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No. 1930878[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/ot/1811472

A thread for sharing things that are too nasty to discuss in polite company, aka TMI (Too Much Information). Do you have a weird habit? An embarrassing health issue? Just want to admit something gross? Feel free to post it here.

Things could get unsightly in here, so remember– the hide button on threads is there for a reason.
502 posts and 33 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2005954

That's good news anon! I forget electrical problems can smell like fish

No. 2005956

Tbf, anons roommate probably thought it was anon's pussy who smelled like fish. I hate to say it but if I go into the bathroom after someone and it stinks, I also would assume they have health or hygiene issues.

No. 2005970

Why do digested mung bean sprouts look like tapeworms? I had a fucking heart attack after taking a dump before remembering what I ate yesterday

No. 2006011

I popped a pimple on my vulva and it was super satisfying. It was one where the sebum was solidified but not a full blackhead.

No. 2006022

do you feel better now nonna

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No. 1506368[Reply]

Share men's brainlet takes on anything women related
571 posts and 130 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2005925

White supremacists should really be called white inferiorists because they are always either brown people, ugly Asians (like Ian Miles Cheong) or the lowest quality, most dysgenic white people with intense inferiority complexes they feel a need to "make up for". Saw a drawing by a Hispanic woman of a brown-eyed girl in a Nazi costume clawing at her eyes to make them blue. Shit's insane.

No. 2005993

Men think women want to be raped because they want to be raped. Men think all women are secretly whores and sluts because they want to be whores and sluts. Men think women have some deeply secret hidden agenda because they are always lying and manipulating everyone around them for petty reasons. Men think women like sexual violence because they like sexual violence. Men think women are asking for it because they desperately want to dish it out.

No. 2006008

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Autistic moids always think autistic women have it easier just because some women are able to have boyfriends and social groups, as if there aren't autistic men capable of doing the same thing. I used to feel offended at the idea that maybe it's bad to tell people they are neurodivergent, but with moids, unless they are very low functioning, telling them they have stuff like adhd or autism is something they can use for their victim complex. Autistic women on the other hand are out here trying to provide other people support, whilst autistic men just want to beat everyone down.

No. 2006010

Their jealousy and sexual rage is so scary

No. 2006018

I wish autism wasn't so hard to detect so women don't have to give birth to autismos and can scramble them before they reach term.

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No. 1993114[Reply]

Previous thread >>1976497

Megan Thee Stallion is getting sued for sexual harassment >>1976779
Kanye is trying to make a porn website >>1977290
Dominic West opens up about ‘absurd’ furor over Lily James pictures >>1977375
Billie Eilish says she loves masturbating in front of a mirror >>1978648 >>1978654
Weinstein’s conviction is overturned >>1979800
Madison Beer releases new song >>1980878 >>1982007
Lana Del Rey posts over edited selfie >>1980962
Baby Storme exposes Ice Spice >>1982208
Athlete’s girlfriend is harassed by seething fans over her appearance >>1982373
Tyla is dating Chris Brown >>1983253
Doja Cat says to keep kids away from her shows >>1983758
Partynextdoor uses explicit sexual imagery for album cover >>1985474 >>1985475
Kendrick Lamarr disses Drake >>1986079
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1021 posts and 298 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2005967

Remember when you used to get laughed into obscurity for this kind of garbage and not have enough terminally online queers saying "ommmggg serve motha this is high campppp henny" to keep you afloat? Even Paris Hilton had the (excellent) sense to use the woman from Shiny Toy Guns to sing her songs. I feel like I've seen these anesthetics repeated twenty five thousand times in the past two decades over and over. I understand creating things for fun but all of these big budget projects for cowshit is just omg enough.

No. 2006003

I don't really mind it was a first attempt at making music. It's ok. Spotify keeps shoving it down my throat.

No. 2006013

It's embarassing when you already have a career. We're "it's mother"ing and "oh but its so fun"ing listenable music into obscurity

No. 2006028

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Kek I think she's salty about Billie's comment about he releasing tons of different vinyls for every possible deluxe version of her albums.

It's release day for Hit Me Hard and Soft. Petty.

No. 2006051

And they all suck and she'll milk those little 12 year olds of all their parents debit card transactions

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No. 1951096[Reply]

Can't remember where you saw that thing? Want to know the name of someone? Ask here.

If you're not searching for something specific, try the request thread >>>/ot/1343869

Previous threads:
#1 - >>>/ot/861432
#2 - >>>/ot/1068958
#3 - >>>/ot/1288369
#4 - >>>/ot/1561582
243 posts and 57 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2005642

Mythical creature or similar that can only turn left? It's evil, possibly someone built a maze so it couldn't get to the middle??? Pls help

No. 2005789

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All I can think of is a minotaur due to the maze aspect
could it be this? I think you're talking about a sphinx

No. 2005793

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No. 2005892

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Hours of searching and 50+ artists later, this is the only remotely similar thing that fits the description you gave. I was initially thinking that maybe you had H. Bosch in mind, but he doesn't have any mythology art, just jesus shit. I'm incredibly invested now someone find the pic nonny has in mind, I've sunk way too much time and effort into this

No. 2005948

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You have completely infected me with your mind virus, I have to know now

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No. 1964385[Reply]

Off-topic random shit thread but the only rule is DO NOT TALK ABOUT MOIDS. Doesn't matter if it's men you hate, men you love, men you are attracted to, men you aren't attracted to, men you personally know, men you don't personally know, men that literally just exist, husbandos, yaoi, bara, het ships, nonexistent men, hypothetical men, men's opinions, none of these things are allowed ITT. No pictures of moids (including animated moids) allowed either. This also includes trannies since they are men. If an anon mentions males ITT do not respond, just report.
>But why?
It's exhausting and annoying to see anons talking about nothing but moids over and over.
>Isn't this thread redundant?
If only.
>But what about-
Real life animals are fine but otherwise just follow the Rule of thumb: if you have to ask then it most likely belongs elsewhere so don't even bother.

previous thread: >>>/ot/1712524
507 posts and 119 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2005843

*If onion smelled good on humans, sorry. Nonny on the brain.

No. 2005905

>having car problems
>Trying to figure out how much it'll cost me to get a lyft for two weeks
>pull out calculator
>$24 x 13 = $1,800
>"Idk how I'll afford this but guess I gotta do what I gotta do though"
>Only just now realizing today that 24 * 13 is NOT 1,800 AND that I didn't consider how that i have to also get a ride back home
Adulthood is kicking my ass. If we were animals, my mom would've sensed that I was retarded immediately after birth and ate me.

No. 2005928

Keekweek board style is GOATed

No. 2005941

Would it be cheaper to rent a car for that long?

No. 2005968

>No pictures of moids

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No. 1714003[Reply]

A Thread for former NEETs who escaped the NEET lifestyle and are trying to stay out and current NEETs who wish who want to get out of NEETdom

This is not a thread for wilful NEETs

Topics regarding NEETdom may include but are not limited to:
>Reasons why you became a NEET and why you want to leave it.
>Little things that motivate your escape/recovery.
>Changes that you face regarding leaving NEETdom.
>What made you slip up on your NEETdom escape/recovery.
>Asking for advice/help.
>Your success at becoming a normie.

Previous thread
#1 >>>/ot/472051
196 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2005135

I went to college right after high school, but went crazy from sperg burnout a few months in, and was a NEET for about a year. Then I started college again, all was good for the first and second year but covid quarantine always had me distracted. After that I failed my third year and had to repeat it, and in the middle of that year I just dropped out from shame and frustration. I went back to NEETdom, I moved back to my parents and was a sort of reverse hikikomori finding isolation outside all day until shitty dog owners and local "troubled youth" made it impossible to step outside and make it back home alive. After that, I started to work in the family business, so I have been a minimum wage agriculture worker for the last two or so years. I wanted to get a job at McDonald's or whatever but there is a 99% risk that the druggie boys from my shithole hometown will stalk and harass me, and my parents live on the outskirts of the village so I'd have to fight with the wildlife to get home at night. Agriculture is full of middle aged alcoholics and druggies too but the nepotism keeps me safe and I share my specific position with two coworkers who are much better than anything I'd get elsewhere. The same inability to focus that ruined my studies makes it equally hard to get a driver's license and I still can't drive at 26. I want to be somewhere normal, doing something normal, but I don't know where to start. In terms of appearance, I had a considerable glow-up in my 20s, and I have never had issues with hygiene, health or chores, I am functional and normal besides my disaster of a resume. But still, I don't think anyone sane would be with me.

No. 2005154

>didn't hear back from the daycare
>didn't hear back from the butcher
>didn't hear back from the ramen store
>didn't hear back from the burger store
>didn't hear back from the supermarket
>didn't hear back from the cafe
Just off the top of my head. I'm not even asking to be paid, half the time. I missed my entire secondary education and my one qualification is a food handling certification so my resume may as well be a middle schooler's. But how do I get work experience if nobody answers me?

No. 2005489

tbh I liked overnight stocking, so if you find your current job a bit too stressful and can get along with the schedule, that's an idea. especially if you like to line things up nice and neat. the overnight crew sometimes makes a couple extra bucks hourly as well.

No. 2005678

I know this is a redundant answer that has been said again and again, however volunteering does work and pushes you to socialize with others. Not only do you get the experience from that, if you get along with the staff members you may obtain references and connections to job opportunities. It doesnt necessarily have to be a soup kitchen, ive found volunteer opportunities in libraries, family centers, community facilities and charity shops. Best of luck on your job pursuits.
Remember you have a lot of time on your hands during NEETdom, use this excess wisely.

No. 2005912

Is anyone else also neeting because of living in a high crime area? A few days ago my mom (60s) went to buy bread from the lady across the street and got pistol whipped by two scrotlets on her way there. My parents being old and mentally not that sound tend to blame me anytime something has happened to me and go on full screaming matches about how it's my fault for going around "unprotected". Even if I'm applying for jobs I'm not sure I want to have one because i would have to get out of the house on the daily..

Honestly considering suicide as I'm a friendless autist. Only reason I didn't yet is because i am volunteering as a scout leader and some of the kids are orphans or have their parents in jail. Can't imagine the other adults explaining why I'm not around anymore. One of the kids had his mom kill herself during the pandemic and he witnessed it

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No. 1839828[Reply]

Featuring the Hindu cow goddess Kamadhenu

Have you found out that if you express anything about a cow inside their thread you get banned or dunked on? Well this is the thread for you!

Do you want to rant about how much you hate a cow without disrupting the thread? Go ahead!
Do you want to sympathize with the cow and talk about how it's not too late to change? Do it sister!
Do you want to talk about your life (blogpost) and compare it to the cow in question? Here's the place?
Express yourself etc. Have fun!

Post your pessimistic, optimistic, negative, controversial, rude, or relatable takes.

(Also this is not a thread to complain about threads, bans, or mods, do that on /meta/. However you can complain about the fanbase of the cow or the people who dislike the cow here.)

Previous thread: >>1539480
518 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2005823

I can't for the life recall her name and I can't find her thread. But the cosplayer who just never improves. She was the reason I kept coming back to /cgl/, and moved to lolcow along with the drama threads.

No matter how often she's done something, like make a prop, it's the same "poop brooch" pile of badly painted clay every single time. I love it. I do wonder what she's up to now, her thread did slowly die.

No. 2005831

I think nitpicking cows is funny over stuff like their appearance, spending habits, food, relationships, etc but it’s annoying when they do it over mental illness like no X does not in fact have autism BPD NPD for xyz reason please stop it’s annoying. Just call them a stuck up bitch instead of armchairing

I also don’t think Jojo Siwa deserves the hate she gets, if she were a man she would not get 1/3 of the vitriol

I also think most social media “influencers” and youtubers are slightly milky, the non milky ones are either smart enough to not talk about their problems online, or to monetize their complaining (like rage bait) Trish Paytas style.

No. 2005854

I agree, because sometimes a cow is just a shitty person without mental illness. Being a self centered bitch who plays victim for attention is a way different beast than actual NPD.

No. 2005858

kek Asherbee

No. 2005895

It does. I'm embarrassed for the users who still use it.

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No. 1933446[Reply]

God Bless America
Previous thread: >>>/ot/1733300
520 posts and 61 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2005837

ugh i'm glad political suicide is becoming more popular, the less retards the better

No. 2005842

So it's unlikely that God impregnated a young girl to create a half God baby, so the father was definitely human. I mean, best case scenario, she was having consensual sex at twelve. More likely, considering their attitudes towards premarital sex, she was raped and lied to avoid being murdered.
I always did like Joseph in that story though. In all the versions I've read, it always mentions that when he found out his bride to be was pregnant, he tried to decline the marriage quietly on the down low, so as not to bring attention to her assumed adultery.

No. 2005856

NTAYRT but i think it is as simple as God impregnating Mary immaculately? i mean why else would Gabriel have visited her and told her what was going on if she just did a pump and dump then went to Joseph?

No. 2005878

So obviously most of the biblical stories we have are oral stories that were written down hundreds of years after they were made up, but some of the earliest versions we have describe her as actually having sex with the archangel Gabriel, with him being an intermediary for God's sperm.
But you may also be confusing the term "immaculate conception" which doesn't describe Jesus's conception at all, but describes Mary's conception because she was born as the perfect vessel for Jesus since she was born without original sin.

No. 2005923

Good thing Gabriel was in the archangel and not a fucking throne or cherub

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No. 1581752[Reply]

Another round of asking anons questions and having them reply to it.

>What's your favorite fruit?
The anon below will reply with
>Who was your rolemodel growing up?
>Ayuzawa Misaki

Have fun.

923 posts and 150 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2005680

No. That’s stupid

No. 2005791

What’s your least favourite chore? For me it’s a toss up between hand washing dishes and folding laundry.

No. 2005797

Dishes definitely just because of the sheer frequency in which you do them. It's even worse when you cook a meal for multiple people and then have to wash 800 different plates, pots, and utensils.

No. 2005804

Dishes because it's too much work, and my shoulder blades hurt after it. And it actually started to age my hands.

No. 2005807

It's dishes and laundry for me too. Idk about anyone else, but when I do dishes I get water everywhere and I always end up needing to change my shirt

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No. 1801622[Reply]

Post about your employment status, successes, woes, anxieties, rants, etc.

Previous: >>>/ot/1563824
1151 posts and 125 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1961799

I have this non-issue now could-be-a-huge-issue later dilemma with my job too. Can't say for sure but the longevity doesn't pan out from where I'm standing. I have a nice salary and wfh setup as a data annotator but I give it 5 years max before I work my way to redundancy and get the boot because the thing that needed me to correct it gets good enough to the point that it doesn't need correcting anymore and I'm made redundant.And that's already being generous, I could see it happening in 2-3 years or less. I don't currently see my way out either but I need to figure it out soon.

No. 1961843

i finished a good college but its been nearly half a year and i only managed to get one interview. im trying not to get depressed about it but its getting hard

No. 1961971

Late but if you're gonna lie say you were doing freelance work during that time, don't lie about your graduation date because some jobs ask for your college transcript

No. 1962322

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i work as a software developer and i hate coding. it’s so repetitive and tedious and i suck at it. i feel too stupid to have this job. i feel like i spend all day asking for help from my colleagues. i regret getting a compsci degree i want to rip my hair out god

No. 2005801

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Corporations are full of Regina George-types. I already knew this, but it's even worse than I thought. I'm doing a training class right now and literally every third girl in the class is like this. Literally every third. They talk like a mean girl in high school and act like one - bossy, talk way too much ("Can you just like blablablablablabla, can you just blablablablablabla?"), everything carefully passive aggressively foiled as being "nice", have at least one spineless lackey that goes with everything they say and do (Including also being a passive-aggressive asshole to you).

It's also amazing just how so many things are very covertly designed by psycho leadership to humiliate the shit out of you. One exec walked into our training class and literally the first thing she did was make our whole class stand on one leg because she "wasn't feeling the energy". At one point the trainer literally made all of us get up and start singing. It felt like the Walmart Fight Song, where everyone is forced to sing WE AAAREE, WE AAAREE, WAAALMART! It was my birthday the other day so I didn't say anything until the next day because I knew weird corpocult would try and do some creepy shit like walking in with a cake, making me blow candles, and making everyone sing "Happy birthday!" to me. That's exactly what they did anyway. It felt like I was in an episode of Twilight Zone with everyone fake smiling straight at me and loudly singing at me. Nice gesture, but in hindsight everything corpos do just makes you feel uneasy as hell. Corpo men in leadership act so creepily nice that you would think they are secretly serial rapists and corpo women in leadership act so creepily nice you would think they secretly stab their cat for fun.

Also it's mental health awareness weak and my training center has a bunch of posters plastered on the wall about it. I'm walking behind one of these bitches and two guys. The bitch reads out the one that says "Mental illness isn't a choice" and just obnoxiously goes "I disagree". Holy shit, these chicks are one nasty piece of work.

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