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No. 1989914[Reply]

The hit Netflix show based on a true story has caused fans to locate the real Martha Scott, Fiona Harvey. Instead of leaving the internet and deleting her socials, like any sane person, she has decided to kick off and post endless rants on Facebook claiming that she is the real victim.

A tweet from 2014 directed at Gadd, not long before she started stalking him in 2015, has emerged. She is now typing in the exact manner depicted in the show and is absolutely revelling in the attention.(shit thread, provide more context, social media links etc. )
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No. 1994980

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impending lolsuit on the horizon. Stay tuned, nonnas. Also just a note on the fallout of Baby Reindeer: Has anyone else noticed a sort of "peaking"? A lot of true crime podcasts are a bunch of yas kweening retards and even they're starting to make a point of talking about cases like that Buck guy who was manipulating gay addicts into sexual abuse using drugs to lure them in and going out of their way to talk about how these things are prevalent in gay communities

No. 1994990

I really do feel for her, I feel like she just wanted a normal life (job, boyfriend) but is so mentally ill that she never was able to achieve either. She is loving the attention lets be honest

No. 1994999

I don't disagree that she's loving the attention because I bet on some level seeing people pick apart Gadd feels like validation to her delusions. Even if she's a stalker, I really do feel like he knew she was going to see this while fully aware that she is liable to harm herself (like at the bus stop) over this situation. He's already backtracking his story. In all likelihood she's probably as nutty as the average lolcow which is about half as crazy as he claims

No. 1995053

i don't think she did half the shit he says she did. notice that he put an emphasis on the fact that his tranny boyfriend didn't press charges over the assault. probably bc it didn't happen. she probably didn't sit in front of his house until she got sick or attack his ex either. it's honestly sick that he produced all this shit about this poor mentally ill woman and portrayed his actual rapist as a good person.

No. 1995101

The thread is dissecting his behaviour and not Martha's because he's a moid who got a tv show to talk about how he was victimised. It's really that simple. Martha is crazy but she's not making anyone mald.

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No. 1993065[Reply]

Thread for the general discussion of people who use and abuse animals to gain internet clout on social media. Some of the more infamous ones include (but not limited to);

Save A Fox AKA Mikayla Raines

>Runs non-profit fox sanctuary

>Supposedly against fur farming, but buys nearly all of their foxes from fur farms
>Purposefully imprints on wild animals she intends to rehab
>Co-habs different species which has led to injury
>Has had multiple preventable/questionable animal deaths, and many escapes
>Lets infants interact with wild animals
>Hard to keep track, I think they have around 50 animals, at least 20+ foxes
>plans to get 500 foxes from a fur farm starting Nov 2023
>Registered as a fur farm to get around pesky laws interfering with keeping animals like foxes, minks, etc as pets
>Bred black backed jackals then took them away from the parents to be hand raised to keep one as a pet
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No. 1994002

Idk it's so fucking weird to have your tits and pussy half out while posing with your "pets" that you bought from fur farms. It would be a lot less cringy if she didn't include the animals as props.

No. 1994938

Update on Save A Fox's fox, Felix.
Apparently died from falling out of a tree. I do find it weird they waited so long (happened on New Years) and then were vague about the details (still are) and posted memorial shit before even mentioning where he was found. The video is just of her crying and some videos of Felix.

Felix was a fox they believed to be wild born. They mentioned how he would always climb up a tree when they would clean the enclosure. Normally foxes will only do this for food, or to escape perceived predators. Considering that's a familiar tree and there's no food they put up there, he probably felt uncomfortable with the close human interactions.

Normally I'd say this is BS, but even in the video you can see that fox climbs worryingly high, probably out of stress and fear.

According to the spreadsheet, Felix also had blood in the urine at one point (tx with abx) and has gotten wounds from fighting with cage mates. He is also one of the few (only?) foxes not locked up at night due to how wild he is. Shame they couldn't allow him to act more wild.

No. 1994947

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She goes a bit more in detail about the death in Facebook comment section, still rather vague though

No. 1994950

Oh man I used to love saveafox. Fuck this is saddening

No. 1994964

>I saw some people on JuniperFox and SaveAFox say that some of the foxes were given away for free because of disabilities and would have been killed… There's not too many disabilities that would affect a fox or mink's coat quality, or the ability to find food and water in a small cage. Like a fox with a bum leg is still going to be used for fur. A blind fox still can have perfectly fine fur. It's a lame excuse.
holy fuck people are stupid if they actually buy into this shit. the blatant lying about how they acquire the foxes should be obvious enough for people to understand that these tiktok "sanctuaries" are exploitative, profit-seeking businesses just like the fur farms.

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No. 1448714[Reply]

Empathchan/seppukugirl/ neko (misunderstood)is a self-proclaimed pedophile terminally online onlyfans """model""" that shills herself on imageboards and twitter by acting edgy and cruel to everyone
>treats her orbitors like dogs and makes them post pictures of her on r9k with captions such as "i want to rape empie"
>got exposed on twitter for being a pedophile on discord
>doxed her own adress on the server hoping she would become the new bianca devins
>photoshops all of her pictures to look like a 90's anime girl and denies anyone pointing out the truth
>shills herself on imageboards constantly
>le edgy dark pick-me that always talks about how she hates everyone and wants to be raped
>got called out for using contacts and immediately posted a story on instagram proving her eyes were real and big
>her retarded orbitors are trying to kill her and treat her like shit and she enjoys it
>obsessed with gore and bdsm hentai
>posted nudes of herself on 4chan when she was underage
>racist white supremacist even though she is jewish

social media:
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No. 1992038

I think you guys are retarded. Most of these pictures are edited in snow and meitu. All that typing for nothing. Lock this thread.

No. 1992063

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I suspect she actually changed it this time I noticed that a while back, it would make sense since she went to LA which it's filled with cosmetic injectors and that's when her appearance changed. And even most snapchat and instagram filters give people the equivalent of facial reconstructive surgery to a lesser degree but still depending on the one, it's not just an asian app thing

No. 1992346

its shooping

No. 1992545

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Her nose looks bigger now and straight also from the side, characteristic of nose filler, so it's not just photoshop. The filters people use make the nose a lot smaller not bigger, so it would make sense if she got this procedure. At least she finally made irl changes instead of playing pretend and editing/filtering herself to forever, but if you inject a hydrophilic product, it most often will end up migrating and looking puffy, which is why the women I know who got it ended up dissolving it. Hopefully she gets arrested for public indecency in one of her bouts of public urination or defecation soon and is put on a sex offender registry so someone keeps an eye on her and she isn't able to violate, sexually harass or assault women, spread pornography to children or enable pedophiles any longer, and she won't be able to fix her eventual pillow face in prison.

No. 1994943

she didn’t even scratch her throat enough. wow a little cut that most guys get on their necks for shaving. major edgelord(sage your shit)

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No. 1971031[Reply]

Previous thread: >>1873055

Thread recap:
>SuperMega apology videos, Lex/Ethan/Leighton/Nick shit flinging and dead-horse-beating ft. alleged troonphobia, suicide jokes, cheating, leeching, and manipulation
>Pat and Paige, Cody Ko and Kelsey, Dunkey, and Danny Gonzalez have babies
>Leafy is fat and ugly, would fuck trannies
>Kurtis Conner is friends with a racist and called out by zoomer fanbase
>Boogie is dating a 20 year old
>Linus Tech Tips' company LMG accused of shitty behavior and making bad reviews, former employee posts about hostile work environment and getting belittled by HR to the point of cutting her leg open to avoid work
>F1NN5TER the not-tranny's friend Giggly Goonclown is a severely porn-addicted pedophile who grooms minors on Discord
>Streamy Awards hosted by MatPat ft. characters like MrBeast and Dylan Mulvaney
>GlitterForever17 gets a VICE interview about her pill addiction, gay ex-husband, and OnlyFans
>Jacksfilms is creepily obsessed with parodying SSSniperWolf's shitty videos in opposition to YouTube promoting her, she doxxes him by posting the outside of his house
>Dream argues with Amazing World of Gumball voice actor, posts more pictures of his fatty past
>Dan Howell dresses as a catboy in desperate attempt to regain relevancy among former fujo fanbase
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No. 1990151

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slightly related, but this tiktok video came up on my feed and so many in the comment section were mentioning filmcooper. 1 person mentioned "danny phantom" - i don't know much about him but i saw he has the floppy middlepart hair similar to filmcooper. a lot of these "male feminist" types are getting called out lately, what do you think?

No. 1990648

they inevitably show their misogyny as soon as they're given a pass to do so - insulting and threatening "karens" or right wing women, instead of just debating their viewpoints. Not to speak of their defense of porn, ALWAYS.

No. 1991733

Ok so I'm not sure if anyone's talked about this (I've checked the recaps and skimmed through but couldn't see anything). Posting this on lolcow feels wrong but this is PLUMMCORP RECORDS which is Joji's (and friends) new comedy/shitpost channel. It's… embarassing and with old men. Not sure what he wants to do, the videos are probably for selling merch and shit. Smart of him to ride the Filthy Frank kind of thing for money though ngl.

No. 1994937

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this is evil after what she did to oscar

No. 1995045

she does not need another kid. I wonder if it's a babytrap

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No. 1985582[Reply]

Last Threads:
>>>/snow/961466 #3 (marked as 2)
>>>/snow/581474 #2
>>>/snow/381948 #1

Old threads on Poppy:

Previous Thread Summary:
>Poppy enters fan Discord, starts answering questions, talks about Grimes and how lazy she was, starts venting about Titanic and says she “apologises to his past victims” and that he’s continuing being a pest to her, claims to have PTSD related to her song LowLife
>Mars Argo confirms she’s making new music
>Poppy’s fans try to sue her due to being scammed out of thousands of dollars from the shut down Poppy.Church
>Chelsea / NobodysDreamgirl gets a tattoo of Titanic’s name
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No. 1994809

Sorry for asking to be spoonfed, but did Titanic get with Chels when she was underaged? I remember seeing some thread a while ago, and there was something on how ltcorbis was involved or whatever and people speculating Sinclair was grooming some underaged girl, and changing her. This was years ago, so I don't know. How old is Chels now?

No. 1994824

No, Chelsea is 30 now, she is only a year older than Poppy and I think he’s 37? They started dating in 2020 so she was 26 and he was 33

No. 1994866

Where do they get money for that pointless life though. Life that only consists on Tits releasing batches of hatesongs about Poppy and popping out babies every once in a while. Why.

No. 1994925

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Oh. Is cringepanda not Chels? That's the one speculating that she was being groomed. I saw this on some thread a while ago.

No. 1995048

No Cringe Panda is some online girl who’s like 18-19 now and has been skin walking Tits/Poppy/Mars since she was 15, she’s doing some kind of anti-SJW reaction shit now with generic “woke” clickbait and now uses SSSniperwolf / AzzyLand type of thumbnails. Latest example of her skin walking is vidrel where she makes essentially the Anti-SJW version of a ThatPoppy era video complete with some baby voice that sounds more like mocking Mars than when Poppy did it. No idea about LT. Corbis though, she was another Anti-SJW YouTuber when she was 11 but I don’t recall her and Tits interacting. 4Chan tends to spread rumors like WildFire so I’d stay skeptical unless any proof comes out

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No. 1746006[Reply]

Welcome to the thread documenting modis and their (losing) battle with porn addiction.

It is safe to say that internet porn has a chokehold on the modern moid. My aim with this thread is to shed light on the widespread issue of moids porn consumption, but also to laugh at their failures and implications of their coom addiction. You see, nofap means a moid has taken the stoic decision not to masturbate to porn anymore, for good . They start with "day 0", as most addicts do, then count the days until they have reached a milestone, which they call streaks. A moid who has abstained from watching internet porn for 30 days call it a "30 day streak", but rarely do they reach that far… just like any other addiction, "relapsing" is also part of the picture, meaning the primitive moid brain has surrendered to pixilated porn once again. This, as I've observed, causes the moid lots of distress and even feelings of suicide. Luckily for them, there's always commenters encouraging them to try again. The more streaks you have, the more of a man you are, and the better you look physically and the more women will want you.

I want this thread to be fun, but I also want straight women to beware of the current modern moid and his degeneracy. Many who exist outside the nofap world would say that masturbation is part of a healthy individuals life, which to most (us normal people), it is. Reading nofap posts, where they encourage the abstention of masturbation (even without porn), one would draw the conclusion that porn only becomes a problem when the porn they consume isn't "normal" anymore. This could explain why erectile disfunction occurs where moids can't get it up in the bedroom becasue they are not turned on by their female spouse. You will see posts about moids who can't stop thinking and fapping to CP, rape, beastiality, gay porn, cuckold porn, sissy porn, troons, femdom, BNWO (black new world order), and so much more.

The nofap community intersects with other communities such as redpill, MGTOW, dating coaches, gym bros and steroids users, incels, carnivore moids, Unabomber Ted Kaczynski eco doomers, accounts creating "based" video edits depicting moids as being hyper-masculine and not at all gay (e.g. reject modernity/masculinity, embrace tradition).

Nofap moids usually use religion (mainly Islam, Christianity and Catholicism) to cope with their coom addiction. Urges are said to be caused by the devil and demons. WPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1994792

>Now ask yourself who made men this way.
I'm baffled by whatever point nona is trying to make here. Patriarchy? The media? Toxic masculinity? Lack of restraint and no sense of pride or morality? Addictive personalities? Insecurity and weakness which leads to degrading women as a way of "winning" in their minds? God? I mean there are many answers but jacking it to rape videos is still a conscious choice.

No. 1994823

I guess I buried the lede there by phrasing it the way I did, but my point was nobody “made” men this way. They’re like this because of their evolutionary niche. If men were moral agents they would turn away from porn, but because all traces of morality or rationality evaporate when they’re aroused (see opinions on rape arousal study) they won’t. Porn doesn’t turn them into anything they aren’t already.

No. 1994901

This is true, but what’s the final solution to the moid problem?(sage your shit)

No. 1994991

>the final solution
i think you already know the answer

No. 1995062

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No. 1952769[Reply]

Varg Vikernes:
>Actual murderer killed someone by stabbing them over 20 times
>Used to spend time on yt sperging about neo nazi crap in his car until his channel got banned
>Now spergs on twitter instead
>Says blonde/blue eyes are superior, refined sugar is superior and what have you
>Shelters his 7 kids from the outside world
>Kids live in a squalor and have to shit in a bucket with no doors
>Called one of his daughters a "teenage mistake"
>Thinks autism isn't a disability but a nordic pure race trait
>Aged like milk under the sun

>Married a neo nazi murderer at 19
>Basically Varg lite
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No. 1994581

They probably don’t want their daughter to live in a cave anon, considering how “low maintenance” she is (usually code word for zero self esteem in a woman) she wouldn’t mind living in the woods.

No. 1994584

I think they had some dilapidated, spare house in the family, didn't know what to do with it, and gave it to Marie to save her and their grandchildren from a worse fate

No. 1994702

even his previous Führer was a Christian(one with a very retarded understanding of the bible) but still someone who genuinely believed and who thought Himmler pagan beliefs were retarded

No. 1994886

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ah yes, Apocalypse - The Trve Viking Version

No. 1994910

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but she was tweeting picrel just a few weeks ago? so is the sun going to deep fry the earth or is a new ice age coming? is it both? unfortunately schizophrenia seems to be required to decode any of her aryan viking judgment day prophecies.

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No. 1978896[Reply]

After several threads filled with blogposting, infighting, and the posting of off-topic (yet still effusive with milk) cows due to low pro-ana cow activity, nonnies of the Pro-Ana Scumbag threads were finally able to agree on something: we need a separate thread for these Cluster B(itches).

This psych ward is open to: diagnosis-in-bio oversharers, headbangers and scratchers, revolving door patients (not munchies), cows with personality disorders, lurkers/posters, and probably some other criteria that are yet to be determined.

Do some of these cows have eating disorders? Yes. Maybe. Kind of.
Does the majority of their milky behaviour have to do with their eating disorder? No.

The Pro-Ana Scumbags thread will inevitably have some cow crossover with the Cluster B(itches) thread from time to time, but please refrain from posting cows whose antics aren't primarily related to their eating disorder in the Scumbags thread.

Last thread: >>>/snow/1933243
(#3 locked due to shit OP)

Laura: https://www.instagram.com/flourishingfxiry/
Posted a 4 month “glow-up”. Such an incredible difference! A photoshopped and filtered picture compared to an unedited one! Laura reunited with Dween, her ex girlfriend, no, friend, no, lover. Whatever their relationship is, it’s weird.

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No. 1995070

an accurate diagnosis after years of bandaid fixes is going to make a huge difference and even adult therapy for these can go a long way. yea autism is a shit life but they're already autistic they're already suffering all the time that's not the part they're happy about. it's cause they can feel themselves already functioning better with new knowledge & treatment plan when nothing else worked like this so they're excited for a better life that's it it's really not that deep

No. 1995071

They get help? That works? Because all I seem to see is 'you have adhd, try some meds,' And they don't really help and 'oh well, nothing else to do. You have to just live like this still.'

No. 1995072

I don't know who these people are getting treatment plans and help for this stuff. Functioning? Wow, that would be nice.

No. 1995080

Shut the fuck up, Colours.

No. 1995099

agreed. go back to running and screaming your head off in the middle of the forest

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No. 1951101[Reply]

Thread for those who abuse photoshop to gain fame off their fabricated looks while claiming to be “all natural” or “not photoshopped

Previous threads:
>>1432730 #5
>>1191646 #4
>>1059519 #3
>>1005098 #2
>>720482 #1

Notable photoshop cows:

>Erin Eevee/Pinkfox Cosplay

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No. 1993676

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Some famous Mexican reporter skank with a lazy, terrible cosplay of Asuka.seriously what the hell is with the pose?

No. 1994783

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this guy photoshopped himself into a bara titty meme scares me

No. 1994793

It's the "I better make the editing as easy as possible or it will cost me more" pose.

No. 1994852

patrick star

No. 1995081

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Thinly veild video of anaca.angel sexualising herself while pregnant after that massive spergout. I think this is the first time she's actually filmed her ass in motion because pregnancy has finally given her one kek.
>i feel very cute I'm definitely meant to be a mom
Motherhood has absolutely nothing to do with feeling sexy whilst with child, it's so vapid and naive to reduce it to that.

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No. 942916[Reply]

This thread (originally dedicated to Layla “Too Poor” Shapiro) features the assorted cows in the larger SoundClout universe. The SoundClout umbrella encompasses rappers, producers, managers/promoters/bookers/suits, designers, photographers, videographers, models.


>Layla Shapiro/Too Poor - Instafamous pseudogoth and “model” who had a very public and very toxic relationship with both Lil Peep and Tyler Grosso. Currently dating Nolan Santana/Killstation, a friend of Peep. Makes money from customised merch, sporadic “DJ” bookings and attempting to embark on a cheap SoundClout musical career of her own. Currently on the wagon and advocating sobriety. Toned down the oversharing and self-destructive, cringy behavior after Peep’s death and being mocked by strangers and her peers yet still refuses to finally graduate from her bullshit and make the most of her following.

>Tyler Grosso/Pepper Ann – SoundClout’s very own Pillsbury Doughboy felon and the least self-aware person in the world. Peddles shit designs that are unoriginal at best and stolen at worst via his clothing brand Superrradical. Regularly scams both his own fans along Peep’s fans and family out of money. Has no personality of his own and embarrassingly clings to rappers and tweets/tags them to suggest relevancy. Has no filter and overshares every mood swing, resulting in either relentless whining about not having any friends/girls to bang and delusions of grandeur. Abuses drugs and purportedly lost a kidney as a result of his lean habit. Appears to have instated an annual suicide bait-fest wherein he gives away all his material possessions (including hideous overpriced designer nonsense) for free. Inadvertently caused the death of his dog by not taking him to the vet. Crashed three Porsches and is now on probation. Strong contender for SoundCow of the year with his glorified drug habit and lack of impulse control.

>Kevin Pouya/Pouya - Rapper associated with Peep, disgusting misogynist with several rape accusations under his belt. Along with Fat Nick has made several groupie gang bang videos, the surfacing of which lends further credibility to the rape accusations. Currently very mad and defensive about it and very maturely tells his haters to “suck his dick” and flexes with his opulent lifestyle. Virtue-signals by dati
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No. 1994782

Lol they have to share a mansion because none of them have that much money. A mansion split between like 12 people paying rent is nothing.

No. 1994787

It was Germs girlfriend who got kidnapped and murdered while he watched it happen from his balcony because he was on house arrest at the time, nothing ever came about it aside from the guy who did it getting arrested. Still blows my mind that Germ really just watched, I personally could not be able to watch my significant other get kidnapped, end up murdered and then just go on without mentioning it ever again. Alot of people speculate that it was a set up but we will never know. I mean, if he was on house arrest with an ankle monitor couldn't that have prevented the whole thing if he stepped out to help? It's not like it was an explosive device attached to his leg….

No. 1994826

The worst that would have happened is a parole officer calling him up… which may have actually been helpful during a kidnapping. Something about that story definitely doesn't add up.

No. 1994836

you misheard retard, he wasn’t on house arrest. he heard screaming and ran to the window and saw that it was her. there is surveillance video of the kidnapping happening and his 911 call– it happens so extremely fast, she gets shoved into an SUV immediately, the killer was dressed as a security guard. germ ran outside in socks, the guy sped away and she was murdered later. idk what he could have done unless he was Usain Bolt fast or unless he had a gun, which he couldn’t have bc he had a felony (apparently he was living with some of the other G59 guys who had illegal weapons or something and the house got raided). the killer was supposed to be on house arrest but didn’t get the sex offender risk assessment that would have shown the need for after getting out of jail even though he was a psycho stalker with multiple offenses including raping a 7 year old and trying to rape multiple children. he got life in prison & her death led to changes in the law in GA to make sure sex offenders get the assessment, this case was a pretty big deal in atlanta. her name was mariam abdulrab

No. 1994908

That’s crazy. Thanks for clearing that up anon.

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