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File: 1601844538298.jpeg (24.17 KB, 500x375, images - 2020-10-04T174824.818…)

No. 646084

Wanted to do a PS fanart but don't want to get banned for it on the regular threads?
Drop them here!

Let's see how our cows could improve or laugh and bicker about shitty ps jobs. It's bound to happen, you know.

No. 646089

Fuck fan art

No. 646100

This seems more mean-spirited than "fanart", no? PT could never look like that.

No. 646109

I just called it "fanart" because it's literally how the mods call it whenever they red text someone for Photoshopping a cow.

It's not supposed to be mean spirited really, a lot of anons do it for fun than anything else.

And the queen is perfect as is.

No. 646120

this is stupid as fuck

No. 646126

I’ll never understand the point in photoshopping them, like do you want a cookie or something

No. 646128

its because it's fun, duh

No. 646151

Why share them here tho. Nobody else cares

No. 646164

I think it's funny and fun, shut the fuck up and hide thread if you don't care. I'm sure there are other threads that someone could say "nobody else here cares" but it gets traction. Don't you have a vent thread to go bitch in and complain about your boring life?

No. 646165

samefag and no I am not even the anon yrt nor thread creator.

No. 646171

Just hide the thread bitch lol

No. 646177

Weird and cringe, go away forever. This should be in /m/ anyway retard.

No. 646211

Why are anons so pressed about this thread?

There's a lot of threads I follow that have anons posting their shoops (Pixielocks come to mind, people love giving her natural colored hair) and it won't stop, so this is a way of keep milkless shoops out of the way. Shouldn't you be happy? Kek

No. 646213

Yup yup

No. 646217

They're literally newfags. Shooping cows has always been part of the culture, it's only recently that it's been clamped down on.
Some people will probably feel called out by this and respond that they've actually "been around since SR" (been seeing an uptick in this ever since that one PULL shutdown thread, interesting), but won't talk about any of the lore around it, the site(s) before SR and who was in charge of those, and will fail to name any of the legacy cows, kek.

No. 646219

Nah you’re crazy

No. 646220

Nice try.

No. 646221

Clamp that tinfoil around your skull a little bit harder faggot

No. 646222

Not tinfoil if it's true.

No. 646224

people have always done it but it's always been considered cringy as fuck.

No. 646226

They started cracking down on fan arts because they suck and contribute nothing, you don’t have to be a newfag to think that. Keep stomping your feet about how nobody who disagrees with you could have possibly been on staminarose because we are all a hive that give a shit about the exact same things.

No. 646227

Even then, no one got legitimately upset about it. They just scrolled past it. The rage and salt is very new.

This is too long to read, but I'm sorry you're mad about edits

No. 646230

>two sentences too long to read
i know you think you sound cool but you read the whole thing

No. 646231

it's not new, sorry your idea is shit.

No. 646232

I saw "keep stomping" and figured it was just seething, so I didn't bother with the rest. If you'd prefer to imagine I did, though, that's okay.

No. 646234

I'm not the OP, though.

No. 646235

So cool so aloof 10/10

No. 646240

Ok sorry friend

No. 646242

Personally, I always think of Liana Judd every time I see fanshoops kek

No. 646247

There used to be shooping threads for cows all the time. Your newfag is showing.

It’s a containment thread. Better to have it exist than have people post shoops and have fifty subsequent posts mini modding about it in the thread.

>quizzing people on /cgl/ and efagz cows from 10+ years ago who hardly produce milk if any now
>gatekeeping lolcow oldfaggotry
I hear outside has good graphics.

No. 646248

>I hear outside has good graphics
fucking based

No. 646249

I'm not gatekeeping (or even quizzing, I didn't actually ask anyone anything), I just think it's dumb how some people deny that the site's demographics have changed a lot over time. There's a reason this thread is getting backlash.
>I hear outside has good graphics.
Stolen joke

No. 646250

Nayrt but duh it’s a ‘stolen joke,’ a lot of this board is referential humor you absolute shitshow

No. 646252

And? People are still allowed to comment on recycled memes, kek.

No. 646253


No. 646301

File: 1601866811228.jpg (59.96 KB, 341x353, 1466586924731.jpg)

>30 replies of pure bitching

Imagine being this triggered over a dumb thread.
If you Google "Pixyteri photoshop" there'll be a thread here as old as 2014.
Hide the thread and move on

No. 646457

File: 1601886660749.png (155.29 KB, 750x971, 1474017232575.png)

>open thread
>nothing but bitching
Anyways, never forget when Moo stole this shoop that a farmer made of her and posted it on her Twitter kek.
original post is here >>>/snow/174155

No. 646529

File: 1601899779553.jpg (1.34 MB, 1657x1551, goth hot dog.jpg)

just scroll /ot/ and youll see an oldish photoshop thread, it's not a new concept, you wonderful little salty bitches.

anyway, how the fuck do i make her face not look like a pancake? hjälp

No. 646538

holy fuck i thought that was aggy

No. 646721


>Gym motivation

And yet here we are lmao

No. 647057

File: 1601943903260.jpg (632.85 KB, 1059x1737, 1601150191698_mr1601156551726.…)

I tried photoshopping Jenna Lynn Meowri's face to look a little more normal and less botox-bloated

No. 647099


You made her look like Kelly Eden

No. 647155

File: 1601950196654.jpg (7.12 MB, 4096x4096, CollageMaker_20201005_22103386…)

I only did this on my phone but I promise, when I get my pc back up again, this is going to be fun

No. 647181

Can this autismo thread be autosaged please

No. 647183

File: 1601953728827.jpg (71.04 KB, 473x713, Woman-with-Umbrella-in-Snow-Ar…)

I was trying to put my finger on why she looks so familiar and then I realized it-she has the face of one of those old geisha paintings.

No. 647187

Hide it if you hate it so much.

No. 647192

File: 1601954522694.jpg (971.32 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20201005_232314.jpg)

not sure why, but I felt like doing this

No. 647194

File: 1601954997316.jpg (955.73 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20201005_233106.jpg)

Anotha one

No. 647201

File: 1601955671071.jpg (1005.93 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20201005_234234.jpg)

But what if an anachan actually gained weight?

No. 647214

Return the slab

No. 647219

File: 1601957540548.jpeg (20.54 KB, 517x594, images (1).jpeg)

Nta but this reference brought me joy

No. 647223

File: 1601958089298.jpg (1.18 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20201006_002133.jpg)

She'd be so pretty if she didn't intentionally make herself look like a gremlin all the time (oh and magically reversed the lipo)

No. 647225

That edit requires her to get a whole different set of teeth and jaw.

No. 647229

this app made me realize that even if you have perfect teeth you can still have an ugly smile by the way your mouth stretches when you grin.
some people show the inside of their cheeks.
some people show every row of teeth.
some lips make a weird M curve when they smile
some people's corner of the mouth point down even when they smile
some people show too much gum

so many things can still make you ugly

No. 647271

Somehow her face looks worse thin. It's more 40 yr old mom

No. 647279

Less 40 year old mom, more 40 year old pornstar.

No. 647510

Pic on the left is an irl Modigliani painting, holy fuckerino

No. 647750

overthinking things a bit, arent we?

No. 1104954

File: 1647794126798.jpg (604.28 KB, 1440x1080, Collage.jpg)

Made this on my phone

No. 1104980

Fuck you, this thread should’ve stayed dead.

No. 1105648

File: 1647837487061.png (3.22 MB, 2000x1083, shatna.png)

No. 1105663

Unpopular opinion, she could be cute if she dropped the fake eyelashes and the weird expression.

No. 1105669

Now that is just lying, anon. She is ugly as sin.

No. 1105748

File: 1647855626896.jpg (1.23 MB, 1440x1920, pinkhair.jpg)

No. 1105751

my tinfoil is she's a dude

No. 1105756

i don't know who this is but that haircut makes me want to burn my house down

No. 1105770

It's grimes, nonny

No. 1105774

File: 1647860663284.jpeg (211.91 KB, 1241x1331, 4A1582D9-D0F1-437A-A005-3731E3…)

i like mine better

No. 1136368

File: 1650048260051.jpeg (313.14 KB, 900x1113, 4F6347D9-999D-491E-A7F7-FF6B25…)

i think it would be so easy for kathy to improve her style, please let me know how i did, i never tried this before.

>ditch the baby pinks she likes so much, go for vibrant colors that work with her complexion

>get rid of overdramatic makeup, leave some free eyelid space
>no sparkles, opt for solid blocks of color and classic patterns
>corsets give her too much emphasis. she would look more harmonious with a subtler waistline
>she could add a bit of vintage glamour by picking pieces with a retro style cut. add a blazer if she wants to go for a rich bitch look idk
>shorter tousled hair will help her rounded features

No. 1136380

I'm impressed that you somehow managed to make her look even worse

No. 1136416

Actually like it aside from the eyes and that's probably because you photoshopped eyeshadow away so it looks a bit wonky. She looks like a cute housewife though.

No. 1136433

OT but it amazes me how the internet used to consider PT on left "hamplanet" size where nowadays she wouldn't even fit in among the actual deathfats.
Makes me feel a little bad for her, she was before her time.

No. 1136436

File: 1650052154369.jpeg (1005.38 KB, 3465x3465, 7C7CF3ED-44E0-41CA-80F2-B548E8…)

nice effort, nonnie! you did great ridding her of the drag makeup but i think what would really boost her style the most is investing in some blush and hair dye. her skin tone would pair with a ginger shade nicely. the overly cool-toned makeup and dishwater grey hair washes her out horribly. mascara on her bottom lashes wouldn't hurt either.

No. 1136448

This is giving blue girl redraw from the art threads. Progressively gets worse. Quick someone do another shoop!

No. 1137124

File: 1650122904100.jpg (Spoiler Image,131.22 KB, 729x1024, ezgif-2-55db936cd0.jpg)

Wasn't she also much fatter occasionally? I haven't been following PT during her prime, so may be wrong… I know that some of her tiny anime outfits really didn't give her justice. Made her look fatter/worse than she actually was. Like picrel.
It's true she could be succesful nowadays, if only she wore cosplay in the right size and maybe used some filters (since it's a standard, especially for costhots).

No. 1137758

You’re so right about the red hair I think it somehow even makes her nose look normal

No. 1138656

That hairstyle is hideous

No. 1146834

File: 1650862026184.jpg (2.62 MB, 1828x1833, Shaynus.jpg)

I have like 3 more fanarts of Shaynus.

She's just so genetically neglected that I want to fix her sloppy ass self.

No. 1146839

Maybe she should try these kinds bangs. They'd make the messy bun look better. She'd just end up putting it in two ponytails though

No. 1146847

The black hair and the bangs really work.

No. 1146850

this hides her forehead wrinkles really well

No. 1146853

what did anon do? looks like they gave her more of an upper lip (not necessary) and made her nose smaller too, right? but both were unnecessary, she'd just look good if she got darker hair and a real cut

No. 1146868

Did you change anything other than the hair?! She looks miles better with the dark hair and bangs.

No. 1146869

I'm genuinely impressed, she looks heaps better. Shayna is just generally such a rat faced smarmy bastard, she looks human here. Kudos, anon.

The ginger hair works really well with her complexion and the jewel tone of that dress. I also like the make up, makes her look more alive. My only complaint would be that the hairline is too high and it looks like a wig, but I'm guessing this was just a quick job.


No. 1146871

File: 1650865550087.png (528.66 KB, 720x480, iu.png)

Honestly I think Kathy looks as good as is possible for her to with her own styling and makeup, they "work" in the way she always looks like a female cartoon animal of some kind.

No. 1146901


No. 1146915

File: 1650868774149.jpg (1.11 MB, 1530x1022, Shaynuts.jpg)


She just has dark hair, the shadows are softer, and her skin is smoother. Looking at it, I actually did plump her lips slightly and put a lighter lip color.

This one was done using FaceApp and is pretty much the same.

No. 1146919

I can’t believe she’s still doing those retarded freckles that look like someone sharted in her face. Thas mento illness x

No. 1146928

Did you do something to her nose? It looks a bit more refined

No. 1146934

Honestly bewildered by how massive of a difference some bangs and black hair dye could do for her. what the fuck.

No. 1147337

damn she almost cute. makes more sense with her skin tone and the brown eyes. especially plus the bangs? and if she exercised???? nona don't make us hope

No. 1200154

File: 1653734548708.jpg (1.02 MB, 1440x1920, shayna.jpg)

No. 1200163

I don't follow her thread at all so pls don't come for me but she looks pretty in the original imo

No. 1200166

you made her look like park bom >>1200154

No. 1200208

Top image: snots mom from American dad
Bottom image: Michael H (Haeuyon) Jackson

No. 1200376

you made shayana grande

No. 1202601


Log off k-pop Twitter friend

No. 1208187

File: 1654197469305.jpg (1.28 MB, 1698x1700, Shaynuts.jpg)

No. 1208192

Chola Shayna (Choyna)

No. 1208203

She looks more endearing with this hair style and color, definitely an improvement.

No. 1208373

File: 1654204887665.jpg (804.89 KB, 1440x958, shayna.jpg)

shayna with some relatively light photoshopping. a couple small changes would make her look a lot better tbh

No. 1208387

We still making fan art?

No. 1208695

File: 1654220054876.jpg (77.04 KB, 422x832, rachel-cutified.jpg)

Rachel (>>>/snow/1546635) cutified. Had a little boost from the beauty app to start but this chick needed way more work than that, kek. Thing is most of this would be achievable with some about 50 pounds weight loss, some 'work', and actual self-care. Not to mention the occasional smile.

No. 1208699

Smile dog vibes

No. 1208700

Reminds me of those faceapp smile edit memes. Made me lol

No. 1208746

good work nonnie! But it would be better if she just ditched the unflattering makeup to begin with as a start.

No. 1208792

i know this is a year old, but you have autism anon. also holy shit does this thread reveal that some of y'all have some serious fucking body dysmorphia even by shoop standards if you think some of these photoshops are upgrades or what a real human looks like and not visual representations of the decline of reality, natural beauty+self respect.

>>647201 is one of the few posted here that is a genuine upgrade

No. 1210486

strong mid-late 2000s vibes

No. 1214770

File: 1654571877846.jpeg (2.1 MB, 1418x1024, AA29A012-702E-4C92-8B75-69EF53…)


No. 1214817

She looks cute on the after but she needs to her brows fixed too. They're too thin.

No. 1214905

Damn you turned her into Tifa Lockhart

No. 1215178

you made her uglier

No. 1217417

File: 1654755477909.jpeg (269.01 KB, 736x1334, 6DF77C93-09F0-4B7B-A141-F79FED…)

she should make a witch porn that would be hilarious

No. 1217435

Wtf it kinda suits her

No. 1217441

She looks so cute in the afters omg

No. 1219232

this image looks like one of those images that someone sends you to put a curse on you

No. 1230248

File: 1655577330222.jpeg (520 KB, 828x1129, CF6DA638-3C09-455A-B450-8CF85F…)

All I added was a smile, I think she’s already pretty cute

No. 1230289

not that anyone asked, but I hate this woman's videos so much yet I can't put my finger on why that is

No. 1230314

I don't dislike her as a person, the people who mock her as a cow seem to only dislike her because "she's ugly" and overshares on twitter.
But her videos do fucking suck. They're really damn short and basically just consist of her reading straight from an article about whatever subject word for word. Low effort crap when she could dive deeper and have some sort of crime channel.

No. 1246904

File: 1656644795609.jpeg (319.6 KB, 1118x1644, 94CB61FC-726A-42FD-A81D-892A5B…)

All she needs to do is lose like 35 pounds and fill in her brows

No. 1246905

She looks exactly the same

No. 1246911

File: 1656644998389.jpeg (215.81 KB, 1118x2048, 1167A403-68FD-4D24-9302-D2A094…)

Take it back bitch

No. 1246920

Honestly that and some solid hygiene and she would look good anon. I agree.

No. 1253855

File: 1657212872533.jpg (Spoiler Image,98.9 KB, 540x960, fd00b62e5b93bc1e256e5e0f29b76f…)

Is that Shauna? I haven't been keeping up with her threads but she was still awful 35 lbs ago.

No. 1253925

are you fucking stupid? can't read? this isn't the improvement thread, it's just a photoshop thread. We can make them look like whatever we want, it has no reflection on how we feel about society or beauty or whatever. Calm down.

No. 1253926

what's awful about her here? she just had really ugly makeup and ugly bleach blonde hair (needs more dimension). otherwise she was cute

No. 1276352

File: 1658739239270.jpeg (188.56 KB, 567x709, C325E1B5-1B34-49CC-A4A6-501375…)

Stamina rose and /cgl/ was a lot more fun when we made memes and edited cows. Maybe if we were allowed to do that more the camaraderie would be better and the threads wouldn’t be as full of so many cunts like you. Mini mods like you are killing the site. All the seething bitches from PULL flocked here and shit it up.

No. 1285207

File: 1659328137069.jpeg (762.14 KB, 2048x2048, 3E0F956B-26CE-4B0F-955F-DD468B…)

Shayna if she went to college

No. 1285210

File: 1659328342208.jpeg (747.74 KB, 2048x2048, F055AA94-74AD-4CA6-B194-6968AA…)

And here’s a part two for fun. This one was nearly impossible to get right because of how disgusting the original was. Her posture is so fucking bad, and the hair is unfixable as is, but I wanted to portray Shayna as a normal girl with actual female friends and age-appropriate boyfriends

No. 1285216

wow, the wonders of charlotte tilbury lip cheat. jk, really good edit, it’s amazing what such subtle changes can do

No. 1285293

Not to be rude, but I think the afters are actually worse and kind of uncanny valley

No. 1285306

So you just pornified her. Congratulations on being a loser.

No. 1285319

NTA but things change anon, I would've enjoyed the photoshopped "improved" versions 10 years ago when I was still browsing /cgl/ but now I'm also 10 years older, jaded and pinkpilled by Lolcow, absolutely sick of anons with BDD nitpicking bodies and doing edits to "improve" the cow looks as if having beauty unattainable outside of photoshop was the only thing that mattered in a woman.

No. 1285373

nta but jesus christ kek, what was wrong with that post? she's not even mini-modding

No. 1285418

>if she went to college

No. 1285456

I made that post a month ago. Also it isn’t my fault that you think fan art is anything but cringe, just like fanfic and the autistic sperging about giving cows makeovers. The “memes” that are being made are rarely even funny or good, have some standard.

No. 1287516

File: 1659502907866.jpg (1.14 MB, 1564x1564, Quickedit.jpg)

This is a half-assed edit, but still…she could do it!!!

No. 1287518

Yeah, these are terrible

No. 1296392

File: 1660096128823.jpeg (185.99 KB, 541x966, 4F7CAC98-BE62-4922-B2C8-61E61E…)

Shrunk her nose, took off some wrinkles, bigger eyebrows. If she used her money on herself instead of doordash she might be passable

No. 1296413

Why are all of you in love with Shayna

No. 1296490

She’s the one who needs the most help out of all the cows

No. 1296502

And what? You’re going to help her by giving her a nosejob and some Botox?

No. 1297313

File: 1660169255134.jpeg (Spoiler Image,751.34 KB, 2048x2048, B7956679-DA9B-4AC6-8765-88ECB9…)

Inside Shaynus there are two other Shaynuses (Shayni?): the Shtaycy and the Shay-Devil. They are locked in eternal battle. Will Shtaycy triumph and end Shaynus’ “porn” career for good? Or will the Shay-devil hit her over the head with a bottle of pink wine? Only time will tell…

No. 1297329

The original picture was taken outside where I work and it haunts me that you made the decision to make it more cursed than it already was

No. 1297524

She looks like a dehydrated lauren southern lmao

No. 1297680


No. 1297804

i want to throw all of her "clothes" away so bad

No. 1301771

File: 1660425663261.jpeg (430.52 KB, 1694x1047, 485AF421-947A-4E82-897C-6ABA51…)

Bigger hair, smaller nose, healthier skin

No. 1309247

File: 1660961837060.jpg (1.09 MB, 1564x1564, snow_meitu.jpg)

You're bad at this.

She's fun to practice on!

This is pretty good, anon…but remove the forehead acne!!

No. 1318076

File: 1661578940672.jpeg (247.69 KB, 745x932, DF1AF263-4815-4C15-96C6-CC9CB7…)

Elliot Dressel

No. 1318077

File: 1661578967985.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.58 MB, 1228x1214, B5E63DE6-06CE-44C3-AC1D-CA14BA…)

steals your child’s pacifier

No. 1318085

fuck i spit my water out kek

No. 1318089

This blurry mess looks inhuman and is such an eyesore

No. 1318091

File: 1661580007519.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.08 MB, 1640x1166, B65210BE-3617-400B-8CB0-8F260E…)

slurps the secondhand water

No. 1331183

File: 1662657902947.jpeg (631.28 KB, 1365x2048, 6E95EA03-CAEA-4F24-B0E8-36E6F4…)

With Game of Thrones and LOTR shows being released, I thought I would try my hand at a fantasy-inspired Shay edit

No. 1331201

No. 1331436

nonna this is fucking beautiful artwork

No. 1331454


No. 1336057

NO!!! Too scary (ily nonna)

No. 1336152

File: 1662929161386.jpg (1.12 MB, 1564x1564, challenge.jpg)

This was a hard one

No. 1336154

There's really no way to make this picture not the most depressing shit you've ever seen.

No. 1336185

Ayrt I know, right?? I tried

No. 1340816

File: 1663253621889.jpg (1.05 MB, 1440x1080, tranny.jpg)

No. 1340821

All she had to do was layer the photo with an unshooped brick wall in the background lmao

No. 1350996

File: 1664045860984.jpg (766.42 KB, 1440x1080, grimes.jpg)

No. 1351187

i dont think anything can be done to make this not horrifying but it is certainly less horrifying with your edit

No. 1351411

I never knew this thread existed and it's fantastic.

No. 1352371


No. 1352409

What is wrong with you

No. 1352792

Late but hard agree it feels like bitches just come here to make snarky comments at strangers rather than discuss cows or have fun. The particularly angry ones are always clearly underage.
>We still making fan art
In the literal Photoshop thread, yes kek.

No. 1353989

File: 1664258791448.jpg (524.76 KB, 960x1471, Grimesbutbetter.jpg)

I saw the before and something in me felt like it was one of God's mistakes i had to fix.

No. 1354074

She legit looks like someone hit her face in the before picture, I feel sad for her. Idk why tf she wants to be a weird uwu alien so much

No. 1354076

You are not good at this

No. 1354118

Escapism, I think

No. 1354154

She is autistic.

No. 1354171

you know, i don't think she is. i think probably she wishes she was so she was capable of being less derivative.

No. 1354208

I think you just hate her and want to be contrarian because she’s textbook autistic.

No. 1354455

where? being chronically stupid and attention obsessed doesn't = autism. i don't see it, nor do i hate her. i do think she's really dumb though.

No. 1388843

File: 1666915871688.jpeg (1.19 MB, 4000x3000, 95168837-3E80-4603-9B2C-28AECE…)

Not photoshopped but I put her picture in DALL E 2 and clicked generate variations. You can’t use human faces usually btw kek but her face is so filtered it probably registered it was a weird art piece

No. 1389063

File: 1666932208076.jpeg (8.21 MB, 3087x4116, BD364C7A-E476-449A-A76D-C1699A…)

Since a nonnie bumped the thread with a Shayna post, here’s a Shay edit

No. 1389115

iirc dalle 2 now does allow human faces input since quite recently

No. 1389124

You need a different hobby desperately

No. 1389140

shayna derangement syndrome

No. 1389145

Truly the saddest anons that come here

No. 1389375

File: 1666964032062.png (520.09 KB, 616x680, Untitled819_20221028063245.png)

No. 1389379


No. 1389394

To be fair it’s been like 13 minutes

No. 1389399


No. 1389402

Why would you spend on time on this

No. 1457500

File: 1672324177933.jpg (362.74 KB, 583x1173, FaceApp_1672324218126.jpg)

I'm so depressed and bored, please have mercy in me nonners. I'm crying

No. 1457506

File: 1672324374556.jpg (876.26 KB, 1402x1800, FaceApp_1672324479108.jpg)

No. 1457543

I added fake teeth nona

No. 1457549

No. 1457555

File: 1672327427340.jpg (1.94 MB, 2048x2048, FaceApp_1672327494811.jpg)

Okay no more just getting my shitpists out before the new year

No. 1457556

she’s going to actually look like that within the next couple years

No. 1457561

File: 1672328420888.jpg (29.34 KB, 225x225, FaceApp_1672328432746.jpg)

Nonnies I'm going through something hide the thread. I like face Apping

No. 1457566

File: 1672329135626.jpg (959.17 KB, 3000x2741, Is this factual and logical.jp…)

No. 1457871

File: 1672351899800.jpg (322.98 KB, 757x941, FaceApp_1672351817928.jpg)

No. 1457906

File: 1672355046275.jpg (30.1 KB, 300x169, FaceApp_1672355067768.jpg)

No. 1457907

File: 1672355069049.jpg (396.76 KB, 960x1471, FaceApp_1672353482719.jpg)

No. 1457908

File: 1672355123626.jpg (173.71 KB, 413x629, FaceApp_1672353965747.jpg)

No. 1458701

Blaire white

No. 1466859

File: 1673187443325.jpg (1.43 MB, 2160x1443, FaceApp_1673187245048.jpg)

No. 1466865

File: 1673187513646.jpg (983.61 KB, 1080x2340, FaceApp_1673187446811.jpg)

No. 1466867

I like this one

No. 1466869

wtf her features actually look prettier on the right

No. 1467528

File: 1673231328181.jpg (348.58 KB, 1117x2056, FaceApp_1673231331696.jpg)

No. 1467530

She looks like Heather's perfect dream boy kek

No. 1659288

File: 1691622412335.jpeg (208.37 KB, 640x328, 22831B14-B18E-4AD2-9AF2-5A2B43…)

Impossible to yassify

No. 1659436

looks like worldoftshirts

No. 1914103

File: 1709777695954.jpeg (109.09 KB, 768x765, ff13397c-bb61-436c-afcc-bdc06b…)

I swapped Shayna's face with James Worley because they look alike

No. 1914104

File: 1709777754779.jpeg (67.88 KB, 768x562, a7edaeeb-a228-4491-837e-b12878…)

Also swapped her with Jewel Rancid

No. 1914442

Now I want to see someone take a real shot at this.

No. 2000741

File: 1715554821373.jpg (286.19 KB, 700x972, 18481-kingcobrajfs.jpg)

No. 2000743

File: 1715554850403.jpg (1.61 MB, 2032x4096, VIP_Temp_File_image_repair_171…)

No. 2000798

File: 1715561437755.jpg (147.61 KB, 508x1024, 9112229-6046787506-F6zBRPfWYAA…)

No. 2000829

This bitch is really an ogre, jesus.

No. 2000850

Economy is fucked but it's fucked because Americans allow the system to abuse them and they enjoy it. I find so many of them jumping through hoops to avoid admitting there's something wrong with government and corporations

Even people that don't mean to will pull bullshit like complaining about fast food costs then waiting hours in a CFA line after

No. 2000854

File: 1715566744427.jpeg (76.48 KB, 258x357, IMG_0547.jpeg)

gotta squeeze in that bigfoot feet into heels that are probably too small kekkk

No. 2000856

Wrong thread anon

No. 2000873

File: 1715569397035.jpg (107.6 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Not the best pic but she looks slightly like Becky here

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