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No. 201715[Reply]

Didn't see a thread like this except a 4 year old one with an anime pic so I decided to make a new one.

A thread to discuss what kind of hygiene products we like (body wash/soap/deodorant) and other things relating to it.
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No. 376952

Dove makes a really nice hydrating cream wash, I like the coconut one but there’s lots of good scents that aren’t too overpowering. If you don’t already, try putting lotion on in the shower right after and without fully drying off. I’ve found it keeps my skin from drying in winter better. Olay and Dove like the other nonnas said are also good options, with a wide range to choose from of products and scents.

No. 396104

I'm pissed because I switched to natural deodorants and had great luck with Curie, which actually blocked my sweat and smelled great but wasnt super chemical-ly.
Then I got curious and tried Native which was a huge mistake. It made me stink a lot quicker than Curie. I noticed it had some kind of bacteria in it that I assume was meant to modify your pit flora?

Anyway I went back to Curie and now it's not working as well as it did before. I fucking reek. I feel like Native is what did it. Now I wanna try Lume but I hear it's made some people stink more, so I'm afraid that'll happen.
Has this happened to anyone else?

No. 396281

How long did you use Native? Any diet changes? It may be a combination of a different diet, a chemical imbalance in your skin caused by that deodorant and minor hormonal changes. I haven't used the deodorant you mentioned but I used to buy a brand that had a very gentle line for sensitive skin and yet it made my armpits smell very strongly of sour lemons. It took me a while to get rid of that smell, even after switching to other brands, so I guess it destroyed my skin ph. It helped me a lot to eat less garlic as I used to and also not shaving my armpits anymore while always avoiding non-breathable fabrics.

No. 396293

The natural deodorants are hit or miss. I never experienced what you describe but keep in mind we are entering summer. Unless you're south of the equator

I only had luck with roll-on crystal and wild

No. 396310

Used Native for a few months. I just dealt with it and used the stick till I ran out, because I didn't want to let it go to waste and spend money on another stick of deo. No diet changes really.
Interesting that not shaving helped more than shaving. My pits get pretty hairy so I'm always worried about smelling bad but maybe I should go natural. Shaving messes up your ph?
It's still pretty mild here honestly. I tried crystal in the past but made me really moist in the pits. I'll look into Wild if Curie doesn't cut it by the time I'm done with it, thanks!

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No. 58871[Reply]

Here we can discuss black hair issues etc

>be black

>2 years ago I would have been shamed for wearing my natural hair
>the "natural hair" meme started around 2015ish
>now in 2017 you're considered a slut/hood rat if you straighten your hair and or wear weave
>the only acceptable "natural hair" is the mixed girl kind, when people mean go natural that is what they expect your hair to be like.
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No. 393075

4C is not a myth. I have 4C and I want black people to stop fucking gaslighting 4c women that are hair isn’t in 5C/6C because it’s always just so fucking dry and kinky and coily. That’s the one thing I hate about being black and it makes me seethe seeing other black women with nice, softer pliable hair textures because it’s so fucking hard trying to style it, idc how much these natural hair enthusiasts try to convince us that it isn’t hard to upkeep and maintain with a modern western lifestyle. It pisses me off so fucking much, tired of 4A and 4Bs pretending their hair is 4C and shitting up the tags with their own hair that they damn well know isn’t the “bad” hair.

No. 393077

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I’m not convinced it only applies to certain ‘4c’ hair though, because in my experience (and in some anecdotes) my hair was completely indistinguishable from any other 4c. so what would be the distinction? if everything is the same i think it would be odd to assume they’re any different.

i have the time so i’ll spout my theory. i’ve put an autistic amount of effort and research into my hair because of how much trouble it was giving me and came to the following conclusions: 1, all moisturised and detangled hair, 4c or otherwise, naturally inclines to clumping waves/curls together; 2, the curlier the individual follicle the more moisture it needs to hold itself into clumps; and 3, curlier hair types are dryer because less hair clumps means less moisture retained.

basically what i found is that the more progress i made with my hair the more follicles bunched together and followed the same direction. it ended up progressing from typically 4c to reminiscent of 4a/4b to curl bunches the size associated with type 2/3 hair (but the curl shape looks different, more random meandering and coils upward at the tips, sort of water-like). picrel is not my photo but looks exactly the same as how my 4c hair looked when i first noticed the curls clumping after a veryyy long couple of hours trying to wash a hair mask out.

i’m simply convinced people are too busy putting money into wigs and extensions etc to experiment with research around our natural hair. current hair science is geared to caucasian hair types, from shampoos to conditioners - we don’t have the luxury of products scientists have literally researched to work for us, i would even argue this for ‘black hair products’ (like greases, they seal out moisture that just isn’t in the follicle). as a result all we have are anecdotes when there could be concrete science on this matter, especially since it seems so disputed.

saw the last reply so disclaimer - while i think locking moisture into hair is probably beneficial long term i don’t consider either ‘good’ or ‘bad’ hair. i dislike when people get trigger-happy over this topic regardless of what you say, and as i said i prefer ‘4c’ texture for certain styles. but this is my experience and, once i shared what i’ve done with my hair to friends and family who also have 4c hair, the Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 393106

What did you do to your hair anon?

No. 393970

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I have super thick and dense, 4c (or maybe 4b. Or maybe a mix of both, idk) hair and it's always been super difficult for me to manage. Haircare has always been a confusing and mystifying topic for me. I've shaved it off multiple times out of frustration and insecurity from other other people judging my hair. The most recent being only a few months ago, so I'm currently in a phase of wearing lace wigs. Once my hair grows out a bit more though, I want to dedicate more time and effort into understanding my hair. Stuff like moisturizing, keeping it healthy, styling, retaining length etc…

No. 393999

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No. 300321[Reply]

A thread to talk about everything related to your menstrual cycle and ovulation! Please don’t be creepy or make any sexual posts about period “fetishes” that’s gross however discussion of sexual feelings during different times of your cycle is acceptable as long as you’re not being egregious or overdescriptive
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No. 395463

>high anxiety and aggravated before period starts, diarrhea sometimes (happened this time)
>Day 1: lucky if I use the bathroom and notice blood early, bleeding usually heavy by the end of the day
>Days 2-3: Super heavy bleeding and have to change fem products every couple hours, cramps if I'm not active enough
>Day 4: Can use one or two pads for an entire day
>Day 5-6: If I feel safe I'll just wrap some TP in my underwear and replace it whenever I go to the bathroom
I only buy nighttime/super pads so it weirds people out sometimes if they ask if I have a spare. But if I use smaller ones I'll bleed through my underwear and whatever pants or shorts I have on.

I had a bit of a hassle wearing reusable pads whenever I was at work, so I use them if my period is during time off. It made it easier to rinse/clean them.

No. 395503

Is it normal to get burnt out easily or lose motivation while ovulating? I have work to do and my mind is somewhere else, I can’t bring myself to do it. I used to get really suicidal during ovulation but it’s got better now. Now I get migraines and nausea.

No. 395992

Is it normal to experience cramping while feeling horny? It feels as if I am ovulating but that's not possible since I am on hormonal birth control.

No. 395994

I sometimes get tired as FUCK. I sleep like 15h straight a day and have no motivation to do anything else.

No. 398280

Gonna meet a doctor about my PMDD again soon. I've tried SSRIs to help with the mood swings with very little help and most recently I went on hormonal birthcontrol but it didn't work out either. Is there anything I could suggest to the doctor that might be helpful?

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No. 315174[Reply]

To the lesbian anon with a 2D crush, here is something to consider:
>think of your husbando
>really visualise him
>remember all the things you like about him
>now… ask yourself
>what if there were boobies under there?

Welcome to the Lesbian Hornyposting Yumejo Thread, the illegitimate daughter of the Retarded Husbando Hornyposting Shitposting Thread and the Female Fantasies Thread. Here you are free to imagine your favourite fictional woman in any scenario, sexual or otherwise, and post about her to your heart's content. Even better if, in her source material, that woman is a guy.

Example posts
>I just know Komaeda's pussy tastes like battery acid
>I want to fuck Goro Akechi until she is too overstimulated to monologue
>(3 paragraph description of a romantic date with Neku TWEWY which ends in passionate tribbing)

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 395277

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More Balalaika sperging

>Her underlings really like you, because you are her tranquilizer. She will be seething mad, about to murder whoever talks to her next, but when you appear, she softens up a bit. You just have a secret power of lowering her blood pressure, which means she doesn’t lash out as hard at the people who accidentally got on her nerves.

>She thinks it’s cute when you get protective of her back, and stand up for her when people are overly flirty with her as well. What you don’t know is that when you’re giving that asshole a piece of your mind, Balalaika is standing right behind you with that terrifying glare, and she has a look that says “you better act scared, because if you make her feel weak, I will make your final moments hell”
>She’s not afraid to go hard on you in bed. She won’t do anything to grievously injure you, but she’ll give you her scary soldier voice, and tell you to kneel for her and beg for pleasure. (1:22 is just golden https://youtu.be/w7QkLIz_vfI?si=lSsh2kYVl2xkr5r4)

No. 395764

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Obsessed with her I want her to terrorize my life. When I read Dai Dark I was already genderbend yooming for her only to scream when she turned out to really be a woman.
Please do not bring you you-know-what shit about her. I'm living my truth and nothing is confirmed in a particular direction no matter how bad retards online want to say otherwise.

No. 395765

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Love you forever

No. 395768

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Q Hayashida makes the hottest women

No. 395776

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The OG… Cannot lie though Shimada Death does just look like Noi in cosplay kek

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No. 54209[Reply]

Maybe it's just me, but I feel as though birth control is something that women don't talk enough about despite it being so complex and many people using it regularly. Let's post our comments/questions about birth control!

- contraception
- acne control
- PCOS management
- hormonal treatment
- ring vs. pill vs. non-hormonal
- side effects/benefits
- weight gain/loss
- etc.
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No. 395558

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i've been struggling to stop taking the pill for years. i was diagnosed with pcos when i was younger (15 y.o) and have been on birth control ever since. recently (i am 24 y.o now), a more experienced doctor suggested that i might have been misdiagnosed, so we did an intravaginal ultrasound and found out i no longer have cysts.

however, every time i try to stop the pill, i develop dry patches that start as ?liquidy? irritation and lead to intense scratching. i also experience acne, but the irritation is the main issue.

has anyone experienced the same? it happens mostly around the nose and neck.

No. 395598

Anon could it be seborrheic dermatitis that gets triggered when the testosterone and therefore sebum production gets higher in our body? Best choice is visiting a dermatologist about it if you can, i hope it gets resolved soon.

No. 395620

Have you tried herbal remedies to manage your hormones instead? I use spearmint tea for PCOS since I stopped taking the pill. Even if you don't have cysts anymore (I don't either) you might still experience hormonal issues.

No. 395712

I'm on my second implant, I got my first as a teen. I didn't notice any more acne than what I already had, and as an adult with a cleaer face I didn't notice anything with the second implant either. I do get these sparse longer hairs on my face, but never in patches or even super noticable if you aren't looking

No. 395823

Used implants for a decade, had a few of the ones that last 3 years. I first was put on minis in my teens for 2 months and then on the implant. Unlike the other nonna I had severe cystic acne in the first 2 years, after that sensitive acne prone skin (with dry patches from hell) until the end. When I stopped having one my skin healed right away. A few of my friends have used implants too for several years, 4 out of 6 of us got some form of skin issues from it. My best friend suddenly has rosacea but can't be sure if the implant played a role in it.

It also affected my mental health and hunger cues. Be careful if you try it.

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No. 146601[Reply]

A thread for everything vintage fashion related

>What decades and subcultures of the past are you interested in?

>How did you get into collecting vintage?
>Do you go for authentic vintage or vintage inspired clothing?
>Who are the style icons you like to refer to when putting together a look?

And of course, questions from novices are welcome as well
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No. 395573

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No. 395574

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Love this particular outfit with the necklace

No. 395582

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Idk if vintage but I've been obsessed with Y2K lately

No. 395586

Early 2000s fashion is technically vintage but let's be real this thread wasn't made to discuss zoomer y2k revival fashion. You can take this to the regular fashion thread since it's trendy anyway.

No. 395597

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>mfw this is vintage now

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No. 183298[Reply]

A thread regarding baking and cooking.

Feel free to:
>share recipes
>post what you've made
>show what you want to make in the future
>ask questions about what you're struggling with
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No. 391410

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I baked a gluten free rhubarb and strawberry Clafoutis to eat at work with my colleagues.
It was my first time and since I'm still recovering from being sick and didn't want to spend an hour in the kitchen, I used a hand mixer, which separated the milk from all the other ingredients somehow. There was so much liquid that I had to dump down my kitchen sink so that it doesn't become a puddle in the oven, it felt very wasteful. Next time I'm going to put the milk at the beginning with the sugar and eggs, that way it should stay stable. We'll see how it tastes at work today.

No. 392225

How interesting! Looking at the recipe, it looks similar to a dish my mom and aunties make, but with seasonal plums instead. Looking forward to your update about the taste!

No. 395462

It wasn't bad nonna, the rhubarb made it really tasty, but the strawberries really lost their taste in the oven. I'll probably make it again with other fruits like raspberries or cherries even.

No. 395470

What are some good recipes to make with babies/toddlers? Mine is just starting solids and I'm thinking she could have a lot of fun mashing peas.

No. 396001

Non-US nonnas, got any ideas for cream cheese replacements in baking recipes? I love making icing out of it for cinnamon buns and carrot cakes but it's very rarely available in shops where I live, and even then it's super expensive. I used to do this retarded thing where I combined quark (treated to a few rounds in a blender) with heavy cream to create something similar in taste and texture but it always turns dry and develops cracks after a few hours in the fridge.

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No. 387880[Reply]

This is a thread for women who fit the UN definition of indigenous:

"Indigenous communities, peoples and nations are those which, having a historical continuity with pre-invasion and pre-colonial societies that developed on their territories, consider themselves distinct from other sectors of the societies now prevailing on those territories, or parts of them."

This includes Native Americans, Australian Aboriginals, Samoans, Maoris,Sámis, Chukchis and Palestinians among others.
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No. 392681

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Why do only Americans have these brainworms though? Colonization happened all over the globe but there's no spicy Spaniard x native Phillipino romance novels.

No. 392684

Nonna Americans own Hollywood and are the wealthiest, most "popular" nation on earth. Of course you hear about their brainworms more often.

No. 395364

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Mattel made the Wilma Mankiller Barbie a young, thin half African looking woman because they think a 40 years old overweight white-passing Native American isn't marketable or something. So much for body positivity.

No. 395368

it does use the fat doll model though

No. 395461

>So much for body positivity.
It's a company, they were never genuine about body positivity. They'll use body positivity if it makes them money and they won't if it doesn't.

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No. 395302[Reply]

since i got with my bf i blocked and removed all guy friends (never had really any close online gfs) and i’m feeling rlly lonely. i always found girls rlly intimidating to talk to and/or not understanding of my humour so i’d tend to mask heavily around them (felt fake) and i haven’t found any like me and i wish i could just have girlfriends to call up and ft whenever i want. how do i find gfs that r into gamering and have the same typical incel fag humour i do ??????? i came to lolcow to maybe have some luck. also is there like a discord or something(newfag retardation)

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No. 280759[Reply]

A concept generally related to disfuncional families, toxic family bonds, lack of boundaries with parents, infantilization in adulthood, the mother wound, growing up too quickly, and much more.

In enmeshed families, members are emotionally fused together in an unhealthy way. More than one member is codependent of the other and individual goals are discouraged. A lot of shame and guilt happens when you try to become independent. You can read more here:

As this is something I very much struggle with, I wanted to see if more anons here have gone through similar stuff, and how were you able to overcome it (or maybe just like me, you are in the process of recovering from). Please share your own experience with family enmeshment here.
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No. 282084

No. 282113

might also be helpful

No. 283807

bell hooks mentioned going through a time in her life where she was severely depressed and suicidal and how the only way she got through it was through changing her environment: She surrounded her home with buddhas of all colors, Audre Lorde’s A Litany for Survival facing her as she wakes up, and filling the space she saw everyday with reinforcing objects and meaningful books. She asks herself each day, “What are you going to do today to resist domination?” I also really liked it when she said that in order to move from pain to power, it is crucial to engage in “an active rewriting of our lives.”

No. 284365

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No. 394987

Decenter your mom.

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