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No. 932701

First thread: >>>/snow/93507
Previous thread: >>921722
Websites: https://momokun.co/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/peachygirlmomo
OnlyFans: https://onlyfans.com/momokun
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram & Snapchat: mariahmallad, mmallad.jpg (formerly btsmomokun, xmariahmalladx), the ragdollranch (formerly mariahthecatlady, momoscats), peachycollective.co
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@peachygirlmomo
Camversity: https://www.camversity.com/MariahMallad/profile (Old, deleted)
Pornhub: https://www.pornhub.com/users/mariahmallad (Inactive)
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/momokuncosplay
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Momokun_MariahMallad/

Tumblr blog receipts are all outdated as fuck (we're talking like when she got banned from twitter) but here they are if you want them.
(You need a tumblr account to view this one since it's an 18+ blog).

Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here >>>/w/92925
General Costhot/Cosplayer thread over here >>>/w/174607
Don't post irrelevant random cosplayers "roasting" her on Twitter unless there's actual new milk attached. We've seen it a million times by now.
Nitpicking, armchair analysis/diagnosis, cat sperging and blog posting are against the rules.
Asking if we have media links to her content is also not cash money. Stop.
And yes, we know about the Kik for Fat ad.

>moomoo went to japan w/ ozy (aboosive ex) and mimsy and others to cosplay in shibuya on Halloween (despite the city trying to cancel Halloween that year and not allowing people to wear costumes (moo and others make it through regardless))

>some locals railed moo for this on Twitter and she clapped back only to get called out by the native speakers for using google translate
>the worst makima shibari ever seen happened
>5k patrons on patreon, 5k slobbering moids w/ no taste
>fabricated a “am hero” story about herself and her cronies when they heard a scream at an onsen and claimed they went full investigator mode to “save the girl”
>more Gaza virtue signaling
>Mona cosplay with tits sagging lower than her navel
>Hu Tao next (No one is safe)
>claimed to feed the homeless in Vegas n thanksgiving, then said “fuck thanksgiving” for more Gaza horror posting
>moomoo fleshlight saga begins 11/28/2023
>claims to start school January 2024 (associate in health science)
>Pomni cosplay (actual nightmare)
>sick cat? Buy a new car
>went to Japan AGAIN
>flesh light delay 02/07/2024
>declares she wants to invest her sw money, make cosplay a hobby again, and become a cosmetic surgeon
>still no flesh light 03/02/2024
>announces photog studio location change
>tattoo removal and Botox

No. 932702

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Last thread she posted about SOAD having a show and saying "but what about Lebanon" @ Gaza supporters and Moomoo got pissed despite doing the same thing for BLM in 2020

No. 932703

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From an old thread, 2020

No. 932719

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No. 932721

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Finally. Shes been busy over on twitter.
Apparently she aced her finals. Claims to be doing a "bachelors of nursing science"

An update on the totally real fleshlight.

Sperging about godzilla, presumably because it was trending but watch her read the wiki and act like the no.1 fan. For those unfamiliar, the Reiwa era are the most recent Japanese releases (Shin godzilla and Godzilla minus one)

Apparently she was a great sister. The video in question had a child in it and frankly, i didn't want to include her in this shitshow.

I look forward to seeing how she designs her next studio. Hopefully she re-purposes the electrical cabinet again

No. 932724

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Reposting but she's sinking more money into magpie items for the studio

No. 932725

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No. 932727

ah yes the vibe of cheap bootleg chinese crane game stores that have been popping up everywhere. people will certainly pay money for that.

No. 932728

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Complained in her story but had to make sure to suck up to sniper for the tickets

Not sure why but the lipgloss phone case gives me a chuckle

No. 932731

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This was from the other day.

No. 932732

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She's right. It doesn't fit her. Those tits are sagging so low. Also, you can definitely see she's gaining weight back.

No. 932733

so this is going to be an even bigger money pit than the first one. How does she never manage to learn from her past
skinwalking mimsy lol
those straps are hanging on for dear life. I get the look shes going for, but it just looks like she brought a swimsuit 3 sizes too small. Isn't this also an old picture, I swear she's posted this years ago?

No. 932735

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Also trying to bring back her totally lesbian larp.

Which of her "friends" is she trying to impress now?

No. 932736

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It’s new, I’m going by how busted her tattoos are looking lol

The fact she’s still sinking money into another studio, buying new crap and transferring those shoddy sets is just so fucking stupid. No one but her friends went the first time, how is her moving to another location going to be any different? (Wondering if this one is also inconveniently located as well)

No. 932737

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No. 932751

jfc she doesn't look like herself at all in this, so much for cutting back on the filters after that nose job

No. 932755

did she say why she's moving? it seems weird.

No. 932757

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Popped a seam in one session gg
Also a beautiful close up at the shoddy editing.

Aside from that I doubt this is a legit 'japanese swimsuit'. Its probably some taobao 'BBW' fetish trash sold in stores that sell those obscenely big breast plates because why else would the straps be that long?

No. 932763

not entirely true. There were a handful of randos that somehow were allowed to use it. Never saw them with moo before or afterwards

my guess would be that her lease was up. I'd go back and check when she first moved into the studio, but i can't be bothered.

No. 932771

Serj literally has 4 Armenian grandparents, like no fucking shit he was born in Lebanon since that's where his family FLED from the genocide. Unfuckingbelievable she would police someone's identity like that when she uses her own vague Lebeanse heritaji as a legit reason to call herself Asian etc.

No. 932772

Wow I couldnt imagine having this out in plain sight when my family comes over. Shes awful.

No. 932778

if the lease was up she probably moved somewhere even cheaper and out of the way.

No. 932779

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Meant to share, but this is the new space. No windows at all so she can't get flagged for making her porn.

No. 932787

Rip anyone trying to shoot here, her sets at the old place had notoriously awful lighting, no windows just means less chance for natural lighting

No. 932788

Or the owner of the space found out what she was doing in there, and just refused to renew her lease out of disgust.

No. 932789

This is more of a shit hole than her last "studio"
She can maybe fit two, maybe three low quality sets here. Appropriate for cheap porn though

No. 932790

I'm sure there is more damage she did to this place that didn't need to be done. Along with the fire hazard of turning the electrical room into a set that no one even used. Can't the guy sue for damages to the property?

No. 932794

i doubt that, especially given how >>932779 looks. unless she got into legal trouble most landlords wouldn't know what she's doing.

No. 932800

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this review was posted several months ago but i don’t recall ever seeing it pop up on here. Sorry if its old news

No. 932806

Gotta be a fruitfarmer.

No. 932814

Daylight is not needed or even wanted in a studio because it's unreliable. Clouds moving in and out, sunrise or sunset would all mess with the lighting. Studio photography is all about artificial lighting, reflectors etc.

No. 932815

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No. 932827

So she went from “finishing my associates in health science!” this spring semester to working on her “bachelors of nursing science”?

I know she’s dumb as shit and can never keep her story straight, but that’s not how it works. Nursing schools are generally competitive and have requirements that she almost certainly didn’t fulfill, including either the TEAS or HESI.

No. 932833

She’s really dumb as rocks because any medical program in the US, makes you start off with the gen ed classes like English 101, History 100, etc. even if you don’t need them for your degree. I’m sure she’s taking those classes and acing them because they’re easy as shit. You have to be real fucking retarded or foreign to not pass those kek. She’s probably feeling good because she’s passing since in the last thread she wrote on the “philosophy of love” and used Wikipedia as a resource and most professors will tell you that’s not a legit source.
She’s feeling smart rn, but we all know med school is no joke. Even if it’s nursing.

No. 932842

Oh you know she's not actually doing any of this, she's basing the larp on her sister. She's going to get tired of it soon enough and start mixing up her lies, just like every other time she's pretended to be in school. She's absolutely too retarded for nursing.

No. 932854

ya she doesn't know what any of this stuff is. she probably just asked basic questions and put 2 and 2 together.

No. 932858

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No. 932860

Eww, I know there are some medical practitioners that get into the field to be creeps and there are plastic surgeons that use weird wording to compliment your body during consultations but of course moo would turn it into a horny on main experience. I’m surprised she went to (if she actually did) that didn’t push her to get surgery ala nose job. Or she’s clearly bullshitting cause I doubt she’s going to get a breast lift

No. 932863

She’s known to exaggerate. He probably told her something she didn’t want to hear possibly that she needs to lose weight, it’s difficult to fix this problem because of her breast reduction that she botched by gaining said weight. It’s very likely the doctor rejected her as a patient for her own well being because she is not a good candidate for a procedure like that just yet, so naturally the dipshit made up a story of him being horny for her. She rarely ever tells the truth.

No. 932864


. . . She watches entirely too much porn if she thinks anyone is stupid enough to actually believe a word of this. This sounds straight out of a plot of some random hentai

No. 932868

at this point, why not just run an actual arcade? a bunch of gacha/crane machine places are popping up in vegas right now and it's gonna be a trend for a while. do photoshoots in it after closing or something. can't make a single good business decision

No. 932873

Lol. Oh yeah, this totally happened.

No. 932885

This is her first year in the health care field. And you can't just become a nurse like that either. She isn't getting her associates or bachelors in anything.
Moo is as legit as those "veneer techs" who get their "degrees" in two weeks. Except there is a greater chance Moo is just pretending to go to school because she doesn't want to be seen as another "dumb hoe"

No. 932890

>picks them up
Idk why, but her choice of words made me kek.
Also, this didn’t happen for many reasons. But the biggest reason, no surgeon is going to be like “Your tits are perfect. Bye!”
They want money. I think this is just her way of saying she doesn’t want to do the surgery and is fishing for compliments. “You’re perfect the way you are uwu”

No. 932893

It's especially ridiculous because we've all seen her tits, and they are disgusting. No surgeon is going to tell her she doesn't need anything. If anything, they would be upselling other procedures as well.

No. 932897

would you want to a visit an arcade after moos shot her porn in it? because we all know she ain't cleaning anything afterwards

No. 932936

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No. 932937

"Summer accelerated program" I think she's trying to make it sound more important than it is, but she's probably doing condensed summer classes for gen eds but she has to be so special and advanced right kek

No. 932941

she's not doing anything though, she's pretending to go to classes, just like last time. she's too stupid to do anything she can't pay for and get immediately.

No. 932942

If your tits can be "picked up" you definitely need a fucking lift

No. 932945

Her plastic surgeon is also a crane operator

No. 932999

I'm not defneding her but most breasts sag. Especially if they're bgger than a B-cup.(unsaged)

No. 933008

that's not reallt the point. i am getting really sick of this black and white posting. we are not talking about breasts in general, we're talking about them in the context of "needing a breast lift", which no one does, but it's a male gaze procedure so that's the standard. your post isn't the same knee-jerks that some posts are, but i am tired of generalizations just to defend women against male standards when moo's entire career is based around that and she doesn't need us to defend her. we don't need this "all boobs are beautiful" insecurity posting for moo. it's not necessary.

No. 933011

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Jfc she’s pathetic

No. 933019

You're blinded by your hatred for moo. "All breasts sag"-nona was defending her own saggy tits because she's insecure. It's so funny to me when people itt defend certain features of the cow because it's true for them as well.

No. 933020

>she still hasn't learned how apostrophes work

No. 933022

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Sage for me not remembering, but she tagged this photographer in her latest photo.

Tripod-chan making a comeback or is this a new character in Momoland?

No. 933024

that is ashu cos formerly known as aly brazil

No. 933039

And she never will; I keep seeing more and more retarded Zoomers and Gen A kids using apostrophes for plural. I blame autocorrect not parsing grammar properly and/or giving up on correcting shit.

Pulling triple duty as Moo's costume slave, stunt fluffer for Moo's sad porn, AND photographer? Seeing as she's one of Moo's last calves, the pay must be great and the esteem must be lower than low.

No. 933040

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No. 933041

She's more than welcome to leave, there's literally nothing stopping her.
It's all very performative and reminds of 2016, when people said they were going to leave the US and then never did.

No. 933043

Does this stupid bitch not realize that hamas would stone her to death for being a degenerate whore? But go ahead Moo, put your money where your mouth is, and move over there, to bask in the "superior culture" of the middle east.

No. 933048

She doesn't realize that Trump didn't do shit for her level of tax bracket… right?
Watching this bitch spiral is such a comfy feeling.

No. 933063

Moo being a braindead Republican as usual. Refusing to vote for trump thank god, but also being absolutely dead weight for everyone else by refusing to vote entirely.

She has countless stories about Gaza being bombed and she thinks not voting for anyone is going to make it better? Her fans are right, she needs to shut up.

No. 933074

Suddenly reminded of the lunch box debacle. Makes a lot more sense.

No. 933081

The bitch has never voted in her life anyway so that’s nothing new.

No. 933085

Shes just like every whore who is a "communist" refusing to understand that liberal capitalism is the only political structure that allows them to exist as they do.

No. 933089

Kek thanks for the reminder of the thread discovering she wasn't registered to vote back in 2020, I wonder if she still isn't

No. 933090

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Doesn't want to vote but pushes this shit?

No. 933124

Can't wait to hear what bullshit school work she will be cramming this time. Honestly Mariah, if you actually got into a program, which you didn't, you'd be braging about it. Thus this another school lie, like usual. Good luck with your imaginary course work.

No. 933132

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Pure cringe

No. 933136

hentai coomer brain rot

No. 933138

this is so gross and cringe, lmao.

No. 933161

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No. 933162


No. 933165

couple this with the whole nurse larp…she really wants to be special somehow.

No. 933167

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She's opened subscriptions on twitter now. Wasn't she against twitter/Elon at one point?
Ignore the NZ currency, its about $6/5 USD

Classic moo, never letting death(s) go to waste>>933161

No. 933174

>happy nurses week
>after nurses week already ended
I guess she can't even keep up with her LARP, I didn't see a peep about nurses week from her until this post. After the week of recognition ended. And of course she's got to base the whole thing off of her newest BPD obsession. Classic moo.

No. 933249

>may God allow them to be beautiful martyrs
Some people simply should not speak on anything ever

No. 933293

technically you can say both interchangeably if you’re planning to continue onto a 4 year college after getting your associates. it’s common to say your end goal degree if you’re working towards transferring but who knows with her lol

No. 933314

I know this all a lie, but really? She is now larping she's going to be an FNP? Let's see how long this lasts.

No. 933326

Until she gets caught in a lie again and gets called out. She can’t handle the heat.

No. 933370

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Is she talking to herself then? Posting dead babies then her giggling at the spa right after.

No. 933377

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She really is trying to be her sister now

No. 933390

She easily gets insecure about what other women are doing in her life. She doesn't have any close gal pals anymore so now she's pretending to do what her sister is doing. It's exactly like when Vamps said she was going to school to be a pharmacist and Moo said she was doing the exact same thing.
It's just now with her sister it's easier to fake because she can visit her sister and say her books and course work is hers. She wants to be seen as a smart woman and not just a porn thot. She still thinks women who do porn are nothing. A lot of self loathing.

No. 933391

one could almost feel sorry for her, but her self-loathing is absolutely well-deserved

No. 933419

I remember after her "abusive" parents kicked them out that they would take Peaches out to dinner a lot. I mean a lot. I would never go out to dinner with abusive family members. But anything to get more food eh?(wrong thread)

No. 933499

wrong thread lol

No. 933509

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The swimsuit mommy vid is online and she is a whale spoiled for your well being. Beware!

No. 933510

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No. 933511

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Hank hill butt. But hey she works out right?

No. 933514

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WARNING! Gross vag. Nasty looking thing. She got her fupa back. Good to see all that surgery really helped out.

No. 933517

jesus christ wtf happened to her? I don't wannt compliment this bitch but she was significantly slimmer a year ago

No. 933518

I know it's hard to form a coherent sentence.

No. 933520

What confuses me is why she's proud to look like a "milf" despite never having kids. Why is that a flex? That's not good, Moo.

The fact she put this up thinking it looks sexy…

No. 933521

Oh god, when she's not standing 3/4 or sideways, she's massive. She so wide. Men will always lap up photoshop as long as they can get off.

No. 933523


A surgeon told her she doesnt need a breast lift, but my god does she have saggy grandma tits.

No. 933524

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She posted this to her mmallad account too

No. 933525

Jfc if it weren’t for the tattoo I would’ve thought this was just some fat porn star. That has to be one of the worst things I’ve seen

No. 933526

I was going to point out her fupa coming back to nona! Damn is she stress eating more than usual?? Hopefully other anons can stop saying she’s skinny cause she never has been skinny. She just knew how to use fat girl angles. >>933524
Jfc you can see her stomach protruding a bit now and her tiny ass head. Oh I can’t wait to run into her at AX again and look like a deer in the headlights. Any bets on another round of lipo to clog her arteries even more before AX?

No. 933529

JFC that cooch is like looking at some Lovecraftian horror. It almost looks like a trannys rot pocket.

No. 933533

I am putting down money on her hiding the entire con like she did at Katsu, I doubt she's going to have another multi-shapeware disaster like last year's 2B shit ready this time around.

No. 933534

I know she hates herself so bad because if I had her body and money I would’ve at least gotten the mimsy special (x2 bbls and implants) at least KEK

No. 933535

no surgeon on earth told her she didn’t need those sagbags lifted, unless they could just see that she was a disaster client by looking at her
she is covered in bacne and boils as well, just complete Shrek

No. 933536

Didnt she have a personal trainer? Damn, thats so much money to waste to look like that

No. 933539

PTs are going to drop you when you keep missing appointments and not stucking yo regimen. Also she made a home gym that no one sees her use either, maybe her own is to get someone to come to the house

No. 933545

Did she even go to Katsu? All she posted was the view from hotel no line up or anything

No. 933566

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Someone got stood up next thinks.

No. 933567

File: 1716008442882.webp (157.8 KB, 1024x576, deargod.jpg)

why does it look like the brain bug from starship troopers

No. 933580

File: 1716041020144.jpg (580.54 KB, 1080x1878, 1000006154.jpg)

What is she complaining about when she still went?

No. 933581

File: 1716041059932.jpg (821.09 KB, 1080x1672, 1000006156.jpg)

Moo, you're one to talk about a big back.

No. 933584

right, I saw this and I thought to myself I know miss big back tiny head Hank hill ass should not be talking like this about other big women. What happened to body positivity

No. 933591

All her money and she got those shit seats? Why even go?

No. 933593

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And now it'll be the thing she complains about for days. Or, suddenly she's going to spin the story as she "saved" these kids from the evil lady.

No. 933594

Can someone tell me who this performer is? I know thats a mask, but the uncanny face reminds me of moo

No. 933595

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No. 933596

Melanie Martinez.

No. 933597

She always finds a character and clings onto it for dear life. She spends alot of time on twitter pretending like she's irl yor. Reminds me of her mei days tbh

No. 933598

Thanks nonna!

No. 933609

she just used a shitty "ai" animated picture with meitu here too. atleast use an actual pic of yor or something. it's so lazy.

No. 933636

Kek I love how her face looks more uncanny and her tits look more flat and 2D than the AI generated crap.

No. 933667

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Moo really comparing the a 14 year old to Rika, a fictional deity who dies repeatedly.

No. 933669

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The first post is trivializing the girl's actions by comparing her to anime, imo it reads like Moo is saying anime outshines the 14 year old and she shouldnt feel special for getting irl revenge.

No. 933670

Comparing a real victim to anime or actually vile. wtf

No. 933672

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Moo was saying that this photo was intentionally set up by the photographer to make the black girl look as terrible as possible for "ragebait". Pushing some racist tinfoil. Then has the audacity to insult people calling out the racism "goofy". Tbh I had to reread that because at first I thought she called the Asian guy a slur.

She really never, ever changes.

No. 933674

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No. 933676

Samefag, but one more thing to add. Moo had this whole made up story about going to theater classes, but she can't even tell what type of shots these are? Lol Moo, these portraitures in black and white are purposeful. These are usually used for promotion and look more dynamic than in color which can distract from emotion. She's the biggest idiot and instead of using her vast zoom class knowledge or even try googling, she's body shaming the black girl and you know she is because she brings up race just to say it's not about race.

No. 933677


I mean juliette is supposed to be pretty, and there are pretty women, those medias keep forcing in atrociously ugly POC women as if there arent pretty POC women…(learn to sage at lolcow.farm/info)

No. 933678

>People of Colour women

No. 933687

File: 1716144841608.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1270x1733, IMG_3438.jpeg)

They really are meant for each other…

No. 933692

Indeed. They both have the ugly inside out, no one likes them irl, he’s a loser dating a z-tier porn thot and moo is the z-tier porn thot after her cosplay career attempt flopped.

No. 933693

>>933677 juliette was played by hulking, hairy moids until they allowed women up on stages. theatre is about suspending your disbelief and getting lost in the performance. retard.(derailing)

No. 933695

Who's to say she WASN'T black? Othello was.
It must suck to say dumb shit like that and be such a nobody that you don't get called out on it. Kek!(derailing)

No. 933700

I am dying to know if they are still together or not. I honestly hate Ozy more than Moo. He is just such a slimeball and he is so intentionally confusing. "Professional content creator" yet only 5 posts on Instagram and less than 100 followers on Twitter? WTF is that about?

No. 933705

do you think mariah fills ozy’s lips with filler and then he does it to her in their spare time? couple goals right there

No. 933715

This is some Cronenbergian body horror

No. 933716

I thought Moo was muslim. Doesn't she know that there's no such thing as rape in Islamic law?

If a man forces himself on an unmarried woman she is guilty of the crime of adultery. Then she's tied up and buried up to her waist and stoned to death in the public square.

Doesn't moomoo know anything about her own religion?

No. 933717

Course not. She was all about Christianity before she started claiming she was Muslim. She thinks she’s an advocate but she would be stoned to death for what she does for a living.

No. 933720

Moo is just a bad liar and dumb. She wonders why no one takes her word seriously. She looks white/Italian. She wants a POC card so she can openly be racist based on her ancestors. I remember her claiming years back little kids would rip off her hijab. But none of her family wears them because she's too dumb to realize her ancestors were mediterranean Christains. That and some people from her school claimed she was the one ripping hijabs off of girls heads. I don't know if that's true, but it checks out because of Moo's behavior.

No. 933721

I'm really surprised she hasn't started taking something like Ozempic yet.

No. 933731

it’s kinda like that one white girl in college who wears black lives matter shit because her boyfriend or her friends are black and she’s claiming to “advocate for them” kek

No. 933733


Yeah she’s a total chameleon. She only blends in, especially when it’s trendy or develops liking towards things whoever she’s interested or dating is into. Out of her last hookups; ozy is low tier and even she knows it.
Can confirm in high school EVERYONE hated her she was loud and annoying and never understood that she wasn’t funny and if anyone did laugh it was because how stupid she was acting. In school she would latch onto a group of cool kids, they hated her and no matter what they did they couldn’t get her to leave them alone. She was in her guidette form at the time, so you can imagine how fucking irritating she was. She has and always will follow trends and bs because she has zero personality of her own. She’s just an annoying aging thought that only made money for leaking nudes on cosplay threads.

No. 933736

"look at me i know everything about theater"

Juliette was played by a boy, not by a hairy greasy man nonna, grimmed boy who most likely passed much better as a girl than whoever they casted this time. There's only so much disbelief you can suspend when an homonculus is called a beautiful princess kek. And wouldnt that be nice now, that women are free to play in theater, to actually give them the space they deserve by actually respecting their roles instead of making it a token statement? ps: Romeo and juliette was written in 1595 and few decenis after (1660) women were allowed to play theater.

No. 933737

Probably can’t afford it with her funneling money into her new studio, commissioning all her “cosplay”, and Lipo and now all these shots because of her sisters new job

No. 933738

Because she's a descendant of a famous italian family? Being a moor was the exception not the rule.
I honestly don't mind diverse casting i just think it's hypocritical to pick someone who's the total opposite of Juliette in the piece. Might aswell make it an old man now, at least i'll be thought provoking.(derailing)

No. 933766

File: 1716238559706.png (51.54 KB, 280x280, purepng.com-mario-balloonmario…)

I see the family resemblance

No. 933788

File: 1716264068028.jpg (797.45 KB, 1080x2316, 1000006194.jpg)

Aly cannot edit. The stomach is so botched to try and make her look skinnier without a stomach or pouch.

No. 933797

File: 1716292334362.jpg (311.2 KB, 1080x1010, 1000014568.jpg)

No. 933802

I see Moo has a lipo appointment lined up for AX. I am looking forward to how even more botched she's going to be for it.

No. 933803

I'm more distracted by the upper lip.

No. 933807

Oh.. its like shit stained

No. 933808

shitlip kek

No. 933818

The only thing I can think of is that she tried to do the two-colored lip thing and most of the upper lip was wiped off and now it's blotchy compared to her real lip color underneath.

No. 933823

even so, you'd think they'd touch that up in editing. But I guess hiding the fupa was the bigger demand from Moo

No. 933829

Guess she saw everyone calling her fat in her recent shoot and candids. But come on
She edited this so much her head is the size of a pea when in reality she's just obese. I think she's just as big as she was when she went to Hawaii a few years back. And I see whatever clinic she's going to is sucking out the fat from under her chin too. Am I crazy or is it just easier and less painful to just not eat enough food for three grown men?

No. 933839

File: 1716327552783.jpg (448.48 KB, 1079x1474, 1000014573.jpg)

No. 933840

How is she so fucking fat though

No. 933842

That ass shoop is killing me, it doesn’t even look part of the real photo. Just some blurry AI bullshit instructed to paint a milf figure or Aly’s shit photoshop skills are showing here. I wonder how much Moo is paying her.
We all know deep down Mooriah has a Hank Hill ass.
She’ll never know what it’s like to have ass hanging from the bone unless she gets a bbl and she won’t do it

No. 933843

File: 1716335854686.jpg (496.04 KB, 1045x1164, Screenshot_20240521_165641_Sam…)

Why does she look like katy from horton hears a who? Uncanny…

No. 933845

This doesn't even look human. Uncanny.

No. 933850

we literally just saw this. She really just said "Shave 150 pounds off me but make my ass bigger"

No. 933878

File: 1716390306418.jpg (280.67 KB, 1074x1760, 1000013778.jpg)

Back to shinobu again to find that "but irl" fame once more.

No. 933879

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No. 933888

File: 1716393098701.jpeg (769.64 KB, 1234x1309, IMG_3457.jpeg)

No. 933902

Lmfao one arms fucking wider than the other are you shitting me rn

No. 933903

This picture makes her look like she has three udders.

No. 933904

File: 1716398276351.webp (Spoiler Image,8.67 KB, 254x397, IMG_5913.webp)

Best cosplay she's ever done, imo, total recall is a classic

No. 933908

Anon thats what boobs do when they aren't made of plastic and you're wearing something tight, especially stringy.

No. 933910

I’m still so surprised she hasn’t gone down the ozempic route yet

No. 933911

Because that comes with a multitude of other health problems. The same reasons she probably has for not getting a BBL, the risks.

No. 933926

File: 1716413798596.jpg (Spoiler Image,132.69 KB, 1537x2048, 1000014583.jpg)

It's so flat.

No. 933927

Look at the bitch, does she look aware of what health problems are?
Get fat and then suck a shape out of it is not a healthy plan.

No. 933935

She won’t get a bbl because she knows she’s
not gonna follow aftercare instructions and it’s gonna look botched (just like her nose).

No. 933937

I can see her getting a BBL if Vamps, Aly or someone else in her circle or used to be in her circle gets one. She needs to one up everyone. Besides, seeing her get a BBL, brag about how she'll have little to no bruising and botching the aftercare would be in character for her, not to mention, a wild ride for us.

No. 933943

>another day, another post about Ozempic on lolcow.farm
…is this experimental marketing?

No. 933945

People probably just keep mentioning it because Moo is famous for taking any shortcut possible to avoid actually working to lose weight (lipo, etc). It really is surprising that she didn't jump on the Ozempic train a long time ago. That….or she did, and she just consumes such a volume of food that it doesn't make a difference.

No. 933957

Vamps actually works out her ass and Aly is as fat as Moo now. Her and Aly are just blonde and brunette counterparts.

No. 933964

So? That doesn't mean they won't get BBLs. My point is that if someone in her current or old circle gets a BBL, she will do it too just to one up them. Just like her nose job.

No. 933965

Bishoujomom got 2 BBLs and implants, Moo didn't. Sabrina got implants, Moo didn't. Mimzy has 2 Bbls and 2 boob jobs, not moo. Your point is terrible. She's openly said she won't do a BBL due to risks, not aftercare. It's a very dangerous surgery. Go lurk in old threads.

No. 933974

it's not the aftercare or even the risk, she probably literally can't get anesthesia because of her weight and health. her weight alone has been so bad lately we can see it in photos. i'm sure it's the reason. i doubt she's afraid of risk and her version of aftercare is do nothing and deal with the repercussions later. also probably why she posted that massive cope about the breast lift surgeon, she was denied surgery. in her mind a story about getting uncomfortable sexual comments from a dr is less embarrassing than being too fat to get anesthesia.

No. 933986

This right here. Moo loves surgery lets be real. And she just went to a doctors office for a boob job but the doctor turned her away. And they didn't turn her away because her floppy sand bags are "So perfect we wont dare to touch". It's because Moo has too many risks.
Moo gets every procedure done that doesn't allow her to be put under. This anon is right. Plastic surgeons can't opperate because she's a 500 pound person who got 200 pounds of fat sucked out of her.

No. 933988

File: 1716469582073.jpg (300.32 KB, 1080x1090, 1000014592.jpg)

It's been what a year since she announced this fleshlight now and it STILL hasn't been finalized?

No. 933990

I thought it was a collaboration? Huh…

No. 933996

this is actually true. it makes sense. she might be sucking out her stomach, but she’s not sucking out the rest of the fat in her body that’s making her fat (arms, thighs, etc.) its like that donkey kong meme. she’s thinks she’s literally “a thin and fit skinny muscle mama weeaboo kweeen” in the belly area but when you look at her tits, arms, ass and legs, you’re sorely mistaken. how can you have all these rounds of lipo and still have cottage cheese limbs and ass. make it make sense

No. 933998

Lurk more. Moo has commented about BBLs and her personal why is the procedure.

No. 934027

lol it isn’t as bad as her old patreon saying she was going to release a calendar- that was what ten years ago and she still hasn’t? I doubt the moids will EVER see her fleshlight happen.

No. 934033

File: 1716502506795.png (3.84 MB, 1856x1639, 654984984651.png)

No. 934034

File: 1716502571417.png (75.43 KB, 467x827, 8941321-56131.png)

No. 934037

a retarded muscle bound guido who treated your younger sister better than you and threw away your anime shit then made your fat ass exercise because you were big as a house in your younger years

No. 934039

sounds like you need to lurkmoar. moo's word needs to be taken with an entire shaker of salt. her excuses for not wanting a bbl is just sour grapes like everything else.

No. 934045

I see the new animu husbando has arrived. Which dick for hire is getting that wig slapped on him?

No. 934118

File: 1716602450955.jpeg (704.35 KB, 3264x1898, IMG_3481.jpeg)

No. 934126

Love how she forgot to add the school stuff keeping her busy in the first post so she had to quickly make another post adding it.

Also '65%' translates to 'I had Maddy make wigs and I have literally nothing else'
and '100's of cosplays ' translates to 'i planned to throw on a bunch of random thotwear with the same wig and call it separate cosplays' (see also: Makima, Yor)

Even if it was 100s of legitimate cosplays, That's not a flex it would just be proof of how much she wastes money. I can barely imagine having 10+ in progress cosplays that I care about.

Have any of us kept track of all the costumes she's bragged about/claimed were totally gonna happen that have never seen the light of day? The expensive Albedo for example but I know there have been plenty.

No. 934149

right nonna. buying the entire miccostumes collection isn’t professional cosplayer status. it just shows you’re a lazy thot who has completely given up on their career

No. 934194

File: 1716702724179.jpg (254.49 KB, 1080x1892, 1000014624.jpg)

No. 934195

What an out of touch bitch. Most people split bills because most people need two incomes just to get by and don't have onlyfans pussy money to throw around.

No. 934199

rich coming from the person who dated ozzy

No. 934207

File: 1716734521752.jpeg (176.94 KB, 1152x2048, 445459853_18439887127023042_79…)

No. 934208

File: 1716734905569.jpeg (279.01 KB, 1152x2048, 444833918_18439892869023042_81…)

No. 934210

Lol she liked her own post

No. 934218

File: 1716744748623.jpg (30.29 KB, 352x597, 7b55a0ab-cd03-4c14-b1bf-c424d3…)

lol and what kind of man is Ozy? What's it like being a sugar mama for a drug addict?

No. 934219

File: 1716744844867.jpg (97.71 KB, 687x745, 500c2d1e-c678-4b6c-b1fd-265bfa…)

a little old but I found these posts that I think prove Ozy was still with Moo at least back in April. I am certain he's still with her now.

No. 934223

How does that prove anything?

No. 934224

The bit about selling both their bikes because Moo's too fucking massive to ride?

No. 934227

Imagine the cost/look of custom road leathers to fit Moo. That would have been hilarious to see. That or the dumb bitch would try to ride in sweatpants.

No. 934236

Nta, but can someone prove one of the bikes is even moo's?

No. 934250


a cbr 500 keeping up with an mt-07 especially with 300+lb on it? ok

No. 934306

File: 1716850095781.jpg (810.51 KB, 1080x1903, 1000014660.jpg)

She always has to claim she's a contributor.

No. 934307

File: 1716850104893.jpeg (333.56 KB, 1270x877, IMG_3493.jpeg)

What happened to that crack team of lawyers Moo?

No. 934324

Wait is this all her accounts besides peachy collective? Mmallad, mariahmallad won't show up in search now.

No. 934325

File: 1716860380525.jpeg (757.54 KB, 896x1586, IMG_3495.jpeg)

Her alt is still up.

No. 934328

Lol they took her off of search. I had to go to trashed photos in the search to find her mmallad account. They really are cracking down on thots. Here's hoping she loses her main.

No. 934336

File: 1716866555259.jpeg (715.91 KB, 3264x2818, IMG_3499.jpeg)


No. 934390

File: 1716940488475.jpg (252.61 KB, 1074x1907, 1000014675.jpg)

No. 934391

File: 1716940665372.jpg (627.5 KB, 1080x1480, 1000014677.jpg)

No. 934400

No. 934402

Like a literal nightmare.

No. 934403

Tragic she isn't getting rid of the Swiss cheese rose

No. 934406

so wide and sagging we can’t even see her belly button
unless she shooped it off

No. 934409

honestly she doesn’t even look human here
she looks like a movie fat suit

No. 934421

File: 1716996689650.webp (54.92 KB, 680x453, IMG_6872.webp)

She looks like Focaccia dough

No. 934483

File: 1717092894155.jpeg (557.89 KB, 887x1270, IMG_3513.jpeg)

And it’s back again.

No. 934488

Everyone gets their account back for free, you stupid bitch. Lol, thinks she's some elite negotiator because she filled out a form and clicked send.

No. 934492

I wonder if she fell for those bot scams that say if you pay this person they’ll get your account back kek. Cause yeah I never heard anyone paying to get their account back unless they’re trying to buy a handle

No. 934496

File: 1717100017579.jpeg (Spoiler Image,440.73 KB, 3264x1460, IMG_3517.jpeg)


No. 934498

not a single muscle in sight (since she’s larping gym again)

No. 934502

Whatever filters she used clearly did not know what to do with her body since now there are weird blotches that are just missing, colors bleeding from her skin in to the backgroung, her upper arm has rolls on the first pic and her hip is just disappearing etc. etc. No way a human edited these. Skinny queen looks like she might actually be fatter than during her famous Hawaii trip.
All that wasted money just to look like an eldritch abomination instead of, I don't know, not eating every waking hour and exercising even just half an hour a few times a week. It marvels me how much she is willing to spend to be the embodyment of gluttony and sloth. She should be studied.

No. 934503

Who told her that having W shaped tits is attractive she looks mutated

No. 934504

File: 1717106536428.jpg (440.09 KB, 1080x1705, 1000014700.jpg)

So her statement she made on pit bulls gotten taken down by her because it got flagged.

No. 934505

to be honest I agree
But since her accounts keep getting taken down maybe she should cut the shit.

No. 934506

>stopped being bread
kek you wouldn't even pass a community college English class, peabrain, but keep up the nursing school larp by all means

No. 934507

remember anon she has a degree in linguistics

No. 934511

Says the woman (with 2 brain cells) who neglects all her animals. Like seriously whatever happened to those reptiles that she got? We only saw them twice. Like 2-3 years ago. My bet is that they’re probably dead by now.

(and I don’t even find dogs appealing)

No. 934512

Megakek from miss law school

No. 934513

File: 1717112050846.jpg (719.5 KB, 1068x2031, 1000006274.jpg)

Can still at least look up all the replies, here's some

No. 934515

lol I finally agree with her on something

No. 934521

File: 1717123835206.jpg (241.64 KB, 1080x938, 1000014704.jpg)

Masters in bsing sure.

No. 934522

yes. she was shilling some guy on twitter recently lol

No. 934523

Larping a la Sydney

No. 934524

wtf how can she just lie like that. She hasn't even got a bachelor's…

No. 934528

This bitch is really saying she’s doing her associates degree in health science, bachelors in “nursing science”, to totally being in school for her masters in a time span of less than 6 months. She’s just given up on larping school. At least before she posted random first year books. The most she’s done this year was post a bibliography for an essay on the topic of love?????

No. 934530

Who in their right mind thinks ‘yes let’s post this. It is attractive’

No. 934538

Really happy to get confirmation of yet another lie, the thought of her actually working in health care in any capacity is genuinely terrifying.

No. 934544

Jesus Titty-sagging Christ, how can she post these? You’d have to waterboard me to get me to show anyone these images.

No. 934546

I don't think she's smart enough to even know what a masters degree is.

No. 934549

She doesnt want a dog with two brain cells because she doesnt want to own Somthing thats smarter than her.
(Ba-Dum pish)

No. 934581

like rain on your wedding day

No. 934585

Nice nitpick . Completely missing the point entirely. Good show. (Dumbass)(infighting)

No. 934593

File: 1717203266569.jpeg (770.92 KB, 3264x2822, IMG_3534.jpeg)

How do you explain Ozy then, Moo?

No. 934595

genuinely thought she had 4 boobs at first glance wtf.

No. 934596

File: 1717204667293.jpg (487.97 KB, 1080x2400, 1000014714.jpg)

No. 934600

Unless she buys a fucking 20 year old gun, her desert eagle will be from Maine, what a retard

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