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File: 1635035890110.jpg (73.49 KB, 1024x1024, lucy_airhead_airways__colored_…)

No. 166120[Reply]

Post weird, gross, and stupid fetishes here so we don't clog the bad art thread. SPOILER anything upsetting or NSFW.
445 posts and 220 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 382033

File: 1715728183544.png (2.97 MB, 1570x2346, 1712918363.lzenfryl_duo.png)

I'm cringing so hard right now.

No. 382190

This is okay.

No. 382752

File: 1715894725913.png (664.95 KB, 1096x1477, dgmc0du-693d038c-9f4b-463f-8e6…)

No. 382804

I can't tell what I'm looking at. I see what I think are breasts but then idk.

No. 382806

File: 1715909997894.jpeg (75.63 KB, 640x697, Eww1.jpeg)

I want to alog

File: 1706235816126.png (332.92 KB, 512x512, IMG_1994.png)

No. 351292[Reply]

1054 posts and 765 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 382789

im howling

No. 382795

File: 1715904824787.jpg (345.27 KB, 1080x1190, 1000007329.jpg)

I redrew this to give it to my freind as a gift. Thank you for this beautiful image nonna, otherwise I'd still be freaking out over what to give her.

No. 382800

File: 1715908996969.jpg (327.03 KB, 1024x1024, _8808f2d3-9cd1-4b8c-b621-f9b7a…)

Kinda surprised it's letting me get away with "desiccated" mummies, but they're looking better than what I was getting before.

This looks great! I hope your friend loves it.

No. 382801

File: 1715909150438.jpg (Spoiler Image,267.38 KB, 1024x1024, _2795c316-4a73-4a8c-bf26-4623e…)

Decided to put dancing in the prompt, and my mummy turned into a sinewy skeleton…

No. 382802

This is the cutest thing ever. I hope she likes it.

File: 1697702282222.png (453.38 KB, 512x512, 8-VFNaVKk3pzP0nDw.png)

No. 328296[Reply]

Post the worst outcomes of AI image-generating fuckery!
222 posts and 143 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 381191

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No. 381616

File: 1715675324075.png (1.71 MB, 1024x1024, image (1).png)

No. 381617

File: 1715675360855.png (1.65 MB, 1024x1024, image (2).png)

No. 381618

File: 1715675384249.png (1.88 MB, 1024x1024, image.png)

No. 382798

File: 1715906585515.jpg (351.84 KB, 1024x1024, _ba88589b-1bb4-4646-b3f5-5d145…)

File: 1664291526485.jpg (69.51 KB, 728x410, computer-headphones-anime-girl…)

No. 242911[Reply]

Lost the original thread in the /m/assacre, wanted to bring this back. A thread for discussing and learning game development, women/projects to check out, and venting about things that are impossible to talk about in regular game dev spaces.
104 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 382047

Is renpy easy to learn for someone who's never coded before?

No. 382078

its a decent entry point, python is a good beginner langauge and renpy helps dip your toes in

No. 382209

I'm going on YouTube tutorials for anything more than basic visual novel stuff the built in tutorials teach

No. 382598

Hey nonnies, I'm trying to pursue gamedev as of late, but the problem is that I can't code. My only option is to "handle the art" side of the game I want to create. Could anyone here give their experiences on how they started as beginners?
Also, I'm guessing you should probably make connections - so, where is the best place to find people who can hopefully help with your project? At least for free/cheaper

No. 382796

Start with a simple visual novel in any engine. If you really get stuck make your trial game an adaptation of a public domain book or play.
Just make Romeo and Juliet as a visual novel in Ren'py or RPG Maker or Visual Novel Maker so you can wet your feet and then think bigger and focus on having fun with art first.

File: 1655271759268.jpeg (85.73 KB, 700x543, 4C25EF4C-5537-4AE5-A49C-6C67AC…)

No. 214453[Reply]

Drop funny images here that don't fit other /m/ threads. GIFs are permissible if they make you laugh, but no videos please.

If yours belongs in one of these, post it there instead:
Dumb bitch memes >>195463
Manhating memes >>186908
LC-specific memes >>204843
Tumblr/Twitter posts >>191778
980 posts and 727 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 382478

File: 1715813347670.jpeg (58.06 KB, 485x475, FjnGpDnXgAAB3v1.jpeg)

No. 382609

File: 1715856280051.jpg (73.58 KB, 828x520, 20230205_053354.jpg)

No. 382647

File: 1715867147252.jpg (64.65 KB, 700x671, 1000025105.jpg)

No. 382651

File: 1715867831250.jpg (138.84 KB, 720x900, 1000025106.jpg)

No. 382792

File: 1715903414689.png (128.39 KB, 717x388, 1712796319192.png)

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No. 289577[Reply]

Discuss manga here.
Previous thread: >>>/m/186701
875 posts and 262 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 382690

Yeah its pure garbage

No. 382712

All I want is for its mangaka to end that piece of shit and work as an illustrator with someone who can actually write.

No. 382732

No way, he'll retire and keep getting money from all the merchs and BDs sales. Maybe.

No. 382762

More like family jewel puns, not really any penis jokes.

No. 382790

File: 1715902966456.png (139.57 KB, 296x449, 2e3d2398-936c-40f8-87e8-692a52…)

This is so good. Thanks for the rec.

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No. 377133[Reply]

Pokemon is a japanese media franchise consisting of video games, animated series and films, a trading card game, and other related media. The franchise takes place in a shared universe in which humans co-exist with creatures known as Pokemon, a large variety of species endowed with special powers.

Pokemon Day List of Updates: https://serebii.net/

Previous threads:
97 posts and 45 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 382777

File: 1715900656469.jpg (1.57 MB, 1360x1700, 114966261_p30.jpg)

No. 382779

File: 1715901234702.jpg (218.36 KB, 1080x1080, 188446844_4011734525579456_446…)

i love that women are big players at the pokemon company, but fucking herdier is her favorite? she has to step it up

No. 382785

File: 1715902493189.jpg (104.72 KB, 573x1000, gholdengo.jpg)

Not just that but the environments often feel more atmospheric and intentionally designed.
Whoever is responsible for picrel should be put to death

No. 382786

File: 1715902564496.png (632.24 KB, 725x451, klefki.png)

Apparently she also designed Klefki. The only confirmed pokemon she designed that I like is the Axew line.

No. 382797

>she designed the rest of the dragonite evo line but not dragonite itself
what malicious fuck decided to ruin it then wtf

File: 1705276534736.png (31.96 KB, 187x215, Screenshot 2024-01-14 155534.p…)

No. 348679[Reply]

What have you watched? What are you looking forward to? Who deserves an Oscar?

prev: >>254795
816 posts and 207 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 381434

I agree with this. Neither Art nor Patrick could give her everything that she wanted/needed, it took two to do so. I don't think Art or Patrick would have been satisfied with only Tashi either, same as they wouldn't have been happy if they just got together. Like I think they did kind of want to be together and did have sexual chemistry together but it could never be expressed without a woman mediating that between them. It's why Art and Patrick didn't just continue in the bedroom together after Tashi left.

They were only ever gonna be happy as a trio. I've seen takes about how they should have ditched Tashi at the end which IMO neglects the needed role she plays for them, Patrick and Art aren't interested in each other like that unless Tashi is there to bring that out of them.

No. 381794

Just watched "Cabin In the Woods" last night. Horror movie that subverts pretty much every single trope in the genre, yet still takes itself seriously just enough for it to be genuinely entertaining, unlike Scary Movie or other such trash.

No. 382574

File: 1715831359521.jpg (117.43 KB, 1000x1500, taVFuUhUWoX9YE7bb2bWkSPjC9P-0-…)

Does anyone know if this movie was at some point shilled by coquette/pickme/edchan/minor girls at some point? I had to watch it with a woman i knew and it just seemed odd that she would pick it for certain reasons.
i was also surprised that there were no sex scenes

No. 382765

File: 1715898026451.jpeg (54.9 KB, 620x395, buffalo66.jpeg)

Screenshots of Christina Ricci in Buffalo 66 were all over tumblr back in the day if that means anything. I like Ricci and I always noticed they got a lot of notes. Her makeup and hair were probably style inspo, shots of her in the skimpy dress were reblogged hornily imo.

No. 382778

yeah and it still is

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No. 358751[Reply]

General Video Game discussion, aside from games that have their own threads.
What are you currently playing, what you are looking forward to, favorite games, favorite consoles, gamer set discussion, reviews, praises, complaints, questions, etc.

Other game related threads
Pokémon thread >>>/m/320917
Animal Crossing thread >>>/m/194143
Cookie Run General Thread >>>/m/220653
Danganronpa thread >>>/m/246630
Elder Scrolls / Skyrim General #2 >>>/m/225157
Fromsoft thread >>>/m/197446
Genshin Impact General Thread #15 >>>/m/357977
Kirby Thread >>>/m/237062
Nikki Games General >>>/m/260895
Otome Gaming General >>>/m/192885
Splatoon general #1 >>>/m/247501
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
509 posts and 124 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 382689

If you like dungeon crawlers and party building there's Etrian Odyssey, and for a more standard experience there's Shin Megami Tensei IV, Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse (basically a direct sequel) and SMT strange journey (although i recommend the DS version more since it has better art and story at the cost of being harder and lacking some QoL stuff) there's also Radiant Historia but unlike SJ where it's a matter of preference, here i strongly recommend the DS version over the 3DS one since they completely butchered the story and fucked the money balance so they could sell you grinding DLCs.

No. 382734

File: 1715891613349.jpg (25.4 KB, 480x336, 1251420-mp4_bowsersgame.jpg)

what about all the koopa child labor in mario party

No. 382735


No. 382761

oh my god

No. 382810

Have you guys looked into Lullaby Days? I haven't tried it myself but it's a princess maker style game but she starts as a duckling. It's been on my wishlist for a while

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No. 232951[Reply]

ITT: post pictures of traditional/cultural/religious dress as well as folk songs from various cultures around the world

>please state culture in post

>no racebaiting
>no nitpicking
>look at the pretty clothes and appreciate the fun music

Thread pic is Chuvash attire
460 posts and 365 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 382219

File: 1715778148269.jpeg (60.75 KB, 564x704, WX7B2sF.jpeg)

>Kalash girl Northern Pakistan

No. 382240

File: 1715781215003.jpg (78.96 KB, 489x717, fd3d224d9834b40116ba889a3ea254…)

Tunisian Amazigh bride

No. 382666

File: 1715875342187.jpg (24.93 KB, 300x465, vo.jpg)

No. 382667

File: 1715875391088.jpg (38.51 KB, 564x564, paulistas.jpg)

(no ai shit outside of containment)

No. 382755

anon why did you post a photoshopped image of shakira

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