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No. 326236

Thread #1 >>54749 Thread #2 >>166105 Thread #3 >>197809 Thread #4 >>208755 Thread #5 >>229285 Thread #6 >>261505 Thread #7 >>284431 Thread #8 >>303389 Thread #9 >>315338

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tchall
Cosplay Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ManaKnightPage/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manaknight/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManaKnight
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@manaknight

Terry Hall aka Manaknight is a self-proclaimed "famous", "old (30+)", NB and Ace cosplayer who is actually a 41 year old narcissistic man. He is a known 5’4” moid that meanders around anime conventions by himself trying to collect selfies with "fans"/stalk white and asian girls under the age of 25. Recently, Terry is embracing his AGP side and is looking for face and posing tips to “look more femme”, showing off his ashy ass, and attending raves and parties.

He has obsessions with: bathrooms, chicken tendies, buying video games he never plays, and stalking zoomers at malls.
He hates: doctors, alcohol, the Kalahari, being black and strippers.

Recap of previous thread:
>Terry virtue signals not going to Florida cons due to it being anti-LGBTQ and anti-POC, yet still goes to cons in Texas no problem >>315471
> Terry whines that he’s not a popular cosplayer because he isn’t young, pretty, or “fem presenting”. Claims to not care about numbers, but proceeds to compare his likes and follower count to 20-year-olds. He says he should give up cosplaying popular characters for this reason >>316471 >>316479
>Terry finally visits the dentist after avoiding going for 10+ years. He discovers through the dentist visit that he has high blood pressure and claims it is due to stress and not his chicken tendie diet and lack of exercise >>316484 >>316645 >>317780
>Annual “I’m going to quit cosplay this year” post. Spoiler: He doesn’t >>317068
>As expected, the ladyboy Stocking cosplay does not do well and Terry wants to sell it right away, same for Misa >>317376 >>323884
>Terry doesn’t hide his contempt at having to take a cosplay photo with another male >>318163
>A cryptic message from Terry - apparently a photographer/videographer is spreading rumors about him and he wants his followers to contact him if they receive a message. >>318507
>Shortly after, a cowtipping anon comes in with heavily cropped and questionable receipts >>318543 >>318544 >>318545 >>318546 >>318547
>While Terry does have autism, here he is playing it up for his zoomer audience and falsely claims he is nonverbal >>319423 Terry continues milking his autism and writes a story about it, trying to impress and gain sympathy from his followers >>321625
>Terry claims someone tried to kiss him. Sure, Jan. He says only his close friends can kiss him. >>322765
>Terry begins his trans journey and starts researching how to make his face “more fem” >>323797 , researching how to dress to look more fem >>324675 and complains about his deadname being used >>323811
>Terry states that his goal is to look like a real girl from a distance >>324396
>Terry admits he struggles to love anyone, but wants someone to love him. He’s apparently still single because no one’s excited about loving him >>324563 >>326196
>Terry continues his AGP behavior and shows off his ass, thinking sexualizing yourself = just girly things >>324612 >>324748
>Terry thinks about going to an appropriate social event instead of prowling the mall looking for zoomers >>324772
>Says his figure looks better in hip shaping and certain female outfits >>325188
>The AGP peaks through and Terry says he really shouldn’t be feeling hot dressing in skimpy cosplays, but does it anyways >>325266
>Terry claims it isn’t his makeup that is the issue with his fem cosplays (it’s definitely not because he’s a man!), but that it is actually his posing. He proceeds to post scantily clad cosplayers as inspo, including a troon, and asks for tips >>325346
> Terry is unashamed of his sissy fetish and posts that he likes cute pink dresses and wishes he wore them more >>325608
>Terry announces his coworker died and turns the situation into an anti-smoking advert >>325701
>Terry practices his “fem poses” and only succeeds in looking like the perverted creep he is >>325710
>As part of his girl larp, Terry wants to go to more cosplay raves and parties so he can dress skimpy >>325802
>More gender rambling from Terry and how he doesn’t feel man enough, so he must actually be a girl. Also makes a creepy comment about his lack of bust and hips >>325859 >>325860
>Terry is personally offended when he receives a rejection letter regarding his influencer status >>326147

No. 326241

>interview Andy with him
Did he just accidentally mention the name of one of his coworkers in his story?

No. 326249

I found that andy being namedropped being random too. What's the purpose of this stream of conscious essay? he thought his zoomer followers care? imagine being a middle age guy risking his job because of profile pic.

No. 326259

…it's a typo, anons. Kek. He's saying he was interviewed by the manager before and got passed on.

No. 326269

And this is it. He is over 40 years old and being passed on for management positions. He makes good money, sure. But he SHOULD be making more. At his age.

No. 326271

I don’t know anyone is actually thinking that. Terry can’t write. Six figures is clearly a lot of money for him already. He’s lucky he’s making as much money as he’s, probably protected by the union and can’t be fired. Also, there’s no way to tell from this story when he interviewed with this manager. For all we know it could be 10 years ago. Terry loves to hold grudges for people rejecting him (cosplayer, anime anyc, manager). We cannot trust his narrative

No. 326272

Someone with an engineering degree should be making about 80k+. For a single person, that's very good. A 40+ year old that has over 15 years experience SHOULD be making more, he should have had offers to be in management way before now. How he is still an hourly employee is a statement to his ineptitude.

No. 326274

Or he could've turned those offers down. To call him socially stunted is an understatement. Not everyone wants management positions, and he likely turned them down knowing he would never make it as anyone's boss in any capacity, let alone enjoy it.

No. 326275

Non-management = hourly employee. lol tell me you don’t know what you’re talking about without telling us. Terry is salaried and has option for overtime paid. That’s not bad for running tests. Yes he could and probably should be paid way more since he’s such a well educated and smart man but he clearly has more money than he needs. I don’t know anyone else who just throw away money like him

No. 326281

I thought I remember him claiming hourly status, that's my bad.

No. 326282

He doesn't really need more. He owns a house, multiple cars, has no debt, huge savings account, and frivolously spends his money on every whim without issue. I'm sure being a manager is more work, and why do that if you already make enough to have everything you need/want.

Plus what >>326274 said. He's said before that he doesn't like working with a team and prefers when he can do work himself. Why would he want to be responsible for managing a whole team and in constant contact with them.

No. 326283

not to mention Terry has no ambition and well aware he's a shitty worker. Remember last summer when he was worried about his new manager? He applied to a ton of jobs and all got denied. and after the summer we never heard that again. He's smart enough to know he can't get fired and is clearly making more money than he knows what to do with

No. 326296

Eh, I don’t think he has a ton of savings. I think he has a 401k (I believe he’s mentioned that he took out a 401k loan for his house) and maybe a couple grand but he spends money pretty frivolously. He’s rather have tons of costumes he’s worn once rather than rewear some and save up. I’m not saying he’s not comfortable, I’m sure he is, but I don’t think he saves much with all the costumes and games he buys, plus going on trips to cons every couple months. With flights, hotels and badges it’s probably at least $1000, more for some. With car payments, mortgage, bills, food etc. he’s not going to have a ton left over. He complains about things being tight every time he has a big expense, which it’s unlikely he would if he had a lot of savings instead of pulling from his fun money.

However, he probably would have to work more and wouldn’t be able to take off all the time for cons if he were a manager. He’d also be a terrible manager because of his autism. I’m sure he’s good at what he does but that doesn’t mean he’s be a good manager.

No. 326297

Nonnie, rethink your saving habits for me. When you save money, you don't spend it like fun money. It stays in the bank and never gets used unless there's an emergency. Him saying money is tight could very well mean he's smart and sets aside savings with every paycheck, then uses the rest for necessities and fun. FYI anons, this is also how you should be saving.

No. 326298

i never imagined terry could have knights defending him. this is eye opening. This man uses every single OT dollar he makes on cosplays and games is a shining example of perfect saving habits. this is hilarious. This man clearly has no (emergency or not) saving lol

No. 326303

Not a knight, it's just absolute unfounded tinfoil to say he has no savings because most people save at the beginning and then spend like an idiot. nonnie's saving spiel had me concerned

No. 326304

I mean, you save money so that when something comes up, you’re able to pay for it. Terry flipped out when he had to pay for his HVAC to be replaced, and it was clear he had to use his paycheck on that instead of the random crap he wanted to use it on. I’m sure he has a good paycheck each month and he probably has ~$5k in the bank that he can use if something comes up. But most people his age, making what he does would have close to six figures in savings if they’re single. Or if they’re irresponsible, they’d be buying overpriced luxury goods or lavish vacations. Instead Terry spends money of mass produced cosplays that he wears once or not at all (not counting pictures/try ons) and then throws in a closet and plane tickets and hotels for cons that he doesn’t really experience other than to harass people for selfies.

To be fair, Terri could save up like $20k in a year easily if he just cut out cons, cosplays and video games that he doesn’t play. But he doesn’t. I’m sure some of someone wanted to they could add up how much he spends on con’s and cosplay because he posts pics with prices all the time, as says what hotels and airlines he uses. I’m just not going to spend my time doing so.

No. 326310

Anons really out here thinking a man who owns a house (something most millennials and zoomers could never do on a single income) doesn't know how to save. Also spending 1k per month on hobbies is literally nothing kek. The average salary for his job in his area is 110k and he's been doing it for decades so he's likely way beyond that, bringing home way more than 5k a month. He pretends money is tight so that zoomers will feel like he's relatable (how do you do, fellow kids?) and not view him as the wealthy, extremely privileged middle aged man he is.

No. 326323

i agree with you. Even if he makes the low end (110k in job description) which is highly unlikely, he still has massive amount of money based on his lifestyle. His company offers 401k matching up to 8%, that leaves him around 101k take home pay. If he's as smart as you bunch keeps saying he would put more, but 8% is a good guess. According to google, 101k after tax in maryland is roughly 74k. His mortgage is 28k (just search his fb for him bragging about it). that leaves 46 after tax and mortgage. He still have to pay insurance, utilities, and food for sure, but 46k is more than a lot of people's take home pay before necessities. He doesn't date. He doesn't take care of his parents. All he eat is processed food (way cheaper than raw food and vegetables) It's not hard to see this man sitting on more money than he knows what to do with.

No. 326341

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No. 326430

You don't need to cap and post literally everything that Terry says. Nothing milky or interesting about this.

No. 326431

I saw that and that’s just nothing special about it. Terry saw the new Gundam Seed movie and went on a whole day of extreme autism fanboying over the series. Surprised anon posted this one instead of his follow up photo which has twice as many.

He’s busy concrunching for MomoCon so he shouldn’t have time goofing around making cringe videos. He did go to a haunted house yesterday for some reason.

No. 326481

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No. 326482

You are 40 years old and trying befriend late teens and barely legal adults. No one is interested and uncomfortable. Your only form of communication is probably instagram. Do what everyone else does and go to a bar with appropriate aged adults or go on hinge. Hire an escort. You have the money to do it. Sage for autistic rant.

No. 326484

So I guess he didn’t go to the queer game night?
Or perhaps he did go and was disappointed by the people there? Not as many young zoomer girls as he thought and so he didn’t make any story about it. He needs to realize he’s an old man.

No. 326485

To be fair, it would be very hard for an unmarried, childless middle aged man to make new friends his own age too. There's not much he could relate about with other people his age. There are meetup groups for autists that would probably be the most effective but Terry seems to actively avoid other autistic people?

No. 326486

>There are meetup groups for autists that would probably be the most effective but Terry seems to actively avoid other autistic people?
Terry used to hate whenever people thought he was autistic. He only accepted it once he realized it could garner him attention online. I can see him hating other autists.
There’s plenty of other autistic manchildren that play video games. Some even meet up in groups or conventions. He could try befriending them but he doesn’t want to. If he’s really that lonely he shouldn’t be so picky.

No. 326488

He should do speed dating, happy hour, take an art class, join a book club, go on a retreat, join a cult. It’s not that hard anon to just stand outside and make friends your age. He just hasn’t tried

No. 326490

Befriending people his age would shatter the illusion that he isn't a young 20-something anymore. He chooses loneliness.

No. 326491

Hey, I made that image in PS and posted it in the last thread, any more Terry related requests lmk

No. 326493

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No. 326495

>dug myself out of a slight hole/struggle
>all bills caught up
>just glad I caught up
Didn't anons say he had a bunch of savings and was doing really well? kek
He's here for a good time, not a long time. Especially with how poorly he takes care of his health. He blows the majority of money on cons, flights, cosplays, and games and then scrambles to come up with the money for bills. He's going to have another "struggle" at the end of this year, like always.
Ty nona, I made the new thread and there weren't any good/funny pics other than yours. Keep up the good work!

No. 326496

interesting timing. not to "hi cow" but it looks like he is reading the threads lol

No. 326497

IDK how you can actually believe when he says stuff like this. The fact that he reiterates over and over that he's "not wealthy!!!" while simultaneously saying that he "doesn't want to be taken advantage of" and "won't give anyone money/gifts" just signals to me that he's trying to to ward off potential golddiggers instead of being genuine.

No. 326498

i am so fucking retarded. when i reading hanging, i thought he meant hanging as in he was suicide baiting or something. it doesn't help that he took a pic of his ceiling fan top kek.

No. 326502

this is the most unrelatable shit i have ever read, nonas. i hate him so much.

No. 326512

Using 401k loan to buy house and haven’t paid it off in five years surely seemed like a rich person flex. I don’t know how the tin foilers here still think he’s a well off engineer and not a person living paycheck to paycheck due to his expensive hobby of selfie collecting

No. 326513

It surely sounds like he’s posting that as a reply to the infighting we had earlier. lol

No. 326516

A lot of people think wealthy is simply not working at McDonald's, including anons here it seems. A townhouse isn't really a flex, they're generally considered crap due to thin walls and similar pest danger from neighbors as apartment buildings have, only for much more money.

No. 326518

I wouldn’t call living a townhouse rich or wealthy either but owning a 4 levels townhouse is a huge step up from renting standard 2 bedroom apartment or even renting a house. He was lucky to buy home at the end of 2019 for sure.

No. 326524

Terry really have a bad way with words nobody cal it hanging. Just hanging out. Maybe that’s what the zoomers say nowadays? But I’m just an old millennial so I wouldn’t know.. it’s odd Terry used to complain about people messaging him out of the blue but now he’s bugging everyone to hang out. It’s really sad and I would feel sorry for him if not for him being an arrogant jerk.

No. 326530

Yeah this does seem like a response to our posts, also seems like he sounds happy for once reflecting on his financials
He doesn't even mean hang out like socially, he means con meetups and selfie taking, that's what hanging out means to him. He does this same vaguepost really often and I presume it's when his reply rate has dropped for his con meetup spam

No. 326532

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Are you ever gonna stop being delusional about this? Being a homeowner is a huge privilege that only half the people in his gen can even hope to accomplish. He is wealthy in comparison to the average person his age. Get over it

No. 326533

He definitely meant hanging out, like at the mall, or six flags, or haunted house. He even talked about buying season pass to ALL the six flags and zero person replied to his status. In this story he specifically mentioned MD people. It wouldn’t make sense if he’s talking about hanging out (selfie) at cons like you said

No. 326534

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Calling it now, he’s making this poll to set up his annual I-Hate-Colossalcon post soon. It’s so weirdly shoehorned into the poll it makes zero sense otherwise

No. 326535

His polls are so weird. Why’s colossalcon in there twice? Nobody remember the stupid drama from five years ago, old man Terry. And you go to raves, so stop harping on the drinking/partying culture nonsense

No. 326536


I don't think a cosplayer who is currently con crunching for Colossalcon, nor someone stressing out about finding a room, is thinking about this con as much as Terry is. Being a homeowner, he should charge some rent money for how this con is squatting in his mind.

No. 326539

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Womp womp?! What fuckin friend are you??

No. 326540

Chill, anon. Womp womp is in the original post

No. 326541

He didn’t even bother sharing the gofundme link directly on his story. No “a terrible thing happened” or “I’m glad my friend’s safe”, just “womp womp sad face”. This is why you don’t have friends, Terry.

No. 326546


I think using a different font and background colour or writing his caption over the womp womp would have helped avoid confusion and looking like an asshole, and I'm sure the post or bio links to the gofundme, so it's still clickable, but 1-2 extra clicks compared to him linking it directly, which would only have taken him a minute to do, so in summary lazy and accidentally looks like an asshole to anyone clicking past quickly kek

No. 326558

I hate that I had to defend Terry. That’s something OP could’ve easily checked. Yes, the optic is bad here but autistic Terry probably didn’t understand why he would look bad here. I’m actually surprised that he took the time to share the post about a car accident and didn’t make it all about himself

No. 326562

The fact that anons thought he was the one saying "womp womp" was dumb anyway… when have you ever heard Terry talking like that? If anything he avoids using as much slang as possible.

No. 326570

Him being unsympathetic is very in line with Terry’s character. He uses slang too, he’s used “slay” in many of his stories when it comes to outfits or cosplay. It’s reasonable for anons to think he wrote that.

No. 326581

Well that’s just a darn shame!

No. 326600

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this is the cosplay that helped him decide he's femme enough to keep doing female cosplays? he just looks like a man in a wig still

No. 326603

I give up on understanding Terry logic I do give him credit this is one of his better photos, but I failed to see how he’s more fem passing here

No. 326606

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No. 326616

AGPs like Terry are delusional and have a distorted and misogynistic view of women. He thinks as long as he has heavy makeup, long hair, (fake) big boobs, and (fake) hips, that he looks like a woman. It’s embarrassing how his followers are supporting this obvious fetish flaunting, times have really changed.

No. 326622

Not to wk Terry at all, but if people are always telling him that he doesn't look fem because he doesn't have makeup/boobs/long hair/etc, it does make sense that he would end up thinking that he needs all those things to look fem

No. 326625

small nitpick but i wish terry would wear a bra or cut the nipples off the breast forms or something, having visible nipples cosplaying as a 14 year old is so uncomfortable.

No. 326626

he's probably doing that on purpose nona

No. 326631

He's an AGP, he's doing it on purpose.

No. 326636

I wouldn’t put that past him, but I suspect he’s probably not modifying his fake breasts so he can resell it for a better price later. He’s cheap like that

No. 326644


14 year Olds don't have nipples?(unsaged retard)

No. 326645

Don't be dense.

No. 326646


DENSE NUTZ HAHA GOT EM(unsaged retard)

No. 326672

The source material and official merch itself heavily sexualizes Asuka. So eh, not out of the ordinary.

No. 326723

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No. 326731

the left pose isn't too bad. I'm not sure if that makes him more fem. for god's sake please never do the right pose again

No. 326737

It’s not so bad, it looks like he’s aiming at himself kek.
No one would mistake him for a woman, even 30 feet away.

No. 326747

My eyes immediately went down to the bulge kek. Very fem indeed

No. 326755

wtf is that pose to the right, look at his legs he looks like he is doing pt's iconic "i'm poopin" pose. Imagine seeing that pose from a different angle irl kek

No. 326771

the way he complains he is not fem enough is making me think he might come out as a TIM eventually.

No. 326775

well, he's considering himself to be a non-binary and trying to pull off both female and male, but failing in both. He looks like he's in drag whenever he's cosplaying male characters

No. 326783

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No. 326789

holy shit i know this is not the point but i think his forehead bump is still there. I guess abnormal growth can be benign but it's shocking he never got it checked out

No. 326790

It never actually went away. You can see it very blurred from his filters but still there when he cosplays characters that show forehead. Most characters have bangs though so it is harder to notice

No. 326791

streetwalker chic. really looking like a hon in this photo.

No. 326798

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can't tell if he shared this because he thinks it's him (plus 10 years), or he wants this (minus 10 years)

No. 326809

He certainly has no interest in 30 year old women so I guess it's the former…

No. 326832

>can cook
>”he asked for no pickles”
>orders food for you
He wants his own personal unpaid tard wrangler (if this is actually talking about the type of girlfriend he wants and isn’t thinking that he IS the girlfriend)

No. 326840

he looks like a demonic airline stewardess on a non-stop flight to hell.

No. 326851

Tbf every scrote wants a mommy-gf these days. They're so lazy and childish. I think it's more likely that Terry wants to be the mommy though.

No. 326852

nobody commented so we will never know for sure, but i also think this is more about him than a gf he's into.

No. 326887

>I think it's more likely that Terry wants to be the mommy though
Imagine, getting cooked chicken tendies and spaghetti every day by your 40-year-old bald AGP ‘girlfriend’. Just what every well-adjusted 20-year-old wants!
Realistically, he would have to find some other delusional troon autist that would play along.

No. 326896

See, I bet his dream is for a zoomer to comment “mother is mothering” or in some kind of nature. But no one will

No. 327067

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No. 327077

At least he's actually smiling. Normally he scowls if he takes photos with anyone not asian or white.

No. 327078

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No. 327079

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No. 327083

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No. 327084

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No. 327101

I notice his voice has been changing over the years too. He sounds more and more like a gay dude. He's gonna give up girls and switch to dudes just watch.

No. 327109

0 chance. He's never shown any signs of being attracted to males. He's weird and chalked it up to being effeminate and rolled with it during covid lockdowns till now. He clearly likes women.

No. 327116

It's troonery, not gayness. Trooning out and being transbian is far more likely.

No. 327120

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No. 327124

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I’m sorry but his poor excuse for alucard reminded me of this

No. 327125

KEKKKK absolutely god tier comparison nonna ily

No. 327144

that wig's hairline made me gasp. Has he never heard of a lacefront, what the fuck is that?


No. 327156

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Hissy fit

No. 327167

>my props kept breaking
Poorly made
>lots of cosplay malfunctions
Poorly made
>cannot find friends
Because you have none

No. 327175


Why go to one of the most major cons in the country then be shocked pikachu face that other people are there. Last year they had 48k, definitely more this year. You're gonna run into all the black cosplayers you've shit talked Terry, sorry.

No. 327179

His refusal to use lacefronts is fucking wild. But he always goes as cheap as possible in his wigs so why buy a wig that will look good when you can buy one for $20 that will look like shit!

No. 327186

Terry has enemies? Wonder what they did/said to him

No. 327213

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Speaking of which, it costs $0 to respect Terry's pronouns and say they/them

No. 327214

I can see this as a meme format where the last panel says based/retarded shit kek

No. 327215

>do things that make you uncomfortable to make mentally ill feel better about themselves
Kek how about no. You are very lost, newfag.

No. 327217

he probably harassed them and then they ghosted him. he goes to momokon a lot

No. 327218

please tell us you're joking. otherwise gtfo

No. 327221

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I am not. Let's be decent human beings and be respectful, regardless of gender(ban evasion)

No. 327227

Terry is a man who started to pretend to be nb and ace after people started calling him out for posting gross sexual shit. It’s all a ploy by him to look less threatening

No. 327228

We don't welcome, support, or indulge troons on this site. Integrate or leave.

No. 327229

These types of posts are retarded but in my head it's funny because it seems like more and more of the zoomer crowd, that Terry tries to ingratiate himself to, are searching his name on DuckDuckGo and finding this site to read all about his drama. I think most of his audience just hate-follows him at this point.

No. 327241

>regardless of gender
>unironically posting retarded corporate graph

No. 327242

It has to be one of his zoomer followers that stumbled here. Whoever it was didn't disagree with anything said, but they drew the line on pronouns. Kek. Sure, we should coddle a scrote that creeps on young women and girls. Delusional.
This. I'm surprised none of the zoomers have cancelled him for the things he's done, but I guess being a "person of color" man gives him immunity from any criticism.

No. 327260

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No. 327261

I feel like he looks like lorilewd here kek.
Also why does little mishaps make his con weekend terrible? Imagine the guiltripping he must’ve done to keep these people around at the con late, imagine if they had plans

No. 327268

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Why is this middle aged man wearing drag makeup while cosplaying a 13yo girl? His cosplay choices get worse every time I pop into this thread I stg. Why do they seem to keep getting younger?

No. 327275

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So dramatic

No. 327277

anyone has a nonfiltered photo of his Maka? I saw him at momocon this weekend. and he looked nothing like this.

I can confirm he talks very differently than before covid. I don't see him being interested in biological male though. trans male (biological female) maybe.

No. 327279

It's so creepy and weird. He's 40/41. I'm sick of people hyping him up when he's a creep cosplaying a young character. What is his deal with cosplaying teens when he's a man?

No. 327280

What’s his beef with Atlanta people? He’s been going to MomoCon for almost 10 years now. He’s being outed as a creeper in the local community?

No. 327289

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No. 327296

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No. 327297

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No. 327298

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No. 327299

he's kind of done the same thing to others though. I've talked to some people that said he hovered over them until he saw them follow him. so idk why he's complaining when it happens to him

No. 327301

Cousin’s death is on the same level as some stranger pushing past him at a transit station. It genuinely fucking sickens me the way he treats other people’s deaths. I have so many cousins and I’m not close with all of them, but even the ones I’m not close with, I could not imagine speaking so casually and publicly about them dying like it’s no biggy.

>likely my last visit to an ATL con for a LONG time

By a long time does he mean until next year?

No. 327303

I love that all his Atlanta con hate stems from just not liking black people. Atl and atl cons are very black

No. 327312

I did laugh at this. Mr “I’m going to stop doing this for X, and then immediately do it” although in this case he really does seem to be avoiding something. Isn’t this the con or AWA he hit on an Asuna and she got big mad over it? It’s been so long I can’t remember

Very true. I saw him always hovering and stalking young white cosplayers at this con. Black people just not his type

No. 327313

All these young women look 20-21?? Maybe younger. He's such a creep.

Is this why he doesnt attend Blerd?

No. 327314

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More crying

No. 327315


You know, him being much older and cosplaying Mari is actually canon with what we saw in the fourth movie

No. 327320

Kek anon all of them are 24/25 per their socials and they very much look it. You really think those look like teen girls

No. 327323

>Very true. I saw him always hovering and stalking young white cosplayers at this con. Black people just not his type
Do you think it's also because black people are also more likely to see through his bullshit and not give him asspats for being "so bwave uwu" like white zoomers would? We all know he hates his own race and is colorist, but I think that could be another reason. Too many people infantilize him just because he's a black "nonbinary" man.

No. 327324

Literally take an Uber you have so much disposable income

No. 327325

>hit on an Asuna
I don’t remember that at all. Do you remember any additional deets like how long ago it might have been?

>Is this why he doesnt attend Blerd
I think that’s part of it yes, but I also think it has to do with him being a big fish in a little pond. Just about everyone there is black, so that doesn’t make him look special. He’s built up a following of white/Asian zoomers who aren’t likely to attend that con. Which means he wouldn’t get a bunch of asspats just for existing like >>327323 said and he wouldn’t have anyone to stalk down at the con. It also means not being able to guilt photographers into shooting him to fill their poc quota. And that covers pretty much all of his bases at cons, so really there’s nothing in it for him

No. 327326

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No. 327329

Why would anyone want his broken ass luggage. A few cracks? He has so many props broken from this. This man has an engineering degree and thought glue could fix the structural integrity of this luggage.

This man would rather carry 4 pieces of luggage, one being oversized golf case through MARTa instead of spending $25 on Uber. I simply can’t understand why he would buy cosplays/games that he doesn’t need and not spend money on useful shit

No. 327337


It's been a while but Terry never old emotional drama shit. I believe this drama was it?

No. 327339

I don’t know anything about that but I’ve been friends with Terry on his old Facebook for a while. He used to cosplay Kirito A LOT. Whenever he post pictures from cons or announcing his con lineups, he always mentioned asuna. He had this weird fetish with asuna even offered to make props for people to cosplay with him. So anon you might’ve gotten mixed up. He harassed a lot of asuna cosplayers back in the day. Maybe some happened at awa.

No. 327341

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No. 327342

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No. 327359

I don't get his fascination with dragoncon when it's just a huge party con that's based around pop culture, not specific to anime. he's going to hate it if he goes, and guarantee he'll just blame it on his bad luck with ATL cons

No. 327362

He keeps bringing dragoncon up, but there's no way he can plan for it in 3 months. all the hotels are booked out. the crowd is ridiculous there. There's barely any teenagers there. I absolutely do not get why he keeps bringing dragoncon up every few months

No. 327367

There is probably someone going that he has been stalking.

No. 327375

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No. 327412

this sounds like the other driver's fault. I'm surprised the tesla didn't have backup warning system. It's always curious to see how Terry rephrase the same story on other social media. On facebook he changed "someone" to "some younger girl" which is just odd.

No. 327425

The people he follows are not the blerd type. Just look at the momocon selfies he's been posting. Mostly white and light skinned. nobody remotely close to his own skin tone. He attended blerd a couples time but never had a good time. If you check the photographers he "work" with, you can see almost all of them are nonblack. black photographers hate this race traitor

No. 327430

There's nothing milky or interesting about this. Once again you don't have to cap and post every single thing that Terry writes.

No. 327432

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Didn’t he just do Vincent? Why did he not just update the one he did before?

No. 327434

He's still 40 years old. Hanging out with women 15 years your junior is still weird af, anon

No. 327435

are you from the 50s? It's not the norm, but it's 2024 people can date people 15 years younger. and these are just selfies. Terry is a creep but 25 years old women are adults and can make decisions on their own

No. 327437

Probably got fat.

No. 327439

he did the original FFVII Vincent. This is for FFVII Rebirth Vincent

are you new?? he been losing a lot of weight

No. 327452

If he legitimately stops going to momo, maybe he’ll go to Acen again. Would love to see him in the wild lol

I just figured he wouldn’t want to work with black photographers because they wouldn’t do anything to make him look lighter

Idk I like reading Terry’s diary posts like this and since I don’t go on social media much anymore, it’s nice to see them posed here. I think as long as non milk is saged, it’s fine

No. 327459

Didn't say it wasn't. But some anons keep trying to push a narrative that he's into underage or barely legal girls just out of HS, and that's not true. He likes young adult women, not teens. Not the same level of creepy.

No. 327462

Tbf he has previously tried to befriend high school age cosplayers. I don’t think we’ve seen him try to do that in the past year or two, so it does seem like he knows better now and has stopped doing that, but I can also see why that narrative is going to persist

No. 327463

He definitely selfied and stalked more minors in the past. It's pretty easy to look back and confirm that. He also reads this board so i'm not surprised he's doing better about it.

No. 327465

You’re not getting it. I’m sure most or many people in the world have a friend who’s significantly older or younger than them. That’s not a problem. The problem is that he exclusively hangs out with these people. He’s made a pattern of targeting them based on their age, gender, and skin color. That’s creepy and predatory. If he just had a friend or two who were 23 or so, nobody would care.

No. 327477

He also roomed with a minor (17 year old), so that shows that he did interact with High School aged girls in the past. That retard anon has been here multiple threads now to defend him.
He knows people watch him now so obviously he’s not going to be showing those interactions anymore. Either he stopped talking to minors (good thing) or he’s keeping it on the down low now. And as we know, no one ever speaks out about Terry because his followers would go after them and try to dispute them.

No. 327479

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No. 327482

I see he’s trying to practice “feminine posing”. I think this is his worst look yet. He looks like some flamboyant gay elderly wizard.

No. 327483

That and the fact that so many people in previous threads have talked about him befriending them and then dropping them once they got their late 20s

Lol the posing in those first two pics looks especially retarded. He’s trying to stick his knee out at an angle and twist the upper half of his body while keeping both feet parallel and facing forward. His legs just look broken and stupid

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