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No. 1967432

Thread to discuss the phenomenon of "fujoshi", the women that identify as such and the women who criticise it.

To a latter extent, discuss also the phenomenon of "yumejoshi" and "himejoshi", especially when it comes to the yume vs. fujo feud.

Discuss the history of fujoshism, speculate on its reasons, argue your opinion on it and exchange intelligent views with other farmers.

Topics inclue:
>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed?
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
>Why is fujo stuff so popular in Japan, a highly conservative, homophobic and misogynistic society?
>Can yumes and fujos be friends?

Be respectful and do not infight. Honest discussion only.

No. 1967438

Thanks for making this thread, nonna. I hope anons can stop shitting up the fandom discourse thread now

No. 1967439

why do fujoshis seem to react so strongly to the phrase "porn addict" like yaoi is a form of erotica and pornography and if you consume too much of it you would qualify as a porn addict.

No. 1967441

I'm sorry but i just can't see the appeal of 2 males fucking, maybe it's porn addiction brainrot like when moids watch lesbians fucking.

No. 1967444

>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
it's real but it's not because of the slash itself. it's because of escapism and because BL has to be conflated with politics in the west. meaning, if you are a straight woman who likes BL, that's super icky and wrong.
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
i don't self-insert. i view it as a romance or erotica. i'm sure some others do.
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
that probably happened because the fantasy is so different than the reality
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed?
it's a way of combining submissive kinks with fujo stuff imo
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
depends on the fujo. my take is that it's completely fine to be either as long as you are a member of society, recognize that it's fiction, and don't escape into it.
>Why is fujo stuff so popular in Japan, a highly conservative, homophobic and misogynistic society?
it's something almost entirely for women.
>Can yumes and fujos be friends?
of course

No. 1967446

are women into bodice rippers straight novels also porn addicts or does it only apply to fujos?

No. 1967447

Personally, I consume slash content (mainly fanfics of whatever media I’m currently interested in), and of course some fujos are legitimately pornsick, but calling fujos “porn addicts” feels like you’re equating them to degenerate moids who get off to women being raped on pornhub. Sexuality is so much more stigmatized in women. It’s entirely possible to be a fujo, have a healthy sexuality, and not harm anyone, unlike male porn addicts

No. 1967450

that's the thing, it's not two males fucking, no matter any fujo will tell you there will always be a real male(sometimes they will be a masculinized) and a character despite having male pronouns will be functionally women, Helen Joyce talked explained this perfectly, most slash is either two women in drag or a regular man in a relationship with a crossdressing woman.

No. 1967452

If they're addicted, yes.

No. 1967453

If that is true, then why are fujos not into the 3000x more numerous shoujo manga?

No. 1967454

absolutely, if you consume any type of erotica constantly then I think you should count as one.
I never said they were ever as bad as males, just that they are porn-sick

No. 1967456

how do you determine if they are addicted?

No. 1967458

Because this is like saying that women who go to other countries & fuck men left and right are 'sex tourists' when the actual implication of that phrase is "men who take advantage of vulnerable, poor, prostituted women". Porn addiction has the implication of people in power (men) supporting an industry full of vulnerable, poor, prostituted women, and this addiction affects the way they view the women around them, often makes them useless, a social danger, and alters the way they interact with others on their day to day.

The "porn addicted woman" you described might technically be porn addicted by definition but it'd just be an inaccurate label at the end of the day. It has none of the consequences and social implications of a real porn addiction.

No. 1967461

Oh cool, yet another thread about fujos. We really needed one.

Let me guess, you also think fujos want to get raped.(baiting)

No. 1967462

nta but if you consume any form of erotica weekly basis then that counts as porn addiction imo, the vast majority of normal people don't wanna think about let alone read men having butt sex with each other.

No. 1967466

then whats the solution for women's hornyness in your opinion, to subject themselves to a digusting 3DPD that might hurt them? in the case of women, porn is safer than the real option.

No. 1967467

Shouldnt this, the fandom thread and the ugly man psyop thread be on /m/? Or are mods happy with /ot/ becoming /m/ lite

No. 1967468

general discussion threads have always belonged on /ot/.

No. 1967470

radical feminists lived celibate for decades without ever knowing any concept of straight or gay erotica, it's really not that hard.

No. 1967471

They’re all related to media though, which is /m/

No. 1967472

You are literally altering the definition to exempt yourself.Porn addict isn't some nebulous term, it simply refers to someone addicted to any form of pornography.

No. 1967473

i specifically asked about horny women

No. 1967477

idk look up how to deal with porn addiction and try to live a normal life.

No. 1967481

look, im not anti-fujo, finger yourself with anything you want, everyone has a weird fetish they get off to, that makes us human, but my god that post was embarassing.
this is what porn addiction does to your brain.

No. 1967482

so you have no answer?

No. 1967484

Nayrt but while associated with media fujoshi is a social phenomena, the same as actors and the celebricows thread. Fujo media can also take multiple forms such as manga, movies, series, anime, books, games, fucking real life boybands on top of eastern and western versions of all of those. If you read the sticky note on /m/ you see it doesn't belong there.

No. 1967487

No. 1967488

You know women can have a sex drive without being addicted to porn, right? Not having any sex drive at all means there is something physically wrong with your brain.

No. 1967493

I don't see the point of this thread. Anti-fujos are insincere and can't be honest and just admit they dislike yaoi because of a personal taste, they have to turn it into a moral crussade against 'pornsick women(wome who have horny thought)'. They really are no different than christian nuts that think a woman who has any lustful thought is a slut and deserves to be shamed for it. We are never going anywhere because we are discussing with christian nutjobs masquerading as 'le based radfems'.

No. 1967497

I agree. The discussion was much more productive before the morality police chimed in.

No. 1967499

Addiction is about the amount of porn being consumed and how it affects peoples' lives, not the subject matter.

No. 1967502

Some yaoi don't have sex scenes and focus more on other aspect of the main pairing, like "will they or won't they" or they're depicted like a cutesy couple who mostly go on dates and kiss and hug, that's why. There are even BL manga where the love interests don't even start a relationship because of plot related reasons like in Sankaku Mado.

No. 1967505

It has always been about moralfagging. Antifujos aren't concerned about women consuming harmful media or them becoming pornsick to the point of hurting themselves(like women memed into bdsm to please scrotes), otherwise they would be targetting stuff like bodice ripper or 50 shades or straight romance media with cultural relevance, not a niche genre of romance/erotica that's extremely niche and genuinely hurts no one.

No. 1967507

Celebricows is only here because those retards werent wanted on the cow boards, thats not a good example

No. 1967509

No silly anon, don't you know? Women are supposed to be perfect pure virgin maidens. But they also have to sexualize themselves at all costs because otherwise it offends the moids, that's why straight erotica and bdsm aren't a problem.

No. 1967511

Because "porn addict" only gets used for moids here and they dont want to be associated with that. I do think they are porn addicts but not to the same extent as moids, at least the anons that post here. Outside of lc its hard to say because of the tranny problem

No. 1967512

And? This thread belongs even less in the cow boards. By exclusion, it belongs in /ot/.

For farmhands reading this, no media is being discussed here nor any specific cow and this thread is NOT the same as fujocoomer cringe. This is a thread to discuss a social phenomena amongst women that started with Star Trek over 50 years ago.

No. 1967514

i agree, we should bring back dumbass shit back!

No. 1967517

Okay, but you're operating on the assumption that anyone who self-identifies as a fujoshi must be looking at porn constantly, but that just isn't true. For most people, it's just something they do on the weekend or whatever. People who post about weebshit online have dayjobs and marriages and shit, they just don't post about it because it's boring. Or they have a dedicated account just for anime/manga.

No. 1967519

That was truly the start of the downfall

No. 1967523

>Looking at erotica once a week is porn addiction.
"Porn addiction" has an actual definition and this ain't it. Addiction is specifically when a habit interferes with your ability to work, function, and maintain relationships with family, friends, spouse, etc. A person who has a drink once a week isn't an alcoholic.

No. 1967525

Who said anything about cow boards? Fuck off to /m/

No. 1967527

Most people aren't radical feminists, and most radical feminists aren't even celibate. Do you even hear yourself? That's a fucking ridiculous standard to hold all women to.

No. 1967529

You need to learn what the word "addiction" means, puritan-chan.

No. 1967530

You did my nonna.

No. 1967531

Explain how a character with a cock and balls can "functionally" be a woman without falling into misogynistic stereotypes.

No. 1967533

This anon is right. I also think we should differentiate between porn addiction which is a term mainly used about addiction to videos of real people and is mostly a moid issue, and erotica addiction.

No. 1967534

…because you brought up an anomaly cow thread. Do you lack understanding in how basic conversations work?

No. 1967537

kek can't believe I'm a porn addict for reading smut once or twice a week on AO3. Are you going to count someone masturbating once a week as a porn addict too?

No. 1967540

The cognitive dissonance of anon demanding that women be celibate while also positioning herself as a "feminist." Wack.

No. 1967541

kek even some people in the JP fandom think ukes are like women

No. 1967543


No. 1967545

>suggests separatism
>then suggests that fujoshi should "live a normal life" as opposed to reading comics about guys holding hands
Pick one and only one. Separatism isn't a normie thing last time I checked. Occasionally reading books or watching tv shows about some romcom with two guys instead of a het pairing is far more normal.

No. 1967546

I thought that was a given, just look at how they’re designed and act most of the time

No. 1967547

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I don't even really hate yaoi, just fujos.

No. 1967548

dont bring that cutie into this shit thread

No. 1967550

Is reading erotica harming their ability to stay employed, make friends, and so forth? Are they chemically dependent on it? No? Then it's not an "addiction." Porn addicted moids literally destroy their marriages, their finances, and the physical functionality of their dicks. That's an addiction.

No. 1967552

Do you consider gay bottom twinks to functionally be women?

No. 1967553

>"porn addiction is privilege and power"
Being a fujo is cool but don't be cringe, anon.

No. 1967554

Did Pakichan make this thread kek

No. 1967555

Based and same

No. 1967557

How can you hate the people that write the yaoi (fujos), retard.

No. 1967559

Does 'erotica addiction' cause the same sort of dehumanization and pornbrained thinking (idk like inability to just be normal and not sexualize everything like porn addicted moids do) as irl porn? Not looking to argue with you, just been wondering this myself and want to hear other views

No. 1967560

There was an anon recently who talked about how her husband or ex husband spent dozens of thousands of dollars on porn and she was collecting evidence for the divorce, I can't imagine a fujoshi doing this. I think the worst case I've seen was in the consoomer thread and it was really not nearly as bad because that was some girl buying merchs of her favorite books she can sell back if she ever changes her mind instead of buying videos of women getting raped and tortured on camera.

No. 1967561

I don't know anon, but it's obvious that men's porn addiction is a big problem which is why I think we should differentiate them. If a woman was addicted to erotica it would only harm her not other people as no real people are involved.

No. 1967562

So you don't hate porn, but you do hate women whose taste you disagree with. How "feminist" of you.

No. 1967563

No, the questions are far too thoughtful to have come from her.

No. 1967564

>feminism out of no where

No. 1967565

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remember when an antifujo couldn't give fujos non abusive straight romance recommendations so she begged them to make a fandom out of some ugly post wall scrote netflix show about moids being opressed? kek

No. 1967566

>Explain how a character with a cock and balls can "functionally" be a woman without falling into misogynistic stereotypes.
>I thought that was a given, just look at how they’re designed and act most of the time
Tranny logic. If it has a cock and balls, it's male.

No. 1967567


No. 1967569

Most of the anti-fujos use feminism as a justification. I can't tell you retards apart.

No. 1967573

Same tbh, especially western ones

No. 1967575

I still can't believe this happened, KEK.

No. 1967583

>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
I'm firmly in the belief it's something else on the virtue of modern gender ideology. The east has rarely if ever had to deal with tifs infesting their spaces with muh fetishzing gays nonsense because japan and other countries lack the individualism which enables troondom in the first place. Yet in the states and by extension the northern parts of the western hemisphere, more and and more women are going theyfab or tif all becuase some perceived difference from other women.
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
Speaking for myself, not often but when I do it's both. Don't know why but I like both being top and the sub in gay pairings but more equalish in straight ones? I don't really care about femdom but when it comes to yaoi, I enjoy it when the top is more fem and the bottom is more masc. I don't know, it's just how I be lol.
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
people tend to forget the wild west era of the internet where calling each other faggots was common banter and not the hate crime it is today. People still do it, but only on niche internet forums and anonymous sites which permit it. There's also that fact that liking lesbian and gay porn does not equal to the support and tolerance of gay people. You have conservative politicans wankig it to black cuck porn but have frimly racist views on black people.
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
I'm not one for fandom activism so personally it depends? there is a escapist element to it and I can't deny my reasons for indulging in yaoi was a means to see men viewed less as stoic pillars but as vulnerable caged birds free from expectations of masculinity. You don't normally see guys emote beyond anger, lust, and unbridled ape rage unless that's the point. Japan and other east asian countries regard different beauty standards to men which in the eyes of the west is vastly more feminine than what is expected of burger moids. Even in genres like shonen, male characters are offer a range of emotions alien in the eyes of outsiders like sadness, regret, longing, happiness, what have you. But despite japan seemingly having more bones to offer women in terms of vulnerable men, it's still a patriarchal society–probably more so than the west. Women are given so few options that ending up with one is considered a death sentence since any chance of independence is relinquished in the name of tradition. So for women who aren't as partial to the destitutes of domestic life turn to yoai to escape those fears and live vicariously though it's often idealized male appearing characters.
I'd argue bl serves to stand against expectations forced on women as well as alleviate their sexuality without being in harm's way or in the middle of it.
>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed?
When I first learned about it, yea, it's weird, extremely weird but I respect it. There's a lot to the concept some of which I can't go in-depth here given time's a bit short but I always wondered what a fantasy or alien race with the a/b/o system would even look like? Like would be ruled by betas or would alphas be on top? what about each group encompassing a state of mind or a title? the possibilities are endless and I hate how it's regulating to Ao3 smutfics.
no comment on the het version but I will say it doesn't hit the same than say a male alpha pounding some omega in the pooper.
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
To be addicted to something means you're obsessed with it so much that it impedes your executive functions, your relationships, and job. Most fujos and yumes consume erotica in small amounts compared the amount of porn moids watch on the daily simply because female sexuality doesn't possess the same mechanisms as males do. Our bodily rhythms are made to sync with men as it did in the past to promote reproduction but now that we're out of the stone ages, it becomes more a detriment as porn seeks to scramble our normal sexual flow. There's a nothing wrong with a few sex fantasies or books or hell the occasional coom audio. The issue lies with how hormones and socialization breeds entitlement which can lead to violence against women and girls. men have a hard time telling coom from real life which explains why sex fantasies get acted out more whereas women keep that to themselves. No fujo or yume worth salt is gonna convince moids to live out their fantasies since obviously their socialization and their biological realities of being a woman prevents them from doing so.
>Why is fujo stuff so popular in Japan, a highly conservative, homophobic and misogynistic society?
Guess? no just guess? the more repressed a society is, the more likely weird fetishes and kinks begin to crop up. liberals don't have anything to hide and thus are less likely to indulge in deviant kinks where as a closeted conservative is more than likely to enjoy taboo subject matter due the nature of the content itself. Since japan is a bit backwards equality wise, this leaves women to keep their sexuality covertly in a society that ironically sees the enjoyment of sex as taboo. It's why the west couldn't handle yaoi and yuri becuase they perceive these two genres as analogous to real groups of people, breeding fandom activist sentiments and forcing countries from the east to comply with their delusions.
>Can yumes and fujos be friends?
I don't see why not? I'm both a fujo and yume because I'm attracted to men but finding sane like minded fujos and yumes is getting bit annoying as the western narrative of social justice overwhelms fandom spaces. I just wanna talk about 2d men not some feminist queer theory manifesto about how all yaoi bois are totes transfem nb lesbians. And I likewise hate it when radfems judge me and others for indulging in a harmless fantasy while also acknowledging our own personal bias by being upfront about it. Nothing feminist about yaoi but it is a very woman-centered genre, and one of the few tells someone is indeed a natal women.

No. 1967586

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Fujo x anti-fujo enemies to lovers yuri when?

No. 1967588

Even fujos would probably agree that the western ones are the source of most of the problems.

No. 1967591

>>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
Based and fujopilled.

No. 1967592

All the fujos I know are mentally ill and none of them have healthy relationships. I don't think it's the fujo porn they consume that does it per se but there's a correlation of mental illness and pornsickness. And being so into a form of porn you identity with the label, and you even go online to dicuss it with other people because you can't stop thinking about it even when you're not consuming it then yes you've got an unhealthy relationship to this porn that could be called an addiction. Troonism works similarly but comes at a greater cost of the consumer since they make you take drugs and have surgeries.

No. 1967594

No, retarded. Governments have no business telling consenting adults how to have sex. People into feet nauseate me, but I'd be alarmed if the government banned toe-sucking because it's authoritarian as hell.

No. 1967597

are lesbians into yuri also pornsick?

No. 1967598

>All the fujos I know
Anecdotal evidence, try again.

No. 1967601

This picture is wrong, the fujo is the one wearing the glasses because we fucked up our eyes reading yaoi manga kek.

No. 1967602

I unironically think most of these anons wouldnt be fighting if western fujos werent so cancerous and omnipresent everywhere online. tumblr is the root cause, as much fun as I had when I was a preteen using it

No. 1967604

Nta, but of course not anon! They don't enjoy the yucky yaoi boy art, so they could never be addicted! Addiction only applies to things anons dislike.

No. 1967606

An ex-fujo once told me that they imagine buttsex to feel like vaginal sex. I found that hilarious. Never met a mentally sane fujo, all of them are either very depressed or very angry women with some odd idealisation of what they want men to be (understandable, but still based entirely off porn addiction so..)

No. 1967609

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No. 1967610

Right now

No. 1967611

anti fujos arent that hot. why cant it be fujoxyume, i am tired of enemies to lover

No. 1967613

A lot of them are, yeah. It's especially trannies who love yuri, but lots of women force yuri on female friendships too.

No. 1967614

Shit we have a love triangle. Someone start writing this

No. 1967616

>they imagine buttsex to feel like vaginal sex.
I imagine a lot of younger fujos do this too

No. 1967619

imagine being a straight woman and realizing that you will never be able to be loved because men are incapable of loving and a straight relationship is about the woman giving while the scrote feeds off it like a parasite, i would be depressed and angry too

No. 1967621

I despise fujos by another name more. It's worse tp act like you're something you're not than to owe up to it and admit your like boys kissing.
Yes? most yuri is coom bait nowadays so no shit honestly.
Do these people do research on the shit they shlick to? I know realism isn't needed in BL, but buttholes aren't pussies. Drives my inner nurse up a wall ngl. Wondering what made your fren stop reading yaoi?

No. 1967622

When real moids are so shit no wonder they turn to fantasizing about idealized faggots

No. 1967623

>no! You can't fool me fujo chan! I know fujoism is heterosexuality on steroids!
>oh anon, you wish all fujos were lesbian
>b-baka! stop leading me on!
>what are you afraid of, anti-fujo chan? that I will troon out and betray you? I could never do that

No. 1967626

Definitely. I have to wonder how much of this is just hetshippers and femmeslash shippers being resentful solely because slash is overexposed and overrepresented online. The level of seemingly personal animus here really can't be adequately explained by feminism or whatever. They dislike yaoi and they're annoyed at how popular it is in female spaces online, so they grasp at straws trying to find a sociopolitical justification for hating it. Not sure why they can't just come right out and say that they're simply annoyed by the overexposure.

No. 1967627

so a woman is pornsick regardless of if she enjoys bodice rippers, yaoi, or yuri and the only alternative is for women to be celibate?

No. 1967630

This is true. Western shippers in general make fandom life hard for anyone. It's not uncommon to hear from people 'why can't we be respectful like the asian shippers?' I imagine the western fujos are a loud bunch that make everything insufferable, similarly to western yurifags who treat women like children and become very toxic if you don't ship the girls the 'right' way.

No. 1967631

> Porn addiction is when sexual preference I don’t like. Non-porn addiction is when sexual preference I find socially acceptable.

Never seen this one before

No. 1967634

I’ll be honest and say I just really dislike the younger western fujos in fandom spaces who get mad at people who don’t think their favourite moid is totes “gay-coded” other than that idc

No. 1967637

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>nta but if you consume any form of erotica weekly basis then that counts as porn addiction imo

No. 1967638

Do you genuinely think the people who write BL can't tell the difference between a butthole and a vagina? You said it yourself, it's fantasy. These authors know that anal requires enemas, fasting, and lube in real life, they just don't care to write about it because most people don't care to read it. It's not fun to think about poop, idk what else to tell you.

No. 1967641

I’m a fujo but my experience with meeting other fujos is usually just a terminally online sperg whose vocab is made up of regurgitated twitter memes
Sometimes i wonder if the nonnies here are my hallucination because they’re so normal in comparison

No. 1967642

I like gay shipping but I 100% agree with you. Shipping is just headcanon/fanfic. I hate when fans get mad at other fans for not sharing their headcanon. It's narcissistic.

No. 1967645

I would be interested in understanding how innocent or harmful the disconnect to reality is with some fetishes like this. Such as men cooming to women being able to orgasm many times in a row, when this is not realistic for most.

No. 1967648

Algorithms always give the most attention to the loudest, most obnoxious, terminally online people. Women who casually enjoy BL don't post as often and don't start drama, so you don't hear about then as often. We also aren't as likely to make it our whole personality because we're older and have grown past that stage. Hope that makes sense.

No. 1967649

I dont think any fujo wants to buttfuck men

No. 1967652

>fujo to TIF pipeline
Chronically online + niche feminine interests (yaoi/fanfic/fandom) while not acting so feminine in real life + mental health problems + problematic environment that contribute to the TIF phenomenon.
>do fujoshi self-insert?
Sometimes I may have one of the characters as my husbando, but I separate yumefagging time and fujofagging time.
>escaping misogyny or reinforce it?
It may be escapism for many, you can get romance and cute men without having to deal with the bad parts of straight relationships. Not for me, though, since I would still choose yaoi over good straight pairings, IDK, I simply found yaoi to be more interesting.
>are fujos/yumes addicted to pornography
In some cases, yes, but the most degenerate fujo/yume is as fucked up as the average moid and most of the time, the porn addiction preocupation is simply people being moralfags. If you want to discuss porn addiction in women, go preach to normoid women consuming shitty literotica featuring CNC and kidnapping of their own class instead.
>opinion on omegaverse
Goofy ass genre.

No. 1967653

It's hard to study, but there's a lot of misinformation out there about sex in general. If you ask me, it's a problem with sex education.

No. 1967654

Damn you must've met some zoomer brain dead ones because my experience with irl fujos has always been nice. exchanging doujins and merch and hanging out talking about bl and having a fun day.seems like anti fujos are wayyy generalising the cherry picked tif fujos than seeing how actual old school fujos are

No. 1967655

based, let porn be porn.

No. 1967658

The age probably makes a huge difference. There are exceptions to this, but generally the older a fujo is, the more sane she's going to be. The teen and college-age ones are the most unhinged because they're kids who still think fandoms are personalities.

No. 1967662

Problems arise in cases where it isn't porn, though. When you say "BL" or "yaoi," it refers to all of it, even non-sexual stuff. I'd still consider someone who enjoys BL a fujo even if she only reads SFW stuff.

No. 1967669

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I find the terms "BL" and "GL" creepy to say because they sound paedophilic.

No. 1967672

Dumbest nitpick ITT

No. 1967674

when it comes to stuff like the bottom in yaoi not having to clean his ass out or use lube, I think most readers know it's unrealistic. but why would you want to write about anime boys' poo? Yaoi readers don't actually want to go out and fuck irl men in the ass so. It'll never be harmful in the same way as exploitative porn of women like facial abuse or choking or rough anal is, moids can and do actually try that shit because they're retarded

No. 1967675

They sound stilted to me, like they were coined by non-English speakers. Which they probably were lmao.

No. 1967677

Fujo-chan used to be your average fujo, wearing her thick glasses and staring at her phone while doing her best at hiding a smile and failing. She was frenemies with Yume-chan, who shared the same hobby of staring at her phone and smiling, but in her case it was reading smut fanfics in which her husbando AnimeBoyA was saying that she loved her dearly, meanwhile, Fujo-chan would read about AnimeBoyA falling in love with AnimeBoyB, and doing smutty activities together.
Sometimes they would enjoy sharing pictures of AnimeBoyA and AnimeboyB from time to time, but sometimes they works get mad at each other for not understanding the characterization of AnimeBoyA and AnimeBoyB, but they still got along.
Until one day, AntiFujo-chan entered the CompanyA, and began the reign of terror.
It wasn't allowed for them to stare at their screens and enjoy their anime boys, Antifujo-chan would always make sure to nag them for doing so.
Little did they know, that it was because Antifujo-chan was into Fujo-chan, but Yume-chan liked some of the viewpoints of Antifujo-chan and Fujo-chan alike, yet Fujo-chan liked Yume-chan because she also understood what was it like to prefer 2D over 3DPD.
And like this, the mind games began and CompanyA wasn't a boring place anymore.

No. 1967679

this makes no sense but lucky for you the twittertards have started using wlw and mlm instead

No. 1967680

I could be wrong but I feel like women are better at separating reality from fiction. It seems like it's always moids getting injured or breaking shit from attempting to replicate things they saw online or on TV.

No. 1967681

are twitterfags really using multi level marketing to refeer to yaoi?

No. 1967682

>The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophilia and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States.

No. 1967684

I agree. I hate NL the most, Normal Love. Way to call same sex couples abnormal and imply that straight relationship can't be fucked up.

No. 1967685

ah yes, the favourite of pedophiles, boy bands with members who range from 20 to 40

No. 1967686

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No. 1967688

girlbosses are the true pedophiles all along

No. 1967690

BL and GL were pedophilic terms used for these kind of organisations. It's not a reach to say they sound disturbing.

No. 1967691

KEKK we need fanart for this

No. 1967692

But what if yume-chan and fujo-chan are estranged childhood friends that used to crush on eachother but grew apart, and now they've reunited as adults and antifujo-chan is jealous of their pure feelings for each other and wants to get in between them. She starts feeding lies about the other girl to each of them so she can distance them and keep fujo-chan trapped in the abusive situationship

No. 1967694

Sqying this as one but Americans and bl are the most annoying retarded shit to be combined. It's no wonder that actual American bl is nothing but fanfiction and political "representation". Why is it that even China has more genuine made for fujo by fujo content?

No. 1967696

I am pretty sure japanese fujos who coined the term Boys Love in the 70s had no idea there was a niche pro pedophilia american organization made by scrotes with a similar name.

No. 1967699

This is beautiful, nonnie, I approve.

No. 1967700

only a moronic yurifag could say something like this

No. 1967701

western weebs in general are just annoying and retarded.

No. 1967702

it's a joke

No. 1967705

Imagine how nice the internet would be if all burgers werent allowed here

No. 1967708

Without burgers, you wouldn’t have lolcow. We’re literally half the userbase here, like it or not

No. 1967709

Yeah, same. BL is pretty hot but western fujos are cancerous to be around. Especially with all the shit like old man yaoi, gendie ideology, and the inability to stay in their own lanes. I don't mind fujos when they’re able to be chill and don’t pivot every topic we talk about towards gay porn.

No. 1967710

It's the same case with Lolita, isn't it?
Do you think Japanese non-English speakers should change the name because other countries have a history with those terms?

No. 1967724

nta and no, but it does feel weird when english-speaking fans use the terms verbatim and then wonder why it makes people uncomfortable

No. 1967726

the argument on lolita is honestly really complex and not comparable. pretty sure the name actually was based on the book because the fashion started out for goth edgelords, but over the years many people have wanted to make a new term because there's nothing inherently pedophilic about lolita fashion

No. 1967729

In that case, do you think English Speakers should have a special term of their own?
So Asians would use "BL" but for an American release it would be localized as "MLM", that way westerners wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

No. 1967730

i doubt japanese people give this much of a fuck

No. 1967731

westerns have always used yaoi

No. 1967733

This is dumb as hell. It's just that a bunch of ESLs made up these words, it's really not that deep.

No. 1967735

The term yaoi makes people uncomfortable as well. Wasn't it originally a derogatory term for no end, no meaning, no climax? Or something like that.

No. 1967740

i dont care if a word makes retards uncomfy

No. 1967742

the dresses most prominent in lolita fashion were based off Victorian children's fashion and dolls thus literally lolita (child) and not off the pedo manifesto book you retard its myth made by westernoids

No. 1967743

But westerners do, isn't that sort of the point?

No. 1967744

Westshit opinions mean nothing

No. 1967745

>pedo manifesto book
Opinion disregarded

No. 1967746

this. Anime has more offensive stuff.

No. 1967747

Nta, but lolita was like a more fashionable term than otome (maiden) used for women wearing frilly clothes

No. 1967750

But this thread is entirely about western opinions.

No. 1967751

Also how illiterate you can be not understanding Nabokov's unreliable narrator used as a literary device

No. 1967752

Ok go move to japan then

No. 1967753

This thread is a containment for lolcow users to duke it out over yaoi

No. 1967755

No, it's an autistic female online fight club

No. 1967757

There's a difference between a negative literary Japanese loanword and an unsubtle English phrase phrase widely used by pedophiles

No. 1967758

Most of it is arguing about the western fanfiction/twitter part of bl.

No. 1967759

imagine defending a pedophiles book over lusting and abusing a child and calling it "literature"(baiting)

No. 1967760

>unsubtle English phrase phrase widely used by pedophiles
I don't think anybody outside American internet knows about your pedo organization tbh.

No. 1967763

Fujos are like my sisters
One day I hate them, one day I love them

No. 1967764

>it's really no that hard
Bullshit kek. Half of the so-called radfem 'asexual' polilezzies had boyfriends on the side. This is a known fact. Sex and desire aren't wrong in themselves (this is coming from a long-time admirer of radical feminism)

Yesss nonna

>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?

Kind of real, mostly a symptom, being a fujo may be an accelerator or 'fuel'. It's very much not required to troon out, nor a cognitohazard of sorts, despite what some believe
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
Likely both for most, at varying degrees. I feel 'solely identifies as the uke or seme' group is over-represented in TiFs, but what do i know
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
Somewhat funny and honest. At least there was no pretense of 'speaking for' or 'describing' male homosexuality, which avoids a lot of infighting. The conflation of gay men and yaoi is parasitic and mostly persists to soothe the liberal, feminine, kind egos of some fujos and faghags.
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
Oh, this is one area where i might somewhat agree with anti-fujos. I totally get why fujos (the way back to Moto Hagio) think of BL as a 'neutral' space, free of the potentially disgusting implications of hetshit. But i can't help but notice the disgust (and self-disgust) between the lines, like Moto Hagio changing the sexes of one of her works because drawing lesbian romance felt repulsive to her.
I need to find the reference but some study in japan described fujos as girls/women who wanted to escape the 'mother's womb' and be free of feminine expectations around sex and love (which are often inculcated by mothers). Makes a lot of sense to me, maybe this is why some think we're misogynists
>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed?
Hate it. Defeats the point of BL escapism. I respect omegatards though
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
Maybe, doesn't matter as female reactions to porn/erotica are wildly different from male ones (overall). I don't think drawn or written erotica is as damaging as the real person kind
>Why is fujo stuff so popular in Japan, a highly conservative, homophobic and misogynistic society?
Women will always find a way to daydream. You'd be surprised by how popular gay romances are in super-trad religious countries. Fujos prevail, always
>Can yumes and fujos be friends?

No. 1967766

anon people have been fighting NAMBLA since the 70s and 80s. They tried to include themselves in the gay rights movement and lesbians at the time were the main people putting a stop to it.

No. 1967767

because it’s weird to be placed on the same level as a guy with a gooncave (and by gooncave i mean an actual room for a male to shove dildos down his throat while he wanks to porn playing on several different screens) or f1nnster when all you do is read fictional BL. i also think that slashers and fujos are entirely different. only in the west do you see high rates of women trooning out because they read bl, east asia and other communities are fine.
so this question
>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
is less it’s bl’s fault and more it’s the west’s fault for being so well equipped for trannyism

No. 1967769

This, let alone japanese women in the 70s

No. 1967773

How could Japanese fujoshi not know about an American pedophile organization from the 70s that has "bl" inserted in the slightly farther than the middle name? Even if technically it's actually man/boy love.

No. 1967775

>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
definitely the latter imo. just my anecdotal experience but the whole appeal is that I'm not involved. I'm actually a yumefujo and like seeing my husbando as the uke but I don't imagine myself as the seme. yume works are also nice but sometimes I get a bit embarrassed to be self-inserting, maybe it's a low self esteem thing? like if I was in the same universe as my husbando it's hard to imagine he would choose me over the guy he has perfect chemistry and often gets shipped with.

No. 1967776

How would japanese women know about that.

No. 1967779

>TFW we can't have a yume cringe thread because it got locked 3 times someone tried making one but we have now like four threads dedicated to sperging and circlejerking about how fujos are porn-addicted misogynist fakeboi troons

No. 1967781

Ngl I don't think Jap fujos even know or really care about the NAACP, AARP, or even the IRS, let alone anything else.

No. 1967782

Even most Americans haven't heard of NAMBLA.

No. 1967783

amerimutt logic i suppose everyone in the world SHOULD know what effects amerimutts and how.

No. 1967785

Because the designated fujo shitting thread was not enough for you? Rope.

Yeah, the mods are the ones spreading the anti-fujo sentiment. Can't even bother to hide it anymore.(alogging)

No. 1967786

i dont even think japanese fujos give a shit about real gay men, let alone what gay men were doing on the other side of the world

No. 1967794

scroll up, the entire conversation was about english speaking fans using the term bl instead of yaoi or mlm. doesn't have anything to do with japanese fans

No. 1967802

most people dont know about nambla. Why do burgers think the world revolves around them? it's way more likely for a western fujo to associate boy with kpop boy bands like BTS where all the members are over 20, than with some super niche pro pedo organization.

No. 1967803

Western fans call it BL because it's a loan word from Japanese fans that better encapsulates the genre than "gay romance" or something, because other terms don't hold the same history about being by women for women.

No. 1967805

I'm not saying your government should tell you who to fuck. I'm saying I don't give a fuck about homos. Why would I care about men.

No. 1967806

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If that's the official term that's used, then obviously Americans will use it too, unless they get their own special word like mlm.
Speaking of, this reminded me about how a lot of anime will censor itself before giving it to Americans.

No. 1967809

i’m definitely a fujo (and very deranged at that kek) but i do get annoyed whenever bl is held up as this perfect feminist space as if it’s not, ultimately, at its basest, porn and erotica (for women). it’s like why does it need to be justified as some sort of fuck you to males or a political position

No. 1967814

i agree but i must say bl definitely is a good fuck you to moids kek. seeing men so upset when you ship their favourite "straight chad" character with another dude is just kino.

No. 1967816

If you look up 少年愛 (boy love) you will get results relating to pederasty. So the term BL has a pedophilic connotation in both japan and the west.

No. 1967823

because its rare to see female sexuality not centered around being available and submissive for men. And it also has always made men mad.

No. 1967824

Japan does not use shonen-ai. This was a misunderstanding by western fans, and popularized by wastern fans. Japanese fans have always associated 少年愛 with pedophilia and are weirded out when you try to imply shonenai=bl. This is well known, try again.

No. 1967828

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>source: my ass

No. 1967833

Same, I hate how everyone turns it political (weather on LC or outside of here)

No. 1967834

NTA but my results definitely were full of old greek pederasty and other weird shit. I'm on a list right now, aren't I?

No. 1967835

True, the "yaoi is feminist" is a cope but it's not anti-feminist either like some people here pretend it is

No. 1967837

>shounen ai
>shounen(young boy)
if you look up young boy shit you'll find young boy shit you retard, nice try anti

No. 1967840

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Japanese fujos don't call yaoi shounen ai, but literally boys rabu. For BL games, it's bobge. Bob's love.

No. 1967845

>mostly the reason is because they love self-inserting themselves

No. 1967847

"BL" in Japan is literally the English words "boys love" in kana or the BL abbreviation, they don't use any actual Japanese word for it

No. 1967848

I thought I always hated yaoi and fujos but looking back I read my share of bl, was friends with hetshipper-yume-fujos, even did bl art and I was totally ok with it. It's just this certain breed of insecure and insane fujos in lc kek.

No. 1967851

I agree that it's cringe to politicize yaoi but it wouldn't happen as much if fujos were just left to enjoy their gay anime boys in peace. it's been called everything from homophobic, misogynistic, etc etc etc from all sorts of people so they feel they need a justification when it's really not that deep

No. 1967852

I know they don’t use shounen ai for BL. But shounen ai does literally translate to boy love. This doesn’t negate anything I said.

No. 1967856

This, there's so much psycho analyzing that you shouldn't be surprised when people psycho analyze back as a way to defend themselves.
The answer is that sometimes people just do things… because they have fun and it doesn't mean anything deep one way or the other but that's pretty much impossible.

No. 1967857

Tbh the fujos on lc werent always this insecure and spergy, I think at some point when the website gained more posters it just attracted a handful of retards who feel the need to turn everything into a fight

No. 1967858

I have a question for the anti-fujos.
You often speak as if omegaverse is yaoi only phenomena, but from what I can see online there's a ton of omegaverse straight content too? Why is omegaverse being used as a gotcha, is it because it originated with gay shit? Because god damn, for a while last year facebook kept recommending me ads (I have personalization off) for straight omegaverse erotica and I got really tired of it, but I also found out it's very abundant and popular among normie women.

No. 1967859

Seriously, this didn't used to happen when fujoshi were at most called cringe delusional weirdos but do they really expect them not to defend themselves when the accusations escalate to being called homophobes, misogynists, and troons? For liking gay shipping?

No. 1967860

who cares if its called boys love and not men love? women call themselves girl/baby(bossbabe, girlboss, girlies) and other retarded diminutive names all the time. Women aren't the ones who founded NAMBLA or are raping little boys anyways. I am so tired of these lazy bad faith arguments from anti fujos.

No. 1967861

So? Shounen Ai has nothing to do with BL. BL is Boy's love, not boy love. Shounen ai would actually translate to "love for young boys". It's pretty stupid to use japanese words as an argument when you don't know japanese.

No. 1967863

The American centrism already made you seem reaching to begin with.
This is just grasping at straws.

No. 1967864

From what I remember as an older weeb, shonen ai used to be reserved for fluffy gay male content without sex and yaoi was reserved for the rated r stuff. Nobody even used the term BL.

No. 1967869

The shonen ai thing was something Western fans created to separate NSFW and SFW BL. The term isn't used in Japan, it's all BL, they just slap an 18+ warning on the explicit stuff

No. 1967870

Yes western fans used shounen ai for non-explicit and yaoi for explicit. But it's something only western fans did, and they didn't even know it was associated with pedophilia.

No. 1967876

stop denying it, you absolutely know it’s true

No. 1967879

Sorry I'm retarded I didn't read upthread, yeah it was a misconception. I think english term "boy" has a bit of a wider age range than "shonen" so maybe that's why westerners used shonen ai without realizing the connotation.

No. 1967886

I had the worst experience with two fujos on a weeb site that not only unironically flipped me off watching anime but generally made me hate yaoi and anything having to do with it. That's my personal experience. I'm sure there's plenty of harmless fujos but I had a very bad experience with a few of them that made me despise the majority of weebshit after a decade of wasting my life watching weebshit

No. 1967888

suuure like the fact if we must like yaoi then it must mean we want to gay moids ourselves just like how tifs think? it has to yaoi!! theres truly no difference between troons and antifujos

No. 1967890

Shounen ai has been used before BL was the term that replaced it in the 90s. It doesn’t matter though because like you said it’s not being used today. I’m not trying to make an anti-fujo argument I’m a fujo myself. I just thought it was interesting how both the west and japan had a different kind of 'BL'.

No. 1967895

lol? you're the one in denial. Me, I want to watch guys dick each other.

No. 1967901

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No. 1967903

What happened? You completely avoid anime now?

No. 1967906

so are you saying fujos are as mentally ill as the tik tok zoomer rotted tif who'll troon out if told behaving a certain masculine way must mean shes trans?

No. 1967908

Nevermind, you people truly have porn brainrot and can’t be helped kek. Self-inserting doesn’t mean you want to be the gay moid himself you want to be in that gay moid’s position that’s why you disgusting little fucks always draw yourselves along with the hot guy you like in the yaoi or like yaoi with het dynamics. I fucking hate fujoshis and everything they stand for which is being a female cuck to male faggots and encouraging their sexual degeneracy and presence in everybody’s face. Enjoy the same panels of men fucking each other in the hole they push shit out of, stank-chan

No. 1967913

Do you not understand what the word "voyeur" means?

No. 1967916

Crazy fucking sperg.
>you want to be in that gay moid’s position
Again, no.

No. 1967925

Maybe not all, but most of you fujos. Fujo to tif pipeline.

No. 1967926

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What I don't get is what's the difference between an anime "totally a self insert for moids" male character and an bl "totally a self insert for women" male character.
Both are as unrealistic as each other, I bet that if pic related was in a yaoi webtoon he'd get the same arguments about how he's only a guy on paper but acts like a girl.

No. 1967927

>falls back on troon talking points
wow where did that poise mind go anti chan? how pickme of you

No. 1967932

Fujo to tif pipeline only pretty much happens in America. In japan, france, germany there's a large fujo fanabse and nobody is trooning out. It's an american issue, sorry.

No. 1967935

Is ''some fujos self-insert themselves as the bottom'' really a controversial take? Then explain why the gender bend fanart always have uke as the girl with meek personality no better than yumejo's ocs.

No. 1967938

Seriously, your average moid self insert is the same as your average feminized uke. Either both of them are pseudo woman or neither. Or is just the fact that one fucks girls and the other fucks men that makes one a pseudo-woman and the other a true and honest male?

No. 1967939

Its just cope to deny it

No. 1967940

As a fujo that likes weird and edgy pairings and headcanons I must admit that deepdown(not that deep though lol) I hate men, so I guess it's hard for me to fully respect yumes as I think they are being pathetic by wanting a 2D moid to be their bf instead of imagining all the ways said moid could be harassed and humbled by tentacles or another fictional moid.
I'm sorry yume sisters, I should be more open minded.

No. 1967943

Depends on the fujos tbh, there are a lot that are into very meek and feminine bottoms so I'm sure those do self insert.
I'm more into both being muscular and adult men so for me it's more of a self inserting as the top or being a fly on the wall kind of feeling.
Depends, perhaps 50/50?

No. 1967946

Because the algorithm keeps handing that sort of images to you, obviously.
Why do you think it gives you that content? What do you normally look for?

No. 1967947

Yeah. Fujos hated me because I called one of them out for being a creepy shotafag and the other for enabling the shotafag, because shotafag would frequently brag about wanting to abuse kids and shit, and made the rest of us uncomfortable. They took everything extremely to heart and later ended up trying to harass and dox me, harassed my family, tried to swat me. There was also a lot of internalized misogyny and general inceldom in that community. In addition to the harassment from the fujos I also had moids in that community create fake revenge porn of me and spread it around en masse and I bwleive the fujos may have colluded with the moids in doing that, but I never got proof. By the end of it all in addition to having real life experiences and being a survivor of both childhood abuse and partner abuse prior, I fell into a full scale breakdown.

I played some JRPGs after that but in a few months time I ended up basically lapsing out of liking almost all anime altogether. The funny thing is it took years to notice just how bad things had gotten, but I didn't think about it until it was targeting me directly. At the time I was just kind of complicit with the culture and maltreatment, but looking back there are a lot of disgusting things that went down even prior to what went down with me. No offense to anyone who still likes anime but you really gotta watch yourself in those places, even if they're seemingly women only spaces. It can get very ugly very quick.

No. 1967949

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you keep repeating that as if you know thats not the case for tif and the mass troon social contagion happening in westoid countries? almost its like a trend?, while most Asian fujos are thriving and happy you remind me of so much of handmaidens pitting your own against eachother just to have a moids attention on you, how pathetic

No. 1967953

The OP needs to be range banned. She contributes nothing of value, only spreads flame wars.

No. 1967954

Holy fanfiction

No. 1967957

Personally I don't think so. Years ago I read a japanese article that interviewed fujos and a portion of them said they liked BL because they could self insert into the man and experience what a dominant position would be like. It's probably not most of them but it's a valid thing to do imo.
Maybe western people are less open to the idea because women have more sexual freedom there. In japan sex is still something women are shamed for. And idk if you've ever seen japanese porn but the way women act in it is truly horrifying and perverse. I'm not surprised they want to self insert into the seme.

No. 1967958

If you don't want to believe it happened, that's on you, it's the same thing as any retarded overzealous artist stan on twitter doxing and harassing someone who doesn't like their precious celeb. Nobody should be doxed and harassed over dumb fandom shit, but it does happen. Especially in anime communities that are full of deranged and antisocial retards who are even more perpetually grassless and deluded than your average swiftie type

No. 1967961

>There was also a lot of internalized misogyny and general inceldom in that community
im curious what kind of "anime" were you watching to have this much drama over you… if you already had a feeling there were coomer moids is it any surprise they did coomer moid shit? so your conclusion from that is that every fandom is like that? no offense but you sounded like a retard nonna

No. 1967962

Idk, I was talking specifically about japanese fanart of japanese media on twitter/pixiv.

No. 1967966

Why wasn’t the cringe thread enough? I don’t see why you need to make another thread for this shit.

No. 1967968

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There are some people in Japan that troon out because of yaoi though, you can search up トランス腐女子 on twitter and see for yourself.

No. 1967969

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Only one in pic related is a ""pseudo woman"", the rest are harem moidslop.
Is it really that easy to tell them apart?

No. 1967970

Having revenge porn spread of you and a swatting attempt are not even anywhere close to the average fandom experience, I'm honestly confused why you were hanging out with such people to begin with

No. 1967974

nobody knows that they're going to have to deal with that when they start interacting within a fandom or in any community.

No. 1967977

One is a pseudo woman because getting fucked by a man = woman.

Sadly there are many fujos (mostly the younger cringy ones, but it also happens among unhinged asian artists) who tend to cling to hetero gender stereotypes so they end up hetbending bl characters (and the uke is the girl). As a fujo myself I can't stand them, especially when they do the cuntboy shit. I'm a heterosexual woman and I don't want to look at pussies when I look for bl.

No. 1967980

It's an extreme fringe case regardless, we're talking in generalities itt

No. 1967981

>I can tell myself a shipper more than a fujoshi
Wouldn't that solve all the problems in the world.

No. 1967983

Fujos are not allowed to defend themselves in the cringe thread.

No. 1967985

Stats or nothing.

No. 1967986

And you can’t just let them scream into the void? You HAVE to infight?

No. 1967993

They screenshot lolcow users which causes all these infights

No. 1967994

>who tend to cling to hetero gender stereotypes so they end up hetbending bl characters
The amount of fic with feminization tags I have to go through while looking for something to read proves that.
And why the fuck in the omegaverse works so many authors call male omegas ''mothers''. Ma'am, that's a man, call him a father.

No. 1968003

I think it depends on the type of fujo. There are absolute some to project onto the bottom and anyone who denies it is lying or wasnt around during the early internet when fujos would straight up admit that, but there are also those who just enjoy it as from the peeping tom perspective. I think the best way to gauge it sometimes is how they act regarding the bottom. If they treat him like their special little princess kinda like yume ocs do with their characters, then its a dead giveaway

No. 1968011

Damn, I'm sorry that happened nona

No. 1968018

I'm just telling you why the cribge thread does not apply to this thread's subject matter. Also they screenshot lolcow posts all the time. What do you fucking expect will happen?

No. 1968028

Basically this. They are too cowardly to respond directly to the posts they screenshot. If they have something to say, say it to our faces.

No. 1968082

Well, I guess a thread like this was inevitable. I'm a fujoshi (and also a himejoshi), so my answers are probably biased.
>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
Yes, to an extent. There are a lot of TIFs who can not distinguish between reality and fiction for reasons that have been talked to death already (fear of interacting with men as a woman because men are threatening to women in a way they aren't to other men, straightness being perceived as lame and cringe, etc.), but there are also plenty of fujos who have zero interest in being men and find the premise ludicrous.
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
Again, there's no one true universal fujo who can represent all fujos. I have seen all three types. I'd imagine the ones who project on the uke and the pure voyeur are more common than ones who self insert as the seme, just anecdotally.
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
None of the above. Being a fujoshi isn't a political act and it has very little to do with feminism outside of centering the female gaze and pissing off moids.
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
No, neither. I'm really tired of people trying to draw parallels between women who are functional and harm no one, and moids who will ruin their lives and the lives of everyone around them because they can't stop watching real life women being sexually abused and exploited. I know many fujos and yumes who have jobs, friends, and hobbies, and are functional in ways that no porn addicted moid could ever be.
>Can yumes and fujos be friends?
I see no reason why not. I mean, obviously, individual fujos and yumes won't all be friends, but I think the fujo vs. yume animosity is retarded. That's your cousin.

No. 1968120

>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
The fujo-to-TIF pipeline only took off because of 1) the "yaoi is fetishizing gay men" discourse, 2) straight women are considered lame in fandom, and 3) the weird mindset online that if you relate to a character/story that means your identity is the same as the character instead of recognizing some themes are universal. For the first two, trannyism is an easy escape from both of those and it requires no effort aside from adding he/him to your bio plus you get online social standing. For the third, it's just delusion and being unable to separate reality from fiction. Most TIFs are terminally online autists so those factors only exemplify the delusion.

>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?

There are fujos that fall into both categories. Personally I'm the latter, I don't want anything to do with the characters myself and view them like dolls to play around with.

Something I find interesting about this topic is how there a lot of fujos who don't explicitly self-insert into the uke but they'll say they want to fuck the uke, do this and that to the uke, etc. But ironically, for a lot of these types I think it's actually a convuluted form of self-inserting. Even though they word it as if they're not the uke, to me they're inserting their fantasies of what they want done to them to the uke.

No. 1968159

>But ironically, for a lot of these types I think it's actually a convuluted form of self-inserting.
I agree, I've noticed this too. I also think it's why there are so many fujos (particularly the Tiktok DNI list type) who sperg about "red flag" semes and why they ally themselves with the uke as a rule and say stuff like "I'd treat him right!" They will woobify and white knight for the uke while talking about how the seme is an asshole all day long, which was immensely bizarre to me until I finally understood that it's probably because they are self-inserting, even if they aren't saying so (or aren't aware of it). It's like they talk about the uke the way they wish someone would talk about them.

No. 1968171

kek i will never understand why people are so obsessed with toxic semes. honestly idc about his personality as long as hes hot enough and the story is somehwat interesting.

No. 1968186

Same, but I only hate the ones that infight all over the site because someone said something mildly critical or joking about fujos/bl/ftm fujos or positive about a female character/media they don't like etc. It's a prime example of why western fags will always be inferior to the Japanese ones, the constitution of adult children. There's a reason it's always the fandom and related threads that end in infighting.

No. 1968198

Of course there are, I'm sure there's a couple all over the world. But the point is it's a tiny minority and not comparable to the social contagion tif movement that's happening in the US.

No. 1968201

Nta but agreed, we gained new posters who didn't come here to laugh at cows but instead post about their hobbies while being allowed to be less PC, leading to anons who can't learn to take a joke or disagree without sperging out. It never used to be this bad when we had them before. The use of the term 'anti' attests to it being retard shipping war fags from twitter/tumblr since it's the same language they use over there in fandom 'discourse' spaces.

No. 1968205

File: 1713392178500.jpg (1.1 MB, 2300x2411, 20221209_135250.jpg)

Personally I like my abusive rapechads sometimes. They're funny as fuck and I enjoy seeing protag get beaten to within an inch of his life

No. 1968207

I've recently been getting into manipulative uke because its a popular deal with my otp.
It can be somewhat difficult to find done right though.

No. 1968214

Tasteful and high-IQ nonna. Any recs? I also like it when the seme is just hulkingly stupid and easily manipulated. Kinda based. I enjoy BLVNs much more because the protagonists actually have a personality (anything post-2010) and can be quite cunning/funny/smart/idiotic/whorish, which seems rarer in BL manga with only one LI.

No. 1968250

Might be the best thing to come from this thread
If it existed it’ll probably be a funny read

No. 1968270

File: 1713397714248.png (609.14 KB, 714x522, 1000001982.png)

if fujos are all supposed to be self-inserting TIFs and shinji enjoyers are all irl pedofiles apparently how come the transformers shippers arent accused of being car fuckers? almost like women have fantasies that have no bearing on real life

No. 1968271

i am scared to search how transformers yaoi looks like, but also deeply curious

No. 1968272

>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
From what I've seen online, it does seem like an actual thing that happens. They took the self-insert a bit too far
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
There's a fantasy of homosexuality when consuming media and that fantasy comes crashing once women see actual gay men and realize it isn't really all that so it makes them
disillusioned or maybe they actually are homophobic.
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
I would say neither but fujos seem uncomfortable with the depiction of heterosexual relationships due to insecurity of being a woman and also just the general misogyny women face. So they escape to a safe place where they don't have to worry about how they will be treated due to being a woman and can actually have an equal relationship without all of the societal expectations of being a woman
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
Some definitely are but a lot of them are just women and girls who consume escapist media because they feel too scared or uncomfortable exploring their sexuality.
>Why is fujo stuff so popular in Japan, a highly conservative, homophobic and misogynistic society?
I think Japan being conservative actually reinforces this. Women are made to feel bad about their sexuality. They yearn for the freedom that's shown in fujo. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a correlation between fujos and living in more conservative areas or countries.

No. 1968278

Apparently, kek

No. 1968282

File: 1713398315922.png (398.03 KB, 330x459, 103030052250001.png)

Sometimes fujos also want to see boobs.

No. 1968285

They're being completely uncharitable. There's no way the Japanese teenagers who coined the phrases knew about NAMBLA. It's a gigantic reach. They can't just say they dislike the terms for subjective reasons, they have to do the Twitter thing and attempt to moralize it and obliquely accuse female yuri fans and fujos of being pedophiles.

No. 1968288

lol, no we don't.

No. 1968289

Speak for yourself. I'm not interested in seeing moeblobs with melontits in my yaoi.

No. 1968290

Fuck off, yumefag

No. 1968292

Speak for yourself, jp fujos draw genderswap BL in their logs all the time.
That's fine, I'm just stating that there's fujos who are into it.

No. 1968295

You mean yumefujos.

No. 1968297

Honestly most women overlap a least a little bit, I was pretty firmly only fujo for a while but now I'm more of a yumefujo.

No. 1968299

Gross. You already have your love in deep space garbage. The last thing I want to see in my BL doujins is a pussy or boob.

No. 1968301

>your love in deep space
Fuck no that shit is cringe and borderline 3DPD, them not allowing BL art is also retarded.

No. 1968303

There's genderbender and then there's whatever the fuck you are into which is borderline scrote-tier

No. 1968304

Obviously many are going to overlap, but, but there is a difference between the two.
Saying any woman that draws any sort of anime smut is a fujo is something moids do.

No. 1968305

fujoshits who are into genderbends will always baffle me. you cant even hide the obvious at that point

No. 1968306

I don't really care if something is scrote tier or not honestly.
>Saying any woman that draws any sort of anime smut is a fujo is something moids do
I never implied that? Genderswap BL still counts as BL as long as there's sex scenes with the character as a man anyway.

No. 1968308

Do you count genderswap yuri kike Onimai as yuri?

No. 1968309

I don't know, I don't read yuri.

No. 1968310

If a male character genderswaps into a female character and the story has straight piv mixed with lesbian sex, would you count that as yuri, a lesbian story, and could the author say that they're just into lesbians?

No. 1968312

I guess cause they are just more likeable, even if also more autistic.

No. 1968313

Yeah why not, I count eroge that has yuri scenes as yuri VNs a lot of the time even if they have straight scenes so I can see that counting (at least in my opinion).
Yuri fans are a way more strict about 'NO MEN ALLOWED' than fujos are with women though, probably because yuri people are into futa instead.

No. 1968318

Nta but you will straight up see straight sex, boobs and vagina of a normal female character in non-genderbender BL as well, usually as one of the men's sex partners to make the point that he's a manwhore.

No. 1968319

Or if they're just doing an establishing shot of them watching straight porn.

No. 1968320

I see. I wouldn't, but I don't count transbians as real lesbians.
I put genderbending as a whole into its own category of fetish.

No. 1968322

>but I don't count transbians as real lesbians
This has nothing to do with troons though? Genderswap=/=troons.

I don't really know if yuri like that exists though because as mentioned I don't read it.

No. 1968324

Imagine the smell of latrine, smegma, and sweaty balls.

No. 1968326

File: 1713400321054.jpg (172.42 KB, 516x728, d9ef9798-4529-4109-bb36-725905…)

It does, but many don't count it as yuri.

No. 1968327

File: 1713400409315.png (443.31 KB, 1063x294, bad smell.png)

No. 1968331

File: 1713400484205.jpg (125.91 KB, 553x780, t_700x780.jpg)

No. 1968333

File: 1713400648450.gif (1.72 MB, 320x180, QMyJJp.gif)

No. 1968334

Oh I see why this doesn't count as yuri. Because the character is originally male. It's the same thing with genderbender BL, the bended character was originally male so it counts as "mental" yaoi if you get what I mean.

No. 1968338

It counts as gay if the character is "mentally" a guy?

No. 1968339

In genderswap BL they have sex in both their male and female bodies but stay mentally male, so yes.

No. 1968343

can we discuss hetshipper vs fujo ship wars here? those ones are always the funniest shit in my fandoms.

No. 1968345

Pretty sure that's officially yuri.
More yuri than gb bl, since they stay in female form.

No. 1968348

nah if the guy is in a female body all the time then its just a het manga

No. 1968349

If you’d like. Most of the things I’m into either have completely dead fandoms or are run by underaged gendies who hate all the het and gay ships.

No. 1968355

That makes me question, does genderbender BL where a girl turns into a guy exist? Because I've seen my fair share of guy-to-girl bends, but I can't recall any girl-to-guy bends

No. 1968356

I would actually like this but only if she's a seme.

No. 1968357

File: 1713401652009.jpeg (12.85 KB, 188x268, images.jpeg)

No. 1968358

Yumefags doing insane mentally gymnastics. We do not want women in our BLs. How is that hard to understand?

No. 1968359

NTA, 'Be here to love me' by Kumota Haruko features my favorite manipulative uke ever. You can find it on mangadex, it's a one-shot though (sad)

No. 1968361

File: 1713401753517.jpeg (149.87 KB, 1337x2048, IMG_7553.jpeg)

>We do not want women in our BLs.
Then why is there so much art of genderswap BL? I’m not even saying every fujo is like this, it just comes down to personal preference.

No. 1968362

File: 1713401802206.jpg (34.53 KB, 563x424, e3bb7539fdbac563941fcbbc5c868d…)

I am fujo on monday wednesday friday and I am anti-fujo on tuesdays and thursdays. On saturdays I am violently autsitically yumejo and Sundays is a rest day.

No. 1968364

>so much art
you know damn well its a niche

No. 1968365

Do you have DID?

No. 1968367

It’s really not though? If you go on Pixiv logs it’s fairly common.
No idea why they still tag it as BL when it’s purely genderswap though.

No. 1968368

What's more likely, all the art are made by fujos or that there's yume/yumefujos that like the dynamics and draw their own gb?

No. 1968369

Fujo, yume and anti fujo all trying to kill the host body

No. 1968372

show me a study proving yaoi or fanfiction literally eats away the grey matter of your brain and then i might consider taking the porn addict label seriously

No. 1968373

This is a westoid webcomic I'm talking actual BL

No. 1968377

What I find strange is a lot of west shippers I’ve seen will claim that they hate het ships and hetbend, but if both characters are trannies it gets a pass. They gotta make it progressive so they don’t look like le boring evil cissies!

No. 1968379

Fujos who hate other fujos are not uncommon at all, she just has a busy schedule

No. 1968384

I don't mind it as long as it's clearly demarcated. Stuff like >>1968282 is fine because it states clearly on the cover what it is, so you can avoid it if you're not interested.

No. 1968387

true kek, we fujos get into ship wars and arguments all the time. reminds of the good old tododeku vs bakudeku wars

No. 1968388

File: 1713403221900.gif (818.97 KB, 320x212, Ue-tyN.gif)

Sunday Monday fujo days
Tuesday Wednesday anti days
Thursday Friday yume days
Saturday what a day
Infightin' all week for you
This day is oooours
Won't you be mine?

No. 1968390

Wait these are all different characters?

No. 1968393

I sang this out loud and laughed so hard. Thank you, nonnie.

No. 1968394

More like "if this moid has a vagina, then I can insert myself easily in the relationship than in another woman".

No. 1968402

Sheith vs Klance was funnier.

No. 1968405

Yes but shockingly only like two have taken it up the ass.

No. 1968407

I can't believe this is a different character, and not the same character drawn by several artists.

No. 1968410

anime is so corporate and samey looking nowadays, it's why i hate modern anime.

No. 1968411

welcome to isekai anime

No. 1968414

Ngl not all of them are isekai, it was originally made as moid bait to make fun of isekai.

No. 1968416

Based schizo

No. 1968419

and thats why you read the manga

No. 1968420

yeah ik but isekai is basically famous for same-face syndrom

No. 1968424

I guess, but it's a little funny to see nonna falling for moid rage bait that included intentional parody characters.

No. 1968426

I find that most of the time both yaoi and het erotica made by women has a certain aesthetic that makes them easy to differentiate from male made porn, but that one would be pretty hard to tell apart if you erased the male characters' faces. The hideous lettering isn't helping tho.

No. 1968429

But can you tell who is the bl uke?

No. 1968435

its the one whos left next to the sword guy

No. 1968443

Kek yeah, the pic used made it pretty easy

No. 1968465

this discourse is genuinely baffling to me. is it all just…i don't know, radfems who make no distinction between one type of porn and the other versus fujoshi or is it yumefags mad self-insertion is largely considered cringe vs fujoshi or what

No. 1968467

It's antifujo-chan trying to sow discord between fujo-chan and yume-chan to break up their relationship

No. 1968469

cute pic

No. 1968478

>radfems who make no distinction between one type of porn and the other
they arent radfems

No. 1968504

This pic is kind of hilarious to me when the genderbent guy already has a female counterpart, Hilda. I feel like I can vaguely understand the fujo mental gymnastics of preferring the boy-turned-girl over the actual girl, but only just barely kek.

No. 1968509

It's actually not as uncommon as you'd think, I saw it a lot for Dimitri x Byleth, but instead of just making it F Byleth they drew M Byleth as a woman.

No. 1968698

how did you figure it out? i'm slow

No. 1968707

NTAYRT but I guessed that guy too, something about his weird expression in that shot gave me the feeling he was about to be turned into a bottom for some beefy seme lmao

No. 1968719

DA but kek, same. He's the only one that has a bit more expressive face and is emoting something that isn't "completely blank self insert slate". Isekaislop don't put that much effort in giving their cardboard cutouts personality lest the otaku come to see him as a real character and become insecure when seeing their reflecting in the black TV screen.

No. 1968720

Lol he has the exact same expression as the mc from Tokyo Revengers has half of the time.

No. 1968794

they were referring to boys love as literal, as young shonen "boys"(except not really boys) in sexual situations, it was literally paedophilia.

No. 1968796

see this is what you never acknowledge, you are reading a toxic straight romance with a barely disguised female character.

No. 1968805

File: 1713431675334.png (881.67 KB, 562x1007, 1660858632472.png)

>"spent middle school thinking i was a f€tishizer when really i was just closeted #mlm #transmasc"
picrel had 1.1 million views and +400k likes, you can cope however you want but to pretend there isn't a massive correlation between consuming yaoi and trooning out is just naive, because when you have a paraphilia/fetish it always escalates and these are the consequences.

No. 1968806

File: 1713431724783.jpg (509 KB, 970x648, beating the same old dead tpic…)

and you'll never acknowledge thats a cost sunk fallacy

No. 1968807

this argument has always been completely nonsensical in any context other than when discussing omegaverse conent.
either way, are antifujos so deluded they don't think men (in fiction or reality) could rape other men, manipulate them, groom them etc? like why are you equating a character to a woman on the basis of them being abused or toxic? what if there's a priest/altar boy trope? would that also be a badly disguised straight relationship? kek

No. 1968810

you have to be baiting as this point

No. 1968812

found the handmaiden, antifujos truly are the pickmeist of all women…what a shame

No. 1968813

the girl looks like shes trying to do a bad gojo cosplay kek

No. 1968815

they are women in drag, men butt tholes don't self clean, they don't get pregnant and they don't have yearnings like shujo protagonists
I'm using the exact phrase a radical feminist professor used

No. 1968818

are you underage or just retarded? you know this site is for 18+?

No. 1968825

>they are women in drag, men butt tholes don't self clean, they don't get pregnant and they don't have yearnings like shujo protagonists
i never read about people taking a shit in fiction even though realistically it should happen everyday. the logical conclusion to this must be that all humanoid fictional characters are badly disguised demodex mites in human-drag.

No. 1968829

You're right look at all those fujos in Japan, France, and Germany who are also trooning out.
Oh wait, they're not because this is american social contagion.

No. 1968831

Fujos are trooning out in European countries too anon. This is not an american only thing.

No. 1968833

Women all over the world are trooning out because of misogyny. But this claim that it's happening more often among fujos because they are fujos is just not true. The only place where you have a lot of fujo tifs is in America. Japan has the largest fujo fanbase in the world and there's no epidemic of fujo tifs.

No. 1968834

So Japan caught the Amercian social contagion >>1967968 or will you ignore it because it doesn't fit your theory

No. 1968835

I already replied to that post, you can read my reply instead of ignoring it.

No. 1968839

File: 1713433904526.jpg (571.73 KB, 1052x826, why fite when can luv.jpg)

never let yume kun go…. they'll never rip us apart nonnies

No. 1968842

The only difference between Western and Japanese fujos is that Western fujos have the opportunity to transition, and Japanese fujos don't. But deep-down they are the same.
Japan is very conservative and there is no acceptance for troons. They probably know that if they transitioned, they would be bullied, that's the only reason they don't do it.
It's similar to how mtf trannies were rare in the past, but AGPs/perverts and crossdressers have always existed, they just hid it until being a tranny was normalized.

No. 1968850

If that were true, you would see a fujo tif epidemic in France/Germany, which also have a large fujo fanbase. Some parts of Germany in particular are very pro-troon and have been using inclusive language for some years. Yet there is no epidemic.
France is also more liberal than Japan, has a huge fujo population, and there's also no epidemic.
I do believe Japan overall has less trannies because they're more conservative. But the trannies that they do have are born from misogyny, not BL, just like in America.

No. 1968852

Anon… They troon out too… I didn't go to the last Yaoi/Yuri con in Paris but from their websites it seemed to be full of fakebois talking about mlm rep and transbians sperging over shojo and yuri manga. Same thing with the con goers according to the pictures I've seen online. I'm never going back there anymore fuck that shit, where are my normal French fujoshi?

No. 1968854

>You're right look at all those fujos in Japan, France, and Germany who are also trooning out.
Yes there are actually fujos in Europe that troon out.

No. 1968857

beautiful, absolute masterpiece

No. 1968858

have you been reading this thread?

No. 1968863

File: 1713436190963.jpg (157.92 KB, 1169x1381, 10000332601.jpg)

a lot of fujoshi who read BL especially BL manhwa, the korean flavour, are yumejoshi. this was a thread of fujos gushing over the idea of the uke dating a girl even though he's from a BL manhwa and only has eyes for the seme

No. 1968882

I dunno, I'm from a fucking latin American country and I know of fujos who transitioned. They seem more common than the HSTS equivalent when we look at middle class and upper TIFs.

No. 1968884

>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
This is a complicated topic. I think it could be either way but my answer is that the real pipeline is nerdy/autistic female-to-TIF pipeline. There are way too many tifs in fandom spaces. It makes sense for many of them to be fujos (it's a genre without women) but at the same time a lot of non-fujo female nerds are identifying as trans nowdays. So many fandom women are trooning out either just ideologically or also medically, it's bleak… so if you ask me, the root of the problem is not yaoi but the internalized misogyny nerdy women feel first and social contagion second. When tumblr banned pro-ana content, tranny blogs started appearing all over tumblr for a reason.
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
I find that it depends on the fujoshi and it's always blatantly clear in their drawings or writings.
Personally I am a voyeur if you can call it that, I am very into making characters I like interact and develop relationships between the chemestries I like (I also like hetero and yuri, ftr) and this includes wondering what they do under the sheets. That said, I feel like I project my desires onto the seme or the yuri equivalent of the seme when I do project, while with hetero couples I project onto the female character.
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
While I disagree with homophobia and I think they're embarrassing and a little hypocrital, they were closer to the truth than fujoshis and fandom activists that conflate an oblique genre such as yaoi with real life.
Anyone who made real life infect yaoi (and fandom at large) deserves to be bullied, such as the early 2010s tumblr sentiment of "The Gays, the most pure and beautiful demographic whomst we owe everything to, don't use DISGUSTING FETISH WORDS like UKE AND SEME but totes awesome terms like top and bottom!!!!!". Uke and seme were words for tropes we apply to characters and that imply dynamics in every context of their relationships, not just their sex life, because they are characters. Otoh, top and bottom are bullshit roles made up by a hyper-sexual community, the gay scene of the western world (USA, UK), that glorifies misogynist, ephebophilic societies (ancient greece, the samurai caste of japan, etc) and the terms cannot be separated from their sexual context. Gay men will tell you top and bottom totally don't have negative connotations while on the same breath make all sorts of humiliating jokes about bottoms, for example…
And the fandom activists who exported all of that shit ar happy about it, even.
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
It depends on the person and how their brain reacts to it. Yaoi actually helped me reinforce my identity as a woman because it's a genre by women, for women and that was almost always enjoyed by women and it still is. I also was sick of seeing female characters humiliated and mistreated in hetero porn and I wanted some comeuppance for male ones, so there was a weird element of revenge in the way I first got into it… in a way I understood very early on that, depressingly, female characters tend to be made for a male demographic, therefore male characters can and should belong to women instead, it's only fair.
Regardless, in the end it's an unrealistic fantasy and thus anyone who takes it at face value will probably end up more misogynistic, like fujo TIFs.
>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed?
I never cared for it and at first I was alarmed because I heard the semes have dog dicks, which is a huge fucking redflag. Then I found out it's mostly about heat cycles and that there are no dog dicks 99% of the times, so personally I think it's just certain fujoshi getting older and wanting the family and child bearing fantasies older women tend to have but without having to put female characters through it for whatever reason (depends on the author). That or they have a breeding kink but they're too embarrassed to see it on a body that looks like theirs (a female body), so they subject it onto male characters.
Now… het omegaverse… I already don't read omegaverse but it just sounds like another excuse for breeding kink crap.
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
It depends on the woman. I don't know anything about porn addiction and how it entails but I imagine it's different in women than in men.
That said, there are many fujos/himes/yumes who don't care for porn and are into it only for the fluff and romance, but I have no idea how many they are.

No. 1968886

And with what certainty can you say they transitioned because of bl and not because of the high rate of misogyny and femicide rates in latam countries? Do you really think they wanted to escape from being women because they saw two anime men fucking?

No. 1968887

>the real pipeline is nerdy/autistic female-to-TIF pipeline.
This is the simple truth. A lot of nerdy, autistic girls are into BL because it as a hobby is appealing to them, and many of them also troon out because trooning out is more appealing to nerdy autistic girls. There's correlation but no causation.

No. 1968888

>>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real
As much as the yurifag to AGP pipeline, yeah.
Despite the memes and doomposting I have trouble saying either "side" truly wants to dedicate their lives to their porn tastes as much as they just have too much of a fascination with the opposite sex (which they are attracted to), and/or too much of an imagination about what is unknown to them (the aforementioned opposite sex). So a weird admiration for/idealization of this "alien" identity is formed, then they fantasize about being one themselves… and in the modern day, they have the comfort & means to act out that fantasy. Something along those lines. This is more or less why there's a heavy overlap with trannies & people on the autism spectrum, too; I believe they are susceptible to this sort of mentality with their fixations (see: the furry community, and their dedication to acting as their fursonas irl/in VR/etc).
While on the flip side, lesbians/gay guys who troon out are often socialized primarily around the opposite sex and feel the identity is more familiar or kindred or whathaveyou, so they end up considering themselves to functionally be the opposite sex.
>>the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
Just wanted to say I was the polar opposite of this, meaning to say that I started flame wars with fujos daily back in that time but vocally supported IRL gay rights simultaneously lol
Over the years I have actually warmed up to fujos a lot more than I've ever been able to grow a tolerance to yaoi/BL/bara/any sort of male sexualization (regardless of the intended audience).
I don't really have the time to care anymore if some girl wants to embrace her perviness (within reason), but I personally recoil at the sight of two dudes getting naked and nasty. Hell, even one dude alone makes me avert my eyes. Bleh.
Never understood how other lesbians could get into that stuff, for that matter… Sorry if that applies to any nonnas, I've learned by now that it's (surprisingly) common

No. 1968890

I don't think they transion because of bl, I think they transition for hanging out with other mentally ill fujo who mislead them, bl itself is more like a tool in the process or something. But either way trooning epidemic among fujo in particular is still a thing.

No. 1968892

Nice glossing over the real issue,So in the end its always the fault of women then? Because they engage in female oriented hobbies and there's currently a social contagion targeting young women which is so big that has infested every part of the Internet but surely it's because of the fujos!! We are at fault for making troons taking away women's places! It has to be it! You give the same excuses that the troons do

No. 1968899

Well, you're just putting words in my mouth now

No. 1968910

nta but you are acting like a porn addict with a victim complex.

No. 1968916

OK handmaiden

No. 1969003

Are you seriously saying men can't be manipulative or toxic?

No. 1969005

I'm sorry you haven't discovered the pleasures of seeing a male character be utterly and completely destroyed, nona. Crossing my fingers you can open your mind one day.

No. 1969009

This is beautiful, my nonnie. Fujo-chan/Yume-kun is my OTP. Hime-chan seething in the BG, absolutely beautiful

No. 1969029

It's not even really that hard to find bl that have the main characters go through gay sex practices, especially in this day and age.
Why does it seem like people here only ever read shitty western fanfic and then get mad that its all trash?

No. 1969048

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fujos and anti-fujos, what are your thoughts on faghags? Do you feel a kinship with them and do you think they are actually based and feminist?

No. 1969049

i think they are a perfect representation of the average american fujo.

No. 1969050

I thought faghag was an insult referring to fujos.

No. 1969057

Untouchables, should be away from society.

No. 1969059

I love you, anona.

No. 1969060

Being anti-fujo imo is honestly just another way to be misogynistic against women and their interests. It's the same as being anti-twilight or some other "hate whatever girls hate" trend of the week. I'm not a fujo anymore because I grew out of it but I think it's ridiculous how women try to police each other's interests and hobbies so much when men would never do the same to each other. Imagine an "anti-yurifag" thread on 4chan or some shit, men would never. Kek.

>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?

Obviously just a symptom since fujos existed before the whole tranny trend started.

No. 1969062

Avoid bl content and stop trying to control others.

No. 1969065

Something about Jinx attracts the most retarded zoomers on earth. They hate the seme so much but won't stop reading and talking about it. I'm kind of surpised any of them would want Dan though since they seem to project onto him more often.

No. 1969069

why though?

No. 1969073

Nothing about this tweet makes it seem like OP is a yume. You guys need to know what words actually mean before you use them.

No. 1969077

>Imagine an "anti-yurifag" thread on 4chan or some shit, men would never.
You say this but yurifag/anti-yurifag infights and bait threads are somewhat common on /a/, at least when I would browse regularly.

No. 1969080

i agree kek

No. 1969081

i agree kek

No. 1969088

This kek, moids fights with yurifags make the arguments here look like a kids playground.

No. 1969091

They act like the jesters, servers and attack dogs for gay moids, they would rather simp for these STD ridden monsters than do something creative, they also turn their retarded form of pickmeism into their personalities and are only capable of using disgusting moid lingo as if that was the highest form of discourse that has ever existed.
Faghags are traitors, and it's even more pathetic because they're betraying women for moids that they can't even fuck, at least straight/bi pickmes can fuck the moids they simp for, but faghags stay losing, being treated less than trash behind their backs and thanking gay moids for doing so.

No. 1969112

>what are your thoughts on faghags?
Annoying and pickme-ish. Gay men never really cared for women and many of them are misogynists who are okay with troons. Women should never cape for them.

No. 1969126

I hate this. I hate this so fucking much. I'm not a huge fan of Jinx in particular but this happens with other BLs and gay ships so much, hetfags are absolutely unable to stay in their fucking lane and need to heterofy literally every single fucking character in sight despite having like all of the world's media for them to enjoy for straight sex and romance. And it's not enough for them because their problem isn't the abundance of hetero media but the existence of this very, very small gay media. Anons can call me every name in the overused insults book but this "but they can be bi!" shit unironically hits a nerve for me and makes me a-log so hard. Same sex relationships are such a niche thing and barely represented in any media to begin with, fujos have struggled for decades to normalize their largely harmless fucking hobby only for people bored with their shitty straight media to put their feet in the door and start appropriating it for themselves trying to be cute about it, then unironically cry heterophobia if you tell them off for it.

No. 1969132

Faghags are the ones who call fujos fetishizers and think they themselves aren't "one of those stupid girls who don't really appreciate gay men and only want a gay man for a pet" despite being exactly that. Every time. Even gay men look down on them for being pickmes but for homos.

No. 1969135

>the real pipeline is nerdy/autistic female-to-TIF pipeline.
This. When I was 13-15 I was a hardcore female idol fan (love live, im@s, etc) and even those spaces where nerdy girls centered their autism purely on extremely feminine female characters, the community was filled to the brimmed with TIFs and gender specials. Trans is the counter culture of gen z, any girl who falls into the outcast demographic is susceptible to the trans agenda, whether they're fujoshi or not. The reason you see so many fujos TIFs is because fujoshi are overrepresented and always have been in female nerd spaces

No. 1969144

not this tweet, but the thread itself. a lot of girls who were getting giddy at the idea of dan being a cute soft bf or having a soft dom gf or saying they wish they dated him, just a lot of projection

No. 1969185

They're so embarrassing. Avatar of male worship. I like to observe faghag-fag relationships because it's usually a hyper-feminine woman who treats her gay like a mascot, thinking he has her back, when the gay moid actually has zero consideration for her and may or may not ruin her life by encouraging maladaptive behavior. Tbf i've seen gay moids cape hard for their female friends and become their attack dogs, but it's always part of the 'enabling BPD woman' thing.

No. 1969186

Mpreg only happens in like 2% of yaoi manga, and anuses are never described as "self-cleaning," in it. They just don't show prep like enemas and such because people generally don't want to see that shit.

No. 1969188

BL isn't gay media and isn't meant to represent same sex relationships.

No. 1969189

do words even have meaning anymore?

No. 1969191

Fuck, not even 2%. It's even lower than that. I genuinely have no idea where some people here got the idea that most BL involves pregnancy. It's extremely niche.

No. 1969196

How the fuck people will pin young girls trooning out on an oversimplified reason like "overconsumption of yaoi" instead of the misogynist society breaking them is beyond me. Everyone on this site will admit that men being degenerate rapists is more likely than women being one but when it comes to the topic of trannies suddenly the genders are interchangeable and those Aidens are totally just genderswapped pornsick AGP transbians.

No. 1969198

How many times do people need to be told that trooning is not monocausal? There are non-fujo straight women who troon out, and there are fujos who never do. Gender dysphoria is a social contaigon and it's a product of misogyny and it's a diagnosis dejour and autistic women who get overly obsessed with escapism tend to get pulled into it. There are many factors at play and the media the person consumes is just one of them.

No. 1969216

From my own experience most aidens actually tend to be quite sensitive over the fujo media they consume, they're offended by anything that's too "toxic" or questionable. They're also mostly into sanitized western slash, and less into BL manga or manhwa or danmei. At least the manhwa fujo community is like 95% horny straight girls with no intention to troon out

No. 1969224

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>At least the manhwa fujo community is like 95% horny straight girls with no intention to troon out
KEK you wish, take a look at any webtoon comment section for once

No. 1969225

BL is and was never meant to represent real life faggots. How many BL manga do you know where the main characters act like real gay men? Jinx certainly isn't one of them. If some girl wants to date the uke she isn't appropriating anything. Yumes are cringe but why should I care, it's a drawing.

No. 1969226

They are two different things. A faghag is a woman who is a sycophant to gay men IRL because they enjoy the kind of pop culture shit associated with gay men, like drag and hyperpop. A fujoshi is a woman who enjoys fiction written about male/male relationships written by female authors for a female audience. Some fujoshis are faghags, but most are not.

No. 1969227

I'm genuinely wondering if fanfiction was a mistake. So many of the complaints have to do with checking shitty fanfics and being surprised you get shitty garbage.

No. 1969229

Nta but not everything revolves around English speakers. There are non Americans who enjoy manhwa, you know.

No. 1969234

I’m sorry but I’ve grown up on the internet, had a large number of internet friends, know troons and fujos irl. There is ABSOLUTELY a pipeline, just like how male yuri consumers disproportionately become trannies. “I want to like girls as a cute girl!” / “I want to like guys as a guy” how can you not see this? And it’s worse for FTMs because it comes with a boatload of internalised misogyny. But it’s really obvious that fetishising this media induces autoandrophylia and autogynephilia. Duh - that’s why troon men are obsessed with looking like porny teen “girls” and troon women are obsessed with looking like yaoi “boys”. The aidens I know don’t refer to themselves as men or women, just “boys” because they don’t want to be or associate themselves with ogreish large mannish rape apes, they want to be the cool anime guys they get off to - hence why they often still want to be feminine to a degree. I have heard “I want to be feminine but as a guy” by these people so many times. 10 times out of 10 if you ask what they’re attracted to they’ll say feminine guys too. It’s all because of the AAP of feminine moids and their desire to be feminine while not having to be seen as a woman.

No. 1969235

Holy cringe, sure there is straight romance everywhere but most of that is for fucking moids and you’ve gotta stop crying about stupid shit like someone thinking your favourite character is straight, that you can ignore, there’s a lot of BL media, more than hetshit for women anyways kek

No. 1969236

Tbf manga/anime sites having absolutely retarded comments is a general rule, every manga regardless of genre or demographic will have braindead takes.

No. 1969237

Who gives a fuck? Not me. I don't care about your le edgy faggot hate. I only care about some retarded yume/hetfag infesting BL with their hetfaggotry instead of taking it literally anywhere else. It's literally the equivalent of GL being ruined by constant dicks and hetbending because they're are unable to enjoy anything they can't self insert into and then get their tender feelings hurt when that 0.00001% audience doesn't like them bulldozing something their community has helped to build. Like when that retarded fujo shitposting thread was made people were still begging for husbandofagging to be allowed, can't even have a random shitposting thread without hetshit creeping in because they simply can't let shit exist without being pandered to.

>I’m sorry but I’ve grown up on the internet
Yeah we can tell, don't worry.

No. 1969240

lol? we’re on lolcow. i regret to inform you that half of the people on here grew up on the internet kek, that’s why we’re here sperging about fujos

No. 1969245

There is so much by women for women straight romance female power fantasy slop for these people, they really don't need to be in BL spaces

No. 1969246

I hope you hold the same standards for those fujos who were crying about that one otome mobile game not allowing BL content lol

No. 1969250

What standards? Yumes already infest danmei fandoms and complain about how it would be more romantic if the MC was a woman and genderbend him into a big titty waifu to self-insert in.

No. 1969251

They are not infesting BL with anything, they are not the ones who write BL, they are just twitter users. Just read your BL in peace or go watch 3dpd gay porn if you love gay men so much.

No. 1969252

No one's denying the correlation between TiFs and yaoi, retard. We're trying to tell you guys that it's not the only factor, and you refuse to listen.

What this all boils down to is anti-fujos getting asshurt that others enjoy something they dislike. They can't just ignore the things they hate like normal human beings, they have to invent retarded social justice reasons to scream at people who like what they dislike. I hate Taylor Swift, but you don't see me running around demanding that Swifties acknowledge that they're terrible and have shit taste. Let other people enjoy things and stay in your lane, for fuck's sake.

No. 1969254

but what is happening here is that aidens try to read manhwa like that because they still seek fujo content, but don't enjoy it

No. 1969257

They weren't crying about the game itself not allowing BL content you genius, they were crying about the unhinged yumes attacking people posting BL art of the characters on their own social media because the game's official discord banned all BL art. The only people who wanted "BL content" in the game were Aidens who are asking for a male character in literally anything and them being purebred fujos instead of troonyumes is debatable.

What kind of brain damage do you have to have to claim that "there's a lot more BL media"? What the fuck? Go ahead and look at girls' media sales statistics, I can promise you that 99% of it is hetshit. People have fried their brains to charred bits with online discourse to say this shit in all seriousness, your husbando's hashtag has a ton of BL art means nothing more besides that fujos are just way more active in producing fan content to which I can say nothing more but claim it as a skill issue.

Don't get me fucking started on danmei fandoms, fuck all the yumes who read a book specifically on gay romances and then start headcanoning the shorter guy as a woman. Pathetic. They need to be bullied way more.

No. 1969260

So you readily admit that it's an issue of social contagion, which means that the manga can't be the sole reason. Also, learn how to speak English.

No. 1969262

Kek the hypocrisy with that always shows because retards bring it up immediately when that game is mentioned

No. 1969264

Well obviously it can’t be the only reason…? Fujos existed before. But consuming yaoi media is a pipeline for troonery, just like consuming tranny porn is for men. So yes, it can “cause” it.

No. 1969266

I audibly laughed at your post

No. 1969270

Recently there's been an uptick in ARG youtubers trannifying. Do you think ARGs make people trans or is it more likely that it's general internet brainrot?
Imo, all nerd communities are getting the trans sickness and all nerd communities say it's because of whatever hobby they're into that they're trans.

No. 1969271

It's ridiculous how fujos can ship a character who is heterosexual in canon with another man but if it's yumes doing it it's suddenly wrong.

No. 1969272

Ah yes, also speedrunning is the leading cause of troonery in men.

No. 1969273

That’s correlation, not causation. You have to be deliberately playing dumb to not believe that it’s an incentive. No one’s saying that it’s the sole root of troonery, of course it isn’t. But it has to be like 90% of ‘transmascs’ that have a history of fujoism.

No. 1969275

>It's ridiculous how women can say "I hate men" but when men say "I hate women" it's suddenly wrong!
This is how you sound like

No. 1969278

>Nobody is saying it's the sole root
>just 90%
That's some half assed saving.

No. 1969279

This. I also wonder what exactly is the problem with 'hetbending'?

No. 1969282

And the vast majority of troons also fall on the autism spectrum, yet no one sits around claiming that there's an autism-to-trans pipeline, even though it's heavily correlated. We know it's a multi-layered issue and boiling it down to a single point helps no one

No. 1969288

You’re completely ignoring the point. If it’s a “cause”, then it is an incentive. Meaning that a girl might not troon out if she didn’t base her entire sexuality in her development years around yaoi. Surely you can see how porn can cause men to troon out too? What’s the difference here?

No. 1969289

I don't care just get it out of the fucking gay ship tags, i don't search up gay pairings to be blasted with boobs.

No. 1969290

not to mention many girls become trans because they simply arent hyperfeminine and therefore dont feel like "real women". also of course because men just have it so much better in this world but apparently accusing fujos for being the reason tifs exist is just easier.

No. 1969291

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>No one’s saying that it’s the sole root of troonery
KEK backtracking wont save you now anti chan,this whole fucking thread was made on that assumption and now that you've been proven wrong you try to pretend you weren't being retarded not so smart when you're out of your echo chamber now are you?

No. 1969292

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Also anime in general being a 90% trans pipeline.
Magical Girls are literally transforming into their ideal identity, magical girls are a tranny pipeline.

No. 1969296

No. 1969299

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magical girl shit was ruined by moids anyways. picrel was super popular with moids and is full of sexualized lolis

No. 1969304

Yet another thing men have stolen from women

No. 1969305

um… you’re confusing me for someone else. I joined the conversation at >>1969234
>apparently accusing fujos for being the reason tifs exist is just easier
The defensiveness is pretty funny, I’m guessing you’re a fujo then? it’s a… wait for it… an incentive. INCENTIVE. I’ve seen it happen. If it’s acceptable to say porn for males troons them out why can’t gay porn do the same to girls who grew up on it? How is this logically inapplicable?

No. 1969306

if magical girls were real they would've bashed the heads in of moids who made thisone of the character in this is 9! i hope however made that rots in hell

No. 1969312

There's also a bunch of ddlg moments and straight up pedo moments, the main character likes little girls. I hate moids.

No. 1969313

i was literally just presenting other reasons on why girls probably troon out. i dont understand why you seem angry?

No. 1969314

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Just like mpreg is the majority of yaoi, lolibait is the majority of mahou shoujo.
How can trannies steal it if it was theirs from the start?

No. 1969316

i really wonder how making such shows is even acceptable in japanese society?

No. 1969318

Imagine letting moids live in your head rent free so badly you cant even enjoy some precure here and there kek

No. 1969321

> why can’t gay porn do the same to girls who grew up on it? How is this logically inapplicable?
you do know what porn addiction does to moids right? the more they consume porn the more they start looking for the next hit which turns into:
>child porn
>agp moids who skinwalk women
>sadist zoos or sadist serial killers
>incest(abusing nieces or nephews or their own siblings)
now what has bl addiction brought?
>somewhat cringey fandoms
>trooning out due to brainwashing from other mentally ill tifs who recruit vulnerable girls
its incomparable and saying moid porn addiction is on the same as fujo addiction is hugely disgustingly false

No. 1969322

>imagine being mad that a genre for girls was co-opted by gross scrotes
Next you'll say we can't complain about bronies

No. 1969324

why are trannies so obsessed with cute and innocent shit? enstars, prosekai, sanrio, magical animes…

No. 1969326

because they're predators

No. 1969327

Arrested development is also a trans pipeline

No. 1969328


No. 1969329

I see …so what’s that got to do with porn causing troonery? Honestly some anons on here just don’t read, what the fuck, as if you’re purposefully missing the point. Male porn addiction is a danger to society and female coomerism is just pathetic and dumb. Male troons are harmful and female troons are just pathetic and dumb. Obviously. Aidens are practically harmless. We’re not arguing on that.

No. 1969331

Maybe the mental problems that cause them to be trans also causes them to search out for stuff that will coddle their insecurities, just a thought.

No. 1969332

Nta but then how do you explain that the rising number of trannies correlates perfectly to the explosive rise in popularity of anime in the west

No. 1969337

It manages to correlate even more perfectly with the explosion of social media and the severe insecurities, isolated communities, and lovebombing that come with it.
Hell, you can practicallg measure growth by which social media got popular.

No. 1969338

anime is pretty perverted so it makes sense to me. luckily in my country barely any moids are into anime, the last thing i want is a hentai addicted weeb bf

No. 1969352

Fujos think they're an oppressed class so you're not allowed to hetbend their precious yaoi boys because it's akin to homophobia

No. 1969356

I never actually saw Sailor Moon as a kid, (i was a Mew Mew Power kinda girl) but once I did look into it and saw that the story already had troons in it the troons clinging to the ideas of magic girls all made since.

No. 1969358

You dont get it anon, think about the rights you’re THIEVING from our precious 2d gayboys

No. 1969359

Idk I think social media had a hand in it spreading but all of the people I knew who went trans were already on tumblr and Pinterest for years and everyone in general was on Facebook, MySpace, and Insta. The ones who trooned out all did it at the same time after picking up manga and joining anime club.

No. 1969360

Weirdly enough I've seen more MMP trannies than SM trannies, though more on account of the cat girl and wolf girl. There's also a catrabbit girl, no?

No. 1969372

True, it's mostly just my limited perspective of being shocked that the only magical girl series ive seen irl people care about had troons in it. I've not seen anyone talk about Mew Mew Power but it's probably because I don't use twitter

No. 1969383

I figure that no matter what people try to argue either way, the rebuttal will be just "well but I saw people like this" but regardless, when it comes to trans and toxic ideologies as a whole, both anime and not, imo the underlining connection is social media, and the first thing people do when trying to untrans/unbrainwash people is not take away their interests but to stop them from rotting their brain with social platforms.
Of course, telling people to no longer use social media is pretty much impossible in this day and age so it makes sense why people would rather it instead be something that's easier to let go.
I wonder what will happen when social platform era pops. It had to at some point, no? Nothing lasts forever.

No. 1969384

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No one seems to talk about Tokyo mew mew, which is kind of interesting considering their outfits are based on lingerie, it's about saving the planet from ecological disasters and has lots of romance, it also has some yuribait.

No. 1969388

The bots flooding social platforms are absolutely going to kill it one day.

No. 1969394

Yeah, people will all have their anecdotes and it's impossible to really argue with. Honestly, as for my anecdote, I had friends as a child who were also into yaoi and M/M shipping and they were sort of proto-TIFs. Like they didn't have the vocabulary, but they absolutely would say they wished they were cute yaoi boys and would complain about being girls. But it wasn't until social media basically said, "You can be the yaoi boy you wish to be" that they all became low effort TIFs. I think maybe the seed is there, as in, "I sure do wish I was a kawaii anime character" but most people, if well-adjusted and left alone, will understand that's not possible and learn to differentiate reality from fiction. But if your whole social group online is engaging in group LARP and insisting it is totally possible, I think that's how it becomes more than just a thought/whim. I fully believe social media is what really allowed this contagion to spread in a way it never could have otherwise.

No. 1969405

The existence of Mahoako genuinely fills me with anger and apparently the author of the manga is a woman? At least thats what I hear scrotes say but I dont know how true it is.

No. 1969417

That's not at all what I said. I'm just as mad as you that scrotes shit up everything they touch including their take on mahou shoujo but it's pretty dumb to say it was theirs from the start. There was always perverted shit in anime but saying they "ruined" mahou shoujo and letting moids take away enjoyment of something meant to innocent is retarded. Scrotes are gonna scrote, dont let them psyop you.

No. 1969429

i mean it does look kinda ugly

No. 1969433

kys that’s my childhood show you’re talking about

No. 1969443

its okay, winx club was my childhood and it looks kinda ugly too

No. 1969457

fujos are fine it’s the slashers and kpopfags that are the problem…imagine getting off to this

>“Master?” Kyungsoo says softly, and Jongin slowly opens his eyes. Kyungsoo looks up at him, clutching the sheets. He’s kind of the perfect fucktoy, really. “Master, you can move.”

>Jongin really doesn’t need to be told twice. He pulls out until just the tip rests inside of Kyungsoo before fucking back in, watching the way Kyungsoo’s jaw drops and he releases a strangled shriek. Jongin braces himself on his arms, bracketing Kyungsoo’s head between them, and slams into Kyungsoo. His puppy’s tummy bulges with the outline of cock and, once again, Jongin is thinking of plugging Kyungsoo with cum up until it takes.

>Oh, god, that’d be so hot. Kyungsoo, with fat, swollen tits leaking milk and a stomach heavy with the product of Jongin, real proof of who owns him. Even better than a collar or a ring, pregnancy would be the best way to keep everyone else away from his puppy. He wants to see his puppy dripping, spilling milk over his shirts as he waddles around the penthouse, so pregnant he can barely move.

No. 1969464

I cant stop laughing. This reads like a moid's fetish

No. 1969468

Girl why the fuck would you post this…?

No. 1969470

kek anon. they’re all just coomers in the end huh

No. 1969471

Which makes it weirder how unpopular it is, special with trannies, considering how horribly they dress. I love Tokyo mew mew but their outfits are pretty weird.

No. 1969476

this existing doesn’t erase or influence magical girl stuff aimed at girls though. precure has yet to become oversexualized

No. 1969480

KEK so true, this is giving war flashbacks to the cow hybrid jimin tweet

No. 1969482

kpopfags are truly another breed. never seen a fandom this unhinged

No. 1969487

the designs just don’t hold up, two separate shades of the same color are ugly together. also i get the vibe the designer ensured ichigo was cute and said fuck the rest

No. 1969490

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Never forget.

No. 1969496

I still remember the day this tweet was posted like it was yesterday…this and sweet little meow meow did so much combined damage to the Internet.

No. 1969504

how did you come up with all of that so easy

No. 1969506

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No. 1969509

you really made this meme years ago and are still hoping anons will find it funny huh

No. 1969550

i don’t think that’s zhang yong

No. 1969567

Is zhang yong posting here with us right now?

No. 1969571

One of the most retarded ”this anon is x” posts I have seen on this site yet kekk

No. 1969586

File: 1713469538548.jpg (4.38 MB, 2398x1800, tokyo black cat girl.jpg)

>also i get the vibe the designer ensured ichigo was cute and said fuck the rest
Correct, the manga was originally a "darker" solo magical girl story and the heroine had black hair and a black/pink color scheme. Editors ended up pushing the mangaka to change it to a magical girl sentai story with more characters and to also lighten up the original heroine's design to be more palatable for a shoujo audience. The extinct animals theme was added later. The mangaka mentioned being poor and struggling for food at the time so that's probably why she complied so much with the changes.

No. 1969612

Just looking at this pic I can imagine the type of smelly balding broad shouldered trannoid who would wear it with a short skater skirt and stripped thigh highs. Disgusting

No. 1969613

This is kinda cool! I didn't know this…

No. 1969634

File: 1713470984302.jpeg (151.57 KB, 736x735, IMG_0044.jpeg)

There’s nothing appealing about kpop slop. The whole appeal of girl and boy groups was that there were diverse members with different niches for many demographics. They all look the fucking same exactly like a yaoi character. It’s one big massive homogenous blob that can’t be differentiated from each other, just like yaoi manga and anime. You’re getting the same pandering trash to uncultured troglodytes every time. I dislike farmhands and admin but I absolutely get why they have banned kpop off this website it must have been the smartest move they’ve ever done. Next smart move is banning you fujofags. Picrel kpoops are too racist as fuck to let this cute shit happen. God this is why we can’t have nice things

No. 1969638

i dont really hate fujos im just not a fan when they ship straight guys together it makes me cringe so hard. otherwise i think some of them just need to chill and write less ao3 porn.

No. 1969640

more fujos need to make moids uncomfortable and make them feel like how women feel in their daily lifes

No. 1969645

Based and staceypilled

No. 1969649

>it’s racist for a country with virtually no minority groups to not pander to those minority groups
also kpop groups often have members from all over asia. thailand, japan, vietnam, etc.

No. 1969659

"often" is an exaggeration, and let's not act like they don't pick the most korean looking non-korean even then

No. 1969663

Nta. People have multiple ""incentives"" to troon out. If you're an autistic, gnc, or outcast woman, you might be drawn to certain types of escapism. You're also vulnerable to being part of the troon contagion. The same things that make someone likely to be a weeb also make them liable to be targeted by the troon cult. The grooming techniques used by the cult are flexible and can be adapted to its next victim. A former military scrote might be told that he was "overcompensating" for his "feminine soul" by enlisting. A gamer is told that playing as female characters is an expression of his inner gender. A fujo will hear that she's not just attracted to the yaoi man, she wants to be him. They latch onto aspects of peoples' careers, hobbies, and presentation and use it to evangelize.

No. 1969673

Correlation does not equal causation. Boba has exploded in popularity in the U.S. in the last fifteen years, but no one's saying that boba makes teenagers identify as asexual.

No. 1969676

That still does not make it “diverse”, you dense motherfucking chun-li. They are all still East Asian no matter where they come from, all looking the same. Kpop artists notoriously steal from Americans and even get highly popular and acclaimed American writers to write their trash, dated music. You kpop fags thinking the fashion and dancing is also Korean-based which is also laughable. Try opening your eyes (really, try and open them) while reading and you’ll be able to understand what I’m talking about and know that Koreans aren’t living pre-Korean War and don’t know what non-asians are. Stop treating them like ignorant retards, at this point they definitely know better(racebaiting)

No. 1969679

Girl shut up this isn't a kpop thread, nobody cares about whatever hang-up you have.

No. 1969682

File: 1713472421389.png (1.1 MB, 640x892, new-wonderful-precure.png)

anyone that actually enjoys the mahou shoujo doesn't care about edgy looking madoka magica rip offs. case in point precure still dominates conversation when you talk about the genre with any genuine fan now.

No. 1969688

Nta but stop being salty. Like anon said, Korea doesn't have a significant % of non-koreans in their country. So would they care to pander to minorities? Go listen to rap or something if it bothers you.

No. 1969693

stop letting it get co opted then. men do a very good job kicking women out of their hobbies so just do the same thing

No. 1969694

Yeah let’s go back to fighting about the same shit that should have been left as an unpopular opinions topic and never talked about again, let’s go harp on the same opinions. I fucking hate anons like you(derailing/infighting)

No. 1969699

If you don't like the thread topic hide the fucking thread instead of making off-topic seethe posts about kpop randos what the fuck?

No. 1969700

does precure have an actual plot

No. 1969702

it’s for children

No. 1969714

Mint and Pudding are adorable, what does this even mean. Zakuro was perfectly in line with designs of the 2000s. Only poor Lettuce's design doesn't hold up well.
Funny how editors and anime executives kept pushing for team stories. This is the exact same thing that led to the creation of Sailor Moon out of Codename: Sailor V. I guess it was to sell more toys?

No. 1969717

File: 1713473440744.jpg (1.3 MB, 850x1021, ugami.jpg)

Mahou shoujo has always had a huge moid fanbase, it's not the fault of meduka. In the 80s a group of moids made an entire sub culture with games, doujins, figures and an anime out of a crossover with Heavy Metal L-Gaim and Creamy Mami.

No. 1969727

Lettuce is still cute to me, all of them are

No. 1969747

is there a single fujo argument that isn't "what about men"
>you shouldn't read erotica based on real people
what about men
>you shouldn't ship a child character with an adult
what about men
>you are showing signs of porn-sickness
what about men
that's all you ever sound like.

No. 1969757

is there a single anti fujo argument that isnt ''women should be chaste virgin maidens without a single horny thought''.

No. 1969765

it's really not that to hard to not read erotica every other day.

No. 1969767

Why not men though? Are you that offended over your precious moids that only see you as a object for their sexual gratification and nothing else?? What exactly do you want women to be? Braindead Submissive housewives huh handmaiden chan?
>don't ship adult characters with children
Nice bait but If only you realized that these creatures who do this are hated by fujo themselves they're called proshippers don't put them in the same category

No. 1969772

fujos don't read yaoi every day. They are serialized so most have to wait months until a new chapter drops. It's really no different from following other types of manga

No. 1969773

There's a middle ground between porn addict and virgin, it's not black and white. But most fujos are autistic so I'm not surprised.

No. 1969774

are you really gonna pretend fujost don't shit a boatload of child x adult ships, one was posted casually just two days ago

No. 1969777

Uh… yes? No one hates you for being horny?

No. 1969778

>There's a middle ground between porn addict and virgin
according to anti fujos ITT there isn't. You are wither a celibate virgin nun or you are a porn addict for reading yaoi once a month.

No. 1969783

What I want to know is why is the bar for porn-sickness so much lower for women than it is for men for you guys. A pornsick man is one who ruins his relationships and destroys his dick functionality from too much masturbation, but a pornsick woman is one who is just reading erotica on a weekly basis?

No. 1969787

show me where anyone has said this?

No. 1969789

No. 1969796

anon…. no. you’re tinfoiling. any man who watches porn is pornsick. reading gay porn from time to time is not being a fujo, being a fujo is being a fujo, and the ones that are online aren’t abstained from criticism from other women just because they’re women.

No. 1969797

This. Women are considered porn addicts just for wanting equality in sexualization, for example. I have seen anons call women porn addicts for saying they want male characters in videogames to be as sexualized as female ones(since lets be honest men are NEVER going to stop sexualizing female characters).

No. 1969800

>reading gay porn from time to time is not being a fujo
That is the textbook definition of fujo

No. 1969802

> reading gay porn from time to time is not being a fujo, being a fujo is being a fujo
KEK you don't get to determine who is a fujo. A fujo is any woman who likes yaoi, regardless of if she only likes one single manga/anime/ship or if she indulges in several.

No. 1969805

Because they want to blame the women that make the moids uncomfortable so as usual in handmaiden fashion they attack the lesser and harmless hobbies (show me a statistic which shows bl makes fujos either real life pedophiles or zoo sadists and reduces gray matter in the brain) while ignoring the bigger ones commited by moids (femicide,rape,child porn)because it wasn't that tifs existed wayy before even bl was a thing now was it? It must be the fujos fault

No. 1969806

but that's the thing, I don't think men having straight sex that people delude themselves into thinking is gay counts as "equality in sexualization"

No. 1969811

Antifujos, do you also hate women who read straight erotica or romance? especially considering how common and unavoidable female abuse is in those genres.

No. 1969812

no one in this thread is talking about the randoms that consume anime media, there are moid fags who do that for fucks sake. i don’t know where anons are getting the “they’re just as bad as moids!” takes from because no one ever said that. answer me this: do you genuinely think fujos can’t be coomers?

No. 1969813

>I don't think men having straight sex that people delude themselves into thinking is gay counts as "equality in sexualization"
what are you even talking about

No. 1969822

She's one of those retards who thinks an uke is the same thing as a woman. Nobody can reason with retards who see a man with dick and balls and insist it's female, ignore her

No. 1969826

Self hating fujos are so insecure kekk keep telling yourself that retard hope you find a nice bl soon surely,surely you must think that agps are actually women too then? If it acts like one it must be one! Because by your logic it must be true!

No. 1969834

If it's one of those "dark romance" books it deserved to be burned in a public book burning.

No. 1969837

File: 1713476138879.png (27.86 KB, 146x139, images-1.png)

Do men like yaoi at all? Are there any spaces where gay men into bara and yaoi women converge somehow? Because I often see both content lumped together for whatever reason. Not a fujo

No. 1969838

You lost me. Did you tag the wrong post?

No. 1969839

even non dark romance shit has female abuse in it. Most shoujo has an abusive love interest and a meek female protagonist.

No. 1969840

If you want to watch a man clean his asshole with an enema that badly, you're free to do so but most people don't like that, not even real gay men put that in their geicomi

No. 1969843

its funny how moids, regardless of it they are straight or gay, find BL too faggy.

No. 1969849

Considering how many times anti fujos have brought that up I think they're just into that shit why else would you keep reminding of everyone of that?

No. 1969850

>I-i'm not like other fujos I swear

No. 1969852

the person who fucking hates fujos is a fujo, ok. i hate all coomers.

No. 1969853

There are some gay and bi men who prefer BL over bara because they prefer twink/twunk bodies, you can find them on /a/ easily but they are a small minority.

No. 1969854

/blog/ on 4chan's /jp/ board, unironically. They also coexist with yumes in the same general.

No. 1969857

Do people think women are incapable of understanding how men have sex or something?

No. 1969863

Next time antifujos are going to start screaming ''where are his organs!!'' when they see a cute twink skinny uke or buff guy with small waist.

No. 1969868

No. 1969876

you’re baiting

No. 1969878

Yes. Both gay and straight (married) mangaka have recommended made by women bl on numerous occasions.
Some just like reading bl for the story and art.

No. 1969880

You are complaining about relism in manga. How is it any different.

No. 1969890

we all know japanese mangaka's are well known for their incredible nuanced characters and not all inserting their fetishes into their works.

No. 1969897

all male creators insert their fetishes into their work, it's not a mangaka thing only.

No. 1969898

are you being serious?

No. 1969902

…Okay? Are you reaching or something because that has absolutely nothing to do with the question to my reply.

No. 1969903

File: 1713476927915.jpeg (Spoiler Image,100.72 KB, 586x691, F-476auboAAguKG.jpeg)

I'm a fujo myself but the most degenerate thing I have ever seen was Rick and Morty yaoi.

No. 1969905

Wait until you find out about western cartoons

No. 1969912

File: 1713477010560.png (2.28 MB, 1487x1923, itchexW.png)

Moving this discussion from the fandom thread, I think my least favorite type of fujos are the real person historical shippers. I find all of it offensive(but some are obviously more offensive than others) bur regardless of the era and subject they all fundamentally share the same issues and I think it illustrates the issue of fujoism quite well. Someone posted a fujo artist who draws stuff mostly related to William of Orange. As far as I have seen there isn't a single depiction of Mary (his wife and co-ruler) and Anne (his daughter and heir). The artist basically took two incredibly important and influential women in British history, as well William's own life and erased them just for a woobafied version of him who communicates in tropes and again I think that's a perfect illustration of fujos.

No. 1969916

wait until she finds out about movies. Men are incapable of insert their fetishes into movies, its why they are littered with coombaits like megan fox or del toro's monsterfucking fetish.

No. 1969926

just let women have fun dear lord this is one of the most autistic nitpicks ITT

No. 1969938

Read a history book if you want accuracy

No. 1969954

You sound so boring. fujo history shipping is the best

No. 1969962

listen I'm specifically pointing a case where an artist is erasing a great woman just for basically her OC series, I would consider that one of self hating things any woman could do.

No. 1969967

A random woman on Twitter not drawing the fanart you want isn't erasing history. Did you expect a gay shipper to include a woman in her gay ship?

No. 1969969

she's drawing anime bishies for god's sake i dont think anyone looking for anime fanart cares about accuracy

No. 1969978

This whole discussion is just people who get mildly ticked off by fujos arguing with fujos who get triggered.

No. 1969986

I hate porn addicts in general. I remember when some women published "books" that were initially just fanfics about real people, they just changed the characters' names when they decided to sell them. I think there was one about One Direction.

No. 1969991

>Fujos will claim that shit writing prevents them from caring about female characters
>Will also make the male character unrecognizable and read like a cringey diary entry of woobie feefees

No. 1969994

you dont have to be a fujo to support them. Fujos genuinely hurt no one, meanwhile those women into straight erotica get hollywood movie deals that normalize bdsm and abuse but i seem to be the only one who hates them.

No. 1969997

How is she a fujo? Y'all want everyone to be fujos like you are, embarrassing.

No. 1969998

File: 1713478156812.png (4.05 MB, 2838x2181, KoDgLrr.png)

so let me give you an example, imagine if some artist started drawing Prince Philip's life, shipping him with some other guy and basically going out of their way to ignore Elizabeth who is literally the only reason he's never remembered that's what's going here.
Listen I'm a read feminist, I don't give a shit about "letting people enjoy things" I think erasing women is an act of misogyny and should be criticise.

No. 1969999

I hate them too.

No. 1970001

i doubt so lol

No. 1970003

No. 1970007

it's really not that deep. Why are women always criticized for having fun with their hobbies while men are allowed to wwII ships into anime girls and no one gives a shit about accuracy?

No. 1970008

nta but
>you don’t fit my idea of anti-fujos so you’re not real!
i hate coomers, especially the super pick-me coomers.

No. 1970013

you described it perfectly

No. 1970014

if you hated straight women into female abuse stories you would be sperging about them instead of fujos. They are the big fish, fujos are such a niche community they cause harm to no one. The 50 shades of gray writer normalized female abuse.

No. 1970016

if that's the side you picked then join them.

No. 1970017

Go yell at the people who erase real women's achievements in actual history books instead of random shippers making OCs with borrowed names if you're such a feminist then

No. 1970019

Stop arguing fake people. Do you genuinely think anyone in this thread hates fujos but is ok with pornbrained weeb scrotes? No one here likes them either kek. When will you all understand that no one says fujos are as bad as scrotes, we just don’t have to like them.

No. 1970024

sorry anon but this is the fujo discourse thread, not the female oriented erotics thread. you must be confused.

No. 1970026

Then just say you don't like them instead of dressing up your dislike in moralfagging and pretend feminism.

No. 1970028

I'm probably the biggest fujo-hater here and I still claim that they will never be as 1/1000th as perverted and dangerous as male degenerates, the only one they harm are themselves.

No. 1970034

but you understand women get more backlash than men just for writing some self indulgent stuff that hurts no one, right? some autistic artist with 40k followers most of whom probably only follow her because of the pretty art arent really erasing anything. Moids into history are the ones erasing women, not some chinese fujo.

No. 1970035

Try doing that anywhere and you'll get shut down immediately for not being a "real" feminist or some bullshit.

No. 1970071

Whenever I see gay moids talking about BL they just seethe at fujos and bishies because there isnt enough "manliness" or whatever garbage they want

No. 1970079

No one is stopping you from making a female abuse het criticism thread, this is the fujo discourse thread though

No. 1970088

Ok, they're shit too. What now?

No. 1970092

Who gives a shit omg.

No. 1970093

That also includes the ones who cry about slapstick violence and call the female character is abusive while ignoring the age gap/abusive interactions between their fujo ship in canon for said ass wiping woobie-fied writing.

No. 1970125

>a female abuse het criticism thread
NTA but that isn't that bad of an idea

No. 1970131

I have little to add except that I hate omegaverse. Not because it's objectively faux het shit but because it's just cringe. As for het, who cares. I only surround myself with non schizo fujos and well written het, good fempov and yumeporn now.

No. 1970148

i bring it up because antifujos are angry that fujos enjoy yaoi instead of het romance

No. 1970155

File: 1713481846185.png (131.5 KB, 551x555, Yaoi_clubmix2001.png)

>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
I genuinely don't think it's real. Yaoi just gives them an excuse to troon out but likely isn't the cause. The reason yaoi attracts tifs in the first place is probably because they're looking for a "safe" way to enjoy sexual stuff. The voyeuristic aspect of yaoi might be an appeal to girls are uncomfortable with their own bodies, along with how fujo spaces are filled with women so it's less threatening and are likely to coddle their delusions than with a space full of men.

>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?

I think it depends. I always thought it was more voyeuristic as I was never the self inserter type. I can understand fujos wanting to self insert as one of the pairing as a way to explore sexuality without actually having to picture their actual selves in it.

>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?

KEK it's most likely result of being very sheltered or coming from a religious/conservative household.You'd be surprised how many female anime fans who came from this kind of background.

>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?

In a way yes. Consuming yaoi is way to escape misogyny as straight romances pushed in mainstream media in the west and in mangas are really shitty.Especially during the early 2000s. Either the man is creepy or ugly and most likely treats the woman like shit. The women often are expected to look past his flaws or something. And of course it's only the women that are beautiful and the men are older and ugly as sin.So it comes off as they're trying to appeal to men and not women.If that's all they have to work with of course they're going to search for a way out. With yaoi both men are attractive and you don't have to worry about possible misogyny because it's only men. I think it only gets reinforced if women go the faghag/troon route of thinking gay men are better than women or policing other fujos about fetishizing gay men.

>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed?

It's whatever honestly. I get why some people would like certain aspects of it but I never cared for it. The genre itself is pretty uncommon anyway. tbh I can't even take it seriously as I've been too poisoned by mpreg memes.

>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?

I think it depends. If you spend an unhealthy amount of time looking at porn all the time then sure. If you can't get off without it then yes you absolutely have a problem. I've always read yaoi though and I haven't been into any new ones in years. I do look at some nice fanart from time to time but it's rare as my fav ships are from old series or games that are still waiting on more releases.

>Why is fujo stuff so popular in Japan, a highly conservative, homophobic and misogynistic society?

The women are looking for a goddamn outlet.

>Can yumes and fujos be friends?

Of course.I'm all for different kinds of ships as I do get tired of seeing the same ones and like to see when people change it up. I think it's pants on head retarded to unironically fight about ships Applying politics to Chinese cartoons completely fucked up everything honestly.

Yes and yes.

No. 1970171

This is a great idea, it would take off.

No. 1970253

>but because it's just cringe.
I hate that it somehow became so common place even beyond bl, especially in fan works it's the laziest way to get two characters together

No. 1970329

I hate drag, but overall I don't interact with them enough to have an opinion.
I think I've seen some of them into live action BL, but I have no interest 3D.

No. 1970340

>GL being ruined by constant dicks and hetbending
Yuri doesn't get hetbending, it gets futanari.

Seriously though I'm a fujoshi too but you need to calm down anon.

No. 1970341

They're disgusting. Is this bait? Women who fawn over drag queens and gay men are not real fujos. 3D men are vile.

No. 1970343

People like this are not real fujos.

No. 1970344

Men literally ruin everything. Let us have our Sailor moon, Card captor Sakura, etc. Men who are interested into magical girl anime only do it for fetish.

No. 1970349

File: 1713487343817.jpg (371.75 KB, 902x1370, tumblr_9c57890d56500aec15bdcf0…)

This argument is even crazier to me now that turbo masculine ukes and switch couples have seen a noticeable rise in popularity. There is no universe where you can look at bottoms like picrel and sincerely believe they’re pseudo women. It's a ridiculous argument even for old school yaoi with dainty ukes, but it's even more ridiculous now.

No. 1970350

>Do men like yaoi at all?
Yes, go on /cm/.

No. 1970352

Korean BL with it's manly x manly couples is starting to overtake Japanese BL's popularity with zoomer fujoshi due to quicker release schedules too

No. 1970354

Faghags are 100% fujos, they fetishize gay men.

No. 1970355

Those shows suck anyway.

No. 1970358

Most modern tiktok type fujos don't give a fuck about most Japanese BL, I think it comes from a lot of them coming from Kpop fandoms rather than manga/anime fandoms.
These days I'm just a VN otaku though so I don't really run into them that often.

No. 1970360

the kero guy is really cute, i would

No. 1970361

This is when nonnas complain about roidpigs.
There is no winning, either they're too feminine or too masculine.

No. 1970363

that's not a roidpig

No. 1970365

Certain loud posters would emphatically disagree

No. 1970366

there's barely any muscle in picrel

No. 1970367

i hate roidpigs but thats not a roidpig

No. 1970370

Are you blind? That's some honest muscle definition. You don't need to be hella hydrated to look buff either so I don't get the roidpig concern.

No. 1970371

It's doesn't matter if its a genuine roidpig or not, it's about sending a message.

No. 1970377

Your point would have been a lot more salient if your example hadn't been from an institution as morally bankrupt as the British royal family. I personally dislike RPF, but who gives a rats ass if retards on the internet write stupid shit about the woman who enabled the pedophiles and sex pests in her family.

No. 1970378

What message?

No. 1970388

It doesnt matter what the uke actually look like, they will always have something wrong with them that says something bad about the women who read bl.
Too young, too old, too muscular, too pretty, too balding, too boring.

No. 1970389

plenty of BL authors are male yeah

No. 1970394

Yeah, here's one: mind your own goddamn business and stop being a puritanical wokescold. Also no one in this thread was defending shipping kids with adults, you extracted that directly from your ass. Plenty of people here voiced dislike for RPF as well.

Your idea of "porn sickness"/porn addiction is "looks at erotic things (including prose) once or twice a week." You have no one but yourself to blame for the fact that your own accusations are overstated to the point of meaninglessness.

This is just a huge an overstatement as when people claim that most yaoi has mpreg, or that most yaoi has a/b/o. The vast, vast majority of BL and yaoi is literally just a bunch of cheesy romance tropes leading up to a handful of vanilla gay missionary scenes (if there are sex scenes at all, which there often aren't). The most accessible, normie stuff is going to be the most common in basically any genre.

No. 1970396

wow its almost as if different people have different taste

No. 1970400

Antifujos will use any excuse to psychoanalyze uke into being a clear sign that fujo are wrong in the head.

No. 1970401

File: 1713489561052.jpg (45.32 KB, 776x602, get a load of this guy.jpg)

Kek anon enjoys reading gay fanfic or manga but doesn't want to be lumped in with ~le evil foojoz~

No. 1970403

I knew a bisexual dude in college who was big into it, yeah.

No. 1970411

anon you’re talking about, no, I’m the specific type of lesbian that isn’t interested in any media depicting scrotes, sorry to not fit your narrative. I just have friends in fandoms and I know the difference between 1 - women who make gay men their entire personality and will turn every media and character into just being about yaoi, and 2 - women who ship characters normally (het, gay, les) and enjoy fandom culture, perhaps reading a fanfiction or two regardless of if it’s gay or straight or porn.

No. 1970412

Gonna repeat this post >>1969226
>They are two different things. A faghag is a woman who is a sycophant to gay men IRL because they enjoy the kind of pop culture shit associated with gay men, like drag and hyperpop. A fujoshi is a woman who enjoys fiction written about male/male relationships written by female authors for a female audience. Some fujoshis are faghags, but most are not.

No. 1970414

File: 1713489915460.png (16.14 KB, 1731x203, no response.png)

antifujos dont have a problem with yaoi, they just dislike women expressing their sexuality in a way that doesn't please moids. Pic rel from the antifujo thread

No. 1970421

At what point are a person's ships not "diverse" enough gender-wise for them to qualify as a "normal" shipper? Is it possible for someone to only ship m/m ships in a way you personally approve of? And why should your opinion of them matter in the first place?

No. 1970423

>I hate omegaverse. Not because it's objectively faux het shit but because it's just cringe.
Agree 100%. I wish I could go back in time and assassinate the retard who did the original alpha-beta-omega wolf study before he could write it.

No. 1970428

A fujo with no mental illness is like an angel without wings(baiting)

No. 1970429

So many people here clearly just define fujo to mean "woman who ships M/M in a way that personally offends my sensibilities." A fujo is just a woman who likes BL/yaoi. There isn't a rule that she has to like it in a certain way, at a certain frequency, or says she has to like it exclusively. By some of these people's standards, I wouldn't count as a fujo even though I've been reading BL on and off since I was in middle school.

No. 1970431

Wait until you find out most people are mentally ill

No. 1970436

my unpopular opinion as a non fujo is that normie women who date men are more mentally ill that women that are cringe and free and enjoy their gay pornography

No. 1970438

The reply was on what is a fujo and is not a fujo. I don’t consider everyone who has read gay fanfic a fujo because of those aforementioned reasons. Having diverse interests doesn’t grant my approval - I just don’t consider these people fujos, because the specific fixation on male x male is the focus by definition. That’s all I was saying. People with more diverse tastes can also have their own faults.
What I do criticise about fujos (the ones that do consume media solely for gay sex / gayness) aren’t inherent to the yaoi itself but just their common irritating habits. You can be an ok fujo; there just aren’t much of them.

No. 1970439

The issue is that you guys dedicate way more time and energy to hating fujos than you do to hating men, despite the fact that men are the ones feeding the multi-billion dollar porn industry which exploits the actual, real people being filmed. Some fujos may be overly obsessed with yaoi, but comparatively, it's a tiny subculture that revolves around drawings and fanfic. The problems caused by porn are 99% the fault of men, so the discourse should focus on them 99% of the time. Getting mad at fujos as part of your anti-porn movement is like screaming at someone for not recycling when their next door neighbor just bought a private jet. Sure, you're theoretically capable of caring about multiple things, but there are only so many hours in the day. For every hour you spend berating fujoshis, have you spent ninety-nine campaigning against males fueling the porn industry? I doubt it.

No. 1970441

How do you know what I do in my spare time? I’m on lolcow. Of course I hate men, this thread was only created a day ago.

No. 1970443

I genuinely don't understand why they can't just be honest? nobody would despise them if they just hated fujos because they think they are cringe, the problem is that they are trying to disguise their disgust behind 50 layers of ''umm ackshually i hate fujos for feminist reasons''. This is lolcor you are allowed to hate women for retarded reasons.

No. 1970448

I’m confused, do people like you genuinely think there is no criticism for fujoshis? Like people can only hate them for non-deep reasons like finding them annoying? Yes or no question.

No. 1970450

>So many people here clearly just define fujo to mean "woman who ships M/M in a way that personally offends my sensibilities."
This is also the impression I get from a lot of the antis I've encountered on lolcow. They're understandably annoyed by retarded behavior like the troon trend and slash shippers demanding that literally everyone treat the headcanons as word-of-god, and they attribute that behavior to fujoshis as a whole. Then when confronted with evidence that not all or even most fujos are like that, they move the goalposts and decide that "fujo" only refers specifically to m/m enjoyers they dislike. I don't understand why they can't just specifically condemn the behavior they dislike without feeling the need to make sweeping generalizations about a whole group of people. I hate a lot of the psychotic behavior that goes on in online fandoms, but I don't attribute it to literally every participant, because I understand that there are retarded assholes in every group of otherwise decent people.

No. 1970452

Yeah. I am not even a fujoshi and i genuinely don't understand why they are so hated. I would get if you just hated cringy weebs in general but you guys are trying to turn it into a feminist issue for some reason.

No. 1970453

If the majority of the fiction you enjoy on a regular basis involves male/male relationships, I'd say yes, personally.

No. 1970456

I would say it depends on how you feel towards the term. The term fujo was coined by people who have it as a consuming interest, I’m not sure why anons are acting like it’s anyone that’s read a story with gay people in it. Since you specifically seek bl manga etc calling yourself a fujo wouldn’t be weird but if I had a friend who just casual read gay fiction from time to time I wouldn’t consider them a fujo just like I don’t consider someone who watches one piece from time to time an otaku or weeb.

No. 1970458

It’s not necessarily feminist, but disliking it when fujos make everything about a media about their “gay babies” isn’t a shallow reason or as simple as just finding them annoying, especially when they shit on female characters in the process. It’s ok if you think it’s live and let live but don’t act like any criticism is internalised misogyny - if anything that feels like the faux feminist take

No. 1970459

Nta but I really think that the people who hate it as intensely as some anons here don't actually believe in the "deep" justifications they provide. They're annoyed by people proselytizing and overexposing m/m ships in fandom and want to take that anger out on the random fujos they stumble into on lolcor. But taking your anger out on random women for liking something you dislike isn't "feminist" of them, so they perform mental gymnastics trying to re-frame what they're doing as activism. Frankly, there's nothing feminist about hating yaoi, nor is there anything feminist about being a fujoshi. It's literally just a dumb fandom infight, stop trying to making it "deeper" than it actually is by bringing identity politics into it.

No. 1970460

> but disliking it when fujos make everything about a media about their “gay babies” isn’t a shallow reason or as simple as just finding them annoying, especially when they shit on female characters in the process
this isnt a deep reason it counts as being cringe. This is 12yo narutard behaviour.

No. 1970463

Ok? I’m not trying to be deep, but it’s not as simple as “you just think they’re annoying lol”. I think criticism is valid. And I do have deeper problems with fujoism but I’m not going to get into that because I won’t be able to stand anons piling on me for it or trying to twist my words.

No. 1970464

>they shit on female characters in the process
1) This is a lot less common than it used to be, because this criticism is over two decades old and people have slowly adjusted their behavior to correct it
2) Even if it were still a pervasive problem, who gives a rat's ass? It's a character, not a real person. The only point at which it becomes a problem is when the creators or actresses are mistreated, and in that case, it's honestly more of an issue of the fans being entitled psychos with parasocial relationships, which happens in plenty of non-slash contexts.

No. 1970465

there is nothing deep about hating fujos just because they personally annoy you. You can say that about 99% of weebs.

No. 1970466

Ok, but you understand that this is a subjective opinion? And that people who hold this opinion are allowed to criticise fujos without being told they’re handmaidens or anti-women somehow?
There are some generalisations that are more accurate across fujos than weebs.

No. 1970467

>I do have deeper problems with fujoism but I’m not going to get into that because I won’t be able to stand anons piling on me for it or trying to twist my words.
If your ideas can't hold up to examination like this, maybe they aren't very good ideas in the first place. I don't care when anons dogpile me for my opinions, because I have faith in the strength of my convictions. If you can't defend your own beliefs, they might not be beliefs worth having.

No. 1970468

do you have a problem with women hating female characters or only fujos? because most characters fujos used to hate 20 years ago were coombaits from shonenshit series, like sakura

No. 1970469

That’s good for you, but I tried once and some anons itt clearly can’t read. It’s not worth it.

No. 1970470

care to link your post?

No. 1970471

It’s only a part of the problems I see sometimes with fujos, not necessarily my main thing - but I’ve found that it’s an excuse. Even in fandoms with good female characters the women are usually reduced to a character trait - “good” woman who is “mom” or “captain” of the ship, evil ex (despite the male characters doing worse), yas queen slay so cool, and etc.

No. 1970472

>especially when they shit on female characters in the process
And non fujos will shit on female characters for being anything other than a doormat with no personality.

No. 1970473

You guys are so serious, I hate fujos because they were rude towards my waifu.

No. 1970474

which characters? because i am extremely picky with characters and i have seen people try to sell me obvious moebait like marcille as ''good female characters'' and then they get angry when i dont like her.

No. 1970476

Who are you referring to…? Men? Women do not want one-dimensional female characters.

No. 1970478

If your waifu isn't Joan of Arc then your waifu a shit.

No. 1970479

>Ok, but you understand that this is a subjective opinion? And that people who hold this opinion are allowed to criticise fujos without being told they’re handmaidens or anti-women somehow?
Sure. I'm sorry that there are a handful of retards who respond to that by insulting you. They probably feel compelled to do that because you're making sweeping generalizations about a group they belong to that don't apply to them personally. It's not okay for them to resort to name-calling, but you might be able to avoid that by phrasing your opinions more diplomatically, like
>It really annoys me when people use their ships as a justification to hate characters (usually female ones) who they view as being "in the way."
It's an expression of the same opinion, but it doesn't include the sort of generalizations known to cause fights.

No. 1970480

women love one dimensional coomer characters as long as they fit their aesthetic, like Misa and Sonico.

No. 1970483

Seconding >>1970470, link your post. I'll read it again and try to give you more of the benefit of the doubt.

No. 1970484

I think pretty much every female character in a shipping dominant fandom. And to be frank - the male characters they hyperfixate on aren’t always necessarily the deepest of characters either. So long as they can shove them in a shipping box all they need to do is repeat the yaoi formula again and again, so personality doesn’t matter. Of course fujos love yaoi with depth, but they’ll make do with any two shippable male characters even if their character is technically just as one-dimensional as those moeblobs, so it’s not just a personality thing.

No. 1970485

Women. And you would think so, but so many feel slighted when a female character isn't agreeable 100% of the time.

No. 1970486

Get a better waifu nona

No. 1970487

>I think pretty much every female character in a shipping dominant fandom
like which fandoms? because the biggest fandoms are always shounen shit which arent know for having well written female characters

No. 1970489

I’m sorry but I’ve just not seen this like you seem to have. I guess it’s just an anecdotal difference then. I don’t know any non-fujo women like this. Especially since in shitty moid media like genshin impact they immediately worship any female character with different characterisation like Arlecchino.
Every. I mean every. I don’t mean just shounen, anything with ships in. It’s harder to find exceptions than the inverse. Female characters are just shafted for the gay pairing’s spotlight. It’s not harmful, but there’s a trend (that is dislikable to some of us). Can you think of a good female character that isn’t?

No. 1970491

This is another example of making sweeping generalizations. I'm sure there are fujos out there (mostly younger ones I imagine) who will just mash any two moids together. But I've also encountered plenty who are very discerning, to the point of only enjoying certain dynamics, genres, and art styles. I consider myself a fujo, but there's a lot of a yaoi mangas I refuse to read because they contain character archetypes and tropes I dislike.

The first to spring to my mind was BNHA, but I was in that fandom for a few years and I never saw fujos "shitting on" (hate that phrase) Ochaco, Momo, or Mina. Most of the depictions I saw either involved shipping the female characters with each other, or portraying one of the as a fujoshi (typically Mina.) There are so many Kiribaku djs that depict Mina as a fujoshi/matchmaker for whatever reason kek.

No. 1970495

Most female characters are shit and there is nothing wrong with hating them. Maybe write better characters if you want me to care about them.

No. 1970497

There are well-written women out there if you know where to look. I like the way Akiko Higashimura writes female characters.

No. 1970498

there are bad make characters too - they’re still never ignored by the fandom.
I never said every fujo is like that. Come on, have some nuance. Do you think the nonas shitting on weebs think every weeb is insufferable? I’m just noticing a pattern, is all, that in my experience has been vastly true. I do think there is an imbalance in how much of a chance female characters get in comparison to male ones, but it’s understandable given that the majority of fujos are straight or bi women. Still, I grew up in fandom spaces and there were mildly bad consequences for me personally and the people I knew. Anons will sperg about me mentioning it but I do think it made us view women differently and men like the centre state and yes, I do think it contributes to their TiF worldview, sue me. Disagree if you will, but this is the end of my discussion on this thread. Thanks for being diplomatic.

No. 1970499

What do you read? Battle shounen that isn't Gintama?

No. 1970501

I read princess jellyfish and i hate how meek the mc is. The only female characters i like are the female characters from ATLA except for ty lee.

No. 1970504

This is more of a vent post but still tangentially related, but I really dislike how lolcow users claim to be such fans of female characters but then the waifu threads are fucking dead. I'll bump one of the female characters threads on occasion and then just never get a fucking response, to the point I just stopped trying and stick to the fujo thread because half the fun of fandom is socializing. Like even you guys don't care about girls so stop pretending to be better or something.

No. 1970506

i don’t think the anti-fujo anons are the same anons as the husbandofags nona. they’re more likely to be the few waifufags.

No. 1970509

I know a few female characters that are treated pretty well by fujos. They celebrate their birthdays and draw fan art for them but whether they would count as good characters and not coomer waifubait by lolcow standards is something else all together unfortunately.

No. 1970510

>there are bad make characters too - they’re still never ignored by the fandom.
yeah because women can coom to them, same reason why men care about boring female characters

No. 1970517

It's just annoying when I had an easier time finding women who like waifus in genderspecial hell than I ever have here. It's not like I can go back there either

No. 1970518

well yeah, lesbians are already a minority everywhere what makes you think they wont on lolcor

No. 1970521

so you admit fujos are coomers kek

No. 1970522

I find it difficult to talk about my favorite female characters on lc because I'm not sure how they'd be received by nonas

No. 1970523

all heterosexual women are coomers, being attracted to men makes you a coomer ackshually

No. 1970526

I'm not a lesbian or bi, I just have female characters I like

No. 1970527

>hurdur heterosexual women are so oppressed they can’t even be attracted to men anymore! god i can’t stand these lesbofags

No. 1970528

those arent waifus then, just female characters you like

No. 1970530

where did i say that?

No. 1970532

Okay…then what's a word for a female character I love a lot and buy merch for and celebrate her birthday besides waifu?

No. 1970533

This, with male characters at least people will figure "they like them because the character is hot/psy op" Female characters are held to a higher standard, harder to say you like them.

No. 1970535

I dont know, but it makes sense straight women dont want to participate in waifu threads. It has romantic/sexual connotations to it. If you make a ''female characters you like'' thread i will gladly participate, but i don't want to sexualize the female characters i like.

No. 1970542

The other female characters in it aren't meek at all, though. That's neither here nor there, though, it was just one example.

No. 1970545

they barely get screentime, i wish the story was about them and the mc daily life i hate the tranny moid and his retarded ugly brother

No. 1970546

Nta but how did
>Women find male characters hot
translate to
>Admitting fujos are coomers1!!1!
In your brain?

No. 1970549

Again, women having sexual desire at all = coomerism, to them

No. 1970551

Wait til you find out non-fujos are also women with sexual desire, gasp!

No. 1970555

funnily enough i didnt even say fujos, just women in general. Men also like boring female characters because they can coom to them, but they don't have a problem when men do it.

No. 1970558

the only gay/bi men ive met that were into yaoi were either for bara or older man/younger man dynamics. yaoi for the most part has always been a mainly female hobby theres a community im in for a vtuber where the female yaoi audience and the male bara lover audience has overlap with each other but aside from that ive never seen one

No. 1970559

Where did I say fujos in my post?

No. 1970562

Who doesn’t have a problem when men do it? Why are you making women up in your head? If you really doubt it you can go anywhere else on this site and find people shitting on coomer weeb scrotes, you’re not being singled out.
You implied fujoism is just a normal expression of female sexuality and anyone who hates on it is against female sexuality in general (despite us being women ourselves) as if it’s the only way it can be expressed kek. I’m obviously not a puritan, why do anons twist words into something else? You know that no one is arguing because they hate women expressing their sexuality. You’re not as “progressive” as you think you are.

No. 1970565

>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
yeah i believe its real at least with transtrenders (so 95% of people claiming to be trans nowadays. they should really just call themselves crossdressers/crossplayers since thats what they're really doing).
its no surprise every time a troon is seen on social media nowadays, 9/10 times theyre a weeaboo or a cartoon fan.

No. 1970568

>Who doesn’t have a problem when men do it? Why are you making women up in your head? If you really doubt it you can go anywhere else on this site and find people shitting on coomer weeb scrotes, you’re not being singled out.
You are angry straight women dislike boring coomerbait female characters and can't understand why STRAIGHT women like male characters.

No. 1970580

As always, this is missing the entire point of the discussion on how fujos affect fandom spaces. Feel free to coom to gay men, I assure you no one’s stopping you.

No. 1970582

have you tried either
a) blocking them
b) making your own spaces
you dont have to share spaces with fujos if you don't want to , no one is forcing you.

No. 1970585

Oh so you're yet another hetfag who never puts in the effort to make her own content and just complains about the people who do

No. 1970588

Yes, I do that. I still unfortunately must encounter them but it works mostly. So what! I still am on the anti-fujo side of this discourse kek. Discussing why we’re for or against fujos was the purpose this discourse thread was created for.

No. 1970593


Female moralfagging is cancer. All this time spent malding about other women (who are clearly more comfortable with their sexuality)… Many of us are yume and we don't self-censor when indulging in yumeshit either. Please do anything else. Anything.

Very true.

My own headcanon for yume x fujo is that yume-chan always tries to make fujochan drop her degen ways, by convincing her with original art and fics. Slowly fujochan realizes yume-chan's husbando is really a genderswapped version of fujochan and yume-chan is (unknowingly?) telling her all the things she wants to do to her

No. 1970594

then you are just complaining about fujos existence in the first place, which is pretty entitled. Literally just ignore them if you have the option, which you do have. At least you have alternatives, if you like hetshit but dont like maledom or ddlg degeneracy there is really no alternative you can fall onto that isn't filled with scrotes like femdom.

No. 1970598

>if you don’t like fujos you’re pretty entitled.
sigh… nonnies i’m done.

No. 1970601

you were saying you hated them because ''they ruin fandom'' but then you admitted you can just ignore them and enjoy fandom without having to interact with them. Meanwhile i cant ignore pickmes in het romance because 99% of it is made to appeal to their beta bitch tastes.

No. 1970603

nah, i gave other reasons upthread but you just don’t recognise me. for the record i hate yumeshits too TBH. whatever though, peace

No. 1970604

kek okay bye

No. 1970617

God you must be miserable to be around in any fandom and if you get bullied for it probably deserved kekk if you don't like any of the female otaku categorys just fucking ignore them? Are you so pickme for moids you go on attacking any women having fun? What a pathetic little retard you are

No. 1970620

>any woman who disagrees with me is a pick me.
I’m a lesbian, anon. and no need to alog. really, it’s unnecessary and pollutes these discussions from being productive at all.

No. 1970621

Oh my god the antifujo-chan trying to wreck yume-chan and fujo-chan's relationship fanfiction wasn't fanfiction at all…

No. 1970624

kek. unfortunately i am one of but many anti-fujochans so i may not be the one you are searching for.

No. 1970626

>You know that no one is arguing because they hate women expressing their sexuality.
Nta but it does feel like every single manifestation of female desire gets shat on on this website by people who think their way of experiencing sexuality is the only way that's proper and sanctioned. Yumes get shit, himejos get shit, fujos get shit, pretty much any woman who expresses sexual desire will be treated like it indicates there's something pathologically wrong with her. It's tiresome to see so much policing of how women are allowed to be horny when at the end of the day we are talking about cartoons. Especially when people bend over backwards to find moral justifications for what really amounts to "I think it's cringe." Fujos are just an especially easy target because they're hyper-visible in fandom due to pumping out massive amounts of fan content and making up a huge chunk of women in fandom.

No. 1970629

Are you for serious right now? And funny you assume you can't be lesbian and a pickme have you forgotten about handmaiden anti chan?
>it’s unnecessary and pollutes these discussions from being productive at all
Because you've been only spouting true arguments by spitting out you hate women who are openly expressing their interests as ruining "the fandom" I'm lesbian aswell but even I know its none of my business to talk about yumefags

No. 1970632

maybe everyone is cringe. men, women, coomers, fujos… maybe they’re all cringe and i’m a true hater.

No. 1970633

and we're all gonna die.

No. 1970638

While kissing antifujo chan. the final arc..

No. 1970645

If that's it then this thread can just get autosaged and anons can stop writing huge ass sped Olympics manifestos about why yaoi-chans and yume-chans are le evil pedophile misogynistic monsters that destroy Fandoms, groom teenage girls into trooning out, makes rape happen more often and somehow are causing world war three.
Maybe now we can focus on something more important like hating moids and finding ways to peak other women.

No. 1970646

Antifujo-chan tries to kill yume-chan with a kiss but the poison only hurts Antifujo-chan, Fujo-chan discovers that the lies were made to trick her into making her hate Yume-chan.
Yume-chan will have to go back to the hospital where she stays in coma, daydreaming of her husbandos, but most importantly, daydreaming of Fujo-chan and their beautiful relationship.

No. 1970652

Agreed its the same slap fight again and again but considering how they've talked about disliking containment and wanting to be "seen" its best to ignore these antifujos from now onand hopefully mods keep them in it too,all of their arguments have been broken down anyways now they're just seething and malding

No. 1970666

Fujos have been seething and invading the fujo cringe threads since the first thread was created.

No. 1970675

>anyone who hates on [yaoi] is against female sexuality in general
They're not saying you're against female sexuality, they're saying that you have an extremely narrow idea of what is acceptable sexual behavior.

No. 1970677

This is a great example of what I referred to upthread (>>1970459) when I said that anons' actual vendettas come from being annoyed by retarded behavior in fandoms, and that the feminist intellectualizing is just used as a pretext. Why? Why shoehorn all this political nonsense into the discussion when your actual issue is people being cringey and obnoxious about shipping on Twitter?

No. 1970681

sorry anon but normal people who don’t join fandoms aren’t going to have interacted with fujos enough to have formed an opinion. bit of a fallacy there.

No. 1970682

I think the mistake here is assuming anons have a problem with the sexuality of yaoi rather than the events that occur alongside it that are unrelated to how these women are getting off.

No. 1970689

>rather than the events that occur alongside it that are unrelated to how these women are getting off
then why hyperfocus on fujos

No. 1970694

You’re speaking to brick walls anon, it’s too late for cooked brains

No. 1970699

If you want to have civil discussions about this topic that don't devolve into infighting, you've got to stop calling each other porn-brained, or handmaidens, or whatever. It's not productive. Also it's kind of ridiculous to complain about people entering your containment thread when you guys consistently do the opposite by sperging about fujos outside of it. They don't belong in your thread, and you guys need to keep your sperging in the containment threads.

No. 1970732

File: 1713508445520.jpeg (239.61 KB, 1506x1506, IMG_6483.jpeg)

What’s up nonnie. Nice post you made there. Be a shame if you happen to scroll past the literal first tweet on her profile, but hey ho.

No. 1970733

File: 1713508493583.jpeg (416.39 KB, 1181x1806, IMG_6482.jpeg)

No. 1970735

File: 1713508580137.jpeg (127.53 KB, 1390x1016, IMG_6484.jpeg)

Do I need to keep going or?

No. 1970739

File: 1713508684579.jpg (408.26 KB, 1440x1080, 1709909054487570.jpg)

>tfw nonnie did the historical female erasure herself in order to seethe about fujos because she couldn't be bothered to find any examples that support her point

No. 1970742

I'm fucking kekking. That's on nona for complaining about historyfags without even familiarizing herself with the material, absolute topkek. Next time do your homework before your submit your assignment.

No. 1970745

> I'm a read feminist, I don't give a shit about "letting people enjoy things" I think erasing women is an act of misogyny and should be criticise.
> Ignores the work of female artist entirely in favour of imposing their own narrative in order to bash said artist.

Are we sure this isn’t a ‘lesbian’ himedanshi TIM in disguise? Kek. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…(scrotefoiling)

No. 1970748

i think so too.. i mean why else would actual 'women" be so defensive over fujos having fun with yaoi? and them continuously saying that women reading erotica are on par with male coomers but also that they are actually worse than agps!! highly suspect..also the slight misogynistic remarks too(scotefoiling)

No. 1970752

the problem with that logic is that most main characters in shonen are equally shit written, they just have more screen time and in the end it doesn't even matter cause they are turned into an OC version of themselves.

No. 1970756

most women are straight, how is it that hard of a concept to understand? moids coom loads to sonice despite her having null personality.

No. 1970764

File: 1713511145682.png (1.18 MB, 1909x898, ssaggy15.png)

I looked up her work on google images and I didn't see any depictions of Mary and Anne, so I assumed she did't depicted her, I'll accept I was mistaken here.

No. 1970765

>so I assumed she did't depicted her
Most of the talking points antis give are assumptions kek

No. 1970766

File: 1713511261943.png (82.89 KB, 1520x250, liar.png)

why did you delete your response admitting you did look through her twitter. You either don't know shit about history, ot conveniently decided to skip it hoping no one finds out and destroys your narrative.

No. 1970768

Kek how embarrassing pretending to care about women while intentionally removing examples of her drawing the women, how misogynistic of you anti chan

No. 1970774

>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
This thread alone has answered this question. It's a big fat yes.

No. 1970775

NTAYT but let me try to understand, the first one explains her lack of care for female characters because they’re written like shit. The other makes a counterpoint how male characters don’t have good writing either and are written ooc anyway (shonen ones especially) and you come into say how similar to moids, straight women just like cooming to males no matter their shit writing which means female characters are dumped no matter what, is that right?

No. 1970779

They admitted themselves they're like moids: they only like media if they can get off to it.

No. 1970780

If a male character has a pretty design i am going to like him even if he has a lack luster personality, if a female character has shitty writing i am not going to like her no matter what. How is that hard to understand? I see female characters as human, and male characters as coom material because i am straight. Not a fujo btw.

No. 1970781

Okay so your average female shonenshit fan is presented with two options:
>shit character that gets all the screen time and is also attractive to her
>shit character that gets little screentime and is not attractive to her at best, and is used solely for offputting moid fanservice at worst
Logically, which do you think they'll end up obsessing over?

No. 1970782

Wasn't it mentioned earlier in the thread that it's easier to talk about male characters here because they're hot dudes while female characters get shit on much more heavily if they're the same level of shallow?

No. 1970783

>yes this thread on a niche gossip forum proves my own bias! Even though the answer has been a resoundingly no! Surely troonmoids will pick me now that the stinky worse than agps fujos have been defeated!

No. 1970784

I never said that, i just said you can't expect women to like crappy female characters. I watch a lot of shows with ugly male characters i can't coom to because ugly men are the default in almost everything, it's rare to see attractive male characters which is why women also latch onto them when they appear.

No. 1970786

You can say the words newfag, but you'll never blend in.

No. 1970788

And the moid cooming to loliporn will never pick you handmaiden chan

No. 1970792

>realising the fujo to ftm pipeline exists means you're a pickme, moid, etc.
This is a cope. Sorry you autists troon out so much and it hurts to realise.

No. 1970801

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>>you autists
How ironic kek

No. 1970844

>No u

No. 1970856

File: 1713519033182.jpg (147.45 KB, 1811x150, antifujo to handmaiden pipelin…)

>acts retarded
>gets owned
>immediately goes over in the echo chamber to cry foul
>diz stupid women fujos are too dumb to understand me!!
you know im believing more and more this a troonsbian trying to break the beautiful relationship between fujo chan and yume chan because theyre jealous we can be cringe and free

No. 1970860

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Ignore him. These types of people are so peculiar, they fascinate me. I don’t get what it is about fujoshis could possibly get these retards so worked up over nothing. ‘Fetishising’ is a lazy non-answer. Most fujoshis are basically indifferent to real gay men. We just don’t care. ‘Degenerate coomers’ is a frequently heard opinion, but I don’t get why that would make someone genuinely angry unless they’re some devout religious maniac. The only conclusion I could possibly come to is that they hate seeing women have fun and not give a single fuck. So do what they hate most, nona, and don’t go giving them the time of day.(scrotefoiling)

No. 1970869

so hello ladies I am not a fujo and have made fun of you for being smelly yaoi paddle carrying weirdos before. that being said, the people having apoplectic fits over the existence of women who look at boys kissing and acting like they're out in the wild kidnapping gay men is really funny to me.

No. 1970888

I got groomed and molested several times by a 19 y old fujo when I was just 13. Her other fujo friends also would send me links to adult games and manga all the time. If none of it happened I think I'd be more okay with fujos but whenever I see you fujo nonnas on this site I can't help feeling paranoid. I have a friend whose ex gf used to try and force her to be a yaoi uke so I know I'm not the only one. I'm sorry nonnas, as anecdotal as it all is I do not think I can let go of my prejudice towards you. I tried reading this thread too to be more open-minded but I just want to vom rn. It's girls some fujos are abusive to, not men.(blogposting)

No. 1970901

wrong thread >>1484820

No. 1970905

nice transbian fanfiction scorte(scrotefoiling)

No. 1970912

They had told this story before several times but now added that a fujo molested them. Previously they were just complaining about being sent yaoi when they were underage.

No. 1970916

>reading the reviews
Dumb, even as a yume, when I read my terrible yandere doujins on there you'll have people cry in the reviews about how the ML is a terrible person no matter how many trigger warnings and tags the upload has. Without fail, a oneshot will have for example 'non-con' the tags, description and before the chapter starts and someone will STILL write a review: "omg warning!!! this has noncon in it, how terrible!!!"
The comments themselves on the chapters will have the women who do not give a fuck. But not the reviews.

No. 1970919

Except NTA, I'm a Finnish nonna for one. I was actually molested. If I was only sent games and manga I'd probably be fine.

No. 1970926


No. 1970930

Damn, zoomers are so fucking weak and whiny it's incredible.

>Abloobloo got sent le evil yaoiz when I was 13

Back in my day we were 13 looking for yaoi ourselves, clicking "I confirm I am over 18 years of age" and having a fake birth year that would make you 18 online.

>inb4 you were a pornsick 13 year old

Boys are watching hardcore real life pornography since age 12 and you're afraid of pixels on a screen.

No. 1970939

I made the fatal mistake of assuming there could be some hope left and all of you weren't shotacon scum. If women don't believe women when it comes to them being abused then no-one does. Like I said, I would be fine if I was simply sent links to your precious "Papa to Kiss in the Dark" level garbage but I was physically molested by my 19y old 'friend' whenever at her house.

No. 1970942

Also I am a millennial. But nice try.

No. 1970946

but how in the hell is that fujo's fault?? you were abused by your friend not us?? are you for real by stating "she wanted me to act like a uke" where the fuck were your parents?

No. 1970950

>I would be fine if I was simply sent links to your precious "Papa to Kiss in the Dark" level garbage but I was physically molested by my 19y old 'friend' whenever at her house.
Okay, then why are you coming in the fujo discourse thread if you:
1. Do not wish to complain about yaoi; instead
2. Wish to complain about being physically molested by a 19 year old woman, who
3. Incidentally, was a fujoshi (this having no bearing on point 2. by your own admission)

As sad and valid as this occurence is for you, this surpasses the scope of this thread. You might want to post in the vent thread or other similar threads, where the thread audience might be able to fully encompass the scope of your trauma.

No. 1970965

In the 00s it wasn't exactly common to suspect young women for hanging around teens, I do not think your parents would have either. It's not like she did anything wrong in front of my parents, she never did anything at my house for example. I didn't expect fujos collectively jump on defending any and all fujos no matter how terrible they are but I definitely learned something new to hate about your community.

So it's a fujo vs. anti-fujo discussion thread but nobody is allowed to talk about their own experiences with fujos. Okay.
>Incidentally, was a fujoshi
Apply the same logic to those afraid of any other group after they were abused by one, then come back.

No. 1970972

I feel sorry for what you went through but this was really the wrong thread to post this, the fujocoomers are incredibly hostile and fragile.

No. 1970974

this is just infight bait, if you were abused by a female gardener does that mean every female gardener is a molester? and women who have a record low of molesting have outliers is that any surprise? your friend was a pedophile plain and simple also this is not the vent thread the thing about trauma is no matter how awful it may have been you have to move past it to improve and have peace with yourself but if you hold on to it you'll only retraumatize yourself and hurt you, you coming here asking anwswers for such a delicate topic is like me going "i was raped by a female baker and thus all female bakers are bad!" and went into a baking thread saying this how do you expect them to react huh? whos in the wrong here? (not for being raped but asking questions at the wrong place) me or the baking community?
this nonna is guiding you to the correct thread yet you persist to post here regardless

No. 1970978

I happen to be one fujo who also likes many female characters (if not more than male ones) for their writing and their chara designs. I sometimes read fic and look for +18 fanart of characters of both sexes solely because they're cute (good writing/personality helps a lot though). Is this the correct way of consuming media or gasp does it fall into fujo degeneracy, which practically makes me a moid? Do we need to ressucitate the corpse of every dead feminist theorician to solve the hot-button issue of adult women liking characters and cooming to them? Someone help!??

Nonna, i'm so sorry. I really don't think it's wise to bring up sensitive things in Unemployed Sperg central but the reactions are still awful.
>if women don't believe us, no one does
Yeah this very much sums it up.
I don't think we can ignore the problem of female-on-female abuse, even if it seems small or if it soothes some here to think of it as a 'psyop'. It's expected that some children get shown porn and reproduce the action with others (because 'oo adult stuff'), but she was 19, there's no excuse for that. I don't know what to say aside from i hope that the memory dwindles to nothingness and the girl who did this to you gets justice served somehow.

No. 1970987

why did you keep going back to her house lul? you didnt even share her interest in yaoi… its not adding up

No. 1970991

Anon are you stupid? Lots of people don't realize they were taken advantage of until later.

No. 1971004

The vent thread is populated by faggots lurking to bitch at anons any chance they get too and it wouldn't be helped by her mentioning fujos when it's on the same page as this

No. 1971007

Comparing something that can become a fetish to baking bread. You're fucked

No. 1971010

So just say it loud and clearly, nona.

Are you saying that you believe she abused you because she was a fujoshi?

No. 1971015

I'm not any of the anons above, I'm sorry you went through this (although I'm really wondering what kind of people were around you) but I hope you'll understand that the abuse didn't happen because she was a fujoshi. It's not like males where nearly all of them abuse women because they're brainless rape apes, the vast majority of fujoshis aren't interested in abusing and molesting girls (or boys for that matter) and being a fujoshi isn't about that. She was just an unhinged creepy woman.

No. 1971022

Where did any of the fujos here say this? Quote the post.

No. 1971030

The anon in your pic is seething over things that never happened in this thread. Plenty of fujo anons have acknowledged the correlation between BL and TiFs, they just don't see it as the sole cause. No one accused all of the antis of being trannies. This I'd absurd, everyone's just talking past each other.

No. 1971036

Sounds like a you problem. Maybe you should get therapy instead of hating random people who happen to have just one thing in common with someone who hurt you.

No. 1971038

you havent heard about the wonder bread man have you, but come on i can understand if this is a coping mechanism but dont expect nonnies to coddle you for blaming a whole community over the sins of one "fujo" do you think we are out there abusing little children to be our ukes? seriously? why not say the actual thing youre thinking?

No. 1971040

I believed your first post, but then
>I made the fatal mistake of assuming there could be some hope left and all of you weren't shotacon scum.
Yeah you're baiting and I was a retard for believing you.

No. 1971042

The word "gullible" is written on your forehead.

No. 1971059

>I have a friend whose ex gf used to try and force her to be a yaoi uke
Is this friend in the room with us right now?

No. 1971168

Fujos literally disgust me.

No. 1971190

Tbh same, I wish it wasn't that way because I'm an autist myself, but they take it too far sometimes it's hard to not have a knee jerk response to the stuff they say or create

No. 1971193

They disgust anyone with a normal brain. Just look at the spergs in here.

No. 1971199

same, but am disgusted by yaoi. I was friends with some fujos and we got on fine as long as we didn't talk fandom, but once they started it was like pandora's box and they lost all ability to read the room

No. 1971201

>I was physically molested by my 19y old 'friend' whenever at her house
and she didnt realize that it was ~the bad touch~ until later? idgi

No. 1971202

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B-but I love you, nonnie….

No. 1971207


No. 1971211

Antifujos disgust me too, especially if they turn around and consume content that's far shittier than the worst yaoi, and if they go out of their way to air they shit opinions on what women should like.

No. 1971214

File: 1713543465158.jpg (119.63 KB, 500x292, cry-crying-cute-girl-Favim.com…)

No. 1971215

anti fujos really be like fujos disgust me!! then go and complain why doesn't bl have actual anal sex properly represented with douching and enemas but no its totally us and go and consume scroteanime and see no problem with it because they're too busy licking the boots of moids

No. 1971218

You can stop projecting your porn addiction on to other people with a normal sexuality.

No. 1971221

Do anti-fujo anons hate non-pornographic BL too (Boy's Love) or just yaoi? Curious.

No. 1971224

What porn addiction? Unlike moids and pickmes, I don't consume porn with exploited women, nor do I like to see women being represented as cum sleeves for moids. On the other hand I like supporting women who sexualize moids alone, sometimes in very artistic ways. It's weird that you have an issue with that.

No. 1971226

File: 1713543811601.jpg (59.88 KB, 850x680, OIP (3).jpg)

dont worry fujo chan i yume chan will keep you happy..anti fujo chan can never rip us apart

No. 1971233

tbh I dislike all m slash regardless of medium or how nsfw it is. but i don't like most straight stuff either

No. 1971236

so you hate everything and everyone enjoying it kekk

No. 1971239

No. 1971240

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No. 1971242

nah f slash is okay sometimes. i just hate fictional moids

No. 1971254

They should just be honest, they dislike yaoi. And that would be fine, but they have some kind of tard rage mixed in with pickme-ism (especially when they go on about the pseudo-women) so they feel the need to hate every woman who consumes/makes it, and they do mental gymnastics to overexplain their feelings to themselves (in a way that doesn't hit their pickme ego).

No. 1971261

What about nonslash actually official nonpornograpbic bl?

No. 1971275

Nta but this is hot af

No. 1971278

But why take it out on the women who do like it? It's one thing to not like BL, but it's another to dislike women for liking it. I don't like M/F, but I'm not going to shit on yumes with husbandos.

No. 1971287

Good for you? I'm sure there's shit you guys do that I'd find disgusting, but you don't see me making multiple threads dedicated to bitching about it.

No. 1971288

An equal opportunity hater. I kinda respect that kek

No. 1971293

This thread has made me realize that yumes and fujos need to stop infighting and band together against the Fun Police.

No. 1971299

honestly this thread has made me love my yumesister more and more i cant imagine how much shit they get by tards like these .. antifujos wanted hatred among us but they only achieved in us getting in more love..guess thats the only good thing they've done here

No. 1971302

oh god fuck no, I hope the jannies ban you freaks off this website

No. 1971305

File: 1713546537901.jpeg (84.17 KB, 697x500, 1699774529312.jpeg)

We may squabble from time to time, but we are sisters after all. I love you yumesisters, even if I call you names sometimes.

No. 1971308

File: 1713546680245.jpg (39 KB, 574x574, hahahaha.jpg)

This is one of the worst larps i have ever read. Why are antifujos always making the most unbelievable boogeymans, and why do they think we are going to believe them?

No. 1971313

Still setting feminism back literal centuries. Obviously finding two 2D boys holding hands cute means you have internalised misogyny or something.

No. 1971314

I am both a yume and a fujo

No. 1971315

so hating low effort coombait female characters(which is like 99% of female characters in anime) is misogyny now?

No. 1971317

>99% of female characters in anime
This is only true if you strictly watch shounen

No. 1971319

can you name some female characters you like?

No. 1971320

shounen is the most popular anime genre

No. 1971322

By these threads alone, you'd think bl was nothing but fanfic.
It doesn't really help with the complaints, it's like saying all horror movies are shitty because you went on wattpad and read Ben drowned x Jeff the killer.

No. 1971324

according to pakichan only omegaverse exists

No. 1971325

It’s also trash.

No. 1971328

no fuck you jjk, naruto and hxh are absolute masterpieces. also all of them have hot gay ships, gonxkillua, getoxgojo and narutoxsasuke.

No. 1971329

because thats the only thing she consumes while thinking of a nazi husbando

No. 1971330

>Slopjutsu Kaisen

No. 1971331

File: 1713548003823.jpeg (54.13 KB, 640x652, xo2b1fbf4vd61.jpeg)

I really hope you’re being sarcastic.

No. 1971333

Off the top of my head, my favorite of all time is Integra from Hellsing, but if you're asking for recommendations, look through the old anime threads and you'll find a bunch of peoples 3x3s
If that's the only section you explore just because it's popular(which is written by men for men) then you shouldn't use it as a measure for good female characters

No. 1971334

I think anon must be being sarcastic. Who on earth thinks naruto is good?

No. 1971335

Anime is either shounen, isekai or moeshit nowadays. Most anime is made for men, so its bound to be infested with waifubait. Genuinely can't think of non coomerfied anime girl outside of Integra, and she's still made by a turbo coomer that used to draw hentai.

No. 1971337

lol i also like integra, i am >>1971335 funny you cannot come with more than one character, which is literally the 1%

No. 1971338

I just deleted my comment calling your response funny, but it was honestly just a coincidence kek. I'm happy you have good tastes too, but I also love Meryl from Trigun. Don't know why you're upset though

No. 1971340

meryl is waifubait, you could have at least gone with milly

No. 1971342

File: 1713548322735.jpeg (50.82 KB, 350x350, IMG_7575.jpeg)

I actually mind moe the least, at least there’s a fair amount of decent moe anime/manga.

No. 1971343

>meryl is waifubait
Did you miss all of the men who hate her or are you only aware of the new anime

No. 1971344

yeah but it's still made by men for men, specially men who like school girls and lolis

No. 1971347

>jun fudo
>mokoto kusanagi
>homura akemi
>all the cateye girls
>leila marcus
>aya brea
and i can go on if you dont consume and look for nice written female charas doesnt mean no one does

No. 1971352

And? Most things are made for men (especially in terms of media) doesn’t mean that women can’t enjoy them. There are moe equivalent anime for women anyway (like Hetalia).

No. 1971353

tbh I just don’t like the NSFW stuff, seeing men take it up the ass has me recoil from disgust, it’s just not for me kek but yeah I don’t mind reading BL once in a while if there’s no buttfucking

No. 1971355

please, she's a pretty girl in a shonen manga.
>jun fudo
>mokoto kusanagi
>homura akemi
>all the cateye girls
>leila marcus
>aya brea
only one i agree with.

Funny how you can only come up with ONE female character thats not sexualized or moeshit, and it's one that, sadly, got turned into a coombait through the years.

No. 1971356

This has to be bait kek. Just because a woman isn't drawn like a tumblr oc does not make her automatically coom bait. And reducing Meryl to "just a pretty girl in a shounen manga" is you ignoring her importance to the text, her well-roundedness and the fact that half of the first anime is entirely from her perspective. You're judging based on appearance of these characters alone rather than the subject matter because you actually haven't seen or played any of the games or shows mentioned but don't want to say it

No. 1971357

well sorry for having high standars and not wanting to settle down for generic coombait girl with big boobs in a tight latex suit. If you are okay with every female characters being potrayed as coombait first, character second, then good for you, but i am allowed to have high standars in what i like in a female character.

No. 1971358

>so wriiten by a man
>instant coomer bait
>happens to most female characters whether theyre intended for a male audience or not
sadly most decent women charas get coomfied by moids anyways but it doesnt mean i cant enjoy them for their initial personality and i agree it was so fucking infuriating what they did to king ill never forgive those fags for what they did to her

No. 1971359

Then instead of asking everyone itt for characters they like, drop the high-standard fitting female characters you like

No. 1971361

again, good for you if you are willing to get past it, i don't. If a female characters is coombait first, then it goes in the trash for me. Men get thousands of non coomerfied male characters why do i gotta settle down for ones that make moids peepees go hard.
Sure. I like Integra, Azula, Toph, ed, oskar and uhh i guess that's it.

No. 1971362

is maki zenin from jujutsu kaisen considered coombait?

No. 1971365

>Characters from Avatar
are you 12?

No. 1971366

Do you only watch three shows?

No. 1971367

This is why I don't bring up female characters I like.

No. 1971368

havent watched it but it doesnt seem like it, all the other ones have cleavage or extremely skin tight suits with insane tits

No. 1971369

adults are obsessed with the avatar cartoon

No. 1971370

whats wrong with it? they are cool and not sexualized, unlike the animu shit you recommended
no. I just have extremely high standars for female characters, cry about it.

No. 1971374

Same lol, especially as someone who likes girls from actual moidy franchises

No. 1971375

File: 1713549629997.png (55.09 KB, 211x239, burger.png)

Ange chan

No. 1971376

i am not going to judge you, i just personally really dislike coombait and no, i can't get past it.

No. 1971377

lol nonna same

No. 1971378

It's literally just the western version of shounen slop.
>I just have extremely high standars for female characters
>Multiple characters from western shounen slop
Kek sure.

No. 1971379

>It's literally just the western version of shounen slop.
and? literally whats the problem. If they aren't sexualized and are cool then why should i care if they come from western shonen or japanese shonen.

No. 1971381

File: 1713550047126.jpeg (139.86 KB, 313x710, 8A064990-9195-4EE7-94E1-981BE5…)

Nigga are we looking at the same character?

No. 1971382

if you mean lady oskar very nice taste! what are some noncoombait female characters that you can recommend nonna?

No. 1971383

>waah waah why dont you like my coombait made for men waah you are so mean this is why we cant discuss female characters on lolcow
If you are okay with scraps, good for you, but i like my women to not be coombait for men. Male characters are allowed to be cool without being sexy and showing skin, why can't female characters be treated the with the same respect. If men are incapable of drawing female characters without thinking with their dick, that's not my problem and i am not obligated to get past it.

No. 1971384

i wasnt talking about meryl

No. 1971387

Some anons here will see a man like a normal female character and then brand her coombait for the rest of eternity no matter how normal she looks because they base their entire worldview on what men do and don't like. Newsflash, every female character ever created has been coomed to by a man so stop giving a fuck what they do and form your own opinion

No. 1971389

>reee stop complaining about female characters being drawn sexualized unlike men!

No. 1971390

>People who like things I dislike need to be BANNED!11!

No. 1971394

It's not a problem, but you can't really complain about
>waah waah why won't people like and talk about female characters as much as they like and talk about men
when nobody wants to deal with the hassle.

No. 1971395

fujos will argue all het smut is bdsm bodice rippers about raping women and all yumejo content is women being pissed on in cages so the generalization of fujos being a/b/o tiffies in comparison is generous and kind tbh

No. 1971397

Yume san keeping fujo chan trapped in a cage

No. 1971401

i can coom to men, i cant to women. Simple as. I will take some shonen shit male character and draw him with a vibrator up his ass and a dog collar while he eats me if i want to. But i want to see female characters as human, not a pair of tits first because men are incapable of empathizing with a female character if they cant coom to her. I don't know how that's hard to understand. Women are sexualized through all our life, i am tired of it and i dont want to keep being subjected to that in the media i watch. It's not a difficult request. Femme fatales are cringe.

No. 1971403

And that's fine.
Just that that's exactly why there way more talk about male characters than female.

No. 1971404

They are literally trashing Arlecchino in the genshin thread right now despite genshin husbandos being equally bland and boring. Just face it, lolcow hates female characters no matter whatever feminist language they try to wrap it up in. This is why I refuse to talk about them here.

No. 1971405

none of you can give non maledom het requests >>1970414

No. 1971407


No. 1971408

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I genuinely can't tell if you're joking. Speaking of HxH though:

Togashi has written a couple of decent female characters, at least by shonen standards. Bisky, Komugi, Mukuro, Genkai, Shizuru Kuwabara, and Botan (though I guess some might consider her waifu bait? She has narrative agency and is modestly dressed, though.)

No. 1971409

>"omg the female characters in this moid pandering shit are trash"
>the male characters and plot are also moid pandering trash

No. 1971411

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No. 1971413

No. 1971414

i wasnt joking: naruto perfect worldbuilding and storywriting. jujutsu kaisen has good villains, characters/designs and nice fights. hxh simply has the best characters and story.

No. 1971415

i could talk all day about how much i love oskar and other female characters i like, but they are rare and obscure so i will probably be left talking to the void while everyone else makes excuses for their favourite coombait female characters like sonico egirls on tiktok

No. 1971416

male characters can never be moids pandering trash or do you think someone like gojo was made for men??

No. 1971417

Anon liking shonenshit is fine, they're fun, but calling them masterpieces just makes you look dumb…

No. 1971418

> but they are rare and obscure so i will probably be left talking to the void
aww come on dont say that nonnie share them!

No. 1971419

but to me they're masterpieces, accept that please

No. 1971423

That's because other women simply have different tastes.
Fortunately for you, They're not going to bring up their coombait here. Instead, they'll take about just as shallow male characters.

No. 1971425

Gojo is a character thought up in a producer’s room to create the most marketable character possible, and because of that he’s one of the most soulless.

No. 1971426

fair enough sasunaru was the birth of many fujos

No. 1971428

There's like. One anon in the whole thread who made that comparison, and she's a retard. I don't know enough about hetshit to be able to speculate on how PC it is, just like a lot of antis clearly have no personal knowledge of what yaoi is like.

No. 1971433

Nta but HxH genuinely is really good. There are parts of the chimera ant arc where I teared up a little.

No. 1971436

make a female characters you like on thread on /m/ and i will
>they'll take about just as shallow male characters
Even the blandest animu moid mogs the best 3Dpig

No. 1971437

File: 1713551469397.webp (137.08 KB, 1920x1080, 1713038298032.webp)

hes still made for women. also hes not soulless but easily the best jjk moid alongside nanami. like do you really think picrel is for moids??

No. 1971440

I'll be honest, my main issue is that she keeps shoehorning jjk into this

No. 1971442

> One anon in the whole thread who made that comparison, and she's a retard.
still none of you can provide non abusive het romance

No. 1971443

i think jjk is good but maybe im just addicted to men beating the shit out of each other

No. 1971446

>Shizuru Kuwabara
I hate how the anime tried to make her more palatable by giving her a retarded love interest. I don't think she got enough screentime in the manga, but I've always liked her.
Honestly, just ignore it. I'm a fujo, but I also like yuri and I have a lot of waifus, and it's pretty clear to me at this point that it does not matter what you like, there will be some anon ready to try and argue with you over it.

No. 1971447

>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else
It is real, but it's also just a symptom of tranny politics getting everywhere here in the west
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
I don't know and at this point I'm too repulsed to ask
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
The most based thing they ever did tbh
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
The two at the same time, it's a bad coping mechanism for an ongoing problem
>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed?
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
Yes, but I don't know a lot about yumes
>Why is fujo stuff so popular in Japan, a highly conservative, homophobic and misogynistic society?
You answered yourself
>Can yumes and fujos be friends?
It seems their types of autism tend to clash quite often despite the two sides claiming otherwise, I would just stop interacting instead of forcing it tbh

No. 1971449

Did you ever consider that a character can be made to be as marketable as possible and hence meant to be appealing to men AND women?

No. 1971451

It exists, but really only in some saccharine sweet high school shoujo romances. The straight smut series are genuinely awful, I actually went out of my searching for them for a while and found nothing but maledom or femdom bait and switch that turned into maledom.

No. 1971452

>male characters can never be moids pandering trash
I didn't say sexually pandering, weirdo

No. 1971454

no please explain it to me

No. 1971455

>fight autism for moids
>he looks pretty for women

No. 1971456

Gojo is a sexual fantasy for women, and an alpha male power fantasy for men. He is lab-grown to appeal to the widest demographic possible. Glad he's dead

No. 1971458

Did it ever occur to some of you that female and male characters aren't bland in the same way? bland male characters are, at worst, boring self inserts for men. Meanwhile bland female characters always entail the worst stereotypes for female characters, like being submissive uguu kawaii dainty or coomerbait.

No. 1971459

yes and thats why both kirito and asuna are widly regarded as trash characters

No. 1971460

thats why no one is cooming to kirito, he's just the worst of the worst. Gojo at least has a pretty attractive design.

No. 1971461

people get on fujo/yume's cases for allegedly not caring enough about female characters, but what they fail to realize is that the masses "caring" badly about your female fav is exponentially worse than her not being cared about at all. my favorite female character didn't just get forcefully turned into coombait, she's also apparently going to suffer terribly-written retcons to her established lore/personality. but none of her so-called "fans" can be bothered to care about that, not when theyre repeating the same fucking moidy/fauxbian "step on me daddy" bullshit day in and day out like interned retards. meanwhile in a fujo/yume space i happened to stumble upon, there isn't a word being breathed about her at all. no bullshit pretense. it's such a breath of fresh air. hell, if anything, i suspect they'd understand where i'm coming from if i explained the situation more than 99% of the people who claim to "care" about this character. so yeah, for you nonnas who wish your female fav got more attention: i understand, but be very careful what you wish for.

No. 1971462

his dead was pathetic though i think he deserved better

No. 1971465

I'm surprised people didn't know Gojo was first and foremost powerleveling for men. The manga art isn't pretty or anything, he happened to be pretty in context because in the story he's meant to have an ethereal vibe with his OPness.
The fanservice for women came afterwards and mostly with the anime.

No. 1971466

>Who on earth thinks naruto is good?
Way too many people, unfortunately.

No. 1971468

>thats why no one is cooming to kirito
>she doesn't know

No. 1971469

I almost wish that were the case for me, but I think it's a "grass is always greener on the other side" deal. For me, my favorite female character got remade and turned essentially into waifu bait as well. But it didn't work because no one, male or female, talked about her. Men barely watched the show so it was entirely fujos who didn't even consider her an important character anymore. But who is your character?

No. 1971470

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Yeah, the manga art isn’t pretty at all kek

No. 1971473

You should've spoilered that shit nonnie

No. 1971474

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Wrong, he's literally just Ban Mido with died hair.

No. 1971477

i dont consider them women

No. 1971480

Girl you just got BTFO'd in the fujo thread last week over this, are you a masochist?

No. 1971481

sorry yume chans had to see this monstrosity god you all were done dirty, no wonder so many like the anime more

No. 1971482

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honestly anime gojo is also kinda overrated, he looks kinda retarded half of the time kek

No. 1971485

Nobody mentioned women.

No. 1971486

i like my men retarded

No. 1971487

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>and an alpha male power fantasy for men
A lot of men are a bit put off by how much of a faggot he can be at times though.

No. 1971488

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I think what a lot of Gojofags don’t get is that it’s not uncommon for popular/long running series to throw in fujo/yume bait try and get a female audience along with a male one.
It’s honestly easier to get a female fanbase because they’re more likely to put up with bullshit compared to a male one who lose their shit if there’s anything homo.
It’s why this meme is so accurate.

No. 1971491

What are you talking about?

No. 1971492

Grinch lookin’ ass

No. 1971495

isnt nagito then most popular danganronpa character of all time alongside the gay shota?

No. 1971499

thats funny because satosugu is not gay at all like look at narusasu and killugon thats way gayer

No. 1971500

Yes. Though Junko is also pretty high up there because of cosplayers.

No. 1971503

Ngl a good gay panic arc can be fun.
Eva did a number, in that regard.

No. 1971504

modern fujos have the worst ships on earth, i swear

No. 1971507

I dropped Naruto a very long time ago so I have no clue how male fans are like and I've watched the very first HxH anime when I was in middle school when nobody I knew back then ever heard of it. So I have no clue how these pairings seem from an average male shonentard's point of view. Meanwhile JJK is recent enough that I know what's posted about its pairings online even if I don't want to.

No. 1971510

Yeah like most modern anime tropes it comes from Eva.
It’s pretty funny how they tried creating the ultimate waifu character with Mana (looks like a combination of Rei and Asuka but has a deredere personality) but barely anyone cares about her.

No. 1971513

i agree i miss when fujo ships were actually somewhat gay and not just two random best friends

No. 1971516

Which ones do you like?

No. 1971517

Shipping the best friend characters has always been a thing though?

No. 1971518

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>this thread

No. 1971523

Wait what do you mean? Like shipping actual yaoi characters from a yaoi story instead of shipping main characters from a show?

No. 1971527

nta but I cant think of any other explanation because Matt/Mello is a pair of actually random friends and yet they've been a popular pairing for nearly 20 years.

No. 1971529

I was more talking about how they fall for the mildest literal committee crafted bait these days and actually think they're eating good

No. 1971530

>complaining about anime fans in a /cgl/ spinoff board
kill yourself kek(alogging)

No. 1971531

some of my ships are killua x gon, naruto x sasuke, victor x yuri, kokichi x shuichi, nagito x hinata, sou x midori, sasaki x miyano, makoto x haru, rin x haru, shu x mika, mao x ritsu. i dont remember more right now but i still have some other ships

No. 1971533

I guess that comes from DN having a huge fujo fanbase but there only being but so many options for BL ships.

No. 1971534

So basically it's mostly things that fit what you described as bad just a few minutes ago? I'm even more confused now, especially because I do like some of the pairings you listed.

No. 1971535

that’s 90% of farmers, whining about weebs.

No. 1971538

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Kind of basic taste but I like a lot of these ships so it gets a pass.

No. 1971539

they should remember where they are. I dont care if I will get banned because this cesspool allows VPNs so I can just swap IP. but anti weeb nonnas should fuck off to facebook or wherever else the boring millenial moms hang out. or die mad about having to share an imageboard with weebs.

No. 1971540

most of these ships atleast have decent fujobait

No. 1971541

Based and true. Every imageboard would improve if anti weebs were banned.

No. 1971542

im not even a fujo and i know very well they cant be picky and choosy because mainstream anime doesnt have many fags in it so you have to amp up your gaydar to the max to find the gay in it.

No. 1971543

not the gaydar bullshit kek

No. 1971544

hardest word

No. 1971545

if weebs can tolerate nigel talk on their designated thread the normoloids can handle weebs on their designated thread too. just stay on your fucking lane.

No. 1971546

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Leopika erasure. The '99 HXH anime had so much fanservice for these two.

No. 1971547

gaydar is just another way to say fujo goggles

No. 1971548

Meh, depends on which ones. Comparing pairings from shows that are pure fujobait like the ones in Free and Yuri on Ice to satosugu is stupid on your part because most people watch or reach JJK to see guys beating the shit out of each other first and for the cute guys second. The stories and characters too different to be comparable. I can't speak for the ones from Dangan Ronpa, I couldn't finish the second game because of how repetitive the cases felt compared to the first one and the first game felt a bit too fresh in my head. I think I stopped playing it before I reached the part where Komaeda gets really gay for Hinata aside from the illness that made him say he hated him? It's been a long time since then but I think I stopped playing right at the beginning of the 4th chapter.

No. 1971555

They're weebs complaining about other weebs. Clown on clown violence.

No. 1971556

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Komaeda is one of those characters that is so homo I genuinely don’t understand anyone who husbandos him.

No. 1971560

He's been meme'd so hard I can't take him seriously anymore.

No. 1971561

No. 1971562

feels like he is a kaworu for zoomers

No. 1971564

killugon and sasanaru (both from shounen animes) are still ten times gayer than satosugu, i dont understand why people even ship them??? i watched the anime and the movie but i couldnt find anything fujobaity or gay kek

No. 1971566

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That can be said about a lot of Kaworu clones

No. 1971568

i agree but still love him, i hope nagito got his chance after chiaki died kek

No. 1971572

Kaworu is to white-haired anime boys what Genghis Khan is to Han Chinese. The lineage of all white-haired anime boys can be traced back to kaworu.

No. 1971573

I associate him too strongly with the most mentally ill corner of tumblr

No. 1971576

You're honestly so obnoxious I literally recognize you across several websites despite anonymity because of your shit worthless repetitive posts. I have never hated an anon here until I saw a sperg like you crop up in every corner I look. Get a life.

No. 1971577

i mean hes pretty mentally ill himself so it makes sense those types of people latched onto him

No. 1971578

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He’s already on it

No. 1971579

killugon sure, maybe, I don't remember the first anime very well though because it's been too long since I watched it on TV and I never read the manga or watched the 2011 anime, but sasunaru is shit. Not because of the pairing itself but because it comes from a shitty manga and Naruto deserves a lot better than what Sasuke becomes after leaving the village.

>i dont understand why people even ship them???

Look it up, hundreds of fans have explained why they ship them all over the internet.

No. 1971580

Technically Ryo (who also spun later characters like Griffith), but I hate Ryo.

No. 1971581

Fujos just seem to me like women with a cuck fetish kek. Like male yurifags. As a yume I've never understood it but whatever. Fujos are just female mentally ill weebs. You can be a weeb without being mentally ill of course, but it's common for weebs to be mentally ill.

No. 1971582

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>anti fujo thread is now fujo discussion thread
OP, cry about it(baiting infight)

No. 1971583

This is such a scrote take

No. 1971586

you need to be a bit cooky to be obsessed with cartoons to begin with so it's not like yumes are sane either. besides, men are way more violent types of autistic weeb so idc about fujos. it's pretty funny to me yumes always draw themselves as flawless stacies though.

No. 1971588

I wouldn't want my husbando to fuck, or get fucked by a woman. How is it different when it's with a man? It's actually even worse, because then not only would he be cheating, he'd be bisexual or gay.

No. 1971589

i looked it up and uhhh there was a shipping page on the ship wiki but im too lazy to read all that

No. 1971590

Voyeurism/self insertion is becoming extinct.
Soon enough it'll be like moids where romance stories can't have any sort of melodrama because it means the mc (you) gets "cucked" for a chapter.

No. 1971591

so ot but i’m watching this show as an adult and their treatment of osaka is so cruel

No. 1971592

but im not interested in self-inserting myself in another story

No. 1971593

Who said fujos were husbandoing the characters they ship? Some of them do but not all of them.

No. 1971595

She's literally right. Why do you, as a woman, want to see your favorite male character getting fucked by gross, inferior moids? That's diabolical. I rather fuck him myself, as a based superior female

No. 1971597

I watched that show as an adult on the same period of my life I was getting diagnosed with ADHD (unattentive type) and it was painful seeing myself on osaka ngl

No. 1971598

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She’ll have her revenge

No. 1971599

yes, because self inserting as an actually attractive mary sue version of yourself is so more sane than watching two hot guys fucking. I will defend yumes over normies always but some of you are so delulu.

No. 1971600

I just said I wouldn't want another woman either to >>1971588 , however
>as a based superior female

No. 1971602

If you feel women are so superior then why don’t you have a waifu instead of a husbando

No. 1971603

>yes, because self inserting as an actually attractive mary sue version of yourself
Don't project your ugly onto other people, fujoanon

No. 1971604

Because I'm straight dumbass

No. 1971605

the craving for the imaginary dick operates on a higher level than misandry

No. 1971606

I don't want to fuck male characters, I have no interest in it. Not all fujos self insert.

No. 1971608

I don't want no moids near my hubby he was built for women to use and abuse ONLY, that's literally the sanest take ever

No. 1971609

Can some of you seriously not fathom liking characters without self-inserting?

No. 1971612

>the craving for the imaginary dick
If you masturbate to yaoi you're doing the same thing kek

No. 1971613

nonny, I 100% believe you are a 10/10 stacy yume, there is no way those drawings you commissioned are in any way inaccurate. keep on being the queen you are.

No. 1971614

>settling for an inferior moid because of that
Damn even in fiction huh?
Who’s your husbando

No. 1971615

i thought it was the norm to like characters without self-inserting?

No. 1971616

>Implying straight women can't be misandrist, or that being attracted to men can't be misandrist
>Yet pretend like fujoism (which is attraction to men) is "based misandry"
Do fujo retards really not realize the contradiction?

No. 1971617

I dont know how to tell you this but none of this shit real.
exactly but I dont pretend I am a stacy for it.

No. 1971618

Reminded me of moids flipping their shit over a romcom when the female lead got a vampire bite because a vampire dude was hungry and she said okay because it was cheating on the mc they were self inserting as.

No. 1971619

It is.

No. 1971621

It's changed drastically in recent years with basically 80% of anime being made for self-insertfags

No. 1971622

Fujo psyop thread

No. 1971624

damn no wonder anime is going down the drain so fast

No. 1971625

same way men can be into waifus and be extremely misogynistic, women can be into husbandos and hate men. except fujos dont actually do violent shit and just do their thing so they are extra based.

No. 1971626

I never said being a fujo was based misandry, though being a fujo 100% makes way more moids angry compared to being a yume.

No. 1971629

When did this site become fujochan 2.0? Did quarantine turn women into angry shut-in fujos or something?

No. 1971631

normal people look at a yume and a fujo and see no difference. they only see loser adult females obsessed with drawn men. so I dont know why yumes like to pretend they're better than fujos. I don't know if it's coping or just pure delusion.

No. 1971632

Pretty much. "Fujo" is used as a catch-all term for both fujos and yumes. We're the same group to outsiders, and there's considerable overlap anyway so they're not really wrong either

No. 1971635

Please nonnies… pls stop bringing up males all the time!!

No. 1971636

>I dont know why yumes like to pretend they're better than fujos
It's precisely the other way around. Fujos are nlogs who constantly sperg at yumes like "your husbando is GAYYY he likes COCK and would NEVER like you, an ugly inferior delusional femoid!" Seems like they project their internalized misogyny onto yumes for having the gall to admit their outright sexual desire for a male character rather than hide behind another male stand-in.

No. 1971637

Fwiw I think you're supposed to hate Ryo. Like that's the intended effect.

No. 1971639

You jinxed it by pointing it out. Now we'll descend back into infight hell.

No. 1971644

but your husband is gay and likes cock kek the prophecy in the writings said so you cant delete them. jokes aside dont take it so seriously but self inserting will always be more infinitely cringeworthy to anyone more than simply observing and enjoying what you see, if you cant take the heat just dont do it in public.

No. 1971647

Bro…we are the same level of delusional…that's the point that's being made. He's not gay, but he's also not real so he can't date you.

No. 1971648

>self inserting will always be more infinitely cringeworthy to anyone more than simply observing and enjoying what you see
You kinda just proved my point that it's actually fujos who have the unearned superiority complex over yumes. And keep telling yourself that anyone sees fujos as "less cringe"

No. 1971650

This is a semantic nitpick, but it's not cucking, it's voyeurism.

No. 1971652

Then why is he so funny?

No. 1971653

Why? There's no rule against it, and this discussion hinges on how women enjoy fictional men.

No. 1971655

It's not about thinking a fictional character is real, it's being attached to them and feeling a sort of sexual possession over them. Fujos do it, they just hide behind male stand-ins to do it. It's why they go so hard for their OTPs. That's not "just observing," it's being personally invested, and often sexually invested as they're attracted to one of the characters.

No. 1971658

i say this as a yume but most yumes husbando the ugliest fucking scrotes so you arent one to talk about mento illness

No. 1971659

Well Donald Trump is funny but I hate him, too.

No. 1971660

sis, it's cringe to self insert no matter how you spin it… you can't make this shit up, imagine paying someone to draw you as a character in someone's else story then write shit about it… it's not only cringe but also very self centered. people write stuff then everyone within the same taste scope enjoy that stuff but nobody is going to enjoy your self insert fanfic with your husbando. good for you if you're having fun but get over yourself babe.

No. 1971661

The only cringe yumes are the possessive non-sharing ones lol other yumes are okay

No. 1971666

But self-insert fic is pretty normal for young girls whereas the only girls I know who went out of their way to write gay instead were the ones trying hard to convince themselves they were asexual or lesbian

No. 1971667

Otps aren't just one guy, it's the pair together.
If it was just "male stand in" then they wouldn't be so important that a specific character gets shipped with another specific character.
The chemistry of the characters interacting with each other (not you) is part of it.
Unlike with self insertion, where one charactsf is a blank slate/relatable enough that its meant for you to insert yourself into.

No. 1971668

This. Non sharing yumes are probably just fictionkins anyway
turned into
when pretending to be your husbando wasn’t cool anymore.

No. 1971669

Were you not there when "I got sold to One Direction" fanfic are made fun of en masse?

No. 1971673

No, they do mean cuck. They think all fujos are basically yumes on denial who like being cucked by seeing their husbandos have gay sex.

No. 1971674

>If it was just "male stand in" then they wouldn't be so important that a specific character gets shipped with another specific character.
Oftentimes they aren't, hence the emphasis on "HE'S GAY" instead of "he's in love with x guy" it's just about cucking le normal girls out of the competition for whatever husbando they have. The stand-in can be specific though because they relate to him and whatever dynamic he has with their husbando half of the OTP is the one they'd want.

No. 1971675

Normies think you're a gross autist too.

No. 1971678

>hence the emphasis on "HE'S GAY" instead of "he's in love with x guy"
It means the same shit anon, you’re just going full autism now.

No. 1971680

Twilight was made fun of, 50 shades of grey was made fun of but they were still loved by normie women. The mocking was based in misogyny, not genuine social deviancy. Fujos tread the line though. Self-insert fanfic, even if it's RPF was still seen as much more normal than gay shipping.

No. 1971681

Do you think Kaworu can be replaced with any male character when it comes to Shinji or is it very specifically his interactions with Shinji that people ship?
What ships would you say were only there because one hot guy and the other is just a stand in?

No. 1971684

>ITT giga-autists arguing about who is the better giga-autist

No. 1971686

I'm not big on Eva knowledge but I think fujos latch on to the closest male character they can find to their husbando emotionally and ship them. In fandoms where there's no unrelated emotionally attached male, they'll ship male family members

No. 1971689

Wish I could block this stupid useless thread. Same arguments we've all heard a million times going on and on and on. Goddamn.

No. 1971693

You can hide it.

No. 1971695

So hide it? Dumbass

No. 1971698


No. 1971699

The biggest ships always blow up due to their combined dynamic. Narusasu can't be possible without both of them, LxLight can't be possible without both of them, Suzalulu can't be possible, I can keep going. You cannot plug and play with ships. It gets popular because of high tension that cannot exist if one of them is just a self-insert to project onto

No. 1971700

This. Idgaf if someone wants to yume a character but those tards that are like "REEEEEEE DONT LOOK AT ME DONT SPEAK TO ME DONT BREATHE AT ME IF YOU SHARE THE SAME HUSBAND AS ME!!!" can disappear for all I care.

No. 1971703

>fujos latch on to the closest male character they can find to their husbando emotionally and ship them
No one ships Shinji with Kensuke or Touji though in the case of Eva and I don’t think anyone would if Kaworu wasn’t there.

No. 1971704

So, which character is that? Is Shinji the husbando or the male stand in?
How about any of the relationships named in this thread, you have to know at least one, no? Like these
Who are nona's male stand ins?

No. 1971706

I have. It does nothing for me.

No. 1971713

It's the specified dynamic that is desirable to them + maleness + relatability + proximity to their husbando that's important to fujos. For the male stand-in, it's important that the male character be relatable to girls. The male stand-in is usually the male MC because of their built in ability to self-insert, and the husbando is usually the rival because fujos like rival dynamics, but in Death Note it's switched and they husbando Light more which leads to Light multishipping.
>The stand-in can be specific though because they relate to him and whatever dynamic he has with their husbando half of the OTP is the one they'd want.
And as someone who spent a lot of time around people who shipped those, a lot of them did multiship their husbando with other characters. LightxL fans also shipped LightxMikami.

No. 1971716

are you really going to sit here and say male power fantasy characters are self-inserts for women..?

No. 1971719

I wonder if yume think this way for all romance stories.
Are all romance meant so that the female lead is a stand in for the reader? Does it sometimes switch to the male lead as a stand in? Do they not ship characters because they think they're simply cute together?

No. 1971722

>the specified dynamic that is desirable to them + maleness + relatability + proximity to their husbando
…So a somewhat relatable male character that has chemistry with the mc? Isn't that 99% of all romance male leads ever?

No. 1971728

I don't get yumes who are okay with sharing their husbando. How do you love your fictional boyfriend but don't mind him dating other women? How is it any different from the 'cuck' fujos who like seeing their favourite male character date a man?

No. 1971729

That's not how they were written in male-written works like shonen, but that's how fujos ship them
>Are all romance meant so that the female lead is a stand in for the reader?
Wait until she finds out the reason why female main characters are made to be relatable in romance books
>Does it sometimes switch to the male lead as a stand in?
No, because the aspect of the main character being female is an important to most women who read romance… well, besides fujos
My response was to someone who was trying to refute my logic with the fact that the relationship dynamic matters for the ship. I was half-agreeing by saying that it's the preferred romantic dynamic the woman shipping it wants, but that doesn't mean one man isn't a stand-in, and one isn't the real husbando. There can be a preferred dynamic, but where there is a lack of one, simply the closest male character will do. So for the example LxLight that anon gave: After L died, fujos started shipping Light with Mikami lol

No. 1971733

Kek you dont have to LARP fujosister. Or at least make it believable if you’re going to try.

No. 1971734

This, it's such a fucking turn off when they make the MC a stupid self-insert in almost all het romance, literally no dynamic exists at all when it's just the male lead taking action on a completely passive female lead who's just supposed to be (You). It's why the only het ships I like are non-canon ones or just sort of implied.

No. 1971735

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No. 1971738

No one hates or cares about yumes, just fujos. Nice try fujo.

No. 1971740

I'm fucking kekking nonna, golden

No. 1971741

I'm not trying to hide being a fujo, I genuinely don't get it. If I would date a moid I wouldn't want to imagine him dating someone else.

No. 1971744

I am literally Geto
>long hair
>incredibly racist
In all seriousness, this is incredibly stupid, kinning characters and wanting to see two dudes fuck are two different things.
Maybe it's hard to figure that out if you see every romance as one made with you in mind.

No. 1971745

File: 1713559700287.png (355.38 KB, 726x366, 1712322455788837.png)


No. 1971750

The female characters being their own character is important to me.
Frankly the thought that every romantic lead is meant to be a self insert is bizarre to me.

No. 1971753

Fujo is literally all about women obsession over 2 dudes fucking

No. 1971787

Some fujos may like to self-insert, but I personally don't. All of my favorite ships consist of characters who are nothing like me. Kind of hard to "self-insert" as someone whose personality and interests are nothing like your own. I dislike ships that I feel are "lopsided" in terms of how fleshed out the characters are. I prefer it when both characters are multidimensional and interesting.

No. 1971788

I'd be willing to bet money that these baits were posted by someone who doesn't actually have a side, they just want to stir shit up and watch the fireworks.

No. 1971789

What do you mean it "does nothing?" Unless you clear your cookies or change devices, the threads you hide should stay hidden. Granted, you can't hide threads in the catalog, but there are so few threads that it's not really necessary to use the catalog anyway.

No. 1971793

Good for them. I think normies are retarded for watching guys concuss each other playing football. I think they're retarded for enjoying pop music written by committee and performed by industry plants. I think they're retarded for enjoying garbage shows like Euphoria and Big Bang Theory. Fuck normies, I'd rather be cringe.

No. 1971807

Oh come on are anons getting banned for memes now?

No. 1971810

>Banned for infighting in infighting the thread

No. 1971856

File: 1713568208315.jpeg (22.34 KB, 750x135, 0183836B-59DF-48CF-8147-93F080…)

It's working now. Idk why my page was acting retarded. Gn nonnie

No. 1971863

File: 1713568707075.mp4 (8.07 MB, 480x854, xHl6fMd.mp4)

fujos and antis, what are your thoughts when people compare troons(both TIMs and TIFs) to yaoi/bl? as a way to mock them and how they look and behave.

No. 1971864

No. 1971866

don't know what your post is saying but why do all troons look like that? how is it possible that they're all white men with major, beaky honkers and brown hair? jesus

No. 1971868

ew why would you post this disgusting shit?

No. 1971871

well this is what I imagine what most yaoi would be like IRL.

No. 1971872

You're not supposed to imagine yaoi irl you weirdo, the point is that yaoi is a fantasy.

No. 1971876

crossdressing is a gay scrote fetish

No. 1971880

well these men aren't gay, they are straight and just have porn-induced pseudo-biseuxality.

No. 1971883

>white nerd scrotes with bad hairstyles
Are you seriously going to make me defend yaoi in this thread?

No. 1971887

My yaois could beat any of those trannies and have bigger cocks

No. 1971888

most yaoi boys have horse cocks

No. 1971891

please tell me that's a reference to size and not shape

No. 1971894

they have lightsabers

No. 1971906

File: 1713571562904.jpg (Spoiler Image,30.6 KB, 475x273, tma-bl-tiger-and-bunny.jpg)

Thankfully it's not.(spoiler)

No. 1971913

No. 1971919

link ?

No. 1971920


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1971924

I prefer BL where the guys have average socks. Unrealistic proportions are just distracting and weird to me, which is why I dislike the art styles of some mangas.

No. 1971925

Spoiler this please

No. 1971926

They're failmales who think that being ugly as men somehow means that they won't be ugly as women.

No. 1971931

The whole point is that it's not IRL. Haven't you heard the 3DPD meme?

No. 1971934

why are antifujos going on and on about 'shota' in their containment? no one brought it up or defended it ITT why are they so schizo

No. 1971946

See this is why I hate you retards, always posting lewds and porn with no spoiler for shock value or whatever. Go to /m or /g nobody wants to see this gay shit

No. 1971950

File: 1713573809744.png (5.91 MB, 4096x4096, GridArt_20240420_024136287.png)

No. 1971954

>post trannies
>surprised that people shitpost back

No. 1971961


No. 1971962

Antifujos alway seek for the fujo threads, that's why you guys have the fujo cringe thread, maybe don't look at the things that make you seethe so hard.

No. 1971963

why is this censored but not the disgusting trannoids in spinny skirts?

No. 1971965

I didn't post no trannies, the fuck you on?? Besides, can't you shitpost like normal people would? Why it gotta be unspoilered porn damn

No. 1971966

normal people ''shitpost'' by posting minion memes

No. 1971967

I didn't post anything either, but once there are trannies then it's pretty clear people don't give a fuck.

No. 1971969

This is a discussion thread, not a yaoi spam dumbass

No. 1971971

You use minion memes?

No. 1971972

i am not normal otherwise i wouldnt be in lolcor

No. 1971993

>"See, this is why"
>"Again, I did not say"
>"Again, this is why"
Every fucking time. Good job at baiting responses.

Same with miss "standars" and her various misspellings tbhdesu.

No. 1971994

I love the creativity of anons on lolcow so much. Kekk

No. 1972012

cope about it, i am never going to settle down for coombait. Give me cool nonsexualized female characters or GTFO.

No. 1972031

No coping on my end, I just like reading fandom infights and you are at the center of so many of them so the misspellings stood out to me. I have never participated otherwise.

No. 1972036

sure sherlock, i bet you can identify all the anons in this shithole because your schizophrenia induced visions told you.

No. 1972045

>Same with miss "standars" and her various misspellings tbhdesu.
Are you talking about pakichan?

No. 1972065

KEK I knew someone would come up with something.

No. 1972066

Kaworu's the anon they're replying to

No. 1972125

I love how antifujos went back to their little containment where no one can say anything against their hivemind otherwise they go cry to mommy farmhand to get that anon banned fore 'derailing'. Such cowards.

No. 1972172

they don't imagine their husbando literally dating other women, it's treated as separate universes (since their fantasies are usually different from each other). think of it as multiple copies of the same husbando.

No. 1972206

Mate, I'm antifujo and I didn’t even care enough to check.

No. 1972249

I'm glad we at least got a funny Lolcow Moment™ out of this shitshow of a thread.

No. 1972250

Don't summon her. This thread is bad enough as it is.

No. 1972258

>The author is a woman
FUCKING EXCUSE ME???? Do you have a source for that???? I cannot believe it. It's so hard to believe I could have sweared it was your average degenerate idolm@ster slop moid

No. 1972261

File: 1713601147828.gif (12.41 KB, 150x100, alvin and the chimpmunks yaoi.…)

does anyone remember all the anti yaoi stamps from the DA days? they were hilarious

No. 1972262

File: 1713601347630.jpg (87.43 KB, 749x1070, undeniable_by_duiker_d41pbro-3…)

The Alvin and the chipmunks fandom was crazy back in the day

No. 1972263

Everything about this delights me: the fact that someone was not only shipping Alvin and the Chipmunks, but that it was apparently pervasive enough to trigger this autist in animating a hate-stamp for it. God, I miss the golden days of Deviantart.

No. 1972265

i hate that this is actually well drawn

No. 1972268

File: 1713601914191.jpg (106.98 KB, 792x1206, 7f62d9ec59291c0bd3c76908a45c85…)

There was a lot of good art in the fandom surprisingly

No. 1972279

File: 1713603550041.jpg (2.87 KB, 93x49, cain and abel BL.jpg)

I still look at 'em all the time.

No. 1972281

File: 1713603855820.gif (6.92 KB, 99x56, scary homo anime boys.gif)

No. 1972283


No. 1972285

File: 1713604599598.png (4.72 KB, 100x56, d33poy8-efebab6b-9357-4f4f-a5d…)

Maybe it's because most of the stuff I'm into has a either homo or sexually ambiguous cast, but what exactly qualifies as an automatically straight character?

No. 1972288

File: 1713605416038.jpg (6.71 KB, 131x75, says you.jpg)

No. 1972290

Ah I remember the moral fagging over hetalia god those were simpler days

No. 1972297

There are so many fujos who exclusively enter a fandom to talk about who is fucking who in the ass, they can't even talk about canon at all because they just have to insist "that guy with a canon gf isn't real, he is actually a gay uke" every five seconds, they even sexualize real life gay men they see. They literally cannot separate reality or normal conversation from their yaoi. They've got a porn brainrot addiction and they still refuse to admit it.

I've never met a fujo yaoi fan who cares that other women and literal children do not want to hear about it. They literally enjoy making others uncomfortable with their sexual talk, they do not care if the women in question is a survivor of rape or sexual abuse. If you tell them it makes you uncomfortable because you're a CSA survivor, they ramp it up and spam more graphic shit, only this time they make sure the uke getting raped is a tiny shota boy. They're on the same level as porn (let's say hentai) addicted moids, but worse because they keep going into female spaces and targeting other women with it.
I've seen this time and time again and the only reaction from the self-titled "normal" fujos is to defend this behavior with some "not all fujos" argument. Sure maybe YOU don't do it but you clap along and watch as the others do it and happily laugh when the rape victim leaves out of frustration, you embrace these people as one of you.

No. 1972299

File: 1713607389319.jpg (147.42 KB, 434x541, __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_dra…)

Are you the same person who was "totally" groomed and raped by a fujo from earlier?

No. 1972318

File: 1713609097251.jpeg (163.12 KB, 700x394, fetchimage (2).jpeg)

>They literally enjoy making others uncomfortable with their sexual talk, they do not care if the women in question is a survivor of rape or sexual abuse. If you tell them it makes you uncomfortable because you're a CSA survivor, they ramp it up and spam more graphic shit
This has literally never happened ever kek

No. 1972321

How about you don’t hang out with literal children? As cringe as that behavior it, I've only ever seen it from actual minors that tend to shit up any fandom they're in, whether they're fujos or not. Just block and ignore. I deleted my tumblr because despite the nice fanart and rare engaging lore/character discussions the cringe fujo/gendie sperging negatively impacted my enjoyment of the fandom in question. Too many people on the internet are just cringe, it's just a fact.

No. 1972323

spoiler the ugly jojo men

No. 1972324

Everytime an anon posts something like this it's so specific I assume she's talking about the same 2 or 3 crazy fujoshi as opposed to actually talking about most fujoshi in general.

No. 1972326

This is actually true. I haven't met extreme enough cases yet (thankfully) but in my teenage years it always bothered me how often there were rape jokes etc. Even though I didn't experience sexual abuse, this topic always made me uncomfortable. Was it more acceptable that it was done by women? One fujo I knew the closest among others was a pedophilia victim and claimed her friend could have also been raped in childhood (that other trooned out later and now is a tryhard trans guy "not like other troons" kek). Once I also asked that fujo friend back when I knew her why she uses the word "faggot" when real gays might find it offensive (it was a sort of SJW era for me then). She said even gay men use it for themselves.
But anyway, fujos can be massive creeps. I saw myself on various sites jokes about rapes, referring to RPs with rape as something "sexy" and generally shitty ssexist behavior. Just because it's done by women it doesn't mean it can be excused. And overall, fujos are shit so no wonder they don't care about it.

No. 1972327

I agree but tell that to the fujos that reach out to underage users themselves or just post NSFW stuff without censorship etc. I also believe children shouldn't be on social media to begin with, yet some perverts are clearly proud of what they do. Even if a site would only have an all-adult userbase, posting porn-tier stuff openly would be cringe.

No. 1972329

>I agree but tell that to the fujos that reach out to underage users themselves
Are these fujos who reach out to underage users themselves in the room with us?
>or just post NSFW stuff without censorship
You mean the way twitter was by default until they added the sensitive media filter a few years ago? The only social network which allows NSFW?

No. 1972332

>its them pedoph-i mean fujos!!! not my fault i engage with literal children and generalize a whole fandom!!
so if i meet one retard anti fujo who thinks troons are real women so that would mean that all anti fujos are handmaidens?they probably are

No. 1972334

>why she uses the word "faggot" when real gays might find it offensive
wow youre such a faggot, who cares if it hurts gaymoids feelings have you seen the words they use for women? they can tolerate being called a fag

No. 1972362

>They literally enjoy making others uncomfortable with their sexual talk
I remember female yurifags acting more normal back then, fujos were always trying to creep people out with their porn, either spamming it to make a point or literally pushing their phone into other's faces (this happened way too many times which is crazy to think about). Don't even get me started on that wacko that was spamming meat yaoi porn some months ago nonstop, there's simply not a yume counterpart for that specific type of deranged behavior and obsession with exposing people to their fetish

No. 1972368

Now I call faggots all kinds of nasty names they deserve but t least I know not to post that on a public form where actual moids can find and harm me

No. 1972379

>How about you don’t hang out with literal children
Children are allowed at anime conventions and meetups (unfortunately). When I was 12-13 me and my friends would hang out around older weebs, one fujo in particular enjoyed targeting us literally saying "i love ruining childrens innocence" as she showed us yaoi manga

No. 1972383

Criticizing people's porn always makes them overly defensive. Much like when women say troons sexuallay harass women, saying a fujo acted in a sexually inappropriate way makes them all say "never happened!! proof??? Is this harassment in the room with us now??" They refuse to even accept their fetish could cause harm to anyone so they fully reject the thought, because if they're didn't they'd lose their precious porn. When someone has a fetish other peoples feelings mean literally nothing to them, it's how the troon movement got so far.

No. 1972393

File: 1713618592999.jpeg (12.54 KB, 275x275, 1687913778249.jpeg)

>"i love ruining childrens innocence" as she showed us yaoi manga
so first it was a fujo raping someone and now fujos are going after poor wittle children's innocenceby showing them anime boys if youre going to bait atleast use real stories and not made up boogeymen god you antis are really trying to handmaiden real hard arent you

No. 1972403

>They refuse to even accept their fetish could cause harm to anyone so they fully reject the thought

Who does it cause harm to, men? Are you whiteknighting men that get their feefees hurt the mean fujos are drawing two faggots kissing?

>inb4 it causes harm to other underage girls the fujos groom

Female pedophiles, while rare, do exist and that's a sad thing. What does this have to do with fujos? Are you saying fujoshi = female pedophile? Troons harm women because their fetish is harming women.

No. 1972410

>one fujo in particular enjoyed targeting us literally saying "i love ruining childrens innocence" as she showed us yaoi manga
Kek so I wasn't the only one that went through this? Why do they do that? Freaks
>now fujos are going after poor wittle children's innocenceby showing them anime boys
It's not just "anime boys", yaoi IS erotic content, you shouldn't show porn to children, you weirdo

No. 1972430

You're right and you should say it.

No. 1972431

If we're doing guilt by association now, then every group is guilty because every group has inappropriate retards within it. I've never met these evil groomer fujoshi cabal and I stumbled onto M/M content very young online and started interacting with fujos very young. The closest to what you are describing was men sending me Boku No Pico for shock value in the mid 2000s. Sorry, but your baggage isn't the responsibility of random women online who've never done anything to you.

No. 1972454

i wonder why the topic of "people liking or disliking cartoon men kissing" always gets so heated

No. 1972456

File: 1713622925231.gif (948.84 KB, 500x288, e87c4bfb6d1d3cff3e3afd0956d736…)

I dunno why fujos itt care so much about people criticizing fujos, but it's funnier like that.

No. 1972463

What is that gif from? The art style is cute.

No. 1972465

>one fujo in particular enjoyed targeting us literally saying "i love ruining childrens innocence" as she showed us yaoi manga
i need her

No. 1972468

File: 1713624203798.jpg (94.26 KB, 771x510, marxxengels.jpg)

you need to chill nonnie

No. 1972469

Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei/Goodbye Mr. Despair

No. 1972471

kinda hot ngl

No. 1972472

Ok, let's forget ''fujo to troon'' discourse, start ''fujo to pedo'' discourse.

No. 1972474

I can't speak for others, but I never talk about fandom bullshit IRL, and definitely not with kids. My internet friends are the only people who hear about it. There are definitely autists out there who sperg about fandom shit to random strangers in person, but you see that behavior occasionally among all subsets of nerd. If I ever saw someone being inappropriate to a kid, especially in person, I would condemn it. However, I've been in the hobby for a very long time and I've never personally had to confront someone about something like that. It just doesn't happen very often.

What does happen occasionally is kids between 13 and 17 entering 18+ spaces and being banned, or going out of their way to interact with people who have "18+ only" in their bios. The responsible thing to do in that case is to block or mute, but it's aggravating when they comment on your post trying to start an argument. I've had to block so many 14 year olds on Twitter, it's absurd. Social media should be 18+ only.

No. 1972475

Go be retarded somewhere else

No. 1972482

>I saw myself on various sites jokes about rapes, referring to RPs with rape as something "sexy"
The kind of behavior you're describing sounds like just the general sort of teenage retardation that happened on Deviantart and such in the 2000s. Rape jokes were very common 15 years ago, unfortunately. I'm not saying some people don't still act like this (there are some contrarian anons and baiters doing it right in this thread) but that sort of edgelord humor is not unique to fujos or even more common among them than it is with weebs in general.

No. 1972487

Where are you people encountering autists like this, seriously? I remember teenagers acting this way back in like 2009, but as an adult I've never been unlucky enough to run into other adults who act like this, even at anime cons.

No. 1972488

All of them have rot pockets that secrete pus and dead skin

No. 1972490

This thread actually filled up incredibly fast, holy shit.

No. 1972493

File: 1713625635645.jpg (116.09 KB, 1062x1062, 635352711904737.JPG)

Tfw you’ll never have an older gf grooming you to like yaoi

No. 1972494

OK let's forget the pickme to antifujo pipeline and focus on antifujo to handmaiden instead wonder why the cap so hard for moids who actually rape children more than women ever will hmmmm

No. 1972496

File: 1713625811048.png (37.2 KB, 186x173, me_irl.png)

I feel you, nonny. Tfw no cringe fujo GF that calls me her innocent uke. Why even live?

No. 1972503

Honestly just a regular, non-cringe fujo gf would be nice. Nerdy lesbians are a dying breed, depressing.

No. 1972691

There’s one thing I will admit as a fujo where I think the anti-fujos are right. BL can be quite misogynistic. Whether it’s male characters saying how bitchy and annoying women are, how their bodies are disgusting or female characters being the antagonist, the abusers who are never forgiven, the jealous girlfriend who wants to get in between the seme and uke. It’s not just older BL like Gravitation where the mangaka felt the need to put negative comments about women in her porn one shots but also modern BL like umibe no etranger. And for some reason these got popular enough that they managed to get an anime adaptation.

No. 1972703

File: 1713639022446.jpg (100.62 KB, 1200x675, EeulH9KU8AETJgW.jpg)

>umibe no etranger
I don't remember the lesbian couple being bad, then again I don't remember much of the movie.

No. 1972717

I can agree too. Even some yaoi games have similar shitty weird dialogue. I feel that it's getting better though with newer stuff.

No. 1972727

I was thinking of the jealous ex fiancee who wanted to stab the blonde guy because she’s homophobic. Faux progressive 2002 tier plot point.

No. 1972761

Nta but who said that troons are real women?

No. 1972772

Fujoism is supremely autistic, many fujoshi are autistic, many autistic women and girls are targeted as easy victims for the trans cult, simple as. There's nothing wrong with women having extremely autistic interests; I am calling it autistic in a completely neutral and descriptive manner. I know they're autists because I can sense my own kind. I also think a fascination with irl gay moids is distinct from bl. Real gay moids aren't attractive like fictional male couples and I notice a stark contrast between a standard het tif and a fujoshi. The het tifs tend to have a sort of extreme heterosexuality where they are very physically attracted to moid bodies bordering on zealous worship of them, even including the phallus. These types of tifs also seem to prefer bara and actual 3d males to the standard 2d sexless prettyboys. I think some of the straight tifs aren't true fujoshi since they just turn all the male ships into hetships. Some tifs might be true fujoshi though, and I think 99% of genuine fujo tifs are autists who have a strong tendency towards escapism and project onto the uke; typical fujos would not want to project onto either party and see bl as a purely voyeuristic experience and not one they want to insert themselves into. Excessive fixation on bl is unhealthy, just like excessive fixation on video games, erotic literature, or tv is bad. I don't believe bl is harmful for women so long as they approach it in moderation and don't go overboard. While it is possible for a fujoshi to become addicted to bl, I do not think it is a fair comparison to equate that to a man watching porn, as porn showcases and encourages real world violence against women. I also think that bl is at least partially in response to misogyny. It can be a safe space for women to explore their sexuality without having to picture herself with men. I don't think bl perpetuates or reduces misogyny and I think it's purely a response to misogyny, or at most a redirection of the frustration in women caused by societal misogyny. Fiction can have real world effects on people, but ultimately I think bl is mostly pretty benign and doesn't have much of an effect either way on misogyny. I will outright confess to being a fujo myself, and so I am ultimately biased towards the interests of my own kind. I also think that it's a neutral trait to be a fujoshi, one that as mentioned before, strongly correlates with autism in women. I have many other traits as a result of autism, and I accept those traits as immutable facts of myself. Instead of seeing my admittedly bizarre fixation as something to be fixed, I instead see it as the occasional indulgence. One that must not be taken to any extremes, but is fairly harmless, since for me it doesn't cause psychological distress, an increase in harmful behaviors, or a decrease in my productivity. If bl or any other form of media does cause any of the three mentioned, I believe it is one's personal responsibility to stop or limit consumption of something until the negative effects are rendered insignificant. I think fujoshi, yumejoshi and himejoshi ultimately can set aside their differences and coexist peacefully, as we all ultimately share the goal of healthy female-oriented communities and fandom discourse.

No. 1972787

I'm a fujo cause I get to see my husbando in a romantic relationship that doesn't involve another woman that's not me. I can't compare myself to a man so it doesn't bother me, but seeing him with a woman that's better than me in every way makes me a bit depressed. I have low self-esteem and I don't want to be reminded at every moment that my husbando would prefer an idealized beautiful cute confident girlfriend and not a loser like me. But I don't mind if he's with a guy cause projecting on male characters is more fun since it enters the realm of fantasy, and if he's cute enough he can become my second husbando.

No. 1972788

Beautifully written, truly the only solution to this "war" forced upon us by the antifujos is solidarity their views won't change since they've locked themselves behind a echo Chamber which keeps repeating their own bias so it's best for us to keep together so roaches like them can't infiltrate our "only"(let's be honest only these spaces have been mostly moid free ) spaces where we don't need to pretend and can be comfortable with expressing sexuality and interests without being harassed for it. I love all my sisters whether you are yume,hime or fujo ..even the antifujo because you remind me why does it matter to speak up for own space so thanks for that antis

No. 1972794

do you have screencaps?

No. 1972802

While I agree that a lot of fujos are autistic, specially the ones that troon out, I think yumes are way more autistic since their hiperfixation in one single character is prime autistic behavior.

No. 1972809

>Are _ in the room with _
Get the fuck out of here with your overused twitterfag phrases you faggot fujo

No. 1972812

Yumes' autism is at least harmless, and not the type that makes you a fujo TIF.

No. 1972814

>she doesnt know about the ddlg sans yumefag and the ike yumefag who got a reborn to larp having a child with ike

No. 1972815

Fujo lesbian is an oxymoron. Don't be surprised when she leaves you for a guy that doesn't have those dirty coombait bags called breasts attached to his body.

No. 1972818

> yumefag who got a reborn to larp having a child with ike
God, I wish I had this kind of money, I'm so jealous

No. 1972821

Most of yumes I know are legit autistic as diagnosed with the condition.

No. 1972823

>calls fujos autistic
>is the one that can't understand a very obvious joke(infighting)

No. 1972824

>Most of yumes I know are legit autistic
That's because you're autistic and you hang around other autists. And I thought the theory was that fujos are more likely to be TIFs because they're more likely to have autism and thus be targeted by tranny propaganda.

No. 1972826


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1972831

No. 1972892

File: 1713655016074.jpeg (152.56 KB, 1314x1184, from the horses mouth.jpeg)

Given how common a sentiment picrel is I'd say fujos are basically the same as yumes with extra mental gymnastics/illness which does make you more pathetic.
Also stop the fake misandry most fujos are the biggest malesimps I ever encountered, cooing all day long on tumblr over fictional males before following their natural evolution into being the most rabid boymoms. Cringe to try to making fujoshism feminist. Most fujos start wars and shit up whole fandoms crusading for the babyboyification of their morally repugnant male creatures, I see the exact same behaviour from women in serial killer fandoms (but ~wholesome ~female-dominated space amirite). Extremely cucked behaviour. I have nothing against the existence of yaoi/slash, I stopped consuming it for many reasons but end of the day it’s just entertainment/escapism, same as any other trashy romance genre. It’s the many, MANY weird ideas that breed unquestioned in fujo spaces I can’t stand e.g the superiority complexes and pretending reading this for years has zero effect bc your brain is too based to be influenced while ignoring the mass unironic bdsm grooming that happened before the tif shit; saying it’s a female-space yet uke/seme shit is very appealing to bi moids who are a sizable presence in many fandoms when they take a break from consuming femboy content on tiktok, leading to an explosion in crazy fetishes. It used to be that slash was mostly written by teenage female virgins and absurd/cute/funny, now it’s so clear it’s produced by habitual porn-watchers (male and female…lots of proud female porn-addicts from childhood in these spaces) and this ultra-realistic content gets the most engagement, becomes the new normal, and the grooming cycle continues.

Also fujos should stop worrying about yurifags, they don’t worry about you. I'm having more fun reading the autistic productions of lesbian femslash writers worldbuilding 400k words of complex military matriarchy AUs in their corners that 3 other people enjoy and not dealing with the fucking drama in m/m spaces. And no, these women absolutely don’t care about fujos, if you weren’t so narcissistic you would know that the last thing actual f/f lovers (not TQ+ virtue-signallers) want is het/bihet women filling the tags with more garbage dick-centric cryptohet stories after the tranny invasion: https://thelchat.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=76955&start=1000#p5443533
The “yurifags” strawman in your heads are your fellow queer fujos too, many of you are also yumes in disguise, this is actually a civil war and it's embarrassing to witness.

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