, 61438C17-D4E7-48B8-9EB9-DEF209…)

Francine did it better

No. 1977090

rogu isn’t a man

No. 1977143

File: 1713907005381.jpg (13.76 KB, 256x400, 181398033-256-k520162.jpg)

Having one of those depressing premenstrual days wishing I could go back in time to when this show was on TV in my country

No. 1977351


No. 1977381

File: 1713916248468.jpg (35.98 KB, 475x318, p-7907-eta.jpg)

Have any of you ever kept an aquarium? I kept picrel several years ago. It would always hide under a rock and I rarely saw it, I let it go free.

No. 1977631

File: 1713924129083.jpeg (413.65 KB, 750x858, IMG_0151.jpeg)

I know this was one of you who donated it

No. 1977651

Thats not fucking true bitch.

No. 1977653

No. 1977726

what is it?

No. 1977756

a bong you use for your coochie basically

No. 1977763

Goodwill has insane finds. My mom got a pretty box from goodwill but when she took it home and it had someone’s ashes inside. She went back to goodwill and returned the ashes, but kept the box. It was a very pretty box and I think she stores jewelry in it. I hope that person got grandma back.

No. 1977767

That's pretty insane, they don't check for that stuff at donation/thrift stores? I don't know if I could keep a box that had someone's ashes in it kek.

No. 1978018

File: 1713950886230.gif (11.66 MB, 640x360, fireworks-anime-idolmaster.gif)

Welcome back to freedom jail nonny

No. 1978020

File: 1713950953718.gif (192.73 KB, 345x285, tua-gom-puffy-bear.gif)

No. 1978269

My favorite cows are active again for the first time in a while I could cry nonnies

No. 1978275

I have less than $30 right now and the urge to order food is so strong. In my defense, I'm busy today and don't wanna cook. Knowing you have more money on the way is so dangerous.

No. 1978291

nona you are broke as a joke, do not order in food. do you have food in the house? eat that. how did your finances even get to this point?

No. 1978412

Ok, I'm making food right now. I makey worst financial decisions when I'm hungry, I probably would've regretted it anyway.
>how did your finances even get to this point?

No. 1978420

what do you mean "Wtf", it wasn't an insult it was a genuine question

No. 1978445

All these expenses kept coming and money just kept leaving my account and there was nothing I could do to stop it

No. 1978448

File: 1713966932876.gif (79.06 KB, 498x467, diwali-sparkles-stars.gif)

Congrats on coming out of jail nonna please report back if you can

No. 1978617

File: 1713974593875.jpeg (141.36 KB, 1080x991, IMG_5609.jpeg)

Just found out I have a day off! I didn’t even know but it couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m so tired, if I could I’d lay down on the floor and take a nap right now.

No. 1978634

I wanna get my nails done but I've been bad with budgeting this week. Life's so unfair

No. 1978717

I'm so fucking tired of having no friends

No. 1978845

Me too nonnie, me too.

No. 1978881

Just tried the new Starbucks spicy lemonade and it’s the worst thing I’ve ever drank

No. 1978883

What do they even put in it? Tajin? Chili? I dont understand starbucks. They came out with an olive oil coffee a few months back.

No. 1978884

Well I was expecting some kind of syrup to be added but yeah it’s just a fuck ton of chili powder that sinks to the bottom.

No. 1978954

I sampled the pineapple one last week and it wasn't the worst thing I'd tried but it was certainly one of the weirdest. They should've kept the lavender drinks for longer, they were much more appealing. idk who they're trying to appeal to with this one

No. 1979090

File: 1714009260607.jpg (13.53 KB, 250x249, 58688366b8d4e2a2fa94459ee4f715…)

You ever walk into the bathroom after someone has showered and the air is MUSTY? It's disgusting anons, humid and musty.

No. 1979092

That's because Starbucks sucks

No. 1979103

Starbucks is so annoying. They cant just stick to making good coffee, but they can make all these dumb drinks up. I am so glad I left 2 years ago, because it was hell working there.

No. 1979449

Someone give me their favorite subway order. I'm about to order two sandwiches and idk what the second one should be.

No. 1979453

i like the teriyaki with pickles, mayo, lettuce and tomatoes

No. 1979460

File: 1714043000915.jpg (54.17 KB, 783x736, chompchomp.jpg)

I spent the entire night procastinating. Ok gonna eat some burgers then force myself to get to work. Please encourage me, nonnies.

No. 1979464

Work will be fine. It will be a better day than usual.

No. 1979466

That's how we drink it in my country

No. 1979477

File: 1714044478654.jpg (216.64 KB, 668x1002, elsiepicnic.jpg)

It's time for the lolcow potluck! What are you bringing to share nonnie?

No. 1979481

File: 1714044667289.jpg (211.07 KB, 736x1104, 2c2521818fb5b052972132fb346cb7…)

I'm not the best baker but there's a chocolate chip cookie recipe that I'm pretty good at making and is delicious so I say that

No. 1979482


No. 1979487

share the recipe nonie

No. 1979488

File: 1714045241513.jpg (537.04 KB, 1077x1077, sandwiches.jpg)

Gourmet sandwiches that I did not make myself kek (with vegetarian options for vegetarian nonacitas)

No. 1979491

File: 1714045429192.jpeg (117.31 KB, 1500x1000, MSL-332890-HowtoSmokeFish-hero…)

smoked whitefish

No. 1979493

File: 1714045766253.jpg (144 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

It's Tasty's chewy chocolate chip cookie recipe. Do not chill for 30 mins if you want the best texture, let them chill for a few hours or 1 hour minimum.

No. 1979495

No. 1979501

File: 1714046528000.jpg (173.18 KB, 1066x1600, IMG_8352.JPG)

ok but you have to get them cut into cow shapes like this

No. 1979507

File: 1714047105740.jpg (172.18 KB, 1160x1637, orzo-salad-1.jpg)

I made orzo salad for my lunch this week and it was really yummy. I will make a big batch to share with you nonnies.

who's bringing the milk?

No. 1979517

I'll see what I can do lol
Yes, we need milk for those cookies

No. 1979575

File: 1714052365034.jpg (34.68 KB, 640x480, 1000020048.jpg)

I'm bringing minilunches so I can talk about them for 2 hours.

No. 1979576

What's a minilunch

No. 1979592

The most delicious bakery good you will ever eat, very soft, it's a slightly sweet bread filled with ham and cheese, it goes well with any coffee and it's perfect for a simple breakfast.

No. 1979928

Aren't these called stromboli or are stromboli required to have more pizza-style ingridients?

No. 1980600

File: 1714123524267.jpg (19.77 KB, 668x459, images-1.jpg)

No. 1980601

So cute

No. 1980603

>Her offenses range from theft to terroristic stalking
She seems kind of fun

No. 1980617

stacy shit

No. 1980670

File: 1714129425820.jpg (326.66 KB, 1049x1039, 1710555408974.jpg)

I'm seething rn nonnies. Someone I was playing online scrabble with just put the word 'gaijin' and it fucking went through. What the hell? First of all weeb and cringe, second of all the game is set to ENGLISH so why does it accept all these stupid non-words?? I don't mean to brag but I fucking slay at scrabble and will be steamrolling a game and then my boomer facebook fishing pic ass opponent will play some ludicrous bullshit like 'iched' or 'zex' or 'ita'. Please do tell me what any of that shit means. Yeah you were just looking at your letters and went oh I better play the commonly used English word 'gaen'???? I don't doubt that these are in the dictionary somewhere but you and I both know you've never used those words in your life! You are googling that shit or trying any random configuration of letters until something sticks like a cheating coward!! And you get rewarded for it with those sweet sweet multiplier points so you continue to do it.
Sportsmanship is dead.

No. 1980674

Sportswomanship, nonna.

No. 1980678

She’s so beautiful and happy… I think women should have get out of jail free cards if they really enjoyed doing the crime

No. 1980691

When I play scrabble irl I insist on a house rule that you have to be able to define the word you play.

No. 1980698

I guess gaijin is now a loan word like sushi and futon.

No. 1980701

But wtf does it even mean? Non Japanese person? Why do we need a word for that

No. 1980704

I think it just means foreigner (and in this case female ones only)

No. 1980716

Yes it means foreigner/outsider, I'm not sure why we borrowed it but it has its own entry in the dictionary now apparently.

No. 1980734

Yeah that makes a lot of sense, you don't even need to know the exact definition as long as you have some ballpark idea imo. I guess there's always going to be scrabble autists who purposefully learn those short rare letter words for the sake of the game, but that's fine with me, on par with chess autists who memorize specific strategies.

No. 1980806

Reading J. K. Rowling's tweets is the only thing keeping me sane and happy right now. She gives me so much hope and is very funny every once in a while. Love her.

No. 1981272

remember to make a wish when you sneeze

No. 1981277

manifesting becoming a billionaire so I can dunk on trannies and spend my millions giving to feminist orgs, various charities and funding terf rallies(This comment did not pass the bechdel test)

No. 1981435

File: 1714170886626.jpeg (234.47 KB, 366x343, IMG_0205.jpeg)

>ironically classically colonizer

what? KEKK

No. 1981506

does anybody have any chapstick

No. 1981532

I have at least three spare sticks that you could borrow

No. 1981666

File: 1714194021548.jpg (311.43 KB, 1600x1184, Chicago-example-drawbridge-Sta…)

My biggest fear (besides somehow driving into a body of water) is that one day I'll be driving on one of these bridges and it will open

No. 1981671

they don't just pop open, they're usually pretty slow so i think you'd have time to react

No. 1981747

When they start to open they close off the road for a moment before they begin the opening process so that the bridge is cleared out. It's not like they'd pull a prank on people like that. But I'm one to talk since where I live we don't have those.

No. 1981818

I did not understand anything in this picture, is it AI generated?

No. 1981958

File: 1714228991849.jpg (91.31 KB, 640x624, 1000014195.jpg)

Whenever anons complain about people misusing the meaning of a word or not knowing a big fancy word existed I feel bad because I'm one of those retards despite being a native english speaker. I learned a lot of new words after spending time on here that were supposedly already common words? (I never saw them used in real life)

No. 1981962

close anon, it was written by an autistic person kek

No. 1982884

I'm sad and I'm gonna drink. What should I do in the meantime to pass the time while I'm drinking? don't worry nonas it's just hard cider

No. 1982901

why is the site always active when i'm asleep then dead when i'm awake

No. 1983219

File: 1714310527849.jpg (46.86 KB, 735x612, 0dffe5937914f2e621f6c8bb8c7620…)

There's been so many things I want to discuss on here that don't fit in any threads, and with our catchall thread dead there's nowhere to really put it.

No. 1983319

Watch reality TV from the early 2000s. I know you're not drinking any more but maybe keep it in mind for next time. It's so ridiculous, I always crack up at the fake ass lines and retarded scenarios.

No. 1983468

If I put alcohol on a small piece of paper towel and leave it on my open pimple, do you think it will dehydrate it and make it heal quicker? Like a ghetto pimple patch.

No. 1983521

i do that when it leaks too much sebum to put on a hydrocolloid patch. works great

No. 1983604

if youre someone who doesnt suffer from any medical issues or disabilities at all, please be aware of how blessed you are. i was in perfect health for 17 years, and then one day i just started having seziures out of nowhere. my life changed overnight and i haven't stopped having seizures ever since. it is horrific and painful and if theres anyone here who really is just in perfect health then please enjoy it and embrace it

No. 1983638

Hugs nonna. I hope you're okay right now

No. 1983640

I agree. The dumbass shit thread should come back, even if it had another name

No. 1983714

i think we could use this one as dumbass shit as long as we dont mention moids(This comment doesn't pass the Bechdel test)

No. 1983940

the most unattractive people are always autistic

No. 1983949

I feel called out

No. 1983953

Well, I ain't autistic, check mate sis

No. 1983959

File: 1714352804372.png (105.6 KB, 300x100, 255.png)

i like collecting the lolcow banners like trading cards

No. 1983962

File: 1714353058829.gif (31.76 KB, 300x100, 1000015856.gif)

I like this one

No. 1984047

i miss dumbass shit so much

No. 1984062

anyone tried blogging? like on "return to old style internet" sites like livejournal/dreamwidth/bearblog? or anyone already blog on these actually?

No. 1984076

There is an old web/personal site thread here somewhere. I personally don't maintain a blog because I always end up oversharing and saying something mean. I have a dreamwidth but haven't touched it in over a year because I posted a series of really embarrassing manifestos lol. I always think about starting a blog dedicated to my ttrpg world and posting little short stories about my ocs.

No. 1984082

I wanted to but I don't want to overshare. I'm thinking about maybe trying to go back at blogging but I'll make up a character. I really wanted to customize my barbies and make a story for them so I guess I could do that with a blog and post pics of them as if they were blogging, it is kinda silly but it would be better than sharing my boring ass life kek and it sounds fun even if it's pure autism. Makes me think of the old days when people would roleplay on livejournal

No. 1984179

I've thought about it but it's not like I'd have an audience for my mundane shit.

No. 1984228

File: 1714376702504.png (53.07 KB, 300x100, 1702172874524.png)

We have so many banners now, it's amazing. I just keep seeing new ones. I like this controversially wholesome one.

No. 1984283

I stopped smoking weed for one day because I was too tired and I had the best sleep I've had in ages plus my heartbeat isn't nearly as noticeable. And here I was thinking I needed it to fall asleep kek

No. 1984383

Yeah we need a catch-all thread.

No. 1984441

Having bad handwriting literally makes me feel like I'm at the lowest caste of society, like an Indian unforgivable or untouchable or whatever they're called

No. 1984626

This is/should be the catch all thread.

No. 1984646

It can't be because of the rules.

No. 1984997


No. 1985018

Kek I'm ashamed of my bad handwriting too.

No. 1985068

I was trying to start one from the perspective of my fictional character allegory to create a story of sorts but I sucked at posting content everyday so I stopped

No. 1985093

File: 1714424517350.png (393.32 KB, 1024x683, pens.png)

What do you people even write? I haven't touched these things in years.

No. 1985095

Not either of those anons but I have several penpals and also keep a diary and my handwriting is the bane of my existence kek. But do you not even write birthday cards? Grocery lists?

No. 1985096

nta but notes, lists, reminders (it's easier for me to remember on paper right in front of me than on a phone) paper forms that require filling out

No. 1985124

I use my phone or pc for this. Grocery lists, movies i want to watch, ect. I don't have anything "big" to write, but if i did i would do it on my pc i think.

No. 1985202

File: 1714429593799.gif (1.6 MB, 200x200, IMG_0259.gif)

for once I had a good experience on here and I’m shocked that I actually had fun in a thread for once kek. off topic thought but why do I keep seeing so much overweight women especially on tiktok? there’s one extreme of stunning skinny women and then the opposite where they’re big as fuck, or maybe i’m just bouncing from the normie women side and the ones who were in the lgbt club in high school and as a grown adult somehow like hazbin hotel? idk where those fatties are getting confidence from, almost none of them would be facially ugly if they lost the weight and would mog me but they love remaining fat and it angers me

No. 1985208

I hate this gif so fucking much

No. 1985210

File: 1714429904652.jpeg (42.67 KB, 271x275, IMG_0211.jpeg)

it’s funny to me because she looks stupid (like me)

No. 1985222

I handwrite notes for my college classes and I also write original fiction for fun. I prefer doing my outlines/ideas/draft zero on paper. You'd think someone who writes all the time would have better handwriting but nope kek

No. 1985225

No it’s funny. >>1985202 ignore the hater

No. 1985232

>and I’m shocked that I actually had fun in a thread for once kek.
Which one?

No. 1985233

Yeah she looks retarded as fuck

No. 1985235


No. 1985239

I write almost everything down because I hate screens. I do have some digital notes but nothing important.

No. 1985277

ugly man psyop nonnyyy
nonnabella ♥(do not mention men itt)

No. 1985298

Don't spend mental energy on this, fat women just existing without hating themselves shouldn't plague your mind, this isn't the Shayna thread.

No. 1985319

I don’t, it just catches my attention so much kek like holy shit the algorithm loves to boost female fatties

No. 1985358

rattle rattle rattle it's your own problem if you're triggered by fat women this isn't mpa

No. 1985365

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moids who developed their childhood crush off of fucking cartoons just by jerking off to them with their disgusting little dicks need to die(don't mention moids)

No. 1985567

I mean, that's a massive downgrade, I'd be pissed too

No. 1985727

BPD ANTHEMS LET'S GO wanted to post the official video but there's a [topic redacted] in it

No. 1985729

I actually like Velma. I like how everyone is an asshole and it devolves into a shitty self insert fanfic where velma gets her own harem. It's on the same level as drawn together and people that get offended at it are terminally online losers who need real problems, or dare i say, snowflakes.

No. 1985731

>shitty self insert fanfic where velma gets her own harem.
Kek what?

No. 1985734

yeah, the whole gang ends up in love with her at the end. I forgot S2 was out, going to give it a binge watch.

No. 1985783

File: 1714477227592.jpg (98.89 KB, 615x816, 0_tammy-slaton.jpg)

I just found out one of the chubby bunny ladies, Tammy Slatin, is a lesbian (bisexual?) whaatt

No. 1985887

I remember several years ago my two younger nieces challenged me to do the "chubby bunny challenge" and I was like "wabby babby what???" and they had to repeat it for me several times and that's the first time I felt old and out of the loop kek

No. 1985893

Wtf is the chubby bunny challenge??

No. 1985896

cant tell if underage or boomer

No. 1985905

Learning about bank heists is my favourite past time. I almost feel sad they don't happen anymore.

No. 1985907

Not a boomer or underage, I just don't remember what tf that is

No. 1985910

I only know of it as a game where you fit as many marshmallows into your mouth as possible, while still being able to say the words chubby bunny. But it's an older game, so I don't know how that women is involved.

No. 1985913

I learned about this one person that robbed a bunch of banks in recent years without even using a real gun. It’s a crazy story but I don’t want to break the thread rule.

No. 1985914

They definitely happen. If you're talking about heists in general, $14.5 million in gold bars was heisted from an airport in Canada last year. Or if you're only talking about banks, my state had an unsolved bank heist where the robber got away with $40,000 two years ago and the police have zero leads.

No. 1985924

>my state had an unsolved bank heist where the robber got away with $40,000 two years ago and the police have zero leads.
damn that sounds cool. I thought bank robbers moved onto hacking and shit.

No. 1985938

You're correct in that is much more common nowadays. Robbing a bank is unlikely to net you much money for the potential jail time, and it's one of the most solved crimes. Much safer to instead scam the elderly into buying you gift cards or to commit white collar crime.

No. 1985946

>I don't know how that women is involved.
Amy and Tammy Slaton were doing the chubby bunny challenge and went viral for their fat foreheads. Then years later (like 2020?) they got a show on TLC and lost weight

No. 1985954

That makes sense, thank you. Ironically I knew she wasn't straight because I remember her coming out as pansexual and everyone making jokes that wanting to lick the pan clean does not mean you're pansexual. I'm glad she's doing so much better now, I saw she's lost over 400 lbs.

No. 1985957

I want to buy a bubble machine and leave it on as i take a bath

No. 1986167

Bully me into studying please

No. 1986179

File: 1714498291849.jpg (77.52 KB, 1080x1088, 1695183180534.jpg)

Study, dummy. Or you are going to be here in your 30's.
Now's your turn, bully me into drawing.

No. 1986233

File: 1714501201085.gif (89.9 KB, 480x480, a3f896ef342b7b2e74e4bbcd1966b2…)

You better draw or otherwise you're going to end up like me: quit drawing and regretting it years down the line. Don't be like me!!

No. 1986403

that shayna banner of her putting a bag on her shoulder and awkwardly looking into the camera like a fed has a weapon laser pointed in her home ready to pull the trigger is so fucking real

No. 1986562

This wouldn't affect me because Velma isn't a schooby doo show or canon. I don't even know what to call this show other than the creators insecurties animated.

No. 1986857

We need a lolcow audiobooks/videos where it's just people reading through /snow/ threads so I can listen while multitasking.

No. 1987881

File: 1714647441317.jpg (170.05 KB, 736x1104, 37632ac3e5833b9cd4fc1b7d595441…)

I think Mexican food and Italian food are super similar in the sense that they both repeatedly use a lot of the same ingredients in different formations.

No. 1987976

I mean, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

No. 1987995

This is an interesting idea, but how do you think you would phrase responses? Or would you prefer that only direct evidence posts be read?

No. 1988019

i would kill to eat this, i am so hungry

No. 1988224

File: 1714667112821.jpg (48.68 KB, 605x605, gray1.jpg)

When you have brown skin, most times when you get a wound and the skin heal it will start off white and then slowly regain melanin pigment. I have a little white spot on my arm and I think it looks kinda cool, like a reverse mole. It would be cool if people had white freckles.

Also, does anyone else remember the gray hair trend from like 7 years ago (2015, isn't that so crazy?). I was so obsessed with it. I think you need a very pretty face to pull it off though, I have a round grandma face so nooo thanks.

No. 1988229

funny how one is considered junk food and the other is considered the pinnacle of health eating even though they're very similar.

No. 1988239

I feel like these styles are pretty but only when you’re fresh from the salon. They’re hard to maintain day-to-day unless you have the styling time and the right products.

No. 1988251

I think I look kind of cool with the bunch of white spots and lines that I've gotten over the time, specially because they're from retarded accidents so they're fun to talk about if someone asks about them.

No. 1988261

File: 1714668922368.jpg (175.74 KB, 1920x1080, 053e98e295fa3510288eee64bc03d1…)

God what a throwback kek. I wanted grey hair so bad when I was in high school because all the cool pale blog soft grunge tumblr girls were doing it, I would beg my mom to let me get it dyed every time I had to go for a haircut. Thank god she didn't give in, my hair would've been fried and ugly for years afterwards.

No. 1988272

I think the grey hair looked great no matter the face shape but it's high maintenance. if you get stressed out and get bags under your eyes, bad sleep, stress breakouts etc, it instantly ages you an extra 5-10 years (like, more than just looking stressed would).

No. 1988285

I really liked the grey hair trend but it looked so bad on warm skintones like picrel.

No. 1988292

I love it when I go to a discord vc room and there are a lot of interesting women there talking about their weird interests or about any other thing. It's just so fun, I love chatting with other women so much, feels refreshing.

No. 1988301

No it doesn’t, you’re clearly just a bum hating bitch and jelly she rocks that hair tone. If you know the most basic of color theory it works well with her amazing non-aged, non-wrinkly, non-saggy, non-pasty, non-pale caramel skin.(infighting)

No. 1988313

I can't tell if this is genuine or a shitpost

No. 1988321

I wish that fashion trends leaner into unconventional age acceptance aesthetics like this more often. I love that the tumblr pinterest girlies made gray hair fashionable and wish that the trend continued longer. It sucks that Tiktok has regressed back into the "if you're not trying to look as young as possible you're ugly" conventional mindset.

No. 1988327

I'll be honest, the grey/silver hair trend never struck me as trying to mimic natural grey hair or old people whatsoever. Those greys were always too bright and cool toned to look anythig like real aged hair

No. 1988399

when i was a child I would draw all my black OCs with white freckles, i was obsessed with the aesthetic

No. 1988695

I think that Marge is a very cute name.

No. 1988710

I was so obsessed with this trend because it reminds me of storm from the x-men and i wanted to be like her so fucking bad when i was 12.

No. 1988716

that was my great grandmas name

No. 1988732

Nta but kek this is so cute. I grew up with x-men: evolution and loved Storm and Wolverine's relationship if you can call it that, they felt like the mom and the dad of the team.(wolverine is a moid)

No. 1989752

god I just want dumbass shit thread back, literally what was the fucking reason for getting rid of it?? it’s honestly what kept this site alive and i’m so bored. baiting and infighting has been at the same rate ever since it was auto saged. inb4 “just search for it it’s still here” that’s clearly not what i mean, it’s been deadened for another reason jannies will never tell us

No. 1989772

Willow Smith makes good music

No. 1989774

I miss it so much so many of my best thoughts were found there.

No. 1989778

I miss manifesto-chan so fucking much it hurts

No. 1989817

All the threads where she used to post are either locked or dead so…

No. 1989846

same, mods were retarded for that one

No. 1989906

File: 1714777869115.png (521.77 KB, 424x600, 1632103211108.png)

I'm listening to a lot of destiny childs and I really loved how they dressed, their hair, everything, god I wish I was older then. I'd fit in perfectly.

No. 1989908

and this was before Michelle but I love Michelle's tone in so many of the songs, people truly sleep on her voice.

No. 1989915

File: 1714778110177.gif (631.15 KB, 245x186, 4ppe.gif)

like they dressed so cool, TLC as well, man I miss girl groups. And the TLC movie is so damn good too.

No. 1989937

My mum has finally achieved her dream of having chickens. She's hoping to get ducks next

No. 1989949

Good luck to you and your mom with your bawk-bawks! They are so cute and can have so much personality. I love watching the social dynamics.

No. 1990090

Just committed a bad financial decision and bought some Lolita. Oh but it was calling my name… I need to save up for technical school but I deserve nice things. I do I do I do. I only ever bought myself cheap second hand clothes, I deserve nice things. I clean out my closet bi yearly, I only really have pajama shorts, pajama shirts, funeral shirts, and my jeans I use for all occasions. I deserve cute clothes. I still feel guilty about spending money… But I can afford it! I paid for my share of the bills already! I get paid two more times this month so I definitely have time to save money… I will consider this my early birthday present. Happy birthday to me! If I had an adult sized dresser all my clothes would fit in there… Even my furniture is second hand! Sadness and Sorrow. The only new things I own is my bed and my desk. I hate feeling guilty about spending money on myself. I'll drop 100$ on cat food and litter, but cringe at buying new clothes. My sister will max her credit card on shien so I deserve to have cute clothes too.

No. 1990116

I miss these groups so much, the k-pop stuff could never compete with this.

No. 1990126

Come one now, girls' generation, girls' generation TTS, jewelry, Speed (Japanese groups though), perfume (also Japanese), brown eyes girls, and wonder girls had nice vibes, vocals and fashion. Especially their y2k R&B stuff.

No. 1990131

I defintely wasn't thinking about perfume when i wrote that because i love them. If anything, japanese girl groups have their own thing going on. It's modern day k-pop that doesn't do it for me at all, it feels like it was made in a factory.

No. 1990186

File: 1714808332686.jpg (85.9 KB, 1080x837, we are all goign to make it.jp…)

A girl in my hobby group that I'm not close with has started posting openly radfem/pinkpill stuff on social media. I think I will actively try to befriend her now whenever I see her around.

No. 1990208

God I miss Brown Eyed Girls so much. No K-pop girl group really did what they did, they were adult women with banger songs.

No. 1990215

You do deserve a treat, happy early birthday to you! What did you buy? I remember when I bought my first lolita pieces, it felt so special. I still feel happy when I look at them now. If you love the piece you bought, it's definitely an investment.
Omg remember Orange Caramel? They were so funny and creative with their videos, you could never have something like that today.

No. 1990216

Weren't they wearing Jean-Paul Gaultier clothes in that music video?

No. 1990290

File: 1714823924264.jpg (36.45 KB, 690x388, 82299af7e065b597acab88e290a034…)

It's so crazy how EOS can make some pretty good products (their lotion smells amazing, their shaving cream is good) but the one product their most known for, lipbalms, fucking sucks.
On another note, I've been thinking about that time where DIY skincare was a thing and I cannot believe I sincerely used to put egg whites on my fucking face. I don't even think I would save the yolk either, I was just wasting eggs kek.

No. 1990302

my anecdotal evidence - egg whites really close my pores and make my face really look/feel smoother, but the smell is disgusting

No. 1990304

Homemade lipbalm really is the best. Just put skinsafe oils or fats into an oil burner (like the kind you but a tealight candle in, its perfect for lipbalm making!) Add dried lavender or whatever scents you want, plus a teaspoon of beeswax (easy to buy for cheap most of earth), macerate for several hours, strain into container of choice.

Check comedogenicity (sp?) for your ethnicity, I'm Irish and can't handle olive oil but rapeseed oil never clogs me or anyone I know up (coldpressed rapeseed oil, not heavily processed canola oil!), coconut oil is universally good in terms of not clogging pores (provided it is again the coldpressed not fucked with kinds, I've tried everything and it really does make a big difference)

Way cheaper if you buy the materials in bulk once a year. Or just get more than you think you need occasionally because once you realise how fucking good this is there's no going back to store-bought bullshit that just makes your lips drier because they cheap out on the ingredients, and the fancy ones add too much unnecessary stuff and ALSO cheap out on ingredients while making you pay for the luxury of dry lips

No. 1990305

Samefag but I made that too complicated. Just dump oil into oil burner with beeswax and it will fix your goddammit lips

No. 1990314

Literally just use vaseline

No. 1990315

I'm so fucking unmotivated to study today

No. 1990316

Vaseline is not a moisturizer

No. 1990317

I just played a league of Legends game without realizing that the right click on my mouse is barely working. It was so bad but fortunately I still did alright and I was able to support my team. I have a new mouse arriving today luckily.

No. 1990318

it's an occlusive meaning it helps lock in moisture
personally it fixed my lips
i guess you can mix it with beeswax for a humectant+occlusive combo but i didnt try it

No. 1990320

thanks nona now not only do I not want to study I also want to play league

No. 1990366

I bought 4 more pairs of jeans of a type I already have 2 of and now I have 6 jeans in 6 different colors I actually want to wear and I don't think I've ever had this many jeans in rotation because I detest jeans shopping. I also got them heavily discounted from an outlet. It's a good day.

No. 1990451

Thankyou nonna!! They're so calming just to watch and care for. We've got the veg garden and orchard going well too, we're living our stardew valley dreams

No. 1990472

I want myself one of those sugary caffeinated coffee adjacent drinks right now

No. 1990487

File: 1714837365049.gif (376.43 KB, 300x100, 1000027346.gif)

Whoever made this banner, I love you, let's get married.

No. 1990497

No. 1990504

That's the idea ♥

No. 1990540

Right??? There are so many times I want to post something but have no idea where to do it, and in the end I just give up and decide not to talk about it at all. The dumbass shit thread was perfect for those occasions. Farmhands pls remove the auto sage from it

No. 1990647

Nobody ever takes about how when you live alone and you make a frozen pizza, you can just tear pieces off of the pizza instead of cutting it

No. 1990664

I've been eating them like open sandwiches all my life.

No. 1990894

File: 1714866159888.jpg (282.77 KB, 736x1308, 2701c9c5be9ff334ca8d8169d413fa…)

I have been seeing people say it's bad to own more than one water bottle/tumbler since they're reusable and I find it a bit strange. Regular ceramic and glass mugs and cups are reusable too but most people have multiple even if they live alone. I don't see the harm in anyone having multiple tumblers unless they have a whole collection.

No. 1990915

File: 1714867098956.jpg (58.89 KB, 408x439, confused chihuahua.jpg)

What the fuck is wrong with both of you? How can you physically stand to eat pizza when it is not in pizza shape?

No. 1990983

Not either of those anons but I like square pizza

No. 1991016

And I bet it tasted weird. Not bad. Just not exactly like pizza.

No. 1991055

Unpopular opinion: Square pizza tastes better than triangle pizza.

No. 1991079

File: 1714876305288.jpg (144.99 KB, 1425x800, Pizza-bites-2.jpg)

I like mini circles of pizza like picrel.

No. 1991101

File: 1714878083950.png (622.62 KB, 900x900, m342655jh432.png)

Can any nona lie to me and tell me that no one ever mentioned lolcow on tiktok and pintrest please, i'm not able to escape reality anymore

No. 1991135

Being a slob is feminist. Every time you don’t make your bed or heat up a microwave meal the spirit of Andrea dworkin smiles on you from heaven. Less time wenching = more time for intellectual pursuits.

No. 1991153

Well I’ve neverseen it happening so it must not be true! (I don’t use either of those apps)

No. 1991158

Oh don't worry they would only ever talk about the lorcow on reddit, discord, twitter, tumblr, 4chan and other image boards. That would be crazy if..haha…
starts smiling
well, anyways.
looks you in the eyes
Y-you do know you're kinda cute, do you?
So yeah don't worry.
gets closer to your face
Like…really cute
leans in

No. 1991166

pushes you and points at you with a spork
Ha, nerd.

No. 1991180

Nothing to do with what you said, but god, I love Rosarita. You’re making me wanna sperg about her in the lesbian yumejo thread but I’ve already sperged enough in there.

No. 1991376

But what if I live alone and want to eat healthy food? Being a healthy fit Stacy and live long benefits us.
It's so cute!

No. 1991397

My hands are so wrinkly from years of OCD handwashing. It makes me insecure when I take pics of my nails.

No. 1991464

You shut your dirty square shoveling mouth.
Acceptable. It's round, like the natural state of a pizza, but also tiny. But sus, because not yet cut into triangles.

No. 1991473

Nah nobody talks about it on tiktok

No. 1991498

I had only known square (rectangular) pizza till I was 12 or something because my family never ordered it but we made it ourselves and filled the whole sheet pan with dough. I still prefer it because it's 1) bigger, 2) tastier.

No. 1992205

i just left the mall im gettin fly with my babeh..

No. 1992547

I remember when "bae" first became a thing I found it a tiny bit cringy and refused to use it but for some reason, in the great year of 2024, it's been sneaking its way into my vocabulary. That and babe are just such cute platonic nicknames.

No. 1992553

I'm gonna go to the mall today also to the church thrift store

No. 1992615

Just slept for 11.5 hours, holy shit

No. 1992617

No. 1992618

How are you feeling?

No. 1992625

File: 1715013511113.jpg (64.02 KB, 800x800, 7803edaba83b239525f5bdcb8328e3…)

Nice. Are you looking for anything in particular? I want to incorporate more hats into my style, so I've been looking for hats that I can up-style to match my outfits. I have the most luck at church thrift sales over anything like Goodwill or Salvation Army.

No. 1992650

File: 1715014986932.gif (944.93 KB, 330x250, IMG_3611.gif)

No. 1992853

When I was young I used to think becoming a billionaire was something that only happened to someone once a century. I thought there were like <5 billionaires total. Now as an adult, if you do the research it's literally like hundreds of billionaires in the world. They're just rich as fuck so they stay lowkey and you never know about them.

No. 1992872

Yes, pretty much any brand you can name has a billionaire behind it, whether it be a food product, a car brand, makeup, clothing store etc.
On a related note I never really understood what do all those super rich people actually do with their money. To me the most crazy rich person thing I would actually wanna do is like own a decent sized piece of land with a little house and a horse stable and literally just chill there for the rest of forever. But all the billionaires always do comically evil shit with their money instead, or buy really weird stuff like multiple homes that all look like community colleges, or big ass yachts or whatever. Why? What is the appeal? Is it just a big middle finger statement to poor people or what i genuinely can't imagine enjoying all that

No. 1992975

it’s a tiring day not having someone to talk to. bring back dumbass shit thread i want to bicker with a stranger for fun about which food is valid and which isn’t. imageboards are becoming way less cozier with this ban happy shit, day #10230 of asking for dumbass shit thread back unsaged and available for all posters. you can stop punishing us now

No. 1992987

Preach sister, apples are the fucking worst

No. 1993070

I want to shave my eyebrows off.

No. 1993096

try bleaching them first to see if you like it

No. 1993097

File: 1715037834663.gif (158.21 KB, 480x208, do-it.gif)

>>1993070(This post does not pass the Bechdel test)

No. 1993103

nonny delete this before you get banned

No. 1993106

hell no, terrible opinion. the correct one is watermelon, shit tastes like fucking water if you stirred sugar in it and drank it straight like liquor

No. 1993115

8 minutes to go, janny bomb will drop on anon’s ass. 8….9…

No. 1993261

I used to like apples as a kid, then in my 20s I hated them (they always upset my stomach or made me feel bloated) but now in my 30s I can enjoy them again. Maybe you have apple enjoyment in your future too.

No. 1993336

Why can't you just use this as dumbass shit? As long as it follows the rule of the thread. Alternatively you could use the food thread. I swear if people don't start using that thread more often I'm going to start a dedicated campaign of samefagging and doubleposting to meme other users into being active. But not really because I'm far too autistic to do that convincingly.

No. 1993398

I’ll fight with you, nonna, you just have to ask

No. 1993422

Thank you for your kind wishes anon, I hope to enjoy apples one day as well.

No. 1994230

File: 1715106680167.jpg (54.79 KB, 399x404, 79dcf3caf557bb9c4f0554328a2cfd…)

>procrastinate on doing coding projects for WEEKS because I'm scared of troubleshooting or actually putting down the first few lines of code
>Takes like 30 mins total (if even that) for me to figure out my errors/how to start my project

No. 1994252

I learned that acne-prone skins age slower and that information made my day

No. 1994261

Is it because we are always taking care of it? Or is it a trade off for our pimples?

No. 1994263

nta but it's because oily skin ages better than dry skin

No. 1994269

probably a mix of that and the extra oil that slows ageing

No. 1994280

Heh maybe my adult acne is good for something

No. 1994640

File: 1715136822958.jpeg (72.05 KB, 735x466, IMG_0445.jpeg)

>buys a bunch of decent groceries for myself
>starving so bad
>binges all of the food, eating more cookies than necessary
>sad I didn’t buy any alcohol to wash it down with

I literally just want to drink(squidward is a moid)

No. 1994740

I have disordered tendencies when it comes to food, but honestly I think the only thing that's stopping me from going full-blown mentally ill skelly is just that I find people with eating disorders so fucking annoying. I see an anorexic bitch being weird and it immediately makes me want a sandwich. The only thing I hate more than gaining weight is a wannabe Regina George larper.

No. 1994751

same, I've been friends with cowish anachans and the way they act is so embarrassing and makes everyone uncomfortable. I will keep my mental illness to myself thank you

No. 1994867

same, I've never considered myself a perfectionist but idk this is actually an annoying trait

me too, although I feel like it still shows, even though I try to act normal around food (and mostly feel normal too). I'd be so embarrassed for people to find out my lowkey disordered behaviours as an adult woman

No. 1994932

I used to be a fatty and I've been into classic lolita and alternative vintage-style dressing for the past 6 years. Now I've lost all the weight and suddenly I don't care about alt fashion anymore and just want to dress like a normie. Huh.

No. 1994955

That's a shame, nonna. You should still dress up a bit now that you've hit your weight goals. I bet it would make you feel nice.

No. 1995010

I really don't know what to think about the whole 'cut out toxic people' thing. What makes someone toxic vs incompatible with you? How do these people maintain social lives after cutting out a lot of friends? I cut off someone who didn't act like a friend about a year ago and though I'm glad I did I still miss her. I don't understand why this is so often being portrayed as the right thing to do or something easy but I also think you should live on your own terms and not stay in shitty relationships because you're scared of losing someone who doesn't care about you. Idk.
Maybe you feel more comfortable in your own skin so you don't feel the need to dress up anymore because you're already comfortable with yourself? I hope you can get back into it though if it makes you happy, fashion is fun.

No. 1995011

Who knows something about computers? I've had the same one for 11 years and I can't play Hogwarts legacy on it so the game is just sitting in my steam library so what computer should I save up for? I had an all in one computer too so IDK anything about other computers either.

No. 1995027

Use this website https://www.logicalincrements.com and pick a tier depending on your budget, but I recommend Very Good or above for gaming. Building a desktop PC is easy if you follow a good guide or get someone to help, and bear in mind that's just for the actual computer, you'll still need to buy a monitor, keyboard, mouse, and controller (if you want to use one), since you said you've had an AIO. There are guides on the site I linked for those too. You'll also need to install Windows

No. 1995043

Are you planning on using the computer just for gaming or is it a daily use computer as well? I bought a steam deck for PC gaming and it's awesome, well worth the money and everything I've tried playing on it works well without having to tinker with it too much beyond changing a couple settings in game to get better battery life if a game is graphically heavy

No. 1995255

Ultimately it’s up to each individual person to decide whether “cutting off” is the right course of action vs. attempting to talk things out. But fwiw, missing someone doesn’t mean it wasn’t the right thing to do to eject them from your life.

No. 1995680

>been doing one of those "get paid to play" sites for like a month
>go to withdraw money and the site freezes my account, demands to have a pic of my ID to continue
>contact support, they give some measely "we do this to prevent fraud" explanation
These people are crazy if they think I'm gonna hand over my ID for $50

No. 1995707

Paid to play? Like playing online poker or something??

No. 1995708

I was thinking about getting a steam deck. Maybe it's finally time

No. 1995720

No, games and apps. You basically just have to reach certain goals on mobile games to earn money. I think I made over $100 before they froze my account.

No. 1995946

What if I was never an autist just emotionally unavailable?

No. 1996016

If so, now you are no longer wasting time focusing on the symptoms you don't have, and can focus on the symptoms you do.
Alternatively, you could just accept being emotionally unavailable unless you're a mother or something.

No. 1996136

File: 1715227178817.jpeg (81.2 KB, 735x764, IMG_0488.jpeg)

in the middle of reading a story about a girl with a rich family who has a tendency of murdering people in a blind rage. she eventually killed the girl who was cheating on her previous love interest and fled the country. the hot mc i chosen for her is in love with her and aids in covering up her crimes and it’s just so fucking hot and sexy. she’s so real

No. 1996150

I had one chance at life, and my mom named me Tuesday. It was over before it even began.

No. 1996160

she fucked up, if she at least named you after the next day you would have been able to ride the Wednesday Addams popularity a couple years ago

No. 1996192

Tuesday Weld was a cool actress anon

No. 1996292

File: 1715245899170.jpg (61.91 KB, 919x704, Workstation-set-up-labelled.jp…)

Farmers, this is your reminder to sit proud and upright while kekking and shitposting on LC to avoid tech neck.

No. 1996294

As an adult you got the power nona, you can change your name if you don't like it.

No. 1996312

I stopped smoking weed and I've been sleeping better but I feel so depressed, I just need a break from life every once in a while. Today I'm seeing family tho so we'll be collectively day drinking, what a life but I'm excited.
I like it actually, cute hippie name. You could make up a nickname tho but I assume you already have.

No. 1996321

My entire life I have always been sooo bad at talking to babies. I remember when I was a kid and my cousins were babies I would just look at them and hold them and play with them, and my family would be like "talk to them, anon!" but realistically wtf is a socially anxious, awkward retard gonna say to people who don't understand and won't talk back. Anyway maybe that all will change when I have my own kids.

No. 1996366

You talk to them in the same way (some) people talk to their pets

No. 1996723

File: 1715282178264.jpg (52.55 KB, 600x770, BETSEY-JOHNSON_SHOES_SB-MINA_F…)

Next time I get paid, I think I will get a pair of Betsey Johnson shoes

No. 1996735

What's the appeal of these?

No. 1996758

File: 1715283648742.jpg (47.67 KB, 600x770, BETSEY_2024_JANUARY_CONTENT_CR…)


No. 1996773

I think it's a cool name, especially if you have a last name that flows with it.

No. 1996801

Doesn't look comfy at all.

No. 1996807

>what are the appeal of these
to wear, on your feet

No. 1996815

The position of the heel will guarantee foot pain. These are cute but not for walking in. These are a "go out and sit" type of shoe.

No. 1996820

You don't have to lecture me nonna, those aren't the shoes I'm looking at buying.

No. 1997087

My city is so boring. Everytime I look up "things to do" for a day outing in trendy and touristy areas it's always "check out these cafes! go to the restaurants! have a look at the boutique shops" and these are only a couple of hours that you can spend doing these kinds of activities.

No. 1997101

I like it, it's unique. You could never call a woman named Tuesday a basic bitch, it would inherently ring false. Plus, I have a noun name too, so I know it comes with the bonus of your name being written in cute little sayings like "Thank heavens it's Tuesday!" that are available everywhere.

No. 1997109

You just start narrating at them. They need to hear words in multiple contexts so just start telling them what you're doing and what they're seeing.

No. 1997151

Recently Ive been called relentless and like a “dog with a bone” when Im at work. Ive been told this is a good thing but looking it up, it can also be a bad thing. I do not like to lose or perform subpar, but I also hold grudges when I know I am right. Someone help me because if this is a problem, I really need to know.

No. 1997993

File: 1715361432650.jpg (79.27 KB, 736x829, 818677630e068c82d6a489ff646bdb…)

I feel like cats are spiritual protectors and dogs are physical protectors. That's why even tiny dogs can be super feisty and mean. It's true that humans are supposed to live in tandem with and be guided by animals. When you are distressed and going through a lot mentally/emotionally, a cat will always be there to comfort you and also will try their best to lead you away from people/things that may hurt you.

No. 1998165

File: 1715367650646.jpg (70.79 KB, 720x540, a286509ffdddac46fe45524988f7ff…)

I can't wait until I have a daughter so I can put beads in her hair, and decorate a cute room for her, and we can do arts and crafts together and go to museums, and I'll read her books and teach her phonics, and find little cute activities on Pinterest for her to do.

No. 1998168

This image reminds me that the swan at my local park has just laid her eggs! She's very prettily preening herself or snoozing on her nest any time I pass by, it's very cute.

No. 1998185

File: 1715370000475.jpg (91.5 KB, 500x740, 1000023290.jpg)

I also want to have a girl if I ever decide to have a baby. I would find a nice color like lilac to decorate her room and for her clothes, I want her to have a nice favorite color like how my mom accidentally made me obsessed with the color yellow kek.
I would even take a course on how to style hair just so she can wear pretty hairstyles everyday (because my mom really tried but she wasn't exactly the best at hair styling, plus she didn't have that much patience).
I also want to give her some obscure stuffed animal so she's interested in searching for information about it and such.
I wonder though, would it be okay for me to speak to her in different languages and teach her these languages that I speak? I guess it depends on where I would live and such, but idk, I kind of like the idea of my hypothetical child knowing a few words and such, but I also wouldn't want to be pushy because that doesn't work.

No. 1998195

If you raise her bilingual from the beginning you won't need to push.

No. 1998225

I can't keep new friends now no matter how nice people are but sometimes i think of how pleasant it would be to have an anon picnic in an interdimensional park. Everyone brings their weird snacks, we talk about stupid things, enjoy nature, i would be up for that.

No. 1998235

File: 1715374316790.jpg (69.4 KB, 1200x901, out-of-body-experiences-are-th…)

See you in the shadow realm, nonnie

No. 1998251

it will turn into a foodfight within 5 minutes

No. 1998383

File: 1715384801924.jpg (85.07 KB, 600x465, 6573625_mona_aka_sad_girl_orig…)

I never see other countries mimic other cultures are frequently and fervently as Japanese people, it's kind of crazy. I sometimes wonder why they do it.

No. 1998455

Of course anon, that's how a lot of bilingual people learn. It's best to learn big skills like that when you're young

No. 1998541

because traditional japanese culture is so closed off and nationalistic, the ultimate form of youth rebellion is embracing foreign cultures

No. 1998595

this plus japan isn't woke enough to have people that would admonish you for "cultural appropriation" or whatever like they would in the west

No. 1998616

File: 1715409547993.gif (3.13 MB, 268x300, 76a254d9.gif)

I kinda wish i was overweight so i'd be encouraged to work out. Aside health benefits i'd actually love to see big changes in my body but as i am right now there's nothing i want to change, i know i'll end up blaming myself for being so lazy as i get older.

No. 1998734

I've been sleeping so well for the first time in months it's glorious

No. 1998745

Even if you don't want to change your body you should still get up and walk every day. You don't need to change your body but you'd do need to get your heart pumping daily.

No. 1998784

I wish I was one of the people who was good at predicting what will be the next "big thing" so I can get rich, like those people who got into crypto years ago or those people who bought GameStop stocks during the pandemic

No. 1998787

Japan is a very strict country where anything under the norm is considered wrong. I dont mind seeing this. I think it's a fun way they can express themselves and the only people truly bothered by it are americans.

No. 1998788

Same. I wish I could have gotten Gamestop stock and made a few thousand before selling it. i hate that i missed out. Though I did have a coworker that bought some, made 3k and then didnt sell, so he lost it all.

No. 1999070

It's only been a week since I stopped drinking but I already feel so much better. My skin looks more hydrated, my hair feels less dry, I'm not constantly bloated, I'm not sore and nauseated all the time, and my sleep has been amazing.

No. 1999071

File: 1715452387377.jpeg (226.96 KB, 526x530, IMG_0506.jpeg)

god I love lesbians

No. 1999084

I feel ashamed when I use chat GPT to find and fix errors in my code. It's so helpful though.

No. 1999106

AI is just a tool, nonna, as long as you use it properly while knowing what to expect and what to do, it shouldn't be a bad thing.

No. 1999153

That's awesome, nona! I'm a few years clean of booze now and I feel so much healthier, like a new woman almost. Keep on keeping on, it's worth it.

No. 1999193

File: 1715460847489.jpg (95.04 KB, 563x844, 6391ec50f7a81881bafc772bc0f8ce…)

I love pink so much because of how much range it has as a color. You can have light pinks that emit a feeling of peace, bright pinks that give off chaos and liveliness, dark pinks that are a little more alluring.

No. 1999220

Kek caved in and used it to find a way to efficiently and properly test my machine learning model for my senior project. And its code actually worked. But I'm assuming it probably scraped it from stackoverflow or something.

No. 1999625

awesome thread topic. I havent been on the farm in a long time and seeing this is here now makes me happy

No. 1999630

File: 1715485857898.jpg (60.46 KB, 415x296, 20190419-ursie-443289-3.jpg)

Welcome back!

No. 1999642

File: 1715486810526.jpg (52.63 KB, 540x405, o5pjfmnf2e1rl1jado1.jpg)

thank u!

No. 1999650

god these threads are making me wish I had cat companions. can't afford it and also being vegan makes me feel so conflicted about it. i love cats so much though in terms of their personalities and there are so many in shelters. sigh

No. 1999662

File: 1715488216103.png (319.99 KB, 540x528, f8fcec71b451b9cf88f834e5566049…)

like I really feel like I've had a spiritual connection with cats too. when I was a kid there was a summer where I basically had my grandparent's empty house all to myself cuz they were traveling and I was staying there with just my overwhelmed full time working single mom. and I remember being up at 2am and climbing up onto the fence with the neighborhood cat hanging out. I loved that cat so much it just felt like we got along and understood each other without ever having to speak a word

No. 1999885

I also feel like I have a spiritual connection with cats. My family and I took in over 30 cats growing up and helping these cats, who often came from abusive homes, gave me a real bond with them. One cat we rescued, man, she stole my heart. A Manx cat whose owners were cruelly using her as a breeding machine because the kittens sell for like £200-£500. She was so angry and anti-social at first, but I slowly befriended her and she was genuinely like a therapy cat for me. She always knew when I needed her company, and because of her I even discovered a lump in my breast. She was an incredible girl and I'm ngl I'm tearing up a bit just typing this. RIP Poppy, you're forever in my heart.

No. 2000440

File: 1715538154749.jpg (56.17 KB, 400x470, e2c17cd9549c4f5a2fa9a1abd7ea90…)

im kinda tearing up while reading that too. RIP poppy

No. 2000459

how's mother's day treating you ladies? i get so bummed the last few years because my mom used to be my best friend way back when but things have changed significantly

No. 2000474

Debating on if I should even call her to save face or preserve my own mental health and peace and avoid it altogether.

No. 2000481

File: 1715540159430.jpg (483.45 KB, 2080x1476, GMvsAkfXgAAMC-q.jpg)

I spent about five hours cleaning my apartment today and it feels amazing to be in an organized and clean space, I missed it so much. I really hope I will keep this energy up tomorrow and finish decluttering my living room.

No. 2000485

you really couldve chosen a cuter lesbian couple

No. 2000492

Give us an example of a cute lesbian couple then anon

No. 2000611

File: 1715547127388.png (893.25 KB, 716x1074, ee6.png)

the cutest lesbian couple is me and your mom

No. 2000876

File: 1715569596506.gif (7.49 MB, 500x500, IMG_0550.gif)

bitch I’m the only one on lolcowwwww. fuck it uppp fuck it uppp

No. 2000878

No you're not, I'm farting while posting.

No. 2000881

File: 1715570052433.png (1.24 MB, 570x760, il_570xN.563772594_fww2.png)

No your not I am also on lol cow

No. 2001028

And you could’ve chosen not to be an retard but here you are

No. 2001412

File: 1715618205910.gif (4.95 MB, 406x202, 457.gif)

Might be a little childish but I muted text notifications for one person and it does make me giggle a little when I open the app and see that they're still texting me not knowing I can't see most of the time.

No. 2003086

Sometimes I feel dumb for having so much about (arguably small) things that happened in my child, but honestly I think if you've been abused or have a bad relationship with your parents then "small" things become a big deal to you because it's a part of a larger problem or repeated behavior. Like I remember one time I asked my mom if she had superglue and she said "no i don't have any super glue" but with an attitude as if i was wrong for even asking her a question. It really hurt me and I still remember it years later because it was a repeated pattern of me trying to talk to her but her randomly being upset or snapping at me. Idk.

No. 2003724

File: 1715782808774.jpg (136.93 KB, 735x889, 7f13739f70434da7b4ba8a6810c79c…)

Not to be a psycho, but am I the only one who likes warm lemonade? Everytime I make homemade lemonade I literally always use hot tap water. It's like hot chocolate or something. if you haven't tried it, just do it.

No. 2003725

Burger version of tea

No. 2003740

File: 1715784046096.jpg (60.06 KB, 600x600, 1678___L.jpg)

I mean alot of people are into fruity teas so probably not that weird. I never got into hot fruity drinks because I think it reminds me of Lemsip n illness

No. 2003765

that's very intriguing and I must try it. I've always thought myself strange for liking to brush my teeth with warm water so I think i'd like it.

No. 2004353

I had to take an hour cab ride from the airport. I'm so bored. Between this and the flight, I've been sitting for seven hours and there's nothing left to do on my phone.

No. 2004444

File: 1715801454016.png (1.43 MB, 1240x1400, nyx-professional-makeup-brillo…)

Fuck this shit I hope whoever came up with it dies. I thought it'd be like the minty plumping lipgloss I used when I was 11, but it instead feels like the pure concentrate of carolina reaper peppers. Still going to use it because it cost me 10 euros though

No. 2004449

i told my mom about mewing and she told me everyone does it? and she also said my head was square so i should probably stop. but i thought mewing was tough, do most people keep their tongue at the roof of their mouth? i do and have (and that’s probably why my jaw is so well defined, that and what i ate as a child, e.g. food that required a lot of chewing) but i’m not sure about everyone else

No. 2004450

>harming yourself to have pornstar bj lips

No. 2004467

Oh, this is what mewing is? It's just a healthy position of the tongue, i always kept it there, never even thought about it. People should watch children to develop this posture as a preventative measure.

No. 2004469

I just thought it'd be a fun little nostalgic trip to experience the tingling again….

No. 2004569

I wanna walk 1k a day but it's hard, like where do I go? This place has barely any women too. It sucks.

No. 2004573

See if there's recreational centers where you live, they usually have walking tracks

No. 2004575

Parks? Nature reserves open for recreational use? Beach?

No. 2004583

You can't run around the block a few dozen times?

No. 2004697

I've been doing that since childhood since my face is always tense. Never developed any defined features though.

No. 2004707

My tongue is always against the roof of my mouth because its long as fuck and has no place else to go, i also have an extremely strong, defined jawline, don't know if they're related though

No. 2004718

I think one day if my life gets interesting, I'd like to start one of those faceless, voiceless vlog channels that are seemingly popular on the Asian side of youtube.

No. 2004811

I am so very nauseous. I ate Arby's for the first time ever, but I am also staying at the most awful smelling house, so it might be either. It's just so strong that I'm heaving and I can't get to sleep.

No. 2005107

File: 1715857573396.jpg (25.96 KB, 500x386, udar-mozgu.jpg)

I've become such a gamer weeb with so much knowledge on visual fictional media that i can't even decide on a single picture to keep as my spotify pfp, i think i'll actually just put a picture of myself. We are born as normies and we die as normies. Actually, i'm pretty sure that it's hard to meet a young person that doesn't know about anime or doesn't play videogames at all now, life is full of cycles nonnies. We are nothing compared to the universe.

No. 2005141

I've had a bit of an identity crisis lately and feel like I don't know who I am outside of being a nerd. Inside of me there are two wolves, one is a gamer, the other is a normie. I want to get to know the normie wolf.

No. 2005224

File: 1715868291029.png (109.01 KB, 705x520, IMG_20240516_080056.png)

Update: we got another jail nonny now

No. 2005228

Now I'm do curious to try this lmao

No. 2005229

….you ever wonder if law enforcement lurks on lolcow to gather evidence and shit?

No. 2005230

Of course they would

No. 2005235

It would be useless as evidence if the posts aren’t traceable, plausible deniability

No. 2005237

I wonder what anon who got out in April is doing now

No. 2005541

I regret not continuing art and music into my adulthood because it would have been nice to put those skills to use by gifting a drawing or a song for my gf as an anniversary gift.

No. 2005656

I'm curious, anyone else ever been in trouble with the law here? I've been detained overnight for fighting a homophobe and got cautioned at an airport after the sniffer dogs picked up the smell of heroin in my jacket; I wasn't carrying at the time, but had been using.

I just hope they don't read what I post in /g/. They can read out the rest of my post history, but I do not want to hear someone read aloud my contributions to the female fantasies thread.

No. 2005800

Onion smells sooo good to me. I bet if anon smelled good on anons it would be as popular as if, vanilla or gourmand scents. But for some reason onion just doesn't smell good on the skin, one of my hands always smells like onion and it's so fucking weird.

No. 2005805

Hopefully catching up with life and not wasting her time on this website

No. 2005827

I got framed for murder by a cop once. I can't tell the story in this thread though.

No. 2005834

I met my newest step mother for the first time today. And woo wee does she photoshop her pictures. I kinda like her, but she's a real hoarder. She's worried that all her belongings aren't going to fit in the house (out family house) because she has thirty boxes of Christmas decorations alone.

No. 2005839

File: 1715904613089.webp (56.42 KB, 720x490, PXwjaMK3ed9pSic4f7zHzpeusAuIQ2…)

been feeling this way all day long(male in bechdel thread )

No. 2005840

File: 1715904653776.webp (23.15 KB, 250x350, PaulYoung.webp)

>t. (male in bechdel thread )

No. 2005843

*If onion smelled good on humans, sorry. Nonny on the brain.

No. 2005905

>having car problems
>Trying to figure out how much it'll cost me to get a lyft for two weeks
>pull out calculator
>$24 x 13 = $1,800
>"Idk how I'll afford this but guess I gotta do what I gotta do though"
>Only just now realizing today that 24 * 13 is NOT 1,800 AND that I didn't consider how that i have to also get a ride back home
Adulthood is kicking my ass. If we were animals, my mom would've sensed that I was retarded immediately after birth and ate me.

No. 2005928

Keekweek board style is GOATed

No. 2005941

Would it be cheaper to rent a car for that long?

No. 2005968

>No pictures of moids

No. 2006332

Ever since I started promoting my art on social media as a side hustle, I honestly see now why influencers argue that it's a job. Making aesthetically pleasing pictures and videos, keeping up with trends and then making content/actual items that fit with what's trending (which takes a lot of time and material), keeping up with my audience, plus the fact that I have to spend months making the stuff I actually sell. Also having to learn how to maneuver around different apps because some are a lot easier to promote yourself on than others.

No. 2006446

True and honest farmers use plain lolcow

No. 2006644

File: 1715967926364.jpg (32.76 KB, 540x523, b2cb4aa6a5e804c75b231d13e7f34e…)

Why do some people get so aggravated when they don't know what's going on in your life? It's like they think you need to perform for them or prove something. Not to sound like one of those cornball quotes you would see on Facebook with an 100 emoji, but I move in silence and so should other people. Nosy motherfuckers.

No. 2006650

True and honest farmers use darkcow

No. 2006653

True and honest farmers don't have weak retinas and can stand to stare into the blinding white light of lolcow

No. 2006656

Fuck you I probably shouldn’t have stared directly into the eclipse huh

No. 2006765

File: 1715973288464.gif (142.14 KB, 480x360, IMG_0682.gif)

No. 2006766

Real farmers use girltalk.

No. 2006947

ive been using wasabi kek its cute

No. 2006965

I kinda wish Shay’s board had a theme I could apply to all boards. It’s like girltalk but a little darker

No. 2006996

File: 1715984023584.png (733.68 KB, 654x1186, keg.png)

this made me kek(This post does not pass the Bechdel test)

No. 2007001

File: 1715984110922.jpg (110.72 KB, 736x736, deaf39fa7b8305cd064b8af15159e3…)

Sometimes I wish this thread was more busy, but I also think it's a blessing that this thread isn't too active because it means we don't have many anons only shitposting and infighting a ton like what was happening to the dumbass shit thread before it was autosaged. I appreciate anons just talking and discussing, even if it's just simple things like what themes we like.

Anyway I was thinking, why don't zoos have farm animals? You can't just go to a zoo and meet some ducks or frolic around with sheep. It would be so cool, and yeah I get that farm animals stink but so do all of the other animals. I also hope to travel to Atlanta at some point, one of their zoos is the only one in America to have pandas.

No. 2007002

You must be trying to get banned atp

No. 2007003

Thinking of confessing to the best friend I had a falling out with in a letter. I want to write something to have some closure, but also provide a compelling reason that I don’t want to see her again

No. 2007004

idk nonnie i feel like this thread is the closest to dumbass shit so i feel comfortable just throwing whatever in here and i kind of forget about the no scrote rule

No. 2007005

>provide a compelling reason that I don’t want to see her again
Why not just… not see her again? You could also write the letter for your own personal closure and not send it

No. 2007006

you can just visit a farm if you want to see farm animals

No. 2007007

there are sometimes small farms that let you pet the animals. there's one near me where you can bottle feed baby sheep when it's spring, and party with cute rabbits.

No. 2007011

If you think it’ll make you feel better, go ahead. But if you’ve already had a falling out, it seems a little pointless?

No. 2007014

Because in our last exchanged messages nine months ago she said she’d like to see me again and I said I’d reach out someday when I felt like I’d improved as a person (the falling out was my fault). I have genuinely no idea if she still means it or not. Also I’m not sure if she’s gonna move back to my town when she returns (spent a year abroad). The idea was floated due to her [redacted] wanting to do grad school here but I have no idea what came of that or where [redacted] ended up studying.

No. 2007037

File: 1715986503378.png (299.96 KB, 500x500, tumblr_6aa579e26b7c0abaaf48aef…)

I was bullied from fifth to tenth grade throughout. In the beginning it hurt me, but some time around seventh or eighth grade I wasn't even scared of them anymore, I was just fed up and annoyed with everyone when I had to wash my coat after wearing it only like two times because they threw another juice pack at it, having to fish my pencil case out of the bucket of dirty water next to the blackboard or them locking me in the changing rooms after gym class again. I had absolutely no reaction other than maybe sighing and thinking Here we go again when before, I'd be crying and scared of going to school the next day. I see some of them around the city sometimes and still feel nothing but annoyance at them (and a tiny bit of glee, admittedly, because they seem obviously uncomfortable around me nowadays). Has anyone had the same experience where it just went from scary to simply bothersome?
Picrel unrel but have an apology for the negativity.

No. 2007045

I'll never understand bullying. I was socially retarded and isolated and excluded from everything, but at least no one was ever aggressive towards me. The worst they did was snicker at somethings I said but that was rare. Idk how you even survived that anon, fr, I think this level of social rejection would have made me suicidal.

No. 2007124

i feel chubbby

No. 2007136

I really hated when people would steal my shit, I'm glad I have tard strength because me being able to kick and punch people really hard made them stop trying to grab me.
I honestly don't really understand why bullying stilk happens, like, what are the parents telling their kids? What does the parent of a bully does?

No. 2007138

I love using weird vulgar terms to describe my own vagina. Right now I like 'clunge' the best. It just sounds so absurd

No. 2007184

Crazy, I saw pandas at the San Diego zoo back in 2015 and now only the Atlanta zoo has them? I feel really lucky to have seen them! If you miss out on seeing them in Atlanta I wouldn't worry much, they really just sleep most of the time and look like big fuzzy lumps.

No. 2007190

What happened that caused people to start bullying you? I guess I got lucky because bullying at my school basically didn't exist and despite being an overtly autistic weeb i still won a lot of yearbook popularity contests and was generally well-liked by other students. Whenever I read posts like this I feel really badly because it's something that I wouldn't even know about existing if not for like 80s teen movies.

No. 2007203

I'm too cowardly tonight. Can't do it. also why is the internet full of webp now instead of jpegs/pngs? was gonna send pic of new gimmick sprite flavor i'm drinking (sprite chill) and say it's pretty good

No. 2007257

I think i legit have a addiction to sims 4 cc, I download new shit everytime I play, at one point my cc folder was like 200gb. I cut it down but it's not like 70gb or so. I can't help it.

No. 2007263

File: 1716001678637.jpeg (71.1 KB, 500x375, IMG_0701.jpeg)

>my mods folder is almost 80gb full of mods and cc
i want to have a sims-themed funeral when I die(This post does not pass the Bechdel test)

No. 2007323

I go dumpster diving at my local college campus at the end of the school year and today I did it and got a ton of free stuff. I got a Keurig machine, a shoe rack, some shelving, some new clothes with the tags still on them, completely unopened unexpired brand new food (peanut butter, oatmeal, chips, granola bars, candy, pasta sauce, teabags), and even some unopened cans of beer. It was awesome. I could’ve also brought home a free mini fridge and some lamps but I’d have nowhere to put them.

No. 2007371

>Anyway I was thinking, why don't zoos have farm animals?
They're called petting zoos, they're separate from the regular zoos, usually in some other town

No. 2007375

I'm American and the zoo in my hometown does have a "farm" section. It has cows, horses, goats, sheep, ducks, and pigs, as well as some cool farming demonstrations and activities for kids and a petting zoo (can only pet goats and sheep). A lot of the state's industry comes from farming though so that's probably why

No. 2007501

Enjoy it while you can, nonna. In my country they gradually locked all the bins over the years.

No. 2007529

Petting zoos do

No. 2007564

A friend told me she has an annual subscription of 100 euro on an illegal streaming service to watch any and all movies and tv shows and was proud of getting such a good deal. I love my friend but lmao girl if you're going to watch content illegally anyway, DON'T PAY FOR IT?

No. 2008037

I'm apartment hunting right now, and the places where I live HATE having pics of the actual apartment and the building on the site. Literally it's always like 10 stocks photos, random pics of stuff in the surrounding area, and then like 2 pics of the bedroom and kitchen. If you're lucky you may get a shot of the building.

No. 2008038

Tell us the website

No. 2008615

the name tanner is so ugly. name a name you hate?

No. 2008621

I'm pretty fine with any female name…

No. 2008622

i think names like billie and bobbie on women are cringeworthy

No. 2008628

File: 1716081446887.jpg (101.2 KB, 735x941, 1000016112.jpg)

I was planning on different ways to move out of my parents' crib, and considered doing a roommate system with someone who seems normal and friendly. Then I fantasized about LC having a roommate system for anons that are ready to move. But I gotta shut it down each time because I feel like that could easily be a disaster.

No. 2008631

File: 1716081729479.jpg (86.29 KB, 704x981, F35687sWYAAiRsQ.jpg)

Whenever I see that one anime figurine collector in the consoomerism threads I feel a sense of pride, because I was the one who initially posted her there after she popped on my FYP.

No. 2008648

Unlucky, that would be nice if it worked even if i feel like it would benefit mostly burgerfags.

No. 2008664

wondering if female-only apartment complexes/town houses/whatever exist

No. 2008765

I hate when I'm watching a mukbang and they're not talking at all, just chewing and staring at the camera. Like wtf are you looking at bitch?

No. 2008768


No. 2008792

fucking despise trade-based male names like tanner or hunter(This post does not pass the Bechdel test)

No. 2008795

what the fuck is this tiktok even talking about, it literally just sounds like word salad to sound vaguely better than other people

No. 2008803

No. 2008804

where the hell is everyone? its only 9pm

No. 2008807

looks like all the grandmas here decided to go honk shoo mimimi or are partying and on drugs so they can't post

No. 2008809

I'm right here

No. 2008814

File: 1716094423202.jpeg (113.02 KB, 636x607, fetchimage.jpeg)

No. 2008818

Timezones, anon.

No. 2008840

I have work tomorrow

No. 2008851

i love this picture

No. 2008853

you mean 12 am

No. 2008859

You mean 6am?

No. 2008863

nona-neighbor ♥

No. 2008877

File: 1716096176476.gif (260.96 KB, 480x474, 4671285_4e30d.gif)

No. 2008880

heyyyyyy yaaahhhhhhhh

No. 2008883

File: 1716096438209.gif (1.7 MB, 500x500, 10607187_717e2.gif)

I love these and i love you

No. 2008886

im so fucking itchy right now

No. 2008888

8888 babies make a wish

No. 2008899

File: 1716096902874.gif (526.22 KB, 480x300, 5510460_75f8c.gif)

Mwah mwah. Love you too.

No. 2008914

damn congrats on angel quads. what's your wish

No. 2008938

I wish I wasn't a retard sometimes. I wish I could make female friendships.

No. 2008948

My jeans make these weird flappy noises everytime I walk and I wonder if people think I'm farting. Would people think it is? My other pair of jeans doesn't make this noise.

No. 2009057

File: 1716101985399.gif (9.99 MB, 540x305, 21368cf5167d1bb1b2d8b594070ef3…)

Me too anon, me too

No. 2009433

Im glad that time of social media where people were trying hard to shill that annoying HRH Collection lady and posting her everywhere is over

No. 2009462

I noticed I spend most of my time on Lolcow when I'm at my lowest. When I'm doing well, I'm hardly here.

No. 2009492

File: 1716137097456.jpg (59.71 KB, 735x717, 55300bb63e36043e5cf633623eae8b…)

I never saw myself as a girlboss businesswoman and I literally used to say that I'll never choose owning a business over working a 9-5, but I'm gonna make a move soon that feels very big to me, and I hope and pray to whatever entity is out there that it works out. Im so nervous anons.

No. 2009493

Samefag, I was gonna say that I'm so anxious I'm shaking, but I actually think that's because it's almost 1pm and I haven't ate anything.

No. 2009577

I think this site can be really bad mentally. I don't feel this way about other gossip sites, but lolcow is kind of a energy and spirit zapper.

No. 2009997

well am i wrong

No. 2010013

About what?

No. 2010016

Crabs in a bucket and then when you’re doing well you don’t want to lash out at others, this is relatable

No. 2010021

File: 1716159595281.jpeg (50.54 KB, 720x760, 1716150764407.jpeg)

I saw this on the front page and so I proceeded to print it but we are OUT OF INK. Fuck

No. 2010024

I love this

No. 2010132

Same. Even though it’s kinda miserable there’s a level of understanding I just don’t get with other sites.

No. 2010134

Same here. Normally I check in on specific threads once a week or so to see what I missed but during exam season I actually post and lurk for hours. It's a horrible outlet for procrastination. Guess who has exams this week kek.

No. 2010135


No. 2010136

I want to own tasers to use on myself, i'm always sleepy

No. 2010140

i don't think they will make you less sleepy you will probably just pass out and piss your pants.

No. 2010145

why is this website always so slow and more active in other threads it’s so boring

No. 2010146

That's unlucky, i want neither of those things

No. 2010147

Lets liven it up nona

No. 2010148

File: 1716169725466.jpg (200.54 KB, 770x1189, upso9gfxpf3b1.jpg)

No. 2010162

No, it gets your adrenaline going and wakes you up. I can guarantee this.

No. 2010166

That thing looks like a buttplug in the reflection. That little cone is gonna have the inanimate object equivalent of trooning out.

No. 2010167

i dunno anon, i'd recommend a stun gun, that way you won't have to mop your own pee while working your third side gig.

No. 2010176

File: 1716170873290.jpg (9.77 KB, 400x400, fbc69e456eed400069041cef0d8ddb…)

Just realized we're almost over halfway through 2024. Where the fuck did the time go anons? Have you guys achieved some of your new years goals already?

No. 2010193

I have a job! But I haven't been able to keep a healthy diet, I also may have to go to the gym only 3 times a week for a while.

No. 2010198

I haven't drank any soda since 2023, so I think I'm doing a good job.

No. 2010203

File: 1716171665007.jpeg (370.92 KB, 1600x1018, IMG_4726.jpeg)

I made roasted garlic hummus and flatbreads! Y’all come over and eat!

No. 2010211

File: 1716172027417.jpeg (27.9 KB, 244x240, IMG_0747.jpeg)

I am literally crying, shaking, quivering and wilting and may even throw up a little. I’ve been in this thread tons of times and thought the threadpic was a cute little borzoi dog with his best friend borzoi dog. Today on May 19 2024 I’ve come to the truth that it isn’t cute borzois but a bunch of old woman laughing at each other. I’m convinced those are supposed to be borzois and something is gangstalking my devices to the point of insane accuracy they are able to rearrange the pixels of images like a puzzle. They’ve got their best and brightest fucking up my reality and I’m shook

No. 2010219

I don't see the borzoi? What
Please outline it in paint or something I'm super curious

No. 2010221

Does your hummus always come out super smooth? Looks yummy

No. 2010224

that looks incredible, ty nona nice job ♥

No. 2010226

>be me
>sitting on toilet peeing while brushing teeth and scrolling on phone
>only way to trick my lazy body into doing boring maintenance tasks
>spitting toothpaste in between legs so it lands in toilet
>finishing up, go to spit final mouthful
>miss and spit toothpaste into pubes
I know I'm retarded, but at least I'm a retard with clean teeth and minty pubes.

No. 2010227

You don't want to invite me anywhere where there's hummus. It would be like inviting an orangutan to share some fruit salad with you. This is what I ate today
>10am: plain hummus with carrots
2pm: beet hummus with pretzels
dinner: chocolate hummus just by the spoonful. many spoonfulls.

No. 2010230

i fucked up the formatting but it's because i got too into reliving my hummus experiences

No. 2010240

Is hummus really that filling that you're fine just eating some carrots and hummus, pretzels and hummus, and chocolate hummus a day? Like you don't get snackish throughout the day?

No. 2010246

Nta but I get so full on hummus, it’s high protein and a fair amount of fat and fiber

No. 2010251

Ayrt, these posts may have convinced me to become hummuspilled. I'll be real I've only have Sabra hummus and it's hummus flankers and the taste doesn't really thrill me, although I am able to scarf it down in a snack session. Is sabra good hummus or should I look for a different brand of hummus?

No. 2010252

Idk I make my own it’s so easy and takes 2 min

No. 2010255

As the TikTok people say: it's girl dinner kek.

No. 2010264

File: 1716174803149.jpeg (90.67 KB, 750x441, DA5951F1-023C-4E0F-8BCB-E0F8B1…)

No. 2010289

Hey nonna! I am just now learning how to make it! Its smooth and yummy!
I recommend blending the tahini and lemon juice together, before the rest. Whipping the tahini makes the hummus more creamy!
Thank you sweet nonna! Im really proud of my hummus!
I plan on making chocolate hummus next!
Its super easy to make! I recommend trying a recipe sometime

No. 2010290

I still don't see it but your drawing is precious

No. 2010292

fuck that. fuck them. I was hummuspilled before tiktok existed. I was hummuspilled before these fucking zoomers graduated middle school. Hummus is not a "girl dinner" hummus is a woman feast.

No. 2010311

File: 1716178628805.png (6.68 KB, 546x346, hummusdiary.png)

samefag, i can prove it. This is screenshot from my high school diary. I wrote about other things too, but i just searched for the word "hummus" this time.

No. 2010313

File: 1716178772214.png (8.84 KB, 944x245, hummusdiary2.png)

i missed a couple more entries.

No. 2010319

i bet this was how dental floss was invented

No. 2010449

File: 1716190440694.png (1.91 MB, 1739x1860, 4haso4fdcjg91.png)

No. 2010815

File: 1716227909313.png (1.02 MB, 800x620, Buffalo-Heights2.png)

Apartments with grocery stores seriously need to become more common FAST. Imagine how convenient this is anons.

No. 2010818

Holy fucking shit, yeah. Imagine you go into work and when your shift ends, you just take the elevator to immediately relax back at your apartment. No driving in traffic back to the home, you just go home. Home, work, and food all in the same place. That would save so much time, I'm foaming at the mouth just thinking about it.

No. 2010834

I live in an appartment in front of a supermarket and it's noise af. It's probably even worse living directly above it, so much traffic and people coming through all hours of the day. Also it's a concrete hell. Don't recommend.

No. 2010837

NTA but damn I totally forgot to factor in people outside the apartment wanting to shop at the grocery store too. Parking would probably get difficult for the people that actually live there. Shucks.

No. 2010842

this picture is so Texan I want to cry, I love HEB. There's carbon copies of this exact apartment plan with retail on the first floor going up everywhere around here. It seems very convenient but unfortunately all those new builds are insanely expensive kek. Anything to get people out of their cars and spending less time clogging the roads is a good thing though

No. 2010869

Adulthood is so fucking lame, look at us getting excited about grocery stores kekkkkk

No. 2010872

File: 1716231043826.jpg (145.49 KB, 736x981, 54b2475f17cdd4b5fc6aba697b93eb…)

Sometimes I lie about stupid shit for no reason and idk why! I'm not a psychological liar and I don't even do it on purpose either, it just slips out. Like today I told someone I was eating leftovers and when they asked what I said Chipotle. Anons, it was just pasta! I haven't ate chipotle in months!!! Why did I lie!!!!!
I think it must come from childhood, lying about certain little things out of embarrassment of my life.

No. 2010875

Im really jealous of the covience stores that japan and korea have. i really wish we had something like this in germany..

No. 2010878

KEKK nonnie I'm the same. The thing is, I never lie about important shit, it's always dumb white lies like what I ate or what I did one other day. Did you have strict/controlling parents? I feel like mine is the result of that.

No. 2010880

I do this too omfg. I have no idea why. One time this person asked me what I had for lunch and I said Subway, why?? I had pizza actually. No clue.

No. 2010881

Holy shit you're right kek that damn grocery store really got us in our feelings

No. 2010883

Walked 4500 steps in the hot sun and I'm too tired to clean my room

No. 2010890

Kek same I get scared of being judged and try to say what a "normal" person would say just because I don't feel like explaining myself. Or my mind just blanks.

No. 2010913

I spent 5 dollars on a cold brew only to throw it down the drain because it was nasty and i made my own latte that tastes even better. Idk why i bothered.

No. 2010920

Shit from a butt

No. 2010922

KEK a masterpiece

No. 2010923

File: 1716233169758.jpg (295.96 KB, 961x1608, Screenshot_20240520_142443_Sam…)

On the note of yucky coffee, this shit is so nasty and has a note of rubbing alcohol. Every drink reminded me of injecting insulin as a child and having to wipe the insulin vial and my arm with an alcohol wipe lmao.

No. 2010924

I seriously hate how almost all coffee places suck.

No. 2010926

This is why I started making my iced coffees at home. No matter where I go they are always inconsistent with the cream to syrup ratio so one day I'll get sweet nectar from the coffee goddesses teet, another day I'll get her taco bell runs.

No. 2010943

Unrelated but does anyone even eat chipotle anymore? I used to love it like 8 years ago before all the salmonella outbreaks and now I feel like I can’t eat there ever again because of the parasites kek.

No. 2010972

Agreed. I live in a condo tower and I hate having to walk 15-20 mins to my nearest Walmart. There's retail space on the ground floor that they're putting on the market and I'm hoping they either put a coffee shop or a grocery store.

Depends on what area it's in. These kinds of mixed use development are suited for residents who live nearby within walking distance with no other grocery or convenience stores nearby.

No. 2011020

Same. I think the main issue is most of them have bad espresso machines that dont pull shots correctly, or they dont keep them updated or calibirated , so the shots taste like shit. I just like small lattes because I don't need 80 percent milk in my drink. Most places also have shit syrup. The only decent black (drip) coffee I usually get is from Peet's.

No. 2011023

It's literally a thing in Asia. America is just behind on everything. It's not unusual to see barber shops, groceries, pharmacies, laundry, etc all on the first level of apartment complexes and living units.

No. 2011066

Nominating this as next thread pic

No. 2011218

need the harm sun on my face

No. 2011328

File: 1716253923867.jpg (68.24 KB, 1170x936, 441400697_1645272799345412_669…)

Why are haircuts so expensive? My ends feel like straw right now, but paying $70 for a trim is physically painful

No. 2011421

same, i hate my current hair but i cba to spend 50+ just to get my usual basic ass bob

No. 2011583

For my bday last year, I got an espresso machine and now I make 98% of my own drinks. Its so cost effective and rewarding.

No. 2011586

cut it yourself? it's not that hard I promise

No. 2011754

i hate when its booming and then suddenly drops dead

No. 2011762

ain'tcha sleepy?

No. 2011764

not yet i'm all awaken after smoking a bunch of sativa lmao

No. 2011769

What espresso machine and how much did it cost you? Does it taste the same as coffee from the cafe?

No. 2011770

what are your plans for the day now that you're super awaken? i'm gonna go look at the moon, the NASA spergout made me want to stargaze.

No. 2011800

I swear i cannot eat fruit because it makes me want to shit so bad!!!

No. 2012066

File: 1716296737316.jpeg (30.36 KB, 854x480, june rosewood.jpeg)

I want to be her

No. 2012077

you’re gonna have to YouTube tutorial maxx in this ridiculous economy now anon

No. 2012084

File: 1716297624124.jpeg (243.72 KB, 750x597, IMG_0768.jpeg)

bro is being absolutely retarded and airheaded and not being GOATED enough(This post does not pass the Bechdel test)

No. 2012105

$70? What circle of hell do you live in? My hair is at my ass and my trims are like $30 TOPS.

No. 2012218

kekk i loved this character. her voice actress also did flemeth in dragon age, who i also loved

No. 2012244

Should've used sis

No. 2012292

kind of missing winter

No. 2012296

Not to be an autist but in case you were serious it’s because the hair stylists have to pay to rent the space in the salon

No. 2012301

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nothing to add

No. 2012304

Been seeing this woman in pics on here lately and I think she is so ethereally gorgeous. Who is she again?

No. 2012305


Anok Yai!

No. 2012306

She's so pretty also I hope she ruins Zara's sales with the story she came out with on her twitter.

No. 2012312

uh oh they’re gonna ban me for that kekkk. at the very least the kitty is cute enough to make the mods ignore

No. 2012334

Can you girls help me out? My mom wants to get Herbalife to lose weight but isn't that a scam? I'm trying to get her to see the light but no dice. I only got her to put it off to later, she only understands Spanish so do you know of any resources to show her? Preferably videos.

No. 2012338

File: 1716311582095.jpeg (338.79 KB, 1900x711, 9782867F-9B03-4F5F-9089-081EE3…)

They had to pay 123 million USD because they were commiting fraud. You could try spooking her with the justice department’s official website.

No. 2012348

File: 1716312217075.jpg (260.61 KB, 736x981, a62d288abed16814377c602f2d5a24…)

I'm waiting for the winter so I can eat seafood boils. Imo this is a cold weather food. I don't even really like seafood that much but I've been craving seafood boils and sushi sooo bad.

No. 2012385

I enjoy nudity, not in an exhibitionist way, but one time, I went running in the rain, and felt the rain on my bare skin when i took my shirt off. It felt amazing.

No. 2012415

Why does Herbalife have such a chokehold on spanish speaking people/countries. It's such an obvious scam.

No. 2012417

That looks delicious, where I'm from seafood dishes are more typically served in summer. Crab and fish soup is more of a winter dish. Either way, I'm craving seafood and fish menus all year round! Gonna make myself a tuna sanwich now kek

No. 2012420

Being naked in nature is actually a really amazing feeling. It’s just hard to find a place secluded enough for it.

No. 2012430

Damn I'm craving seafood too, especially the shrimps. I recently had fried cod fish, salmon and octopus and those were so great too.

No. 2012435

Ikr. I convinced her though. Had to sit down and explain calories and serving sizes and all that stuff since she did not care about the lawsuit. I convinced her to stop chugging down 3 beers a day too. I was getting scared cause she's 5'1 and like 299 currently.

No. 2012570

I do yoga and callisthenics naked in my garden in good weather (it's secluded, don't worry kek). I also love nudist beaches as there's something very raw and primal about being butt naked in nature that recharges my batteries in a way little else can. Only problem with the latter is other people being there. I try not to let it hold me back though. I wish I went all woo woo naturist earlier in life, it's genuinely helped my mental health. (Deleted and reposted 'cause I mentioned those dreaded creatures m*n)

No. 2012597

Some people need anger management. I was walking my dog and some lady yelled at me to get him off her property which I was not on, I was on the curb, walking past, while her gigantic dog barked at us. I was just waiting for the car in front of me to move, She called me a dumb bitch too. Goddamn lady chill

No. 2012640

Whoops m*id dog my bad.

No. 2012831

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I could never weight lift because my dumbass would definitely try to throw the bar in the air while it's over my head without thinking

No. 2012855

I think about bashing my head in every time I do free weights

No. 2012971

File: 1716333590113.jpeg (138.74 KB, 1432x1440, Puffiness+1+lip+migration+blog…)

I never get what people mean when they talk about filler migration, because it always just looks like the Vermillion border of the lips to me. I have a fairly pronounced Vermillion border too, I wonder if anyone has ever though I have lip fillers.

No. 2012980

People are able to identify uncanny features. Normal vermillion borders are not puffy like that and if you don't have fillers, then yours isn't puffy and people are able to identify it.

No. 2012998

I feel like mine is puffy, but it's probably one of those things where I'm staring at my face far too much and overthinking it

No. 2013056

sorry for the late response nonnie i ended up prepping 13 bottles of tea for the week KEK

No. 2013146

eating two delicious burgers right now. feeling sad because the farms are so slow, this website is dying and it’s making me sad and nostalgic for the good times. borgar

No. 2013481

if all the cow boards die and the only active conversations between the last 5 users are relationship vents i'll just kill myself. there truly is no more places for weird women on the web. hey someone should start a forum called www.WWW.com (weird women of the web) for female hobbyists.

No. 2013541

Sometimes I feel salty as fuck that there are so many of ratchet bitches who get hundreds, even thousands of free dollars just for showing how much of a mess their life is on social media. Why is online panhandling so fucking lucrative.

No. 2014783

I wish i had autism.

No. 2014804

No you don't, trust me.

No. 2014813

Sis, no, it's so hard. I wish I could be normal every day. I feel like I'm losing my ability to act human, and so my autism levels are just increasing over the past year. I worry that as I get older, I'm going to completely lose it and be unable to communicate without coming off as a total freak. The other day I was at a dinner and I started sperging about the history of bears in the military. Literally no one was talking about that, I just felt compelled to inform everyone of the interesting history because my brain thought it would enrich their lives. It did not, it only killed the conversation.

No. 2014815

The only “good” thing about autism is that sometimes, you’re too socially deaf to even realize that people find you off putting. But one day, you’ll be aware, and every single cringey thing you did will hit you like a bus

No. 2014822

Why do you say that? Genuinely curious

No. 2014827

Nonna no. The drawbacks always outweigh the benefits otherwise you don't get diagnosed and I wouldn't wish the drawbacks on my worst enemy even if I wish my besties had the benefits.

No. 2014831

Damn. I wish I was at that dinner, because I seriously want to hear about the history of bears in the military. Can you tell us without breaking the thread theme?

No. 2014845

I wonder what it would be like to have full on autism that would hopefully make me live in ignorant bliss. I'm not autistic just the painful overly self conscious but too socially inept to pretend I'm not; which has caused me to be a shut-in.

No. 2014857

nta but my partner and most of my friends are autists and they "click" on a level I can't. It makes sense to me why so many people fakes autism for the social benefits but I'm too self-aware for that shit

No. 2014868

Nta but there isn't any social benefits at all in my experience. Nothing but downsides and loneliness.

No. 2014886

nta but the social benefits mostly come from being around compatible autistics. it's very isolating if you don't have nearby autists who "get it" or if you're surrounded by self-conscious/self-hating autistics

No. 2014916

I'll try! So first, humans have always had a complicated relationship with bears. You see this not only in the bear cults of the Paleolithic but in the word itself. Bear is actually a euphemism for the animal because the word means "the brown one" or "wild animal." This is because it was believed that if you said the actual word for bear, it would summon one and she would wreck your shit. So they're viewed as both objects of great worship and fear.
As time went on, although they were still respected, the bear fell from an object of reverence to a symbol of strength. So by the middle ages, you start to see people making a living by owning a bear that was trained to "dance." These bears were taken from the wild as cubs and then trained up. So from this, you see a history of people knowing how to work with and interact with pet bears, especially if captured as cubs.
Though humans have a long history of using animals in the military, such as pigeons, dogs, horses, pigs, and elephants, the bear in the military was a pretty rare event. They were too powerful and too unpredictable to be used for war, and they had a tendency to try to turn against their own side when stressed. But since they were still a symbol of power and strength, troops would occasionally keep them as mascots.
The most famous of these bears is Wojtek. She (definitely a she, yes ma'am farmhands) was bought as a cub by Polish soldiers at the urging of a civilian refugee in their midst, eighteen-year-old Irena Bokiewicz.
Another incident was Barney, uh, Barbara who was found as a cub in Vietnam by American soldiers in the 1960s. She would be put in a knapsack when the company parachuted on missions and was actually shipped to the United States after the war.
There are also several incidents of bears being used as mascots in WWI, as often because a nearby zoo would be bombed, and soldiers would adopt some of the surviving animals as company mascots.
Nowadays, although bears are kept symbolically as mascots and so you'll find them on logos, planes, and trucks, no military keeps an actual bear.

No. 2014941

That was an amazing read, I knew about the word bear being an etymological euphemism for arktos, but I didn't know about the medieval dancing bears or any of the early mascotry. (I feel so bad for Barbara, she must have been so brave, taking those parachuting missions like a champ!) This is so cool! Thank you nonna!

No. 2015007

So when is my covid vaccine chip supposed to finally activate and what's it supposed to do?

No. 2015032

i love chicken nuggets and tendies here's my rating for various nuggets and fried chicken. i love the fake crunchy nugget texture taste so keep that in mind:
tyson frozen chicken nuggets: 3/10 no flavor. dont buy waste of money
tyson breaded tenders: 5/10 no flavor but has crunchy texture i like. i only buy the bag like 1x a year
mcdonalds nugget: 6/10 tastes really specific. i think i only like these from nostalgia. i miss chicken select
wendy's nugget: 7/10 good but i like the spicy one more
wendy's spicy nugget: 9/10 i like it my favorite one in fast food
chickfila nugget: 8/10 honestly this is probably the best one objectively but i just like the fake tasting ones better also they're so expensive
deep fried chicken breast/thigh etc you make at home: 7/10 tastes good but doesn't have the fake taste i crave. definitely more nutritious though probably idk also takes time to make. making is fun though i recommend
nuggets from the grocery store near me: 7/10 honestly good on par with fast food for 1/2 the price. giant bag
nuggets from the other grocery store near me: 5/10 ok probably won't buy again overpriced
dairy queen tendies: has the crunchy frozen tendy texture however it tastes like nothing. kind of like oil. good price though. 4/10
chili's tendies: 6/10 i got this in like a set meal and it was fine just not the tendy texture it was flaky or something
chili's tendies from the airport: 5.5/10 they had the crunchy tendies i like but they were overprice

No. 2015123

File: 1716413241454.png (7.78 KB, 400x400, 1313613920045.png)

Infights on lolcow aren't even entertaining anymore cause they go on for way too long, sometimes span multiple threads, and often have anons who try to revive the argument and keep it alive hours after it's ended. The Dumbass Shit thread a few months ago was a prime example of this. And then it ends up being the most active thread on the board, so now all the other threads are dead. Type of shit that makes me go play with my pussy out of boredom and then nap. At least it makes me put down lolcow and tend to my work and hobbies more.

No. 2015130

Thanks for the review anon. I've alao started noticing that McDonald's nuggets have a little bit of a…peculiar(?) taste in recent years. They're not nasty or anything, it's just a very particular flavor. McDonald's in general, I've realized as an adult is not that good. The fries and mcflurties are really the best things there, and on the rare occasion I do order from there it's the only thing I get. Arby's is unironically wayyyyyy better despite having a bad rep.

No. 2015143

nobody is here to entertain you

No. 2015144

Didn't say anyone was.

No. 2015149

In the same afternoon I got banned from LC and CC for an extremely similar reason in almost identical circumstances yet LC banned me for 6 hours while CC did it for 24h. I'm baffled at the coincidence, as if I was conducting resarch on moderation strategies in female imageboards, when in fact I'm just a big dummy sometimes.

No. 2015194

Anymore? They've never been entertaining. The shit you described has been going on for 10 years now.

No. 2015205

Im probably just looking at the past with rise tinted glasses but I don't remember being so unbearable. Maybe Im just outgrowing lolcow and tired of it as a whole.

No. 2015215

Probably are outgrowing it. I have frequently taken years long breaks in between just so I can tolerate this place. I will still dog on retards but I stopped engaging in infighting long ago and cannot forget the countless moronic underage white bitches fighting about eye and hair color for the past decade.

No. 2015241

File: 1716415969915.png (72.16 KB, 211x244, 1651706043557.png)

>sister is visting
>open my computer to search something
>sister right next to me
>forgot i had lolcow open
>tab has an expanded photo of someones self harm
>ive never self harmed so its even weirder
>quickly try spoilering it
>the pic of PT's ass pops up
>cant risk any more chances
>close computer
>"i'll search that later"
>never speak about it again

No. 2015316

kek nona I've had that happen to me before too but it was the MTF thread in front of my extremely TRA gendie friend. Neither of us ever mentioned it but I know she saw

No. 2015346

File: 1716421360008.webp (29.35 KB, 600x362, 1000006515.jpg)

I finally have my (near) perfect wardrobe nonnas! I may have less clothes in total but I'll actually wear all of them now.

No. 2015356

What kind of shops did you buy from

No. 2015359

File: 1716422460870.jpg (1.93 MB, 2048x2560, tumblr_28ae1db1e053fff788e790a…)

An aspiration to us all.

No. 2015701

Found the new ED link for those who were asking what happened to it

No. 2015717

File: 1716441275540.jpeg (164.29 KB, 582x1372, Aishadramabomb.jpeg)

Man this takes me back. Now I'm re reading about AishaxNekox (I used to like her art as a kid kek) and now I think all the hate she got was undeserved.

No. 2015726

All she did wrong was engage with the trolls which made them even more obsessed with stalking her, she was literally just some 14 year old girl on the internet. Happy to report she actually got gud and has been hired for art gigs + is still drawing.

No. 2015731

File: 1716441860114.png (Spoiler Image,153.24 KB, 750x458, 2a.png)

Yeah her art is so cool now! Honestly happy for her. I do miss her Skye OC though lmao.

No. 2015735

this gives me hope i am at her old level sadly

No. 2015738

She's a borderline hikkiNEET who draws all day every day for the last ten years, her skills will be different from people who aren't able to do that. You're never too old to improve. Just keep at it and keep grinding those fundies.

No. 2015741

i am a hikkineet but sadly have ADHD

No. 2015764

No. 2015886

dont worry nonnie im a adhd hiki too but there are alot of good pirated courses out there! keep at it!

No. 2015889

which ones did you watch nonny? i am currently doing krenz's perspective course

No. 2015891

File: 1716449325081.jpg (70.47 KB, 1024x1024, 1682969222214563.jpg)

does it ever get better nonners

No. 2015902

File: 1716449770677.jpg (281.5 KB, 850x1506, __satsuki_reverse_1999_drawn_b…)

omg me too! im also checking out redums course and some courses from coloso check on bilibili theres tons of them on there

No. 2015919

would you be interested in a resources sharing thread nonny? would love to see all those bilibili courses but i dont know how to navigate the site

No. 2015941

sure! maybe i can drop some paid courses too! if i recall theres one in m thats dead so it'll be nice to revive it

No. 2016045

File: 1716459358670.jpg (12.65 KB, 258x275, 1714680698634.jpg)

Maybe I'm being overly optimistic but I'm sensing a general fatigue surrounding generative AI that's similar to the one surrounding NFTs just before they took a massive downfall, in a similar amount of time too. Obviously unlike NFTs, generative AI won't go away from the public consciousness, but as companies start pushing more and more retarded AI (as in the definition of retarded) on people, more people will shun it and there will be a lesser demand for it while things created by humans gets more demand and will become a selling point. Regardless if this does come into effect, I do feel a little smug at the fact that the satisfaction of creating something with AI is so short term, while creating something yourself you could still be proud of for years or even the rest of your life.

No. 2016768

File: 1716490723827.gif (75.33 KB, 220x160, asleep.gif)

Goodnight, nonas.

No. 2016776

Good night nonny

No. 2017236

I miss seapunk and pastel goth despite my mom telling me I looked like a chola thug and reprimanding me severely for attempting to dress that way in highschool. I resent my mom ngl

No. 2017241

Consider chess. Chessbots have perfected the game to levels that even the most advanced masters don't come even close to beating them. But did chess die? No, because watching bots do a 100% accurate play is boring as shit and now two decades later, competitive chess is more alive and popular than ever

No. 2018016

Nonny? Sorry. Nonny? Sorry. Nonny?

No. 2018025

ANON I MISS IT TOO. I want it to come back but the kids and young adults today would never be able to do it justice. There is something so endearing about those aesthetics because they existed in a time where people didn't really need to have perfect instagram faces and Pam Anderson make up and effect. I loved the imperfection of them and how it was such a dope indie sleaze offshoot. I'm getting so nostalgic kek. I wanted to dress like that so bad but alas I was slightly too young to have a job and atp only got clothes from the local mall, and stores always got internet trend stuff like 2 years too late at that point in time. Sighhh, the memories…

No. 2018031

>only got clothes from the local mall, and stores always got internet trend stuff like 2 years too late
I haaaated this. Gen z has it so easy tbh.

No. 2018043

Nowadays stores poop out clothes for trends that are 100% psyops that nobody in real life aside from chronic tiktok trend-chasers wear. I work at a big store and they are really trying to push the chrome/silver trend. It's been a few months now and I've never seen anyone buy those ugly chrome clothes/shoes, not a single person orders them through drive-up either. We also had a bunch of bright red tights for maybe a month and then no more (about as long as the red tight trend lasted), it's actually kind of psychotic the way companies fart out clothes to mimic microtrends. Now I wish we could revert back to when it took months for trends to hit the shelves.

No. 2018133

File: 1716571451805.gif (925.61 KB, 310x174, main-qimg-75e84ca411cccbba6d2e…)

Now that I'm in a place where I'm happier with my body, I definitely get why so many female celebs wear revealing clothing. When you have a nice body you want everyone to know, and if it weren't for weird men I would probably walk around in short clothing kek. Luckily you can be fully covered and still wear stuff that flatters your body.(read the rules)

No. 2018141

I miss witch house

No. 2018148

me too nonny, me too

No. 2018150

>red tights trend
Kek was that actually a thing?

No. 2018155

File: 1716573798038.png (1.28 MB, 939x1200, redtights.png)

I've seen it on pinterest a lot. I like it, but micro trends have no place in brick and mortar stores. Most women are normies who don't like adventure and just want ordinary jeans and t-shirts. I can't imagine any being brave enough to wear bright colours.

No. 2018165

My face is breaking out worse than it has for years and years and for a second I didn't understand why. Then I realized that I just spent the last week sleeping on my sister's couch, and she has probably never washed those pillows.

No. 2018282

Why do SSRIs have such pretty names? Definitely naming my daughter Celexa.

No. 2018328

No. 2018342

>Most women are normies who don't like adventure and just want ordinary jeans and t-shirts

I'm just traumatized from the sheer amount of bullying and harassment I received as a teen from my (usually hot topic inspired) fashion choices. I just dress to be invisible now I guess. I don't have a body type that looks good with a lot of styles either.

No. 2018344

I miss kendra. black earth that made me will always be amazing

No. 2018464

File: 1716585350209.jpg (106.91 KB, 720x895, c7e3f73a8b94146f9740005f1a3d64…)

>open tiktok for the first time in months
>come across a live of a woman in a hospital room struggling to breathe and like 8 people who were added to the live as guests shedding tears
What the actual fuck? Very disturbing, couldn't keep watching. Hope she's alright though. From what I understood, she was on live to get someone to speak to the nurses for her because she couldn't talk, poor lady.

No. 2018856

Wtf kek

No. 2018858

That’s gonna be me in the future

No. 2018861

niggas be sick when they remember all the bad they wished you

No. 2018862

i saw a video on twitter, as soon as i opened the app, of a dead toddler in Gaza getting chest compressions. like what the hell

No. 2018917

I know people say this a lot these days, but. Dystopian.

No. 2018962

This sounds dumb but I've been eating empty calories at night so I can fully enjoy my breakfast in the morning because food tastes better when you're starving.

No. 2018965

My period cramps are weird and my period is weird this month. All the blood is weird and brown and dry. Like it’s old? I feel like I’m too old to be confused by periods.

No. 2018979

since i haven't heard anyone else say it today, dumbass shit i miss you

No. 2018996

File: 1716615637628.webp (824.21 KB, 3264x2448, N5vv63-7fwNrHiJ0MMdY1AiRvpK_r4…)

I'm untouchable bitch

No. 2019008

Wtf put your Amazon knives away and let your cat nap

No. 2019114

File: 1716617959234.jpeg (Spoiler Image,135.94 KB, 728x1125, 1716569881632.jpeg)

I just listened to the new Billie eilish song, I'm a same sex attracted woman and I found the song incredibly cringe as fuuuuuuck

No. 2019120

What the fuck this image actually hurt my eyes. What editing was done to it to get that sort of effect?

No. 2019145

It's so disingenuous like girl okay

No. 2020530

File: 1716675478204.jpeg (129.9 KB, 686x282, IMG_0880.jpeg)

I like watching the banners when I’m bored and the site is slow. I wish we could have a cute banner watch party thread, just watch the banners even though we seen them a thousand times like it’s a movie

No. 2020544

I just had bubble tea for the first time and idk anons… It was a canned bubble tea and the tea was so REFRESHING but the bubbles were kind of gross. It's like a firm gummy and flavorless, not what I expected.

No. 2020553

It's best to get it from an actual boba tea place, and the quality varies from shop to shop, but when it's good, it's really good

No. 2020579

they have to make them a certain way to hold up being in a can for however long. Real boba would dissolve by then. If you liked the flavor, I would highly recommend getting a real one from a real boba tea shop.

No. 2020580

Seconding the other anon, I had it from a good chinese place, it had brown sugar for sweetness, a really strong black tea taste, and a milk that isn't too overpowering. The boba pearls were sweet as well, and I personally like the firm gummy texture.

No. 2020605

The fresh ones are the best, delicious flavour and texture!

No. 2020628

File: 1716679444684.png (403.22 KB, 946x557, the queen is dead.png)

I just learned that Kabosu, the female shiba inu also known as doge, has passed away. There's been a bunch of hoaxes regarding her death over the years, but this time is real, picrel coming from her owner's page.

No. 2020692

Imma see if I can get it fresh nonnas. I was so disappointed, but in gonna keep my hopes up and see. I've also been wanting to try thai iced tea.

No. 2020727

File: 1716688451405.png (1.2 MB, 720x1342, 1713715664940.png)

This Shayna clone though

No. 2020736

I know right?
I came across her live again just now. She seems alright, she was smiling and everything. Ngl, seeing someone gasping for air like that and then people just watching and crying freaked me out super bad. I'm assuming she doesn't have any friends and family that can support her, so she ran to tiktok. The people on the live said she deals with medical issues like the one yesterday a lot.

No. 2020743


No. 2020754

Shart if she wasn't retarded.

No. 2021353

File: 1716736853710.jpeg (70.21 KB, 735x638, IMG_0883.jpeg)

this website is so dead and i know almost none of you go to church so where are most of you guys? it’s looking pretty bleak that most of the anons here probably go to 4chan or become a kiwifarms namefag instead kek

No. 2021356

dumbass shit exodus

No. 2021363

the infighting and ban evading spergs are annoying me so much this week i went to touch grass instead.

No. 2021368

no the infighting is mostly funny it’s just so boring nowadays. the only thing nons talk about is fandom shit like we’re still in 2014
we need it back so bad

No. 2021369

I’ve been doing real life things recently.

No. 2021372

>the infighting is mostly funny
anons making shit up just to bitch at each other for 500 posts and drag infights across multiple threads/boards aren't very entertaining to me so let's agree to disagree.

No. 2021376

I still lurk a lot but I hardly post. Doesn't seem worth it anymore and I also don't want to make posts I'll regret later

No. 2021379

Same. When there's infighting on /ot/ instead of spending time on the board, I just go and do something else. Go outside, play a video game, read a book. The infights aren't even entertaining anymore, it's just retards fighting with other retards.

No. 2021381

I've been visiting the board less because I've been focusing a lot on my life and self improvement. Plus that one lowercase-typing anon who's been wreaking infights across /ot/ for months has been irritating me, and in general I find all the infights annoying.
Anyway, when did Marge get her butt done? Or has she just been hitting squats in the gym?

No. 2021387

welcome to lolcor

No. 2021393

every thread being available in the archives is why i like this place, but yeah lately i've been feeling self conscious too. do you think it's because we're growing out of posting here?
proving my point, most boring reply you could have thought of.

No. 2021394

Smh even suburban cartoon moms are getting BBLs.

Anyway yeah I’ve been busy this week also. Just because we’re all a bunch of spergs and weirdos doesn’t mean we don’t have lives outside of lolcor.

No. 2021396

I loved playing with Ravensburg as a kid.
You better get that fucking puzzle.

No. 2021399

someone’s grumpy today

No. 2021402

File: 1716741012286.gif (48.77 KB, 300x100, IMG_1127.gif)

I love them too, so glad new ones were added.

No. 2022478

File: 1716801161601.jpg (28.95 KB, 525x584, images-3.jpg)

Legit starting to think that life isn't about atoning for your sins and wrongs but actually just being delulu but successful. I think society is so hard on women when they commit mistake, even more so if you're religious. I want to become someone who keeps moving forward no matter if I fucked up instead of someone who is perpetually guilty for shit.

No. 2022736

File: 1716818508696.jpg (91.87 KB, 1170x1162, 5B4FABEF-C210-4BF5-970B-93D9E1…)

Spoiler for nipple piercing shenanigans that some lovely nonners might not want to read.
I got my nips pierced. Idk why but I just thought my boobs would look kind of cute with them. The pain was crazyyyyyyyyy and I got so lightheaded with the first nipple because I forgot to breathe kek. The pain was legit insane but when she started screwing in the balls to the piercing the pain subsided into a moderate throbbing discomfort. They would throb on and off the rest of the day and now they're pretty much pain free (unless they're touched, then it's a mild discomfort). My nipples also did not swell up and they haven't started discharging (yet…?). I was genuinely surprised with how professional the piercer and piercing was, and I was also extremely happy that this place only used internally threaded titanium jewlery. It's been like three days since getting them pierced and they're going strong.

No. 2022779

File: 1716820463128.gif (2.18 MB, 220x164, IMG_0911.gif)

>posts something
>zero replies
>another nonny posts
>million replies

why am I always awake or active at the slowest times? dead internet theory stays vindicated

No. 2022785

Yesss! Don't be afraid to shun the mentality of a 30 year old minor on Kpop twitter. Fuck other people's opinions, do what you want, and be happy. 'Delusional' is a bit of a strong term though, we're bombarded with shitty news 24/7 and inflation isn't going away any time soon, but there is still a lot of good in the world. You don't need to appease everyone or fix the world's problems to be allowed to have a good time.

No. 2022867

I get it

No. 2022899

I thought of getting my nips pierced as well but I am afraid of losing nipple sensitivity or getting some type of infection.

No. 2022923

and the other nonny's post is always something to bring in responses
>vent about nigel
>ask nonnies about their opinion(do not mention men itt)

No. 2023062

I wish I stayed a metalhead and just never branched out, my country is full of metalheads but there's no punk or industrial fans to be found. I still go to small metal shows for fun sometimes, they're always the nicest people and the music usually sounds way better live, it's pretty nostalgic and always fun but I wish it could be with bands I'm actually a fan of. Woe is me.
I know the feeling nonnie.

No. 2023095

Yup imageboards is no longer about having conversations with people it’s just talking at people to farm responses. I’m also guilty of this

No. 2023339

i love when i make a grilled cheese and it comes out amazing

No. 2023380

you don't like it when you post something and you forget you posted it until someone else bumps the thread a week later and you see there are no replies, your post is just sitting there as a little snapshot of your thoughts? I think it's nice.

No. 2023383

nta but same kek, it always makes me smile when i post something offhand and then come back later and see theres responses

No. 2023402

Yeah sometimes I go back to my thoughts, looks like the calm of the storm while everybody else’s responses are chaotic kek. I miss being able to read the unique things farmers had to say as well, that’s why I genuinely miss manifesto-chan

No. 2023405

Microwave grilled cheese is the best

No. 2023410

>Fuck other people's opinions, do what you want, and be happy.
Thank you, wish me luck!

No. 2023466

File: 1716851740009.png (267.15 KB, 796x594, IMG_0924.png)

so nostalgic for this type of ish

No. 2023884

Ever after high! I loved that show but it ended really weirdly didnt it?

No. 2023934

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How about that

No. 2023941

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No. 2023948

how did it end?

No. 2023957

Why is it that old people don’t like to pay for small purchases with a card? I work a register and if the total is really small they’ll always comment on it and use cash. Do they worry I’ll think they’re poor or something? I don’t give a fuck

No. 2024013

From what I've seen, it tends to be that people think there's a minimum card payment. I work in pharmacy and people will often remark
>oh my god I'm so sorry I don't have any cash, can I still use my card?
if their copay is less than 10 bucks, as if it wouldn't be insane to have an upcharge for not paying enough for your medication.

No. 2024017

Habit. They didn't grow up with card. Plus a lot of them are tech illiterate so they don't like online banking.

No. 2024023

File: 1716899274438.jpg (64.2 KB, 944x592, GD5Hdz5bcAASdin.jpg)

Anons, please tell me not to go back to her or text her. I cannot be going back to that insane idiot but fuck, I want to so bad. I want her to kiss me again, fuck me again, hold me again. I feel like I'm gaslighting myself telling myself being with her wasn't actually that bad when I was sobbing every other night and it was unbearable and it was me who put an end to the shit while she was begging me to rethink my decision but fuck.. I want it back so bad, I feel stupid. She stalked me, suicide baited me, constantly ignored my few boundaries, threatened me and threatened my mom? It was not a good time, but why do I want it back? I miss kissing her and I miss her smile. She tried to convince me the whole time I do actually like her when I was unsure and I feel like she was right the whole time, maybe I do like her back in some freak way. I keep checking my phone hoping she's texted me. I feel so fucking retarded. I know if she asks me to meet again I'll immediately say yes. Can a nonna please slap me clean across the face and tell me to get some self-respect? God. I wish I had a friend to put some sense in me, I can't vent about this to anyone.

No. 2024033

She suicide baited you, respect yourself nona, just an ounce of respect for yourself.

No. 2024039

File: 1716900572617.jpeg (82.91 KB, 700x394, IMG_0950.jpeg)

The last thing I remember from that show was that Prince Charming’s sister kissed Apple to keep her alive kek. They were my OTP when I was younger. Also a bunch of other nonsensical shit like the entire fairytale world they lived in collapsing because Raven don’t want to fulfill her destiny.
I hated whenever they put pieces of clothing or shoes that don’t even match with the rest of the clothes. Red shoes, seriously?
Cute asf

No. 2024155

She fucked someone she does not even like, clearly having self-respect is not an option here lmao

No. 2024162

You're so right. Whenever I didn't act how she wanted me to, she would describe how exactly she would kill herself and it was just so fucked. I can't do that to myself again. I kept waiting for when she would have a normal week to break things off and it was still a disaster. This will pass and I'll feel normal again, I just hope she doesn't text me because I know my resolve will crumble so fucking quick. I'm so pathetic.

No. 2024326

Fuck. She just texted me. I will not reply.
I'm a work in progress.

No. 2027118

it’s always ‘i miss dumbass shet’ but we have this thread and it’s a ghost town

No. 2027126

I mean, you can get banned if you post an image and it contains a you-know-what even if just in the background, or even like for answering a question like "why this anon was banned" and ending up saying the forbidden word (got banned once for that kek), or saying a popular expression, so thats why. We can't be stupid, we have to think about the rules and it's too much for our dumbass brains

No. 2027129

aghh i miss retardation threads.

No. 2027136

you guys say you miss those threads but you never visit…

No. 2027146

i guess what i mean is i miss when they were busier

No. 2027288

Did the entirety of /ot/ decide to go to bed at the same time or what. Everyone was alive just a few hours ago

No. 2027292

i'm still awake, hi

No. 2027293

Hi. I can't think of anything to talk about tbh but I'm bored.

No. 2027296

are you a eurofag or a fellow insomniac? maybe go make some tea or get a coke or something and watch a youtube video

No. 2027664

Is it me or after the pandemic everything feels faster? An hour feels like 30-40 minutes. Make it stop

No. 2027666

what’s the easiest and best way to shave in 2024

No. 2027730

electric razor with a straight razorhead

No. 2028024

just doing this raw?

No. 2028036

Maybe your brain got slower. Must be long term brain damage.

No. 2028181

Probably tbh

No. 2028413

I took an off brand weed gummy and it was laced. Nightmare mode, I've been hallucinating and vomiting for over twenty four hours, completely unable to stand because of vertigo. I thought I was going to die and begged my roommate to call 911.

No. 2028418

oh god that sounds horrible on every level, do you have anything that can knock you out and make you sleep for a while? or at least something for the nausea? if you're still feeling vertigo tomorrow and hallucinating go to the emergency room, tell them you were at the bar and someone put something in your drink if weed is illegal in your state

No. 2028420

Holy shit I'm so sorry nonna. Drink a ton of water and gatorade flush that shit out of your system

No. 2029569

File: 1717191506512.jpg (501.49 KB, 1960x4032, ui4jbmwfyin21.jpg)

I feel everyone who grew up a poor kid knows about the delicacy that is balled up bread slices. I used to eat it with syrup sometimes too.
Not my pic btw.

No. 2029576

I'm really glad I cannot relate to this.

No. 2029581

Are you sure it was laced? It could have been just really really strong, a lot of unregulated edibles can have uneven amounts of THC depending on how the batch was made. I'm a seasoned user and once had a small piece of a weed brownie and I must have gotten a piece where all of the butter was concentrated, I got so fucking high that I was sweating and turned pale and puked my guts out, it was fucking horrible.

No. 2029587

haha, I remember doing this. Made the bread extra chewy.

No. 2029593

Honestly, that's a great lie idea. If I had gone, I would have just blurted out the truth. My roommate was all like "I didn't call 911 because you seemed fine and that just seemed like something a high person would say," so I now know that fucker is useless in a medical situation.
Thank you. It was extremely rough.
I would say with a high degree of certainty it was laced with something not naturally found in weed. I had been using a different brand name but when I went to my regular store they were out, so they recommended this new brand name gummy they just got in. Based on the dosing, I took 1/4 of my regular dose and within an hour I knew something was wrong because of how I felt. The taste was very bad, extremely chemical tasting but I ignored it.
The high was like a bad salvia trip, except it took me 48 hours to sober up. Do you remember when they were selling those "weed research chemicals" in drug stores in 2013-2016? They were sometimes also sold under the name of bath salts (though it was not a form of PCP which people would also call bath salts). The high was exactly like that, but worse. Do not take anything Smak'd. Not their weed gummies or candy, and probably not their delta 8 or 9 gummies either.

No. 2030187

I love getting scheduled to work super early and reading shitty WEBTOON!!!!!

No. 2030195

your jaw depends more on genetics than anything else

No. 2030198

Wish that were me but I don't even read webtoon

No. 2030463

File: 1717261858984.jpeg (318.69 KB, 750x757, IMG_1044.jpeg)

lasted 53 minutes almost an hour. who can beat this world record? making one of these threads is like speedrunning how long you can go without getting it locked or banned

No. 2030757

File: 1717279398906.mp4 (Spoiler Image,850.66 KB, 480x854, 1717197455451.mp4)

Autistic girls when you touch them

No. 2031498

Whenever I see people who live in really dirty homes, I think it's honestly interesting as fuck the type of conditions people can subject themselves to if left in then long enough. I grew up in a house with a roach infestation and for most of my child/teenagehood the cutlery was just kept in the counters, but at some point my family started keeping them in the drawers that had droppings and dead bugs in them, not even with a silverware divider. I remember just wondering if I was the only one who was grossed out. Eventually I got all my own kitchenware and just stopped eating anything anyone else cooked. I'm sure I've ingested roach parts at least once tbh.

No. 2031504

Why even keep touching it if she makes that noise? Camerawoman is being a little mean.

No. 2031511

Call it something less paraphrased next time- "bechdel test" for instance.

No. 2031599

yum yum

No. 2031891

I've reached a point of unemployedness where I'm seriously considering making a podcast

No. 2031976

I was happily scrolling the thread until this. Shouldn't the pepe be redacted content? more than an animal it's xy avatarfagging

No. 2032001


No. 2032002

Quick, delete and repost!

No. 2032012

File: 1717339848469.jpeg (134.3 KB, 558x711, IMG_1054.jpeg)

>they just use caps and three exclamation marks AND think animal abuse is wrong?? WOKETARD(do not post moids itt)

No. 2032013

>must redtext them now

No. 2032014

File: 1717339954644.gif (20.13 KB, 112x112, crying-pepe-the-frog.gif)

Fuck you, Pepe is just Pepe and that's all. He's a little frog man and he has done nothing to nobody.(pepe the frog is a moid)

No. 2032015

It's because it breaks the rules by referring to an un-woman lol.

No. 2032016

This is going to be a buffet of bans.

No. 2032018

Pepe is genderless, like a Transformer(pepe the frog is a moid)

No. 2032021

Mods think you deserved to get banned if you post a male cat KEK

No. 2032023

this thread is so boring I hate the dumb rules why didn’t you just make this an offtopic thread with just a simple “no bait” and “no infighting”? kek(take it to /meta/)

No. 2032025

Oh you mean like dumbass shit? Oh jeez if only!

No. 2032028

File: 1717340346364.png (261.05 KB, 1256x776, hmmm.PNG)

Really?(pepe the frog is a moid)

No. 2032037

No. 2032041

If the cat was actually distressed it would have tried to get away, or attacked. It's just being weird, cats are weird.

No. 2032043

Wikipedia is not a primary source, opinion discarded.

No. 2032045

>she doesn't remember what led to this thread being created
>thinking a regular off-topic thread wouldn't get locked within minutes like the last one

No. 2032047

The sources it references include interviews with the creator of the original comic, who also refers to it as not a woman.

No. 2032049

just make another bullshit rule instead of putting a rule that could easily get any shitposter banned. giving tips for the next nonny who wants to try oopsshouldnt have said this

No. 2032051

we’re all about to be banned KEK

No. 2032052

Literally one topic you cannot discuss. The rest of /ot/ is right outside.

No. 2032056

Shit, I missed one. Ban for me too, damn.

No. 2032059

Anon.. this is the offtopic thread where are we supposed to go kekk

No. 2032060

File: 1717341286762.gif (768.63 KB, 220x220, IMG_1059.gif)

they’re helicopter modding for cute pepe posting? fuck that snarky anon, there’s nothing avatarfagging about pepe(pepe the frog is a moid)

No. 2032074

Are you retarded? There already was an off topic thread when this one was created, and you can discuss undesirables literally everywhere else. And you can literally just hide the thread if you dislike it so much.

No. 2032080

File: 1717342267784.gif (555.1 KB, 220x165, IMG_1062.gif)

No. 2032144

Went to the flea market and got some boots, some comic books to resell, a zumba Wii game, and a laptop I found on the free table. I passed on a swath of fabric that I really liked, but that smelled too strongly of cats and old lady perfume. Not anywhere near my best haul, but I still got what I went looking for.

No. 2032147

you went looking for zumba wii game?

No. 2032162

It's actually hilarious perfect. My mother loves zumba and fitness games, but she also hasn't progressed forward in time since 2008. I also thought to get her an elephant wax warmer, but I hesitated because you know how hard it can be buy decorations for other people's houses.

No. 2032172

I made butter chicken but it was way too sweet, like shitty Chinese takeout. Better next time I guess. I still have some left, might get stoned and scarf it down.

No. 2033024

I'm 26 now and I'm really starting to believe that your brain only fully develops after 25. The idea of choosing a profession at 18, which is assumed to be a job you're going to do for the rest of your life, and getting into thousands of dollars of debt in the process is so crazy to me now. I don't regret choosing my major but if I had to do it all over again I would have chosen something completely different and with more pay.

No. 2033425

Oh no I've spent 1 hour of my morning time already here on lc

No. 2034086

File: 1717441803229.jpg (22.35 KB, 736x414, 4638a35fa7e04a5d0e986b67a0b922…)

Emilia Clarke is always beautiful, but something about her in season 1 of GoT was so incredibly pretty. Seeing her for the first time was like, breathtaking. Also, I think Daenerys has some of the best styling of the show. Her wardrobe and wigs portrayed her evolution as a character and what period of her life she's in so well.

No. 2034101

Agreed. I can barely get a response whenever I'm posting in these threads. Talk to me nonnies gdi.

No. 2034112

Hi nonnie, what are you doing right now?

No. 2034135

I'm in Montana for the first time nonnies! I'm going to go to Yellowstone! I'm going to eat a smore and ride a horse!

No. 2034146

That's so cool! Do you have any experience riding horses or is this your first time? I've searched what smore is and it looks very tasty

No. 2034182

My jealousy is immeasurable. Did you go to a ranch where you stay for several nights and they plan activities for you including horseback riding? Or do you just know someone with horses and s'mores? I hope you have lots of fun!

No. 2034195

Fun! I hear Montana is really beautiful.

No. 2034330

File: 1717452611652.png (374.53 KB, 750x569, 1712179913231712.png)

I started my ED recovery last year and after 3 years of not having a period I finally got it yesterday!

No. 2034363

How are you doing, nonna? How was your weekend?
Aaah so proud of you nonna! I hope that things continue going well for you. Congratulations for overcoming your ED!

No. 2034382

I grew up on a horse farm, but it's been ten years since I've ridden so I hope to not make a fool out of myself.
I'm renting a horse while I'm here, but the bed and breakfast I'm staying at doesn't have any horses, though it's really close to the park.
You can also rent a llama to carry your stuff when hiking the mountains.

No. 2034384

File: 1717454351187.gif (328.52 KB, 300x300, IMG_8294.gif)

im very happy for you nonners ♥

No. 2034411

i’ve had 3 string cheeses today i wish i had more

No. 2034790

File: 1717476522036.jpeg (669.44 KB, 800x992, IMG_0197.jpeg)

i have legit become obsessed with the smell of lilac and gooseberries. i do not know what is wrong with me honestly. i just started buying different versions of yennefer's signature scent out of boredom and now i am ready to sell off all my other perfumes and wear this for the rest of my life. it is just perfect. i smell like a warm spring afternoon with a delicate breeze blowing a sweet floral scent in the air. every time i close my eyes and smell this scent i feel happy and at peace. it's such an innocent and melancholic scent and it really fits my personality so well, much better than anything else i own. like i could be happy with just this perfume and maybe a handful of other scents here and there for variety. i can't believe i fell in love with a perfume that's inspired by a fictional character but yeah, here i am.

No. 2034848

I had grapes and cheddar earlier, this post is making me want more but I'll resist.

No. 2034967

What's its name nona? I wanna check it out

No. 2034979

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No. 2035181

Everytime I argue with girls I also have this urge to hug and squeeze them like besties. I don't know how much of this is unhealthy behaviour or just childish

No. 2035332

I just want to go get stoned but it's too early, also the employee at the weed shop spread out a bunch of bags of amnesia haze and told me I could pick one like a kid picking out candy lol. I want to work there.

No. 2035344

Nice! I was mildly insulted when I went to the weed store yesterday. I went in with five other people, we bought a shit ton of stuff and then the clerk mentioned that the weed gummies were 80% off today and I asked to see them to read the ingredients. But when she handed them to me, she continued to hold them like I was going to steal them. Ma'am, we just spent $300 at your store, we're not going to a grab and run on a $5 pack of weak gummies.

No. 2035348

Kekk anon, did you get them tho?

No. 2035372

File: 1717512054231.webp (49.52 KB, 600x600, 14_5282d0f6-6784-4e2f-8c75-122…)

I have this one roll-on perfume oil from Fiction Bath Co. that's inspired by Yennefer and it smells heavenly I'm obsessed, I even went back and bought a candle in the same scentkek. Dunno how accurate it is since it's the only one I've ever tried with those scent notes but it's amazing. I'll have to give this one a try once I run out of the one I own!

No. 2035395

Good morning ladies. I hope we all have good days ♥

No. 2035402

does anyone have any good recs for fiction books written by women?

No. 2035408

There’s a book thread but I like Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

No. 2035415

I totally did, lol. Haven't tried them yet though.

No. 2035418

Donna Jo Napoli writes books from the bad guys in a few fairy tales. Naomi Novik has a great dragon series called Temeraire.

No. 2035775

I was smoking out of the window and saw my cat climbing up someone's fence so I pssht pssht at her and she looked me in the face and started walking to my house lol, I love her.

No. 2035776

The Dispossessed by Ursula LeGuin and Wild Seed by Octavia Butler.

No. 2035864

I'm never taking magnesium vitamins ever again this shit makes me feel like I'm dying.

No. 2035868

My chest hurts. Room go spinny.

No. 2035891

you need to take them with food and start slow, if you're having digestive symptoms in reaction to them it's because you were low in magnesium before.

No. 2035906

That's how I took them. It didn't do anything to my stomach just made me extremely light headed and dizzy and like my heart was gonna explode, then my limbs felt weak. I thought I forgot how to stand up and breathe.

No. 2035924

I will send apology to the friend i dearly miss who i haven't spoken to since October. I really hope we can be friends again and she can forgive me

No. 2036348

I had a nightmare full of current worries, I swear no more fast food before bed

No. 2036351

i have a bad habit of clicking posts that are on the front page, getting distracted after clicking back to the original tab i was scrolling on, and then not going back and lurking it until 2 days later kek

No. 2036423

I hope one day to have my drawings/paintings in a gallery. I think my works tell important messages and women need representation in contemporary art especially in my country.
I believe I was born to make art, not work in an office.

No. 2036443

File: 1717566936129.jpeg (19.12 KB, 768x768, 947577cd-7524-4d43-8606-e31f36…)

I cannot use regular lighters, and seeing people light candles with them always makes me so nervous. Don't know how people can stand to have a flame so close to their fingers.

No. 2036447

File: 1717567044007.jpg (62.68 KB, 640x449, BzZKo4eCEAAeTkZ.jpg_large.jpg)

They look like beauty supply store slippers

No. 2036475

but even uglier

No. 2037722

File: 1717636897032.jpg (2.48 MB, 2160x3840, PXL_20240605_194540701~2.jpg)

My vacation continues to be so good. Today I saw elk, bison, a coyote, a pine martin, and some white tailed deer. I climbed a mountain and saw cougar poop and when I climbed down I went to a restaurant and got bison stew. Then I went to a candy shop and bought candy foam because I've never tried it before. It's such a good day.
Pictured: The view from halfway up the mountain.

No. 2037725

Sounds epic, nonna

No. 2037733

aww it looks beautiful nonnie

No. 2037805

You ever see a post where they're not necessarily baiting but anon is definitely fishing for replies?

No. 2037876

you mean like by asking a question like you just did?

No. 2037923

That's beautiful but
>and saw cougar poop
This got me.

No. 2037929

Does historical fiction count as fiction to you? I recommend wolf hall.

No. 2038034

File: 1717661010589.jpeg (51.18 KB, 616x616, 1682024746812.jpeg)

Am I the only one who notices that a lot of new canned drink brands have super thin cans? Not thin in shape but thin in material. I saw Chamberlain Coffee a while ago in the grocery store, I was so surprised at how thin the metal feels and all the cans were dented

No. 2038050

A better ending would’ve been that fucking kid in the babadook dying on the mom receiving a newfound freedom and finally working through her trama liaisoned by that

No. 2038154

I have noticed this. All the materials holding the liquids have gotten thinner. And it's such a pain because even the pull tabs are thinner, so they've started breaking instead of opening the lids lately.

No. 2038160

>does fiction count as fiction

No. 2038233

they hurt my thumbs. idk how anyone uses them. wand lighters are the way to go.

No. 2038261

Well, it's based on real historical figures and events, I don't know how much fiction she wants.

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