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No. 1989982[Reply]

"Ethel Cain" and "Hayden Silas Anhedonia" are pseudonyms of Macon Horner, a misogynistic troon, awful musician who rips off nicole dollanganger and lana del rey, and who fetishizes girls getting abused in the church and sex trafficking. he used to be an irrelevant moid DJ called white silas who was involved in the soundclout scene before trooning out and finding his "niche" fetishizing female trauma and skinwalking nicole/lana >>1764675 >>1917800 >>1761141 and he has fanbase in current coquette aesthetic who kiss his ass cause he's a transwoman uwu

>kissed nicole's ass >>1845218 and even got multiple tattoos of her lyrics

>got nicole's ex-boyfriend to work on his shitty music >>1793816 >>1642065 and then surpassed her/denounced her >>1987336 while nicole was rightfully cancelled for her shit, troonthel gets away with it because he is a "transwoman writing about the girlhood he never had" >>1812183
>troon rage about how he thinks radfems secretly want to fuck him and he "won't touch us broads with a 10 foot pole" >>1914239 calls women "nasty slugs/beasts" bc we have "coarse hair on our pussies and assholes" >>1914200
>writes insane tumblr spergouts about "small breedable 12 year old girls" to "own the terfs,"
>namesearches himself all day to argue with teenage radfems >>1586186
>wrote an entire album ripping off lana del rey's old americana/sinister suburbia aesthetic with lyrics about his preacher's daughter alter ego uwu sad girl getting drugged, murdered, and raped, iPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1995005

Male sexuality is such a fucking abyss

No. 1995029

tinfoil but to me it looks like Salem introduced Nicholas and Bacon, got mad when they started dating, fucked Nicholas, then Bacon kicked them both out. Salem has followed Bacon around the country and lived with him rent free for years, and openly admitted he makes no money from his music and lives off of scamming incels on snapchat, depop, selling plasma, and shoplifting, he's a fat loser and a leech

No. 1995063

it's even funnier when you know the youtube algorithm only promotes men.

No. 1995107

people on tw congratulated him, dont know about his family

he claimed he was raped when he was a boy/teenager

salem made A LOT of money selling macon's shit on depop

No. 1995109

you know what macon hates? when his old music as atlas/white silas gets posted on youtube/soundcloud. easy to find on telegram or dbree

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No. 1942859[Reply]

For all the attention seekers, grifters and other assorted idiots in the alternative community

Most recent cows:
-ToxicTears (Kaya), veteran youtuber, one of the OG "goths", used to get hundreds of thousands of views but her channel has dwindled, now she constantly makes excuses not to film and when she does it's usually an unboxing or a Q&A or GRWM. Has been pretty active on TikTok lately
-Jude Bishop, OF thot and ddlg pedo-pandering pickme who is also "goth", has her own thread but crosses over here too, publicly thirsts for Jake
-ItsBlackFriday (Freyja), goth youtuber, country hopper, terrible planner.
-Psychara, witchy instagoth who fries her hair
-Of Herbs and Altars (Dorian), goth youtuber who does videos on her ana and drugs past (now published about it too), believes she can fuck ghosts
-Adora BatBrat, instagoth who likes posting provocative stuff for shock value
-Ruadhan, youtuber, rambling shit stirrer

…and other cows who are discussed but not necessarily producing significant or frequent milk.

Previous thread:
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No. 1994966

STAHP Anon, this is so likely gonna happen. I can see the title already.

>"We need to talk"

>"So About that Documentary…"
>"We need to talk"

It really does feel like she had the whole scheme planned out.

>E-begging is not working. My product placements, I mean kids aren't pulling the sympathy donations neither.

>Come up with a feigned documentary. Give a few details to ge people interested and set a high price, at least to cover the WGT tickets and travel.
>Get diagnosis for ADHD so I have an out when I use the money for the WGT trip.

I mean come on now. I wonder if anyone is calling her out in the comments. I mean let's be real, even if she's going to WGT so she can interview the people there and use the clips for her documentary, would that really be worthwhile?
I just can't believe I ever used to be a fan of hers. It's like night and day comparing 2014 Freya to where she's been in the last few years.

No. 1994971

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Nitpick but you wouldn’t catch me posting a dirty pram and shirt on social media for all to see.

No. 1994996

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> Fake advertises making a documentary to collect money for WGT
> But has apparently not scammed people enough to either pay for a bigger luggage to fly in like any other WGT goer, or go buy better quality stuff for the whole thing

That really shows how "Trailer Trash" those gothic/alt influencers actually are and that they don't deserve any penny that naive people give em.

No. 1994997

>Being so far from the other half of our family feels lonely
STFU Freezer! Damn I can't believe people still fall for her bullshit. You planned this. You scammed a ADHD diagnosis days before that docu deadline. You knew you were doing it to get money for WGT tickets.
This feels like doing homework at the last minute and bullshitting to get thru it. If it's not a low effort chat and interview, I'll be surprised. She probably brought Montrose as an excuse.
>Too tired to work, Monty was cranky most of the time and I didn't get much done tee hee!

>I wonder if anyone is calling her out in the comments.
idk but I wondered if she's lost some subs because of this. People have to know she used them to get sympathy donations. ngl her post feels like it's directed at Owl.
>Don't worry darling, too tired to go screwing your replacement.
How was he okay with his wife running off to party across the world?

No. 1995033

>unnecessarily drags a baby halfway around the world, on a 33 hour flight + 5 hour train ride
>baby is tired, completely unwashed/filthy, and looks understandably miserable
Yeah, seems totally necessary and not terrible parenting to put your baby through all this stress to go party at a massive loud outdoor music festival. Kid really looks like he's having the time if his life right now. Freyja genuinely looks overjoyed to be back though, the happiest she's looked in a long time despite being "exhausted and dirty".

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No. 1812525[Reply]

This thread is for discussions and jokes surrounding those who LARP as some variety of "Queer" despite being only attracted to the opposite sex. Although most are in Hetero relationships, some may be on the "ace-spectrum" and/or polyamorous. They may discriminate against those who are same sex attracted by being uninterested in their issues, revising their history and exploiting them for personal profit. Women in particular may be incredibly rude to even libfems, let alone terf boogeywomen, because she prioritizes her Nigel above all. Men in particular are only in it for sex, so he hits on lesbians if he is ever actually in a local LGBT community and drops the Queer act when it no longer is in his benefit. Consider this a vent thread as much as it is a meme thread.
This thread is not for Homeophobe-chans.
Since there is already MTF and FTM threads, this thread will focus more on the LGB community as a whole and topics that don't really fall under the Trans threads. Please also take note that this is not a Bisexual hate thread and posting about those under 18 is not encouraged, though is allowed is exceptional enough.

Topics of discussion:
-History revisionism
-Alphabet soup getting longer
-Celebs and cows pride-drama
-Spicy Straights
-Comphet and other popular "queer" trends
-Ace Discourse sightings
-Bi/Pan Discourse sightings
-"Bi-Lesbians" Discourse sightings
-Homophobia from "Queers"/Spicy Straights
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No. 1994723

what's her name? i wish she had a thread here, sounds lulzy

it just sounds like she has extremely low self esteem and a bad body image. i've noticed a ton of ftms are obese or do things to themselves that look bad, like picking the wrong haircut/hair color or impulsively getting eight facial piercings

No. 1994733

Irish singer Bambie Thug (real name Bambie Ray Robinson). She's been talked about a fair bit in the Eurovision thread in /m/.

No. 1994758

I tried watching the whole video hut I can't get over how obnoxiously faggy these two are. I'm just gonna assume "genderfluid" boyfriend here is because his boyfriend likes to cross dress sometimes, then again that's what they mean 99% of the time anyways(sage your shit)

No. 1994867

Damn she's like the final boss of NLOGs.

No. 1994919

Bisexual women who choose not to date men are called febfems. A political lesbian is someone who isn't attracted to women, but calls herself lesbian for progressive brownie points.

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No. 1664422[Reply]

From wikipedia:
>Polyamory is the practice of, or desire for, romantic relationships with more than one partner at the same time, with the informed consent of all partners involved. People who identify as polyamorous may believe in open relationships with a conscious management of jealousy and reject the view that sexual and relational exclusivity are prerequisite for deep, committed, long-term, loving relationships.
It's basically cheating plus self-righteousness.
So how does that work out?
At best, the relationship is never as strong as it used to be. Not everyone is so lucky.
>Man Who Featured in 5 Person Polyamorous Relationship Charged With Child Abuse
>Infant suffered broken leg, arm and skull fractures during vicious attack
Mostly, they make a lot of noise online and irl.
Why is it lolcow-worthy?
They see it as part LGB-related sexuality, part MLM recruitment scheme. They are extremely proud of their poor decisions and want attention for it.
Bonus lols: any selfie posted on r/polyamory
Points of Interest:
Heavily popular in the trans community with many crossovers.
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No. 1994759

good catch anon! I didn’t even notice the dildoes on display, this girl is seriously shay from another timeline.

No. 1994760

Kek the moid won’t admit no sane woman would commit to him

No. 1994761

KEK 48k views with 8 hearts

No. 1994933

a woman wanting a man to commit to her is "objectification" but a man wanting a skittles bag of novelty pussy is…what exactly??????

"These women are trying to objectify men by wanting commitment, sacrifice, and maturity in a lifelong partnership. I, an enlightened feminist poly man, want a chinese pussy, a black pussy, a fat pussy, a skinny pussy, a goth pussy, a teen pussy, a milf pussy, a non-binary pussy……"

No. 1995046


Oh silly nona, don’t you realize that any time a woman expects anything from a man not freely given it comes from a place of selfishness or insecurity? We’re so very lacking in the male ways of wisdom and enlightenment, you see.


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No. 1660046[Reply]

BuzzFeed, Inc. is an American Internet media, news and entertainment company with a focus on digital media. It’s most known for being a youth centric mouthpiece for trending topics, pop culture, liberal feminist theory, and hot gossip. They developed a particularly devoted following on YouTube, with different content creators grouped into different factions.

Buzzfeed fell under wide scrutiny for limiting the creative freedom of its main hosts/content creators, as well as blatantly stealing concepts from smaller creators on YouTube and Tumblr. The former led to a mass exodus of full time staff members between the years of 2014-2020.

Below are the different (most prominent) buzzfeed content creator groups and individuals

The Try Guys
>Members consist of Keith Habersberger, Ned Fulmer, Zach Kornfeld, and Eugene Lee Yang.
>Most influential youtube group to leave buzzfeed, at a whopping 7.8 million subscribers.
>Content consists of playful attempts at trying “new things” in clickbait fashion
>Began endorsing DNC candidates in the 2018 election races
>Eugene has an overwhelmingly larger fan base compared to the other guys at first, however in recent years fans have picked their own favorites.

Notable personal moments in their series
>Keith talks about his body dysmorphia
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No. 1988584

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sage for technically no milk, I just want all of you to see the reaction from the subreddit when steven first announced that andrew and adaam were recruiting for worth it on watcher.

No. 1988751

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also some early twitter reactions.

No. 1989271

i fully agree with this response.

No. 1994712

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>The Try Guys have joined the Creators for Palestine campaign

No. 1994775

eugene's head is like a square melon, an absolute unit

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No. 1988578[Reply]

Previous thread: >>/snow/1980824

Shayna Leigh Clifford; 26-year-old failing prostitute, pornsick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid-filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents’ help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.


REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread
Last Thread:
>Shayna does an extremely unflattering photoshoot for a spandex fetish website >>1980829
>Has an unexplained falling out with Limpcock, leaving her to beg her coomers for an overpriced hotel room >>1981713
>Her coomers catch on to her bullshit and call her out >>1981839
>Smallcock deletes every interaction with Shay from his twitter and uninvites her from going to see the B-52s with him >>1981935
>Shay returns to Seattle to find that she’s been gifted a clothes rack and a shelf from one of her “partners” >&Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1995085

She has lost a bit of weight but my god, her tits are so disgusting, even after editing

No. 1995088

enjoy your yeast infection, dummy. i bet she ate this whole cake afterward.

No. 1995092

The cake probably cost more than she'll make on the video

No. 1995103

The bow/ribbon she’s wearing in her hair, you can clearly tell was originally put on the cake box by that poor unfortunate baker.

No. 1995114

Is she ever not high or drunk lately? She's absolutely blasted in every photo she posts lately.

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No. 1954742[Reply]

Thread to talk about people who are radical feminists, but are batshit insane OR claim to be radical feminists, but are just using it to gain money and/or notoriety.

Warning: This is not a thread for ranting about TIMs, TIFs or COVID. Please go to the respective containment threads for that.

Anna Slatz
>Grifter with a plastic surgery addiction.
>Fired from her job as Editor-in-Chief for writing two puff pieces for the leader of a Neo-nazi party in Canada.
>Currently making a transition as a financial guru and stocks investor.

Vanessa Vokey
>Anti-mask psycho who compared face masks to hijabs.
>Assaulted a female voting booth worker for asking her to wear a mask.
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No. 1994649

they are Marxist feminists with a dual model framework and think in terms of a grand politics of women as a class

No. 1994653

why does so called marxist feminism have to be in women who want not to have relationships with moids business and call them names. why can't they just oppose porn etc. try not to ally with actual architects of neoliberalism while theyre at it but that is a different era. how their treachery will pan out in the current/unfolding era remains to be seen.

No. 1994668

Listen to the damn episode. They aren't calling female separatists bad names, they are calling political lesbians bad names. Because they think political lesbians are lesbophobic because they hate lesbian sexuality and also hate butches and that they take over and ruin lesbian communities. Jesus.

No. 1994682

It's gotten backlash because it's absolutely true. They described them perfectly, down to the little details like them accusing all non-polilez of 'hating late bloomers'. Political lesbianism was a gateway to self-ID not because they're kind of similar, but because a lot of degen queer women who welcome TRAs love political lesbianism. They took it to its logical conclusion by writing pamphlets about lesbianism while dating hulking troons. TERF polilez are significantly less retarded and date/sleep with 'normal' men instead of troons but they do share a common delusion.
>male comrades
IIRC they don't really hang out in male-dominated commie circles anymore. They don't have the classic pandering moves of claiming to like 'socialist feminism' over the 2nd wave either.
>they think women who are even just single or separatist are pathological
They've tackled separatist 'cults' before but they often describe single-by-choice women as rational and normal. Like >>1994668 said, listen to the episode.
Also these strands of radical feminism do attract pathological women alongside 'atypical' (autistic or masculine) women, shouldn't be controversial on the Radfem Cow thread kek

No. 1994688

it's true. i haven't listened to the podcast. there may be some truth about old school poli lez but poli lez has been coopted by queers and my sense is it's not popular amongst radical feminists anymore. that might be their point in a podcast i haven't listened to but these right wing flirting marxist feminists are suspicious and say similar things about women who care about women's ability to be single/moid free, because they see their political block as housewives instead. i assumed they were being posted as the cows, not because they made an episode about cows.

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No. 1994237[Reply]

Thread for discussing Red Scare, Cumtown/TAFS, Dimes Square, the remains of the "dirtbag left", and the entire "post-left" and Silicon Valley "rationalist/postrat" sphere and their orbiters/backers, including but not limited to Mencius Moldbug, Peter Thiel, and the so-called "dissident right" (Bronze Age Pervert, The Perfume Nationalist, and other faggots). WARNING: this scene is crawling with Nazis, pedophiles, child porn advocates, sex pests, rapists, troons, and other degenerates.

Milk from the last thread (#48: >>>/snow/1966502)

Dasha tries her usual “laugh hysterically at anything a man says” routine in an awkward episode of whatever pedophile Sam Hyde's show is called now

NYT throwing shade at Elena Velez's show platforming the freaks in this scene

Tariq Nasheed roasting Anna for 15 minutes

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No. 1995012

I also specifically remember her making fun of the Twitter tradcaths for having Pariah the Tr00n as one of their people and now they're besties. Wish I had receipts but I think her account from back then got suspended

No. 1995015

same nonna, she used to really hate troons and AGPs a few years ago, and post a lot of truths about them. I think she seems to have realized this particular troon was her best 'in' to Anna and the 'dimes sq' scene and shamelessly about faced.

No. 1995017

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No. 1995030

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lmao @ the heifer at far left (diana fleischman) being married to anti-fat tweet dude. and RIP whatever's left of anna's reputation as a cool person.

No. 1995060

Jack did the same thing

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No. 1994491[Reply]

check this dude out. self proclaimed celebrity, trust fund baby, and pervert

dude has paid for tons of articles to get his name out there online. claims to have been in several hollywood movies. his “business” specializes in building sites for sluts to post nudes. no doubt an easy way to get free access to tons of content



https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickmccandless(shit thread)

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No. 1845552[Reply]

My apologies to the anons who whined for a new thread, y’all were right and I should have posted sooner – smh, hope you find this.

Alice Llani (formerly, but still legally, Alice Bender) is known on Tik Tok for controversial takes, identifying as a crunchy and vegan radfem tradwife. She is “terminally online” and desperate for attention at any cost, often soiling her own reputation and exploiting her two children in pursuit of it.

FKA alicellani / crunchyipadbaby / aliceandfern / alicellanispam / aureliasmama / comingupfern / radfemalice / Allison-Loke-Lani Roza

> Spends an exhausting amount of time trying to gaslight audience that she is at her pre-pregnancy weight, despite looking like a water-logged corpse (spoiler: she does eventually loses the weight for single girl summer).
> Weight aside, Alice spends nearly a year looking like she died in the bathtub giving birth to Sneeze and is a walking ghost.
> Gets exposed by some crunchy moms for being a mean girl.
> A lot of gross food-floor stuff, not worth getting into all of it but THINGS BE FERAL AF.
> Interest dwindles in Alice’s antics so she tries to generate some by teaching, filming, and encouraging Fern to engage in unsafe behaviour around natural bodies of water (repeatedly). Eventually, she even gets bored of this herself and it abruptly stops.
> Abruptly stops showing the children’s faces. Anons speculate whether this was to drum up attention or if she’s hiding physical indication of abuse via Daddy Bender.
> Regular programming receives more frequent interruptions than before — archiving photos of Caleb, unfollowing him and his family, ask followers advice on getting a large down payment back, using audio about DV, etc. She claims to be looking for an apartment for herself and the children.
> Follows this up by mass-archiving social media posts and anons are torn whether this is due to an impending divorce/custody battle or if she is still baiting yet again.
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No. 1993225

2 burdens stuck to your body yikes. Free birth control.

No. 1993246

just looking at this makes my back hurt.
wtf her poor kids. torture them for the content

No. 1993326

at Fern’s age, this is worse than a baby leash. let the kid walk and explore ffs. the point of attachment parenting is letting the kid build the confidence to do shit on their own, knowing they can handle it and you’ll be there for them if not. alice, this ain’t it and no one is impressed. get a life.

No. 1993347

>let the kid walk and explore ffs
At this point it’s apparent that he can’t walk and she’s too retarded/stubborn to take him to a pediatrician

No. 1994373

lol at Alice in her eating disorder era with the body checking and the blatant receding hairline(sage your shit)

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