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No. 240055[Reply]

This is a thread to post memes in other languages (spanish, portuguese, finnish, etc). No common english allowed. Have fun!
345 posts and 307 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 378196

File: 1715342112346.png (860 KB, 1080x1080, JropuxV.png)

No. 378927

File: 1715426376334.png (640.79 KB, 837x846, HYhOr91.png)

No. 380279

File: 1715486389707.png (617 KB, 828x726, GNTjhErXcAA80FL.png)

i do not read anything but english but spanish memes are inexplicably so funny to me

No. 380283

That's Portuguese.

No. 381244

Rough translation for you:
Say what you think, coward
You hide behind kitties

File: 1661368695767.png (591.02 KB, 750x750, A Dance with Dragons by Rosefr…)

No. 233370[Reply]

discuss the books, the hbo series & spinoffs, media amd fan content
408 posts and 107 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 365341

New trailer of HOTD, sorry for shit quality. Why does everything about this show look so poor, you can say whatever you want about GOT, but it had great climatic trailers and well-done battle scenes most of the time. Here you can barely see any army, it's shot like it wants to avoid any pricey scenes besides the dragons. It severely lacks the magnificence the og had.

No. 365344

It has more common with the later seasons.

No. 372768

No. 372950

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No. 380278

File: 1715486339314.jpg (104.13 KB, 640x567, when your gay bf is also your …)

Surely I can't be the only one here who kinda ships them

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No. 161804[Reply]

Discuss topics specific to League of Legends and Riot's other related games/projects here.
Rant, rave or just share your personal achievements and salt.

Game Links:
>League of Legends
>Wild Rift
>Teamfight Tactics
>Legends of Runeterra
>Ruined King

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
281 posts and 82 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 363082

I only play ARAM and only when I'm stoned kek. I used to play support but it's so easy to have a bad time when you're paired with a retard adc, like I don't mind losing but they can be so toxic

No. 363094

Not only that, the amount of characters there are now, we need 6x6 bans, not 5x5 anymore. There's too many counters and they specifically favorite certain champs to stay overkill and won't debuff properly. Some of my favorite champs that I never see anyone play, so they never get touched or changed, suddenly feel like they do no damage at all to anyone. Mages have a nightmare at normals right now because it's been a non-stop adc/bruiser situation and focus from riot for like 8 months now. Even their mages they released like yuumi, doesn't even DO anything damage wise, so real mages who need non-support items are useless. Can't play mid, can't go damage as a hybrid in support. Playing out of meta seems to be the only thing that works now, but you'll get screamed at in lobby for taking Morgana top or wanting to play teemo support.

No. 379949

Anyone else feels insecure about playing support? I enjoy playing other roles too but I only seem to climb playing support and whenever a moid find out that I do/that I'm a woman, they always make fun of me for it and assume you play shit like yuumi. yes I shouldn't care about what they think but it's hard to find duos. they either shit talk you the entire game or they think you have a crush on them because you pressed an ability on them

No. 379977

>Anyone else feels insecure about playing support?
Yes, I know it's silly but because there is this stupid stereotype with women only playing support. I do enjoy also playing mid and top, but play mostly support in ranked. And even though I also play tanks and engage supports there is indeed this stereotype that you just play Yuumi. I have stopped trying to duo, I'm low elo anyway and don't care enough about my rank.

No. 380245

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I main supp even though League is the only game I don't play DPS
Moids will act like this no matter your rank or the champs you play as support
Make them seethe about how good you are and truly OWN what you main, they hate to see stacies being proud and not ashamed

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No. 374337[Reply]

Previous thread >>190037

Semi-final 1: 7 May 2024
Semi-final 2: 9 May 2024
Final: 11 May 2024
All shows start at 21:00 CEST
1203 posts and 156 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 379879

It was meh

No. 379883

I can't believe I liked it too. Was surprised but not really into it the first time but seeing it again it kind of fascinated me. Was the finale version more powerful/angry or something?
It was kinda cool. Croatia is still my favorite but the combination of song + demonic performance made it so cool.
Me neither. I can't understand any of their messages, a few of them said something more than "Thanks Europe" I think

No. 379884

There is a new thread nonnas

No. 379888

True that it wasn't bad, I just wasn't impressed.

No. 379893

Love always triumphs over hate

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No. 349961[Reply]

Containment thread for Brad Dourif fangirling, shitposting, picdumping, and discussion of roles past and present.
Sperg about your favourite Dourif characters, hornypost, show us your fancontent- go wild.

Be nice, have fun, ignore bait.

REQUIRED READING: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25518268/chapters/61911976
Movie Playlist: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxIIC2Ro6jOVgKQhycvsL_KSQ3W-rHmP7

previous threads:
#2 >>>/m/322804
#1 >>>/m/303907
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No. 382207

File: 1715776575384.jpg (269.77 KB, 850x653, rfdKvqD1-E8.jpg)

i may not think xenomorphs are hot in the same way he thinks they're hot, but respect to the dude, he died doing what he loved.

No. 382613

File: 1715856459417.png (526.35 KB, 707x571, Twice as sweet as sugar.png)

What hope is there for the rest of us when he can't keep his own hands off himself?
Cat eyes and curls, what else do you need?
Never forget.
The desperate desire for forbidden things. Love will tear him apart.
Thank you so much for sharing those.
This is another one where the show's hairdresser needs an award for showcasing those curls.
picrel, everyone wants to touch him.

No. 382614

File: 1715856728865.png (518.95 KB, 711x566, twice as bitter as salt.png)

I wonder if there is a larger one of this, that is such a sweet smile. tysm for finding those.

No. 382615

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No. 382618

File: 1715857563975.png (567.6 KB, 704x562, it's nobody else's fault.png)

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No. 199307[Reply]

Post cow pictures here. Real cows, cow illustrations, characters dressed as cows, lolcow related pictures, etc
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No. 371964

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No. 373194

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No. 374073

File: 1714157210557.png (313.49 KB, 500x600, RyEIcX4.png)

No. 376517

File: 1714849647902.png (1.19 MB, 2000x1600, 1706150738257.png)

No. 379091

File: 1715434996756.mp4 (682.12 KB, 480x828, nFxU1w75R0kQMMnX.mp4)

No. 268621[Reply]

previous thread >>>/m/75016
180 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 375271

No. 375272

No. 376212

No. 376213

No. 379082

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No. 149028[Reply]

How about this? Something different.
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No. 372880

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Katara. From what I've seen, people either like her or hate her. She's one of the characters with the most polarizing reactions I've ever seen. I can see why other people don't like her, but I personally don't hate her nor do I dislike her. The writers could have and should have done more with her development and potential, but I think the show as it is now does a good enough job at explaining the origins of her personality and why she behaves in the way that she does. People definitely hated her when she told Sokka that he didn't love their mother like she did, and while that is a pretty mean thing to say, Katara technically wasn't wrong. I always got the impression that Katara was closer to her mother, and Sokka was closer to his father. She was passionate about her mother and finding her mother's killer, plus she's like fourteen so even her "bitchiness" does make sense in this moment, although it is hurtful. People meme the fuck out of Katara talking about her mother, but try putting yourself in her shoes. Imagine being a little girl, and your neighborhood or city is being raided by foreign soldiers. You are scared and crying, hoping that your family is going to be okay, and when your own mother (which means the world to you) is cornered by a soldier–your last moment with your mother is her trying to tell you that everything will be okay and to just leave her to get help. Well you leave to get your father and brother and what do you come back to? Thr burned and charred corpse of your mother right there in your house. Who the fuck wouldn't be traumatized? And Katara is still a kid by the time the plot even starts. Somebody did a count, and Katara actually only talks about her mother 31 times across 11 episodes out of the series total of 61, and most of the time she mentioned her mother particularly when asked about her NECKLACE. She would talk in depth about her mother when she wanted to let people know that she had pain too, and that their suffering is not alone. When you put yourself in Katara's shoes, it's a surprise she doesnt talk about her mother even more. People say that Katara is a mary-sue because of how fast she got good with waterbending, but people forget that she trained with the best waterbender in the world and for months. There's the training she got from Hama. Meanwhile, Toph got lost, learned seismic sense from some moles, and became an earthbending master before she was even twelve, but nobody EVER calls Toph aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 372895

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Naruto, Bleach and ATLA were my first shows, Sakura, Rukia, Katara respectively gave me impression what these cool, relatable girl main characters were normal for any show.
It still gives me a chuckle about early Sakura inner voice believed to be some hidden jutsu by many instead of just gig. Guys are so alienated of thought about girls hiding their true feelings since childhood. To be fit in community. Okay, I'm taking it too seriously, it's just a comedic gag.

>I'd be interested to see how the creators would animate some flashbacks of his life, showing how he got down from being a normal kid to being a sociopath.
Sounds interesting! He felt so non-existent in the show. Considering his father demanding (for his grandsons skills) and brutal personality for little screentime, and being born in already long war period, his older brother being Iroh, we already know he married by his father orders, it would be really fun 2-episode arc about his path to there he came. Not defending him at all, just wish he was more than just being final boss.

Also I'm salty by her endgame LOK. Wished she was more than just a housewife and teacher. To be widely respected South Tribe leader modernizing her society and rebuild villages with fortresses and any kind of infrastructure in general, so people wouldn't be easily endangered by new bad guys invaders. She's in friends with world leaders, I see no hassle there. She doesn't even have her own statue like Toph has!

No. 372906

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No. 378866

File: 1715423014813.gif (3.88 MB, 640x360, c98c5afd31bd881e7fae62f6410c77…)

I just don't understand the hate for Isabelle besides moids ruining her with porn and edgy cringe content. Even people find her announcements on ACNH to be annoying too. I just think she's super cute and sweet.

No. 378992

People hate her???? This is why I don't participate in fandom, too many retards.

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No. 186908[Reply]

Post all the manhating pictures you have!
844 posts and 579 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 373898

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No. 373904

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No. 374906

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No. 374907

File: 1714416314110.jpg (70.83 KB, 749x505, IMG_1706.jpg)

No. 378838

File: 1715421591199.png (201 KB, 519x706, Isabelle_says_no_to_moids!.png)

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No. 63529[Reply]

Post 'em.
429 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 361998

No. 372760

No. 373554

No. 375268

No. 378757

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