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No. 1993489

If mods think this is too similar to the employment thread >>>/ot/1962884 they can delete it. I thought it would be nice to have a thread for discussing wagie jobs (retail, food, service sector stuff for a low wage) specifically.

No. 1993493

I'll start I suppose. Got a job at a grocery store recently, most of my coworkers are 17 year old boys I have nothing in common with. They literally always have earbuds in and take every opportunity to slack off but management is so desperate for workers they never get punished for it. The older people are nicer but they also have real lives so it's hard to relate to them too as a shutin loser

No. 1993519

I think this is a reasonable thread. It should stay up.

No. 1994152

Should I lie about my job experience in order to land a waitressing job? Might fib my resume…

No. 1994160

Are you the bored autistic anon that was in the stupid questions thread asking if a restaraunt would hire you if you didn't have experience? They hire retarded 16 year olds with no job experience all the time. It's not even worth the effort to stress about getting a waitressing job, like seriously. Just apply. Lie or don't it really doesn't even matter.

No. 1994170

Is anyone working gas station nightshifts? How is it?

No. 1994177

pretty much exactly what >>1994160 said. i worked in a restaurant when i was a teenager, they really don't care about your job history as long as you're personable. the only waitressing job i can see you needing to lie about your experience in order to land the job would be like a high end fancy restaurant, but even then i think they probably care more about your personality and appearance

No. 1994186

I work in retail only part-time because I would be suicidal if I worked more than 6 hours a day (I tried working 10 a day in the past and it landed me in the psychward). Honestly I kinda like it. Yes, working minimum wage in a dead-end job sucks. Yes, customers suck. But I really enjoy the routine, being on my feet the whole time and getting to be around people. I'm an ex-NEET so I'm feeling pretty accomplished working this job for almost two years now and I even moved into my own appartement in the meantime! I'd say one of the worst parts is how many people quit and all the new people you have to explain stuff to you barely know yourself. But I really like most of my co-workers even though soon everyone who was around when I started here will be gone soon. Bittersweet I guess but whatevs. I secretely call us the "losers club" kek

No. 1994226

I got a relatively nice job but had to quit so in a month I'll be back in retail hell. My last job was awful, I was a cashier for 35 hours a week and we were so understaffed I couldn't leave the cash register so the days felt so long. Really the biggest problem was the lack of staff, it could have been fine if we had more people and could switch tasks a bit.

No. 1994228

Yes. Server jobs always try to put newfags in the host position instead of server because they make less.

No. 1994343

What a coincidence, I just started working as a janitor again last week because I couldn't get anything better. It's minimum wage but apparently they didn't want to spend money training me so I've literally been on my own since day 1. It's pretty chill

No. 1994358

I used to like being a closer with 2 cashiers on, it became absolute fucking hell with just 1. At least before we could rotate and take breaks or let someone go early if they had things to do. I’m glad I quit because things sound so much worse now

No. 1994388

I've been working in fast food for a little over a month now and honestly I don't dislike it, although it does get very stressful at times. The thing is that I feel like a nuisance because I'm slow, and it's normal since I'm still new ish but I kinda doubt I can get much better. I'm slow even at things I've been doing forever like washing the dishes or cooking, so I wonder if I'm never gonna be able to become fast. I hate inconveniencing my coworkers…

No. 1994405

I just started cashiering at the grocery store so I often have to look at the chart they give us for the fruit and veggie codes to enter. Often customers will interrupt me and tell me what the vegetable is. Um, yeah I know what a zucchini looks like you don’t have to tell me. What I need is the code

No. 1994526

Customer deadass left a cart right in front of the emergency exit and trotted off. God damn how are customers so fucking stupid and why are they so bad at just saying in plain fucking English what they are looking for. Every single time I get asked to find something I confirm with them 2 or 3 times because otherwise I'll have misheard them.

No. 1994533

I hate that, sometimes items won’t have a barcode so I’ll have to search it up online and customers will go: ‘Oh, it’s x price.’ It’s not the price I’m looking for, it’s the barcode so I can enter the item in.

No. 1994602

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This summer I'm gonna look into trade school. Not sure what I want to do yet, maybe electrical or welding. I just want to make some good money and not get into student debt. Union would be nice. I'm trying to get the hell out of healthcare, I can't do it anymore. If there's any blue-collar nonas out there with advice for me, I'd love to hear it.

No. 1994617

I thought we already had this thread? Not the employment thread, literally another wage slave thread somewhere in /ot/

No. 1994619

I'm sorry for doubting you wagie jobs. I want to go back to retail or food so bad. I work in an office now and hate it, so boring and sitting in a chair for 8 hours a day makes me feel disgusting. Plus I'm gaining a ton of weight despite eating the same. I think I'm meant for a job where I'm on my feet, the customer service part sucks ass though

No. 1994624

"just join a trade" is kind of a meme for a reason, unfortunately. I haven't tried to get into it myself, but i have multiple friends who were smart, did really well in high school, aced the math test given to tradie applicants, and were STILL rejected from apprenticeships. I'm not saying this to discourage you but to warn you that it could be a LONG time before you get something.

No. 1994633

That's fine I just want to have literally any kind of skill set. Rn I only have "prior experience" at jobs anyone off the street can train into within two weeks, plus a couple certifications relating to a field I no longer want to work in.
I felt the same when I momentarily lucked into a low-impact semi office job. I realized everyone around me only worked maybe an hour or two out of the day and the rest was just fabricated busy work. Stressed me the hell out weirdly enough.

No. 1994667

I also work an office job and have for years now and it makes me want to commit. I have to be high otherwise I'm miserable and a bitch to customers. I work an entry level position so that means I deal with every phone call for an incredibly large company. Every person that walks in the door and am not allowed to leave my desk unless I ask someone to cover the phone. I'm putting in my two weeks soon to doordash.

No. 1994705

I burn around 600cal ever shift. Sitting all day honestly hurts, idk why offices don't normalise standing desks.

No. 1997154

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went to the bathroom after I clocked out this morning. as soon as I entered I made eye contact with a girl who I think is new, idk, only seen her once or twice. she had an extremely concerned look on her face then glanced behind her but didn't say anything, so I proceeded to my favorite stall 'cause I gotta pee. before I can close the door, I hear it. then I looked back at her to confirm I understood now. the person in the next stall just let out a snore. anyway, I shut the door and stuff, then I hear the lady from personnel who I had noticed walking this direction from a distance enter, then knock on the stall next to me.
>"is everything okay?"
>"!?- oh yeah, just diarrhea"
> "ok do we need to call anyone for you?"
> "oh no honey, I'm diabetic and all, just gotta get my stomach settled."

No. 2004439

Why do the pissiest customers always show up in the afternoon towards the end of my shift? Maybe if you don’t like that it’s so crowded here you should shop somewhere else’s? Or come in the morning? I don’t even tell people their total anymore unless they pay with cash because every time I tell them how much their groceries cost they make some comment about how expensive they are and I’m left to just awkwardly try and empathize. I do agree that they’re expensive but I can’t do anything about it and having to feign empathy for dozens of people a day is exhausting

No. 2004476

I think they say these things because they feel like they have to. The whole needing a verbal script to say. A lot of people are uncomfortable with not talking so they will blurt out the most obvious thing. It might help to reframe it this way so your empathy doesn’t activate. I’m autistic and didn’t understand this for a long time so I was similarly burnt out constantly trying to make people feel better. When I switched to nodding or not responding to their quips it usually gave the same result as trying to empathize with them. If one of them got fussy about this I would just say “sorry sir, hard of hearing, what was that?” they usually just drop it at that point. these jobs pay too little to be constantly drained by emotional coddling that isn’t even appreciated .

No. 2004518

Yeah, smiling and nodding is basically what I’ve been doing. The other customer ism that gets annoying is when they come up to my register and say “you looked lonely so I thought I’d keep you company” as a joke. Funny the first time, not so much the dozens more times

No. 2004571

I work in construction as a project manager, working my way up the office lader. its cool but you basically only work with men.
If you want to work for a union I recomend the Elevator Union, they usualy have the highest salaries. Alternativly, I know you said you wanted to get out of healthcare but coding isn't a bad job.

No. 2004581

Did you need any courses for project management? I do flagging and am looking to get into the office

No. 2004905

Not really. Just know how to use Excel & MS Project. You should be able to learn everything as a Project Engineer or Coordinator

No. 2004923

Food wagie here, and I swear to God couples ordering together are the fucking worst. And I'm not saying this just 'cause I'm a femcel, they literally go:

"What do you want to order?
"What do you want to order?"
"You first.
"No, you first."

Whhhhhyyy. Stop holding up the liiiiiine.

No. 2004926

I'm in the opposite direction. Most of my co-workers are older women with old kids, with or without their Nigels. Honestly it's kind of comfy being surrounded by a "motherly" environment. But man, I cannot relate to them when they start talking about marriage and what Junior did yesterday.

No. 2004928

Would it be considered rude to ask one of them directly?

No. 2004949

They'll most likely just go: "Sorry, I'm still picking."

No. 2009243

I hate when customers don’t bring the trolleys back, they just leave them in the middle of the carpark where they get stolen. Then they complain that there’s never any trolleys…

No. 2009259

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No. 2009261

does anyone else have a 50’s+ female coworker that is high drama and especially hates young women.. I feel like ever wagie job I’ve been to there’s one.

No. 2009274

>>2009261 kek I just replied to >>2004926 "This environment always resulted in workplace bullying for me" before even seeing this post. The middle aged and up people have largely been awful at every wagie job I've worked, including the managers.
When I worked fast food I found it extremely annoying that so many of the customers clearly had never worked a fast food job before

No. 2009337

lol yes. There was this one woman at a job I worked at who was at least in her forties and would brag about her boyfriend all the time to literal teenagers. She also bragged about being a “day trader”. If you’re making so much money at the stock market why are you working here for 10 bucks an hour with 19 year olds? This was in 2020 too and she’d also constantly spout her conspiretard theories

No. 2009359

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Anyone else have customers give them religious stuff? Got picrel today kek

No. 2009388

Yes, I keep being given pamphlets about the rapture and how it’s definitely happening this time. I just chuck them out after they leave.
That’s pretty funny, thanks for the recommendation.

No. 2009392

All the time lol. People often say I look like I need it. I think it's because I have a lot of piercings. Im not religious but I like collecting the stuff people give me, I keep them in a little box. My favorite one was a miniature pocket copy of the entire New Testament. It's smaller than my palm, it's so cute.

No. 2009399

I used to have an older woman at starbucks do this. She was really nice, dont get me wrong. However I had to tell her we couldnt accept religious papers of any kind.

No. 2009400

I hope there's a special place in hell for people who leave carts out. Usually on curbs or in the middle of a parking spot. There's no excuse to not bring it back to where it should be.

No. 2009402

I just got hired as a cashier and the amount of people who use cash is appalling to me. I know cash is still king, but nothing is stopping you from using a tap on your phone/card. It goes by so much faster and doesnt hold up the line. I have to count cash slowly or I get in trouble if my drawer is off at the end of the day.
Also, gotta love how the customers who pay in cash are the ones always in a rush.

No. 2009407

Some people don't want their purchases tracked.

No. 2009422

All we sell is food though. I work at a cafe

No. 2009425

Some people are paranoid as hell and think the government is tracking their every latte and sandwich purchase. I'm also a cashier wagie and I agree with you though, I prefer when everyone just does other payment methods. The worst is when someone tries to pay for am inexpensive item with a 100 dollar bill. I always refuse it.

No. 2009427

I can handle cash just fine but what drives me nuts is when people try to pay with checks. So fucking annoying! Bring REAL money next time!

No. 2009429

I wish I could refuse it so bad. I have to accept all bills, even 100 dollar bills on an order under $5. I hope there's a special place for those assholes, and the ones who lick their cash before handing it to me.

No. 2009430

I think I got the same one! I also like to collect found papers. The other interesting one I have is a sticky note someone put on a cereal box calling for a boycott lol. I plucked it off and pocketed it before the customer could notice. Funniest part was the listed source being TikTok. I’ll try to find a pic

No. 2009431

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We get the same few (older) regulars paying in exact small coins every time. Loaded up coin purses, fat full of coins.

No. 2009434

The last time I went to a cafe I paid with cash and the cashier shorted me $10. You'll get used to counting more as you work, but honestly it's better to be able to count in case someone mishandles your own money in the future. I felt like a nuisance going back in but I wasn't going to pay triple for one item.

No. 2009435

>Some people are paranoid as hell and think the government is tracking their every latte and sandwich purchase.
My mom would use cash rather than her card when I was younger because she was worried my father would yell at her or beat her up because he tracked everything she spent. I just remembered that because of your post. But I'm sure some people just use cash because in their mind that means they didn't "actually" spend money, because the money in their account is the same after that purchase.

No. 2009436

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No. 2009438

I dont mind the coin purses, but I had a dude pay me $9.75 for an order in all quarters. I took as long as humanly possible to count it. I dont mind $1 in change, but more than that, you can suck a big cock

No. 2009439

>some people just use cash because in their mind that means they didn't "actually" spend money, because the money in their account is the same after that purchase.
Yeah I do something similar. I'll set aside cash to use as for lunches or yard sale outings and just pay for things with it until it's gone.

No. 2009441

Isn't the Let them Eat Cake a misquote or am I suffering the Mandela effect?

No. 2009442

I like their printables, I'm a little tempted to put some out too

No. 2009447

Correct, she never said that lol

No. 2009456

Please don’t lol. Corpos suck but saying “source:TikTok” will not convince the actual adults doing the grocery shopping

No. 2009458

Thank you, kind anon.

No. 2009533

Yeah, I know it's "classist" to say this but anybody still working at a wagie job in their 40s is there for a reason.

The absolute worst managers when I worked in retail were the middle-aged moids who had a "business degree" from some shit tier college and wanted to wave their dicks around about how being a junior retail manager was serious business. The managers who had been promoted from the floor were usually a lot easier to get along with.

No. 2009538

Yeah, if you're trying to stick to a budget this is actually a good strategy for keeping track of how much you're spending on small purchases. You take out cash once a week and when it's gone it's gone, instead of using your card and losing track of how much you've spent. But I've been a retail cashier so I understand the inconvenience from that perspective

No. 2010114

YES omg there’s a guy who comes in a lot and has given me pamphlets/church invitations before. yesterday was the 3rd time he asked if he could give me one, and it was at the end of my 15 minute break. I was like “man, you’ve already given me like 2 of those before.” He seemed caught off guard by that, but I asked him if he was targeting me or something.

No. 2010415

Moid fast food and retail managers are so fucking unbearable. 90% of them are ugly fatties with awful hygiene who constantly try to flirt with underage staff, can't make a schedule for shit, can't pick good hires for shit, etc. female managers can be kinda annoying at most but at least they don't spend their spare time sexually harassing teenage girls and understaffing during rushes and overstaffing during slow times

No. 2010803

I feel so bad for bank employees. That kind of job seems like it used to be more respected, but now it looks like wageslaving with a suit jacket. Every time I go to a bank they either need 20 minutes to do the most basic deposit with a line of eight customers, or I'll see some boomer with an expired license shrieking at the teller because they don't know how to withdraw money from an ATM.

No. 2015358

Have you ever shit talked a customer and then realized they definitely heard you or could have definitely heard you? happened to me today (entitled bitch definitely deserved the shit talking let me tell you) and waiting to get in shit for it almost feels more pathetic than it felt having to just let her be shitty and disrespectful to me for no reason.

No. 2015361

No because if they've disrespected me I will call out their behaviour to their face and refuse to let them purchase like this transaction is not going through.

No. 2015374

I accidently did not mute my self going oh my god in an annoyed tone while some customer was giving off to me on the phone and heard it and went nuts and my manger had to give her a voucher but I didn't get in any serious trouble that bitch was annoying

No. 2016018

psycho old asian dude came in and started yelling at our all woman retail staff today. swearing and screaming then acting normal then screaming again. had to threaten security on him (security guards are useless and just stand outside our shop peaking in at us doing nothing all day) he came back in acting all polite to ask my coworkers name, which she gave him, then he asked her surname which she refused. all because we couldnt print out a measurement for him because its done manually. shit like this happens every few months and its ALWAYS an old asian guy losing their shit over nothing

No. 2016021

tbh anon my female manager absolutely under staffs us on days we need it and then has everyone rostered on a random tuesday. she also either doesn't show up for her shifts or comes in hours late and leaves at like 2pm. working with women has its own issues but it's absolutely preferable. like yes your female coworkers talk shit about you and if you piss them off they will try to make your job harder, but there's still a good sense of camaraderie

No. 2016120

At a hotel I worked both housekeeping and breakfast service. One day I was behind the breakfast counter telling my coworker how this one hairy guest who was a regular left so much hair on his sheets I had to literally sticky roll them when I cleaned it as a stayover and I was thinking of just straight up changing the sheets because it looked like a dog had slept there when suddenly a guest sitting in the lobby laughed and I realized I was speaking loud enough for everyone to hear me and I had even said the hairy guest's name and company and that was very likely a coworker of his sitting there! I wanted to die but it was very funny. I was also scared I'd get in trouble but nothing came of it.

No. 2016246

> but there's still a good sense of camaraderie
if ONLY. working with normie het women is honestly starting to blackpill me like damn if you dare to leave your legs unshaved they will go and steal your fucking lunch boxes kek.

No. 2016301

Me sitting there with my mega hairy legs sticking out of my too short work pants while my two coworkers talk about how often they shave and one of them says she feels like a monkey when her stubble comes out…

No. 2016303

I’m shocked that there are still people who don’t know the bare minimum of English (am burger) to get through a simple transaction. Middle aged man didn’t understand “cash or card?” And didn’t know what “chip” meant either. Have you never bought anything in your life???

No. 2016331

it really is like that, remember when i was standing there with my hairy pits under my sleeves when my coworkers call their previous coworker a "fucking butch dyke" for having hairy pits.

No. 2016333

Yeah don't be a little weird around them or you'll be delegated to bring the butt of cruel jokes

No. 2016339

I might come across as crazy but you need to snap at them. Most women get freaked out when you randomly start acting like an abusive scrote out of nowhere. Then they start respecting you the way they respect the men they work with. I used to deal with bullies but in college I started screaming in people's faces and it works 100% of the time. You can do it for like just 5 seconds and it's enough. Also they're literally scared of body hair so just approach them while airing out your pits and they'll move out of your way.

No. 2016369

You know what, I'm ashamed and sick of being chronically bullied well into my 20s and I'm going to try this next time somebody wants to pick on me.

No. 2016475

Tempting advice, nona. I respect your system even though it seems like you developed it out of necessity and that's sad.
you have to butt into the convo and remind them you all don't get paid to shave for work then pull your pant leg up and show your hair as an example. they could be jealous of your freedom and the time you save

No. 2016483

Unfortunately this is true. A lot of people don't consider anger/sociopathicness to be a "real mental issue". It's straight up insane the amount of employers that will happily take a lazy angry moid over a slightly awkward woman who does her job. Being a piece of shit gets you places

No. 2017113


My boss is mid forties and has a bunch of shitty ideas based on internalized misogyny and thinks that not shaving is unhygienic and thinks she can mandate shaved pits in her dress code and here I am, her employee of nearly a decade, unshaven and rolling my eyes like please TRY and tell me to shave my pits I will be on my way out of here so fast lol

No. 2017320

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No. 2017368

Queen shit

No. 2017384

When I worked retail I disliked that my manager was super strict about hair, tattoos and piercings - and come to find out her sweet baby angel daughter was a gendie completely coated in tattoos, with a shaved head, testosterone mustache, facial piercings and oversized gauges like it was still 2012. Maybe she just did it because we were the only ones she had control over.

No. 2018098

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I got another one

No. 2018142

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This happened a few years ago but to this day it pisses me off. Tell me who’s in the wrong
>work as a check in/gate agent at the airport
>it’s busy as hell and there’s only me and one other girl checking in a flight of 200+ people, already running behind with lines almost out the door, because two of our other coworkers had to go to the gate to board a different flight
>third coworker, a boomer, who was supposed to be helping us check in passengers, was in the back on her phone the entire time
>literally for a good hour she was standing off in the distance just yapping to someone on the other line
>I texted my boss who was in his office about the lazy coworker and asked him to tell her to get off the phone OR get someone at the gate to help us
>she comes back angry asf, he must’ve told her it was me that complained because she starts screaming in my face, saying that she had family in puerto rico and she was worried about them because of the hurricane
Like ok? Why did you even clock in? Why didn’t you just stay home and try to figure things out from there? Am I being selfish or unreasonable bc I don’t really care?
I get that shit happens and I am not the type of person that makes a low wage job my entire life, but at the same time I feel like a cuck doing all the work while she gets paid to talk on the phone

No. 2018167

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I use to work at a popular fast food chain and while my experience there was better than most jobs I've had I could not believe how many customers would get mad about the stupidest shit. This white boomer couple even had the audacity to cuss out one of my teenage coworkers because the line was too long. This job made me hate boomers so much kek

kek I do this too! My favorite thing I was given was a large pamphlet talking about how Jesus was actually black complete with a very nice illustration of a black Jesus on the back. I also like taking pics of religious and schizo rambling signs on the street and printing them out to paste in my journal.

No. 2018389

Wagie in a small town and I fucking HATE how every regular customer expects me to be kept up to date on their life. Non-wagies genuinely believe that cashiers pay close personal attention to whatever inane small talk they make. I'm nodding along to your story about your kids fighting because I'm making your order and I'm paid to be here, not because I'm truly invested. Anyone else exhausted by this shit?

No. 2018461

Nah anon i would have done the same. All she had to do was say "sorry there's an emergency with my family which is why i was on the phone" and it would have de-escalated the situation.

No. 2018494

Creepy ass shura pipi

No. 2018497

I have to clean the tea canisters at the end of each day. I have 10 mins to do it. My boss asked me to do it 15 mins earlier than usual. I said no prob, since we were closing shop early.
This white women gets pissed at me because I am taking her teas away. It was exactly 13 mins earlier than usual. But technically 3 mins earlier to her. shut the fuck up bitch. She complained to my boss about me, but nothing happened. i hate these entitled customers.

No. 2018502

Bank work seems so miserable. People were extra tense and stupid when it comes to how to utilize their own money. I'm always extra nice to bank tellers, because it's usually only 2-3 of them dealing with huge lines of retards.

No. 2018576

Most are spending money they've earned illegally. Some through drugs, but others just through cash work that isn't paid to the IRS. Something like 20% of tradesmen probably are breaking the law this way.

No. 2018792

>mandate shaved pits in her dress code
for males too? lol

No. 2026535

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They just keep coming

No. 2026609

My male coworker takes the same bus as me and we got off work at the same time and he would not stfu holy SHIT, take the hint you pathetic faggot. I had my earbuds in and I was glued to my phone screen and he was even trying to ask me how I like the Starbucks egg sandwich like shut the fuck up you don’t care, it’s just an egg sandwich, you just want to fuck me and I don’t want that yet you’re still up my ass. I feel so violent towards him

No. 2026765

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>be me, 26 year old working in a small bar.
>recently divorced coworker, in her mid-late 40s, joins the workforce despite being rich because she has no friends.
>isn't very well liked because she overshares and it makes people feel awkward.
>after a few months, we all find out she sends nudes and messages to the youngest male coworkers (younger than 20) about how she wants to fuck them and take them to sex parties to have threeways.
>Other male coworkers find it funny but when speaking to them alone they are uncomfortable.
>As I get on well with one of them, he offered to help me with something I put in the group chat I couldn't do on my own.
>Same woman offers to help later but I say "no worries CougarChan, male coworker will help me instead as he's in town".
>Has now taken it upon herself to sabotage me and talk shit about me at any opportunity as she thinks me and male coworker have a thing going on.

No. 2027333

Worked in this one shop and this fat ugly 5 ft tall ogre looking barrel-chested wall eyed hunchbacked bucktoothed pasty skinned manager used to be like this. So obsessed with peoples tops being long enough, deathly scared that someone might wear a crop top, obsessed with peoples jewellery and length of their skirts. But would dress like she was going to the club every day. She absolutely hated attractive women more than anything in the world.

No. 2027334

Samefag, she was also a rabid Depp supporter and would not shut her yapping during the trial. As I said, hated beautiful and attractive women. The most attractive woman who worked there would only do 1 day a week as she had another job, had this arrangement for years before the barrel chested wall eyed little ogre showed up, and she was hounded every day about doing more than that until she left. After that she focused her dead-fish-on-ice-at-the-supermarket eyes on me and bullied me relentlessly until I left. As I said, 5 ft tall with the most pathetic short little T rex arms you’ve ever seen. I wish HR would let you solve disputes by fighting because I could have absolutely pummelled the living daylights out of her without breaking a sweat. It would be like one of those pathetic inbred little micropigs going up against a wild boar. Yet thanks to capitalism she was able to bully me into submission because I didn’t want to be belittled at work every day and I am a normal person who likes to resolve disputes and not live with constant conflict. So I found another job and left.

No. 2027337

I’m sick of boomers. Can you imagine the tantrum she would have had if a millennial or zoomer coworker did the same? She’d never in a million years be sympathetic. I say fuck boomers, give them the same amount of empathy and understanding as they give us, which is precisely none
I tell you what, there’s nothing I love more than going into a shop or restaurant and encountering a boomer at work. I always find something to chimp out on them for so that they know how it feels.

No. 2027385

Most boomers, despite their insistence otherwise, have not had a wage slave job since their teens, if ever. They don't know how it works now and the workload current workers have because back in their day they had five people to do the job of one. Some of them simply never worked because they didn't have to.

No. 2027403

They are the worst generation to ever exist. I hate how we have a zoomer hate thread and not a boomer hate thread.

No. 2028416


I’ve seen her only ever hire 1 dude, and she was very reluctant in doing so. Based, although that’s where it ends with her lol I doubt she would have expected him to shave if he wanted to wear a tank top

No. 2028421

sounds like an absolute devil but I cackled at your description. I don’t understand how people can exist like this, like just constantly and obviously seething. It’s fucking weird.

No. 2028429

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My biggest wagie regret is not saving the D&D Chick tracts I found in the shampoo aisle…

No. 2028450

nothing anyone says makes fucking sense
>I'm not tipping! tipped workers should just fight for a living wage
certain cities have tried this and all that accomplished was making shit so expensive, instead of just an extra few bucks as a tip (that you dont even have to give if service was bad) you're forced to pay damn near double for everything, could've just paid an extra 5 bucks but nope they wanted to be little cunts about tipping now they're paying 40 bucks for a small thing of pasta
>inflation control is liberal propaganda !!!
most conservative politicans voted in favor of inflation control, similar to how they think animal rights are for pussy libs when its mostly conservatives demanding death penalty for animal abusers (rightfully so)
>businesses can't raise wages theyll go bankrupt and burgers will be 100 dollars!!!
thats simply because no one holds them accountable for wage distrubution. just cut out the higher ups million dollar bonuses every other month and boom you wont need to inflate prices so your workers dont starve
>muh ebt, section 8, medicaid, WIC, etc
corporations not paying their employees enough are the true tax leeches since they rely on the government to make sure their employees dont starve or go homeless instead of just paying them the min of whats needed to live, in fact walmart and other corps literally encourage their workers to apply to those things kek, why are so many places paying low enough that those workers even qualify for those things anyway? back in the day the only way to get those things is if you're a single mom working min wage, why the hell are so many jobs that require certifications and single person households paying low enough for people to qualify

No. 2028457

How come in developed countries fast food cashiers get paid like $20+/hr (and get a month of PTO) but the fast food there is cheaper than in the US where they get paid $10/hr at best?

No. 2028477

no one ever gives a clear answer, they'll claim it's because it's for kids and retirees but makes no sense because retirees still have bills and a lot of teens and young adults need to pay for college, car, etc? also how insane is it to create jobs in the first place with the idea that the workers are being financally supported by someone else? like if I underpaid anyone I hired for help around my house just because I expected them to be supported by someone else I would get called a crazy karen, why is it ok if corporations do it?

No. 2028483

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Just here to say that I definitely don't miss fast food.
>managers are stoners that vape the fuck out of their office while two employees are scrambling to close the whole restaurant
>also got managers acting like they're above treating new employees with respect (acting like employee is a retard for not knowing everything even though they've only been working for two weeks)
>managers who think you must be an entitled brat for just asking for your check, after your shift on the mother fucking payday
>managers who give such little fucks about you that they'll ask you to come in for your second shift five minutes after a car accident, but then say that you're all a "family".
>managers who play favorites to the point where it's unfair (asking everyone if they want to go on break EXCEPT for you or another person)
>managers doing shit like that, and leaving you unknowing of why because all you ever do is show up, work, and leave
>bitch manager gets a good-bye party, so you have to stand there and pretend to like her because there's cake
>coworkers "coming out of the closet" AT WORK as if anybody fucking cares or couldn't already tell
>catty bitches who can't wait to tell their friends or the whole restaurant about how "bad" of a worker you or this other person are because you arrived a few minutes early instead of twenty
>trainers snapping and screaming into your ear in front of everyone because they're mad that their meek voices weren't loud enough in a busy restaurant
>coworker acting like it must have been you who's out of line, even though the redneck is screaming cusses, slurs, and jumping around like a shit-flinging monkey because he miscounted his own change
>teenage coworkers regularly trying to get anyone else to do their job, and getting mad at YOU when you politely tell them to piss off
>managers not letting you clock out on your own because they want to make sure you stocked first, even though that's exactly what you've been doing since you got there
>but will freely let their favorite employees leave whenever the fuck they want
>nobody is safe, everybody gets talked shit about no matter how nice they are in the restaurant
>customers coming inside the restaurant fifteen minutes before official closing just to order a cheeseburger and shit around instead of going in the drive-thru for that shit (do these people like to watch us clean?)
Ironically, it wasn't really the customers or the labor of the job that made me abandon doing fast food. IME, it's the managers, the coworkers, and the paycheck that will make or break how long you last. I don't miss any of those retards, they can kiss my fuckin' ass.

No. 2028487

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>serving a boomer at fast food job
>POS is messing up and I tell him "oh, one second sir"
>Boomer moid replies "No, hurry up."

OOOHH I wanted to throw hot oil in his face so bad

No. 2028499

God this is why public facing jobs genuinely make me want to hurt people

No. 2028506

I'd go slower on purpose

No. 2028532

this. it's the only way.

No. 2028575

You can't react or apologize either. Just slow down

No. 2028666

Be the change you wish to see nonnie.

No. 2028696

Yep, I hate hearing the umpteenth story about how they know hard work unlike us evil zoomies and millennials and then start talking about how they were able to get by via walking into the nearest shop and were able to make rent, college money, and enough for a movie or something on weekend. Now getting a job is indeed doom scrolling and takes months to a year to get an employer to even look at you twice, or you have to have connections and play all sorts of weird life hacks when it should have just been "you apply, you interview, and if you fit then you're hired". Oh and how they were able to work one job while going to school, now unless you have someone supporting you financially in order to pay for school, dorm/apartment/etc you'd have to take out loads of loans for that

No. 2028808

Oh she was. Honestly I’d probably be a drug addict or kill myself if I was that ugly so props to her.

No. 2028841

Was looking forward to a day off after an extremely busy half term, working alone while short staffed, but this morning my manager decided to take pictures of everything I forgot to do (such as collapsing a cardboard box) and post it into the group WhatsApp and berate me indirectly. Now I’m in a foul mood and feel like wallowing In misery all day.

No. 2028861

The way Walmart encourages their employees to apply for EBT knowing that it will be used to purchase groceries from Walmart is kind of gross when you think about it.

No. 2028882

Imagine building a whole system around gov handouts kek yet it's starving parents who are the leeches

No. 2029033

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Does anyone else work or use to work at Starbucks and have people reference your job like it's the greatest job ever, thinking it's fun and has great pay, without realizing it's still a dehumanizing fast food job? It pays barely above the state minimum wage where I live and the same as working at McDonald's and you still work with either teenagers or people who can't obtain a regular job. I've had salaried white-collar workers tell me they're jealous of my job.
Also ~75% of your coworkers will be sanctimonious virtue-signalers who believe everything shown to them by a social media algorithm without question.

No. 2029052

it takes all the power in my body not to sperg about the starbucks union and how fake it was/is. starbucks is on the cutting edge of corporate PR for every facet of their business including convincing people their workers are soooo happy and they're suuuuch good bosses and such a greeeaaat company. it's all marketting.

No. 2029980

i have a coworker like this, extremely misogynist and a male worshipper and hates pretty women while looking like cross dressing shrek (i won't compare her to fiona because fiona is actually cute)

there's this one girl who lives rent free in her head, she doesn't even regularly work with us but sometimes comes to do some shifts and yet she always wants to bring her up to insult her about something mundane she said, like how she want so take it easy next weekend or something else retarded. she'll be insulting the way people tie their fucking shoelaces, she's pettiest, most bitter pig faced little shit i've ever met. but only towards women, she legit once said "men are so lovely" like she's obsessed with men and sucking their dick.

No. 2030000

I feel this nonna. All my coworkers are trannies.

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