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No. 1987088[Reply]

Dylan Damian, also known as Doyle Valentine, Hamburger Baby, and Babylandy, is a Costa Rican musical artist and photographer, known for his ~sad baby boy~ photography, posting and reblogging cp, and writing songs about child abuse and giving them titles like "Kewpie" and "Baby Grandma."
>posts and reblogs pictures of men and teen boys making out and having sex
>claims to have had anorexia, didn't bring it up until after he "recovered."
>posts about underage crime victims
>writes songs about child rape, child murder, pedophiles, and diseases with titles such as "Baby Grandma" and "I've Written A Letter To Daddy"
>tries to be act like an uwu sad baby despite being a literal 20-something year old man
>shoops his photos in an attempt to look white
>posted people with deformities and diseases on his old blog
>posts pictures of the gravestones of toddlers and babies without their families' consent
>visits the graves of killers dressed as a ~sadbabydoll~
>steals pictures, lyrics, and book/movie titles for his blog and music
>changes his instagram constantly, has changed his account at least 5 times in one year
current tumblr:
old tumblr: (empty and inactive)
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.(shit thread. Stop remaking it.)
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No. 1987165

No. 1987166

Kek sorry anon, I forgot you're supposed to keep it clean here lmao. The ddlg, nd, tif, etc. threads are full of gore and cp and other shit, why would this b any different? Your just mad that someone made a thread about you Dylan

No. 1987167

>what in the Nicole dollanganger calf
That’s the first reply there and it still rings true kek, like I said before this is just not worth a full thread and his Instagram seems inactive not sure about tumblr though

No. 1987168

>The ddlg, nd, tif, etc. threads are full of gore and cp
thats not cp you schizo, it's illegal to host and distribute cp. Get glasses and stop trying to make threads on a literal who edgelord

No. 1987174

Why would you EVER post CP/CSAM if you are ever unsure if the person is underage or not? Are you retarded? This is the second time the thread has been made. Do not make another one. If you have issues email admin or take it to /meta/.

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No. 1222039[Reply]

The spam community on Instagram is a community where people (generally private accounts with no connections to irls) overshare their lives. Most accounts don't gain much traction but there are a few notorious cows on the app, these 3 have threads that are either dying or locked. If there is any others let the farm know.

Jaelle Stiles:
> 21 year old NEET who sits on social media all day and lurks
> Has been on the internet since 2011
> Used to be best friends with many spams including Julia, Nika, Lex, and Iana
> Had a mother who passed away of cancer
> Livestreamed her reaction right as she was passing
> Does insanely disgusting things for attention including sticking a used tampon in her mouth, smoking a tampon, drinking bleach, and letting her own mother give her hickeys.
> Searches her name constantly on social media for any sense of relevance
> Deletes her account once a month only to come back weeks later

Nika Petrova:
> 19 year old drug addict poly sex worker anachan
> Drug of choice is heroin, benzos and possibly meth?
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No. 1984784

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No. 1986459

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jaelle is one of the most unfortunate looking people lol she posted this to reels today and deleted it shortly after. looks like she’s still being a bum and living with her pædo dad at 25 yrs old even after all the times she accused him of grooming her

No. 1986472

She looks like a FAS infographic

No. 1986508

Fucking kek

No. 1986830

She’s one of the most irredeemably fucking hideous people I’ve ever seen in my life

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No. 1446741[Reply]

Raging narc woo-woo queen who permanently disabled her child through her own stupidity and now flouts her brain-dead daughter for insta clout.

>Crunchy instagram nutritionist, self-proclaimed empath
>Refused any medical assistance for her birth, wouldn’t even go to the hospital after 3 days of labour
>Got her pussy waxed before so she could take birth pics for instagram though
>Refused to take her daughter, Luna, to the doctor until she was skeletal and constantly seizing
>Luna’s brain is completely fucked with cysts, basically no brain tissue left and no hope for recovery
>Luna’s condition, multicystic hydrocephalus, is unheard of in wealthy countries because it is almost 100% preventable
>Robyn herself admits everything was ruled out except for birth injury
>No doctor willing to operate because Robyn waited so long it is totally futile
>”Mainstream doctors REFUSED to help my little girl!”
>Treats Luna with crystals and energy healing instead
>Finally find a doctor willing to do the useless surgery
>3 years later and Luna’s condition has only worsened
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No. 1986475

Someone should forcibly sterilize this pathetic, worthless, hideous, awful excuse of a woman already.I wanna punch her face IDC if
I'm a-logging.

No. 1986498

jfc I thought the bump was announcing Luna died. is she declining still?

No. 1986505

Everytime this thread gets bumped I just hope and hope that it will be that she passes.. poor baby did not deserve any of this. Still can't believe this stupid narcissist will continuously risk the lives of defenseless babies by free birthing after what happened to Luna

No. 1986590

She's still clinging on, sadly. The KF thread is very active, easier to get updates there although it's mostly Robyn shilling weird homeopathic stuff and Glenn working out in his totally not gay home gym

No. 1987830

So the new baby is a boy, called Oaken. Poor thing

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No. 1934513[Reply]

Coquette aesthetic or "Doelet/Dollette" is the neo Nyphette fashion trend between young women on social media. It's exactly like nymphette, only that it's apparently "less pedophilic" just because they said so (read: hypocrisy) even though the way they fantasize about Dolores Haze and obsess over being petite is exactly the same. They also dress the same, talk the same and post the same crap Tumblr did 10 years ago. Claim to be morally better than nymphettes, but in fact they’re just the same (still into DD/LG, still romanticize abuse of women). Coquettes spend entire days on „girlblogging” (reposting same 10 pictures of Lizzy Grant taken from pinterest), making idiotic whisper memes, posting fawn pictures, posting thinspo and calling themselves „waifs”, even though most of them weight 60kgs, and tagging everything with „Alana champion lily rose depp lana del rey”, even when it has nothing to do with those chicks.


>Alida bitches about being „slandered” and called nazi which is ~totally not true~. She just „drew swastikas in the sand once upon a time as a teen to scare old people”! Except making 2dgy4me videos is one thing, and dating nazi guys strictly is another. >>1825225, >>1827764

>old receipts of Alida meeting up with & whiteknighting XXXTentacion right after allegtions of him beating up & sexually assaulting his girlfriend (as well as killing several people) surfaced >>1827766, >>1830210 „Yeah he was abuser but who cares he brought so much light to the world RIP” >>1830212, >>1830213
>Oh the benefits of being Christian! Or „just a Jesus supporter”. Alida prays and Jesus buys her Porsche, supposedly >>1830939, >>1831039, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1986845

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This is a married woman mind you, and the song is about being pimped/prostitution by an AGP

No. 1986846

Ahahahah what the fuck is this part, also she looks pathetic

No. 1987127

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No. 1987129

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>>1987127(unsaged cowtipping)

No. 1987468

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kek squidward thighs is still doing the extreme photoshop and her fans are too stupid to realize that’s not what she looks like

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No. 519691[Reply]

It's about time we have a thread for the Anti-SJW/Skeptic Community. Here you can discuss any drama involving the people in it. Shoe0nhead has her own thread >>509237 so does Blaire White >>192045, you can still discuss any drama involving them in the community, but keep their own specific stuff to their threads.
Some known events to discuss:
>Kraut and Tea getting RageAfterStorm fired from her job by tweeting her employer and the entire community screeching at him for doxxing her.
>Post vidcon drama that Shoe0nhead,Andy Warski and Blaire White stirred up involving their fellow anti-sjw stalker.
>The alt-right doxxing discord server that many of anti-sjws such as Sargon, Jeff Holiday, Kraut and Tea took part in.
>JF aka Jean-Francois Gariepy and Kraut and Tea "debating race realism" while some random women are crying in the bg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlHTVa--8Jg
>Kilroy drama where Computing Forever, Based Mama and Sister Danger fail to organize an event and stir up the community.
>Based Mama forcing many speakers to sign 3 year NDA in order to be promoted.
>Race realism live streams and internet bloodsports in general and those Andy Warski hosts on his channel.
Some people in this community:
Andy Warski: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2h3yPmh9TfQv2z3aTDTHHA
SomeBlackGuy: Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1987074

Has anyone else listened to any of the interviews JF gave after Élora went missing? I'm aware of three, but I 'll post with links and timestamps to events I found interesting.
First of all, this is his interview with The Crucible. He mentions some beef with Ramzpaul betraying him by implying he is guilty of murdering his wife, but I'm not sure if that was an interview too or if Ramz was just talking about JF on his show. Either way, the host on The Crucible was acting in a way that made JF feel like he was being believed and he was comfortable talking about some of the details of Élora's disappearance. Comments have been disabled.

[3:59] JF says that Élora could be dead, or she could be having so much fun at parties that she doesn't know anyone is looking for her

[6:30] JF talks about how his wife did something similar (leaving for a trip/hitch hiking) in 2021 from "our current location" to Quebec "which is more than ten hours of driving".

[8:00] He talks about how on June 17th in the early afternoon, Élora asked him to drop her off at a gas station close to a bridge that a lot of truck drivers go to. He mentions she had done this in the past. He keeps talking about how he dropped her off in front of cameras and that was the last time he personally saw her. He says he knew she was alive on the 18th and 19th of June because they tried to call each other and also texted, but that the last contact was via text on June 19th before he says she decided to get rid of her cellphone. He says she was spotted by other people on June 19th in New Brunswick.

[11:26] JF says he informed her family on June 17th "that she was going toward them" because "she was probably heading west".

[11:49] He says that her family's position on the matter "is that you cannot retain a woman against her will" and then goes on to say, "They have always been clear to me that they don't want me to beat Mama JF, they don't want me to intimidate Mama JF"

[12:50] He says that as of June 19th, her family is also looking for her

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No. 1987077

Lauren DeLaguna's interview follows. It is very apparent that JF didn't know who she was and that he only came on the interview to speak to an attractive young lady. He was able to be comfortable for the first half because he really wanted to be able to talk about himself to a woman. He gets pissed off at her eventually once they start discussing Élora and then he rage quits.

[13:36] JF talks about how he worked in a psychiatric clinic and the women he would meet there
[17:32] JF asking Lauren what kind of men she is attracted to
[22:06] superchatter asks JF about if his children are safe, he just says “yeah”.
[25:29] Lauren asks JF if Élora was the only woman he had children with and says he already told her he wouldn’t answer any questions about children, then implies he has a lot of children and calls them “projects”.
[28:45] Lauren asks JF how he has been getting on after his wife’s disappearance, mentions she heard his fridge was empty and then JF gets mad about his fridge, does damage control about the contents of his fridge
[33:14] JF describes what Élora was wearing when she went missing
[35:28] Lauren asks JF if he can show his final texts with Élora and he refuses because the police would have his texts if they wanted them
[39:58] superchatter asks why JF’s wife would leave the children. Lauren says his wife committed a crime by leaving the kids, JF blows up and insults her intelligence, then rage quits
[41:40] Lauren’s friends were listening in the background the whole time and start making fun of him for being guilty

No. 1987079

The last interview I'm aware of is the one on The Dick Show. JF starts out pretty uncomfortable but Dick seems to get JF comfortable by acting shockjocky and disparaging Lauren's interview. He seems the most comfortable in this interview out of the three and says some pretty weird things. One of the comments under this video that I found interesting:
>The two weeks she left last year she went to her family and stayed in contact, and JF's streaming revolved around publicly looking for a replacement wife to try to make his wife jealous, complete with a countdown until she returned.

[6:33] “It was happiness for four months” after Élora disappeared
[8:20] JF talks about how he had to have the house sterilized because women leave an imprint on the house
[8:52] JF brags about how he has so much technical knowledge of the way police investigate crimes
[12:02] JF says he doesn’t have an opinion on whether or not he would like his wife to come back home because he is a libertarian, then says he is getting lots of attention from women after having been suspected of killing his wife
[26:53] Dick asks JF what he should do if he wanted to kill his own wife and get away with it, further emboldening JF to talk about himself and his perceived knowledge about getting away with crimes
[32:07] Dick tries to make JF more comfortable talking about Élora by telling his chat that JF is not incriminating himself, then JF talks about how sure he is he won’t go to jail
[33:23] JF expresses he was angry at Lauren during the interview because she accused him of not having any food in his fridge (lol)
[34:53]“There are grief periods that you have. Not necessarily the grief of knowing that she is dead, but the grief of having control over your wife, the grief of, yeah, you’re gonna have to keep living without knowing.”
[35:45] JF expresses that he is afraid of a future where someone will replicate his DNA and have it “spread all over a murder scene”, then says he has 24/7 tracking and filming of himself and keeps a camera above himself while he sleeps

No. 1987135

If you’re going to post this at least include the entire context. Martin isn’t trying to move there, he wanted to enter Germany temporarily, and as he rightly pointed out the German govt has repeatedly acted as if they believe borders are oppressive constructs and simply have no way of keeping people out - until it’s someone like Martin. They’re hypocrites, and worst of all their hypocrisy is enacted against someone who is of no threat to the native populace of Germany. The govt is quite happy to allow in unvetted migrants who rape and murder their native populace.

No. 1989777

go back to /pol/

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No. 988663[Reply]

> part of the spam community
> 19 year old drug addict poly sex worker anachan
> drug of choice is heroin, benzos and possibly meth?
> has a dentist boyfriend who is her “slave”, lives in some other random guys apartment for free?
> incredibly attention seeking, posts pretty much every aspect of her fucked up life then complains when people use her like a reality tv show
> posted a video of her trying to cut her own neck with a piece of glass
> crashed her car while high on xanax and posted the video to tiktok
> “best friend” with jaelle stiles
> jaelle is also super attention seeking, they are basically the same
> very toxic friendship, nika emotionally manipulates her
> took jaelles virginity with some 40 year old professor
> uploaded pictures of jaelle carving a bloody “nika” into her leg
> both live stream often, always so unusual and drugged out
> most of their followers hate on them
> jaelles dad is apparently really mentally ill and abusive. treats jaelle like shit while he is “in love” with nika and showers her with money and gifts
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No. 1629612


No. 1629614

kill yourself?

No. 1629615

God moids are retarded. I got so excited seeing this thread bumped.

No. 1986200

Are there any old videos of this girl I’m curious to see how she acted(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1986201

maybe you should focus on how you act Juliannepeter@gmail.com

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No. 1985718[Reply]

Neckbeard manchild in his 30’s who spends all of his waking hours online malding over randoms on Twitter and making “anti-woke” YouTube videos all while larping as an underage anime girl.

He is notorious for speaking out in support of lolicon, posting low-quality ragebait on social media, putting Japan on a pedestal, and calling people on social media “tourists” despite the fact that he lives in the US.

>got doxxed on his wedding day along with his wife, spent the whole day blocking people on twitter and tweeting about it
>larps as a rip-off of Nico Yazawa on social media while maintaining the voice of a fully grown man, odds are he’s a repressing troon
>cherry picks posts on Twitter made by literal who’s and makes ~25 minute videos about them on YouTube acting as if the majority shares that opinion
>has a fanbase consisting of misogynistic porn addicted scrotes who constantly attempt to justify cranking it to lolicon
>married e-thot @darlingstrawb who also larps as an anime girl online and makes self-insert asmr

Social Media:
https://www.youtube.com/@Revsaysdesu(shit thread)

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No. 1187195[Reply]

>25 year old musician/entrepreneur/instathot
>Has fetishes for DDLG, incest, rape, etc
>Was a camgirl/sugar baby at 16 years old, used to post pornography with themes of child abuse and sexual assault
>Has a lot of minor fans (due to being friends with Melanie Martinez), still posts pictures of herself in lingerie/topless (but still technically sfw)
<Romanticizes serial killers purely for the edge points
<Admitted to some very fucked up shit on her old Tumblr blog (which has since been deleted)
>Now makes shitty sadgirl music, owns a jewelry store online, and makes YouTube videos promoting said jewelry.

Instagram: @yungelita, @elitamusic, @elitasjewelry, @elitaharkov2
Tumblr: @elitaisdead (inactive), @yungangelita (deleted)
Twitter: @elita_harkov (inactive)
Jewelry site: elitaharkov.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL9cHP0lWR2WoWASkUTz30Q

Didn't see a thread about her yet, but she definitely qualifies for one.(shit thread)
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No. 1454496

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Old milk since she it's 2019 and she got really fat since then, but lol what a fucking hypocrite. Writes such caption while posting literal bodychecking video in which she sucks her stomach and pulls up and down pants that are visibly too big for her, several times in a row. pics don't show it off properly enough but idk how to post a video here. "Insecure", maybe about your butterface but not about body. she literally has 2 main accounts and like 3 side accounts for her music and necklaces and she posts her tits and butt on each almost every day. people weren't buying it at all though

No. 1911893

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Haven't seen anyone talk about this but apparently in 2016 Elita slept with convicted rapist Jacob Hoggard of the band Hedley and posted it on Snapchat (third picture is a comparison photo from google to show it's really him)

No. 1911930

Child predator vibes

No. 1911932

yep, she did, i remember people talking bout it online. Btw it's kind of mindblowing how she "cleaned up" her image and now posts sweet coquette pics instead of porn, and how she mostly has dumbass impressionable teen girls as her audience while in 2016 her fans were primarily old pervs, pedos and married scrotes jacking it off to her pics behind wives back (which she boasted about and showed convoscreenshots).
I'm sure she doesn't mind rapists, she used to post incest porn on her tumblr and kidnapping/rape fantasy photos straight up to her insta stories, all of this is still on PULL archive but guess her current fans have no idea.

No. 1912405

It's like Covid was a chance for shitty attention whores nobody liked anymore to start fresh with a clean slate & pander to newadults with no real memory or concept of reputation

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No. 982801[Reply]

Lilith Levisis, real name Clare Buley. Thread #5.
Thread 1 - removed & unavilable
Thread 2 - >>>/snow/579509
Thread 3 - deleted in an unfortunate error, but is at this static page: https://lolcow.farm/snow/832303.html
Thread 4 - >>>/snow/846840
Latest updates:
>LARPing as a blood because of her current boyfriend, a bizarre wanna-be rapper @lokowitthamask (real name Jason, goes by Jay). Threatens to send her "blood girls who went to prison" after people she beefs with >>978590 & >>867587
>Was homeless in Florida for a minute. Apparently lost most, if not all, of her possessions.
>Went to rehab again, lived with family in Kentucky for awhile. Currently living in NY again.
>Promoted a cheaply made underwear line for months, "bunny g-strings", never amounted to anything.
>Started a random crusade against toopoor's use of the n word years ago, ended up getting her main instagram terminated after posting her BF's uncensored dick. Account was unbanned a month or so later. Claimed toopoor paid people to hack her iCloud and get her IG banned.
>Had multipe accounts banned for "self-harming" due to old cutter scars. Main secret account was later reinstated.
>Sold a bunch of clothes on IG that she never sent out, potentially scamming a lot of people. Uncertain if anyone ever received anything. >>915371
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No. 1940769

Samefag. After I posted this someone unsaged "I want to rape her mouth" as usual and deleted. It's just pathetic at this point

No. 1969048

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It’s a shame she will never grow out of the “look at my ass” stage, as much as i enjoyed the milk of yesteryear, i always imagined her sobriety to be a bit more promising than more ass pics. Like is this all she has? Ass pics over and over between chimping out in stories?

No. 1983733

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Don’t know the validity of this but this was on her story

No. 1984424

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Did anybody else notice in all of these pics there was shit on her face ??? I'm sorry this isn't super milky but how do you not notice something like that?

No. 1985664

Anon, that's probably some dirt/splash on the mirror. She's in the bathroom, she's taking mirror selfie.
Agree. i follow her but never check up on her anymore because it's just 2 years worth of her taking 100s of ass pics in one roll, sometimes interrupted by pics of her dog. I almost wish she did something milky again, or something like makeup, travelling, outfits, even shitty witchcraft stuff again. Anything other than ass pics that nobody cares for anymore.
idk if she means suicide, but this could as well mean he killed himself unintentionally. Her dad died due to his alcohol addiction (iirc)

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No. 1783143[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>>/snow/1771990
Kiwifarms Thread: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/rachel-aliza-leeds-minkin-alruna-serarosier1-tayuubarbie-lucyfern13-miranda-sforza.116204/
Current twitters: @BelloPanther

Rachel Aliza Leeds-Minkin is a Zoophilic Pedophile from Emerald Hills California who has spent the last two weeks on Twitter having a meltdown everyday even while being locked out of one or both accounts due to the excessive violations of Twitter's terms of service. Thanks to this the prior thread was graced by a lack of her presence and discussion was allowed to occur without her obvious posts disrupting it's flow, despite usually making a solid amount of her prior threads comments it filled up all the same due to many confirmations of the many sins Rachel has committed. Rachel has also since lost interest in the Drop Kiwfarms movement instead taking to attacking various members of the Final Fantasy, Cat Twitter and other twitter communities in an effort to 'keep her position in the community'. While having admitted to owning CP, being sexual with children, and having to be pushed away from minors constantly by other communities she has since taken to declaring her intention to befriend kids and in particular, Kindergarteners. Despite being extremely bigoted against the gays herself this cow desires to actually have her own 'Drag Queen Story Hour', sans parents being allowed, as she lies about having unrestricted and unmonitored access to children through her job as a teacher. She has since admitted that she lied and only volunteered with cPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
1030 posts and 543 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1989417

Nobody cares, pedophile. Kill yourself.

No. 1989422

"twitter" ok groomer keep eating daddy elon's transphobic shit

No. 1989465

Is that the only thing in your vocabulary? Please use bigger words, Rachel. I'm concerned for your intelligence.

No. 1989467

Nobody cares. Kill yourself, pedophile.

No. 1989572

This is extreme level brainrot, Rachel. Please go get checked.

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