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/w/ - vloggers, lolita, cosplay

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No. 325162

Previous threads:

Taylor R is a “hardworking” “self-made” “successful” former model and Youtuber from Canada whose main claim to fame used to be copying Dakota’s embarrassing 2012 - 2015 living doll phase. She’s since abandoned this endeavor to copy fellow gold digger Valeria Lipovesky and any other content creator that appears in her tiktok feed.

Her husband, Tom Lip is a successful businessman. One of his companies, MenClub, was exposed for featuring at least 8 underage (age 12-16) girls in skimpy clothing on their site. After news of this spread, Taylor made two videos defending the right of men to ogle children (it’s “cultural”! Don’t like, don’t click!), both of which are now conveniently privated.

Taylor herself has started her own business, TOAT, which is alas "currently on pause", apparently for motherhood reasons.

Ever since her successful carrier(s) faded, she focused on her IVF "journey", more about which can be found in previous threads. After it came mini lectures about Traditional Chinese medicine and post-partum confinement, presented as universal truth and law.

Currently she's busy recycling and copying years-old trends from tiktok, testing debunked health gimmicks and posting undisclosed ads on Instagram and thanks to Hong Kong laws she gets away with the latter. Her YouTube channel is now mostly abandoned and gets revived only if a company is dumb enough to sponsor her video, hence the lack of new YouTube content.

After a miscarriage - news of which she dumped on an unassuming follower struggling with infertility - she announced her determination to once again fulfill her sacred duty of providing offspring for her infertile husband, this time without help from IVF treatments. To perform that great feat, she regularly takes Tom on "dates" to rekindle their already dwindling attraction.

Beware the resident white knights and stans in the thread. Don't respond to bait and ignore sperges.

Taylor’s Links:

Tom Lip's controversial site for men: https://www.menclub.hk/

Old links (no longer updated):
http://www.cchan.tv/clipper/taylor(do not post new threads until the old one is full)

No. 325169

That anon who lurks on Facebook please share your screenshots with us!

No. 325172

I am loling at THE JUICE

No. 325249

These threads need to be autosaged. /w/ was always a mess and this was always the worst(take it to /meta/)

No. 325995

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To this anon, I ask: how is this caption not completely lifted from the "inspiration"? She tacked on "don't really know what you're doing" at the end after just switching the order of the phrases. And I'm sorry, that's the kind of shit kids do to try to fool the teacher. "I didn't copy! Look, the order is different!" Why even change the order if you're not embarrassed about the copy/paste job for such an "emotional" reel?(nitpicking)

No. 326004

I noticed that too. The last weaboos left a long time ago and you don’t even find her old “friends” comment anymore. No Sharla, no Bii…

No. 326009

I've seen Sharla in the comments still, just writing something really short (iirc that's all she ever did, influencer comments are more for algorithm boosting purposes rather than sincere replies so I never pay attention to them) but there's definitely been a shift across her viewers as anons have noticed.
Mommy/trad vlogging seems pretty bleak from everything I've seen of it, and way way too personal like millions of strangers seeing your kid crying, posting about your mental, physical and marriage difficulties, I really hope she keeps more on the beauty/fashion direction since this is not a good path.(this is an imageboard)

No. 326014

>but they are both working now
Kek Taylor does not work. She continues doing occasional influencer stuff for funsies, but that's not work, that's a hobby. All daily expenses (housing, food, maid, nanny etc) are paid by Tom and she is indeed still a golddigger.

No. 326016

Speaking of friends, she stopped mentioning and promoting Joyce, too. My nosy ass is dying to know what happened.
At this point the only friendship she has maintained over the years is Jess.

No. 326022

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OK. Here's another proof that Taylor is back to her ED practices. She made a no sugar, low-carbon high-protein healthy "chocolate mousse" - which is saying a lot already - but the interesting thing is she pretends that she's eating a big serving in the reel, yet in the story what she actually eats is barely two spoonfuls.(ED tinfoil, nitpicking)

No. 326027

>no sugar, low-carbon high-protein healthy "chocolate mousse"
That just sounds horrible kek wasn’t she just posting about ~balance~ when she ate chips for dinner? Also the almond milk is popular amongst ana chans because it’s the lowest in cal from milk alternatives. Not saying she’s back to being ana but from what we see it’s pretty ridiculous how she treats her diet.

No. 326028

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Food/chef influencer of the year, everyone. She didn't change the caption even hours after she liked the follower's comment telling her about the spelling error lol and someone has to finally teach her some basic English grammar ffs. "More fudgier" is a mistake you stop making in grade school, TayTay. It's embarrassing. Does she wants people to believe she's eloquent enough to write a blog? No wonder it's totally abandoned now.(nitpicking grammar)

No. 326029

That and only ever eating salad. Not suspicious at all. I swear, she hasn't posted eating anything other than rabbit food recently.

That whole sentence is a train wreck. Both grammatically and stylistically.

No. 326038

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After anon >>326009 mentioned Sharla's comments I went to look for them and indeed they are usually very shoer, two or three words most of the time lol

BUT, the interesting thing is, during my search I stumbled upon this comment under one of her older cooking videos and apparently she worked at Swiss Chalet at 14. Now, has she ever mentioned she worked there before or is she rewriting history again to try and seem self-made and relatable?

No. 326042

lmfao the "restaurant industry"
I think she mentioned being a greeter or table clearing person there before, yeah. A 14yo can work in food prep in a restaurant kitchen in Canada?? That would surprise me, there are a lot of regulations when it comes to preparing food. Would you want any food prepared by TayTay?

No. 326045

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>A 14yo can work in food prep in a restaurant kitchen in Canada?
No they absolutely cannot lmao. All they are allowed to do is mix salads and wash dishes.

Link to source: https://www.gov.mb.ca/labour/standards/doc,young-workers,factsheet.html

No. 326046

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No. 326047

>Would you want any food prepared by TayTay?
Yes please! I'll have the no gluten, no dairy, no carb, no fat COLD salad with the side of low calorie rice noodles seasoned with baby spit. Thank you.

Sneering aside I get stressed out every time I watch her cook with her loose, asslong hair 'this' close to getting into the bowls and pots. Yuck.

Tbf, she didn't say she cooked per se, so she isn't really lying.

No. 326070

New video (with ancient content) from Taylor and to no one'sf surprise it's another sponsored vlog. Well, turns out the dumb and boring brow shade content was indeed sponsored as some anons suggested.

No. 326073

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Some highlights that made me roll my eyes or roll on the floor laughing.

1) I love how the vet basically said "Yeah you're dog's fine, it is just angry with you" lmao

2) Has a half-Chinese kid that's growing up in HK, is surprised he likes Asian food.

3) She's cutting down on sugar for her "PCOS and fertility" lmao Yeah, sure, the classic ex-model justification for ED behaviour - ~it's for my hormones and PCOS! I also should cut down yeast and all kinds of bread for my health~.
I'm surprised she didn't mention her "thyroid" because it's the second most popular justification for overly restrictive 'healthy diets'.

4) Anons who say she wants a daughter to play dressup with are absolutely right. It's also kinda dumb to stop wearing pink to match your boy toddler. Like, dress him in pink to match you, it won't kill him.

5) Limits sugar "for her skin", tries stupid trends from tiktok on said skin. Sigh. Doesn't even have enough braincells to do a patch test first.

6) Who the fuck gets an invitation to a toddler's birthday party and seeing that it's costumed, assumes it's about her outfit, too, and not just the kids? Like? Why would that be your first thought?

No. 326085

>She's cutting down on sugar for her "PCOS and fertility"
Then Tom should limit his sugar intake too. Maybe it will heal his infertility LOL. It's a two-way street, Taylor. You can't keep restricting yourself for something you have no control over - your moid's geriatric sperm.

No. 326086

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Goes to get a coffee in a cafe after a vet appointment and takes the dog with her. The dog sits on her lap while she enjoys her "solitary time", calls it "giving attention" to the dog… She never changes.
It does feel like she's going through a rough patch in her relationship(s) though. She's been mentioning it or hinting at it way too often recently.

No. 326088

God she’s so retarded.
Poor Rosie. Even though she’s a silly little designer dog she deserves attention. Does she get chicken these days as she used to when Taylor would put the stupid chicken song in every vlog?

No. 326094

Taylor is struggling with solitary time and work-life balance, everyone. The same Taylor that has not lived on her own and by her own means for the past ten years.

It's so hard to commit to the two hours a day that you spend parroting reels and sending them to your assistants to do the rest… And so hard to find time for your loved ones with a live-in domestic helper/nanny taking care of most of the chores for you so you only have to make yourself salad once a day… It's so hard and exhausting! Someone give her a break from this madness, let the poor working mama rest!/s

No. 326097

>Has a half-Chinese kid that's growing up in HK, is surprised he likes Asian food
Lmao. She can't be this retarded, my god. Did she expect him to crave maple syrup or something?

No. 326098

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I'm cringing so hard at this video's ending. I bet in her mind she's being super witty and funny. I wish she posted this video before anon made the thread. It would've fit right in the threadpic lol

No. 326099

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Now now, even Taylor needs rest from Tom's presence and Levi's clinginess.

On a different topic. Is it me or she stopped pumping her face? She looks like her old self here.

No. 326101

> Try savoury oats!
>Try lighter brows!
>Try Benefit's brow products!
>Be wary of Castor oil all over your skin
Tjose are literally all her problems besides her nasty husband and her dog pissing in her bed

No. 326124

What work? Why does she keep trying to larp like she has a job? Might as well just get one at that point, if she wants to act like it so badly.

No. 326135

I actually thought the opposite: she looks unnaturally bloated and puffy to me here. However, I bet it's partially because of whatever smoothing settings Jess used to take the picture. I also think Taylor usually doesn't photograph this side of her face, she prefers the other side iirc. I don't care enough to go check but usually people have a favorite side.

No. 326143

I agree she looks so wide. She always gets this weird cheek treatment that makes her look like a cartoon figure

No. 326149

She definitely still gets botox regularly. Not a single muscle on her face moves. But seems like she stopped getting undereye fillers or what were those monstrous bags called.

No. 326166

Must be hard to be friends with a person that has everything you have, want and aim at, but better lol I wonder if Taylor ever feels jealous of Jess.

No. 326167

Does she even expose him to the said "Canadian food?". All she ever cooks is Asian cuisine.

No. 326168

>She's cutting down on sugar for her "PCOS and fertility"
>the classic ex-model justification for ED behaviour
OMG, this! Mods have been flagging anons for suggesting she's back to her ana but it's clear as day she is.
Remember how she confessed to choosing fruits and vegan menu on the plane so that they won't serve her any carbs and high calorie food? I don't see how this behaviour is different.

No. 326170

That's also called watching your weight. She does need to be as healthy as possible and she isn't starving herself. Anons just want her to be an anachan again because its milky, but she's clearly still eating.

No. 326172

Watching your weight when you're already stick skinny is ana, anon. Restricting your already balanced and healthy diet is also ana.

>She does need to be as healthy as possible

Umm… For what exactly? Plus, she was never unhealthy or overweight or had any health issues triggered by food. So why would she "watch what she eats" now?

>she's not starving herself/she's still eating

Anachan doesn't only mean eating nothing. It means overly restricting your food intake, fearing gaining weight and having skewed body image. Sounds familiar?

No. 326173

But she's not stick thin.(*bones rattling*)

No. 326258

Her arm in the OP pic legit looks like a skeleton and that last bikini pic she posted, her legs are literally little sticks that dont touch… come on

No. 326262

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The way I wanted to puke after reading these conversations. Taylor dumping TMI on her followers once again. Otoh, the second fangirl kinda deserves it for complimenting the puke in her hair, bleh. Just say her hair looks fine and be done, no need to put yourself down to compliment an influencer.
The way Taylor worded the first reply is not much better. She definitely has a weird way with words.

No. 326267

How to easily trigger Taylor and her fangirls.
- say she's a trad wife and a gold digger
- say posting reels is not a real job
- say she's ana
- say her cooking is meh
- say Tom is ugly, old and infertile

Does she have no filter whatsoever?! No one wants to know how you caught your baby's vomit, Taylor, wtf. Disgusting.

No. 326313

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Apparently many followers thought she was pregnant but she was quick to correct them.

>expecting elbowsan's cutie

May I puke? Her audience truly changed so much. What kind of backwards thinking and labeling is this?

No. 326316

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I was convinced her audience is completely changed now but then I see sane comments like these (which get ignored by Taylor, of course) and realise that she probably either deletes a lot or ignores them to the point where they drown to the bottom of the comment section.

No. 326320

Once again I pray to all gods that they have another son. No girl deserves to be associated with Tom.

Well, judging by her hysterical responses to the godforsaken chicken video and the fungus shampoo, she gets quite a number of those still, but yeah the shift is tangible.

No. 326344

Her caption about going out with the girls, having a little puke somewhere (her actual words!) and feeling much better just smacks of thinly veiled bulimia posting. The phrasing was so bizarre and half of the people in the comments were confused, but apparently she was referring to Levi's puke from the previous night which she decided not to wash out??

No. 326348

For those that don’t work in social media, you can buy your audience on most platforms. As in, choose what kind of viewer you want. I’ve done it before.

She definitely has done this and it was apparent as soon as she started trying for a baby. Almost any and all mentions of Japan or anything BUT mommy blogging has disappeared.

She’s also definitely used/usingthe filter feature where you can block certain words or phrases from being commented to help change or silence her audience.(tinfoiling/no1currs)

No. 326352

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I'm in love with her fb comment section lmao. Only her cooking videos get traction there and along with views they get a LOT of unfiltered comments lol Somehow the audience there is much more blunt and straightforward despite having less anonymity than insta. It's also interesting that she doesn't seem to clean it up as much as she cleans up insta.

No. 326353

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Oh, these are a blast! Well, people on facebook are mostly from an older generation or the "non-woke" millenials, hence the lack of filter. Sometimes I miss the good old times where you could call out other's bullshit online and not get cancelled.

>all of you vegan "influencers" have the exact same video

Ughhh, this is gonna burn someone's flat ass so badly! Lmao
I didn't even notice she completely butchered the spelling of "refrigerator" - pic attached.

>no one eats chocolate mousse for health

Fairest point of them all. If you wanna eat "healthy" zero calorie desert, chew on some carrots. Don't substitute all the ingredients of a well-known recipe and call it the same thing "but healthy".

No. 326359

She admitted herself not too long ago that she still doesn't know any Cantonese or Mandarin, because it's ~just too hard~. In stark contrast, she put lots of effort into learning Japanese when she lived there and even had her own private 1:1 tutor to coach her. I think it says a lot that she makes no effort to actually integrate into Tom's culture and the country they live in, especially when still Tom speaks such limited English. It makes the superficial golddiger nature of their relationship all the more apparent.

No. 326383

Eh? Didn't she at some point admit that she couldn'd speak any Japanese at all and and was just pretending? She said she had her assistant write everything for her and just read/memorized the exact words her asssistant gave her?

No. 326384

Yeah. She never knew enough Japanese to communicate. I remember her struggling to read even basic katakana, let alone any hiragana or kanjis. She just pretended to be studying and actually speaking it for her channel. All she did was repeat after her "tutor" for the voice-overs.
She likes to pretend she studied it or even knew enough of it, but there more than enough evidence of the opposite.

She also likes to pretend she "forgot" French, when she knows as much French as she does Japanese/Mandarin/Cantonese.

>doesn't know any Cantonese or Mandarin, because it's ~just too hard~

It's even funnier. She found Mandarin "too hard" and decided to learn Cantonese instead lmao Cantonese which has 6 tones instead of Mandarin 4 and didn't simplify the Characters and use the traditional writing, which is also harder lmao Of course she couldn't learn it.

No. 326392

>She found Mandarin "too hard" and decided to learn Cantonese instead lmao Cantonese which has 6 tones instead of Mandarin 4
I agree with most of your post, except I think it was that she tried Cantonese, found it hard, thought Mandarin would be easier, of course it wasn't, and now she's trying Cantonese again bc of Levi's playgroup.

I don't hear Levi or Tom speaking Cantonese at all in her clips. If she's going to use her son for views, it would be cool to see how Tom speaks Cantonese to him. I know Yumi King was cringe but I thought the vids of her speaking Chinese to her son were pretty interesting and cute. I'm sure Levi will do fine in English but I'm wondering how his Cantonese is meant to develop when Tom seems to only speak broken English around and to him. Their domestic helper/nanny is foreign, so she's not the one teaching him Cantonese. Well, anyway, I'm sure it'll work out.

Did she ever do a real nursery tour? I've seen some mountains on the wall of his room but was curious about other decorations in there. I could have sworn she mentioned decorating it with wild animals (which sounded fun) but I can't find the vid so maybe I misremembered.

No. 326393

Oh, you might very much be right. I could've misremembered the order of language-learning. Anyhow, the result was the same lol
Levi always speaks English in her videos. The only time he used a Cantonese word, "lailai" was for a formula ad, so I'm not sure if it was genuine or not.
I'm sure they'll send him to an international school, but I hope they teach Mandarin or Cantonese there, because learning it in school is the only realistic option.

>Did she ever do a real nursery tour?

She never did. Only promised to show it when it's done and either forgot to film it or decided not to for whatever reason. She did make a series of posts about his 'super cool transforming with age' bed some weeks ago, but that was it.

No. 326414

Tbf, japanese is simpler even if you take out the grammar rules, so that makes sense.

No. 326416

Taylor would love everyone to think that she's multilingual and studied many languages. The reality is that she's terrible even at English. Her track record in studying in general is abysmal. She abandoned her studies to become a model, took up nutrition classes and couldn't finish those, picked up Japanese and gave up almost right away, went to sewing classes before starting her 'fashion business' but never talked about it again, etc.
Let's say her head is for growing hair only.

No. 326427


By what measure is Japanese easier? Pronunciation, definitely yes. but grammatically, not really.
and she didn't even try with Japanese or has really bad ears for language, which is ok. More likely, she just couldn't be bothered to actually put in the effort.

No. 326455

>now she's trying Cantonese again bc of Levi's playgroup
She brought that up ages ago when Levi was not even 1, then never again. She gave it up like always.

>Tom seems to only speak broken English around and to him

I'm sure Tom and his side of the family speak to Levi in Canto when Taylor is not around, as well as Levi's Chinese friends and their parents. They use the broken English when Taylor's there because she would get all sad and pissy otherwise that she can't understand.

No. 326537

I unfollowed Taylor today since the caption about puke, the tradwife signaling about cooking for your man owo, the constant posting about food combined with being visibly underweight and posing in ways that emphasise it (which imo she didn't do before) is all rubbing me the wrong way, giving me the proverbial ick. She seems to have lost the cuteness and personality she used to have, and her attempts at relatable content are all copies of some other trend, like not a single original piece of content goes through this girl's account. I'm not put off by the mommy vlogger aspect, her son is super cute and the content featuring him is normal, it's everything else lately that's putting me off.(no1currs )

No. 326552

Welcome to the club nonna
>like not a single original piece of content goes through this
Even back then in her daily vlogging time she used to heavily copy Casey Neistad. Probably some nonas here remember. The lip overlining was a Kylie Jenner copy and how can I forget the Dakota Rose baby alien with a dad hat copy

No. 326566

It feels like back then she did her own twist on her influences, more inspired and original, like she is obviously nothing like Casey but was inspired by aspects of his videos (such as the timelapses) and they were her own content, not 1:1 scene for scene remakes like now. Now it's more like she finds people vaguely similar to her in the inoffensive influencer sphere and does a 1:1 copy, I think that's why it feels so lifeless now. I also prefer her old editing style over the people she hires, it all just seems so generic now. It's like she's trying to grasp for the personal touch with some details she adds in, but hasn't any real enthusiasm for this stuff anymore, she'll pretend to reach for the camera at the end of a clip, as if she was using a tripod, when her assistant is holding the camera, referencing social occasions but not actually sharing them, it seems so clinical. It's definitely just a job to her now which is a shame.

No. 326571

I think the difference is she's doing trends so of course its all copied.

No. 326605

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Well, she definitely misses life in Canada. She'd never say it openly but life in HK is not for her. She's given enough hints that she doesn't like (if not hate) living there. She'd be billion times more happy living near her family.

No. 326609

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That's for sure! She was hoping to spend at least half a year in Canada but life (and Tom) decided otherwise.

The following story is noteworthy, too. Another low carb, high fiber, a bit of protein "lunch". Notice how she stopped posting her dinners. It's always half a bite for lunch and nothing more. When was the last time she posted about her dinner? The chips and vitamin drinks don't count.(nitpicking)

No. 326617

Taylor was kinda blindsided like why did he buy a house in Canada to only spend two weeks a year there? Even well after lockdowns ended and there was no excuse not to travel more. Not like they can't afford the flights either, both of them are self employed and can easily work from a laptop (i.e. digital nomad)
It seems like everything is Tom's way and she's too scared of losing the bag to push it.
If she has really gone anorexic or bulimic as anons speculate, it's a clear sign she feels a loss of control and feels stressed.

No. 326692

This is…weird. Is Levi on the spectrum? This was a weird thing to do(armchairing/tinfoiling)

No. 326711

With Tom being old AF and having weak degraded sperm, it wouldn't be surprising. But Levi talks, responds to his name, and has appropriate emotions/reactions to things so probably not.(sperging about geriatric sperm again)

No. 326839

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I think there's enough ground to say that her diet consists of mostly the same four ingredients - chicken/fish, avocado, lattuce and some sort of wrap - preferably low carb and high fiber. Occasionally she'll dab in a bit of cheese, another vegetable or some dressing, but never more than a pinch. This is anything but a healthy relationship with food. Yikes. What's her end goal anyway? She's already very skinny.

No. 326849

We've seen evidence over the years that Tom controls things like her hair length and color (does not allow her to cut it short or dye it a dark color, as confirmed by Taylor herself) so I wouldn't be surprised if he demands other things, like her staying under a certain weight. She seemed scared as hell to gain even a single inch around her waist after giving birth, hence all the crazy wrapping shit. There's probably a constant paranoia there that if she does anything with her appearance that displeases Tom, she will lose everything.

No. 326855

Lmao, or the pseudoscientific "Improve your egg quality" book told her to. She's always had questionable relationship with food. Interesting how she thinks restricting her diet will solve all the problems, Tom's infertility included lol How about he eats more healthy and does some sports?

No. 326856

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Dear Taylor, could you please stop shoving the damn camera into your ugly, overdrawn mouth? It's not as quirky and cute as you think. Thank you. And no one cares about your dumb recipes, you're not the chef your fangirls make you believe you are. Some bootlicker was even asking for a "Taylor cookbook" in the comments.

This is not specifically about Taylor, but I wish these braindead vloggers/influencers get off their high horses and stop pretending they're actually good at anything. E.g. if you don't have culinary training, you shouldn't be giving "revolutionary" cooking advice. Because what they do in reality is either copy the recipes of renowned chefs and pretend they came up with it, or straight up copy other influencers, who also copy either a chef or yet another "vlogger".

No. 326858

I rolled my eyes so hard when I saw this video. Back again with the stupid crunch sound. She really wants to go viral for making some random food crunchy with soda kek maybe the Facebook nona can share some people roast her under this video

No. 326862

Lol, same. It's a useless tip in the first place. If your shrimp is fresh, you don't have to do the Chinese restaurant cold water marinating technique she shows. Her "hack" is for removing the smell and improving the texture of not-so-fresh shrimp lol. But I guess the tiktok vid she stole the idea from didn't disclose that.

No. 326903

Her diet reminds me of that of Sanne Vloet - a has-been VS model who now sells supplements, matcha and a "wellness" app. You gotta check out one of her many 'What I eat in a day' videos, they will eerily remind you of Taylor's salad-obsession and calorie-deficient meals. I don't think it's a coincidence that all anachans are in love with the lattuce-chicken-avocado combo. The only difference between Taylor and Sanne is that Sanne at least tries to eat three meals a day (or pretends to).

No. 326941

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Guess who posted the shilled staycation a month late. Notice the "PR" in the bottom. Did the HK law change? Why the sudden change of morals lol?

No. 326942

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Some gems from the comments.
As much as you'd like to believe it, toddlers don't see that big of a difference between a regular FREE playground and one in an expensive hotel lol No, wait, the fresh air and playmates would make a difference. I take that back lmao
I'm not surprised though, totally expected from someone who claimed a first class ticket on a long haul flight made no difference for her kid, or someone you takes her dog to cafes as a pet/owner activity.

P. S. Taylor and "worked hard" do not belong in the same sentence lol

No. 326943

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Nta, but the video got ZERO traction on fb. One of the four comments is hers lmao.

No. 326945

This made me realize she never changed her last name to Tom's. Another thing that says a lot about the nature of their relationship… makes her tradwife larping even more cringe, there's nothing trad about her at all.

No. 326946

Lmao, not the *gifted/pr. Lmao. She's so pretentious. I highly doubt she decided to become transparent all of a sudden. May be it was requested by the hotel? Because she never tags the uglyass bags and earrings she shills, neither does she disclose the makeup products.

No. 326969

I noticed in the comments people were saying that this type of thing was super expensive and thousands of dollars a night, but when I checked google it says it’s like $350ish (which is a lot but not as much as a real luxury hotel)

No. 326976

File: 1716504043939.png (239.05 KB, 322x450, 1000027220.png)

are these earrings some kind of covert ad? She's wearing them in almost every pic and reel, it seems. She has a couple other pairs that look like the same manufacturer. But it's almost comical how often she wears these.(nitpicking)

No. 326977

File: 1716504542227.jpg (355.47 KB, 1080x2033, family suite.jpg)

Not sure where you checked, but these are the rates on their offical website. In HKD it would be about 14k per night.

No. 326978

I think they are. She never hashtags gifted or promotional items. If you're lucky to catch a story where she mentions the brand or thanks them for the PR package, then you can prove it's sponsored e.g. the numerous Ferragamo bags. Otherwise, good luck pinning her.

If I'm not mistaken the earrings are from Heaven Mayhem and she wore similar ones during the trip to Bali.

No. 326979

You can't really see it in the video but she literally recreated this same outfit to shoot the cooking reel. She posted it to her stories when she was filming it. Too bad I didn't screenshot it.
No idea why she did it, though. Like, she could've worn literally any other outfit. Why go the length of recreating a look from weeks ago for a new reel?

No. 326983

File: 1716508283289.jpg (1.31 MB, 2160x2160, Collage2024042411.jpg)

You made me curious, nonnies, so I went on a search for more info on the outfit details and you won't believe what I found on the top's brand's insta. Find 10 differences kek Taylor copycating looks, again?! Rofl, paint me surprised. Fashion designer, fashionista, fashion influencer my ass. Never change, TayTay, never change.

No. 326990

holy shit. That's uncanny. Even the shoes, the pose, the unbuttoned top. Shameless copy

No. 326997

The shirt is an exact match whereas the other items are just similar, leopardprint shoes and jeans but a different cut and style, and a very different bag. So I guess she got the shirt and then searched to see how other people styled it and decided to copy everything in the example including the pose. I feel like as a fashion influencer shouldn't you be able to figure out how to style it yourself? It's like she needs the validity of someone else doing it first before she will do anything, like she has zero faith in her own choices.

No. 326999

shes worn those shoes before too, i think she likes them and in the brand Instagram photos most of the pants are oversized.

No. 327012

Is there an archived version of these vids mentioned in the OP?
>After news of this spread, Taylor made two videos defending the right of men to ogle children (it’s “cultural”! Don’t like, don’t click!)
Of course I have looked through old threads for them, but the OG vids are obvs deleted now and I didn't see any archived links for it.

No. 327014

File: 1716528223159.png (653.93 KB, 864x1187, 1000027238.png)

You can watch the first one on archive.org, pretty sure it was linked in one of the old threads. Someone should probably download and archive it. I'll try to do it tonight. https://web.archive.org/web/20190515014037/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fpcZSjOdPY She does misrepresent a lot of stuff here. Like all cows, she assumes it's only one person out to get her, focuses on one truly insane commenter, etc.

No. 327015

second is just unlisted, this should be archived as well.

No. 327017

File: 1716529851523.jpg (1.31 MB, 2160x2160, 109470320240524.jpg)

Makes a boob taping tutorial, tapes it over a shirt - I thought she was OK with showing bras lol But lo and behold, the brand of the said shirt "happens" to share her reel to their stories and Taylor "happens" to link the top in her stories, too. She can't be more obvious.

No. 327018

Download this one, too, please. Seeing how she (or her minion) likes to lurk here she might delete this one, too.

No. 327019


The voice trembling. Oh she was SO scared. It sounds like her and Tom were about to split. I guarantee he made her film this or else.

No. 327020

>she needs the validity of someone else doing it first before she will do anything, like she has zero faith in her own choices
Spot. On! And it's not only with fashion content. It's with EVERYTHING. Explains the shot by shot copied reels too.

May I add, the fact that she has enough clothes to keep copying other people's styles but can't come up with a way to combine them by herself is wild. And she dares to call herself a creative person?

No. 327021

i have class and work for the next 8h unfortunately(this is not a chatroom)

No. 327027

That label has been camping under her "fashion" reels for a while lmao If you scroll long enough, you can always find them leaving soulless, generic one-liners.(this is an imageboard)

No. 327047

File: 1716570614689.jpg (2.11 MB, 3000x8329, 1716570021130.jpg)

Women with big boobs in the comments: it doesn't work for us.

Taylor and her mildly asymmetrical pimples: Aqshually, it does! I have saggy boobs a size bigger than before breastfeeding, so shut up, I'm always right and if I say it works, then it works, try harder!

No. 327048

File: 1716571709483.jpg (3.81 MB, 5000x5000, 20240524001395_01.jpg)

No idea what it adds to the discussion, but here are some examples.

No. 327049

Gotta love how she acts like she has some bad case of sagging boobs that just won't stay in place no matter what she does. Reminds me of her pity party over a single, barely visible "stretch mark".

No. 327051

>they voted on the uniforms they thought were the sexiest and then had a model pose suggestively in them

i love how she states this and then skims past it completely even though it's disgusting and the whole reason people were upset(sage your shit)

No. 327058

her botox looks like it's melting in this video

No. 327070

middle commenter seems triggered, Taylor has about a C like they're not tiny, it's giving "curvy women are REAL women"
That one guy who always says pervy shit but she has yet to block, he was one of the ones like "thank you for this" whenever she posts a glimpse of bra and panties
ItS The CuLtUre Anon! That was her biggest handmaiden moment, she also stopped dying her hair blonde after that because "it was too expensive to maintain" aka Tom didn't like it

No. 327074

Botox just freezes the muscles and is generally undetectable a part from parts of the face not activating during an expression. You probably mean filler which is known to migrate around the face and distort the features.

No. 327076

Thanks anon. This was even worse than I expected. The fact that she scrolls through those sexualized pics of a 13 year old without the slightest hint of disgust or shock on her face is so sociopathic. Any other woman would be horrified by that shit.

No. 327085

She sold her body and soul to that dude fr. As much as that money would change my life, I don’t think I could do this.

No. 327089

File: 1716624374040.jpg (363.75 KB, 1080x2110, Screenshot_2024-25-12-02-41-06…)

You can't make this up. Did she post this by mistake?! A podcast about weight loss? Is she OK?

No. 327091

File: 1716632484400.png (602.45 KB, 864x1410, 1000027341.png)

Jesus. why is she listening to this? One of the best podcasts ever? It's pretty obvious that a healthful diet should avoid processed sugars and processed food in general, that's been common knowledge since before we were born

No. 327092

Well, because she's looking for reasons to justify her starvation diet. Someone send her a podcast on orthorexia and anorexia instead.

No. 327094

File: 1716637756927.jpg (1.79 MB, 2160x2160, IMG20240525154504.jpg)

Her friend Jess has gestational diabetes and is on a strict diet right now. I wonder if she's the reason behind Taylor's sudden interest in diabetes, insulin and cutting out sugar.

No. 327095

File: 1716637967995.jpg (274.21 KB, 1080x1899, Screenshot_20240525_1533.jpg)

We're in for a ride, grab some caramel popcorn. The new no sugar season of Taylor's ana is starting.

No. 327097

File: 1716639978632.jpg (626.11 KB, 3195x2400, 1000027355.jpg)

From the glucosegoddess page she's "bingeing": great, more pseudoscience. I see Valeria is a fan. The dr's comment on the left debunks the cash grab. I somehow doubt this has anything to do with Jess, gestational diabetes sucks but goes away after birth. If the mother is otherwise healthy, it's just bad luck or genetics.

No. 327104

File: 1716648500189.jpg (1.04 MB, 2160x2160, sugarhater.jpg)

What a load of bullshit this podcast was. I want my lost 2 hours back. Otoh, that's on me for checking out something this dumbass recommended.
Basically what he's saying is you gotta stop eating sugar and other sweeteners, because it's the cause of ALL health problems and you'll DIE early if you keep eating sugar. You know what else will KILL you and your kids according to this man? Basically everything around you, because it all causes OBESITY!
Shouldn't have expected nothing less from a man Taylor now worships.

These two clips were enough for me to understand what she's all about. The same as the pretentious old jeezer - sugar is a bad poison, avoid at all costs!

No. 327106

Castor oil is a hair and skincare miracle she's so dumb lol. You only need basic intelligence and the ability to feel to know when you used too much, etc. This specifically is an oil that oily skinned people should seek out. I know she has the gentle acne-prone disclaimer, but she doesn't have a "reproducing with especially gross older moids for profit may cause or exacerbate mental health issues" warning. When pursuing her lifestyle is going to cause a lot more harm in the long run for the vast majority of people.

No. 327111

The irony is that she's married to a fatass. Why not put him on one of these diets (since she claims to totally cook all the meals for him, such a #tradwife) instead of herself. How does an ana-chan even stand being with a fatty, how's it not embarrassing?

No. 327121

Finally some milk that even the pickiest farmer will appreciate lol All those wks reporting posts about her being back to her good old anachan like it's their part-time job better take their reports back lmao There's no more proof than this.

No. 327122

He's perfect the way he is, you haters! He's not fat. He's a young, healthy, good-looking slightly chubby man with a great personality. Jk.
Her insecurities are clearly exacerbated by Tom and his preferences. The only things she can offer him is eggs and a model body. Since in her mind she's failing with the first she has to ramp up the other to compensate.

No. 327123

Holy cow. She's already on a gluten-free, dairy-free diet for no apparent reason. Is it not enough for her? What's next? Yeast-free - the latest trendy "allergy" among anorexic influencers?

Interesting thought. I wouldn't put it past her to get 'diet' inspiration from a person with a real health condition. Madame Copycat couldn't possibly resist the urge to try a hot new diet her pregnant friend is on. Sounds like something she would do.

No. 327173

She's lost it kek is she going full swing into her ana arc?
Interesting word choice with "bingeing" as well
This sounds about right, she has no original thoughts so it makes sense she'd start larping her friend's diabetes. Taylor needs an intervention and therapy like think for yourself girl! use your brain! You can do it girl! like a lifecoach specifically for that glaring issue

No. 327178

The girl has no education beyond high school. Plus, she started modeling while still in high school, so she likely paid very little attention during it. That’s after seemingly being born to apparent morons.

She has no job experience. Sure, she claimed “working” at 14…but I’d bet big money it was sweeping floors at a family friend’s business once in a while and nothing legit.

Think about it, her entire life from age 16 (?) or so has been about looking pretty and being thin. She has never had a reason or real opportunity to use her brain.

She’ll end up like they all do: best case scenario being rich but cheated on with a new “model(s)” (pun intended) and tied a man she hates but will NEVER be free from (since she had his kid), and at worst? Dumped, outcast, and penniless.

Like if she gets left her life is so over. So really, her staying thin, chasing away any aging signs (she already looks very much her age, 29 at the youngest), and keeping The Toad happy sexually is the only thing keeping her from single motherhood at a low-pay secretary job in Canadian suburbia.

No self-respecting guy (moid or otherwise) will touch her after her history. No self respecting woman will want to be her friend. Her sugar baby/incubator lifestyle (especially done in Asia bc so many westerners are racist towards Asians, especially Chinese ones) will not be as tolerated in Canada/The US as it has been as the Token Pretty Foreigner there. Out here she’s just another whore.

No. 327187

Giving scrotes waaay too much credit here. They don't care about women's personalities or actions, they only care what she looks like. And I can't speak for Canada, but Asian-American men fetishize tf out of white women and would absolutely take her in just because she's white + slim. See >>>/snow/1277974

But I think she'll never be able to leave HK if this ever happened anyway, because she wouldn't get sole custody of her kid and wouldn't be able to move away with him.

No. 327189

>she wouldn't get sole custody of her kid and wouldn't be able to move away with him.
This is true, I can't see them ever breaking up tbh like I am sure there has been at least a little cheating or sex workers etc considering that mysterious, salary based private part of his "men's club" website which most suspected to be sex work connected, and how easily she brushed it all under the carpet >>327014 Like we can extrapolate from that she doesn't care about sleazy stuff.
Tom does seem like a quiet and eaaygoing person so I can't imagine any serious fights or violence either which would be the only reason I could see her cutting loose.
Her future seems to be in Hong Kong based on recent past and the anchor baby, and I anticipate very little changing except she slowly gets more insane, which we are seeing tiny clues of already with the weird caption about "a little sick somewhere" and sharing sugar free weight loss videos when she's a size 0 >>327089(tinfoiling)

No. 327198

File: 1716742694907.jpg (1.2 MB, 1953x6452, Screenshot_20240526_2051.jpg)

A fresh batch of fb comments for the lols. These were under the boob taping reel. The cooking one flopped miserably lol. Turns out no one cares about "snappy" shrimp or whatever adjective she used lol.

No. 327199

File: 1716742879375.jpg (65.98 KB, 1080x367, Screenshot_20240526_2043.jpg)

And this gem was under the Shangri-la shill lmao Zero chill.

No. 327206

Tom is already paying for her services. Why hire another one lol?

S/N Is surrogacy even legal in HK?

No. 327210

To be fair her video didn’t claim it’s for ALL tiddies no? Not everything is for all sizes and if your breasts are too big you’re probably not gonna wear a top like she did in the video

No. 327212

What shit does she listen to regularly if this smelly garbage is the best podcast she ever listened to?

It's not. Even if Tom agreed to pay for it, it's not really an option.
>It is only permissible in Hong Kong to enter into an altruistic surrogacy arrangement whereby the surrogate mother will carry a pregnancy without receiving monetary compensation from the intended parents.



No. 327216

They could go stay in Canada temporarily and use one there. I can't see her going for that though as it would make her feel like a "failure" again.

No. 327222


One day Tom probably pinched her stomach and said "uh oh, fatty fat, bad!" and she spiralled into restrictive eating instead of thinking "Hm…why is my husband attracted to prepubescent bodies?"(tinfoil)

No. 327240

You got the customary taylor r thread tinfoil cookie but the chance he hasn't done that is minimal, not like moids are known for their gently relayed opinions on female bodies.(continuing the tinfoil)

No. 327327

File: 1716899937560.jpg (296.6 KB, 1080x1915, disgusting closeup number thou…)

Does she have a crunch fetish or something? This is getting annoying and repetitive. And that fake crunch sound again lmao At least use a different track, dumbass.(nitpicking)

No. 327330

The droopy chipmunk cheeks, Jesus. Stop it with the fillers, Taylor, ffs.(nitpicking)

No. 327331

The recipe at least looks good. But I consume and cook all kinds of tofu and have never had a piece that crunched like she's claiming this does. It sounds really fake and I agree that there's a weird focus on stuff no one ever at any point followed her for. Do you think she is turning into a cooking IG because of what that fortune teller told her years ago?

No. 327332

Honey? Last time I checked honey was a POISON to her. Lmao. What about the zero sugar and sweeteners diet? Or did she stop the pseudoscience "binge" as quickly as she started?

No. 327334

She films the videos ahead of time. At times weeks ahead. So, she still could be in the midst of her "sugar bad, protein good" madness but the content won't reflect that for a while.

No. 327335

File: 1716907067241.jpg (1.23 MB, 2160x2160, 20240528183542.jpg)

Look at her pretend that the tofu shit recipe is a success and has positive reactions lmao Nonas should brings roasts from facebook more often kek(nitpicking)

No. 327343

File: 1716916407419.jpg (58.24 KB, 1080x351, Screenshot_20240528_17.jpg)

Bingo! Someone was asking the same thing in the comments. They also pointed out how she didn't get a girl as promised. Lol add salt to the wound.

No. 327344

Fried tofu can have this crunch and searing it can too, especially if you use firm tofu. Not sure what you're doing wrong. Unless someone has the software to breakdown her audio we can't even tell if it's added in post or not.

There's natural sugars that are fine for you. She's didn't say she's swearing off anything with sugar content altogether, but not eating stuff that's processed isn't a bad sentiment. At least that's what I got from her posts and the random nutritionist lady.

Did the video even have anything to do with the fortune teller lol This sounds so random to just add 'Looks delicious' at the end of it.(wk/infighting)

No. 327345

File: 1716917709490.jpg (1.94 MB, 2160x2160, IMG_20240528_13.jpg)

There's NO way tofu covered in sauce is gonna crunch like that. She should cut the bullshit. Even if it was that crunchy after frying, it would get more silky and soggy after adding it to the sauce.

That must be the only positive response she got, hence the need to post it ASAP and use the chance to push that flop of a recipe lmao Notice how she completely ignored all the negative comments on fb but as soon as someone mentioned her on insta, she reposted it in a matter of an hour to brag lol.

Nah, that's such a reach! I bet even Taylor doesn't remember what the scammer told her.

No. 327346

To be fair, she isn't tagged in a lot of stuff, so obviously this would be seen pretty quick.

No. 327349

File: 1716920615092.jpg (273.71 KB, 1080x1100, 21170820240528.jpg)

Another gem from her heavily curated comment section.
Did she just mention "doing research"? Lmao. How come links to the said "research/studies" are only requested when someone criticises her recipes or reels in general? Where is her talent in "research" when she's trying bullshit health and beauty hacks and recommends unhealthy diets?

No. 327350

Oh, look, the wk squad is here. Prerare for continued mass banning lmao

Do you have to bend backwards so much to "defend" Taylor and her dumb recipes? It's obvious that the audio was added later or how she likes to call it - "enhanced".

She literally posted a podcast about zero sugar weight loss diet, where a scammer is pushing the narrative that everything around you causes obesity and is dangerous for your and your children's health, then she linked another scammer who says EVERY kind of sweetener is bad for you and you have to buy her pills to battle it. What other clues you need to see that she's on a no sugar, no sweets train to ana station?

She didn't even refute what op was saying just needed to point out that she does "research".(derailing)

No. 327351

You just should not heat up honey because it loses it’s medicinal benefits that’s all

No. 327357

This is not the first time that she is impressed by pseudoscientific documentaties and influencers. Wasn't she claiming that she went vegan after watching a highly controversial and debunked Netflix documentary that claimed all animal products are poison and whatnot?
I won't even mention goop and all the guano related to that. So, yeah, Taylor is in her element. Getting into restrictive diets for her "health" after "doing extensive research".(this is an imageboard)

No. 327358

OP didn't even mention honey becoming "harmful" or "toxic" after heating, Taylor just jumped to conclusions and added that herself lol What a retard. Her tone is the cherry on top, trying to sound smart and educated while making a joke out of herself.

No. 327366

>Fried tofu can have this crunch and searing it can too, especially if you use firm tofu. Not sure what you're doing wrong. Unless someone has the software to breakdown her audio we can't even tell if it's added in post or not.

ayrt. I want to try the recipe anyway so I'll report back and make a sound file for you if that would help. I'll be shocked if it sounds like this even without the sauce. That said, I'm sure it tastes good.

Since there isn't a microphone or high-quality recording equipment near her mouth, I feel like we can reasonably agree the sound was added in post.(blogposting/no1currs)

No. 327371

I think you're looking for the cooking thread >>>/ot/1949746 it's more appropriate for the type of posting you want to do and how much you want to talk about your cooking. We don't need an update on your personal blog post sound byte when it wouldn't even be possible to verify if you edited it or not either and I highly doubt you want to post a video of yourself to prove it.

No. 327484

File: 1717107657471.jpg (295.77 KB, 1080x1923, IMG_20240530_170143.jpg)

Word of the month - research! Did anyone find whom she's copying this time?

No. 327488

All these cows follow trends.

No. 327497

File: 1717135590501.jpeg (629.63 KB, 1290x2205, IMG_1126.jpeg)

People are starting to spam in Taylor’s comments. Don’t they know by now Taylor how no opinions on any political topics.

No. 327498

She should honestly ban all these stupid shills. It's fucked up to say "imagine it was your kid in Gaza" (nevermind the fact that they could say the same about Be'eri). They also keep saying, "you're a mother!!!" People rarely do this to men. Like you said, she doesn't talk about anything political, not even anything that actually pertains to her, so there's no reason for her to make a statement about this conflict she and most influencers don't understand. She should honestly filter this shit out, a bunch of these posts are just men targeting influencers with lots of followers.

No. 327500

Agree. She didn't even speak up about the HK protests, why would she address an international crisis. Tbh, I find it even worse when influencers repost something for "awareness" when in reality they don't give two shits about the situation. Screams performative to me.

No. 327501

>silence suggests you agree
Silence suggests she lives in Hong Kong, motherfucker! Like they really want her to be sent off to a reeducation camp huh. I know that is more of a mainland thing but personally as a foreigner in HK I would be saying jack shit about political topics. It's not like her brand has ever been on discussion of world events, philiosophy or science like let a girl talk about crunchy tofu in peace.

No. 327502

Demanding influencers say something is crazy. The commenters need to go outside.

No. 327511

File: 1717175752873.jpg (2.12 MB, 2160x2160, 20240531210942.jpg)

Another date to "rekindle the feelings"?
Notice the shilled top, it's the same brand she wore in the boobtape video.

No. 327532

Interesting how with all the money in world they only go on dates once a month and even that is initiated by Taylor.

No. 327534

Did she say they only go out once a month or was this something that needed a months reservation?

No. 327536

Not clear from her wording, but their last "date night" was over a month ago.

No. 327537

The only saving grace I would say is adults having date nights is pretty normal, I wonder if Tom's schedule has something to do with it. She has more time at home, clearly, and goes on lunch dates and baby dates. He hasn't been in a lot of stuff lately either like he was last year. Focusing too much on food?

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