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No. 1995264[Reply]

art-chan will be vindicated edition

759 posts and 73 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2005900

They have a nice climate and so they don't feel the need to sell their soul for views and clicks. Instead of doing that they just go see a koala or swim in the ocean, etc., Australia is like a sort of 5D heaven

No. 2005902

>pleasant tobacco

No. 2005926

>t. aussiefag

No. 2005930

damn, this is the second time an employer blocks npr from me lol, damn republicans

No. 2005936

Is being a sex worker inherently being a pickme because you live off male approval?

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No. 1930878[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/ot/1811472

A thread for sharing things that are too nasty to discuss in polite company, aka TMI (Too Much Information). Do you have a weird habit? An embarrassing health issue? Just want to admit something gross? Feel free to post it here.

Things could get unsightly in here, so remember– the hide button on threads is there for a reason.
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No. 2005853

Infections do cause a fishy odor, and if she's leaving a smell behind there's a decent chance it's BV. It could also be that she isn't washing properly. This is a embarrassing to admit, but I used to get a fishy odor because I didn't realize you also need to scrub the lips and the mons pubis/anywhere where pubes grow. Only realized once I got professionally tested for infections and had perfect results. It could be that she notices but doesn't know how to fix it.
I'm assuming by you calling her your dormmate that you guys aren't close enough for you to bring it up just as a friend looking out?

No. 2005873

I googled it and apparently the hormones in 1 dose are equal to like 50 mini pills which fucked me up badly. Ugh great now I'm going to be schizo for months

No. 2005876

Yeah, we aren’t really close like that, we just live together and attend the same school. It’d be rude for me, someone who’s a stranger, to give her vaginal advice. But it’s so bad. I just went to the bathroom and it was eye watering. There’s only one bathroom in the dorm too, I hate it here.

No. 2005880

you probably should tell her that even though you aren't friends youre concerned because the smell is so extreme. maybe bring a friend so they can vouch that they smell it too? just be super gentle about it

No. 2005896

I masturbate so rarely that when I actually tried to yesterday, I came after reading the title of the erotica I tried to browse. This is honestly kinda a new low.

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No. 2000171[Reply]

follow board rules
don't reply to bait

previous thread >>>/ot/1990478
635 posts and 111 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2005882

I'm no muslim or even an arabian. I'm not even offended by your anger at those wannabe-Stacy bitches. Shit, as wild as I get in here, even I know better than to act like a disrespectful fool IRL like your bully did. I was just looking at your poetic way of insulting her.

No. 2005883

Kek sorry anon I'm just so angry, if they do or say something to me that's one thing but don't touch my friends.

No. 2005887

AYRT sorry I deleted my comment because of a typo. But nah, you're not wrong for being mad at them. They were out of line, not you.

No. 2005890

Thank you nonna, idk how you can be over 20 and still act like that. I guess they only make themselves look stupid in the long run but it's just depressing, back then I always thought they would be ashamed of their behavior in a few years but I guess some people just don't want to change.

No. 2005893

Should have smacked her upside the head when she passed by. Say something like "Oops, I have autism and tourettes. I was triggered." Fuck em.

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No. 1951096[Reply]

Can't remember where you saw that thing? Want to know the name of someone? Ask here.

If you're not searching for something specific, try the request thread >>>/ot/1343869

Previous threads:
#1 - >>>/ot/861432
#2 - >>>/ot/1068958
#3 - >>>/ot/1288369
#4 - >>>/ot/1561582
242 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2005415

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I couldn't find the original, but here's a re-interpretation by an artist I really like

No. 2005642

Mythical creature or similar that can only turn left? It's evil, possibly someone built a maze so it couldn't get to the middle??? Pls help

No. 2005789

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All I can think of is a minotaur due to the maze aspect
could it be this? I think you're talking about a sphinx

No. 2005793

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No. 2005892

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Hours of searching and 50+ artists later, this is the only remotely similar thing that fits the description you gave. I was initially thinking that maybe you had H. Bosch in mind, but he doesn't have any mythology art, just jesus shit. I'm incredibly invested now someone find the pic nonny has in mind, I've sunk way too much time and effort into this

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No. 2002950[Reply]

thread rules:
>no racebait
>no infighting, be nice to each other
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching

previous thread: >>1989451
406 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2005870

Nta but it's pretty obvious the anon means girls are way less likely to pick up on that crap. With girls, girls get held accountable for EVERYTHING, if they're abused by their partners it's their fault, not being successful or as successful, being a mom (or not), etc etc. even if you do a sloppy job at raising your daughter the rest of the world will kick her in the ass holding her accountable for everything so women are forced to tiptoe around a bunch of insane requirements for women.

Men on the other hand? Anything he does wrong it's immediately questioned how his mother or gf treated him, they're held to way less standards too. They can drive a crappy little shitbox and live in a trailer in the boonies and make next to nothing as a carpenter and it's "well at least he has a job, place, car and food" . You even see it now where low paying moid dominated professions are respected and considered successful, low paying female dominated professions are considered stupid, useless and not full potential. People nitpick women's cars (ooo Nissan Altima are thot cars, Honda drivers are toxic women, etc) and don't even get me started about how bad they'll judge women who live in low income housing or trailers

No. 2005871

i was nodding my head until you ended the paragraph with car talk and now i'm just confused

No. 2005874

NTA but that was obviously a joke. The autism on this website is just…

No. 2005879

It was an example of how people nitpick women's goals, accomplishments, belongings, etc where as if men do the same thing it's "well at least he ___ so he's good"

I used cars since a lot of people will rip apart women's cars and assume personality types for some reason (?) depending on the car she has, where as I noticed with moids it's always "well at least he has a car that's something"

No. 2005894

They think boys are easier to raise because they just let males do whatever they want which is why parents don’t notice their little school shooter building bombs and shit in the garage. they’re more strict on girls because they’re scared they’re gonna be sluts.

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No. 2003994[Reply]

return of the nun edition

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No. 2005429

i'm guilty of that too

No. 2005672

It's so humiliating to have attractions to irl men because i remember how utterly unattractive i am to men and that there are more attractive women who will lust over the most unconventional men who are the subject of my attraction and i could never have a chance with similar men. I am blessed i only get crushes once in a blue moon and it's not any that are in my life so i can can forget about them and get over it in a swift pace. I feel like the only way to cope with this is to never date and remain celibate because i have no chance at all and i don't need to feel this pain every day of my life when i have other things to do that are more important.

No. 2005716

Losing weight and getting healthy didn't do shit for my wellbeing. I lost who I was when I was bigger and less concerned about what I put in my gullet. I feel lied to by everyone who told me I would feel so much better. Great. I have a healthy body and now a completely broken mind. A healthy body and suicidal thoughts. A healthy body, for what? So I can live longer? I don't even want to live. Life is so boring and mundane. I'm tired of hikes. I'm tired of workouts. Tired of cooking. All these things I used to love when I was bigger, now I just find them useless and bland. I used to love cooking dinners for my friends and family, now they all make jokes that I never invite them over or make dinner when I'm visiting. I'm so close to just snapping after years of hard work. What's the point? I hate it here.

No. 2005865

I masturbated to a single picture so much it pavlov'd me into getting wet every time I saw it

No. 2005885

Are you still at a calorie deficit? The brain can't make the base chains of the various happy chemicals without a certain level of cholesterol/fats in the daily diet. Before you make any drastic changes, I would try adding more omega 3 fats and vitamin D into your diet for a week to see if it helps.

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No. 1839828[Reply]

Featuring the Hindu cow goddess Kamadhenu

Have you found out that if you express anything about a cow inside their thread you get banned or dunked on? Well this is the thread for you!

Do you want to rant about how much you hate a cow without disrupting the thread? Go ahead!
Do you want to sympathize with the cow and talk about how it's not too late to change? Do it sister!
Do you want to talk about your life (blogpost) and compare it to the cow in question? Here's the place?
Express yourself etc. Have fun!

Post your pessimistic, optimistic, negative, controversial, rude, or relatable takes.

(Also this is not a thread to complain about threads, bans, or mods, do that on /meta/. However you can complain about the fanbase of the cow or the people who dislike the cow here.)

Previous thread: >>1539480
518 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2005823

I can't for the life recall her name and I can't find her thread. But the cosplayer who just never improves. She was the reason I kept coming back to /cgl/, and moved to lolcow along with the drama threads.

No matter how often she's done something, like make a prop, it's the same "poop brooch" pile of badly painted clay every single time. I love it. I do wonder what she's up to now, her thread did slowly die.

No. 2005831

I think nitpicking cows is funny over stuff like their appearance, spending habits, food, relationships, etc but it’s annoying when they do it over mental illness like no X does not in fact have autism BPD NPD for xyz reason please stop it’s annoying. Just call them a stuck up bitch instead of armchairing

I also don’t think Jojo Siwa deserves the hate she gets, if she were a man she would not get 1/3 of the vitriol

I also think most social media “influencers” and youtubers are slightly milky, the non milky ones are either smart enough to not talk about their problems online, or to monetize their complaining (like rage bait) Trish Paytas style.

No. 2005854

I agree, because sometimes a cow is just a shitty person without mental illness. Being a self centered bitch who plays victim for attention is a way different beast than actual NPD.

No. 2005858

kek Asherbee

No. 2005895

It does. I'm embarrassed for the users who still use it.

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No. 1933446[Reply]

God Bless America
Previous thread: >>>/ot/1733300
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No. 2005837

ugh i'm glad political suicide is becoming more popular, the less retards the better

No. 2005842

So it's unlikely that God impregnated a young girl to create a half God baby, so the father was definitely human. I mean, best case scenario, she was having consensual sex at twelve. More likely, considering their attitudes towards premarital sex, she was raped and lied to avoid being murdered.
I always did like Joseph in that story though. In all the versions I've read, it always mentions that when he found out his bride to be was pregnant, he tried to decline the marriage quietly on the down low, so as not to bring attention to her assumed adultery.

No. 2005856

NTAYRT but i think it is as simple as God impregnating Mary immaculately? i mean why else would Gabriel have visited her and told her what was going on if she just did a pump and dump then went to Joseph?

No. 2005878

So obviously most of the biblical stories we have are oral stories that were written down hundreds of years after they were made up, but some of the earliest versions we have describe her as actually having sex with the archangel Gabriel, with him being an intermediary for God's sperm.
But you may also be confusing the term "immaculate conception" which doesn't describe Jesus's conception at all, but describes Mary's conception because she was born as the perfect vessel for Jesus since she was born without original sin.

No. 2005923

Good thing Gabriel was in the archangel and not a fucking throne or cherub

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No. 1923084[Reply]

Screech into the oblivion. A place to say how you really feel without other people feeling entitled to give you shit for it.

>Don't respond to other people's rants. It's not about you, you vain bitch.

>Don't reply to the anon above you with a vague comment either. Even if you don't directly quote their post, you will be banned.
>Newfags please follow this rule and integrate. You will be reported if you insist on responding to other's posts. Previous threads had anons banned because of this.
>Not everything is about you. Stop schizofoiling.
>Don't forget to copy paste the OP onto the new thread.

Previous >>>/ot/1747132
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No. 2005436

same anon, idk why I put job in quotes, I was just being a jealous bitch there tbh.

No. 2005487

I see that I still live rent free in your mind over two years later. Get over it, sweetheart, oh wait, you're incapable of letting things go

No. 2005571

not toothless and sniffer being in the most hateful polycule i’ve ever seen

No. 2005586

i am the only attractive woman he has ever touched and it was against my will. seeing him fail in every aspect of his life, from relationships to his career is a small consolation. i hope all of his hair falls out next.

No. 2005818

So low effort it’s equivalent to posting stick figures.

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No. 1581752[Reply]

Another round of asking anons questions and having them reply to it.

>What's your favorite fruit?
The anon below will reply with
>Who was your rolemodel growing up?
>Ayuzawa Misaki

Have fun.

923 posts and 150 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2005680

No. That’s stupid

No. 2005791

What’s your least favourite chore? For me it’s a toss up between hand washing dishes and folding laundry.

No. 2005797

Dishes definitely just because of the sheer frequency in which you do them. It's even worse when you cook a meal for multiple people and then have to wash 800 different plates, pots, and utensils.

No. 2005804

Dishes because it's too much work, and my shoulder blades hurt after it. And it actually started to age my hands.

No. 2005807

It's dishes and laundry for me too. Idk about anyone else, but when I do dishes I get water everywhere and I always end up needing to change my shirt

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