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No. 2005215[Reply]

Do you have any stories related to trouble with the law?
Have you ever been involved with police matters?
Today an anon who posted in the vent thread said she's in court for charges related to burglary
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No. 2005398

I stole a starburst from my girl scout troop leader because I was hungry and she made me sit in a corner and write lines. I stabbed a girl after she kicked my desk over while I was in it at school. Her mom wanted to press charges but never went through with it. All I had to do was stay 15 ft away from her for a year. Didn't even switch any classes. Wasn't suspended either kek. I think it's because I've always been a good student while she was a little behind and loud. Then in university the police called me because I told the automatic messaging bot to kys and that I don't care if male vets commit suicide because of how they mistreat women. Nothing happened because I had already dropped out. I got a ticket for taking out a stop sign but it wasn't my fault it was raining. I didn't do my taxes in 2022 because I don't know how TurboTax works, but I did end up getting them done this year. Yes the IRS knows.

No. 2005401

Based and crimepilled

No. 2005408

Speaking of things stolen from girl scout troop leaders, I stole one's key's and dropped it down the drain. Why? Because young children have low empathy and understanding of cause and effect.

No. 2005413

once had to spend overnight in jail, been into lot of parties that got police involved, once police caught me stealing a traffic sign but they just let me go, once got caught shoplifting but my biggest worry ws that police would notice my counterfeit id but luckily they didn't and just let me go again with no consequences or anything. i've dealed drugs but never got caught from that and done i guess kinda lot of other illegal stuff but never got in trouble, weirdest police encounter was when i was just minding my own business and walking late at night and police car started following me and the police rolled down their window and started pestering me about what i was doing. shit just getting some exercise.

No. 2005653

is this even true? I went through a phase in 2020 where I was stealing damn near thousands weekly and nothing happened

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No. 1949746[Reply]

We have things we ate, things we're craving, but what about a general food thread? No ana-chan sperging please.

Possible discussion topics:
>Unpopular food opinions
>Cooking tips/advice
>Asking for dinner ideas
>Cuisines you enjoy/don't enjoy
>Food pet peeves

Picrel is a beetroot and goat's cheese terrine.
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No. 2001823

These are delicious, as well as Kimchi. I can put Kimchi on anything, so it makes me love it more.

No. 2001847

Curries, mild or medium.
Palak paneer, butter chicken, kormas, tikka masala and more.

No. 2002066

You should bake them.

No. 2004993

Oh hey, same. I've made a dozen or so failed batches and unofficially given up. Mine doesn't develop a skin after hours of resting.

No. 2005604

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It's me again, I made ginger chicken and it took like ten minutes of actual work. Tysm China.

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No. 1291989[Reply]

Share stories about your freak neighbors
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No. 1980589

>Auntie Ruckus
Lol, and yeah that sucks, just try to avoid her as much as possible, you don’t want to get on a schizos’ bad side.

No. 1983036

It's nearly two in the morning and the neighbors in back of me are hammering. They've been at this for hours and have been doing it for weeks.

No. 2005594

I wish my neighbours would finally die through lung cancer. It's over 25°C in my flat and I can't open the windows because they smoke 24/7 and all the new and old smoke ascends from them right through my window into my flat. And because my country sucks, I don't have any legal rights to be protect from potential cancer through second hand smoke because I can't get in the way of their freedom. Wish their would be anything to make them living here a complete nightmare like they have been making it for me for the last years.

No. 2005679

my neighbour across the street from me is a cop. the first time i met him is when he pulled me over for the first time and i'll give him that time it was warranted because i was going a little over the limit, but the second time he pulled me over for absolutely no reason at all. when i asked him why he said i was "a little aggressive back there" (meaning like 10km behind us where he started following me from) and when i asked what i did that was aggressive he couldn't give me an answer and told me i was putting him in an awkward position, then let me go. even my coworker was driving behind me the whole time and saw it all happen and said it was weird that i was pulled over. now i always feel like he's watching me or keeping tabs on me when i leave my house and its uncomfortable.

No. 2005792

They make air cannons that can launch fart smells and they only make a twang noise when used. Can you use those on them?

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No. 1994807[Reply]

A thread to post the worst duolicious profiles and interactions
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No. 2005624

He's a nipplecel. They're too front facing. Like the windshield-eyes of the "Cars" franchise characters. A man's nipples are meant to be far apart. Like the lazy eyes of a shy autist. SMH

No. 2005628

>Is it true that the US puts more emphasis on men's looks?

No. 2005700

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samefag, found this absolute gem too

No. 2005846

“lol” stand for “laughing out loud”….

No. 2005861

Moids with paintings are worse than the ones with coomer memes to me.
>Tradcat, "only into white or asian girls"
Ugly pretentious american spotted.
I was being sarcastic because that anon sounded cringe and putting a Z at the end of it is double cringe. Unironically i've only seen larping moids and 14 year olds using it.

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No. 1905139[Reply]

Ask Sonic and he shall answer.
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No. 2005472

sanic should I message this girl right now

No. 2005476

is it because of what I think it is

No. 2005510

Are they?

No. 2005646

sanic will i need to repeat the year

No. 2005649

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No. 1766111[Reply]

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No. 2004083

Mitä vittua ei oo kukaan mullekkaan tai kellekkän kaverillekkaan järkännyt mitään treffejä

No. 2005309

Täh, no en oo itekään kokenut kohdusta tai munasarjoista olevan hirveesti muuta hyötyä kuin raskauden mahdollistaminen. Siellähän möllöttävät muun ajan. Veikkaan että tämä on naisille aika yleinen ajatus, että Nooalle terkkuja vaan, et ole kauhean spessu nainen sinäkään.

No. 2005467

>Perheneuvoja Kaisa Niittysen mukaan monelle voi tulla yllätyksenä, kuinka voimakkaasti hormonit vaikuttavat psyykeeseen. Hän toivoo, että terveydenhuollossa osattaisiin paremmin ottaa huomioon synnyttävien isien psyykkinen kuormitus.

ai nyt kun MIES SYNNYTTÄÄ niin silloin hormonikuormituksella on väliä? en jaksa tätä naisten ongelmien tuomista esiin transmiesten ongelmina

No. 2005481

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Munasarjat tuottavat estrogeenia, jolla on merkitystä mm. luuntiheyden ylläpidossa että ei tule osteoporoosia, ja kohtu kiinnittyy kaikkiin muihin roippeisiin siellä, joten sen poistaminen voi lisätä esim. emättimen prolapsin riskiä. Ymmärrän kyllä, mistä tää asenne tulee, että kohdusta ja munasarjoista ja tisseistä on "hyötyä" vain jonkun vauvan kannalta, mutta ihan perseestä se on silti. Miehille jostain nänneistä on vielä vähemmän hyötyä, mutta harva niitä poistaa vapaaehtoisesti, sen sijaan naisen normaalit elimet ovat jotain "ylimääräistä" ja turhaa, jos niitä ei heti käytetä lasten tekoon.

No. 2005563

Naisethan vain nauttivat raskauden sivuoireista, kuukautiskivuista, seksuaalisesti häirityksi tulemisesta, siitä kun steretyyppistä sukupuoliroolia pakotetaan. Jos et näistä pidä olet selkeästi sukupuoleltasi erityinen.

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No. 1993114[Reply]

Previous thread >>1976497

Megan Thee Stallion is getting sued for sexual harassment >>1976779
Kanye is trying to make a porn website >>1977290
Dominic West opens up about ‘absurd’ furor over Lily James pictures >>1977375
Billie Eilish says she loves masturbating in front of a mirror >>1978648 >>1978654
Weinstein’s conviction is overturned >>1979800
Madison Beer releases new song >>1980878 >>1982007
Lana Del Rey posts over edited selfie >>1980962
Baby Storme exposes Ice Spice >>1982208
Athlete’s girlfriend is harassed by seething fans over her appearance >>1982373
Tyla is dating Chris Brown >>1983253
Doja Cat says to keep kids away from her shows >>1983758
Partynextdoor uses explicit sexual imagery for album cover >>1985474 >>1985475
Kendrick Lamarr disses Drake >>1986079
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No. 2005572

the reason no country is a good movie is because it's not a great book, fairly rudimentary and with quite plain prose that gives room to play. blood meridian is so totally a book, the aesthetic so specific to the form, that there's no way. Maybe robert altman could have done it

can't wait to see the focus grouped blood meridian!!!1

No. 2005595

the topic at hand is milk and i'm providing more information, retard.

No. 2005597

i think these new mods are forgetting that bans aren't effective anymore, its basically just a redtext with no punishment now(ban evading)

No. 2005640

so you should have left the first post unsaged and saged the second one then? the Wikipedia screenshot is not milk. the first one is sure, but you weren't banned for that one?? retard(infighting/derailing)

No. 2005675

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fell down the kpop plastic surgery hole and this is some shit I've seen
I can't fucking believe there are people who think they are NATURAL
also wtf these girls are so freakishly skinny, I know it's beauty standards but it's not cool and it looks like they keep fainting(no kpop)

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No. 1962002[Reply]

Mest fokuserad på Närcon, men andra konvent är fine det med.

>Skall du på konvent?

>Varför? Varför inte?
>Hur är det att vara tjej på konvent numera?
>Vem/vilka paneler skall man undvika?
>Potentiella lolcows på konventscenen?
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No. 1996489

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So one surgeon came in and told him the truth that his """vagina""" looks wrong and he thinks the others who lied to him and said it looks fine were the ones telling the truth. Also his surgeon fucked off on vacation to south africa the day after the surgery kek they really give zero shits about troons health

No. 2005405

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update on troondreas rot pocket

No. 2005409

what??? Holy fucking shit I didn't know what he'd been up to for a few years now and now he's gotten the chop??? I'm cackling lmaoooo this is cathartic. Hated this motherfucker butting into womens spaces on Twitter so much

No. 2005434

if it's such a life threatening emergency and he's about to bleed out how is he capable of livetweeting everything the entire time?

No. 2005665

uppcon var bra på att bjuda in band ändå, Minxzone och ymck, trevliga japanska band som spelade och hade meet&greet med merch osv superkul för alla.
garvar alltid när jag minns seremedy på uppcon och att de höll på att filma nån tour/gig-vlog för att hypa bandet som om de var the next big thing.
Synd att inte livejournal är så välarkiverat för var så mkt drama om jfashion- och vkeifolket från den tiden. hörde redan då att seike var ftm och hette nåt vanligt svennetjejnamn innan.

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No. 1991983[Reply]

This thread is to discuss your grievances with gender ideology.

>What is gender ideology?

Foundational to transgenderism, gender ideology is the belief that one’s “internal gender” can contradict one’s biological sex.

Gender ideology operates much like a religious cult. There is no scientific evidence that supports the notion that we have an “internal gender,” and yet doctors now medicalize and sterilize children with “transgender identities” who have been groomed by the cult. Anyone who does not reaffirm these delusions is labelled as a “transphobe” in order to discredit any dissenting voices of the cult.

Previous thread:

Relevant /snow/ threads:
>>>/snow/1987643 (MTF general)
>>>/snow/1984807 (FTM general)
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No. 2005293

>wouldn't the emulation be pre-2020 fakebois and tifs who atleast pretend to be actual moids feminizing themselves?
>with your logic a tif who emulates women is not being transphobic to herself (as in less earnestly wanting to pass) in troonlandia standards.

No. 2005331

I don’t want it to seem like I’m race baiting but as a Black woman I can’t help but notice the differences between Black and White TIMs. I’ve noticed that there are more white troons transitioning in their middle aged years. You don’t really see this with Black TIMs. Next the most obvious one is probably sexuality. White TIMs 50 percent of the time are “transbians.” Black troons on the other hand seem to be mostly attracted to men. While both force themselves into women’s spaces and delude themselves into believing they are real women, Black troons have a sort of pick me-ism about them. They spend a lot more time trying to compete sexually with women (black women in particular), often bragging about fucking women’s cheating partners without them knowing or trying to convince men they are a better sexual option than biological women. While doing this they will speak down on women and our biological processes, trying to frame them in a negative light. White troons on the other hand try and appropriate these female attributes for themselves, like claiming they get periods.

No. 2005389

White moids don't have the same experiences with homophobia and down low isn't as much of a thing with them, so there's fewer white gay moids assuming they'd have an easier time as a "straight woman" instead of a gay man. That leaves more of them to be straight predators who think that they'll get to live out their porny lesbian fantasies if they transition.

No. 2005527

it has been known for a long time that many men come out of the military with sissy fetishes since they confuse the emasculation they experienced with sexual desire because moids are too retarded to comprehend feelings and rudimentary psychology

No. 2005533

I wish women would wisen up and refuse to join the military so they could all sodomise eacother to death. Although I don't believe it to be "rape" as most probably just regret acting out on their gay urges. Male on male rape is a meme fueled by false accusations and homophobia.

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No. 1876599[Reply]

General conspiracy thread. Discussions surrounding government coverups, entertainment industry secrets, predictions, political intrigues etc, are all welcome here.

Previous threads:
#1 >>>/ot/369313
#2 >>>/ot/490893
#3 >>>/ot/636795
#4 >>>/ot/849990
#5 >>>/ot/935591
#6 >>>/ot/1028419
#7 >>>/ot/1028464
#8 >>>/ot/1068732
#9 >>>/ot/1147862
#10 >>>/ot/1190469
#11 >>>/ot/1240193
#12 >>>/ot/1330198
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No. 2005268

I think you are right. Some nona said in a thread I can't remeber that we could reach the point of us women being denied the women denomination, troons will appropriate it and the little amount of art, culture and achievements we ever managed to get despite our oppression will be taken by them too. Human females will become something else, something lesser than we already are.

No. 2005313

anyone summon incubi bfs/succubi gfs? i want to be held and i dont care if i need to self induce schizophrenia(not a tinfoil)

No. 2005349

go ask the witchcraft thread nonna

No. 2005643

If you want a demon bf just download tinder, stupid.

No. 2005711

The demon talk in this thread is making my heart ache. I keep having dreams of my old forest home town. Every time I go back it gets worse with the immigration, and the area looks so depleted of life. Entire areas and species are dying off and caring at all makes you a conservationist. What happened to the love of mother Earth and her creations? I don't mean in a Godly way, have faith if you will or don't I don't care, but what happened to respecting the trees that give you life and the bugs that manage your plants. The animals that are so wondrous and unkempt. We don't even look to their example anymore of how females should be treated, how men should perform. My dreams make me weep when I cry. I miss nature as it was even 15 years ago.

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