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No. 1730353

Scotland edition.
Haggis, cèilidh, Count Dankula, SNP scandals and more!

Britbong Thread #1 >>>/ot/1433914

No. 1730361

You're too early anon, that thread still has like 100 posts left

No. 1730459

Soon enough.

No. 1730513

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No. 1730704

The weather.

No. 1754355

I guess it is time to use this thread, will next thread be Wales Edition?

No. 1754358

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There were so many of these books. I have vague memories of it being about a girl with big hoop earrings

No. 1754449

I googled them yesterday and her name is Shiraz like the wine and I immediately borrowed all of them as ebooks from my library kek they’re VERY funny

No. 1756055

Yeah, why not.

No. 1756066

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Limmy is who made me like Scottish people.

No. 1756100

Omg anon I remember her name being Shiraz now you have said that!! I still have them in my loft with all my old books kek enjoy

No. 1756109

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Also from the wiki:
> An attempt to publish the books overseas in the United States was largely unsuccessful
> only the first two books, re-titled for American publication, were released.
I can’t find the retitled US ones though? I wonder if the chav part was changed. What is the equivalent to a chav in America?

No. 1756138

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Speaking of Scottish people. David Tennant. Did you anons watch this? I remember it was huge at the time, especially season 1. They made an American version which I saw a clip comparison of and it looked awful.. really awful.

No. 1758314

It doesn't translate directly but ghetto trash and wigger would be equivalent.

No. 1758326

Diary of a ghetto trash

No. 1759174

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No. 1763837

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And men call us Karens. Why did a newspaper take this non-story seriously? They photographed him with a mask and sunglasses on too kek.

No. 1763839

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No. 1763847

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No. 1764251

>the most degrading and humiliating situation I have ever experienced
Imagine being male.

No. 1764351

>lived in Asia before returning
parody writing itself

No. 1764442

Just spoke to the nicest woman on NHS 111 It was for physical health reasons but when I hear a kind and gentle voice sometimes I just start bawling and I can’t even speak but she was so nice and patient.

No. 1764476

Do british people actually eat beans on toast or is that just a meme

No. 1764480

we do and it is lovely and cosy and sometimes we can sprinkle cheese on top. I don't care what burgers say about beans on toast when they eat meatloaf

No. 1764484

literally had this for lunch today. it's pretty much my go-to when i'm lazy (and poor).

No. 1764487

hope you're doing ok now nonnie? sometimes i hate when they are so lovely because it makes me want to cry, and then it's hard to pull yourself back together and deal with things. but obviously much more preferable than dealing with a soulless unhelpful person.

No. 1764505

that is so sweet. I hope you are doing ok nonnie, I am glad you got to talk to someone lovely and kind. I had a doctor once who had a really soft and quiet voice that was almost like asmr and was really comforting

No. 1764510

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dia dhuit nonnies. do any of you understand/speak scottish gaelic? i'm learning irish which is very different but wondering how popular it is to gaelic in scotland.
i introduced my spanish friend to limmy a few years ago and it took her a while to understand him but now she loves saying "get tae fok"

No. 1764513

it is rare for Scottish or Irish people to speak Gaelic, are you either of those?

No. 1764520

i'm irish living in england. it's not that rare in ireland, my younger family members are all fluent. my parents have forgotten most of what they learned in school though. it seems to be gaining popularity among the younger generation which is really nice to see. wondering if it's a similar thing in scotland or not.

No. 1764526

just to clarify, i understand it's not common to speak this every day. but to learn it and become fluent is not uncommon.

No. 1764613

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No. 1764624

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I don’t know why the fuck they’re jailing her at all.

No. 1764628

5 years too long. free her

No. 1765847

I'm considering visiting London again for a few days in February or March, alone this time, so I can do some of the things I didn't have the time to do last summer and I want to go to restaurants that are in London but not in my country and that I discovered in Japan but going to Japan is way more expensive than doing a 1h long trip by plan from the EU. I'm talking about visiting Hyde Park, the Sherlock Holmes museum, etc. I would also like to try the afternoon tea at Fortum and Mason. Is it good? Do you also have other things to recommend? I also want to shop in stores that don't exist anymore in my city like New Look because I could always find clothes my size easily there. You think March is a good time for that?

No. 1766161

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On the old girly book series chat did anyone else read this series? I remember being obsessed during my early years of secondary. I had this companion dictionary with all the made up slang the characters used.

No. 1766171

Yes lmao I felt so sophisticated

No. 1766182

I don't live in London so I don't know, but Google it.

No. 1766199

burger here, this book was in my elementary school library

No. 1766259

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anon oh my god I loved these so much I remember taking one to school in my bag and I didnt read it at school I just liked having it with me kek

No. 1766274

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ATJ was like Zac Efron to bongs. I remember he was a heartthrob for tweens

No. 1766294

I might have watched this movie more times than any other, it was a sleepover staple (along with Wild Child, I guess there weren't that many british teen films).
From memory it doesn't resemble the books much, where Robbie is an obvious bad choice for Georgia and not the main love interest for the series, he's a sixth former while she's in like year nine and he clearly doesn't like her that much. Lindsay was also a swotty academic type and not a much of a mean girl.

No. 1766303

My mom brought me home one when I was in high school and I fell in love. As a non bong I really enjoyed all the wild slang kek. Those books were pure hilarity for teen girls I treasure them. She really captured that feeling of having crushes and being completely retarded with your friends.

No. 1766334

Thinking back to them reminds me of the shit me and my friends would get up to at that age.
We went to an all girls school, but the sixth form (if you are not a bong, school here lumps middle + high school together, the last two years are called sixth form and not everyone does it, some people do vocational courses instead etc. this doesn't matter but anyway you have 11 to 18 year olds all in the same building) had some classes shared with the neighbouring boys school so there would always be a few sixth form boys hanging around. They were all 16-18 and at this time we were like 12 or 13 so obviously these were not boys we had any chance with (I should hope). They were as out of reach as any celebrity or fictional character. And we treated them as such, or at least one of my friends did, she was the stereotypical boy crazy tween girl and would constantly develop crushes on these random sixth formers and tell the rest of the friend group about them. We ended up basically developing lore about these guys, each which had their own nicknames and 'backstories'. There was fanart, poems, locker shrines, a ranking of which boy was number one for the moment, at lunchtimes we'd go to the classrooms we knew a particular boy tended to hang out in and wait outside to sneak peaks through the window.
It was only the girl who first had the crushes who was actually sincerely crushing on them and the rest of us were just doing this to fuck around. One time one of my friends sent one of the poems to it's subject on facebook. If I remember right it was fairly explicit and obviously the guy blocked her immediately, I really have to wonder what the fuck that guy went away thinking after that.
It was the age where you do things just to be random and quirky so we got up to all sorts of bullshit. I'm glad I went to an all girls school because I never had to worry about what boys would think and such (like previously stated the sixth formers were distant figures).

No. 1768326

Noo cos me and my mates did the same thing. There was this guy 3 years above us we had nicknamed 'elf' because he had spikey hair. Anyways, at 21 years old I start seeing a guy, go to his flat, his flatmate is fucking elf. It was surreal

No. 1768340

> As a non bong I really enjoyed all the wild slang
Kek I bet, it is one of the most British films ever

No. 1770126

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Can you believe Zoey 101 is going on I’m a Celeb kek

No. 1770404

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>You know I had to do it to em

No. 1770407

Who do you think will be the most insufferable, him or Matt Hancock?

No. 1770433

This is an insane roster, jesus christ. Might actually have to tune in for the first time in years.

No. 1770445

Same. It looks interesting this year

No. 1770463

New look is dead in london last time i checked. Tbh, most stores are dead, asos murdered everyone. There's literally only h&m and other boring stores you could find in any country nowadays. I'd go to westfield shepards bush because there is a japanese store at the bottom level that sells some nice goods and has really tasty food. Hyde park is worth it imo, idk about the sherlock holmes museum, it sounds like touristy trash. Go for the tea, i haven't been there but you can never go wrong with it. I'd also recommend exploring the convent garden/chinatown area too, there's a lot of nice restaurants, unique stores and it's just a decent place to walk around when there's no people, so early afternoon on a weekday when it's off season for tourists and school children. I am heavily biased to west london btw because that's pretty much the only place i know decently well.

No. 1771068

Well fuck, I guess I should just buy things online then. I miss the New Look store that was in the mall in my country a few years ago. As for everything else I already plan on visiting these places again. I liked the Chinatown but when I visited it with my friend last year we ate so much we weren't hungry enough to eat there except for some taiyaki and ice cream. I'll check reviews of the Sherlock Holmes museum and see if it's a tourist trap. It's next to the Madame Tussauds museum which disappointed me a lot for being a tourist trap so I'm a bit wary.

No. 1771069

Well fuck, I guess I should just buy things online then. I miss the New Look store that was in the mall in my country a few years ago. As for everything else I already plan on visiting these places again. I liked the Chinatown but when I visited it with my friend last year we ate so much we weren't hungry enough to eat there except for some taiyaki and ice cream. I'll check reviews of the Sherlock Holmes museum and see if it's a tourist trap. It's next to the Madame Tussauds museum which disappointed me a lot for being a tourist trap so I'm a bit wary.

No. 1771076

Nta. I don't know London well enough to be of any help, sorry. Mumsnet is frequently mocked but it's the most knowledgable British site IME. An account can be made with 10 minute mail.

No. 1771104

Gaelic is rare is Scotland and no one outside the islands can speak it. There's a few Gaelic speaking schools you make your kids attend if you really want them to become fluent in dead language.

Despite the memeing from the Scottish government, its probably spoken by tens of thousands out of population of millions.

No. 1771106

I'd recommend the fan museum in Greenwich if you're in the area. Its small with lots of ornate fans run by old ladies.

No. 1771148

2 of my friends and I did the same with a friend group of 3 boys in our year. I had a severe crush on one of them, one of them was obsessed with my other friend and then they BOTH had a huge crush on the 3rd. We would just have the most insane ridiculous conversations about them all the time and made up inside jokes about them all to the point that it could be considered worldbuilding akin to J.R.R Tolkien, yet it was pretty much always sexually depraved humour, and we even speculated ridiculous sounds they all made when they cum, and we would mimic these sounds all the time and just laugh hysterically. I eventually had a shit relationship with the guy I was crushing on and honestly? These conversations are what I miss the most.

I miss those girls so much.

No. 1772492

big brother nonnies - who are you voting to win?

No. 1773916

Guys I had a dream last night that King Charles was shot and killed by a sniper JFK style.

No. 1774996

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I wouldn't bother with the Sherlock Holmes museum nona. I got dragged around there by my friend and it was really cramped and full of tourists. We couldn't even get close to anything on the walls because there were too many people. And this was at around lunchtime on a weekday. Then again, it was about 10 years ago so maybe now that no-one cares about picrel the tourist numbers will have gone down.

No. 1775551

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Oh my God, I was obsessed with these as a teenager. I work in a library now that does not have them and I am so tempted to put an order in just for the new generation of booky girlies to enjoy. I still get reminded when I see midget gems in corner shops.

No. 1775641

Maybe these people went there right before or after visiting the Madame Tussauds' museum since it's right next to this one. I only went to the souvenir shop next to it and bought some of the books (and I need to get the remaining ones in that edition because they got released a few months ago and they have some glossary the end to explain old words) I still haven't read them because I want all the books I bought in English so I can binge read them because my friend was too tired to visit two museums one after the other. The souvenir shop wasn't really packed but there were a high number of costumers. Did you see anything interesting there, was it educational or was it just, idk, mindless fanservice for nerds who liked the books and some of the adaptations to make them want to buy useless crap in the souvenir shop?

No. 1776009

Ayrt, I think I'm a retard. Your questions prompted me to Google the museum exhibits because I didn't really remember much and I have a suspicion that we only went to the gift shop next door as well. I was wondering why I didn't remember paying for a ticket… kek sorry nona, please disregard what I said before. I hope you get your books

No. 1783577

Are you nonnies watching I’m a celeb?

No. 1784792

Do we have a Discord? Would you want one?

No. 1789540


No. 1789740

oi oi savaloy

No. 1789968

why has the internet been licking irelands ass lately? reminds me of the early 2010s when americans were obsessed with english culture kek

No. 1790229

Can you give any examples?

I don't think we have one but I'd like one tbh. Daily Mail nona isn't allowed though

No. 1790870

i'd like a discord too

i am but its dull as ditchwater this year

No. 1791967

can’t find the post but there was a video going around on tumblr about how amazing irish food is with most of the notes saying how much better it is than english food despite being pretty similar kek. also I’ve noticed americans calling themselves irish online recently because their great great grandmother was irish or something

No. 1792159

Americans have always been like that. I actually noticed the opposite, hostility since Hamas attack. Jewish Americans accusing them of being anti-semites. They even mocked the Dublin attack. Do you read about the conflict because it might be your algorithm influencing things.

No. 1792192

you're probably right about the algorithm thing lol. i havent seen any hostility personally but id believe it, just wish americans werent so wishy washy about wether they like the uk and ireland

No. 1792219

As a recent trend I think it's actually backlash to that 00s/10s anglophilia. It depends on the circles you're interacting with but there's this kind of 'safe edgy' humour that involves ironically hating England and Britain and more sincerely talking about how twee British things that were popular 10 years ago (BBC Sherlock, Doctor Who, Royal Family worship) are lame and uncool, that's been adopted by a certain type of left leaning person online. Back then the same people would also talk about how the UK was so enlightened for having free healthcare etc., but this kind of sentiment faded when they realised that it wasn't really a liberal paradise after all. In their embarrassment they started exaggerating how awful the UK was instead, similar to former weebs who now go on about Japan as if it's a nightmare hellhole because they found out it wasn't like anime.
Ireland is a similar country you can start jerking off if you're still secretly into that twee stuff and unlike stuffy oppressive brits they're opposed to them as anti-imperialist freedom fighters, so it gives you some left wing cred too (so long as you ignore how socially conservative Ireland actually was until pretty recently).

No. 1793851

what to do in london? im coming to visit but i never travel and hate tourist shit. also ill be staying in portobello. pls nonnies give me some cool ideas since idk how to even look for stuff without getting touristy really obvious suggestions. im going to see phantom of the opera, manga exhibition and deep medi party lol. what else what is cool, im open for most things since i usually spend my time doing shit with my dog or drugs and talking to the same 7 people so u can imagine how bored i am lol

No. 1794257

i used to know a burger who loved to make fun of the uk but would sperg if you ever said anything bad about america. "ackchually the us is pretty great" etc she was a they/them football fan too. i think a lot of it is insecurity tbh

No. 1795056

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'Irish Lives Matter' was graffitied on a wall in Belfast and authorities are treating it as a hate incident. Hardnut Burgers who think Belfast is in ROI have an epic tantrum saying the Irish government should be overthrown because the people are not FREE. Enjoy the cringe nonas. Yes, that's Conor.

No. 1795058

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No. 1795060

Some nationalists are trying to say it was a loyalist spray painted it to stir up tensions but it's mostly likely a nationalistic retard taking inspiration from the dublin riot the other night where they attacked hotels and local shops because immigrants

No. 1795062

It was a matter of when not If, though it's not limited to Ireland or even Europe, tons of countries are experiencing nationalistic movements and the rise of more and more extreme parties.

No. 1795064

Yeah and it's funny how the organisations behind these gay demonstrations have funding from America and spokespersons travelling over to incite and enflame impoverished demographics.

No. 1795065

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There's more including really funny tweets but I won't spam the thread obviously.


I'm not calling out Ireland. I'm laughing at the American reaction online.

No. 1795067

As a northern Irish person I can assure you there are plenty of retarded nationalists here and racists and entire communities who's only personality trait is worrying about Ireland being united and becoming a utopia somehow at the detriment of having actual local representation and a functioning government.

No. 1795071

>attacked hotels and local shops because immigrants
Why did Irish people do that?

No. 1795074

Not as retarded as endorsing a United Ireland but not knowing Belfast is a part of the UK. What is their support actually about cause it clearly isn't very deep.

No. 1795076

A mentally ill man that immigrated 20 years ago to ireland stabbed school children at 1pm. So at around 8pm after arrests were made and all victims recovering in hospital some locals took to the street to "demonstrate" against immigrants ruining the city by burning up the luas (trams around the city) burning out police cars, smashing up hotels and looting from Footlocker and Schuh and smashing other shops. Dublin has home grown gang issues and the youth are stealing cars and scooters and driving them the wrong way down roads and motorways because there was a fatal accident a while back and police don't chase down people anymore because its dangerous. So now there's loopholes to get away with carjackings etc. Basically dublin is a shithole

No. 1795077

Oh and dublin has a really had homeless issue, ireland had mental health issues and housing issues. Basically the capital is a complete shithole with disenfranchised people everywhere and the place going to shit. Then you've got people in the North romanticising ireland for the Irish and all the social and economical issues will be magically fixed when you can witness how the Irish government operates with a lesser populace so let's add to it and lose out on public services I don't have to pay for at point of contact but national insurance covers it.

No. 1795083

The point is that liberal democracy governments suck at basically everything, they don't appeal to any side and can't fully franchise any majority group either, even the minority only tacitly support them, again it's not limited to Ireland or Europe, I'm seeing it my own nation and the rise of nationalist groups and parties that were irrelevant for 30 years but suddenly came back in full force, maybe even stronger then before.

No. 1796580

>authorities are treating it as a hate incident
Because they want more terrorism?

Who gives a shit? The tools at Westminster can never un-learn their neo-colonial practices, no matter how much they like to preach about 'progressive' values.
I hope it backfires - literally. If you catch my drift.

>Basically dublin is a shithole
But the big tax-evading companies from the States love it!

No. 1796764

There are so many burgers who love to claim to be Irish and believe it to be this magical island, yet are unaware that half of it is part of the uk and how like the majority of Europe it is swarming with immigrants and other scum

No. 1796765

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It’s very nippy nonnies! Make sure you snuggle with one of these

No. 1796766

> neo-colonial practices

No. 1797085

I have a pay as you go gas meter and it broke, so I couldn't top it up or have any gas in my home. Took me fucking ages to get British Gas to come out and I'm on a priority list cos I'm considered vulnerable because I have autism, so I can't imagine how long it usually takes. They ended up giving us a temporary meter while they order us the new one so I've got free gas for like 4 days, I am going to have the heating on constantly i stg

No. 1797374

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It's snowing and it's -5C in November. This doesn't usually happen until January.

No. 1798363

ive got a microwaveable hot teddy. comfy as

No. 1798384

my fucking train is cancelled tomorrow and now i have to sort out a bike reservation on one of the other, inevitably crowded trains eith short notice. our countrys infrastructure is so shit

No. 1798390

the few times i've even been able to afford a fucking train recently, it's been a shit show. delays for over an hour, stopping at random stations and telling people to get off and change or just straight up cancelled altogether with no services running. it makes me so angry. feel bad for people who rely on it for their daily commute. i would go insane.

No. 1798439

I've given up on going anywhere. I can't remember the last time I went to a different town or city cause the transport never works. I just walk everywhere which was fine when it was warmer but now it's a nightmare. Im in the north and don't drive and you just simply can't rely on the buses or the metro ever working. Adding strikes into the mix just increases the issues (though I do support strikes). Then when I finally do get to use the transport I have to share it with some of the worst people in society, last time I used the metro a moid shouted profanities at me whilst I was minding my own business and it was terrifying. He must have been drunk or high.

All I get told by everyone is 'learn to drive' as if I have the money, time or lack of anxiety to do this. I know people only care about issues when it affects them directly but having such a shit travel infrastructure is bound to affect everyone at some point.

No. 1798894

Expect it to get worse. That's been the reality for thousands of us since forever. Promise to fix it but all they do is cut. There's a reason why everyone drives in the South West. Much of it has no transport whatsoever. I had a bus that came three times a day on working days. Took twenty minutes and cost six quid to go five miles up the road. Kids down here work from age fourteen to save for driving lessons and a car.

No. 1798898

Where I live they cancel all the busses in the winter and only run them during the summer when tourists are around.

No. 1798943

Similar to where I live, although I think part of the issue is that roads here are so bad that it's unsafe for buses in freezing weather.

No. 1801638

sorry if this is the wrong thread/place to ask, but are any of you anons involved in feminist spaces irl? i really want to get involved but i dont really know where to start.

No. 1802157

Do you mean radfem spaces or something different? Personally I'm not but would be interested hearing what other nonnas have to say

No. 1802253

yes, radfem spaces! obviously ive looked at orgs but im wondering if there are meetups near me for local support, that kind of thing. something more direct than donating through a website

No. 1803345

learning about sophie anderson (didn't know who she was before she died but she was a viral gay meme) and feeling saddened and disgusted beyond belief

No. 1803362

Ask on /2X/

No. 1803799

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well deserved

No. 1803832

Another example of gay men's rampant misogyny catapulting mentally ill women into a meme because they love pointing and laughing at them

No. 1803833


No. 1804654

men rely on women for their support and allyship but don't have anything to say when a woman is abused and an addict, they expect us to do all the work as usual. i wouldn't know about the extent of her abuse at all if not for this video and wiki'ing her, all people had to say was "rip sex positive queen"

No. 1806274

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Nonas, I'm thinking of travelling to the Cotswolds and just learned that no new houses have been built in Castle Combe since the 1600s. Does anyone know why? It seems very odd to just decide to not build anything for centuries in a non-abandoned village.

No. 1807549

Nobody really lives there full time. It's a touristy place known for being frozen in time. No point spending money on building new homes that nobody can afford to buy and which 'ruin' the charm of the town.>>1806274

No. 1807561

Did they really think that way in the 1700s too? That it would ruin the charm of the town to built modern 18th century houses? I don't get why they just stopped at one point.

No. 1807572

i signed up to the WRN https://www.womensrights.network/join-wrn - they have local women's groups across the country but they said their checks take a really long time, and it really helps if you have a public social media page attached to verify you. which i don't. i understand the caution though, but it does make finding and joining these groups difficult. which is exactly what men want.

No. 1807637

They probably didn't see the point of building new houses when the Industrial Revolution started and all the young people went to London to look for work. I guess that families lived together in inherited houses before that, it's a tiny rural area so there wouldn't be much population growth.

No. 1807672

Thanks for the reply, that makes sense.

No. 1807937

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samefag but just came across this place https://viragowomensworkshop.co.uk/ for any nonnies in Leeds

No. 1810609

have any of you done a 23andme test or something similar? I got 100% European kek 79.7% British and Irish (bong) 16.6% French & German 1.1% Scandinavian 2.1% broadly northwestern European

No. 1810611

didn't even have to post this I already knew this about you when I stole 23andme's user data last week to better gangstalk you with

No. 1810613

come find me nona, let's dance

No. 1810618

I would love to tenderly holds your waist

No. 1810664

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sorry to bother you nonnies, but i'm doing this james bond quiz and i'm stuck on this question. i feel like i need some britbong cultural knowledge or smth to answer it. can any of you work it out? is it really obvious?!? cuz i've got NOTHING.

the link in case you can't read the screenshot properly: https://00qristmas.neocities.org/five

No. 1812047

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I fucking hate Americans. No, I was not looking to say “takes the cake” you silly cunt.

No. 1813250

Kek zoomers google things and think they're teaching other people how to behave properly, its so funny because they're so confident in it

No. 1814033

File: 1702679106934.gif (1.13 MB, 520x302, mark.gif)

kek are they taking the piss? if they were, they wouldn't know it, I guess.
tbh tho i was hoping it was going to be
>this really takes the biscuit

No. 1814038

File: 1702679256132.jpeg (1.15 MB, 3508x2480, cheryl chips.jpeg)

this evening i went to the chippy right as they were closing and the man gave me large chips for free (because they would have just been thrown out otherwise). merry chipmas, nonnies!

No. 1814056

>tfw esl and have no idea what either of those phrases mean

No. 1816502

When I go to have my hair cut, there's a chippy next door and if it's open I go in and get a portion of chips for lunch as a treat.

No. 1816508

If someone is taking the piss they're making a mockery or show of something or doing something so blatantly incorrect you have to wonder if they're joking

No. 1816512

Are you taking the piss and you're taking the piss are two different statements.

No. 1817961

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Maybe. Even in the 1700s you had rich people thinking rural villages were cool. Pic related is the one that Marie Antoinette had built for herself.

Maybe the local landlord had similar ideas and eventually so did everyone else.

No. 1818265

I got 98% British and Irish but unfortunately 23andme doesn't differentiate between British and Irish so I dunno which percent I am of either - I know I definitely am a mix of both though. Would've been cool to see the exact numbers but hey ho

No. 1822884

This storm is blowing my whole garden around. It woke me up early this morning.

No. 1824469

>>1818265 >>1810609

My brother and dad have done one on ancestry which gives more of a breakdown between British and Irish. Even gives a further breakdown on where in England.

My brothers is around 47% English, 27% Irish, 20% Scottish 2% Welsh, 2% Sweden/Denmark and 2% Norway. Expected the English to be higher.

No. 1824694

Heros > Celebrations. That is all. I hope you are enjoying your christmas.

No. 1826416

What's your opinion on Roses, nonna?

No. 1858625

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No. 1858643


Royal bussy poppin’

No. 1858850

back to stan twitter faghag.

No. 1858863

Anyone who isn’t a raging autist would see she’s using the language ironically. Back to the dole office with you sped.

No. 1859172

camilla shoved the tampon up his bootyhole too hard

No. 1859230

oh come on it was obviously a joke

No. 1860719

I thought it was his son who liked dildos in his ass?

No. 1863891

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How’s everynon coping in this awful weather?

No. 1863915

awful i almost got blown over on my break so my manager got me a taxi home

No. 1866355

The wind blew the entire streets' rubbish onto my drive. Milk bottles knocking about all night and bags of shite scattered around after bin collection day. At least it's no longer below 0, I'm glad about that. How are you doing, anon?

No. 1871441

hi britbongs, burgerfag tourist here. do you think your island(s) are a good vacation destination? I have a friend who lives in london and I wonder if it’s worth visiting. or should I venture outside the anglosphere for a more exciting experience?

No. 1871457

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It depends on what you want to do. The cities here are over crowded, dirty shit holes with barely functional public transit. God help you if you intend to travel anywhere by train. That leaves the rural areas of the country. There's stunning rural villages nestled in natural landscapes if you're into that. There's also national parks and there's a fair number of UNESCO world heritage sites considering Britain is only a small Island. It's great if you're into hiking and physical activity. If you're looking for a city holiday, you would be better off going to a city in Eastern Europe.

No. 1871472

plenty of good museums in london of you're into that kind of thing

No. 1871478

yes I would love to visit the countryside. outlander is my guilty pleasure show and the scottish highlands are really beautiful. but since my friend lives in the city, I would probably have to rent a car? driving on the other side of the road scares me. taking one of those old trains like in narnia or harry potter to the countryside would be really nice though kek
I also love museums so I would definitely go if I did spend time in the city. the other thing I imagine being fun in british cities are pubs. we don’t really have pubs like you do. bars and clubs, sure. but it seems different?

No. 1871525

depends on the pub you go to some are nice and cozy and some are shite (like what you would call 'dive bars') and it might be best to avoid those ones
also avoid going to one if a big football game is on, rugby is fine though

No. 1871613

thank you for the suggestions, nonna. yes, dive bars are a thing here, but they’re mostly filled with middle aged druggies, bikers, and hookers kek

No. 1872195

File: 1706640690214.jpg (960.49 KB, 2500x1667, rye-east-sussex-1620901471.jpg)

There are many beautiful places here. Like Bath, Rye, Cotswolds Villages, The Lake District. Like other nonnies said, it depends what kind of thing you are looking for. Also there are lots of articles/blogs that could give you some inspo just by googling "Pretty places to visit in the UK".

No. 1872448

rye (pic) is nice, just big enough for a day to walk around - if you go, don't forget to check out the view from the top of the church's tower

No. 1877450

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No. 1879057

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kek this is literally an american I went to uni with. he even wore a beanie like picrel almost every day to classes

No. 1880210

Nah it’s shit tbh

No. 1880641

Have you travelled your own country sufficiently?

No. 1881433

Someone whose grandparents or great grandparents left Scotland long ago isn't more Scottish than someone who actually grew up there and is immersed in the culture kek. As an Irish person, I'm sick of these breed of American that rees about how Irish they are when they think Ireland is the same as it is when their ancestors got off the boat, get their knowledge of it from movies, blame their alcoholism on being Irish, and conflate it with Scotland. No Brad, you're not one of us because your great grandma's cat licked a potato. So many of them identify as "Scotch Irish" too with no idea that the Ulster Scots aren't ethnically Irish like they think and are actually descendants of colonisers from Britain

No. 1881456

> No Brad, you're not one of us because your great grandma's cat licked a potato

No. 1881468

File: 1707394294563.png (190.47 KB, 640x790, IMG_4366.png)

NTA but the point is, Americans who call themselves Irish/Scottish, who are literally born and raised in America, along with their family, shouldn’t call themselves anything but American just because a distant relation from the 17th century was born in Ireland/Scotland. You are American. Most also have a shock when they realise Ireland isn’t a green, mythical paradise kek

No. 1881472

Did he have fair skin and ginger hair? That usually makes an American Scottish or Irish

No. 1881474

>actually grew up there and is immersed in the culture kek.
If you, a White Irishwoman, were born and raised in Pakistan in the horrid Pakistani culture, you would still not be Pakistani and Pakistanis would still not consider you as a Pakistani. So why should non-White people be considered as belonging to White countries just because those non-White people were born and raised in those White countries?
>they think Ireland is the same as it is when their ancestors got off the boat, get their knowledge of it from movies, blame their alcoholism on being Irish, and conflate it with Scotland
That's an elaborate strawman you've built for yourself but it's not actually true. There are Irish Americans who are knowledgeable about Ireland and Irish culture.
>the Ulster Scots aren't ethnically Irish like they think and are actually descendants of colonisers from Britain
Ulter Scots intermarried with the Irish, you yourself most likely have Anglo-Saxon and Norman ancestors just like how many English people and Scottish people and Welsh people have Irish ancestors. White Britons and White Irish are the same ethnicity.(pakichan ban evading)

No. 1881476

>shouldn’t call themselves anything but American just because a distant relation from the 17th century was born in Ireland/Scotland
Why not? It's obvious what they mean when White Americans refer to themselves as their heritage.

No. 1881484

File: 1707395436348.jpg (174.55 KB, 1024x683, blue-lagoon-abereiddy-8-1024x6…)

Fellow burger with bong family- I've had a great time in the UK, especially Wales, especially the St. David's area. There are some gorgeous coastal hikes if you're an outdoorsy person. The food is cheaper than the US, and if you plan it right and maybe go at a non peak time of year it can make for a pretty cheap vacation, other than the airfare. I love setting out on the footpaths and just walking through random villages until I get hungry and stop in a pub.

No. 1881502

It's racebait. Report and move on. I reported it hours ago but moderation sucks.

No. 1881518

How is it racebait to state that a Pakistani is not Scottish?

No. 1881541

This is cute anon, I'm glad you had a nice time here!

No. 1881542

my bong auntie and uncle moved to the us nearly over 15 years ago and had my cousins, they are both American, they refer to themselves as such. My uncle has Irish parents (grew up in England) yet my cousins don't call themselves Irish. They're American. When they came for Christmas, my cousin even said he is "too American" for the Christmas dinner and said there isn't enough Walmarts or guns

No. 1881543

How is that racebait? Stop being so dramatic

No. 1881545

File: 1707401675017.png (955.96 KB, 776x774, Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 14.14…)

I'm baking home-made shortbread right now nonnies

No. 1881549

But the Americans who talk about their heritage also call themselves Americans, so your point is meaningless. In America everyone is an immigrant or descended from immigrants, and people typically immigrated to specific areas with other people from their countries, which led to different regions of the US having culture that comes directly from the immigrants there.

Some examples are that the Great Lakes region is filled with scandinavian immigrants (if you’ve seen Fargo you’ll know) and Louisiana had a lot of French and Irish immigrants.

Different American accent’s literally came from immigrants in that area. Even in cities with a lot of immigrants from different countries, they used to separate themselves and live in distinct neighborhoods. If everyone has a parent or grandparents who came from Italy, and all your neighbors who you grow up with and socialize with have the same (or immigrated themselves) then there’s automatically a strong link, which is why Italian Americans have a strong and distinct culture and community, despite of course having many differences to Italians.

No. 1881563

Cannot stand americunts, why do they always feel the need to spoil everything?

No. 1881578

Shortbread is delicious, enjoy it nonny!

No. 1881612

English people are normal about their Irish ancestry. Burgers think that being a white murican is boring so they have to cling to a nationality that belonged to some ancestors who in most cases died before they born. They're also racist as fuck to people born in Ireland with non-Irish heritage, like their tenuous connection to Ireland outweighs someone who literally was born, grew up in, and is surrounded by Irish people everyday. Stupid fuckers are so ignorant when they travel here too, they expect the country to be a tiny village like it was when great great great grandma left a century ago. Like the world hasn't moved on since

No. 1881644

no he did not

No. 1881819

Based and true anon!
It was delicious! My mum loved it too

No. 1881828

Are you an American who love to tell everyone they are actually Irish? Is that why you are so defensive kek

No. 1882824

I'm not boycotting Barclays

No. 1885025

Because a lot of it is made up, the largest white american ancestry by percentage is german but it was covered up by families due to the world wars, it became an embarrassment
same for the english ancestry it became embarrassment after independence
(its weird how you never see americans celebrating being german american or english american the same way as they do for ireland or now scotland)

also it's because ‘irish’ americans follow very different non irish traditions that they claim are 100% very irish such as eating corned beef and cabbage, wearing kilts, and having thor’s hammer amulets, these are things irish people would never do as they are not irish. they are called plastic paddies for a reason

look I am half northern irish, I have a republic of ireland passport as well as a british one, I grew up in mainland britain being raised by my northern irish mother and grandmother, I have a faint northern irish accent when I talk because of it, yes I support Ireland at the rugby, yes I speak some irish, yes I am actually drinking guiness right now (this one is more of a joke but i thought it was funny that i was drinking a can of guinness when i entered the thread). but I am not truly irish, I will never be truly irish, I call myself ‘half irish’ yes but never 'fully irish' because I did not grow up there and have never lived on the island of Ireland

so as someone who is 50% irish with an irish passport I find it very strange how americans who are 10% irish with a great great grandad who took a piss in cork once call themselves irish when I myself would not

No. 1892385

i hate how everything in this shithole is so needlessly and insanely expensive despite the quality of life not matching the cost of living at all. behind all the finance and banking shit in London we are just another europoor shithole

No. 1893898

File: 1708362059778.jpeg (70.31 KB, 750x468, IMG_9280.jpeg)

You know what girls, they’ve pissed me right off with this one. I’m going to buy a job lot of the old style tins before they disappear forever. Feyewmin’ I am.

No. 1893907

How fucking dare they. Is nothing sacred?

No. 1893928

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RIP to the rotting Lyle lion covered in bees, 1885 - 2024.

No. 1893935

File: 1708364810723.jpeg (13.29 KB, 129x119, IMG_9284.jpeg)

… and fuck this flowery cunt. </syrup sperge>

No. 1894004

File: 1708368500990.jpeg (78.1 KB, 800x444, F383C180-9E8E-45E9-AFFB-784FAE…)

Absolute long shot nonners but I’m attempting to start a psychedelic rock band heavily 60s influenced and I’m struggling to find members considering I only want women. If ur interested lmk but as I said this is an absolute long shot kek. North west btw

No. 1894233

File: 1708382707201.gif (1.31 MB, 320x180, vaderno.gif)

that design wwas so cool and now it's fucking soulless. fuck this minimalist shit

No. 1894236

Are you allowed to talk about immigration in this thread

> in London university area, fancy part of London, only people who live nearby are either very rich or students in accommodation

> Tesco metro 2 min walk from uni is staffed 100% by Indian and Pakistani immigrants over 40 who barely speak English

> All fast food places near uni are also exclusively staffed by recent Indian immigrants who barely speak English

> Know multiple people who moved here to study in their own country and can't find a min wage job to subsidise their loan, student union min wage jobs are massively competitive

How did this happen? Like how were they let in and hired over people who can actually speak English and interact with customers and need the money, and who need to work nearby so they can study? Why do these people have the right to work in the UK? In prev years the jobs would have been given to local students as financial support while studying for a career in their own country. It's Canada-esque and honestly insulting

No. 1894333

Those workers are easier to exploit. Full-time employees being classed as part-time, hours not being recorded correctly, that sort of thing. Most of those workers don't know their rights, the minimum wage, how much they pay in taxes/NI, they're just grateful to have some sort of job. Students might be impoverished but they can read a contract and report any obviously dodgy shit thy find, plus they need to study as well so they're not available 24/7.

No. 1894748

as a student it does feel almost impossible to get a job. its obvious that the government prefer immigrants who work for cheaper than acutally supporting the young people of our country.
the government would rather import immigrants over encouraging people to have more children or increasing the quality of life in the UK

No. 1894785

they are needed to keep wages down

No. 1895030

People who voted for Brexit didn't know what they were voting for, which is this exactly. Ironic.

No. 1895032

Careful, mods might ban you for racebait for mentioning brown scrotes. They are the worst. They come over on boats without women or children and leer at young English women. Scum.

No. 1895033

This seems to be something that is happening in the us too. I saw in NY they have put a load of them in schools. Here it is hotels and stuff

No. 1895044

The ones that don’t integrate or learn English are the worst too. In big cities you get stalls handing out the karan and playing religious music on loud speakers with signs saying how the religion is about peace and respecting women (I saw one today)

No. 1895100

Someone make a discord then we can discuss immigration uncensored.

No. 1895104

we will build a great great discord server and the farmshands will pay for it

No. 1895127

What's mockworthy about my post? Discords are always preferable for that reason. No cringey vendetta.

No. 1895165

i want to have these kind of conversations too, but having a discord centred on only that is going to revolve into shit flinging quick.

No. 1895179

File: 1708452369550.jpeg (115.22 KB, 889x358, IMG_6123.jpeg)

Can’t say anything about ‘jeets without being banned. Admin is very protective of them.

No. 1895184

what about baljeet(racebaiting)

No. 1895186

>uses a /pol/ term
>gets banned
deserved. i don't like them either btw

No. 1895210

I dislike them too but you’re just a retard

No. 1895214

File: 1708454155899.png (740.7 KB, 640x793, 0A008857-8F41-406F-A4F6-CF3604…)

I need a fembong discord server rn

No. 1895304

I guess admin has never seen Phineas and Ferb KEKK

No. 1895325

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No. 1895388

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No. 1895409

File: 1708465592653.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1660, Screenshot_20240220-214735-028…)

is british infrastructure failing?

No. 1895475

i hear you nona. the whole country is in the shitter. wages are an absolute joke and feels like i just have to accept a progressively worse quality of life whilst never having any spare income or savings

No. 1897933

In the pub on lolcow kek nonners what’s ur order

No. 1898588

pint of guinness

No. 1899956

File: 1708791143138.jpeg (221.06 KB, 1000x661, IMG_4486.jpeg)

Bath is sooo lovely. I visited today and I actually felt like I was in England. Some places are swarmed with south Asians and I forget where I am.

No. 1900765

What's the farmer version of a gammon?

No. 1903485

Soup of the day.

No. 1904030

Should I accept an internship in Oxford or London

No. 1904058

internship for what? context?

No. 1904067

London is too expensive. Oxford is marginally better in that regard.

No. 1904104

Immigration in the UK is out of control, it's part of the reason I left. I feel bad for the family I left behind. 'The strange death of Europe' by Douglas Murray summarises it perfectly I think. It goes back to the end of WW2 and when mass migration started.

No. 1904122

When and how did you leave and where did you go

No. 1904124

Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Joe?

No. 1904142

>part of the reason i left
left for where?
it's somewhat relatable. a few years ago i left britain without looking back, but i was lucky, and had a place to go. perks of being an uwu global citizen~ i guess.
if i didn't have family outside of britain, i know i could not feasibly move out of the city and escape to the countryside. industrial cities in britain are essentially containment ghettos for the working class. and countryside brits are so detached from reality. they don't even realize how bad it is. at least the ones i met, ignorant bourgeois.
only after moving out of britain (where i grew up and lived most of my life) did i realize how much of a third world experience it really was! that, mixed with a dystopian police state at the same time.
il be frank- i do miss the green rolling hills, stone cottages, grand cathedrals, guiness and pub grub, wotsits… but i do not miss filthy streets, shit housing options, lack of safety (especially for young women), incompetent police and legal system, nor Political Correctness Gone WildTM. it feels good being able to walk alone at night and talk shit about trannies in public kek.

No. 1904147

Where did you move to nonna?

No. 1904244

>Immigration was becoming a problem
>Leaves and becomes an immigrant herself
Sorry but I kekked

No. 1904450

to my grandma's attic

No. 1904946

I was lucky too, I moved to study and live with my partner and his parents were able to help us out with money. I'm in eastern Europe now, it's very different but it feels much safer to me. I know there's crappy people everywhere but I can walk on the street without being yelled at now which is not something you can do in Bradford. Services are actually usable here too. I can get a bus anywhere within ten minutes and I can go and see a doctor whenever I like, I don't have to wait six months or do battle with a receptionist to even talk to one.

>>1904244 when I complain about immigration I'm complaining about people walking across every country in Europe, jumping on a dinghy in France and getting to the UK where they never pay into the system. Yeah legal immigration is high too and it should probably be better controlled, but you can't tell me that thousands of people coming in every year, being put up for free in hotels and getting under the table jobs without paying taxes isn't going to collapse and already stressed system. People who have been paying in for sixty years shouldn't have to wait six months for cancer treatment. At least when I moved I did it properly, applied for a visa and paid all the fees.

No. 1904977

>I'm complaining about people walking across every country in Europe, jumping on a dinghy in France and getting to the UK where they never pay into the system. Yeah legal immigration is high too and it should probably be better controlled, but you can't tell me that thousands of people coming in every year, being put up for free in hotels and getting under the table jobs without paying taxes isn't going to collapse and already stressed system. People who have been paying in for sixty years shouldn't have to wait six months for cancer treatment. At least when I moved I did it properly, applied for a visa and paid all the fees.
NTA but you hit the nail on the head here. What chaps my ass even more is that these assholes have the nerve to say they hate the country while actively leeching off of it. I legally immigrated here with my mother 20 years ago and she always stressed the importance of taking pride in living here after escaping a war torn shithole. That we should integrate and be very thankful to have been accepted by both the legal system and the locals. It's crazy to me how ungrateful these vermin are and the left leaning types here will just take all that abuse on the chin. I do a lot of volunteer work and have seen a homeless Syrian guy tell the white British lady serving him his dinner that white people are scum and the reason he's homeless. The truth is that he was such a violent, horrible junkie he got kicked out of the group home he lived at. I mentioned in a staff meeting that we shouldn't give away our limited resources to people who openly hate the country and racially abuse staff and got looked at like I just said some Nazi shit. The government really needs to cap legal immigration (yes, I see the irony kek) and send the cowardly moids who won't even fight for their allegedly superior homeland back to France. But too many people here have been psyop'd into thinking you should bend over backwards for refugees and anything less than 100% cooperation is fascism.

No. 1904987

That explains everything. Good job on leaving that rat-infested shithole nonna, living in a festival portapotty would be safer and more hygienic. Inshallah that place gets razed to the ground along with every retarded moid and moid simp who lives there.
Banning anyone who abuses the staff should be par for the course. Assholes like him also always attack the other homeless people, it's not only the ~uwu privileged whities~ that get harassed. Maybe that would be a better angle to approach it from? If you frame it as a way to prevent further harm from coming to the already vulnerable people who use those services.

No. 1905005

Are any other bribong nonnies getting fed up of the dog culture? I work in hospitality and honestly it feels like I work in a doggy daycare more than I work in a pub for adults. It feels like everyone and their nan has got a dog who haven't bothered to train it. Not a day goes by where I don't walk past a giant turd on the path either. I don't go on picnics any more because every time I do I always get an unleashed dog running up to me trying to eat my food. I miss having picnics, they were a small joy on a nice sunny day.

No. 1905019

Nothing quite like visiting the peak district and finding filled poo bags littered on trees, bushes, hillsides, and paths.

No. 1905025

Omg this bothers me so much. Why even bother bagging up shite just to leave it there?!

No. 1905037

honest to god yes
why is it popular for every restaurant/cafe/bar to now suddenly be "dog friendly"? I don't care what dog owners say, their dogs fucking stink and I do not want to have to smell them while I eat/drink.

No. 1905062

when I worked in a cafe, the owner wouldn't allow dogs to sit inside as the place was pretty small and hygiene reasons. and omfg - the hissy fits some customers would throw because their dog couldn't sit with them, it was fucking weird. and they'd get offended when they were told that there was sitting outside where they could sit with their dog.

No. 1905074

No. 1905087

oh god nonnie i am so glad you are in a better place now. peterborough (where i miraculously escaped from) or scumthorpe is one thing, but bradford is like a dark comedy skit that isnt funny anymore because its actually real.
lmfao yes. i absolutely love it when people put natural animal waste into plastic bags just to hang it up on a tree. now, aside of the dirty shit still being there, we also have plastic pollution. might as well just leave the shit under the bush at this point.

No. 1905096

Most of it is poorly trained, poorly socialised pandemic dogs with poorly trained owners to match. I don't remember things being this bad pre-pandemic.

No. 1905098

Yeah the owners are the worst part. I remember asking owners to put their dog on a lead when inside and the missus had an absolute meltdown kek. It really sucks because when places try to enforce a no dogs rule they get lambasted with negative reviews so are forced to allow it, even though I think there's a silent majority that get fed up of dogs being everywhere. I hate wetherspoons but when I want to have a drink I like going there just so I don't get bothered by dogs.

No. 1905123

An analyst
Not sure how much they pay. I’d prefer a full time job but I’ll take what I can, I need the experience

No. 1905172

oh no no no no no

No. 1905179

My neighbourhood is filled with worthless dog owners who let their mutt shit directly where people are walking. Owning a dog should require a license

No. 1905675

File: 1709165506640.jpeg (185.6 KB, 792x594, IMG_9322.jpeg)

It’s been a week and I’m still deeply triggered about the Lyle’s rebrand.
>mincing lane
also lol

No. 1905683

Where I live has filled up with dog turds lately and it made me think, it only takes one person with a dog in a neighbourhood not picking up and that’s 700+ turds a year assuming they walk them morning and evening.
This also winds me up: even though I can’t stand folk not picking up after their dog it’s actually worse to bag it up and leave the bags lying around.
I admittedly have two dogs and bag their shites up but don’t like carrying them with me as bins are few and far between where I live, so I tie the turd bags to their harnesses and make them carry them til we get to a bin kek it’s really the least they can do

No. 1907480

>Where I live has filled up with dog turds lately and it made me think
there is a giant pitbull creature near me, i see it walked by a middle aged man or his teenage boy, neither pick up after it and it leaves mountains of shit all over the place

No. 1909213

No. 1909861

Thoughts on George Galloway?

No. 1910092

Sound so lame but wish I lived near Birmingham. Hometime of Cadburys, Tolkien and Ozzy Osbourne. That's rock n roll. That's class.

No. 1910095

As someone who used to live near Birmingham, trust me, you really don't.

No. 1910369

Birmingham is an actual shithole, have you ever even been?

No. 1910375

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Was bored this afternoon so decided to trawl through LinkedIn to stalk people from high school. I’m only 20 and Jesus Christ, why do British people and normies in particular age so shite? The stacies look like 30 year old women and are stuck in dead-end marketing jobs Kek. Makes me feel so much better about myself

No. 1910402

Lmao this picture, he looks like penguinz though

No. 1910598

I'm not sure there's anywhere near Birmingham that's nice any more. Birmingham itself is fine if you're visiting the city centre, but it's an absolute shithole if you live there. I mean it's not as cartoonishly bad as Bradford but it's still not somewhere you'd want to spend the night in.

No. 1911040

I’m looking for an online community of British/English female nationalists. There’s obviously nowhere on Reddit because being anything other than a bootlicking globalist isn’t allowed. Can anyone help? I’m interested in nationalism in general but nationalist scrotes are usually pedophiles who want to usher in white sharia and say “Islam is right about women”

No. 1911213

The city centre is an absolute shithole love, it’s not ‘fine’. Literally jam-packed of Muslims to the point you feel like you’re in Saudi Arabia and all the streets are dirty, grey, worn down and there’s fuck all to do. Would never go back there in my life. It’s a shithole.

No. 1911215

just find your local brexiteer old ladies group.

No. 1911218

>colonize entire continents, genocide several indigenous groups for spices you don't even use
>oh blimey why are there brown people in my country :(
brits get exactly what they deserve when you have immigration crisis and muslims shitting on your country. it's called karma, love.(infight bait)

No. 1911225

Go back to r/greenandpleasant and continue defending the cultures that rape, kill, and give absolutely zero rights to girls and women. Islam defenders never fail to baffle me, particularly the female ones. How much can I bet you have a refugees welcome flag attached to the window of your shitty apartment in Aston?(taking the bait)

No. 1911227

Not for much longer. There’s about to be a massive pushback. If this is how you repay people that vote in your best interests, because they feel sorry for the fucked up culture and religion you reside in, then you’re vermin aren’t you? You deserved it from the beginning. You were all shitting in your dirty filthy mud huts and being burnt alive on funeral pyres before we showed up.(taking the bait)

No. 1911229

I’m not interested in hanging out with old ladies. I want to connect with other young nationalists.

No. 1911231

Samefag, plus I was massively against brexit and still am.

No. 1911241

I'm not saying I agree with it, I'm saying your country deserves it.
you'll never learn and that's why you deserve having your country shat on by the people you colonized. good riddance.

No. 1911242

Tbh I don't really know who he is, but I have been reading about him in the news. It frustrates me that one-issue politicians get voted in.

No. 1911260

Yaaaay nonnies, I finally found out my last module result today, which was 75%, which means I am on track to graduate with a 2:1 in the summer! I feel happy because I went back to uni after dropping out, so it feels good to finally finish!

No. 1911265

Why are you even in this thread? Let me guess you’re Irish. We should have wiped you all out when we had the chance.

No. 1911308

It's all that drinking and vaping

No. 1911309

I'm not irish but they're based. I just hate the english tbh

No. 1911325

About the immigrants. My parents are immigrants from a Muslim country but don't care about religion, and my brothers and I are atheist and absolutely despise Islam and Muslims with a burning passion. Which is funny because people probably see us and assume we're Muslims anyway. I hate all these immigrants coming in, because they're so stuck in their customs and religion. And they only ever socialize within their own religion or ethnicities. If you love your Sharia law and country so much then go back to your shithole and live your life there instead of coming here and ruining everything for us normal people who want to get away from it. I hate that people probably assume I'm like them. Nobody hates them more than I do but I'm seen as one of them kek. I should off myself and hope I get reincarnated into anything else

No. 1911340

The Irish are just as racist as the English btw, if not worse. Try going there. They are primitive, they’re still on the catholics vs Protestants bullshit that the English gave up centuries ago. Seriously go there. Whatever form of shitskin you are you’ll be treated a lot worse there than in England.(racebait)

No. 1911341

Ugly people gloating about aging well is so funny to me. Don’t act like you ever had anything to lose kek.

No. 1911347

Modelled for an extremely well-known British organisation, featured in a music video last year for a famous LA-based rock band, regularly get stopped in the street…… you sound bitter nonnie

No. 1911366

You sound like a lying scrote.(scrotefoiling)

No. 1911814

no one cares

No. 1912105

Did you get butthurt and report me for scrotefoiling? Hahaha. There’s no way you’re not fugly if you’re whining about “stacies”. Are you a stacy model or not?

No. 1912171

The number of dogs doubled over lockdown and the majority did not receive proper training. I find it absurd that dogs are given free meat in pubs but parents must pay for infant meals. The whole 'Brits prefer dogs' is nonsense but I can see why outsiders think it so. I know they want to capitalise off the increase of dog-walkers but it's downright insensitive during a COL crisis to feed a dog and not a child. I don't know why more people don't protest. Personally, I actively avoid establishments that offer this 'perk'.

If that were true you wouldn't be stalking old schoolmates Linkedin profiles to feel good about yourself. Your own words nona.

No. 1912184

If true, I hope you got paid and didn't just let them use your image because you were flattered. You need a longer term career plan than 3 modeling jobs, that's probably why you're on linkedin stalking old classmates to feel better… Just guessing.
Honestly you're only 20 so I'm not sure why you're stressing and looking for ways to feel better about yourself. You have time to do something.

No. 1912188

That's a shitty position to be in, I'm sorry nonna. The worst part is that whoever's elected won't do shit to deport the rape apes and extremists because it's their beautiful Muslim culture and we should all be glad to witness it. Meanwhile normal Muslims and atheists like yourself get labelled as terrorists and have to walk on eggshells around the lunatics who drive cars into Christmas markets and kill their daughters for wearing jeans.

No. 1912310

As a mixed race person, Irish people have always been kind to me. I would much rather be here then in the UK or many other parts of Europe. Hilarious to see Brits getting triggered whenever I scroll past this thread at their karma for invading wherever they could though (migrants) and then turning around and pretending like they're sooo accepting of other nationalities when they were having crybaby bitch fits about the foreigners a minute ago. Keep it coming kek

No. 1912416

English people should be a lot less tolerant. You treat us with contempt whether we are tolerant or not, so we should show you what real intolerance is.
I hope you understand that you’re not English and you never will be. You don’t belong here and neither does your family.

No. 1912417

You’re upset because you’re a dirty filthy mongrel with no sense of identity. I get it. You should be mad at your parents for making you this way.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1916402

I'm so sick of how unsubtle the BBC is being about the fact they support the genocide of Palestinians and fearmongering about anti semitism that doesn't exist.

>claiming protestors are anti semites (kek)

>pointedly referring to 'from the river to the sea' is anti semitic
>bawwwing about anti semitism in labour party despite that it was not the case whatsoever


No. 1918425

I hate Jews AND Muslims. Our country should stay out of it and let them both kill each other.(bait)

No. 1918435

I saw a pro Palestine demonstration in my city this week as I was passing and the main speaker was a white guy, only got a brief look but didn't actually see any muslims.

No. 1921570

So, as flight prices are pretty much the same as train prices atm, I'm looking into exploring more of the UK this year. I went to Cornwall for the first time last year and it was incredible, though I went to Brighton for a gig and..let's just say I do not get the hype, place STUNK. Anyway, I'm thinking Devon or South Wales (Pembrokeshire). If anyone has any tips, advice, or places in particular you have visited and loved lmk. I mostly like pretty scenery, half decent public transport and I'm all good.

No. 1921577

>gave up centuries ago
Nonna you guys were literally inflicting violence on Irish people until the early 90s. You can watch footage of this, interviews with victims, and read multiple articles, books, historic text documenting it. Little children shot at because they "looked suspicious"(taking the bait)

No. 1921597

I went to London recently in my honest opinion is that it was like a lite version of the US.
I have to go back every 3 months to see a doctor there and I'm looking forward to it. I love that you guys have American fast food franchises, there's barely any in my country.

No. 1921600

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If you liked Cornwall, then you will like Devon, Somerset and Dorset. There's two national parks and three UNESCO world heritage sites in the area. If you're traveling in the summer the South Devon coast AONB has some of the best beaches in the country.

No. 1921609

>compares london to the us and consumes american fast food whilst there
Sounds like the average retarded tourist to me.

No. 1921611

What is she supposed to consume? Burnt flavorless kabobs and diarrhea textured curry?

No. 1921613

Anything other than mcdonalds.

No. 1921615

I had a lot of fun visiting the Abbotsbury subtropical gardens and the swannery when I was in Dorset

No. 1921618

Almost all UK food is repulsive. Idk how there are so many fat people there

No. 1921648

which ones did you go to? I always see them when I'm in the city but never know if it is worth going.

No. 1921676

Can we please have non British people stop posting in this fucking thread it’s so annoying. I don’t go to the Amerifag thread or whatever else and talk about how much I hate their food. We don’t fucking care, we’ve heard it a million times before, you hate the UK. Now get the fuck off the thread please.

No. 1921683

I agree, I’m sick of the thread being derailed by people that just want to post the same tired jokes about how our food sucks and how we’re ugly (as if they’re supermodels themselves kek) over and over again. Wish they’d all just fuck off already.

No. 1921726

You have 0 reading comprehension. They were referring to the catholics vs Protestants conflict.

No. 1921728

Even going as far as to say we deserve to be raped by Muslims because of uwu colonisation.

No. 1921754

Not a britbong, just coming bybto cheer you up and tell you I fucking love fish and chips and I want to eat some right now.

No. 1921767

I live in NI and I daydream often about moving over to GB. I'm tired of NI. Each town has it's own insular small town minded mentality. I feel like such a snobby cunt when I can't stand like 80% of the accents over here and a lot of people don't seem to progress pass a 13 year olds reading comprehension. There are so many miserable bitter people over here and make their entire personality about The Troubles. I know GB has its own issues but over here we've got one major city Belfast and it's OK just a very small compact city. Touring acts generally do not come here. I've got a masters in biotechnology and it's pretty much fucking useless over here. Our biggest industry is food and you'll have graduates and low skilled immigrants doing the same jobs for the same wage. Our executive can be shut down over identity politics for years and we didn't have services being paid for. Our health service has been ruined, even shit like MOTs for vehicles aren't happening because there was no one to sign off on basic infrastructure and they wonder why road deaths have went up. I know the grass isn't always greener on the other side but just the sheer size of GB compared to NI and various towns and cities and I actually like the multicultural nature of England. I enjoy there being various things to do. I can't help but think of retirement and I know so many isolated and lonely elderly people over here and I genuinely believe I'd be happier being able to step out the door and seeing a community and amenities within walking distance from my doorstep. My ultimate dream would be to live in Manhattan but I can't see how I'd ever get to emigrate there when I've got very basic experience in industry why would I be a desirable candidate for emigration. My childhood friend last week emigrated to Canada, when we were 8 we use to talk about moving over to America and how class that would be. I know Canada is not the States but just shows some people follow their dreams lol.

No. 1921790

Northumberland has some gorgeous beaches if that's the kind of thing you enjoy.

No. 1921898

Northern Ireland nonnies, is Belfast safe for solo travelling and is it worth it? I live on the republic and I was thinking of staying 3 days and maybe visiting some other cities that are close, I dont have a car so it would have to be using public transport.

No. 1922195

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What do nonnies think about the royal photo scandal? Honestly, I couldn't give a shit about the royals and was mostly ignoring all the news speculating about Kate Middleton's disappearance… until this photo. My interest has now been piqued kek. I can't help it, I love a good mystery and scandal. I can't help but find the whole thing creepy.

No. 1922199

Kate took off with 2 of the kids (retarded looking one in green and big forehead lass) and she's trying to work out a more stable custody agreement. The media's already soft-launched William the Bald's mistress, and it's an open secret at this point that he's a serial cheater and a drunk. Kate's finally fed up with the bullshit and after her stress-induced illness over winter she's decided to try her best to leave the royal family behind. Unfortunately, William has experience with what this will do in terms of affecting the popularity of his soon-to-be reign so he's trying his hardest to negotiate terms for her to return to a false life for the cameras. A few anons have pointed out the inconsistencies with the photo in the royal family thread already, I suggest we move this discussion to that thread because it's a whole different can of worms.

No. 1922202

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I beg royal chat be contained in >>1333281 thank u

No. 1922275

I had Krispy Kream which I used to love so much, it was so good. I love that it's available in the supermarket. Also had the macdonalds pancakes, I hadn't had those in over 10 years they were just like I remembered. Then I had Domino's and I was so happy. The country I live in has fake Domino's and it made me so sad when I tried it and it tasted like shit.
I only went for 1.5 days but I wanna try more UK junk food next time. I had some Cadbury eggs and loved them. Also the Terry oranges are probably my favorite chocolate.

No. 1922528

That’s one thing I miss about the UK since I moved overseas: our fish and chips. It’s just not the same elsewhere.

No. 1923270

I am from the north. I scran my chips with scraps. I move to london for a year, they do not provide the scraps down south? I go to multiple chippies trying until I eventually give up. I go to a chippie in richmond in a dress on a mild day weather wise, they ask if I am cold, I say no. They ask if I am northern, I say yes. They provide me with scraps. I commute to richmond all year for chippies with scraps. Yay

No. 1923400

The culture surrounding fish and chips is different in the south. Since I moved I haven't seen anywhere offer gravy, only some places will offer batter scraps and the only other battered item on the menu is sausage. However it is more common to have more varieties of fish available here such as plaice, mackerel and pollock.

No. 1923563

What kind of things do you get with the scraps?

No. 1924825

please drop the name of the chippy lol im desperate to try scraps

No. 1929780

Do you guys ever think about how little we matter to the government that determines every facet of our miserable lives? I really think if the government had to choose between letting the royal family die or 40 million English children, that would not at all be a hard decision for them? And not only that but we are supposed to feel the same way. That’s why we will never be allowed to defend ourselves. If aliens swarmed down from the sky and they had the opportunity to provide us with guns to protect ourselves, they’d instead spend all of our resources on evacuating the windsors so that they don’t have to witness even a second of traumatic alien invasion or have 1 non existent hair on baldy Williams head harmed?
If a person breaks into your house and threatens you, and you stab them, you can be charged with “excessive self defence”? It has happened before many times. A man was sentenced to 8 years in prison for stabbing his sisters abusive ex to death after he showed up at his house. The police don’t want to investigate stalking or harassment and will not try to protect you until you’re already dead. They’ve got too many people in prison for not paying the royal families wages adequately, so why would they want to fill them up with people who menace their communities? They don’t want to do that.
Our government is deeply threatened by people who take the initiative to defend themselves. Why is that? Because a person who will not tolerate harm or danger to themselves or others, will by rule not tolerate the English government. Because every day they make decisions that harm and danger us all.

No. 1929785

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Series 3 is the dullest one. Why is it so popular online?

No. 1929792

UK has went to complete shit since the start of that brexit shite. I now throughly regret not keeping up a European language at school and fucking off. I'm burnt out after getting a masters in STEM and settling in low skilled jobs because there's fuck all opportunity unless you've already got a contact with weight at some desirable company.

No. 1930034

But how is any of this related to brexit? Europe is in the exact same position as we are.

No. 1930609

Sorry I took so long to reply, it was called Quality fish and chips in Richmond upon Thames (I think) I returned up north where I belong a couple years back but I remember it being life changing

No. 1930611

I went to the doctors cos one of my tits swelled up and really hurt. Told to see if I get my period and do I pregnancy test. Did a pregnancy test, negative, got my period, still swollen and painful, have now developed a rash. Return to the GP after much effort to get an appointment, they dont know? Might be cancer? Got an appointment at a breast clinic on the breast cancer pathway. Month long wait, might die girls. Thank god my taxes pay for the monarchy and tory wages fuck the NHS amirite

No. 1930813

I’m sorry anon, I hope it’s nothing serious. Keep chasing them up.

No. 1930978

Had my referral. Got told its not cancer, asked what it is. She said hormones and stress. I have had one enlarged painful breast and fatigue and weakness for 2 months. I've had a blood test, my hormones are normal. They spoke down to me like I was wasting their time. Theres a growth at the bottom you can feel and they just shrugged it off and told be to use ibuprofen gel. Womens health care is gonna kill me

No. 1931018

thanks! i'll check it out if i am ever in the area
i'm so sorry nona, the nhs has become such a pathetic excuse for a healthcare system

No. 1931042

Where do you think is better?
Every European country is either:
>Fucked because there is no work
>Fucked because everything is insanely expensive
>Fucked because of communism

No. 1931063

Uk has the worst wages and our housing situation is shite due to living on an island smaller than France with a larger population. You do the maths

No. 1931078

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>Uk has the worst wages
Source? It seems like the UK isn't the highest but around the level of the Netherlands or Finland.

No. 1931192

Cost of living innit.

No. 1931209

Just be careful about picking a place to settle because a country that looks better on paper may not necessarily be the right one for you to live in.
At this point you either have to pick a place whose glaring problems are more tolerable than the ones back home or be able to tolerate a place that's ultra-boring and cold towards expats.

No. 1931216

So sorry to hear about your awful experience anon. I've been watching a family member be neglected by the NHS for nearly half a year now. I don't know what people expect you to do when they say it's all caused by underfunding. You can't pack up your health and wait for better days. Can't nod your head to nurses being nasty to patients and doctors dismissing serious issues. Don't give up and do try getting a second opinion at another GP or clinic. Hope it's nothing serious.

No. 1931236

nta but the cost of living in the UK is higher, and the housing market is terrible.

No. 1931243

Lie. Just fucking lie and make it seem more serious and urgent. Otherwise they won't care.

No. 1931333

Did you get a biopsy (Punch biopsy, fine needle aspiration or core biopsy is the terms they may use) or just the mammo/ultrasound and examination?

No. 1932436

That map is after purchasing power parity is accounted for.

No. 1933754

They gave me nothing. They felt around my boob basically. But theres so much more to this. I've ran out of sick days waiting for this appointment.

I've had to borrow money from family members to go private for this, because I am so drained and sickly and I have no idea why. I went to A&E at the beginning of this whole ordeal because I collapsed and lost all feeling in both of my hands, I got an ecg and a blood test, they said it was low blood sugar because it was slightly low. I'm forking out now to actually get seen, and if I'd have just done that in the first place, I wouldn't have to return to work sick. This has happened to me so many times. Took me 8 years of harassing my GP to finally get an ultrasound and find out my uterus is deformed and I am basically infertile. I just can't trust my own doctors, because they don't test me they just make an assumption. Part of me hopes something comes of this private consultation because I'd have tangible evidence of medical malpractice and could build a case against the NHS for how bad they've fucked me over on this.

No. 1933758

Forgot to add but I work in medical indemnity. I can't mention this to my doctors because conflict of interest shit, but I know they'd treat me better if they knew just how bad I could fuck up their careers with a bit of evidence. I know exactly what to do, and I know the GMC does not back up their doctors

No. 1934144

Going to England (London) for a week. What are some cool places to visit? I like history, art, and churches.

No. 1934175

St paul's cathedral.

No. 1934684

I always like going to Camden, the buildings are really quirky and there's a lot of street art. Food market is amazing too. Sometimes the British Museum has free exhibits too, I once went to a history of punk exhibit there which was pretty awesome.

No. 1934741

Definitely check out the museums! They're free, but there are some paid exhibitions. Go to the markets, there are loads of cool vintage and antique shops. If you want to go to the touristy hotspots go during working hours, or you won't be able to walk.

No. 1934822

No. 1934843

Classic watching CP defence “it was research for a role also I was molested as a child” fuck offffffff

No. 1935307

I've heard of St Paul's and it's definitely on my list. I can't wait to see it!
Thanks nona! I just googled Camden and it looks awesome. I absolutely need to go there.
I love vintage and antique stuff, so I'll check those out for sure, thank you!

No. 1935374

Is Truro worth visiting if the goal is to get away from home and dick around for a few days?
If not, any recommendations for a destination that's easily reachable by train from London?

No. 1935452

what the fuck? when I had a bog standard lump on my breast, no swelling or pain, even I got an ultrasound atleast, in my case it was fibroadenoma. that's fucked anon, push until you get an ultrasound.

No. 1935454

tbh this

No. 1935559

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Truro is a nice looking but bland Cornish town. It's alright if you just want to walk around, look at old buildings and enjoy the atmosphere or spend time in pubs and restaurants eating local food and drinking ale from local breweries. There's some nice beaches and hiking trails nearby.

No. 1935875

All the beaches in Cornwall are beautiful but I’m not a huge fan of anything else. (I live here). I hate all the new overpriced restaurants that have been opened by rich emmets from London that serve £12 burgers on a wooden board and are in shipping containers.

No. 1938751

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Ah, more good news.

No. 1938758

Why is this scrote even still alive? Dude should have been executed for what he did.

No. 1938797

Wtf wouldn't he be denied entry anyway? Not like he will be getting out soon? Or is he?

No. 1938939

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I've been signed off from work with stress and depression and I've never had a sick line before so I'm unsure how it works here. I'm in Scotland but I'm guessing it's the same UK-wide. does my employer have the right to deny my sick leave if a doctor has recommended it?

No. 1938943

In my experience you're not asking them if you can have sick leave, you're telling them by handing the note in. Hope you feel better soon nonny.

No. 1938949

He would have gotten like 5 years top here (out in 2 for good behavior) so it's a good choice, kek

No. 1947017

Scotland is such a shit country. I don’t envy anyone who lives there. Scottish government REALLY hate women.

No. 1948722

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Those poor girls have their father's mug. Peak.

No. 1948924

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No. 1950148

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How true is this?

No. 1951457

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Damn that sucks. Their mum is quite pretty. Rishi looks like an Indian Wallace.
Never breed with an ugly moid. You are cursing your bloodline.

No. 1951522

I'm sick of the excess of immigrants. Feels like pretty much every time I go into town (even in the daytime) there's people being generally degenerate, and its always scummy immigrant types who barely speak english, fighting, acting threatening, you know the sort. The UK is too fucking accommodating to them and other wasters. Why will neither political party actually do anything about mass immigration??

No. 1951583

exactly omfg Sunak looks like he LOVES cheese and so do his poor kids.

No. 1951584

Who's gonna Deliveroo your McDonalds if we boot out all the jeets? Let them stay, I need cheap labor so I can sit on my fat ass and not cook.

No. 1951642

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5 second google search. is this thread full of dinosaurs or what?

No. 1951681

Jeets keep to themselves, it's the muzzies that are stirring up trouble kek. Religion of peace, my arse

No. 1954530

Larper. US slang and spelling. Cheap labour? Not a typical association, they are a high status group in the UK. Indians are well-integrated and liked, often said to be more British than the British. Only some Pakistanis dislike them. I've noticed trolls think we hate Indians and the Irish, I hate to give them tips, but they're actually quite popular…

No. 1956825

Are you nonnies voting in the election this year? If so, how will you be voting?

No. 1956909

Someone come collect their mum, she’s posting Faceboomer memes on lolcow again.

No. 1957058

Anyone else use to have to sing hymns in primary school but made up ones like away in a manger? Sometimes I get to urge to sing it. I definitely think if I get dementia this song will be like an anthem to me

No. 1957060

I did not think youtube would come thru on this

No. 1957129

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It's stuck in my head now. Curse you!

No. 1957912

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Why is the weather always shit when I have a day off?

No. 1957921

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I’m going Glasgow with a pal for a long weekend this Summer. Any Scottanon recommendations would be warmly received, thank you!

No. 1957960

>If so, how will you be voting?
Anyone but Labour

No. 1958127

So because they have ONE bad policy but all other parties want to fuck over women in every other way? Nonnie do better.

No. 1958129

Everytime an English youtuber is in Scotland some alcoholic scotfag will heckle him and tell him to go back to England. KEK you're both BRITISH calm the fuck down. Scottish and Irish people are such weird nationalist psychos. Same with Northerners who hate Southerners for no discernable reason.

No. 1958131

Southerners are posh twats.

No. 1958135

Random working class southerners are not the ones destroying the country and economically depriving the North, quit punching down, retard.

No. 1958137

What are you complaining about? My yearly salary could buy a 3 bed semi-detached where you're from, kek.

No. 1958179

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It's mostly men so IDC. My heart breaks a little on the off chance a woman delivers it.

No. 1958181

I grew up near Birmingham and know first hand how Labour ignore muslim rape gangs. Labour also has serving MPs that were members of pro-paedophile organisations such as the Paedophile Information Exchange. Labour is a pro-paedophile political party. This is without mentioning that every city with a Labour council and MP is a complete fucking shithole. I moved to a Tory safe seat and the difference in the general state of the place and the availability of public services is unreal. I would never voluntarily live in Labour controlled area again.

No. 1958183

Muslim rape gangs are largely a racist dogwhistle and are far from Britain's most pressing matter. People are killing themselves because the NHS isn't offering mental health treatment and no one can afford to send their children to nursery unless they're on bennies kek.

No. 1958206

>largely a racist dogwhistle
Factual events are not racist dog whistles. The people that warned me about muslim men were Indians and Pakistanis themselves. They knew because it happens in South Asia and they couldn't believe that the authorities allowed it to happen here.

>children being raped isn't a pressing issue

Not the average Labour voter I guess

>People are killing themselves because the NHS isn't offering mental health treatment and no one can afford to send their children to nursery unless they're on bennies kek.

It was Tony Blair's Labour government that started the privatisation of the NHS by securing investment through private partnerships and loans. The Tories have increased NHS funding to levels not seen in 20 years. Neither party can fix the NHS because the issues are systemic and have been allowed to happen for decades. Both parties are at fault for the chronic mismanagement of the NHS. It won't get better under the Tories and it won't get better under Labour either.

No. 1958209

I wish the NHS was some kind of untouchable, unimpeachable entity protected by the crown so that greedy fucking politicians can't keep cutting shit.

No. 1958238

File: 1712762680363.png (524.98 KB, 564x840, 1707890672857.png)

Imagine caping for any man, especially men from highly repressive religious communities

On another note, I'm sick of contracting private entities to help run government institutions, it just invites cronyism and wasting of taxpayer funds. So much mismanagement. The last private company I worked for was given a government contract and the lack of thought with which we wasted resources was amazing.

No. 1958240

I'm not caping for men I wish muslim rapescrotes would die.

No. 1958262

Ugh this is so true nonnie, I don't wanna give my location away too much but where I live the Labour councillors were involved in covering it up since the 70s! I'm so conflicted because I'm so fed up with austerity as a poorfag but Labour have betrayed women so much for not only that, but also the embarrassing events when they couldn't even define what a woman was.
No. Bad nonnie!

No. 1959005

Same, I don't feel bad because it's always scrote delivering it. They're made for hard physical labour but sit in cars most of the time anyway.

No. 1959054

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Reminder to vote conservative nonnies. You may whine all you want about how tory scum doesn’t give a fuck about us, but ANYTHING is infinitely better than the disaster that will occur if labour gets in and meddles with the tranny shit. It will be an absolute disaster. At least the majority of tories see through the tranny bullshit. A party which can’t even recognise sex will not be getting my vote, ever. As long as the tranny epidemic is still going on, conservative will be getting my vote. At least as women we will be safer for it. Don’t give your trust to labour, they’ll rip it up right in front of your face in order to appease some agp.

No. 1959058

You know tories are wealth hoarding elites who kill off plebs like us to fund their Maldives holidays? stop being retarded.

No. 1959063

Wow the terf to trad pipeline is real…this is sad.

No. 1959067

It really is. Conservatives have never been interested in protecting women's rights.

No. 1959073

Making the troon threads was a mistake because now we have ovarit boomer posters like this. And they have basically infiltrated this site because almost every discussion in the offtopic gets derailed about trannies, weird purity obsession with how women dress, facebook-tier conspiracy theories etc. I hate you bitches and i know you are the same ones who rage whenever there are weeb, kpop or fujo discussions. This site should basically be renamed to ovarit 2.0. Not surprised that you are a idiot that will vote for a party that plummeted your economy down and wants to take womens rights away.
See what brexit did to your country lol.

There is a reason why JK Rowling who has all the time of the fucking day to argue with trannies stayed silent and didn't say a single word when Roe Wade got overturned (well she is close friends with a anti-abortion right-winger so maybe she holds those same values).

No. 1959088

>There is a reason why JK Rowling who has all the time of the fucking day to argue with trannies stayed silent and didn't say a single word when Roe Wade got overturned
Because she is British and doesn't tweet about every single topic from every single country?

No. 1959095

JK talks about womens issues in the UK. She doesn't just spend all her waking hours seething about troons

No. 1959098

Weird excuse considering she tweets about tranny issues that have nothing have to do with the UK either…but couldnt be bothered to even utter one word about something that was worldwide news.
Also why ignoring that part about her being friendly with anti-abortion people hmmm…

>JK talks about womens issues in the UK.

And majority of those posts have been about trannies or into a segway about talking about trannies.

No. 1959100

Troons probably imagine this since they are themselves seething about her 24/7. Meanwhile she is doing things like writing 1000-page detective novels and setting up women only rape support centres.

No. 1959102

>everyone i don't like is a troon.

Retard stop.

No. 1959115

NTA but you are projecting, anon did not say that

No. 1959116

Trans women are far more likely to be victims of violent crime (like rape) than cis women so I can see why they'd be disappointed that support groups shut them out. Are they supposed to run into the arms of the men who seek to kill them?(bait)

No. 1959121

What website do you think you're on

No. 1959123

File: 1712842107552.png (56.17 KB, 625x626, IMG_0626.png)

Report and ignore that tranny, nonnas

No. 1959127

Kek no you're not. No one wants to rape troons because you're hideous and unrapeable.

No. 1959139

Labour politicians are no different. Almost everything said about the Tories being the elites that don't care about ordinary people equally applies to Labour. Labour is not a socialist party, the Tories aren't a conservative party, their both the same corrupt centrist shit with minor differences.

Reminder that Labour allowed over 1400 girls, some as young as 9, to be repeatedly raped in Rotherham and elsewhere. Really sounds like the party that cares about women's rights.

No. 1959149

Labour didn't rape those girls, jeets did.

No. 1959171

Fuck the hell off you fucking moron

No. 1959232

Are you gonna name what anti-abortion people she is friendly with or nah?

No. 1959260

File: 1712851933173.png (303.28 KB, 687x625, labour-council.png)

Labour knew it was happening and went as far as perpetuate it by blocking investigations. Labour continue to endorse the same councillors who were responsible while anyone that spoke out about was deselected.
>Senior Rotherham councillors ‘knew and stayed silent’ about town’s grooming gangs scandal
>On April 5, 2005, local youth project Risky Business delivered a seminar on the child sexual exploitation crisis in the town. It invited all serving RMBC councillors to attend.
They knew it was happening in 2005 and yet it wasn't until the 2014 Jay report that anything was done.
>Of the 30 councillors, four still remain in office for the Labour Party in RMBC. They are: Ken Wyatt, Rose McNeely, Sue Ellis and Alan Atkin. All hold positions of responsibility in the council.

>A Labour councillor in Rotherham is under investigation by the party for his alleged use of bullying and intimidation to stifle discussion of the town’s sex-grooming scandal.

Labour = pro-paedophile political party.

>jeets did

I've never heard of a Hindu or Sikh grooming gang.

No. 1959284

The majority of victims of male Muslim violence are Muslim women and girls, and I'd much rather have said abuse be in the confines of this country, where there are a lot more resources for women and where abusers are more likely to be prosecuted than in sexist, Muslim-majority countries.

No. 1959286

this. I wish only female immigrants would be allowed into this country, their scrotes are so dangerous.

No. 1960305

I'd rather that the abuse didn't happen at all. The UK already has laws to prevent the abuse of girls and women and to punish men that do it. All it takes is for the authorities not to be disgusting perverts themselves and do their jobs.


No. 1960575

Tinfoil time: The recent study showing that puberty blockers were a bad idea was the Labour party's way of distancing themselves from troons. They saw how negatively the general public reacted to Keir Starmer's stance on troonies and their fee fees being more important than women. Starmer's already backtracked on self ID. Now that we're expecting a general election soon, he's looking for an out without permanently online rotpocket-kuns carrying out a smear campaign against him. If the public's response is positive (spoiler: it is), he might fund research into safe transition methods to stall for time until trooning out stops being trendy and it's OK to admit that TERFs were right.

No. 1961733

Gender is probably low on most peoples' list of priorities given how badly the country is shitting the bed, Starmer flipflopped on the issue ages ago (as he tends to do), and Labour quite frankly doesn't need to manufacture propaganda to win because the Tories are handing it to them on a silver platter.

No. 1961759

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Despite being 6.3 % of the population…(racebaiting)

No. 1964307

I'm so curious about you Daily Mail nonnie. How did you discover LC in the first place? I can't say I agree with any of your posts though

No. 1964630

At least they’re in prison away from women and girls. Who the fuck cares about violent white scrotes? They can all be burned to death for all I care.

No. 1964780

I hate the wind.

No. 1965192

Same. Ruins my perfect hair and makes me look like a hobo.

No. 1965206

Recently a bunch of kids decided the best place to hang out and throw rocks at eachother are by the bins in the car park of my flats. Theres a square right behind us. I see em reaching in to peoples letter boxes and ripping up their post. Genuinely don't know why a bunch of preteen mongs have just showed up suddenly but I'm getting so tired of it. I just wanna tell them to fuck off home to their neglectful parents or hang out somewhere normal. Can they not hang out where other children are?? Are they universally despised??

No. 1965746

I hate it, I’m trapped in my house by it. I feel constantly harassed by it.

No. 1966033

yeah. i fucking hate cycling in this weather

No. 1966143

Oh god yeah and driving as well. It ruins everything. Worse than rain IMO.

No. 1966205

Hide one of those child deterrents noise makers under your car. One of the ones that make a high pitched noise that only the young can hear. That will chase them away.

No. 1970759

Lol when I was 21 living on my own my neighbour across the street got one in their front garden, presumably to stop cats shitting in there, and it was so sensitive it would go off every time I opened a window or exited the front door, it was giving me migraines so I started sneaking in and figured out how to turn it down. They kept turning it back up so eventually I just smashed and stomped it to absolute pieces and left it on their doorstep as a message. They never got another one.

No. 1972409

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I will never vote Tory but this is unbelievably based.

No. 1973371

If they're so against people living off state welfare then why don't they support abolishing the monarchy?

No. 1973613

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No. 1973614

I bet this will be implemented before the 30’s. Western women are too cucked to protest anything. Extremely sad.

No. 1973618

I have no hope of being able to afford to move away from this sinking shithole and all other options are too conservative with a language barrier. I guess my decision to stay here until the end has been made for me and I also won’t have sex, won’t need an abortion if I never get pregnant. Bleak.

No. 1974781

This is happening because western women are having less and less children. So they are going to try and force us to.

No. 1976073

maybe they should get a working healthcare system before cutting sick people off benefits

No. 1977460

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I hate when the US copies our shows. I've been binging Ghosts on BBC for a while and absolutely love it, and saw that the US version was recently added there, so I had to check it out to see how bad it was, and of course it's as terrible as I imagined. The gorgeous scenery of the dilapidated stately home has been replaced with a cheap set and glaring lights. The caveman character, who ironically was one of the most insightful characters, has been replaced with a viking who is retarded, because that's totally the same thing, right? The closeted gay, strict and prudish captain has been replaced with an overly camp colonial soldier that has a forced gay joke every 10 seconds. The iconic character Mary, who was burned at the stake so has a cloud of smoke appear in front of people who are alive if they walk through her, has been replaced by the colonial's death, who died of dysentery, so when people walk through him, they smell shit. Honestly, fart jokes? God, I hate cheap, American, manufactured sitcoms. Some American TV shows I watch are good, but whenever they've taken a UK show it's always the most asinine, immature, slapstick comedy I've ever seen. The only exception I can think of was when they redid Shameless, but even then, that was only good for a few seasons. Sorry for venting but I need to vent to my britbong nonnies who will understand.

No. 1977543

Ok but what about the office? Checkmate
t. amerifag

No. 1978248

quality over quantitiy

No. 1980580

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He’s literally so pathetic I want to see him flayed alive and then rolled in a pit of salt.

No. 1980608

There's no way. Brits like to bitch about how US culture wars have been adopted in the UK, but the reality when you compare the two countries is that culture war rhetoric barely makes a ripple in the UK, while it dominates American minds and day-to-day discussion.

Issues that likely do have some form of American influence/money pouring into them, like trans children and brexit, are still of distinctly british flavour, i.e. the former is tied to public safety as a cultural value and the latter was driven by rhetoric tied exclusively to longstanding domestic issues and anxieties.

Almost every time UK politicians try to adopt raw American rhetoric it falls flat, and there's no native cause that abortion restrictions can be tied to. It's just not going to happen. Everyone can breathe a sigh of relief.

No. 1980748

I feel the same and hopefully we are correct, I just don't see that kinda stuff dominating public opinion, they're even looking to put down early culture war spots like GBNews, which annoyingly has a grasp on my grandmother.

I've only ever seen one nutter protest and that was during Covid, holding up shitty signs on a mini roundabout yeah really doing something there folks. Only heartache is that Brexit did happen due to scaremongering propaganda, but the conservatives put so much effort into that, that they just simply aren't putting into any other of their culture war things. Brexit propaganda was a huge effort, anyone going through/living in a working class area during Brexit could see that, they aren't replicating it. Hopefully the whole political ads on tv shit won't go through.

No. 1984239

File: 1714377525874.jpeg (885.54 KB, 1170x1407, IMG_7027.jpeg)

Now deport him and his entire family.

No. 1984240

Congrats Scotland!

No. 1984274

Why do you post like you're in the Daily Mail comments section?

No. 1984284

Pro-tranny men need to be deported.

No. 1984293

Where though, Isle of Man?

No. 1984367

Who cares? Back where he originally came from. He’s a wolf in shepherds clothing.

No. 1984370

It was a joke. Pro-troons should leave Terf island and go to man island.

No. 1984474

I don't support him but he was born in Scotland retard, not everyone you dislike is an immigrant

No. 1984989

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Fuck why do PLT insist on modelling their clothes on a male. How is this supposed to help me see how this item would look on me? Fuck off with this nonsense already, he doesn't even make a pretty woman. If he was a biological woman, he would never be a model looking like that. The bar is so low for troons.

No. 1986298

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I have literally never seen this insult used other then three times on twitter.

No. 1986349

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No. 1988293

Did anyone else love horrid Henry? I used to watch it all the time when I was younger and I’ve started rewatching it again, god I forgot how funny it was for a kid’s show

No. 1988302

I've seen people post twitter clips of the parents horrible jackass to the kid, he's not even that horrid.

No. 1988608

The theme song plays in my head constantly.

No. 1988775

My dad would jokingly tell me not to watch Horrid Henry because I'd become horrid like him KEK. It was one of my favourite cartoons, the theme song is awesome. Actually, all the songs from Horrid Henry are amazing. I love the Killer Boy Rats

No. 1989223

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I never watched the shows but I read loads of the books. They were class. One of the best stories from that series was when Perfect Peter decided to be bad for a day. I keked. Now I want to read them again to see how well they've aged. I wish my mom never gave them away. She did the same for all of my Jacqueline Wilson books too.

No. 1989224

I loved Jacqueline Wilson books! Did any other anons read Queenie? That was my favourite.

No. 1989226

File: 1714750091125.jpg (31.61 KB, 220x303, Sleepovers_(book).jpg)

This one was my favourite. Damn, this is giving me an urge to create a bookclub thread if there isn't one already.

No. 1990091

As a burger anon I have always been vaguely curious about this series since it never landed at all over here

No. 1990142

File: 1714801596824.jpeg (432.15 KB, 1170x1312, IMG_7206.jpeg)

I can’t stop fucking laughing wtf

No. 1992305

what are ur plans for today's bank holiday n0nas

No. 1992393

File: 1714993825649.jpeg (59.53 KB, 249x400, IMG_4852.jpeg)

Do you anons remember Vicky Angel? About two friends and one got hit by a car and died?! I was only young at it scarred me.
Also KISS the ‘teen’ genre, and she was in love with her boy bestfriend but he was gay? And there was a gay kiss scene, I remember being in year six and other girls saying “oh my god did you get to the gay part?” Simpler times. I still have all of the classics in the loft kek

No. 1992481

File: 1715002795568.jpeg (36.33 KB, 270x199, IMG_7339.jpeg)

Walk to m&s

No. 1992488

based, since i moved to a big city i have to cycle to m&S

No. 1992597

I went into Manchester today to top up on foodie ingredients from Oseyo. I can't wait for the big one to open up in the Arndale, the current one is so far away from everything.
What about you nona?

No. 1992601

binge eat and wish i was dead

No. 1992642

Yoooooo manchester anon????? Hi…….. it’s weird knowing a mancunian is on here…. Or do you just go to uni here?

No. 1992689

I'm gonna go broke when the Arndale one opens, half the time I save my money because I can't be arsed walking to the place and back

No. 1992722

File: 1715021926359.jpeg (44.25 KB, 480x360, IMG_9750.jpeg)

Mancbong here too hiya

No. 1992866

File: 1715032028192.png (825.09 KB, 650x590, IMG_6331.png)

Wow we should meet up at the taco bell arndale nonnies…. I thought I was alone I thought I was the only mancunian

No. 1994952

>farmhand applications.jpg

No. 2007867

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No. 2009505

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fucking hell

No. 2015225

File: 1716415667723.png (1.62 MB, 1304x856, rishi.png)

general election announced for 4th july. what are your thoughts and predictions nonnies?

No. 2015246

Labour swing, and my crush on Angela Rayner will only strengthen

No. 2015276

>bongland is holding their election on the 4th of July
No way… don’t you know that’s a sacred burger holiday??

No. 2015478

No shit. Teach them kids financial literacy and how to drive.

No. 2017150

Hung parliament, unstable coalition government and another election this time next year.

No. 2020019

Sorry for the thread tourism, but can a britbong please explain to me your electoral process? Your PM “calls an election”? I’m confused

No. 2020043

Parliament can sit for a max term of 5 years; whichever government is in power can call a general election within that time.

No. 2020063

Thank you nonna

No. 2020395

were you a busted girly or a mcfly girly? who was your favourite girls aloud member?

No. 2022163

Busted and none tbh, but my favourite S Club member was Jo probably because I'm attracted to women

No. 2025999

Where's a good place to go on holiday in summer that is accessible by train and isn't swarming with people?

No. 2026043

I went to Filey on a whim one year for a couple of days (good weather) and was pleasantly surprised. Small seaside town/village in Yorkshire, HUGE nice beach, to the point where you're never sat that close to anyone else. Some nice places to walk, not massively touristy either.

No. 2026151

Thanks for the recommendation, this is exactly what I'm looking for actually. How's the food there?

No. 2027339

Why? The tories aren’t going to let them drive independently until they’re 25 and they’re going to spend their entire lives in poverty thanks to the triple lock pensions, and most of them are going to die being drafted in a war to fight for terrorist state Israel and murder Palestinian children. Who cares if they learn gender identity? I think they should be taught how to engineer guillotines and skin people alive.

No. 2027368

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>Mother-of-six Sarah Rigby, 41, forced her NHS project manager Gareth Jones to eat salad, wear a hat and swallow toothpaste and mouthwash in the wrongful belief he was fat, bald and had halitosis.
I am fucking chortling. Wrongful belief?

No. 2027374

Really? That is what drove him to the ‘brink of suicide’? Being told to bathe and lose weight? Pathetic.

No. 2027379

File: 1717064842619.jpeg (61.5 KB, 464x382, IMG_7692.jpeg)

One of the detectives said it was “one of the worst cases of coercive control he’s ever seen”. Another fat bald bad breathed pig. I wish he had killed himself.
She is such a beautiful woman. He’s lucky she even gave him a chance. All he had to do was lose weight and brush his teeth.

No. 2027382

Proof that men couldn't handle being a woman.
>'I do not feel l can trust another woman at present. When I am out in public and I see someone with the same hairstyle and colour of Sarah's, I become scared.
What a fucking pussy. Only 6 months of name calling and now he's scared of blonde women abloo bloo.

No. 2027391

File: 1717066276524.jpeg (934.71 KB, 1170x1249, IMG_7693.jpeg)

He said he doesn’t feel he can have another relationship. Of course, women across the country are devastated.
He’s now constantly worried about his weight and how he smells. Which of course, no woman can ever relate to.

No. 2027395

>She also made him wear a hat
>Police praised the 'bravery that he has shown
a mother of six is going to jail for this. my guess is he has a kink for bossy women but then wanted to play victim. ugly men with a bit of money deliberately seek out women who love to spend, because they know they can "buy" the woman's love. would love to hear her side of things because right now it's giving me amber vs johnny vibes.

No. 2027406

She got a suspended sentence thankfully, so she’s not going to jail. But it will still severely damage her employment prospects. I think you’re absolutely right.

No. 2027425

Aware of his body for the first time in his life, must be overwhelming. I also like how serious her threat to him was: "I'm going to fuck someone else", oooh the horror. Meanwhile, "why wouldn't she just leave? she probably likes it!" when women can be murdered or beaten up by their partners even after they've left. Imagine a whole article about a woman that had to deal with controlling behavior and insults.

No. 2027428

The comments that say if the genders were swapped the sentence wouldn't have been suspended make my blood boil. Yeah, the sentence likely wouldn't have been suspended because when a male uses coercion there is a high risk of violence. She told him to wear a hat and brush his fucking teeth. Fuck this gay Earth.

No. 2027429

>Imagine a whole article about a woman that had to deal with controlling behavior and insults.
exactly. it's so run of the mill it would never be an article.

No. 2027431

Boom, you just hit the nail on the head. This shit happens a thousand times a day to women and girls, I was treated much worse than this by my own father, but that's not making the news with thousands of comments telling me how brave I am. The man who sexually assaulted me as a teen isn't being charged, the stalker I had doesn't have his selfies plastered all over a dailymail article! But fuck me, I haven't had it as hard as this poor bloke Gareth. Wear a hat, can you believe it??!?

No. 2027466

Who wants to bet that he saw Baby Reindeer was trending and thought "I can cash in on this" kek

No. 2027503

>'This is the worst case of controlling and coercive behaviour I have ever seen.'
i'm sorry i just cannot get over this. and this came from a female officer too. the handmaidening on display here is shocking.

No. 2027544

Britain wtf

No. 2027545

>“one of the worst cases of coercive control he’s ever seen”.
Was the detective fat and stinky too?

No. 2027875

what do you bongs think of mandatory service?

No. 2027898

I wouldn't normally support it but I do think the kids of today could do with it. As long as only men are drafted.

No. 2027931

I think the tories must want to lose.

No. 2028776

They want us to fight a war for Israel because £££

No. 2028777

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Meanwhile this is what happens when the genders are swapped.
6 years for killing his wife.

No. 2028778

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I hope this fat pig hangs himself(alogging)

No. 2028974

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just looked this up and wtf. he already physically assaulted her and threatened to kill her before actually murdering her but HE was the "battered spouse"? i mean they both sound toxic but why does he get to be the victim? he killed the mother of his children…

No. 2029358

Have any nonas been watching this yt series? The high school prequel was my favourite, but it’s interesting that the military service one is being released right when Rishi made his mandatory service proposal, considering I’m certain it required collaboration at the state level for the English boys to be given unprecedented access to the Korean military bootcamp. Maybe insignificant, but strange indeed

No. 2029361

Say that you wanted to take an amerilard to have the most quintessential UK resort town experience, both the good and the bad. Where would you take them?

No. 2029381

Blackpool, babyyyyy!

No. 2029405

What are the standard things to do and see there?

No. 2029413

There's a theme park there, you will probably see at least one cross dressing man, it's honestly pretty trashy but at the same time a good time. There's also a beach.

No. 2029592

File: 1717192669736.jpg (21.58 KB, 474x321, devon.jpg)

Depends on what you regard as a quintessential UK resort town experience. If you want the holiday camp, donkey rides and stick of rock type of experience then there's Blackpool, Skegness, Weston-super-mare, Brighton or Bournemouth. If you want a more sedate experience of local sea food, cliff top villages, cream tea, clotted cream ice cream and empty beaches then look at South Devon and Cornwall. If you want a mix of both, I'd recommend somewhere like Dawlish Warren, Exmouth or Burnham-on-Sea.

No. 2029813

almost all the fancy schools in the uk have acfs and ccfs (army cadet force, combined cadet force) you also find these programs in other schools and local communities.
in these fancy schools, it usually starts around age 14 and it is mandatory, but after a bit you can opt for community service instead if you wanted. some schools even have their own rifle ranges and armouries with mod owned weapons.
i remember hearing that the un was concerned about this, saying it potentially violates the geneva convention, having kids as young as 12 doing military training stuff. but i think the uk told them to piss off iirc.
most universities offer otcs (officer training corps), but they're optional, they’re for people who want to join the army.

national service won’t be that different, right? except it means all 18 year olds would do it, instead of just some 14-18 year olds.

I havent seen it but i would find it pretty surprising that in a group of uk uni students, none had done any cadet training before, unless they were deliberately choosing ones who didn’t.
Maybe im just not aware of how rare it might be.

No. 2029829

i did ccf (raf) at school, and one of uni housemates did acf (army) at hers, and a few of the guys we knew did cadet training at their schools too.

I thought it was ok, kind boring at times, but i thought the uniform was nice, oh i got to be guard of honour once for the highst ranking woman in the british military when she visited my school and she spoke to me which was kind of cool

My housemate loved it, remembered all the orders, she was pretty senior like second in command of hers

i remember meeting one girl at uni and she said something kind of wierd about her ccf experience, i dont know how the topic came up but she said 'she really enjoyed her time being one of few girls surrounded by guys, sometimes being the only one, on cadet camps and she loved the atention' she also heavilly implied some stuff but what makes this all the more wierder is she said all this to me in a church

No. 2029866

One of the boys from the video was a cadet briefly IIRC

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