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No. 1440188[Reply]

Or favorite song. What does it mean to you? Why is it memorable? What made it stick with you?

Thread #2 >>>/ot/913463
Thread #1 >>>/ot/660956
1075 posts and 640 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2002122

cut every tie i have to you

No. 2002217

Aw Nona, this made me cry because of why you posted it.

No. 2004579

Ojou-sama, it's time to go to bed.
Are you on your phone again?
Sleeping late will ruin your lovely skin.
This is the final warning.
If you don't fall asleep now,
We are going to dance.

Yare yare

No. 2004582

I love this! Thank you, anon

No. 2004893

I know this was a trend like a month ago but I still love it. I wish japan and skorea could have a cringe resurgence and embrace it

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No. 1890593[Reply]

previous thread >>>/ot/1256189

From mildly annoying, to ghoulish, to ghastly, to gag inducing.

Threadpic is Texas senator Ted Cruz
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No. 1999699

Emma Stone
Sydney Sweeney
Elle Fanning

All Look Like Special Needs and I can‘t

No. 2000071

Its a troon

No. 2002105

I hate this smug cow so much
This parasitic cunt always looks like she’s smelling a fresh turd, I want to punch that whole putrid family
I hate her psychopath eyes and forced sexy statue expression. She dates that greasy racist Matty Healy prick so she’s probably an asshole too

No. 2004410

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Ugly cunt with a fivehead.all that hair dye went into her brain so no wonder she's such a retarded pickme.

No. 2004413

how dare she do this to misato

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No. 1990830[Reply]

Thread to discuss the current psyop regarding ugly men getting shilled as attractive. Discuss beauty double standards in media, ugly male characters being shilled as attractive, lack of attractive men in hollywood, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs

Last Thread: >>1982591
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No. 2004359

They're all average or straight up ugly, but who's far right at 5?

No. 2004363

I wish this was a thread pic.

No. 2004365

Based. Art should be reserved for drawing impossible beauty. There's enough ugliness in the real world, we don't need to see that in the art we look at, too.

No. 2004370

Jokes on you I'm bi, I can have my woman looking man and my man looking woman.

No. 2004412

The other one was better this one is confusing

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No. 1201446[Reply]

I know that threads dedicated to specific countries are technically banned, but the Suomillanka, North Africa and German threads are fine and since I've been seeing a lot of Dutchfags (perhaps summerfags, who knows) I thought a Dutchfag thread could be fun. Especially since we have a lot of cows, whether it's on tv or just social media. Also, feel free to discuss anything fun! Like music, food, Dutch habits/manners. Vent about the housing crisis, overregulation, Americanisation, all of it!

Major cows:

Family de Mol
>Johnny the Mol beats up his wife multiple times, allegedly daddy paid all witnesses 5000 euros and gave his wife a house in Ibiza so she would shut her mouth.
>Knew about the Voice kids scandal (multiple children and teens were molested and some even raped), did not do anything at all.
>John de Mol has control over the public television, does not allow criticism on him or any associates.

Marco Borsato
>Singer, former coach for the Voice Kids.
>Molested 2 girls (if not more), one was 15, the other 13 at his home barbecue (which was for the participants of the Voice Kids).
>Keeps acting like it's all untrue despite evidence.

Ali B
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1994418

ik heb echt een onredelijk diepe, brandende haat voor hem omdat ie altijd aast op minderjarige cosplay meisjes

No. 2002216

Ik wil andere plantenmensen leren kennen en plantjes en zaden uitwisselen maar ik heb geen idee waar ik dat soort mensen vindt. De lokale moestuinvereniging heeft een forum maar die is alleen voor mensen met een tuintje en ik sta nog maar op de wachtlijst. Moet ik mijn FB reactiveren of zijn er andere opties? Heeft iemand hier ervaring mee?

No. 2002293

Op fb is er vaak wel een (semi)lokale groep te vinden.

No. 2002333

Ik weet niet waar je vandaan komt, maar je hebt in heel Nederland stekboxen staan waar je kunt ruilen! Zo heb ik een keer een pink princess stekje achtergelaten en een monstera thai constellation mee kunnen nemen, dus soms zitten er echt vette stekjes bij!! Die stekjesroute heeft wel een beetje een community volgens mij, maar daar ben ik zelf niet actief. Ben wel lid van een aantal plantengroepen op fb, maar dat is vooral voor advies, niet per se contact. Iig veel succes nonnie!!


No. 2004260

moestuinforum misschien? Ik gebruik het zelf niet maar ik weet dat het een redelijk actief forum is (zeker voor Nederlandse normen) en volgens mij organiseren ze ook uitwisseldagen.

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No. 1936396[Reply]

Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc. use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread. Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.

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No. 2004097


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2004113

Yes, the fanbase is also infested with braindead coomer males. One of the few communities where both sexes are equally insufferable

No. 2004273

I hate looking up some japanese sport on YouTube and seeing a bunch of comments referencing anime. Touch some fucking grass you stupid weeaboos, not every little japanese thing is about anime, shut the fuck up.

No. 2004336

new thread >>>/ot/2004332

No. 2004506

That shit was the WORST during the Yuri on ice days. I loved male figure skating for a decade before that dumb anime got popular. The YT comments were filled with stupid teenage weeboos.

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No. 1965867[Reply]

drunk and typing edition

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No. 2003882


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2003888

I would suggest you to get therapy but I know you wouldn't trust the therapist.

No. 2003969

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She had been posted on here years ago for being a run of the mill pick-me ethot (she probably still is) but this is video was kinda based actually.

No. 2003998

new thread >>>/ot/2003994

No. 2004519

isn't that Stormigee aka Dora Soy Hora? he's trans kek

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No. 1533183[Reply]

Post appalling, dangerous or generally judge worthy parenting failures.
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No. 1993751

Hell yeah, better father than average. No girl should grow up thinking heels are anything but a tool of subjugation. What a bad mother.

No. 1993762

In the midst of the infanticide spike, you want to label her a bad mom for the crime of…princess dress up? If this is what grants you that label now I can see why so many women give up and off their kids. No different right?

No. 1993763

My mom never let me have those because she thought it was inappropriate kek

No. 1993764

You are correct, but she's not a bad mother
You are right in your sentiment, but you're exaggerating

No. 2003766

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No. 1516175[Reply]

Discuss anything pertaining to Russia & Eastern Europe.
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No. 2002290

thank you sm i haven't seen that one

No. 2003751

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prime minister of slovakia, robert fico, has been shot. so far it seems like the attacker was an older retired man, the exact demographic he and his party usually panders to. kind of worried how his party is going to use this as a marketing strategy, whether he survives or not. the atmosphere is already weird here

No. 2003770

Popcorn time

No. 2004197

Worst fucking bodyguards ever. Imagine a 71-year old man being able to fire multiple shots and hit you

No. 2004483

Slovakia hitting another low and from now on it'll be either more awful or worse. It seems to me the attacker just snapped with old age but the consequences will be huge. I'm glad to see another Slovakianon here, please take care of yourself stay strong and if it comes to worst don't be afraid to leave.

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No. 1369203[Reply]

Rules: ITT we only discuss things related to life in the main Celtic nations: Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Mann, Brittany, and, because I have no choice but to include you, Cornwall.

You can speak in any of the Celtic languages in this thread if you want to, so gaeilgeoirí show yoursevles!

Enjoy the thread, noneens! Picrel is Irish women's rugby
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No. 1971276

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Thoughts on the Viper Higgins? All the lads seem to think he's the second coming of Christ, seems like an arsehole to me. They post in so many clips of him into our WhatsApp group and they are all terrible.
I never watched Hardy Bucks so I don't get the references but it still seems like shite.

No. 1971321

We're you watching his stream? I think he's alright. I fucked a guy about three years ago that had a jacket like the viper and on reflection I think I memed myself into the attraction because I find the hardy bucks so endearing but real life counterparts not so much the ignorance does not become endearing.

Apparently there's talks the other actors are going to continue the show without him because he prefers streamers. Some people think it can't go on without him but you could actually if you watch the rte version you could just write him out. Eddie and Buzz carry the show

No. 1971332

I've popped into one or two of his streams. That one where he covered the Iran thing last weekend was some weird modern reality shit.
Like he seems okish but the fact that he's English putting on a rural Irish accent rubs me the wrong way. Feels like he's making fun of us. It gives me the ick.
Rest of the Hardy Bucks guys seems ok. I'm not into it but I'm not offended by it.

No. 1987058

Irish nonas. I'm so sorry for the retarded question. But I failed some of my exams in the first year of college. I failed my repeat exams too and had to repeat those 2 modules. Exams are coming up soon. I know I'll pass one module but I have a sinking feeling I'll fail the other one. That would be failing three times. Would I be allowed to carry that one module into the next year? Or repeat for the fourth time? Or will they just kick me out kek.

No. 2003718

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Any tips for festivals? My BF just got me a ticket to Forbidden Fruit so I can go with him. The only other festival I went to was Longitude for one day. I'm not great in big crowds. He's also talking about camping at All Together Now but that is way too much but I also don't want to let him down. I'm thinking about just drinking my anxiety away but there's so many weirdos at festivals I don't want to lose control. I'm an introvert he should know this.

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No. 1724622[Reply]

my sunburnt countrywomen standing at the limit of an endless ocean, join me in observing this prisoner island.
free fairy bread and a sausage sizzle every sunday arvo
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No. 1991963

Any ladies here enjoy 4x4 camping in the outback or northern beaches? I'm planning a trip after buying a new 4wd.

No. 1992441

A fun game to play is to peruse the Australian political subreddits and take a shot whenever somebody uses the phrase ‘nanny state’ or ‘tall-poppy syndrome’. You’ll be blackout drunk within 10 minutes.

No. 1992470

Your excuse on why you don't want more people in your area is literally the same excuse as everyone else. The earth has limited resources, someone somewhere else had more kids than that area's resources could support, and now they want to come to your area and use up all your resources instead. And I'm completely fine with your opinion of that, fuck those people who greedily had too many children and now they want to flee like rats from a sinking ship because there's no more green spaces in their area so they want to come and turn your green spaces into unaffordable condos and complete for who can work a job for the lowest wage all so they can settle there and repeat the cycle. But it's funny to me that you think the exact same way as the people you're calling xenophobic.

No. 1998349

Thoughts on David McBride's trial and the news media around it?

No. 2003450

>>“Known to the police” in NSW & Queensland

They need schizos free so they can use it as a pretext to add more surveillance to you


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