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No. 255744[Reply]

Let's have a thread for single ladies

1. Why are you single?
2. What are the advantages of being single?
3. What are the worst parts of being in a relationship?
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No. 391675

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never had any interest in romantic relationships tbh
i can do what i want. i don't have to tone down my personality, take time away from my hobbies or get dragged onto something i'm not interested in. i do try to challenege myself and do things out of my comfort zone. i don't need or want someone else to do it for me.
also i was an extremely spoilt only child so i like having things go my way and not having to compromise.
besides im not good at relating to people emotionally so i really don't want to have to help regulate someone else's emotions or anything like that.
>worst parts of being in a relationship
ive seen so many people tone down or even lose parts of their personality when they get into a relationship, it's sad

No. 392337

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>1. Why are you single?
I’m fat now. My weight fluctuates on an annual basis from overweight to underweight and back, and I’ve noticed that I only get hit on when I’m a size 2 or less. I guess I’m one of those people where extra weight hits my face like a bag of bricks. Experiencing this has seriously made me lose all respect for scrote’s interest. You want me? LOL check back in next year buddy.

>2. What are the advantages of being single?

I can be a fat lazy sloppy pig in peace. When I was in my teens I’d get insecure about this but now in my mid-20’s I really enjoy my own company, even if I’m just lazy around all day reading webtoons or watching YT.

>3. What are the worst parts of being in a relationship?

For me, it’s the anxiety. I guess this sorta stems from point 1. I can’t genuinely believe someone would like me for me so my relationships are never serious or committed. Oh well. I’m fine this way.

No. 392354

>Why are you single?
I'm a socially inept retard who is afraid of rejection and my parents don't make marriage look fun.
>What are the advantages of being single?
Being able to focus on improving yourself.
>What are the worst parts of being in a relationship?
I've have never been in a romantic relationship so idk

No. 392357

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>1. Why are you single?
My last potential relationship absolutely went nowhere and I got very sad about it, doing better now. Even if I've had men interested in me since then, I don't feel attracted to them, maybe it's because I can't get over what happened but overall I rarely feel attraction towards real people. I only have felt attracted to fictional characters, so my standards are impossible to meet. I wish I wasn't this way, but maybe it'll be easier once I finish my studies and get a stable job. I just now wanna be happy only by myself and not feel like I need to be tied to someone to be happy.
>2. What are the advantages of being single?
I can be as independent as I want, I can dedicate myself to what I want without changing for others. I don't have to feel self conscious about how I'm perceived either.
>3. What are the worst parts of being in a relationship?
Being always together with someone absolutely is what deters me from getting a relationship. I'm already not super social (even if I have friends I hang out with at least once a week), so having to be with a man all the time just sounds exhausting and annoying.

No. 392362

>1. Why are you single?
Never cared about dating, relationships or guys.
Never been attracted to guys in that way , save for 3 exceptions and one of those was the only guy I ever slept with. I've had plenty of dudes chase me in my 20s. I was way out of their league, they all wanted to brag they bagged a fit stacy, all were fucking bitter I was polite to them kek. I'm not obligated to have sex with you.
Call me pickme or nlog, but I refuse to be in a relationship with someone I don't like , just for the sex, and that would be a fucking chore. Plus it's hard to find people to resonate with, most guys are boring AF. The day is short as is, can't imagine how quick it would pass with a guy.
>2. What are the advantages of being single?
I do whatever I want, whenever I want. I don't have to share my bigass bed with anyone. Egoistical? Maybe, but at this age I can't fucking imagine how it is to have a man chew your time. Nobody tells me what to fucking do. And I did get used to living on my own in an apartment.
>3. What are the worst parts of being in a relationship?
Never been into one so I wouldn't be able to tell lol. But from what I've seen with my friends, the woman always compromises more than the man. And most men have low to nonexistent emotional intelligence, so you have to dumb down to their level otherwise you will stress out for shit they don't even think about. Also I need my me time.

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No. 390854[Reply]

For all farmers who are over 30yrs or approaching that age, let's discuss how our fashion sense has changed (or not) and what you currently like wearing. Ask questions, discuss different topics, etc. This can also include makeup and general trimming / grooming habits.
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No. 392090

Me too lol. I think my legs are nice but i still feel like a pack of sausages in a mini skirt. I also have mini skirts connected to schoolgirl days so it feels weird to wear them as an adult.
My mom wore long skirt all her youth and she looked great. Long skirts have an epic mysterious vibe and that's better than mini "look nice legs over here" skirt.

No. 392099

I like maxiskirts because they allow you to move around freely without worrying about flashing your behind.

No. 392114

Sometimes I want to wear maxiskirts but I feel a bit retarded because I love spinning with a long or midi skirt like a retard

No. 392120

Kek not the spinny spinny

No. 393484

I have a skirt in this style but with a thicker type of textured fabric. I had it tailored to a little below the knee and it's become so much more versatile while retaining a lot of the feeling of the original. It's easier to dress up (obviously not massively up) or down now. My tailor is really good though.

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No. 69267[Reply]

What are your thoughts on getting engaged / married? Are any farmers here already the latter? Did you get a ring or have a proposal? How was the wedding planning experience? Have you discussed it with your s/o or maybe don't want to get married at all?

Just anything you want to add to the discussion!
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No. 391982

32 year old virgin here.
My mom told me “marriage isn’t for everyone”.
Am I missing out on anything if I never get married?

No. 391985

just an expensive party and a legal obligation to someone. it's not the marriage part that's nice, it's having a loving relationship. but if you are not lonely and do not desire a one-on-one type bond like that you're missing nothing. you can be fulfilled in other ways and give and receive love in other ways.

No. 392005

Depends. If youre happy single, no. If you are in a commited relationship and especially if kids are involved, yes.

No. 392016

its letting me NEET the fuck out at least

No. 392105

Not at all. In fact, it’s very self aware not to prioritise marriage if you are content with single life.

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No. 164082[Reply]

What's a weird thing about someone that turns you off.

Unusual and nit-picky things.
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No. 391597

Men be doing this now? kek I've been celibate too long.

No. 391606

>not anorexic
>not short
>not vegan

No. 391932

based and same.

No. 391972

men who play guitar. other instruments don’t bother me so much but there’s just something really annoying about men who play guitar

No. 392091

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I think it's normal to be turned off by possessiveness but i also don't like when moids at some point decide that i'm into being called "his whatever".
I'm bi but the idea of me being that close to a moid disgusts me and in general i don't like the use of it, i don't "own" anyone, only objects.
It also still comes as if they're insecure to me, or that they are scared that i would run away, or just think that any girl feels butterflies in her stomach when they think they mean that much to them, i don't, and things like that will never sound genuine to me from a man, same with them saying "i love you".

When it comes to women though, i don't mind that and it actually makes me feel that warmth.

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No. 225178[Reply]

post conventionally attractive women you'd want to fuck and have no shame admitting

previous thread >>>/g/127692
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No. 391221

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faithndrums on ig

No. 391939

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I've never seen her look so barefaced, she's so cuuuuuute

No. 391940


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No. 391941

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No. 392000

oh my god. makeup is a disservice to women

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No. 296708[Reply]

This thread is for women who chose not to date "real men" (aka 3DPD) and instead have chosen to devote themselves completely to their husbandos. Talk about your daily life with your husbando, and discuss why you chose this lifestyle.
Lesbians/Bi women into waifus are welcomed too.

Previous thread: >>>/g/209722
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No. 391512

My husbando has literally zero merch, I was kinda bummed out at first but having to be creative in making my own stuff or buying little things that remind me of him just means my own collection is unique and more personalized.

No. 391529

My husbando is rare and has no merch at all, so I'm gonna make a notebook page on my phone with pictures of him, AI art I generated of him, and PNGs representing some aspects of him, both canon and my headcanons. I also already made a playlist that reminds me of him, us or he'd listen to and I had tons of fun making it.

No. 391530


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 391533

New thread

No. 391648

threadpic belongs in consoom thread

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No. 379519[Reply]

for mixed-race women to chat, vent, discuss culture dynamics, and generally gather. this goes for any mixed ethnicity woman. thread was suggested in the Asian girl problems thread.

Refer to site/board rules. Avoid infighting, please.
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No. 388788

I don't really feel connected to the culture of my region, nor country or even family.
Kind of tiring to vent to other mixed people in mainstream spaces and receiving "but we have more than one culture, isn't that cool?" No, maybe for you, but not for me.

No. 388795

I'm mixed but look completely white, to the point people will accuse me of lying when I say I have Asian origin. When I was about 6/7 I used to get picked on at school for having mendhi on my hands after Eid but then when mendhi became popular with white girls the SA girls treated me like I was a cultural appropriator. I know that having pale skin is a privilege but I do sometimes wish I looked at least plausibly Asian instead of being caught in between.

No. 391063

They’re either in ghetto reality shows or as race swaps, for easier rage bait marketing. it’s a bad time to be black/black-adjacent

No. 391065

Why is AI being used for evil purposes?

No need for klan mentality. As long as you fuck white, your kids will be alright. It’s POC, especially black people who will suffer in the coming decades. Nerds are getting their lick back(racebaiting)

No. 391328

aw, i'm sorry nonna. i cannot see that being the case to be honest, because it sounds like a very radical change. the randos at your job not making weird small talk might be society changing in many places and that being seen as rude.

as someone who has the same phenotype as zendaya, i'm tired of people acting as if she gets treated the same way as monoracial black women do when she clearly looks mixed and gets treated accordingly. the one drop rule in the us is crazy and it's interesting to see how big of a contrast it is compared to the way race is seen in brazil. and i'm not trying to ~distance her from her blackness~ or anything, it's just that she wouldn't be seen as a black woman in the country i have grown up in (not brazil) because she looks stereotypically mixed. and that's a big part of being mixed, your appearance, at least in my experience how you look and how the world treats you according to that.

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No. 70049[Reply]

Post ringspo

What gems do you think are worthy of an engagement ring besides diamond?
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No. 391403

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Thoughts on those custom ring makers? I've been eyeing this site called custommade.com but I'm kind of skeptical and wondering if there's some sort of catch, anyone have experience with these sorts of companies? I have a fair idea of what I want in terms of the type of stone(s), settings, etc. but I'm struggling to find concrete inspiration that fits all my preferences. The idea of having some sort of unique personal motif also compels me.
Regardless of quality I do love browsing their finished products though because you'll see all sorts of dorky stuff that people have requested. On one hand, the idea of tying my engagement ring to some mass media franchise disgusts me, but I also see the charm in these sperg couples being able to capture the essence of their autism. Some of the more subtle ones can be quite nicely translated too.

No. 391406

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I also get a kick out of their cringy descriptions that try to reference whatever inane thing the couple based their ring on. Honestly as someone who doesn't know anything about SAO I wouldn't clock this as a weeb creation, it's a nice design.

No. 391412

yeah I think fandom engagement rings are cringy in the same way fandom tattoos are but those are really well done

No. 391416

A goldsmith is able to make the custom ring of your dreams and able to help you design it. There's no reason to resort to a website like this.

No. 391433

>she doesn't know what moissanite is
anon please…99% of people don't even know what diamond looks like.

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No. 369161[Reply]

Post men who are unconventionally attractive, gross, unattractive, average, ugly, creepy/weird, or shameful for their reputation.

Previous thread: >>353833
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No. 391008

No, I don't. He is just a guy.

No. 391265

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was watching old youtube videos and damn, howard stern didn't look half bad in the late 80s, especially without the glasses

No. 391266

Omg yes Aphex Twin is delicious

No. 391269

happy avril 14th !!>>391266

No. 391270


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

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No. 69322[Reply]

Just a thread to freely brag about anything just because why not. No consequences here, this thread is purely just for fun. Can be anything like possessions, body, things that happened to you, or just something you're proud about and want to boast.

I guess I'll start. Today I studied last minute for an exam but managed to ace it!
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No. 388742

>fast learner, i seem to intuitively understand how things work
>literature teacher insisted he'd look up my assignment poem online cause he didn't believe i wrote it myself
>buttrcrack long super soft hair, face features are pleasingly balanced, feline eyes, good w/h ratio
>can heal physical pain in meditation
>trespassed a murder accomplices' property multiple times to feed his malnourished dog
>pretty name, uncomon where i live

No. 388750

Ive helped to improve my father’s business and we had an increase of 25k in profits this year! He has made me a partner and is teaching me more and more about running the business.

No. 388847

I just got accepted into medical school and I'm so happy.

No. 388903

Congrats nonnie!! Make sure to spend the first few years well and socialize a lot because it gets harder in the later years of med

No. 391200

friend and i got a coomerblog shadowbanned on neocities. felt good.

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