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No. 1323616[Reply]

Thread for the admiration of felines. Post cute cats NOW!
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No. 2003068

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Always good

No. 2003069

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No. 2003072

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No. 2005006

It's gonna have some interesting results

No. 2005808

My cat is a big meower. As soon as I get home from work he walks around the house just howling non stop. There’s nothing wrong, he’s just spoiled and wants me to take him outside all the time and give him treats. He drives me nuts but he’s so adorable and fluffy I can’t get too mad

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No. 540422[Reply]

Write a letter to someone here. It could be to a relative, to someone you love, to someone you miss.
46 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1988072

T, You lying bastard. When i read you died i laughed. Maybe because i couldn't cry over it anymore, maybe i laughed because i thought i was finally free from you. I'm not free, none of us is free. Your actions are forever written in our minds and histories. I hope your spirit feels quilty even in death. I wonder if we meet in the afterlife and what you'll say.

No. 1988234

Is almost 2 years since you passed away and now I miss you even more after the fiasco I had to dealt with. I wish you would be here to tell me everything is going to be ok and it wasn't my fault.
I love you.

No. 1995028

You deserve to die a horrible death

No. 1997963

I wish you the world regardless of how things ended. You're a great person and you'll go on to do great things. I do miss you. Please take good care of the ferrets, I miss them so much.

No. 2004958

You are a pathetic man, and you always have been. A self-pitying, weak man who contorts reality to maintain his fragile ego. The sort of man who beats a little girl and kills her pet cat, but still believes he is the one who deserves sympathy. You are the sort of man who has the audacity to tell that little girl, now a woman, that you expected your "intentions" to vindicate your monstrousness. You look at me and you expect, what, pity? I feel none. You have made my heart cold. You are shameless. The fact you still sit across from me and say the most awful things about me, and then challenge me to disagree with your "simple facts" is astonishing. I was so stunned I couldn't speak. Where do you get this audacity from? Do you really want to go there? Do you want to talk about "simple facts"? How about the fact you spend all day playing video games, never lifting a finger to help cook or clean? How about the fact you are such a useless parent, mom only trusts me to look after your youngest child instead of you? How about the fact that you haven't worked in over a decade, but still find it in you to criticize your wife's paycheck? Or the fact that you're so weak your stint in grad school ended with you dropping out, suicidal and demoralized? You really want to criticize me when you are the only thing standing between me and everything I want? You, in your glass house, throwing rocks. You are complacent because you know I cannot fight back. You won't let me drive, won't let me leave, won't let me live. Mom says you're just getting desperate because you're scared if I leave, I'll never come back. She's right, you know. I do hate you. And it is your fault. It's all your fault.

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No. 1993489[Reply]

If mods think this is too similar to the employment thread >>>/ot/1962884 they can delete it. I thought it would be nice to have a thread for discussing wagie jobs (retail, food, service sector stuff for a low wage) specifically.
28 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2004905

Not really. Just know how to use Excel & MS Project. You should be able to learn everything as a Project Engineer or Coordinator

No. 2004923

Food wagie here, and I swear to God couples ordering together are the fucking worst. And I'm not saying this just 'cause I'm a femcel, they literally go:

"What do you want to order?
"What do you want to order?"
"You first.
"No, you first."

Whhhhhyyy. Stop holding up the liiiiiine.

No. 2004926

I'm in the opposite direction. Most of my co-workers are older women with old kids, with or without their Nigels. Honestly it's kind of comfy being surrounded by a "motherly" environment. But man, I cannot relate to them when they start talking about marriage and what Junior did yesterday.

No. 2004928

Would it be considered rude to ask one of them directly?

No. 2004949

They'll most likely just go: "Sorry, I'm still picking."

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No. 1937421[Reply]

previous thread: >>>/ot/1837807
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No. 2004900

Rape is desire for power over another. Probably why men rape each other in jail. I can see a moids brain functioning like this.

No. 2004901

I hope it is proven to cause cancer to stop degens from being disgusting. Gag.

No. 2005160

kek ayrt is a crackpot but its a funny theory. and there do exist parasites which are known to alter behaviour in mammals (potentially including humans) like toxoplasma gondii. and the larval cysts of tapeworms can enter the brain. so honestly if they one day discover anon's crazy theory was right i would not even really be surprised.

No. 2005519

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Mundane but why bother if your boyfriend is that retarded. Let him get a good helping of beetus and free yourself.

No. 2005528

kekkkk, perfect next threadpic

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No. 1470488[Reply]

As the title says.
Post experiences, why you can't stand them and such.
This is NOT about your own disorder, so don't blogpost/vent, there's already a thread for that.
This thread is about mental illness you can't stand in others.
Please refrain from coming in this thread and say stupid shit like "Oh that's why nobody likes me" or "Damn seeing this thread as a [thing] sufferer makes me uncomfortable" because nobody will pity you.

Previous: >>>/ot/854673
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No. 1995718

Stalking should be considered its own mental disorder. Stalking people always use the same methods and same words, I'm tired to pretend is a consequence of a disorder, I think it's a disorder per se.

No. 2004855

Has anyone else been a victim of a smear campaign or false allegations by a bpd? Not to sound like a moid who screeches against the metoo movement, but bpds just know how to use typical support for victims to their advantage. And if you provide actual logical evidence to say they were the one who fucked you up, then you're the abuser because bpds and their flying monkeys aren't known exactly for their logic.

No. 2004870

I have before by my ex gf with her brother (flying monkey) and somebody I was friends with (lost in touch) in elementary school-high school was kinda caught in a smear campaign. Well her bf att was, but still. They really don't have any logic at all.

I was thinking about that bullshit smear campaign that happened almost 9 years ago earlier today. Supposedly that crazy BPD bitch hated her flying monkey one or two years after the incident, and she's the type to find reasons to hate others. Her and my ex fit the BPD label almost 100%.

The former happened 6 months ago the latter happened almost 9 years ago. Adolescents (when it happened to the latter) and individuals in their 20's know damn better not to start this bullshit; it's something the elementary school aged playground bullies would do/act like.

No. 2004946

Yes. My mother-in-law loves creating smear campaigns about her ex-husband, her son (my spouse), and occasionally her daughter, own mother and siblings. The worst was when she started a huge fight at my house because we asked her to respect our home and stop letting her animals shit and piss everywhere. This turned into her posting on Facebook accusing her son of abusing me for some reason. She also threatened to call my husband's work and say he's suicidal. We cut her off, but she still constantly posts about how we are all narcissists and abusers, when it's literally her. Could write a book about all the weird shit she's done.

No. 2005133

I had a BPD friend. Trying to talk with her was impossible because she would turn anything into a full blown argument about how her opinion was better than mine, fed up with this I wrote a lenghty message explaining how this shit couldn't work anymore and I would step out of the friendship and she accused me online of being an obsessive stalker, for just making a list of all the time I felt bad and how that hurt me, in her narrative I was the pos who constantly harrassed her and I couldn't accept the end of our friendship, because she said that I couldn't pick up all the hints that she disliked me (apparently saying that you are passive aggressive instead of honest is better in her twisted view) and I wanted to be with her at all costs and trying to change her to be on my level. Wtf. For being depressed and suicidal little shits, they sure have over the top consideration of themselves. I don't have time for this shit and to this day, people tell me that she still talks about me like move the fuck on lmao this was a year ago, how can you accuse others of being obsessive if you're still making public posts about me what a fucking loser

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No. 1904216[Reply]

Don't know whether to go sleep or binge-read another cow thread? Get milk or tea? Dedicate your remaining life time to Dr*ver or Dano, and don't want to keep any of those important decisions in Sanic-samas capable hands? Fret not–present your dilemma, let farmers burn some sage and have them take that burden off of your exhausted shoulders.
Keep US laws, and more importantly, TPO, in mind and don't ask whether to an hero or which fun method to use, we're not serious like that.
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No. 2003847

True true

No. 2004730

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what color nbs should i buy

No. 2004731

Get the white ones and spill tomato soup on them then show up to nice events

No. 2004734

No. 2004741

that is blue

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No. 1803431[Reply]

Generational General
A place to converse, ask questions about, and give your opinions on any and all recent generations (Boomers - now)

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No. 2001356

The people who complain about millennial parents letting their children use the internet unsupervised have a point though. Apparently higher internet use among young children has been linked to lower literacy and more social and attention problems

No. 2001907

true, I noticed a lot of young gen z parents are stepping up and putting a stop to it though

No. 2001909

even upper middle-class kids don't get that much. TV is definitely an influence, so many mid job parents are able to have big homes in expensive areas, new cars and paid tuition

No. 2003687

Something I was thinking about today. Gen X’ers thinking their kids had to go to college. I love my parents but they were absolutely duped into thinking this.
They made me put half of any money gift I got for birthday or Christmas as a kid into “savings for college.” So so pointless. I’m really glad I had that extra $300 or whatever it depreciated to after 15 years. They also made me get a summer job at 14 to save money for college.
On one hand I’m glad I know how to save money. On the other hand it definitely affected my view on my course in life as a young person and made me a huge penny pincher until recently.

No. 2004721

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Millenials, zillenials, and zoomers who give their small children their own phones and iPads were always annoying, but I never realized how stupid it is until I saw it with my own eyes. All little children do on their phones and shit is overshare and risk their family getting doxxed, consume garbage, and drop the shit out of their electronics. For fuck's sake, just give them a damn doll or a book. No child should be having their own phone until they're a teenager.

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No. 1109566[Reply]

What kind of food are you craving, nonny?

previous thread: >>>/ot/236372
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No. 1994927

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I saw this on the front page and the crisp edges made me think this was some weird photorealistic sims food retexture kek. But that looks good as fuck honestly. I desperately need to fuck up a bowl of sweet fruit.

No. 1994937

I'm going to try this anon, looks so good.

No. 2002068

I made this and it was delicious! i only had butter milk though, but it worked perfectly.

No. 2004693

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Need a root beer float

No. 2004719

this reminded me that i haven’t had one in a minute.

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No. 1166213[Reply]

a thread to discuss the secret and sometimes blatant cases of pedophilia and other abuses of children in entertainment media, historical cases of abuse are also allowed

related threads
>Dan Schneider
>general tinfoil
1000 posts and 228 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1991688

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No. 1991823

Sounds like a guilty conscience. The documentary discussed the multiply types of abuse in Hollywood child actors faced and the adults on children’s programs faced. not just sexual abuse against kids. Obviously that form was the most heinous but it was never implied at all that Dan did that to children. Dan was documented as verbally abusive and extremely manipulative to child actors and adults. What a scumbag.

No. 2004316

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>>All That alum Lori Beth Denberg is coming forward with her own claims about the former Nickelodeon producer.
>>Denberg, 48, claimed in an interview with Business Insider that Schneider’s alleged abuse began around her 19th birthday in 1995. At the time, she alleged Schneider, who was then the head writer of All That, asked for a meeting and showed her clips of pornography on his computer.
>>Denberg, who appeared on All That from 1994 to 1998, claimed the "grand finale" of the clips was a video which depicted a woman performing oral sex on a donkey. She claimed, "I feel like that is the first time he preyed on me.”
>>Denberg claimed that changed when she was 20 or 21 after Schneider allegedly made a bet with her while watching Jeopardy! with the winner getting a massage. After she won, he allegedly fondled and put his mouth on her breasts during the incident.
>>Denberg admitted that she didn’t find these experiences inappropriate at the time but later saw the power imbalance at play, claiming, “I couldn't have been more green. I couldn't have been more vulnerable."
>>Denberg recalled an alleged incident with Schneider in which he asked a group of writer and crew members if they thought her breasts were different sizes during a group dinner. She noted that she threw a piece of bread at him in an effort to stop the conversation but he allegedly then screamed at her and stormed out of the restaurant.
>>“It was one of those turns that was just really upsetting and scary,” she claimed. “Everyone else seemed to completely blow it off.”

No. 2004655

The movie was technically French but since it was distributed through Netflix I think it counts but I still think about the Netflix Cuties movie from time to time and how it’s still up, those girls are still having the bullshit they went through profited off of, and there’s been no long lasting consequences for any adult who worked on it. The girls seemed to have disappeared from social media too, really do hope they’re doing alright and didn’t have to deal with the humiliation too much

No. 2004658

I feel so filthy. I used to watch All that every day as a kid and Lori was my favorite. It sucks that this happened to her as a kid and i'm glad she's speaking up about it. It's repulsive that Nick had so many pedos on staff around kids

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No. 405637[Reply]

Dan Schneider is a 52-year old Nickelodeon Producer who produced the shows All That, The Amanda Show, Kenan & Kel, Drake & Josh, Zoey 101, iCarly, Victorious, Sam & Cat, Henry Danger, among others. Allegations of Dan's abusive behavior, ranging from verbal outbursts on set to the grooming and sexual abuse of Nick stars have been accumulating for years. Original conversation started here >>>/ot/404534 but there was a demand for Dan's own thread. This thread is to track Dan's sketchy history, plausible rumors, and anyone else who is suspect and is related to Nickelodeon.
>It is rumored that the dad to Jamie Lynn Spear's baby is Dan Schneider. In 2009, Jamie Lynn's family and friends said they believe that a much older producer who worked on Zoey 101 is the true father.
>Behind the scenes footage of The Amanda Show surfaces. Dan is seen with a young Amanda Bynes in a pool. She is half-naked. It is rumored that Dan abused Amanda, and that he forced her to get an abortion.
>Jennette McCurdy from iCarly opens up about how she was forced into an Eating Disorder because of Nickelodeon's culture.
>Noah Munck from iCarly gives interview where he doesn't deny allegations about Dan, just says he would be devastated if they were true. Confirms Dan has a foot fetish.
>Multiple clips of Dan's blatant foot fetish surface.
>Ariana Grande's family is close to Dan Schneider. It is speculated that she had a lot of sex and did drugs on the set of Victorious, and that her mom told her to sleep with Schneider.
>Every actress but Ariana Grande boycotted Dan receiving Nickelodeon's most prestigious award at the Kid's Choice Awards.
>Nickelodeon fired Dan last year. Dan sells his home, becomes inactive on twitter after accusations of him circulate.
>Actresses such as Alexa Nikolas and Erin Sanders from Zoey 101 are leaving easter eggs about Dan's abuses on their social media, as well as an actor from Henry Danger. Other actors are slowly beginning to step forward. Dan keeps getting away with it is because he blackmailed the head of ViaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
646 posts and 217 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1961218

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This is semi-dry milk now and it’s a lot of cross posting but the Quiet on Set documentary series has dropped and basically confirmed what people have been saying about Dan, Brian Peck and co for years, Alexa Nikolas has also gotten into shit for selling merch off the controversy, being friendly with SLOAN / SL04N and downplaying what Drake Bell has done also there’s still some outliers like
Madisyn Shipman trying to defend Dan but they’re failing miserably, Ariana Grande is also getting backlash for not speaking out sooner >>>/ot/1938343

Assuming this thread ever reaches a post limit and there has to be a second one we can try moving it to /snow/ but it will really depend on if the people there are interested enough in following the situation (sorry for repeatedly reposting I kept fucking up the links)

No. 1961264

I know late response but I remember seeing this episode as a young teenager and feeling uncomfortable. It's probably why I stuck with mostly animated stuff as a kid tbh.

No. 1961274

Adding, this >>405909 part specifically. Ew.

No. 2004646

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>>1987893, >>1961218
Cross post, he’s suing for Quiet on Set

>The lawsuit, obtained by Variety and filed by Schneider’s attorneys Jana Moser and Richard McKie, reads in part: “‘Quiet on Set’s’ portrayal of Schneider is a hit job. While it is indisputable that two bona fide child sexual abusers worked on Nickelodeon shows, it is likewise indisputable that Schneider had no knowledge of their abuse, was not complicit in the abuse, condemned the abuse once it was discovered and, critically, was not a child sexual abuser himself. But for the sake of clickbait, ratings, and views — or put differently, money — Defendants have destroyed Schneider’s reputation and legacy through the false statements and implications that Schneider is exactly that.”

No. 2004649

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Sorry for double post but he’s also got accusations of possibly being a zoophile or into zoophilia now on top of more of being creepy to the actors >>2004316
>>All That alum Lori Beth Denberg is coming forward with her own claims about the former Nickelodeon producer.
>>Denberg, 48, claimed in an interview with Business Insider that Schneider’s alleged abuse began around her 19th birthday in 1995. At the time, she alleged Schneider, who was then the head writer of All That, asked for a meeting and showed her clips of pornography on his computer.
>>Denberg, who appeared on All That from 1994 to 1998, claimed the "grand finale" of the clips was a video which depicted a woman performing oral sex on a donkey. She claimed, "I feel like that is the first time he preyed on me.”
>>Denberg claimed that changed when she was 20 or 21 after Schneider allegedly made a bet with her while watching Jeopardy! with the winner getting a massage. After she won, he allegedly fondled and put his mouth on her breasts during the incident.
>>Denberg admitted that she didn’t find these experiences inappropriate at the time but later saw the power imbalance at play, claiming, “I couldn't have been more green. I couldn't have been more vulnerable."
>>Denberg recalled an alleged incident with Schneider in which he asked a group of writer and crew members if they thought her breasts were different sizes during a group dinner. She noted that she threw a piece of bread at him in an effort to stop the conversation but he allegedly then screamed at her and stormed out of the restaurant.
>>“It was one of those turns that was just really upsetting and scary,” she claimed. “Everyone else seemed to completely blow it off.”

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