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No. 425446

Last thread: >>421206

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mariahmallad
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram / Snapchat: mariahmallad

- Redid her Yoko cosplay and went on a crying tirade how much effort she put into making the cosplay perfect. In other words she just re-styled the wig to make it even more inaccurate and remade the neckpiece while doing absolutely nothing else.
- Apparently planning a hentai cosplay.
- Did a Cindy cosplay and had a photoshoot at the beach despite the character not fitting in the scenario at all.
- Did a shitty "adult Kanna" cosplay with just a wig and a generic cosplay lolita dress, vaguely let people know that she "made the outfit" while she got the dress from good old eBay
- Tried to make people dogpile on a photographer she had a falling out with before, claimed to be because "he insulted her best friend Jessica" even though it's obvious the photographer dropped her due to her toxic personality.
- Keeps gaining weight.

KEEP THE THREAD ABOUT MOOMOO. That means no Vamp, no SSS, no other cosplayers, no fit/weight/pet animal/etc. topics unless it's directly relevant to Mariah and her chronicles. Don't derail and don't reply to bait!

The basics:
>body positive, but photoshops her body and wears shapewear/corsets constantly, resorted to getting liposuction
>Proven through twitteraudit that she has bought at least 20k followers.
>laughably bad at making cosplays – if she's told they're bad, she falls back on her Mei costume and makes excuses for why she couldn't wear the new cosplay
>spends very little time and effort on each costume and then claims her money is "hard-earned"
>claims she cosplays because she's passionate about the characters and the hobby, but is only in it for the money
>does monthly "boudoir"/half-naked shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are
>thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame
>has to beg for money, con passes, etc. despite making over $10k per month on Patreon
>known to spend chunks of her Patreon income on fancy vacations, alcohol, drugs and treating her friends while simultaneously half-assing all her cosplays
>pretends to have played/know about the series she cosplays from, despite evidence proving otherwise
>loiters around at booths during cons, pretending to have been invited as a guest
>lewded a dragon loli after people told her not to and massively backpedaled after she couldn't just laugh off the backlash
>had a major fallout with her boytoy KBBQ bc he didn’t want to fuck her, according to numerous rumors she threatened KBBQ with something that made him quit all social media in a second.
>constantly goes on pity party rants or videos, trying to make people feel bad for her about things that’s happening to her when she’s done the same
>goes off on social media tirades and then immediately back pedals

No. 425448

>according to numerous rumors she threatened KBBQ with something that made him quit all social media in a second.

anyone know if he shows up to cons or anything…? It's so damn weird to quit everything just because you pissed off moomoo… Is she that insane/threatening??

No. 425451

Someone close to moomoo's circles in the previous threads said that there are two rumors going on, I think the other one was that she was threatening to fake a rape claim on him and the other one I can't remember but it was something similar to that. Because KBBQ already has a sketchy history of not knowing the limits of people's personal space it would probably ruin the fuck out of him. I also think someone mentioned that KBBQ was starting to receive attacks from Moomoo's white knights on IG before deleting his account but it happened so fast nobody got caps.

No. 425453

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From thread #24. KBBQ's acquaintance spilled some of the milk.

No. 425456

Mariah no normal person goes through old instastories and laughs hysterically at themselves alone in their home. Now you're just over compensating while trying to be "quirky and relatable" to your loser fans.

No. 425465

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No. 425467

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going through some backlogs

No. 425476

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Her titty blurred to oblivion

No. 425477

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When people who actually play the visual novel and watched the anime say that Rin never summoned Saber, they just made a pact to get ahead

No. 425478

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No. 425498

>grey/silver hair
>on a person with warm complexion
I have no words for how bad this looks

No. 425502

You're also forgetting that right thigh blurred past oblivion to the point where her sock edges are easier to see

No. 425509

Is she wearing a ton of shapewear in this one? I'm just staring at that overspill under her armpit. Yikes.

No. 425510

File: 1503152782488.png (332.42 KB, 266x728, whatisthisass.png)

has this been posted yet?

I haven't seen it posted but this is probably one of the worst photos of her Cindy

No. 425515

Her ass is tragic…

No. 425516

her stomach has more curves than her ass. amazing.

No. 425517

The dirt honestly looks like someone beat her up (bruising).

No. 425518

Can she do only one pose? Every single time I see her its either

1-Same pose
2-LoL Im SO Random
3-Pose to mock haters but not really

Shows how little she knows of the character she does

No. 425519


No. 425520

Again with the muffintop sock. Ugh

No. 425521

She'd need to make them to fit her
But that, of course, is too much effort for moo

No. 425524

Her shorts start above where her actual ass is. Is that actual tricking anyone into thinking her ass is bigger?

No. 425525

her legs look like bags of potatoes

No. 425526

A previous thread had an anon saying that he was planning on retiring after AX or something. Maybe he just got tired of Moo's shit and needed an excuse to stay away from her. Anywho it is a shame that Moo and her shitty attitude caused someone actually talented to stop cosplaying.

No. 425528


>but I'm a real fan my dudes. Look at my figures.

It is so sad how she has been telling the whole world how big of fan she is of the series and is getting roasted by actual fans? I can't wait for the Jojo and Dragonball community to start a luau with her.

No. 425531

I looove how the two younger cosplayers beside her look 100,000 x better. haha

No. 425538

moo's lack of self-awareness is really so embarassing. I'm still not over the fact she just pasted yellow stars to a strip of fabric over a bra and just…let it all hang out. like what the fuck girl. and that bts memememe pic is so photoshopped good lord

No. 425540


Im reaching but if the abortion thing is true that explains her latest irl issues. But. Reaching.

No. 425548

what if she's too fat to get pregnant?

No. 425551


I think that she bought jeans that were way too small for herself and cut them up. So, it'd be literally imossible to pull them down to the correct height.

That's probably why she only wears leggings now. Knowing the size of jeans that would actually correctly fit her is probably too much for her fragile ego to take. Although, with how out of proportionately huge her legs are now, non-stretchy pants are probably impossible for her to fit correctly anyway. Think about it, when's the last time you saw her in anything but leggings or sweats?

No. 425555

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No. 425561

It's probably just sand but it looks like she has fucking stubble from shaving hair between her ass cheeks. Yeah people have ass hair but you'd think she'd cover it up better or wax it.

No. 425565

she literally has to hold up the flab to make it look like an ass

No. 425566

She's doing the mouth thing again, is she really 10x fatter with her mouth close?

No. 425568

Jesus shit fuck. Just fucking stop eating, Moo. What a waste of lipo dollars. Her body is the most lumpen mess rn, I guess she's sensitive about it but ffs my ego would be telling me to put the fork down.

No. 425573


She's fat, sad, has a horrible body from lipo and smoking and single. Momo is a fucking mess. Watching this cow is so fun.

No. 425577


I mean, Tess Holiday has two kids and she's way bigger than moomoo..

No. 425583

What does fatass Tess have to do with this, lol? I'm talking about MooMoo. Is that okay with you?

No. 425584

Tess had a lot of complications between the two kids. Her first kid is like 8 or something, when she was at an overweight/obese class 1, and this new kid is still an infant.

In between she had a few miscarriages or she couldn't get pregnant because she's now class 3 obese? She's pretty fat.

Sage for obese pregnancy ramblings but Momo isn't that fat yet. She's probably class 1 obese and could still get pregnant. It probably would be healthy unless she lost weight.

No. 425585

But who would even fuck Moo to get her pregnant in the first place? She's not in bed with KBBQ anymore

No. 425594

God how sad that she has to hold the fat in place to make it look like she has an actual ass. And the rolls around her stomach… blech. How sad her life must be.

No. 425600

Anon please, lots of people would. Most dudes don't care who they fuck as long as they get their dick wet

No. 425601

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I'm dying, her shorts are so up her ass/high cut, it looks like she is wearing nothing at all, full cheeks are out. imo this can be a fairly lewd cosplay yet she's complaining about not getting as much attention and likes.

No. 425615

that back fat is fucking disgusting..

No. 425622

Ffs, she wouldn't even be showing with that amount of fat she's already got if she'd had an abortion. You don't look pregnant at eight fucking weeks and the timeline doesn't support the supposed pregnancy being later.

Are people here twelve?

No. 425630

She really is Hank Hill

No. 425633

See that's where it should be obvious to her that she's terrible at cosplay&/ her fan base is mostly there for fapping reasons. Cindy is a naturally sexy/lewd character and she isn't getting the usual worship because these sets have mostly been unedited and reveal how big she's actually gotten. All her lumps and rolls are on display and she thinks the low response rate is because the Cindy costume isn't sexy enough.bitch.what..More and more people are telling her the truth and she can't take it. Each time some honesty drops she either chimps out or tries to make a joke masking her hurt "freewings"

No. 425634


Lmao what the fuck. She actually blamed the low turnout because cindy isnt sexy? Does this bitch have eyes. Cindy is half naked and the sexiest character in ff15.

Her neckbeards like her untill her rolls, lumpy stomach and hank hill ass are on display~

No. 425638

This. A sultry girl in a bra, cropped open jacket, microshorts and high heel boots is not sexy? She was too late to the train, there's already been a ton of better cosplays of the character and like >>425633 said it really didn't flatter her body. At all. I can't believe she's doing the "woe is me I'm only being objectified with my cosplays!!! Need those Instagram likes right now to feel better!" act with Cindy of all cosplays. fucking christ.

No. 425639

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How do you do this to yourself in a year? It's funny…because I thought she was a gross landwhale on the left.

No. 425641


it was ugly and her back butt was horrible to see..


how does she even walk with those thighs? wouldnt thighs like that chafe and hurt?

also her kanna makes her looks super fucking odl and ugly. it's like yumi where when you dress up as a child as an adult just shows us even more how old she looks.
im never one to say a cow looks old but just look at how disgusting and out of place this looks: >>425465

id honestly rather see her disgusting back rolls than see her in a 'loli'/kid cosplay ever again

No. 425642

Ngl I though she was super cute on the left, but she fucked up her body. You could have stayed the weight you were on the left momo and still be called a "thick goddess" by your neckbeards + rack in money. You fucked up a good thing.

No. 425643

Makes me wonder how she'd have looked without all the lipo with the same growth rate.

No. 425644

She would have racked in alot more money.

No. 425645

Her comment about the character not being sexy was actually in regards to her Fate cosplay with that other girl.

The point still stands stands though that her Cindy really didn't get much attention cuz lots of other, attractive girls have already done it.

No. 425652

this makes me so fucking angry if it's true…

I know a girl who decided to make her ex's life hell by accusing him of physical abuse and posting all his personal info literally everywhere, especially tumblr, all because he cheated on her. This all happened over a year ago and she's still harping on about it and it just pisses me off so much. Yeah getting cheated on sucks but move the fuck on jfc… pulling all this shit just makes you look like a psychopath (similar to moo lol)

sage because not really moo

No. 425656

I still don't understand, how in the world did she get those shorts on and buttoned up.

My mind is so full of fuck and working on physics problems to figure out how she did it.

No. 425663

I saw nothing wrong with her on the left and before I knew all the crap about her, I honestly thought she was alright and that people were just being ridiculous.

Now,she's really reached the land of no return.

No. 425665

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No. 425667

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I don't think the abortion thing is true. After the surgery you're not supposed to move after 6 weeks or do heavy labor. I mean you can balloon with birth control (which is what they recommend after the procedure is to take it the first Sunday) but I think she's just fat and lazy.

KBBQ is a pre-med student so maybe he thought it was time to prioritize alongside his apparent parents being super strict. I'd cut her fat ass out of my life too since she does NOTHING.

No. 425673


It's really sad. I think most people harped on her Samus back then because Samus is supposed to be a muscular space hunter and she was pretty flabby and un-fit. She could have taken the criticism and used it as motivation to work out and lose weight. Now she's still flabby and un-fit but to a disgusting degree. This "cosplay as a career" thing is gonna end really soon for her if she doesn't start getting healthy or 100% devote herself to being a fat fetish model cuz extreme fat fetishists are gonna be the only ones who will want to look at her half-naked mounds of flesh.

No. 425680


>she does "cosplay"

The snarky remarks come from the fact that she hold her head up way too high for what she does. She thinks she's a "respectable" cosplayer even though she rarely makes anything on her her [and when she does it is shit tier]. Yet she goes around cons acting like she's the best cosplayer out there. She has done nothing to even contribute positively to the community and uses her influence to buy her drugs, alcohol, and aftack people she does not like. She does not realize that for people to start viewing her as a "respectable" person she has to change from the ground up.

No. 425683

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I find it very hard to comprehend that her on the right is the "after" lipo shot. Just how much is she eating?
Even Trisha Paytas, the fucking queen of overeating didn't gain this much after her lipo, and trisha openly talks about, videos and eats 4000+ cals a day.
utterly disgusting, Mariah. but hey at least your body matches your disgusting personality better.

No. 425687


She fucked herself up but good. Unreal how bad she looks now. Nitpicking yes but honestly she is grotesque looking now. Her body was actually pretty okay before–I don't think she's pretty per se, but holy shit she used to look shapely. Now she's a hog.

No. 425691

Props to whoever said she's creating an ass for herself by lifting those sacks of flab. I don't even want to know what her rear looks like without the help.

Lipo ass Moo when?

No. 425693

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No. 425697

How is she gaining weight so quickly? Is she an alcoholic on top of being a binge eater?

No. 425701

Yep, that bitch drinks like a fish. There are stories about how she's known in Vegas nerd circles as 'Cannonball' because she just barrels into parties and gets blitzed as quickly as possible.

Moo is seriously just trashy from start to finish.

No. 425705

LMAooo0o it looks like she isnt even wearing shorts theyre so far up her ass, her attempt in making her stumpy lil mule legs looks longer makes me laugh.

No. 425706

ugh i have this sort of confidence too when im drunk but i dont think i would have the audacity to think this actually looks good.

No. 425715

all that extra weight and lifting up her ass to create a bigger cheek and theres still no cheek there, holy hell

No. 425728

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Another Higurashi clip. Joy.

No. 425733

But Moo, all of your cosplays are an absolute horror show! Can't wait to see you fuck up this one though, I am sure it will be super duper spooky and really show all of us naysayers that you can do more than ""sexy"" cosplay.

No. 425761

The audacity to @ 7th Expansion, Moo really thinks she's the bee's knees. No they won't give a lumpy landwhale who wrecks characters any attention, Moo. There's the knife emoji but I remember a few threads ago she said she wanted to cosplay Beatrice, I wonder which one she'll do, Higurashi or Umineko. Either way it'll look hilarious.

No. 425766

This bitch is basic as fuck for acting like she can only do horror themed cosplays in October

No. 425769

>she wouldn't even be showing with that amount of fat she's already got if she'd had an abortion

No one has said she got fat by being pregnant.

>You don't look pregnant at eight fucking weeks

No one has said how many weeks along her pregnancy is/was.

> and the timeline doesn't support the supposed pregnancy being later.

The only timeline is Moo gets pregnant > she and KBBQ split up > she has an abortion.

>After the surgery you're not supposed to move after 6 weeks or do heavy labor.

You have to avoid strenuous activity for about a week after having an abortion. Definitely not 6.

And what strenuous activity is she doing? I mean, I guess walking around a con could be considered strenuous for a hamplanet..

> I mean you can balloon with birth control

It can cause some water retention and a somewhat increased appetite. It absolutely does not magically turn healthy women obese.

Anyway, Moo was already obese until her dad forced her to get in shape. She's fattening back up because she no longer has him controlling her food intake and exercise regimen.

Not that that's even relevant. She's been getting fat since long before she and KBBQ broke up. Honestly I'm not sure why you'd even put forth that hypothesis, other than to "disprove" it.

tbh you sound fishy as fuck.

No. 425770

Not the anon you responded to but geez anon, relax and put the tinfoil hat away. It was just a rumor. And people like to make nasty rumors about people they don't like (and a LOT of people don't like moomoo, obv.)
Let's not speculate until more evidence comes around, mkay?

No. 425773

> It can cause some water retention and a somewhat increased appetite. It absolutely does not magically turn healthy women obese.
I picked up 22 pounds in a month from contraceptives. It does stabilise after the initial weight gain but it's very hard to lose weight afterwards without putting in lots of work; it's not longer ordinary living after that if you want to actually lose. This obviously varies woman to woman and I have no doubt moo is lazy as fuck and doesn't put the effort to lose weight in; but it could definitely be a contributing factor.

/sage for kinda blogging

No. 425782


Yeah, well in the USA, good luck finding a doctor who'll do abortions past the first trimester. I was at PP in NYC for my abortion and they were adamant I have it done between eight and ten weeks. See, we have these crazies here who kill abortion doctors and bomb clinics. So yeah. Even finding doctors for second trimester is difficult. It can be done, but it's not easy. Either way, Moo is too fat to show first trimester.

No. 425795

October is when the family conference and the meat of the story in Umineko takes place, much like June is when the festival in Higurashi happens. 07th Expansion usually holds events or at least some kind of commemoration on Twitter like Ryukishi replying to fan questions as the characters. I imagine however that if Mariah had acquired a Beatrice copay she'd be boasting about it now. So maybe she's just filming a Shion cosplay video.
As for 07th Expansion and Ryukishi in particular, he's very kind of fans and really treasures their thoughts and fanworks so it's possible that they'd RT or at least like whatever Mariah comes up with. They're not gonna collab with her ever though. Lmao Mariah. Keep dreaming.

No. 425814

>in association of

wtf is she trying to say

No. 425816

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>spent all night making props
>see gauntlet quality vs Gideon hammer quality


No. 425818

I have high doubts that they are actually ~collabing~. We all know that Mooriah has a tendency to overexaggerate everything.

When she's at a con she says that she's a guest.
When she buys her cosplays from amazon she will show it off like she made it.
When she started following her dad's meal plan and started going to the gym once a month she started claiming that she had a ~trainer~.
When Jnig started acknowledging her existence she acts like they are best friends.
When she had lipo done and had her fat sculpted to look like ~abs~ she has been trying to pass them off as being actual abs
When she became friends with that Justin guy [or whatever his name is] she would name drop him and act like she has connections to Funimation [even doing so at a panel that Chris Sabat and Sean Schemmel were at].
When she started gaining thousands of thirsty neckbeards followers she tells the whole world that it is because she's a ~businesswoman~ and super great kawaii ~cosplayer~.

The list goes on

No. 425820


>see I credit people!

Writes the photographers name but doesn't actually link it to help promote them.

Or maybe they have beef? I do not think they have shot together recently since the Fire Emblem shots last year??

No. 425826

Well, the CK photoshoot was also shooped to hell and back, you should've picked a candid. But yes, she's gained a lot of weight

No. 425860

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Maybe I'm just just nitpicking, but I find it kind of irritating that she doesn't make any attempt to point out that this is an old cosplay. It feels like she's trying to pass it off as something she's done recently in order to combat the fact that she's been doing too many lewd cosplays lately.

No. 425864

File: 1503257413892.png (210.68 KB, 720x871, Screenshot_2017-08-20-12-28-34…)

Slimy personalities stick together I guess

No. 425867

File: 1503257834805.png (947.44 KB, 749x703, 124297af34e8e35b16caadedf02bd3…)

Old pic, but i'm guessing this is when she first got her lipo done? Back when she said "Body progress. Workin on that colossal-con bod" aka "went to the doctors and got some fat sucked out"

sage in case ppl already connected the dots with this

No. 425868

Yes, this was the first time. Then she proceeded to post "ab" and "exercise" pics without actually using the gym. She got significantly fatter afterwards

No. 425871


I will never understand people who post pictures of themselves with piles of trash in the background. It's just disgusting and nothing ~artsy~ about this.

No. 425872

File: 1503258808856.gif (2.9 MB, 250x444, EssentialUnfinishedFantail-siz…)

Disgusting fatty bouncing.

No. 425875

>connected the dots


No. 425876

am I really too tired to get what is going on or is the entirety of this gif moomoo pressing her lips together and then a quick shot of her veiny boobs and then just an incomprehensible blur instead of what should be her jiggling? I can't make anything out lmao
>Sheesh she's really dead-set on milking kanna to death, isn't she
>sage for bs

No. 425879

I'm so amazed she's that young. I can't imagine how she'll look at thirty.

No. 425883

Reminds me of that one infamous Vexxed gif

No. 425888

probably forgot she was so young bc she looks like she's in her late 30's with kids

No. 425906

If she really was a late 30 yr old mom of three that she appears to be, I'd be happy for her that she is embracing all the imperfections time and kids has given to her body. But since she isn't it's just makes me sad.

No. 425917

They'd actually be perfect for each other

No. 425925

sage for ot, but what had megamarines done? he seemed chill when i talked to him at con

No. 425934

all I know is he can be extremely controlling and quick to anger abusive meathead

sage for not moomoo

No. 425936

Pathological liar, manipulative, never takes responsibility for his actions, a string of seagull girlfriends who have all left with extreme distaste.

I'm surprised he doesn't have his own thread because the list is pretty long

No. 425949

File: 1503269870617.png (25.55 KB, 750x198, IMG_7004.PNG)

Hmmm… on the last Diane IG pic

No. 425951

File: 1503270266246.jpg (76.61 KB, 960x639, AAAHAHAHA.jpg)

No. 425955

Holy fuck, she actually did straight-ish bangs. I mean, it leaves a lot to be desired, but at least they're not her usual sideswept cop out bangs.

No. 425962

I unblocked her account just so I could see this comment and savor the moment.

No. 425969

Glad they called her out. I was 90% sure they had an IG but she was too lazy to just put the stupid @ sign on. She did it for Vamp but not the photographer? Credits for the costume but fuck the person who took the pictures right?

No. 425976


She didn't tag her on this post with "@" either. If it was once, she could call it an accident, but twice is intentional. Did they have a falling out? Because I remember that on a couple of Moo's posts this photographer would be the only one not giving her asspats and started speaking out.
It really says something about a person when they struggle to keep people around for more than a year….besides Vamp. She's pretty much a pet.

No. 425979

lmao as much as i wanna enjoy the burn on mariah, this is kinda cunty
unless a direct tag for credit was written up in their release, this was such a shitty way of handling this. i certainly wouldnt give them any business.

sage for petty former photographer

No. 425985

lately when i have been trying to credit people on instagram when I try to @tag them it doesnt bring their name up which is unfortunate because stuff like this happens. But she should have tried to tag in the comments or said it wont let her tag him.

No. 425991

If this keeps up no respectable photographer is gonna want to work with her. She's just gonna have to use shitty amateur people.

No. 425992

There has to be more to this since they snapped at her like that. can't imagine someone would word that the way they did if this was just a first time offence. She must have been horrible to take photos with.

No. 425994

Wow, she's already gained back all of the weight that was sucked outta her from the lipo. >>425639

No. 425995

So is no one gonna talk about the bags under eyes or has that already been done to death?

No. 426035

isn't this the same photog that got into with her recently with credit, and who claimed the reason he stopped working with her was because SHE. DIDN'T. CREDIT. him anymore?

No. 426040

Done to death… but they keep getting worse every month or so… so it's still probably a taking point.

She's really been my inspiration to drink less since we're in the same age range and I don't want my skin to give out like hers has.

No. 426047

>It feels like she's trying to pass it off as something she's done recently in order to combat the fact that she's been doing too many lewd cosplays lately.

I think she does it so people think she's still just ~thicc~ instead of being huge like she is now. Compared to how she looks currently, she's downright tiny in her old pics.

No. 426064

God he's still shitting around cosplayers? Gross

No. 426066

File: 1503285283499.png (95.77 KB, 750x715, IMG_7005.PNG)

Annnnd she deleted the photographers comment and still didn't @ his account for credit. Way to be a professional.

No. 426067

she deleted the comment lmao

No. 426076

She had a breast reduction when she was younger iirc? (Unless I'm mixing things up, I don't remember too well.)

No. 426077

Do reduction scars look similar to an underbreast implant? That just looks off to me. Speculation but that stuck out to me on Instagram

No. 426079

nope, you're correct. that's from her breast reduction.

No. 426084


Well this confirms that they are not on good terms . Mooriah probably can't stand anyone who speaks out against her. I believe this was the same photographer who commented "I have never shot porn with you" or whatev when our beloved cow admitted to doing softcore porn.

I hope this photographer lurks here or is a farmer because we want deets.

No. 426087

I don't get the fucking hate - I knew him back and the day when he was a snot nosed brat but he seems fine now

Broke up with his cgl trip gf and got out of the drama scene in Cali and is with someone else now

No. 426089

This photog is Mayhew Photo. She is a girl and I'm pretty sure they had a falling out. They dont shoot anymore and this photog liked all my comments on a hate post about Moo

No. 426091

She didn't delete his comment in the other photo. I also noticed she @ the photographer in the two new photos. Even if you don't like that one photographer anymore, that's pretty scumbag.

No. 426092

File: 1503288318070.png (384.95 KB, 937x449, Screenshot 2017-08-20 at 9.04.…)

>12 hours to make a kimono

No. 426097

12 hour binge before the con, so sewing, drinking, lurking on lolcow, shoving shit into her bag, drinking, lurking on lolcow, running her yap nonstop on social media, aaaand if I remember right, she fucking used a lighter to finish her seams since it is an ~ancient cosplayer trick~ that she learned. And of course, drinking some more after shoving it into her bag. So, yeah, 12 hours sounds right.

No. 426099

A lot of his friends ostracized him for his bullshit, kind of hard to stay in the drama scene when no one will talk to you. He's a manipulative dickhead in shiny muscle-headed "oh please let me help you" packaging.

No. 426101

If they're in the drama community doesn't seem like anyone is missing out

In other news I'm also with the anon up above in hoping the photog lurks here - I want the juice

No. 426102

Pretty sure his cgl ex gf was full of it a lot and made it look way worse than it was. I don't remember him defending himself much while she just laid it on thick.

I interact with him from time to time and he's been really cool to everyone I see. Way different than how he was like four years ago. Maybe that group of people he was around just ended up being nasty and not for him. His girlfriend and him do a lot of good for each other.

I don't think he's the same anymore. His ex gf got worse and he just seems happy

No. 426104


Hey if you wanna complain or whiteknight people make a thread about them. If you wanna talk about him in relation to momo fine but no one gives a fuck about some nobody fuccboi trying to crawl up momo's ass and if his cgl ex is so bad go make a thread in snow.

No. 426116

That spatula hand…
So intimate…

Has she ever had sex with someone before because she doesn't seem to know what it looks like?

No. 426119

It's hard for her to see what sex looks like with a paper bag over her head.

No. 426123

Fuck off Matt stop derailing momo shit for attention.

No. 426125

>Dont think someone is bad anymore
>must be them


No. 426133

Stop this

No. 426174

What the fuck is up with Momo threads getting derailed lately? Can we focus, please?

No. 426177

all threads derail like this when theres no milk. the most you can say about moomoo is that shes fat and entitled (like most people)

No. 426199

File: 1503325338875.png (149.34 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7518.PNG)

Noticed she deleted another comment about crediting the photographer.

No. 426203

Don't you worry, anon! She's setting up lots more milk cans right now, between claiming she's doing an official Higarushi thing in October and the glorious debut of her premade body suit with shitty props at PAX Prime.

Our pet cow never runs dry for long.

No. 426204

>acting like there was only one cgl ex gf

I know of at least 3 that were public. gtfo dumbshit

No. 426210

File: 1503330302895.png (1.99 MB, 1410x1989, Screenshot_20170821-084159.png)

Damn this pisses me off. "Love my little psycho"? I know she didn't play FE but at least read the character profile, moo.

No. 426211

File: 1503330479058.jpg (146.05 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

So psycho.

No. 426212

I don't know why she ever released this photo. Her flabby post-lipo loose skin is so obvious and unflattering. Also surprised she's even bringing attention to this set considering Kbbq is in them.

I think Moo is plenty milky, it's basically countdown to her total complete breakdown or blow up (kek) at this point. She keeps releasing old sets and photos of her clearly slimmer body from a year+ ago. Her mind is obviously struggling to face how trashed her body is.

I'm surprised she hasn't gone for more surgery. Would a doctor even touch her at this point, even a bad one, when she clearly didn't take care of herself after last time?

No. 426213

TO call Camilla a psycho literally means she must have only looked at bad fanart and fanfiction cause she's pretty normal?? She just has a complex for the main character? She's not even fully yandere or anything. jfc

Someone probably told her that camilla is a yandere and momo latched onto that because it's like her 'precious higurashi'

No. 426214

Justin lurks on lolcow this should be interesting.

No. 426216


I actually do lurk here, although there are so many threads I only come time to time. That's how I found out about her not crediting her photogs again. That's really shitty.

She muted me on Twitter and blocked me on Instagram after calling her out.

No. 426218

Wow what a piece of shit. So we pretty much have absolute confirmation that she doesn't credit photogs out of pure spite. That's so fucked up. I wonder if there is a way to remove all the photos you took. Doesn't the photographer technically own the rights? Unless she paid for them the. I guess she would.

No. 426219


Ya its called a lawyer sending a cease and desist letter.

No. 426223

File: 1503333140678.png (379.29 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170821-112945.png)

Since Moo lurks here, let's use that, huh?
Learn to read, Mooriah. Camilla makes jokes, she's not a fucking psycho - unlike you.

No. 426224

Man could you imagine the sperging of she got a legitimate cease and desist? Milkyyyy

No. 426225


She never paid for them and while I would technically hold the rights I consider it a trade situation. I was barely starting out and was glad to have the experience. Then as I saw her pick and choose who she credited and not give me any credit it rubbed me wrong way to where I no longer wanted anything to do with her.

No. 426226


Actually there were a lot of things that rubbed me the wrong way like her asking for my raw photos. I'll be back later to talk about it. Fucking might as well.

No. 426229

Please do, the more people put her on blast the better tbh. She Shouldn't be allowed to sweep this shit under the rug.

The fact she dudnt credit you when you first starting out kind of screams she thought a) she could get away with it and b) she felt that she had nothing to gain. You didn't have a large following so it's not like people would bleed into her following. And she wanted the raws sk she could shoop them herself, which is hilarious.

No. 426230

I can already imagine Moo telling the photographer: "I helped you start out my dude. You would be nowhere without me."
As if she is so high and mighty that she can make anyone around her ~famous~ like she is. If that was the case Vamp would have a bigger following.

No. 426231


More people need to come forward like this. Who will be next? Kbbq? Nomis? SSS? Heck even Vamp?

No. 426233

Id kill for KBBQ to come forward, but it seems like he is 100% over it. Maybe someone who is close to him will, and with something solid not just rumors

No. 426234

Sss would never. Kbbq maybe but I think he would have already. Maybe vamp

No. 426241

File: 1503337566448.png (134.41 KB, 720x584, Screenshot_2017-08-21-09-08-50…)

*stealing art

No. 426243

File: 1503337634708.png (121.47 KB, 720x461, Screenshot_2017-08-21-09-08-57…)

What a sjw thing to say

No. 426244

File: 1503337660017.png (87.07 KB, 720x528, Screenshot_2017-08-21-09-08-39…)

No. 426245

File: 1503337721682.png (460.3 KB, 340x658, Screenshot_2017-08-21-09-09-47…)

Ohnips irl

No. 426250

File: 1503338179618.png (10.98 KB, 565x84, Untitled.png)

Considering Ohnips posted this a few days ago, I'm surprised Moo is supporting her. I thought she threw a fit over KBBQ dumping her for being too fat so she went on to body shame skinny chicks.

I'm linking the tweet because the pic kept dropping

No. 426254

whenever i see momo suck up to an artist all i can see is it her trying to get them to draw her stuff. I have screencaps of her trying to swindle free art from one of my friends but the situation is was too specific and there's no way to crop it without outing myself and I'm not about to try to get her sending her neck beard army after me.

No. 426255


>success isn't determined by numbers

Remember when she posted on twitter about how people shouldn't say shit about her if they don't make as much money as her?

No. 426261

Cant black your name out?

No. 426264

Not them, but the first thing I do is google the words on twitter. It's dead easy to find someone even if they blank their name.

No. 426272

Not only does she steal people's art but she's stiffed one of my friends on an art commission once. I don't want to out them but they were pretty upset by it. I guess she was even given a discount and she still didn't pay for the piece my friend made for her. They had to dodge her at this year's AX as to avoid causing a scene and this went down while she was still in her "Thicc Samus" phase. So she's been burning bridges for a while now.

No. 426274

File: 1503340514251.gif (498.92 KB, 400x194, giphy.gif)

Oh man, right when anons were complaining that "durr there's no milk here".
Gonna take a seat.

No. 426278

File: 1503340776786.png (211.38 KB, 669x532, moomoo.png)

searched up moomoo on a porn site for shits and gigs and found that god awful dancing video. thought some of you guys might be slightly amused at the video tags

No. 426282

That's ridiculous. Why didn't your friend push/ out her for scamming? Why are people so afraid of this twat.

No. 426287

Honestly, I wish that they had called her out on it at the time but I only found out about this recently so I can't go back in time to fight their battle for them unfortunately. I'm just glad people are slowly starting to call her out on her shit. Better late than never.

No. 426288

Isn't this the one that caused the Dream Daddy fandom shitstorm a month or so ago?

No. 426290

Funny she thinks that now but when I replied exactly that on that tweet I was blocked
>continue forging that echo chamber Moo

No. 426291

Because Moo has a neckbeard army ready to spam death threats and false claims in order to attract the attention of their THICCCCC pig. It is really, really gross.

No. 426298

Still, if you have the proof to back your claims up. I've personally never seen her white knights get so vicious as to put someone in danger. People to call this shit Out

No. 426305

It is the same artist that caused the scandal. I wouldn't be surprised if moo looked her up and featured her just to grab more attention and be 'controversial'.

No. 426307

A lot of these artists she goes after are younger and cant handle an attack from hundreds of people who will call them whatever momo throws at them. Surviving as a photographer

Also probably taking notes on how to survive a giant scandal

No. 426315

File: 1503344887631.png (551.41 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-08-21-12-46-58…)

No. 426336

She should cosplay something like a fortnite constructor

No. 426354


Sorry for derailing, but what's the scandal here? Are people mad that she drew women like actual attractive women and not like obese fifteen year olds?

No. 426360

They made some tranguy a trangurl and some fat guy to a chubby gurl and that fatphobic and transphobic bullshit. so typical twitter twats overreacting.

No. 426363

If you show proof there shouldn't be any problem. She may have an army of neckbeards, but literally everybody else outside of her hugbox hates her guts and wants her to get BTFOd. Plus, the artist community is vicious, whenever a fellow artist gets wronged they attack like feral animals.
Drag her

No. 426374

I'll be here. Thanks in advance for sharing your experience.

I just hope that her being a total cunt is outed soon. It's absolutely infuriating that she has such a large fan base (and I mean large in more ways than one) while being one of the shittiest people.

No. 426381

Let's just hope our beloved Cow doesn't start threatening this person to keep their mouth shut.

No. 426382

People were mad because one of the daddies from Dream Daddy is trans (I guess? It's not really implied in his route, it just says he doesn't need to label himself though a dev said it on Twitter so whatever). The other issue is the fat one wasn't "fat" enough. Basically why allow people to be creative if it doesn't conform to your politically correct ideas. Shit was dumb.

As for Moo not crediting people I'm not surprised, but will no one take legal action? I mean a lot of photags are pretty tight knit…

No. 426396


The problem is that photographers are probably afraid of Mooriah putting them on blast. I heard from a friend of Nomis that she was spreading word to all of her friends that he was a scummy guy in order to ruin his reputation or something. Explains why I haven't seen him around conventions lately.

No. 426410


Momo is such a shitty person. Cant wait untill her '5 minutes of fame' are over

No. 426411

This stuff right here is why we need a blog or site full of receipts instead of just on here, Kiwi, and PULL. That way people who don't like ~hatur sitez~ can see that she's a vile piece of shit via her own words and actions.

No. 426414

File: 1503352438358.png (1.52 MB, 1226x779, Momo Photographer.PNG)

I thought there might have been a possibility that the photographer deleted her own comment because she didn't want to start drama or anything like that, but this confirms Mariah is actually the one that deleted it.

No. 426428

File: 1503354405290.png (896.19 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170815-105707.png)

Cringey screens but this was when I was building that friendship. She started her platform of body positivity but wanted me to shoop her.

No. 426429

File: 1503354428534.png (310.88 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170815-105644.png)

No. 426430

File: 1503354459580.png (823.51 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170815-105129.png)

No. 426431

File: 1503354475578.png (344.9 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170815-105042.png)

No. 426432

>girls hate themselves
nah moo, not everyone does.

No. 426433

My whole thing is, credit your people and don't be a bitch. She liked from the start and I've even heard from our mutuals she was using patreon money for gifts for people and lavish dinners.

No. 426435

I know this makes me look like a dick but, fuck someone needs to say something. Idk why her friends are enabling her.

No. 426437

im surprised moo has some photography sense enough to suggest lowering the saturation in the background. too bad she is still a pig mess.

No. 426441

my question is why is she so stuck on not crediting people? it makes her look GOOD. I wonder if she dose it for the negative attention she loves so much.

No. 426443

File: 1503355453385.png (209.47 KB, 653x486, drakeanaconda.png)

Thank you for this delicious milk. We will never go hungry again

No. 426448

File: 1503355844193.png (138.23 KB, 750x890, IMG_7034.PNG)

No. 426449


More screenshots of her asking for shoops, please. This is what we need to delegitimize her stance of body positivity and her shape being all natural/just posing, my dudes.

No. 426450

File: 1503356074778.png (151.84 KB, 750x925, IMG_2427.PNG)

The amount of camera emojis pointing to this photographers tag seems pretty fucking passive aggressive if you ask me. It's definitely not a coincidence at least.

No. 426457

File: 1503356761816.jpg (130.28 KB, 720x951, PicsArt_08-21-03.59.01.jpg)

>thread is about creeper impersonating people online and sexually harassing female COSPLAYERS
>user makes comment on how friend of creeper condones his behavior

No. 426458


Inb4 Momo tries to say "but every professional model photoshops my dudes."

No. 426459

this is such a weird photo. the placement of the pillow her head is on paired with how shopped she is made me think she literally got art of herself printed on a bodypillow at first glance or something.

No. 426466

File: 1503357707901.png (141.03 KB, 639x839, IMG_1421.PNG)

It's really funny how she writes all this stuff after moo mentions her once. I bet onips didn't even know her before, even tho she calls herself "so famous". I wonder if onips looks at lolcow or something too.Oh Momoo you can't hide your bad personality not even when you try to grawl up some artists ass with nice comments that still sound so fake as always

No. 426467


Jesus Christ how can anyone stand to talk to her for more than 5 minutes. She only has 2 ways of speaking to people: complete bitch or omggggggg I'm like trying to suck your dick my dude pls let me use you

No. 426492

>makes me look super thick
>can you reshape so I have more of a figure

holy shit. there it is. proof in solid form that the bitch does not give two shits about body positivity.

also i love seeing the tone change throughout lmao. you can tell at the start she was being really nice and almost flirty, and towards the end after you realize the kind of person she is she becomes really distant and not as friendly.


No. 426493


You should contact the other photographer to come forward

No. 426505


Ohnips is another fucking cow on her own I'm surprised she doesn't have her own thread. Why the fuck would mariah associate herself with this dumb racist bitch who proudly stated on twitter she says "nigger" constantly irl because "it's ok guys my bf is black lol" ????

Sage bc not really about moomoo

No. 426508

Let's be honest, she wanted those RAWs so she coukld shop herself to hell in back. But in all seriousness, I'm sorry she disrespected you as an artist.

No. 426509

No. 426513


Thanks for that anon! I'm on mobile and couldn't find them for the life of me

No. 426518

File: 1503363337100.png (128.02 KB, 750x894, IMG_2428.PNG)

I looked at this like four or five days ago and she had 923 patrons. That was a really fast drop.

No. 426520

File: 1503363609296.png (3.23 MB, 1440x2084, Screenshot_20170821-175550.png)

Moo posted about getting her hair done and this was just posted by the stylist she tagged. Clip ins?? Really??

No. 426523

File: 1503363871525.jpg (49.77 KB, 296x370, tumblr_nx67msYBBx1ugztwyo2_400…)

this is gunna look soooooo bad

No. 426524

It always drops during the end of the month

No. 426526

File: 1503364090404.jpg (48.82 KB, 520x460, 1714748_f520.jpg)

Such an odd color, her hair looks washed out and faded as is, I'm surprised she got extensions to match it. I wonder why she doesn't go with a different color all together.

No. 426531


Not whitenighting the cow but I dont see how this is milky since she wears wigs half the time? Even out of cosplay.

Hoping the photographer comes back with some real milk.

No. 426532

It doesn't even say anywhere that those extensions are for Moo. They could be for someone else who has an equally awful hair color.

No. 426535

File: 1503364807823.png (1.33 MB, 720x1190, Screenshot_2017-08-21-18-17-34…)

No. 426537

it takes like 3 seconds editing a pic with a smart phone to see what lowering saturation does, anon. moo's dumb but that's like basic stuff there.

No. 426538

i would never go to anyone who reccommends clip in extensions.

also kek those things are gonna be ratty in like a week.

No. 426539

Ah sorry my bad, you're right!

No. 426545

The way she spoke to that Justin person in those screenshots is a textbook way to manipulate someone.

No. 426548

the ends are already fried to death. cool.

No. 426549

As a former photographer I am baffled by the fact that she would ask for raw files so that she could edit them herself. And the incredibly condescending way she was asking the editing software he's using and basically telling him he needs to do the shit she's saying in order to be a better photographer. I can't even imagine how offended I would have been.

No. 426559

I used to have clip-ins but only because I didn't want to have long hair all the time and I could take them in and out as I pleased. Mariah is currently having the hairstylist put them in her hair for her ("GETTING EXTENSIONS PUT IN RN") so my guess is that these are supposed to be permanent so literally why the fuck are they clip ins????

No. 426560

Maybe a tumblr dedicated to just the receipts?

No. 426564

File: 1503366905000.png (866.65 KB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2017-08-21-18-53-40…)

They're being snapped in

No. 426569

They have split ends…………..

How……. :(

No. 426572

to match her hair lol

No. 426575

Seriously, these things look like someone's old used up, ratty hand-me downs as far as shitty clip-in extensions go. What the fuck Mariah. She makes how much per month and yet she can't afford decent cosplay, constantly reuses wigs/shoes/etc., half her cosplay is borrowed, can't afford basic furniture, always wearing the same stretched out old underwear sets and frumpy leggings, now this?

No. 426580

In a few years, she would probably have the same dept problem as our good ol buddy onion. I wonder how she'll pay taxes if she can't even save for a good cosplay. All those booze and fancy dinners must be expensive though.

No. 426583

Don't forget her vaping/smoking habit and the hard drugs too, my dude.

No. 426584

Are those extensions on someone's floor?
If it is, that's disgusting

No. 426586

I have a feeling they're synthetic extensions

No. 426587

Yeah she says his name A LOT I was making that connection that she is trying so hard to get him to do what she wants

No. 426588

She @'s Vamplette and not the photographer. What is wrong with her?

No. 426589

wait i just noticed

didnt she used to claim that she made her Diane bodysuit and that Vamplette only helped her with props?? any farmers with spare time wanna try and find her old posts about Diane?

No. 426594

File: 1503375786561.png (1.22 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-08-21-21-21-51…)

They look horrible

No. 426596

Yep she completely removed me from all social media. Guess you don't like being called out Mariah? Now that the proof is right there? All you had to do was own up to the fact that you don't credit your photogs and make a change. Own up to your horrible attitude. From what I hear she saw my public post on Facebook also so that probably triggered the block on all platforms.

No. 426597

I thought this was a pic of charlotte charms kek

No. 426598


Oh my god they don't even match at all???

No. 426600

Why the fuck. This face. Why the fuck would you think this kind of face is anything but fucking nightmare fuel, Mooriah? This is the kind of face made by someone that frightens away little children, because they can see the fucking lack of a goddamned soul. WHY.

No. 426602

Moo is the reincarnation.

Anyways, looks like one of them bought them cheaply. They are shinier than the rest of the hair. I want to see irl pictures, not filtered.

No. 426603

lol they are sintetic. how cheap can you be moo?

No. 426604

Do you know KBBQ? can you provide what happened between them?

No. 426610

And they're ALREADY tangled Jesus fucking Christ. Hope this "stylist" doesn't quit her day job

No. 426613


How do you fuck up putting clip-ons in someone's hair that badly?

No. 426614

File: 1503378022522.png (437.6 KB, 472x590, hair.PNG)


for real. all the pictures of hair styles that she has done have been completely uninspired or just plain bad. pic related from her instagram.

No. 426616

Holy shit those look so bad.
My sister has bright fucking purple hair and her extensions never look that shite.

No. 426619

File: 1503378907116.png (1.02 MB, 1231x570, shestillsuckstho.PNG)

Just went back to check because I have too much spare time, but it looks like she's been giving Vamp credit for the bodysuit since she made the cosplay. No milk here unfortunately.

There are, however, an insane amount of sassy comments and clap backs to the haterz in the comments of all these pics. Lots of people saying she has not ass, etc. Check out the album if you have the time cuz there way too much sass to even screenshot.

No. 426620

Postmates driver here

Just delivered like $60 worth of food to none-other than Momokun. Was taken back a bit when she opened the door and I saw her fat ass.

She was complaining the bag was too heavy and "not tied well enough" and was a big enough bitch to not tip at all. I'm actually a little steamed that she had the nerve to not fucking tip after ordering so much food.

It was food for at least 6 people and there were maybe 3 people there tops.

No. 426621

Jeez anon, I'm sorry. That's really lousy of her, though I can't say I'm surprised…

No. 426622

Sorry she sucks so much, but this is probably one of my new favorite stories about her lmfao it's just so Moo. Why am I not even surprised she didn't fucking tip you? What a disgusting cow.

No. 426623

What kind of food did she order?

No. 426624

It was a place called Born and Raised

No. 426625

So much for her "diet".

No. 426626

I bet she ordered from there cuz there's an item on the menu called "Dragon Bowl Z"

No. 426628

Damn, not even an apology? Nothing? I hope that dumb cunt gets her ass handed to her soon.

No. 426629

She probably ordered six of those for herself alone.

No. 426630

Never thought she looked great or even a little bit attractive. But compared to how she looks now, she looked a lot cuter. Her face doesn't look huge/saggy, no massive eye bags/sloth face and she has a nice color to her complexion.

Most people get better with age. Moo went down the wrong way on a one way street and kept going.

No. 426632

File: 1503380716331.png (10.09 KB, 548x259, 3fb9ded148990c8e66159ae578eefe…)

No. 426633

She looks at least five years younger even though that was just one year ago

No. 426634

I know you can't reveal her address but what part of town does she live in? I'm a Postmates driver too so eventually I'm going to end up delivering to her some day.

No. 426637


you guys should be careful about posting where you work with scrutinizing remarks about your customers. i love the milk but moomoo is known to be pretty vindictive

No. 426638

File: 1503382206653.png (1.36 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170822-080747.png)

posted by a page

No. 426642


>practices Ramadan

I'm pretty sure you posted vids of you stuffing your face with pho and booze during this years ramadan.

No. 426643


>space after lE mEmE ArrOwS

No. 426644

Muslims can't drink alcohol

What a fucking dipshit

No. 426645

so i did a quick check and she didnt even mention the word ramadan once this year on twitter at least :T

so much for her ranting about it last year and tweeting about it every three seconds

No. 426647

File: 1503384543569.png (415.38 KB, 1129x878, 1d9b442e88c81c3369ce4b2f3d0aae…)

someone sounds a little nitpicky over her rin cosplay

No. 426648

I don't follow desert suicide cults, but booze is haram as fuck. The scripture even talks about intoxicating liquids.
>O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone altars [to other than Allah ], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful.

Or shit, the whole porn thing too.
Super super Haram shit.

Being obese is bad too
>Eat of the wholesome things We have provided for your sustenance, but commit no excess therein, lest My condemnation fall upon you; he upon whom My condemnation falls has indeed thrown himself into utter ruin. (20:81)

Bitch, I got this info with a couple of google searches, and this is the tip of the iceberg. Don't even play the "I'm proud of being muslim" card

No. 426658

I have a message with Momo from early last year where I had messaged her page to ask what the bodysuit material was. This just before she blew up online.

She replied with "I used a Orange 2 way stretch vinyl". No mention of Vampy making it. Can provide screenshots but it's not that interesting.

No. 426659

Her mistakes on that cosplay were pure laziness. The cuffs wouldn't have been that hard and even if she just added the buttons the cuffs might have been overlooked. The stockings should have been better and more accurate, but to do so for her size would have involved some searching and actually buying plus size stockings. The wig was just laziness. The bangs are not that hard to style correctly and its not like she couldn't ask another costhot/look at YouTube/bought a practice wig to help her if she was that inexperienced with bang styling.

Mariah is lazy and doesn't give a shit about many (if any) of the characters she cosplays. It may be nit picky but if she continues going to go around acting like she's the "#1 ______ fan my dudes" then she better expect people to pick apart things like this.

No. 426668

File: 1503392018357.png (111.68 KB, 749x1196, IMG_2430.PNG)

At least she's cosplaying for her body type. This one will probably look pretty accurate.

No. 426669

Beast is halfway good looking.

No. 426672

Finally they're waking up. One day, she'd be broke af with dept higher than the Himalayas.

No. 426696

Those are the same horns you can get at any party city for like 5$ and she bought them off Etsy. ok.

No. 426700

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No. 426702


he extensions look soooooo bad

No. 426706

>Moo is the reincarnation
Eh, Charms was actually beautiful before and had a great body, too. Mariah went from average to ugly as sin.

These look like those 2 dollar Chinese store extensions. Just why

Call her out, keep calling her out. There's nothing she can do to cover her ass in front of proof.

No. 426708

lmao those exentions! they're not even blended into her hair or anything, and they look something a three year old cut off of a my little pony.

the sad thing is she looks way better with longer hair, but goddamn

No. 426709

Maybe I'm not fully aware of cosplay rules but why are people saying she didn't credit? The photog's handle was listed, just not linked with the @ symbol. Is the @ really that big of a deal?

No. 426711

In the past she actually has not credited this particular photog at all, so thats where the resentment stems from. However it is a big deal not to @ someone when they have a public/ business page. Not only do you credit them but you also promote them, which is the whole point of the photog doing their work for free, so that they can gain exposure. If its not linked then not many people will actually search the photog out.

No. 426713


It is also pretty much confirmed that she does not credit people or '@' people she has beef with. If you look at her Shampoo from months back she stopped credited Nomis once they had their falling out. It is understandable that people will have beef with other people once in a while but she is a ~professional~ or suppose to be one. Letting your personal feelings or drama get in the way of something that you call ~work~ is a big no no.

No. 426716

Gonna defend moo here. Sick of special snowflake Photographers. She doesn't have to @ them. She didn't get rid of the watermark and she credited them by their name. LXM Duo publicly calls out Mariah I wouldn't want to link their account either. Sure it's an asshole thing to do, but I mean come on these Photographers in Vegas are bat shit insane. Self posted to get themselves some attention and it's sad. I'm not even friends with Mariah but I know not to work with these crazy bitches anymore. Desperate for milk. Asking for raws is fine too btw. It's freaking out if the photographer says no that's the problem. Worked with a Vegas photographer who gave me 1 photo in 2 years for a three hour photoshoot you bet I asked for raws because clearly they were incompetent at editing them as promised.

No. 426720

But she didn't credit him before they even had their "beef" thats the big issue. And if you're too cheap to even pay your photogs then the least you can do is credit/ link them so they can get their exposure. There's really no excuse. If she's as professional as she wants to claim she is, then she'd still link to their pages. But she's petty af instead

No. 426723


Have you ever been a photographer, anon? God, I would never want to do a shoot with you if that's how you think. No matter HOW difficult the person is, THEY took the photos, YOU give them credit. That means linking their page and giving their title in the description.

No. 426728

are you Moomoo or one of her friends? Basically if you aren't crediting the photographer or artist, you might as well just remove the watermark as well. These people take time out of their lives to take pictures of moomoo's terrible no ass cosplay. You should be ashamed of yourself if you think that way.

No. 426729

But she did give lxm duo the credit? If a photographer publicly denounces me I wouldn't want to directly tag them either. Since the first tweets you see from lxm duo are bashing Mariah or sub tweeting about Mariah. Both sides are unprofessional here. Will not be reaching out to lxm for any shoots any time soon. Definitely a no to Justin his pictures are ugly and he's crazy enough to post on here not anonymously. Clearly unstable.

No. 426730

Amazing enough I am an actual human with a brain that doesn't have to hate absolutely everything a person does and still dislike them.. triggered the special snowflake Photographers in here. Get a real job.

No. 426734

No, she mentioned them and did not directly tag them on MULTIPLE occasions. Mentioning does not equate to giving credit. Also, Duo is bashing Moomoo on ACTUAL reasoning besides just disliking her. Y'know, like being a shitty cosplayer to shoot.

No. 426735

I agree and disagree with this. I don't know the Vegas photography scene, so IDK how these people act in person…but I do feel that if the agreement was payment in exposure, then regardless she should be linking their pages. If you like the photo enough to want to continue using it regardless of how you feel about the photographer, then either buy the rights to it or stop using it.

I think the bigger issue is this is a consistent thing we see her do with EVERYTHING; costumes, props, hair, makeup, photos, etc…she doesn't feel it her responsibility to credit people until AFTER she gets called out. It's shady as fuck but she does learn from the best ("Momma" Nigri)

No. 426736

"get a real job", you mean like these 'professional' cosplayers :3c?

No. 426737

how many times are you gonna say special snowflake

No. 426740


That's the great thing about art is it's subjective. My photos don't appeal to everyone. But if you're working, especially trade situations, and you don't credit the parties involved that is a pretty shitty move.

In LXM's case, you're taking a photo with 13,000 likes. The average user isn't going to take the extra steps to tap the search and to go search them. They're losing out on publicity and potential work because she's being passive aggressive.

I'm unsure how you can support that when even after being called out she deemed it ok to just delete the comments. Not say "oh wow this guy really has a problem let me fix this"

As for asking for raws. That's definitely not ok. You don't give out your raws because these are the photogs images. A lot of people don't realize being a photographer is more than just clicking the shutter you also develop your own editing style. So if she took my raws and did shitty Photoshop edits and attached my name then everyone thinks I'm a shitty editor. Usually really amateur models ask for raws.

No. 426741

Who the fuck would work with you knowing you go and cry about clients on a gossip forum? You screwed yourself. I mean, you were already a nobody but now Momo is going to tell all her popular buddies not to work with you. Not even white knighting momo's shittyness in regards to not crediting, but you're a real idiot.

No. 426743

Anon, you seem to be the one crying here. Go suck on Moomoo's fat lil' udders.

No. 426744


No. 426745

Calm down, anon.

No. 426746


Because it's wrong. What she's doing is wrong. I don't even shoot cosplay anymore so it's really a non-issue who she goes crying to. Tbh I was at one point super concerned because I wanted to say what I bad experience I had with her but knew I may get harassed and what not, shunned by mutuals and the such. But seriously, being called out by multiple people regarding crediting the work but decided to just delete the comments? I'm sure there's a reason this thread is as many pages as it is, and it's not because I came crying.

No. 426748

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Funny how you assume that Moo did not ask for his services, had the appointment, then gets home and does nothing but demand that the photog shops the shit out of her photos. She didn't buy the equipment to take these photos so why need the raw photos?

No. 426751

90% of photog's job consists of dealing with shitty people and their stupid expectations especially in cosplay community which is filled with awful people. Moomoo was an ass for not using the @ but honestly crying about it here doesn't seem like the most professional thing one can do.

No. 426752

This is more reason why people like him need to come forward. She thinks too highly of herself and her "connections" and probably does the shit she does because she feels untouchable. I have no doubt that most of her friends are only around because she is well known. The moment the Moo ship sinks they'll all jump out of it.

No. 426753

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No. 426754

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No. 426756

Actually I can think of PLENTY of cosplayers who would work with a cosplayer BECAUSE they had the balls to stand up to momo since we've been calling the people who deal with her 'cucks' since the very beginning. I'm sure if you go through the old threads you'll see plenty of people wondering how her photographers let her post these pictures without credit.

I've personally gone out of my way to support and promote cosplayers that momo has shunned and tried to bury and i'm sure i'm not the only one.

No. No one needs to or should be expected to deal with shitty people. This kind of thinking is why the internet community and the cosplay community is fucked.

No. 426757


she has the bloated face and dead stare of paula deen

No. 426758

So we're talking about her old as shit Diane photos? Why does she even need to repost that specific cosplay all of a sudden? It's not a cosplay she wore recently. If she's got a beef with the photog might as well not post the photos at all. She's not hurting for content. She's just being purposly shitty at this point.

No. 426760

Honestly I can't believe someone is defending Momo..Imagine being the photographer and putting a lot of time and work into her disgusting cosplay pictures and then not even getting proper credit for your work,It's so fucking disrespectful it disgusts me

No. 426761

What the fuck, I should have looked under the text window better before googling it.

So having a girl get fucked by some weird plastic penis is a "cute" idea? Is she just preparing to go straight to porn?

No. 426762


I do not know why you are defending her [unless you're a friend or white knight]. Everyone here has been posting screen shots and speculations of what Moo does and is all about. We rarely get firsthand accounts like this from people who are actually involved. We should be supporting this because it just shows how true all our thoughts on her are.

LxM duo never called her out. From the twitter and Facebook screenshots from old threads all they do is disagree with Moo or tell Moo what she is doing is wrong. If Moo cannot handle people having a different opinion and thinks people who do that are calling her out, she is being unprofessional and immature.

No. 426763

>I've personally gone out of my way to support and promote cosplayers that momo has shunned and tried to bury and i'm sure i'm not the only one.

This. As well I've been unfollowing anyone who makes excuses/supports her. I'm not going to trust anyone who talks good and defends a person who doesn't even send out their Patreon rewards.

No. 426764

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No. 426765

File: 1503422353687.jpg (370.57 KB, 2896x2896, 20170822_121612.jpg)

No. 426767

Ive also gone out of my way to defend/support those who have been breve enough to reveal information about her and be honest, especially since it puts them in a line of fire.

I've also unfollowed/unliked people who support her. Gabby, Tasha, Kinpatsu. All lost followers because of they should know better, probably do know better, but are acting as ladder climbers and not standing up for what's right, although 2/3 of these people have had issues with her before.

Mostly I'm tired of seeing a bully get away with all these actions over and over. She needs a break from the cosplay world and some self-healing and meditating because she's wrecking everything: herself, others, and this community.

No. 426770

Not including the @ is vicious. She personally stalks down photographers (I know because she did it to a few of my friends) by searching peoples @s through pictures. If she herself does that, then she knows that not including it takes away from the persons business. If I didn't see an @ I would personally think that photographer didn't have an instagram. It was done on purpose, and with negative intent. Photographer has every right to be mad, esp since it's aggravated and repetitive. Golden rule of cosplay: always tag those involved in your costume. Even if it's just an accessory, prop all the way to the person who made it and the photographer who took it.

No. 426771

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This picture is disgusting and literally straight up porn how is this "cute"?

No. 426772

Ewww what the fuck

No. 426774

Don't act surprised. We all knew this was coming.

No. 426787

Ew is she going to start selling pov videos of people groping her? I bet her sister is real proud now

No. 426788

Well, Moo's next 'cosplay' set bound to be fun. Why doesn't she just stop the act already and go all out? Or I guess she probably looks too gross now to even consider going nude

No. 426792

Didn't a bunch of people just call out Vamp for sexualizing this character? Now Moo is featuring something so gross having to do with the same character.

No. 426796

Rumor but apparently she likes making "hentai noises" in bed.

No. 426798


She couldn't possibly think that snowballing is "cute"

No. 426800

Especially when said photographers probably needed strong doses of eye bleach after photographing her.

No. 426801

File: 1503428515965.png (749.01 KB, 720x1074, Screenshot_2017-08-22-11-59-25…)

Sure loves the blur and saturation tool

No. 426802

Please continue coming forward. Ignore that psycho anon channeling her inner Moomoo. No one should be treated that way, especially people who are still getting their foot in the door. They only treat people like you that way simply because they see you as lesser. which is ironic since they want your services. Thanks for speaking out.

Can't unsee. Paula has moved on to cosplaying.

No. 426803

Bless you I hate lana. She's also someone that doesn't take criticism easy like moo

No. 426807

For someone who was just bitching on twitter about having neckbeards that only followed her for the fab material, she's trying super hard to sick up to these internet fetish models.

No. 426810

As dumb as Moomoo is, I have a feeling she does realize she's going in that direction soon, if she wants to keep up her current Patreon paycheck. Best to start building network now.

No. 426811

She's beginning her asslicking phase to get her foot in the door for that work. It seems our heifer has realized her days are numbered in the actual cosplay realm; off to being extra-gross in shitty costumes for grosser men she goes! -Well, even more than she already is now.

No. 426813


Honestly I don't give a shit about the cosplay community. And other cosplayers only suck up to Momo to try and get some of her fame.

Momo is a dumb bitch who cant act professional for the life of her. Her end is coming soon. Either she'll start doing porn or a better, prettier cosplayer whose as big as she is will push her out.

No. 426814

As said she wants to be as popular as lana rain. I've seen she gets celebrated as hell on twitter currently as the "living hentai" or some shit.
I still don't get why so much idiotic virgins follow her, but it's the same what moo did with jnig. I feel like she wants to build another "friendship" just to get more attention in the end. Let's see the downfall on this

No. 426820

Fucking hell anon. I wish it was the stories lile these that circulated around more.

No. 426824

Looks like her legs went right through the bed and she is standing. Not a good pose

No. 426838

Disgusting. This is a cam whore, not a cosplayer.
How does Moo even think this is "cute?"

No. 426848

File: 1503434531829.jpg (Spoiler Image,125.58 KB, 700x700, bhg.jpg)

same same, but different

No. 426857


Fucking hell, did she even go to school, her spelling is always disgusting.

You can't fap to that. Fuck.

No. 426859

From a cosplay/model perspective but also an all around artist etc. What moo did was shittty. She PURPOSEFULLY posted a photo of a photog she had a falling out with because she wanted to be passive aggressive and piss LxM off.
When you work with a photog, or hire a photog, youre hiring them BECAUSE of their work. And THEIR style. You don't ask for raws, because youre working with that specific photog to get THEIR work. If you want a photog who will photoshop the fuck outa you, you hire a photog who will do that. Not edit the photos yourself. You should only ask for raws SPECIFICALLY. If you have that arrangement with a friend or someone who just wants the free tag. If you want to edit it yourself, take the photos yourself.I've been screwed over by a photog who posted a nip slip of me and so I asked him to delete thr photo and edited it myself. I've had photogs not sending me photoshoots after months of not receiving them. Because i knew they were too busy with work to do it and if theyre going to just delete these photos I took them (I also had all legal rights to the photos, on paper)

Also when you work with a photog, you have to sign contracts. Contracts differ between every photog. If LxM Duo has in their contract that Mariah HAS to mention and tag them in every photo they post, then Mariah is legally breaching contract and then the photographer has every right to the photos. Or just common courtesy of tagging them, especially when its obvious the photog asked her to do so.

Sorry for the long ass post, but every comment besides the photogs doesnt really seem like they know what theyre talking about. And the photogs post is only from his perspective/personal experience (nothing wrong with that) but yeah. Sorry for long post.
TLDR: Mariah fucked up either legally or just personally. And she shouldnt have worked with a photog if she didnt like their style.

No. 426860

The stylist isn't that experienced either. I went to school with her and she only graduated after I did, which was in 2016. It's no wonder the work looks so boring and why she recommended that Moomoo get a clip-in weave. They looks so damn ratty.

No. 426863

Adding onto the LXM duo thing. Moomoo had an agreement with them at the beginning when she started patreon and print sales back when she did the Diane cosplay, that she would share the profits with this photog and apparently it was lucrative enough for moomoo that she was able to afford that Hawaii trip ( so she claims but we know it was patreon money) possibly she got tired of sharing the profits since we know she's greedy and cheap.

No. 426864

The comments saying the photographers should keep their mouth shut is so funny. It's either white knights or the cow herself.
It's basically telling someone to shut their mouth after you punched them in the face and robbed them

No. 426866

Not to mention professional courtesy. To the anon/white knight/moo moo that said the photog wasn't professional. He asked nicely to tag him in her photos. She deleted those requests and blocked him. Not only is she disrespectful, immature, and unprofessional, it's just plain cunty. And if she doesn't care for him or his work, why post it? As another anon said, this is an old cosplay. Either take the .5 sec to credit or don't post, simple as that.

No. 426872


I would not be surprised if Moo shorted them money out of greed. I really want to hear LxM duos side of the story. We need more Justins in here.

No. 426885

Listen, to all you people ass-licking Justin for coming here :
Yeah what momo did was shit but what he did will still be considered highly unprofessional and kinda pathetic by anyone in the business. If he made a call out post about Mariah then that's totally fine but he came HERE, a place normies consider a gossip/hate site to call her out. Any model/cosplayer/photographer who actually matters wont want to be caught dead working with someone who handles professional disputes like a teenaged girl. Now momo can be like "wow look how childish Justin is" and look like she is in the right. I agree that she needed to be called out but Justin fucked up bug time by doing it here and using his own name.

No. 426900


I actually went to her Instagram and Twitter. Then came here. From what I gather it's a good place to share info, especially if she's blocked me on all channels. She's trying to hide obviously. But to each their own. It's my career I'll have to worry about if shit goes sideways.

No. 426906


idgaf what happens to justin i'm just here for the moomoo milk

No. 426907

Exactly. People are so excited for milk but the fact is no one outside of us is going to appreciate it. He really did take a shit on his photog career. Cosplayers know if they upset him he'll come running here to give ammo. I'm glad he came forward but it really was a stupid and butthurt way for him to go about it.

No. 426909

wtf is wrong with you tough. every single time moo fights with someone everyone here begs for that person to come and spill the milk. and when one of them does you say it's stupid? you don't even know the lvl of their fight, maybe it was indeed right for him to come here, if it was something the point of "i'm sorry" s.
and he made a call out post before comming here, are you dumb?

No. 426910


Shut the fuck up.

Good on you Justin.
I'm sure he posted it here so it would get around besides just posting on his facebook where it might not reach enough people that need to see it.

No. 426912

beyond the point*

No. 426913

Congrats; I'm sure Justin really cares about what you think of his career, especially when he has already stated that he doesn't do any more cosplay work.

>cosplayers know if they upset him he'll come running here

God forbid shitty people are held accountable for their shitty actions!!1!!111

No. 426918

You sure you're not a Hohokun fan?
You're even using her favorite shitty tactic of deflection. "Okay that was bad, but THIS OTHER PERSON, YOU GUIZE".
Now kindly drop it already, you're not winning any converts to your rather OT way of thinking. :)

No. 426922

most "normies" probably don't even know this site cares, and even if they did they'd probably find it pretty fucking shitty what moo did

sooo, was up mariah

No. 426933

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No. 426937


So Moo is allowed to make all the call out posts she wants and ruin people reputations but people can't come here for support? Moo is literally building an echo chamber around herself and like some dictator blocking out "fake news" so her friends and acquaintances cannot see how shitty of a person she is. She blocks people out so she can tell all her neckbeard minions and gullible friends that she is a good person and she did nothing wrong.

If you don't appreciate people coming here and literally hand delivering milk, then why are you here? I feel like people who are here to bash on Justin for coming here are just Moo's friends or fans coming in here to defend her and derail this thread.

And no he did not shit on his career because he doesn't do that with just any one who pisses him off. Moomookunt clearly had this coming because of her continuously not crediting him and ignoring his request that she does. On top of that, she tried to put him on blast for stating his opinion on her "mommy" Jnig.

With this kind of attitude it is no wonder other people have not come forward yet.

No. 426939

not really on the subject of photog drama, but who is moo going to use for her softcore porn shoots now that kbbq is out of the picture? has she ever used other guys?

No. 426940

The word "professional" and Mariah have not ever or will not ever exist in the same sentence.

What did Justin do wrong? Speak the truth? About someone who has wronged him? There's nothing wrong what he's done. It's because people keep quiet and aren't honest is why this is a shit community and bullies like Mariah rise to the top. Thank you for calling her on her shit. End of discussion.

No. 426945


She used Nomisphotos before ruining his career because he didn't want to date her or something like that.

No. 426954

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No. 426957

Exactly. Because clients will mostly judge you on your collection of work and not you going to some obscure website to call out a fat whale that fucks over everyone she comes into contact with? He's not exactly dishing gossip that involves her smell or other petty shit. She fucked him over. And even if Normies got wind, they wouldn't relate to Moo because most people believe themselves to be good people. They'd understand he's here to set the record straight on what we're exactly gossiping about.

No. 426967

I like that she screw guys careers like "date me OR ur career is fucked up"

No. 426969

Well that's not hard to understand. She's on good terms with square noodles.

No. 426972


I'm referring to the three comments, spelled the same exact way, posted the same exact time.

No. 426977

I remember meeting Mariah at a local con last year. Within seconds of meeting her she began critiquing my cosplay giving me unwanted "advice", all well wearing her shitty zentai suit Silk which was split open on her thigh.

No. 426978

okay we get it you hate justin. can you shut the fuck up now. you're boring

No. 426987

I wanna say Raekaybro but he's dating Sabrina Nichole.

No. 426989

Wouldn't be surprised if she tried though tbh

No. 426991

She's thirsty enough for Asian dick to do so but everytime she @'s him on twitter, he doesn't respond.

No. 427001

I would not be surprised if he only associates with her for exposure.

I heard from mutuals that she tried to give them advice too. One of them actually went to school for sewing and she is really well known for it. I laugh that someone who commissions everything and can't even make straight stitches would even dare to give anyone advice. Keep trying moo.

No. 427002

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No. 427008

In the last POV set she did, didn't she use someone else besides KBBQ? I remember anons saying it was another photog that she uses a lot.

No. 427025

>that dildo at top right

No. 427027

She'll try really hard but likely won't succeed.

No. 427033

This comment alone screams you've never been any kind of desired model nor have any photography knowledge. NONE of you should be scared of any repercussions from speaking out against Momos actions are you fucking kidding me, who the fuck do you people think she even is? You forget she's an overweight normal human like millions of others. "Online harassment" isn't shit? it's literally undedicated weird in the head fucktards that'll send a mean message. More people need to come out and confront her if she's done them dirty, momo can't do jack shit herself other then manipulate other people that won't even put much effort in the long run. Fucking please.

No. 427036

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No. 427049

File: 1503450346867.png (595.89 KB, 704x906, Screenshot_2017-08-22-18-02-42…)

We know

No. 427052

Having a "main" in Overwatch kind of defeats the whole point of Overwatch. It's all about dynamic team comps and being able to change to fit the team and counter the enemy. If you're picking Mei every. single. game then you're fucking your own team over

sage for autism

No. 427078

It's just another one of her bandwagon hops tbh. She saw that Mei was "thicc" and hopped aboard. Just like with Wicke. She'll latch onto any character with a following if she thinks it will get her the attention.

I totally agree though, I think most overwatch players have a few "mains" depending on team comp and game type. Maining Mei in every game would be pretty garbage, she is a defense character after all. But I really doubt Mariah is actually any good at the game and has played for any serious extended period of time.

No. 427080

Okay so if someone like MARIAH posted my work and said this is a cute idea..I'd already have my guard up for stolen ideas/material. If she does anything even vaguely close to this now everyone will know it's a stolen concept wouldnt they?? This should reap some milk

No. 427092

fat eyelids? what the fuck

No. 427106

No. 427109

Looking at the other cosplayer they featured, I really don't blame them for not focusing on the Moo.

No. 427111

This whole article makes me cringe. The Naked Baker has production value and trying to put Momo in the same tier as NAFW creators with artistic talent is just embarrassing.

No. 427112

even lana rain was less cringe than how Moo played up this article to be

No. 427115



No. 427116

its not even a paragraph, its one single sentence lmao

No. 427123


I get the feeling the interviewer was like "What the fuck is the bitch yammering about?" and saw how up her own ass she was without saying anything of note or substance and just wrote a single sentence.

No. 427129

File: 1503460798566.png (714.13 KB, 720x1036, Screenshot_2017-08-22-20-52-53…)

No. 427130

This bitch sounds like a 15 year old weeb

No. 427131

is she even working on her ~big build~ beekeeper mei? She only posts about it once a month lmao

No. 427134

She bought a premade suit that will be skin tight and made her weapon kinda. Nothing else has come out of it.

No. 427138

>dees are my toes

pandering to foot fetishists now? kek

No. 427139


Commissioned her gun from the same dude that made her other one. Again.

No. 427141

links please. I thought KBBQ made it?

No. 427148

I was just thinking the same thing. She's like a scene kid in her "rawr means i luv u in dinosaur IM SO RANDOM XD" phase. This is incredibly cringey.

No. 427149

>hentai boobs

Man, I bet Moo keeps regretting her reduction surgery even though it really was the best option for her when she was younger and fitter.

No. 427150


Event organizer here that talks and is working with many cosplay photographers.

Look, to be fair, each photographer has same rules of his own so it goes from case to case. But if one thing that you have to do is respect when they say that they don't want to give away the raw files and always… Always… ALWAYS tag them wherever you post the picture. It's their work, their hobby, their living and they deserve every little bit of recognition since they take, edit, make the person look their best and do that for many pictures, even thousands of them.

It's not a favor to tag them. It's mandatory and it's not something to be debated

Sage for blogpost

No. 427151

Because she has to wait for the parts of the costume to come in from china or be commissioned by someone else in between each of those progress pictures

No. 427158

This is hilarious to me. I've bookmarked Justin's page just to keep him in mind for the future. I think it's great advertising for him.

No. 427162

File: 1503469451409.png (739.87 KB, 720x1033, Screenshot_2017-08-22-23-22-21…)

Must be hard not having KBBQ do your props anymore

No. 427163

Is that styrofoam?

No. 427170

i can't tell if her head is absurdly tiny or her shoulders are just incredibly huge

No. 427176

She didn't even get her picture in, unlike the other two. It's like:

- Naked baker: weird, quirky, interesting. Let's start with her and even mention her in the closing line.
- Cosplayer: "a lot of other cosplayers only dress as the character and don't even know the series" cough, cough. Ran away from home and had to sustain herself at 18. Because of camming, mind, but she was still more motivated to actually make a living.

Also, both of them have decent, tidy houses. Naked baker's kitchen is pretty spiffy and now I want velvet cake.

No. 427178

sage for OT
but I could shit talk lana all day

No. 427179

oh wow it's… nothing lol

No. 427192


Rawrbomb is making it, look at his IG.

No. 427204

File: 1503484132241.png (101.24 KB, 750x747, IMG_7064.PNG)

The death of a star…

No. 427213

Actually looks okay compared to other stuff she's made lately

No. 427219

File: 1503488707502.png (596.5 KB, 597x588, Mei_Spray_-_Table_Tennis.png)

yeah, mei is so "thicc"

No. 427221

What if Collette helped her with it? The quality looks awfully similar to the neckpiece Collette made for her Charlotte costume last year.

No. 427223

Wouldn't be surprised, there's no way Moo made that all by herself. This is the same chick that didn't even know how to glue stars on a black a tube top

No. 427255

This was more bearable to look at

No. 427263


It's obvious someone else made it for her and she's not crediting her/him again. Be careful if you ask her for credit because she will just delete your comment and never credit you.

No. 427292

File: 1503502395834.png (1019.01 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2017-08-23-06-52-30…)

The quality of his gun and this piece of shit together will be noticeable. Glorious

No. 427293

WTF is that even supposed to be.

No. 427297

Everything is painted so sloppily and not even glued on right. Maybe if she didn't wait until a week before a con to finish props, things would look nicer.

But quality isn't exactly her priority since she throws half this stuff away later

No. 427298

File: 1503502663070.png (126.48 KB, 720x500, Screenshot_2017-08-23-08-34-58…)

The tank part of her gun.

Also any farmers going that can take a pic of this train wreck?

No. 427300

Is this an armoured minion?

No. 427309

I swear to god she first posted progress pics of this same prop a month ago. And this is all shes finished? Wth have you been doing Momo?

No. 427311

eating apparently

No. 427312

Welp. A new Mei animated short was just shown at Gamescom. How long until Moomoo starts deep throating Blizzard and will talk about cosplaying her?

No. 427314

I'm 110% sure vamps made this for her. You can tell by how clean the work is compared to everything moo has ever made. We've seen Mariah's supposed "very best" and it still manages to be shit tier. There's no way she made this. Especially since she's leaving everything last minute again.

No. 427316

what else does she -do- to leave everything last minute? this is her 'job' right? i'd be so depressed if i had that much free time but still didn't manage to do cosplays or release sets or send out things on time.

No. 427318


I'm 100% sure that she commissioned this or bought it and is "painting" it or repainting it to make it look like she made it herself. Pretty shitty if she is trying to pass it off as her own work. She probably won't credit the person unless Vamp or whoever made it calls her out on it.

Way to be a "positive" cosplay role model my dude

No. 427319

Yea, I can't wait to watch her gush about how much she loves a character she clearly knows nothing about.

No. 427322

The best part is that Moo is now officially way too fat to be an 'accurate' Mei, even with all of the power of China's third- and fourth-best sweatshops behind her.

No. 427324

The only "accurate" part of her entire Mei cosplay is that it was made by Chinese people.

No. 427327

Who even are these two don't derail again

Our precious moo is working so hard to be a real cosplayer

No. 427328

Yet we're still going to see another half-assed Mei boudoir/POV set.

No. 427335

But anon these are her ~sekushi tomodachi~ that are doing OW cosplay with her!!!
But youre right…she needs to concentrate drawing a line straight so Ill leave her alone

No. 427337

I'm going, I'll try to sneak some pics/give stories if I see her.

No. 427338


Mei looked pretty thicc in the short but no matter how hard Moo tries, she is way too fat to be an accurate Mei. Mei also has a sweet and pure personality unlike the manipulative and credit taking bitch Moomoo is.

No. 427339

and moomoo probably still doesnt realize mei's eyes are dark brown and her bangs are on the wrong side

No. 427340

File: 1503512540181.png (409.48 KB, 720x740, Screenshot_2017-08-23-11-20-52…)

Folds underneath her jacket lmao

No. 427342

"They're lines from working out!"
I miss our queen PT…

No. 427343

Top Kek

Incredible comment, anon

No. 427344

Are these more of the terribad Cosplayers she surrounds herself with to maker herself look better?

No. 427350

Jfc does she ever wear sunscreen. I swear every time she wears shit like this outside she lets herself get extra crispy. She looks red all over.

No. 427355

of course not, she's a delicious lebanese babe my dude

No. 427358

Who's also a practicing muslim, my dudes. Including the requisite posing for porn, inshallah, as the prophet wrote down pbuh

No. 427359

File: 1503516222490.png (586.89 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0025.PNG)


No. 427360

No one cares tenleid

No. 427362

lmao oh shit I was just thinking the same thing

No. 427363

Workout lines make an appearance!
Oh shut up moo. Mei's character is the complete opposite of her personality but she's gotta milk the thicc crap for all it's worth

No. 427364

dunno about the guy, but the girls mercy is ok. moo will look disgraceful besides her

sage for ot

No. 427365

literally who?

No. 427366

Maybe not even. It recently (nobody was surprised by this though) was revealed a lot of "made in china" sweatshop stuff comes from glorious DPRK sweatshops

No. 427367

She's an up and coming Patreon girl who sucks up to Moomoo hard but secretly shit talks her and super obviously resents her

No. 427368

File: 1503517905277.jpg (721.65 KB, 1024x1435, PhotoGrid_1503517738475.jpg)

The self righteous attitude she has by just retweeting all of these ass kissing comments is just.. Her head is so far up her own ass.

No. 427369


Keep dreaming you delusional cow. Mei is thicc and you are just fat. Mei managed to keep her clothes on within a 10 minute short while you struggle to keep your clothes on for 2 seconds.

Anyone else think she is doing the Beekeeper skin just to pretend that she has any crafting talent? (even though she made none of it herself)

No. 427372

Apparently anyone with brown hair and glasses looks like Neo because Mariah LITERALLY has no similar features. Like brown eyes and now that she got fat she has a rounder face? Thats literally it.

No. 427375

Mei* sorry autocorrect
Saged for no contribution

No. 427376

Literally what was the point of her lying about her glasses being prescription when they're only for costumes? Anyone else remember that?
Like.. Does it make you mpre of a nerd if you have bad eyes? If theyre prescription why are you never wearing them??

No. 427377

File: 1503518380601.png (1016.8 KB, 720x1192, literallymei.png)

Literally the same kawaii waifu, my dudes

No. 427378

so literally like everyone else who interacts with moo? take your weird vendetta elsewhere or make a thread.

No. 427380

Naked Baker's nipples are the most horrid thing I have seen in a while. She has a lot more production value than Moo, but her body looks like shit. Not nude material.

Seeing Mariah using the stars from the cosplay she "worked so hard on" as palettes made me snort, though.

No. 427387

I like how her hair and her cat's fur are almost indistinguishable from one another.

No. 427389

File: 1503519729791.jpg (33.12 KB, 535x462, bruh.jpg)

Its almost like anyone can take caps on the internet. You're too paranoid.

No. 427393

You're right, my bad Tenleid~

No. 427408


Megamarines- old seagull with a history of drama behind closed doors. Doesn't make any of his cosplays, usually dates talented cosplay girls who make his stuff for him

Veronicalunalu- up and coming cosplay girl. Looks to be quite talented. I don't think she is a seagull, but a lot of her friends are. No drama that I've heard of

No. 427409

Megamarines cheated on Tenleid with veronicalunalu. He actually left Tenleid for her. After nasty breakup it came out that megamarines was actually abusive. Funny enough Mariah has tried sucking up to Tenleid so it's gonna be interesting…

No. 427410

wow what the fuck is wrong with you lmao
Naked Baker isn't "horrid" and those nipples look rather average


No. 427411

Mariah doesn't like tenleid.

Tenleid left Matt because of him talking to veronicalunalu. Matt gets with the latter. It's been over a year now.

Matt showed himself to be a bad liar but apologized openly on twitter and Facebook. Tenleid still talks about him enough that it's clear she wants to be with him again. Fucking weird.

I witnessed all of this and I think they're both stupid.

No. 427412

Make a fucking thread!!! Stop derailing with your petty baby drama

No. 427414

Moo actively avoids talking to Tenleid now that she's been outed as a two faced liar

I liked it when they were both pretending to like each other but now it's boring and one sided on Tenleids part - sad honestly I don't like it when my moomoo is the bigger person

No. 427422

File: 1503522533083.jpg (32.94 KB, 480x360, IMG_0524.JPG)

No. 427427

Nice stab in the dark, miss

No. 427428

File: 1503522895017.png (184.13 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0026.PNG)

Wow she actually gave an @ to the photographer

No. 427429

File: 1503522905785.jpg (21.71 KB, 480x360, IMG_0523.JPG)

No. 427431

Probably doesn't want backlash

No. 427434

I call shenanigans they live in different states

No. 427439

Oh no, she's learning

No. 427442

it's still pretty shit to tag them like this since most people wont see it?

She also didnt tag the company she commissioned this from cause these are from before she claimed to 'remake' or 'edit' it

No. 427451

not that anon but tenleid is an old cgl drama whore tripfag as well.

No. 427452

mei is fucking chinese as well

No. 427454

This thead is for Momo, stop derailing it about other cosplayers.

No. 427464

File: 1503527882998.png (1.14 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2624.PNG)

She tagged the dude who made her old gun, looks like 3D printed and painted this one too for her beekeeper mei. how are you a "professional cosplayer" if you literally just buy most of the costume??? Sage for rant

No. 427467

Is her Mei gun made left handed again? It bothered me that her first gun was left handed and she made the excuse that she did it on purpose on twitter.

It baffles me that someone who has all the free time she has and the money cannot even spend time to make at least 80% of the character she loves so much.

No. 427468

File: 1503528424446.png (898.46 KB, 720x1054, Screenshot_2017-08-23-15-44-18…)

>Ur all special cept I'm best Mei my dudes

No. 427471

none of these pictures look like the same person

No. 427472

Her Mei spam right now is so painfully obviously jumping on this hype bandwagon. She's like "oh shit people are excited about Mei right now REMEMBER WHEN I COSPLAYED MEI HEY LOOK EVERYONE I THINK I LOOK EXACTLY LIKE HER DONT YOU MY DUDES!!"

No. 427474

File: 1503529469695.png (136.65 KB, 750x983, IMG_2439.PNG)

No. 427475

File: 1503529538252.jpg (358.02 KB, 1936x1936, IMG_2440.JPG)

This persons response to her "literally the same person" comment is killing me.

No. 427480

Some girl did the Mei from the short and she looks good in it too. And she's a scientist according to her twitter. Eat your heart out Momo lol

No. 427488


No. 427496

I know them, part of the only crew of crappy people in washington so she'll fit right in.

No. 427497

File: 1503532249294.png (1.62 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170823-164925.png)

Guess whos hopping coat tails.

/sage(This is a momo thread stop posting irrevelant people.)

No. 427498

wow, that didnt take long

No. 427500

that first one looks like a totally different person now, I can't believe its only been a little over a year.

No. 427501

who is this and why should i even care

No. 427502

Think moo will call her out? CK and all.

No. 427504

File: 1503532567867.png (1.01 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8231.PNG)

My boy Kollin, back at it again.

No. 427513

File: 1503532898961.png (57.62 KB, 441x302, 1496919701983.png)

I love it when they drag momo publicly

No. 427514

oh kollin i wish we could be friends man

No. 427516

Nice Ms. Bell :/

No. 427517

Anyone else going to PAX W?

I'll be there next weekend, I am really anticipating bumping into moo, but I'm too pussy to try and photo stalk like anon from anime expo QQ

No. 427519

I wish she fucking would respond to Kollin but she didnt even touch his public thread cuz shes chickenshit

No. 427520

Kollin here, I'm surprised another one of my callouts made it on here. Nobody has attacked me yet and not that worried about it. Am I doing good?

No. 427521

just stop responding, sis. you're not helping yourself.

No. 427523

Haha just because everyone in Wa secretly hates you doesn't mean you have to take out your frustrations on other people Sage

No. 427524

if you have caps, provide.

No. 427525

Yo man, thank you again for the info about all of this. Reading this thread was one hell of a ride.

No. 427526

File: 1503534445935.png (240.59 KB, 1242x1735, IMG_4173.PNG)

When some cosplayer actually puts effort in recreating the look but someone in underwear that shoot has 0 to do with the short gets 1000x the attention.

This is why the community sucks, feelsbadman(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 427527

File: 1503534605571.png (201.77 KB, 750x1334, IMG_9144.PNG)

I'm honestly shocked nobody has threatened me ye.

No. 427528

I don't get why she doesn't just have these people make all her props? I know she's obsessed with people thinking she's super talented and crafty but everyone knows her own work is shoddy at best

No. 427529

I don't get why she doesn't just have these people make all her props? I know she's obsessed with people thinking she's super talented and crafty but everyone knows her own work is shoddy at best

No. 427532

sadly anon, the cosplay community doesn't give a shit about cosplayers unless they're thots or shoop themselves to hell and back. or both.

/sage for no real contribution

No. 427535


Holy shit those comments. She is getting completely roasted. And it's in her fan page too, not some random hate group. It's literally her "fans" coming out to let her know what a cancerous shitbag she is.

No. 427536

Dude you actually delusional if you think your really look like Mei. Cosplay who you want but don't be so full of yourself holy eff. She'll continue to spam Mei shit now that this cinematic is out.
Yeah, you would agree with "everything is cosplay" since that's 90% of your content.
She is terrible and is in the same tier as Momo in that she has to lewd everything to get an ounce of attention. I think she has gained weight every other time I see her too. She's just got more bad plastic surgery.
>sage for OT. Could honestly post all of these incoming Mei bandwagons in the costhot thread on /snow.

No. 427539

They don't resemble at all, the only thing they resemble each other is the same every person in cosplay does when dressing as a character… Also, why moomoo always has the bangs swept to the wrong side? is like a signature or a wink from her to her cosplays?

No. 427541

File: 1503535459398.png (194.2 KB, 750x1334, IMG_9145.PNG)

Just found out how to reply from mobile lol but I'm really surprised people are siding with my comments. I'm just really fed up how she gets away with treating everything around her like dirt. Lots of my friends have been personally affected by her shenanigans and I had enough!

No. 427542

>All these people and Mariah claiming she looks exactly like Mei

Last I heard Mei is Chinese and is designed to look Chinese, not Lebanese/Italian.

No. 427546

I love how she did not include the last one, her last casual Mei, where she looked like a total whale. Usually when you repeat a cosplay you do it better than before, not even Moomoo herself thinks that about her last "casual Mei", kek.

No. 427551


"But she's my thicc waifu! If I shower her with compliments then she'll might maybe want to fuck me".

No. 427554

What are those things you have witnessed her doing?

No. 427558

File: 1503536719074.png (327.54 KB, 1242x1723, IMG_4040.PNG)

No. 427559

Dude get over yourself

No. 427560

So, is she ghosting pax prime????? If so, she is being a bitch about being called out for it. But this is Moomoo after all

No. 427561


Jesus fucking christ she is so god damn petty. She can't ever once just admit she was wrong. She always has to drag everyone down to her level so that she doesn't look as bad like "See? you/everyone else did it too! You're just as bad as me!".

You know she only included that last line because as usual her default is always "passive aggressive bitch".

No. 427562

>calling another person out for being a hypocrite who was talking down to her
>is suddenly a bitch

Lol ok lolcow stay classy

No. 427564


She can't ever handle being called out. She always has to desperately try to drag everyone else down with her to her level. No wonder no one wants to be friends with her since she is always looking to throw them under the bus to save her own skin.

No. 427565


Please make a juicy thread

No. 427566

moomoo take a fucking seat

No. 427567

I've seen her jump in front of a cosplayer surrounded by photographers and literally stole the spotlight.

No. 427568

Chill moomoo, just pay for your badges, stop pretending to be Mei, get some dignity and everything will be okay.

No. 427569

Okay sorry.

No. 427570

Of course. She's always trying to drag someone down with her cause she can't simply be wrong. Bitch can't take responsibility even if it meant all of her patron money would disappear.

No. 427571

Still has those nails in tact then definitely did not make it

No. 427572


she's deflecting again. as a pro cosplayer she should be buying her badge as soon as she can. she strikes me as the type of person who would wait for the last minute and is now using "they sold out" as a convenient excuse. one day out of a convention does not equate to ghosting entire conventions multiple times because they "sold out"

No. 427573

She literally does everything at the last minute.

No. 427579

I can find find any of those tweets. Did both of them delete them or am I just stupid?

No. 427581


The difference between her and other people that ghost is that Moo should be able to afford a badge early on with her patreon bux. I don't know Tasha but I assume she does not make Moomoo milk money so it's understandable if she ghosts a con every now and then.
Moo needs to have a different defense mechanism than "you are as bad as me!!" Like when she was trying to tell every patreon girl they do porn just because she does porn.

Also why is Moo even ghosting? I thought she was super famous with connections to all the big names in the industry???

No. 427582

yikes the paintjob though

No. 427588

She deleted the tweets

No. 427600

This is why it Pisses me off. Her Patreon bux are suppose to go specifically towards cosplay and paying to drag her sorry ass to cons to wear forementioned cosplays. PAX isn't SDCC where it sells out in 5 min. Buying a badge is the easiest part of the whole cosplay package. She has no fucking excuse.

And you're absolutely right. Where are these magical industry connections she's always bragging about?

No. 427605

ray romano lookin ass

No. 427607

God lmao this bitch is so passive aggressive its hilarious. And like a cunt she deleted her post.

No. 427609

File: 1503543600692.png (941.6 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2017-08-23-19-55-40…)

Keintastic came over and dressed up in their cosplay…it could be that just bought this but I'm suspecting she was too fat for Deku and gave it to him. Or she bought it for him, wore the mask as a stunt for attention then gave it back. Sage for conspiracy

No. 427611


She literally fucking did this last weekend at the beach shoot. Kept cutting people off that were waiting patiently for a photographer. Trash.

The photographers kept apologizing for her but when are people just going to stand up and push her down to the humble level she needs to be on

No. 427612


Whoever this is, they do a much better job of being a Thot Mei than Momo has ever done, even when she had some guys finger up her asshole.

No. 427613

I also saw Panther (persona 5) accessories. Please Moo, don't ruin my waifu

No. 427615


This is so gross and weird.

No. 427618

Moo bby you have NO ASS to worship. It isn't even a proper fat chick ass, it is just a very sad thing that you need to stop hyping up.

No. 427619

That's not Moo, that's vamp. She's at least 80 pounds lighter than Moo so I'm not sure how you thought that was her lol

No. 427620


if thats vamp she's gaining weight

No. 427621

Ahh you got me there, I just saw the flat ass and some kneeling beta and my mind went right to the cow queen. Vamp is indeed getting a little chubs there, but certainly is no Moo.

No. 427622



She cut in front of me and my friends with this whole "sorry guyz I'm super busy and my time is more valuable" attitude. I don't care if she's friends with the photographers but if she's a real professional she should be able to wait like everyone else. We have been looking forward to that event for weeks. You can't expect to all of a sudden decide to show up as flabby whale Cindy and expect the spotlight. I swear photogs only shoot her for exposure. I know some of the photogs personally and they all talk shit about her.

No. 427623

Cheap extensions, can't afford to buy passes, old clothes and shoes, no furniture, cheap take out.

If only one of her friends where tired of her shit and tells us how much money is going to food, booze and drugs.

No. 427626

>She cut in front of me and my friends with this whole "sorry guyz I'm super busy and my time is more valuable" attitude.

repugnant cow.

No. 427627

The panther stuff is Vamp's

No. 427630

All that patreon money and she won't even buy passes to the cons as a "professional cosplayer"? Seriously?

No joke. What in the world is she blowing all her money on besides bad lipo and pho? It's astounding how shitty her life is when she has so much free time and disposable income. How is she going to survive in the real world once her patreon bux and five minutes of internet fame fizzle out? It's no wonder she's starting to inch closer and closer to doing full out porn these days.

No. 427633


They are. The photographers I know personally despise her and just do it for exposure/business/popularity/points. Like how a doctor has to treat every patient, photographer shoots every subject.

No. 427636

>What in the world is she blowing all her money on besides bad lipo and pho?
Assuming she's not tax evading, she's getting 7.5 a month. I can assume she's paying for the rent, so 6k a month. -300 a month on weed.

Cocaine is the big one. She'll do energetic rants at like 2am. The rapid fire style of writing indicates that's she at least stimming on something. I'm going with cocaine, because meth face would start showing. She looks very tired, rather than methed face. Her inability to afford new/different clothes indicate some level of addiction going on, especially when she is rich enough to afford a new wardrobe. The fact that she goes out of her way to be cheap and half-ass her job, SOMETHING is taking her time up. You simply don't make $15k a month and look like a slob. You don't make $15k a month and don't just sit around in a house with no furniture.

There's a HUGE difference between being frugal and being a fucking cheapskate.

No. 427640

Well, good luck to them when people like me are blocking them and deciding to not work with them because of that kind of bullshit.

No. 427643

ugh that pose needs to burn in meme hell

No. 427653

Always has to bring someone down with her huh? What a bitch

No. 427655


No. 427670

Don't know if y'all care but if you search Momokun on Facebook you can see posts about her, it's where I found lots of milk from past threads. If anyone has the time or is curious,there's currently plenty of things to read,agree/disagree with, and laugh at. It's all public too, so I can only imagine there's more out there in groups and such

No. 427673

Wouldn't her house be cleaner if she did coke?

No. 427674

File: 1503553060727.jpg (105.47 KB, 438x640, 35743031494_65b621cb79_z.jpg)

why is she so greasy…pun not intended

No. 427675

File: 1503553234312.jpg (138.2 KB, 640x428, 35878663484_9d2ec0c421_z.jpg)

No. 427678

File: 1503553403807.jpg (392.96 KB, 720x1026, classy.jpg)

Just searched the posts on FB as well. Turns out my friends have been liking her stuff and this old post showed up. Classy…

No. 427680

I guess she predicted her future in porn already.

No. 427684

File: 1503554316334.jpg (435.01 KB, 720x1051, Screenshot_20170823-224702.jpg)

>When someone takes the photographers images but doesn't credit them on social media.

No. 427685

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No. 427686

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No. 427687


She looks like such a sleaze ball. I'm sure that other girl was like "Hurry up and take the picture before this creep tries to finger me or something"

No. 427688

wow the shoop on this one

No. 427691

File: 1503555460611.jpg (55.29 KB, 540x960, 21077264_1651203291618448_8952…)

>Literally the same person

I don't remember Mei being a land whale.

No. 427701

I understand momo has a following, but why do photographers care about that…? Are they afraid of her minions being sent after them? idk, I wouldn't want to take and post any photos of her. I don't want people to see that and think I'm some fat fetishist or something. It's one thing if she's in a more modest cosplay but the Cindy one is just absolutely disgusting. Regardless of her shit personality I would not feel comfortable posting that.

lol how appropriate

No. 427703


I dunno, there is just something about the look on the other girls face that says "Haha, ok Momo. You've had your fun. Could you maybe please stop that now?", treating her like her personal fuck meat that she can grab at anytime and anywhere she wants.

Like maybe it was funny once or twice and they had a huge laugh about it, but Momo keeps doing it because "Haha omg you're like so pretty. I want to totally do lewd things to you. It's totally okay for me to act like this because we're pretty much best friends now and this is totally how best friends act." like the creep she is. It wouldn't surprise me if she was a drunken mess and was begging the other girl to get pics with her and she obliged just to get her to go away. And it wouldn't shock me if she tried to kiss her after the picture.

Because that's the kind of cringe Moomoo partakes in. She always tries to act hyper sexual around other girls for the titilation of neckbeards, making them not only think they actually have a shot with her, but also "oh shit, she's into girls too. maybe we might have a threesome as well".

No. 427705

>literally same person!!
>similar glasses and hair
>…..and it stops there

No. 427711

File: 1503558430630.jpg (126.07 KB, 720x896, res_1503558350941.jpg)

I tried. Now she kinda just looks like a weiner dog in a blue diaper.

No. 427712

Fucking hell, sorry I forgot to sage. Pardon me.

No. 427719

File: 1503560191435.jpg (130.22 KB, 1280x960, 20799174_1144636945681253_2429…)

I know I gave up halfway but holy shit she is so hard to shop.
and as I suspected the grease marks made her look even bigger.

No. 427720

For a good second, I thought the dark spot beneath her was her shadow. It's accurate.

No. 427728

After that mai short everyone is on her nuts. Overwatch is truly a cancer.

No. 427729

The contrast between the too is terrifying. Question is it the lipo that makes her gain so badly in the thighs? I know a few heavyset girls whose legs aren't near that. Not attempting to derail just fascinated by how massive they are compared to what I know around her size.

No. 427730

*two ffs phone

No. 427731

We really need a tumblr where there can be JUST receipts and proof of Mariah being a shitty person

Directing people to lolcow and having to scroll through these threads is getting insane

No. 427732

Not in a good way though. That's the best part

No. 427736

I suggest imgur for the images in case then tumblr gets taken down

No. 427737

Am i imagining things or after her last facebook post she lost a good number of followers?

No. 427739

Her knuckles are so dark. Nice prediabetes, Moo.

No. 427742

fucking hell I think my legs are chafing just from looking at wet denim + those thighs>>427711

No. 427764

similar hair? maybe if she fixed that rat on her head that she calls a wig

No. 427771

File: 1503579951971.png (469.9 KB, 935x594, Screenshot 2017-08-24 at 6.04.…)

What?? She's trying too hard to seem like Vamp tells her to do things and MOO does them. These "highlights" look messy

No. 427772

File: 1503580138774.png (127.51 KB, 1135x1180, 001-censored.png)

My favorite part about moomoo's "literally the same person" post was /the/ white knight getting fucking rekt

No. 427780


No. 427783

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No. 427785

Her fan base is literally cancer. Moomoo is just made of cancer at this point.

No. 427788


Are you sure Vamp also didn't make it for you?

Someone should ask her who made it and see what she says. [she blocked me on everything]

No. 427791

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She seems really loved in the community

No. 427792

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No. 427793

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No. 427794

I honestly think people forget that Mei is Asian which mookunt isn't

No. 427795

This is what I thought as well.

No. 427796

had a hearty kek at the humble pie comment

No. 427803

File: 1503586485732.png (152.8 KB, 264x336, 1488219623479.png)


dem nasty ass chapped lips

No. 427806

File: 1503586688980.png (4.76 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_0503.PNG)

All Mei's matter.

No. 427808

File: 1503587029918.png (1.01 MB, 720x1195, Screenshot_2017-08-24-07-59-55…)

She tells them to jump and they say how high

No. 427809

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No. 427822


Too bad she gives to many fucks by replying to hate, making videos about hate, deleting comments she doesnt like, lurking lolcow, using a bad drawing and her making a shirt.

Thia girl thrives on giving negative shit attention, so its funny she retweeted that.

No. 427825

I'm actually surprised she hasn't spurged out and deleted all the hate comments on her Mei comparison post. Using them for pity points maybe?

No. 427834

I don't think they have the space for those double wide caskets

No. 427836

File: 1503592218872.gif (489.07 KB, 420x315, 5AB52201-59B2-4625-8632-0C63CC…)

Me every time I get off work and check the thread

No. 427837

File: 1503592514869.png (330.64 KB, 506x347, barnacle.png)

same but i browse at work

No. 427839

File: 1503593062949.jpg (1.23 MB, 3444x3444, IMG_5004.JPG)

Surprised Roxy went out without all her make up on.

Course roxy will definitely do anything moomoo says as moomoo is supporting her on patreon. Moomoo promoted this cosplayer and currently only has 12 patrons but before she hid the earnings it was around $6-700. Straight up Buying friends now huh moomoo?

No. 427840

This isn't anything new. All her friends are bought.

No. 427841

i can't understand how this pic has so much shoop but the makeup is still so bad looking.

No. 427843

literally why?

No. 427847

she still has makeup on and her bangs are covering half of everything lol

No. 427849

>Surprised Roxy went out without all her make up on.
>make up

you mean shoop

No. 427851

Tbh she's doing this "basically same person as mei" schtick because she knows it provokes a certain response from people which in turns gives her more exposure even tho it's negative. Same with "comment hammer on my Diane photos" she's been doing cause more comments = you end up on explore page and so on, and it works.

I mean I respect her hustle for earning bank on scamming neckbeards and acting like a stupid whore while busting out cosplays put together with tape and elmers glue, that shit is amazing

No. 427861

That's not makeup, that's circle lenses and Photoshop

No. 427863

her fans like her lack of cosplay better than the cosplay itself, anon. they could care less what character she is as long as she shows some skin.

No. 427864

So she's pulling the "I was just pretending to be retarded" card? Too bad that makes you just as retarded

No. 427865

Someone is in Mariah's story and you guys attack their looks. What happened to these threads being about "exposing" Mariah for all the bad things she's done? Most of you just call people fat 85% of the time. Pathetic. These threads should be called "MooMoo and friends" since you guys find it so necisary to bring her friends into this. Either stick to the topic or establish a new thread.

No. 427867

Triggered much? Why did you even feel the need to post this. Why feel bad for these Photoshop fakes? In days of slower milk shit like this comes up. If she looked like what she advertises on her page no one would say shit js

No. 427870


All I said was she has makeup on and her bangs are covering half of her face. Is that really attacking her looks? Anon was surprised she went out without a full face of makeup on, clearly that is not that case. Im not even the one following her snapchat, so chill. Her friends come on here and whiteknight her constantly. You are pathetic for even giving a shit.

Also she still fat. Cry moar.

No. 427872


i agree with >>427865. this is moomoo's thread, if you want to complain about other people then start a thread for them in snow. i wouldn't even be surprised if there was already a costhot thread in there somewhere. the milk here isn't even that slow. this is happening way too much and the mods have already threatened to move moomoo's thread back to snow if shit like this continued so cut it out

No. 427874

I actually fucking hate when every fat white girl with brown hair/a wig and glasses say they look just like Mei. They're all plain and basic as fuck too.

Sage for rant

No. 427876

Do both tbh, more sites for more chances of visibility imo

No. 427878

She truly is a narcissist. Since the release of the animated short of Mei she's been far too predictable. Jumped right on that train to milk it to death and boast about how much she "is" totally like Mei. Her fans aren't helping either, fuelling her ego on how she's perfect for the character. Oh do us a favor.

No. 427883

She just wants to keep believing that Mei and her have the same body type. It is sad because she does not realize how obese she has gotten. Mei does not have copious amounts of back fat and shaped fat rolls that try to pass for abs. She thinks she is like Mei yet struggles to be a decent human being and this week showed it with her inability to credit both photographers and people who make her cosplays for her.

No. 427884

Do Instagram as well, so it could look like a gallery. You can have comments turned off on any of the pictures so her fuckbois can't cry over them too.

No. 427885

File: 1503598593740.png (1.41 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0029.PNG)

By any chance did you guys see the short!?

No. 427886

>>>/snow/354019 Irrelevant Uggo Cosplayers

No. 427887

Is Mei officially fat now? I haven't seen the shirt but a few friends gushed how she moves and looks just like them. One of them has gained weight so I can see why she would approve of Mei's official look.

For being from Korea you'd think she'd want to work out more but I don't play OW so I don't know her backstory or character, just the design; which is bland.

No. 427889


No. 427891

No she's not. She's wearing pjs in the short but its still obvious she's not fat. Maybe slightly overweight at best.

There's also this >>427219
that also applies as proof that mei isn't fat.

No. 427896

Ooo thank you! Heading there to talk about Tenleid and Vamp

No. 427897

Mei is chubbier. I think Blizzard is catering to the idea that Mei is thick, but thing is that she's just that. Bigger but not a fat ass like her devoted cosplayers.

No. 427902

When overwatch was first released Mei wasn't really fat, she was just thick and had a realistic body shape. It was this year that Blizzard added a few pounds to Mei since the fans went bonkers seeing how fit she actually was. However the current Mei is by no means fat. I still say she has the average body type. But fatties like to think her tundra out fit is all fat

No. 427905

Mei has hips, and thighs. That doesn't make her fat.

No. 427906

I feel like everyone seems to thing that her giant coat is fat… when it's just a giant coat. Ya, Mei isn't stick think but she's not a fatty. And ya, she's supposed to be Chinese so Moo acting like they look alike is ridiculous.

No. 427914


Inb4 she goes crying to all her friends and fans for asspats that race and ethnicity mean nothing in cosplay. Which is ironic because didn't she disagree with an Asian cosplayer about a post related to that? I think she was in a black widow cosplay

No. 427916

Anon is very triggered, No where did I say I was attacking her looks just said she went out with no make up which is what she's known to do and I did keep it moomoo related as moomoo does straight up pay people to be her friend, which sad because that cosplayer can at least do well with make up or photo shop and look like the character unlike moo. Also thought it was underhanded that moomoo post an unflattering picture of someone she's friends with apparently. We all know moo has a habit of making more attractive cosplayer look crappy next to her.

No. 427917

She cried over a short? Jesus what a fucking dweeb.

Also, of course she looks like Mei when she displays Mei. She is mimicking a character. Is she suggesting she doesn't look like any of the other characters she's dressed up as? A bit of self awareness maybe?
When she was bathing suit Mei she didn't even resemble Mei. She looked like a rando water bender from avatar or some shit.

No. 427918

Love all the public attacks moo is getting for claiming the she IS mei. Mei isn't a shitty person and is actually thoughtful.

No. 427921

HEY the part when snowball uses his last bit of battery to save Mei was sad :'(

But yeah this whole idea of "looking the same" is so stupid because that's the exact fucking point of cosplaying - to look like the character. If you didn't look the same as the character (in terms of outfit, hair, props, etc.) then you'd be doing a pretty bad job.

No. 427925

This wholesale obsession with Mei just because of the short is so OTT. Chill the fuck out bitch. We know, you're a bandwagoner who feels entitled to a character because you default to cosplaying her out of sheer laziness due to having bought 90% of the costume.

For real. It's not like she looks anything like Mei without the brown wig and fake glasses. Last time I checked, Mei isn't an obese slob with ratty dishwasher hair who gets fucked up every night of her life.

No. 427933

I saw the short and it really showed Mei's personality (cute, sweet, innocent, intelligent etc)Now compare that to all of Momo's Mei which can be seen making derp&angry faces,waddling around and literally forcing her titties to bounce. It's not just OW, she doesn't know how to be in character for any of her cosplays

No. 427935

Since she's far, faaaar too fat to be "Thicc Samus" anymore, Moo has desperately clung to the "Thicc Mei" title her neckbeards have given her. Anything that gets her nerd money and attention she'll bleed dry; she was probably so happy that Mei is now a hot topic again since her braindead attempt at Cindy got her nothing but mockery.

No. 427939

Not to mention the groping and boudoir sets she reduced Mei to. I don't even play OW and that short to me showed a really cute & clever character who is in no way sexual. Momo just fucks up everything she touches.

No. 427943

File: 1503603489289.jpg (527.82 KB, 1894x1629, n5t502ck49ky.jpg)

cmon my dudes you know mei is total slut in the bedroom… er… garage

No. 427947

Not to mention Mei is resourceful, which we all know Moo isn't. Moo can't even make a pair of boots to waddle around a convention hall.

No. 427966

She's a total moron and did the highlights in the wrong color and all in that same color so now it looks like the paint is chipping.

No. 427974

holy shit those are meant to be highlights? Istg I thought she missed those spots or swapped colors after starting or something or it's actually chipping.
way to art mariah

No. 427978


It's the blind leading the blind. She's taking advice from Vamp who is mediocre at best when it comes to armor. Remember her Fire Emblem cosplay? Ofc she is better than Moo but nowhere near the level to give someone advice. I even have doubts that Vamp made the neck piece for her. It's too clean for even her. Maybe Keintastic or Landon did for her [ofc without credit]. Poor Moo is trying so hard to prove to people that she has talent other than being a ho who sucks dick for connections.

No. 427982

Having watched the short, Mei is nothing like Momo. Mei is average body type, intelligent, caring, hard working and just ALITTLE odd.

Momo is obese, not overly bright, self centered, lazy and annoying as hell.

No. 427985

it looks like those shitty highlights kamui does but waaaaay worse

No. 427998

Kamui actually has skill

No. 428000

that's basically what i said

No. 428003

File: 1503610369493.png (4.1 KB, 215x166, aug25,2017.png)

895 three days ago

Guess the lack of promised content is taking its toll

No. 428006

We repeat this every month, but her numbers also tank at the end of the month because of people either dropping out, who don't auto pledge, and who Probably Used fake cards etc to get access

No. 428023

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I love finding random people roasting her on my explore feed lmao

No. 428027

except that guy is actually asian so it's already more accurate lol

No. 428040

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New rule for upcoming threads: Stop posting caps of her Patreon numbers?

No. 428041

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No. 428052

There's no way they're implying that Mariah made that cosplay right?????? Because we literally all know that she didn't, especially considering she never posted a million pics of herself making it to prove to everyone that she "makes her own cosplay"

No. 428060

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leggings stretched to max capacity

No. 428062

File: 1503618168988.png (531.05 KB, 996x628, Screenshot 2017-08-24 at 4.37.…)

sage for obvious but proof Moomoo and Gabby swap shitty costumes for eachother's cosplays

No. 428063

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No. 428067

Yeah, I think the only exception is if she were to suddenly take a serious hit to her patreon followers out of the blue or something. Otherwise, a 50ish difference at the end of every month is hardly notable.

Her Mei looks even more half-assed next to that good hanzo tbh. Look at that flabby gut she's trying to hide under that belt. Not to even mention, where did her waist/hips go? "posing" my dudes.

No. 428071

This was so fucking funny oh my god

No. 428076

If you scroll down so her head's not in the shot, she literally looks like a 60 year old obese woman. I can't believe she's 21 or that anyone finds her attractive.

I like the implication that that guy needs a thick layer of armor between himself and Moo's rank ass. Also just the way he's touching her, it's like he's picking up some trash off the street and just wants to stop touching it as soon as possible.

No. 428081

That negative exposure didn't work out for her this time
She's lost 5k+ likes on her fb page since posting it lmao

No. 428083

bitch needs to lrn2hshoop

No. 428128

OMG, literally the same person.

No. 428144

level with me… was pt ever actually this bad?

No. 428163

File: 1503626273630.png (176.35 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8255.PNG)

Kollin bringing the heat again. I'm surprised it took her this long to say something.

I've got a feeling there's going to be more of this soon.

No. 428166

I love, of all things, THIS is what she chooses to address first as a 'lie'.

No. 428170

Jesus Christ, Moo. If you're going to respond to that thread and NOT comment on the other things that were said in there, it just shows how unprofessional you are, and that you can't deny any of the other claims that were made.

How does she even have time to go through every comment???? I thought she was so busy with all of her cosplays that she "works really hard" on.

No. 428176


Seeing her inevitable self inflicted downfall will be an enjoyable watch.

No. 428178

File: 1503628296797.png (1.14 MB, 875x574, screenshot1.PNG)

Are the fumes from contact cement harmful to pets? If so, so much for making your house nice and safe for your cat with respiratory problems….You know she's using more than just that inside as well.

No. 428179


All that money and she can't even get a basic table to make her props on. Who the fuck uses a heat gun and contact cement on cream carpet?

No. 428180

Not really. Especially with those small bottles and that brand of it.

If she was using one of the large tins of the Barge brand (they're more potent) to coat a huuge prop and leaving the top off for extended periods of time, the fumes may cause an issue. But not respiratory issues.

The worst thing that happens in bad cases from these fumes is you get a bit dizzy and out of it, it only really messes with your head. Like sharpie or other glue. Then drinking water, eating, or sleeping usually makes it go away.

No. 428188

Who uses a heat gun on carpet in general? Isn't that a fire hazard?

No. 428189


Yes. You are supposed to wear a respirator when heating foam, dremeling/sanding it, using contact cement (and a lot of other glues), as well as painting it.
The fumes from heating the foam can kill animals (someone killed their birds that way)
Most heavy duty glues are toxic
And the dust from sanding can literally coat your lungs (same for spray paints).

Sage for basic safety from an armor maker.

No. 428197

This is all really OTT and doesn't need to be done all the time.

Contact cement is as bad as sniffing sharpies.
EVA foam heat fumes are so minimal that unless you're constantly rolling your face in melted foam every day of your life you have nothing to worry about.
Sanding though, yes, a mask should be worn that.

I work indoors without a respirator all the time. Only time I put my mask on is when I have a lot to dremel or I need to work with epoxy.

No. 428199

File: 1503630608670.png (718.72 KB, 700x731, ohmygod.PNG)

Holy shit this girl is such a fucking slob. Look at how fucking destroyed this room is.

No. 428203

>doing cosplay shit on a carpet
So are they okay with losing the security deposit?

No. 428209

Sucks not having kbbq do ur armor and props huh moo???
God how is she so proud to show this ugly shit off??? Even the simple stupid shit jnig does is cleaner than this piece so "porfeshanul "

No. 428215

File: 1503634127168.png (98.11 KB, 750x797, IMG_5631.PNG)

I have kbbq's number so I have his personal Snapchat and he posted this and an Ana chest piece today. Lol it looks like he made the neck piece for Mei and remaking her Ana chest piece. I'm guessing she got too fat for the last one. Wow what a fake ass bitch trying to pass off his work as hers getting her neckbeards to attack him.
>cropped out his Snapchat so he doesnt delete it or something.

No. 428217

sure this is his? because looks like shit and his work is actually really clean

No. 428218

File: 1503634448719.png (98.3 KB, 540x302, tumblr_nov0rcCgOw1qi35y5o1_540…)

IM CONFUSED so KBBQ still fucks with the Moo? How is this happening? Why delete everything then do this? We need more evidence, anon.

No. 428220

Et all replies about Mei.
I know her having hips and breasts doesn't make her fat but that sounds like code for fat in today's cosplay world. Thicc often means fat for a lot of women who don't want to improve their body type.

I never thought she was fat under her coat but the latest screenshot I saw made her looks really lumpy and not cute at all. She looks very different from the tennis screenshot upthread.

I like varying body types but not fat/obese characters because it hides actual varied body types and everyone looks blobby.

No. 428221

Would not be surprised if she's threatening him. Or bribed him with money.

No. 428223

Dude she's actually a different fucking race than you. Delusional bitch.

No. 428224

well the rumor is/ was that moo was going to tell everyone he raped her, so blackmail?

she also did say that she already paid him for some commissions when it all went down and that she was still going to be ~professional~ about it. chances are he just does not give a fuck and is doing the bare minimum.

but seriously, david, fucking run when you can.

No. 428227

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Yikes, this was the hat? Looks fucking terrible…The hat curves like a normal sun hat and the proportions are way too small…How is she going to do the "glass" I wonder…

No. 428230

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No. 428231

File: 1503636878322.jpg (24.08 KB, 400x569, meruem-52817.jpg)

The hat is giving me serious Meruem vibes

No. 428232

File: 1503636943063.jpg (382.82 KB, 1365x2048, 20785795_1486949031342752_3237…)

Dont insult HxH like that!

No. 428233

This photo makes it so clear she had lipo, and not just because of the scars. Her arms and face are so clearly much too big for her waist/hips/stomach. She even has her arms back (like always) to make them look smaller, but they still look like they belong on someone 40lbs heavier.
It doesn't look good, it just looks weirdly unnatural.

No. 428239

She has the most unfortunate looking body, holy shit those shoulders. With her bending her arms like that, it makes her look like she has midget arms. Fits her peanut head.

Her proportions seriously look like someone Frankenstein'd her.

No. 428240


Wear bottoms at least large enough to cover your stubbly pubes.

No. 428241

Oh god I think I'm gonna throw up…

No. 428244


momo is such a wreck i love it

No. 428245

Her fucking pubes hanging out. ???

No. 428246

why edit the hell of the picture but not edit her super weird as fuck knees? like wtf photgs

No. 428247

and yet she's still trying to act like she made it herself? I'm…

No. 428248

File: 1503639044629.jpg (470.06 KB, 1365x2048, 35795566981_ae66aa0067_k.jpg)

Dug up some backlog of Colossal

Yes. It was first discovered when another anon posted EBK's photo of her and Vamp. This photo had the pubes hella lightened. They were all out.

No. 428251

Holy shit how is the side of her stomach so hairy

No. 428252

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No. 428253

the blatant razor burn

No. 428254

File: 1503639311749.jpg (449.44 KB, 1365x2048, 35538866270_1cb6ed44ff_k.jpg)

That her Arabi-I mean Lebane-I MEAN Italian showing through, my dudes!!

No. 428255

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No. 428256

I'm gonna go moisturise in memoriam of her skin. Also the over boob armpit fat is genuinely making me sad :(

No. 428258

Damm that's terrible. She's such a shitty bitch. "Professional" my ass. She can't even credit the guy. She's doing the same shit to him that she did with LxM and Justin. Except that she doesn't even bother to write his name. I bet KBBQ doesn't even know since he doesn't have social media.

Must be nice stealing other people's work Moo

No. 428259

Hers is the saddest ass of the bunch… Dear gods.

No. 428260

God she is so fat and hammy. Stop thinking you're thicc, Moomoo. You are a size of a cow!

No. 428261

I don't understand why she didn't have her arms liposuctioned as well. They are absolutely gigantic.

No. 428262

she would have too much excess skin to hide up and her arms would be the most obvious

No. 428264

Is the joke that that isn't moo?

No. 428269

File: 1503642174446.jpg (192.76 KB, 1142x2048, 20424309_1564428160245359_1268…)

Repost for those who didn't see

No. 428270

File: 1503642219853.jpg (254.42 KB, 1310x2048, 20545223_1564428470245328_4068…)

No. 428272

File: 1503642472390.jpg (416 KB, 1042x2048, 20507766_1562265757128266_8178…)

No. 428273

File: 1503642630879.jpg (59.12 KB, 505x504, IMG_20170823_131755_973.jpg)

She's chubby but definitely not obese like Moo. Pic related

No. 428275

The blatant lipo marks and the weird bruises (??) on her knees, the pubes, the veins, the weird elbow marks… so unfortunate.
Also just noticed the fuck is that bruise on her upper right arm? It looks like she was grabbed or something?

No. 428276

Bargain bin Nigri and Monika Lee.

No. 428278

apparently Nigri wrestled with her in the Kalahari suite when she saw her

No. 428279

>Mei has bright, big eyes
>Moomoo has small eyes with puffy, heavy eyelids
>Mei has a small button nose
>Moomoo has a strong turtle beak
>Mei's face shape is heart-shaped and narrows down her chin
>Moomoo has a wide face with a strong jaw
but sure becuse you put on a wig and contacts it's practically identical!!!!!1

The amount of lipo she go done to her midsection fucked up her proportions so it makes her thighs look massive. However I wouldn't doubt that because she's lost the fat cells in her stomach the gains are going straight to her thighs and arms.


No. 428280

trash looks absolutely nothing like the cos photos. fucking photoshop

No. 428282

File: 1503644262602.png (744.27 KB, 720x1179, Screenshot_2017-08-24-23-46-54…)

>goes to Wal-Mart for googly eyes
>says it took an hour because "everyone and their mother" wanted to talk to her
>a lady came up to her and complimented her cheap ass extensions, says that lady was trying to possibly scam her because she complimented some other girl's bag
>says again lady might be part of a scam or ponzi scheme, instead of just "friendly"
>even though lady talks to her for a extended amount of time she said she listened to her because she was acting nice
>hates Wal-Mart but goes at 11 pm at night so she can get googly eyes instead of waiting till the morning

No. 428283

File: 1503644730561.png (3.76 KB, 265x127, chgg.png)

another one down, slowly but surely dying

No. 428284


No. 428285

at this point i think people who're posting this are just trolling to trigger people

or they're dumb and cant read

No. 428286

>if I keep saying it, maybe someone will fall for it!

No. 428287

File: 1503645493170.png (298.53 KB, 596x588, Screenshot 2017-08-25 at 12.16…)

No. 428288

Am I the only one who feels bad for mariah? Like yes, I dislike her too for her shit personality, but damn.
Her self-esteem and confidence must be so low. She was hella fat when she was 14 and got a lot of shit from her dad (and probably people at school too) and then starved herself for attention, and then started getting fat again so she took her clothes off for the attention she was losing, and then got a whole lotta flack from the internet for being a bit chubby. Then she starts a downward spiral of getting even more fat, taking more clothes off, getting into alcohol and drugs, and getting kicked out of her own home and having no friends (granted, it's because of her shit attitude, but it must suck for her nonetheless)
She shoulda gotten help or totally sucked it up and tried to reform herself (even if she didn't succeed, she'd be better off than she was before) but instead she let herself go and got into other vices and fell further down the rabbit hole. And now she's losing the last support she has left (asspats from neckbeards) and she's getting more and more desperate and gaining more and more wait and spiraling mroe and more out of control.
It's pretty damn tragic if you think about it. If she wasn't so terrible to other people I might have felt more than a TINY bit bad for her.
>Sage for pitiful blogpost

No. 428289

God that face is beyond unfortunate

No. 428291

File: 1503646437391.png (1.9 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0032.PNG)

Dude the bottle cap gives it off and even tho she fixes it still looks trash. It's supposed to be a jar of honey not mustard

No. 428296

she's spray painting inside. on the carpet. there go a few more precious brain cells Moo. there go your lungs, nice coating of yellow.

I don't want to sperg but this is seriously terrible for the cat's lungs, even if Moo cares nothing about her own.

No. 428297

I hope she loses her security deposit.

She's an absolute jealous twat who's at fault for her own circumstances.

Mustard Mei™

This looks like a cast for a broken foot. And they're wide enough to fit her elephant feet.

No. 428298

that's a garage

No. 428299

T-That pube stubble…in public… pukes in mouth

Also, it's funny that these two are "best friends". Just goes to show that being super ugly brings ugly people together.

No. 428300

Holy fuck mustard moo and your trade marked it <3

No. 428301

Does she…
what honey looks like????
JFC I can think of like 20 different ways to make "honey" that are low cost and low effort.
And its gonna scratch off as soon as she holds it in her giant oven mitts.

No. 428302


The more you're with and stand next to a 1, the more you look like a 10. The token ugly 'friend'.

No. 428303


Stop giving her advice. I want to see this train wreck in full glory

No. 428304

File: 1503649773665.png (748.57 KB, 720x1205, Screenshot_2017-08-25-01-27-36…)

Go to sleep dude why does she look so bloated

No. 428306


could she not just buy a jar of honey? it literally costs less than $5 for a jar of honey at walmart.

No. 428308

Yo but like can we get a confirmation on this? This isn't pulled from Moo's IG is it? I don't follow her, so I wouldn't know otherwise. Is this truthfully from KBBQ's Snapchat? Because if so that's some good milk to deliver

No. 428313

>>says it took an hour because "everyone and their mother" wanted to talk to her

…..everyone in Walmart wants to talk to you because you're such a celebrity…. right……..

No. 428323

Probably making it shit compared to his own work on purpose. Wonder what Momo paid him? What a fucking twat for even having her enter back into his life. Called it though, Momo can't make props or armor for shit so desperately needed her fuckboi back again.

No. 428328

I can confirm. I have him on snapchat too.

No. 428332

I mean, that's the least of Moo's problems. Most popular cosplayers don't know anything about the character they're cosplaying or they don't care about being 'in character'. If they know they can make money off of it, they're going to do it

No. 428334

OH GROSS. Didn't even realise until you pointed it out, wtf?

No. 428341

Is anyone going to call her out on FB for clearly taking credit for KBBQ's work?? I'm amazed she keeps getting away with this.

No. 428343

File: 1503665029014.jpg (31.31 KB, 320x320, IMG_7152.JPG)

I mean….

No. 428345

whenever i feel bad about my body i come to moomoos thread and feel instantly better, damn gurl's let herself goooooooo.

No. 428349

File: 1503668946420.jpg (211.23 KB, 1400x1200, uh.jpg)

a very speedy ps hackjob, i just wanted to see if it was salvageable
(it wasn't)

No. 428350

how jacked up does your body need to be to be unphotoshopable? damn moomoo get it together?

Also, I know we're not supposed to be talking about other cosplayers on moomoo's thread much but does anyone know what happened to vamp? She's been so silent recently and I'm wondering if she's still mooching off of moomoo
>do you think anyone actually likes mariah for her?
>sage for pseudo OT and pointless questions

No. 428353

If anyone on kbbqs snapchat can take a cap of him claiming the armor is his with his username in the cap that would be awesome. Trying to collect as much evidence as possible on her shitty character and I want to rely on anon testimony as littke as possible.

No. 428355

Huh. It looks like she has a Post-Op scar under her left breast, but the healing time for either augmentation or a lift is about 9 months to this stage. Could just be unfortunate skin texture or bad photoshop.

No. 428356

Not an expert on Moo but she did get breast reduction when she was younger or something

No. 428357

She may not be 美 but she sure is 肥

No. 428359

No. 428364

If I remember correctly when Moo 'cut him out of her life', she said she was still going to be the BIGGER PERSON MY DUDES and still pay KBBQ for work he had pending for her because she is PROFESSIONAL, and it looks like her BIG BUILD was it.

She's a shitty chick for not crediting him though, as she always is. I think there is a cap of that about two threads ago.

No. 428365

How can you claim your "big build" for the year is something you didn't even fucking make?

I think the beekeeper skin is absolutely hideous so I can't wait to see how ugly this piece of shit will look on Moo's lumpy body.

No. 428369

It's even worse when you remember the actual outfit is another spandex suit she got off Amazon

No. 428371

I think she meant "big bill" for all the money she spent buying her shit

No. 428372

File: 1503674102836.png (121.45 KB, 720x608, Screenshot_2017-08-25-08-11-24…)

No. 428377

Moomoo, back at it again with the maturity.

No. 428379

File: 1503675061338.jpg (219.97 KB, 1348x1000, 1503639044629.jpg)

Had an hour to kill while a game downloaded, and based the proportions on a full body shot form Rise and Shine, using the head size as the normal. So her head is the same size in each picture.
And I completely forgot what real people look like during this.

No. 428381

we don't even know if mei has tits either. also no, moo will never look like a chinese girl, "thicc" or otherwise, just like most d.va cosplayers will never look korean.

No. 428386


The worst part is I don't even think he knows about this. It is even more shitty that if anyone calls her out on it she's going to say "I never claimed that I made it myself my dudes." As if by not crediting the person and showing pics of you painting it (looks like she actually repainted it) TOTALLY doesn't imply that you made it.
Her followers are fucking idiots and kbbq is a fucking cuck for even letting this happen.

No. 428389

Saging but based on evidence presented, Mei DOES have decent sized breasts, but I'd say D-DD ish since they dont really stick out from her default clothing too much. Not the sagging heaps of Mother Daughter Donburi fat.

No. 428390

It's funny because the people on her social media don't know this and will assume she made it. Insinuating she made it by neglecting to credit or not providing a disclaimer is just as bad as her usual lies

No. 428393

File: 1503676350444.png (402.62 KB, 720x946, Screenshot_2017-08-25-08-50-51…)

If she attempts Astolfo she will piss so many people off

No. 428394


it is more terrible than what she did to the photogs imo. with photos we know she didn't take and edit the photos herself. but with props she can easily fake that she did all of it herself. with Mei's boots she tried to pass it off as her making it but it is clear that Keintastic was the one making them for her.

No. 428419


Weren't David and him good friends? Looks like Moomoo is trying to win him over or something. Manipulative bitch

No. 428424

…why is her ear folded? moreover, why didn't she notice her ear was folded before taking the picture and fix it?

No. 428425

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that.
She probably doesn't know how to wear glasses.

No. 428436

This would be clever for someone on a budget, but bitch for 15,000 a month YOU CAN DO BETTER.

No. 428444

Weird that she says that she "cried throughout the entire thing out of happiness" when it's actually supposed to be a sad/emotional short. In a very basic way, but still. I don't know if this means she hasn't actually watched it, or that she has no empathy whatsoever as to not notice the tone of she short. I'd go with the latter, honestly.

No. 428445

holy shit anon dont mean to go ot but your shoop skills are amazing. great job

No. 428449

because of the wig. The side of the ponytail wig is smooshing her ear.

No. 428451


not to be conspiracy-minded but i can't find any other pictures which show her ears. does she maybe just have weird ears?

No. 428453

True but Pax likely wouldn't let it in with how packed it's locations get. Food's likely not really allowed. Especially something that if broken could cause enough issue to block off a section for cleaning. She'd probably just drop it causing a mess knowing her.

No. 428454

Chances are he knows she's gonna claim she made which is why he's making it so shit besides wanting nada to do with her. He doesn't care I'm assuming, because he knows people are starting to just tear her apart outside of here and etc

No. 428455

it would bee easy enough to just buy one of those cheap plastic bear shaped bottles and put some colored resin in it. hell, she could have gotten -any- bottle and filled it with colored resin or like a jar for storing honey. anything would have been better.

No. 428456

how is spray painting a pill bottle yellow clever?

No. 428457

True and isn't Vamp supposedly giving her tips? Why wouldn't she help with something Moo clearly has no understanding in. Though tbf, she may of not even told her about highlights.

No. 428461

honestly though, vamp probably doesn't care. i feel like everyone is constantly taking the piss with her.

No. 428489

There are seriously so many things you could do better than spray painting a fucking plastic…. Is it a pill bottle or something? …YELLOW

so professional

No. 428492

Kollin could probably do it if he's still around.

Kind of odd that kbbq is still doing work for her despite her putting him on blast, making him seem like a jealous cuck and will possibly send her bbw loving cucks his way if he pops his head out of the sand.

She keeps getting away with this shit because people keep acting like cowards.

No. 428497

I'm gonna need a bit more evidence for the kbbq callout. I'm laying low for now because I fear she'll ban me from her page.

No. 428500


Sage for reaching but what if the reason why kbbq is making stuff for her is because she is threatening him. Maybe that is also why he hasn't come forward yet or even call her out for not crediting him for the Mei cosplay. It's wouldn't be anything she would not do since we all know that she is manipulative and most likely made him seem like some jealous cuck just to take his friends away from him. I assume she made him delete all of his social media so that she can just keep telling people what she wants without him coming forward and proving her as a liar.

Why is she famous again?

No. 428502


I replied to his Snapchat and he said he made it. And he asked me why. And I told him it was because Mariah made it seem like she made it. He said he was surprised since she mentioned to him that she would credit him. I don't want to say too much since I'm sure not many cosplayers have his Snapchat and I'm afraid of her trying to find out from him who I am.

No. 428504

Understand. My blood is boiling right now. I'll wait for the right opportunity to make the call out!

No. 428505

File: 1503692053430.jpg (118.87 KB, 900x1200, DIDFq_3U0AAKV64.jpg)

No. 428506

If it's anything so big that he has to go into hiding and lets her walk all over him then he should go to the cops cause that's blackmail. He would easily have just as much leverage as she would.

I don't think it's anything like that and more likely that she's pulling an Onision and fake apologizing while lovebombing the shit out of that person.

No. 428507


holy shit.
that mess.
that carpet.
what the fuck.

No. 428511

Unbelievable. Every time I think Moomoo couldn't sink lower she pulls crap like this. She's trash.

We should really include a notification in the OP about her breast reduction in her teens so that new people don't start going on about augmentation. You think those soggy pancakes look like implants?

No. 428524

She does tape her face to lessen the ball o' lard appearance, maybe the wigs are arranged to cover that rather than ears?

No. 428529


she only started taping in the last couple months but the lack of ears goes way back further than that

No. 428532

File: 1503695251383.png (530.23 KB, 733x538, shit.png)

Bottle is not wide enough. Wrong shade of yellow. Yellow mustard is not golden honey.

No. 428535

File: 1503695404988.png (659.18 KB, 745x693, wut.png)

You do not need to understand when you most likely will not be making it.

No. 428537

Is there anything at all, caos blocking out your name and maybe blocking out his but still showing his photo or something?

I'm trying to put a tumblr together for all this shit, and I'd like to start off with this shit because its a whole new low for Moo if true

No. 428539

That color COULD work if she had any idea on how to paint dimensions, but she can't. Because has no inkling of creativity.

No. 428540

File: 1503695980501.png (748.5 KB, 905x745, walrus.png)

No. 428541


Doesn't Snapchat notify people when a chat is screen shot??? I can imagine Moomoo trying to threaten him to out the person who screen shots the conversation.
>and then another witch hunt ensues

No. 428542

File: 1503696139225.png (717 KB, 740x545, ok.png)

Lots of other filters too.

No. 428543

open it with a cel emulator and print directly from pc, tada.

No. 428545

File: 1503696355435.png (22.25 KB, 734x137, lazy.png)

shit it is almost like it is your job

No. 428556

There are ways to get around that, apps and what >>428543 said. Just having something would be great, because her dragging KBBQ through the mud just to keep using him for prop making and not credit him is fucking insane.

No. 428557

File: 1503696919022.jpg (104.21 KB, 640x1136, IMG_9157.JPG)

The rumor of kbbq still making her shit is true. My friend is really close with him and sent me this.

No. 428560

File: 1503697141516.jpg (93.32 KB, 640x1136, IMG_9158.JPG)

Also this

No. 428561

Working so hard on MUH BIG BUILD MY DUDES!

We know she actually didn't get lipo during her so-called break, so I'm going to call it as her trying to go around and suck as much dick in the physical and metaphorical sense as possible to further her career.

No. 428564

Oh God, that last text. Why does that make me feel so bad for him lmao

No. 428565

If Mariah is called out for not crediting KBBQ, she'll probably just deflect saying something about how he has no accounts to credit for it (becausehe ghosted most social media… because of her fans) AND she never explicitly said she personally made the cosplay.

No. 428572

FUCKING KNEW IT. Guessed the wrong person but I knew the craftsmanship was too good to be her own shit! And Mariah has the gall to paint over it to make it look worse so that she could convince her dumbass fans that she made them. GOD DAMN IT MARIAH JUST STOP TRYING TO PRETEND YOU'RE SOME COSPLAY CRAFTSMAN. Just buy and credit your stuff and just worry about taking better photos because at this rate, even with all the time in the fucking world, you still have to pass other people's work off as your own. She's probably going to end up crediting him in the finished photos but not the WIPs just so she can claim "I've never stated I made these items, just that I was working on them, i.e. repainting them".

No. 428575


Man. She is seriously such a disgusting piece of shit.

No. 428578

why doesnt someone just outright ask her. "oh that looks great did you make it yourself?" then we can out her.

No. 428580

I think it would have been smarter for someone to have asked that before anon posted proof… it would have made her look like more of an asshole

No. 428585

File: 1503700345928.png (47.64 KB, 752x293, sfsdfsdf.png)


No. 428595

it seems so fake tho

No. 428596

This post nourished my crops

No. 428602

It's real my dude

No. 428609

File: 1503703435437.png (164.27 KB, 750x1334, IMG_9159.PNG)

And one more

No. 428610

Eh i can attest David is pretty honest.. I think he's an absolute creep cause that was my experience with him but he's not the type to beat around the bush

No. 428611


Hope they doesn't mess you up to get more milk anon. Especially if your friend sees you linked it here

No. 428612

I asked their permission to post these caps don't worry

No. 428615

Yeah dudes a fucking aggressive creep so I don't really feel bad that he got alienated so hard

But this whole situation is just hilarious

Both momo and kbbq are scumbags

No. 428617

File: 1503704961018.jpg (308.24 KB, 1280x853, 33180769252_8f76e842f9_o-X2.jp…)

No. 428619


I figured that's what happened. They were fuck buddies and Moomoo got all caught up in her feelings thinking that she could fuck her way into a relationship with him and he wasn't having it so she got pissy and tried to ruin his life.

Good to know that he couldn't see a future with that cow. All she has done is proven him right by being an immature toxic asshole.

No. 428622

I think it's hilarious that she's causing further drama for herself. The guy isn't even anywhere near the cosplay community and but she keeps digging her own hole. He's not a hero but he's being a bigger person by keeping to himself imo. He probably has really juicy milk too. That's what she gets for being a scumbag who cant even credit her photogs and commissions. You did this to yourself you cow. Watch Moo try to pin shit on him even when he has no way to fight back or even wants to.

No. 428625


She already tried painting him as a "jealous beta cuck when would get mad at her hanging out with other guys" and did the body positive "he said I was too fat for him. Please feel bad for me" bullshit when he dumped her.

No. 428626

sorry, my bad then!
We have finally some milk!

No. 428654

>tfw you're a fat cow and your asian fuck buddy doesn't want to start a relationship with you because even he see's your cosplay income wont last long

anyway you look at it you can definitely tell it stings for her. thanks for the milk anon~

No. 428661

File: 1503710836124.png (155.92 KB, 720x884, Screenshot_2017-08-25-18-25-52…)

No. 428662


And yet she still refuses to own up to any of the scummy shit she does to other people. It's always "You're all a bunch of losers who have nothing better to do than stalk me all day! Good for you!" or she pulls the same "You're all just as flawed as me" bullshit she does where she always has to drag everyone else down to her level instead of just admitting any kind of fault.

If you weren't such a shitty, toxic person Moomoo then no one would give a shit. But it's because you continue to do shitty things to other people and act like it's never your fault is why you will continue to get shit on. And you absolutely deserve all of it.

No. 428669

File: 1503712713330.png (473.48 KB, 1814x1935, _tic_nee_san__okamoto_vector_c…)

It's like people are actually holding her accountable for her actions or something?

No. 428672

File: 1503713285659.jpg (129.08 KB, 750x915, IMG_8275.JPG)

A bit of a spam incoming. Kollin is really bringing the heat lately lmao.


No. 428673

File: 1503713321415.jpg (41.82 KB, 732x284, IMG_8276.JPG)


No. 428676

Call her out!!! Tear the bitch apart!

No. 428677

File: 1503713491732.jpg (169.35 KB, 750x1001, IMG_8277.JPG)

I circled the comment because I feel as thought that's what she's doing intentionally. If she doesn't say she didnt make it, it is misleading people into thinking that she did. Which would present her as someone who knows what they are doing.


No. 428680

File: 1503713617408.jpg (52.09 KB, 750x528, IMG_8278.JPG)

I should make it known that this was the parts of the comment thread I felt were most important. It's probably still there, somewhere on her Facebook page.


No. 428683

which photo this post comes from? i wanna go through it a bit

No. 428685


Love that this person isn't afraid to call Moomoo out. As usual she is trying to deflect with her lies and "I never said I made it!" and "David leaving social media had nothing to do with me !" horseshit.

Don't let up on her. Keep calling this bitch out for her shitty actions.

No. 428687


This doesn't sound right to me. I feel she forced him or something to say this. Or out of fear.

No. 428688

I'm laughing because in my brain this is momo cakking herself 'nothing'

but also super suspicious that she's specifically made it so you can ONLY see what he typed right there so the messages above could literally be her saying 'type this back to me'

Also momo if he says he doesnt want to be involved with 'anything anymore' that INCLUDES you???

No. 428689

File: 1503714405014.jpg (96.86 KB, 750x690, IMG_8279.JPG)

It's from her Beekeeper Mei progress post. Very recent.

5/4. Her admitting he made the neck piece, while earlier we could see that she painted over the paint job he did so it would match the other parts… and also forgot to mention he made it.

No. 428690

Except this has nothing to do with his deactivation you fucking ambulocetus. Credit him for his fucking work and don't claim it as your own.

Normal people don't say that shit under normal context, which mariah conveniently omitted.

>he just left the cosplay community

>makes a cosplay prop

“Beware I inform you regarding the greatest of the mortal sins: Associating anything with Allah, disobeying parents and lying!”
Lying is haram af Mariah, you would know this if you were a PROUD MUSLIM.

No. 428692

She can't even lie her way out of a lie. Absolutely pathetic, Mariah.

>I made this.

>Okay he made the neck piece.

Which is it, you lying sack of shit?

No. 428693


LOL YEAH OKAY momo this screencap doesn't prove shit. This doesn't prove that you DIDNT black mail him. Him stating he didn't want to be involved with anything anymore includes YOUR SHIT you stupid bitch.

No. 428694

Anyone asking, it's the post with the belt thing

No. 428699

Post more screens from snapchat, friend anons. We need more evidence as it comes up from KBBQ.

No. 428700

File: 1503715652658.jpg (22.59 KB, 422x304, 455456.jpg)

>but my dudes i never said i did it

damn right she would use this technique

No. 428702


>It amazes me more and more everyday that people are catching onto my shit and calling me out

is pretty much what she just said here

No. 428703

How is "he literally made all of this and went so far as to paint it but i decided to repaint it so i could hide the fact someone else still makes the bulk of my costumes" the """base"""?

No. 428704

Notice how she doesn't post the full screen with specific dates/times. This could be from the beginning of her falling out with him from all we know.

No. 428705

from the looks of the belt, vamp made it. if it was her it would look like shit, just like that backpack she made

No. 428707

You're right anon that's why I don't even trust her. She's know for lying, so yep this is most likely and old cap

No. 428711


>I credit once everything is finished.

You credited everyone besides kbbq thus far.

No. 428713

File: 1503716607342.png (268.12 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8283.PNG)


my dudes I literally said in an instagram video that goes away after time that he made it! not on the photos of the actual pieces themselves

No. 428715

Where's the receipts, Moo?
You so far have picked and choose who to credit (lxmduo) and you have not mentioned KBBQ.
You mentioned keintastic making your Mei boots, Vamp helping with your shitty repaint and when we called you out on the gun, you suddenly credited that craftsman.
Where. ARE. The. RECEIPTS.
Sage for stupid bitch.

No. 428719

I watched her shit Instagram story and didn't hear or see jack shit of credit to KBBQ

No. 428720

Guys legitimate question now. I'm 118lbs yet I have a slight line because of a belly pouch/pooch.
How does she not have one despite being a landwale?

No. 428721

Sage your OT.
Also, plastic surgery.

No. 428723

She's had liposuction twice in her gut and other areas

No. 428725

Sage for OT
Sorry about that! I'm quite new. Ah really? The last thing I wanted to resort to was Plastic surgery

No. 428728

File: 1503718781208.jpeg (29.69 KB, 440x960, received_1647253165299277.jpeg)

This just gor posted on her page. Legendary.

No. 428729


Np. You'll only learn by doing.
But yeah she's had massive amounts of surgery (the black dots on her legs and shoulders n shit are lipo scars) but dunno if shes had a proper tummy tuck.
Dont get upset about slight pooch, it just proves that you have, yknow, internal organs.

Top kek
Doesn't she moderate posts? Or will it be deleted in a few mintues

No. 428730

Sage goes in the email field.
Holy cow this is amazing, and describes her 100%.

No. 428731


No. 428732

No, like for this site, Cloudflare likes to shit out. It's not down.

No. 428734

File: 1503719172321.jpg (42.11 KB, 435x719, 19399819_1467260366674379_2474…)


>Being boss af for calling Moomoo out


No. 428736

File: 1503719470218.png (311.11 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-08-25-20-47-23…)

It's posted on the belt photo, for those curious.

No. 428737

File: 1503719500973.png (261.07 KB, 600x400, 1502712815495.png)


No. 428763

File: 1503722045642.png (673.6 KB, 1435x1421, Screenshot_20170825-213248.png)

Immediately thought of Moo

No. 428764

And now we wait for her to break

No. 428772


Doubtful. She'll probably post another rant with an old pic of her from 50+ lbs ago saying "I'm a strong woman who won't be brought down by negativity/Fuck the haters/Love yourself and don't let anyone bring you down/Don't care what the haters say about me"

No. 428775

Aka the usual.

No. 428776

"I never said I made this"

"I made this"

Uhm.. ?

No. 428780

She even said it more than once lol

No. 428784

File: 1503725630770.png (35.45 KB, 487x489, momokun.png)

Found this browsing on fb. Blue cosplaying Mei was comparing how similar they looked. Looks like the hate for Momokun is spreading.

No. 428785

sage for ot but eww why would they point out their hickie? tacky

No. 428791

Just gonna say thanks to you guys/gals. Work for a company that considered working with her but we found these threads which on normal circumstances we would disregard but with how many valids points there actually are we've decided not to

No. 428795

Glad yout found this thread. There better cosplayers out there who're more respectful, professional and hard working then momo.

No. 428797

File: 1503726989296.jpg (36.55 KB, 471x194, 541556465.jpg)

i know its ot but god fucking damn this guy is like the male moo

No. 428798

>stealing all these puns

At least now she is admitting to stealing

No. 428799

Those puns were so try hard and corny.

No. 428805

She isn't a very trustworthy person to work with

No. 428809

File: 1503729381240.png (185.08 KB, 720x936, Screenshot_2017-08-25-23-11-16…)

Nice save you fucking cunt

No. 428811

Fucking really? This bitch is still playing it off like it's nothing!?!?

No. 428812


I really hope this is real.

No. 428815

File: 1503731062271.jpg (57.78 KB, 371x748, IMG_4919.JPG)

moomoo shoop

No. 428818

that's some one big ass belly

No. 428820

File: 1503732206238.png (1.13 MB, 712x1185, Screenshot_2017-08-26-00-20-19…)

She took them out. I wonder how much she spent on that shitty dye job

No. 428826

File: 1503735328245.jpg (2.38 MB, 3072x3072, IMG_4293.JPG)

Repeated wrong behavior

No. 428827

File: 1503735371302.png (247.76 KB, 1242x1468, IMG_4290.PNG)


No. 428828

liar liar pants on fire
and it's not just that probable yeast infection

No. 428829

File: 1503736836907.png (123 KB, 750x791, IMG_9173.PNG)

She's backed into a wall

No. 428830

File: 1503737230461.png (1.8 MB, 750x1334, IMG_9174.PNG)

You can see it eating her already in her instagram story

No. 428832

And it's her own fault too for being a lazy ass and trying to take credit for something someone else did. She's so fame hungry and hellbent on being the only one in the spotlight that her lies are now catching up to her.

No. 428833

>Calling out someone for claiming someone else's work as their own without crediting is "nitpicking"
jesus christ this bitch

>Moomoo has a huge psycho breakdown about KBBQ
>KBBQ deletes all of his social media accounts instantly
>It has nothing to do with me!!! He just COINCIDENTALLY quit cosplay at the same time I was sperging over him being a snake!

No. 428840

God she's so fucking ugly, like she really reminds me of that quote in a kids book of something like when someone has ugly thoughts and an ugly personality they show that ugliness on the outside
She's literally the living embodiment of that
Also what happened to that potus account that would call her out on everything even tho they blocked some people who followed them and somehow moo would too

No. 428848

File: 1503742668700.jpg (58.24 KB, 500x561, wpid-7f58a205ac1d393800823f8cf…)

lol I see it.

(it's from The Twits btw)

No. 428849

aw shit I saged in wrong field derp

No. 428850

She deleted and blocked the account that left her the comment with the screenshot of her twitter. What did they say wrong??

No. 428856

File: 1503744292164.jpg (42.16 KB, 640x960, 21034161_1150298001781814_5529…)

NOT COSPLAY!!!!! bitch obviously

No. 428857

File: 1503744304526.jpg (34.99 KB, 960x640, 21034409_1150298005115147_2381…)

No. 428858

File: 1503744315991.jpg (37.52 KB, 960x640, 21077521_1150297998448481_8620…)

No. 428860

File: 1503744948981.png (96.51 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8290.PNG)

You need to try harder than that to get her attention, Moomoo.

No. 428861

Omg, childhood flashbacks. Thanks anon. Perfect descriptor of her.

No. 428864

my worst is how she claims to be body positive but promotes detox teas (laxatives) like hun, really

No. 428877

she learned from "mama nigri" how to be completely non-transparent about those promos I guess huh

No. 428885

The entire comment thread has been taken down, but she will eventually have to post the shitty finished product. She can block people and remove comment threads all she wants, but as long as the screenshots are there she can't hide what she did.

No. 428886

File: 1503755102995.png (103.62 KB, 183x284, utterdisgusted.png)

So the fuckbuddy theory is confirmed? Thank you for the milk, anon.
Anyway, this gives me the heebie jeebies. Thinking about Momo being involved in sex makes me cringe. How can you touch that? I'm into girls and I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole… Imagine having standards that low. Damn David, seriously.

"I have the pics of everything" yeah, she told KBBQ to send her the process photos to cover her ass just in case, that's why she's so willing to show them. Slimy.

Ah, now she's admitting everything. She's like a kid caught lying, they only last like 5 minutes before breaking and telling the truth.

When you order something online vs how it looks like irl

No. 428889

So this bitch gets caught RED HANDED for taking credit for something she didn't make, but instead of just owning it just deletes everything and pretends it never happened.

Not at all surprised tbh! Don't let this die farmers, bring it up as often as you can outside of here. This is the kind of shit that can really fuck careers up tbh

No. 428891


Seriously, spam her posts and comments. Tired of everyone defending her because she's an excellent liar, constant rewards with 0 work.

No. 428893


I'm sure she'll try to spin it a short "bullying me because I'm fat" or use her usual "gatekeeping" horseshit.

Don't let this cow get the chance. Keep calling her out for this shit, don't let her keep getting away with it.

No. 428894

Everyone please call her out. It's gotten to the point where she won't even own up to her actions. So many people have been affected by her and we've been silent for far too long. This bitch does not deserve to be getting away with this any longer

No. 428895

File: 1503759346142.png (162.48 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8292.PNG)

So I'm friends with Kollin, and for the most part I've been the one posting his savagery. Unfortunately, he's been banned and asked me to let you all know.

To keep this on topic, I feel like I should add that we need to keep calling her out for her shit. The worst thing that happens is that she bans those who do, buuuuut as long as there are screenshots we will have all we need.

No. 428896


So what are some kind of hydra now? Cut off one head two more take it's place?

No. 428897


Are there screen shots or evidence of her publicly sicking her fanbase on KBBQ? Or any of the things she said/did to make him disappear? Would be great to post them side by side as he continues to make shit for her.

No. 428899


Yeah. Would be nice to have actual receipts of her threatening to ruin his life. Right now she is coasting on "He left social media for totally different reasons; it had nothing to do with me!"

No. 428901

We already know she lurks here but have you wondered what her thoughts are on the other cows on pt?? Like does she think they're all ~misunderstood~ like her or terrible people?

No. 428902

They're a few posts back when the drama first happened but she posted various "call out" posts about him on her social media, including a picture of his face exed out on her IG

No. 428903


A complete narcissist and someone who is so up her own ass like Moomoo of course thinks that she alone is being picked on for no good reason. She thinks all the evidence against her is either all fake or not a big deal because everyone is flawed and no one is better than her. I'm sure she thinks that all the other cows get exactly what they deserve and would champion roasting them to make herself look not as terrible.

No. 428904

File: 1503760707205.png (139.56 KB, 704x1026, 1499937122392.png)


There is also this post that describes a snap she posted point blank saying he deleted his sm because he got caught being a snake >>410132

No. 428905


Yep. She was absolutely dragging him through the mud: calling him a "snake", making passive aggressive posts about "not knowing who to trust anymore", claiming hat he "fat shamed" her by not wanting to date fat girls like her"

But sure Moomoo, him ducking out of social media completely had absolutely nothing to do with you.

No. 428906


This really shows how unprofessional she is. It's hilarious how all of this is coming back to bite her and the best part is that KBBQ didn't even have to come forward or spill milk here. She did this all to herself. You know a person is a total shit stain when so many things come back to bite them.
Shit after what Mooriah did to him and calling him out so publicly I give him my respects for not lowering himself to her level.

No. 428908

Do we have enough receipts?

No. 428909

honestly… i think we do. people have gone down with less proof

No. 428911

Perhaps, but when it comes to pathological lying pieces of shit like Mariah, you need a bit more proof so they don't spin a lie to get themselves out of hot water.

No. 428912

File: 1503762206021.png (1.07 MB, 720x1015, fuckupmoomoo.png)

thank you everyone for your hard work

No. 428913


Exactly. Moomoo will try to weasel her way out of any accusation with whatever bullshit excuse she can come up with. It will take more than that to bring her down.

No. 428914

File: 1503762355656.jpg (134.85 KB, 750x941, IMG_9179.JPG)

Bitch tried to vague post about their falling out by masking it with body shaming. Everything is starting to connect! was from one of the older threads

No. 428916

Hate to say something positive about her but are her teeth unmodified? Coz they're really nice if they aren't and I'm kinda jelly.
saging my own autism.

No. 428918

She had braces so no

No. 428919

File: 1503763669317.jpg (51.51 KB, 749x359, IMG_9181.JPG)

Also from an older thread. You ain't slick moomoo! That Snake was David

No. 428920

File: 1503764108089.png (231.34 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-08-26-08-45-56…)

Amazingly enough, she actually replied to this one and didn't delete it.

Look at her, being all "I'll just laugh at the haters because it'll make me look in control!"

No. 428922

the one who posted it is another ~popular cosplayer~ so who knows

No. 428924

Hey guys last night I've been told that Mariah has been messaging David who he told about the neck piece he made. Apparently she got really upset but didn't rat out anyone involved.

No. 428925

Post caps

No. 428926

lmao why the fuck is she upset bitch you're the one that got caught lying about making the pieces!!

No. 428927

File: 1503765056340.png (74.58 KB, 750x638, IMG_9183.PNG)

I've done all I could now. I'm making things worse for myself but I will do anything at this point to expose the truth

No. 428928


Seriously, fuck this bitch. I knew she was full of shit when she said "him leaving had nothing to do with me". Is that why you're going after him for talking to other people you fucking cow.

Someone needs to drag this cunt out into public.

No. 428929

The one who made the meme is a person she crossed in the past, not a ~popular cosplayer~ she knows. Pretty sure that's the guy whose puppy she manhandled a year ago.

No. 428930

So confirmation she wanted David to make it and pass it off like she did??!?

Not sure if this guy is a scumbag or not, but you cannot treat people like this. Exposing Mariah is probably the best thing anyone could do for the cosplay community. Thots aren't a problem, but this bitch is fucking cancer.

No. 428931

Just a thought but wouldn't it be better to surprise attack mariah with all of the receipts. She lurks these threads and we're just giving her time to come up with a big ass lie.

No. 428932

So she can talk shit about him, but he can't talk shit about her?

I hope this bitch's downfall is painful.

No. 428933

That is the best option for now. We've gathered all the evidence we need yet we have to find the right time to do it. 80 percent of the cosplay community despise her now so we got enough people for support. The only way to get her white knights to listen is to not be all "fat" and "cow" since Kollin's callouts proved how effective it can be.

No. 428934


That's how she has always been. She can say whatever the fuck she wants about anyone, but if you say one thing that upsets her she'll call her white knights on you and try to ruin your life.

No. 428935

Tell David to stop talking to her. We won't allow this to happen anymore.

Everyone who has caps needs to drop them. Old screens too, of when she dropped him on his ass.
I mean, KBBQ is rumored about too but imagine what verbal abuse he's getting now as we speak. Momokun's image needs to die in the cosplay community.

No. 428939

File: 1503769457180.png (165.53 KB, 475x591, Screenshot 2017-08-26 at 10.43…)

50 pounds lighter and still lurking.

No. 428941

As long as we both know I wont look like this IRL

No. 428942

Yes, her teeth are the only good thing she has. In some photos it even looks like she has veneers tbh, they're really square-ish and too flawless at the bottom, kinda unnatural. (see >>427885 )

You know what would be ideal now? Someone who makes a post that goes viral (like that one post made by a girl named Ashley iirc, that exposed Mariah and was shared a lot). She needs to get her cottage cheese ass exposed, and to disappear from both the cosplay and the internet scene forever.

No. 428944

File: 1503770178781.png (29.45 KB, 464x224, Screenshot 2017-08-26 at 10.46…)

No. 428945

File: 1503770257441.png (317.4 KB, 934x597, Screenshot 2017-08-26 at 10.57…)


No. 428946

I think you guys are being optimistic that this will be the thing to sink her. Neckbeards don't care about how awful a person she is and they're the ones funding her endeavors. She's excellent at playing victim and once she makes a crying video palming the blame they'll eat it up.

It's hilarious seeing her squirm, though. I don't understand why she's such a relentlessly shitty person for no reason.

No. 428948

>"let me bring attention to all these other talented people!!"
>never fucking credits anyone unless held at gunpoint

wew moo

No. 428949

Looking at the images, she isn't wrong. There isn't much done besides greyscaling and then contrast. She is still overall lumpy.

No. 428950

She can have her neckbeards, I just want to see her cosplay work suffer. No more sponsorships, no more pity guest, no more one sentences articles. I want her to sit on her costhot boat and shit quietly only to her WKs. I want popular cosplayers/even mamanigri stop showing face because she is too toxic to even fake pretend anymore.

tl;dr I want moo to vanish into obscurity in the cosplay scene.

No. 428951


You can tell whenever she hates herself and her body when she starts reposting photos from like 30 lbs before talking about what "strong, beautiful woman" she is who "won't be brought down by your negativity".

No. 428952

I always find it funny how she post photos of when she was lighter and healthier. It's so embarrassing.

No. 428953

No. 428966

ot but my teeth are flat cause i used to grind them when i was younger. people claim i had braces/veneers too but it actually sucks cause of chewing and sensitivity issues.

No. 428983

moo blocked potus

No. 428984

I'm with you on this. If she leaves cosplay she will just go straight to porn faster and all her disgusting WK's will follow. I'm totally cool with that. She can bask in her circle jerk as much as she wants just so long as it isn't in the cosplay community. We never needed her filthy lying ass in the first place.

No. 428990

She doesn't do anything for the community. she suck at cosplay so she doesn't help with tutorials, she suck at posing, she suck at photography, she suck at body positivity and she suck at fucking giving credits. She literally take, take, take and haven't give anything in return. So fuck her cosplay career and goes straight to caming where she can take a big fat cock for all anyone care.

No. 428994

I more wanna see other cosplayers and business lost interest in her tbh. Which is working right now lmao

No. 428996

I have a feeling that on three years we'll see her on MyFreeCams. It's literally a matter of time until she steps into actual porn

No. 429000

I just don't understand Moo. Why go through all this hassle to pretend that she made all the props?
I'm sure not one of her neckbeards even give a shit she made it or not. This just makes her into a bigger asshole, and for what? That a few people online know you can make a foam collar?
Even if kbbq didn't want to be named a simple "a friend made it" or "i got help" would have done the trick.

It just makes no sense at all, everyone knows she can't make shit since she publicly shows off her laziness. Seriously Momo, just watch Youtube, it isn't hard to make simple foam props.

No. 429010

Meth makes you autistically zoned in on accomplishing tasks and weirdly obsessive with cleaning and shit. Coke just makes you feel like "WOO I'M FUCKING AWESOME RIGHT NOW, FUCK CLEANING PEOPLE NEED TO HEAR ALL OF MY GENIUS OPINIONS AT 3 AM!"

No. 429011


No. 429016

So I made a tumblr, and also made a post about the KBBQ buisness https://momokuncosplay.tumblr.com/

I pretty much just put all the caps/ info together and called it a day. Feel free submit stuff if you want/ send asks about stuff.

I do ask to keep it to her shitty character, and leave the nitpicking about her weight/ looks/ body to here. You can mention the lipo and photoshopping since that directly correlates to her lying.

Not sure if this is allowed, oops.

No. 429017

i think you should remove a party about making fun of her, the posts prove this themselves

No. 429018

Me too anon.

These threads + synthwave playing on Youtube have become a nightly ritual for me.

No. 429021

Plus she wouldn't have ballooned up so much if she was doing coke. Shit kills your appetite.

No. 429024

Moo's kind of amazing. Everything about her is ugly and unappealing. Her body, her hair, her face, her personality. Despite all this, she still attempts to be a model, without trying to improve anything about herself. Amazing. The level of unashamed narcissism is unheard of.

No. 429033

How can you go from saying "I made this", to "I never said I made it", to "someone else made it and I was going to credit them once it's finished!" all in the SAME COMMENT THREAD. How can someone be that stupid? And then she goes and deletes it as if that won't make her look even worse. I'm glad there are more receipts now of her lying about her cosplays since a lot of people still believe she makes everything herself.

No. 429035

Props to you anon. This is what we need.

I think some of her other shady shit should be added too. Like the fake body positivity/lipo, doxxing, attacking people, racism. I mean we have almost 30 threads of it now.

No. 429036

File: 1503788429748.jpg (469.52 KB, 1536x2048, 5254772221.jpg)

Momokun brand soap

No. 429039

Bless your heart anon, we should gather up more receipts about her. She definitely doesn't deserve to be called a "professional cosplayer" or an "influential figure".

No. 429043

File: 1503790048337.png (952.26 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

You know when moomoo finally makes it into my Facebook there's a serious issue. I follow zero cosplayers, I have no cosplay friends or friends interested in cosplay. I hardly even have a friends list or activity on fb I mostly just stroll around fb an see what friends are up to time to time. Well I found this today while scrolling. The level of wk from this post. It must be old but looking in the comments had a laugh.
It was nice of him to use a photo of moomoo 60-70 pounds ago lmao.

Sage for wk bullshit an sharing old stuff.

No. 429045

>Coke kills appetite
Most cokeheads that get to be thin level are like that because they spend more money on coke than food. They also tend to mix coke with booze, which will pack on the pounds quickly. Sniff, chug a bottle, hour later sniff chug, repeat all night as long as you got booze and coke. It's not uncommon for a party to piss through bottles of booze and 24 packs. It's an expensive habit, and given moomoo's odd usage of her inflated income, and weird rants in the middle of night, it's not too unreasonable
t. parties with coke heads

No. 429046


How long until she post a rant about how "This is so not okay. I won't just stand by and be bullied be jealous losers on the internet." Or how "You're all such losers who have nothing better to do than make a Tumblr blog dedicated to hating me". Maybe we'll even get a "I'm so glad that you are all so perfect and have never made a mistake like me so that you can judge me". And of course there's the classic posting pictures from 30+ pounds ago with captions about how "I'm a strong, beautiful woman who won't be broken by all your negativity".

Taking all bets people.

No. 429047


Be sure to also make a post based on how she hasn't sent out any patreon rewards in months despite people asking her multiple times. She's basically stealing money from these idiots.

No. 429058

Anyone remember when Momo wanted to be a twitch streamer? She had Vamp in one video, right after Vamp went through some guy drama. Vamp was drunk off her ass and upset, and Momo was using the situation and Vamp to try and make herself seem quirky by making 'funny' faces to the stream while Vamp was freaking out about the issue. What a great friend Momo is.

Sage for Rant

No. 429059

I like that they implied her weight is intentional for thicc reasons. Can't tell if trolling or not, prime bait either way. >>429043

No. 429061


Or how about when Vamp's car was broken into and Moomoo tried to milk sympathy by claiming it was "our" car and "our" stuff was stolen? She really is a narcissistic piece of shit.

No. 429066

Yea, and then Vamp shut that shit down by reminding Momo that it was HER car, not THEIR car.

No. 429070


She's so predictable its hilarious

No. 429072

I reblogged it and added a shit ton of tags

No. 429083

I'm glad someone did it, I wanted too but didn't want to deal with any backlash from doing so lol. Just a suggestion tho, maybe add a time stamp for anything you post? Like around the date things in the post were happening, just so people can see how new/old certain behaviors are, because I feel like some people might use excuses like "yeah she USED to do that but not anymore", so if there was a timestamp they can't do that.

No. 429084

File: 1503799694779.png (87.38 KB, 720x523, Screenshot_2017-08-26-19-04-17…)

The correct answer is bribing

No. 429085

So you can conveniently "forget" to send them the prize just like you "forget" to send out your patreon rewards?

No. 429087


Aka "I'll send out cheap gifts so that I look more charitable and and not like such a piece of shit". And lord knows she'll never send out those gifts like with her Patreon rewards.

No. 429088

Lmao at her posting all these other Cosplayers suddenly. we see through you moo.

No. 429090


I'd be salty as fuck if I donated to her just have her use my money to get a gift for someone else.

No. 429092


Oh look Mooriah can't handle what she dishes out. What a hypocrite. There's evidence that she went out of her way to ruin kbbq's reputation by "vague" posting (it's not vague posting if it's obvious dumb ass and when you put a red x over a person's face) but she can't handle her own name being tarnished by her own actions? She's a terrible person if she really is pestering kbbq for information. Looks like she's desperately trying to cover her tracks and taking it out on him.
Thank you for the milk Moo

No. 429102

She didnt even respost some of her "friends" stuff

No. 429103

File: 1503805598867.jpg (45.7 KB, 509x314, FBCapture.JPG)


No. 429104

File: 1503805673208.jpg (64.5 KB, 492x730, Capturefb1.JPG)

2/2 Momo's reply. Yes we clearly make plans of attack.
Sage for no real milk

No. 429106

I like how she is trying to be extra positive by sharing cosplayers when she's in hot water for continuing to lie, again. Its so manipulative, it's scary. Is it really that hard to be honest and lean Mariah? Why are you such a liar?

No. 429108

File: 1503809416289.png (1.11 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4632.PNG)

No. 429113

File: 1503810567290.png (1.14 MB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2017-08-26-21-16-32…)

No. 429114


No. 429126

File: 1503813005806.png (290.04 KB, 475x580, Screenshot 2017-08-26 at 10.49…)

No. 429129

File: 1503813227801.png (597.32 KB, 1015x675, Screenshot 2017-08-26 at 10.51…)

Jacob is spicy

No. 429133

File: 1503813591964.png (632.23 KB, 720x918, Screenshot_2017-08-26-22-57-25…)

No. 429134

File: 1503813629598.png (72.54 KB, 720x423, Screenshot_2017-08-26-22-57-48…)

No. 429135

Can we please stop praising individual moomoo roasters please? No one cares and we dont need another Kollin stan shitting up the thread. Just post the roasts and cover irrelevant usernames, like lolcow has always done.

No. 429137

woah thats an awful lot of credits, something wrong moo?

No. 429142

without the context of the other post where she actually added credits, this photo almost looks staged to appear like she made it tbh, having a similar coloured foam hanging off the edges "in progress" in a messy workroom. That has to be intentional.

No. 429149

Sorry if this was posted already, I saved her instagram story as proof. She said she decided to post those pics (lingerie pics) that were taken a year ago and put a caption related to friends with benefits. Why decide to post pictures from a year ago and put a caption about friends with benefits?? https://vid.me/t6Nz0

No. 429153

File: 1503816868390.png (452.75 KB, 720x797, Screenshot_2017-08-26-23-52-51…)

No. 429155

Moo layers/edging/clearly popping out shapes are not thinly slapped on craft foam.

No. 429156

such a mess… this shitty doesn't even have depth and stuff

No. 429157

File: 1503817595849.png (263.54 KB, 1280x540, tumblr_inline_otry49fctw1qg1zs…)

No. 429158

side by side comparisons like this just showcase her lack of attention to detail. The black foam hexagons are so misplaced

No. 429159

Thank you that's the word I was thinking of when I put clearly popping out shapes. I couldn't for the love of me remember depth. also why do the puzzle borders? It's not the right shape and know her it's not glued and will come undone fast.

No. 429160

They're the complete opposite shape too lol

No. 429162


Nothing about this is even accurate????

No. 429165


Stop giving advice

No. 429166

The ratio's all fucked up, and are the white foams supposed to be the brown parts on the boots? Shape's not even right wtf

Because she's lazy as always. She can't even be bothered to put more effort in her supposed big build of the year that was largely made by others. The suit, the boot bases, spikes, and the neck piece are all made by others. She already half assed the honey jars, canister, and hat, and now she's fucking up a perfectly good boot base just so she could prove she has "skills". Crafting skills don't just pop up overnight after a coke binge Moo. It takes practice, time, and effort, all of which you don't have.

No. 429167

stop this

No. 429168

even if we did a full tutorial for every single part of her costume she would still make a ton of trash

No. 429169

That's common sense, how did you see a full tutorial in that comment? Moo would want whatever you're having.

No. 429170


No, Fuck you, this shit is funny.

No. 429177


More like Ahe-god-no

No. 429178

File: 1503821700070.png (283.08 KB, 452x556, ascasca.png)

Did someone else create this also? Because she claimed that she made this too.

No. 429179

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No. 429191

The funny thing is that the parts she made look better than the parts she commissioned.

This cosplay is full of errors but overall is not bad?
I mean, she has tons of fucking money to waste on materials and this is her "job"

No. 429204

File: 1503828194316.png (166.66 KB, 629x477, 4433.png)

holy shit the top part is just eva-foam gym mat edges

No. 429205

For the exposing tumblr anon,things that would be nice to add (would collect caps but I'm at work on mobile):

- Moo's attack on KBBQ + KBBQ friend's caps that confirm fuck buddies gone bad + her saying she doesn't have anything to do with it
- her doxxing that gun pointed at pic meme guy then condemning doxxing THE SAME FUCKING DAY
- collection of fucking up names and spouting nonsense about fandom she supposedly loves (HP, MHA, Fate, etc)
- not crediting photographers
- body positive posts vs lipo scars, caps of asking photographer to shoop her and shoop fails
- "let's be kind to each other my dudes" vs clap backs at comments
- not delivering/late delivering prints b/c sooo busy vs her not doing any new shit for weeks and partying

No. 429209


I don't understand what those smiley stickers are doing there? Also, is this the finished product? I'm so confused???

No. 429211

Sage but god this bitch is annoying. Why is Moo kissing her ass again?

No. 429214

For Tumblr anon,

Please remember to also upload the whole "that cheap spandex suit has gotten me more attention than you'll ever get" exchange and the several CuriousCat answers that verify she did indeed make those posts on Lolcow.

No. 429219

Thanks my dudes! I planned on doing the KBBQ and lxmduo drama, but these ideas are perfect.

If any anons want to dump old receipts they have,that would be helpful. Or even making a post/ sending an ask to the tumblr itself. I work full time and can probabky only make posts whenever I get an hour free here and there, so i wouldn't mind if this became a collaboration type thing. I just knew we needed something that displays her shitiness.

No. 429220

….is it bad that I think this is good for her? Like I'm impressed that she managed to do this. No, it's not close to accurate but it's better than most of the stuff she's tried to make before. Definitely not 'professional cosplayer' tier but it's an improvement

No. 429223

she should 'giveaway' her rewards

No. 429224

File: 1503839946740.jpg (2.14 MB, 1320x4055, 1473957238632.jpg)

Haha holy shit, this cunt is desperate. You get caught doing nasty shit yet again and now you're trying to cram a year's worth of "cosplay positivity" into two days to weasel out.

Here's a collection of her posts from the first thread when she came to defend herself and instead gave a huge kickstart for this series of threads.

No. 429231


If the blog is a side blog then others can collaborate and post the receipts. Have to figure that out on tumblr tho so anyone who wants to help and has time to collect and update all receipts on her bullshit behavior should probably message the blog on tumblr

Saged for OT

No. 429235

yeah but didn't she already say someone else made the base of these? So really she barely did any of the work…again…

No. 429238

This poster in on the money. If you eat like shit (when you actually are hungry) and drink sugary booze, all the coke in the world won't make you look like Kate Moss. Considering Moo literally eats like a garbage bin, no surprise she's only continued to gain.

Source: Cokehead ex who drank his own weight in beers between lines.

What I really don't get is how she can't fit in an hour of cardio a day? Considering what she makes,i5 would be such an easy and smart investment to get one of those Spin cycles that auto-connect to classes. God, what I'd do with 15k/mo.

Sage for blog post

No. 429244

she has a huge apartment with like no furniture she could easily afford a piece of cardio equipment right in her house and still binge anime or some shit while she worked out even…literally has no excuse for how fat she is

No. 429253


>friend makes base

>adds shitty details
>makes a post without crediting the person again

"See, I work hard guyz"

If this bitch worked on cosplays as hard as she backpedals and tries to cover up her lies…. she would be the craftsman she wishes she was.

No. 429255

Sage for past drama, but in one of the first threads she also talked about ¨no name¨ cosplayers or nobody cosplayers and generally sounded like a bitch, could also be good to add

No. 429266

File: 1503851202108.png (124.54 KB, 750x786, IMG_2448.PNG)

Holy fucking shit this looks so bad. The color is waaaay off and looks like mustard instead of honey. The brim is SO stiff and straight even though it's supposed to bend at the sides like a sun hat. And I know it's only the first coat of paint, but I don't expect it to be any less sloppy after the second coat. Fuck this is horrible.

Also does this bitch EVER sleep???? It was 6AM in LV when she finally went to bed, like it IS morning already dumbass.

No. 429267

>>429266 lmaooooooo it looks like a trash can lid the fuck

No. 429268

With momo I wouldn't be surprised if it was an actual trash can lid tbh

No. 429269

She's going to look like a minion when this is all said and done

No. 429276

Also, whatever post you make, make the same post on a secondary privatized blog, because she'll definitely try to get the 1st one removed

No. 429278

haha omg she really will, this made me laugh

No. 429286

File: 1503855997436.png (937.19 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-08-27-10-44-54…)

Caption from twitter "I'm wet"

No. 429291

I'm all for posting her getting roasted, I agree it's funny, but we dont need another circle jerk around some irrelevant random.
I'm sorry we dont care about your oh so savage friends.

Ps sage your posts.

No. 429292

File: 1503856622369.png (748.17 KB, 720x813, Screenshot_2017-08-27-10-53-26…)

The back

No. 429294

File: 1503856759101.png (849.77 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2017-08-27-10-48-41…)

She even explained this in a Instastory like everyone is too retarded to figure this out

No. 429295

They're the wrong color… why does she do this??

No. 429298

Bee keeper Mei doesn't look bad… if this was just a run of the mill cosplayer who did this on their own. However she had everyone and their mother make the majority of it and bought the suit. And she is getting paid 15k for her craft.

Sad thing is this cosplay won't get any attention and she is wasting her time. The only way she is going to get any attention for this is if she bends over and does simulated sex. That and she can't wear shape wear in such a skin tight suit, does she plan to have lips before wearing this?

No. 429300

File: 1503857111163.png (1.09 MB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2017-08-27-10-51-36…)

Instastory until 6 am:
>disclaims that she has not read the manga or played the visual novels but goes on a rant about Umineko anyways
>was confused and brings up a fan theory to discuss it and seem intelligent (this is actually all explained in a YT video made by someone else)
>continued to compare Rin to Ang because ~they're alike my dudes!!!~

No. 429301

File: 1503857182495.png (942.72 KB, 715x1039, Screenshot_2017-08-27-10-53-46…)

She obviously works hard my dudes

No. 429304

her nails look like beetle have been glued onto her nailbeds and her skin is so sickly……she needs to go to a doctor it's hard to look at her without feeling ill.

No. 429306


> working 12 hours straight

Doing what exactly?

The only thing that looks different is the hat is now painted and that does NOT take 12 hours.

The pic of the boots you posted now look no different than the progress picture you posted early yesterday.

No. 429308


That shit will fall apart, it's too visible that is a bunch of pieces just barely glued together instead of a base form with complementary pieces ans details on top. New trashy and broken boots for the next cons.

No. 429309

>claims she has not read the manga or vn
The fuck happened to "i used to translate the manga" then? She lies about the most meaningless shit to make herself more interesting

No. 429311


The inaccuracy hurts my eyes. It looks super blocky and she didn't even curve it like the actual one. It looks like a fucking lid. Why does she start her cosplays this late when she does nothing?

No. 429312

File: 1503858444591.png (35.7 KB, 572x352, 1500857935317.png)

No. 429315

Bitch if you haven't played the VN or read the manga then from where you're getting material to rant about? The incomplete anime or wiki? And if she's ranting about the ending like a lot of the retards were she's making a bigger fool out of herself by not getting the bloody point of the main mystery of Umineko.

No. 429317


ok WHOMST was threatening her?

Also under her fake philosophy of "treat everyone kindly" my dudes and "idc about the haters", she should just focus on herself and be the ~kind positive person~ she says she is.

No. 429318

File: 1503858862335.jpg (72.19 KB, 552x410, you what.jpg)

No. 429322


I'm thankful for someone like Kollin not being afraid to speak up. It feels like too many people are afraid of her to say anything in public. She'll just command her neckbeard army to protect her honor. It ticks me off most that even the people she has wronged won't come out and say anything out of fear.

Moomoo must feel powerful knowing that she can do whatever she wants to people and say whatever she wants to people without them fighting back. She treated KBBQ like shit and even he has not come out to say anything. In fact I think he might even be afraid of her based on the screenshot of >>428927 . I'm sure she tried to take away all of his friends from him by making those public posts about him being a snake and shit. I don't know the guy but I know when someone is being bullied. I would not be surprised if she's threatening LxM from speaking up to.

It just boggles my mind that someone can go to such lengths to ruin someone's name just to make themselves look good in the public's eye. She is absolute garbage. You can tell that a part of her believes that she only has all of this hate because she is "famous" because when she posted on the first thread made about her here that is what she said. If that was the case then Yaya, Jnig, Kamui, and others would have threads here. She can think all she wants that we are jealous of her but we are not. I for one am tired of her shitty attitude and making us female cosplayers look bad with her actions. I do not think that her fame was well deserved at all because she has done nothing positive with it and only has caused drama. The faster she leaves the community the less toxic it will be.

No. 429325

fuck off somewhere else, then

No. 429330

File: 1503859634482.png (2.16 MB, 3640x2156, 1500873747532.png)

I think that's all the relevant ones I have.

Fucking chill out, can only post one image at a time on here as well as going through other images.

No. 429332

File: 1503860155362.jpg (70.04 KB, 640x360, IMG_2641.JPG)

No. 429333

I'm only trying to keep this thread on topic to Moo, no need to be rude.

No. 429337


No. 429342

look at dem diabeetus fingers

No. 429346

she's not even 25 and she looks like this

No. 429348

Knock it off. You started this "rude" business yourself. Looks like you've been in this thread too long that moo's hypocrisy is rubbing off on you.

No. 429350

She is the Darksydephil of cosplay. She's absolute shit at what she does, is completely unable to take any form of legit criticism and will continue to burn bridges until she fails completely

No. 429351

Lmao these are going to fall apart after one day of wear. Yeah they look pretty close to the shape and the detailing isn't that bad but she somehow thinks plain foam is going to hold up to walking around for hours.

No. 429353

Bleh, it's really obvious that she's only watched the shitty anime. I hate that she shows off like she's the biggest fan, even lying about being part of the manga translation group.
If you want to be a fan of something, you just have to read/watch the media… it's not that hard, lol. It's not like she does much otherwise.
Being an Umineko fan, this really sucks but I know that her Beatrice cosplay (or whoever she decides to do) will be awful, and I guess we can revel in that fact.

No. 429366

Damn, you could oil up a frying pan with that greasy face.

No. 429368

do you really think she did that? jesus are you dumb, vamp obviously did it and she just took photos.

i really want her to cosplay a siesta or stake. it would look so god damn awful

No. 429371


Not like she is going to wear it long anyways. She'll drop it after an hour to go get drunk and party when she sees that no one gives a shit because she isn't half-naked with some other girl groping at her.

No. 429375

Oh my gosh, that would be awful in the best way. Her pubes would definitely show (not that we would be fazed by that now lmao).

No. 429381

For my first cosplay when I was 14, I made big Kingdom Hearts shoes out of hot glue and craft foam. Shit was falling apart by the end of the day. Eva foam is more durable, but I imagine these boots are gonna get fucked. We all know she would rather spend her money on food rather than get some worbla to cover them, too.

No. 429383

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No. 429384

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No. 429387

File: 1503867851718.png (3.82 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_5013.PNG)

Was about to say I guess she got lips again but then you realize she's sucking it in.

No. 429388

Her mirror is also sitting on the floor at an angle too, she's just learned to conveniently crop out the surrounding area so people can't see.

No. 429389

Laaaaaawd that granny face

No. 429391


Looks like she is in need of another self-esteem boost. This is what she does when she needs them: pose half naked in her underwear and let all the disgusting comments flow in, treating her like fuck meat.

No. 429392

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No. 429393

File: 1503868154633.png (1.17 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-08-27-14-06-11…)

No. 429396

Nice nip slip. Stay classy, Moo.

No. 429398

More triggered by her messy bleeding mascara and concealer lips

No. 429400

abusing the face slimming feature on meitu i see.

who wants to bet that heart is covering up how badly her underwear is cutting into her fat

No. 429401


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 429406

File: 1503870412166.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-08-27-16-44-20…)

Yep it does cover up it cutting into her

No. 429407

lol using the og fatty angle trick. lying down to look thin

No. 429408

Wow. They do look quite similar

No. 429409

that cat in the background, judging

No. 429410

File: 1503871111528.png (519.23 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-08-27-17-47-53…)

Hello reddit anon here. Thought you'd all get a kick out of this. Someone keeps posting her nudes on her reddit.

No. 429411


Incoming twitter rant about how "This is so not okay! I'm so fucking livid right now! I'm going to track down the fuckers who did this and have them arrested! Anyone who does shit like this deserves to be hanged"

Not doubt she will milk this for all it's worth. Internet loves white knighting women whose nudes get posted online, regardless of how shorty thy are.

No. 429412


*shitty they are

No. 429413

Not gonna lie, these shots aren't bad considering what she usually releases. Too bad the solemn monochrome hotel room-setting makes me think of those articles or art exhibitions on a sex worker's life.

No. 429415


Knowing her, she probably released them herself.

No. 429423

>>429415 she's released her own nudes before (Sasha from SNK) iirc so this wouldn't be surprising

No. 429425

new lipo scars i see?

No. 429426

she has a sasha cosplay?
I can't even imagine how she would look.
I can't imagine a cow swinging in the air.

sage for ot

No. 429432

File: 1503875262104.jpg (79.63 KB, 500x437, pokeshoujo.jpg)

She did. Those were a long time ago and there's more.

No. 429434

Nahh, it's the ol' lying down on bed so the fat in your face sinks back trick.

No. 429435

She did Petra and Mikasa. No Sasha

No. 429437

She took a base of the boot that someone else made and absolutely ruined it. The base looked accurate enough to build off of, but all the work she has done over it is all kinds of inaccurate and wrong. Is she even looking at reference images when making these things? It's incredible how off the entire boot looks. Can't believe she thought it looked close enough to post a side by side… embarrassing. She's never going to get better at this will she?

She even took the piece that KBBQ made (and called it a "base" despite it being the finished product) and repainted it so shoddily that it looks bad now.

She's probably posting those herself to try to generate interest in her again since this is what got her noticed in the first place. Also, she doesn't look like this anymore. but we all know she'd love for people to think she does.

No. 429442

Her nudes are all over Tumblr, it's not that hard to find since typing "Momokun" brings it up anyway. The majority of anyone reposting her "cosplay" or even talking about her are porn blogs.

No. 429445

Her boobs looked so nice tho

No. 429446

File: 1503878325698.png (921.02 KB, 719x1184, Screenshot_2017-08-27-16-53-55…)

No. 429447

File: 1503878377658.png (1.02 MB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2017-08-27-16-54-00…)

Sloppy makeup

No. 429449

Her nails, what the fuck.

No. 429450

File: 1503879086261.png (440.43 KB, 463x559, grandmoo.png)

What is the point of getting acrylics if you aren't going to get them filled or replaced when they are super grown out? Looks super gross and awkward.

The doctor who did her boob lift and reduction did a really good job. It's too bad she ruined all that work.

She literally looks like a granny here.

No. 429455

she reminds me of the mom from Mean Girls

No. 429457

Anyone notice a rising trend of cosplayers and female weebs strictly dating Asian men or is it just me? -kind of moo related I know she broke up with her BF when she started getting her name out there-

No. 429458

Again, her nails trigger me more than anything.

No. 429460

Its the same kind of suit as Rogue, so yes. She can wear something under it. Its not hard to wear a corset and then a smoothing one piece underneath and then the suit.

No. 429461

her makeup reminds me of Charlotte Charms make up after she got prescribed her cocktail of medications.

Her face is so bloated! Holy crap it looks swollen and like it hurts for her to smile.

No. 429464

Probably just sick fetishism; they want to date a ~real life anime husbando~.

No. 429468


Based on the parts she didn't lipo (arms and face) she would be 300 pounds for sure if she never had anything done. How do you make that much money and no actual job and not find the time and money to diet and work out properly?

No. 429470

File: 1503883161363.png (826.9 KB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2017-08-27-18-16-23…)

No. 429474

why would anyone post this…. She looks like she doesn't have any teeth wtf

No. 429482

What cospalys has she done this year again? The all shit over the past years just blur together. I'm having a had time how anyone would consider Mei being a "big build" when honestly it's not that difficult considering most Blizzard designs. When I hear that phrase I'm excepting something that took at least several months, had the cosplayer learning a boatload of new methods, and out does everything else that was made that year prior. I should also mention something they made themselves.

Her "big build" is something she only made 10% of (of a design that is average difficulty at best), learned nothing new from, and will look just as bad if not worst that her other cosplays.

No. 429488

File: 1503885394855.png (423.36 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170827-141303.png)

Who thinks she'll just buy it and try to pass it as her own?

No. 429489

No. 429490

>>429482 It's because she has no set schedule, no timelines, no list of what she's going to purchase and when. Everything with her is last minute and rush rush rush. She looks like a haggard old lady because she doesn't have ANY kind of schedule or functionality in her life either, it's just one big hot mess.

No. 429491

File: 1503885570151.png (405.77 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170827-205445.png)

Based on this fan art I can expect Moo to try to put the focus on her "thicc curvy women figure" so that even tho she's covered she can still try to get attention for how "sexy" she is

No. 429492

From what I can remember

For Mei: Bikini Mei; New Years Formal Wear Mei (fanart), regular Mei/casual Mei, and soon to be Beekeeper Mei

For Kanna: canon child kanna, "adult" kanna, bikini kanna

Bikini Samus again Im p sure, Rin from Fate, Stocking, Yoko from Gurren Lagann (time skip I think. Never watched the show), Mememe, Cindy from Final Fantasy, Annabelle (i guess this one counts), Locua from Dragon Maid, does the All Might onsie count, Rogue, Maid Pochaco, Android 18

and those are all the ones I know for sure were from this year. Or at least Im pretty sure. She often reposts old stuff, so some of them Im not too certain on

No. 429495

Man, she really screwed herself up. Her body was actually normal here

No. 429499

Huge red flag imo

No. 429508

holy shit that's a lot more than I thought. Nearly all were bought of commissioned and all are so forgettable. I understand there is probably pressure on these Patreon hoes to keep putting out new content but she could also afford to slow the fuck down and put out something that was good quality every couple months.

No. 429520

I just don't get this decision either. Is this supposed to be "Sexy bee suit mei" or something? Because it's clear she's wearing something baggy. Like…its the exact opposite of what she bought.

No. 429546

I saw a new lip scar on the side of her butt and there is a lot less fat under her chin and neck from a week ago. She only does those underwear mirror shots after lipo. Too bad she will ruin the doctors work in a few short months like always

No. 429548

the full body nude was photoshopped. The ass was wholly added and the gut shrunk. The unshopped was in a prev thread

No. 429550


Just out of curiosity, but does anyone know if the doctor could just lipo the same areas again (ie. inject where the old lipo scars are)?

I can't tell if the scar near her butt is new or if we just never saw it before because of the angle. She def looks like she got another round of lipo.

No. 429552


Is that the reason her bellybutton area looks so weird? Like silly puddy.

No. 429560

She's always had that scar. You can see it in some of her bikini Samus pics.

No. 429561


Looks like another round of lipo. Did she always have that scar on her butt?

As someone who's popular in the cosplay community momo's body positivity "while showing all her obvious lipo scars" is sickening. Trust me we all talk shit about Momo behind her back all the time. While we blatantly smile in her face when she's around

No. 429566


as someone with extensions, why? fucking why. they must hurt.

No. 429567

momo's will look baggy cause of her lumpy body.

No. 429568

I'm friends with people within her circle and I can confirm that she did get more work done recently. She's also planning on getting more done soon. They will not tell me where but they're hinting it might be the arms next.

No. 429570

>boring hearsay

No. 429571


Mom is predictable. She only takes those underwear shots after getting work done. Also neck fat doesn't vanish in just a few short days. She has been saving for a month. I doubt the arm lipo however. Her arms would have too much flabby skin.

No. 429572

there's no sign of lipo in those pics anon…

No. 429575

not new, that scar was there previously. you could see it sometimes in her Samus bikini providing the strings weren't in the way

No. 429577

Can you provide receipts?

No. 429584

I agree, her jaw line is looking more defined when just a few days a go it was puffy and round? That was probably swelling from the procedure. I have a feeling she might have gotten some fat sucked out of her thighs and calves. They are looking considerably less lumpy compared to her beached whale Cindy shoot a few weeks ago.

No. 429587

Or its just shooped

No. 429589

Guys we already know about the liposuction. Let's provide information about PAX or some other recent event.

No. 429590

She also tapes her face, she's admitted to this

No. 429593

File: 1503897323167.png (404.77 KB, 1012x619, Screenshot 2017-08-27 at 10.15…)

No. 429599

This is honestly way better than a skintight thot suit

No. 429603

Guess she's not being subtle about rewatching the Umineko anime, wonder if she still thinks Beato's a yan

No. 429604

File: 1503901023835.png (811.4 KB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2017-08-27-23-13-06…)

No. 429606


What a fake bitch, she obviously positioned the laptop so it would show she's "watching" Anime.

No. 429616

I follow several cosplayers and sh'e the only one I've seen obsessively post clips of herself watching animes. Like, how fake can you get?

No. 429617

at first I was disgusted by the nails, then I saw the face. dear god

No. 429623

A skin tight beekeeper suit will make the suit useless and uncomfortable to wear while beekeeping. The reason for the larger size is that you don't get stung by bees, but her idiots will just say because she's thicc. Of course moo will take advantage of this and her disgusting fat ass.
sage for OT

No. 429631

She did the same when she was "binge watching" Game of Thrones around the time JN showed interest in it lol

No. 429634

its really funny tho since umineko's anime stops abruptly and you can't understand shit just with it. you need to read the manga or play the games.

No. 429640

is awesome

No. 429642

Her Instastories make me feel like she's…off mentally? Her rambling makes me wonder if she really is on something…?

No. 429653

Yeah at first I thought it was a reach because she never seemed like that in person when I've previously hung out with her but she's definitely on coke or speed or something

No. 429675

Not only this…but why is it every time I see her post a video of her watching anime she has subtitles on but it's dubbed…?

No. 429680


Yeah. I mean how else do you explain her posting rant videos at 3am while talking like she is afraid she won't be able to get every single word out of her stupid fat mouth. She really does look like she is on some kind of hard drug.

No. 429681

it's definitely coke

No. 429682

File: 1503927021268.png (866.63 KB, 720x1180, Screenshot_2017-08-28-06-24-21…)

She added highlights to the hat and her [PET] stepped in the paint.

No. 429687

umineko's anime is fucking horrible too. my friend described it as a 'sadistic battle between battler and beato' which just goes to show how little the show actually does. also there's fuck all exposition between any family members

No. 429690

She's honestly making me wanna cosplay this Mei skin… She'll the ONLY one I can find? and she'll look horrid…

No. 429692

File: 1503930361208.png (203.49 KB, 750x1334, IMG_9198.PNG)

She's throwing in that sappy post about her family again. Still not stopping people from calling her out lol

No. 429693

How about your trainer…I mean, dad, Moo? What does he have to say lol

No. 429694

Based on her IG story she's probably going to be at Blizzcon. While I hope I DONT see her for the sake of my retinas and my appetite I will try and get candid pics of her.

Sage for OT

No. 429696

Yet another con she'll not be a guest at in any capacity whatsoever! She can join Sheena and the other ghosting thots lurking outside of the convention because if Moo couldn't have been assed to get PAX tickets before they sold out, she's sure as fuck not going to be able to buy Blizzcon passes.

No. 429697


He we go again. Another sappy "I'm such a good person, see? I take care of my parents who totally love me!" essay. She is only saying this shit for attention and asspats. She is always throws shit like this in everyone's face because she thinks it makes her above criticism. Good to see people still aren't afraid to call her out, but unfortunately the neckbeard white knights are still there.

No. 429701


No. 429705

i wonder if someone could alert pax she'll be ghosting. it's not really cowtipping if it's an illegal act.

No. 429707

lmao I cant deal with this shit. I GOTTA WORK JUST LIKE YOU DO. AHHHHH

No. 429708

If you have the tweets saying she is gonna ghost Ill email them for the fuck of it

No. 429709

>i used to think camwhores and sluts were fucking gross till i made money off of it, now i still think they are but i'm a fat hypocritical moron

No. 429711


Love how she didnt mention her dad not once. We all know he's disappointed in her and thinks shes a slut and a hoe.

No. 429712

Exactly. Though I won't put it past some thirsty neckbeard to give her an extra ticket they have. It makes me salty because I've played WoW and other blizz games for over 12 years now and Blizzcon is a huge event for me, but this cunt just shows up for neckbeard thirst and cosfame.

Sage for salty blogpost.

No. 429713

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No. 429714

Wait… does that mean they don't get on well and hes not her """"trainer""""?
Or does he dislike what she does but turns a blind eye because MonEY. Because, then, I'd see where she got her attitude from.

No. 429715

bitch is so damn fake, she really is. i know she's just gonna clap back about how everyone is jelly. no, no one wants to be a bloated cosplay slut. no one wants neckbeard money from beta 2's who think they can treat you like meat.

No. 429721


Fucking this so much

No. 429733

This tumblr isn't going to do any good if the only thing posted there is her taking credit for the neck piece. If screens are stockpiled there of EVERYTHING she has done then it might be worth people re-blogging more. She's done a lot worse things than just take credit for peoples work. People keep asking for the proof on her FB page, so I don't understand why it's never posted onto any of her media. Sage for rant.

No. 429735

File: 1503937258707.png (27.1 KB, 1033x170, sappy rant top comment.png)

top comment

No. 429738

oh man, too bad there are 0 nudes leaked, and none that were recently leaked, and no sceencaps of said nudes itt.

No. 429739


I hate that she has to always use her family for pity points. There's receipts of her speaking ill of them constantly and wishing they were dead. I know she is going to use the "I was young and immature excuse" but it was only 2-3 years ago she said those things and she IS STILL young and immature. If her family is as Muslim as she claims them to be in all of her Muslim pride posts then it is clear that they do not support her and only seem supportive for the money they get from her. Moo is a cash cow. I bet once Moo stops giving them money or runs out of it they'll abandon their porn star of a daughter.

No. 429742

her claiming to be muslim is so embarrassing. i mean, it's obvious by not only her but her father that she's not, bodybuilding in that way he did it is considered haram believe it or not. i'd be so ashamed if i were her parents. not for her slutting it up but because of her lies.

No. 429743


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 429746

Do we even know she's using that cash for her family?? Moo is not someone who's good at keeping things private and not above arrogantly shoving shit in people's faces to prove she's right. Why doesn't she show off all the nice things that money has done for her family to boost her "I'm such a good person, my dudes" essays? Because there are no recipes to back it up?

No. 429750


She talks about financially supporting her mom in the post. She's made similar claims on twitter. She's maybe doesn't parade social media about it because it might embarrass her family if people knew she was supporting them (especially with porn money). I would not be surprised if she pays for the entire rent without Moochlette pitching in and she doesn't talk about it because it could embarrass her.

No. 429751

chances are she doesn't talk about it cause it's a lie.

No. 429752

Ah, so her ideals about nude/lewd modeling changed once realized she could make money from it too. They're no longer sluts whored now that she can profit from it.

No. 429753

she's obviously still ashamed, that's why she clamored to lump everyone else in with her.

No. 429758

She is completely ashamed of it. When she first started she insisted the only reason she did boudoir is because that's what got her money. Then she went an entire year denying what she does is sex work. Then when the POV started she denied it was porn. I honestly think she's very self hating but tries to seem positive to hide it/ nit admit it to herself.

No. 429759

Except remeber anon, she's a FETISH model. Which is in no way similar or related to porn.

No. 429760

Anyone got a link to new thread?

No. 429762

Mei dumpster hat as the new thread pic? Or screen cap from on of her coke induced 3am rants?

No. 429764

No. 429771

File: 1503942581214.jpg (62.15 KB, 490x535, 1501440397532.jpg)

Oh shit, he/she completely destroyed her with this comment… is it still up? Mariah hates the truth.

No. 429773

Stop posting!!!! The thread is about to lock let the mod make a new link.

No. 429781

No one has fucking made a new thread yet. Fucking make it and link it if you're gonna be so whiny.

No. 429798

No. 429801

Are her fingers getting fat or is it just me?

No. 429806

Your a fucking retarded cunt(you're)

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