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No. 371060[Reply]

Talk about all things perfume, share your favorite scents, and get recommendations.

Previous thread
199 posts and 82 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 396947

Does anyone know of any scents that smell like flan? Smooth, creamy, vanilla/caramel? (Nothing with cocoa, or super sweet kek.)

No. 396964

Brazilian bum bum lotion? The scent is very caramel-ish and it can last for days on my coat.

No. 396994

maybe bianco latte by giardini di toscana

No. 397126

No. 397378

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My friend bought this perfume today. It's quite nice!

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No. 303045[Reply]

Previous thread: >>170544

Post anything and everything makeup here: product reviews, product questions, cool looks, etc. Thinking of compiling a document with products that get mentioned a lot for future OP posts so feel free to suggest your faves!
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No. 392678

I have their 1930 Noir Red lipstick and it's really nice. It doesn't dry out your lips and the color is buildable. Would recommend. What do you mean by "service"? Shipping?

No. 392732

Nona your eyes remind me of Zoey Deutch you're so cute and you have such nice skin sorry not trying to be creepy

No. 394951

So, for the past 8 years I was living as a trans man and took shots for T, 3 years ago I stopped taking shots and now I want to detransition back to being a cis woman (yes I know I was dumbass for falling for that shit) the only problem is that I still get facial hair on my face and when I use hair remover I still have a grey chin and lip area. I'm saving up for laser hair removal, but in the meantime I was wondering if anyone had any tips or suggestions on cover that grey part up. I'm only familiar with using eyeshadow mascara and lipstick so I'm not sure if foundation is better than concealer or how to make the area not look dry and cakey when covering it up. If anyone could help that would be great!!

No. 397332

I recently made a lot of lifestyle changes - exercise, diet, etc. I noticed I was still feeling very lethargic and fatigued and I was confused why. I did a deep dive into my makeup products and found out I was absorbing way too many heavy metals and talc which were contributing to my shitty mood. I used to think that caring so much about “living clean” was woo woo bullshit but since I changed my makeup out for less toxic ones I genuinely feel so much better and it doesn’t feel expensive since I was already wasting so much money on Fenty products at Sephora anyways. I used this girl’s video as a guide to buy my new products but I’m sure there’s a lot more out there. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to do super cute looks anymore wearing weird hippie products but she managed to contour her face nicely so I’ll be alright, but I’m trying to get rid of my dependence on wearing false lashes and doing intense looks every day.

If any other everyday full face wearing nonas out there feel depressed, fatigued, or icky, you should consider giving it a try!

No. 397874

In terms of longevity, is there anything in between getting false eyelashes installed by an esthetician (it was like $375 which is beyond my budget with all my other treatments) and using the lashify/lilac street kits? The lashify/lilac street kits only stays in 2 days max for me

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No. 158895[Reply]

We have threads for men, but how about our bi and lesbian farmers on /g/? What women are you ashamed to say you'd fuck or crush on for any reason?
>unconventionally attractive?
Share your thirst, farmers.
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No. 397184

she looks slightly downsy but in a cute way , i quite like her style too. too bad shes retarded

No. 397211

who is this?

No. 397217

New thread >>>/g/397215

Kiki Reed

No. 397495

I don’t actually care about her politics or personality at all but she is ugly. She’s considered attractive in America because everyone there weighs 400lbs.

No. 398146

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My cutie patootie based feminzai GF. I wish unhinged women were more common in this world.

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No. 222273[Reply]

Anything you want or desire, the Universe will provide you with it.

Post about your manifestation journey, goals and successes.

Tips and advice are welcome!
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No. 396416

I will ace my test tomorrow, get my payslip and the cute guy at work will talk to me.
I deserve it because its my birthday month

No. 396613

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He'll be back, he'll give me another chance and we'll start a long term relationship

No. 397137

I hope that everything will work out with my relationship, and with returning to university.

No. 397166

I am finally out of debt. I have reached my goal weight. My skin is clear, my hair is long and healthy. I haven’t acted in a way I’m ashamed of for months, I’ve finally left that behind. I have passed my course. I am happy, peaceful, and fulfilled.

No. 398436

I'm so grateful that everything worked out for me in the end, even better than I expected it to. We're back together and better than ever, and when he explained himself and apologised I accepted it easily since it was clearly the truth, it was completely understandable and exactly what I wanted to hear. I'm soooo relieved. I easily let go of any and all feelings and thoughts of resentment or jealousy, and was immediately able to truly forgive and forget and leave the past in the past, especially since nothing really happened in the first place. All the worrying I did was for nothing, I had nothing to worry about; he was always true to me, and always will be. We're just like before except 10x better, he is truly obsessed with me again and worships the ground I walk on. I never feel insecure and I am finally able to overcome my trust issues and anxious attachment style. It is easy for me to accept that he is and always has been fully loyal to me and has only ever had eyes for me. Giving and receiving love is so natural and easy for me, and I am a great wife and girlfriend. We live together in our desired place, in our cute and cosy apartment that is close to both of our jobs. I love coming home from work and spending time with him everyday, and I love all the adorable things he says and does to show me how much he loves and cares about me. We're forever in the honeymoon phase and we're both so freaking happy together. It's crazy how fast all of this was resolved, when I look back I wonder why I was ever even concerned.

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No. 397103[Reply]

A thread for women who are chubby, overweight or plus sized (includes being tall/fat/"thick") that focuses on fashion, clothes, and healthy living. You can use this thread whenever you're trying to lose weight or are comfortable in your current one.

No. 397105

Some questions for nonnas to answer for fun
>Do you want to lose weight? Have you lost weight already?
>What's your fashion style like?
>Where do you buy clothes?
>Do you struggle with self image?
>What are your "problem areas" and how do you dress them?

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No. 62165[Reply]

Post loser ex-boyfriend (or ex-gf for gayfags) stories here.

>Online neckbeards you met in chatrooms at 15, that one autist you depression-dated when you had no self esteem and then couldn't shake off, the lanklet dude who played xbox all day and couldn't hold down a job and forgot your birthday. Vent or share funny stories ITT!
1152 posts and 156 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 397004

pure insanity. so glad you dumped him, jfc.

No. 397009

Your ex sounds like my current bf. I’m putting plans in place to leave him that won’t jeopardize myself or my safety since he’s prone to spergouts.

There’s so many of these fucking losers and I swear to god they all have the exact same personalities, kinks, hobbies, interests. It’s like a conveyor belt of cumbrain manchild losers that never stops getting churned out. Also jfl at his mom warning you, my bf’s mom did the same thing, albeit more subtly. She basically said her son needs ‘saving’ and that she couldn’t do it anymore but she wished me the best of luck with it. She didn’t even know about his degeneracy or disgusting habits or drug addiction though. If she knew she would disown him for sure.

Now that I think about it, my bf’s sisters, mom and past gfs would all frequently get angry at him.

When he relayed these stories to me he said every woman in his life was abusive towards him and he always made it seem like he was the victim without saying what he’d done wrong to provoke their anger (like his sister was such a big meanie for telling him to lull himself one time or his mom was mean for calling him an embarrassment, or how his ex gf was mean to him and treated him poorly) but now I see exactly why these women treated him like that. He deserved it.

I’ve learned that if a man has a history of pissing off all the women in his life then he’s likely a giant fucking asshole and you should take it as a red flag.

No. 397015

Best of luck, anon. Stay strong and don't try to feel pity for that manchild. Mine pulled out a suicide card, said he will find a job etc. You will feel better after dropping him. Hope you are safe but don't do as I did, that is actually explaining why you broke up and all that. Just block him everywhere. No contact his ass. Again, good luck.

No. 397024

So this is my situation right now
>busy with heavy college work pretty much everyday, I don't go out
>no time or energy for relationships, and not a big fan of sappy relationships
>childhood/teenage years ex boyfriend still in contact with me
>we begin seeing eachother again, we get along well but the problem and reason we originally broke up is he has a 'girl best friend'
>loves to talk about and show off that she is an instagram influencer, and studying med school, etc, or anything that he can find in her to show off
>he somehows finds (or makes up?) things that I have in common with her to come and tell me
>if not, he suddenly begins to talk about other 'girl friends' he has, that have things in common with me, example: ''oh my friend ___ dresses the same'' , ''oh my friend ____ listens to the same music and she's the biggest fan and even has merch'' (which, he was speaking of a musicican he knows I've been a huge fan since childhood)
>somehow they're always girls only??

I feel so exhausted comparing myself to her or any of his friends or whatever but for some reason I can't leave this guy

>gets tired in the middle of sex and and complains I don't do the heavy work

No. 397051

He sounds annoying for sure but you should also work on your insecurities and not let men get under your skin so much if they bring up other women.

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No. 360179[Reply]

Post women you find overrated or ugly when they're shilled as beautiful. Is it her awful personality shining through? Is it her weak bone-structure or weird thumb? Is it her PR team brain-washing the whole planet into worshiping her?

Lesbians, bi and straight women are all welcome to contribute!

Previous threads from oldest to latest.
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No. 397014

'wking' lmao. I’m well aware this isn’t libfem twitter, that’s why I’d expect that on a website that talks about men’s degeneracy on daily basis and on every board women would be aware of scrote’s nature instead of projecting their insecurities onto another women. What they’re doing is irrelevant, if you feel threatened by them, you are on losing position here.

No. 397032

Why are you defending e-whores on here?Newfag,go back to Twitter.I bet you scream misogyny whenever someone dares criticize women,low-IQ retard.

No. 397033

That tattoo is repulsive,AI-generated ass skank.

No. 397049

God shut up you self righteous retard

No. 397093

Again, where was I defending them? I didn’t mention misogyny anywhere. You are malding so hard you can’t even form a proper sentence kek.

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No. 394891[Reply]

A thread for butch lovers, by butch lovers.

>Post images of butches you find cute please

>Opinion on the terms butch? Masc?
>Vent for troonism within the community?
>History with butches or current crushes?
>Butch Lesbian Scene?
>Media with butches?
>Are you butch4butch, butch4femme, or butch4both?
>Are you stone, switch, or a bottom?
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No. 396813

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Thank you anons, your advice is very appreciated. I think I want to aim for what >>396462 mentioned. It looks similar to what I already wear and I'm afraid if I go for too big of a change I'll feel like I'm larping (I also just really hate formal wear). I think if I put more effort into finding and cultivating good pieces I could pull off a thrift bin moid sort of look. I already have some nice vintage shirts and shoes and my favorite current outfits look like picrel. I'm also gonna go through my wardrobe and get rid of anything that looks too much like a teenage boy would wear it.

I'll admit though I really don't know what the hell to do with my hair. I've got a pretty strong bone structure so I look best when you can see my forehead. My go-to has been a basic buzzcut or a short taper but it's boring as hell and I feel like it makes me look like I'm not trying. When I was younger I usually had an undercut or the dicaprio center part thing and I looked good but I wouldn't wear either style now lol.
Nta but anon you're a genius

No. 396823

Red Wing Iron Rangers go down to a women's size 5, as do Thursday Captains, as do Doc Martens which will be cheaper than either of those though admittedly way more casual.

No. 396919

If you can afford it, consider looking into designer children's footwear. They tend to have more on the formal side of things. Look secondhand too. Doc Martens have unisex styles in smaller sizes and are also abundant secondhand.

No. 397036

This is a shot in the dark, but any other mums in here? Motherhood has been the most rewarding chapter of my life so far, no doubt about it. But doing this as a butch? Hoo boy, straight people really do be testing my patience with this shit.

No. 397041

I hope this is the right place to ask, but as a femme, how can I let butches know I’m into them, also.. where to meet butches? I’ve tried dating apps and it’s so rare to meet butches on there/ or they’re butch4butch.

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No. 378181[Reply]

Not everyone can be beautiful, and for some, even "average" is out of reach. If that sounds like you, how are you coping in this looks-obsessed world?

I'm reviving this thread series since the last one has long since closed and I think it's a topic a lot of women could use a place to vent about.

Previous thread: >>>/g/114320
133 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 396414

The route of female body dysmorphia is knowing how much your looks will destroy your dating prospects. When you stop caring about moids in any capacity, then you stop caring so much about the way you look and you can be free. Looks are the only thing that men care about from women and i don't think anyone should settle for a moid who doesn't think they are hot as fuck without engaging in expensive beauty rituals.

No. 396464

This is just not true. Body dysmorphia is way more complicated than just being afraid no one wants to date you. For me at least, it's anxiety that no one will value you in any capacity- as a friend, as a family member, as a coworker, etc. because you are shamefully ugly. It's anxiety about going outside and having every single passing stranger judge you and think you're revolting. I wish it was a simple as just learning to not care about what moids think.

No. 396618

Not really true I feel very insecure in front of other women too, not just men

No. 396627

I’m definitely still well below average in looks, but something I was not expecting at all was that aging is actually making my face look a lot better and less weird. I’m 25 and I feel like I’ve finally arrived at my “full adult” face, no more of the teenagery look, it looks less soft and more defined in a subtle way I can’t put my finger on. I have the first hints of smile lines, which on one level disturbs me because I’m not used to having any permanent lines in my skin, but on another level I kind of think they suit me somehow. It’s weird to look in the mirror and finally think “oh, that’s a fully grown woman” and not a kid, so that’s something I’m getting used to. But I think woman-me looks… more purposefully sculpted, like my features (while still not beautiful) seem to go together as a set now whereas before they seemed like random aimless letters floating in an bowl of alphabet soup. I’m probably not making any sense kek

No. 396658

like other anons said, it's not always about men or dating. Ime most people who called me ugly were other women and family members.

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No. 275449[Reply]

Post your experiences and future plans – have you had plastic surgery? Would you like to get anything done? Tell us about it.

Old thread: >>203731
1201 posts and 175 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 396688


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 396741

This. Women don’t bash each other’s vaginal appearance, only scrotes do that. Labiaplasty is barbaric on par with female circumcision, and the end goal is always to appease moids visual preferences. Unless your labia are hanging down so low they’re literally getting caught in things or you’re tripping over them, there’s no need to cut them off. You’ll never see men electing to get surgery or laser treatment on their disgusting ugly wrinkly ballsacks.

No. 396983

I have gotten labiaplasty (on one side) like 7 years ago and it was one of the best decisions i made. In my case they were very asymmetrical and it could get uncomfortable when i was wearing tights. i remember i had to fix „it“ often when i was on a walk. during sex one side sort of swallowed the other and it could get painful if i didn‘t „fix it“. of course i also didn‘t like what it looked like. now they still stick out but i just notice how much when i shave my pubes. it doesn‘t look super pretty but at least somewhat symmetrical (the doctor said 100% wouldn‘t be possible but i didn‘t expect it anyways, some asymmetry is natural) and they never bother me or stick out when i‘m not spreading my vagina. i wish i would have done it sooner and spare me a lot of mental stress.

penis enlargement is getting quite popular where i live, it‘s possible to pull it out 2-4cm and i assume that filler is also getting more popular. i don‘t mind them being under similar pressure like women, that‘s the only aspect about korean ps culture that i like. we should even encourage them more kek

No. 397142

>women don’t bash each others labia
May I introduce you to the Shayna thread

No. 398402

Okay so it’s officially been about a week.

Right after surgery, my friend drove me back to my apartment. The Demerol and pain meds wore off, and the pain was…very bad. I have a low pain tolerance so maybe I was being a baby about it, but I took some of the oxy given to me because the OTC stuff did fuck all.

Just fyi to people who are like me and have little to no experience with pain medication…you definitely feel it the day after. And quite possibly the day after that, too. I only took the pain meds the day of the surgery, but the effects were very similar to the meds given to me following my wisdom tooth removal a few years ago. Just super dizzy and nauseous.

Okay onto the week. Every day the swelling and discomfort has decreased. The stitches are dissolvable and a few have fallen off on their own, although most are still intact. I’ve felt the most discomfort while driving and sitting for long periods of time. I haven’t bled at all. I’ve also been using this postpartum numbing spray every other day to avoid the itching that is caused by everything healing. My doctor said to use the spray very sparingly though so I’ll quit using it soon. I had some bruising. I started taking little arnica tablets but idk if that’s had an effects. For soap, I use this antibacterial stuff that comes in a teal bottle and only wash the outside, not the mucosa.

I really like how it looks so far. I don’t regret it at all. I wish I’d just done it sooner. For the people that said I’m approaching this as a “lib fem” - lmfao. When did I ever say that I am immune to societal pressure? This is a plastic surgery thread. Like it or not, most people get things done due to external forces, and a lot of us aren’t in situations where we literally need to go under the knife because of a deformity or disfigurement or wtvr. I think like 99% of most elective procedures are due to caving to beauty standards rather than it ever being “for yourself”.

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