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File: 1713138520479.jpg (1.1 MB, 1284x1213, TitsChelsea.jpg)

No. 1985582

Last Threads:
>>>/snow/961466 #3 (marked as 2)
>>>/snow/581474 #2
>>>/snow/381948 #1

Old threads on Poppy:

Previous Thread Summary:
>Poppy enters fan Discord, starts answering questions, talks about Grimes and how lazy she was, starts venting about Titanic and says she “apologises to his past victims” and that he’s continuing being a pest to her, claims to have PTSD related to her song LowLife
>Mars Argo confirms she’s making new music
>Poppy’s fans try to sue her due to being scammed out of thousands of dollars from the shut down Poppy.Church
>Chelsea / NobodysDreamgirl gets a tattoo of Titanic’s name
>Titanic possibly cheated on Poppy with Chelsea
>Poppy’s fans are literally trying to do summoning rituals of her
>Chelsea knew Mars in 2015
>Titanic releases a new song trying to seem like the victim
>Titanic may have leaked an old video Poppy and Grimes made to promote Play Destroy and/or We Appreciate Power
>Poppy comments on Titanic leaking personal demos
>Chelsea has become blonde
>Poppy makes a Reddit statement on people assuming she’s a Trump supporter, she gets upset and says they just don’t know her or what she believes
>Poppy tries to become a beauty guru/makeup tutorial channel, most of these videos have been privated or unlisted as of 2024
>Titanic’s Brother, Alex, said Poppy had an abortion during the BubbleBath EP era
>Poppy reposts Using You by Mars Argo on her SoundCloud and comments that Mars is her inspiration, likely while hacked as a bunch of song names where changed too
>Titanic released a song called Scorpio dedicated to Chelsea
>Titanic is tagging Poppy in his videos still to try and keep relevancy
>Poppy and Ghostemane get engaged, subsequently break up & Poppy privates a viral video of him doing her makeup
>Poppy releases Poppy’s Inferno comic, suspected to be about the stuff between her, Mars, and Titanic
>Titanic possibly went onto 4Chan to bitch about Poppy getting engaged
>An (at the time) 15 year old named CringePanda pops up and Cringe Panda seems to have some obsession with Titanic and his eras with Mars/Poppy, makes ripoff Poppy/GroceryBagDotTV videos with Anti-SJW themes and is likely controlled by her parents, still acts cow worthy in 2024
>Titanic likely made a throwaway Reddit to bitch about Poppy more and claim she cheated, is subsequently mocked
>Titanic continues turning Chelsea into a Mars/Poppy clone right down to using her satiate his dumb blonde fetish, putting her in Poppy/Mars’ outfits, and putting her in similar positions as Mars during photo shoots
>Titanic has a meltdown on Twitter and deletes it not even a day later
>Poppy puts out a 2020 Christmas Album
>Poppy is nominated for a “Best Metal Performance” Grammy for BloodMoney on I Disagree, Titanic pretends he’s also nominated when his name wasn’t anywhere on there
>CringePandaBear rips off Charlotte Quin and Grimes videos as of 2024 hasn’t changed much
>Katai.io on Instagram claims to have been friends with Mars, Poppy, and Titanic speaks out, claims to have made prints for Poppy but was ghosted and Mars said “Fuck you” to Katai when Katai emailed her
>Chelsea starts tweeting on Twitter (@sknnylatte) shitting on Poppy just like Poppy used to do to Mars before breaking up with Titanic
>Poppy release Eat EP for WWE NXT and performs at NXT
>Chelsea starts making white background videos on Insta like Poppy and Mars would do
>Poppy releases singles for the album Flux, suspected to be about the situation with Titanic
>Titanic drops an album around this time with a Poppy diss track called Puppet
>Poppy starts making weird videos again after Ghostemane break up
>Ghostemane alleged his and Poppy’s relationship was toxic and Poppy “treated me like dogshit”
>Titanic gets Chelsea pregnant
>Titanic tries to drop some kind of “sexy” era video, gets mockery and everyone finds him repulsive
>Titanic tries to rebrand again as a family channel YouTuber shortly after his “sexy” era
>In August 2022 leaks of what seems to be Poppy’s Stagger EP come out, claiming to be remastering LowLife and the EP will be out in December 2022
>Stagger was dropped October 2022 and it decidedly did not have LowLife or any remaster on it, was suspected to be about Ghostemane
>Ghostemane is suspected to be engaged to a girl named SkyeFirez
>Poppy goes blonde again and makes a post captioned “Good Motives”
>Titanic posts about wanting Poppy’s TikTok hit song Girls In Bikinis to get more streams so he can get a motorcycle, afterwards he does and continues pushing the song and bitches at the Genius page for messing up the meaning
>Titanic constantly posts about Poppy’s Girls In Bikinis song
>Mars is suspected to have sampled Poppy’s Sit/Stay outro for Angry and I Can Only Be Me
>Poppy goes blonde again as Zig era begins and Church Outfit and Spit are released
>Poppy says Zig is about her “reclaiming her identity as an adult”
>Poppy releases some clip of her spitting on the camera from the Spit cover music video the day after Mars’ Birthday with porn music in the background, drops the MV on the birthday of Chelsea and Titanic’s kid
>More releases from Mars (Angry and I Can Only Be Me) suspected to be about Titanic and Poppy respectively
>Poppy posts video about “not being angry” after Mars drops Angry
>Poppy releases Knockoff, third single from Zig era and second song from the album, it’s a remastered version of an Am I A Girl? era song that Tits produced
>Kim Petras is suspected to be copying Poppy
>Titanic returns after a year long hiatus, is suspected to have broken up with Chelsea
>Grimes replies to a fan about Poppy, Poppy says Grimes is “5 Years Triggered
>Titanic tries to defend Poppy after Grimes says this, Poppy gives him 0 acknowledgment and he says Poppy is “telling the truth when it’s convenient”
>Titanic goes on podcast to discuss the Grimes and Poppy beef
>Poppy releases the song Motorbike about being in love with a girl, a song similar to Girls In Bikinis and using an object Titanic bought with GIB’s streaming money
>Someone named D4ine shows up, Daine Poppy is copying their aesthetic in the Zig era
>Chelsea and Titanic are still together and Titanic has roped his kid into his attempt to give Chelsea a music career
>Poppy hangs around Marilyn Manson the #ThatPoppyHypocrite trends on Twitter and her fanbase splits at this and Zig being mostly dark pop instead of rock
>Zach Sang interviews Poppy and she goes on Deezer to do a live vocal performance of Zig’s last single, Hard
>Mars fans make her rerelease Using You
>Titanic and Chelsea are engaged
>Poppy releases a few songs including a collab with the recently gaining popularity band Bad Omens called V.A.N. is suspected to be dating their vocalist Noah
>Chelsea has black hair and looks like discount Mars Argo
>Update since the last thread: Poppy had most of her music taken down from TikTok due to UMG parting with them but it’s mostly back now, V.A.N is currently gaining rapid popularity on TikTok, YouTube, and Spotify

Essential Information:
Titanic Sinclair is the stage name for Corey Mixter
Poppy is Moriah Pereira
Mars Argo is Brittany Sheets.
Nobodys.Dreamgirl or Sknnylatte is Chelsea Michelle aka Chelsea Wise aka Chelsea Renee Wise

Titanic and Mars dated from 2008 to 2014. They created GroceryBagDotTv together, and then transitioned to making their own music. They only released one album, Technology is a Dead Bird in 2009. They then began Linden Place, which was canceled after their lead single was released. Most of their videos were deleted but can be found with a simple search as fans reupload them.

After their breakup, Titanic began seeing Poppy. Subsequently, Poppy’s looks completely changed from alternative, semi-Punk brunette to “kawaii, barbie, child” bottle-blonde. This look was strikingly similar to Mars'. Recently they achieved moderate fame for her strange youtube videos and Japanese-inspired pop music. The That Poppy videos were directly inspired, and sometimes complete copies, from GroceryBagDotTv videos (such as “Delete Your Facebook”).

Poppy has stans who call themselves “Poppyseeds.”

Titanic has since started dating and proposed to Chelsea, they are married/engaged and have a kid. Titanic has turned Chelsea into the new Poppy and Mars and even tried forcing a music career for her which their child has been roped into they use the name Finn’s Parents
when doing this.

No. 1985586

Op was too long

Social Links






Imgur Links
Tweets https://imgur.com/a/oMTMItH
Photos https://imgur.com/a/2ahgfOH
Leaked Conversations https://imgur.com/a/BpX5cYO
Lawsuit https://imgur.com/a/8qVPBMd
Reddit https://imgur.com/a/MClEphk

Related People

Josh Moran - Poppy’s alleged ex, during the lawsuit Poppy tweeted a video of him smashing Titanic to the ground with ease
Debby Ryan - Actress known for Disney Jessie and Netflix Insatiable who was friends with Poppy, and then Titanic
Alex Mixter - Titanic's brother, has publicly spoken out against Mars and Poppy
Max Landis - Friend of Mars, tweeted in defence of her in 2016
Tony Katai - Film maker who released the “Everybody Wants it All” (3:36) video of Mars with a gun, took Titanic’s side
Finn: Chelsea and Titanic’s baby, has to deal with them trying use him to turn start a family channel content farm
Ghostemane - Poppy's ex boyfriend, a rapper who's friends with other abusive rappers (see: some of the names in the soundclout thread), claimed Poppy treated him like dog shit on Discord after they broke up
CringePandaBear - Someone who is obsessed with Tits, started making discount ThatPoppy / Mars GroceryBagDotTv era videos at 15 with Anti-SJW themes, still goes on trying to catch Titanic’s attention despite him moving on to Chelsea
Grimes - Real name is Claire Elise Boucher and is a singer. Made Play Destroy with Poppy and We Appreciate Power with her and Hana but resigned from publishing PD likely after learning about the Poppy Titanic and Mars lawsuit. Poppy leaked song nonetheless and the two had a back and forth, and Poppy was removed from We Appreciate Power, the two still mention each other occasionally. She was in a relationship with Elon Musk and had multiple kids with him. Her and Elon have their own thread here >>>/snow/1980215

Other Links





Lawsuit uploaded by TMZ: https://tinyurl.com/ybw6orfg
Official lawsuit settlement document: https://ksassets.timeincuk.net/wp/uploads/sites/55/2019/01/Sheets_Settlement-Signature.pdf

No. 1985592

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Reposting this from the last thread as this was shortly before it was locked but Chelsea is brunette now >>1978589

No. 1985598

She's kind of ugly imo. Poppy and Mars are cuter.

No. 1985608

She only looks ugly because she actually looks like an adult compared to how Poppy and Mars did, it’s pretty well known at this point that Poppy and Mars look fairly young still but still like adults but when Titanic was with them they looked/acted extremely childish, I guess he saw how many people were noticing the pattern

No. 1985810

>she only looks ugly because she looks like an adult
no, she looks ugly because she looks like the Cryptkeeper got lip injections
how weird that you are equating “looking childlike” with “looking beautiful,” non-creepy adults don’t do that

No. 1985812

Ayrt, I didn’t mean I think “childlike = beauty” I meant people and society see youth as beauty so when a woman actually doesn’t look perpetually 18 she’ll be labeled as ugly, it’s known Titanic goes for much younger women at this point and has some creepy obsession with making them act dumb and clueless to a childish degree anyways

No. 1985830

I don't even get where you are getting that she looks old and Poppy and Mars look young, Poppy looks her age, and both Mars and Chelsea have slightly unusual, big eyed manic pixie dreamgirl looks, fillers aside, I am not seeing any kinda age difference or correlation between any of them. Maybe you are associating quirky/wacky behaviour (Mars and the Poppy copy on video) with youth which I get, but in terms of age they all look youthful to me. Fillers/lip injections make people look older because we associate that in our minds with ageing movie actresses, but fillers have been a trend among 16-25s for ten years now so we also know that young people get them too, and looking surgically altered generally is more of an indicator you are an influencer or live in California now vs the old association of a 40+ actress.

tl:dr not getting the age discussion at all

No. 1985965

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1/2 poppy posted some thing about x/twitter users being retards and the second slide being a joke that she makes money from posting stuff that riles people up

her retarded stans are claiming she was hacked and there’s no way their unproblematic queen would use an ableist slur, but the selfie in the post was new and not found elsewhere online, lmao

No. 1985966

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No. 1985982

kek she deleted it when she realized her post was 2 images and didnt qualify for the extra revenue

No. 1986059

Maybe I’m insane for this but I could believe Poppy was hacked and they got that picture from her drafts or close friends stories/posts. Also what the fuck is with the second slide? It doesn’t even seem like the typical “Poppy being mysterious” thing, it looks like a scam or like they randomly leaked a Poppy DM, it also does feel like it’s trying to start shit with Grimes by bringing up Twitter (since Elon has it now) so I’m not sure if I entirely believe it’s Poppy or some troll/salty Grimes stan. Though if she was hacked it’s strange she’s said not a single thing about it

No. 1986174

Two people I follow got hacked before, bitcoin shit and something else I forget, and the short post and unrelated image that seems out of character is pretty in line with being hacked. Hackers are lazy too, I agree it just looks like they stuck a caption over a draft photo.

No. 1986256

the 2nd slide was a sc of an announcement made to influencers by IG saying they could make extra money on pasts with high engagement. hence she was trying to be an edgelord about making extra money, but prob realised it said single image posts only, while she posted two photos.

No. 1986295

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Thanks for the new thread! Mars Argo might have another lawsuit. Tony Katai has apparently leaked her photos and videos on Discord.

She has been active on Tumblr answering fan messages.

No. 1986470

Anon who made the thread here and I feel like a dumbass for forgetting that Katai accused Poppy of telling Mars to kill herself
>Katai lawsuit
This is pretty tinfoil but I feel like Poppy telling Mars to kill herself while under Titanic may have actually been Katai just being an ass to Mars or if it was Poppy, that Katai doesn’t have as much of an issue with it as they act, Mars and Katai do seem to have something against each other and that could explain it
I do hope Mars isn’t planning on suing everyone who has reuploaded her old songs, it’s how a lot of people found her (like through sped up versions on TikTok) and suing/copyrighting fans could lead to a loss of fanbase maybe a bit too OT but I remember Melanie Martinez tried to get people to report reuploads of her unreleased songs and all that led too was them getting more popular and more being leaked so I could see a similar thing happening here. I don’t think Mars is malicious or even that she’s wrong for being upset but she may be about to shoot her career in the foot

No. 1987271

titanic releases yet another "im totally not still bitter" song

No. 1987380

Tits really needs to give up on the music thing, the only times he’s been relevant is when he was managing Poppy, even Mars only got popular after the lawsuit with Tits was over. Poppy and Mars both have their own fanbases but nobody is going to defend Tits since all he can do is try to recreate Poppy and Mars. Even the whole “VR 360” thing feels like ripping off Poppy’s “AI will rule the world” technology forward thing she’s been doing. At least he’s not dragging Finn into it this time

No. 1987742

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Cross posted and not really milk but Poppy was in Grimes AI visuals this weekend

No. 1988114

Can you provide more context? Maybe link or embedd the video?
If this is supposed to be Poppy, Grimes must really hate her. I thought AI art was supposed to make you prettier. Kek.

No. 1988146

it's obvs claire but maybe anon thought it was a time is up mv reference?

No. 1988259

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Titanic wrote another Poppy diss track…

No. 1989001

Wow. Such genius. This really makes me realize Tits has zero musical or lyrical talent, and the women he tricks into dating him have always carried this idiot's "career."

No. 1989033

Someone on TikTok is saying Tits and Hayley Williams from Paramore had beef, it’s not letting me embed the video for some reason sorry https://www.tiktok.com/@yoshi.bowman/video/7361261553389194539

AYRT, I said it was Poppy because someone in the Grimes thread said it was

No. 1994669

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Chelsea is pregnant again

No. 1994671

Another child for them to exploit for views. Sad.

No. 1994708

Imagine being pregnant with your second child, knowing your man is still thinking about his ex so much he makes a song about her instead of you.

No. 1994728

Zoom into babygirl's face here and tell me she looks happy

No. 1994748

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Dear lord those fish eyes, Tits really ruined Chelsea by stuffing her full of plastic surgeries now she just looks uncanny
Watch as when the inevitable divorce arc comes he claims “Chelsea was forcing me to do all that”

No. 1994809

Sorry for asking to be spoonfed, but did Titanic get with Chels when she was underaged? I remember seeing some thread a while ago, and there was something on how ltcorbis was involved or whatever and people speculating Sinclair was grooming some underaged girl, and changing her. This was years ago, so I don't know. How old is Chels now?

No. 1994824

No, Chelsea is 30 now, she is only a year older than Poppy and I think he’s 37? They started dating in 2020 so she was 26 and he was 33

No. 1994866

Where do they get money for that pointless life though. Life that only consists on Tits releasing batches of hatesongs about Poppy and popping out babies every once in a while. Why.

No. 1994925

File: 1715875963119.png (112.27 KB, 1829x631, Screenshot (559).png)

Oh. Is cringepanda not Chels? That's the one speculating that she was being groomed. I saw this on some thread a while ago.

No. 1995048

No Cringe Panda is some online girl who’s like 18-19 now and has been skin walking Tits/Poppy/Mars since she was 15, she’s doing some kind of anti-SJW reaction shit now with generic “woke” clickbait and now uses SSSniperwolf / AzzyLand type of thumbnails. Latest example of her skin walking is vidrel where she makes essentially the Anti-SJW version of a ThatPoppy era video complete with some baby voice that sounds more like mocking Mars than when Poppy did it. No idea about LT. Corbis though, she was another Anti-SJW YouTuber when she was 11 but I don’t recall her and Tits interacting. 4Chan tends to spread rumors like WildFire so I’d stay skeptical unless any proof comes out

No. 1995628

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the new baby is a boy too (this is Chelsea’s photography account)

No. 1995643

She married a freak NPD loser and had two sons? She's going to be an insanely toxic boymom.

No. 1995714

Don’t worry anon, all this means is that when the divorce arc comes there will be an added custody battle this time

No. 1995728

I don't think he'll ever legally marry her for that reason

No. 1996718

File: 1716354953340.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1290x2321, IMG_0194.jpeg)

yep, confirmed boy.
no little girl for tits to exploit to hell and back

No. 1998515

>no little girl for tits to exploit to hell and back
The fact we all know he would try and turn the little girl into Mars too, this is a good outcome

No. 1998520

Yeah agreed. But it still sucks that the world is gaining 2 new Mixter brothers to go around making asses of themselves.

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