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No. 1990165

As requested!

Joannie Marie Tew is a 39-year-old autism mommy TikToker from North Carolina. She’s a mom of four who exploits all of her children but mainly focuses on her severely autistic son Cash.

>Records videos of Cash having meltdowns including grabbing her face, hitting and shoving her, and wrapping his hand around her neck

>Is addicted to addies and live-streaming, and possibly other things as well
>has ZERO sense of personal space or boundaries, livestreams while helping Cash shower (on the rare occasion he does)
>allows Cash to basically rule the house, wake everyone up at 3am with loud demands for Papa John’s and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
>quasi-incestuous with Cash; there’s a video of him laying on her while she’s kissing him and moaning and claims it’s “sensory input”, lets him do the same thing with his little sister all while claiming that Cash had/has precocious puberty
>oh yeah and she has a second autistic child, although his level of functioning is higher
>Married 3 times; first guy is a mystery but the second husband is the father of Joannie’s older three kids (including Cash)
>the youngest? The product of an affair with her now-husband Ryan, who is sick of her shit but can’t leave because he is paying alimony to his ex-wife that he cheated on with Joannie
>was a teacher, got fired for being a groomer and teaching 10 and 11-year-olds about sex acts
>neglects all the kids, lets Cash elope frequently, including taking the car keys and starting the car
>Dad finds out about the neglect and gets CPS/court involved
>Joannie gets a judge to order an ex parte against Dad to prevent him from seeing or speaking to the kids
>Is currently homeschooling Cash exclusively because his violent outbursts have gotten him expelled from every school in the county
>will be homeschooling all the kids next school year
>her homeschooling sucks, lacks structure, it’s clear Cash isn’t retaining a lot of the material (he can’t say the proper names of double-digit numbers)
>lets Cash shit in the pool every time they go swimming and wonders why they are banned from the local swimming pool
>pretends to be a devout Christian, live-streams herself and her dirty feet praying at the pulpit for show
>has been kicked out of multiple churches because they see right through her performative devotion
>allowed a cat to die from collapsed lungs after neglecting her for hours in favor of filming her for TikTok and also running errands at Staples
>filmed the cat in heat, passing it off as “dancing” and encouraged her daughter to mimic the cat’s sexual behavior
>made fucking MERCH “inspired by” (mocking)Cash’s verbal tics

TikTok: autism_mom_life
Instagram: autism_mom_life1115
YouTube: youtube.com/@Autism_mom_life
The godawful store: charliejoapparel.com

No. 1990168

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An example of the “merch”

No. 1990174

One of the meltdowns.

No. 1990182

This creature makes me want to alog so bad. He should be put in a home under heavy security before he kills someone

No. 1990187

I wasn't expecting that bloated hog after reading the post, kek. I don't know how to deal with autistic children but she probably could have gotten to a better point than this if she didn't feed him processed food non stop his whole life and actually put him in a program or therapy. Tiktok and papa John's will surely help the lifelong child that is going to be beating her up in the kitchen for apple bees till she dies.

No. 1990189

How you do calve out a retard and show it off? Like that came out of you?! And you're not embarrassed?????? At all? Has to be a grift. The only possible answer.

No. 1990210

It is; she’s exploiting this poor kid for asspats and TikTok sponsorships

No. 1990222

Might as well exploit him on tiktok, its not like he'll ever contribute to society

No. 1990239

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This sow makes me want to a-log so bad. Between the incestuous undertones with Cash and straight up making TikToks of her dying cat, I actually wish she'd explode so Cash can get sent to a group home far, far away from society.

So I am not just pointlessly reeing, she also blatanly favors Cash over Colt. Colt is autistic as well but doesn't even have his own room, he sleeps on a couch. This is from a TikTok where Cash wakes up at 2:45AM and this heifer just loudly enables him and offers him food like 4 times, all the while not caring about poor Colt trying to sleep in the back (the white pile of blankets is where he is sleeping).

No. 1990392

why does she keep stuffing him with food every time he flies into his rages? he's already a biggun and constantly feeding him pizzas and pancakes is just gonna make him even more gargantuan and difficult to control. it's all fun and games until he's a fully grown man who puts her in the hospital one day

No. 1990425

He’s already that size plus retard strength is going to be absolutely uncontrollable soon.

No. 1990426

My question is why do people keep popping out so many fucking kids after they have one or two already that are retarded.

No. 1990489

Every kid gets you more free stuff from the government. That's probably why the kid is called Cash. One kid = 1 paycheck, 1 bedroom apartment. 5 kids = 5 paychecks, 5 bedroom house and probably free care aides who come over and help you. Easy route for trash. (source: people in my family live like this)

No. 1990547

>proprioceptive input
This isn’t aba therapy, this is nasty

No. 1990556

>That's probably why the kid is called Cash
i believe this tinfoil

No. 1990613

You people sound like Nazis, seriously touch grass. This bitch obviously does not have any parental training even though she should or get some outside help, which we know she is actively turning it all down. He probably acts out way more than he should because she was never good to him.

No. 1990655

Nonna idk what you know about people who are on his level, but I think you're giving him too much credit by claiming he would act out less if he was properly taken care of. Carers who work with people like him are regularly beaten tf up. Even just in general the non-violent ones are heavy handed and will hammer their hands on their nurses. Regardless of what care he receives he will act violently

No. 1990743

He's going to end up killing her or being shot by police when he elopes and attacks another person. Kids with autism can also be spoiled brats. She thinks she's being calm and has control of the situation but from here she just looks terrified and placates him with food.

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