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File: 1672256660464.jpg (41.48 KB, 851x754, where are you guys.jpg)

No. 265376[Reply]

598 posts and 416 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 381724

Aren't sociopaths unemotional?

No. 381749

true, am an autist and can confirm. who are these people by the way

No. 381781


No. 381838

autist is terry a davis who's actually a schizo kek

No. 381895

No, sociopaths wear facades, but are sensitive underneath.

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No. 317273[Reply]

67 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 374611

No. 374612

No. 376811

File: 1714950324124.mp4 (13.3 MB, moo.mp4)

Has anyone else here used Udio? I've spent the last week generating stupid novelty songs with it. It fucks up and will start babbling incoherently a lot though.

No. 377128

No. 381661

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No. 186862[Reply]

This is a thread to post all our favorite female content creators! All kinds of female talent welcome, from animators and artists to vloggers and video makers, and anything in between. Post your favorite youtube channels, blogs, instagrams, twitch streams, etc. A short description is always appreciated.
1011 posts and 62 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 378401

No. 381424

I'm really enjoying her video. I love her voice and how she talks. I hope her other videos are equally as good

No. 381530

I really enjoy her channel, her channel is dedicated to medical mysteries and medical related true crime stories. She also talks about her own personal experiences with getting cancer also which explains her interest in such topics.

No. 381555

No. 381989

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not a woman unfortunately

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No. 199417[Reply]

bringing back my fave thread after it got wiped out in the great /m/pocalypse. post your bruised, bandaged, bloody, and hurt 2d/3d cuties.

reminder that this is not a guro/ryona thread
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No. 381230

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No. 381232

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No. 381425

Nnice, what's this from?

No. 381433

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artist is momimomimomooon on twitter

No. 381713

I do not like seeing women hurt in any way. But gosh, she's so beautiful when her is frazzled like that.

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No. 197320[Reply]

Remake of the other thread, here >>>/m/182650 (Copy + paste into search bar to find it)

Dump cute art of 2d women here. It can be classical art, fanart, shipping art, whatever. You may post art of your waifus just keep sperging to other threads. No coomer shit.
503 posts and 458 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 377597

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No. 377599

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No. 381237

File: 1715623762675.jpg (3.5 MB, 2894x4093, GM5r-JdagAAWZpX.jpg)

No. 381238

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I love this artists use of line work, shes beautiful

No. 381239

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No. 197452[Reply]

Share character genderswap art. Keep in mind that we all have different tastes, but polite discussion is cool too.
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No. 376779

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No. 380721

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No. 380722

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No. 381175

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My favorite thread on this website. Does this count? She is basically female adam

No. 381307

>We could have gotten an asshole Eve (female Adam) commanding an army of subordinate male angels with dick names

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No. 356605[Reply]

All drama-related discussion go here: >>>/w/319720
Escaped dramafags will get graduated from life

What is a vtuber?
>An online entertainer or live streamer who is typically represented by a digital avatar generated by computer graphics such as Live2D.
This thread is made to discuss your favorite Vtubers, news surrounding the topic, and other stuff!

Current/Upcoming streams: https://holodex.net/
Chat logs: https://hololyzer.net/youtube/

Previous threads
225 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 380548

File: 1715521761988.png (1.3 MB, 1172x1204, Screen Shot 2024-05-12 at 10.4…)

Ao-kun is friends with Nijisanji's Meloco? Does anybody here know more about this? https://x.com/MelocoKyoran/status/1788539932094631955

No. 380689

They've streamed together a lot before? Why is this a surprise?

No. 380973

File: 1715583379547.jpg (1.54 MB, 2712x4320, 1847188491.jpg)

Sex. Between this, Suisei's mosy recent outfit, and Ao-kun's general existence, I gotta say… Blue women know how to catch my eye. Hope Kronii enjoys this one too since I know her PL prefers androgyny.
Now that they've all gotten their new outfits, my ranking for them is Kronii>Bae>>>Mumei=Fauna.

No. 381159

Sex indeed. Thank god for androgynous/more masculine-leaning chuubas.

No. 381684

They worked together at Aruran's pizza shop in the second VCR GTA server and they've continued to interact frequently since then

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No. 236067[Reply]

Previous thread: >>207726

A containment thread for Danofags to sperg.
Post here about Paul Dano's:
>film roles and characters
>different looks
>his notable title as hollywood punching bag due of his majority roles

Do not come here to talk how ugly Paul Dano is according to you, how Danofags have no taste etc. This is a Paul Dano positivity thread
(though healthy criticism is okay). If you hate him, just hide the thread!
If you see hater posts, please report them as derailing and do not reply
635 posts and 395 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 373761

I wish his face wasn't so diffuclut to draw i can't get the grasp of it

No. 373818

File: 1714071373905.gif (2.96 MB, 400x400, IMG_1509.gif)

You can do it nonna!!!

No. 373864

File: 1714085794973.jpeg (Spoiler Image,153.96 KB, 1200x678, IMG_4784.jpeg)

Nonnas if we see more of this ugly fuck than paul in the batman 2 I’m gonna riot

No. 373916

Eugh his face looks like a saggy plastic bag. I hope they don't make it into a joker movie, joker is already in everything.

No. 380966

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No. 283181[Reply]

see these pop up on 4c from time to time and i though it would be fun to have one here too. Post DA spaghetti, waifu/husbando autism, weird people, etc
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No. 380723

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No. 380799

I unironically ship these two.

No. 380852

this is amazing

No. 380861

No. 380963

Thats cute

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No. 193738[Reply]

Link to archived J-Music thread active at the time of the /m/assacre: >>>/m/14863

This will serve as a temporary (?) J-Music thread since weird things seem to be happening in the JRocker realm.

>Yoshiki broke up with his longtime Russian sugar baby Natasha/Natalya in December 2019 & ran back to Japan "until further notice" using the pandemic as an excuse, but flew back to LA quietly less than 3 months later like nothing happened

>…right as Russia invaded Ukraine?
>he also has yet another ~international superband~ project, "Yoshiki SUPERSTAR Project X, only this one is supposed to be a boy band. I guess some people just don't learn.
>Yoshiki also unfollowed Marilyn Manson on all his socials, despite their friendship going back decades and involving hide
>Kisaki is a literal pedophile. Literally. See archived thread link for more info bc I'm just not comfortable linking it myself
>Gackt suspended all activity indefinitely due to health isssues, moved back to Japan & is still an aging cringelord
>Miyavi (and Yoshiki) may be trolling Instagram to scam fans out of money and ideas, needs more investigation but apparently back in 2020 an anon was sent a DM by a Miyavi fake on IG who she claims was the real deal, & that he stole a bunch of ideas from her like Miyavi sake, Miyavi hair wax and that he styled his Imaginary tour backup dancer to look and dress like her
>A theory is that Miyavi and Yoshiki have been making fake private accounts since the onset of the pandemic to contact fans for ideas and to scam money from them. One Yoshiki fan lost over $100,000USD and then killed herself because she was convinced she was talking to the real Yoshiki, and she even received details about his Baccarat deal before the real Yoshiki ever announced it on his official channels. This apparently happened the day before Yoshiki posted the first story to his IG about "not having private accounts'.
>There's an IG account dedicated to keeping track of the Yoshiki fakes, @for_yoshiki_attention run by a Russian Yoshiki fan trying to get to the bottom of this (slow updates lately bc of the obvious)
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303 posts and 66 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 376861

I hope what happened to reita was a sudden sickness because all the members talked about him like his death as something he did have no choice also if it was suicide it would probably take a longer time to know like he would just disappear and nobody could contact him and suddenly the police would be contacted. But he posted that tweet the same day he died and in the next day they already released the news,it was like they were already espected like he was in a hospital.But i don't really think it is a healthy thing to especulate too much about his death

No. 376878

I didn't know Atsushi Sakurai died, idk how to feel about that now.

No. 376880

>They're not much older than my dad yet in worse shape than my grandpa.
All that rockstar stress and heavy drinking I'm guessing. Also, the longevous japanese people eat a lot of vegetables and live in the countryside, people in large cities are very overworked or die of suicide a lot, unfortunately.

No. 380389

Did anybody go to a Diru concert in europe? Kyo supposedly flipped the audience off and wore a paper bag over his head during all meet and greets, no idea why his boomer ass still bothers to tour outside his glorious homecountry, when he clearly hates everything else… I know the answer is money but nevertheless come on, be at least a basic level of polite to the people bringing food to your table.

No. 380461

I went to one of the countries. He did indeed wear a paper bag, pranked some VIPS by giving another member's cards and on his insta live he drew weird things on his own cards instead of autographs. Normal Kyo behaviour tbh, if it was up to Kyo they'd certainly never leave Japan. All of his bands are pumping out merch and content more these days, he seems to be making as much money as possible right now. I suspect he plans on putting an end to all foreign tours when he has the stability to say no. But I actually disagree, he has no need to be polite. He is Kyo after all, he is known to be like this and most of his fans prefer him like this. His endless strange antics are one of the only things that sets him apart. Repost for typos, sry.

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