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No. 1553987[Reply]

Discuss dreams/nightmares you've had, recurring themes or symbols, lucid dreams, your interpretations of other anons' dreams, etc.

previous thread >>>/ot/932175
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No. 1994340

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I had a dream where i was at the stage at a comedy club like seinfeld, everyone was already laughing so i assume i spoutted some bangers before, but all i remember is this single joke that goes like this
''what do dinosaurs listen to?….THE OLDIES'' and then everyone started laughing super hard and i woke up snort laughing

No. 1998531

I had a dream I had made a video game but was cheering the system by making a kickstarter as if only the demo existed but all the rewards were unhinged and stupid like
>a single sock with the character on it just the one, no duplicates
>a VHS copy of the opening cinematic
>a sheep sculpture I picked up from a thrift store and painted like a character (all the characters were normal humans)
>a spool of thread in a random color with a googly eye glued to it
>a strategy guide to some other completely unrelated game
>a box full of dead termites in liquid soap
It was so funny and weird

No. 2001359

dreamed that I walked into my bfs house and he had all my journals spread in front of him, reading them and crying. I screamed at him then also started crying because I felt bad, then my dream father who was dressed as Hook from the movie Hook (1991) walked in and rubbed my back and said “there are no bad guys. there only only the things all around us”

No. 2002015

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Dreamt that picrel rawdogged me and ate me out. Note that I haven't watched TWD in a long time and never considered myself a fan of this guy…

No. 2002052

What the hell

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No. 410647[Reply]

I was inspired by the subreddit. This is a thread to ask other anons if you're being the asshole in a particular situation or if you're in the right.

>there's a cat that always chills around the neighborhood

>no collar or any indicator he belonged to anyone
>always coming up to me demanding affection
>took him in assuming he's a stray
>get him collar and stop letting him outside
>after a week start seeing missing posters with a cat that's most likely him in them
>ignore them, telling myself it's not
>his owner contacts me on Facebook a few months later saying she thinks it's her cat and that she wants it back (apparently a neighbor tipped her off that I might have him because she saw him through the window)
>I lie and tell her I've had him for longer than her cat's been missing and there's no way they're the same cat

I feel bad, but who the fuck let's their cat be outdoors in an area filled with fisher cats, dog breeds known for being predatorial toward cars, heavy traffic, and doesn't even put a collar/name tag on them? Not only are this cat and I super bonded at this point, but I would genuinely worry about his safety going back to someone who lacks this much common sense.
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No. 660862


I wonder about you sometimes, anon. You may fold under questioning.

No. 660950

I wonder what became of cat thief OP? Or fat bridal party anon?

No. 2001979

>be me
>autistic (not diagnosed i just have poor social skills)
>boss comes into office
>we're talking about work stuff
>she randomly goes "you can call me mom, you know?"
>smile, laugh it off
>five seconds later:
>"haha anon you failed the test! you were supposed to say there's no WAY i can be your mom because i'm only 30! :)"
>laugh that off too, shake my head, go back to discussing work
aita for not immediately saying "yeah you look 30?" i mean i think she does but i just couldn't think of that right then, i thought we were just fooling

No. 2001984

you’re overthinking it. I think she was just making a joke, don’t worry nona

No. 2001985

No that’s insane, I wouldn’t have gotten that either, I would have taken that as she’s the office mom or a caring person or something, not literally your mother. Actually maybe she’s the autistic one.

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No. 1813019[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>986511

Talk about Trudeau, Timbits and the Trailer Park Boys! True North, strong and free!

>Favourite parts of Canada?

>Hated parts of Canada?
>Best/Worst food?
>Best/Worst of culture?
>hottest men/women of Canada?

Remember, play nice!
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No. 1998290


No. 1998852

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Was anyone able to see the northern lights last night? It was my first time seeing them, I usually always sleep through them. They were gorgeous

No. 1999009

Because it's a "post-national" country now.

No. 2001942

Real talk, anyone know where tornono men sound like that? Not the accent, the faggot, high ass voices they got, it's nasty

No. 2001962

It's the fake "gangsta" accent they put on. It sounds similar to the type you might here in Indo-Caribbean communities in central London, UK (things like wasteman, yute, bombaclat, etc.). A lot of "Toronto mans" slang derives from Caribbean slang and attempted pronunciations, but butchered through a Canadian accent amalgamated with the accents of hundreds of different ethnicities linguistic quirks from the non-integrative members of Toronto's cosmopolitan population. It's mostly Americanized middle class kids from the suburbs that wanna be "gangsta" that try and put on this specific speech pattern. Hope my explanation suffices.

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No. 2001835[Reply]

aita thread. let anons decide whether or not you were an asshole today(use the catalog/low effort OP)

No. 2001837

We already have this thread somewhere in the catalog. Shit OP too

No. 2001867

Reviving old threads is not against the rules in /ot/, so use the catalog next time:

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No. 282026[Reply]

I hate MLM's so much.

I have a friend who sells Young Living and she swears up and down that it isn't a scam with her "proof" articles from Pubmed but she has totally fallen for it.

She makes 600 dollars a month from it so I guess that's something but she basically bases her entire Facebook posts around it and just looks like a complete shill.

>Post your own personal MLM stories about yourself or someone you know

>How to convince your friends/family to avoid the scams
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No. 672090

>Saging because long personal story.
I knew this MLM hun who sold LuLaRoe and never liked her much but she was in my greater social circle. Just acquaintences for a couple years.
Then one day my husband suddenly has a seizure and is rushed to the hospital. Long story short, he has glioblastoma (fast-moving, incurable brain cancer) and needs emergency brain surgery.
He’s in the hospital for two weeks and I tell our friends what happened so they can come visit him.
The LuLaRoe bitch - without asking me - sets up a big LuLaRoe sale in her shop UNDER HIS NAME to “fundraise” a small percentage of the sales for him. I didn’t like this at all, because my husband and I both think LuLaRoe is a horrible company and don’t want any association with it. We certainly don’t want our family tragedy used as a sales strategy for LuLaRoe!
I didn’t want to start shit with her, and this was the day after his surgery when he’s still in the ICU, so I just politely asked if she could at least link our gofundme fundraising link on any page where she’s using my husband’s name to sell things. She was like “yeah :) sure! that’s fine!” and continued plastering my husband’s name all over her LuLaRoe social media.
Six months later, it occurs to me we’ve never seen a penny from this. I politely hit her up and ask her about the money. No response. I wait a week and hit her up again. No response again, and then she blocks me. I say “fuck it” and contact LuLaRoe corporate to ask what happened to the money that was allegedly being raised while she used my husband’s name and illness to sell shitty leggings.
I get no response from corporate but then the hun unblocks me and sends me this rage-filled message about HOW DARE I contact corporate and rat her out for ripping me off blah blah blah. At the end of the email, she explains that she decided not to give the proceeds of the fundraiser to us because I “didn’t sound very grateful” when she told me about the fundraiser.
This. Fucking. Bitch. The AUDACITY!
The day after my husband had brain surgery and was still in the ICU, she told us that she set up a LuLaRoe sale in his name using his illness for pity points, even though we already had our own fundraising, and then she has the nerve to claim I’m not grateful enough when she tells me?! The day she told me was right after his emergency brain surgery, when we still didn’t know if he’d ever walk again, and I still tried to be graciPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 672107


Wow I’m sorry I didn’t realize my comment was so long when I rage-typed it out. Also I probably should have spaced between the paragraphs.


>LuLaRo seller uses my family’s tragedy to sell MLM shit under the guise “fundraiser” for us without asking our permission first.
>She started using my husband’s name to sell shit in her store as soon as she found out about his illness and before he even regained consciousness after emergency surgery.
>Then she decided not to give us any of the money she fundraised under his name, because we didn’t sound grateful enough when she told us about her fundraiser.

No. 2001712

Would you call Dropshipping Advertisers and other "Financial Guru's" MLMs? They operate pretty similarly.

No. 2001736

Do you have an example?

No. 2001745

There are literally too many kek. I'm talking about the kind of guys that pops up on youtube ads everytime you watch something on finances. Their whole shtick is earning money by selling poor people their overprices guides on how to earn money with ecommerce (which happens to be 90% googleable material kek) and making delusional promises of the amount of money one earns. Usually they also have some kind of "community" element like a discord or a whatsapp group or whatever.

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No. 391065[Reply]

Society values the youth. Any time a young person does something does some considered exceptional for their age it's all over the media. Even online there are amazing artists that have only entered their teens. Seeing this can make anyone feel insecure about their age and what they've accomplished. I see it on here all the time, and it would be a lie if I said I didn't have those feelings.

Your potential doesn't diminish at the age of 25 and it certainly doesn't extinguish itself at the rip old age of 30. Use this thread to collect, document and discussion people that accomplished goal and/or became successful at a later age from what we see. When those exposes is asymmetrical toward those younger, it makes us feel it if you can't young it doesn't exist. Well, /that's not true/. We'll never get younger, only older. So, it's best we realise that /our life isn't over/ and we have decades left to live. Do something you enjoy and be proud of it. We can go it sisters.

First example is this BAD ASS, right here. Her name is Mary Hobson.
>She learned Russian at 56, as you felt she wouldn't be able to fully understand "War and Peace" if you didn't read it in Tolstoy's original text.
>When to Uni at 62
>Finished in PhD at 74
>In Russia is now considered one o the preeminent scholars of Pushkin.

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No. 664100

I know everyone loves to shit on Jk Rowling right now and about how Harry Potter wasn’t that good, but it was a series for children and it meant a lot to me as a little kid. I didn’t carry that obsession into adulthood but I think it helped a lot of children in hopeless positions, the escape was important to me in second grade through sixth. Her growth and personal challenges are still very inspiring to me, and although she can be quite a cow at times (so many authors are lbr) I hate watching her get dogpiled because of her views on womanhood. It kind of scares me, like what are we eventually coming to? I don’t want to be a slave to other peoples delusions and roleplaying socially, kind of frightening to think about. Anyways end rant I’m just very thankful for how HP helped me as a child,

You aren’t going to gatekeep threads, stop with the waaah I only come to this thread because you’re all meanies shit.

No. 667583


It's only people with her level of money that CAN speak their mind. If anyone else did they would be fired and get tupperware full of shit mailed to them.

No. 668693

>>664100 "Views on womanhood" lmao. It's a scientific fact that everyone knows to be true, but is denying to remain employed. It's tyranny.

And they have been… fired, harassed, physically assaulted. Normal non-rich women are the ones who have hit back and paid the price.

Rich, 'edgy' British male comedians, celeb scientists, journalists, etc whose whole shtick was they, and they alone, have the bravery to speak the troof… are now keeping quiet about the backlash on female sex based rights/science denialism to carry on making bank and remain popular on chat-show circuits lmao.

They are such fucking cowards. It's especially infuriating to me, as women are often smeared as morally-weak, social conformists, without much evidence. Why aren't these blokes getting called out?

Dawkins will go for suburban mothers and their tarot cards, but not delusional, bat-wielding raping troons. This is what he had to say…

"Is trans woman a woman? Purely semantic. If you define by chromosomes, no. If by self-identification, yes. I call her "she" out of courtesy."

No. 668696

Bumping the thread to rant about celebs being cowards for wanting to keep their careers and not deal with the complete cyber-exile that comes with denying AGPs? Tbh I don’t blame any of them.

No. 2001727

Bumping this thread because I loved it.

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No. 666545[Reply]

Your boss requests that you to help train a new employee. You are surprised to be introduced to your favorite cow, and they are now shadowing you at work. Who is it and why? How do you treat them? What do you do? Do you post about it? Do you consider taking them under your wing and try to help them, or do you sweat and tremble with excitement at the thought of getting a few creepshots in so you can post to their thread as soon as you think they’ll inevitably ragequit? Could you handle the cow or would it be unbearable?

Oh, and for NEETS: Your favorite cow marries into your family. You are expected to be cordial and treat them with respect, they come over for dinner and get togethers. They like to sit next to you at birthday parties and the family reunion. What do?
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No. 666704

I'm finally stable on the right medication and got a job at walmart. I'm doing so well, my skin is glowing, my hair is healthy and long. There is a really nice friendly tattooed face girl named Abby on my smoke breaks. She is so loud and bubbly and fun and exciting! She said I'm her best friend now. We are going to have a photo shoot next week, she is going to do my hair and introduce me to some kewl emo bois. Excited for my new chapter in life with this cool chick.

No. 666963

It’s for fun don’t make it autistic

No. 667149

> be a bartender at high end strip club
> enter Shayna as my new barback
> dressed entirely inappropriate
> grease stained, pink sweater bulging at its seams
> dirty uggs
> "our uniform is black slacks and a black dress shirt. You better show up in that tomorrow"
> she's tweeting about ~thriving~ and lying about being one of the dancers
> "Shay, it's saturday and busy go wash these glasses"
> tweets more about girls jealous of her being a SWer
> end up scrambling around the bar to do everything
> Shay pockets tips meant for me
> lose her for 30 minutes
> find her in the dressing room for the dancers where she's making public masturbation videos
> fucking lose it and tell her to get back to the bar and go cut some limes for me
> How the fuck did Jason get here from Tulsa
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No. 667150

kek. I just read this and I'm this anon>>667149

No. 2001722

I would unironically become friends with her and fix her.

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No. 660000[Reply]

Do you believe in it?
Are you a "witch"?
Do you collect crystals, do spells, and believe tarot, or any of those neo-pagan stuff?
Or do you think witchcraft is something to take more seriously?
Do you have any stories about witchcraft, brujas, rithuals, shamans, and the like?
Is "witch" a female-only term? What do you think about the story of witchcraft and women?
Post everything related to this here. It doesn't matter if your only experience is playing with a ouija board in 7th grade, just discuss.
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No. 2000691

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i've partially unintentionally done this before, it is definitely something you can do. i had to develop a really solid understanding of my deity before he started showing up in my life, though. deciding the details of how he would behave, function, correspondences, etc. i actually find him super annoying and irritating the only love i have for him is like that of a mother who loves her son but is disappointed that he turned out gay. looking into servitors or chaos magic might help you out here.
have you tried using tarot cards? it is very easy to design a simple, effective ritual and you can get really creative with it. if i had to suggest any cards, maybe five of swords or page of swords? i just finished reading picrel, you can find it free. all you have to do is choose a card that corresponds with your intentions, raise energy, and seal that energy into the card. i hope things improve for you both

No. 2000859

that reminds me of egregores

No. 2001696

I need help. What are the signs of a spiritual attack occurring and how do I stop it?
A friend of mine has recently died under weird/unknown circumstances. Normally I wouldn't be concerned with someone coming after me because of a death, but this time I can feel a presence/many of them, and the synchronicities are getting much, much more apparent lately. She was also a little similar to me.
Also, would doing things that she liked/enjoyed make me more of a target, because of resemblance/attraction?

No. 2001706

spiritual attacks that lead to death are incredibly rare. it is possible for someone to be cursed to become sick/diseased or get into lethal accidents but i’m just certain your friend had underlying illnesses that unfortunately caused her death, it’s better to seek mundane answers over the fantastical or it will just drive you completely nuts. when you’re under stress or experiencing low energy or negative emotions that’s when those entities start to take advantage of your situations and make you more worried than you need to be, so just set up basic protections and commit to your regular spiritual hygiene. cord cut if necessary

No. 2002094

Ah, yes, someone with the power to influence an innocent adjacent to you to die in order to emotionally attack you. Not that their power would be such that they could just harm you directly. Makes sense.

Anon, you're traumatized and grieving and you're finding patterns in nonsense to cope with the loss.

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No. 644998[Reply]

Have you ever told a fib and found yourself caught in a web of lies?
How far did you let it go and did you end up getting away with it?
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No. 656893

No, but my mother controls my money to limit my spending habits so I don’t go overboard.

No. 659188

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Same. I find that I can only be honest on places like this.

No. 660071

I relate to your post a lot anon, hang in there

No. 2001657

When I was a teen, I faked going to math tutoring.

No. 2001703

when i was in elementary school we had to do book study of whatever book we wanted, i picked ella enchanted because the movie had just came out and i didnt want to read it so i just used the movie to do all my homework assignments. my teacher caught on and told my parents and i felt so bad about lying i decided i didnt deserve a comfy bed so i slept on the floor kek

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No. 657905[Reply]

What has been the highest point in your life?
Are you living through it?
Are you doing something to achieve it?
What's something you're very proud of?
What's the happiest memory you can recall?
How do you imagine yourself in the future, what would your highest point in your life be like?

Share the highest point in your life. It can be from a silly happy memory ("I got icecream with my dad and felt happy") to a very cool achievement ("I won a medal in sports", "I lost a ton of weight"), to your dreams and hopes for the future, or your lifestyle (how to maintain that high point), etc.
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No. 660077

Yeah I was a really bad case of a bratty teen and it didn't help that I blindly believed everything on Reddit. Reddit is terrible for such impressionable teens and it sucks that subreddit taught me how to "grey-rock", it stunted my growth in expressing myself to everyone since I kept practicing it at home.

I wish I found a middle ground support group online because everything is so black and white for family support online and causes you to believe you have the same severity as everyone else.

I found that opening to family helps and makes your at home life so much better! I hope your sister will learn to open up to your parents as well, maybe outside influences are discouraging her but only time will tell.

No. 660248

>What has been the highest point in your life?
2017, my best year of college
>Are you doing something to achieve it?
I don't have energy to do anything worthwhile. I think may be depressed, but idk.
>What's something you're very proud of?
Getting into the best uni of my country.
>What's the happiest memory you can recall?
Dating for the first time?
>How do you imagine yourself in the future, what would your highest point in your life be like?
I don't imagine anything. I don't know what I want. Maybe getting really thin and having my own place? There's nothing that really excites me.

No. 660345

>I found that opening to family helps and makes your at home life so much better!
Or they criticize you even more and tell you to shut up

No. 2001678

It's kind of pathetic, but mine was discovering that Hatsune Miku was in fact real. I don't think I've ever been as happy as I was the night I got to scream out the lyrics of my favorite weeb songs that accompanied me through all of my teenage years, together with hundreds of other people who felt the same. It was magical for me.

No. 2001708

I think the highest point of my life was being 6 and it's all been downhill since.

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