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No. 1[Reply]

Welcome to our new experimental board, the following topics and cows are to go here instead of /snow/ or /ot/:

• Cosplay or costhots
• Lolita
• J-vloggers, k-vloggers
• drama related to any individual or group with an obsession with Japanese culture or a particular trend
Global rules apply. Any threads created that do not fit the above criteria are subject to deletion.
Racebaiting will not be tolerated
Threads not dedicated to drama can go to /ot/ for discussion.

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No. 325508[Reply]

Jillian Vessey is a DID (Dissociative Personality Disorder) LARPer who trivializes mental health and compartmentalizes every single bad trait of hers while hyping up a dubious diagnostic impression that she paid copious amounts of money for.
She eagerly accepted her ~life changing~ diagnostic impression with a "Congrats on the DID Diagnosis" celebratory cake, but struggles to maintain the LARP. The number of alters keep piling up and she doesn’t seem ready to stop anytime soon.

>Early Years:

>began her lolcow run as a "pansexual" lolita lifestyle who dropped from the community due to LACE and "restrictive rules"
>gained fame for the creation of the J-fashion-inspired "Party Kei" fashion, a fashion she no longer wears nor backs
>known lurker
>formerly covered fashion and magical girl anime in her videos, was a pivotal figure in the LACE drama prior to her transition to the Party Kei years
>has a running track record of inconsistent uploaded despite pushing a "full-time Youtuber" career; used barely-productive incentives for support on Patreon; both have plateaued if not decreased in income entirely following recent events
>previously spent money frivolously (either from YT profit or from parents), like on wasteful plastic or fast fashion, and also claimed to make enough from YT and at the same time complain of demonetization
>has prior history of “severe mental illness” in the forms of a brief stay in a mental hospital in her early teens due to ED and self-harm
>often inflates her skills and knowledge in various subjects, leading to a very narcissistic view of herself

>Current relevant info:

>loves the idea of toying with the idea of having multiple mental illnesses; her main target is currently DID due to a diagnostic impression, and claims up to 9 alters right now with very shaky substance as to her alters' creation and the origin of her trauma which caused the DID; despite this, she has taken root in the DID community and has been involved or tried to insert herself into DID-related videos as an "expert" despite carrying the diagnostic impression for at least a year or more nowPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
845 posts and 165 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 327908

I made that comment thinking it was Jill since it's her thread, I didn't think to read who was being posted.

No. 327909

Didn't she temporarily block or at least unfollow her awhile ago, they had a little tiff iirc.
Cherry is so good at emulating Jill I have to double check the screenshots posted here (also I think some anons reply thinking Jill posted it)
Derail Janny-chan is right here in this doesn't seem relevant to Jill kinda seems like it's someone she knows stirring the pot like it's not mindblowing. Just generic cosplay.

No. 327911

Thanks for sharing, nona. I do think this is relevant to the thread because it's a person pixie views as her equal and it gives some perspective on what can be expected from cosplayers. If this is the level that someone who does this as a hobby is at then what the fuck did pixie learn in school?

No. 327912

But it really is growth for her. While it is sad as fuck that she's learning to prepare simple meals in her twenties it is personal growth. The fact that people on this site are unwilling to admit when a cow does something decent makes us look like a bunch of bitter bitches trying to find any reason to hate on someone.

No. 327913

But it really is growth for her. While it is sad as fuck that she's learning to prepare simple meals in her twenties it is personal growth. The fact that people on this site are unwilling to admit when a cow does something decent makes us look like a bunch of bitter bitches trying to find any reason to hate on someone.

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No. 292533[Reply]

Lori Cerda, known as Lori Lewd or Usagi Kou, is a 38-year-old photoshop addicted costhot and anime fictionkin (otakukin for the oldfags) from New York state. With 20+ years of lunacy behind her, farmers have been working together diligently to stitch together the madness into a coherent timeline. Lots of interactions and receipts have been lost to time, either deleted or made private, keep that in mind as we continue.

Lori got her start as a rabid Sailor Moon cosplayer in the early aughts which launched her into infamy and Moonie drama that lasted for over 10 years alone. In Summary; a well-liked, cute and young cosplayer that wowed people as Sailor Moon had one of the hardest and fastest falls from grace. It’s a story rife with lies, theft, squatting, cheating, jealousy, cult-like behavior and lots of violence. To put it lightly, it blew apart the entire Sailor Moon livejournal community in the US. The juxtaposition of Usagi and Lori piqued the interest of many people. Some might call her one of the OG cosplay lolcows. After becoming a joke to the majority of the US cosplay community Lori dropped her Usagi shtick, married a few times and stayed mostly quiet.

2017 changed all that when Lori met Kevin “Skye” Hanft. Once the two cosplayers met and fell in love, Lori quickly reverted to her past behaviors and became Zero Two from Darling in the Franxx. Her current phase she has described herself as “14 yr old boy” and “spicy loli gremlin elf bb succubus” She cosplays Marin Kitagawa now as she's the flavor of the week waifu. Of course she is "the IRL Marin" in her eyes just like she was IRL Saber and Zero Two. Recognizing her status as a complete has-been, Lori prefers to focus on what she calls "spicy" content (shitty nudes) and "lewd modeling". She only does half-assed couple cosplay with Kevin at conventions, if that. Kevin feeds Lori’s delusions and is a whole cow on his own. He serves as her meal ticket and guard dog. At the first sign of any inconvenience or drama, Lori will blow the whistle and sick her dog. If you lurk long enough you will spot a wild Kevin masquerading as anon. Do not interact. He is retarded and he will spend his time trying to track you down. He has a documented history of digitally stalking commenters, accusing them of being anons or Momokun/Vamplette and threatening suicide/murder. He will escalate even faster if he is currently in the doghouse and blocked by Lori. It's how she manipulates him to do her old KouPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
914 posts and 181 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 327539

It's either a fetish scrote bankrolling her, or the millenial lOlSoRaNdOm brainrot ruined her a long time ago. Nonnas keep saying it's to hide nasolabial folds, but scrunching your lip up to one side would definitely emphasize them on that side, so she's gotta be editing them out regardless. As an oldfag it reminds me of early myspace emo posting where girls would thirst trap with a similar expression to emphasize how they weren't like other girls and didn't want to be attractive on purpose, they just can't help it uwu

No. 327556

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You mean scene, not emo. But yes, now that you mention it, that's exactly the kind of faces she makes…

No. 327564

why does this look like Ai?

No. 327580

this chick is so weird she abuses asian beauty filters so hard she looks chinese when her ass is white as hell

No. 327838

wait, how and when did she get verified on Instagram?(sage your shit)

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No. 279002[Reply]

Previous thread >>139494

8chan thread:


Brief Summary:
Micky is a disgusting, hambeast, tumblrina who claims to be a CSA survivor, sexual assault victim, bisexual, and has 10 mental illnesses. She's extremely disliked in her local community because of how much drama she caused and her tendency to lie. She at one point, started the "Kawaii Black Girls" page and group, both toxic like her. She's bragged about beating her mom. Slept with her now former best friend's abusive partner. She also pretends to be tough online but hides often irl.

Aliases: Micky Martyrdom, Micky Moon, Micky Bunnie, Micky Magica, Miki Akemi,Kumicky Bunnie, Micky Melody, Kuronekoknaifu, Ruru-chan, Kuro Hime

Real Name: Mikaila

Social Media
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No. 327824

It wasn't her who posted her nudes on 4chan though. that's the point that is being made.(wking)

No. 327831


Why do you keep blowing over the fact that she consumed cp years after becoming an adult and after being called out for it multiple times before hand

No. 327844

do you know mick and her ugly ass boyfriends to come up with this conclusion? why do people think they know shit here on lolcow when they don’t.

No. 327845

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Everybody say Pro-jec-tion !!! kendrick Lamar voice

No. 327865

It's likely just some follower of hers trying to whiteknight despite having evidence given to them and there being multiple threads.

It's wild she really tries to pretend like she isn't known for being huge bitch. I guess she's gotta lure in the whiteknights and simps somehow.

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No. 326236[Reply]

Thread #1 >>54749 Thread #2 >>166105 Thread #3 >>197809 Thread #4 >>208755 Thread #5 >>229285 Thread #6 >>261505 Thread #7 >>284431 Thread #8 >>303389 Thread #9 >>315338

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tchall
Cosplay Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ManaKnightPage/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manaknight/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ManaKnight
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@manaknight

Terry Hall aka Manaknight is a self-proclaimed "famous", "old (30+)", NB and Ace cosplayer who is actually a 41 year old narcissistic man. He is a known 5’4” moid that meanders around anime conventions by himself trying to collect selfies with "fans"/stalk white and asian girls under the age of 25. Recently, Terry is embracing his AGP side and is looking for face Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
207 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 327892

Bangs deep-fried tails smooth

No. 327894

He needs to touch grass and so does everyone else at his job if they’re that upset about some speed bumps. Like can’t you just slow the hell down..?

No. 327896

I think there’s a lot of reasons. As another anon said he’s embarrassed to wear glasses to work, so no way would he do something as outlandish as cross dress to work. He’s afraid of doctors/hospitals so he’s never going to medically transition. Even if he somehow overcomes that fear, he’s 40 and has zero hope of passing no matter how many surgeries he gets. He’s bald af and I doubt he’d want to wear a wig daily. I think he knows deep down that he’ll never actually pass, so instead he lives out his fantasy through crossplaying at home and at conventions where he can get the fake praises/yasss queens he so desperately desires

That also made me kek

No. 327897

Idk I think it depends on the type of speed bump. There’s one at a shopping center near me that’s very steep/angular and no matter how slow you go over it, it feels very rough. I’m afraid it’s going to fuck up my tires so now if I go there, I avoid that particular entrance

No. 327901

I don’t think he’s actually got any true desire to be a woman. He just likes the attention he gets from brain dead zoomers who think it’s transphobic not to hype up everything he does since he’s a they/them and asexual. He never used to cosplay girls, it’s only recently since it became taboo to be straight and not trans/non binary etc. He just dies the larp on social media and at cons and then goes back to his normal life as a man.

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No. 281505[Reply]

Stefany Lauren (aka Stefany Mancebo aka Eloise Frazer aka Jillian E. Valentine) is a Canadian cosplayer who has gained popularity through her Star Wars, Game of Thrones, and Frozen cosplays until she was kicked out for photoshopping her pics and lied about having worked for LucasFilms (implying that she was a stunt double or photo double for Rey), causing her to get kicked out/leave the community.

Moved onto Game of Thrones and started skinwalking Maisie Williams and cosplaying as Arya Stark. During this period she claimed to have a mystery degenerative illness characterized by periods of blindness, and tried to legitimize this by falsely claiming multiple family pets as "service dogs." She obsessively photoshopped Maisie’s features onto her own face and changed her entire personality to go between Maisie and Arya. She claimed to be HBO’s “official” Arya Cosplayer, and added archery and horse riding to her laundry list of talents.

After Frozen 2 came out, she latched onto Elsa. She latched on so hard that she decided to change her name to Eloise Frazer (Elsa Frozen) on social media and claimed it was because hearing her real name gave her PTSD. She was determined to be seen as a cutesy Disney princess, and as a result once again changed her personality to match. She became a complete scandiboo, claiming that she was a practicing Norse pagan (despite having to ask others for answers to the most basic questions about the pantheon) and hinting that her Guatemalan father may not be her real dad. She made frequent reference to being unable to feel cold, and to experiencing illness due to the heat in the summer. During this period she acquired a prop gecko as a pet (it was only briefly showcased on her socials) and a white horse with blue eyes which she named Nanok.

Next came a throwback to a short-lived lie: that she is related to Elizabeth Gilles (Jade from Victorious on nickelodeon) and claimed she was related— never proven.

This skinwalk gained little traction, and she briefly shifted her focus instead to full-time 'equestrian,' giving us such gems as: the time she bought a stallion straight off the racetrack >>>/w/122283, the time she burned the shit out of her scalp with horse shampoo >>>/w/148779, the time she roleplayed as her gelding on facebook Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1022 posts and 298 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 327672

>Dalmatian fursona has a penis shaped tattoo
Is that a penis version of a womb tattoo?

No. 327681

omg nona i can’t believe i never noticed that, fucking disgusting.
kek i agree with the another anon in that i don’t wanna think about the specifics of it, but that’s very perceptive, thank you for pointing that out. the “extra large” option is for some reason hilarious to me regardless of what it means
exactly! i’m not tinfoiling that they actually fuck animals, i just think it’s extremely weird that anybody at all can own several horses as pets and then want to put a dildo shaped like a horse penis inside of them(Bestiality tinfoil again)

No. 327898

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She finally reveals it was Finn that died

No. 327899

That's a bummer. She rescues horses so tbf whatever trauma or issues they had prior, carry over. They usually don't live much longer after they retire, like a couple years depending on their health.

No. 327904

I'm stunned that she didn't post anything publicly honoring him. I thought of all her horses and animals, she cared about him the most. I mean in a sincere way. He was also a big part of her dramatic fictional stories, but I thought she really did feel a (normal pet/owner) bond with him. When Love died, a horse she barely posted about in comparison to Finn, she made countless posts about her. idk this is crazy considering she's posting about her new wolfdog puppy and everything. She didn't want to write any kind of acknowledgment for Finn? Why not?

Obviously if Stef were less unhinged, or if she were not posting about the new shiny wolfdog, I wouldn't expect her to post. But she is unhinged and she is posting about other animals as if nothing ever happened.

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No. 214515[Reply]

New weeb thread. Always post caps!(shit thread)
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No. 306625

Does anyone know why Kelsey's unlisted her Japan vlogs? Videos like that can always bring in passive income on YouTube

No. 306671

Doesn’t fit her new edge-lord Norma Nights one eyes cowboy aesthetic she’s got going on

No. 326649

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Kelsey got an ad with RNIB for a subway. Much success

No. 326697

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Really? Doubt she's bullshitting but unexpected. Guess it was for some sort of background character

No. 327486

They make it sound like she's fully blind in the caption(sage your shit)

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No. 326805[Reply]

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikan.mandarin/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Mikanmandarin
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mikanmandarin
Twitter: https://x.com/citrusymikan
Brand: https://vinaofthevalley.com/
Twitter brand: https://x.com/Vinaofthevalley
IG brand: https://www.instagram.com/vina.of.the.valley/
Thread #1: >>143614
Thread #2: >>174287

General info:
> Mikan (Vina) Mandarin is a J-Vlogger currently living in Japan. She is Kurdish, Iraqi, Swedish, and English, and wants the whole world to know about it. But will only claim her West-Asian heritage POC card when called white-passing. >>149078 >>157122 &Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
136 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 327680

>elder zoomer/millennial generation seem to favour the ugly/kawaii setup
it's not about them being ugly lol they literally just want a rich man/man who can provide what they want, in this case a japanese bf gave vina social (weeb) status and the ability to save face from being dumped, and it keeps her in japan.

No. 327720

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Anyone else notice her constantly fawning over one of those white weeb cosplayers who tapes their eyes back? He’s all over her social media.

No. 327728

That's a whole girl with a boyfriend nonna. She's just queerbaiting for the likes, though I don't doubt she'd dip on frogman for an actual pretty boy if the circumstances were right.

No. 327730

Kek, ngl I though she was just a fag hag too before looking at Ariderion's recent uploads. Bitch photoshops herself like Fahr from /pt/ with the unhealthy Loki obsession.

No. 327733

Vina has always sucked up to other influencers so she can leech off of them, she used to do it to venus and another person whose name i can't remember

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No. 325162[Reply]

Previous threads:

Taylor R is a “hardworking” “self-made” “successful” former model and Youtuber from Canada whose main claim to fame used to be copying Dakota’s embarrassing 2012 - 2015 living doll phase. She’s since abandoned this endeavor to copy fellow gold digger Valeria Lipovesky and any other content creator that appears in her tiktok feed.

Her husband, Tom Lip is a successful businessman. One of his companies, MenClub, was exposed for featuring at least 8 underage (age 12-16) girls in skimpy clothing on their site. After news of this spread, Taylor made two videos defending the right of men to ogle children (it’s “cultural”! Don’t like, don’t click!), both of which are now conveniently privated.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.(do not post new threads until the old one is full)
213 posts and 59 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 327856

I went and checked. It's a closed account with zero followers and posts. Definitely not a throwaway account lol

Well, let's hope a good therapist will help her stop hating herself for not being able to get pregnant and that succumbing to ana won't help her with that. She can stay with Tom if that's her life goal, but she has to love and respect herself more.

No. 327857

Like nonnas said in the last thread, her speaking out about it is stupid. She has no reason to. These commentators are demented.

No. 327858

Totally agree. These jobless spammers go around and post their demented demands just to feel superior. Taylor has never voiced her opinion on such matters. The only time she did post about an international crisis was during covid, when she was spamming screenshots of news with highlights. It was as annoying and useless as these "fighters" for justice and awareness.

No. 327885

I've noticed the online culture especially on Instagram reels, is mostly baseless nitpicking, you can post the mildest thing on the planet and 90% of the comments will be some pathetic nitpick, the palestine trolling seems to come from a similar place. People will grasp at straws to find something to whine about. She doesn't need to raise awareness, everyone knows what's happening and has seen plenty of content about it. She also is one of many hundreds of thousands of prominent influencers in 2024. People are allowed to have a niche, it's not like it's 1995 and there are 5 tv stations and one of them has an embargo on a topic which needs addressing. Justice for "stop it"-chan.(derailing)

No. 327910

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I was gonna point out that she shows regular rice in the recipe vid meanwhile she eats only low-carb alternatives in reality but she beat me to it.
She also posted a lunch recipe today where she used almond flour tortillas. Like, can you eat normal food for once? Tom and Levi eat regular rice etc yet she makes the low carb version only for herself, so the "healthy diet" rhetoric dies there.
P.S. Someone definitely lurks, look at that performative bite.

No. 327149[Reply]

I wasn't entirely sure what board to post this rant on, but I figured this was close enough since he started on Buzzfeed then left to start a YouTube channel based on a reoccurring Buzzfeed concept called "the try guys." I was never really fan of the try guys, but it was interesting content at first anyway.

I used to be a huge fan of Eugene on Buzzfeed because he was a very rare example of a strong, confident, mysterious Asian man at the time and happened to very talented. In fact, way more talented than a lot of people in Hollywood. I sometimes wondered why he wasn't big in Hollywood. Speaking of Hollywood, I never got into it because of how fake, manufactured, scripted, and orchestrated all of Hollywood was and still is.

I stopped going on Buzzfeed when they started going woke and posting outrage political bait. I also noticed they started stealing everything from Reddit so why go on Buzzfeed at all when I can go on Reddit? I eventually quit going on Reddit too, but that's a whole other rant. Then the "try guys" and a lot of other Buzzfeed people left to start their own YouTubes. Eugene never really appeared that much in any of the post-Buzzfeed Try Guys content anyway. He also came out with his "I'm Gay" video around the same time. It further illustrated and demonstrated his artistic talent. I again wondered why he wasn't big in Hollywood.

But his entire personality changed after that. It's like he became a completely different person. Like making sex jokes and other inappropriate behavior all the time in a rare Try Guys appearance. I really should have known better. That Eugene's Buzzfeed persona was all fake and an act. Parasocial or celebrity crush I guess. Buzzfeed knew what they were doing at first anyway.

I stopped watching the Try Guys. Last year or so, one of the Try Guys had an affair on his wife with one of their engaged employees, so I briefly came back out of curiosity and their content was even worse. It's typical low effort subpar YouTube commercialization like eating food and ranking things. That's all of their content.

Eugene is officially leaving now and The Try Guys are gearing up to officially leave YouTube altogether. They're not going to explicitly say this due to all the Watchers backlash announcement.

I don't know who anyone else except the try guys, and I obviously don't know them either. One of the employees' comment about "objectifying him one more time" in Eugene's depPost too long. Click here to view the full text.(shit thread)
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No. 327168

this isn't your personal blog, newfag

No. 327170

Why is this written like you're presenting a Youtube video about this guy, threads should be formatted as such
>summary of person
>summary of milk
>relevant links
You can write your own personal opinions in the replies, not the main thread. Buzzfeed thread is on snow and I don't really get how Eugene is weeb adjacent? Maybe rewrite this thread without the personal comments and put it on snow with a link to the snow buzzfeed/try guys thread.
Not a janny but just an idea.

No. 327172

Samefag I think you'd also be fine just going to /snow and talking about Eugene in the buzzfeed/try guys thread that already exists

I don't think he needs his own thread based on what you wrote, like unless he's being a major cow on his own profiles you can continue discussion above.

No. 327177

Thanks! Is there a way to move posts to other boards? Or will I have to copy/paste to make a new post in /snow/ and delete the one here?(newfag)

No. 327182

This thread is unnecessary. You can keep talking about him in the buzzfeed cows thread >>>/snow/1660046

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