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No. 1971031

Previous thread: >>1873055

Thread recap:
>SuperMega apology videos, Lex/Ethan/Leighton/Nick shit flinging and dead-horse-beating ft. alleged troonphobia, suicide jokes, cheating, leeching, and manipulation
>Pat and Paige, Cody Ko and Kelsey, Dunkey, and Danny Gonzalez have babies
>Leafy is fat and ugly, would fuck trannies
>Kurtis Conner is friends with a racist and called out by zoomer fanbase
>Boogie is dating a 20 year old
>Linus Tech Tips' company LMG accused of shitty behavior and making bad reviews, former employee posts about hostile work environment and getting belittled by HR to the point of cutting her leg open to avoid work
>F1NN5TER the not-tranny's friend Giggly Goonclown is a severely porn-addicted pedophile who grooms minors on Discord
>Streamy Awards hosted by MatPat ft. characters like MrBeast and Dylan Mulvaney
>GlitterForever17 gets a VICE interview about her pill addiction, gay ex-husband, and OnlyFans
>Jacksfilms is creepily obsessed with parodying SSSniperWolf's shitty videos in opposition to YouTube promoting her, she doxxes him by posting the outside of his house
>Dream argues with Amazing World of Gumball voice actor, posts more pictures of his fatty past
>Dan Howell dresses as a catboy in desperate attempt to regain relevancy among former fujo fanbase
>Shane and Ryland have two sons via surrogate
>iDubbbz and Tana reconciliation and reunion for some reason
>Maxmoefoe gets married
>Alpharad and JaidenAnimations pretend they aren't dating
>MatPat retires from Game Theory
>Ace family divorce
>Chuggaaconroy is into tranny feet and sexual roleplays with minors
>MamaMax is a creepy edgelord and fakes content for videos
>Twomad dies from a drug overdose, body found during a welfare check
>Anthony Fantano is sleeping with OnlyFans thots after his divorce

No. 1971032

I've never done a /snow/ thread before but SuperMega is coming back. They uploaded this announcement and a music video and claim they are not going to focus on gaming anymore outside of streams and will focus on sketch comedy, music videos, fanmail opening, and video podcasts. They lost over 50k subs after the Lex and Don drama but gained 7k in the past 2 days after uploading again.

No. 1971039

Good for them, that lex girl projecting her shitty relationship choices on supermega in attempt to cancel them was malicious and weird as hell.

No. 1971047

Super mega dick suckers are the worst. Trusting a bunch of Tranny fuckers lol

No. 1971081

I love when dudes publicly make it easy for you to figure out if they’re shitheads or not. Never paid attention to fantano but this doesn’t surprise me at all he comes off as an incelwith money. like why post this it makes you look so stupid.

No. 1971672

I love it when supermega faggots seethe honestly. Their fanbase is so obnoxious.

No. 1972848

twomad discussed by collosal, pyro, dolan and nerd city. They agree that jameskii was clout seeking on twitter and discuss all the allegations made on twomad. They deny the rape and pedo claims but agree that he was insane.

No. 1972879

what excuses could they possibly have for the pedophilia accusations

No. 1972881

I believe they just said that the girl who was 'institutionalised' by twomad was a fake story, idk

No. 1973320

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I know Rooster Teeth is more than just a youtube channel, it was a full company, but this feels the best place to discuss it. They hit their peak because of their youtube videos. Rooster Teeth is finally shutting down. The only part of the company they are looking to sell is the podcast division.

Here's where you can read the full statement, coming from an internal memo from RT's General Manager: https://deadline.com/2024/03/rooster-teeth-shut-down-warner-bros-discovery-roost-podcast-continue-1235847264/

No. 1975610

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Alex Kister, the moid who created The Mandela Catalogue, was outed for being a pedophile with an impersonation fetish (AGP who wanted to skinwalk teenage girls, many such cases). He sent lewd pictures of himself to minors, told teenage girls he was envious of them and wanted to look like them, and used a 14 year old girl's drawings as outfit inspiration because it gave him 'gender envy'.

No. 1975611

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No. 1975613

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No. 1975618

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No. 1975621

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No. 1975656

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>Mandela Catalogue is a horror about strange beings mimicking humans and pretending to be them
>Creator enjoys mimicking poses and pretending to be various girls as a fetish
I actually kinda liked the series, but now I’m just gonna see it as fetish slop from a moid.

No. 1975660

this is so unfortunate. Analog horror is kinda dying anyway but it always seems like these types cannot for the life of them stay away from minors. The tranny thing is weird though as he's made tweets before insinuating he doesnt support them then quickly deleting them

No. 1975663

good. i will miss funhaus (except adam he can fuck off and die) but roosterteeth was just the gaming equivalent of buzzfeed.

No. 1975672

It ran its course tbh. I was really into Achievement Hunter when I was a teenager, but I stopped watching when Ray left. I tried watching his streams, but they're unwatchable. For one, he has no one to play off of, no one to tee up jokes for him the way Michael and Gavin did. But worse than that, he interrupts the gameplay every two seconds to thank people for buying shit, or to complain about people misbehaving in the chat, or to take a dump, or talk to his girlfriend, or whatever else. The nice thing about videos is that you can edit that shit out, but not so with streams. His celebration sounds (or whatever the fuck they're called) are SO annoying. They're all loud obnoxious unfunny stale memes. Then again, I did just describe basically all of the top streamers, so maybe I just hate streamer culture in general.

There's a small window of like one or two years where the AH videos were good; specifically after Ray joined and before Ryan came along. I still occasionally watch those for the nostalgia. Honestly, the only person still at RT I feel a little bad for is Michael. Contrary to his onscreen persona, he's apparently a really decent guy. He should've jumped ship ages ago, but for some reason he just kept investing more of his time and effort into the company. Hopefully he moves on to voice acting or something, he has young kids to take care of.

No. 1975705

I always hated Analogue horror for being cringe zoomershit and i am glad to be proven right

No. 1975823

Wtf is wrong with moids they literally can’t be normal. They always have to shoehorn their fetish shit into everythinf. Mandela catalogue was stupid anyway, couldn’t stand how people thought it was saurrrr creative when it was derivative of older internet horror series and the voice acting in the later episodes was laughable and completely ruins anything that might’ve been scary about it.

No. 1975880

Speaking of Michael, Lindsay becoming a thembie was really pathetic, you're a millennial mother of two just stop it.

No. 1976103

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Not sure if this is the proper thread to post in since she’s shifted her content recently but Vareena Sayed was in a horrible motorcycle collision where her friend Bryce Gage had died on impact and Vareena is said to be in critical condition since the collision on Feb 28th, I’m actually pretty sad for her because of how young she is and what had happened and how this could’ve been prevented if her friend hadn’t been speeding on the bike. Her family has been very private about the matter which is understandable, but it’s kinda fucked up when looking for information regarding the collision, there’s already obituary sites reporting she had passed.

>>A violent crash in the San Fernando Valley claimed the life of one of two people on a motorcycle and critically injured the other Wednesday night, authorities confirmed to KTLA.

Reports of the deadly collision in the 7000 block of Woodley Avenue, between Hart Street and Sherman Way in Van Nuys, came to the Los Angeles Fire Department around 7:20 pm.

No. 1976109

I don't know she was, but I hope her family is doing well, vehicular accidents are such a horrific way to die.

No. 1976118

don't know them but this is heartbreaking, I hope she's able to pull through. The pictures look so horrific, I couldn't imagine the terror of living through that. Seems like the SUV pulled in front of them too close and they slammed into the vehicle at what was probably a really high speed considering the cash site. The SUV was totally smashed up at the back, I can only imagine the force the victims must have been smashed into it along with the motorcycle to make such an impact. I'm guessing the guy was the driver cause the driver would have probably taken the full impact against the vehicle and I don't think anyone could have survived creating that dent in a van.

No. 1976161

>cannot stay away from minors

i was just thinking about this yesterday in the context of why are so many content creators online either hypocritical bigots or straight up pervs/criminals? i get sick of finding out someone is some kind of nut who cannot practice what they preach or a porn sick degenerate with bizarre sexual urges.

No. 1976178

I find it adds another layer of horror

No. 1976369

people who seek fame and attention to such a degree that they try to become famous are not good people. content creators who clearly only made content for the views are always obviously fucked up in the head. and the extra layer to that is the fact that men who seek fame often only do so because it will lead to more opportunities to fuel their (often fucked up) sexual urges.

No. 1976745

Jameskii posts 52 page google doc of twomads crimes. Twomad was a retard but jameskii seems like he is milking the situation.


No. 1976808

Twomad was an absolute cretin and I find it weird that his behavior is seemingly being pushed aside because he’s now dead. Is this dude milking it? Probably, but I’d describe Twomad as an actual fucking predator, not just “retarded”. Let’s not sugarcoat it.

No. 1976869

Slandering a dead person is generally frowned upon everywhere since they aren’t there to defend themselves or give their side of the story. Don’t be socially retarded nona.

No. 1976871

And we're meant to care about "slander" of the pedophile moid because?

No. 1976894

Everyone has been shitting on twomad because he was an obnoxious piece of shit hated by most people. I don’t know why it’s a problem that jameskii is showing receipts, reasons that he was a predator. I don’t care if it’s because of the beef he had with twomad for the past five years either, let him rot in his grave.

No. 1976901

truth is not slander

No. 1976944

what was even the proof of his pedophilia other than the one insane message he sent that egirl? The podcast with dolan and pyro and shit went into it and they all said they didn't see any pedo shit, especially the guy who was reviewing his case for a year

No. 1977042

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his supposed side of the story

No. 1977073

you seriously buy that? the dude was clinically insane and on drugs, also those who knew him said he agreed to basically all claims made against him in order to gain popularity. That retard would have admitted to murder.

No. 1977117

>he must be innocent of violence because he's mentally ill!

No. 1977120

he's innocent until proven guilty, and I aint seen any proof other than his insane, drugged up tweets and a bunch of heresay. Crimes aren't confirmed through twitter posts

No. 1977140

here's the google doc since it wasn't posted in this thread yet
yikes, that's fucked up to say to your victim and the stupidest thing to tweet online. he's lucky he died before he ever went to trial because the prosecution would have had a field day with his self-incrimination. That's sexual harassment at the very least and you don't need to be a boss for that

No. 1977168

>he’s innocent until proven guilty
in a court of law
that just refers to people’s legal status, not to public opinion

No. 1977230

Why are you so desperate to whiteknight a grotesque moid, nona?

No. 1977257

I'm not whiteknighting, but I watched the podcast and have read a lot of info from people who knew him who are saying all this shit is false, and that jameskii is just a shill seeking clout. He is a literal insane drug addict, but I don't think he was a pedo from what I've seen since his death that's all.

No. 1977265

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>The google doc only mentions he preyed on "young girls."
>Doesn't specify age or any proof they were underaged and he knowingly pursued them.
>Two no context screenshots of him saying gross moid pedo jokes at best, taking into account how ill he was.
>Jameskii doesn't once mention the 13 y/o in mental hospital from his original tweet in the doc.
>Full severity of it can't be addressed for obvious reasons
How do you bring up potential grooming victims and not talk about them at all?
Twomad was a stalker and a deranged faggot, but insta-believing pedo accusations just because you hate him is retarded.
>Hated by most people
We already hate him, so what's the point of beating a dead cow? Jameskii should've let him actually rot. Now he's a martyr for moids.

No. 1977347

so either he was a retard who thought coming across as an abusive piece of shit was funny or he was a psychopath who genuinely thought what he did was fine. neither scenario encourages as much dick riding as you’re giving.

No. 1977365

I'm not dick riding you idiot I'm just not jumping on the pedophilia claims as they have no basis to them. Jesus christ some of you are as bad as twitter troons.(infighting)

No. 1977402

Calm down lol

No. 1977584

So manny boy was the real horror all along, huh?

No. 1978460

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This currycel's channel has been becoming progressively focused on muh male mental health

No. 1978461

"we've produced millions of lonely addicted males" the amount of coddling degenerate, shit moids receive is insane

No. 1978466

i saw a clip of him saying that men who want to kill themselves because their life if meaningless are right so hes funny to me

No. 1978467

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Dr K the currycel is turning into an MRA. Also here's a laughable comment from under Destiny's video(racebaiting)

No. 1978473

>first, I don't care how he feels, I only care about LOGICAL RATIONAL SCIENCE STUDIES
Kek why are men so retarded. Maybe care about your mates feelings and he won't kill himself, thus negating the need for studies

No. 1978507

Maybe we should just be honest with men and explain that only 8% of them are supposed to reproduce, and their natural role is cannon fodder? Maybe we should explain that most men would be lucky to get a 300 pound horse girl. Maybe we should explain that muh male variability does not make each individual male the next STEM genius who’s going to end up with a billionaire with a harem of 14 year olds. Maybe we should explain that nature is inherently unfair and no creature gets to reproduce for free. I think that would be kinder. Then maybe it wont be such a shock for them when they get slapped with the reality. Is that enough faxnlogic and biotroofs for you faggots?

No. 1978524

I adore you, nona

No. 1978572

Stopped watching this guy when I saw a video of him claiming that men aren't allowed to express their anger. He gave an example of a couple having an argument, and if one person is visibly angry while the other person is crying, people will side with the crying person because "they think being sad is okay but being angry is wrong", and of course because men get angry more often than women, this is totes soooo unfair for the menz! There were multiple women in the comments trying to explain that the issue isn't men feeling emotions like anger, it's the fact that men are fucking terrifying and DANGEROUS when they get angry because they'll "express their emotions uwu" by hulking out and destroying their surroundings. Like we're supposed to pat them on the head and go there there poor baby when they start punching holes in the wall, because guysss we need to let men express their emotions toooo!

No. 1978599

>men aren't allowed to express their anger
Good, they shouldn't be expressing their anger because they're a physical liability. They'll hurt someone. That's what their anger amounts to, and this moid coddling is fucking embarrassing.

No. 1978629

Samefag, I found the clip. How absolutely out of touch do you have to be to claim that people shame men because they just have feeewings uwu and not because they turn scary and violent when they're angry. If anything, I've seen people say "well maybe she did something to piss him off" whenever there's a domestic violence case. Often women start crying AFTER the man gets angry and does something intimidating or violent
It was also very frustrating to watch the interview he did with Sweet Anita. She was talking about how tiring it is to be constantly sexualized as a female streamer, how men use pornography to humiliate women, and how whenever men say they "can't talk to women" it's because they'll only interact with a woman when they want to date or have sex with her. She was saying all of this and venting her frustrations, but he was focusing way too much on trying to get her to empathize with the poor lonely men and trying to see where they're coming from. Yeah some men are bad at talking to women because they can't stop seeing us as just cum receptacles, now what? What is Anita, or any woman, supposed to do about it, go out of our way to befriend misogynistic incels so hopefully they'll realize we're just normal human beings too? Dr K should take a break from Discord, his biases are getting way too heavy

No. 1978670

you all would be horrific mothers to boys and create the very thing you despise and fear. maybe you should research child development and male socialization more, it really is an issue and very obviously made by patriarchy(infighting)

No. 1978683

Ah, the usual "men can't express emotions" mythos. Extra hilarious with anger, given that there's only one gender habitually benefitting from "passion" defenses (aka leniency or full acquittal on the basis of "my feelings were hurt" or "I was angy"). I'm sure I'm about to be red crayoned for racebaiting, but it takes extra audacity to whine about this as a currycel - India is one of the countries that fully recognize the penile chimpout defense, in addition to also being one of the most son-coddling places on the planet.

As per usual with lying shit-twisting phalloid creatures, the wording "expressing emotions" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. What he actually means is "subjecting people, mostly women, to my emotions and their physical consequences", except that one is also universally allowed and celebrated. Meanwhile, women are mostly not permitted to harm or kill men in self defense - fearing for your life is not a justifiable emotion, unlike one's muh skulinity being slighted in a dream.


From cradle to grave, moids have the mentality of infants. Not children, but infants specifically. To an infant, want = need = that's how it should be, because I want and therefore need it. It does not occur to them that just because they want something, or just because it would benefit them individually, doesn't mean it should just be given to them. This is the cornerstone of the harrowing, id-driven moid existence - if it's my optimal outcome, it's the only way things should be. A moid only understands how odious it is when experiencing the business end of this mentality from another moid. A moid also severely tones it down with other moids, because it may lead to getting his face uninstalled. He knows to only make such demands from those he knows won't kill him on the spot for insinuating they owe him something just because he wants it (women).


Cute bait, but nonetheless a good premise to mention child development - male newborns show an innate deficiency in emotional self regulation despite being held more, soothed more and responded to more. They also display more anger and physical aggression than girls. Basically, make sure to start deprogramming him as early as trophoblast invasion stage, or the patriarchal socialization will get him first.

Actually, just read some Dworkin to your Nigel's testicles before he nuts, just to be safe.

No. 1978720

I'd abort a male fetus

No. 1978726

I think the most ironic thing about this guy is that he doesn't have much experience dealing with autistic people who would be over represented in his audience. A video that he's done for women was already terrible, most women who would be in his audience would likely be shut in social anxious women with few friends, not hypersexual women who cry after a hookup. He treats women like a monolith, no wonder he babies men so fucking much. These idiot men are coddled enough.

No. 1978731

i dropkick little boys everyday

No. 1978732

Nothing unusual here. Moid issues with women are better defined as "issues with specific women the moid would like to have, couldn't bag at some point or dated in his head after extensive orbiting". You know, the ones least likely to care about what he has to say to begin with or interact with him in any way. You think this insectoid creature's efforts at empathy parasitism are aimed at autistic beckies who relate to men? Like all incels he doesn't want them, so he doesn't give two shits if they empathize with his plight of unfuckability. It's the same mechanism driving perma-malding about feminists/career women/thots among moids married to jailbait tardwives. You already bagged something you pretend is your ideal, so why keep malding? Well, it's only a mystery if you take moid nonsense at face value.

A grim reminder to all the mid reddit women trying to get princess points by appeasing penile grievances - you're not the target audience of these poorly concealed mating calls - the balls you're fondling are repulsed by the fact that only ugly women respond to them.

No. 1978737

Ah yes the real victim is the moid who got scolded for beating up his wife in a fit of rage, why won't society let him express his feelings?? Pwease don't be mean to the poor little baby boy, it's not like he's a full grown adult who should be held responsible for his dangerous actions

No. 1978738

Moids who object to being beaten or killed by other moids are just misandrists who hate male feelings.

Lead by example, Kings. Do nothing while another coom chimp is frothing at you - turn the other cheek, in fact. Oh, also volunteer your holes to lonely fags. Show us wammins how real empathy is done.

No. 1978794

Why stop at lonely fags? Targeting the male loneliness epidooomic needs to start at home. Help out your fellow ubermenschen by offering your holes or maybe a bro job, I mean, you want to stop male suicide right? Kings support kings.

No. 1978815

You should be killed for having this opinion.(alogging)

No. 1978818

When I read your posts I understand how Jesus' disciples felt.

No. 1978819

Moid 1: I am a rapist and a pedophile
Women: I think that moid 1 is a rapist and a pedophile
Moid 2: innocent till proven guilty you shrieking harpy femoid! Don’t speak ill of the dead!

No. 1978821

Eloquently put, nona. I enjoyed reading your contribution. It's sad, but it's obvious how men are really allowed to get away with their emotional outburst.

No. 1979376

Cope harder racist freak. You sound like a Nazi talking about children this way, dehumanizing them on a biological level lol. it's actually psychopathic. Idc for the ban, someone needs to tell you that you're not normal.(infight bait)

No. 1979536

Based channel(off-topic)

No. 1980873

(spamming the same video across multiple threads)

No. 1980874

nonna I agree this is beyond cringe, but you shouldn't have to post this in three separate threads so quickly

No. 1980884

Of course. All of his most popular vids are ones where he tells scrotes what they want to hear. This is the fate of any YouTuber that puts out weekly content, it becomes pandering crap. Anyone with a genuine passion for a subject drops vids every few months when they have free time unless they're autistic as fuck and let the channel lay dormant once they're done instead of constantly drudging the internet for new topics. 99% of channels with over 10 videos are garbage.

No. 1981003

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I feel like Oompaville is a bit of a misogyny apologist. Like, I enjoyed his videos but weird stuff keeps happening with him. Like he refuses to outright condemn misogyny. He talks to andrew Tate and gives him a platform without the intention of actually calling him out or anything but to do a quirky interview. The dude has allegations of trafficking and is great at poisoning the minds of young men. Why would you give him a platform to talk to your mostly young male fanbase, just seems a little dimwitted. Also in his recent video about P diddy he shouts out his friend "Jamari", a commentary youtuber who openly mourned the death of Kevin Samuels and derided women who found his content to be incel-y, saying that they just don't like to hear the truth. He has expressed other opinions that I find to be a bit suspicious. I wouldn't accuse Oompaville of being a misogynist himself but he comes off as the kind of guy who would watch his friend do something horrible and then try to excuse it. I get fence sitting on unimportant topics but fence sitting on trafficking is a little insane to me tbh.

No. 1981010

You can see how incredibly fast he was driving from the video alone. I hope she pulls through, but I'm glad no one else but the driver was killed. It's insane how much they were going that they could stop or slow down.

No. 1981011

I wish more than 50% killed themselves instead of bothering women, yet here we are.

No. 1981087

I hope so too, but it seems like if she does pull through it will have its obstacles. I’ve been trying to keep up if there’s any updates and so far of what’s been said from her family; dad and sister, that she’s been in a coma.

No. 1981089

you’re not going to “reform” the horridness out of males and no woman should endure the task of doing that for her entire life. you need to give it up and admit men can’t be saved or changed, and that the only correct way is not having them or not having children at all.

No. 1981356

I haven't seen many of this guy's videos but honestly anon, I feel like 99% of male commentators are misogyny apologists. The commentary community has an underbelly of misogyny within it so I'm not surprised that a good many of the commentators themselves are the way they are because even if they don't agree with it, they don't want to get dogpiled on and be seen as a "cuck" or a "simp" or some shit.

No. 1982641

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Hannah Louise Poston released a book of poetry recently called "Julia Hungry". The cover of the book shows someone eating ortolan, a very cruel dish where a protected bird is made to overeat in the dark, then killed by drowning it in alcohol. It's worse than foie gras. The napkin over the head is the distinct way the food is eaten and you can see the small bird in the dish.

I commented about it on one of her videos and it got deleted immediately.

No. 1982642

video about ortolan (starts 5.27)

No. 1982674

The napkins over their head are to hide the offensive act from the eyes of God.

No. 1982738

What is the milk. It seems like a very purposeful reference

No. 1982770

this is non milk. its annoying when everything a female youtuber does is taken at its most bad faith extreme face value. shes clearly trying to make a provocative statement. now wether the statements hits for you personally is a different thing but theres no way a male using imagery like this would be put under the same scrutiny. people would recognize it as an edgy art statement. meanwhile if a woman does it its an affront to god

No. 1982792

It's equally annoying to here this but muh menz bullshit as well. The act is being called out so the gender shouldn't matter, you sped. 'an edgy art statement' please. You spend a lot of time on tiktok, don't you.

No. 1982817

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Why is she referencing this? Because she writes poems about cruel foods she has never tried? And wants this image to be on the cover of her first book?

It’s cruelty to animals, not an artistic statement. Why would she want a picture of such a cruel dish connected to her? To be edgy?

Or worse did she mistake it for a jewish head covering? Hannah isn’t jewish.

It’s nothing to do with her being male or female. Animal cruelty is animal cruelty.

The napkin over the head is more to do with them shoving the whole thing in their mouth at once and then pulling the bones out one by one. The “affront to god” thing is just something said, for both men and women who eat the dish and nothing specific to do with Hannah.(retarded nitpicking)

No. 1982828

I'm confused. Do you think the bird on the cover of her book is real? Do you think she really ate it?

No. 1982838

Anon this isn’t milk if its just a photoshoot for a book cover. People have made references to that specific dish before to represent sinful indulgence in an artsy way because of the head coverings and the act of hiding your face from god while eating it. Yeah it’s cruel but same could be said about the dozens of other animal products being sold and eaten daily

No. 1985037

Cross posting this from the SSSniperwolf thread since there’s some recent updates
>Has finally been remonetized after the JacksFilms beef
>Lia and her husband/boyfriend/fiancee named Evan/Sausage have broken up and Sausage is suing her for not sharing profits as was agreed >Evan also revealed she’s used him to fake her gameplay
>Azzyland (the girl Lia skinwalked for years) is alleging to have been physically attacked and insulted by Lia, also saying Lia accused her of faking her gameplays which is ironic as it’s exactly what Lia has been exposed to do

No. 1985085

the first offense you made was watching a male content creator and not havign to tune out the zillion retarded fake accents they make and bad takes they have just to get some semblance of news. i could have sworn he unironically admitted he had autism as well

No. 1985397


>after the JacksFilms beef

Offtopic, but I went to look what is up to now, and he is unironically advertising drugs. What the fuck, how is this legal? Besides, I am sure he have some chronically unfunny middle schoolers among his audience, ho this type of sponsorship is even possible(this is an imageboard)

No. 1985815

Jacksfilms has also been doing BetterHelp sponsorships recently. The company that was called out for being shitty, and even Jack himself said he was a "Shitty Person" for being sponsored by them. In video sponsors have been a catastrophe for youtube in general.(this is an imageboard)

No. 1985858

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Well if you’re not gonna post the screencap I will. I have no idea what >>1985397 is on about though. I don’t know why so many creators still support BetterHelp, they’re known for being a shady company so creators who support them still don’t shock me as much, I do feel bad he got doxxed still though

No. 1986158

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For all the nonnies that were following the Chugga drama, it looks like he wrote up his long response. He's back with new diagnoses and won't be making videos anymore.

No. 1986494

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So idk if anyone cares about anthony padilla in this thread bc I certainly don't, but I checked his page after suspecting him and Mykie (of glam and gore fame, she just announced on her page she now has a plan for her rebrand/possible new youtube account) have been broken up for some time, and he now does shit yoga, even shitter paintings, started a halfassed account for both, is still doing his trash videos, and this photo was posted yesterday which is the dictionary definition of "taking a breakup very badly" like moustache, shit tattoos that looks like someone threw paint on you, and doing yoga while hanging from a bar to prove how cool you are while your face is dyinginside.jpg like perfect. Nailed it.

No. 1986503

>Evan also revealed she’s used him to fake her gameplay

this has been common knowledge for a long time

No. 1986546

iirc he got those tattoos when they first started dating? But kek he is so try hard.

No. 1986549

This guy is an insufferable fag, glad Mykie can now move on to biggerand better things

No. 1986630

I wish I could get a time machine and save him by encouraging him to keep making food battle videos instead of acting like he wants it up the bum. What is this behaviour, Anthony…?

No. 1986657

The fact that he styles himself like a douchey eboy at 36 makes me concerned he’s gonna date 18-25 year olds now

No. 1986696

File: 1713481569411.png (40.92 KB, 1269x202, Screenshot.png)

>Mood is federally legal! How?
All our products are federally legal and have been since the 2018 Farm Bill. We have all our products tested regularly by third-party labs, to ensure our compliance with federal law.
>Technically speaking, the Farm Bill legalized cannabis products containing less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC by dry weight. As gummies are relatively heavy, they can contain a lot of D9 THC whilst remaining federally lawful, and our flowers contain high amounts of naturally occurring THCa, which turns into D9 THC when smoked, giving you the same great feeling of illegal marijuana, whilst still being federally lawful.

No. 1986816

Personally don't see an issue with this, it's just weed and most kids don't have cards to just order shit like that because you most likely need an ID too.

No. 1986855

>it's just weed
ok, enjoy your brain rot(infighting)

No. 1987010

ok, enjoy being a self-righteous retard

No. 1987205

He literally embodies "desperately trying to be cool with the kids" and identity crisis, I can see him dating a man since among his recent posts was a song "submissive and breedable" and a video of the Smosh guys all shaking their booties (fake inserts except for one of them) and it was like 140% gay. But generally he seems like a deeply unhappy person who has no idea who he is as a person, and is clinging onto millennial relevancy in an unnerving, desperate tryhard way (much like Dan Howell's catboy antics as referenced in op)

No. 1988097

When are the gendies going to cancel this faggot.

No. 1988135

Never because faggots can be as misogynistic and racist as they want. Gay men are a protected class online.

No. 1988156

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People in Japan are warning others about Nick Robinson. He has a YouTube channel where he finds the former Japanese Dominoes President (he did the Miku commercial) and other things like that. He’s famous for going to Japan so much and his brother is Porter Robinson who’s a DJ and was popular on tumblr. He did get canceled in 2017 for being creepy towards coworkers in dms and apparently ghosting girls after having sex with them.

No. 1988157

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No. 1988158

Oh wow i haved watchrd this guy's videos. He did an incredibly autistic video about the lost mcdonals ds game. What an asshole, i hate moids so much.

No. 1988165

File: 1713875296902.jpeg (269.69 KB, 1297x1304, IMG_1768.jpeg)

here’s what Nick wrote in 2017 after he got fired from Polygon. There was an investigation and most of it has been kept quiet by the company so we don’t know exactly what happened. Vito the pedo on twitter has been demanding “eviduhnce” but how can you when its irl interactions and kept locked at polygon?

No. 1988202

I'd love to hate this guy, I really would, but his accusations don't seem to stem too far from "this nerd is weird irl" which is…nothing when it comes to youtubers

No. 1988220

His videos are so painfully unfunny. 90% of his humor revolves around being obnoxious, misogyny, and scat. No wonder why Helluva Boss turned out the way it did.

No. 1988299

it was a long-ass time ago but he did shit like solicit feet pics in dms and was a known sex pest in the community. no idea if he's improved but given that even the japanese side of twitter is taking note, I doubt he has.

No. 1988303

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some old deets on what he was known for in the gaming community and why the hammer came down on him so fast. from a daily dot article

No. 1988305

and speak of the devil, there's now a reddit post and google doc out about him on r/youtubedrama https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1cb9o9o/master_list_of_nick_robinson_allegations/

No. 1988312

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Nick allegedly makes socks to harass people too.

No. 1988313

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No. 1988338

If he didn't remove his blackface and racism videos from 10+ years ago, they would have. He took them down just in time.

No. 1988582

This is a nitpick but the bird is not endangered. It's protected only by EU laws because vegans lobbied for it. France has been dragging its feet on enforcement, the reason why you cover your head is so people can't see that you are eating the bird.

Fuck vegans, and fuck birds.

No. 1988674

I think Brandon Rogers has a few really funny videos (mostly older ones) but it does surprise me he hasn't gotten cancelled sooner.

Not true, look at Jeffree Star, James Charles, Nikocado, Shane Dawson, etc. They have all been "cancelled" at one point or another. Whether or not the bounced back is irrelevant, nobody has ever even attempted to cancel Brandon Rogers before.

No. 1988723

humans are the worst animal

No. 1988785

is there any dirt on coryxkenshin (letsplay youtuber) or is he just a mildly cringe guy? i like watching his content but i’d rather not if he has skeletons in his closet (or right out in the open, like the penguinz0 guy who admitted to peeing on a girl)

No. 1988786

afaik just typical, slight cringe, loud, blerb lets player. I think the whole youtube video removal got him less interested in being consistent on youtube.

No. 1988799

Holy fuck he’s still at it?? Every time I see anything about Porter Robinson or even Griffin McElroy it reminds me of this fat fuck (it looks like he’s gained weight since 2017 too). He was able to get a substantial YouTube following after being fired by Polygon by simply never addressing it.

No. 1988806


No. 1988836

File: 1714062206005.png (542.33 KB, 1079x1162, massive-yikes-v0-gf0uggpcpdvc1…)

Adam22 is dating Caroline Calloway.

No. 1988858

she's a loser but she could do so much better then him.

No. 1988884

>Fuck vegans, and fuck birds.
i'm not vegan but there's no reason to torture an animal to death on purpose for a "ritual" of eating it. stop typing like maddox circa 2007 please

No. 1988890

They’re both massive fame-whoring tweaker cows, I’d say they’re a perfect match

No. 1988907

She wante to be cat marnell so badly kek, that coat, hanging out with grimy guys. Adam22 probably reminds her of the shithead abusive moids cat wrote about.

No. 1988908

I used to watch his videos and he used shit in jokes so much that at one point I thought he had a legit scat fetish.

No. 1988945

Isn't this the broad that put a hairbrush handle in her butthole or am I thinking of another sad thot?

No. 1988985

total cuntasaurus and he’s still with his pornwife so enjoy the side piece STIs Caroline

No. 1989698

Lex Updog has come out with another video stating the same exact things as before conveniently right around the time Supermega has come back. She has no new proof, nor anything to say about the multiple lies that she was caught in. Not only that, but the top comment in this video is from the girl who warned Lex about Don's abusive behavior years prior, to which Lex MOCKED and BELITTLED the girl.

No. 1989726

Why does she date the most ugly disgusting moids? Like that Ethan online guy.

No. 1989727


look at the way she does her hair–she doesn't know much about attractiveness

No. 1989750

there are girls who date below them as either a sense of "security" (delusional thinking he won't cheat) or to feel more beautiful when other people look at them. Mental illness

No. 1989801

kek was about to comment that at least she changed her mushroom penis head hair to something a little less terrible

No. 1990151

File: 1714411035864.mp4 (6.93 MB, 576x1024, Download.mp4)

slightly related, but this tiktok video came up on my feed and so many in the comment section were mentioning filmcooper. 1 person mentioned "danny phantom" - i don't know much about him but i saw he has the floppy middlepart hair similar to filmcooper. a lot of these "male feminist" types are getting called out lately, what do you think?

No. 1990648

they inevitably show their misogyny as soon as they're given a pass to do so - insulting and threatening "karens" or right wing women, instead of just debating their viewpoints. Not to speak of their defense of porn, ALWAYS.

No. 1991733

Ok so I'm not sure if anyone's talked about this (I've checked the recaps and skimmed through but couldn't see anything). Posting this on lolcow feels wrong but this is PLUMMCORP RECORDS which is Joji's (and friends) new comedy/shitpost channel. It's… embarassing and with old men. Not sure what he wants to do, the videos are probably for selling merch and shit. Smart of him to ride the Filthy Frank kind of thing for money though ngl.

No. 1994937

File: 1715879587483.png (231.44 KB, 536x425, Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 03-11…)

this is evil after what she did to oscar

No. 1995045

she does not need another kid. I wonder if it's a babytrap

No. 1996347

Idiot making excuses for animal torture to simp for some shitty YouTuber. Hope you face a terrible fate.

No. 1997385

Is Danny Gonzalez getting cancelled? sorry for linking video of this shrimp voiced retarded scrote, I only saw 2 people talking about it and couldn't really find a source besides this guy.

No. 1998155

I haven’t really watched any videos surrounded this, because I don’t really wanna give any moids here money, especially since a fair bit of the moids making videos on this have rancid vibes, like Darkwingdork. I’ve watched some of In praise of shadows’ and Wendigoons’ videos and they’re both pretty good content creators. It just seems like in praise of shadows called out wendigoon for being a conservative, which was kinda an open secret among his fans. Wendigoon is a gun loving, religious southerner, so I wouldn’t honestly be surprised if he was secretly against abortion or something. Like how fnaf fans like to forget that Scott Cawthon is homophobic and against abortion

No. 1998162

of course not. the comments all think this is ridiculous. i remember danny once cried while apologizing because he accidentally said "beaner" (he was quoting a guy who said it) and got all wishy washy about how he didn't want to offend anyone and would never do it again. it's just a smart tactic to be a doormat if your entire income depends on being a youtuber.

No. 1998164

More and more that scrote is becoming insufferable. When he's not reviewing random retards some of his takes are so moid brained. I also hate his chat.
There's a whiney person woth a trans child whose always bringing it up. Nobody cares.

No. 1998188

He's like part Mexican he can say it lol

No. 1998189

Why would he?(learn to sage)

No. 1998191

I honestly didn’t even know who In Praise of Shadows was but seriously this video of his is so weak and honestly pathetic. I’m not even a fan of wendigoon but Shadows comes across as bitter and jealous. While he brings up good points about wendigoon (sorta) it all seems to be coming from a place of ‘I deserve his fame’ and ‘Wendigoon’s just a rich kid’.

At one point shadows complains about making 500 a month off of ad revenue, and alludes to youtube being his full time job. If you are financially secure enough to only be making 500 a month off of youtube with no other source of income, and still live comfortably, shut up lol.
Apparently he lives in a pretty wealthy area so in my mind he’s coasting off of relatives and trust funds while trying to make his yt career a thing, simultaneously trying to cancel other creators like a petulant child. Talking about privilege in others and complaining while living in a first world country and financially secure enough to do youtube as a living is so insincere and cringe.

No. 1998199

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it doesn't matter, he had to apologize for his sins and everyone forgot about it. reminder that walmart john mulaney aka drew gooden said this and has suffered nothing for it.(sage old milk)

No. 1998274

The guy has an 8 month old kid and his dumbass fans expect him to know every company he's "supposed" to boycott lmao. Get real.

No. 1998322

The way that almost none of this tweet was funny KEK. I’m pretty sure he was trying to be racist honestly

No. 1998544

And the vid is deleted and his twitter privated.
As one nona said, that's an incredibly weak video. Half of it is a dude whining about people not liking him and having no money, because people misinterpreted one of his vids. I get it. That sucks, but he should have just done an apology/clarifier video on that and be done with it.
He spends an inordinate amount of time just reading hate comments and talking about some youtubers being conservatives.

The part actually about "bad conservative movies" is the only viable one in the vid. And even then he says "some creators are conservatives, but make good art" somewhere half through the vid and then goes on to talk about Wendigoon, who never really brought any of his possible conservative beliefs into his vids. Everyone knows he loves his guns and his god, but he still makes constructive videos with good critique on the horror merits of it.
IPOS comes off as someone who's incapable of receiving and reacting to criticism, but also jealous, because he's the one who deserves Wendigoons subs and money.
Dude, your critique and vids are actually fine on their own, you should stick to that, not bring politics into the discussion, because that's the quickest way to always lose at least half of your subs/views.

No. 1999100

Brandon Buckingham made a response video with interviews from Wendigoon and Oompaville on IPOS's now deleted video.

No. 1999144

Even though this IPOS guy is annoying, I feel like he’s right about wendigoon. The people he chooses to associate with are cancerous and say a lot about him. Especially the fact that he goes out of his way to downplay and hide these connections. He’ll specifically not post pics with the more controversial ones on his own accounts. And then lying about the boogaloo boys thing? Why is no one digging into that more? He just made that shit up about Che Guevara and he clearly didn’t found the group as he would’ve been a teenager at the time. Everyone knows that boogaloo is in reference to Civil War 2 : Electric Boogaloo. I’d believe he was involved with them in the early days when it was more focused on just being pro gun and anti government and then he left when it started getting more alt right. But why not just say that? Why lie?
Idk I never felt that weird about him before, even when I assumed he probably was conservative leaning. But there’s something shifty about him deliberately not addressing any legitimate points and trying to take the high road by telling people not to harass IPOS while knowing damn well his fans and all his loser friends’ fans are going to do exactly that. He’s giving me that typical slimy evangelical/baptist vibe where they’ll smile in your face and talk about god’s love while stabbing you in the back. I feel like he secretly supports some pretty fucked up shit but is just smart enough to not be loud about it. Mike Johnson kinda vibes.
Even if he has tame political beliefs, the fact that he’s able to be close friends with such obnoxious people still speaks to his poor judgement.

No. 1999152

People have been erroneously referencing boogaloo as a Che Guevara term for years now, he’s not the one to make that meme up. Maybe try google

No. 1999216

You're mad that wendigoon doesn't delve into his personal political beliefs, and that in and of itself makes him slimy..why? If that was a basis of his channel, it would make sense but his content isn't surrounding politics so why even discuss it? If he is a conservative, what does that change about the quality of his videos? You are making some schizo level deductions based on the small bits of information you know about him: god and guns. This is the para-social freak behaviour that I imagine youtubers are trying to avoid. Unironically touch grass.(infighting)

No. 1999236

Idk anon I don't give a shit about wendigoon but pushing back against this obsessive analyzing is for the best, if it's left to foster it will ruin women first for sure, there are "soft-terf" female creators out there that identify eachother just with what they do and don't talk about and who they interact with and I'd rather them be left alone. Boys will always have eachother back but cancel culture is a problem for us first and foremost

No. 1999296

How is it schizo for me to think if he is good friends with shitty people (Turkey Tom, Donut Operator, Brandon Buckingham and Brandon Herrera), then he probably has similar views. It’s slimy because there have been specific things people have brought up that are sus that he has refused to address. Just putting on the veneer of the wholesome Christian to dodge criticism, knowing idiots like you will dismiss any legit criticisms of him as people just hating him because he’s a Christian and likes guns. My deductions are from his intentional silence and who he associates with. Sorry, but your friends reflect on you! No matter how much you want to believe otherwise.
I’m allowed to dislike him and there’s nothing you can do about it. Go to your favorite fat retard’s subreddit if you wanna dickride him so bad

No. 1999407

It's schizo because it's grasping at straws. I don't care about Wendigoon but IPOS' video was full of retardation, even aside from the portion about Wendigoon. He says he isn't one to complain then complains through the entire 3 hour video. He says he knows he isn't owed people's time but keeps emphasizing how his channel is doing poorly and blames it on people responding in what he considers the "wrong" way to his insane Hills Have Eyes video. He admits he's had to make videos he doesn't like to make money, but condemns horror fans for prioritizing box office gross. If artistic integrity is so important vs profit, he should just make videos as a hobby, and get a real job like a normal person. IPOS talks in circles and does mental gymnastics to say Wendigoon has bad politics and is privileged, thus should not be welcome in the horror community. He acts as though he's some kind of authority on horror and says that horror is intrinsically leftist and "punk and anti-establishment" while literally saying horror should be gatekept from conservatives because they're guilty of wrong-think. How is thought-policing punk? He says people who are successful and wealthy at a young age are "not qualified" to offer criticisms of media. He wants mainstream recognition and monetary success like Wendigoon but cannot stop alienating people with his politics and general spergery. He can't take criticism. He reads out negative comments from his Hills Have Eyes video and offers no rebuttal, but insists people misunderstood him. He yaps about media having many interpretations, but has a fit when people interpret his HHE video (rightfully) as retarded. I genuinely think he's on the spectrum. He fixates on things that normies wouldn't to a bizarre degree and he cannot understand other perspectives. He's just an insecure leftoid moid who yaps too much. Nothing in that video was worth listening to.

No. 1999830

Apparently a bunch of YouTubers got together a few days ago to hold a charity livestream called Creators for Palestine featuring Hasan Piker and Frogan

No. 1999845

I can’t take anything this guy says seriously after seeing that clip of him defending the fictional rapists/murderers from The Hills Have Eyes because the family in the camper van were ~colonizers.~ I saw a meme once that said both far right men and far left men both seem to be very openly accepting of rape depending what side the victim is on politically and it doesn’t even seem like a meme anymore it’s just sad and true.

No. 1999877

Of course, men will never be allies of women no matter what political spectrum they fall under. You frequently see lefty men saying racist women or women who are right wing deserve to be raped. Same as you see right wing men saying leftist and liberal women deserve to be raped.

No. 1999900

The goalposts never stop moving for what a "good" woman is, which means dumb pickmes will assure themselves they are not "bad" (insert religion, eye colour, skin colour, relationship status, political affiliation, beliefs, etc) so they will be spared. Men who express womanhate do so equally for all, but add a few disclaimers to try and lure the stupid/accomplices.
There were years where leftie men were happily spouting and sharing posts about death/rape to all terfs, for example. And more years where adding "white woman" to any womanhate was an acceptable disqualifier and it definitely wasn't just poorly disguised misogyny.
(Also a horrible overlap where the type of women they bitch about the most is also the type of woman they want to fuck the most)
Anyway this is why you should never listen to a man's opinion kek

No. 1999943

This reminds me of a story I read a while ago of this woman being followed around and harassed in a grocery store by a moid. He kept saying creepy things to her and wouldn’t leave her alone even after she told him to please go away and no one in the store really said or did anything. She lost her shit and started calling him racial slurs and then people in the store finally took notice to scold her for it. I’m obviously not in support of her being racist it just really highlighted the double standard for me, people couldn’t care less if a woman is being targeted for being a woman but the second someone sees a black or brown moid being targeted for being black or brown suddenly everyone is concerned about fair treatment. I’m pretty sure the woman even said that he was following her and harassing her and some old white moid was like “well that doesn’t give you the right to be racist.” They really don’t give a fuck.

No. 2000057

That mentality of "it's okay when people I don't like get raped"/"if I can use a rapist to prove my point then they're okay people" men all seem to have is really highlighted when he basically sides with Keffals grooming kids, Chris Chan raping his mom, and that pedophile that was killed by police but then condemns Plagued Moth for his disgusting discord crap in order to try and make another person look bad. Why is one disgusting groomer bad but the other groomers/sexual predators are okay? Oh, it's because you don't really care about what they did, just about how you can use what happened to further whatever grudge you have against someone.

I wouldn't be surprised if he abused someone either. The guy has that "ironic redneck" styling and the overall personality of the "starving artist" guy who would roofie a girl at a party if he ever got invited.

No. 2000464

File: 1717421451125.png (508.7 KB, 750x709, jocat.png)

Jocat(the, "I like girls" video guy) has started crossdressing and might be trooning out

No. 2000466

File: 1717421669541.png (426.79 KB, 750x854, jocat_pride.png)

there's also this

No. 2000473

Oh yeah, it's so obvious. The massive egos that men have is astounding too considering how horrid he truly looks. Nobody wants to see this receding hairline motherfucker's flat ass and pasty body. Sad!

No. 2000512

This sweater is so hideously cut it doesn’t even make sense why it’s called ‘Virgin Killer’. Like it looks terrible on women with even Greta bodies. Scrotes literally have 0 taste.

No. 2000535

Men don’t care about the victims of sex crimes at all nonny and they never have. Moids only care about the political aspect of sexual activity and whether it serves them or not. For instance right wing moids get upset when immigrants date or grope white women, and immigrant moids get upset when white men date or colonize their women. But they don’t actually give a fuck about the female victims, it’s all just male egos and political points.

No. 2000823

it makes me sad how ugly men will put on cheap aliexpress whore cosplay and get praised. He's literally so ugly. 0 ass and skinny fat.

No. 2001137

love how he has a soyface even in his own art

No. 2001156

File: 1717566517246.png (1.12 MB, 2192x908, Screenshot_306.png)

The level of narcissism with her lately is so unholy.

No. 2001168

i had no idea blingee shut down, thats so sad

No. 2001170

every time i find a youtuber i like, they let the attention get to their head. i used to adore sarah z and then she became insufferable and smug. brittany broski overstayed her welcome like a year ago. and izzy thinks she’s a god for talking about sims games.

No. 2001190

nonnie ily but if anything he made wendigoon and friends look really good. just by existing in contrast as a jelly pooner-looking male feminist schizophrenic who whines about walking on a dirt road the other guys seem reasonable and level-headed to the average yt viewer.
BUT you can rejoice, because it's possible that while crashing into his trashfire he'll bring down all of breadtube with him for being just 2 IQ points dumber than the rest of them, so thank u POS for your sacrifice. the veil is lifted

No. 2001207

You know how moids always go on about rape accusations being used by women as a tool for social aggression? You guessed it, it's projection like everything else coming out of a moid's piehole.

No. 2001209

I was sad too when it shut down, but I've been using https://en.picmix.com/ ever since, it's a good alternative!

No. 2001226

What did Brittany do?

No. 2001297

Sorry for being retarded but what exactly is narcissistic about the screenshot?

No. 2001536

Both IPOS and Brandon Buckingham sound like such weak kneed fags with no charisma but I'll honestly rather take Brandon/Wendigoons side because IPOS attacks is pretty much a big pile of nothing

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