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No. 644998[Reply]

Have you ever told a fib and found yourself caught in a web of lies?
How far did you let it go and did you end up getting away with it?
21 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 656893

No, but my mother controls my money to limit my spending habits so I don’t go overboard.

No. 659188

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Same. I find that I can only be honest on places like this.

No. 660071

I relate to your post a lot anon, hang in there

No. 2001657

When I was a teen, I faked going to math tutoring.

No. 2001703

when i was in elementary school we had to do book study of whatever book we wanted, i picked ella enchanted because the movie had just came out and i didnt want to read it so i just used the movie to do all my homework assignments. my teacher caught on and told my parents and i felt so bad about lying i decided i didnt deserve a comfy bed so i slept on the floor kek

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No. 657905[Reply]

What has been the highest point in your life?
Are you living through it?
Are you doing something to achieve it?
What's something you're very proud of?
What's the happiest memory you can recall?
How do you imagine yourself in the future, what would your highest point in your life be like?

Share the highest point in your life. It can be from a silly happy memory ("I got icecream with my dad and felt happy") to a very cool achievement ("I won a medal in sports", "I lost a ton of weight"), to your dreams and hopes for the future, or your lifestyle (how to maintain that high point), etc.
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No. 660077

Yeah I was a really bad case of a bratty teen and it didn't help that I blindly believed everything on Reddit. Reddit is terrible for such impressionable teens and it sucks that subreddit taught me how to "grey-rock", it stunted my growth in expressing myself to everyone since I kept practicing it at home.

I wish I found a middle ground support group online because everything is so black and white for family support online and causes you to believe you have the same severity as everyone else.

I found that opening to family helps and makes your at home life so much better! I hope your sister will learn to open up to your parents as well, maybe outside influences are discouraging her but only time will tell.

No. 660248

>What has been the highest point in your life?
2017, my best year of college
>Are you doing something to achieve it?
I don't have energy to do anything worthwhile. I think may be depressed, but idk.
>What's something you're very proud of?
Getting into the best uni of my country.
>What's the happiest memory you can recall?
Dating for the first time?
>How do you imagine yourself in the future, what would your highest point in your life be like?
I don't imagine anything. I don't know what I want. Maybe getting really thin and having my own place? There's nothing that really excites me.

No. 660345

>I found that opening to family helps and makes your at home life so much better!
Or they criticize you even more and tell you to shut up

No. 2001678

It's kind of pathetic, but mine was discovering that Hatsune Miku was in fact real. I don't think I've ever been as happy as I was the night I got to scream out the lyrics of my favorite weeb songs that accompanied me through all of my teenage years, together with hundreds of other people who felt the same. It was magical for me.

No. 2001708

I think the highest point of my life was being 6 and it's all been downhill since.

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No. 1978406[Reply]

Previous >>1972829

Thread to discuss the phenomenon of "fujoshi", the women that identify as such and the women who criticise it.

To a latter extent, discuss also the phenomenon of "yumejoshi" and "himejoshi", especially when it comes to the yume vs. fujo feud.

Discuss the history of fujoshism, speculate on its reasons, argue your opinion on it and exchange intelligent views with other farmers.

Topics include:
>Is the fujoshi-to-TIF pipeline real, or merely a symptom of something else?
>Do fujoshi self-insert in the uke and/or seme? Or do fujoshi simply look at slash couples in a voyeuristic manner?
>What is your view on the early 2000s phenomenon of identifying as a fujoshi "but not supporting real life homos"?
>Is being a fujoshi a way of escaping misogyny, or does it reinforce it?
>What is your opinion on omegaverse, and the het omegaverse which followed?
>Are fujos addicted to pornography? Are yumes?
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470 posts and 51 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2001574

Think your friend has bigger issues besides her taste in cartoon porn and you're just not saying so

No. 2001585

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Manually yes! My fandom isn't too big so it's doable. Any time I see gross shit like titchop scar art or saying shit like boypussy I immediately block. I also mute any fujo twitters with anything other than no pronouns or she/her, and have a long list of muted words (picrel+some more cursed shit)

No. 2001607

Not a fujo but do you seriously think her getting raped has something to do with yaoi? That's just sad.

No. 2001628

I would be a serial killer. Reading dead dove fics and seeing yaois getting abused saved me from directing my anger at moids irl. It gave me an outlet. It saved my life and those of the moids around me.

No. 2001644

strange that its always a retelling of a fujo raping others or being raped and its always the same rambling text style
besides all of this how the fuck does your "friend" reading bl means thats why she got herself raped by a moid? are you seriously trying to say its because she read yaoi she couldnt see the red flags? have you forgotten how normalized rape by men is in our society and how fucking difficult is to get through that trauma? are trying to blame it on her because she read gay drawn porn? and as if het porn doesn't have more extreme fetishes than your usual bl , next time write a better cohesive fanfiction

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No. 46070[Reply]

What drugs have you done?
What drugs do you use regularly?
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No. 2001538

I took those coughgels so not as bad as it would be if I had taken guani-youknow.

No. 2001593

How are you nonny? Wishing you a good trip

No. 2001632

It was pretty great. I feel somewhat close to sobering up. Thanks for your good wishes.

No. 2002582

Ohh that sucks. How long did it last??
I've done acid a few times and much prefer it to tryptamines. I'm always on the edge of getting too introspective and paranoid about all my life decisions on tryptamines. With acid (~100-150ug) I still feel very clear-headed.
I also tried 4-ho-met too but only once, and a low dose, so not so much color. It was fun though, visual and stimulating and superior to 4-ho-mipt imo, so maybe I should give it another try. With its shorter duration it's less of a commitment than acid.

No. 2004352

i read about ginger being good against nausea so i did actually put a shit ton of dried ginger in a cup of herbal tea and had it along with the promethazine beforehand! hard to tell what actually helped or not though

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No. 1708225[Reply]

A thread to discuss the dislike of dogs, their owners and dog culture in general.

Dog lovers, please don't come here to defend your pooch. see this thread >>>/ot/686457

please follow board rules, no infighting, don't reply to bait.
prev: >>>/ot/1426262
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No. 2000935

Iirc she, the victim, still thinks pitbulls are good and fine as pets too. Brainworm

No. 2001160

That is nuts it's almost toxoplasmosis tier the pit bull obsession. I actually hate Pitbull apologists like why not cape and defend a cause that actually deserves it? Probably because they are lazy people and don't actually want to do good it's all about ego. Like when other women want a bad boy oh he's an asshole to everybody but he's different with me through the power of my amazing virtuous personality he is now at tamed bf. If he beats you it's probably your fault for provoking him hehe he's nice to me soo

No. 2001178

They should be the one exception to the a-logging rule on here, I hate those fetid, fugly abominations more than anything else on earth. And why are they always called “diesel” or “nala”?

No. 2001181

They can’t help themselves, see also

No. 2001380

Unstoppable force meets unmovable object

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No. 1302690[Reply]

ITT: Post the delusional ramblings and nonsensical streams of consciousness of internet users found throughout Youtube comment sections, twitter, reddit and other Internet spaces

one rule - no satire or shitposts, the ramblings have to be genuine
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No. 1998184

No this is true, OP just needed punctuation. Cats have limited territories once established inside and the wind thing makes sense for them tracking prey plus force of any kind pushes entities with it, good search and rescue tip. The OP was fine my schizo explanation is likely worse but now you know.

No. 2000851

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Virtue signaling with hannah montana, thought I would never see this in my lifetime kek

No. 2000864

I dunno, feel like a point was made.

No. 2000866

Nah, she's correct.

No. 2001046

she's right though

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No. 646084[Reply]

Wanted to do a PS fanart but don't want to get banned for it on the regular threads?
Drop them here!

Let's see how our cows could improve or laugh and bicker about shitty ps jobs. It's bound to happen, you know.
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No. 2000829

This bitch is really an ogre, jesus.

No. 2000850

Economy is fucked but it's fucked because Americans allow the system to abuse them and they enjoy it. I find so many of them jumping through hoops to avoid admitting there's something wrong with government and corporations

Even people that don't mean to will pull bullshit like complaining about fast food costs then waiting hours in a CFA line after

No. 2000854

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gotta squeeze in that bigfoot feet into heels that are probably too small kekkk

No. 2000856

Wrong thread anon

No. 2000873

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Not the best pic but she looks slightly like Becky here

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No. 1986184[Reply]

This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.

Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping
> Ao3 Censorship and TOS
> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers
> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads
> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama
> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters
> Debates over death of the author
> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creators

Criticism of fujos has its own dedicated thread:

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No. 2000426

same tbh, the design is ugly and panders to pedocoomers, if the character was female everyone would be screeing about what an insufferable and ugly faggot she was, besides the character looks like hes got downs anyways kek

No. 2000427


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2000428

Trapfags continue to have awful, awful taste. I don't care that trannies like, he looks like crap

No. 2000430

New thread

No. 2001060

We need a thread where can post the most horrific and grotesque Tif fanart so we can all cringe at it together.

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No. 724145[Reply]

Tråd för lolcows alla svenskar, danskar och norrmän.
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No. 1996262

Tycker irland sög, cringe att bete sig som en skrikande apa och sjunga om drogmissbruk iklädd transbaddräkt. Lovar att den inte haft hälften så mycket stöd om hon inte kallade sig nonbinary. Pinsamt att hon är halv-svensk också men hon verkar ju inte ens kunna svenska så som man säger "we do not claim her"

No. 1996290

Irland är bara oväsen, plus troon propaganda = nej tack. Jag hejar på Norge och Kroatien!

No. 2000152

Någon annan som tycker det är komiskt att anons är arga på Sverige för att (checks notes) vi är för bra på eurovision?
För det första lmao. "Folkmord av Israel? Nej låt oss vara arga på landet som gör musik!!1!"
För det andra är svenskar lika förbannade på det jävla jury systemet som alla andra, vi hatar redan att vi inte ens får välja vår egen låt. Och sen vinner låten som vi inte ville ha och alla blir arga på oss, som om det var vårt fel.

No. 2000173

Dom är avundsjuka. Sjukt irriterande då jag själv röstade på Finland förra året etc dock.
Också trött på allt babbel om Israel, det är en komplex situation där Hamas vill folkmörda dom och civila samtidigt blir lidande när de gått in i Palestina. Men allt blir så hätskt och svartvitt. Tycker inte utom-europeiska länder borde vara med i ESC, räcker det inte med dramat som det blir inom Europa ändå?

No. 2000451

Instämmer. De kan göra en separat worldvision om de vill vid sidan av, låt eurovision vara europa.

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No. 1990478[Reply]

Don’t reply to bait

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No. 2000174

new thread >>>/ot/2000171

No. 2000231

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>consider changing your language

Fuck you instagram I’ll call people whatever I want. You can’t even properly filter out racist and femboy reels. Fuck you

No. 2000263

You know what that’s so freaky cos that’s the second time that’s happened to me.

No. 2000675

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moid bait

No. 2001378

How is it going nonnie? Anything new? Stay strong

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