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No. 1991983[Reply]

This thread is to discuss your grievances with gender ideology.

>What is gender ideology?

Foundational to transgenderism, gender ideology is the belief that one’s “internal gender” can contradict one’s biological sex.

Gender ideology operates much like a religious cult. There is no scientific evidence that supports the notion that we have an “internal gender,” and yet doctors now medicalize and sterilize children with “transgender identities” who have been groomed by the cult. Anyone who does not reaffirm these delusions is labelled as a “transphobe” in order to discredit any dissenting voices of the cult.

Previous thread:

Relevant /snow/ threads:
>>>/snow/1987643 (MTF general)
>>>/snow/1984807 (FTM general)
457 posts and 54 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2005293

>wouldn't the emulation be pre-2020 fakebois and tifs who atleast pretend to be actual moids feminizing themselves?
>with your logic a tif who emulates women is not being transphobic to herself (as in less earnestly wanting to pass) in troonlandia standards.

No. 2005331

I don’t want it to seem like I’m race baiting but as a Black woman I can’t help but notice the differences between Black and White TIMs. I’ve noticed that there are more white troons transitioning in their middle aged years. You don’t really see this with Black TIMs. Next the most obvious one is probably sexuality. White TIMs 50 percent of the time are “transbians.” Black troons on the other hand seem to be mostly attracted to men. While both force themselves into women’s spaces and delude themselves into believing they are real women, Black troons have a sort of pick me-ism about them. They spend a lot more time trying to compete sexually with women (black women in particular), often bragging about fucking women’s cheating partners without them knowing or trying to convince men they are a better sexual option than biological women. While doing this they will speak down on women and our biological processes, trying to frame them in a negative light. White troons on the other hand try and appropriate these female attributes for themselves, like claiming they get periods.

No. 2005389

White moids don't have the same experiences with homophobia and down low isn't as much of a thing with them, so there's fewer white gay moids assuming they'd have an easier time as a "straight woman" instead of a gay man. That leaves more of them to be straight predators who think that they'll get to live out their porny lesbian fantasies if they transition.

No. 2005527

it has been known for a long time that many men come out of the military with sissy fetishes since they confuse the emasculation they experienced with sexual desire because moids are too retarded to comprehend feelings and rudimentary psychology

No. 2005533

I wish women would wisen up and refuse to join the military so they could all sodomise eacother to death. Although I don't believe it to be "rape" as most probably just regret acting out on their gay urges. Male on male rape is a meme fueled by false accusations and homophobia.

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No. 1876599[Reply]

General conspiracy thread. Discussions surrounding government coverups, entertainment industry secrets, predictions, political intrigues etc, are all welcome here.

Previous threads:
#1 >>>/ot/369313
#2 >>>/ot/490893
#3 >>>/ot/636795
#4 >>>/ot/849990
#5 >>>/ot/935591
#6 >>>/ot/1028419
#7 >>>/ot/1028464
#8 >>>/ot/1068732
#9 >>>/ot/1147862
#10 >>>/ot/1190469
#11 >>>/ot/1240193
#12 >>>/ot/1330198
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2005268

I think you are right. Some nona said in a thread I can't remeber that we could reach the point of us women being denied the women denomination, troons will appropriate it and the little amount of art, culture and achievements we ever managed to get despite our oppression will be taken by them too. Human females will become something else, something lesser than we already are.

No. 2005313

anyone summon incubi bfs/succubi gfs? i want to be held and i dont care if i need to self induce schizophrenia(not a tinfoil)

No. 2005349

go ask the witchcraft thread nonna

No. 2005643

If you want a demon bf just download tinder, stupid.

No. 2005711

The demon talk in this thread is making my heart ache. I keep having dreams of my old forest home town. Every time I go back it gets worse with the immigration, and the area looks so depleted of life. Entire areas and species are dying off and caring at all makes you a conservationist. What happened to the love of mother Earth and her creations? I don't mean in a Godly way, have faith if you will or don't I don't care, but what happened to respecting the trees that give you life and the bugs that manage your plants. The animals that are so wondrous and unkempt. We don't even look to their example anymore of how females should be treated, how men should perform. My dreams make me weep when I cry. I miss nature as it was even 15 years ago.

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No. 1529567[Reply]

it’s down… anyone else feeling adrift at sea?
870 posts and 109 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1869809

Quite the opportunists, aren't they? "Yay harass women with child rape and gore with no consequence sooo fun!!!" Euthanasia should be applicable sometimes.

No. 1869817

One of the past board owners for the scrote site that raids CC has tons of CP on his computer and uses it to raid other ibs. I’m genuinely shocked at the fact that he is still walking free along with the other CP spammers from that site. He is from a shithole eastern european country though, so I can’t be too surprised.

This has been going on for months and I never post on CC anymore because of this shit. I would bet that the most active posters on there are soyscrotes now. I hope mods never let us turn into CC

No. 1880683

I had no idea CC still exists and is raided again. I thought a long time ago the site became unavailable. At least I was blocked for no reason and can't access it even though I never broke any rules. Sorry to hear about it being raised by pedos as well.

No. 1881956

>He is from a shithole eastern european country though
I'm curious… who are you talking about?
>I hope mods never let us turn into CC
praying to Cerbmin. we won't turn like that though, we're too powerful

No. 1882209

Nta, I'm assuming she means him: >>>/sty/5245

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No. 1959358[Reply]

Prev threads:

Any pro-fujo derailing in this thread will get a 3 day unappealable ban. If you do not like the thread, hide it. Repeat infractions will eventually result in a permanent ban.
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No. 2002541

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No. 2005073

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>I was a fujo that shipped Klebold and Harris

No. 2005251

Nonna in picrel: It was hybristophillia, those guys were below average in terms of look, it's the fact they commit a crime that make them hot for fujoshi true crimists.

No. 2005286

>Picrel was written based on an event that happened at some sort of convention when a girl questioned Jensen Ackles about the subtext between him and Misha Collins character on Supernatural who's non answered caused some sort of meltdown in the fandom.
Late as fuck and only semi related but can you elaborate about this? Or point me to a transcript or video

No. 2005559

Maybe, but they didn't commit the massacre in the few fics I read (I barely read things in English back then and there was none in my native language). They were one-shots with a lot of lemon tho, and in the one I remeber more distinctively that gay sex kinda cured them from their rage, in the rest they resumed the fic with some brief tragic words about their fatal fate for more angst. That leads me to think the authors had above all a savior complex, but that's very common with hybristophilia so yeah

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No. 1868538[Reply]

Previous thread
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No. 2004564


No. 2004591

hope he's raped to death in prison. wtf is wrong with men. they're all the same

No. 2005196

update about the case, the baby will be going to the paedophile's husband.

No. 2005233

i wonder if the surrogate was horrified by the thought of handing a baby she carried and birthed over to a man whose husband planned to rape it. even if he isn't a pedophile himself and had no idea how depraved his husband is it still doesn't bode well for the boy's future that he's going to be raised by someone who was married to a child molester

No. 2005952

Kek I don't agree but it's funny

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No. 1413046[Reply]

Italian thread / Filo o thread italiano
Previous thread / Filo o thread precedente:

Cosa c'è di nuovo?
Cosplayer, scene varie, personaggi dell'Internet italiano vari, virus, vaccini, nuove presidentesse e quant'altro nella sfera italofona
402 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1981904

qualcuno sa in che giorni arriverà il pupazzo di kuromi al mc?
tecnicamente dovrebbe essere già arrivato, ma da me ancora niente.

No. 2000659

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lol per Arono senza casa

No. 2001232

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Che personaggi

No. 2001245

Scusa se rispondo con due mesi di ritardo, però sono dell'idea che per campare alle artist alley alle fiere sia praticamente necessario fare fanart e, sfortunatamente, aggrapparsi alle ultime cose popolari. Anche se, come ne parli anche tu, mi fa piacere vedere spesso anche gente che porta serie più oscure o che almeno non sono al centro dell'attenzione, ricordo che all'ultima fiera in cui sono stata c'era una ragazza molto brava che aveva anche sticker e charm di monster hunter oltre ad hazbin hotel

No. 2005125

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>Dopo anni di sacrifici, riesci a comprare una casetta per farci un'attività
>Una donna ti sputtana sui social dicendo che sei senza cuore
>Dentro casa c'è un figlio autistico…un ragazzo autistico, non un bambino in difficoltà.
>Nooo ti prego non tirare via mio figlio autistico
>Sì ma signora che bisogni ha sto ragazzo
>Se gli sposti la statuetta del papa mi tira le sberle, mi morde la testa, mi prende a botte, non posso guidare perché mi aggredisce mentre guido ma ti giuro è un coccolone
>Ho comprato sta casa, vi sto pagando, non ve la sto rubando, andate via subito
>Nooo ti do 40k se mi fai restare il figlio nella cameretta
>No? E se hai tutti sti soldi allora non sei povera, trovati un affitto
>Nooo ti prego se cambio casa mio figlio che è una montagna di grasso e muscoli mi mena, vi prego!!
>Signora lo metta in una struttura
>No ma non lo vedi che è un tenerone? Sei senza cuore!
>In tutto questo il pezzo di merda è il tipo che ha versato 20k ed è senza casa e sta pagando cose a vuoto
Il copium che certe madri di figli autistici inalano mi dà al sangue, io ho capito che magari non riescono ad accettare che il loro figlio sia un aborto mancato ma piuttosto che accettare che il loro figlio non avrà mai una vita normale e sono zombi che camminano, si fanno pure ammazzare di botte. Sta donna ha 40k di disponibilità e piuttosto che pagare una struttura per il figlio e un appartamentino per lei, si fa togliere la casa da sotto il naso e vive come una reclusa perché se no il figlio la mena. Nessuno mi convincerà che almeno una volta al giorno non fantasticano sul levarsi dai coglioni sti sacchi di carne

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No. 1333281[Reply]

previous thread: >>>/ot/757177

for dramu within royal families but especially the bongs

Board rules apply. No infighting, no bait, no country sperging

last thread
>harry and meghan spawn two kids and an annoying podcast where meghan talks about herself. wokies still rave about their kween
>harry gets a mutlimillion dollar book deal to talk shit about his family. book coming this winter maybe
>philip fucking dies
>liz fucking dies
>britain now has a king charles
907 posts and 194 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2002744

He’s burning in hell

No. 2002751

I love that he did it, tbh.

No. 2002818


No. 2002913

Looks like the paintings in the manors of Resident Evil.

No. 2005122

He still wants to be Camillas’ tampon huh.

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No. 1339537[Reply]

ogólny polskojęzyczny wątek dla nonek z polski! od luźnych pogaduch do rozmów o potencjalnych polskich krowach

miejmy nadzieje że go nie zbanują tym razem

poprzedni >>1073882
martwy wątek na /int/ >>/int/1544
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No. 2005054

Jestem obcokrajowcem, ale mam pytanie: Dlaczego w Polsce jest nieco wysoki odsetek femboyów? Wiem, że to opóźnione pytanie, ale często widzę to w Internecie.

No. 2005056

A co Wy sądzicie o tym rosnącym procencie?

No. 2005057

Zawsze mi się wydawało, że Polacy są maczo i nie pozwalają mieć długich włosów. A femboye to mem z Korwinem, pedofilem.

No. 2005072

Dla mnie to taki typowy moid, nie sądzicie?

No. 2005755

Nie ma, to mem. Nie potrafię wymienić żadnego znanego polskiego femboya poza zjebem Mandziem, którego nikt nie bierze na poważnie

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No. 1323616[Reply]

Thread for the admiration of felines. Post cute cats NOW!
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No. 2003068

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Always good

No. 2003069

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No. 2003072

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No. 2005006

It's gonna have some interesting results

No. 2005808

My cat is a big meower. As soon as I get home from work he walks around the house just howling non stop. There’s nothing wrong, he’s just spoiled and wants me to take him outside all the time and give him treats. He drives me nuts but he’s so adorable and fluffy I can’t get too mad

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No. 540422[Reply]

Write a letter to someone here. It could be to a relative, to someone you love, to someone you miss.
46 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1988072

T, You lying bastard. When i read you died i laughed. Maybe because i couldn't cry over it anymore, maybe i laughed because i thought i was finally free from you. I'm not free, none of us is free. Your actions are forever written in our minds and histories. I hope your spirit feels quilty even in death. I wonder if we meet in the afterlife and what you'll say.

No. 1988234

Is almost 2 years since you passed away and now I miss you even more after the fiasco I had to dealt with. I wish you would be here to tell me everything is going to be ok and it wasn't my fault.
I love you.

No. 1995028

You deserve to die a horrible death

No. 1997963

I wish you the world regardless of how things ended. You're a great person and you'll go on to do great things. I do miss you. Please take good care of the ferrets, I miss them so much.

No. 2004958

You are a pathetic man, and you always have been. A self-pitying, weak man who contorts reality to maintain his fragile ego. The sort of man who beats a little girl and kills her pet cat, but still believes he is the one who deserves sympathy. You are the sort of man who has the audacity to tell that little girl, now a woman, that you expected your "intentions" to vindicate your monstrousness. You look at me and you expect, what, pity? I feel none. You have made my heart cold. You are shameless. The fact you still sit across from me and say the most awful things about me, and then challenge me to disagree with your "simple facts" is astonishing. I was so stunned I couldn't speak. Where do you get this audacity from? Do you really want to go there? Do you want to talk about "simple facts"? How about the fact you spend all day playing video games, never lifting a finger to help cook or clean? How about the fact you are such a useless parent, mom only trusts me to look after your youngest child instead of you? How about the fact that you haven't worked in over a decade, but still find it in you to criticize your wife's paycheck? Or the fact that you're so weak your stint in grad school ended with you dropping out, suicidal and demoralized? You really want to criticize me when you are the only thing standing between me and everything I want? You, in your glass house, throwing rocks. You are complacent because you know I cannot fight back. You won't let me drive, won't let me leave, won't let me live. Mom says you're just getting desperate because you're scared if I leave, I'll never come back. She's right, you know. I do hate you. And it is your fault. It's all your fault.

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