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No. 666545

Your boss requests that you to help train a new employee. You are surprised to be introduced to your favorite cow, and they are now shadowing you at work. Who is it and why? How do you treat them? What do you do? Do you post about it? Do you consider taking them under your wing and try to help them, or do you sweat and tremble with excitement at the thought of getting a few creepshots in so you can post to their thread as soon as you think they’ll inevitably ragequit? Could you handle the cow or would it be unbearable?

Oh, and for NEETS: Your favorite cow marries into your family. You are expected to be cordial and treat them with respect, they come over for dinner and get togethers. They like to sit next to you at birthday parties and the family reunion. What do?

No. 666550

It's gramp's 90th birthday, and we gather around the table for a big family meal. Everyone is nicely dressed and in a celebratory mood. Very wholesome. Gimpgirl arrives in a short skirt, burqa, and cuffs on her wrists and sits beside me. Everybody stares, uncle laughs, mom directly asks "why are you dressed like that?", aunt considers calling the psych clinic to commit her, grampa whispers to the one next to him "good thing we decided not to dine out this time".
We end up sharing a meal and laughing. Or she ends up actually commited. Can't decide on more likely outcome.

No. 666568

Oh but you do

No. 666578

I take Luna under my wing to try and get her clean. She continues to do heroin before robbing me blind. 2 weeks later i receive a facebook message from lurch asking to see my nips.

If it was moo I would gather a bunch of milk then post it here when she stops giving me money

No. 666619

If shayna became my new coworker I'd probably walk in on her snapping nudes in the bathroom.

No. 666625

What kind of dusty and unprofessional job would you have to be working to find yourself training any of the drama cows on this website? Practically all are unemployable unless you work at a strip bar.

No. 666643

she would try to do that dumb baby voice when taking phone calls too

No. 666678

If PnP showed up at my job I would probably take a bunch of candids of her scary face and upload them here until she found out who I was by lurking her thread. Then she'd put me on blast and tell the manager and I would be outed as a creepshot-taking farmer irl and on my social media and I'd have to move cities and change my name.

No. 666704

I'm finally stable on the right medication and got a job at walmart. I'm doing so well, my skin is glowing, my hair is healthy and long. There is a really nice friendly tattooed face girl named Abby on my smoke breaks. She is so loud and bubbly and fun and exciting! She said I'm her best friend now. We are going to have a photo shoot next week, she is going to do my hair and introduce me to some kewl emo bois. Excited for my new chapter in life with this cool chick.

No. 666963

It’s for fun don’t make it autistic

No. 667149

> be a bartender at high end strip club
> enter Shayna as my new barback
> dressed entirely inappropriate
> grease stained, pink sweater bulging at its seams
> dirty uggs
> "our uniform is black slacks and a black dress shirt. You better show up in that tomorrow"
> she's tweeting about ~thriving~ and lying about being one of the dancers
> "Shay, it's saturday and busy go wash these glasses"
> tweets more about girls jealous of her being a SWer
> end up scrambling around the bar to do everything
> Shay pockets tips meant for me
> lose her for 30 minutes
> find her in the dressing room for the dancers where she's making public masturbation videos
> fucking lose it and tell her to get back to the bar and go cut some limes for me
> How the fuck did Jason get here from Tulsa
> suicide baiting on twitter, because her boss is just jealous of her OF
> break down and give my two weeks notice

The cow I was going to pick was LJ, but Shayna seemed more fitting since I work at a club.

No. 667150

kek. I just read this and I'm this anon>>667149

No. 2001722

I would unironically become friends with her and fix her.

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